August 24, 2012 Volume 52

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S News Nobody Covers the Metroplex Like the Elite Devoted to the Truth--The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth!










B 24, 2012 Volume 52 Number 34 August


LITE NEW T h e O f f i c i a l Vo i c e o f t h e C h u r c h a n d C o m m u n i t y

The Spoken Word is Like the Air - But the Printed Word is Always There

Concord Baptist Church Pastor Bryan Carter and Family

Telling it like it is!

Elite News Religious Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony



FAME Class of 2012 p10



Grace International Seminary


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August 24, 2012







A Word from the Publisher

By William “Bill� Blair Elite News Founder

Debra Blair Abron

Nothing will stop us


Saluting those who serve

The devil is busy in all of our lives. Satan is attempting to destroy everything that we have labored to build, and that the Lord has allowed us to establish. That includes our Twelve years ago the thought families, our businesses, or churches came to me to start a and our communities. As the old folks Religious Hall of Fame. once said “Satan is a liar.â€? .HHVKD &KDPEHUV :HQG\ 6FKRÂżHOG DQG 6KHUUL Âł'ROO´ 5LFKDUGVRQ ZKR LV WKH After all, we had them for actors and for athletes but we did not have a single one in the country for the men and women who served God and our communities, so it seemed only the natural thing to do. I looked around and identified a few of the pastors who had contributed mightily to making Dallas and all of the surrounding areas a better place to live for everyone. Our first Hall of Fame event was small. I have always believed that great things M"7/(D(( ( have humble beginnings. ( Now, some 12 years later, we have an elaborate event with music, praise dancers, politicians, members of the clergy, deacons, church members and excellent people from the community. While it is said that Bill Blair started the Elite News Religious Hall of Fame, it was God who planted the seed and God who has allowed the concept to grow and prosper. Dallas is the only city in the country that has a Religious Hall of Fame that each year recognizes the contributions of the clergy.

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And we must prove him so.

One of the ways that we can prove that is by recognizing his presence. He comes in the form of people, organizations and events. If we are not careful he will swallow us all up and destroy the good works that we have built. One of the ways that we will defeat Satan is by staying in constant prayer. We must always find our way to our knees to petition God for direction and guidance. When we get to the point where we think (



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"If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude."


I want to thank all of those who have worked to make the Hall of Fame a success. It is also because of you that we will be taking the concept to the nation. May God continue to bless each and every one of you. August 24, 2012


When we have a problem we must take it to God, 0/#5+5/ place 6$#+7/% it upon his altar and allow him to work 86$*/'9+1 miracles in our lives and in the lives of our enemies. 09"%:"#: Another very important thing that must happen is that we must be able to recognize the angels that God sends to assist us. ;<;<(=/:"#(=#/'9(->5:? 8">>"'@()A(4BC<; C2DE3D;EF323 C2DE3D;EFCDC

That was very real in the life of the Elite News recently.

2349 Cedar Crest Blvd. Dallas, Tx 75203 Phone 214-372-6500 Fax 214-730-0871 Office Hours: Monday - Thurs 9 am to 5 pm Fridays 9 am to 3 pm Founder/Sr- Publisher Dr. William Blair Jr. Publisher- (Emeritus) Jordan “Randy� Blair Publisher Debra Blair Abron EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Darryl E. Blair Sr.

We faced a difficult situation that the devil created and at the last hour the Lord sent an angel who settled the matter in our favor. It was a tremendous blessing and we accepted it in the name of our Lord.


God wants all of us to be victorious and the victory shall be ours as long as we continue to hold onto his unchanging hands. Amen, Amen, Amen!




Alexis Wheeler Remmington Academy College Favorite Class / Teacher: Medical Coding / Mrs. Keyton

Favorite Past-Time: Reading Future Plans: Business Owner

The Lord has laid it on my heart to share the concept with others in various parts of the country.

And all of us know, of course, that when God plants a seed, He allows it to grow. We will be successful because we have followed God these past 12 years and we have no intention of thinking that we know better than He does as we look towards the future.

We must also continue to pray and pray continuously. I have found in my own life that prayer changes things.

Favorite School Activity(s): Volleyball

That is not for long.

Using the blueprint that we have developed in Dallas, Halls of Fame will be established in cities such as Miami, Houston, Detroit, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Cleveland, New York, Baltimore, Birmingham, Durham, Phoenix, Chicago, and many others in the years to come.



-.'+%/''(0+%1/(2342 that we have the answers to the dilemmas and problems that confront us we are in real trouble.


William Blair


MISS ELITE NEWS Gynger Dorsey COLUMNISTS Henry Nelson Pastor Clarence Henderson Dr. Karen Hollie Geraldine Davidson-Hooker Kevan Browning Wanda McKinley EDITORIAL CONSULTANT Joseph Green-Bishop MARKETING DIRECTOR B. J. Fullylove SPECIAL PROJECTS Lorie Blair SPECIAL EVENTS


By Rev. Clarence Henderson

Have you noticed that when you commune with God in your Prayer Closet, you began to see more into the spiritual realm? Prayer causes your spiritual eyes to be opened so that you can see the unseen. Keenness in the spirit realm comes as you discipline yourself in prayer, praise, fasting and renewing your mind by God’s word. Ask God to reveal spiritual reality to you like Elisha did when he asked God to open the eyes of his servant and allow him to see the chariots of protection. Recorded in 2 King 6:16-17, so he answered, “Do Not Fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.� Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, I pray open his eyes that he may see.� And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he saw; and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Fallon Turner Tyrone Hodge COMMUNITY RELATIONS Annette Cullors Katie Woods PRODUCTION CONSULTANT Cheryl Smith PHOTOGRAPHER Casey �Hott Doc� Blair DISTRIBUTION Charles Jones, Carl Reese

