Studio Beta Design Journal

Page 1


Drawing Title Axonometric Overall

Student Name:

Tutor Name:

Emma Kelly 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah

10/ Apr/ 2019

Emma Kelly - 950391 - Studio 13 - Yiteng Chong


Assignment 1 Figure Ground Drawigns Intuitive

Rule Based

Site Plan

Assignment 2 Figure Ground Relationship Plan - development Form - development Axo - materiality

Assignment 1.1

Intuitive Drawings Drawing Title Exercise Name Student Name: Tutor Name: o Beta Emma Kelly - ID 950391 Yiteng Chong Field Diagram Collage Collage - 2 Coordinators Name: Date: Earth The scope of this assignment was to exploreLeirethe relationships of Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 10/ Feb / 2019 figures and ground. The intuitive assembly of cut-out black shapes on white paper started the process of developing a relationship and

Assignment 1

Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Field Diagram Collage

Collage - 3

Student Name: Emma Kelly - ID 950391

Tutor Name: Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name: Date: Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 10/ Feb / 2019

Intuitive Drawing 1

Comments An diagonal division through the layout creates an axis along which the composition is split. The triangular forms face away from this axis which creates movement within the composition.



1 : 125@A3 (drawn in meters)

Drawing No


The layout of the triangles is dynamic in its orientation. A curve is diagonally dividing them and provides movement throughout the composition. Worth noting here is the arangement of a rigid form that begins to describe a movement. 0m




03 of 09

Assignment 1

Intuitive Drawing 2

Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Field Diagram Collage

Collage - 2

Student Name: Emma Kelly - ID 950391

Tutor Name: Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name: Date: Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 10/ Feb / 2019

Comments The dynamic interplay of circular and and angular forms creates interest. The negative space becomes the more dynamic element of the composition.



1 : 125@A3 (drawn in meters) 0m




Drawing No

02 02 of 09

This dynmic interplay of curves, edges and circles forms an eclectic composition. The scattered layout of circles throughout the field vary in size and attract the eye to different areas in varying succession. Interesting here are the moments of spaces pushing into each other and pulling away.

Intuitive Drawing 3

Assignment 1

Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Field Diagram Collage

Collage - 4

Student Name: Emma Kelly - ID 950391

Tutor Name: Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name: Date: Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 10/ Feb / 2019

Comments The composition is dynamic to the eye. The negative and positive space interplay and interlock with each other creating a harmonic whole.



1 : 125@A3 (drawn in meters) 0m




Drawing No


The cul-de-sac like composition is a pushing of pulling of spaces. What is negative space can be positive space and vice versa. The eye is lead by the continous negative space throughout the composition. What is worth considering is the interplay of edges and curves, the pushing and pulling of the spaces and the guidance through the spaces.

04 of 09

Intuitive Drawing 4

Assignment 1

Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Field Diagram Collage

Collage - 1

Student Name: Emma Kelly - ID 950391

Tutor Name: Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name: Date: Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 10/ Feb / 2019

Comments The linear arrangement is very loosely laid out, yet symmetrical. It is dynamic to the eye due to varying scales and sizes of the forms.



1 : 125@A3 (drawn in meters) 0m




Drawing No


In this first initial collage the positioning of the linear shapes is a loose composition that is yet regular and nearly symetrical. What was found to be interesting here was the varying attraction points and sizes of open space in bewteen the forms. This collage later informed the layout of the site.

01 of 09

Assignment 1.2 Rule Based Drawings

For the second half of the first assignment, the challenge was to overlay the field with certain rules. Having intuitively explored Exercise Name Drawing Title Name: Tutor Name: the outcomes of figure ground rrelationships,Student finding rules without Studio Beta Emma Kelly - ID 950391 Yiteng Chong Rule Based Figure Ground Collage 1.1 compromising on the flexibity of -spaces was the challenge. Coordinators Name: Date: & Earth

Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 18/ Feb / 2019

Journal Explorations

Journal explorations show the intent to find rules to overlay to the field conditions. Varying scales relating to each other, rotation angles and different arrangement rules such as cluster, patchwork, groups, etc. were explored.

Rule Based Attempts

The scales of the circles relate to one another and are arranged in a very symmetrical way.

The cluster arragnement is derived from the scales of the circles, with the hollow circles responding in number to the filled ones.

Again the scale of the rectangles relate to each other. Roatated against each other and relating to the hollow rectangles creates a rigid composition with areas of interest regarding open space and build footprints.

The field was devided into small fields and later blacked out and left white to create an angular composition of spaces. The negative space caters for interesting moments for open spaces.

