Ely Magazine March-April 2019

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Ely i Magazine Reflecting the Richness of Ely Life

MARCH-APRIL 2019 Issue No. 42

City News 4-11

Ely Mayor 34


ADVERTISING Shop Local Focus 12 -15 Business 16 - 20 Home Services 21 - 33 Speedwatch 35 Eel Day 36 - 37 Young People 38 - 39 Cars 40 - 41 Ely Hero Awards 42 Pets 43 Therapies 44 – 46


GROUPS & MEETS 56 - 66

10,000 copies delivered door to door in Ely + OUR ONLINE ISSUE +Free to pick up in many surrounding villages!


LOCAL www.elyimagazine.com


On All Orders Placed Before 30th APR 2019

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Dear Readers Welcome to the March / April Spring edition of the magazine, as the nights get lighter and the mornings brighter, there is a feel of Spring in the air, the snow drops are slowly being replaced by the peeping tops of the daffodils and as we move into the slightly warmer weather and the changes it brings, we have a big change at the Elyi.

EDITORIAL & DESIGN Bridget Hickish : 01353 662684 editor@elyimagazine.com ADVERTISING 01353 662684 advertising@elyimagazine.com COVER IMAGE: An Easter Scene at Church Farm, Stow Bardolph DISTRIBUTION: The Elyi Team 10,000 copies door to door and free to pick up in local villages PRINT: Clanpress 01553 772737 info@clanpress.co.uk

FIND US ONLINE ď‚ @elyimagazine ď‚‚ /TheElyi www.elyimagazine.com OUR BLOG SITE IS AT https://elyionline.com/ FIND US BY POST The Old Chapel, Butchers Row, Ely, Cambs, CB7 4NA

I am leaving the Elyi after this issue and Bridget will now be running the magazine. It has been an amazing experience over the years and the realisation that there are so many wonderful people out there who look forward to reading it, support its ethos and use it for their advertising to feed back into the community is an inspiration. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers and small businesses for their friendship, business, connections and support. It has been an absolute pleasure working with you all, Madeleine



r all your fo u o y k n Tha the k building is r o w d r a h it into what magazine h you all the wis o today. We ing you d h t y r e v e best in ure! in the fut Bridget &

the Team

Deadline for the MAY/JUNE 2019 issue 10th APRIL 2019 www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 3

The National Lottery Heritage Fund Success for Ely Museum Emily Allen Custodian at Ely Museum

2019 is going to be an exciting year for Ely Museum! In January we announced that we’d been awarded a grant of £1.66 million from The National Lottery Heritage Fund! Alongside many other generous grants from local and national funding bodies, local people and businesses, we were able to set our plans to redevelop Ely Museum in motion and will create a brilliant new heritage hub for our local community and visitors to Ely! We could not be more excited to start this stage of redevelopment at the museum! Staff at the museum are busy finalising the paperwork, the plans and appointing the team that will help us to transform and restore the Old Gaol into a museum fit for the 21st century. We expect that the museum will close, to allow the building work to commence, in September 2019, and reopen to the public by Autumn 2020 – but don’t worry, while we’re closed, we’ll be busy bringing the museum out to visit you with events, activities and school visits across East Cambridgeshire! So, how can you get involved? By visiting us & attending our events - this helps us to understand what you love about the museum, enjoy doing & want to see more of in the new museum!

4 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

Over the summer, we’ll be announcing lots of ways you can volunteer too, from helping us pack up the museum to creating a special new Fenland garden! Finally, please continue with your generous donations, while our amazing grant will cover lots of the essentials, there are still things we’d like to do, and activities we’d love to host – you’re support will help us achieve this. Donations can be made online, in person or by post Make sure you’re following our website and social media accounts where we’ll be sharing lots of behind-the-scenes things over the coming months too! emily@elymuseum.org.uk Tel: 01353 666655 www.ElyMuseum.org.uk www.facebook.com/ElyMuseum www.twitter.com/ElyMuseum www.instagram.com/Ely_Museum

LOOKING FOR A UNIQUE AND THOUGHTFUL GIFT FOR A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER? Have you ever wondered about your family’s history? Where they came from, what they did for a living, whether that story about Great Uncle Walter running off to sea was really true? Knox Family Histories can help you find out!

Every name tells a story

Last year we helped all sorts of people uncover their family’s unique stories: Sally learnt what life was like for the generations of her ancestors who farmed the Fenland; Elyse found out that her Unlock your family’s past Lancashire family actually came from Ireland and or give a uniquely Laura discovered her great grandparents’ daring personal gift relocation from Romania in the 1890s. The stories we uncover are often surprising, moving and always fascinating: Mary discovered Friendly, her father’s gallant war service and her professional, grandmother’s tragic life in the workhouse; Clare affordable found an ancestor embroiled in an incredible tale service of crime and intrigue; and Jim finally discovered what happened to his mother seventy years after she ran away. Whilst we have helped lots of experienced amateur genealogists overcome research brick-walls, most of our clients know only a few details about their ancestors when they come to us: the names of

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their grandparents, for example, or a vague idea that they may have been Welsh. From these tiny pieces of information, we can use parish records, newspaper archives and other original sources, together with our years of research experience, to build a family tree back through several generations. This research is presented either in an attractive, A3 wall chart or a bespoke family history book with mini-biographies for each key ancestor, illustrated with photographs, documents and maps. Both options make wonderful, personal keep-sakes and excellent gifts for those special birthdays and other occasions.

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Tel: 01353 658796 info@knoxfamilyhistories.co.uk www.KnoxFamilyHistories.co.uk www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 5

Ely is playing host to a showcase of Lego models including Big Ben, Tower Bridge and the incredible Brick on Sea Lego City which includes fairgrounds, trains and a variety of buildings. For those who want more hands-on fun there will be the opportunity to take part in a Lego version of Robot Wars. Father and Son Duncan and Callum Bridges (DC Lego Creations) are putting on the Ely Brick Show in aid of the city’s Christian’s Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre, who last year helped 48 families and individuals from the area. After visiting Lego shows elsewhere the duo decided it was time to put on their own show with some of their own creations, not just sets. Their

enthusiasm for Lego meant Duncan has bought himself a log cabin to store and make his Lego creations in, when his spare room became too small and his attic was taken up by their Lego City. "We are pleased to host this fantastic display as part of our own support for the important work of the Ely CAP Debt Centre, which has seen its caseload increase over the past year" said Karl Relton, minister of the Countess Free Church. The show will take place on Saturday 16 March, 10am until 4pm at the Countess Free Church on Chapel Street, Ely. Admission (pay on the door): adults £3, children £1.

A BIG THANK YOU TO THE PEOPLE OF ELY FROM THE ROTARY OF ELY At the end of the last financial Rotary year, the club reported that they had donated £14,224 to charities of which over £10,000 went to local charities. Some of the local charities who benefited were St John Ambulance, Centre 33, Ely Triathlon, Port Youth Group, Harbour School, Ely Rowing Club, Elysian Riding School, Arthur Rank Hospice Charity, Cambs CC Skills Award, 4th Dimension, Blood Runners, Pos +Ability, MS Therapy Centre, NARA and Rainbow pre-school. We think you will agree that this is a wonderful contribution to the Ely area and we couldn’t have achieved this without the generosity of the people of Ely. Much of the funding donations came from Aquafest, which is the riverside extravaganza organised by the club together with 6 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

the Ely Hereward Club and the renowned annual Christmas collection. Year 6 school leavers were given ‘Dictionaries for Life’ and children from Highfield School were taken to Wicksteed Park for the day. In addition to this the club bought two Shelter Boxes to send overseas to help victims in major disaster areas. If you would like to be part of this social team of fund raisers please contact our membership secretary, John Dennick on 01353 662636 or email jdennick@btinternet.com


A TIME TO CELEBRATE COMMUNITY BUILDINGS Local rural development charity, Cambridgeshire ACRE, hosted the national launch of Village Halls Week 2019 on 22nd January at Little Thetford Village Hall. Over 60 people from village halls and community groups joined them in a celebration of community buildings with special guests including the Deputy Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Mrs Jane Lewin Smith, and the Chairman of East Cambridgeshire District Council, Councillor Peter Cresswell. Kicking off a week-long campaign to celebrate England’s 10,000 Village Halls, the event was opened by the City of Ely Town Crier, Avril HayterSmith and featured an illustrated talk on the history and development of village halls in the County by Cambridgeshire ACRE’s Chief Executive, Kirsten Bennett. This was enthusiastically received by an audience fascinated to hear stories and see pictures ranging from the very first community buildings to some of today’s modern multi-use centres.

communities. They provide a safe place for people of all ages to meet and the range of activities that take place in them is huge. We’ve got some fabulous, well-run halls in Cambridgeshire and I’m so pleased that we could all gather here today to celebrate them and pay tribute to the volunteers who keep them going.” Closing the event, special guests led by the Deputy Lieutenant cut a celebratory cake in the style of a village hall. Mrs Jane Lewin Smith DL and Councillor Peter Cresswell, Chairman of East Cambridgeshire District Council cutting the cake.

Annie Blair, Chair of Cambridgeshire ACRE, who read a poem written especially for Village Halls Week said, “Village halls are so important to rural

The Ely and District Parkinson’s UK Support Group meet on the third Tuesday afternoon in the month, 2.30pm until 4.30pm, at the Bell Holt Sanctuary Housing Function Room, Lisle Lane, Ely, CB7 4ED. Members enjoy a chat with friends, enjoy some refreshments, can enter a draw, and listen to a speaker. In the coming year our speakers include subjects as diverse as ‘Working at Newmarket Racecourse’, ‘Volunteering at a Hospital in Bangladesh’ and ‘Laughter Yoga’. Our members also enjoy meals out together and a Christmas party, where we always enjoy singing along to The Rocking Ukuleles. In addition, members have access to current literature and the Parkinson’s Local Advisor pops into many of our meetings to provide additional support and advice. Some members attend a local singing class, the cost of which is subsidised by Parkinson’s UK and from local group funds. As well as being great fun, research has found singing helps people with

Parkinson’s disease control their movements. (source E. Stegemoller of Iowa State University.) The number of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s in the UK is about 145,000, that’s around 1 adult in 350. (source Parkinsons.org.uk). Parkinson’s impacts not only on those diagnosed with the illness, but also family members. We welcome those diagnosed with Parkinson’s, their families and their carers to our monthly meetings. In addition, we welcome enquires regarding volunteering at our group. For further information please contact Brian Hayes, Lead Group Volunteer/Chairperson, on 01353 860102 or Jenny Lowles, Secretary, on 01353 669326 or Caroline Nicklinson, Volunteer, on 07718191482 ( cnicklinson@gmail.com). Or come along to one of our meetings, you will be made very welcome. Meeting Dates until June 2019 are Tuesday February 19th, Tuesday March 19th, Tuesday April 16th, Tuesday May 21st and Tuesday 18th June 18th. www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 7


Supporters of Highfield Academy Littleport are delighted to announce it has bagged £2000 from Tesco’s Bags of Help community grant scheme. Bags of Help is run in partnership with environmental charity Groundwork, and sees grants raised from the sale of carrier bags awarded to thousands of local community projects every year. Since launching in 2015, it’s provided more than £63 million to over 20,000 local community projects. Millions of shoppers have voted in Tesco stores up and down the country and it can now be revealed Supporters of Highfield Littleport Academy has been awarded £2000. “The money we have been awarded by Tesco Bags of Help Scheme will enable us to make a huge difference to the outside play equipment available at the Academy. The young people and staff of the Academy cannot thank the customers of Tesco enough for their support in helping them achieve this funding. The playground will now be

an exciting adventure every time the young people experience it. “ Voting ran in stores throughout September and October last year with customers choosing which local project they would like to get the top award using a token given to them at the checkout. Tesco customers get the chance to vote for three different groups each time they shop. Every other month, when votes are collected, three groups in each of Tesco’s regions are awarded funding. Groundwork’s National Chief Executive, Graham Duxbury, said: “Bags of Help continues to enable local communities up and down Britain to improve the local spaces and places that matter to them. The diversity of projects that are being funded shows that local communities have a passion to create something great in their area. We are pleased to be able to be a part of the journey and provide support and encouragement to help local communities thrive.” Funding is available to community groups and charities looking to fund local projects that bring benefits to communities. Anyone can nominate a project and organisations can apply online. To find out more visit www.tesco.com/bagsofhelp.

DON’T BE SHY! SEND US YOUR NEWS! We love ‘Reflecting the Richness of Ely Life” and we want to encourage you to send in anything you would like to celebrate to: editor@elyimagazine.com We will try to publish as much as we can either online or in print. Our blog /news website is getting quite busy these days. Check it out at: www. elyionline.com All our articles go on to straight on to Facebook and Twitter:  @elyimagazine

 /TheElyi

Our business info and advertising rates can still be found here: www.elyimagazine.com We have many businesses using the magazine for advertising and their support is invaluable. We couldn’t do it without them. It is only because of them that we can offer free and discounted space to Ely charities and clubs.