Dr. W.R. Willis Calvary Temple Community Church

Deadlines and Disclaimers Submission of all article, ads, etc., are due every Tuesday by noon. We accept All credit cards. The views and opinions of guest writers and columnists do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher, staff of the Elite News. Elite News is not liable for submissions or payments made to parties other than those authorized agents listed below: All checks and money orders made payable to the Elite News shall be mailed to: 2349 Cedar Crest Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75203. Accepting all major Credit Card and Check/Debit cards

Page 3

Known as

Mother Frankie Edwards &KXUFK :RPDQ 2I WKH :HHN OP,,)OQOR0

The Official Voice of the Church and Community

LITENEW of E Church S Woman


Debra’s Bits and Pieces --“Loyalty is Worth its Weight in Gold! It Covers a Multitude of Weaknesses.� !"#$%&'()*+'(,-.(/*"0"' Debra’s Bits and Pieces Debra’s Monthly Words of Wisdom: PRUDENCE Make decisions after gathering information and considering consequences. Think things through before taking action. Make wiser decisions. Attain goals through forethought. Learn problem solving. Use caution. Consider the greater good. Learn from past mistakes. Prudence in Action: This month, buy only what is needed. List pros and cons prior to making a decision. Analyze: What could have prevented this? Utilize community resources by consulting experts. Eat to satisfy hunger as opposed to eating until full.

the Week lden Gateofmissionary Baptist Church


Debra Blair Abron, Publisher

Words of Wisdom


a Bite with Lorie the Eyes of aJust Layman !"#$%&'()#"%'*+''+$(,%( -.'+%/''(0+%1/(2342

by Dr. Karen Hollie


By Lorie

Church Home

L th p A so w ta a ta eat

at Chop House Burgers

There is nothing better than a great burger !"#$%&'%%'($) I’ve been dating this man for a few months now. We haven’t been and fries and I have 0/#5+5/ Pastor exclusive, but now I think I want to be. My sister keeps telling me 6$#+7/% found the perfect place to get both, that I need to tell him that I want to be in a committed86$*/'9+1  Mother Frankie Edwards relationship. However, I’m scared that he will not want the same, 09"%:"#: Chop House Burger in Dallas. A great burger and break it off with me. I’ve dropped hints like telling him ;<;<(=/:"#(=#/'9(->5:? how Favorite Song starts with great beef Greater Golden Gate .HHVKD &KDPEHUV :HQG\ 6FKRÂżHOG DQG 6KHUUL Âł'ROO´ 5LFKDUGVRQ ZKR LV WKH 8">>"'@()A(4BC<; much I care about him, and telling him that I’ve stopped seeing and Chop House lives Missionary Baptist ChurchIN%/#SIT/#"9$#(($J((U!'K(-#+99(VOW(QOW(=/>/G#+9L(0T" C2DE3D;EF323 other people, that now it’s only him. I believe that eventually he up to what their name 8">>"'S8.%1"%5+>>/@()/X"'(Y34CZ(4<3EDC<F C2DE3D;EFCDC Favorite Scripture implies, a steak made will get my hints and make us exclusive, but my sister keeps Pastor(s): into a burger. asking me what if he suddenly becomes exclusive with someone Rev. Fabian K. Jacko Their products, beef, chicken, lettuce, Favorite Saying else. I think that he cares about me way to much for that. Help tomatoes, and buns are all locally Favorite Scripture: me out with this. I want him to be with me. What else do I need to grown and produced. The beef is John 14: 1-3 do? Angus beef that is flavorful enough you can forget about salt and pepper. In Favorite Songs: He’s the Only One fact I don’t recall seeing salt and “Amazing Graceâ€? Church Affiliations Dear Only One, pepper at the table. If you want it other Favorite Sayings: Trust in You must tell him and not hint any longer. Don't expect an than medium you must tell them how to the Lord with all Thine Heart answer immediately; give him some time to work out his prepare your meat and what extras you might want as well. Be careful each and He will direct thy path. Words of Wisdom feelings. It would be great if you could have “real talkâ€? and add on comes at a price but each add on discuss your future expectations for the relationship. is worth the price. Church Affiliations You have to get the Truffle Parmesan We want to know your choice Dr. Hollie is a Pastor and practicing psychotherapist in the city. For questions Choir, Usher, French Fries. They are thin cut and for(Deaconess, Church Woman of the and comments, please write to Etc.): Board #2, fried in truffle oil then lightly dressed ( Usher M"7/(D(( ( at ( “A thoughtful mind, when (it ( NNN?/>+9/%/N'?1$*( ( ( ( 6/G#."#L(CD@(C<2C Week. Contact BJ Fullylove Member Ester Circle, sees a Nation’s flag, sees not 214-372-6500. with parmesan cheese and chopped Member of the Mother the flag only, but the Nation itparsley. I eat them without ketchup. Board, Member of the Faith self; and whatever may be its They are wonderful and the truffle oil Walkers, Active Member symbols, its insignia, he reads gives the potatoes a unique flavor like Sunday School #3. chiefly in the flag the Governnone other. Unlike any other burger place they ment, the principles, the truths, pride themselves with service. There the history which belongs to the

Dear Dr. Hollie

Subscribe to the Elite News Call 214-372-6500

was a greeter that provided us with a menu and answered any questions you might have. No rush, take your time deciding what you want. Once prepared, a server will bring your meal to you. Just sit and relax you won’t wait too long. Their salads are enormous. One is enough to feed two. Everything is finely chopped so forget about a knife. The drinks are pricey but if you want refills you can still get your money’s worth. I chose their tea which is a lemon tea that tastes like lemon grass that is quite refreshing. So if you are downtown Dallas and you are looking for a good burger and fries go visit the Chop House Burger. Tell them Lorie said it is just the place to get the best bite on beef. Chop House Burger / 1501 Main Street / Dallas, TX 75201 / 214-741-2747 (BRGR) /

If you have a suggestion for a review, contact Lorie at

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August 24, 2012


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August 24, 2012


Page 5


Fort Worth Connection By Gloria Reed Austin Co-Founder & Executive Director National Multicultural Western Heritage Museum Meet two national best-selling authors Ashley & JaQuavis at The Dock Bookshop on Saturday, August 25, from 5-7pm. Discovered by New Gloria Reed Austin York Times best-selling author Carl Weber when they were just 17 years of age, during their freshman year in college they both received publishing deals. They have published over 31 novels and have appeared in publications such as Essence, Vibe, XXL, KING and DON DIVA. The Dock Bookshop is located at 6637 Meadowbrook Drive, Fort Worth, 76112.