Rule Based 1

Assignment 1

Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Rule Based Figure Ground

Collage - 1.1

Student Name: Emma Kelly - ID 950391

Tutor Name: Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name: Date: Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 18/ Feb / 2019

Comments The rule based field is organised from left to right, from formal to less formal, from less dense to dense.



1 : 125@A3 (drawn in meters) 0m



Drawing No



05 of 09

The rectangles here are derived from one square that is manipulated. If rotated, one side must be halved or doubled, then attached midway to the original lenght. No shapes must overlay. These set of rules loosen up when moving towards the right side of the the field. Here shapes may overlay and rotation is not as strict. This generates open spaces either secluded, partially open or very exposed.

Rule Based 2

Assignment 1

Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Rule Based Figure Ground

Collage - 3.1

Student Name: Emma Kelly - ID 950391

Tutor Name: Yiteng Chong

Comments Adding the general direction first a sense of movement is applied. The scale of the forms erive from one another and are divided once again along the middle.



1 : 125@A3 (drawn in meters)

Drawing No


The triangles are derived from one another as they all scale up or down to each other by the factor of 1.5. Furthermore, a directionality has been overlayed in order to give movement and dynamics to the composition. This generate aloose arrangement of positive space that could become building forms, landformations or vegetation as it could either be an obstacle or a guidance through space. Coordinators Name: Date: Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 18/ Feb / 2019





06 of 09

Rule Based 3

Assignment 1

Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Rule Based Figure Ground

Collage - 4.1

Student Name: Emma Kelly - ID 950391

Tutor Name: Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name: Date: Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 18/ Feb / 2019

Comments The field is organised along a curve. The less formal forms on the left organise themselves along and towards the curve into an organised field towards the right.



1 : 125@A3 (drawn in meters) 0m



Drawing No



07 of 09

Again the field has been overlayed with a directionality. This was emphasized by the orientation of the forms and their inherent focus. When closer to the curve, the rules are stricter in terms of directionality, scale and orientation. This composition allows for open flowing spaces, yet enclosed, secluded areas.

Rule Based 4

Assignment 1

Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Rule Based Figure Ground

Collage - 1.1

Student Name: Emma Kelly - ID 950391

Tutor Name: Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name: Date: Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 18/ Feb / 2019

Comments The centralised patchwork loosens its rigidity towards the edges. In return it resolves itself towards the centre of the composition.



1 : 125@A3 (drawn in meters) 0m




Drawing No

08 08 of 09

The patchwork that is organising the field is rigid towards the centre. Here a centralopen space flows outwards towards the edges of the field. Furthermore, the patchwork resolves itself as itloosens its rigidity and breaks away from the organised centre.

The site plan is derived from the last collage. It is an interesting congregation of spaces and offers the opportunity to explore the in between spaces as a crucial part of the design. They might be sightlines, architectural elements leaning towards each other. The focus could be on intangible connectivity of the spaces.

Studio Beta & Earth


Primary Access

Drawing Title Site Plan 1.1

Exercise Name Site Plan


Tutor Name: Yiteng Chong Coordinators Name: Date: Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 19/ Feb / 2019

Student Name: Emma Kelly - ID 950391

Assignment 1

Comments The layout rationalises the patchwork explored in the previous collage. The space will be explored through movement until one is led to the private secluded area. Less formal spaecs are breaking away from the centre.





1 : 125@A3 (drawn in meters)



09 of 09


Drawing No

Site Plan

1 : 125@A


Yiteng Chong

Comments Tutor Name:

Emma Kelly, 950391

Exercise Name

Student Name:

Drawing Title

The emphasis in the next stage was to develop the figure elements in the loosely organised scheme from the first assignment. The elements shall respond to the surroundings, create thresholds and begin to articulate different qualities of space.

Defining Figure Elements

Studio Beta

Assignment 2.1 Street

Inspiration was drawn from skandinavian architecture and landscape. The relationships to the landscape here is interesting, as the buildings are overlooking it, lightly touching or overarching it. The landscape interplay of rocks on the ground and high reaching trees could be intereting for the design as it relates well to the building form and playing with levels and heights may compliment the spatial experiences in the field.

Initial sketches for the organisation of the figure elements and what they might look like. The idea was to organise the spaces in accordance to the self resolving patchwork, with a more rigid organisation towards the centre, and a loose one towards the edges of the field.

The initial sketches for laying out the figures. In order to create walkable and accessible spaces, the initial organisation of elements was spread out and widened. The rigid inner circle of the composition started to break apart in order to cater for movement thorugh the spaces. Chamfered edges respond better to the environment and allow for sunlight to penetrate a larger area, views can be adjusted and give a more dynamic experience of the space.

