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n u r i o v a e s n e p je plan !
Les nouveaux Business Models OpenCoffee - Brest 19 Septembre 2012
n Parte Clés
€ €
s Revenu
et rm pe s u no s a nv ca el od m ss ne si u B Le d’experimenter différents plans jusqu’à notre idée ..
Peter KEATES ✓
AssociĂŠ Fondateur du Cabinet Elton-Pickford Mail : peter.keates@elton-pickford.com Mobile : +33 (0)6 24 39 32 21
Xerox invente la Xerox 914 en 1958
Croissance du CA 41% pendant 20 ans Xerox développe un Business Model économique : location du photocopieur à 95 $/mois comprenant 2.000 photocopies gratuites, 5 cents la copie supplémentaire.
Google invente son moteur de recherche en 1997
CA 2010 - 29,32 Milliards de $ Résultat net : 8,5 Milliards de $ Business Model basé sur la publicité et un système d’enchères
Qu’ont-ils en commun ?
Ils ont proposĂŠ le nouveau produit avec un business model
Ont ils copiĂŠ un Business Model concurrent ? Ils ont inventĂŠ un NOUVEAU Business Model !
Ils ont du prendre des risques et tester
Business Model
Définition Un modèle économique (ou business model) décrit les principes selon lesquels une organisation crée, délivre et capture de la valeur.
Business Model
Définition « une nouvelle manière de créer, délivrer et capturer la valeur »
54% des dirigeants pensent que l’adaptation de leur business model est plus critique que lancer de nouveaux produits et services Source : Economist Intelligence Unit Survey 2010 - 4000 questioned Senior Executives
Les sociétés qui innovent au niveau de leur Business Model sont plus performantes que les innovateurs traditionnels 9,00 8,5
En %
2,25 1,7
1,7 1
3 ans
5 ans
10 ans
Process & products innovators Business model innovators Valeur supplémentaire capturée Source : BCG 2010 Senior Executive Innovation Survey; BCG ValueScience Center analysis.
50,98% des innovations relèvent des modèles d’affaires
Source : OCDE, Science, technologie et industrie : Perspectives de l’OCDE, 2008.
Business Model Canvas 9 blocs pour décrire l’économie d’une entreprise qui couvrent les 4 grandes dimensions d’une entreprise : clients, offre, infrastructure et viabilité financière
Segments de clientèle
Pour qui créons-nous de la valeur ? Qui sont nos clients les plus importants ? Exemples : Marché de masse, de niche, segmenté, diversifié, Plate-forme multilatérales
Proposition de valeur
Quelle valeur apportons-nous au client ? Quel problème contribuons-nous à résoudre ? Exemples : Nouveauté, Performance, Personnalisation, accompagnement, design, marque, prix, réduction des coûts, des risques, accessibilité
Quels canaux nos segments de clients prÊfèrent-ils ? Quels canaux utilisons-nous actuellement ?... Exemples : Force de vente, vente en ligne, magasin en propre ou partenaires, grossistes
Relations avec le client
Quel type de relations chacun de nos segments de clients souhaite t-il que nous entretenions avec lui ? Quel type de relations avons-nous établies ? Quel est leur coût ? Exemples : Assistance personnelle, assistance personnelle dédiée, self-service, services automatisés...
Flux de revenus
Quelle valeur nos clients sont-ils disposés à payer ? Pour quoi payent-ils actuellement ? Comment payent-ils ? Exemples : Vente de biens, droit d’usage (SFR, Model SaaS), abonnements, location/prêt, licensing
Ressources clés
Quelles ressources clés nos propositions de valeur exigent-elles ? Qu’en est-il de nos canaux de distribution ? De nos relations avec les clients ? De nos flux de revenus ? Exemples : Physiques, Intellectuelles, Humaines, Financières
Activités clés
Quelles activités clés nos propositions de valeur exigent-elles ? Qu’en est-il de nos canaux de distribution ? De nos relations clients ? De nos revenus ? Exemples : Production, résolution de problèmes, plate-forme/réseau
Partenaires clés
Qui sont nos partenaires clés ? Qui sont nos fournisseurs clés ? Quelles ressources clés nous procurons-nous auprès de partenaires ?
Exemples : Optimisation et économies d’échelles, réduction du risque et de l’incertitude...
Structure de coût
Quels sont les coûts les plus importants ? Quelles ressources clés sont les plus coûteuses ? Quelles activités clés sont les plus coûteuses ?
