Dec 2 2011

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E L I T E N E W S c elebratiNG 51 Y earS of c oMMuNitY S ervice

NobodY coverS the Metroplex like the elite NeWS deceMber 2, 2011 vol. 51 editioN 48 G et Y our N atioNal , S tate , l ocal S portS , W eather William Blair Sr. PuBliSHEr


N eWS u pdateS !

the official voice of the church and community

William Blair Sr. PuBliSHEr

Lockout Ends! A Christmas Gift for Mavericks and Fans

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Michael D. Ford Sunrise: Jan 27, 1959 Sunset: Nov. 22, 2011

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Dallas Skyline High School win 42-24 over Klein Oak High School

Skyline’s Devante Kincade tries to run past Klein Oak Panthers

Almer C. Peterson Sunrise: Dec. 22, 1918

Sunset: Nov. 24, 2011

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Elite News Annual Toy and Coat Drive

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as iT appeaRs iN


See Details on Page 11


celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

Helpful Spiritual Requests Philippians 1:19-21 ”For I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. I eagerly Henry Nelson expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” The Holy Spirit teaches us how to appeal to the most essential needs of every person. Paul wrote, Philippians 1:19 says, “I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.” Amen! he Holy Spirit gives us insights into emotional, mental, physical, social, economic, cultural, and spiritual needs of every person. Ask the Lord for


special wisdom to help you persuasively appeal to every individual’s felt, perceived and real needs in a way that draws them closer to the Lord. The Holy Spirit guides you to plead with people according to their individual and group perspectives. Jesus said in Luke 12:12, “For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” Ask the Lord to give you special guidance in the way that you plead with people according to their greatest needs for safety, security, belonging, acceptance and success. Amen! The Holy Spirit provides you with a special timing in your appeals to people. . Acts 10:19 says, “While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him, ’Simon, three men are looking for you. So get up and go downstairs. Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.” Amen! Ask the Lord for a special sensitivity to the timing of your appeals to people. The Spirit knows when people are at their most receptive state of mind. The Holy Spirit senses the kind of appeals that will draw people to the love of Jesus Christ. People respond differently to motivations based on their personality, background and experiences. 1st John 2:20says,

“But you have anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. As for you, anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you.” Amen! Ask the Lord to help you to facilitate all the teaching abilities given to you in the person of the Holy Spirit. Beseech the Lord to help you appeal to the various personality, background and experiential wants and desires in your organization for God’s purposes and glory. The Holy Spirit knows just which people are lonely, hurting or disillusioned. The Spirit can give the best kind of petition in your praying to draw people closer to God, His will and His people. Acts 9:17 says, “Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom.” Amen! Pray that God will give you special sensitivity to the emotions of your people so that you can minister the best healing words to them. Also, ask the Lord to help you to find people who are skilled in appealing to the lonely, hurting and disillusioned and learn all you can from them. The Holy Spirit provides you with the best appeals for repentance, conviction of sin and conversion. Acts 2; 38 says, “Peter

C ity B eat

replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Ask the Lord for such persuasive abilities that you can appeal as Peter did when He saw 3,000 added to the family of God on the day of Pentecost. Trust the Lord to provide you with elders and leaders in your church that will be able to make powerful appeals for repentance, conviction of sin and conversion as they may have special gifts of evangelism that you are lacking. The Holy Spirit knows how to make appeals that pierce through any person’s intellectual, emotional or cultural barriers. Isaiah 44; 8, 9 says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Ask the Lord to let the Holy Spirit make special appeals in the hearts of each person in your organization as you use prayer and the word of God to appeal to every person’s conscience. If you would like the rest of this message please request it at:

“Taste Test” / Happy Thanksgiving

Too Much Chocolate Cake Ingredients:

Jordan Blair ii

1 (18.25 ounce) package devil’s food cake mix 1 (5.9 ounce) package instant chocolate pud-

ding mix 1 cup sour cream 1 cup vegetable oil 4 eggs 1/2 cup warm water 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips

Make It: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a large bowl, mix together the cake and pudding mixes, sour cream, oil, beaten eggs and water. Stir in the chocolate chips and pour batter into a well greased 12 cup bundt pan. Bake for 50 to 55 minutes, or until top is

springy to the touch and a wooden toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool cake thoroughly in pan at least an hour and a half before inverting onto a plate If desired, dust the cake with powdered sugar.

Do you have a idea about a recipe or want to know a recipe? Call Elite News 214-372-6500

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page 2

december 2, 2011

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

The Lockout Ends A Christmas Gift for Mavericks and Fans By: Bettye “Katt” Williams ELITE nEWS STAFF WRITER


n last week, the long wait for the Dallas Mavericks and the fans was finally over as the results everyone had been waiting for came to fruition. An agreement to end the nBA lockout by a Minnesota Federal U.S. District Judge Patrick Schiltz has put the legal fight between the nBA’s players and owners on hold to give the two sides time to finish their collective bargaining agreement and granted a request by the players and issued a stay of all court The stay is valid until December 9, and a formal agreement is expected to be approved. What does this mean for the Mavericks and all nBA teams? They will be able to return to work, assuming all the details get finalized after a five-month-old lockout comes to an end. A 66-game season, as is tentatively planned, means 16 fewer regular-season games of wear and tear on Jason Kidd and Dirk nowitzki. So will Tyson Chandler, a free agent, open up and celebrate the opener at AAC with the Dallas Mavericks? Or will Mark Cuban not be smart and let him go? I’m sure Dallas Mavericks players and fans want to see him come back; I know I do. Chandler is the Mavericks’ prized free agent who will get a healthy raise from the $12.6 million he collected last year. So what does Mark Cuban have to do to keep him? I am confident that Mark Cuban will figure out a way. The other Mavs’ free agents are guards J.J. Barea and DeShawn Stevenson, and forwards Caron Butler, Peja Stojakovic and Brian Cardinal. Since winning the championship on June 12, with a series-closing 105-95 victory in Miami, the Mavs are hoping they will not only be celebrating an opener that will be one of the biggest sports days in Fort Worth/Dallas history, but celebrate by getting their championship rings and have the


championship banner raised to the rafters as well on Christmas Day. “Either way it goes it’s going to be a celebration,” Terry said. “It’s a Christmas Day game, we’re excited to be back out there playing, and I’m fired up and I’m ready to go. I wouldn’t care who came to town to play — Miami or whoever — it doesn’t matter. We’re back, we’re out there, we’re excited, and we’re at home, so we want to win.” The Heat has been picked as a prohibitive favorite to capture the nBA title says the media. It’s going to be who can maintain in a rough season healthy and who can have the drive to win. The Mavs will have a 10-day training camp, a couple of pre-season games, and opening day (Christmas) is less than a month away and one of the biggest days in Mavs history. The nBA regular season would run through April 26, and teams must play at least one set of back-to-back-to-back games if a new labor deal is ratified in time to start on Christmas. The league posted an outline of what the schedule would look like on its Twitter pages Sunday. The plan

2011-12 NBA Schedule Breakdown regular Season Start Date: December 25, 2011 regular Season End Date: April 26, 2012 Playoffs Start Date: April 28, 2012 last Possible Finals Date: June 26, 2012

VOLUME 51 EDITIOn 48 Contact Information - Visit us in person at: 1911 E. Ledbetter Rd Dallas, Tx 75216 214-372-6500 • 214-372-2534 fax

MAnAGEMEnT William Blair Jr. Jordan “Randy” Blair

Founder/Sr. Publisher Publisher

COLUMn WRITERS Gene Turner Rev. Johnny H. King Henry nelson Pastor Clarence Henderson Dr. Karen Hollie Geraldine Davidson-Hooker Kevan Browning Bettye Williams

Marketing Director B. J. Fullylove

MEDIA/SALES Bettye Williams Tyrone Hodge

COMMUnITy RELATIOnS Bettye Williams

PRODUCTIOn Bettye “Katt” Williams Elite news Staff

DISTRIBUTIOn Elite news - BJ Fullylove Charles Jones Deadlines and Disclaimers Submission of all article, ads, etc., are due every Tuesday by noon. We accept All credit cards. The views and opinions of guest writers and columnists do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher, staff or board of the Elite news. Elite news is not liable for submissions or payments made to parties other than those authorized agents listed below: Jordan Blair

All checks and money orders made payable to the Elite news shall be mailed to: P.O. Box 397925 Dallas, Texas 75339

The Mavs can keep their budget as it was last year and keep their cap impact the same, too, by signing Tyson Chandler to a deal that starts at about $10 million annually



CITY BEAT ..........................................................PAGE 2 COVER STORY......................................................PAGE 3 PERSPECTIVE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY ............PAGE 4 BITS AND PIECES ................................................PAGE 5 SPIRITUAL GUIDE ................................................PAGE 6 COMMUNITY CALENDAR ......................................PAGE 7

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is a 66-game regular season, ending about 10 days later than usual. The last possible day of the nBA finals would be June 26, two weeks later than the championship series ended last season. Teams would play 48 games within their conference and 18 non-conference games. no team would play on three straight nights more than three times. So, will the Mavericks repeat as nBA champions?