The initial circulation idea refers back to the creation of pockets of different experiences of the spaces. One may be very private and secluded, the next interconnnected, next pocket might be for public interaction.


06 of 06

Drawing No North

2m 1m 0.5m 0m

1 : 125@A3 (drawn in millimeters)


00 / Mar / 2019 Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah

Comments Yiteng Chong


Tutor Name:

Coordinators Name:

Student Name:

Overall Floorplan

Emma Kelly, 950391

Drawing Title Exercise Name

Figure Ground

Studio Beta & Earth



In the final groundplan, the figures have been translated to a rigid composition towards the middle of the field, becoming less organised towards the outer areas of the field. The layout aims at experiencing the spaces through walking. A string of spaces is organised in pockets that are either accessible through varying accesspoints or by just one.


Assignment 2.2 Defining Figure Elements

After having thought of the layout of spaces the actual elements of the spaces needed to be adressed. The aim was to create elements that relate to each other with a similar architectural language, respond to its surroundings for sunlight and ventialtion access and interact with the open spaces surrounding them. Student Name:

Tutor Name:

Emma Kelly 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah

10/ Apr/ 2019


The drawings are exploring how to achieve the mentioned goals. the roofline is chamfered, as it allows for more sunlight to penetrate the buildings. the groundlines are pushed in as they respond to the human scale. The initial idea of stilted elements would allow for a visual connectivity throughout the design.

Some sketches exploring the possibilities of the forms

When playing with heights of the elements, interesting relationships can become apparent in section. The visual connectivity may vary,the way the pods respond to the surroundings may be in regards to sun, views or people. In plan, when extruding certain corners, the spatial experience of squeezing and a sense of relieve when entering said pockets may occur. This caters for people having to interact with each other as moving through the space.

The impression sketch was a way of visualising a beginning of the landscape within which the elements will sit. The rocks, hills and trees shall touch the elements lightly, compliment them, and produce a circulation pattern that corresponds to the pockets created.


Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Student Name:

Tutor Name:

Emma Kelly 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:





1 : 125@A3 (drawn in millimeters)

Drawing No


As for the materials the pods were thought to be made of cross laminated timber. the product can be produced locally (Europe)and allows for a healthy interior space, which is light, warm and comfortable. The roof may be covered in shingles, allowing the native greenery to overgrow and settle within the architecture. Figure Ground

Axonometric Overall

Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 10/ Apr/ 2019

0m 0.5m



05of 06

Assignment 3 Defining the Ground

The aim was to create a landscape design that repsonds well to the figures already in palce. With creating a natural approach the pods are supposed to be tied-in within a cohesive composition. Creating pockets, which are entered through a narrow point produce an element of surprise and aim at engaging the visitor. Ridges between Comments Drawing Title Student Name: Tutor Name: the figures are meant to guide movement and connect seperate Emma Kelly, 950391 Yiteng Chong Isometricpods. View The design Coordinators Name: Date: was placed in Sweden due to the resemblence of Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah 29 / Apr/ 2019 the native landscape and its characteristics.

The starting point to the assignment was to find an overall layout of the landscape. Guiding elements here were the connection of the dispersed pods, tying them in through the landscape. Furthermore, the natural landscape juxtaposes hard a soft landscape, resembling the actual forms. Inserting some building elements into the landscpae allows for a greater relationship between built from and ground plane.

The interplay of hard and soft landscape aims at creating interest, plays in with the building forms. The insertion of the forms creates a dynamic relationship ofpushing and pulling.

Raising parts of the terrain allows for dynamic relationships between building elements, It may create an open pocket, for example by the stage. However, creating said pockets also caters for more secluded, private areas, catering for the different needs of the individuals.

Overarching building elements engage the visitor and guide movement. The overall intention in the landscape design was to create an eclectic and engaging composition of pockets and spaces that reflect on the community, as different needs are being served. The high points on the outside of the terrain tie in with the organised centre and unorganised fringe, as the movement is guided towards the middle.

Annual Shadow Diagram with Topography

Annual Shadow

The sun diagram showing the shadows with the topography suggest a shading of the pocketsAnnual created. with the raising of the terrain Shadow Diagram with Topography that problem was adressed.