Fort Worth Museum of Science and History is wrapping up the exhibit that kids have been raving about all summer…”Grossology” on September 3. The exhibition is based on the best-selling book of the same name and explores why the body produces mushy, oozy, crusty, scaly and stinky gunk. Your little scientist can explore and

with award-winning journalist Cheryl Smith - providing informative talk, commentary and interesting guests! Weeknights at 6p.m., Sundays at 8a.m. and Saturdays at Noon on BLOG TALK RADIO or call in to 646-200-0459 to listen August 24 Councilwoman Carolyn R. Davis cordially extends an invitation to you and a guest (s), to attend the 2012 Tulisoma "Heart & Soul" Tour. This event will be held Friday, August 24 from Noon to 5pm, August 25 Michael Ward, an extraordinary jazz violinist will headline the entertainment for the Urban League of Greater Dallas 45th Anniversary Gala. Old School crooners, VINJAC, will also perform. The event will be held on Saturday, August 25, 2012 at the Hilton Anatole Hotel, 2201 Stemmons Freeway at 7:00 p.m. For ticket information call (214) 915-4600. LBJ DAY MEGAWALK Featuring deer sausage sandwiches, a favorite LBJ snack!


in re-

Law Offices of Bobbie Edmonds

Law Offices of Bobbie Edmonds

discover interesting facts as the exhibit is full of hands-on experiences, challenges and just plain fun! Get tickets and information at or call (817) 255-9300. Fort Worth Museum of Science and History is located at 1600 Gendy Street, Fort Worth, 76107.

Running through September 2012 is an exhibit at the Leonora Rolla Heritage Center Museum, The Color of Hate: How the Jim Crow Era Shamed and Shaped Our City. The award-winning pictorial exhibit by Fort Worth Star Telegram columnist Tim Madigan includes memories from Fort Worth residents, both black and white recounting the era of segregation. The Lenora Rolla Heritage Center Museum is located at 1020 E. Humbolt Street, Fort Worth, 76104. Visit Call (817) 332-6049 for information and exhibit times.

100 East 15th Street, Suite 410 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Telephone: (817) 332-6501 Fax: (817) 332-6599 E-mail: Licensed in the States of Louisiana and Texas

Until next time, this has been your Fort Worth Connection. You can find out about these and other exciting events taking place in Fort Worth by visiting


Fort Worth Section

Hosted by: Hon. Dr. Elba Garcia, Dallas County Commissioner Hon. Lupe Valdez, Dallas County Sherrif 9:30am Meet-Up 10:00-11:30am Walk Bank of America Parking Lot 400 South Zang Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75208 Meet two national best-selling authors Ashley & JaQuavis at The Dock Bookshop on Saturday, August 25, from 5-7pm. Discovered by New York Times best-selling author Carl Weber when they were just 17 years of age, during their freshman year in college they both received publishing deals. They have published over 31 novels and have appeared in publications such as Essence, Vibe, XXL, KING and DON DIVA. The Dock Bookshop is located at 6637 Meadowbrook Drive, Fort Worth, 76112.

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August 26

Greater New Bethel M.B.C.ANNUAL USHER DAY at 3:30 p.m. 3817 Malcolm X Blvd.Dallas, Texas 75215 Guest Speaker: Rev. Ralph Whitehead Mt. Olive Baptist Church

Greater Golden Gate M.B.C. Presents ANNUAL WOMEN’S DAY at 3:30 p.m. 9333 Fergusson Rd. Dallas, Texas 75228 (214) 327-1250 1300 North BoNew rderPilgrim enGuest ue –Speaker: Tyle Dr. TXBilly 75L.70Bell 2 Rest M.B.C. DallasChair Lady, Joyce Shelby st Lady Peny Jacko Co-Chairman 1 or; ww newjerusalembctyle org/



with award-winning Cheryl HONESTY & A-TEAM STANDS journalist FOR QUALITY, INTEGRITY Smith - providing informative talk, commentary and interesting guests!

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“45 Years And Counting” Page 6

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August 24, 2012


Sports with Bill Toliver’s Talents

By Mark A. Toliver II Elite News Staffwriter

With all the hype of the Olympics over, I had a very interesting conversation about who was the worlds greatest athlete? Now as you can imagine names came out of the woodwork!! Hearing all of the legendary names took our conversation back into sports history. I started thinking about which athletes fit into this legendary category and who the greatest pure athletes of all times are? As we trace some of the greatest pure athletes in history, let's take in to account their overall success, their multiple-sport

London Olympics capabilities and their natural ability to compete.Here is a list of just few players that are considered to be the greatest pure athletes to ever grace the surface of this earth. For theses players, just showing up made the crowds go wild.-Allen Iverson- this player had one of the nastiest crossover moves in the history of the game, Allen Iverson built a legacy that featured broken ankles and speechless commentators. Iverson’s athleticism was on display long before he entered the NBA. During his prep career, Iverson won the High School Player of the Year award in both football and basketball, and won the Division AAA Virginia State championship in both sports!-Carl Lewis -a sprinter and long jumper who ran past opponents and into the history books from 1981 into the early 90's. Carl Lewis is renowned for his unspeakable 65 consecutive victories in the long jump over a 10. - year period.-Darrell Green-named "The Ageless Wonder". This 5'9" cornerback was poetry in motion on the gridiron. Green could hit, run, and catch. Green also received 10 All-America certificates in track and field while at Texas A &M - Kingsville. On his first NFL touch, the CT BBQ Postcard_Layout 1 2/7/2012 2:32 PM speedster ran back a punt 61 yards for a