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Please help us by telling them you saw them here when responding to adverts, so they know their advert is working for them! Thank you to so many of you who already send in info, dates, and have joined our online community If you havent yet please do! If your club has successfully won some funding, If your society has been running for 50 years or even if your Granny has reached a grand old age, we would like to hear about it. We have limited space within the magazine but will always get the news out there in one form or another! Remember we have a great charity advertising discount of 30% for those that can pay. As a general rule, if your organisation has employees we would expect to charge but if you are a small, voluntary or social group it’s usually Free. (subject to space)


ELY RRC INVITES YOU TO AN INTERACTIVE EVENT TO MARK THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE SYRIAN WAR. Seeking Refuge: An Interactive Journey St Mary’s Church, St Mary’s Street, Ely 2nd March, between 1-4.30pm

Ely Tigers Rugby Club is hosting a series of taster sessions exclusively for women at the Downham Road playing fields and anyone who wants to challenge themselves is invited. No experience of the game is needed, all that’s required is the willingness to get involved and try something new in 2019. Experienced coaches will be on hand to guide players through the basics. The sessions will be focussed on touch rugby, the non-contact version of the sport. Emma Smith, who picked up a rugby ball for the first time in November, said: “The sessions are relaxed, most of us have little or no rugby experience, so we’re learning together. If you have a preconceived image of a female rugby player, you’re more than likely wrong. I’m only 5’2” and I get on OK.! I honestly love it, give it a try – it’s amazing for your fitness and you’ll make new friends straight away.” Jessica Smith, who also attends the sessions, said: “Touch rugby is the perfect way to get fit and have fun. Everyone is really friendly, and I would recommend it to anyone.” The sessions take place at the home of Ely Tigers, off Downham Road, in Ely, and run every Wednesday, from 7.30-8.30pm. The first session is free. To find out more, log on to Facebook.com/ELYRUFC or contact Jonah on 07810 727840

IMAGINE you could walk through a refugee camp in Jordan and experience first-hand what life is like for its inhabitants. Imagine you were faced with deciding the safest way to get your family to safety in a war-torn land. Ely Refugee Resettlement Campaign will be offering you the opportunity to experience these things yourself on 2nd March in an afternoon of virtual reality events and interactive activities. Using an Oculus Go and a Google Cardboard we will be showing two powerful ten-minute films that aim to bring the refugee crisis home to the residents of Ely through immersive story-telling. With refugee poetry, quizzes to test your knowledge, case studies of real-life experiences and activities for the children this will be a thoughtprovoking and inspirational afternoon. Poppy Pearce, founder of Ely RRC and coorganiser of the day said “We are very excited about this event. As the Syrian civil war enters its ninth year we felt this was a good time to reflect and understand better what life is like for millions of displaced people. Advances in virtual reality have really helped humanitarians tell a story that is compelling and provokes genuine empathy.” For more information, or to register your interest and support, please visit elyrrc.co.uk join the Facebook group, or email info@elyrrc.co.uk

www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 9

OLD TIGER SAVES THE DAY!! A new Riding Stables has been found for The Elysian Group of Riding for the Disabled as they unexpectedly had to move from their previous venue . Elysian is one of 500 groups nationwide who carry out activities with specially trained coaches and volunteers and teach people with various disabilities to ride. Old Tiger Stables at Soham is to be the new Centre offering therapeutic riding lessons to local children with additional needs from Highfield/Littleport Schools. The charity relies on voluntary help, donations, sponsorship, fundraising events and legacies. They are hoping to recruit some new volunteers to help with the ponies and children in their sessions on Tuesday mornings at Old Tiger Stables. No previous experience of ponies or caring for disabled riders is required and we will welcome any new faces and familiarise everyone with the procedures. In term time we have two thirtyminute sessions a week, followed by a time to chat and socialise.

Pictured is Sam Mumford who has ridden with the RDA group in the past. He benefited enormously and became a competent jockey, able to ride off the leading rein and perform a good sitting trot. His confidence grew so much that a big improvement was seen in his social skills, academic ability and well being. A great example of how the RDA can help the riders. The children will start riding again on Tuesday 26th February. Anyone who thinks they might like to help with volunteering or fundraising can contact the coach at: rosjames1954@gmail.com or 01353 969948

JACK AND THE BEANSTALK WAS A GIANT HIT at THE MALTINGS, ELY The curtain has come down on Ely’s GIANT of a pantomime JACK AND THE BEANSTALK after a successful, box office breaking run at The Maltings Ely. 10,000 people came to see Jack and the Beanstalk at The Maltings between the 14th December 2018 and 2nd January 2019. The professional cast which consisted of musical theatre performers and seasoned pantomime performers took to the stage twice, sometimes three times a day over the festive period. Returning favourite ‘Terry Gauci’ starred as Handyman Harry and ‘Daniel Bell’ also made a welcome return to the stage as ‘Dame Trott’ after a break of 4 years. Katherine and Daniel of KD said ‘we were delighted with the response we got for this year’s pantomime. We were thrilled with how many people came to the show, with our highest attendance ever! We’d like to thank Cheffins and all our sponsors and partners for all their support and encouragement.’

Elyi Family Ticket Competition winners, Amelia and Henry meet the cast of Jack and the Beanstalk - December 2018 At the performances, the pantomime was holding charity bucket collections for Spectrum and The Mayor’s Charity (Little Miracles) which raised over £800 for the charities. f you missed the pantomime, then don’t worry – KD Theatre will be back at The Maltings with Dick Whittington from the 13th December 2019 – 5th January 2020. Tickets will be on sale from the 1st February 2019.

If you can’t wait that long, they will also be presenting a family Easter Musical version of ALICE IN WONDERLAND from the 5th – 8th April 2019 at The Maltings Ely. Tickets are available online at www.kdtheatre.co.uk or by calling the Box Office on 01353 725 026. 10 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

KD Theatre Productions Ltd & Scott Ritchie Productions Ltd Present

DON’T BE LATE FOR THIS MAGICAL FAMILY DATE! FRIDAY 5TH – MONDAY 8TH APRIL w w w. k d t h e a twww.elyimagazine.com re . c o . u k | 0 1 3|5Elyi 3 Magazine 7 2 5 0 2| 611

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Film ticket prices: Evenings: £8/£7 Matinee: £7/£6 (£1 discount for members) Other content various prices: Concessions 60+, U15s, income support, F/T students (proof required). Cinema Information: The cinema reserves the right to refuse admission. The information on this leaflet is available at time of going to press, however the management reserve the right to cancel or alter the advertised programme in exceptional circumstances. You can buy advance tickets from: Box Office, Babylon Gallery, Waterside, Ely. Tel: 01353 616991 (Mon – Fri 10am – 4pm). Burrows Bookshop, High Street Passage, Ely (Mon – Sat 9.30am-5pm, cash/cheque only). From the cinema half hour before the film starts. (cash/cheque/credit card). Ely Cinema is run by Babylon ARTS.

Sunday 10 March: 3pm & 7.30pm · 125 mins.

Mary Queen of Scots (15)

Mary Queen of Scots explores the turbulent life of the charismatic Mary Stuart (Saoirse Ronan). Queen of France at 16 and widowed at 18, Mary defies pressure to remarry. Instead, she returns to her native Scotland to reclaim her rightful throne. But Scotland and England fall under the rule of Elizabeth I (Margo Robbie). Strong violence, sex, sexual violence.

Thursday 14 March: 7.30pm · 130 mins.

Green Book (12A)

Funny and thought-provoking story of an unlikely friendship that transcended race and class. In 1962, an Italian-American bouncer is hired to chauffeur an African-American pianist on a concert tour through the Deep South; a journey that will change both of their lives. Infrequent strong language, moderate violence, discriminatory behaviour.

Sunday 17 March: 7.30pm · 101 mins.

All Is True (12A)

It’s 1613, Shakespeare is acknowledged as the greatest writer of the age. Disaster strikes when his renowned Globe Theatre burns to the ground, and a devastated Shakespeare returns to Stratford to face a troubled past and mend the broken relationships with his wife and daughters. Infrequent strong language, moderate sex references.

Thursday 21 March: 7.30pm · 106 mins.

Can You Ever Forgive Me? (15) When best-selling biographer Lee Israel (Melissa McCarthy) hits a career slump, she fakes and sells letters which she claims are written by the stars, enlisting the help of her friend Jack Hock (Richard E. Grant). But the FBI soon smell a rat. The true story of one woman who played with fire, got burnt but still enjoyed the ride. Very strong language, drug misuse.

Thursday 28 March: 7.30pm · 132 mins.

Vice (15) Join Now as a member and get 12 months of great offers and discounts See our website for details

Box Office: 01353 616991 Online Tickets: babylonarts.org.uk

Babylon ARTS (operated by ADEC). Registered Charity No. 1043197.

14 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

A darkly comic yarn drawn from the tangled world of current affairs. Starring an unrecognisable Christian Bale as Dick Cheney, Vice is a pullno-punches account of how a bureaucratic Washington insider quietly became the most powerful man in the world as Vice President to George W. Bush. Strong language, disturbing scenes, infrequent bloody images.

Mother’s Day Special Sunday 31 March: 3pm · 130 mins.

Mary Poppins Returns (U)

Nearly three decades after her first visit, the enigmatic Mary Poppins soars back into London to look after the Banks’ children in their time of need. Wonderful songs, 2D animation and cameos from some familiar faces, this is a delightful reunion for all to enjoy, whether you grew up with the magic or are discovering it for the first time.

Sunday 31 March: 7.30pm · 130 mins.

Green Book (12A)

Another chance to see this funny, moving and thought-provoking story of an unlikely friendship. In 1962, an Italian-American bouncer Tony Lip is hired to chauffeur African-American pianist Dr Don Shirley on a concert tour through the Deep South; a journey that will change their lives. Infrequent strong language, moderate violence, discriminatory behaviour.

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The Lazy Otter nests on the banks of the old west river with far reaching views across the garden with a kids’ play area, the marina and the Fenland countryside. We have a reputation for making everyone feel welcome, with our passion for good food and beers, and a great choice of Gins!! Relaxed and informal is our rule, the dining area has a modern, contemporary feel with great views over the marina. Our menus offer something for every one, with a great mix of dishes and good gluten free, vegetarian, and vegan choices. We also open for breakfast from 8am in the week and 9am at the weekend with great dishes like full English breakfast, or American breakfast with pancakes and maple syrup or maybe scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, all accompanied by great coffee and a huge selection of teas. We also have a daily specials board which showcases all that is fresh and in season with fresh fish direct from the coast.

Clare’s Kitchen Tel: 07394 463 226 Sharman’s Garden Centre, Littleport CB6 1EW Breakfast served all day! Jacket Potatoes / Filled Rolls Paninis / Homemade Cakes Cream Teas Open: Mon-Sat 9-4pm Sun 10-3pm Our Coffee is 100% Fairtrade and Locally Sourced.

In the winter months we have a roaring log fire , perfect after a walk along the river with your dog. We are huge fans of well behaved dogs so your beloved friend is more than welcome to join you by the fire in the bar for a spot of lunch. In the summer months you can watch the boats cruising by from our large garden and enjoy the tranquility whilst sampling our fresh and vibrant summer menu. We also have 3 ensuite rooms at the “Otter” all individually designed with little extra touches to make your stay memorable We also have regular entertainment, live bands Beer Festivals and themed food evenings, and not forgetting those special days like Valentines Day and Mothers Day. When we offer specially designed menus to make your day all the more special. And don’t forget to fill in your birthday club flyer and you will receive a free bottle of Prosecco when you book to dine with us on your birthday. Follow us on Facebook to keep up with all the events and offers. Cambridge Road ,Stretham, Cambs, CB6 3LU Tel: 01353 649780 www.thelazyotterstretham.com www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 15

Make sure the right people benefit after you're gone. A Will is one of the most important documents that you will sign during your lifetime, however, making your Will does not need to be a daunting task. A Will is not just about who is to inherit your money, it is also about protection for your family. Your Will is a legal document which outlines what you would like to happen to everything you own (known as your ‘Estate’) once you pass away. Those responsible for distributing your Estate are (usually family members/ close friends) known as your ‘Executors’. Your Will is also used to document other important decisions you have in mind such as funeral wishes, setting up protective trusts, leaving specific people out of your Will and naming Legal Guardians to look after your children should they become orphaned, preventing them being taken into care. This

16 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

makes your Will one of the most important documents you will ever sign in your lifetime. If you do not have a Will (or it cannot be found) when you pass away, your Estate will be distributed by the standard Government rules known as the ‘Line of Intestacy’. This may not be the way you want your Estate distributed, as the wrong people may benefit! Unmarried couples get nothing from the partners estate if intestate. We recommend reviewing your Will every three years due to change in circumstances, i.e. marriage, children, grandchildren, divorce etc. Did you know, if you marry someone after making your Will you will need to make a new one, unless you have put the relevant clause in the Will to protect against this. Mark Taylor Inheritance Legal Services Ltd



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Ely Office: 17 Market Street ~ Ely ~ CB7 4LZ www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 17


The Ely group of East Anglian Women in Business (EAWIB), celebrated its first anniversary on Wednesday 9th January 2019. The networking group marked the occasion with cake and conversation. East Anglian Women in Business was created by Ward Gethin Archer Director and Family Law Solicitor, Sarah Fairbrother, to provide a local forum where business women can meet, interact and support each other in developing their businesses and careers. There has been a great response from business women in the Ely area, with the networking group attended by a range of local businesses. The monthly meetings are free to attend with refreshments kindly provided by sponsors, Ward Gethin Archer solicitors and Grow Your Business accountants. The meetings follow the same format each month, with everyone given the chance to introduce themselves and explain what it is they do. There is a speaker, sometimes someone from the EAWIB

• Digital Asset Management • Web to Print • Bespoke Online Ordering • Long Run Litho Printing • Short Run Digital Printing • Large Format Poster Printing • Roller Banners and X banners • Outdoor & Indoor Signage • Exhibition Displays • Flyers and Postcards • Brochures, Leaflets and Folders • Business Stationery • Parish Newsletters • In-house Binding & Finishing

18 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

group, followed by the opportunity to network. Unlike many networking groups, there are no membership fees, no requirements to give referrals and no minimum number of meetings that you must attend. The Ely meeting takes place each month from 10.30am until 12 noon at the Almonry Restaurant and Tea Rooms, Ely. The timing is designed to accommodate the commitments that women often have in the early mornings and evenings. The next Ely meeting is on Wednesday 6th March. Anyone wishing to attend the meetings should visit www.eawib.co.uk to register online. Visitors to EAWIB meetings are assured of a warm welcome.


