Pollyanaa Show Program

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Theatre Arts For Everyone


April 7 -9, 2017

TAFE’s Mission: To give everyone the opportunity to be involved in, educated about, and entertained by the art of live theatre.

Show Sponsors

Director Kahlil Mir

Designers In Memory of Mary Pat Endres Joyce Knox Julie Muszynski Bob, Robert & Micki Rife

We cannot Thank You ALL Enough!

Continuing Thanks Too ‌ Penn State Management Saint Marks Lutheran Church 700 East Market St. They welcome you to worship with them Sundays 9:30 AM

This Production is dedicated to the Memories of … Stephen P. Doud, Jr. & Mary Pat Endres. Welcome! In 1913, Eleanor H. Porter wrote a best-selling novel called Pollyanna, which is now considered a classic of children’s literature. The title character’s name quickly became a popular term for someone with a very optimistic outlook. The story has been adapted for film several times. Disney’s 1960 version with child actress Hayley Mills, who won a special Oscar for the role, was perhaps the best known. The 1920 version starred the famous Mary Pickford. TAFE’S adaptation is a labor of love. I have always believed that being happy and positive is a much better life choice than the alternative. It is our choice how we see the world around us. So I didn’t specifically play ‘the glad game’, but I was always looking for the upside of all situations. Also, being an orphan myself, I have an affinity for orphanage stories. Pollyanna has given me a chance to flesh out characters and additional storylines implied in the original. I do hope you enjoy Otis, Willis, Percy, Rosie, and Daisy etc. as much as you do Jimmy Bean. You will meet all the characters you are expecting. Plus you will be treated to a bevy of Ladies Aiders. You will also get a glimpse of how everyday life was different ‘back in the day.’ We have had much fun putting this play together for you. We hope you can now enjoy our efforts, and that you leave wanting to ‘play the glad game’ too. Thank You for supporting the art of Live Theatre and the importance of sharing Classic Stories with newer generations. Please tell all of your friends to come see Pollyanna too. Sincerely, Diane Crews


Pollyanna Saves Jimmy Bean Written and Directed by Diane Crews

Production Stage Manager Gina Wagner

Stage Managers Caity Dettinger, Miranda Kovach, Stella Wolfe

Producers Cortney Biehl, Maryann Gross, Amanda Kannel, Aziza Kline, Jill Kovach

Producer Mentor…Shama Mir

Lighting Designer…Tony Fogle Set Designer

Allen Brenner

Sound Designer…Dave Unger

…Laura Jameson Head, Publicity, Show Shots & Video… Scott Miller Props Mistress

CREWS Props…Ayah Kline, Taylor Thomas Set…Paul Brown, Che Underwood, Kaidin Mir-Young, Jerrry Young,

Costumes…MaryAnn Hoke, Annie Susemihl Lights…Kaidin Mir-Young Sound…Kristia Kannel 2

Cast In order of speaking Miss Katherine Darring..........................................................Paige Gross Pollyanna Whittier..................................Miranda Kovach & Stella Wolfe Mrs. Buelah Ashter...........................................................MaryAnn Hoke Miss Adeline Thomas........................................................Caity Dettinger Aunt Polly Harrington..........................................................Katy Petiford Miss Nancy Jackson.........................................................Annie Susemihl Old Tom..................................................................................Dave Unger Otis......................................................................................Josiah Kannel Percy.................................................................................Sawyer Zimmer Saralee.................................................................................Sara Youcheff Daisy.....................................................................................Zaynab Kline Hilda.......................................................................................Ashley Diaz Willis....................................................................................Ethan Kannel Rosie.........................................................................Abygael Underwood Leona..........................................................................Hannah Rosenberry Jimmy Bean.......................................................................Noah Youcheff Clayton.................................................................................Wesley Wolfe Millicent............................................................................Jennica Wagner Doctor Chilton............................................................Quinton Laughman Mrs. Erma Crofton...................................................................Beth Spahr Miss Cora Mason....................................................................Aziza Kline Mrs. Winifred Ford..............................................................Cortney Biehl Reverend Ford......................................................................Brian Kannel Jennie Snow...................................................................Ava Swift Werner Mrs. Myrtle Snow.................................................................Gina Wagner Mr. John Pendleton ............................................................Steve Ruffatto 3