ADVERT I SE I N T HE ELI T E N EW S 2 14 /372 -6 5 0 0 Come v i sit o u r n e w h o m e : 2349 C e da r Cre s t B lv d . Da lla s , T x 7 5 2 0 3

touchdown against the Falcons. But nothing the 28th round of the 1959 NFL draft as a details Green's legacy better than his 4.2 40 yard tailback for the Rams.-Jackie Robinson- before dash time.- Michael Vick-a new breed of deciding on baseball as his true career.Jackie quarterback -this southpaw changed the position Robinson became the first athlete to win varsity forever, having passed for 17,912 yards and letters in four collegiate sports. while at UCLA, rushed for 5,219 yards (including 1,033 in 2006) . he was an All-American running back who He may not define the term prototype, but Vick averaged 12 yards a carry, as a track star he won continues to excite skepticalCTcrowds with the 1940 NCAA BBQ Postcard_Layout 1 2/7/2012 2:32 PMMen's Page 1Outdoor Track and Field breathtaking ability to create.-Deion Sanders-a Championship in the long jump.-Jim Thorpemulti- threat player could run, catch, hit, and talk won the gold medal in the decathlon and with the best of them.Sanders became the only pentathlon at the 1912 Olympics, led his Carlisle You WantIndian a Real School Meal, Come Real record Deal” and the man to play in both a Super Bowl and“If a World team to to CT’s an 11-1 Series. Sander's leaves a brilliant two-sport 1912 national college championship and even Meats and 20 Boltlegacy intact with 53 NFL interceptions and 308 hit .252 as a major Sunday league 30 outfielder.-Usain Vegs. MLB runs scored.-Michael Jordan -we know the first man to hold both the 100- meter and 200 him for his high jumping, slam dunks, but as a 31 meter world records, Daily Jamaican sprinter Usain Specials year- old rookie with the Double -A Birmingham Bolt replaced a timeBEST of 19.30 seconds OF THE BEST in INthe 200Barons, the then recently retired Jordan hit .202 meter with an unprecedented 19.19, and trampled FRIED FISH The king of bar-b-q and soul food. with 51 RBI and 30 stolen bases in 127 games,as his previous time of 9.68 in the 100 - meter with well as 252 in the Arizona Fall League against a time of 9.58. There are so many great athlete, top prospects, before sprinting back to basketball- so many great memories, and so many great Rafer Johnson- He won the silver medal with an moments, and that's what makes sports such great injured knee in the 1956 Olympic decathlon and entertainment!!!! the gold medal in Rome four years later. Not only did Johnson play for legendary coach John May God bless you and Help Us Change the Page 1 Wooden at UCLA, but Johnson was drafted in World!!!


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with award-winning journalist Cheryl Smith providing informative talk, commentary and interesting guests!

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August 24, 2012

Page 7


ROLLIN WITH A BROTHA By Kevan Browning Welcome to the weekend baaaaaby!!! Well there's tons of back to school stuff happening this weekend! Our kids are going back to the hallowed halls of education and parents can breathe! Ahhh... It's very cool that so many groups and organizations are lending a helping hand this year for our kids. This Saturday(8/25) Looking West, Ft.Worth's Dunbar High's back to school rally runs 9a-1p, while Katt William's Development group does it's thing , same Remeisha Shade time at Bachman Lake. Sunday Millennium Cut's gives free food, fun and supplies 4p-9p in Dallas! Speaking of education, are you aware that The Democratic National Convention starts September 4th in Charlotte North Carolina? Are you aware that many state and localities have made new requirements to vote. For instance, early voting in the state of Ohio used to accommodate working people, by allowing weekend and after hours(5pm) voting, but no more! Turns out the Republican controlled electorate of the state cancelled it, probably after discovering that 82% of early voters in the above categories were minorities who voted Democrat. Other state's have come up with new mandatory identification laws, that potentially disenfranchise Blacks and Latino's. I don't know where you pick this paper up, nor how you feel about it, but I'd suggest you start to care. Don't get mad... Before reading this piece, did you have any idea when the Democratic National Convention was or the location? There's been a real lack of excitement in our community about President Obama's campaign, despite all he's done for the poor and middle class. Turning around 8 years of George W. Bush is an ongoing process! Make sure you, your mama, daddy, grandma, big momma, grandaddy, uncle's, aunt's and your cousin "nims" are registered. You may have not noticed, nor paid attention, but the Republican platform is attacking the poor, middle class and is decidedly anti-woman! Wake up!!! Now, help me down from my soap box! One Democrat that's taking no stuff is rapper L.L. Cool J! L.L. caught a burglar in his home, body slammed and pinned the guy until police arrived this week...Dear Mark Cuban, stop holding a grudge against Jason Kidd. Get over Jason leaving for the Knicks and a chance to be on a really good team. Mark, you disrespected NBA Defensive MVP Tyson Chandler in the way you pushed him off the team and he let people know. Don't be surprised that NBA Players like Deron Williams think twice about coming here. Winning a championship, should at the least insure that the best players will be here for awhile! Love ya Mark, just keep it real with yourself and us! Good to see Robin Roberts back on Good Morning America! Keep her in your prayers as she fights her illness. You may remember local TV talent like Ashley Banfield, sports guy Kurt Menefee, Rene Syler that were never respected here and Mark Cuban ultimately moved onto the National scene? After a reshuffling of folks and a new contract for head weather dude, David Finfrock at Channel 5, the incredibly competent and stylish Remeisha Shade, remains as the weekend morning meteorologist. Look for Ms. Shade to be the next national talent to shake her head, as she moves to bigger and better things on the national level! Happy Birthday to YOU and celebs this week:Melvin Van Peeble's 80, Regis Philbin 78,Clarence Williams III 73, Bill Clinton is 66, Al Roker 58, Blair Underwood 48, Kel Mitchell 34 and Masta P's kid Lil Romeo is 23. You can reach out to me thru email at, follow me @smokinkevan on Twitter or Google me and listen to my radio show that carried in 115 cities across the U.S. Thanks for "Rollin With A Brotha" in The Elite News! Page 8











