Daily Challenge 7-8-11

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Now that “The Oprah Winfrey Show” will no longer occupy her time, there are reports that the talk show host will be returning to her South Africa school in September to teach a class called “It’s Life 101” about the

things she wished someone had told her about how the world really works. Photo: Oprah Winfrey (center) with students from the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa. SEE PAGE 3.




N EW S BR IE F S VIGIL HELD FOR HIP-HOP STAR’S SHOT COUSIN The community in East Flatbush, Brooklyn gathered Wednesday night to remember the cousin of rapper Nicki Minaj, who was shot to death early Monday. Community leaders, family and friends of 27-year-old Nicholas Telemaque marched from his home to the site of the shooting on East 52nd Street and Farragut Road. Telemaque was shot several times in the torso and died at the hospital. “This your brother, your cousin, your son. We have to stop the violence,” said Nicole Crowley, Telemaque’s sister. Brooklyn Councilman Jumaane Williams blamed recent cuts to youth services for the increase in violent crime in his district. “There is a connection between where the resources go and where the violence is. This is what I have to deal with. This is what the family has to deal with. This is death,” said Williams. No arrests had been made by late Wednesday. Anyone with information on the case should contact the Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS, or text CRIMES and then enter TIP577, or visit www.nypdcrimestoppers.com. CITY FOOD BANKS FACE MORE FUNDING CUTS The Food Bank for New York City needs your help. The organization is feeling the pressure because of budget cuts. One community kitchen on 116th Street in Harlem recently lost half its funding and is set to lose a significant part of its budget. Officials say it comes at the worst time when many more in the city are in need for a healthy meal. “The bottom line is that any line to this program means that the Food Bank, who serves over a thousand programs will have to make up the difference which is going to impact over a thousand programs in the city of New York,” said Dr. Lucy Cabrera of Food Bank for New York City. Food banks around the city not only serve meals, but also hand out much needed groceries to residents. REPORT: CITY WON’T BAN CARS ON CENTRAL PARK LOOP The city has put the brakes on a plan that would have banned cars from the Central Park loop, according to a published report. Cars used to be able to drive the entire six mile loop of the park. Those hours have been whittled down to give more access to people on foot and bike. The park is now only open to cars in certain sections in the morning and afternoon rush hours. A proposal for a total ban has been nixed by the Department of Transportation, despite support from all six community boards around the park. The ban along the park’s loop would have run through at least Labor Day to give researchers time to determine how a ban would affect traffic outside the park.

Obama to offer $4 trillion in cuts in broad deal WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will propose doubling GOP spending cuts to $4 trillion in return for $1 trillion in revenue through a tax overhaul, officials said. The far-reaching 10-year debtreduction proposal, which Obama plans to make at a White House-congressional debt-limit summit Thursday, would include big Medicare and Medicaid spending cuts in exchange for the fresh tax revenue through the overhaul, The New York Times reported. It would also include, for the first time, major Social Security changes to rein in the retirement program’s skyrocketing costs, The Washington Post said. In proposing these fundamental changes, Obama would seek to stabilize borrowing and stop a budgetary ticking time bomb with healthcare costs rising to projected unprecedented levels as the nation’s population ages, the Post said. “These moments come along at most once a decade — and it would be a real mistake if we let it pass us by,” a Democratic official familiar with the administration’s thinking told the Post. At the 11 a.m. EDT meeting with top House and Senate leaders in the White House Cabinet Room overlooking the Rose Garden, Obama plans to argue that policymakers are in a rare consensus on the size and scope of the nation’s budget problems and they should seize the moment and take dramatic action, the Post said. The proposal is a major White House shift and follows a secret weekend meeting between Obama and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, officials said. Boehner told Obama he would be willing to revamp the tax code to the tune of $1 trillion or more in new

revenue, the Times said. Part of the new money would come from killing tax breaks for the oil and gas industry, ending ethanol subsidies and abolishing preferential treatment for corporate jets, the Times said. The rest would be decided by Congress. The idea was floated of letting Bush-era tax cuts for richer Americans expire at the end of 2012, which would generate hundreds of billions of dollars, the Times and Post said. The Obama-Boehner deal would put Obama and the congressional leaders at odds with major factions of their own parties, officials observed. Democrats would be asked to cut social-safety-net programs and Republicans would be asked, in effect, to raise taxes. “There are no tax increases on the table,” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said Wednesday. House Democrats expressed fears about the proposal in an hourlong meeting with Treasury Secretary

Timothy Geithner Wednesday night. “Depending on what they decide to recommend, they may not have Democrats,” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., told the Times. “I think it is a risky thing for the White House to basically take the bet that we can be presented with something at the last minute and we will go for it.” Policymakers have a deadline to craft a debt-reduction deal by the end of next week — a deal tied to congressional approval of an increase in the legal limit on government borrowing. The July 22 deadline gives the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office enough time to analyze the deal and for both chambers to vote on it before Aug. 2, when the U.S. Treasury Department has said the government will begin defaulting on its obligations without Congress increasing the country’s selfimposed $14.3 trillion borrowing limit.

Bill Clinton compares new voting laws to Jim Crow By GABRIELLA SCHWARZ WASHINGTON — Former President Bill Clinton compared efforts by Republicans to change voting laws across the country to Jim Crow laws and poll taxes that historically disenfranchised African American voters. Speaking before a group of liberal youth activists Wednesday, Clinton said laws in states like Florida and New Hampshire are aimed at limiting voter turnout and keeping young people from the ballot box. “There has never been in my lifetime, since we got rid of the poll tax and all the voter Jim Crow burdens on voting, the determined effort to limit a franchise that we see today,” Clinton said at Campus Progress’s annual conference in Washington. Jim Crow laws, enacted between 1876 and 1965, included fees and laws historically used to keep African-Americans from voting. Clinton said Republican governors and legislators are now trying to “keep most of you [young people]

from voting next time.” “They [Republicans] are trying to make the 2012 electorate look more like the 2010 electorate than the 2008 electorate,” Clinton added, referencing the dip in youth voter turnout in the 2010 elections. “Are you fighting? You should be fighting it.” Younger voters turned out at historic levels during the 2008 election helping propel Obama to the White House, but dropped off considerably in 2010. Clinton was critical of regulations preventing same-day registration and specifically referenced Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s move in March to overturn a law that allowed convicted felons to vote after they completed their probation. “Why should we disenfranchise people forever once they’ve paid their price?” Clinton said. “Because most of them in Florida were African Americans and Hispanics and would tend to vote for Democrats, that’s why.” He also referred to a proposal in New Hampshire that would prevent college students from registering to

vote where they attend school, instead of where they are from originally. Democratic Committee Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz made similar comments in June, calling attention to the Sunshine State effort. The Florida congresswoman told CNN contributor Roland Martin Republicans “want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws” and block Democratic voters from the polls. Schultz later said “Jim Crow was the wrong analogy to use.” Chris Jankowski, president of the Republican State Leadership Committee, said Clinton was using Schutlz’s talking and points “owes an apology to Republican legislators that are seeking sensible steps to protect the integrity of elections in our country.” “Maybe it was an attempt to distract from the Democrats’ abysmal record of tax hikes and shutdowns over spending cuts, or perhaps he was simply trying to be provocative while speaking to a super-liberal audience,” Jankowski said in a statement. “Either way, such rhetoric is out of bounds.”



Oprah Winfrey to teach class at her South Africa school Now that “The Oprah Winfrey Show” will no longer occupy her time this fall, there are reports that the legendary talk show host will be returning to her South Africa school in September to teach a class called “It’s Life 101” about the things she wished someone had told her about how the world really works. “Should be fun since I love to teach. And they’re like sponges,” Oprah said. “Like 12th graders everywhere, this first class is both anxious and excited about going to college. Most will be the first in their family. So it’s a very big deal for them, and they’re feeling the pressure.” As for her recent trip to the school, Oprah said of her girls, “They were all stressed for tests, but doing fine.

No major crisis this trip. I love being with them and talking to them about

all things important. When I’m there I’m talking from the time I get up till

I go to bed, about EVERYTHING teenage girls are going through. It’s the same all over the world.” Winfrey said there is nothing like leaving the USA to get a deeper appreciation of the freedoms we sometimes take for granted. “When Chris Rock was last on the show he said, ‘real wealth is having options.’ I thought that was pretty profound,” Oprah says. “I now stress to my girls that education prepares you to have options. Without it you have none. Just took a walk around the neighborhood watching sprinklers on the back lawn … (I love sprinklers) Made me think about the red dirt road I traveled from Mississippi (no sprinklers) to the here and now … And how that journey could have only been possible in the USA.”

New York City offices open Sunday July 24 for gay marriages By ALEX DOBUZINSKIS New York City will open its clerk’s offices on Sunday, July 24, to allow same-sex couples to wed on the first day the state’s gay marriage bill goes into effect, officials said on Wednesday. City clerk’s offices in the five boroughs of New York normally are closed on weekends, but Mayor Michael Bloomberg said that for this special occasion they will be open. “This is a historic moment for New York, a moment many couples have

waited years and even decades to see — and we are not going to make them wait one day longer than they have to,” Bloomberg said in a statement. City Clerk Michael McSweeney added that his office expected “large numbers of people on the first day.” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo last month signed the state’s Marriage Equality Act into law, making the state the sixth and most populous in the United States to allow gay marriage. Earlier this week, same-sex couples eager to marry in New York hit

a bureaucratic snag when marriage license applications made available to them still used the terms “bride” and “groom.” But the forms were later changed to include the terms “Spouse A” and “Spouse B.” State law generally requires couples to wait 24 hours after receiving a marriage license before they can wed. But on Sunday, July 24, state judges will volunteer to perform ceremonies and review requests for waivers of the 24-hour waiting period, according to the mayor’s office. The New York city clerk’s offices will be open two hours later than

U.S. troop drawdown begins this month KABUL, Afghanistan — The drawdown of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, announced by U.S. President Barack Obama, will begin this month, the deputy commander of the U.S. forces said. Speaking to Pentagon reporters via teleconference from Kabul, Army

Gen. David Rodriguez, who is also the commander of NATO forces joint command in Afghanistan, said the drawdown will include both combat troops and combat support troops. “It will be a gradual drawdown, and I’m confident that we can draw down those troops through the end

Judge won’t delay accused underwear bomber trial DETROIT — A U.S. judge on Thursday refused to delay the scheduled October start of the trial of a Nigerian man charged with attempting to blow up a passenger airliner on Christmas Day 2009 with a bomb in his underwear. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 24, is charged with trying to detonate the device on a Northwest Airlines flight as it approached Detroit from Amsterdam, a scare that prompted U.S. authorities to quickly ramp up aviation security. “This incident for which Mr. Abdulmutallab was charged occurred almost two years ago,” U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmunds said in declining to change the October 4 start date of the trial. Also on Thursday, Abdulmutallab reiterated his desire to represent

himself, indicating he might speak for himself in the trial’s opening and closing statements. Opening remarks are set for October 11. Abdulmutallab previously told U.S. investigators he had received the bomb, which failed to detonate fully, and training from al Qaeda militants in Yemen, U.S. officials have said. After the attempted attack, the Obama administration moved to strengthen U.S. airline security by deploying full-body scanners to try to detect explosives that could be hidden in a passenger’s clothing. U.S. authorities on Wednesday said they are now also on alert because new intelligence suggested that militants may try to detonate a bomb surgically implanted inside a passenger aboard an aircraft.

of this year and accomplish our mission,” he said. Obama has announced about 33,000 troops from Afghanistan would be withdrawn by the summer of 2012. “Next year, of course, it will be up to the leaders to see how it goes in the future,” said the general, whose tour began in 2009 and end this month. He said the objective in Afghanistan remains the same — to deny al-Qaida sanctuary and prevent

usual for the first five weekdays after the same-sex marriage bill goes into effect to accommodate what is expected to be heavy demand from same-sex couples seeking marriage licenses and civil ceremonies. When a California Supreme Court ruling legalized same-sex marriage in June 2008, the state saw a spike in marriage licenses issued, as gay and lesbian couples lined up to wed at municipal offices. California voters later banned gay marriages by approving a constitutional amendment in the November 2008 election. the insurgents from retaking Afghanistan. To achieve this, the coalition forces will continue “to destroy or degrade the insurgents’ infrastructure, build the Afghan National Security Forces strong enough to lead in providing security for their country and ultimately mobilize the people to stand up to their enemies.” The general said the coalition currently has the momentum. He said the coalition will hand over the lead to the Afghans gradually, over time, “and it’s going to be beginning now.” The troops will be transitioning in seven locations later this month.

Military suicide condolences ban reversed WASHINGTON — The ban on sending condolence letters to families of military personnel who commit suicide while in combat is reversed, President Obama announced Wednesday. “This issue is emotional, painful, and complicated, but these Americans served our nation bravely,” Obama said in a statement. “They didn’t die because they were weak. And the fact that they didn’t get the help they needed must change.” As commander in chief, Obama said he was “deeply grateful” for the service of all men and women in the military “and grieve for the loss of

those who suffer from the wounds of war — seen and unseen.” Obama said he consulted with the defense secretary and the military chain of command before he reversed the long-standing policy of not sending condolence letters to families of military personnel who took their own lives while in a combat zone. “Our men and women in uniform have borne the incredible burden of our wars,” Obama said, “and we need to do everything in our power to honor their service, and to help them stay strong for themselves, for their families and for our nation.”




Criticizing the criticizers of the criticizers


Ladies, it’s not just you! Globally We’re all stressed!