ELITE NEWS SPORTS ............................................PAGE 8 LITTLE KNOWN BLACK HISTORY ........................PAGE 12 CLASSIFIEDS ......................................................PAGE 12 ENTERTAINMENT ..............................................PAGE 13 MINISTERS LISTINGS ..........................................PAGE 14 OBITUARIES ......................................................PAGE 19

december 2, 2011

peRspecTive iN The black cOmmuNiTy Young Former Lincoln High School Student To Run For DISD School Board By: Damarcus Offord SPECIAL TO ELITE nEWS


he reason I am running for the Dallas ISD School Board Trustee seat, District 9, I believe that we must start with the community and the stakeholders and teachers who deserve the utmost respect. Our District is going in the wrong direction, teachers and parents and the community feels that they are not valued anymore. We must not forget that when you serve in public office that is a big responsibility, and if you are not doing your job you Damarcus Offord must answer to the public and if you call that getting bullied you do not need to serve. People in my community should not have to go back and hear from other people about information in District 9. As trustee, you are my boss and you are the people I answer to, which are my community, teachers, students and parents and stakeholders. I believe that DISD as a whole is going backwards instead of moving forward for the students. Are we pro public, or pro charter schools? As trustee, I will make sure that all concerns are herd and will work my hardest to make sure that we keep the community involved. We must stop cutting educators and find innovative ways to keep our schools open. We must believe in our community and support the up and coming leaders of tomorrow, our youth. Damarcus Offord was born October 7, 1991 in Dallas, TX to the parents of Latrice Offord and Marcus McQueen. Growing up, Damarcus was always a person who loved going to school and attending church with his family. At an early age his family and peers began to see what a leader he was becoming when he was involved in things at his school and programs he would take part in. When Damarcus attending Paul L. Dunbar Elementary School in South Dallas, he figured out, he was becoming a tremendous leader. When he arrived at Pearl C. Anderson Middle

School in the 7th grade, he wanted to make a difference in his community and in his school. Damarcus was involved in student council his 7th and 8th grade years. While at Pearl C. Anderson he had the chance to travel to Washington, D.C. with the student council and his class mates to see beyond South Dallas, the area where he was raised. When he left Pearl C. he did not just stop, he kept on going by taking roles as a responsible leader and using the tools that he learned in middle school. Damarcus went on to attend Lincoln High School where he became involved in student council as a sophomore representative and was also voted as junior representative. He later became the Lincoln High School junior class president for the 2009-2010 school years and was re-elected to serve his class as senior class president for the 2010-2011 school years. Damarcus Offord traveled to the 2009 Presidential Inauguration in Chicago to film a documentary on President Barack Obama. Damarcus had the chance to meet Jessie Jackson and many different people. Damarcus also served on the Dallas ISD Teen School Board 2009-10 and 201011. Selected by his peers, for two consecutive years, he served as the community chairperson. Damarcus also helped the Dallas ISD Teen Board start a reading program which occurred two years straight in partnership with the East Dallas Boys & Girls Club to help youth understand importance of reading and staying in their books. Accomplishments: Helped Bring Emmitt Smith to Lincoln to speak to the Lincoln students, May 2011, youth of the year at the East Dallas Boys & Girls Club, May 2011, I won $5,000 for Lincoln High School to help beautify the campus, September 2009, Education Is Freedom student and also featured in the “EIF” video, Member of the nAACP, Served on the Dallas ISD Assistant Principal of the year selection committee, appeared on several national websites for leading a student protest in March of 2011 at Lincoln High School, regarding teacher layoffs and budget cuts for Texas schools, and serves on the navarro College SGA, where he is currently the only African American serving on the Executive Board, but not the first, he is the freshmen representative. So I why do I want to run? Because “THE TIME IS nOW”

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december 2, 2011

Stadium. Skyline held a 14-10 advantage as the third quarter began, but it didn't take Special to Elite News hree rounds into the playoffs, Dallas long for the Raiders to extend that lead. Johnson tacked on a 41-yard touchdown on Skyline now knows its offense can pack as much punch as its defense almost the exact same play at the end of the third quarter, giving him 105 rushing yards when necessary with a 41-20 win. Skyline's offense raced past Klein Oak and and two touchdowns on two carries. Skyline its defense came up with key stops to grab a running back David Greene added a touch42-24 victory over the Panthers in a Class down, and Kincade threw a 29-yard touch5A Division I Region 2 matchup Saturday at down pass to RaShaad Samples, who Waco ISD Stadium. Skyline quarterback absorbed a hit inside the Panthers' 5, held Devante Kincade threw for 167 yards and a himself up with his right hand and then touchdown and ran for 102 yards and a hopped into the end zone for the Raiders' score, and receiver Thomas Johnson turned final score. in the two biggest runs of the night. And the Raiders' defense constantly threw Klein Oak for losses and took the ball away in key moments. Tron Richardson posted a pair of sacks, a tackle for loss and an interception, but he wasn't the only Raider swarming to the football. "We're not a one-horse team," Skyline coach Reginald Samples said. "We depend on our whole team and we've got players all over. The defense kept playing hard even though we gave up some points." By dismissing Klein Oak (9-4), Skyline (13-0) advances to the regional final round of the 5A Division I playoffs to face The Woodlands at 4 p.m. Saturday at Waco ISD Skyline’s lamont levels tries to make a



Opportunity for: Bachelors Masters Doctorate

Dallas Skyline win 42-24 over Klein Oak

run for the field goal

page 4

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 6 0


Debra’s Bits and Pieces

e fair to others because it is the right thing to do. Expect fairness in return. Accept consequences. Foster harmony and security.Avoid anger and bitterness. Search for reasonable solutions. Use common sense. Seek and grant forgiveness. Justice in Action: Take care of and return borrowed belongings. Write family rules noting consequences. Watch the news and discuss examples of justice and injustice. Defend a mistreated classmate co – worker, Debra Blair Abron etc. Play by the rules. Family Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.


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Out of the Eyes of a Layman

Lifeway Church of Dallas 5520 So. Westmoreland Dallas, Texas 75237 (214) 339-660


Elder Michelle Crawford CHURCH: Unmerited Favor Christian Fellowship PASTOR: Bishop Gregory Crawford FAvORITE SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 3:20 FAvORITE SONG: “Worship you in the Spirit”

Dr. Karen Hollie - Thibodeaux Senior Pastor

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ChriStiaN MOMeNtS I stay awake through the night, thinking about your promise. Psalm 119:148 nLT


celebratiNG 51 YearS coMMuNitY Service NobodY coverS the Metroplex like elite NeWS december 2, 2011


Dr. William M. Campbell

There are some things worth staying up for. It is good to wake up with the Lord on your mind; and other times not to sleep because the Lord is on your mind.



e have people coming here from all over the world. Our government has let immigration laws get completely out of hand. There should be greater restrictions on our immigration laws in this country. Let me give a few examples of safety within this country. When World War II began and Japan got involved in the war with America, this country did not take any chances with people from that country who were now living in America. This country built camps for those people to live until the war was over. now, not only will we continue to let people into this country who we know hates us, but we let them into our Armed Forces. We know people out of the Middle Eastern countries hate us something terrible. They not only talk about distruction of America, but they themselves have tried to destroy things and people within our country. Look at 9/11 in new york / Washington, DC. Look what happened at Ft, Hood Army base not long ago. A Chaplain in uniform born in America. But yet hated this country because he was an Arab. We have had problems with Arab nations for a very long time now, because they hate Americans. now, if we know this, why do we still let them into our country? When you are at War with another country, there should not be anyway they could get a VISA to come here. Whether we are in a shooting war or not, it is still war, because they are looking for ways to destroy us. We have given over our schools and neighborhood stores to 3rd world people. Our schools are in serious trouble because American culture has been deluted with 3rd world culture. Their teaching is done more or less from a 3rd world prospective. The Gene Turner

discipline in schools are at it’s lowest level, because 3rd world culture is not as strict as American culture. you can understand that very well just by walking into Wal-Marts. Most of your gas stations and neighborhood stores are owned and operated by 3rd world people, because American banks have money set aside just to loan them just for that reason, but we cannot get a loan like that. They buy stores in our neighborhood because they know we are not going to come together and buy anything to serve our neighborhood. Every nation / culture know that we are consumers only. We do not want to own anything in our own neighborhood, and that’s why people just come into this country and run right to our neighborhoods. I am very intrigued over the fact that every outside country come here has a dislike for the BLACK citizens of this country, in fact they hate us because they think they must find someone in this country that they are better than, so, they choose us. Even people from Africa think they are better. now, that is really something, but we make them think that way because a lot of us pick out a corner, a tree in a vacant lot and start a domino game each day and not look for a job. Pull our pants down below our butts, wear our caps backwards, or side ways, and to top things off we walk around cursing loud, disrespecting others, and ourselves, We let others know that we do not want to do anything other than make people believe we are something that we are not. Do not get me wrong, I know that does not apply to all of us, but that group of us I am talking about is too many. Since others think that they are better than we are, they will take a small group of us and apply it to all of us as a nation of people. I have learned that countries do not need bullets to invade a country who will open doors and let them in like we are doing in this day and time. Let us not forget to read our Bibles. And may God bless you REAL GOOD , and may He ever keep you in His loving care.

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spiRiTual guide

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

Christmas Prayers


nyone who has experienced the spirituality in prayers knows that they have the strength to uplift you to a tranquil state of mind. you lose your doubts and your apprehensions when you put yourself in the Geraldine hands of an omnipoDavidson-Hooker tent God. Prayers are a very personal choice and should never be imposed upon you by anyone. How you pray and what you want to pray for are completely your decisions and yet you need to experience it for the first time to know how it feels. Thankfully, parents do their bit in introducing prayers to children so that they may appreciate them when they can understand their meaning better. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ or nativity of Christ. It is important to note that the figure of the ‘Son of God’ was not born amidst riches or to a King. He had the origins of being born to humble parents in a stable whose virtue lay in their spotless character. It is thus a beautiful truth that spiritual awakening came to the seeker regardless of whether he possessed worldly riches or not. Thus, Christmas prayers celebrating Jesus’ birth make you feel blessed that God or the Supreme Being once walked this very earth and opened a path from the earth to heaven for everyone to follow. Christmas prayers can be of many different hues and shades but the essence of these prayers is thanking the Lord for what He has given you and speaking positive affirmations that things will improve. This feeling of gratitude fills you with inspiration and comfort for a better tomorrow even when things in this world might not be perfect at the moment. So, if you haven’t yet felt the power of a prayer full of hope, optimism and positive words, experience it once to develop the faith everyone requires in their life for that intangible solace humans seek.