Dallas Black Council members walk out Dallas City Council approved a major shake-up of the municipal judge roster after a heated discussion and a walk-out by some members on Wednesday. Council member Carolyn Davis and Mayor Mike Rawlins seemed to have harsh words during the divisive debate along racial lines. The Council’s action removed half of the current bench including Tim Gonzalez, Cheryl Williams and a host of other judges. The fight that led to the ousting, including a walk out by the council’s four black members, promises to have long lasting effects. Councilman Dwaine Caraway angry that the jobs of two black judges are in jeopardy said, “I’m not trying to throw the race card;

GREGG’s Backyard

they can write anything they want to write about me in the morning papers, but these judges that have had problems year after year after year have been African Americans. Afterward, Judge Victor Lander said he was stunned and “at a loss.” “I’m thankful to the Council that they were kind enough to put me back on the bench where I belong,” he said. “But I’m very, very disturbed about

Councilmember Dwaine Caraway addresses issue, prior to walk-out

the process, and I’m extremely disturbed about the fact that my colleagues, who was every bit as qualified, if not more so,

than I am, were not placed back on the bench.” More to come…

Featuring Sharnette Hyter

Sharnette got her first record deal in the mid 1990’s in the House Music Genre. She was on a European label, K4B Records, where she had many House Tune Hits. Her most popular song that charted Gregg Smith T h e To p 1 0 Billboard Chart Sharnette Hyter is a multiSharnette Hyter was “Hooked On talented, modern day Luv.” It is still “Renaissance Woman,” who being played in clubs in Europe today. is a talented actress, writer, singer, producer, Sharnette currently has three albums in and business owner. A native of Dallas, publication: a Southern Soul CD released in Texas, Sharnette has been performing for July 2009, titled “Southern Soul Party Every local audiences since her early childhood. Night;” a Gospel CD released in July 2010, She has performed in numerous plays, titled, “Keep The Faith,” and a Jazz CD musicals, short films, television shows, released in January 2011, titled “Shar Jazz.” commercials and music videos. Sharnette is She also has released several music singles, a member of Lifeway Church in Dallas, including a Zydeco single titled “If You Want Texas, where Dr. Karen Hollie Thiboeaux is It,” a Reggae single titled “Bring It to Me” Pastor, and holds an M.S. in Theological and a re-make of the R&B classic, “Ain’t Studies from Grace International Seminary in Nothing Like the Real Thing.” Dallas, Texas—the only theological school Sharnette’s musical influences include for women in the Southwest. She credits her Aretha Franklin, Gladys Knight, Ella family for always supporting her passions, Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughn, Mahalia Jackson, and thanks her many friends, fans, and Dorothy Love Coates, and many other greats. church family for their unwavering support. Sharnette has recently performed at the Sharnette grew up in the Singing Hills, Oak “Sugar Bar” in New York, New York, and in Cliff neighborhood in Dallas, and was active Los Angeles, California, and Austin, Texas. in many activities as a youth. She started She is currently studying with world resinging in elementary school at Robert L. known vocal coach, Ron Grant in New York Thornton Elementary, and was in her Jr. High City. Ron Grant, formerly VP of Productions School choir at Boude Storey Middle School. at Sony Music, has worked with musical Her love for dance and entertainment led her greats such as Carl Thomas, Faith Evans and to the Mary Lois School of Dance in Dallas. Cassie, and has produced on albums for She then graduated from Skyline High musical greats such as Mariah Carey and School in Dallas, where Horticulture was her Biggie Smalls. Ron Grant now works for cluster and Track was her sport. Sharnette is Tommy Mottola, and for 13 years has truly a country girl who lives a city life. successfully run his own show called “Ron Sharnette is a music industry veteran, with Grant and Friends,” open-mic every Sunday an extensive resume as musical performer, night at The Village Underground in New songwriter, producer, artist manager, radio York City. personality, and special events promoter.

Sharnette received her first DJ position at KAZI radio station in Austin, Texas, in the 1980’s, and credits current General Manager, Steve Savage, for giving her a chance in Radio. She says it was a joy to drive every week to Austin to work. She credits Austin for giving her a chance when Dallas was not ready for an African American female that sang House Music. Currently, when in Dallas, Sharnette co-hosts on KNON 89.3fm in Dallas’ Blue Monday Show with 9 year veteran Host DJ Shortstack, Queen of Texas Blues Lady Lotion and Bobblehead, the morning team, 9-12 noon on Sharnette is also an accomplished film and stage actress, and television personality. Sharnette was mentored into television by Ester Davis, who inspired Sharnette’s career. Her first television show was “Lady Sports Talk”. Sharnette then went on to produce her own television show, “Jus Shar Show,” where she interviewed up and coming artists. Her list of credits include: Her latest effort is as a co-star, co-writer and co-producer of a television comedy sitcom, set and filmed here in Dallas, Texas, called “Changing Mannequins.” “Changing Mannequins” was created by Dallas actor, comedian, author and Kim Dawson model, Bobby Shue, and cowritten, co-produced, and co-starred in by Bobby Shue, Stacy Sala, and Sharnette Hyter, is set to be released in 2013. Sharnette is currently a client of New York-based talent agency, Zanee Entertainment. Sharnette is a successful author, as well. Her current books include: “Spiritual Love Poems: All About God’s Love” (published in December 2009); “Real Talk” (published in November 2010); and “Heartfelt Poetry” (published in December 2011). She plans to release her newest books of poetry, “Teen Talk” and “Revelation of Pain” in December of this year. She is also currently working on a novel titled “Dispatching Angels to Keep Satan Under Our Feet,” which she plans to release in the fall of 2013. See Sharnette Hyter, page 9