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Part One In a Daily Challenge article (June 30, 2011), Mr. George E. Curry, the former editor-inchief of Emerge magazine and the NNPA News Service, sprinkles criticism dust on practically everybody. He criticizes President Obama’s administration for ostracizing Black leaders who criticizes Obama. He criticizes Reverend Jesse Jackson and Dr. Cornel West for using derogatory language (and not the substance of their criticism) when they criticize Obama. He criticizes Mr. Ronald Martin of CNN for insisting that those who come on his show to refer to Mr. Obama as “President

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refuses to target the specific needs of African Americans. His response is: ‘It’s a mistake to start thinking in terms of particular ethnic segments of the Unites States rather than to think that we are all in this together and we are all going to get out of this together.’ Yet, it was not a mistake to address the specific needs of Wall Street. He can speak to the specific agenda of gays and lesbians without it being considered a mistake. It was not a mistake in Obama’s mind to speak to the specific needs of the automobile industry. It was not a mistake to speak to the special interests of banks. But when it comes to the needs of African Americans, we are supposed to wait for progress to Continued on page 5

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Obama.” He criticizes Reverend Al Sharpton. He says that the Reverend Al, once a great outsider, is now a great insider. He criticizes the NAACP for supporting motorcycle riders in Florida when there are many other pressing issues. Moreover, he criticizes President Obama for not addressing the needs of people of African ancestry, saying that African Americans are a part of America, and also stating that if America rises so will AfricanAmericans. Yet, Mr. Curry points out that Mr. Obama singles out other groups with special needs (i.e. gays and lesbians, the automobile industry, Wall Street, etc.). Mr. Curry writes, “Despite overwhelming evidence of disproportional Blacks suffering during this recession, Obama

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Resistance to financial reform reunites pro-consumer interests By CHARLENE CROWELL Nearly a year ago, President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. At the time, consumers and their advocates rejoiced in the success of the most comprehensive financial reform enacted since that of the 1930s New Deal. Now as the newly-created Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) prepares its formal launch on July 21, anti-consumer forces have emerged again. Those who lost the battle on pro-consumer legislation are shifting gears to thwart reform through regulation and a series of legislative amendments. Sadly, a federal office is supporting those efforts. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is now proposing federal pre-emption that would allow national banks to side-step state regulation and resume their old practices – many of which contributed to the

recession that continues to affect both businesses and citizens alike. OCC is also the federal agency charged with regulating national banks and functions as an independent bureau within the U.S. Treasury Department. According to OCC’s fiscal year 2010 annual report, the national banks represent $8.5 trillion in assets — 71 percent of the value of all U.S. commercial banks. It is also relevant to note that OCC’s operations are funded by assessments paid by these banks. National banks pay OCC for their respective examinations and corporate application fees. Fortunately, many of the same advocates that fought for and won Dodd-Frank’s enactment are actively opposing this OCC action. Voices opposing OCC include federal state and federal officials and reinvigorated groups representing the pro-consumer alliances of last year. For example, on June 27, the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) was joined by Consumers Union, the National Consumer Law Center, Pub-

Criticizing the criticizers Continued from page 4 trickle down to and upon us.” He quotes Professor Michael Eric Dyson as saying, “This president runs from race like a Black man runs from a cop. Even so, Blacks treat him like royalty.” Then, Mr. Curry includes all of us in his net. He writes, “Neither Jackson nor West should be viewed in isolation. The Black community does not want to hear anything bad about Barack Obama, even if it’s true. If a white president had been dismissive of African Americans’ interests, as Obama has been, Blacks would have been ready to march on the White House.” Finally, Mr. Curry criticizes civil rights leaders. He writes, “The sad reality is that most civil rights leaders have given Obama a pass.” On the same day, in the same paper, on the same page, Mr. Gary L. Flowers agrees with Mr. Curry’s assessment that Blacks are in a bad way. However, he does not criticize Mr. Obama, that is, not directly. But, if the conditions, Mr. Flowers records, are in fact a reality, then the blame must be placed somewhere on somebody. Somebody should at least be addressing the issues. The proverbial saying is “The buck stops here,” meaning that the President or whomever heads an organization or corporation has to take the weight. Mr. Flowers, who is the Executive Director and CEO of the Black Leadership Forum, Inc., writes, “While African Americans are free from the brutality of physical bondage, or

minds, in the words of Douglass, seem to ‘… chime in with the popular theme…’ of hot dogs, hamburgers, John Phillip Sousa, and fireworks. Douglass’ contemporary, Harriet Tubman, reminds today’s African Americans that worse than the institution of slavery may have been the reality of many Black people who did not recognize their state of enslavement. July 4, 2011, may well mark the most perilous position for Black people in American since slavery. “For example, they are the first generation less educated than the previous since 1865; 76 percent of seniors testing positive for HIV; 70 percent of un-wed births; 60 percent of U.S. home foreclosures; 50 percent of high school dropout rates; and, 50 percent of U.S. jail population. “Yet, despite a fearsome fire burning our heritage house of honor, we joyfully eat, drink, and be merry cooking outside in the yard. We must put the family fire out… “If Black people do not recognize that all of us — the wealthy and the without — are still seen as the wretched by most of America we should have another cookout. Only this time we may find ourselves served as seared slaves again. “

lic Citizen and the Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty law in filing joint comments in opposition to OCC’s proposed regulations. Together, the groups said in part, “The creation of the CFPB was designed to remedy some of the consumer protection failures of federal regulators; but the CFPB cannot do the work alone. . . States also bolster the resources of the CFPB and the federal banking agencies. The states have a critical role to play and that is why Congress reaffirmed and reinvigorated the states’ role as part of financial reform.” Continuing the groups observed, “States are our nation’s first responders when new threats target consumers. States see abuses sooner, react more quickly, and can address local problems before they become national ones.... The OCC’s regulations are completely inconsistent with the Dodd-Frank requirements.” In a recent report by the New York Times, Paul Bland, a senior staff lawyer with Public Justice said, “In Forrest Street (Ground Floor), corner of MLK, Jr. Drive. For more info, contact The National Community Action Alliance at (201) 716-1585. ** Listen to Reverend Daughtry on the weekly radio program which airs Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. on New York City’s WWRL-AM, dial 1600. ** NEED QUALITY CHILD CARE? Call the Alonzo A. Daughtry

these proposals, the OCC is very close to trying to pretend that the DoddFrank Act never passed.” Comments filed by George Madison, the federal Treasury General Counsel, succinctly said to OCC, “In our view, this position is contrary to Dodd-Frank.” Other offices that have publicly expressed opposition to the OCC action include the National Association of Attorneys General and New York State’s Financial Services Department. Any effort to preserve the illadvised financial status quo is shortsighted at best. To avoid another financial crisis, we need more financial regulatory cops on the beat. To maximize real reform, consumers need regulators working in concert at both the state and federal levels. If allowed, Dodd-Frank will operate as originally intended – to correct the neglectful oversight and abusive financial practices that together have created the current financial crisis. It would be foolish to expect old practices to bring new or different results. Perhaps OCC has yet to learn that lesson.

— Charlene Crowell is the Center for Responsible Lending’s communications manager for state policy and outreach. She can be reached at: Charlene.crowell@responsiblending.org. Memorial Daycare Center located at: 460 Atlantic Avenue (corner of Atlantic and Nevins) 718 596 1993 333 Second Street (between 4th & 5th Avenues) in Park Slope (718) 499-2066 ** Visit The House of the Lord Church’s website at holc.org. Or, contact us at 415@holc.org Immediate openings are available in a state-of-the-art center.

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Witness says officer sprayed civilians in post-Katrina shooting By KATHY FINN NEW ORLEANS — Rising from his seat at the witness stand in a New Orleans courtroom, Michael Hunter lifted a model AK-47 assault rifle to demonstrate on Wednesday how a fellow police officer blasted five civilians during the chaotic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Hunter, in the most detailed account to date of the shooting on the Danziger Bridge, said the officer stood above three men and two women and sprayed them with bullets at close range as they lay terrified on a sidewalk on September 4, 2005. “He fired indiscriminately at the people,” Hunter testified, identifying the shooter as Sgt. Kenneth Bowen, a New Orleans police officer on trial along with four others in

connection with the shooting that day, as much of the city remained underwater after the storm. His testimony came during the second week of the federal trial of officers charged with civil rights violations in connection with the shooting deaths of two unarmed civilians, the wounding of four others and an alleged coverup that lasted several years. Bowen, sergeants Robert Gisevius and Arthur Kaufman, and officers Robert Faulcon and Anthony Villavaso face possible life sentences if convicted. Defense attorneys have argued the officers were responding to a perceived threat and that it was difficult to be rational in the tragedy and chaos of the storm’s aftermath. Hunter, who drove a truck carrying nearly a dozen offi-

cers to the bridge after hearing police were under fire, is one of five officers who have pleaded guilty to a role in the case. He received an eightyear sentence for his part. Bowen rode in the front of the rental truck with Hunter that day, Hunter testified. He told jurors that when they neared the bridge, he saw some people walking. But he said they did not appear threatening. Still, he said, he fired his Glock .22 handgun into the air several times as a warning. “They began to scatter” and jumped behind a concrete barrier that protected a sidewalk, he said. As the truck stopped, Bowen grabbed a rifle and started firing, Hunter said, adding that Bowen and other defendants fired shotguns and assault rifles at the civil-

ians. Hunter said he shouted “cease fire,” and the shooting stopped. But as he peered over at the cowering people, Bowen leaned above the barrier and sprayed bullets, he said. Hunter said Bowen emptied the rifle of 30 rounds during the incident. Under questioning by lead prosecutor Barbara Bernstein, Hunter said he fired several times at three other people who were running up the bridge, even though they had no guns and did not threaten police. “Why were you shooting at people who were running away from you and posed no threat?” Bernstein asked him. “I wanted to send them a message: Don’t mess with us,” he said. Hunter said Faulcon and Gisevius then took off after the runners. Several shotgun

blasts later, 40-year-old Ronald Madison lay dying at the other end of the bridge. When Hunter caught up, “the guy was trying to lift his head up and he was wheezing real bad,” he said. A moment later Bowen appeared. Hunter testified. In a final brutal act, Bowen stood over the bleeding man and stomped hard on his back several times, Hunter told jurors. Meanwhile, at the east end of the bridge, 17-year-old James Brissette lay dead, and four members of the Bartholomew family were seriously wounded. As defense lawyers began their cross-examination on Wednesday afternoon, they peppered Hunter with questions about his hopes for a reduced sentence in return for his testimony. The trial is expected to last several more weeks.

Prosecutors to review widespread cheating in Atlanta schools By DAVID BEASLEY ATLANTA — Prosecutors are weighing whether to file any criminal charges against 178 Atlanta teachers and principals who state investigators said had cheated on standardized tests to inflate student scores. The cheating in 2009, found in 44 of the 56 Atlanta public schools examined, was prompted primarily by pressure to meet targets in a datadriven environment, a statement released by Governor Nathan Deal’s office said. “A culture of fear, intimidation and retaliation existed in Atlanta Public Schools, which created a conspiracy of silence,” the state report concluded. The 2009 cheating was said to include teachers erasing incorrect answers on state standardized tests. Deal’s office said that the decision of whether or not to prosecute would be up to district attorneys in the three Georgia counties where the educators live. Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard said in a statement he had appointed a senior member of his staff to “begin a thorough review of this case to determine what role our office will play in taking action on this report.” “Once the review is completed, we will make an announcement at that time,” he said, without elaborating on what, if any, charges might be on the table.

Eighty-two teachers and principals have confessed to the cheating, according to the state report. Deal’s office said six principals refused to answer questions. “These principals, and 32 more, either were involved with or should have known that there was test cheating in their schools,” the investigation found. The report concluded that there was a “major failure of leadership throughout Atlanta Public Schools with regard to the ethical adminis-

tration” of the 2009 standardized exams known as the Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests. Cheating occurred as early as 2001, and warnings several years ago of misconduct were ignored, the report said. Amid the investigation, Beverly Hall stepped down last month after nearly 12 years as superintendent of the Atlanta Public Schools. She had been named National Superintendent of the Year by the American Association of School Admin-

istrators in 2009, the same year the state contends widespread cheating took place. The Atlanta school district has an enrollment of about 48,000 students and is smaller than many of the surrounding suburban school districts. A schools spokesman, Keith Bromery, said the school system would take no action against the accused teachers and principals until it investigates the allegations in the state report. “These are allegations that

are unproven so far,” he said. “We just got this report yesterday. It takes time to go through it.” Hall’s attorney said he was reviewing the report, having just received it, but maintained there was no direct evidence that the former superintendent knew in 2009 that widespread cheating had occurred. “We deny that Dr. Hall has engaged in any intentional wrongdoing whatsoever,” a statement from attorney Richard Deane said.

Distractions detract from driving but solutions still unclear By MOLLY O’TOOLE WASHINGTON — Distracted drivers are dangerous — and difficult to study, according to a Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) report. The report, assessing research from more than 350 scientific papers published since 2000, concluded that distractions do affect driving performance. Drivers are distracted up to half the time, primarily by cell phones and other electronic devices in the car. Distractions are associated with 15 to 25 percent of crashes, from minor damage to fatal injury, according to the report. Cell phone use increases the risk of crashing, but texting is likely to increase crash risk more

than cell phone use. Yet the report also concluded more research is needed to help evaluate distracted driving laws and programs. “Despite all that has been written about driver distraction, there is still a lot that we do not know,” GHSA executive director Barbara Harsha said in a statement with the report. “Clearly, more studies need to be done addressing both the scope of the problem and how to effectively address it.” The GHSA defined what distracted driving is, along with suggesting measures that can be taken by states and organizations to reduce it. Countermeasures in recent years have concentrated on cell phone and texting distractions through laws and communications programs.