Exemples : Logique de coûts, logique de valeur, coûts fixes, coûts variables
Le Business Model Canvas
« Un langage pour décrire, visualiser, évaluer et transformer les Business Models »
Le Business Model Canvas CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they? TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
ÂŤ Un langage pour dĂŠcrire, visualiser, ĂŠvaluer et transformer les Business Models Âť
Visual thinking
Les typologies de Business Models
La longue traîne Contexte (avant)
La proposition de valeur ne cible que les clients les plus rentables
Cibler des segments moins rentables avec des proposition de valeur spécifiques et trop coûteux
Solution (après)
La proposition de valeur cible un grand nombre de segments de clients, de niche, moins rentables, qui ensemble sont rentables
Des outils informatiques et de management plus performants permettent de délivrer des propositions de valeur personnalisées à un très grand nombre de clients, à faible coût
Exemples : Edition (Lulu.com), LEGO
La longue traĂŽne CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
DĂŠveloppeme nt de la plateforme
CommunautĂŠs dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;intĂŠrĂŞt
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
Service dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;autoĂŠdition
Profils en ligne
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
Infrastructure dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;impression Ă la demande
place de marchĂŠ pour un contenu de niche
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT # 3T[XeTah $ 0UcTa bP[Tb
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
ent de m e p p lo e v ĂŠ D & n o ti s Ge la plateforme
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
Auteur de niche
Publics de niche
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
2^bc BcadRcdaT Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^]
commissions sur services dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ĂŠdition
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
Commissions sur vente (faible)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Les plates-formes multifaces Contexte (avant)
Une proposition de valeur cible un segment de clients
L’entreprise n’arrive pas à acquérir de nouveaux clients potentiels (ex : développeurs de jeux vidéo qui veulent toucher les utilisateurs de consoles
Solution (après)
Ajout d’une proposition de valeur «donnant accès» à un segment de clients existant
Une plate-forme d’intermédiation entre deux ou plusieurs segments de clients apporte de nouveaux flux de revenus au modèle initial
Exemples : Google, Consoles de jeux Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Apple (iPod, iTunes, iPhone)
Les plate-formes multiface CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb Exemples :
3TbXV]TS U^a)
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform? \^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
Gestion plate-forme, gestion services, extension pÊrimètre
:Th ATb^daRTb
recherche gratuite
monĂŠtisation du contenu
Plate-forme de recherche
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
annonces ciblĂŠes
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
CoĂťts plate-forme
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
2^bc BcadRcdaT Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^]
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
:Th ?Pac]Tab
bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
3TbXV]TS Qh)
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
PropriĂŠtaires de contenu
enchères motsclÊs
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Le gratuit Contexte (avant)
Une proposition de valeur coûteuse est proposée aux seuls clients payants
Le prix élevé dissuade les consommateurs
Solution (après)
Plusieurs propositions de valeur sont offertes à différents segments de clients, avec des flux de revenus différents, dont l’un est gratuit
Les segments de clients qui ne payent pas sont subventionnés par ceux qui payent
Exemples : Publicité et journaux, Metro, Flickr, open source, Red Hat, Skype, Gillette
Le gratuit : la publicitÊ Un modèle de plate-forme multiface :
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
Commercial Marketing
Gestion de la plateforme
PublicitĂŠ + Recrutement
Personnalisation de masse
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
rĂŠseau social gratuit
Force de vente PublicitĂŠ plateforme.com
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
DĂŠveloppement de la plateforme
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
audience internet mondiale
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
Ressources humaines
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^]
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
Espaces Pub sur rÊseau social très visitÊ
Comptes gratuits
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
Commissions sur espaces publicitaires
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Le Freemium
Cotisants Accès aux fonctions avancées
Objectif : augmenter le taux de conversion Bénéficiaires accès aux fonctions standards
Le gratuit : Freemium Un modèle de plate-forme multiface :
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
Gestion de la plateforme Yahoo
Personnalisation de masse
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
Plate-forme FlickR
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
partage photos premium
Force de vente PublicitĂŠ plateforme.com
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
partage photos gratuit
utilisateur occasionnels
gros utilisateurs
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
Marque 2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
DĂŠveloppement plateforme
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
coĂťts du stockage
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
Comptes de base gratuits
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
abonnement annuel gros utilisateurs : 24 $/ mois This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Freemium inversé Bénéficiaires
Freemium inversĂŠ CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
compagnies dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;assurances et reassurances
Gestion de lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;activitĂŠ
Acquisition nouveaux clients :Th ATb^daRTb
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
ponctuelle AssurĂŠs
assurance Accident/ DĂŠpannage
2WP]]T[b Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
internet tĂŠlĂŠphone mail
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
de 0 Ă la franchise Ă payer en cas dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;accident
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
Prime dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;assurance
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Le gratuit : Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;appât et lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;hameçon Un modèle de plate-forme multiface :
CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
Fabricants dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;appareils
Marketing R&D Logistique
2^bc BcadRcdaT
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
Logistique fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
FidĂŠlitĂŠ Contrainte
:Th ATb^daRTb
Marques & brevets
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
Verrouillage du marchĂŠ par propriĂŠtĂŠ intellectuelle, brevet bloquant lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;usage
3TbXV]TS Qh)
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^]
7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah
7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
Remplacements lames frĂŠquents
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
1 er Achat Rasoir
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Les business models ouverts Contexte (avant)
Les ressources R&D et les activités clés sont concentrées en interne
La R&D coûte cher et/ou la productivité chute
Solution (après)
Exploitation des ressources R&D et des activités internes par des partenaires extérieurs
Acquérir de la R&D auprès de sources extérieures peut-être moins couteux. Mise sur le marché + rapide. Innovations internes inexploitées deviennent une source de revenus.