August 24, 2012


The Blessing of Brokenness By Geraldine Davidson- Hooker We've all seen restored furniture. Restoring furniture involves stripping away old varnish or paint with strong chemicals. This reveals all the nooks, crannies and original spots on the piece. The sanding takes place next - the wood is rubbed with coarse sandpaper in order to level out its imperfections. Then the furniture is ready to receive a new stain or paint color - it's ready for a new look. New glory can be given to old furniture. And God can do the same thing with us. He can put new glory inside an old life, but He must first strip away our old nature and sand away our sinful strongholds. We shouldn't run from being broken. It's not pleasant or happy, but it will produce a better life. Brokenness is a blessing because it puts us on the road to a breakthrough. Jesus said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit" (Matthew 5:3) Those who are spiritually broken will be blessed because they will see God and experience His reality flowing through their lives. Scripture promises that God remains with those who are broken and makes them stronger than before. Psalm 34:18 says, "The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Isaiah 61:3 teaches that God would give those who mourn and are broken "a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified."

Sharnette Hyter, continued from page 8 However, Sharnette may be best known in the Dallas area for her accomplishments as a small business owner. She credits one of her early mentors, Mrs. Mary Luckey (community activist and long-time President of Southeast Dallas Business Professional Womens’ Club), for molding her into the businesswoman she is today. Sharnette has owned and operated a variety of businesses in the Dallas area, and opened her first business—Group 1 Salon in DeSoto, Texas—at the age of 19. Sharnette’s latest business venture is Universal Hair Restoration & Spiritual Health Clinic in Duncanville, Texas. After training under re-knowned New Orleans/ M i a m i H a i r Tr i c h o l o g i s t Specialist and Pocahontas International Hair virgin hair owner/importer, Trish Skidmore, Sharnette has now joint-ventured with Ms. Skidmore to bring her revolutionary hair loss treatment, medical hair prosthesis and life skills system to Dallas. The grand opening of their Universal Hair Restoration & Spiritual Health Clinic at 930A South Cedar Ridge Lane, Duncanville, Texas 75136, is scheduled for October 1, 2012. Sharnette has also managed many clubs in the Dallas Metroplex area, and has promoted events across the U.S. Sharnette is known for her love for live entertainment, and has supported artists and D.J.’s for the last decade. She is known for her contribution to helping break some of the most well known hip hop artists in the South by August 24, 2012

showcasing them at her Club Diamonds--the Club that helped mold the Dallas hip hop scene. She is known as “The Queen of Underground Music”, and loves all Music. Sharnette started has her own Independent Record Label and Entertainment Company, and is represented by N e w Yo r k / A t l a n t a - b a s e d entertainment attorney, Kendell Minter. Sharnette has learned the hard way about the Music Industry. She has experienced, first hand, what happens when your music business isn’t in order. She expresses this concern by telling others about how she has songs still being played today, for which she doesn’t receive royalties. She stresses that all artists need an attorney and a manager. Sharnette’s latest venture is as the Events Coordinator for the new The Bellagio Entertainment Center, located at 1701 S. Lamar Street in Dallas, Texas, where she plans to once again expose Dallas to the very best in fine dining and entertainment from around the world. Sharnette is currently recording her new R&B CD, which is being produced by Reggie Love, in Baltimore, Maryland. Sharnette’s music and books can be found online at w w w. s h a r n e t t e h y t e r. c o m ,,, c d b a b y. c o m , and Sharnette ultimately credits all her success to God. Her motto is “Failure is never an option… Life is Limitless.”

Page 9


Elite News Religious Hall of Fame 2012

Mrs. Doris Ann and Rev.William Boulden, New Vision Community Baptist Church

Atty. Bobbie Edmonds Wanda Bolton-Davis & Miss Elite News Gynger Dorsey

Elite News Publisher Debra Blair Abron and John Sharp Chancellor Texas A&M

Pastor David and Mrs. Eterial Jones, Arlington Park First Baptist Church

(l) Francis Davis, Wife of Posthumous Inductee Rev. John A. Davis, Star of Bethlehem Baptist Church

Church Woman Of The Year Sister Savitri Brown and Husband Rev. Timothy Brown, New El Bethel Baptist Church Dallas, Texas

Dallas County Schools Board President Larry Duncan, Superintendent Rick Sorrells, Board Member Dr. Paul Freeman

Dr. Rev. J. W. Mosley, and escort Ms. Clara, Good Street Baptist Church Elite News Agape Supporters Sister Gloria Brown and Sister Mae Margeret Crosby Atty. and Mrs. Larry Taylor with Cheryl Smith (c)

Rev. George Johnson and wife Phyllis, St. Paul A.M.E Church, Waco, TX

Pastor Yvette DeVine and husband Elder Mart DeVine - Ambassadors for CCCCM, Inc

Page 10

Volunteer Sister Katie Woods, New Birth M.B.Church, Ester Davis-Ester Davis Show, Ebony, Katie's grand daughter.