According to the report, laws banning hand-held cell use reduced use by roughly half when they were first implemented, but though the laws have had some longterm effect, hand-held cell phone use increased subsequently. There is no conclusive evidence on whether hands-free cell phone use is less risky than hand-held use, the report said. Evidence is also lacking on whether cell phone or texting bans have reduced crashes or injuries. Despite the need for more research and evaluation, the GHSA suggested a complete ban on cell phone use, handsfree or not, for novice drivers, who are the highest-risk. It also recommended a texting ban for all drivers. As of June 2011, 30 states and the District of Columbia had prohibited the use of all

cell phones by novice drivers and 41 states and Washington, D.C. had prohibited texting by novice drivers. Thirty-four states and the District of Columbia had enacted texting bans for all drivers, but the report found texting bans have proven difficult to enforce. Because the research and data on these laws’ effectiveness is not definitive, the report recommends the 41 states without handheld cell phone bans hold off and monitor existing laws before enacting their own. The GHSA, the “States’ Voice on Highway Safety,” is a nonprofit association representing the highway safety offices of states, territories, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and works to improve traffic safety. The GHSA’s members are appointed by their governors.



In politics and health, “Dr. Fidel” counsels Chavez By PASCAL FLETCHER CARACAS - When Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was briefly deposed in a 2002 coup, it was Cuban leader Fidel Castro who roused foreign ambassadors to lobby for his return and helped organize his rescue by loyal troops. Nearly a decade later, the Cuban “Comandante”, now 84, has rushed to the aid again of the Venezuelan socialist soul mate 30 years his junior. It was Castro who persuaded Chavez to undergo tests that led to the detection and removal of a cancerous tumor. “I give thanks to Fidel Castro ... he’s practically been my top doctor,” Chavez, 56, told supporters outside his palace in Caracas this week after flying back from Cuba to scotch rumors that his health woes might have loosened his leadership grip. Castro, Cuba’s iconic leader for nearly half a century who was laid low by intestinal illness in 2006 and later ceded the reins of power to his brother, has loomed larger than anyone else in Chavez’s month-long treatment and convalescence in Havana. The episode gives another glimpse into the personal and ideological symbiosis between two of the world’s most charismatic but divisive politicians, left-wing populists who have turned baiting the United States into lifetime careers. According to Chavez’s own account, Castro personally gave him the news about the existence of the cancer requiring immediate surgery. As photos and videos of the duo in tracksuits chatting together were drip fed by both governments as proof of Chavez’s recovery, the Venezuelan leader revealed Castro was also watching like a doting relative over his exercise and diet, sending him treats like peanut butter, lamb and tilapia fish. Writing in his published online

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro and Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez speak during a meeting in Havana. “Reflections”, Castro modestly sination plots and coup bids. rebuffed Chavez’s thanks as “too genIt is no accident that the erous”, while hailing their “close and Venezuelan paratroopers wearing indestructible friendship”. black facepaint who paraded this “We’re happy to see them together, week at their country’s 200th indemaster and disciple,” read one admir- pendence anniversary celebrations, ing post commenting on Castro’s bawled out in time to the quick step words. “We are socialists, anti-imperialists”, With the practiced eye of a veteran whereas a few years back, the cry sports coach picking out a new was the more neutral “parachutists”. prodigy, Castro first rolled out the The combination of a politicized red carpet in 1994 for the little- armed forces loyal to a charismatic known ex-paratrooper and coup-plot- supreme leader with a dominant govter fresh out of a Venezuelan jail. erning party led by the same person Since then, the relationship has blos- is just one aspect of the changed somed into a potent political partner- Venezuelan political landscape that ship. mirrors features of Cuba’s system. Mentor, father figure, instructor Critics, including Washington, — all these words have been used to also point to persecution of political describe the Svengali-like influence foes, politicization of the judiciary that the veteran Cuban revolutionary and other state institutions, and has apparently wrought over his sweeping economic nationalizations younger consort who has ruled as other borrowings from Havana Venezuela since 1999. that reflect the Castro-Chavez relaFrom slogans to strategies and tionship. policies, Fidel Castro has passed on “VENECUBA” to Chavez the anti-capitalist toolkit, There is no doubt the two men including the not so subtle arts of share a personal chemistry. daily mass propaganda and such They have celebrated birthdays survival tips as how to dodge assas- together in Havana and Caracas,

played baseball together, toured jungle beauty spots and exchanged hours of conversation in live phone and television hookups broadcast in both nations. Chavez reverently calls his friend “Fidel, the giant”. Castro, more measured and reflecting the apparent hierarchy of the master-disciple relationship, calls him “Chavez”. The Venezuelan has been a willing pupil, gifted with even more bombastic rhetorical stamina than veteran orator Fidel. Their partnership has impacted both nations, and, to a lesser extent, the wider hemisphere and world. The gnarled vine of Cuba’s revolution, its economic lifeblood staunched by the collapse of the Soviet Union — its longtime benefactor — and drained by mismanagement and U.S. sanctions, has drawn fresh sap from the alliance with Chavez. South America’s biggest oil producer, Venezuela sends Cuba oil on preferential terms. Chavez’s government has adopted from Cuba’s well-thumbed communist manual national health, literacy and food programs, leftist economic policies, neighborhood political committees and militias, and carefully choreographed government events. At the same time, thousands of Cubans have poured into Venezuela. Under cooperation accords, they have worked as doctors, teachers, sports instructors, security and defense advisers and even aerobics teachers in the slums, many drawing paychecks from Venezuela’s energy ministry, the national cashbox. Critics of Chavez have pilloried what they call a giving away of Venezuela’s sovereignty, and its oil, in the alliance. They scornfully refer to a new twin-nation entity, “Venecuba” even though Venezuela’s constitution, unlike Cuba’s, still guarantees multiparty politics and a free press.

Georgian photojournalists arrested for spying By DAVID MDZINARISHV ILI & MARGARITA ANTIDZE TBILISI - The personal photographer of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and three other photojournalists were arrested Thursday and accused of spying for a foreign country. The arrests appeared to be the latest target-

ing what Georgia’s powerful Interior Ministry says are Russian spy networks operating in Georgia since the two countries fought a brief war over the rebel region of South Ossetia. A lawyer for one of the photojournalists, Zurab Kurtsikidze of the Frankfurt-based European Pressphoto Agency, said the case appeared to concern photographs taken by presidential photographer Irakli Gedenidze and distributed to the others.

Gedenidze and his photographer wife were both arrested, as was freelancer Giorgi Abdaladze, all wellknown members of the Georgian press corps. Moscow has accused the pro-Western government under Saakashvili of trying to whip up anti-Russian hysteria with a string of arrests of alleged Russian spies in the three years since their five-day war. The interior ministry said they were accused of passing information obtained through their

professional activities “to an organization acting under cover of the special service of a foreign country, to the detriment of the interests of Georgia.” Relatives said they were arrested in the middle of the night by police who searched their homes and seized computers, equipment and mobile phones. Kurtsikidze’s lawyer, Nino Andriashvili, told Reuters: “He is in quite a difficult emotional state because he does not understand the charges and does not

accept that he is guilty.” She said Kurtsikidze’s face was bruised. Abdaladze’s lawyer said his client was refusing food. CONCERN OVER MEDIA FREEDOM Media watchdogs accuse the government under Saakashvili of manipulating the media and squeezing press freedoms since taking power after the 2003 Rose Revolution. Georgia ranks 100th out of 178 countries in the 2010 press freedom index compiled by media watchdog

Reporters Without Borders. Several dozen journalists gathered Thursday outside the police building where the arrested photojournalists were being held, clutching their pictures. Some held pictures comparing Saakashvili to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, who has drawn international condemnation for cracking down on opponents with hundreds of arrests after his disputed re-election last December.




Campaigners urge release of Guinean ex-military chief By AHMED OUOBA

f Coast names rebel Ivory leader as new army chief ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast - Ivory Coast’s government has named a former rebel leader as the new army chief, replacing the general who served under the former strongman. Deputy Minister of Defense Paul Koffi-Koffi on Thursday named Gen. Soumaila Bakayoko to the post. Bakayoko led the rebel forces that helped bring President Alassane Ouattara to power in April. Bakayoko replaces Gen. Philippe Mangou, who switched loyalties three times between former strongman Laurent Gbagbo and Ouattara. Gbagbo’s refusal to cede power after losing November’s election plunged the country into five months of violence. Forces loyal by Ouattara arrested Gbagbo in April, allowing Ouattara to take office in May. Most of Gbagbo’s entourage is under arrest and awaiting charges.

Uganda on terror alert, 1 year after last attack KAMPALA, Uganda - Ugandan police are issuing a terror alert, days before the one-year anniversary of the East African nation’s worst terror attack. Police spokeswoman Judith Nabakooba says police have learned of “credible fresh terror threats” from Somalia’s al-Shabab militant group. She says police fear an attack between Thursday and next Tuesday. She urged citizens to be vigilant. Al-Shabab - Somalia’s most dangerous militant group, which has ties to al-Qaida - claimed responsibility for the double suicide bomb attack in Uganda’s capital in last July during the World Cup final. The blasts killed 76 people. Uganda is a major contributor to the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia, which supports Somalia’s weak government in its fight against al-Shabab.

Muslim sect raids police armory in NE Nigeria BAUCHI, Nigeria - Police say members of a feared Muslim sect have raided a police armory in Nigeria’s restive northeast. Bauchi State police spokesman Mohammad Barau said Thursday police are taking stock a day after gunmen attacked the police station that houses the armory. There were no casualties. Police are supposed to take daily arms inventories, but weapons often go missing. Barau blames a sect locally known as Boko Haram. The group has claimed responsibility for a series of attacks in northern Nigeria and threatened last month - in unverified statements - to escalate violence. The sect seeks the strict implementation of Shariah law in northern Nigeria and the prosecution of top officials blamed for the 2009 death of its leader.

alliance of An human rights groups on Thursday slammed the “illegal arrest and detention” of Colonel Moussa Keita, a former member of the military junta which led Guinea for a year until December 2009. Nouha Traore, a top official of the Coordination of Organisations Defending Human Rights (CODDH), expressed “deep concern over the illegal arrest and detention” of Keita and demanded his release. Keita, an ally of the

An alliance of human rights groups have slammed the "illegal arrest and detention" of Colonel Moussa Keita -- seen here in 2009 -- a former member of the military junta which led Guinea for a year until December 2009. late captain Moussa up “by people in civilian ments to local media Dadis Camara’s mili- clothes” in Conakry accusing General tary junta, was picked nine days ago, accord- Sekouba Konate — ing to a family member. head of a transition Traore said Keita government put in was being held “in a place after Camara was secret location and out shot by a close aide — of reach of his family”. of embezzling $20 milKeita was the perma- lion (14 million euros). nent secretary of the Konate is hailed as political wing of a mili- leading the poor west tary junta which took African nation to its An appeals court in The Netherlands on power in December first democratic vote in Thursday sentenced a Rwandan citizen living in 2008 when longtime half a century, in which Conde was the country to life in prison for crimes committed ruler Lansana Conte Alpha died. declared president in during the Rwandan genocide in 1994. In recent weeks November 2010. Joseph Mpambara, 43, was found guilty by the appeals court of torture causing the deaths of two Keita has made stateTutsi mothers and their four children on April 13, 1994, upholding a previous lower court conviction. The court also convicted him of having carried out an attack on a Protestant church where Tutsis had fled and for the kidnapping of three By MARIANA SUAREZ children from the same family. The lower court had previously acquitted him on these charges. BUSHVELD, Swaziland - A teenage rhino calf died of stress and hunger last week in Swaziland after poachers slaughtered its mother, the first rhino killed in the tiny kingdom in two decades. At the same time, a 16-year-old boy lay in hospital, a tube draining the fluid from his lung, lacerated by a bullet from a ranger’s gun. An elite team of rangers have protected NAIROBI, Kenya - A civil rights Swaziland’s game for decades, under a law that activist says police have tear gassed sev- allows them to shoot poachers in life-threatening and grants immunity from prosecueral hundred protesters marching situations tion if acting in the line of duty. toward the offices of Kenya’s president The tough measures have saved Swaziland’s and prime minister to demand action rhinos from the brink of extinction and largely over a growing hunger crisis. kept at bay a surge in poaching that has hit Dinah Awuor Agar, the president of a group of neighbouring South Africa. low-wage workers known as the People’s But the shooting of the teenager and an elderParliament, said Thursday that the demonstra- ly man who allegedly bled to death near a game tors were holding a peaceful procession when riot park has raised fresh concerns about rangers’ police confronted them. powers. Agar said police chased down demonstrators, The teenager, who as a minor cannot be beat them with batons and arrested them despite named, said he and two friends were walking outthe fact Kenya’s new constitution allows peaceful side the perimeter of the southern Mkhaya demonstrations. Reserve when rangers gave chase. He said they shot him in the back.