Read the Elite News online every Friday

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Advice Column: Ask Dr. Hollie Dear Dr. Hollie:

family was concerned that heirlooms would be sold as so many other things had been in an effort to suprecently inherited some family port her long-term drug problems. heirlooms from a distant relative. They all thought that the argument I’ve heard about these items from had been over the drugs. She has other relatives but had only ever seen been in rehab many times before and pictures of them. I always reverts back to drugs. no also received papers that authenticate one knew about the reconciliation their financial value. They are worth a but the mother. lot. In my family, these items are conDr. Karen Hollie Anyway, I’m torn about what I sidered to be a legacy to be preserved should do. I know that they were for future generations. The issue is that my great-great-great uncle, who close at one time but I don’t want to see the family left the items to me, had changed his will a couple legacy lost from the family. of years ago when he and another great-great-great Just wanna do the right thing niece had a huge disagreement. He became ill shortly after the incident and never fully recovered. Dear Just, At a recent family gathering, the subject of this disowned cousin came up. Her mother actually conI can understand how you would want to honor fronted me, saying that the uncle and niece had reconciled and that he had planned to revise his will what the family is asking of you, specifically your again. She strongly suggested that I relinquish the cousin’s mom. However, the uncle entrusted the heirlooms to her, the mother, for safekeeping while heirlooms to you and, as you see now, with good reason. Therefore, these items are to remain with the cousin recovers in a rehabilitation facility. This of course started a family discussion. you as you continue his legacy. The mother, and few others, thought I should give Dr. Hollie is a Pastor and practicing psychotherathe heirlooms up because our uncle was really close pist in the city. For questions and comments, please to my cousin and he and I had only met a few times. They were convinced that the will would’ve write to been changed if our uncle had time. The rest of the


Notes From Union Hope


ur Church School lesson was “Facing Life without Worry” MATTHEW 6:2534 was a lesson fitted for our time. With the world it seems is in a recession, jobs Eld lloyd T. Morgan are scarce, family members killing family members, our politicians so far removed from the common people and entrenched in their parties agenda that they are paralyzed to the point of doing nothing that they gave the common people pause to worry. But those that know the Lord can rest in knowing that they serve a Saviour who not only care for them but have promised to take care of them and they need not be frozen by fear. Jesus told us that life consist of more than food and clothes. He calls our attention to the fact that birds have no need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because h=their heavenly father feeds them. I began to reflect and could not remem-

ber ever seeing a bird die from starvation unless someone had caged them up. If God takes such good care of birds and flowers he asked why do we worry when we have a greater value to him than any of these things. The lesson taught us not to borrow from tomorrow’s troubles because today’s trouble is enough for today. Have you ever went to bed worried about something bad that was supposed to happen the next day and the day went by and it never happened? Often we ruin our today worried about a tomorrow that may or may not come. When we place our faith in the Lord who know all of our tomorrows we can live a worry free life. The morning message was delivered by our guest was Rev. Wright of Galilee Missionary Baptist church from the subject “Learning how to be thankful” Rom.1:12. There are many little things in life that people and God do for us that we never say to them “Thank you.” Be blessed Psalm 119:105 your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path


Prayer Closet

have written a lot concerning the purpose and advantage of the enclosed place of prayer, which is our prayer closet, a place where we are alone with God, in prayer. However, there are times when we when we need to pray with others. Praying with others often brings us special encouragement. Jesus said, “Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:19-20). Perhaps we would see great things happening in our churches if we spent more time praying together. We can see in the book of Acts what priority the believers gave to prayer. “They continued steadfast in prayer daily, and the Lord added to the church daily” (Acts Pastor Clarence 2:42-47). Henderson

From the Mount


ur Sunday school lesson titled, “Facing Life Without Worry” Matthew 6: 25-34, the lesson high points were, “God is our greater provider, what we need to do to get Johnny King relieve from worry and relining on God to meet our needs.” Dr. Johnny King delivered the morning message titled, “Delayed Deliverance” Matthew 14: 22-29. We were the guest at Independence Baptist Church where Rev. M. L. Gee is the pastor to help celebrate their annual women day, Dr. King delivered the annual day message titled, “Lessons learned From The Pool of Bethesda” John 5: 1-4, his high points were, “Identifying our need, stop blaming other people and stretching beyond our selves.”

celebratiNG 50 YearS coMMuNitY Service NobodY coverS the Metroplex like elite NeWS december 2, 2011


celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

caleNdaR/sTudeNT Of The week

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mrs. Mozelle Blair (Dec. 3)

Call Elite News 214-372-6500 and get you birthday announced here! Kendrick Clayton – Dec. 7 B.J. Fullylove, Sr. , O.J. Fullylove – Dec. 12 Chaitra Dangerfield-Dec. 13 Herman Fullylove – Dec. 14 Dec. 8:I just received word that Bank of America is holding a Customer Outreach Event December 8-10, 2011 in Irving. If your mortgage is with Bank of America this is a wonderful opportunity, please see the attached flyers and pass this information on to your organizations. Online at: or by calling 1-855-201-7426 December 9: Christmas is right around the corner and Bettye Williams and Elite news needs your help with our 2nd Annual “BLESS A CHILD AT CHRISTMAS” campaign “Toy-Coat Drive” on December 09, 2011. Come join Elite news and sponsors; K104, Coke Cola, and Dallas County Schools in helping a family and a child know that there is a Christmas. Simply stop by the Elite news, 1911 E. Ledbetter Rd. Dallas, TX 75216, and December 9, 2011 from 10:00 am to 12 noon and leave an unwrapped toy, coat, non-perishable food items or even a donation to help put a smile on a child’s face this Christmas. For information call Elite news at 214-3726500 Dec 10: “Mastering the Art of Facebook & Social Media Marketing. Faye Hill is presenting a dynamic Facebook & Social Media Marketing seminar December

10, 2012 from 10:00am. – 3:00pm., at Angelic Moments Partys & Events 2542 So I-35 & Wintergreen Rd. Lancaster, Tx. Lunch will be provided At Visit to register for additional information or call 214.205.7514.


Porter T. Flinn

Dec 10: Please join Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Sigma Lambda Chapter as we celebrate the end of 2011 with our Annual Cold and Classy Christmas Extravaganza! The event will take place on Saturday, December 10, 2011 at the African American Museum at Fair Park Please contact Forrest Jackson @ 469-8655372 or log-on to for more info. If you live in the city of Dallas or if you know someone who lives in the city of Dallas. The city of Dallas is replacing high water tank toilets for Water Saving Toilets FREE to the public! you can either choose a rebate for the one you go ahead and purchase or you can receive a voucher to go purchase one. If you choose to receive the voucher you can choose your own qualifying toilet. They also have a taller toile which is helpful for older people and or people with bad knees and backs. The voucher will cover only the cost of the toilet you will be responsible for the installation. If you are interested just go the City of Dallas Website or google Save Dallas Water and complete the online application.

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Minister of Week


South Garland High School

Grade: Junior(11th)

Favorite Subject Pre-Calculus

School Activities: Varsity Basketball since his sophomore year Past Time He likes playing X-box, listening to ol' school music & watching clever videos on u-tube

Future Plans:

His future plans are to attend college at Howard University or Georgetown in Washington D.C.

Pastor Clerance Henderson

To nominate a student of the week who you think is worthy from grades 1-12,and present College students please email 100 words or less why you think this student should be the “Student of Week” to Ms. Bettye “Katt” Williams at or call Elite “The best sermon is preached by the minister who has a sermon to News 214-372-6500

Christian Holy Temple ChurchDallas preach and not by the man who has to preach a sermon.”

page 7

december 2, 2011

eliTe News spORTs WEEK 13


William Blair

Sr. Publisher

Jordan Blair Publisher

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

Barbara McCoy

Retired Educator

Chris Arnold

Sports Announcer

Roger B. Brown Sports Talk Show

Leon Simon Retired

Teams-Week 13

Dave Pigeon Star Power

Jordan Blair II Student


BarBerShOp talk with leON SiMON


t the first of the nFL season you had contenders and pretenders. Three fourths of the way through things is coming in to focus. The cream is slowly coming to the top. There leon Simon are still some big questions to be answered. I’m never naïve enough with 5 regular season games remaining to pick Champions. I do have a revelation, Andy Reed the coach of the Philadelphia Eagle can be declared the dumbest coach in the nFL. I can truthfully say after some research, that that title is his and his along. His team is pretty much out of the play-off picture. And it was wonderfully engineered by him. In a must win game he benched arguably his best player. He said it was because DeSean Jackson missed a special team meeting. A Player of Jackson’s caliber

page 8

would never be a kick returner on any smartly coached team unless it’s in emergency situation. Dez Bryant the Cowboy’s young receiver is an excellent kick returner, but the Cowboy’s fear injury and chose not play him there unless it’s a must situation. First off Jackson is having problems getting his contract re-worked. Jackson is one of the triggers on this team. yet the eagle’s brought in $200 million of free agent players, none of which is as critical to their success as Jackson. not being a big fan of the Eagles I love it. The word is they’re afraid to pay him big money because they’re afraid, with his diminutive size he would get hurt. But they gave Michael Vick $100 million and he’s been hurt twice this year, and he’s injured now. Most experts included yours truly think that Vince young is a bigger, better, healthier, and most of all cheaper Quarterback than Vick. I keep hearing about Vick’s potential, Vicks in his 30’s. It doesn’t generally take a super star that long to shine.