Simon Paul Airey 9 Compton Fields Ely Cambs CB6 1ED email: aireysp@aol.com Tel: 01353 650445 Mob: 07799794887

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Absolute Sense IFA Ltd Absolute Sense IFA Limited is your local Chartered Financial Planning firm providing all forms of financial advice by experienced and qualified independent financial advisers. We specialise in face to face, quality professional Independent Financial Advice that you can trust.

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Absolute Sense IFA Limited is an appointed representative of the Sense Network Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 19

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For a free quote or any other enquiry call Salvatore on: 07894698087 or visit www.eagleeyedronesolutions.co.uk 20 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com


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www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 23

Next generation glazing solutions on show at Open Day West Norfolk Glass set to showcase innovative and sustainable glazing at Open Day on 27th April It’s that time of year when we step outside and take a look at our homes from the outside in and, after mother nature has done her worst with winter, things can often look a little shabby and in need of attention. Flaking paint, gaping cracks and damaged panes of glass, along with leaky guttering and weathered fascias can look unsightly but also have the potential to create longterm damage to plaster, brickwork and foundations. Our doors and windows are one of the most important aspects of our home, and an upgrade can make all the difference in terms of aesthetics and efficiency. Today’s glazing solutions are advanced and offer a wealth of options to suit all types of property. From classic timber effect sliding sashes to flush and aluminium frames for a contemporary style, there really is something for every home. Bi-fold doors are still hugely popular and are a great way to blend your interior and exterior space – perfect as we move into summer and months of relaxed outdoor living. Finally, PVCu has generated concerns regarding single-use plastics. It’s interesting to know that PVCu can be recycled up to ten times which is an incredible feat. Given that West Norfolk Glass’ installations are guaranteed for a minimum of ten years, it means the PVCu used in a home’s windows and doors has a potential 100 years’ use, making it a highly sustainable material. We would love to share our knowledge, experience and wide range of home improvement solutions with you so join us from 10am – 1pm on Saturday 27 April at our Hereford Way showroom – we look forward to meeting you. West Norfolk Glass, Hereford Way, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE30 4JD, tel: 01553 763164, westnorfolkglass.co.uk 24 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

West Norfolk Glass A family business since 1967


10am-12pm Saturday 27 April JOIN US AT OUR HEREFORD WAY SHOWROOM

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From a dripping tap or boiler breakdown to a new bathroom or central heating system Please call Lee on: 07960222388 or email: LNWPlumbing@gmail.com

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Has Your Double Glazing Steamed Up? Established for over a decade Cloudy2Clear windows have become a leading company for glass replacement. Issues with double glazing can often be gradual and may only be noticed during a clear sunny day or during the winter. A failed glass unit may no longer provide you with the protection you need or be energy efficient. Why not spend a few minutes checking your home to see if you have any failed double glazing? If you act now you can avoid these problems. Now, you may think you need to replace the whole window

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years of experience Cloudy2Clear have a wealth of knowledge and are recognised as a Which Trusted Trader, plus our work is backed by an industry leading 25 year guarantee. Cloudy2Clear also replace faulty locks handles and hinges on all windows and doors. Your friendly local Cloudy2Clear specialist is Tim Law and he services Ely, Littleport, Soham, Haddenham Stretham & surrounding areas . So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Tim a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118.

Cloudy2Clear GUARANTEE All Customers That An Average Quote Will Take No Longer Than 20 MINS!!!

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www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 27

Mark A Bennett Plumbing & Heating Services Ltd v Full kitchen & bathroom installa/ons v Plumbing repairs & installa/ons v Radiator installa/ons / Leaking taps v Replacing showers, baths, sinks & toilets v Wall movements & LoC Conversions v Floor & Wall /le fiFng 01353664044

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28 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

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www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 31

Ely Electrical Services I am semi-retired now but still carrying out the following types of work:

Installation of new light fittings & Sockets, lighting design, advice and installation, in fact, everything I have always done but on a smaller scale. Graham Barber

Tel: 01353 862900 01353 862900 Mob:Tel: 07867 793938 Mob: 07867 793938 Email: info@twelectrical-services co.uk Email: info@twelectrical-services.co.uk Web: twelectrical-services.co.uk www.twelectrical-services.co.uk

Please contact me to discuss your requirements

3 The Brambles Littleport Ely Cambs CB6 1XH

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AERIAL & TV SERVICES LTD All Aerial, Satellite and TV work undertaken. CCTV Installations. Registered Digital Installer, see www.rdi-lb.co.uk. City & Guilds/CAI Qualified Engineer. Tel:

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Based four miles from the centre of Ely, Complete Kitchens Ely has created over 400 stunning dream kitchens for customers over the last three years. They offer high specification German sourced kitchens, famous for their precision engineering, strength and quality. The range is comprised of innovative technology, precious materials and ingenious details resulting in irresistible settings for cooking and living. Styles can be modern, contemporary or traditional depending on the client’s style, and as bespoke, as required on most ranges. Their showroom boasts a treasure of choice. With six displays to browse around, numerous storage solutions to try and the latest technology in their appliance range, including the Neff slide and hide oven door. Company Director, Paul says ”We take great pride in what we do and believe there is simply not a better place to come to if you are looking for a new kitchen.” 32 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

ID. 18266017

Complete Kitchens Ely pride themselves on the level of service they provide to each and every customer. Paul continues ”Buying a new kitchen can be a stressful experience, we make the customer experience interactive and cover all aspects of the new kitchen; we even have photorealistic design software to truly bring the new kitchen to life. We then project manage all the different trades required to ensure their new kitchen is installed to the highest standard”. Just check out the reviews on Facebook: www.facebook.com/completekitchensely So if you are after a new kitchen make sure you put Complete Kitchens Ely Ltd on to your shopping list, you will not be disappointed with the quality, price and service.



Suppliers of: HEATING






REAR OF SHARMAN’S CENTRE, CAMEL ROAD, LITTLEPORT, ELY, CAMBS, CB6 1EW TEL: 01353 860093 FAX: 01353 860095 EMAIL: portplumbing@hotmail.co.uk OPENING TIMES:


08.00 - 17.00






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T: 01353 698 059


Rob Lee: 07810 805 613 Keith Missin: 07748 117 394 info@elyplumbingandheating.com www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 33


We had a very busy November and December with the poignant and well-attended Remembrance Day commemorations including the erection of the Peace Beacon on St Mary’s Green, the whirlwind visit from HRH Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall, to the huge crowds for the Switch On event and our lovely city Christmas lights. January, however, was very quiet, made all the more so by the news of the very sad loss of our City council colleague John Yates which reached us on 21st January. John had not been in good health for a while, having had serious operations and a number of setbacks, but he always remained positive and attended the full City Council meeting less than a week before his death. John was a keen Rotarian and at one time Chairman of Cambridgeshire ACRE. The respect in which John was held was seen in the many expressions of sympathy and tributes that followed the sad news of his passing. John was born in Blackburn and worked in administration with the health service. He married Helen in 1970 and they had three children. It was

after he and his late wife, Helen, moved to their home on Broad Street that he became involved in the affairs of the city, serving as a councillor for some twelve years, the highlight being a very successful and busy year as Mayor in 2011-12. Both he and Helen were active at St Peter’s Church with John serving as church warden. Helen’s life was centred around her home and family and there is no doubt that John was never the same after Helen died in March 2017. John was held in high regard by his colleagues on the city council. He was always positive with his approach to problems as, for example, with last year’s successful Fireworks display in the Park when he involved his colleagues in Rotary as he often did in making things happen for the community. I for one will miss his kindly words and wise advice and our community has lost an outstanding servant. With the full council elections coming in May, John’s seat on the council will remain vacant. Mike Rouse

John pictured with fellow councillors in December 2018 (Front Centre)

34 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

Bent and Cornwell

Artichoke January saw Ely councillors and independent traders meeting with Jake Berry, MP, the minister for High Streets organised by our MP Lucy Frazer. James of Ely

The Eel Catcher’s Daughter

City Cycle centre Toy Dept

ELY COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH Does speeding around our streets really annoy you? If it does, consider becoming a Volunteer as part of our Ely Speedwatch Team As Councillors, speeding is one of the most often complaints we get from our residents. It is an unfortunate fact that drivers very often do not adhere to speed limits, causing health and safety issues and reducing the quality of life for local communities. Were you aware that East Cambs operates a Speedwatch Scheme in Ely City? This works closely with the Police and the City of Ely Council to help reduce the speed of vehicles to the speed limit and increase public awareness of inappropriate speed. We use the statistics that they produce as evidence when we bid for the Highways Minor Highways fund and we have been successful if securing these recently. Would you be prepared to help us by volunteering to become part of the Speedwatch team? A larger number of volunteers would enable us to cover more of our streets. We know that these teams are effective. Volunteers are trained to use speed indicator devices which display vehicle speeds. The registered owner of any vehicle seen exceeding the speed limit is sent an advisory letter by the Constabulary, explaining that speeding is unacceptable to the local community and asking them to be more considered. Third time offenders (from any Speedwatch team) receive a visit from a uniformed officer and are given strong words of advice to change their driving behaviour. Cllr Lis Every On behalf of the Transport Working Group

For further information, google www.communityspeedwatch.org; or contact Marianne Pickering marianne.pickering@cityofelycouncil.org.uk or Speedwatch elyspeedwatch@gmail.com www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 35


Ely is preparing itself once again for its four day extravaganza to celebrate the origins of the humble eel. Organised by the Visit Ely team, Ely’s Eel Festival Weekend runs from 3rd to 6th May. This year, as always, we see the return of the Eel Food Safari which runs all weekend where a selection of local food outlets provides special dishes inspired by the eel theme. The Eel Parade kicks off Saturday’s Eel Day when we celebrate 16 years, with a colourful array of eels processing through Ely’s High Street, down to the river where a whole host of eel related activities take place. Special highlights include the Town Criers’ Championships and the World Eel Throwing Competition (no eels will be harmed in this competition, just stuffed toys!). Can you beat the World Record of over 17 metres? The full programme of arena events includes music, dancing, a living history encampment and a street food scene (including eels!). Rounding up the weekend is the ever popular two day Food and Drink Festival now in its sixth year. Over 75 artisan and specialist food and drink traders will be showcasing their wares. We have an amazing Street Food Scene, comprising of a range of culinary delights which will tantalise your taste buds with the unusual, yet exquisitely crafted combinations. We also have a beer tent and cocktail bar with some easy listening, live music to enjoy. Back on St Mary’s Green is our Kitchen Pantry with a selection of goodies to

help stock your pantry, some handy gadgets and beautiful kitchenware along with a seating area and some scrumptious light bites. This year we welcome into our fabulous Cookery Theatre the nutritionist from TV series such as “How to Lose Weight Well, “Eat Well for Less” and “Sugar Free Farm” as well as the award-winning Italian chef Aldo Zilli who will be demonstrating a variety of dishes along with some of our muchloved local chefs. Also, there will be the chance to personally meet and greet our celebrity chefs for a Q&A hour plus book signings at our “Conversation With” sessions which will be held at Oliver Cromwell’s House. Check out our website for booking details. All in all, Ely will make the perfect place for a Spring Bank Holiday visit. For the full Ely Eel Festival programme check out www.elyeelfestival.co.uk

36 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

Now in its 16th year!

3rd May to 6th May 2019


Part of Ely’s Eel Festival Weekend

Saturday 4th May

Procession around the Eel Trail starts at 10.30 am from Cross Green (next to the Cathedral) - all welcome Followed by activities in Jubilee Gardens from 11 am to 4.30 pm including: World Eel Throwing Competition, Town Criers Championship, Living History Encampment, Arena Events, Children’s Activities, Folk Music, Dancing, Side Stalls, Real Ales Tent and a Variety of Refreshments including Eel!

For further information and the full weekend’s programme www.elyeelfestival.co.uk /visitely


www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 37

Ely got loved-up in February 2019 as a prequel to Valentine’s day! On 9th February Ely Rock Eels, an Ely rock painting group, placed about 1,000 rocks in the garden of the Prince Albert Street. The collection of colourful rocks made a carpet of love in order to share love within Ely’s community. Entry was free and the afternoon included live music from Jacen Bruce and face painting from Blue Kangaroo Entertainment. LoveFesters were asked to donate to Pride Ely (10.8.19) and British Heart Foundation in exchange for Love Rocks of their choice. Rockers then hid the rocks in town for strangers to find or gave them to loved ones for Valentine’s Day. The LoveFest was an inclusive event attended by people from one week old to Rockers in their 80s.