Rwandan jailed for life over war crimes

Swazis question rangers’ special powers in poaching battle

Kenya police tear-g as hu ng e r d em o ns tr at io ns




Sudan’s Bashir to attend independence ceremony By ABDELMONEIM ABU EDRIS ALI KHARTOUM, Sudan - President Omar al-Bashir said on Thursday he planned to attend the independence ceremony of south Sudan which he wanted to be a stable and secure new state with relations benefitting both sides. Speaking just two days before the planned ceremony, Bashir said: “After two days I will go to Juba to congratulate our brothers on their new state, and we will renew our commitment to help them because we want a southern state that is stable and secure.” “Because if it is not secure, the people of the south will come back to the north,” he told thousands of supporters in a speech broadcast live on state television. Around 360,000 southerners have already left the north and gone south since October, according to the UN refugee agency

(UNHCR), many of them motivated by the simple desire to participate in the historic birth of their nation. “We want relations based on an exchange of benefits and trade, and the free movement of citizens across the borders,” Bashir added. South Sudan is carrying out final preparations ahead of its formal declaration of independence on Saturday but it is also struggling to cope with the mass influx of people, and to contain violence within its borders. The number of people killed in violence so far this year has now exceeded 2,360, the

President Omar al-Bashir, pictured, has said he plans to attend the independence ceremony of south Sudan which he wants to be a stable and secure new state with relations benefitting both sides. United Nations said on Fighting in the eth- before security Thursday, revising nically-divided north- arrangements in South upward the estimated ern state of South Korodfan were in place. death toll by more than Kordofan has raged for “After the outbreak 500, and reflecting the a month between the of the rebellion, and the huge challenges the army and militia killing of people, they country faces. aligned to the ex-rebel brought us an agreeTensions between army of the south, the ment saying we want a north and south Sudan, SPLA. political partnership,” meanwhile, have escaBashir said he said in his speech on lated since May because Khartoum would not Thursday, referring to of conflict in the volatile accept any partnership the northern branch of central border region. with the so-called rebels the former-rebel Sudan

People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM). He added that Sudan “could not accept the partnership before a security arrangement is implemented.” Malik Agar, the SPLM north’s chairman, signed an accord with Bashir’s top aide Nafie Ali Nafie in the Ethiopian capital last week that had boosted hopes of a permanent political and security settlement for Blue Nile and South Kordofan, both northern states with a large number of SPLM supporters. The SPLM north accused Bashir on Tuesday of sabotaging efforts to reach a ceasefire in the embattled state. The UN humanitarian office reported continuing fighting in South Kordofan, on Thursday, saying the security situation there remained tense and volatile.

Zimbabwe parties agree on path to new elections By JEKESAI NJIKIZANA HARARE Zimbabwe’s two main political parties have agreed to a timeline for reforms that will pave the way for fresh elections, but no date for the polls was set, an official said on Thursday.

“We signed the election roadmap,” said Energy Minister Elton Mangoma, one of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s representatives in the negotiations. “We agreed on what needs to be done before elections can take place,” he told AFP. The state-run Herald newspaper said the negotiators agreed that amendments to elec-

toral laws should be completed within 45 days from the July 6 signing of the roadmap. Voter education should take place within the following 30 days, and preparation of a new voter’ roll within two months, it said. Negotiators from Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change and long-ruling President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF

made no decision on a timeline for a new constitution. Under Zimbabwe’s unity accord, signed after 2008 presidential elections violently failed, calls for a new constitution to be approved by referendum before new general elections. Negotiators agreed to let a parliamentary committee decide the timeline for the consti-

tutional process, which is running a year behind schedule, the Herald said. Constitution drafters have set September as the target for a referendum, but repeated delays have cast doubt on the date. Mugabe has insisted on elections this year, but the roadmap agreed Wednesday appears to make the polls more likely in 2012.

Electoral watchdogs say Zimbabwe’s voter’s roll is stuffed with ghost voters including children below voting age and an abnormally high number of people over 100 years old. Tsvangirai has voiced concern over the staffing at the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, where most officers are drawn from the security forces.

Raised overseas, S.Sudanese return to new nation JUBA, Sudan - Lual D’Awol cultivated a passion for rap and basketball while living in Baltimore. Today he is in Southern Sudan, which becomes the world’s newest nation this weekend. Southern Sudanese are returning to what will soon be the world’s newest country capital Juba - to a home many never knew. Some are finding the adjustment a challenge. Others,

like D’Awol, are excited to be back. “I chose to come early so I could be involved in the whole referendum process and to see the birth of our nation,” said D’Awol. “I’m going to stay here. I’m not going to go back (to the U.S.) because I don’t really have anything else that I need to do over there.” Through the decades of civil war fought by north and south Sudan,

thousands of “Lost Boys of Sudan” spent years drifting throughout their country while fleeing bloodshed and famine before landing in the U.S., Europe and other African countries. D’Awol, 26, was one of the lucky ones. He was born to diplomat parents who were abroad for much of the war. Born in New York City, he’s now back in Juba doing work as an auditor for a project

funded by the U.S. government’s aid arm. A rapper in his spare time, his latest song is titled “Scattered Overseas.” His message to his fellow citizens: “I think they should come back.” More than 4 million southerners left their homes, many on foot, as two decades of conflict raged between Sudan’s north and south. They ended up in neighbor-

ing African nations like Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. A lucky few found refugee status in Western nations. For those growing up overseas, returning can be a form of culture shock. Southern Sudan’s infrastructure is elementary at best. The security situation, always tense, is worsening, particularly in north-south border areas. Nepotism and corruption are com-

mon. But the desire to return home can override the challenges. “I always wanted to come back and I always knew that I had to,” said Mading Ngor. “After losing my relatives in the war I felt a sort of moral obligation to contribute to the country. I came also see whether there was a place for me in this new republic.” - MAGGIE FICK

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Vincentian diplomats ‘disappointed’ by human trafficking report By KENTON X. CHANCE WASHINGTON— The United States has for a third consecutive year placed St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) on a Tier 2 trafficking human watch list, subjecting the multi-island nation to US sanctions. But while the State Department says SVG “is a likely source, transit, and destination country for some children and adults subjected to forced labour and sex trafficking”, Kingstown’s ambassador to Washington, La Celia Prince, said that Vincentian embassy officials “are very disappointed by the report”. Prince said that placing SVG on a Tier 2 watch list three years in a row cannot be justified, adding that the United States Trafficking in Persons (TIP) reports two years ago “started off with ‘anecdotal accounts’ — according to them and they are still unable to point to any hard cases of trafficking in persons in SVG”. She said the reports “lack transparency and their methodology for compiling the data is unclear.

Ambassador La Celia Prince says Vincentian diplomats in the United States are “disappointed” by St Vincent’s latest human trafficking listings “Indeed, it is still not known how they determine which countries to report on because there are some countries — including some from CARICOM — that they omit from the report each year!” Prince further said that Kingstown has engaged with the State Department at all levels and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) “as a whole has also registered its strong denunciation of the reports since, in most cases, the claims cannot be substantiated”. She said that

Jamaican PM to name new attorney general this week By ALECIA SMITH KINGSTON, Jamaica — Prime Minister Bruce Golding, is to name Jamaica’s new attorney general this week. Golding said that he has selected a candidate from the private bar, who has accepted the job offer. “I expect to be able to make an announcement later this week about the appointment and also about the effective date when that person will assume office,” he said. The prime minister was speaking at the swearing-in ceremony for Justice Minister Delroy Chuck and Minister with responsibility for the Public Service, Senator Arthur Williams. The post of attorney general became vacant last Tuesday, when the prime minister named a new Cabinet and informed that the position would be separated from that of minister of justice. Responding to concerns about a delay in filling the position, the prime minister explained that the person to be appointed needs time to settle outstanding obligations.

Vincentian diplomats in Washington have had several meetings with State Department officials and have facilitated workshops and other meetings to build awareness about TIP in SVG. “In the case of the 2011 report on SVG, the United States acknowledges on the one hand that the government of SVG has been working on building awareness of the issue, yet we have been slapped with the disgraceful listing of a Tier 2 Watch List country,” Prince said. She said that her own sense is that the United Sates “does not ascribe enough significance to SVG’s various domestic legislation which can treat with the issue of trafficking in persons. “Rather, they promote a comprehensive legislation which has not been adopted in SVG,” she added. Prince acknowledged that the Department of Justice has its mandate to report to Congress on TIP but said she believes that “a multilateral evaluation process that is transparent will be more useful than this unilateral and somewhat high-handed process”. The most recent TIP

report, released late June says, “Sufficient information on human in St trafficking Vincent and the Grenadines is lacking, as there are no formal government structures to identify it or NGOs to address human trafficking specifically”. However, the report says, “According to NGOs and officials, there exists a social taboo of discussing the matter openly.” CARICOM leaders at their summit meeting in St Kitts “emphasized once again their strong commitment to combating the crime of trafficking in persons, underlining that they have adopted and implemented policies of prevention, prosecution and victim protection in their respective member states,” according to a communiqué at the end of the meeting on Monday. Leaders also “reiterated their deep concern” that the United States continues to place several CARICOM nation on either Tier 2 or the Tier 2 Watchlist, noting that countries that are placed on the Tier 2 Watchlist for three successive years will be subject to sanctions by the USA”.

TIER 2 WATCH LIST Tier 2 Watch List comprises nations “whose governments do not fully comply with the [Trafficking Victims Protection Act’s (TVPA)] minimum standards, but are making significant efforts to bring themselves into compliance with those standards,” according the State to Department. The State Department said that in Tier 2 Watch List nations, the absolute number of victims of severe forms of trafficking is very significant or is significantly increasing. It further says that in these countries, there is a failure to provide evidence of increasing efforts to combat severe forms of trafficking in persons from the previous year. In addition, the determination that a country is making significant efforts to bring itself into compliance with minimum standards was based on commitments by the country to take additional future steps over the next year. Other countries on the Tier 2 Watchlist include the Bahamas, Barbados, Iraq,

Afghanistan, Russia, and China. FORCE LABOUR, SEX TRAFFICKING The State Department says “forced labour may result when unscrupulous employers exploit workers made more vulnerable by high rates of unemployment, poverty, crime, discrimcorruption, ination, political conflict, or cultural acceptance of the practice”. It says that while immigrants are particularly vulnerable, individuals also may be forced into labour in their own countries and that female victims of forced labour, especially women and girls in domestic servitude, are often sexually exploited as well. The States Department further says, “When an adult is coerced, forced, or deceived into prostitution - or maintained in prostitution through coercion - that person is a victim of trafficking”. It says “all of those involved in recruiting, transporting, harbouring, receiving, or obtaining the person for that purpose have committed a trafficking crime”.

Fire a ‘terrible loss’ for Grenada ST GEORGE’S, Grenada — The devastation by fire of the old Antilles Building at the Drill Yard on Young Street, St George’s, has been called a terrible loss for Grenada. The building holds significant cultural value for Grenada, Senator Arley Gill told reporters at the site of the mid-morning Tuesday fire. The government was already “in the process, like one or two weeks away, from declaring this entire area a national heritage site,” announced Gill, Minister with responsibility for Culture, Information and Information and Communication Technology. According to Gill, the Antilles building, the National Museum and other structures within that block, form part of a renaissance project that government is undertaking to regenerate the town of St George. “The vision is to develop the

Fire raging on Tuesday at the old Antilles Building in St George’s, Grenada entire block into a tourism site,” the minister commissioned archisaid the minister. “In the area of tects and engineers to start the Drill Yard, we want to estab- preparations for preserving the lish a cultural centre where we building. will have craft shops, an The team was asked to proamphitheatre, designers and duce architectural drawings of more.” the structure and has completed Though Gill considers the fire most of the task. “We are very a “terrible set back” to the project, grateful that we were on the ball he believes all isn’t lost. with that, months ago,” the minApproximately six months ago, ister said.




Newark Mayor Cory Booker seeks ways to close city’s $45M budget gap By DAVID GIAMBUSSO NEWARK Newark Mayor Cory Booker will submit a 2011 budget at Thursday’s council meeting, setting the city on course to adopt a spending plan by early August. Booker’s budget will raise property tax rates by 4 percent - down from the 6 percent floated weeks ago - and will not seek layoffs or furloughs, according to business administrator Julien Neals. But a $45 million deficit remains

and could be as large as $55 million, depending on negotiations with the state. “The state is permitting us to introduce the budget where we have included the gap,” Neals told council members today. The city is negotiating with the state to get help filling that gap. According to Neals that could come either in the form of an advance from the Port Authority, a loan, or “distressed cites” aid. The aid would be the least palatable option for Newark because it comes with restrictions. “I like the governor. Nice guy,” said Council President Donald

Payne. But, he added, “we don’t need him up here getting involved with the management of the city.” The council will seek to make further cuts in the coming weeks, but Neals warned any additional revenue will not affect the tax rate. “Whatever we’re allowed to do in terms of generating revenue will allow us to drive down the gap,” he said. The increased tax rate will mean about $200 more in taxes a year for the average homeowner. Council members said they were uncomfortable with any increase after last year’s staggering 16 percent hike.

Newark Mayor Cory Booker

Elderly Union City woman dead after partner, 74, allegedly hits her with hammer By CHARLES HACK An 86-year-old Union City woman found dead in her apartment Sunday afternoon was bludgeoned with a hammer in what authorities are describing as a gruesome case of domestic violence. The woman’s partner, a 74-year-old man was also found in the apartment with serious bodily injuries and remains in critical condition at the Jersey City

Medical Center, Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio said yesterday. couple1.JPGJoe ShineMercedes Figueroa, 86, of, Union City was found dead in her 29th Street apartment Monday. Her 74year-old partner allegedly hit her with a hammer, officials said. “The man has not been charged at this point but it does appear that it was a domestic dispute that elevated to this level,” DeFazio said. “There was no indication of any third person. There was no robbery and no forced entry.”

DeFazio identified the dead woman as Mercedes Figueroa, 86. A neighbor, Luz Hernandez, 43, who has known the couple all her life, said she and her 19-year-old daughter the couple’s goddaughter used a key to enter the couple’s thirdfloor apartment Sunday because she hadn’t seen them since Thursday even though their car was parked in front of the apartment building. Hernandez said she discovered Figueroa dead on the floor next to the front door and the man on the floor in living room. According to

authorities, Hernandez reported the gruesome finding to Union City police at 12:30 p.m. “We were very, very close. They were very nice people,” said Hernandez, adding she was unaware of any problems between the deceased woman and the 74-year-old man. “I am in deep shock.” Hernandez said the couple had been married for 50 years and the husband had at least one son in the United States and three other sons in Puerto Rico. Figueroa had family in the Bronx, Hernandez said.