+2.6 +1.2

+3.8 +2.2



+0 +2.7




+1.7 +1.2 +1.2







+3.4 +1.8


+2.8 +1.8 +0.75



Topographic P

Wind Diagram




Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Defining the Landscape Wind Diagram Diagrams

+2.8 +1.8

Student Name:

Tutor Name:

Emma Kelly, 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah

29 / Apr/ 2019


The wind anaylsis show a strong northern wind. Again, the raising Drawing Title Exercise Name Student Name: Studio Beta Emmaproblem Kelly, 950391 of the terrain and the Defining placement of the Diagrams rocks adress the the Landscape Coordinators Name: & Earth and aim at csheltering the users of the space. Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah


Tutor Nam

Yiteng Ch Date:

29 / Apr/ 2

Co_Munity +4.6 +0.6







+2.6 +4.6 +1.2


+3.8 +2.2







+1.7 +1.3 +1.3

+1.2 +0.1







+4.0 +4.3 +7.4


+2.8 +1.8 +8.2


Studio Beta

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Student Name:

Defining the Landscape

Topographic Plan

Emma Kelly, 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah

29 / Apr/ 2019

Tutor Name:




Drawing No

& Earth The mentioned design intentions resulted in a toppographic plan01 and a site plan that allow for guided movement, interrelated elements and pockets of privacy or public engagement. 1 : 125@A3 (drawn in millimeters) 0m




01of 05



Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Student Name:

Defining the Landscape

Site Plan

Emma Kelly, 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah

29 / Apr/ 2019

Tutor Name:




1 : 125@A3 (drawn in millimeters) 0m




Drawing No

02 02 of 05


2000 0

Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Student Name:

Defining the Landscape

Section A-A

Emma Kelly, 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah

29 / Apr/ 2019

Tutor Name:


Drawing No

Scale 1 : 125@A3 (drawn in millimeters) 0m




03 3.1 of 05




Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Student Name:

Defining the Landscape

Section B-B

Emma Kelly, 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah

29 / Apr/ 2019

Tutor Name:


Drawing No

Scale 1 : 125@A3 (drawn in millimeters) 0m




3.2 3.2 of 05




Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise 6000 Name

Drawing Title

Student Name:

Defining the Landscape

Section C-C

Emma Kelly, 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah

29 / Apr/ 2019



Tutor Name:


Drawing No

Scale 1 : 125@A3 (drawn in millimeters) 0m




3.3 3.3 of 05

The composition of the spaces allows for both communal and private interaction. All movement leads to the centre.

Drawing Title Isometric View

Student Name:

Tutor Name:

Emma Kelly, 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah

29 / Apr/ 2019


Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Student Name:

Defining the Landscape

Isometric View

Emma Kelly, 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah

29 / Apr/ 2019

Tutor Name:


Drawing No

Scale 1 : 125@A3 (drawn in millimeters)

The final isometric displays how the design intentions result in a comprehensive composition of landscape and architectural elements. 0m




04 04 of 05

io Beta Earth

Assignment 4

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Assignment 4

Perspective Exterior

Student Name:

Emma Kelly, 950391

Tutor Name:


Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah



The aim was to create a cohesive communication of the design intents. The elements of surprise taken from the overall landscape and architectural element design have been transferred to an experiential journey of a young child that is experiencing the space. Hence style and drawings have been adjusted to fit the intention.

Drawing No

06 06 of 09

The ideogram shows the 3 steps that have lead to the final composition and outcome of the semester. Here the initial spatial arrangements, the formfinding process and the vertical relationships and experiential qualities are shown.

The exploded isometric drawing intents to show the overall relationships of rocks, buildings and the journey through the space. Program and circulation is explained in plans, vertical relationships are shown in isometric.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 hours

cafe work base

centre stage






Private Commercial

Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Assignment 4

Time Occupation

Student Name: Emma Kelly, 950391

Tutor Name: Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah



Drawing No

08 08 of 09

The time diagram shows the occupation of different areas for different times of the day. However, the final outcome was to lay the diagram out in landscape as it is easier to read and has more relationship to the movement and time passing.

The playfullness of the design is supposed to be reflected in the experiential drawings as well. the protagonist of the comics is therefore a child, visiting the communal site with the parents. Being intended as a safe place, the child runs of with its sibling to explore the area and play with other children.

Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Student Name:

Assignment 4

Perspective Interior

Emma Kelly, 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah


Tutor Name:



Drawing No

The perspectives show the relationship of the interior to the exterior and how the landscape touches the elements and vice versa. Studio Beta & Earth not to scale

Exercise Name Assignment 4


05 of 09

Drawing Title

Perspective Exterior

Student Name:

Emma Kelly, 950391

Tutor Name:


Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah


Drawing No

06 06 of 09

The interior program is further explored and shown in the perspectival section. Studio Beta & Earth

Exercise Name

Drawing Title

Assignment 4

Perspectival Section

Student Name:

Tutor Name:

Emma Kelly, 950391

Yiteng Chong

Coordinators Name:


Leire Asensio-Villoria and David Mah



Drawing No

Scale 1 : 125@A3 (drawn in millimeters) 0m




09 09 of 09

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