If you find a rock, please post a pic on Ely Rock Eels’ Facebook page because Ely Rockers love to hear where their rocks travel!



ELY COUNTRY PARK , CRESSWELLS LANE 11am MORE INFO ON FACEBOOK: Ely Rock Eels (ERE) Rock Tree dressing / R.A.S.E skate park consultation and display / Car wash to raise funds for the Skate park / Litter pick for our environment / Paint animal/bug/flower/tree rocks to encourage the trees to wake up and bud after winter. Inspired by the ancient practice of Tree Dressing and Tree Hugging, Ely Rock Eels are doing something quirky again! “Tree Dressing Day usually takes place in December.” Fleur Patten explains. “But I only discovered this ancient ritual after the date, so we’re going to do it in early Spring. It seemed the perfect idea to combine encouraging the trees to spirt back into life, after a sleepy winter, with the initiative of a new Ely Skate Park in the Country Park, and respecting our natural environment. From about 2004, lots of new and expectant families started moving to Ely. Primary schools were built and it was a great place to bring up little people. 15 years on, those trailblazer little folk are teenagers but Ely’s facilities have yet to catch up. Please help Stan Hickish and his committee to make Ely fit and safe for our population of teenagers by coming along to find out more. GO DO THE SURVEY AT: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ELYi

38 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

Karen Setchfield BA (Hons) Classical guitar tuition for adults and children, available during the day or evenings.

07504 241701

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SPANISH LESSONS AVAILABLE AT ELY CATHEDRAL CONFERENCE CENTRE We are pleased to be expanding our business to the Ely area, offering Spanish lessons to adults who have no previous knowledge of the language. The format of the syllabus that we use does not follow a text book, but includes topics that previous students and ourselves have found to be most useful. It has certainly proved to be an excellent method of teaching. It is our aim to teach students vocabulary and grammar, but very importantly, good pronunciation, which gives students confidence when visiting Spanish speaking countries. Courses run for 5 weeks, with one hour lesson per week and usually students are very happy with their progress. Classes are taught in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Contact me to book a free trial and consultation or for further information:

karensetchfield07@gmail.com ď‚‚


Beginners courses being held on Friday mornings at the Ely Conference Centre, Ely Cathedral. Tutor: Harriet Tuckett BA (Hons) MCIL For further info: info@spanacademy.co.uk or call: 07522504729

Harriet Tuckett, Owner and Tutor of the Spanish Academy, is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists and lived in Spain for over 16 years.

www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 39



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Want to find out more?

call 01353 662684 for info 40 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

Call Caline on 07702 517746 or email caline.easey@chsgroup.org.uk

J.T.Cycles The Cycle Repair Centre

Chettisham Garage • Lynn Road • Ely • Cambs • CB6 1SA

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Car • SWB • LWB • Lutons • Tippers For daily, weekly or long term hire. Single and business rates available.

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Van Sales • Tel. 01353 664234 We hold a large stock of vehicles for sale. Fully serviced with 6 month warranty. All vans are sold with 12 months MOT.

OUR SERVICES Class 4 & 7 MOT’s With new MOT lane and fully qualified tester, we have the facilitates to carry out Class 4 (cars) and Class 7 MOT’S Class 4 £40 Class 7 £50 Servicing With fully qualified Mechanics and the latest equipment we carry out servicing of all tyres of vehicles at competitive pricing. Labour £40 + VAT per hour Diagnostics With the latest Snap-On diagnostics technology we will be able to find out what is wrong with your car. Batteries, Tyres & Exhausts We offer competitive rates on batteries, tyres and exhaust that can be fitted while you wait (subject to stock) Welding We have fully qualified welders on site, able to carry out repairs to MOT standards. Recovery & Vehicle transportation We now have a recovery lorry and can also carry out vehicle transportation. www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 41

Following the enormous success of the event in 2017 and 2018, MetroRod Cambridge, together with Infiniti Graphics, are organising the 3rd annual Ely Hero Awards with the support of other local businesses. This exciting community event celebrates the achievements of individuals in Ely and surrounding villages who make special and inspiring contributions to assist others. So many of these people are real unsung heroes in the community, they perform acts of kindness and do good deeds without seeking praise. The City has a fantastic range of inspiring teachers who help our children reach for the stars. There are Community Champions and amazing Neighbours who willingly give time to others giving life and vibrancy to our villages. Working with a supportive Colleague creates an environment where others can flourish. A true Caring Companion makes an

hour of need a far less scary place. Children play a huge part in supporting the community and we know there are some very determined young people who show resilience and courage beyond their years. The event endeavours to celebrate all these individuals to say thank you for everything they do. The event has grown year on year and the 2019 season is all set to be even more exciting. The official launch party took place on Monday 4th March at The Poets House Hotel. Media partners, business sponsors and last year’s winners gathered along with local dignitaries. Once again the invaluable support given by the Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire is outstanding and Deputy Lord Lieutenant o f Cambridgeshire, Colonel Colin Elsden DL attended as Special Guest. Nominations are sought over 10 different categories; The Elyi Magazine is delighted to be once again Sponsoring the “Neighbour of the Year” Category, more details and a nomination form can be found on the website: www.elyheroawards.org.uk Beginning on Monday 4th March and for the next 8 weeks, everyone is encouraged to nominate a local hero, the deadline for submitting an entry will be Monday 29th April. Submit your entry via the website. The hero awards are given at the discretion of the judging panel, so every single nomination stands a chance of winning on its own merits. 3 finalists are chosen from each category to attend the award ceremony in July with the winners being announced on the evening. Keep up to date with what is happening during the process on www.facebook.com/elyheroes and www.twitter.com/elyheroes for more news. Don’t let your hero go unnoticed – nominate them! We are very much looking forward to discovering Ely Heroes of 2019.

42 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

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(formerly Elaine’s Grooming) North Fen, Little Downham, Ely, Cambs, CB6 2UG www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 43

Need help with your SPANISH? University of Cambridge graduate, with fluent spoken Spanish, offers private tuition, at all levels, tailored to your particular needs. So if you need to pass an exam or just want to brush up on your conversation skills, help isn't far away. Call: (01353) 614393

Therapies & sSELeLIlNfG -cCOaACrHeING -


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ElyPHYSIO & SportsTHERAPY The Atrium Club, 39 Newnham Street, Ely,Cambridgeshire, CB7 4PQ

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www.elyphysio.co.uk WE FIND SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR PAIN STIFFNESS AND MOBILITY PROBLEMS 44 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com


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Therapies & self -cPHaYSrIOe-

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Nail filing &and trimming Looking for professional affordable advice and care toReduction keep you on feet? Contact ofyour thickened nails Fiona Fiona Gilbert MCFHP MAFHP Call today. Appointments are available in your own Removal skinCollege & calluses Memberofofhard the Open of home or atFoot Fiona’s Littleport treatment room. 07979 761357 Health Professionals. Treatment of corns & cracked heels to mak Member of the British Association

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appointm Diabetic foot care & assessment of Footfiling Health Nail &Professionals trimming ent Reduction of thickened nails www.foothealthy.uk www.foothealthy.uk Removal hard skin & calluses Fiona Gilbert MCFHPof MAFHP Call Member of the Open of College of & cracked Treatment corns 07heels 979 761357 Foot Health Professionals. to make an care & assessment Member Diabetic of the Britishfoot Association appointm of Foot Health Professionals ent

RELIABLE CaDOOR ll DOOR 07TO 979 761357 make an LEAFLETaptoDELIVERY pointmen t www.foothealthy.uk PRICES START AT £45/1000 www.foothealthy.uk Fiona Gilbert MCFHP MAFHP Member of the Open College of Foot Health Professionals. Member of the British Association of Foot Health Professionals

Call 01353 664920 or email advertising@elyimagazine.com

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Open Meetings with Lucy Frazer MP will take place on Wednesday 10th April 2019 This is an opportunity for residents to come and meet their MP and discuss any issues they would like to raise in person. Lucy will be at The Cutter Inn from 12.30pm to 1.30 pm and at The Vernon Cross Room at Ely Museum from 6.30pm - 8pm. She is looking forward to meeting you! 46 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

SEND IN YOUR COMMUNITY EVENTS! email editor@elyimagazine.com OR POST ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE before 10th of APRIL for inclusion in the next issue Wed 6th Feb - Sun 31st March 2019 STRAY - Art Exhibition The Old Fire Engine House Ely Stray is a diverse group of seven Cambridge based artists founded in 2011. With the aim to challenge visual and ideological comfort zones, they promote art to a wider public audience. They will be exhibiting work in all media throughout the house and both galleries this February and March. Featuring Sue Law, Judy Logan, Jill Ogilvy, Rosemary Catling, Alison Litherland, Manuela Hubner, Deanna Tyson Saturday 2nd March - Engage Extra The History of Addenbrookes 11am -1.30pm, Ely Library, 6 The Cloisters, Ely, Cambs CB7 4ZH £2 entry. Hospital archivist Hilary Ritchie delves into the fascinating history of Addenbrookes Hospital. Refreshments provided, donations welcome. Tel: 0345 045 5225. Ely.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk, Saturday 2nd March - Seeking Refuge An Interactive Journey. St Mary’s Church, St Mary’s Street, Ely 1-4.30pm. To mark the anniversary of the Syrian War. elyrrc.co.uk

Saturday 2nd March - The Magical Library 5pm, Ely Library. £4 per person, £14 Family Saver ticket. Families with children aged 4-12. Puppetry and storytelling bring adventures to life in the Magical Library! Stay after the performance to create and operate a puppet based on one of the characters from the show. Tel: 0345 045 5225. Ely.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk,

Monday 4th March - Memoir Writing 2pm, An Introduction to Memoir Writing Ely Library. £5 standard, £2.50 concessions. For adults 40+. Leanne Moden guides you in learning how to take your own stories and turn them into compelling pieces of writing. Perfect for anyone keen to explore their own life through words, regardless of education or experience of writing. Refreshments available. Tel: 0345 045 5225. Ely.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk,

Tues 5th - Sat 9th March CHICAGO (school edition) Soham Viva Youth Production at Kings Theatre, Newmarket 7.30pm and Sat matinee 2.30pm Tickets: http://www.viva-group. org.uk/book-tickets.html

Tuesday 5th March Choristers Pancake Race and Big Pancake Party 6.15pm, Ely Cathedral. in aid of the Church Urban Fund’s Food Poverty Campaign. www.cuf.org.uk/ the-big-pancake-party Wednesday 6th March 19.00 St Peter’s Church - Ash Wednesday Service St Peter-in-Ely, Broad Street, Ely CB7 4BQ UK A Church of England said service of Holy Communion, using traditional language, with hymns and imposition of ashes Wednesday 6th March Women in Business Networking 10.30-12 noon, The Almonry Restaurant, Ely Visit www.eawib.co.uk to register online. Thursday 7th - Saturday 9th March Sailor Beware! Ely Amateur Dramatics Society 7.30pm The Maltings. Tickets at www. ticketsource.co.uk/elyamateurdramaticsociety and at Burrows Bookshop, 9 High Street Passage, Ely 01353 669759 Saturday 9th Feb - Sunday 31st March OPEN GARDENS at Chippenham Park 10.00 am - 4.00 pm Boasting possibly the greatest display of delicate and naturalised snowdrops and aconites in East Anglia in February, closely followed by daffodils and early spring bulbs in March.Tea rooms OPEN Entry on open days is £5, children free. Dogs welcome on leads. Tearooms/gate cash only http://www.chippenhamparkgardens.info Saturday 9th Mar Writing The Fens Workshop taught by Costa-shortlisted novelist Guinevere Glasfurd, this workshop will consider the Fens in fiction and non-fiction. Produce a piece of writing, fictionalizing an aspect of the fen landscape; what do you see, a wild, unpeopled place, or a landscape shaped? No previous experience or prior knowledge is required, just a natural interest and enthusiasm info from: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ wicken-fen-nature-reserve Saturday 9th March ELY TIGERS LADIES DAY During the Fakenham homw game. 1pm £17 in aid of Breast Cancer Now. Prosecco, cake, shopping, VIP ladies viewing area on the balcony. Tickets from emmagunbie@hotmail.co.uk www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 47

Saturday 16th March, LEGO SHOW 10am - 4pm at the Countess Free Church on Chapel Street, Ely. Admission (pay on the door): adults £3, children £1. IN AID OF CAP Saturday 16th March Ely Consort ‘Sing & be Joyful’ 7.30pm Ely Methodist Church, 13 – 15 Chapel Street, Ely, CB6 1AD Tickets: £10 prior / £12 on door (U16s free). https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/elyconsort - (+10% booking fee) Burrows Bookshop, 9 High St Passage, Ely Saturday 23rd March - Big Fish Little Fish Family Rave. The Maltings 2-4pm Tickets and info available from www.bigfishlittlefishevents.co.uk Saturday 30th March STAINED GLASS MUSEUM 40th ANNIVERSARY FUN DAY. TBC Look on Cathedral website for updates to details. 10:30am - 4:30pm