DeFazio could not confirm yesterday that the couple were married. Another neighbor said yesterday the couple were inseparable. “They were always together,” said Blanca Torres, 57. “I am in shock. I couldn’t sleep last night.” The couple clearly had a fight and it was “mutual combat,” DeFazio said. “We think this incident occurred a couple of days prior to the discovery.” A hammer found at the scene is believed to be the murder weapon, he said.

Authorities are awaiting the results of the autopsy for the woman. She appeared to have died from “blunt force trauma to the head” and the death is being treated as a homicide, DeFazio said. The man who was found in a semi-conscious state “also has injuries that are consistent with blunt force trauma,” with several fractures including his head, DeFazio said. The investigation is ongoing by the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Homicide Unit and the Union City Police Department.

Bayonne man in coma after beating by 13 people By TONI-ANN CERBO A 22-year-old Bayonne man was beaten into unconsciousness by a pack of nine men and four women early Sunday and he remains in a coma at the Jersey City

Medical Center, tim told police a group Care Unit, having sufaccording to police of nine males and four fered severe head traufemales confronted the ma, police said. reports. Responding to Broadway near 14th Street at around 3 a.m. Sunday, police found the victim on the ground and unconscious, reports said. A witness who was walking along Broadway with the vic-

victim and began kicking him in the face, reports said. Police officials did not say what, if any, words were exchanged or whether they have suspects. The victim was transported to the Jersey City Medical Center Intensive

Robert DeFazio, 22, of Bayonne, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct after he pushed his way through a crowd to try to assist the victim after cops arrived on the scene. DeFazio was released on a summons, reports said.

A man was beaten into a coma outside this building at 313 Broadway in Bayonne.

New American




One Thought - One Humanity

Salli Richardson-Whitfield and the cast of ‘Eureka’ return for more Syfy

For the conclusions of these stories check out the July 7th - July 13th, 2011 issue of The New American, which hits newsstands every Thursday Don’t call it a comeback… they been here for years. The highly anticipated Destiny’s Child Reunion you’ve been waiting for is on its way. While in New Orleans for the Essence Music Festival, Beyonce’s dad Mathew Knowles revealed that the group is currently working on a new album. Is anybody shocked by this? Not us… But we are kind of surprised that Matthew is still being allowed to make announcements on behalf of the group. Shannon Brown has opted out of the final year of his contract with the LA Lakers, making him a free agent. But Lakers fans should not put those old jerseys on Ebay just yet, as Shannon opted out of his last contract but then resigned to the LA Laker a few years ago. So maybe its a tactic for more money....or time on the court. Shannon recently said “I haven’t ruled out the Lakers,” said Brown. “I don’t know if they will rule me out. I’m staying open.” So we guess his free agent status isn’t cut and dry.... Janelle Monae wants to deliver a different “perspective” but says it’s hard for new artists. “I think there’s a lack of diversity,” Monae tells UK’s Evening Standard. “People think that we’re all monolithic and it’s hard for young aspiring girls, who don’t necessarily want to sell sex and strictly sing crappy R&B songs. They need to understand there’s a different blueprint that you can create.” The “Tight Rope” hitmaker eyes starting a new trend, adding “I think it’s absolutely necessary for the balance of the universe that there are other representations and a different perspective of the

woman.” Outkast plans to release a new album by early next year. Additionally we have confirmation that both Andre 3000 and Big Boi will drop solo projects, both before the end of 2011. A rock solid industry source tells HipHopWired, “Outkast is on track to release a new album by early next year. Both Dre and Big are working on solo projects; they want those out by the end of 2011.” Rihanna has sparked rumors she has revived her shortlived romance with Drake after she was photographed cuddling the rapper at a nightclub in Canada. The pair briefly dated following Rihanna’s split from Chris Brown in 2009, but the beauty subsequently admitted she put a stop to the budding relationship because she was not ready for another boyfriend. She went on to date Los Angeles Dodgers star Matt Kemp, but remained friends with Drake and they are now rumored to be giving their romance a second try after they were pictured together during a night out at the Buonanotte Supperclub in Montreal, Canada, last month. The photograph, obtained by TMZ.com, shows the stars sitting close together, with Drake’s arm wrapped around Rihanna’s shoulders, while a source tells the website they were “all over each other” throughout the evening. Philly-bred radio personality, Star of the “Star and Buc Wild” morning show on 100.3 The Beat, hopes to help reduce the crime numbers within the city and surrounding areas by launching his “Start Snitching”

campaign, which he previously started back in in New York with its struggle with violence back in 2002. “The ‘Start Snitching’ campaign is more than just words being spoken on the microphone, it’s a commitment I’ve taken on personally!” Star told NBC. “Even if ridicule is being pointed at me, I have been an individual all my life. I don’t like to lay in a nice, comfortable and peaceful life,” he explained. “I don’t want animals on two legs violating my rights based upon some silly ass codes. So whether or not they are codes or something they feel that have to oblige by, it doesn’t have any say on the barring of my existence, as a rational man. It’s very asinine the amounts, not just homicides, but the shootings, that are taking place down here. This is literally the O.K. Corral. So codes don’t apply here. There is a much deeper need for peace amongst this particular community.” Have you seen Jill Scott lately? She is looking better than ever. The bold singer dropped 63 pounds, but she warns there won’t be much change in her frame. With her latest album, “Light of the Sun” which debuted at no.1 on Billboard 200 this week, Jill is saying she made the transformation by simple diet and exercise. It only took eating three lowfat meals a day and working out with her trainer Scott Parker who had her doing 60 minutes of cardio and strength training sessions every meeting. She said her health was on the line and she knew it was time for a change when she’d “walk up nine steps and be out of breath!”


love to do one but she has her eyes on bigger sights. What RichardsonWhitfield really wants is to direct an episode. This is a feeling that Ferguson can completly agree with as the two admit that they are itching to get behind the camera of the show. And while the likelihood of a full on Eureka-Warehouse collaboration is unlikely due to scheduling conflicts, the idea is a nice one. When asked how the two of them get along during filming both Ferguson and Richardson-Whitfield describe an easy pairing that helps them both to give their best performances. From the beginning, Richardson-Whitfield says the two shared an instant on screen chemistry, very much different from their off-screen brother-sister like relationship. “As soon as that camera rolls something clicks. I look into Colin’s eyes, there’s something that clicks and I always find an instant connection… I feel everything I’m saying with him.” She goes on to say that because of this connection, they are able to work off of each other and give each other what they need for the scene. Ferguson agrees and credits Richardson-Whitfield for the ease of their relationship.

It’s time for the return of SyFy Network’s longest scripted drama, and as season 4.5 of Eureka is gearing up I had the chance to attend a Q&A conference call with stars Colin Ferguson and Salli Richardson-Whitfield. When asked how she compares to her character Allison Blake on the TV series, Richardson-Whitfield says that, to her, their similarities seem to grow over the seasons. “I’m not as hard or as tough as I may seem,” and this is something that the characters of Eureka are now finding out about Allison, whose main vulnerabilities include being a mother and having to juggle work around family life. This is a plight that Richardson-Whitfield can relate to intimately as the show films in Vancouver and causes her to be away from her children while they are filming. Several of the characters of Eureka have had crossover episodes in Warehouse 13 (a SyFy Network “cousin” show,) and vice versa. When asked if she would ever do a guest spot on the series, Richardson-Whitfield says that she would - Full Story In This Week’s New American Newspaper -

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Montreal: A Musical Smorgasbord

Prince gave two surprise concerts at the Montreal Jazz Festival. Bootsy Collins showed he still has his bass guitar chops at Metropolis. Photo credit: Joe Tuitt Best New Artist Grammy winner Esperanza Spalding thrilled fans in Theatre Maisonneuve. Photo credit: Kevin Mason

The Cyrus Chestnut Trio thrilled the audience at Gesu with their brilliant improvisations. It was one of the best shows at the Festival. Photo/Joe Tuitt

Stanley Clarke holds Miles Davis Award he received at Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier, Place des Arts. Photo/Kevin Mason outdoor performances By KEVIN R. and nearly 800 in total, MASON covering every style INSIDE NEW YORK with musical offerings CORRESPONDENT from around the globe. This year Prince’s surThe 32nd Festival prise performance was International de Jazz de among the many highMontrÊal was a 10-day lights that helped kick musical feast from June off the Festival. The two 25 thru July 4. There concerts were arranged were more than 450 free after an impromptu

Dee Dee Bridgewater devoted her show to the music of Billie Holiday. Photo/Joe Tuitt request by Prince a few performances, which weeks before the Festival lasted over four hours opened. He performed a both nights. pre-Festival concert on Other standout shows the 24th and on the included “Sing the opening day at his Truth!â€? with powerfavorite Montreal club, house vocalists MĂŠtropolis. Tickets for AngĂŠlique Kidjo, Dianne both nights sold out Reeves, and Lizz Wright. within hours. Those The concert featured who attended either selections by each artist show raved about the individually and some

numbers as a group. The music covered various genres and was dedicated to strong women in song, especially those who carried the torch for civil rights issues like Odetta, Abbey Lincoln, and Miriam Makeba. Montreal was the first stop on a world tour for the ladies, who were brilliantly accompanied by drummer Teri Lyne Carrington and pianist Geri Allen. Stanley Clarke received the Miles Davis Award, just before his concert with Return To Forever IV, for his musical innovations over the years. He believes that artists are here to create balance, harmony, and

some much-needed cool on this war-torn, abused planet. The other members of the fourth edition of this jazz-funk quintet were Chick Corea, Lenny White, Jean-Luc Ponty, and Frank Gambale. Hugh Masekela set ablaze the stage at Club Soda. Playing all of his biggest hits, he also captivated the crowd with his vivid storytelling, which infused freshness into each song. Bootsy Collins was as flamboyant and funky as ever. The only problem with his show is that he spent too much time off stage, making costume changes. Bootsy can still play the guitar Continued on page 15



THE 17TH ANNUAL ESSENCE MUSIC FESTIVAL The 17th annual ESSENCE Music Festival hosted more than 422,000 attendees, who gathered in New Orleans over the July 4th Weekend for three days of music, empowerment and community events. This year’s Festival celebrated “The Roots of R&B� with nighttime concerts at the newly renovated Louisiana Superdome, which featured the hottest acts including: Usher, Kanye West, Mary J. Blige, New Edition, Jill Scott, Boyz II Men, Jennifer Hudson, Trey Songz and more. The Festival also delivered a “Weekend of Transformation� via the ESSENCE Empowerment Experience, which featured daily panels, keynotes and presentations at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Panelists included: Steve Harvey, Tavis Smiley, Dr. Cornel West, Soledad O’Brien, Iyanla Vanzant, Terry McMillan and more.

Chaka Khan at the Essence Music Festival. Photo credit: C. Ross

Usher Photo credit: Adrienne Battistella

Montreal: A Musical Smorgasbord

Dianne Reeves, Angelique Kidjo, and Lizz Wright "Sing the Truth" the crowd at Maisonnneuve, Place des Arts. Photo/Kevin Mason toyed with her audience footstep, Dee Dee Continued from at ThÊâtre Maisonneuve Bridgewater’s daughter page 14 like a champ, but he throughout the set, China Moses did her wasn’t onstage enough wearing a gold dress, own show in tribute to during his show. His platform stiletto heels, Dinah Washington at super-extended the Festival, and able back-up band, and including his son, tried blond eyelashes. Her impressed the Montreal with her mightily to fill in the performance was dedi- audience cated to the music of singing as well as her gaps, but they didn’t manage his same star Billie Holiday, and she flawless, fluent French. Esperanza Spalding’s power and charisma. added new life through her interpretations of show, “Chamber Music The audience could have Lady Day’s familiar Society,â€? explored her used fewer rhinestones songbook. The concert classical roots with and bling in his attire, vocals and and more music from was titled “To Billie with smooth Love: A Celebration of unique jazz edge. After the funkmaster. Dee Dee Bridgewater Lady Day.â€? Following in winning the Grammy her talented mother’s for Best New Artist, this

Hugh Masekela wowed fans at Club Soda. Photo/Kevin Mason talented double bassist and vocalist showed that she is here to stay. The Cyrus Chestnut Trio transported their fans into a musical paradise using intricate improvisations over classical and familiar contemporary tunes, which amazed all who attended the performance at GesĂš. Sade was given Legends Kenny Barron and Dave Holland the Ella Fitzgerald shared the stage at Theatre Jean-Duceppe, Award and appeared off- Place des Arts, playing recent work and familsite at the Bell Centre iar jazz standards. Photo credit: Joe Tuitt with John Legend. The and it was truly a memorable Festival year. show got great reviews,



THE RELIGIOUS ROUTE BY VELMA HART “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.” — Proverbs 16:3 From the Holy Scripture, the theme: “Committed to Success” was lifted on June 26 at the New Jerusalem Baptist Church, Jamaica, Rev. Rice, pastor. It was the church’s “Graduates Recognition Sunday.” The Order of Service began with praise and worship by the Praise Team. Minister Sondra Browne gave the Call to Celebration. The presider was Sister Olivia Paul. The guest speaker was Rev. Ojeda HallPhillips. Meet the speaker of the hour:

Rev. Hall-Phillips is a graduate of Harvard University with a Bachelors Degree in Government. Before becoming a citizens’ organizer with the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) five years ago, she worked in the private sector both in New York and London, and served as development director for a non-profit organization in Brooklyn. For the last four years, she has led the effort to build and revitalize the Metro IAF community organization made up on congregations in Queens called EQUAL (Empowered Queens United in Action and Leadership). Hearing a call to religious ser-

vice, Rev. Hall-Phillips has dedicated herself to working seven days a week as a community organizer and a youth pastor. For this, she left a career in finance to attend Drew University Theological School in Madison, NJ, where she earned a Master of Divinity Degree (summa cum laude). She was licensed and ordained to preach the gospel at the Brown Memorial Baptist Church in Brooklyn where she was the associate minister and lay leader. Rev. Hall-Phillips currently serves as the youth pastor at the Bethany Baptist Church of Jamaica, under the leadership of Pastor Craig S. Brown, Sr.

