OUGD505; Studio Brief 2 Campaign Overview
Product, Range, Distribution
The Campaign Individual Interpretation of the Brief Chosen issue catogery Campaign for social change Chosen social change to focus on throughout the brief Mental Health Awareness Specific route to follow relative to selected project focus; raising awareness & reducing the stigma often associated with mental health across various age groups (primarily children / younger audiences). ‘One Thing’ is all about making a positive differenece. It is about using positivity to combat all areas of stigma and negativity surrounding mental health, and is designed for sufferers as well as those with loved ones who may be suffering. Educating everybody on this matter will encourage a wider acceptance and understanding of these issues that happen so often around us all, and often we know nothing or very little about how to help. The idea focuses on everybody doing their bit, and encouraging everybody to make one small change, say one thing or do one thing in an attempt to help; one thing that is going to make a difference.
Campaign Collateral; Children’s Book Audience; Children ages 6-12 Distribution; Book would be available in schools and places such as doctors surgeries, children’s health centre’s etc. I feel as though this product is successful for the chosen target audience, as it highlights positivity in an easy to read and east to understand way, as well as being informative and encouraging. To take this further in the future, I am going to contact the NHS as well as some private health care providers, and ask about the possibilty of having this publication used within their clinics and hospitals. Children and young people knowing about these kind of issues and having this awareness from their young age is becoming more and more important, as hopefully this will continue throughout their later years, and therefore continue further throughout generations to come.
Campaign Collateral; Second Book Audience; Ages 13+ targeting those who know of someone going through any kind of mental health issue and are looking for advice on how to help. Distribution; Book would be available to purchase in book stores and online. The feedback I recieved on the final outcome of this publication was extremely positive, as when I was speaking to those who have previously suffered with mental health difficulties, they stated that something like this was ‘exactly what they would have wanted’. A survey that I carried out throughout the project stated that often, the person suffering does not always want to talk openly about how they are feeling, therefore the option to tear out the pages and give/recieve them as notes of support has been a successful idea across all audiences.
Campaign Collateral; Children’s Posters Audience; Children ages 6-12 Distribution; Posters would be distributed around schools and around other suitable locations such as hospitals, doctors, etc. The idea for these poster designs was taken from the children’s book that has also been produced as part of the campaign. The poster series shows various ways of being considerate of one another across a young age group, encouraging positivity amongst this generation and supporting an uplifting, upbeat atmosphere. I aim to take the distribution of this collateral further by contacting children’s care centres and schools to enquire about the possibility of getting them displayed within classrooms/play areas.
Campaign Collateral; Campaign Awareness Posters Audience; All ages Distribution; Posters would be distributed around public areas both indoors and outdoors, to ensure maximum viewing potential. This poster is successful overall, as it highlights exactly what is needed to be seen and understood in a clear and subtle way. Including the hashtag at the bottom of the page highlights the live and active nature of the campaign, and therefore allows viewers to realise that they can get involved in the campaign through their own social media profiles. If the campaign were to go ahead, I would like to contact various places in the city centre, to hopefully get the poster on show in a few different places.
Campaign Collateral; Hand-outs Audience; Ages 13+ Distribution; Hand-out’s would be distributed across a range of health-related venues such as doctors surgeries, hospitals, schools (first aid rooms). The hand-out’s are there to bring attention to the campaign in a subtle and effective way. The nature of this product means that someone can pick one up as they are traveling, waiting, etc, and quickly be informed about the campaign. The illustration on the front of the hand-out gives readers something aesthetically pleasing to encourage them to pick up and hand-out, before then learning about the campaign once turning the page.
Campaign Collateral; App Design Audience; Ages 15+ Distribution; The app design would be advertised on other collateral throughout the campaign and used by those in need of support. I feel as though if the campaign was to be taken into production and become recognised by more people, this app could potentially become very popular and sucessful, as strongly focusing on positivity and encouragement is something that is not done enough to help raise awareness about mental health. Because of the positive nature of the app design and the fact that it is easy to use, I feel as though it could be widely used by many people who suffer with any kind of mental heath issue. As I am unsure of how to put an app together so it works on a phone, I am considering asking an IT developer to possibly do so for me, and hopefully if this get’s done, I can make some enquiries about the app possibly being taken into production.
Emily Patrick EP251810