Bios Cortney Bieh (Winifred Ford) is 39. This is her second stage appearance and the first time she can ever be called a “Mrs.”, even if it is just in a play! Cortney works for the state and is thankful for blankets and being able to relax when she is not feeling well. Caity Dettinger (Adeline Thomas) is 18 and works as an officer manager. She has been involved in almost twice as many shows as her age!! For Caity, the best part of living in the early 1900s would be the clothing and the music, and the worst part would be no cell phones. Ashley Diaz (Hilda) is a 13 year old who attends York City Schools. She has been in 4 productions, most often on stage. The best part of living in the early 1900s would be that the internet wouldn’t be able to spoil her favorite TV shows because it wouldn’t exist; at the same time, no internet would be the worst part as well. Paige Gross (Katherine Darring) is 17 and is currently finishing her senior year as a homeschooler, as well as taking courses at HACC. She is as experienced backstage as onstage, having performed in over 20 shows. When she has a cold, she is thankful for pajama days and tea. MaryAnn Hoke (Buelah Ashter & Costumes) is a surgery scheduler for the Surgical Center of York. This is her 2nd on stage appearance. If she lived in the 1900s MaryAnn thinks that the best thing would be the slower pace and the much less hectic lifestyle, and the lack of electricity would be the worst part. Brian Kannel (Rev. Ford) is a 41 year old pastor with York Alliance Church. He has been in too many productions to count. The best thing for Brian about living in the early 1900s would be the absence of internet, texting, cell phones and constant connectivity. The worst thing would be the severe lack of Buffalo wings. Ethan Kannel (Willis) is a 14 year old 8th grade homeschool student. All of his theater experience has been on stage; he is a pro! When Ethan has a cold, he is thankful for less school and more time to study animals.


Bios Josiah Kannel (Otis) is an 11 year old homeschooled 5th grader. He has been involved in 4 productions with various groups. For Josiah, the best part about living in the 1900s would be that people will not be on their phones constantly; the downside would be the lack of video games. Kristia Kannel (Sound) is a 16 year old 10th grade homeschool student. She has been involved in 6 plays. She’d be glad to have a cold because she could watch movies. Ayah Kline (Props) is 9 and in 3rd grade at York Suburban SD. This is her second show, and she has been both backstage and on stage. The absolute best thing about having a cold for Ayah is hanging out with her stuffed animals. Aziza Kline (Cora Mason) is a 40 ish home engineer. This is her very first production! Welcome Aziza! As for as life in the 1900s, Aziza would be happy to have a servant around the house. Miranda Kovach (Pollyanna and Stage Manager) is an 11 year old 5th grader at St. Rose of Lima School. This is her 6th production and her 4th time onstage. For Miranda, the best part of having a cold is, of course, not having to go to school! tmer. He has been involved with various theatre companies and a lot of plays – the theatre bug bit him bad!. His least favorite part of living in the early 1900s would be the lack of medical knowledge, but he would really like the absence of electronics. Katy Petyford (Aunt Polly) is a 28 year old journalist with the York Daily Record. She has been in 7 productions and has graced the stage on numerous occasions. She thinks that the best thing about being ill is Netflix binge watching while drinking lots of ginger ale. Hannah Rosenberry (Leona) is 8 years old and in 3rd grade at York Academy. This is Hannah’s 4th show. Hannah thinks that the part of the early 1900s she would like most is the fashion; the bad part would be the non-existence of the internet.