Now meet the graduates: Renea Maragh, Danielle Jade Marshall, Jasmine Nicole Oliver, Javona Tanae Richards, Olivia Paul, Darren Faust, Lucretia Grant, Denise Tate-Lewis, Aliya Faust, Rhonda Louise Favors, Juday Evans and Deacon Andre Bordersa, graduate of New York Theological Seminary. A nice luncheon followed the graduates’ celebration, which was held at NJBC. It was a sold-out event. Congratulations to all graduates, ranging from high school to seminary.

Until next time, show love.

WHO wants more graphic warnings to cut smoking rates By KATE KELLAND LONDON — More than a billion people in 19 countries are now covered by laws requiring large, graphic health warnings on tobacco packs but too many countries are still not doing enough to cut smoking rates, the World Health Organization said on Thursday. In its third Global Tobacco Epidemic report, the United Nations health body said such warnings are proven to motivate people to quit smoking and also to reduce tobacco’s appeal for people who are not yet addicted. “We are pleased that more and more people are being adequately warned about the dangers of tobacco use,” said Ala Alwan, a WHO expert on noncommunicable diseases and mental health. “At the same time, we can’t be satisfied that the majority of countries are doing nothing or not enough.” More than a billion people worldwide are tobacco smokers and 80 percent of them live in poorer regions. Some experts have accused tobacco firms of capitalizing on societal changes in poor countries to target new potential smokers, particularly women, and of marketing cigarettes as a symbol of emancipation or greater economic prosperity. Up to half of all smokers will eventually die of a tobacco-related disease and the WHO describes tobacco as “one of the biggest public health

threats the world has ever faced.” Smoking causes lung cancer, which is often fatal, and other chronic respiratory diseases. It is also a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, the world’s number one killers. The World Lung Foundation welcomed progress outlined in the WHO report but noted it also showed that more than 70 percent of the world’s population saw no national tobacco counter-advertising in the last two years. In nearly 150 countries there is a “paucity of any anti-tobacco public education using mass media,” it said in a statement. “Many countries have only done one campaign...while many more have not done any,” said spokeswoman Sandra Mullin. “To shift behavior, counter-marketing needs to be run on a regular basis with a consistent message over the long term.” Requiring large, graphic health warnings is among the six demandreduction measures recommended by WHO. Other include monitoring tobacco use, protecting people from tobacco smoke with smoke-free laws, helping users quit, enforcing bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, and raising taxes on tobacco. Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard said last month she would go ahead with new laws requiring plain, brand-less packaging for cigarettes which are expected by January 2012.

The WHO predicts that tobacco will kill nearly 6 million people this year, including more than 600,000 nonsmokers who will die as a result of exposed to second-hand smoke. It predicts tobacco could kill 8 million people a year by 2030. The WHO report found that more than 739 million people in 31 countries are covered by comprehensive laws requiring smoke-free indoor spaces, more than double the number in its 2009 report. Burkina Faso, Nauru, Pakistan,

Peru, Spain and Thailand are among the latest countries to ban smoking in indoor public spaces and the workplace. It said 12 more countries have raised tobacco taxes to more than 75 percent of the retail price, bringing the total to 27, and Chad, Colombia and Syria had banned tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. Mexico, Peru and the United States were the latest countries to require larger and more graphic warnings on tobacco packs.

Urban, low-income kids more likely to walk or bike to school Children who live in low-income homes, with single-parents and in cities are more likely than other children to walk or cycle to school, according to a new study. The analysis of the transportation habits of nearly 7,700 Canadian children also found that the use of “active transportation” such as walking and cycling to get to and from school increases until they reach ages 10-11, and then declines. Instead, kids at that age start to rely

more on public transportation, school buses and cars, the University of Montreal researchers said. Among the other findings: Children who had many friends in their area were more than twice as likely as other children to increase their walking or biking to school over two years. Teens were less likely to walk or bike if there were no traffic lights or pedestrian crossings on their route to school.

Kids who had friends or older siblings to walk or bike with were more likely to do so. “The study is important for the well-being of children because most children are not meeting physical activity guidelines needed for optimal growth and development,” study author Roman Pabayo said in a university news release. “Active transportation to school represents an affordable and easy way to incorporate physical activity in the daily

routines of children.” A separate study by the researchers found a significant association between children’s weight and whether they walk or cycle to school. “If we can gain a better understanding of the factors that influence how children get to school, we may be able to encourage more families to bike or walk to school, leading to lifelong healthy behaviors,” Pabayo said.



Sales slide for Beyonce’s new chart-topper By DEAN GOODMAN LOS ANGELES — R&B singer Beyonce went to No. 1 on the U.S. pop album chart with her fourth consecutive release on Wednesday, although its sales were the lowest of her solo career. Her new album “4” sold 310,000 copies during the week ended July 3, according to tracking firm Nielsen SoundScan — about the same amount as the next four albums combined. Her previous release, the doubledisc “I Am ... Sasha Fierce,” sold 482,000 copies during its first week of sale in November 2010, fueled by the hits “If I Were a Boy” and “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It).” Her first solo outing away from Destiny’s Child, “Dangerously in Love,” started with 317,000 in 2003, while 2006’s “B-Day” opened with 541,000. The new album has not yet had the benefit of a hit single, with “Run the World (Girls)” stalling at No. 29 on Billboard magazine’s Hot 100 singles chart. It is now at No. 84. Executives at her Sony Music label have been on the counter-attack in recent days after the album leaked on June 7 and fans took to the Web to give it a lukewarm reception. Elsewhere on the album chart,

Beyonce (C) performs on The Pyramid Stage as the headline act during the last day of the Glastonbury festival near Glastonbury, Somerset. English pop singer Adele’s “21” rebounded one place to No. 2 in its 19th week, with 91,500 copies. Its tally stands at 2.5 million copies, easily making it the biggest album of the year. Rapper Big Sean’s debut release “Finally Famous: The Album” came in at No. 3 with 87,000 copies. Disney starlet Selena Gomez, currently in theaters with the teen comedy “Monte Carlo,” arrived at No. 4

J.B. Smoove joins Sasha Baron Cohen’s ‘Dictator’

with sales of 78,000 for “When the Sun Goes Down,” an album on which she shares credit with her band the Scene. Their previous set, “A Year Without Rain,” opened at No. 4 with


66,200 last September. Last week’s champ, R&B singer Jill Scott, fell to No. 5 with “Light of the Sun” (54,800). “American Idol” accounted for the two other newcomers in the top 10. Season 7 winner David Cook debuted at No. 7 with his second album “This Loud Morning” (45,800 copies). It marked a sharp drop from his selftitled debut, which arrived at No. 3 with 280,000 copies in the same week as Beyonce’s previous album. Reigning champ Scotty McCreery came in at No. 10 with the Walmartexclusive EP “American Idol Season 10: Scotty McCreery” (40,400). A full-length album, released immediately after his victory in May, debuted at No. 12 with 23,000 copies. Filling out the top 10, country singer Jason Aldean’s “My Kinda Party” (47,800) rose four to No. 6 in its 35th week, talent contest winner Jackie Evancho’s “Dream With Me” (43,900) fell four to No. 8 in its third week, and the Eminem side project “Hell: the Sequel” (42,200) fell three to No. 9, also in its third week.



” .

Jake Hamilton, FOX-TV

By JOSHUA L. WEINSTEIN LOS ANGELES — Comedian J.B. Smoove, who plays Larry David’s buddy in “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” has joined the cast of Sasha Baron Cohen’s upcoming film, “The Dictator.” Apart from the name of his character — “Usher” — distributor Paramount Pictures did not disclose any details about his character. According to a Paramount release, “The film tells the heroic story of a dictator who risked his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed. It is inspired by the best selling novel ‘Zabibah and The King’ by Saddam Hussein.” “Zabibah,” a love story between a medieval monarch and the married and long-suffering Zabibah was published anonymously in 2000. There’s plenty of “Curb” overlap with “The Dictator.” Director Larry Charles, who previously oversaw Baron Cohen’s “Borat” and “Bruno,” frequently

directs “Curb.” “Dictator” screenwriter/producers David Mandel, Alec Berg and Jeff Schaffer perform similar tasks on the HBO comedy, which returns for its eighth season on Sunday. “The Dictator” is slated for a May 11, 2012 release.






Private hiring picks up, jobless claims fall WASHINGTON — U.S. private employers stepped up hiring in June and the number of Americans filing for jobless benefits fell last week, strengthening views the economy is positioned for a pick-up in the second half. Payrolls processor ADP said on Thursday private sector employment increased 157,000 after a modest 36,000 gain in May, and beating economists’ expectations for a 68,000 rise. A separate report from the Labor Department showed initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 14,000 to a seasonally adjusted 418,000 last week. The decline was more than economists’s expectations for a fall to 420,000. The improvement in claims at the start of the third quarter and the pick-up in private hiring were the latest hopeful signs that conditions were now in place for the economy to regain the momentum lost in the first half. “It’s generally a confirmation that the weakness we saw in the

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May data was more in the way of a bump in the road rather than falling off into some abyss,” said David Resler, chief economist at Nomura Securities International in New York. “The soft patch will prove to be a temporary one, but that doesn’t mean we’ll be roaring ahead with growth.” The government had been expected to report on Friday that nonfarm payrolls increased 90,000 last month, according to a Reuters survey, after rising only 54,000 in May. However, the ADP report had some economists bumping up their forecasts. U.S. stock index futures added to gains on the data, while government bond prices extended losses. The dollar rose against the yen.

With gasoline prices automakers falling, cranking up production and the decline in house values moderating, the dark clouds over the U.S. economy are starting to lift. first Separately, sales reports for June from top U.S. retailers showed better-thanexpected sales gains. Costco Wholesale Corp reported a 14 percent gain in sales at stores open at least a year, suggesting that retailers generally beat Wall Street estimates. Though jobless claims fell last week, they remained above 400,000, a level that is usually associated with a stable labor market, for a 13th straight week. The four-week moving average of unemployment claims, a better measure of underlying trends, fell 3,000 to

A ‘’Now Hiring’’ sign is seen in front of a McDonald’s restaurant in FairOaks, Virginia. 424,750. The number of people still receiving benefits under regular state programs after an initial week of aid dropped 43,000 to 3.68 million in the week ended June

25. The number of people on emergency unemployment benefits declined 44,183 to 3.26 million in the week ended June 18, the latest week for which data

is available. A total of 7.46 million people were claiming unemployment benefits during that period under all programs, down 61,327 from the prior week.

Hackers expose flaw in Apple iPad, iPhone software By JIM FINKLE BOSTON — Hackers have disclosed a bug in software from Apple Inc that security experts said could be exploited by criminals looking to gain remote control over iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch devices. The security flaw in Apple’s iOS operating system came to light as the website www.jailbreakme.com released code that Apple cus=-<387 08: =7-5+36/. 95/.1/; ?355 ,/ 2/5. +< #8-4+?+A %=:7934/ +?:/7-/ * 87 $+<=:.+A =5A +<

8<3-/ 3; 2/:/,A 13>/7 <2+< +7 !:./: /7</:/. ,A <2/ 3>35 8=:< 371; 8=7<A 87 ,/+:371 7./@ =6,/: + -89A 80 ?23-2 6+A ,/ /@+6/. +< <2/ !003-/ 80 <2/ 5/:4 58-+</. +< 3> 371;<87 $<://< :8845A7 * 1:+7<; 6/ =; <2/ :312< <8 ;;=6/ <2/ 7+6/ 80 3:;< $23:5/A 3..5/ :+-/ +;< :399/7 A 9:/;/7< 7+6/ 3; 3:;< :+-/ 3..5/ $23:5/A +;< :399/7 $23:5/A :399/7 A 9:/;/7< +..:/;; 3; +;< <2 $<://< :8845A7 * A 95+-/ 80 ,3:<2 3; :8845A7 * A .+</ 80 ,3:<2 3; =1=;<

tomers can use to modify the iOS operating system through a process known as “jail breaking.” Some Apple customers choose to jail break their devices so they can download and run applications that are not approved by Apple or use iPhone phones on networks of carriers that are not approved by Apple. Security experts warned that criminal hackers could download that code, reverse engineer it to identify a hole in iOS security and build a piece of malicious software within a few days. “If you are a malicious attacker, it is fairly doable,” said Patrik Runald, a senior researcher with the Internet security firm Websense. Apple has yet to release an update to iOS that protects customers against malicious software that exploits the flaw. Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller said the company was aware of the problem. “We are developing a

fix that will be available to customers in an upcoming software update,” Muller said. Apple has long been vocal against jail breaking, which if done voids the warranty on its devices. Any security flaw in iOS software — which runs Apple’s iPhone, iPad tablet and iPod Touch — has the potential to affect millions of devices that are at the core of Apple’s business. Apple has sold 25 million iPads since it launched last year. The company sold over 18

million of its popular iPhones in just the first three months of the year. Hackers can exploit the iOS vulnerability by creating a malicious PDF document file. It would infect Apple devices when users attempt to open that document, according to Runald. Once the device is infected, hackers could “do anything they want,” Runald said. That includes stealing passwords, documents and emails. Comex, a 19-year-old hacker from New York

State who developed the jail-breaking tool, said that Apple might be able to patch the software before criminal hackers develop software that exploits the bug. Last time he put out a version of his jailbreaking software, Apple was able to issue a patch before anybody exploited the bug for malicious purposes. He said that Apple might not be able to move quickly enough this time. “It’s not that hard to reverse engineer,” he said via telephone.