Easter Day 21st April 10.30am Orchestral Eucharist 4pm Festal Evensong FULL LIST OF SERVICES AVAILABLE FROM: https://www.elycathedral.org/visit/whats-on Friday 26th April - Super Hamlet 64 7.30pm, Ely Library. £7 standard, £4/£5 concessions. For adults and young people aged 10+. A fast-paced retelling of Shakespeare’s play, full of retro animation, spoken word, live music, comedy songs, and videogame references. . Licensed Bar. Tel: 0345 045 5225. Ely.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk, OLIVER CROMWELL HOUSE EASTER WALKS PROGRAMME Fri 19th April Historical City of Ely Walk Sat 20th April Ely Heritage Eel Walk Sun 21st April Riverside Walk

Sunday 31st March - Mothering Sunday Mon 22nd April Architecture Guided Walk Saturday 6th April Ely Golf Club Ladies’ Taster Day - 2pm for Putting and Prosecco. Contact Ely Golf Club on 01353 662751 to book Monday 8th & Wednesday 10th April Cathedral Easter Craft Family Dropins 10am-noon, The Lady Chapel. No Charge for entry. Small charge for optional trail. Saturday 13th Apr - The Music Makers ELGAR THE MUSIC MAKERS POULENC GLORIA BRAHMS ALTO RHAPSODY Ely Choral Society Conducted by Andrew Parnell. Elenor Bowers-Jolley, Soprano. Stephanie Windsor-Lewis, Mezzo-soprano. Medlock Ensemble (Helen Medlock Leader) Tickets from Ely Cathedral Box Office 01353 660349 and https://tickets.elycathedral.org/ http://www.elychoralsociety.org/concerts Wednesday 17th - Saturday 20th April Brassed Off! Viva Arts (Soham) production ADC Cambridge Tickets www.adctheatre.com ELY CATHEDRAL Holy Week and Easter 14th - 21th April Palm Sunday 14 April 10.30am Procession with Palms & Sung Eucharist 4pm A Prelude to Holy Week

48 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

All walks start at 11.30 am, departing from Oliver Cromwell’s House. Distance: approx 1 mile www.olivercromwellshouse.co.uk

Friends of Ely Library

DISCO LEGENDS SISTER SLEDGE TO HEADLINE THE CAMBRIDGE CLUB FESTIVAL 2019 The Cambridge-based music, food & drinks festival has announced a star-studded lineup for its 3rd annual event on June 16th this year. With 20+ artists across 2 stages, its led by US disco superstars Sister Sledge – plus BBC Radio’s Craig Charles’ Funk & Soul Show, The Voice UK’s powerhouse songstress Michelle John and many more. The festival is doubling in size for 2019, with 10,000 people of all ages set to descend on Haggis Farm for fun in the sun on Father’s Day.

TO BOOK TICKETS GO TO: www.thecambridgecl ub.co information / group deals/ family tickets


 / TheElyi Share and tag a friend on the competition post to enter closing date 10th April 2019 www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 49


07850 286566


50 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com


Sunday 24th March 2019 10am - 4pm

E E R F RY The Maltings ENT Wedding Fayre

Come along to the Maltings Wedding Fayre!

There will be exhibitors from the local area show-casing their amazing products and services. Whether you have nothing planned or everything‌ It will definitely give you some ideas and thoughts!

The Maltings, Ship Lane, Ely, CB7 4BB 01353 662 633 lola_howell@cityofelycouncil.org.uk

www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 51

Ely Choral Society


BOX OFFICE: www.ticketsource.co.uk/viva-arts




Elenor Bowers-Jolley Soprano Stephanie Windsor-Lewis Mezzo-soprano Ely Choral Society Medlock Ensemble


(Helen Medlock Leader)

Conducted by Andrew Parnell Tickets

£25, £20, £15, £8, U18s £5 Ely Cathedral Box Office 01353 660349 and https://tickets.elycathedral.org/ www.elychoralsociety.org Registered Charity No: 802308

7:30 pm Saturday 13th April 2019 Ely Cathedral Image Copyright: 1stchoice www.123rf.com

Easter Fun

Open Daily

Family Farm Fun Lamb Bottle Feeding Fluffy Easter Chicks Indoor & Outdoor Play Homemade Cakes & Lunches

52 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com


Tractor Ride for 1 person with this voucher Valid for 2019 only



For those lucky enough to enjoy some couple time midweek chef has created a Date Night Menu, 3 Courses from our Set Menu, £39.95 per couple. Each Wednesday at 11a.


We are excited to launch our ‘ Grill on the Hill’ menu, where all things grill come to 11a. Chef will be grilling some great dishes and produce one Thursday each month starting with March 21st and April 18th.


As part of our Feature Night Thursday, we have put together a great selection of fish and seafood dishes and created our Fish Night Thursday. Locally sourced fish and seafood accompanied with some great drinks of choice. One Thursday every month starting with March 7th and April 4th.

ATIONS R B E L E &C PARTIES TE HIRE IVA AND PR 11a is the perfect venue for all things celebration, Birthday Parties, Baby Showers, Weddings to name but a few. For details of how we can host your event and some great bespoke offers, contact our party planner who will be happy help make your event memorable. 11a / The Blue Bar Located in the heart of Forehill, Ely’s premier Cocktail Bar and accompanying All Day Dining Restaurant and Event Venue. Pop in and see what we are all about.

11a Forehill, Ely, CB7 4AA. Tel :01353 610542, Web : Elevena.co.uk Email : info@elevena.co.uk www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 53

Ely City Golf Club


Following their sell-out visit in March 2017, Ely Hereward Rotary Club are pleased to announce the return of ABBA ReBjörn to The Maltings for a great evening dancing to the music of ABBA, on Saturday March 30th. Abba Rebjörn – one of the best tribute bands in the UK – will perform all the great ABBA hits, and there will be a disco with other great music from the 70s, with dancing to the band and disco from 7pm until midnight. Tickets will be available from Friday January 25th at £16 each from the Babylon Gallery, Waterside, from Ely Fudge on the Market Square, the Tourist information Office at Oliver Cromwell’s House, and online at www. wegottickets.com/event/461929. Get together with family and friends and join us for a great night out, dancing to the music of the 70s. Profits from the event will go to local charities and good causes supported by the Ely Hereward Rotary Club.

Ladies Taster Sessions

Please join us on Saturday 6th April @ 2pm for Putting and Prosecco. • • • •

Free initial session, Sat 13th April @ 3pm Club Professional Opportunity for follow-on lessons Excercise, socialise, and burn calories.

Contact Ely City Golf Club 01353 662751 info@elygolf.co.uk | www.elygolf.co.uk

Join Ely Youth Choir No auditions, no fees, just first class voice training! If you love singing in a group, or think you’d like to try it, come and join us! It’s suitable for anyone at or near secondary school age. Experience is not essential.

We meet every Monday in term time between 6-7 pm at St Mary’s Church, St Mary’s Street, Ely. Please contact Jonathan Rogers on 07957 890666 for more info. 54 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

Don’t miss out on

THE HEALTH AND CARE SECTOR WORK ACADEMY IS IN YOUR AREA! Do you want a job where you have had a positive impact on someone’s life? Do you want a job where you go home and know you’ve made someone smile? Have you considered a JOB in Health or Care? Yes, then we can HELP. We offer a FREE Health and Care qualification and support with finding the right JOB for you. This is your perfect opportunity to kick-start a new career this year! You will get: • FREE Qualification with NO exams, • FREE Support with CV, applications and interview preparation, • Free 1:1 support for career guidance even after you get the job • Support with childcare/adult care and transport – terms and conditions apply.

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This is course is free. You must be: • Over the age of 18, • Claiming a benefit • Living in Peterborough or Cambridgeshire

work in an area she really enjoys.”

If you like the sound of this For more information, please contact 01733 588364 Facebook: @healthandcaresectorworkacademy Instagram: @healthandcareacademy Website:




We are waiting to take your call

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REGULAR GROUPS AND MEETS LISTINGS To update email: editor@elyimagazine.com - Look for lll to find new and updated information.


CHARITIES (Local branches)

lll The Art Society Ely (formerly EDFAS) Thurs 21st March MAPS AND BRITISH PAINTING - Tracking the connection between maps and painting to the present day. Thurs 18th April An illustrated lecture by Susan Owens THE GOLDEN AGE OF BRITISH LANDSCAPE PAINTING 1750 - 1850- a journey from Gainsborough to the Pre-Raphaelites. Thurs 16th May Illustrated lecture by Anna Moszynska FRESH ENCOUNTERS. How the role of sculpture has changed and the growth of sculpture parks. Regular monthly meetings. 7 for 7.30pm Visitors welcome £7 www.theartssocietyely.org.uk/ Ely Arts Society We meet every 2nd Friday of the month at 7.30pm at the Methodist Hall CB6 1AD. Art Demos. New members always welcome, £30.00 per year only. Contact Gary Davis chairman: gary.c.davis@mac.com Ktog (Knit Together) We Meet every Thursday evening at the High Flyer Pub on newnham Street. 7.30-9pm. It is free to join us and everyone is welcome to knit, crochet, cross-stitch etc. Tel: 01353 664472 Sit & Sew at Sew Much to Do Every Wednesday 6-9.00pm £3/session we share ideas, help and support each other, and have a lot of fun along the way! Sew Much To Do, 7 High Street Passage, Ely Tel: 01353 664000 Ely Watercolour Workshop The E.W.W. is an informal group of artists who love to paint in watercolour. Ely College on Tuesday evenings during term time, 6.30 - 9.00 p.m. The EWW holds two exhibitions a year in the Almonry restaurant, one at Easter and one in October. Membership fees are £20 per half year. Sarah Ruff: 01353 614495 Ely Guild of Woodturners Meetings are first Wednesday of each month at the Village Hall in Little Thetford, starting at 7pm Demonstration by a visiting expert / raffle, chat and a cup of tea! Membership currently just £30 per annum. So do come along and take a peek. website: www.elyguildofwoodturners.org.uk Twitter @ElyWoodturners. e:publicity@elyguildofwoodturners.org.uk

Ely Wildlife Watch Wildlife watch is a junior branch of the Wildlife Trust. Children under 8 must be accompanied by a parent or carer. For more information on forthcoming Ely Wildlife Watch events, follow the Ely Wildlife Watch group on Facebook or call Clive Baker on 01353 610224. Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Working with and for older people, providing a wide range of services and support helping older people remain independent in their own homes. Many volunteer opportunities to include weekly befriending visits. Free to attend, events held regularly. Tel: 0300 666 9860, email informationservices@ageukcap.org.uk, www.ageukcap.org.uk Facebook: /AgeUKCAP Ely & District NSPCC The Ely and District Committee of the NSPCC Lesley 01353 659986 / Wendy 01353 664752 Ely Local Group of the Wildlife Trust 7.45 pm Vernon Cross Room, Ely Museum. For info contact: Will on:01353 661339 / email: willburdett@btinternet.com Ely Wildlife Watch Wildlife watch is a junior branch of the Wildlife Trust. Children under 8 must be accompanied by a parent or carer. For more information on forthcoming Ely Wildlife Watch events, follow the Ely Wildlife Watch group on Facebook or call Clive Baker on 01353 610224.

56 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

COMMUNITY East Cambridgeshire Access Group The East Cambridgeshire Access Group meets fortnightly to make written comment on Planning Applications, for buildings to which the public are invited. Everyone welcome. vickielychapter@btinternet.com for more details. Ely Library Homework Club Every Friday 3.30-4.30pm Ely Library Tackle your homework with our books, internet, and friendly library assistants. Ely Library Engage in the Afternoon 2nd Tuesday of the month 2-3.30pm Ely Library Speakers and activities, with refreshments. Free entry, but donations welcome. Contact details for all events and activities are Ely.Referral@cambridgeshire.gov.uk, 0345 045 5225.