Bios Steven Ruffato (John Pendleton) is a 40ish professor of Criminal Justice. Most of Steven’s theater experience is on stage. He thinks that having to rely on imagination and theatre as entertainment would be the best part of early 1900s living, but he would sincerely miss being able to quickly nuke some food in his microwave. Beth Spahr (Erma Crofton) is a forever young van driver with Durham School Services. She has been in way too many productions to count!! When she is feeling under the weather, she is thankful for her cats who snuggle her feet to keep them warm. Annie Susemihl (Nancy Jackson & Costumes) is in her 50s and works as a database administrator at United Way of York. Annie has been in 2 plays. The best part of living in the early 1900s would be the furniture and social niceties; the downside would be the discrimination and prejudice. Ava Swift-Werner (Jennie Snow) is 8 and in 2nd grade at York Academy. This is Ava’s second show and this is her second time on stage. When she is not feeling well, she is glad she gets to stay in a nice warm bed. Taylor Thomas (Props) is a 5th grader at St. Rose of Lima School. This is her first time with TAFE and her second show overall. Taylor thinks that the best thing about living in the 1900s would be the big parties that were thrown, and she would also enjoy working with animals. Abygael Underwood (Rosie) is 7 and in 1st grade. This is Abygael’s stage premiere! She is the youngest member of the production. To her, the best part of 1900s living would be the beautiful dresses, and the worst part would be no electronics or cars. Dave Unger (Old Tom) is an IT technician with the Space Telescope Science Institute. There are too many shows for us to list all his involvement. To Dave, the best parts of the early 1900s would be the horse riding and the very fresh food.


Bios Gina Wagner (Mrs. Snow & Production Stage Manager) is a homemaker who has been involved in 15 productions. To her, the worst part of the 1900s would be wearing dresses and covering up in the heat, but the fact that it was a simpler time would overall make the 1900s an enjoyable era in which to live. Jennica Wagner (Millicent) is 9 years old and is 4th grade homeschooler. She was last seen onstage as an elf in TAFE’s first show! As far as living in the early 1900s, Jennica would love to wear the dresses and play all the old games, but she would not like doing extra chores. Stella Wolfe (Pollyanna & Stage Manager) is 11 and in 6th grade in Central SD. She has been in 5 shows. To Stella, she is thankful for medicine and that the cold will most likely not last long when she is not feeling well. Wesley Wolfe (Clayton) is 10 and in 4th grade at Central SD. Wesley has been in 7 shows at several different theatre companies. While he would miss watching TV if he were to live in the 1900s, he would be thrilled to meet Theodore Roosevelt. Noah Youcheff (Jimmy Bean) is 12 and in 6th grade at York Suburban. He has been in a large number of shows through school and other theatre companies. The best part of nineteenth century living would be the tight knit communities, but the lack of electronics would be upsetting. Sara Youcheff (Saralee) is 8 years old and in 2nd grade at York Suburban. She has been in 4 shows. Living in the 1900s would be good because she could work in a garden, relax with friends, and play more games. The lack of TV would be a significant downside, however. Sawyer Zimmer (Percy) is 11 and in 5th grade at Central SD. He has been in 5 shows. When not feeling well, Sawyer is thankful for missing school and relaxing in bed.


Good Shows Good Show Paige! We are so proud of you. Hugs Grandma and Grandpa Gross Our beautiful daughter Abygael- Daddy and Mommy are so very proud of you for all of the amazing and wonderful things you have and will continue to achieve. We are all very proud of you. Love you always, Daddy, Mommy, Saoirse and your family. Mom- I always knew you’d make a great actress! Proud of you and good show! Love Paige H. P.G. We are proud of you. Have a Good Show! Luv Grandpa and Grandma Stauch. Stella Wolfe- So proud of your 1st starring role! Love Mom and Nate Good show, Clayton! Proud of you! Love Mom and Nate Miranda, your grace and talent will open many possibilities in your life. You bring us so much joy. One day, maybe Broadway! Grammy and PopPop Congratulations , Taylor, on your first show! Love Mom and Dad. Noah and Sara – We love you! Good Show!- Your Family We are very proud of you and all that you do. Love Mom, Dad and Gabby Great performance Bean! We are so proud of you! Dad and Ada Wes- Another awesome performance buddy! Dad and Ada Miranda, we are so very proud of you! You continue to amaze us with your talents. Love, Mommy, Daddy, Mason and Parker.


Donation Form What do you love about theatre? The story, the costumes, being on stage, being part of the audience, the artistry, and the imagination. Is it the learning and the connection of individuals working together to create a shared experience? Or is it all of that and more? We need your help to keep the love of theatre alive and accessible. Your support is invaluable. Please make a gift today. Donation Levels: Thespian Artist Educator Connector Imagineer Dreamer

Support up to $100 Support up to $500 Support up to $1,000 Support up to $5,000 Support up to $10,000 Support of $20,000 & Above

Name:____________________________________________________ (as it should appear in any listings) Address:________________________ Phone:__________________ Email Address: _________________________ Total Amount Enclosed: $______________________ Make checks payable to “TAFE� @ 1604 2nd Avenue/York, PA 17403. Thank you! Theatre Arts for Everyone Giving everyone the opportunity to be involved in, educated about, and entertained by the art of live theatre. TAFE is a tax exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 47-5402481.