GUEST Mark Jones


Every athlete in the world when their value is questioned, they’re judged by Championships. Vince is like Tim Tebow, pretty or not he wins, Vick has never won anything. But a foot race or two. He will always get hurt. Even the Michael Vick supporters, should be wondering in a game against the Giants a must game, you suspend Vicks best weapon. Because he missed a special team meeting. Jimmy Johnson cut a linebacker, John Roper for sleeping in a meeting. When ask what would he had done if that was Emmitt Smith, Johnson said. I would have told Emmitt to wake up to wake up, but Jimmie’s got two Super- Bowl rings. you don’t cut your nose off to spite your face. Michael Irvin missed a flight, or should I say Mike got left in Dallas, Jimmie declared Mike would not start that game. Second offensive play of the game there goes Michael Irvin. After the game when questioned by the Media. you only kept mike out one down, Jimmie’s reply “I’m not stupid”. As I said Jimmie’s got Two Rings.

december 2, 2011

DFW ELITE NEWS MLK PARADE ENTRY FORM th 25TH16 Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade January , 2012 * Parade Starts at 10:00 a.m. January 17th, 2011 * Parade Starts at 10:00 a.m. Sharp*

Please complete form by January 6, 2012 and mail or fax to Please complete form (entry deadline is January 10, 2011) and mail to: P.O. Box Dallas Tx 75339 fax 214-372-2534 DFW Elite News, P.O.397925 Box 397925, Dallas, Texasor75339 or Fax 214.372.2534 The parade is limited to 200 entries and space will go fast!

Contact Person: __________________________________Organization Name: _________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _________________ Zip: ___________________

Phone: (___) _______________ Email: _____________________________________________________________ ____________________ Choose your parade category: (Please check one)

___Float ___ Vehicle ____ Marching Unit _____Equestrian ____Clowns ____Color Guard ___Musical Group ___Drill Team ____Record Label ______ High School ______ Dance Unit/Team _______ other (Please specify) ________________________________ Please identify what will be in the parade. Include how many (even if just one):

_____Float ____Flatbed Trailer ________Horse(s) _______Music (live or recorded) ______Vehicle(s) ______Walker(s) ________Other(s) Total number of people in your group: ______ Height Restrictions:

NO floats to exceed 12 feet in height due to overhead power lines.

Length Restrictions: Not to exceed 50 feet in length without additional entry fee (exceptions require pre-approval from the DFW Elite News MLK Parade Committee) Are any vehicle(s), horse(s), or large rolling equipment going to accompany or pull your entry in the parade? Please state what, how many and length of each, if applicable. How are you getting your group and equipment to the parade? Please specify the number and types of transport vehicle(s), if applicable:

The PHYSICAL handout and distribution of candy by participants IS allowed and encouraged. All candy must be in original wrappers. THROWING CANDY IS NOT ALLOWED, by request of the City of Dallas and Office of Special Events. Are you handing out candy or other items during the parade? YES/ NO (Please include a copy of any printed material being distributed in the parade with your entry form). Must be approved by parade committee. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES MAY BE CONSUMED PRIOR TO OR DURING YOUR PARTICIPATION IN PARADE ACTIVITIES. Indemnification Clause: I/We hereby voluntarily release DFW Elite News, City of Dallas, and the Parade Committee and all other sponsoring organizations. volunteers, individuals, the State of Texas, any and all departments, agencies, officers, or employees, and all parade committee workers from any and all liability in any way arising from injuries, losses, and damages to person and property that might be sustained or received in connection with said parade. I/We do agree with the above provisions. Waiver: I hereby grant full permission to DFW Elite News and/or agents authorized by them, to use any photographs, videotapes, recordings, or any other records of this event for any legitimate purpose. I agree to abide by the 2010 rules and regulations of the 24th Annual DFW Elite News Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade. Entrants Name (Please Print) _________________________________________________________________________________ Entrants Signature_______________________________________________Date_________/__________/_________ Parking, shuttle bus and staging information will be sent out upon receipt of your entry.

For More information please contact: Jordan Blair, Parade Committee (214) 372-6500, 214-507-2192 or Call/Come By to see or talk staff at DFW Elite News for more information: (214) 372-6500 1911 E. Ledbetter Rd, Dallas TX 75216 SPONSORS

page PAGE920

december November 2, 2011 19, 2010

Accepting entry’s, vendors and sponsorship for 26th Annual M.L.K. Parade


ALL vehicle entries MUST have a permit from Elite News to enter 2012 Parade. Call Elite News for details 214-372-6500




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page 10


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december 2, 2011


Jordan Blair (Publisher of Elite News) and wife, Brenda Blair enjoys a dance togather


10:00 A. M.

EliTE NEWS 26th ANNuAl MlK PArADE & FESTiVAl december 2, 2011

page 11





Michael Dewayne Ford, Gone But Will Never Be Forgotten By: Bettye “Katt” Williams ELITE nEWS STAFF WRITER


ichael Dewayne Ford 52 was born January 27, 1959, in Dallas, TX. He was a second generation owner of Golden Gate Funeral Home; he passed away november 22, 2011. Michael Dewayne Ford was a graduate of David W. Carter High School, Class of 1977. After graduation Michael joined the United States navy. He was one of the second generation owners of Golden Gate Funeral Home, working alongside his dad, John Beckwith Sr., and family. He was manager of the Lancaster and St. Mary locations. He was most passionate about the fleet of cars. Mr. Ford’s wake was held on Monday, november 28th, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. His funeral was Tuesday, november 29, at 11:00 a.m. Both services were held at Mt. Rose Church, 7151 Field View Lane, Dallas, TX. He is preceded in death by his mother, Allene Beckwith; grandparents, Allen Zachery, Bessie Overton, Johnnie Ford, Gladys Braggs, Eddie Beckwith Sr. and Charlotte Bethely-Moore. He met and married his high school sweetheart, Cynthia Woodard, and to this union two children were born. He later met and married

Etta Campbell. Mr. Ford leaves to cherish his loving memories: wife, Etta Ford; children, Detra FordJohnson, Michelle Ford-Vickers (Ken), Taylor Ford, Jordan Ford and Meagan Ford; father, Jimmie Ford; dad, John Beckwith Sr.; grandchildren, Damontre, Darielle, Madison, Dariel and Reiss; siblings, Carolyn Haynes (Kevin), Gerald Ford (Twyla), Debra Blackwell (Robert), Charlotte Beckwith, Tonya Ford, John Beckwith Jr. and Kimberly Blackmon (Craig); grandmother, Atchra Beckwith; aunts, Estella Jones, Betty Dickerson (Frank), Dexter Curlin (Donald), Wilma Beckwith Wilson (William) and Gladys Beckwith Williams (Darnell); uncles, C. J. Ford, Eddie Beckwith Jr. (Mary) and James Bethely (Rosetta); several nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews, cousins, Golden Gate family and friends. John Beckwith, Jr. presented a special Tribute to Michael; “I Am Going to Miss You" It was you that taught me men don't cry. It was you that took me out and taught me what a ten and out was. It was you that turned me loose to drive at 12 years old in Long Beach, California; dropping you off at the ship and Cynthia watching me pass right by the house. I never had a birthday party as an adult, but 2

weeks ago you and Mr. Blair made sure I did. I am going to miss how competitive you were; if it was Dominoes, or just talking noise, you wanted the last word. You would beat me to work every day and would sit in the office and tell me what everybody was doing wrong. You would say “It’s official" and you would sit on the front row of every staff meeting. Two weeks ago, you told me you were going to join my church and I reminded you that's your calling not mine. — John Beckwith Jr. He was Special and will be missed dearly, said Mr. William Blair and the Elite news Staff.

Michael and wife, Cynthia Ford

RESTAURANT Mr. C’s Catfish and More SERvING LUNCH AND DINNER 4909 S. Lancaster RD. Dallas, TX 75216 214-371-6108

CLIFF’S CUSTOM FLOORS Providing unique creative designs:Wood Flooring, Stoneworks, Ceramics, Carpet, vCT

John Beckwith Sr. share a laugh with Michael

Call Cliff Willis at: 214-395-0028/972-326-8805 REAL ESTATE/HOUSING

LEGAL Notary Public Bettye’s Mobile Notary Service All Types of Documents (469)-261-0717



Little Known Black History

Ms. Bettye “Katt” Williams

page 12

John Lansgton was a black leader, educator, and diplomat, who is believed to have been the first black ever elected to public office in the United States

John Beckwith Jr. and Michael celebration John’s birthday

celebratiNG 51 YearS coMMuNitY Service NobodY coverS the Metroplex like elite NeWS


december 2, 2011

Harry l. Page

eliTe News eNTeRTaiNmeNT

Sunrise: March 28, 1938 Sunset: Nov. 23, 2011


arry Louis Page went to his eternal home with Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior, on Wednesday, november 23, 2011, at the age of 73. He was born in natchez, Mississippi to Ernest and Fannie Mae Page, Sr. In 1943, he moved with his parents and older brother, Ernest Jr., to Dallas. Harry and his family immediately became members of St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church where he served faithfully until his death, including more than 40 years on the Steward Board and Finance team. He attended Phyllis Wheatley Elementary School and graduated from Lincoln High School with honors in the class of 1956 where he played trumpet in the LHS band for four years. Throughout high school, he worked as a paperboy. Harry entered the University of Texas at Austin in the fall of 1956 as a member of the first undergrad-uate class that included black students. He studied electrical engineering for five years. He was drafted into the U.S.

