The voice of the equestrian industry for over 40 years.
December issue includes:
NEWS - What’s been happening?; PRODUCT NEWS - Latest launches; BENCH SADDLER OF THE MONTH - Meet our winner; TURN BACK THE PAGES - What ETN was reporting five, ten, 20 and 30 years ago 15; WHOLESALERS DIRECTORY - Suppliers at your service; SADDLES AND LEATHERCARE - News and products; Side saddle special; Manufacturer’s 40th anniversary; AMTRA ACCREDITED RAMA CPD FEATURE - Making the most of omega 3s; BETA BUSINESS AWARDS - How to nominate your favourites; SUPPORT FOR RETAILERS - Let’s work together ; PEOPLE - Who’s new, who’s moved?; SMS ACCREDITED SADDLE FITTERS’ CPD FEATURE - Test your girthing knowledge; SOCIAL MEDIA MATTERS With Rhea Freeman; BETA AGM - New Council members named; COUNTY COURT JUDGMENTS