Government facilities targets of cyber attacks By JIM FINKLE BOSTON — Two U.S. government-funded research laboratories and a defense contractor were targets of a “highly sophisticated” cyber attack last week, representatives of the organizations said, the latest in a string of assaults on U.S. interests. The attacks struck Northwest Pacific National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Washington; Thomas

Jefferson National Laboratory in Newport News, Virginia and Battelle Corp, a government contractor that manages PNNL. The three shut down Internet access on Friday, when they became aware of the attacks, they said. The two laboratories have yet to restore access to their external websites. “The good news is no classified information has been compromised or is in danger from this attack,” said PNNL spokesman Greg

Koller. “At this time, we have not found any indication of ‘exfiltration’ of information from our unclassified networks as well.” The attack follows cyber assaults that shut down network access at Lockheed Martin Corp, the Pentagon’s No. 1 supplier by sales, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Energy Department. In Washington, retired Air Force General Michael Hayden, a

JPMorgan becomes minority investor in Johnson Publishing Co.

Johnson Publishing Co. CEO Desiree Rogers (L) and Chairman Linda Johnson Rice A unit of JPMorgan nal-isms column that H. Johnson, built Chase is becoming a JPMorgan Chase would Ebony from a circulapartner in Chicago- have only a “minority tion of 25,000 on its based Johnson Publish- stake,” with a presence first press run in ing Co., publisher of on the Johnson Pub- November 1945 to a Ebony and Jet maga- lishing board. monthly circulation of zines, reports the AssoIt was “very impor- 1.9 million in 1997. Jet, ciated Press. tant that the company a newsweekly, was It is the first time in remain minority- founded in 1951. The the company’s 69-year owned,” she said, company also produces history that it will not adding, it “gives us the Fashion Fair Cosmetbe fully family-owned. capital to move forward ics. Johnson died in Chairman Linda with the plans we’ve 2005. Johnson Rice did not been working on — the Like other media disclose the terms of continuing ‘rebrand- companies, familythe investment, but ing’ of Ebony, which owned Johnson Pubsaid Wednesday the includes remaking the lishing has been investment by Chase’s magazine’s digital plat- adversely affected by Special Investments form; rebranding the an advertising and cirGroup positions the pocket-sized Jet maga- culation decline. media and cosmetics zine, as it did with According to the AP, company for continued Ebony; and marketing Ebony’s circulation growth. the Fashion Fair cos- stands at 1.25 million Meanwhile, CEO metics line more effec- monthly. Jet has a Desiree Rogers told tively.” weekly circulation of Richard Prince’s JourRice’s father, John 800,000.

former director of central intelligence and exhead of the Pentagon’s National Security Agency, said on Wednesday that growing cyber threats were pushing security planners into uncharted territory. “This is really hard for us to think about,” he told a forum on cyber deterrence hosted by the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, a nonpartisan research group focused on science and technology. “If we don’t act boldly, something really bad is going to happen. Then

we’ll over-react.” James Mulvenon, a specialist on the Chinese military and Chinese cyber issues at Defense Group Inc, a consultant to the U.S. intelligence community, told the same forum that the United States must operate on the assumption that its networked systems already have been penetrated by foes. U.S. strategy, he said, should be to enhance “resilience” so that the United States can recover relatively quickly from possible cyber-enabled attack. Recently, a group of

SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF OBJECT OF ACTION STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT: COUNTY OF KINGS ACTION TO FORECLOSE A MORTGAGE INDEX NO .: 15017/10 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE, ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF THE SOUNDVIEW HOME LOAN TRUST 2005-1 ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-1 Plaintiff, vs.ACTION TO FORECLOSE A JOSHUA DESILVA A/K//A JOSHUA DE SILVA, ET AL.(s). b MORTGAGED PREMISES: 824 DEAN STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11238 SBL #: BLOCK: 1140 LOT: 27 TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the Complaint is not serrved with this Summons, to serve a notice off aappearance, on the Plaintiff(s) attorney(s) within twenty days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York). In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Attorney for Plaintiff has an office for business in the County of Erie. Trial to be held in the County of Kings. The basis of the venue designated above is the location of the Mortgaged Premises. Dated this 13th day of June, 2011, TO: JOSHUA DESILVA A/K//A JOSHUA DE SILVA, Defendant(s) In this Action. The foregoing Summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of HON. DONALD SCOTT KURTZ of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated the 19THday of MAY, 2011 and filed with the Complaint in the Office of the Kings County Clerk, in the City of Brooklyn. The object of this action is to foreclose a mortgage upon the premises described below, executed by JOSHUA DESILVA A/K/A JOSHUA DE SILVA dated the 9th day off September, 2004, to secure the sum of $446,250.00 and recorded at Instrument No. 2004000685285 in the Office of the City Register of the City of New York, on the 5th day of November, 2004; which

mortgage was duly assigned by assignment dated the 14thday of July, 2008, and sent for recording in the Office of the City Register off the City of New York. The property in question is described as follows: 824 DEAN STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11238 SEE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION Block 1140 and Lot 27ALL that certain plot, piece of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southwesterly side of Dean Street, distant 160 feet Northwesterly from the Westerly corner of Dean Street and Grand Avenue; RUNNING THENCE Southwesterly parallel with Grand Avenue, 110 feet; THENCE Northwesterly parallel with Dean Street, 20 feet; THENCE Northeasterly parallel with Grand Avenue, 110 feet to the Southwesterly side of Dean Street; THENCE Southeasterly along the Southwesterly side of Dean Street, 20 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Premises known as 824 Dean Street, Brooklyn, New York HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS IN FORECLOSURE NEW YORK STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT WE SEND YOU THIS NOTICE ABOUT THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME. IF YOU FAIL TO RESPOND TO THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT IN THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR HOME. PLEASE READ THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT CAREFULLY. YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONTACT AN ATTORNEY OR YOUR LOCAL LEGAL AID OFFICE TO OBTAIN ADVICE ON HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF. SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE The state encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid office, there are government agencies and non-profit organizations that you may contact for information about possible

private experts briefed a U.S. intelligence audience about how they could go 90 percent of the way toward bringing down a major U.S. city’s vital systems without anyone being able to tell, Michael Tiffany, a cyber security expert, told the session. “Force multiplication is cheap,” said Tiffany, chief architect at Recursion Ventures, a security technologies company. “And there are no indicators of force buildup” when malicious code is carefully inserted into a system.

options, including trying to work with your lender dduring this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Banking Department at 1-877-BANK-NYS (1-877-226-5697) or visit the deparrttment's website at WWW.BANKING.STATE.NY.U S . FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS Be careful of people who approach you with offers to “save”your home. There are individuals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in order to unfairly profit from a homeowner's distress. You should be extremely careful about any such promises and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you until they have completed all such promised services. § 1303 NOTICE NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serrvving a copy of the answerr on the attorney for the morrttgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for furt urther information on how to answer the summons and protect your properrtty. Sending a payment to your morrrttgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT.DATED: June 13, 2011 Steven J. Baum, P.C., Attorney(s) For Plaintiff(s), 220 Northpointe Parkway Suite G, Amherst, NY 14228 The law firm of Steven J. Baum, P.C. and the attorneys whom it employs are debt collectors who are attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained by them will be used for that purpose.



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Kellie Wells, America’s Newest Track Superstar, Is No Longer Running From Her Past By ERIC ADELSON Don’t tell anyone, he said. For four years, she heard that from him. Don’t tell anyone. And for years, she didn’t tell a soul. Then, one night in 10th grade, she decided she was going to defy this man. She was going to tell someone. She was tired of being afraid and tired of being hurt. She was tired of being a victim. That night she said goodbye to her childhood bedroom, and said goodbye to abuse. Kellie Wells is 28 now. She is one of the top hurdlers in the world, and one of the best hopes for Team USA in the 2012 Olympics. Recovered from a devastating hamstring tear during U.S. Trials in 2008, Wells is running faster than ever. Last weekend, she became the U.S. national champion in the 100-meter hurdles with a 12.50 time in the final, announcing her candidacy to be one of the best American stories at the London Games. For the first time in August, at World Championships, she will be wearing the Red, White and Blue of the U.S.A.

Kellie “I am so excited to represent my country,” Wells says. “To make a U.S. team is such an honor and I’m looking forward to making my country, friends, and family proud.” And yet the nightmare is just as alive inside her as the dream. Sometimes she wonders if there would be a dream without the nightmare. Would she have made it to the precipice of Olympic glory without being on the precipice of personal destruction? Could she chase gold this way if not for all those years when the demons chased her? ***

Wells Wells’ chase started in middle school in Virginia; that’s where she started running after her older sister, Tonni. The Wells family all ran, in fact, whether long-distance or sprints. “The sprinter’s side came from my mom,” Tonni says. “The long distance came from my dad. It was almost this unspoken thing - everyone ran.” Kellie was just trying to keep up at first. “She was the team mascot,” Tonni laughs. But soon, the mascot would outrun them all. ThePostGame brings you the most interesting sports stories on the web.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to read them first! As her running took off, life at home became troubling. Kellie’s parents, Jeanette and Fred, divorced when she was 8. She remembers the arguing, the tension. She remembers being confused. Beyond that, she doesn’t remember much. What she does remember is the man who came into her life next. His name was Rick, and Kellie’s mom fell for him. In a childlike way, Kellie did too. “I was enamored,” Kellie says now. “He was a baseball coach; I was a tomboy. I was into all that. He filled a void my dad wasn’t there for.” Kellie’s sister was wary, and stayed away to focus on her running. “She could tell he was sneaky,” she says. Looking back, Kellie sees the signs of trouble. She says Rick mistreated her mom, before and after they got engaged. “I saw him push her around, pull her hair, smack her,” Kellie says. But Rick loved sports and so did Kellie, so they got along. They would go to the basketball court and he would encourage her to jump and touch the backboard. After workouts, he would stretch

her out. She was in middle school, so she had no idea that might be inappropriate. And then, during one of the post-workout stretching sessions, Kellie says her stepfather “let his hand slip.” She was scared, and once again confused, but she let it go. Maybe it was a mistake. Kellie poured herself into running. It was an escape for her, just like it was for Tonni, who ran to get away from the stress of watching her parents divorce. The worse things got, the more they ran. But they couldn’t run away. At one point, Kellie says, Rick rubbed Vicks on her chest. This can’t go on, she thought. It has to stop. She told her mother what was going on. “She blamed me,” Kellie says. “I think she was thinking, ‘How could he do this to a little girl and not to me?’ “ Kellie figured she couldn’t argue with her mom, who she worshiped. And if she told someone else, who knows what would happen? She was going to school in another district, where the academics and sports were better. What if she told on Rick and then had to move back to her original school?

So she didn’t fight. Rick touched her “more times than I can count.” Kellie says it went on until she was a sophomore in high school. It’s a summer afternoon in Florida and Kellie Wells sits in a Crispers restaurant in suburban Orlando. She knows she’s on the brink of something amazing, and she knows it will change her life. Up until now she’s been an Olympic hopeful, but one of several in the U.S. She was only “an OK hurdler,” in her words, as a student at Hampton University in Virginia. She was talented, but not elite. Then her coach, Dennis Mitchell, asked her a simple question: “Are you tired of being a lane-filler?” That set something off inside Wells and her career took off. She likely would have made the Beijing Games in 2008, but when she crossed the finish line second in the 100-meter final, she felt a searing pain in her right leg. She had torn her hamstring. She went from planning a trip to China to riding in an ambulance to an Oregon hospital. “I couldn’t run for over a year,” she says. “I was in pain all the time. I contemplated quitting. That was a year when I continued on page 23

Dodgers lose bid to force documents from MLB By TOM HALS WILMINGTON, Delaware (Reuters) The Los Angeles Dodgers are 0-for-2 in their bankruptcy fight with Major League Baseball. A judge on Thursday refused the team’s request to force the league to produce a slew of documents

relating to everything from the New York Mets’ dealings with convicted Ponzi schemer Bernard Madoff to emails with former Dodger manager Joe Torre. The team wants evidence to prove that league commissioner Bud Selig is hostile to owner Frank McCourt and holds the Dodgers to a different standard.

Delaware bankruptcy Judge Kevin Gross said at a telephonic hearing on Thursday that the team’s requests were too broad for the issue at hand — whether a proposed $150 million bankruptcy loan from a hedge fund unit of JPMorgan Chase & Co.is appropriate. He also said a July 20 hearing on the loan

should not turn “into a trial of the commissioner,” though Gross indicated that the court may have to consider questions about the motivations and actions of the commissioner at some point. The dispute stems from the Dodgers’ fight with the league over financing the team’s operations in bankruptcy.

McCourt arranged a loan from the Highbridge hedge fund unit of JPMorgan. The league has argued it can provide the loan more cheaply, and with fewer strings attached. The Dodgers want the judge to reject the league’s proposed loan, saying it should not be forced to borrow from a hostile party. The Dodgers said in

a statement after the hearing they still expect Gross to approve their proposed loan with Highbridge. “As the court indicated, there will be other opportunities in this bankruptcy case for the Dodgers to obtain the discovery that MLB does not want to share with the Dodgers and the court,” said the statement.