rollin with a Brotha

Army and was stationed at White Sands Missile Range, Las Cruces, new Mexico, in the Sergeant Missile Testing and Evaluation Section. After an honorable discharge from the Army, he married his wife of 47 years, Kathryn Strickland of Dallas, and they remained married years until his death. He worked as a lab assistant in the Geo-Science Lab of the Graduate Research Center (which became the University of Texas at Dallas) for 2 years. He worked for IBM as a Customer Engineer in the Field Engineering Division for 30 years where he won numerous awards and commendations and retired in 1996. Harry is survived by his wife, Kathryn, daughter Kristina L. Page, Esq., aunts Louise Quillar (St. Louis), Irene Allen, Mary Page and Mary Smith (Dallas), 11 sisters-in-law, 9 brothers-in-law, and many cousins, nieces and nephews. Prec-eding him in death: son, Kenneth Louis Page, 6, in 1981; brother, Ernest Jr.; and parents. Memorial services were Tuesday, november 29th at Smith Chapel A.M.E Church, 2406 Childs Street, Dallas 75203 and following the services, internment was at at Laurel Land Funeral Home, 6000 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway, Dallas 75232.


elcome to that deserved bye/off week. They return to action w e e k e n d Sunday Dec. 4th at 3:15P in Arizona, against Baaaby! I stat- the Cardinals. 1st place feels good fellas! The ed this week feeling Boyz should have WR Miles Austin and sooooo bloated,lol! My Cornerback Mike Jenkins back in the starting clothes were tight and it lineup. Look for thicker, 20% lower sodium took all week for them to fries from Burger King...Seems there some loosen up...Ahhh the kinda “fry” war going on with Mickey D’s Sweet Potato Pie, Pound still the champ! A lot of folks take Cake, Lemon Chess Pie, Lipitor...Good news for you...Generic verKevan Browning Dressing, Mac and sions of cholesterol-drug Lipitor go on sale Cheese, Rum, Tequila, this week. Many patients will be blessed with whew!!!! I lost 3 pounds just writing and lower co-payments for this life saving drug! thinkin about all that excess. I was up at 2:30 Can anybody say “see ya later alligator” to AM on Black Friday, but no one else in my Republican Pres. candidate Herman Cain? This week a 3rd woman came forward house, none of the big time alleging special “contact” with Cain. shoppers would move a toe! Atlanta businesswoman Ginger White The biggest shopper, my sissays she and Cain had a 13 year ter-in-law Charlotte and her affair...Cain’s drop has pushed newt Memphis crew arrived at Gingrich to the front of potential 1:45 AM, but after an 8 hour Republican nominees...Prez. Obama drive, they were whipped. could beat newt with 1 hand tied behind Without Auntie Charlotte, my his back. The Republicans are getting crew, which includes 2 adult what they deserve, since they don’t care daughters and a wife, plus about the country, just stopping anymy wife’s sister Rebecca are thing President Obama tries to do...Hmere mortals,lol. So what Herman Cain A-T-E-R-S! Welcome back to Dallas did I do??? Ha! I went back Mark McCray! Mark spent some time to sleep, visions of pie dancing merrily in my thoughts! yea for the nBA! at 105.7 before moving on to run stations in Common Sense prevailed and a deal has been Austin, Tx. and West Palm Beach struck for a 66 game(instead of 82)season! Florida! Mark, a Dallas native, returns as The Mavs receive their nBA Championship Operations Manager for recognition as part of a Christmas triple head- Radio One Dallas. He’s er versus last years victims, Lebron, now in charge of 97.9 DeWayne “I’ll fall down and ya don’t need to The Beat and Old touch me” Wade and the Miami Heat! As we School 94.5 KSOUL! approach new year’s Resolution time, lets Happy Birthday to resolve to watch what we eat and our blood yOU and Celebs this pressure. Remember your weight in most week:Robert “Benson” cases is determined , not by how much you Guilliame is 84, Berry exercise, but what and how much you put in Gordy Jr. and Dick your mouth! R.I.P. Comedian Patrice O’neal! Clark are 82, Chuck O’neal, 41, died of complications from a Mangione is 71,Robin Patrice O’Neal stroke this week. The stroke happened on Givens 47 and Jaleel Oct. 19th. If you don’t know him, Go to “Urkel” White is 35. youtube and check him out! He was funny, Thanks for Rollin With A Brotha in The Elite whether writing scripts for WWE Wrestlers news, online on twitter as Smokin on TV or onstage! R.I. P. Patrice O’neal!!!! Kevan(follow me), Facebook as Kevan Me) and at This weekend there is nO Dallas Cowboys Browning(Friend Football! After two wins in 10 days(Thank! you kicker David Bailey), the Boyz get a well

Read the Elite News Paper online every Friday

214-372-6500 december 2, 2011

page 13

miNisTeRs lisTiNgs liSt

Your MiNiSter With the


elite NeWS.

call uS todaY at

Greater New St. John Primitive Baptist Church

“Sensational” St Paul AME Church

2529 56th Street Dallas, TX 75241 Church:(214) 372-4076 Sunday School: 8:45am Service: 10:00 am “Keeping the main thing, the main thing and that’s Jesus Christ”

7550 South Hampton Road Dallas, TX 75232-4122 Office:(972) 228-2420 Fax:(972) 228-2584

Dr. Karry D. Wesley Pastor

“We Build Peple” Office Hours 8:30am -5:00 pm Closed-Friday

Arlington Park First Baptist Church 5726 Van Winkle Blvd. Dallas, TX 75235 Church:(214) 631-9633 Fax: (214-631-2077 Sunday School: 9:00am Service: 10:05 am Bible Study: Wed 7:00 pm

Church School: 8:30 am St. Pau AME Center 2300 Metropolitan Avenue Worship Service: 10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study: Wed 7:00 pm

Wednesday Noonday Bible Study Wed 7:00 pm Mt. Horeb Missionary Baptist Church| Missionary Baptist 601 Kaufman Street Waxahachie, Texas 75165 Phone: 972-937-6569

Pastor Tedrick J. Woods

rev. C.l. Taylor

Worship Times Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship 10:45am

Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church 2251El Paso Grand Prairie, Texas 75051 Church: 972-647-1445 Fax: 972-623-1489 Sunday School: 9:00am Morning Worship 8 & 10:30 am 7pm Midweek Service rose of Sharon Baptist Church| 2251 lawrence St Dallas , TX 75215 Phone: 214-428-0462 Worship Times Sunday Morning Worship 8:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Prayer: Thursday 6:00 pm

Rev. H. L. Ward

page 14

Christian Holy Temple Church 1569 Ann Arbor Ave. Dallas, TX 75216 Church Phone: 214-375-2913 Services: Sunday

Times: 9:30am Revival Time: 11:30 am Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study Family & Fellowship 7:30 pm

rev. Joe H. Moore, Jr

rev. David Jones Sr.

4703 Sunnyvale St Dallas TX 75216 214-371-3434 Sunday School: 9:30am Morning Worship 11:00am Wednesday: The Lord’s Table 12-3:30pm (Feeding seniors and homeless), Prayer 7:00PM Bible Study: 7:30pm

Union Hope Institutional Primitive Baptist Church 2217 56th Street Dallas, TX 75241-1435

The “Exciting” Singing Hills Baptist Church 6550 university Hills Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75241 Phone: 214-375-5952 Worship Times Sunday 8 & - 10:45 am Sunday School - 9:45 am Wednesday Night - 7 pm

Senior Pastor Dr. Howard E. Anderson, Sr.,

Ph: (214) 374-6441 Fax: (214) 374-6490 9:30 am Sunday School Eld. lloyd Morgan, Sr 11:00 am Morning Worship

New Covenant Christian Fellowship Church

Golden Chain Church 5023 Wadsworth Dallas, TX Church 214-372-0280

2025 E. Wheatland Rd Dallas,Texas 75232 Phone (972) 224-5000

rev. Aundre Byrd, Sr

Pastor Clarence Henderson

Calvary Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church

“Oh taste and see that the lord is good”

Sunday Morning Worship Experience Worship I: 7:30 am Church School: 8:45 am Worship II: 10:00 am

2420 Metropolitan Avenue Dallas, TX 75215-3534 Church:(214) 421-1344

rev. Juan N. Tolliver Senior Pastor

rev. Vincent E. Davis, Pastor

Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church

214-372-6500 Sunday Worship: 8am & 10:30am Youth Church: 10:30 am (2nd and 3rd Sun) Intercessory Prayer: 11am - 12 noon (Tues. & Thurs.) Bible Study: 7pm (Wed)

Metropolitan Tabernacle Baptist 2206 Harlandale Avenue Dallas, TX 75216-2429 (214) 372-3828 9:30 am - Sunday School 10:30 am - Sun. Morning Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Service Pastor W. J. Atkins 11 am to 5 pm - Friday Counseling

rev. B.l. Horn

Sunday School: 8:00 am Morning Worship 10:00 am Carter Temple CME Church 2503 Crossman Avenue Dallas, TX 75212-5209 (214) 747-0752 Sunday School: 10:00am Morning Worship 11:00 am Bible Study: Wed 7:00 pm “His Grace Is Sufficient”

Pastor Willie l. McDaniels

december 2, 2011

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

miNisTeRs lisTiNgs Faith Fellowship Faith Fellowship Missionary Missionary Baptist Church Baptist. Church 4205 Robinson Road/P.O. Box 540515 4205 South robinson road Grand Prairie, Texas 75054 Grand Prairie, TX 75050 972-642-9125

Sunday Sunday Church School.................. School, 9:00 a.m.9:00 am Morning Worship........................10:30 Worship Service, 10:30 a.m am Tues. Bible Class..............................6:00 pm 972.642.9125 Prayer Service..............................7:00 pm Rev. Stanley Stanley E. E. Smith Smith Mission Study Classes...................7:45 pm rev.