Mrs. and Mrs. Frank and Lesa Johnson

Mustang District 10 Boy Scouts Of America

Rev. Leonard Charles Stovall, Glen Oaks UMC

Mrs. Marcia and Rev. Dr. William D. McNeal, Greater El Bethel Baptist Church

Judge Phyllis Lister Brown, Atty. Larry Taylor and Dr. Marvin Dulaney

Rev. Robert and wife Mrs. Karen Townsend, Mt. Pisgah M. B. Church, Dallas

Pastor British U. and wife Mrs. Ella Tharpe, The Berea Church

August 24, 2012


Nineteen inducted into the Elite News Religious Hall of Fame


fifth Dr. Marvin Dulaney, Brenda McClurkin, Bill Blair and Judge Phyllis Lister Brown By Joseph Green-Bishop Elite News Staff Writer

Nearly 600 believers from across the state of Texas packed the ballroom of a local Dallas hotel last Saturday to welcome 19 new inductees into the Elite News Religious Hall of Fame which was founded by Elite News publisher William Blair 12 years ago to honor the contributions that members of the clergy make to our society. “I started this event because there were halls of fame for everyone except members of the faith community,” said Blair, who was recently featured in a New York Times article because of the donation of his archives to the University of Texas at Arlington. Among these inducted into the 2012 class of the Hall of Fame were Sister Savitri Brown from the New El Bethel Baptist Church in Dallas, Pastor Yvette Devine of the Ambassadors of Chris, Reverend Wanda Bolton Davis of Disciples Ministry, Reverend Robert Townsend of Mt Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas, Reverend Bryan Carter, pastor of the Concord Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas, Reverend E.C. Wilson of the Griggs Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, Pastor British Tharpe of Berea Baptist Church, Reverend Kerry Duffey, Reverend George Johnson of St. Paul AME Church in Waco, Reverend J.D. Palmer of Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Longview, Reverend Danny Davis of Jordan Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Houston, Dr. John W. Mosley of Bexar Street Baptist Church, Reverend William Boulden of New Vision Community Baptist Church, Reverend Robert Reed of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Deacon Maurice Dotson of Good Street Baptist Church, Reverend Leonard Charles Stovall of Glen Oaks United Methodist Church, Reverend William D. McNealy of Greater El Bethel Baptist Church, Pastor David Jones of Arlington Park First Baptist Church and MC Bishop Ray Campbell of Ideal Pentacostal. August 24, 2012

Reverend John A. Davis of Star of Bethlehem Baptist Church was inducted posthumously. Among those who attended the event were area business owners Corey Toney and John E. Beckwith Jr. “I applaud Mr. Blair for having the vision to create the Religious Hall of Fame,” said Toney, the owner of C.T's . Real Deal Barbeque. “The faith community is crucial to our growth and development as a society. I do not know where we would be without people of faith.” “William Blair has always been a visionary and the Elite News Religious Hall of Fame is an example of his greatness,” said Beckwith, the chief executive officer of the Golden Gate Funeral Home. “I am grateful for his presence in the community and for the presence of the men and women who are being inducted into the Hall of Fame year after year.” Pastor Louis Laurent, the shepherd of the Little Flock Missionary Baptist Church in Forney, Texas was the master of ceremonies for the induction ceremony and the dinner that accompanied it. Pastor Laurent delighted the audience with a battery of jokes and biblical recitations. “I want to thank all of you who are here today,” said Pastor Laurent, who is also a real estate executive in the Dallas area. “Your very presence demonstrates your commitment to the goodness of our community and to the important role that people of faith perform in the community.” Each inductee was presented in a video presentation to the audience, and received a fashionable wrist watch and writing case both engraved with Elite News Religious Hall of Fame. “We could never reward them with what they really deserve,” said Debra Blair Abron, the publisher of the Elite News. “We have some wonderful people in our community and it is important that they are recognized for the many blessings that they bestow upon us.”


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Page 11


Happy Care Adult Day Care Center Happy Care Adult Day Care Center is looking for a food vendor to accommodate our clients nutritional lunch needs. The days of operation are Monday through Friday and lunch is served at 12noon. You must be able to deliver; lunch is served here in our designated dinning area. We serve an estimate of 90 clients per day. The type of meals we serve must meet Texas Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutrition requirements. For example; our lunch consists of the following Vegetables/Fruits, Grain/Bread, Meat/Meat Alternates all components must be served at each meal. A 10 percent performance bond may be required of the bidder who succeeds. All contracts are subject to review by the Texas Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Division. All parties interested should request and submit your Invitation for Bid and Contract packet to Happy Care Adult Day Center 4915 Brashear St. Dallas, TX 75210. All bids must be submitted within 14 days of this article starting August 24, 2012. On Thursday September 10, 2012 we will open all bids that were submitted here at our location at 11am. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at (214) 928-7800 Monday – Friday 7:30am – 5:30pm

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August 24, 2012


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Page 13


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August 24, 2012

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Page 14









August 24, 2012

Page 15


1403 Morrell Dallas, TX 75203 Church (214) 946-4522 Tele-worship - 1-866-844-6291 Access Number - 1531804# 8:30am Sunday School Morning Worship 9:45am Wednesday Night Services 6:30pm

St. Andrew Missionary Baptist Church “Equipping the Saints for Kingdom Work” 218 W. Illinois Ave. Dallas TX. 75216 214-497-8560 Sunday School 10:30 Morning Worship 11:30

Page 16

Rev. Anthony Cole Pastor

August 24, 2012


A Search For Our New Pastor Golden Chain Baptist Church The Pastor’s Search Committee of the New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, Tyler, Texas is seeking a New Pastor for full-time service. Our pastor will be retiring after 30 years of devoted service. We are seeking a man of God who is a licensed and experienced pastor with a vision. A pastor who is well grounded in the Baptist Doctrine and uses the King James Bible as a base. One who desires to see growth and revival in our congregation, youth department and outreach in the community. If you feel that you are called by God to lead us, please send your resume and contact information to: New Jerusalem Baptist Church – Pastor’s Search Committee 1300 North Border Avenue – Tyler, TX 75702

or; www.


M.E.T.R.O. Christ Church 405 E. Parkerville Rd. Cedar Hill, Tx. 75104 972-293-8188 Sunday Bible Study 9:00am Sunday Worship 10:30am Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm Dr. Kenneth Greene

July 27, August 24, 2012 2012

Page Page17 17


Ministers Listings

New Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 8108 Mask Drive Dallas, TX 75241 (214) 498-4439 … Office Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Men / Women Meeting (1st & 3rd Wed.) 7 – 8 p.m. Bible Study (1st & 3rd Wed.) 8 – 9 p.m. Bible Study (2nd & 4th Wed.) 7 – 8 p.m. Fellowship Dinner/Bible Study(5th Wed.)6:15 – 8:30 p.m.

