EBT Kit 1: Sanctuary Introduction
Introduction Congratulations on getting started with EBT! You are beginning a process that will give you power to rewire how you process daily life moment to moment throughout the day. This method will show you how to rewire the unconscious circuits that were encoded long ago that ramp up stress and block your joy. In a way, it’s a simple process. You use your prefrontal cortex, the seat of your consciousness, and become highly competent at directing the flow of energy through your brain to change your wiring. Once you know its precise level of stress, you use the exact mental process that most easily directs the flow of energy through your brain back to a state of well-being. In time, those repeated experiences change your wiring so that you are less prone to stress and naturally experience more moments of joy. Symptoms of stress — overeating, high blood pressure, depression, inactivity and more — tend to fade. Rewiring the brain — these emotional circuits — takes specific tools and support to use in a focused intensive progressive way over time. That is the purpose of EBT: to provide you with both. In EBT, you will learn how to identify your brain state, then how to effectively use just the mental practice that most easily and quickly returns you to well-being. As your use of the tools begins to rewire your circuits, you will find that you can be in all the brain states without judgment. You will have clarity about what mental process to use that will bring you an immediate payoff. You will find that you can switch your brain back to that state in which you feel positive emotions, so that unproductive stress diminishes and you feel good or even great more of the time. Basically, you learn how to accept the unavoidable pain of life, and avoid being mired in stress that is not productive and most deleterious to health and happiness. The primary areas of the brain that we are rewiring are the emotional centers. Even 20 years ago, doing that was considered an impossibility; however, stunning
Advances in neuroscience suggest that we can rewire the elusive emotional brain.