Greater New Zion Greater Church New Zion Baptist 2210 Pine Church Street Baptist

Tuesdays 1:00am Wednesdays 7:30p.m.

rev. Patterson Rev.Joe JoeS.Patterson

New Leaf Missionary Baptist Church “Turning over a new leaf” 5044 Veterans Drive Dallas, Texas 75241 214-372-3200 (Church) Sunday School 9:45 am Morning Worship 11:00 am 1st Sunday Lord’s Supper 6:00 pm Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm

Rev. R. O. Moffett

Rev. Wendell Blair, Sr.

True Gospel Ministries

Come worship with us, A minstry of caring

Crest View Ministry of “Hope”

Restoring lives and giving hope to the “hopeless”

6000 Singing Hills Dr. Dallas, Texas 75241 214-374-6631 Morning Worship 8:00 am & 10:15 am Sunday School........................9:00 am Lord’s Supper 1st Sunday ......6:00 pm Rev. C. J. R. Phillips Jr.

1430 N. Polk Street Desoto, Texas 75115 Ph: (469) 567-1602 Early Morning Worship - 8:00 am Sunday School - 8:45 am Morning Worship - 10:00 am Wed. Hour of Bible Study - 7:30 pm

Apostle Lobias Murray

3317 Morris Street • Dallas, TX 75212 214-638-0918 •

Rev. Christopher T. Willis, Sr.

Pastor Michael and Sherry Perkins

Myrtis Robinson, Pastor

2949 E. Kiest Blvd Suite J Dallas, TX 75206 Church: 214-946-2989 Sunday School: 10:00 am Morning Worship: 11:00 am

1101 Sabine • Dallas, Texas 75203 Church: 214-943-8295 Fax: 214-942-2023 Pastor: 214-942-7474 Website:

Sunday School: 9:00 am Morning Worship: 10:30 am

Rev. B. R. Williams

Munger Ave. Baptist Church “Your Church Home In Dallas”

3919 Munger Ave./Dallas, Texas 75204 (214) 824-8312 Sunday School.........9:30 am Sunday Morning Worship...11:00 am Wednesday Mid Week Service Sunshine Bible Study...10:00 am Fellowship Dinner.......5:20 pm

Rev. Kedric L. McKnight Senior Pastor

“Come, taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalms 34:8

Sunday School……10:30 a.m. Morning Worship……12:45 p.m. Wed. & Fri. Services……8:00 p.m. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17

Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church

Wednesday ~ 7:00

Hour of Power (Bible Study, 1st & 3rd Wed.) D.I.V.A.S. (Women’s Ministry, 2nd & 4th Wed.) M.S.G. (Men’s Mnistry, 2nd & 4th Wed.)

Rev. E.C. Wilson

New Restoration Church

Tuesday Generation Exchange (Youth/Children Happy Hour) ~ 6:45 p.m.



1734 Idaho St. • Dallas, Texas 75216 Church: 214-942-0997 Residence: 972-225-6997

4122 Kilgore St. Dallas, TX 75212 214-630-3195 • 972-274-9911 Sunday Morning Service - 11:15 am Wed. Night Bible Study - 7:00 pm Saturday hour of Prayer - 10:00 E-mail - Supt. & Mrs. Howard E. Falls, Sr.

New Mt. Calvary Baptist Church

Rev. Wade J. Simmons Pastor

The House of Refuge Full Gospel Church

Bibleway Church of God in Christ

“Christ-Centered, Faith-Driven, Holy Living”

4325 W. Ledbetter Drive Dallas, Texas 75223 Church: (214) 337-1713 Sunday School … 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship … 10:30 a.m. Baptist Training Union …. 6:15 p.m.


39727 LBJ Freeway Dallas, Texas 75237 972-572-FGHT (3448) 24 HOUR PRAYER LINE: 972-223-9898 Sunday School..........................9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship.............11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship................7:30 pm Tuesday..& Saturday........................8:00 pm visit our website

Sunday Church School ~ 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. New Member Orientation ~ 1:30 p.m.

7407 Fox Crossing Court Dallas, Texas 75232 972-224-0271

page 15

344 E. Saner Dallas, Texas 75216 Ph: 214-946-9262 Sunday School............................ 9:15 am Sunday Morning Worship.............10:30 am Tues. Bible Band/Brotherhood Youth7:30 pm Thursday Prayer............................7:30 pm *Every Saturday “Bible Speaks” broadcast on 1040 AM radio at 3:45 pm Eld. Robert L. Ashberry

Divine Inspiration Missionary Baptist Church

God’s “Exciting” Cathedral of Praise Baptist Church

1734 E. Ann Arbor Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 214-371-1349 214-371-0100 (Fax) Formally True Gospel MBC Sunday School...8:45 am Morning Worship Service...10:30 am Last Tuesday in each month Word Explosion – 7:30 PM 2nd & 3rd Tuesdays – Bible Study 4th Saturday - Evangelism Outreach Rev. Calvin Ray Washington

Sunday Service......11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Class........7:30 p.m.

Rev. R. E. Price

Full Gospel Holy Temple Church

New True Vine of Holiness Missionary Baptist Church

6728 Altaire Street Dallas, Texas 214-375-6504 Sunday School - 9:15 am Morning Worship - 10:35 am Evening Worship 7:30 pm A Church Where The Bible is Our Guide

9550 Shepherd Road Dallas, Texas 75243 Ph: 214-341-6459 Early Morning Worship................. 7:30 am Sunday School..............................9:00 am Sunday Morn. Worship................10:30 pm Bible Class..................................6:00 pm Prayer and Bible Study...................7:45 am

St. Phillips Missionary Baptist Church

Dallas, TX 75215

2210 Pine Street 214-421-4119 Texas 75212 email:Dallas, 214-421-4119 Sunday School............................9:30am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship Service..........................11:00am Morning Worship Study -10:45 am Bible

Steven Temple C.O.G.I.C.

New Mount Zion Baptist Church

Prayer Meeting-Bible Study 6:30-8:30 pm

Rev. Vincent Parker, Pastor

Youth Bible Study & Rehearsal 7:00 -8:30 pm

Rev. Wade Charles Davis

december 2, 2011

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

miNisTeRs lisTiNgs Living Testimony Baptist Church YOu CAN HAVE YOur

Community Baptist Church 2920 Fordham Rd. 214-376-9774

Rev. A. L. Banks

4129 Idaho Avenue CHurCH AND MiNiSTEr Dallas, Texas 75219 HErE TOO! CAll EliTE (214) 374-3860 9:30NEWS a.m. – Sunday School DETAilS FOr 10:45 a.m. – Worship 214-372-6500 Rev. R.G. Simmons, Pastor

1966 Life Street Dallas, Texas 75212 214-630-8637 10:45 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday School

Rev. J. J. Raven

6332 Bonnie view Rd. Dallas, Texas 75241 214-225-2703 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship

Rev. Shank Robinson

1519 Denley Drive Dallas, Texas 75216 214-941-5224 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Worship

Early Morning Worship........8:00 a.m. Sunday School........9:30 a.m. Morning Worship............10:30 a.m. Children’s Church 1st, 2nd, 4th Sunday.10:30 a.m.

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

Rev. Paul E. Walker

Greater Shiloh Baptist Church 4010 Sunnyvale Street Dallas, Texas 75216 • 214-371-2262 Sunday School .......9:00 am Morning Worship...11:00 am BTU .......................6:00 am Wed. Prayer & Teaching ... 7:00 pm Saturday Outreach 10:00 am Rev. S. L. Johnson


page 16

Rev. Lelious Johnson, Pastor

1323 So. Ewing Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 214-942-4643 Sunday School ….. 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ….. 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study …..7:00 p.m. rev. lee Craig

2200 S. Marsalis Dallas, Texas 75216 Sunday School..............................7:30 am Sunday Morning Worship............10:00 am Tuesday Bible Band.......................7:30 am Friday Pastoral Teaching................7:30 pm Sunday Radio Broadcast...............8:30 am “Come Worship at the Home of The Saints”

Bishop J. Neaul Haynes

YOu CAN HAVE YOur CHurCH AND MiNiSTEr HErE TOO! CAll EliTE Early Worship ................8:00 am NEWS FOr DETAilS Sunday School....................9:30 am Morning Worship..............10:45 am 214-372-6500 Wed. Night Breakthrough....7:00 pm

Dr. H.E. Anderson, Sr.,

New St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church


Rev. Steven C. Jones

1111 E. Ledbetter Dallas, Texas 75241 214-372-4411 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship

Rev. Cecil Proctor

New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church 411 N. Hampton Road Desoto, TX 75115 214-729-3322 Rev. Darrell W. Pryor Pastor/Teacher

Rev. Darrell W. Pryor, Pastor

“Inspiring the Community One Family at a time”

3700 Simpson Stewart Road Dallas, Texas 75241 972-225-1704

“The Exciting” Singing Hills Baptist Church 6550 Houston School Road Dallas, Texas 75241 Phone: 214-375-5952

3603 Pugett Dallas, Texas 75212 214.351.7096 Sunday Service…10:45 am. Monday…6:00 pm. Monday School Thursday…6:00 pm. Prayer Meeting Bible Study

Office: 214-375-0062

Sunday School: 9:00 am Sunday Worship: 10:45 am Tuesday Bible Sudy: 7:30 pm

Mount Tabor Baptist Church

Saintsville Church of God and Christ

4360 Kollock Dr. Dallas, TX 75216 214-375-5190 Fax: 214-372-1620

Sunday School.......9:30 AM Morning Worship............ 11:00 AM

Tuesday Bible Study................7:30 p.m. Prayer & Praise Family Night............7:00 p.m.