Page 18

Resurrection Body of Christ

Pastor Ronald D. Richardson

901 E. Parkerville Rd. DeSoto, TX 75115 214-434-0252 Sunday School Time: _9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Mid-week Service: Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Bible Study, Etc): Thursday 7:30 p.m.

August 24, 2012


OBITUARIES Dawson, Marcus 53, passed away August 15, 2012. He leaves to cherish his wife, Goldie, 2 sons, Marcus and Marvin, 3 daughters, Shawanna, Nicole and Yolanda, 15 grandchildren, 6 sisters, 3 brothers and a host of relatives and friends. Wake: Wednesday, August 22 from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. Celebration: Thursday, August 23 at 11:00 a.m. Both services will be held at Golden Gate, 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy, Dallas, Texas 75224.

Arlington, Texas 76018. She was a passionate dancer. Celebration: Saturday, August 25 at 11:00 a.m. at Zion Fields Baptist Church, 24105 Berra, Plaquemine, LA.

Sherry Caro, 3 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren, 1 sister, Doris Faye Frazier, 8 step children, Robbie, Dalton, Shirley, Joyce, Morris, Sr., Rosa, Grace and Norvel and a host of relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her daughter, Sandra Alexander. Wake: Tuesday, August 21 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Golden Gate, 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy, Dallas, Texas 75224. Service: Wednesday, August 22 at 1:00 p.m. at Salem Institutional Baptist Church, 3918 Crozier Street, Dallas, Texas 75215.


Washington, Rushelle 20, of Dallas, Texas known as “Shelle� passed away August 16, 2012. She leaves to cherish her father, Russell, mother, Schentrell, 1 brother, Danny, 1 sister, Bianca, 5 aunts, 2 uncles and a host of relatives and friends. Wake: Wednesday, August 22 at 6:30 p.m. at Cornerstone Baptist Church, 5415 Matlock Rd.,

Youman, Vance 62, of Dallas, Texas known as “Yo-Yo� passed away August 14, 2012. She leaves to 1 daughter, Venus Jackson (Johnny), 2 grandchildren, Jazmin Brown and Tarah Brown, 3 great grandchildren, Jazahri, Jazahia and Rylee, 2 brothers, Troy Youman (Mildred) and Samuel Youman (Gerrie) and a host of relatives and friends. Viewing: Wednesday, August 22 from 2:00 to 9:00 p.m. Celebration: Thursday, August 23 at 3:00 p.m. Both services will be held at Golden Gate, 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy, Dallas, Texas 75224. Caro, Frances 79, of Dallas, Texas passed away August 16, 2012. She leaves to cherish 2 daughters, Shelia Kihanya and

May, Juanita L. 79, of Dallas, Texas passed away August 18, 2012. She leaves to cherish 4 daughters, Diane May, Joetta Foster, Waynita Coleman and Debra Page, 3 sons, Donald, William and Royce May, 12 grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren and host other relatives and friends. Wake: Thursday, August 23 from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. Celebration: Friday, August 24 at 11:00 a.m. Both services will

be held at Golden Gate, 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy, Dallas, Texas 75224. McLemore, Billy 50, of Dallas, Texas passed away August 18, 2012. Celebration: Friday, August 24 at 1:00 p.m. at Faith Temple, 825 W. Pentagon Pkwy, Dallas, Texas. Beard, Essie Lois 82, of Dallas, Texas passed away August 17, 2012. She leaves to cherish 1 son, Larry Bradley, 1 daughter, Carolyn Beard, 3 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Viewing: Thursday, August 23 from 2:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Golden Gate, 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy, Dallas, Texas 75224. Service: Friday, August 24 at 11:00 a.m. at Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church, 1819 N. Washington Ave, Dallas, Texas 75204.


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that is being developedUntil about her life asWorth a follow next time, this has been your Fort Connection. up to her Payton Skky series, the first African-American Christian teen series.   biography “Foxy: My Life In Three Acts.â€? The celebration also You can find out about these and other exciting events taking place in Fort Her newest series is the adorable Morgan Love series and Alec Worth by visiting included a Zydeco Music Festival featuring Leon Chavis & the London series. She is a motivational speaker and community Zydeco Flames, Dog Hill Stompers, Step Rideau & the Zydeco activist. Mrs. Moore speaks with young people across the country, Outlaws and Curley Taylor & Zydeco Trouble. The NMWHM Hall encouraging them to achieve every attainable dream. The Dock of Fame Rodeo was the closing event for the museum’s National Bookshop is located at 6637 Meadowbrook Drive, Fort Worth, TX Day of the American Cowboy Celebration. The rodeo was attended 76112. (817) 457-5700. by film and television stars Barry Corbin and Dean Smith. Also in  attendance was World Champion Bull Rider Charles Sampson (who is also an NMWHM Hall of Fame Inductee) and fellow inductees Until next time, this has been your Fort Worth Connection. !"#$%"&$%""&' Lee Reed, Harold Cash, and Freddie “Skeetâ€? Gordon. The rodeo ()**)+,'-./+,0'1'2)/34)+'-./+,0 !  E"%$F%&$#!GG' took place at Cowtown Coliseum in the Fort Worth Stockyards. The H)99)7'-./+,0 ! You can find out about these and other exciting events taking place in Fort events were fundraisers for the museum’s Youth Education Worth by visiting Programs and Pam Grier Community Garden.Â

attendance was World Champion Bull Rider Charles Sampson (who is also an NMWHM Hall of Fame Inductee) and fellow inductees Lee Reed, Harold Cash, and Freddie “Skeetâ€? Gordon. The rodeo took place at Cowtown Coliseum in the Fort Worth Stockyards. The events were fundraisers for the museum’s Youth Education Programs and Pam Grier Community Garden. (;

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If you love someone give them a copy of

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Page 6

August 3, 2012

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Page 6

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August 17, 2012

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