Friends of Ely Library Friends’ Coffee Morning and Jigsaw Exchange 10am-12pm, Ely Library Meeting Room. 6 The Cloisters, Ely CB7 4ZH. 2nd Saturday of the Month. New members very welcome. Ely-Ribe Association Our Association exists to promote the 60-year old twinning arrangement between Ely and Ribe. Membership costs just £10 a year. If you would like to join us, or are interested in making contact with like-minded people in Denmark, give us a call! e-mail: elyribe.association@ntlworld.com Chairman: Howard McMillan Tel: 01353 667949

area. We want to get more bums on seats for Ely & East Cambridgeshire theatre and performance arts events! So join the community at: www.elyartstheatre.org Twitter - @elyartstheatre www.facebook.com/elyartstheatre Ely Theatregoers Club The Ely Theatregoers Club hold Quarterly Coffee Mornings on the first Monday of the months of March, June, September and December at The Ely Cathedral Centre (the old Ely Library) at 10am - 11.30am. For further info on future events see our website at:www.elytheatregoers.co.uk stb. butler@ntlworld.com / Tel:07887 240483

Neighbourhood Watch Working with the local police force to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour, and also to encourage neighbourliness. This provides an increased feeling of security for the local residents. For information contact Kevin Evans at 01353 614892 / kevin.g.evans@ntlworld.com Willderland Farm We are a 4.5 acre community farm, based near Haddenham. We established ourselves as a membership organisation in 2015, with the aim of growing food sustainably, supporting wildlife; benefitting members and the wider community. If you would be interested in becoming a member, please email: info@willderland.com / www.willderland.com

East Cambs Dancing for Fun Line Dancing Class every Thursday 7.30pm – 9pm. Relaxed, pleasant friendly atmosphere. Great for your fitness and memory. Tea Dance every Tuesday 2-4pm. A combination of live & recorded music. £3 entry. Small charge for refreshments. Brooklands Centre, The Brook, Sutton, Ely, CB6 2QQ Please contact Peter or June for more info 01353 725774 Ely Playford Dance Group Dance in the style from Jane Austen. Friendly group. All dances walked through. No partner or experience necessary. Little Downham Village Hall CB6 2SY. 7.30pm -10pm 1st and 3rd Friday of the month £3. Contact: enquire@elyplayford. org / Tel: 01353 440170 Ely and Littleport Riot A women’s Morris side based in Ely. If you would like to join us or book us for an event please get in touch or come along to Centre E in Barton Road where we practice from 8pm on Friday evenings. We perform at various events around the area. Email: contact@elriot.co.uk / Website:http//www.elriot.co.uk Little Thet’ Scottish Country Dancing Dancing in the Paradise Sports Centre on the First and Third Fridays of the month - not July or August. 8-10pm. No experience or a partner necessary. Just come along and have some fun and exercise - wear soft, flat shoes. Weekly fee is £4 with under 16s (accompanied by an adult) free. Contact Penny Tipler 01353 658275 or sheenah.adkins@btinternet.com Sutton Masque We are a relatively new Border Morris side based in Sutton-in-the-Isle. We practice on Wednesday at 8pm in Witcham Village Hall and perform at various events and locations around the local area. Come and join us or book us for your event. E: squire@suttonmasque.org.uk www.suttonmasque.org.uk

DRAMA, THEATRE & FILM Ely Amateur Dramatic Society The city’s oldest dramatic society first started in 1888. We produce three productions a year, from a range of genres. Visit our website or Facebook page to find out about tickets for shows and how to join. www.facebook.com/ elyamateurdramatics.org / elyamateurdramatics / @DramaEly Ely Film Society Ely Film Society meets on the third Monday of every month to screen the best of world cinema. We meet in The Old Palace, King’s School, Palace Green, Ely at 7.30 pm. For membership and guest ticket details, please contact us on: 01353 668639 or 01353 656959. Full programme: www.elyfilmsociety.com Ely Arts Theatre Want to find out about everything that is going on in the theatre and performance arts in and around Ely? Then join the Ely Arts Theatre network. Ely Arts Theatre is a community all about promoting all things theatre and performance or visual arts in Ely and the surrounding East Cambridgeshire


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EDUCATION Ely College Community Education We provide a wide range of evening classes for adults, from arts and crafts, languages, to cookery, exercise and more. For full details of what’s on offer please visit our website or contact us for more information. Tel: 01353 664853, Email: community@elycollege.co.uk, Website: www. elycollege.com/community Twitter: @ElyCommEdu Ely & District University of the Third Age(U3A) Ely U3A has monthly General Meetings which are held on the first Tuesday of every month (except August) at 2.30pm in the Countess Free Church, 10 Chapel Street, Ely. New members and visitors are welcome (admission £2) to come along to one of the monthly talks and afterwards, have the chance to meet members over a cup of coffee or tea. www.u3a.sites.org/ely Chairman: elyu3achair@gmail.com Ely W.E.A. At WEA we believe learning is for everyone and learning is for life. The Ely Branch of the WEA offers two 10 week courses per year: one starting in late September and the other in early January. The courses run from 10.30am to noon and are held in Ely Library. In addition, it offers occasional day schools. email: eastern@wea.org.uk. Haddenham W.E.A. The WEA firmly believes in promoting life-long learning. You don’t need any previous knowledge or qualifications, only a willingness to share with others your curiosity, ideas and experience, or just listen and enjoy something new. Contact the Secretary on 01353 669326 for more information or visit wea.org.uk/eastern.

FUNDRAISING & VOLUNTEERS Ely Dining Club This friendly lunchtime dining club welcomes men and women (and their guests). It meets 6 times a year at The Poets House on St Marys Street in Ely. The 2-course meal with coffee costs just £20. The dining club helps fund projects such as the NSPCC ChildLine Schools Service visits to primary schools to talk to young children about abuse and how to get help. For more information about the dining club contact: Sylvia on 01343 777373. Ely Community First Responders Our community first responders are volunteers who are trained by East of England Ambulance Service to attend certain types of emergency calls in the area where they live or work. For more info please contact Emma Greaves 01353 614794 / Elycfrs@virginmedia.com Facebook.com/ElyCommunityFirstResponders/ 58 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

The Order of St Etheldreda The Order of St. Etheldreda is the fund-raising arm of Ely Cathedral Trust. If you would like further details on how to join The Order please contact: oofSE@elycathedral.org or tel:01353 660363 Inner Wheel Club of Ely Inner Wheel is one of the largest women’s service organisations in the world. Inner Wheel is: Women in action working together to making a difference and improving lives. We meet the 4th Wednesday in the month at the Old Dispensary, St Marys Street, Ely. If you are interested in visiting us please contact Joy Hockey 01353 663525 The Lions Club of Littleport Make a difference to your community and join a club. As a Lion you will join a club with like-minded men and women who are working together to strengthen your communities. For more details of your local club contact: David & Jenny Ellis 01353 664318 / 07817 592438 E: Littleportlions@yahoo.co.uk www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/littleport Facebook; Littleport Lions Club / Twitter; @LittleportLions Littleport Rotary Club We are a thriving branch of the Rotary family with a current membership of 24 and ages ranging from late thirties to early seventies! 75% of our membership is in full or part time employment. We meet on a weekly basis at The Anchor in Little Downham. As with other clubs our aims revolve around service to the community. www.littleportrotary.org.uk Contact: David Ambrose Smith 01353 861010 Ely Hereward Rotary Club Ely’s evening Rotary club was founded in 2004, and meets every Wednesday evening at St Peter’s Rooms, Broad Street, Ely, for an interesting mix of speakers, social activities, and planning our fundraising activities. These include Ely Aquafest, the Christmas Santa street collection, Eel Day, Apple Day, the Ely Potato Race, and our annual “Win a giant Easter egg” competitions, along with fundraising concerts at The Maltings.If you would like to make new friendships and support local charities and good causes while having fun, please visit our website at http://rotaryclubelyhereward.org for more information, or contact us via president@rotaryclubely-hereward.org for an invitation to one of our meetings. Rotary Club of Ely The Rotary club of Ely has been meeting on Wednesdays for nearly 78 years. It’s a great way to make new friends and also contribute to both the local community and world wide charitable projects in a friendly and fun atmosphere. The

annual Aquafest fun day has been staged by Rotary for 40 years as has the famous Ely Christmas Collection with Santa and Sleigh. Varied fund raising events such as Big Band Concerts etc are organised, as are social visits to places of interest. If you are interested in joining us, please contact our membership secretary John Dennick on 01353 662636 or email jdennick@btinternet.com Ely & Littleport Time Bank We are a friendly and welcoming group of volunteers who exchange time and skills with one another for free. Everyone’s time is equal irrespective of what you can offer. Our Ely meetings are monthly at the Lamb Hotel from 9.30am. caline.easey@chsgroup.org.uk or 07702517746

HEALTH Ely Heartbeat Health Walk Every Tuesday 2 pm, meets at entrance to Ely Cathedral, Minster Place, CB7 4DL. Grade 2, 60 minutes. www.walkingforhealth.org.uk Yoga Path with Vimala Sivananda Hatha Yoga brought to you at home, workplace or chosen venue. Tailored for your requirements. Or come to one of our classes. Yoga asana (physical postures) breathing techniques, meditation / mindfulness techniques and more .....All abilities and ages welcome...... We provide the opportunity the experience is yours. 07984 582214 www.yogapathuk.co.uk, yogapathuk@gmail.com Yoga Studio Ely - Free Satsangs 2019 4th Sunday of each month - 6.00 - 8.00pm Yogic meditation, dharma talk, chanting, Q & A, good company. A relaxed format in a beautiful studio space and tranquil garden setting conducive to meditation and spiritual practice. Experience traditional yogic mediation techniques, devotional chanting and yoga philosophy in the company of other yogis and non yogis alike. Open to all, charitable donations accepted. Please check our website for more information; www.yogastudioely.co.uk Contact Bianca 01353 698090 - E-mail mark@yogastudioely.co.uk Little Downham. CB6 2TD

HISTORY Ely & District Archaeological Society Talks are at the Methodist Church Hall, Ely. Entry is via the gate at the rear of St Mary’s Street Car Park, Ely. ADMISSION: Visitors £3 – Members free. Tel: 01353 669326 Cambs Community Archive This is a web site for old and new photographs of Ely and the immediate area surrounding it.

Contribute photos etc by filling in the on line form on the website: www.ccan.co.uk e:ely@ccan.co.uk Prickwillow Engine Museum Prickwillow near Ely is a registered charity and run by volunteers, the museum houses many very large and rare diesel engine all in working order, it also tells the story of the drainage of the Fens, complemented by a static display of drainage and farming tools and equipment . Tel: 01353 688360 / www.prickwillowmuseum.com / www.facebook. com/museumatprickwillow

The Stained Glass Museum The Stained Glass Museum holds workshops, family drop-ins and lectures throughout the year. www.stainedglassmuseum.com curator@ stainedglassmuseum.com or 01353 660355

INTEREST GROUPS City of Ely Allotments and Gardens Association. The Stores in the grounds of Ely Beet Sports & Social Club, Lynn Road, Ely is run by volunteers and is open as follows: February to November inclusive Saturdays- 10.00am to 12 noon. Mondays 6.30pm to 8.00pm except Bank Holidays December, January and up to mid February Saturdays 10.00am to 12.00 noon Membership for 2018-19 is £5.00 and members benefit from a 10% discount www.elyallotmentsandgardens.org Ely Bridge Club The club welcomes new members, regardless of experience. We play Monday afternoons and Tuesday evenings. Barry Lowe: 01353 658356 e: elybridgeclub@gmail.com Ely and District Camra We are a friendly, local branch of The Campaign for Real Ale whose main aims are to promote real ales and cider, pubs in our area that serve these. We organise the annual Winter Beer Festival and a range of social events for our members. Membership of CAMRA includes free or reduced entry into beer festivals, reduced prices on beer and cider in some pubs, member’s discounts and access to What’s Brewing and Beer Magazine. Email: contact@elyanddistrictcamra.com www.elyanddistrictcamra.com Facebook: @ElyandDistrictCamra Twitter:@ElyBeerFestival Ely & Dist’ Caravan & Camping Club Your local Caravan Club. Monthly meetups and trips. Our next meets are To contact your local Camping and Caravanning Club email elydistrictccc@outlook.com. www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 59

lll City of Ely Flower Club Thursday 7th March AGM 6.45pm followed by Flower Demonstration. Demonstrator Pat Barton. Thursday 4th April Flower Demonstration - Vicki Hease. Needhams Hall, Ely College, Downham Road, Ely. Start time: 7.15pm. Come along and enjoy an evening filled with flowers and meet new friends. Entrance: Visitors £5 (incl: tea/coffee & biscuits). Further info: Margaret Dooling - 01353 610436 email: elyflowerclub@hotmail.co.uk Stuntney & District Gardening Club We hold regular meetings on the 1st Monday of each month at 7pm in Stuntney Social Club. We have varied and interesting speakers. We welcome new members! Tel: 07775503595 The K9 Community Cafe We are a weekly drop in cafe for people who like dogs!! Well behaved humans can accompany their own dogs for coffee, biscuits and chat. Regular activities, friendly warm atmosphere, run by volunteers. Every Thursday 10 - 12 at the Cathedral Centre Palace Green Ely. www.facebook.com/thek9cafe/ Tel:07552462040 Isle of Ely Philatelic Society We extend a warm welcome to all stamp collectors. Meetings are held monthly on a Thursday in the Community Room at Ely College, Downham Road, Ely CB6 2SH, 7.00pm for 7.30pm start. Dates of meetings are available from the Secretary on 01354 659358. Membership subscription is only £7.00 per year. We do hope that you will join us! Ely Photographic Club The club meets at the City of Ely Community College, Downham Road, Ely Wednesdays 7.30pm (annual subscription). We extend a warm welcome to all enthusiasts – novices, amateurs and professionals. We have a varied programme throughout the year encompassing all aspects of photography. Nick Bowman Tel: 01353 664085 Ely & District Model Railway Club The club membership has continued to grow in recent months and we remain happy to call for new members. So come and join us and be part of a thriving model railway club. We meet on Tuesday as well as other times. Anyone over 18 interested in joining can visit us a couple of times to see if they like it. Then Membership is £10/month. In the first instance, please contact the Club Secretary on 01480 454857 or via e-mail: crofters@ntlworld.com to arrange a visit, or make contact via our website: www.elymrc.org.uk