Ewing Avenue Baptist Church

Bishop Harold Edwards

Rev. Chris J. Evans

Neighborhood House of Prayer

1600 Pear Street Dallas, Texas 75215 Ph: 214-421-3741 Fax: 214-421-3926

3711 Biglow • Dallas, Texas 214-374-5485 9:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Worship 7:00 pm Wed. Bible Study/Worship

Sunday School: 9 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Mid-Week Service: 7: 30 p.m. Transportation Available!!

Ch: 214-371-7026

St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church

Church Of The Living God

Church Phone: 214-339-9554 Fax: 214-337-7626

“Church of Love” 4807 BurnsideDallas, Texas 75216

Denley Drive Missionary Baptist Church

Dr. Aaron Phillips

1711 Reynoldston Lane Dallas, Texas 75232

Greater Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church

New Unity Baptist Church

Greater Progressive Baptist Church

Metropolitan Baptist Church “Where we walk by faith, not by sight, joyfully doing the Lord’s work serving the community,” II Cor 5: 7

Sunday Services: Intercessory Prayer..........7:30-8:10 am Early Worship.........................8:00 am Church School........................9:30 am Morning Worship..................10:50 am NBC.......................................6:00 pm

Dr. S.C. Nash, Pastor

Third Avenue Missionary Baptist Church “The Church With the 20/20 Vision” 2408 Hatcher Street • Dallas, Texas 75215 Church: 214-428-3695 Sunday School..........................9:15 am Morning Worship.....................10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study............7:00 pm Radio Broadcast: M - F 12:30 pm on KGGR

Rev. Michael D. Pryor

Calvary Temple Community Church

Totally Committed Progressive

1401 Clay Mathis Rd. Mesquite, TX 75181 2403972-222-3708 HarlandaleFaxDr. Church Phone: 972-222-5699

Dr. M.L. Curry, Pastor

Dallas, TX 75216 Website: Ch 214-374-0977 • C 214-864-0470 E-mail: Sunday School........ 10:00am Services: Sunday 8:00am and 10:30am MorningTimes: Worship........... 11:15am Midweek Service: Wednesday Tues Bible Study............. 8:00pm Prayer/Bible Study @ 7:00pm Dr. W.R. PASTOR ANDWillis FIRST Church Motto: We Walk by Faith, 8:00pm Not by Sight " Thurs Joy "For Night.............. 2 Corinthians 5:7 LADY MCCULLOUGH

december 2, 2011

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

miNisTeRs lisTiNgs Shekinah ShekinahTabernacle Tabernacle Baptist Baptist Church Church 2109 TX TX 2109Beckley Beckley• Dallas, • Dallas, 214-942-2227 214-942-2227 8:30 8:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:00 10:00am amWorship WorshipService Service

Ebenezer Missionary Riverside Baptist Church Ebenezer Missionary 3132 Lagow BaptistChurch Church Baptist Dallas, Texas


8015Blossom BlossomLane Lane 8015 9:30 am Sunday School Dallas, Texas 75227 Dallas, Texas 75227 10:45 Sunday am Worship 214-388-1200 214-388-1200

Rev. Rev. A.A.D.D.Tuston Smith Smith Rev.S.T.

Rev. Rev.Alfred AlfredStapleton Stapleton

Carver CarverHeights HeightsBaptist BaptistChurch Church “A Christ” “A going goingChurch Churchfor fora aComing Coming Christ” 2510 2510E.E.Ledbetter Ledbetter Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75216 75216 Church: Church:214-371-2024 214-371-2024 Sunday a.m.a.m. SundaySchool......9:30 School......9:30 Morn. Worship...8:00 a.m. & Morn. Worship...8:00 a.m.10:45 & 10:45 a.m. a.m. Tues. Tues.Noonday NoondayBible BibleStudy Study Wed. p.m.p.m. Wed.Prayer/Bible Prayer/BibleStudy....7:00 Study....7:00

R. Washington R.L.L.Washington

Olive Olive Grove GroveBaptist BaptistChurch Church Lotts Mortuary 4416 Denley 4416South South DenleyDrive Drive 2434Dallas, MLK Blvd, Dallas Tx 75215 Texas 75216 Dallas, Texas 75216 Ph: Ph:214-941-4378 214-941-4378 9:45 School 9:45am am- Sunday - Sunday School 10:45 Worship 10:45am am- Morning - Morning Worship Midweek Midweek Service: Service: Wednesday Wednesday––Prayer Prayerand and Teaching Teaching6:00 6:00p.m. p.m.

Rev. Rev.W. W.Hunter Hunter

Rev. Bradley Rev.Johnnie JohnnieR.R. Bradley

Pilgrim Pilgrim Rest Rest Baptist Baptist Church Church 1819 1819 N. N.Washington Washington Dallas, Dallas,TX TX Ph: Ph:214-823-7308 214-823-7308 8:00 Worship 8:00am amFirst First Worship 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:45 10:45am amSecond Second Worship Worship

Rev. Rev.Curtis CurtisWallace Wallace

page 17

Rev. Rev.Frederick Frederick D. D.Haynes HaynesIIIIII

Lords Lords Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church

6722 6722 Bexar BexarStreet Street Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-428-5459 214-428-5459 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship

14120 Texas 75240 14120Noel NoelRoad Road• Dallas, • Dallas, Texas 75240 972-239-1120 972-239-1120Church Church 972-239-5925 972-239-5925Fax Fax Worship 10:45 amam WorshipServices Services8 8& & 10:45 Sunday SundaySchool School9:45 9:45amam Wednesday Wednesday12 12noon noonprayer prayer

Rev. JeromeE.E. Rev.Jerome McNeil, McNeil,Jr.Jr.PhPhD.D.

Rev. Rev.Michael MichaelR.R. Hubbard Hubbard Sr., Sr.,Pastor Pastor

2837 2837Prosperity ProsperityAve. Ave. Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75216 75216 Ph: Ph:(214) (214)376-2447 376-2447 8:45 School 8:45am am- Sunday - Sunday School 10:00 Worship 10:00am am- Morning - Morning Worship 5:00 5:00pmpm-B.T.U. B.T.U. Dr. Pastor Dr.T.L. T.L.Brown, Brown, Pastor

1000 1000East EastRedbird RedbirdLane Lane Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas 214-371-9228 214-371-9228 8:00 amam Worship 8:00&&10:45 10:45 Worship 9:30 9:30Sunday SundaySchool School

New Friendship Missionary

New Missionary New Friendship Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Baptist Church Church Metropolitan Ave, 2419Baptist “Where Real & & “WhereFriendship FriendshipIsIs Real Dallas Texas 75215 The Word” MinistryIsIsThe The Word” TheMinistry

Church 214-421-7211 2419 Metropolitan Avenue 2419 Metropolitan Avenue Fax 214-565-1530 Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas75215 75215 “Where friendship is real and ministry is the word” Church: 214-421-7211 Church: 214-421-7211 Fax: 214-565-1530 Pastor’s Office 214-421-8272 Fax: 214-565-1530 Pastor’s Pastor’sOffice: Office:214-421-8272 214-421-8272 nFCOC Office 214-565-1147 Caregiver’s Office: Caregiver’s Office:214-565-1147 214-565-1147 Sunday School 9:15 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Sunday A.M. SundaySchool....9:15 School....9:15 A.M. Mon-Christian Education 7:00 PM Morning ........ 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Worship 11:00 A.M. Mon.-Christian Education...7:00 pmpm Mon.-ChristianMeeting Education...7:00 Tue-Prayer 12 noon Wed. P.M.P.M. Wed.Prayer PrayerMeeting Meeting....7:30 ....7:30

Bishop Bishop Ray RayCampbell Campbell

5707 5707Bonnie BonnieView ViewRoad Road Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75241 75241 214-376-5846 214-376-5846 8:00 8:00am amEarly EarlyWorship Worship 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship

rev. Johnny A. A. McGee, Pastor Rev. Pastor Rev.Johnny Johnny A.McGee, McGee, Pastor

Rev. Mitchell Rev.J.J.E.E. Mitchell

Greater GreaterMount MountHebron Hebron Missionary MissionaryBaptist BaptistChurch Church 2335 Texas 75241 233556th 56thStreet StreetDallas, Dallas, Texas 75241

Rev. Rev.Carlton CarltonGarrett Garrett

Concord Concord Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church

6808 6808Pastor PastorBailey BaileyDrive Drive Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75237 75237 214-331-8522 214-331-8522 7:30am 9:15am, 8:00 amam &11:00-12:24 12:00 pm pm 8:00am, am,10:00 10:00 & 12:00 Worship Worship Worship

Rev. Rev.Freddie FreddieCheatum Cheatum Sunday a.m.a.m. SundayEarly EarlyWorship....8:00 Worship....8:00 Morning 10:45 p.m.p.m. Morning Worship Worship........ 10:45 Tuesday p.m.p.m. TuesdayYouth YouthChoir...7:00 Choir...7:00 Wed. Wed.Prayer PrayerMeeting Meeting.....7:00 .....7:00 Wed. Bible Study Class.....7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. p.m. Wed. Bible Study Class.....7:30 p.m.-8:30 For ine.or g For Prayer: Prayer: Prayer@hmbconl

