WFF Chapter 7: Freedom

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Chapter 7

Freedom The drives for common excesses fade


About Freedom Freedom comes when the emotional drives of 5 circuits have faded. Yet when those drives fade without any substitute addictions, it’s because we have moved up our brain’s emotional set point. Chances are that we have all the rewards, because freedom is the most challenging one. Acquiring Freedom means that we have rewired our brain to the point that we snap back from stressors and we are hooked on our joy. Life is still difficult, but it is better.s In fact, the last of the core circuits of emotional evolution are all about joy.


Emotional Evolution: Wisdom The seventh core circuit of emotional evolution is based on wisdom. In that moment of stress, wisdom vanishes. We really, truly believe that we cannot have joy. Other people can have joy, but they ran out of it before they got to us. There was none left, and now what are we to do? The false generalization that is encoded in the brain is: I cannot have joy. To rewire it, you can do another Grind In. First state the reasonable expectation, then the essential pain, and finally the earned reward you will receive for accepting it. Core Expectation: I AM JOY. Essential Pain: I must give. Earned Reward: Freedom

When I am at Brain State 1, which happens rarely, I feel joy. Yet it’s more than that. I feel deeply wise. I KNOW in my heart of hearts that my very nature is joy, my essence is joy. Then it vanishes, but in that moment I AM JOY. And if I am JOY, then I have a lot to give. I can take joy in being of service, giving back. I don’t clutch possessions as tightly or worry as much 249

about work or my body. I feel free, really free to live my life and to feel that peace inside. I use the entire string of Grind Ins, including this one: I do exist. I am not bad. I do have power. I can do good. I can love. I am worthy. I AM JOY. Instant Joy Point there.

Congratulations! You have completed Wired for Freedom. Please take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments and challenges.


Biggest Accomplishment What is your biggest accomplishment in EBT Basics: Wired for Freedom, the change you are most proud of and that is most meaningful to you? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

Biggest Challenge What is your biggest challenge in EBT Basics: Wired for Freedom, the change you will focus on in the next week to get the best results? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


The Power You Have Now that you know the basics, you can start using these techniques. If the emotional brain were logical, you would be all set. You’d have everything you need to get wired for Freedom. However, the emotional brain clings to old ways because they feel safe. Safety is this brain’s priority, for it is a very primitive part of us. So we developed the EBT Kits, the advanced courses that include journals, videos and audio programs for each 6-week course In EBT. This basic Pocket Journal is the preparation for those courses. Each is designed to build on the rewiring you did and the tools you learned in the previous ones. If you are already wired at Brain States 1 or 2, completing this course may be all you need. If you are wired for Brain States 3, 4 or 5, you will intend to use the tools, but it will be hard to follow through. The emotional brain is the ultimate tortoise. Move it too quickly and it revolts. Move it too slowly and it stays stuck in past ways. The EBT Kits give you a program to move up your set point and experience lasting results. 252

Your Next Step EBT Kit 1: Sanctuary Use the tools from this course in highly effective ways so that your brain catches on to the joy habit. Learn how to create peace and safety from within, Sanctuary. EBT Kit 2: Authenticity Rewire your behavioral survival circuit (eating, spending, merging, drinking, etc.) so that the drive to use it weakens. Your set point moves up and you learn techniques to enhance self-acceptance, feeling whole and being genuine, and embody Authenticity. EBT Kit 3: Vibrancy Your emotional set point has improved and it is easier to change habits. You rewire your emotional survival circuit so that you stay in the balanced, positive emotions more often. Your reward? Feeling healthy with a zest for life, Vibrancy. EBT Kit 4: Integrity With your set point in the balanced range, you rewire your last survival circuit for relationships. You tell the story of your life as a way to heal even more deeply. Your health has improved in important ways. The drives to merge and distance fade. You are deeply happy. 253

EBT Kit 5: Intimacy Now that you have a solid foundation in connection with yourself, you can more easily connect with others. You have increased emotional closeness, sexual or sensual pleasures and loving companionship. EBT Kit 6: Spirituality At this point, you have an abundance of all the rewards, and complete the training now wired at Brain State 1. You learn techniques to “plug in� to the experience of your joy; your brain naturally moves through stress back to joy. You have a new sense of freedom in your life. Graduates After completing the course, you will have graduated from the program. However, many people find their EBT group so warm, entertaining and powerful that they continue with their group or coach periodically. Some become EBT Volunteers and bring these tools to others. Some, who are health professionals, complete additional training and offer EBT as their professional practice. Once you know and possess these tools, it is natural to want more people to know the power of the method and to see it transform their lives. 254

Your Plans Please identify the rewards you want from EBT, and plan your next step.

What I most want is sanctuary. I’m starting EBT Kit 1: Sanctuary right away. I’m getting into a telegroup. I am using the tools with my 9-year-old daughter. I taught her Emotional Housecleaning yesterday. The reward that is most important to me is freedom. I don’t want to crave sweets and I’m using EBT to lose weight. I’m starting on EBT Kit 1: Sanctuary and signed up for a local group with an EBT Coach. I am going to use the tools on my own for a while. I’m already wired at about 2, so this may be all I need. Time will tell. I am going to use the online community for support plus some coaching. What I want is to be wired at Brain State 1. I want to do that for my kids, and for myself. I will continue with the EBT Coach I had in this course.