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LANGUAGE & LITERATURE Ely English Language Cafe All welcome at High Flyer Pub Newnham Street Ely,Tuesday and Friday from 10.30 a.m for info contact Bob Handley: e: handleybob46@gmail.com Tel: 01353 666367 FENPROBE TALKING NEWS (for the Blind & Sight Impaired) The local audio compilation of local news papers., published weekly, is available to all those unable to read 12pt (most newspapers) comfortably. If not registered blind or partially sighted, an ophthalmologist or doctor will sign your application form to confirm eligibilty. The service is free and an Mp3 player is available, also free of charge. A volunteer will visit to explain the service and how to operate the player. Secretary: 01353 861153 email: jsmith9306@aol.com Fen Speak Fen Speak is a poetry and spoken word night which takes place in Ely (at the Babylon Arts Gallery) and features regular guest speakers as well as open mic performances. Fen Speak usually takes place on the third Wednesday of Feb, April, June, August, Oct and Dec - doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Find us on Facebook or email elaine. ewart@gmail.com to be added to the mailing list. Georgette Heyer Book Club - Ely We are an informal group of fans of Georgette Heyer’s historical novels. We meet on a Saturday morning (10.30am) at The Old Fire-Engine House in Ely every 4-6 weeks to discuss a selected book over coffee / tea and a cake. All welcome and we are dog friendly too. There is a Facebook group of the same name which shows the latest book and date we are meeting. Facebook / Georgette Heyer Book Club - Ely

MUSIC Acoustic Evenings at West End House Come & Enjoy a friendly acoustic evenings with us at Ely’s cosy character local West End House, 16 West End, Ely, CB6 3AY 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. 7.30 - 11.00pm. We play in turns ‘around the room’ and there might be Folk Music, Country, A Golden Oldie or two, or even a Poem or Story. Perform yourself or just listen. Info:- Liam (01353) 659614 or T: 07775094063 E: debrunliam@outlook.com West End House (01353) 662907 lll City of Ely Military Band We are a wind or military style band which performs at venues all over the eastern region. We include a variety of instruments from the woodwind and brass sections, plus percussion, and currently have a membership of approximately fifty members. We rehearse every Tuesday evening

at Ely College, Downham Road. New players are welcome. There are no auditions. www.elyband. co.uk -Prospective players should contact Phil Green, our Musical Director, on 01353 721782 Ely Choral Society We are a mixed voice community choir holding concerts in Ely Cathedral and other venues locally with professional soloists and orchestras, together with musicians from the Ely and Cambridge area. No auditions. We rehearse on Monday evenings at Ely St John’s School in St John’s Road, CB6 3BW – do come and try us out. Tel: 07970 956401 / E:chairman@elychoralsociety.org Website: www.elychoralsociety.org Ely Consort Ely Consort is a Chamber choir of about 40 voices. We perform music in a wide variety of styles; our performance venues include Ely Cathedral as well as other local churches. Ely Consort has built up a performing reputation over the last 25 years, to be known as one of the premier Chamber Choirs in East Anglia. Membership by audition. Email: info@elyconsort.org.uk Ely Folk Club We meet monthly on the “teenth” Wednesday of the month with a concert of folk music and song featuring local and national folk artists. This is in the Old Dispensary, St. Mary’s Street, Ely, doors open at 7.30pm for an 8.00pm start. Contact 01353 740999 or 01353 664706 or via website www.elyfolkclub.co.uk Ely Area Music Centre The Ely Area Music Centre is a great opportunity for school-age students who have reached at least Grade 2 on an orchestral instrument to come and develop their skills with professional support, and to rehearse and perform as part of an orchestra! We meet at King’s School Ely Junior School, Barton Road, Ely, from 10am to 12.30pm on Saturdays during term time. For further details, please contact Cambridgeshire Music: 01480 373500, Email cm@cambridgeshire.gov.uk Rocking Ukuleles of Ely The club meets every Monday evening at The Ely Bowls Club. (bar available) £5 subs paid on each evening of attendance Great club members, fun night and a good social event. Members can volunteer to play at local charity events too. All abilities welcome. Call John Bassett (founder & leader) on: 07785 296681 e: john@caprio-ip.co.uk Ely Sinfonia Ely’s community orchestra plays regular concerts and services in Ely Cathedral and other local venues. New players always welcome in most sections, or join the Friends for discounts and free concerts. To find out more call 01353 721007 or see www.elysinfonia.co.uk

Sing! Choirs Thursday evenings 8-9.30pm at Ely St John’s Primary School. Fun, singing pop, rock and songs from the shows, regular performances raising money for local good causes. No auditions and no need to be able to read music! For more info email: kathryn@singchoirs.com or visit our website www.singchoirs.com Sing! Together - a weekly music-making and singing group in Ely for people living with a dementia, memory loss and their carers, run by registered charity All In Sound. No experience is needed, just come along and enjoy the singing and music. Please contact Kathryn Rowland on 01353 662022 or email kathryn@allinsound.co.uk Ely Youth Choir Ely Youth Choir is a mixed choir for the 13 to 19 age-group meets at St Mary’s Church Hall, St Mary’s Street, Ely, CB74HF, from 6.00-7.00 pm on Monday evenings in term time. No fees are charged and there is no audition to join. Conductor Andrew Parnell. For more details contact Sylvia Bulley sylvan@bulleyas.plus.com or 01353 774733

POLITICS Ely City Amnesty Int’ Group We hold regular meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.00pm at St Peter’s House, Broad Street, Ely, and would welcome new members to campaign and plan activities. www.amnestyelycity.org.uk email:info@elyamnesty.org.uk Ely for Europe We are a cross-party group campaigning to ensure that the UK remains as close to the centre of the European Union as possible. We support the right to remain of EU nationals living in the UK and full membership of the European Single Market. We have regular meetings and social events. please visit our website http://www.elyforeurope. org or Facebook – ElyforEurope. lll Ely Refugee Resettlement Campaign We are raising awareness and helping with the resettlement of two refugee families in the local area. The Campaign is supported by many individuals and organisations in the region, and further details of the group’s work can be found on its website. For more information, please contact: info@elyrrc.co.uk

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RELIGIOUS ORGANISATIONS Ely Baha’i Community On the first Tuesday of the month, (not Jan or Aug) we host an evening of discussion on topical issues to do with personal & social transformation at The Ely Museum (meeting room at the back), Market Street, Ely, CB74LS, 7:30 to 9:00! All are welcome, all faiths or none! A very warm & relaxed group trying to make a difference in our daily life to contribute to the betterment of the world! For more information Tel or Text: 07746761519 FB:Ely Baha’i community - email: elybahais@gmail.com Christ Church North Ely Isle of Ely School. Tel: 01353 659550 www.stmarysely.org Countess Free Church Chapel St. Ely CB6 1AD Tel: 01353 662396 www.countessely.co.uk Ely City Church 15a Silver Street. Tel: 01353 662172 www.elycitychurch.co.uk New Connexions @ High Barns Larkfield Community Centre , High Barns, Ely CB7 4SB Website: newconnexionschurch.org.uk Email: Keith@newconnexionschurch.org.uk Tel: Pastor Keith Waters, 612158 www.newconnexionschurch.org.uk lll Ely Methodist Church Chapel Street, Ely. Contact: Rev Colin Watkins 01353 720347. www.elyandnewmarket.com Every Thursday 2-course lunch at 12 noon for 12.15 for just £5, no booking required Ely and District Spiritualist Church Larkfield Community Centre , High Barns, Ely CB7 4SB contact Elizabeth on 07769963850 St Etheldreda’s Catholic Church Egremont Street, Ely. Tel: 01353 662759 Ely Cathedral The College, Ely. Tel: 01353 667735 www.elycathedral.org Ely Cathedral - Mothers’ Union First Wednesday of the month at the Cathedral Centre at 7.30pm. At our monthly meeting we have a speaker and refreshments. All are welcome. Visitors £2 and Members £1. Eunice Reddish 01353 661502 www.elycathedral.org worship/mothersunion Ely Cathedral - Edward Bear Club Every Friday morning during term time from 10.00 to 11.00 at Powcher’s Hall on Firmary Lane (behind the Cathedral). Parents, carers and pre-school 62 | Elyi Magazine | www.elyimagazine.com

children worship together with story, song and prayer. Contact: Angela Jones 01353 665810 St Mary’s Church - Monday Club The club meets in the church hall on the 1st and 3rd Monday in the month, opening at 2:00pm for a 2:30 start. The programme includes a range of social events, including speakers on a wide range of subjects. Afternoon tea and cakes are served at every meeting. £1.00 per meeting. Elizabeth Flood on 01353 662385 St Mary’s Church Ely - Mothers’ Union We meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 2.15pm in St Mary’s Church Rooms. We have a varied programme of speakers and social events. Through our membership, we seek to support work and care for families locally, nationally and worldwide. All are welcome to attend. Contact the Church Office: 01353 659550 www.stmarysely.org/mothers-union.html www.facebook.com/StMarysElyMU/ St Mary’s Church of England St Mary’s Street, Ely. Tel: 01353 659550 lll St Peter-in-Ely, Church of England EVERY SUNDAY 09.30 to 10.45 St Peter-in-Ely, Broad Street, Ely CB7 4BQ UK A Church of England sung service of Holy Communion in the Anglo-Catholic style of worship, using traditional language, followed by refreshments in St Peter’s Hall. All are welcome. Please also see www.elystpeterschurch.co.uk www.facebook.com/elystpeters or tel: 01353 665047 Ely Quaker Meeting Every Sunday at The Old Dispensary, St Mary’s Street, Ely at 10.30. Visitors are welcome to join us. We come together in silence and stillness, for about an hour, followed by coffee and informal chat. www.quaker.org.uk/about-quakers/ Pauline Weston, paweston25@gmail.com The Lighthouse Fellowship Lynn Rd, Ely Tel: 01353 662228 email: info@lighthouse-ely.org www.lighthouse-ely.org/whatson The Lighthouse Knitters Projects include various charitable knits and self improvement. We meet between 9.30 - 11.30am on a Tuesday morning, all year round. Beginners and all age groups welcome, materials are provided and tea and coffee available for a small donation. Delia Wakeling on 01353 861126 or Maria Martin 01353 772 812

SCIENCE Ely Astronomy Club Meetings commence at 7.30pm at the Vernon Cross Rm, Ely Museum. Informal, friendly and exciting. Beginners and families are welcome. Join us and journey to the stars! 2nd friday of the month from Sept - June (July & Aug no meetings) No admission fee, retiring collection. Mike Stephens / mike@sulis.demon.co.uk Facebook: Ely Astronomy Club http://sites.google.com/site/elyastroclub/ Ely Humanists Usually meets at Ely Library Meeting Room. 3rd Saturdays 10.00am – 11.30am. For info email: elyhumanistssec@gmail.com or visit http://ely. humanist.org.uk/

SOCIAL Ely and District 41 Club A Club made up of past members of Round Table. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at The Almonry Restaurant 7.00 for 7.30. If you are a past Round Tabler living in the Ely area please get in touch. Nigel Davies.01353 721037 or njdavies1@aol.com LGBT+ in Ely & Cambridgeshire A LGBT+ group who meet on Fridays once a month for drinks at The Royal Standard in Forehill Ely from 7pm onwards or join us for brunch at Samovar on 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month 10am -12noon. Other local events also organised at various times. Email: lgbtqcambridgeshire@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/LGBTEly https://www.facebook.com/LGBTCambridgeshire Ely & District Probus Club The 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month at The Cathedral Centre, Palace Green Ely at 10:00. Membership is open to all Professional and Business people resident in Ely and District who are fully or semi-retired. Companionship, discussion and other activities such as outings, luncheons and guest invitation meetings. Contact Charles Spottiswoode 01353 967014 Ely Branch Royal British Legion All meetings are held at 1930hrs in the Town House, 60-64, Market Street, Ely, CB7 4LS. New members always welcome. Contact Brian Crabtree Tel: 07533 593848 E: CityOfEly.secretary@rbl. community Ely City Trefoil Guild The Trefoil Guild is ‘Guiding for Adults’ and is celebrating its 75th Anniversary nationally this year. Ely Guild meets at the Old Dispensary on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.15pm. New members always made welcome. Contact: Barbara on bjk17@btinternet.com