SPORTS BRIEFS AD: Ohio State Hopes Respond to NCAA on Friday

Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith says he’s disappointed with “where we are” in terms of NCAA violations by its football program and the sanctions that will come with it, though the university is on track to respond this week to charges that Buckeyes players received improper benefits and that ex-coach Jim Tressel covered it up.

Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith

Smith said the school is planning to submit its response to the NCAA on Friday. Smith told The Associated Press he feels good about how Ohio State how we collaborated with the NCAA in its investigation. At the same time, he said, he’s still disappointed by the situation. Smith declined to address particulars about the response. He did say his positive feelings about the school’s compliance department have been “reaffirmed.”

Police: stadium roof collapses, people trapped ENSCHEDE, Netherlands - A section of a Dutch soccer stadium collapsed during off-season construction work Thursday, trapping people underneath, police said. No match was being played at the FC Twente stadium at the time of the collapse and those trapped were believed to be workers. Local newspaper De Twentsche Courant, citing unnamed workers at the stadium, reported on its website that 12 people were injured in the accident. Police did not immediately give an official number of victims. The local hospital declined comment and referred media to the Enschede Municipality, whose staff did not return calls. “People are trapped, but we don’t know how many,” police spokesman Jan Lamberts told The Associated Press. Part of the roof caved in around midday (1000 GMT). Photos posted on local news websites showed a large section of the roof had crashed onto a bank of red seats behind one of the goals. Phones at the club went unanswered and the team spokesman did not immediately return a call seeking comment. The team, Dutch national champion in 2010 and runner-up last season, was training in the southern province of Zeeland at the time of the collapse. Twente is in the third qualifying round of next season’s Champions League and is scheduled to host a match at the Grolsch Veste stadium on July 26-27 or Aug. 2-3. The exact date will be decided next week. The construction work was intended to increase the stadium’s capacity to 30,000 from 24,000 by adding a new tier above existing seating.



NBPA doubts NBA’s claimed losses NEW YORK — The NBA players’ association will keep doubting the league’s financial losses, since it made inaccurate projections before. Doesn’t matter, the league says, since those projections have nothing to do with the final numbers it turns over to the union and insists can’t be disputed. Wednesday, Day 6 of the lockout, featured sparring by union and league officials over financial information, a day after a report questioned whether the NBA indeed lost money two seasons ago. Though the NBA says it lost $340 million in 2009-10, a New York Times blog post Tuesday titled “Calling Foul on NBA’s Claims of Financial Distress” called the league “fundamentally a healthy and profitable business” with an estimated operating income of $183 million that season. Union spokesman Dan Wasserman said the NBA projected a decline in revenues that season but they actually rose, so the final losses should have been much less than the league said. “In 2009-10, the NBA repeatedly offered projections that league revenues would decline as much as 5 percent, or $180 million, while also projecting losses of $370 million. Revenues were actually up in ‘09-10 and the revenue projections were off by as much as $200 million. Yet, the loss figures were only adjusted by $30 million. So yes, we feel there is more than adequate basis for questioning their projections and financials,” Wasserman said. Because of the projected losses, the league forecast a steep drop in the salary cap for the 2010-11 season, saying it could fall as low as $50.4 million.

Instead, it was set at $58 million after the higher-than-expected revenues following a sevengame finals between the Lakers and Celtics allowed the league to finish slightly up. But that didn’t save the league from the overall losses it says are documented in the data it has handed over to the union. “For Dan Wasserman to suggest that the league’s future revenue projection, made before the start of the 2009-10 season during the worst economy in 80 years (which, by the way, turned out to be off by only 3 and a half percent) somehow relates to the veracity of our year-end audited financials is absurd,” NBA spokesman Mike Bass said. “Mr. Wasserman’s questioning of the league’s audited financials based on this missed projection is a complete non-sequitur.” The Times story was based on estimates prepared by Forbes and Financial World magazines. Bass said Tuesday the information was inaccurate, saying Forbes “does not have the financial data for our teams and the magazine’s estimates do not reflect reality.” The league added it believed Financial World had gone out of business. “Precisely to avoid this issue, the NBA and its teams shared their complete league and team audited financials as well as our state and federal tax returns with the players union,” Bass said. “Those financials demonstrate the substantial and indisputable losses the league has incurred over the past several years.” The league projected losses of $300 million last season after losses of several hundred million dollars in each season of the CBA, which was ratified in 2005. Owners locked out the players last week after they could not agree on a new deal.

The union has frequently questioned the league’s financials, acknowledging losses but not anywhere near what the NBA has stated. The players offered to give up $100 million in salary costs annually in a recent proposal for a new fiveyear deal, believing that was more in line with the true losses. The story was also skeptical, saying perhaps about $250 million of the purported losses results “from an unusual accounting treatment related to depreciation and amortization when a team is sold.” The NBA responded that it uses the conventional and generally accepted accounting (GAAP) approach and does not include purchase price amortization from when a team is sold, with Bass saying “put simply, none of the league losses are related to team purchase or sale accounting.” The league followed up with another response Wednesday, arguing that “the notion that $250 million of losses is due to ‘accounting procedures’ is patently false and so vague an assertion as to be meaningless as a matter of financial analysis.” Because the NBA had such a successful 2010-11 season, with growth in TV ratings, and merchandise and ticket sales, the league has struggled to convince fans it needs the massive financial changes owners are seeking from the players. But Bass said the league never had a positive net or operating income in the last CBA, and that 11 teams had net losses of more than $20 million in the 2009-10 season. He added 23 of the 30 teams lost money that season. Forbes estimated there were 17. “We do not know how they do their calculations,” Bass said.

Owners, players join NFL talks NEW YORK — Members of the NFL Players Association executive board and owners resumed negotiations Thursday at a law firm in Manhattan in hopes of resolving a lockout that began in March. Sources told ESPN

on Wednesday afternoon that both sides hope to achieve a true framework for a new collective bargaining agreement by the close of business on Friday. Commissioner Roger Goodell, NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Smith, owners and players are involved in the talks Thursday to finalize the details of a new revenue split,

which is getting closer to agreement. Putting more pressure on the negotiators, U.S. District Judge Arthur Boylan, the mediator in the talks, is scheduled to go on vacation Saturday, sources said. But both sides are committed to stay in New York this weekend to try to finish the deal. The sides have not gotten together on

weekends during negotiations in the past month. Entering the building Thursday were several executive board members, including Goodell, Smith, NFLPA president Kevin Mawae and team owners including Robert Kraft of the Patriots, John Mara of the New York Giants and Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys.





Deron Williams eyes Turkey By Marc Stein New Jersey Nets guard Deron Williams is planning to play in Turkey in the fall if the NBA lockout has not yet been settled. Williams’ newly hired agent, Jeff Schwartz, on Thursday confirmed a report from the Turkey-based sports outlet NTV Spor that the All-Star point guard has struck an agreement in principal to play for Besiktas, which is the club that briefly employed Allen Iverson last season. NTV Spor also reported that Besiktas is close to a similar agreement with Atlanta Hawks center Zaza Pachulia. Sources say Williams would not be required to report to the Turkish club before the end of August or early September and that his deal with them would include an immediate out that allows him to return to the NBA as soon as the work stoppage ends. Schwartz confirmed Williams’ intentions to ESPN The Magazine’s

Ric Bucher but would not disclose contract terms. One source told Bucher that Williams has agreed to a oneyear deal in the “low seven figures.” Besiktas coach Ergin Ataman told the New York Times that the deal would become official in the next 24 hours and that the club’s president, Seref Yalcin, would join Williams for a news conference in the United States next week. Besiktas officials held a similar news conference in New York when they signed Iverson in October 2010. Williams has two years left on his contract with the Nets but is widely expected to opt out the final season, valued at nearly $18 million, to become a free agent in the summer of 2012. Players under contract like Williams would typically need a letter of clearance from FIBA — the sport’s world governing body — to play anywhere else. But the NBA

Players Association has privately maintained for months that it intends to legally challenge any attempt by the NBA or FIBA to block a player such as Williams from playing elsewhere while the NBA has imposed a work stoppage. “If they try to stop him,” one source said of Williams, “the union will fight it.” The bigger risk for Williams is injury-related, especially after he was plagued by a wrist injury throughout the second half of last season after the Nets acquired him from Utah on Feb. 24. The injury required surgery on Williams’ right wrist after the season. The guaranteed NBA money Williams is owed by the Nets — nearly $34 million if Williams does not opt out of the $17.8 million he’s owed in 2012-13 — would not be protected in the event of injury overseas. That means either Williams or Besiktas will have to make insurance arrangements that protect him against

Jose Reyes to sit out All-Star Game? LOS ANGELES — The New York Mets put the wheels in motion toward placing shortstop Jose Reyes on the disabled list late Wednesday. Team officials arranged for corner infielder/outfielder Nick Evans to fly to Los Angeles from Triple-A Buffalo, multiple team sources told ESPNNewYork.com. Reyes strained his left hamstring Saturday against the Yankees. After taking ground balls and working on a stationary bicycle and treadmill earlier this week, Reyes was unable to do any physical activity on Wednesday at Dodger Stadium, the shortstop said. A team official said a firm decision to place Reyes on the disabled list would not be made until Reyes

arrives at the ballpark Thursday and is unable to run, which is the expected scenario. “I didn’t do anything today. ... Probably tomorrow I don’t do anything, either,” Reyes said after Wednesday’s 5-3 win against the Los Angeles Dodgers. The Mets had been inclined to play with a short bench this week and keep Reyes on the active roster if doctors believed there was a reasonable chance the spark plug would be healthy for the first series following the AllStar break, against the National League Eastleading Philadelphia Phillies. Once Reyes is placed on the disabled list, he would be ineligible for that July 15-17 series.

“We have to see what is going to be the bestcase scenario for me,” said Reyes, who leads the majors with a .354 average. “If I have to go (to the DL), if I really need to go, I have to do it.” Reyes’ landing on the DL also would affirm he will be unable to play in an All-Star Game for the third time in his career due to injury after being selected. With a late surge in fan voting, Reyes had overtaken the Colorado Rockies’ Troy Tulowitzki as the starting NL shortstop. Regardless of his health, Reyes has indicated he plans to attend Tuesday’s game in Phoenix — as he did in 2006 and again last year when he was unable to play. - Adam Rubin

long-term injury. “Deron will be a bigger signing than Iverson,” Ataman told NTV Spor reporter Ismail Senol. “We’re also very close to getting Zaza

Pachulia,” Ataman said. Although Pachulia represents Georgia internationally, he also has a Turkish passport that enables Besiktas to sign him without expending a foreign

roster slot.

Kellie Wells, America’s Newest Track Superstar, Is No Longer Running From Her Past Continued from page 21 watched everyone else do this.” But on the way back to her old form, Wells decided to stop running away from her past. She decided that “Don’t tell anyone” was not going to work anymore. She decided to blog about what happened to her as a child. It took her three days. “Kellie almost became terminator against it,” Tonni says. “She almost had a chip on her shoulder where she had a tough edge.” So tough that she agreed to sit down and answer any and every question about Rick. That meant talking not only about what she confessed on the blog, but what she didn’t. Kellie says that one night, in her room, Rick went further than ever. Kellie says that in the 10th grade, she was raped. That was enough. More than enough. Kellie told her mom the next day in the car, and got mostly silence. So she decided to move out. That would be the last night in her childhood bedroom. A few weeks later, Kellie was driving home with her boyfriend when she saw a horrific car accident. She couldn’t imagine what happened to the passengers inside, but like all onlookers, she soon forgot about it. Then, the next morning, her father sat her down next to her brother and told her

Rick was the driver of that car. “Your mom is dead,” he said. Kellie turned to look at her brother, who was always able to keep a straight face through anything. He had a single tear falling down his face. That’s when she lost it. “I’m going to kill him,” she thought. “Wherever he is, I’m going to kill him.” But Rick was dead too. Any relief Kellie felt at being rid of Rick drowned in sadness at the loss of her mom. All that was left for her to do was mourn, and heal. And run. Over the years, Wells found a way to cope with what happened to her. It’s up to others now to come to terms with it. Tonni, her sister and best friend, admits hearing the truth was not easy. “I was so blown away,” she says. “So angry. There was a lot of emotion behind her when she told me. It played out as anger. It was not really spoken about. It should have been. We have talked about it now that we’re older.” But the only person who must be aware of Kellie’s past on a dayto-day basis is her coach. Mitchell is the mentor, the guide — the same authority figure Rick was supposed to be. “Knowing Kellie’s past. I put myself in a position that’s very

fragile,” Mitchell says. “I come to the track and it’s up to me to build the trust in Kellie that I will not betray her in that trust.” At the same time, Mitchell has to help harness all the energy in his star hurdler. “Track is an emotional sport,” he says, and in a way it’s more emotional for a hurdler. Those who are the slightest bit overexcited or down can make a miscalculation that ruins everything. Wells has always put her anger and disappointment into her running, but if she puts too much into it, her past could ruin her future. “This is a very revealing sport, especially in hurdles,” Mitchell says. “It takes a toll on the human body. The mental aspect is that battery that charges the body.” Wells admits her own mental battery is sometimes drained. “I miss my mom,” she says, “every day, all the time.” The battle through grief and selfdoubt has been far greater than the battle to come back from her injury, far greater than the battle to go from sitting in a wheelchair to running faster than any female hurdler in the country, and far greater than her battle to get her time down from 12.93 all the way to 12.50. “Why does stuff have to happen to me?” Wells asks. “It’s very exhausting. You keep fighting and fighting and fighting.”






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