Please show your support by becoming a member today! We are committed to giving everyone the opportunity to be involved in, educated about, and entertained by the art of live theatre. You can help us reach our goal by becoming a member. Please fill out the form below and return to us with your membership dues. Membership benefits include: Quarterly TAFE Times newsletter, 10% discount on camps and other educational programming, and being listed in show programs. Mailing Adress Street Zipcode


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Adult = $25 Senior (60+) or Teen =$15 Interested in Volunteering Email Yes

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2017 Season is...

Book & Lyrics by Tom Jones, Music by Harvey Schmidt This longest running Musical EVER is about a boy, a girl, a wall, their fathers, and vegetables! It opened off-Broadway in 1960 and ran for 42 years, playing 17,162 performances. It has since and still is being revived in NYC, all around the country, and internationally. We all need to "Try to Remember a time in September"! Auditions: Mon. & Tues. - June 12 & 13 6:30 PM St. Marks Lutheran Church - 700 East Market St. York PA 17401 Performances: The Capital Theatre 50 North George St. York, PA 17401 Fri. & Sat. - Aug. 11 & 12 7:00 PM Sat. & Sun. - Aug. 12 & 13 3:00 PM Performances: The Eichelberger Performing Arts Center 195 Stock Street, Hanover PA 17331 Fri. & Sat. - Aug. 18 & 19 7:00 PM Sat. - Aug. 19 3:00 PM

Audition: Mon. Aug 7th 6:00 PM Performances: Fri. & Sat. - Sept. 22 & 23 7:00 PM Sat. & Sun. - Sept. 23 & 24 3:00 PM

Audition: Mon. Oct 23 6:00 PM Performances: Fri. & Sat. - Dec. 8 & 9 7:00 PM Sat. & Sun. - Dec. 9 & 10 3:00 PM

The two above Auditions & Performances are at... The York Learning Center 300 Seventh Ave., York PA 17401 Need to schedule an earlier audition? Contact Diane at dcrews.tafepa.org

Founding Members Jody Appell

Joyce Knox

Edward, Karla, Melissa and Shannon Baker

Stacey, Hannah and Rachel Kuhn

Alex Bitzer

Quinton Laughman

Carole and Scott Bitzer

Sharron Lerew

Joan and Jeffrey Bitzer

Kathleen Lucas and Hank Maul

Alice Marie and Michael Boustead

Janet Milstead

Daniel Boustead

Kahlil Mir

Win Bradley

Shama Mir, Gerald Young, Kaidin and Asha Mir-Young

Cherie and Michael Brothers

Rhonda, Michael, Tess and Elise Murphy

Steve and Sandra Brown

Julie and Charli Muszynski

Diane Crews

Michele, Robert and Robert W. Rife

Caity Dettinger

Steven, Callie and Steven Jr. Ruffatto

Jeri and Lonnie Dettinger

Renee and Mark Schaffer

Megan Dimit

Kathy and Gerry Schmitt

Doris and Stephen Doud Jr.

Richard Shue

Wendee Dunlap

Jennifer, Bill, Adeline and Eli Steel

Arlo Ehly

Amber Sweigart

Tony Fogle

Kate, Jonathon, Giancarlo and Sebastiano Taps

Shannon Hallisey

Dennis, Deb, Jacob Thro

MaryAnn, Robert and Paige Hoke

Sydney Tucker

John, Laura, Leah and Ian Jameson

Andrea, David and Jonah Unger

Ken and Tyler Klinedinst

Jill Urey, Charles, Jillian and Henry Ducker

Pat Klinedinst

Doug and Susan Wolfgang

Tickets Avalible Online @ https://pollyanna2017.eventbrite.com 717-884-TAFE (8 233) www.tafepa.org


info@tafepa.org www.facebook.com/TafePenn

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