Ely Tuesday Group Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (except December when it is on the 2nd Tuesday) at the Old Dispensary, 13 St. Mary’s Street, Ely Refreshments are served from 10am, followed by a guest speaker from 10.30-11.30. All newcomers welcome. Contact Pamela Austin 01353 610825 lll Ely City Women’s Institute Meets on 2nd Monday of each month. Mon 11th March 2019: Make a Gelatine Flower Ruth Sindall Mon 18th April : Speaker from Arthur Rank Hospice. The Old Dispensary, 13 St Mary’s Street, Ely, CB7 4ER. 7.30pm to approximately 9.45pm (feel free to arrive from 7.15pm). We welcome new members to join us at any time of the year. Please contact us via any of the following methods: Website: http://wielycity.wixsite.com/ home. Email:ruth.g.sindall@btconnect.com Find us on Facebook: Ely City WI lll Ely Northwold Women’s Institute Every 2nd Wednesday in the month at 7.15pm in the Ely Cathedral Learning Centre, Palace Green , Ely, CB6 4EW apart from January when we have a post Christmas meal at a local venue. We have a varied and interesting programme that includes speakers, demonstrations and visits out. for info contact: rosemary.green5@talktalk.net Tel: 01353 661508 Ely Archers We are a friendly and thriving club. We promote shooting socially, for fun and shooting seriously for tournaments. Based in Ely, we shoot both indoors and outdoors (weather permitting). Becoming an annual member of Ely Archers allows you the chance to shoot with us throughout the year: twice a week in Winter and three times a week in Summer. http://www.elyarchers.org.uk General enquiries to: info@elyarchers.co.uk. Membership: membership@elyarchers.org.uk Ely Victoria Badminton Club Tuesdays 7pm-10pm at Ely Paradise Sports Centre. A friendly BE registered badminton club, open to all competitive abilities from improvers to experts. With around 55 members the club demonstrates a good balance of competitive sport based in a very sociable environment. elyvicbad@gmail.com www.badmintonely.co.uk / Twitter @ElyVicBad Facebookwww.facebook.com/ elyvictoriaBadminton East Cambs Basket Ball Club Providing basketball for all ages, 8 and above of all standards, for boys and girls. Our sessions are fun and competitive. If you would like to give the sport a go, are returning to the sport or have moved to the area looking for a new club, then get in touch or come to one of the training www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 63

sessions. First session is free. Warriors training sessions: U12 team: Ages 8-11. Mon nights, 6:30pm7:30pm. Kings School Sports Hall. Cost £5 / U14 & U16 teams: Ages 12-15. Wed nights, 6:30pm8pm. Kings School Sports Hall. Cost £5 / Under 18 & men’s Senior teams: Ages 16+ Tuesday nights, 730pm-10pm. At the Hive Leisure Centre. Cost £6. For further info contact@eastcambsbasketball. co.uk or visit: www.eastcambsbasketball.co.uk City of Ely Bowls Club Our Indoor club is open all year; and from May to September you can also play on our outdoor green. We are a family friendly club where any age can join in and have a game. Our U18 section meet on a Sunday morning for coaching and fun, and we hold a general turn up and play called a ‘drive’ on Monday & Friday mornings & Tuesday afternoons. If you are interested in giving bowls a try please call the club for details. www.cityofelybowlsclub.org.uk Tel: 01353 665272 Email: cityofelybowlsclub@btconnect.com City of Ely Cricket Club City of Ely Cricket Club have been playing at the Paradise ground since 1856. We are Clubmark accredited and run a range of teams for adults and youths (from Year 4). We also run regular training sessions through the winter. www.cityofely.play-cricket.com e-mail: cityofely_cc@hotmail.com Octagon Cycling Club We are a friendly local cycling club based in Ely. We meet Wednesday & Thursday evenings for indoor spinning & summer training rides, and Saturday and Sunday mornings for long rides (30 to 80 miles) at varying speeds between 15 & 24+ mph depending on terrain. We aim to stay together & no rider is left behind. New members are ALWAYS welcome...there is no joining fee or subscription, no commitment just the pleasure of riding a road bike on quiet Fenland roads with friends.....plus quite a bit of banter! www.octagoncycling.com / octagoncyclingclub@gmail.com Contacts Robin Jones 07824 486 105 Ely City Golf Club Located at the edge of the City, just off the Cambridge Road, the 18 hole course is rated as one of East Anglia’s premier Championship parkland golf courses. The club has practice facilities, a pro-shop and a superb clubhouse serving firstclass food and beverages with stunning views overlooking the course.Come and see what Ely City Golf Club has to offer you For further information please call 01353 662751 www.elygolf.co.uk / email: info@elygolf.co.uk

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Ely & District Cycling Club For more information, to book a place or to reserve a bicycle please contact Cliff Loveday on 07823 338615 lll Ely High Badminton Club Every Wednesday (term time) 7.30-9.30pm Ely College, Downham Road. Contact: Ron Grant : ron.grant@ntlworld.com. Tel: 01353 610743 Ely City Hockey Club We are based at and uses the astro turf pitch at Ely Outdoor Sports Association, just off the Downham Road/A10 roundabout. We’re a friendly club and welcome players of all ages and all abilities. We have a very active Junior section with nearly 100 boys and girls aged 6-16 years training weekly and competing against local clubs. Training times are (September – April): Juniors Tues 7-8pm / Ladies Tues 8-9.30pm / Mens Tues 8-9.30pm For more info : :www.pitchero.com/clubs/ elycityhockey Tel: 07815 905288 / Facebook: Ely City Hockey Club Twitter: @ElyHockeyClub Ely High Badminton Club Every Wednesday (term time) 7.30-9.30pm Ely College, Downham Road. Contact: 01353 699484 / john.clarke@tesco.net Ely Vikings Korfball Meetings each Monday evening at the gym at Ely College - 6pm (juniors aged 7-13, for one hour) and 7pm (seniors, for two hours.) No previous experience is required - just turn up and enjoy your first free session. Find out more at: http:// www.elyvikings.com / elyvikings@outlook.com Littleport Lions Korfball Every Tuesday evening, Littleport Leisure Centre, Camel Rd. All year round, new players can get two free trial sessions at any time of year. Contact Andy on: andrewdunlop@hotmail.com, website: www.littleport-lions.co.uk Facebook or watch our introductory video on YouTube by searching for “This is Korfball”. City of Ely Netball Club City of Ely Netball Club offers netball training and competition for women and girls (from School Year 7) The Club has 2 adult squads and 2 junior teams and offers umpiring/coaching opportunities. It has England Netball CAPS accreditation. For more information: web: www.cityofelynetball.co.uk email: elycity@hotmail.co.uk / tel: 01353 662886 Ely Netball Club The club is a thriving club with currently 30 members of all ages and abilities and we encourage women to return to sport to get fit and healthy but also as a great social activity. Victoria Cutforth, Treasurer Ely Netball Club: elynetball@ hotmail.co.uk / 07518 080362

Riding and Skating Ely (R.A.S.E.) Advocating for a new skatepark in Ely. Join RASE on Instagram and Facebook for events and competitions. FB/Riding and skating Ely Ely Rugby Club Ely Rugby Club is a strong club on and off the pitch promoting enjoyment for all and the Rugby core values of Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship. Our Minis section starts with U6s playing tag rugby and caters for children up to 11 years old (U12s). The Youth section provides for children from 12 years old (U13s) up to 18, at which time they can join the Senior section. www.pitchero.com/clubs/ elytigersrfc / email: kwilson67@btinternet.com Ely Runners Tues & Thurs 7pm Paradise Centre. Membership Secretary Richard Hill: secretary@elyrunners.co.uk Ely Sailing Club Ely Sailing Club is based at Roswell Pits in Ely, over 40 acres of attractive fresh water with islands, trees and banks. We are a recognised Royal Yachting Association (RYA) training centre and have also been awarded RYA Champion Club status for our race coaching. Sailing takes place between Easter and the end of October on Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Full details can be found on our website: www.elysailingclub.org Ely Squash Club Ely Squash club welcomes new members. We have 2 squash courts, changing rooms, car parking and bar. We are located near the new Cineworld cinema in Ely. Free membership for children and students. We have men and ladies teams in the Cambs squash league, as well as internal ‘box’ leagues for players of all abilities.The squash courts are accessible to members 24/7, and the bar is open every evening Monday to Friday. Tel:01353 662156 www.elysquash.mycourts.co.uk lll Ely Table Tennis Club We hold weekly practice sessions at Ely College (Needhams Hall) every Monday and at Littleport Leisure Centre every Thursday. Juniors only from 6pm to 8pm, Juniors and Adults from 7pm to 8pm and Adults only from 8pm to 9pm. FREE taster session for new members. Two hour session Adults £5.00, students in full time education £2.00. 1-1 coaching included and available for everyone to improve. All ages and abilities welcome to join the practice sessions and one of the clubs six league teams. For more information contact Karen Byford, Club Secretary,elytabletennis@gmail.com

Ely Tennis Club We are a community-based not-for-profit club committed to making tennis available to everybody in and around Ely. We offer junior and adults coaching courses, enabling players to develop their game as well as having fun. We also have a number of teams representing the Club, playing teams around the County both home and away. Last, but not least, we organise social events throughout the year. More info from: www.elytennisclub.co.uk. For occasional play you can book courts via our website - cost to non-members is £8 p.h The Ely Walking Group Please come and join us. Contact Sonia: email impducha@yahoo.co.uk or tel 01353 725140 for starting point Walking Netball ‘Let’s Get Moving East Cambridgeshire’ brings you Walking Netball. This slowed down version of Netball is the perfect way to get out and active, whether you have never played Netball before or you haven’t played it for a while. Walking Netball is for women of all ages and abilities. Sessions run on Wednesday’s at Littleport Leisure Centre 7pm - 8pm. Your first session is free of charge and then future sessions will cost £4. For more information contact Sophie Edwards, Sophie.Edwards@ eastcambs.gov.uk or call 01353 616348

SUPPORT Cambridgeshire Invisible Illness Support (CAMBSIIS) Want 2019 to be the year you improve? Time to look at moving a little bit more, getting a bit more active, to help our health and well-being. We will be meeting monthly for support and information at The Old Dispensary on St Mary’s Street 6pm. Email: info@cambsiis.co.uk / Phone: 07793671728 Care Network Cambs Supporting Volunteers, Encouraging Independence, Developing Good neighbour projects. Tel: 01954 211919 email: volunteering@care-network.org.uk Website: www.care-network.org.uk twitter @CareNetworkCamb Facebook: Care Network Cambridgeshire Cambridge Cruse Bereavement Care. We are a support group for Bereaved people, offering a warm and friendly welcome at our Coffee Mornings in the Methodist Church, Chapel Street, Ely. Our meetings are on the first and third Wednesday of each month from 10.15am to 11.45am. Do come along if you have been bereaved, you will not only find support from our volunteers but also friendship and support from www.elyimagazine.com | Elyi Magazine | 65

other members of the group. Contact Mary on 01353 659314 Cambridge Cruse 01223 302662 Death Café Drink tea. Eat cake. Discuss death. At a Death Cafe people come together in a relaxed setting to drink tea, eat cake and share their stories about death. Warning: feelings of relief, positivity and unexpected humour may occur. Starbucks, , The Cloisters, , Ely CB7 4ZH Email: elydeathcafe@ gmail.com / Facebook: Ely Death Café lll Ely Dementia Group We meet fortnightly on a Thursday from 10a.m. to 12p.m. at The Recreational Hall in Militia Way, off Barton Road Car Park. Our meetings are for carers, past and present and the cared-for. The charge is £2 per head which goes towards refreshments and outings. For further information please contact Julie Day on Ely 612369 or 07968739406 Ely Foodbank The food bank is run in partnership with Churches together in Ely. Donations can be left at collection points at Sainsbury, Tesco & Waitrose in Ely or brought to the food bank store on Barton Road. See website for times. Emergency food needs and general enquiriesTel: 01353 468626 / email: info@elyfoodbank.org.uk www.ely.foodbank.org.uk Little Miracles A charity run by parents, who know what it is like to have a child with an additional need, disability or life limiting conditions. We provide a free, safe environment with activities for all children with additional needs, disabilities and life-limiting conditions and their siblings. We offer a variety of services to meet the differing needs of families. We meet each Saturday at The Ely Community Centre, High Barns 2pm – 4pm and Parent Coffee Groups are held Wednesdays 10:30-12noon at Larkfields Café, High Barns. Ely@littlemiraclescharity.org.uk, or call 01353 664 644. Facebook: Little Miracles Ely Branch. Ely Milks 1.30-2.30pm on Thursdays at the Cathedral Centre on Palace Green Breastfeeding support. Ely Milks is a charitable organisation providing information and support for mums who are breastfeeding. For more info go to: www.elymilks.co.uk Ely & District Parkinsons UK Support Group Meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Bell Holt Community Hall. We meet for support and socialising as well as listening to our programme of speakers. Contact Brian Hayes Chairman on 01353 860102 or the Secretary Jenny Lowles on 01353 669326

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POS+ABILITY Are you living with the effects of a Stroke? Parkinson’s? Multiple Sclerosis? Muscular Dystrophy? or other long-term Neurological conditions? Come and join us at our established weekly classes in Ely, Littleport and Histon. If you have an interest in our area of work, our team would like to hear from you. Potential Staff and Volunteers Please get in touch. T: 07565 598193 E: posability3@gmail.com W: www. posability.org TMW ELY Touch My World Productions hosts TMW Ely, the 1st & 3rd Friday of every month. A fabulously fun evening of themed entertainment and activities for people with learning disabilities. Join us from 7pm – 9pm at Larkfields Resource Centre, High Barns, Ely, CB7 4SB. Facebook @touchmyworld For more info contact Suzie on 07739638817 or email info@touchmyworld.co.uk. www.touchmyworld.co.uk and find us on Young Peoples Support – Centre 33 Ely Drop In Centre 33 operates from 24a Barton Road which is above Centre E, facing the car park. We are open for drop in sessions from 4-7pm on Thursdays. Free to young people between the ages of 13 and 25 – we offer support with housing, sexual health, money & budgeting, mental health and emotional well-being, or just pop in for a coffee and a chat. Natalie Gildersleeve - natalieg@centre33.org.uk www.centre33.org.uk Tel: 0333 4141 809

Thank you so much to all the club secretaries and organisers that send in details! Don’t forget to keep us up to date. The deadline for the MAY/JUNE 2019 magazine is 10th APRIL editor@elyimagazine.com

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