We keep your Internet needs Out of the RED!
Our task is to seek out great website packages, Scripts and other Internet based products and brings their prices down to an affordable range. We provide hosting, domain name registration and training so clients can remove their dependency from a webmaster. One of the goals is to give back ownership and control of website content to the owners of the website or web based applications. We at Business In The Black work hard for you to Fire Your Webmaster!
Cu ustom CMS based d Webs sites $199 - $399 General Offiice: 214-509 9-6678 / Hou urs: 10:30am m to 5pm CEO - Darn nell - 214-50 09-6678 Sales and Marketing - COO- Marie 214-994 4-9864 (Se Habla Espano ol) c websiite design bassed on Conte ent Business In The Black offers high-quality custom agement Systtem (CMS) sttructures and developmentt at the most affordable priices. Check Mana out our o popular va alue-packed deals d along with w the live sittes we've dessigned for passt clients. The e quality combined with w the price e make these deals unbeattable and we highly recommend these ur clients. We're sure that Business B In The Black ha as the perfectt web design packages to all ou soluttion for you! Refer friends and get your web bsite FREE orr get paid com mmissions for telling people e about our produ ucts and servvices. Check out o Business In The Black's Affiliate sysstem, Reselle er and Refferral program ms. Start gettin ng paid for pa assing on gre eat information n, click here for f more information. We can upgrade e your existing g website to CMS C technolo ogy so you ca an start contro olling your ow wn content. No o master to makke a simple ch hange to yourr event morre page update charges orr waiting weeks for a webm cale endar. Busine ess In The Bla ack teaches all a clients to ta ake back conttrol over theirr website and Fire Your Webmaster!
Take Ba ack Contrrol of Your Website e by using g CMS Po ower! Sample e sites be elow costiing $199 to t $399 an nd more here h
www.therezfleetwood.co om
www.ccb blackchamber.net
www w.Tuskegees.org
Cost Client C $199
Cost Client $299 9
Co ost Client $399
W rdPrress Web Wor bsitee Paackaage $99 $ WorrdPress Privatee Hostin ng Setup p Packagge
Do you want a WordPress W s but have no clue how site w to install itt or set it up?? We have a solu ution for youu as a WordP Press Packagge that comes complete with w a Domaain Name and Hosting forr 1 year. Usin ng WordPress as a Content Managem ment System ms helps youu easily creatte, manage, and update yourr website witth just a toucch of a buttoon. If it is thaat easy, whyy do I need ur services? Why W do I havve to pay whhen I can eassily do the one-click insttallation you from m Fantasticoo? Whille installing the basic WordPress W corre files is ann easy task; securing s andd configuringg the essentiaal settings and plug-ins p to maximize m itss full potential takes timee to do. Busiiness In The Black will configure c annd customizee yourr new WordP Press Blog to o save you tiime and effoort while youu can focus on o your businness. Let us u do the dirrty job for yo ou and avail of our cost-eeffective insstallation pacckages.
WoordPress Installlation an nd Setup Packaage • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Domain Name N registtered in yourr own name Hosting for f 1 year ($ $99 a year affter that withh no contractt) Up to 3 Pop3 P Professsional Emaill accounts seetup based onn your Domain Name N (namee@yourdomain.com) Completee WordPresss Installationn updated to the latest veersion Integratee your logo in nto your dessired theme Header im mage custom mization from m selected thheme 4 Pages added a for yo ou (submit inn WORD or PDF formatt only) Google Analytics A inttegration witth reports sennt weekly too your email Configurre Permalink ks and optim mize Blog forr Search Enggine Rankingg Install Soocial Bookm making buttonns for easy post p sharing Configurre Google Webmaster W Siitemap Setup a Contact C form m with CAPT TCHA for sppam protection Setup bassic WordPreess security Install Yoour Theme of o Choice (1000s of them mes to choosse from here) Submit Blog B to Goog gle, Yahoo and a other maajor search enngines (100,,000 plus) Five plugg-ins of yourr choice (Leaarning how to t use the plug-ins would be the clients e responsiibility) 30 minutte Basic Traiining overvieew of how too use WordP Press (Extennsive trainingg material avvailable online froom WordPreess)
Seductive Squeeze Website designed for Models and More These one page websites (Squeeze Page) come power packed with Video streamed from YouTube or Private Server, links to your FaceBook, LinkIn, Twitter and MySpace accounts for Social Marketing, Email Capture for gathering followers and Mouse Over Image Gallery. BIB also sends your Squeeze Site to 2000 targeted emails in an area of your choice and add a link to your Site on the BIB website for more traffic. Includes: - 1 Domain Name (www.yoursite.com) - 1 Email Address based on the domain name (yourname@yoursite.com) - 1 YouTube Video Link - 4 Social Links of your choice hyper linked - Email Submission form - 12 Image Roller Gallery - Custom Content in the Body - PayPal Button for sales - Google Analytics added with weekly reports sent to your email automatically Once created we will send out to 2000 targeted people in an area of your choice.
All for $99 a year and no monthly fees what so ever! Demo Here $99 Complete
COMM MUNITY Y FIRST DIGITA AL BILLB BOARD ADVERT TISEME ENT Start your own Digital D Signa age businesss! General G Offiice: 214-509 9-6678 / Hou urs: 10:30am m to 5pm CEO - Darn nell - 214-50 09-6678 Sales and Marketing - COO- Marie 214-994 4-9864 (Se Habla Espano ol)
www.AtoZMiiniBillbo oards.co om Need us to o call you? Click here Make up to $15,0 000 a Month h from 1 sysstem!
A true "Business In A Box" starting at a $500 Dual D Scree en Adverttisement M Mode add ds Value fo or the Spo onsor and d Host A true "B Business In I A Box" $500 or $200 $ for do-it-you d rselfers
We W have two gre eat bussiness models! m 1 - Cllient Pow wered with h Paid Adss and a Pa aid Sponsor 2 - So ocially Pow wered witth Free Ads A and Pa aid Sponso ors