What is your plan for EBT? The reward I want from EBT: Sanctuary Authenticity Vibrancy Integrity Intimacy Spirituality Freedom All the above: Wired at Brain State 1. The timing that is right for me: Ready to go. I’ll order EBT Kit 1: Sanctuary now. I’m going to start EBT Kit 1: Sanctuary in a few weeks. I’m not sure. The support I will use: EBT Telegroup EBT Group in my community (see provider locator on EBT Coaching EBT Internet Community Other: _____________________


I will share the EBT ideas with: Friends A family member My physician or other health care professional My employer My partner or spouse Other: _____________________

Congratulations on completing EBT Basics: Wired for Freedom!


Joy Foods

Joy foods are compatible with our genes, so they ramp up less stress. These foods ease stress, balance the brain's reward centers, decrease cravings, and decrease metabolic ups and downs. Check off the ones you like and surround yourself with them. Only eat them when doing so FEELS like a nurturing act.

1. The Fiber Group

Fruits Apples Apricots Bananas Blackberries Blueberries Cantaloupe Cranberries Cherries Grapefruit Grapes Guavas Figs Honeydew melon Kiwis Lemons Limes Mangoes Melons Nectarines Oranges Papayas Peaches Pears Persimmons Pineapples

Pomegranates Plums Prunes Raisins Raspberries Strawberries Tangelos Tangerines Watermelon Vegetables Acorn squash Artichokes Arugula Asparagus Bamboo shoots Banana squash Bean sprouts Beets Bok choy Broccoli Brussels sprouts Butternut squash Cabbage


1. The Fiber Group (cont.) Carrots Cauliflower Celery Chard Chayote Corn* Cucumbers Eggplant Endives Fennel Green beans Green onions Green peas Hubbard squash Jicama Kale Leeks Mushrooms Mustard greens Okra Onions Parsnips Pea pods Peppers Potato*

Pumpkin Radishes Romaine Scallions Shallots Snap peas Snow peas Spaghetti squash Spinach Sprouts Summer Squash Sweet potato* Swiss chard Tomatillos Tomatoes Tomato juice Vegetable juices, 100% Water chestnuts Yams* Yellow summer squash Zucchini Whole Grains 100% whole-grains*

2. Healthy Fats Cashew butter Hazelnuts Macadamia nuts Natural nut butters Peanuts Pecans Pine nuts Pistachios

Avocados Olives Nuts Almonds Almond butter Brazil nuts Cashews


2. Healthy Fats (cont.) Seeds Flaxseed Pumpkin seeds Sesame seeds Sunflower seeds Tahini/sesame butter Salad Dressings Dressings made with vinegar or lemon and healthy oils

Oils Canola Flaxseed Macadamia Olive, extra virgin Safflower Sesame seed Sunflower Walnut

3. The Protein Group Fish & Shellfish Barramund Calamari Clams Cod Crab Halibut Haddock Herring Atlantic Mackerel Atlantic Mahi-mahi Mussels Ono Oysters, farmed Prawns Red snapper Salmon, Alaskan, wild Sardines Scallops, farmed Shrimp Sole


Squid Tilapia Trout Tuna, albacore Tuna, yellow fin Poultry & Meat Beef round steak Beef ground round Beef flank steak Beef sirloin tip roast Beef deli meat Buffalo Canadian bacon Chicken, ground Chicken breast Chicken drumsticks, Chicken deli meat Chicken thighs, skinless Ham, all fat removed

3. The Protein Group (cont.) Ham deli meat Pork chops, lean Pork tenderloin Sausage links, low-fat Turkey, ground Turkey breast Turkey deli meat Veal, lean Venison

More Eggs Egg whites Egg substitute Non-fat milk products* 1% fat milk products* Beans and legumes* Protein powder, artificial sweetener free

Stress Foods

What foods areEverything Stress Foods? Everything else! else. They increase inflammation, increase appetite, prime the brain's reward centers for abnormal highs and lows, and increase cravings. *The Joy Foods that are marked with a * may be inflammatory. They offer micronutrient advantages over more highly refined foods, however even beans, whole grains, and milk products can promote stress and inflammation in some people. Check with your physician about the amount of them that is safe and effective for you to consume and work with a licensed or registered dietitian to develop a food plan that is right for you.


Congratulations! You have completed EBT Basics: Wired for Freedom! You have learned the fundamentals of EBT, and have planned your next step in the training. One of the joys of this method is its grounding in neuroscience, so each time that you use the tools, please bring to mind all the scientists who have pieced together the science that we have drawn upon to create EBT. Regardless of whether or not you choose to continue with the advanced training, we hope you will enjoy using these tools and share EBT with your friends, family, co-workers and health care professionals. Our EBT Community Fund was created to give graduates an opportunity to give back to the method, and there are additional opportunities to volunteer for our organization. As you use these tools over time, chances are you will experience life in new ways. As you do, we hope you keep in mind that what you are experiencing is not about EBT. On the day you were born, you had all the inherent strength, goodness and wisdom you would ever need. All you required were the tools to access it. 262

View your Wired for Joy e-course, find groups and access the EBT Community: Access mobile support for using the tools: Check In Line: 877-765-4JOY Get mobile help in rewiring your Survival Circuit: Freedom Line: 855-422-FREE


My Joy Point List _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 264

Connection Buddies Name

e-mail / phone

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