Exemples : Procter & Gamble, GlaxoSmithKline, Innocentive
Les business models ouverts CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb Exemple : Procter & Gamble
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
R&D Interne
PI autre entreprise
Entrepreneurs de technologies
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
Plateforme internet InnoCentive yourEncore.com
Chercheurs extĂŠrieurs Augmentation de la productivitĂŠ R&D de 85 % Augmentation faible du budget R&D
Chercheurs retraitĂŠs
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb
R&D Interne
7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
Exploiter la R&D interne
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
7 questions pour tester votre Business Model
Coûts du Changement Quelles facilités ou difficultés ont les clients pour partir vers la concurrence ?
Avec ce fantastique produit vous pouvez emporter des centaines de chansons dans votre poche
...et vous êtes verrouillé avec nous car il est très difficile de changer de produit
Revenus Récurants Est-ce que chaque vente est un nouvel effort ou résulte-il d’un renouvellement automatique ? Comment sont lissés vos revenus sur l’année ?
VĂŞtements pour les enfants
Business Model WittleBee CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
PrĂŠparation des colis
ÂŤclubÂť sur la page Facebook, photos des enfants avec les vĂŞtements
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers? <Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
Logistique Fournisseurs
:Th ATb^daRTb What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams? ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
RH, Stylistes
FacilitĂŠ les courses des parents lors de lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;achat de vĂŞtements pour leurs enfants
AutomatisÊe : usage profil des enfants, âge, garçon/ fille, rÊgion, goÝts
Parents dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;enfants de 0 Ă 5 ans
2WP]]T[b Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines? RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT 7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb
Vente en ligne
7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
Plateforme Informatique 2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
Logistique fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
Abonnement mensuel de 39, 99 $/mois
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Les Produits de beautĂŠ
Le Vin
Les Produits pour les chiens
Les Jeux pour les enfants
Encaissez avant de payer Gagnez-vous de l’argent avant d’en dépenser ?
Changer la structure de co没ts Votre structure de co没ts est-elle substantiellement diff茅rente et meilleure que celle de vos concurrents ?
Les appels téléphoniques seront totalement gratuits dans le futur
Niklas Zennström Co-fondateur de Skype
Faire faire le travail par les autres A quel niveau de contribution vos clients ou tierces parties participent Ă la crĂŠation de valeur de votre Business Model ?
Allez-y et partagez vos donnĂŠes sur votre page Facebook...
Cela va rendre ma plateforme plus intĂŠressante...
...et augmenter la valorisation de Facebook...
Evolutivité A quelle vitesse et facilité pouvez-vous faire croitre votre Business Model sans rencontrer d’obstacles sur votre route ? (ex: infrastructure, support client, etc..)
Protection contre la concurrence Comment votre Business Model vous protège de la concurrence ?
Quel est le problème ?
Comment ĂŠviter cela ?
Pourquoi fontils des tests ?
Quand faut-il tester un modèle Êconomique ?
Découvrir un problème à la fin d’un projet, coûte en moyenne 100 fois plus cher qu’en début de projet
Customer Development « no Business Plan Survives First Contact with a Customer » Steve Blank
un business model peut sembler bien sur le papier..
mais après tout ce n’est qu’...
... un ensemble dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;hypothèses CWT 1dbX]Tbb <^ST[ 2P]ePb
3TbXV]TS U^a)
3TbXV]TS Qh)
:Th ?Pac]Tab
:Th 0RcXeXcXTb
EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^]b
2dbc^\Ta AT[PcX^]bWX_b
2dbc^\Ta BTV\T]cb
Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?
