Brand Development and Promotion - Brand Book

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our story

Shibui welcomes you. Join our journey to a more mindful life, embracing all that is important both close to you and taking care of what’s around you. Here, we believe we’re all equally responsible for the preservence of our planet. This is why we craft our products using reclaimed wood, each timber holds its own story and natural beauty, helping add a unique sense of character to your table. We want people to enjoy dining at home at the same levels as if they’d paid to eat out. Following the Japanese’ heightened sense of belonging and family, we wish to bring people back to a home environment to kindle with those dear to them.

meet the designer

Robbie Lightfoot Born in Manchester, Robbie first became involved with design through his father whom taught him woodwork and car design. Growing up, he formed a greater interest in art and design which consequently led him onto study Product & Furniture design at Nottingham Trent University.

It was through Robbie’s creation of ‘The Sharer’ Shibui came to exist. Robbie’s aim for this piece was to create a visually appealing alternative to plastic containers whilst reducing waste at intimate family events. This, along with his inspiration from Japanese design, created the foundation of Shibui.

vision To encapsulate the Japanese’ strong sense of family values and bring people together by altering the everyday event of eating at home into a more mindful dining experience, drawing back to basics and encouraging consumers to fully immerse in their food, a practice commonly only endured when dining out.

mission To bring a sense of character and story to the table by enhancing natural attributes of reclaimed wood; putting focus on the natural wood grain rather than excessive design or colour to offer a rustic aesthetic and encourage mindful practice.

values Family-orientated




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essence: Japanese culture refines rustic dining Japanese



well-crafted concept of feng shui

minimalistic sophisticated simplicity

naturally beautiful embraces unique characteristics of materials

design ethos

tone of voice warmly welcoming modest wisdom calm and collected

personality humble sophisticated and elegant traditional

our usp

Japanese culture: with a strong sense of family values design: precision


embraces unique, natural characteristics of wood offer a story through the use of reclaimed wood

mindful dining experience

bringing the more mindfulness experience into your own home





A distinct sense of beauty, understated and well crafted, exquisite but not overly sweet, the opposite of showiness or gaudiness. The word conveys sense of elegance and refinement, sophisticated simplicity, tranquillity, natural imperfection, and modesty. - Patricia J. Graham

product range





all products available in:

carbonised bamboo

Products include a full range of tableware (plates, bowls, cutlery) along with a selection of sharing platters and serving dishes in a range of sizes to cater for any family/ event size or cuisine.

brand guidelines logo

Logo and strap-line font:

Kohinoor Bangla Logo and name may appear in conjunction or individually Tagline doesn’t always need to be present

Logo may be positioned on any edge of the logo but must be central

Do not adjust proportions of name or logo


Fonts, brand name and logo may appear in any of the following


[paper] white

8a8989 - grey R -138 G- 137 B - 137

[registration] black

font kahinoor bangla - size 50 [titles]

kahinoor bangla - size 30 [headings] avenir next - size 11 -

[body text]

image guidelines

Background images must be of reclaimed wood, transparency levels should not be altered however colour balance may be adjusted is front layers must be made clearer.

Wood designs may also be used as backgrounds or separators. If used as background, design should be erased in places in order to make text or other front layers more visible.

Images will commonly be used showing products in use. These may be images shared from bloggers who share a love for Shibui.

If posting regarding another business or project their logo should always be presented over the image clearly, generally in black or white unless otherwise requested.

Logo and name may appear over images if still clear to read and easily identifiable

When placed with wood graphic design, image should be removed behind and around the name and logo

packaging Packaging should be in keeping with our minimalist approach. No unnecessary cellophane or cardboard boxes should be used; most products will merely have a tag including our logo and commonly used wood design and the back shall show the product name, price and contain its barcode.

To follow environmental values all tags must be made from recycled cardboard.


our partners WWF Forest Campaign

Pledge to promise to source all wood and paper legally and sustainably by 2020.

Community Wood Recycling

Get inspired to re-purpose wood. Dispose of your unneeded wood at your local plant or collect donated wood to start your own projects!

A Greener Festival

Tackling the issue of waste at festivals by helping organisers adopt environmentally friendly practices.

reclaimed wood Here at Shibui, we believe we all have a responsibility to help stop deforestation and the drastic effects it leaves in surrounding areas and our planet. We use only reclaimed wood sourced from a range of suppliers across the UK, eliminating the need for more trees to be cut down. Not only does this help the environment but gives our products a unique story behind them, bringing a sense of character to your home.

why people buy

All our customers appreciate the quality of our products and refined craftsmanship. It is this which makes them willing buy, and in some cases to pay above average for, our tableware. Listed are various additional reasons our customers are interested and buy from us. This has also been broken down into our consumer segments on the following page.

aesthetic environmental uniqueness culture well-being


Seeks a rustic aesthetic to present to their own customers

the upcoming rustic restaurant

Seeks a way to quickly and easily present his food in an aesthetically pleasing way

the aspiring chef

customers Seeks brands who share his environmental values

the eco-warrior

Seeks the rustic aesthetic and strives for mindfulness when eating

the aesthetic obsessed mother

Jamie Lynn 29

the aesthetic obsessed mother Shibui is ideal for Jamie as it offers a medium to present food in an aesthetically pleasing manor, allowing her to achieve the standards of lifestyle bloggers she follows and aspires to on Instagram. The use of wood draws back to basics to allow a more mindful approach to food in terms of presentation and consumption.

aspires to lifestyle bloggers traveller eye for detail clean eater loving mother mindful

Alex Ross 34

the aspiring chef

show off substance over style aspiring chef committed partnership business man

Alex has a passion for cooking and enjoys hosting dinner parties when he can to show off his creations to his friends. To him flavour is more important however he seeks a way to quickly and easily present his food in an aesthetically pleasing manor in order to greater impress his guests. Shibui tableware offers this with a range to fit any cuisine Alex experiments with.

communication plan

aims awareness

raise awareness to be known as a tableware brand of Japanese culture and rustic aesthetic in the mind of consumers


make consumers aware of environmental values and use of reclaimed wood


consumers partake in the practice of mindfulness including considerations to recycle materials

key areas for communication rustic aesthetic environmental importance mindfulness mentality Japanese association

Instagram will be our primary social media platform used in order to capture the attention of 'The Aesthetic Obsessed Mother'. This will encaptualate all other communications taking place over the year, therefore coveing all 4 of the areas to cover while offering a visual reference for our consumers.

rustic aesthetic

Conveiance our value of the natural characteristics of wood, the rustic aesthetic this can create and how to use in at your table.

home edits

restaurant edits




“Ecoalf symbolizes what the fabrics and products of the new generations should be, creating clothing and accessories made entirely from recycled materials with the same quality, design and technical properties as the best non-recycled products. That way we show that there is no need to use our world´s natural resources in a careless way” - Javier Goyeneche, President of Ecoalf

Joining forces to educate the market on recycling materials. Funding the operation through a collaborative range; clothing crafted from ocean waste and printed with our signature wodd design.

our partners Expressing our level of importance regarding preservance of our planet and encouraging others to follow in our footsteps, disposing of materials appropriately so they may be repurposed.


Drawing back to basics through the use of wood and stripped back, minimalistic approach to design. As well as running a stand, our products will feature in the live cooking theatre at Balance festival.

mindful painting events learn the art of mindfulness enhance the natural characteristics of wood through painting wood grain family friendly event create an art piece for your home

Japanese Conveying our association to Japanese culture and design, we will appear at London’s Japan Matsuri, the celebration of all things Japanese.


Emily Kemp N0684707

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