What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?
For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?
\^cXePcX^]b U^a _Pac]TabWX_b) >_cX\XiPcX^] P]S TR^]^\h ATSdRcX^] ^U aXbZ P]S d]RTacPX]ch 0R`dXbXcX^] ^U _PacXRd[Pa aTb^daRTb P]S PRcXeXcXTb
RPcTV^aXTb ?a^SdRcX^] ?a^Q[T\ B^[eX]V ?[PcU^a\ =Tcf^aZ
RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb =Tf]Tbb ?TaU^a\P]RT 2dbc^\XiPcX^] {6TccX]V cWT 9^Q 3^]T| 3TbXV] 1aP]S BcPcdb ?aXRT 2^bc ATSdRcX^] AXbZ ATSdRcX^] 0RRTbbXQX[Xch 2^]eT]XT]RT DbPQX[Xch
What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?
<Pbb <PaZTc =XRWT <PaZTc BTV\T]cTS 3XeTabX TS <d[cX bXSTS ?[PcU^a\
TgP\_[Tb ?Tab^]P[ PbbXbcP]RT 3TSXRPcTS ?Tab^]P[ 0bbXbcP]RT BT[U BTaeXRT 0dc^\PcTS BTaeXRTb 2^\\d]XcXTb 2^ RaTPcX^]
Hypothèses Hypothèses
:Th ATb^daRTb
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?
ch_Tb ^U aTb^daRTb ?WhbXRP[ 8]cT[[TRcdP[ QaP]S _PcT]cb R^_haXVWcb SPcP 7d\P] 5X]P]RXP[
RWP]]T[ _WPbTb) 0fPaT]Tbb 7^f S^ fT aPXbT PfPaT]Tbb PQ^dc ^da R^\_P]hzb _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
! 4eP[dPcX^] 7^f S^ fT WT[_ Rdbc^\Tab TeP[dPcT ^da ^aVP]XiPcX^]zb EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^].
" ?daRWPbT
7^f S^ fT P[[^f Rdbc^\Tab c^ _daRWPbT b_TRX R _a^SdRcb P]S bTaeXRTb.
# 3T[XeTah 7^f S^ fT ST[XeTa P EP[dT ?a^_^bXcX^] c^ Rdbc^\Tab.
$ 0UcTa bP[Tb 7^f S^ fT _a^eXST _^bc _daRWPbT Rdbc^\Ta bd__^ac.
2^bc BcadRcdaT
ATeT]dT BcaTP\b
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Xb h^da QdbX]Tbb \^aT) 2^bc 3aXeT] [TP]Tbc R^bc bcadRcdaT [^f _aXRT eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] \PgX\d\ Pdc^\PcX^] TgcT]bXeT ^dcb^daRX]V EP[dT 3aXeT] U^RdbTS ^] eP[dT RaTPcX^] _aT\Xd\ eP[dT _a^_^bXcX^] bP\_[T RWPaPRcTaXbcXRb) 5XgTS 2^bcb bP[PaXTb aT]cb dcX[XcXTb EPaXPQ[T R^bcb 4R^]^\XTb ^U bRP[T 4R^]^\XTb ^U bR^_T
fff QdbX]Tbb\^ST[VT]TaPcX^] R^\
ch_Tb) 0bbTc bP[T DbPVT UTT BdQbRaX_cX^] 5TTb ;T]SX]V AT]cX]V ;TPbX]V ;XRT]bX]V 1a^ZTaPVT UTTb 0SeTacXbX]V
gTS _aXRX]V ;Xbc ?aXRT ?a^SdRc UTPcdaT ST_T]ST]c 2dbc^\Ta bTV\T]c ST_T]ST]c E^[d\T ST_T]ST]c
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
vous devez sortir de votre entreprise et...
tester chaque hypothèse avec vos clients
Les Business Model Canvas c’est la meilleure photographie du fonctionnement potentiel de votre business model
Les hypothèses décrivez les hypothèses les plus importantes de votre business model
Le test Testez chaque hypothèse
« prototyping let’s you fail early to succeed sooner »
Langage commun Business Model
Attitude Design Thinking
Tester avant de fabriquer
Merci Questions & RĂŠponses Pour nous contacter Elton-Pickford 3 rue Chauveau-Lagarde 75008 Paris - France www.elton-pickford.com
Peter KEATES Directeur AssociĂŠ Mobile :+33 (0)6 24 39 32 21 Mail : peter.keates@elton-pickford.com