Bon Bon Air Air Baptist Baptist Church Church

2020 2020W. W.Wheatland Wheatland Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75232 75232 972-228-5200 972-228-5200 Sun. 8am&10:45am Sun.Morn. Morn.Services Services 8am&10:45am Wed. Noon & 7pm Wed.Bible BibleStudy Study1212 Noon & 7pm

Fax:Fax: (214) 824-3813 Ph: Ph:(214) (214)823-1018 823-1018 (214) 824-3813

Ideal IdealPentecostal Pentecostal

Friendship Friendship West West Baptist Baptist Church Church Rev. Pastor Rev.Daryl DarylCarter, Carter, Pastor

5144 Texas 75223 DolphinRd. Rd. • Dallas, • Dallas, Texas 75223 5144Dolphin

Ervay ErvayCedar CedarMissionary Missionary Baptist Church Baptist Church

Shiloh Shiloh Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church

1114 1114Comal ComalStreet Street Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75203 75203 214-946-3581 214-946-3581 9:00 am Early MorningWorship Worship 8:00 am Early Morning 8:00 am Early Morning Worship 10:15 am Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday School 11:15 am WorshipService Service 11:00 am Worship 11:00 am Worship Service

2415 2415Ann AnnArbor Arbor Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-374-3639 214-374-3639 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship Temple Temple of ofFaith Faith Christian ChristianChapel ChapelC.M.E. C.M.E. Church Church

New New Greater GreaterEmanuel Emanuel Baptist Baptist Church Church

2554 Texas 75216 2554Ann AnnArbor ArborAve. Ave.Dallas, Dallas, Texas 75216 Ph: Ph:(214) (214)376-2873 376-2873 Sunday am am SundaySchool............9:45 School............9:45 Morning am am Praise..........11:00 Morning Praise..........11:00 Children’s am am Children’sChurch......11:30 Church......11:30 BTU.............................6:30 pm BTU.............................6:30 pm Mon. pmpm YouthMission Mission....7:00 ....7:00 Mon. Youth pm pm Tues. Tues.Men’s Men’sMinistry Ministry....7:00 ....7:00 Fri. pmpm Fri.Singles/Family Singles/FamilyMinistry Ministry7:30 7:30

Hopewell Hopewell Missionary Missionary Baptist BaptistChurch Church

Little Little Friendship Friendship Baptist Baptist Church Church

Church: Church:214-374-4759 214-374-4759 9:00 9:00am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:30 10:30am amMorning MorningWorship Worship 7:00 pmpm Wed Bible Study 7:00pm pm- -7:30 7:30 Wed Bible Study Thurs. Rehearsal/Usher Thurs.Night Night- Choir - Choir Rehearsal/Usher 7:00 Men’s Night OutOut 7:00pm pm Fri. Fri. Men’s Night

Mt. M.B.C. Mt.Pisgah Pisgah M.B.C. “THE “THEROCK” ROCK” 11611 Chapel Rd. Rd. 11611Webb Webb Chapel Dallas, Tx.Tx. 75229 Dallas, 75229 Worship Services..7:45 & 11 am Worship Services..7:45 & 11 am Sunday am am SundaySchool...9:45 School...9:45 Wed. Study 12 pm 7 pm Wed.Bible Bible Study 12&pm & 7 pm Office...972-241-6151 Office...972-241-6151 Fax...972-243-5279 Fax...972-243-5279 Music MusicMinistry...972-241-5985 Ministry...972-241-5985 Prayer Line...972-243-2037 Prayer Line...972-243-2037

Rev. Rev.Fred FredConwright Conwright

Office Mon.Mon. & Fri...9 am - 3 pm OfficeHours... Hours... & Fri...9 am - 3 pm Tues., Wed., Thurs...9 am - 6am pm - 6 pm Tues., Wed., Thurs...9

Greater Church GreaterEmanuel EmanuelBaptist Baptist Church 2110 2110E.E.11th 11thSt.St. Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75203 75203 214-942-0218 214-942-0218

Rev. Rev.Bryan BryanCarter Carter

9:00 School 9:00a.m........Sunday a.m........Sunday School 7:45 10:00 a.m...Morning Worship 7:45a.m. a.m.& & 10:00 a.m...Morning Worship 6:30 Prayer/Bible Study 6:30p.m....Wed. p.m....Wed. Prayer/Bible Study

Rev. Rev.Burley BurleyHudson Hudson

Pastor: Rev. Robert Townsend Pastor: Rev. Robert Townsend

december 2, 2011

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 am Todd M. Sunday School @ 9:15 am tkins Prayer & Bible Study - Wednesday @ 7:00 pm iNisTeRs isTiNgs


New Birth Baptist Union ChurchHope Institutional


YOu CAN HAVE YOur Greater New Mt. Zion Golden Chain Church Missionary Baptist Church 3314 Detonte St. CHurCH AND MiNiSTEr Dallas, Texas 75223 207 Eggar St. 5023 Wadsworth Dallas, Texas Church 972-823-1962 Waxahachie, Texas 75165 HErE TOO! CAll EliTE Email: Church (972) 937-4615 Church 214-372-0280 Email: Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. FOr DETAilS Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. CallNEWS to Worship.... 11:00 AM Call to Worship.... 10:45 AM Mission.......6:00 - 7:00 P.M. Sunday School 8 am Wednesday Prayer Service.... 6:30 p.m. 214-372-6500 Bible Study……7:00 - 8:00 P.M. Pastor David L. & Shirley F. Maxey “The Church With The Mind Of Christ” Progressive Baptist Church

444 West Ledbetter Primitive Baptist Church Dallas, Texas 75224 2217 56th Street 214-374-0828 Dallas, Texas 75241 Early Morning Worship ........7:50 am Ph: (214) 374-6441 Sunday School ....................9:30 am Fax: (214)am 374-6490 Morning Worship ...............10:30 9:30 am Sunday School Evening Worship ................7:00 p.m. Rev. George Pryor Rev. Lee W. Turner, Pastor Pastor “The Church Where God Is Glorified” 11: 00am Morning Worship 10 am Morning Worship Rev. B.L. Horn Eld. Lloyd T. Morgan, Sr. ick J. Woods Bonnie View Christian Church Redeemer Missionary Beginners New Covenant Christian Fellowship Church 4861 Bonnie View at Ledbetter Dallas District Christian Methodist Episcopal Baptist Church Baptist 2025 Church W. Wheatland Rd • Dallas, Texas 75232 Dallas, Texas 75216 Church 2948 Singleton Blvd. 3610 Hancock Phone: (972) 224-5000 Church 214-376-8514 Dallas, Texas 75241 Presiding Elder Dallas/Ft. Worth Region Dallas, Texas 75210 Sunday School......8:30 A.M Church: 214-631-2226 214-428-2083 Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Call To Worship... 10:00 A.M. Sunday School.....9:30 a.m. Sunday School.....10:00 Sundayam Worship: 8 am & 10:30 am 1616 East Illinois Ave Wed. Prayer Service & Morning Worship.10:45 a.m. Morning Worship.... 11:00 am Rev. Michael L. Youth Church: 10:30 am (2nd & 3rd Sun.) Dallas, Texas 75216 Bible Class..7:30 P.M. Evening Worship...7:00 p.m. BTU.......9:30 Smith, Pastor Rev. K.D. Intercessory am Prayer: 11 am - 12noon (Tues.Pace & Thurs.) Dwayne E. Rodgers, Sr. Pastor Ph. (214) 372-9505 Rev. Dr. Rev. Andre’ Byrd Sr. Bible Study: 7 pm (Wed.) W.C. Champion C.L. Taylor St. Mark AME Zion Church GrEATEr El BETHEl MiSSiONArY The Called Baptist Sheep of Fellowship Jesus Christ 2311 E. Illinois Ave. Dallas, TX 75216 214-376-7750 Fax 214-376-2485 Sunday School 9:30 am Harlandale Ave. 2206 Sunday Worship 11 am Dallas, TX 75216 Prayer Meeting Tues 12 - Wed 6 pm 213-372-3828 Sat 8 am - Sun 9Church: am 9:30 am - Sunday School “You Must Be Born Again”

Metropolitan Tabernacle Baptist Church

Rev. JohnWorship Morris, Jr. 10:30 am - Sun. Morning 6:00 pm - Wednesday Bible Service 11 am to 5 pm - Friday Counseling

H.L. Ward

Church BAPTiST CHurCHCME Church Christian Church Carter Temple WilliAM D. MCNEAlY, PASTOr 1724 Windmire Dr. Road 3104 Gibbs Williams

Mesquite, Texas 75181 Dallas, Texas 75233 972-222-3763 Church Sunday Service:Office: 10:00 a.m. Bible (469)-567-1934 Study: Monday 7-8 p.m. SundayChurch: School .....9:00a.m. 214-747-0752 “….lovest thou me more than these? Sunday Worship ..10:00a.m. 10:00&am Fax: (469)-567-1974 Sunday School Feed my sheep….John 21:15-17 Wed. Prayer Service Bible- Class 7:00p.m. churchoffice@thecalled 11:00God amIs- Praised” Sun. Morning Worship Motto: “Where Mature Christians Are Made” “Where

1130 East Ninth Street Dallas, Texas 75203 Avenue 2503 Crossman ChurchDallas, 214-946-9701 Texas 75212

Holy Temple Church

Bexar Street Baptist Church

West Wintergreen Rd. www.dfwelitenews.com1051 2018 S. Marsalis Ave. Lancaster, Texas 75134 Dallas, Texas 75216 972-227-1400 214-943-3579 Sunday School ......................9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship .......9:00 am Early Morning Worship......8:00 a.m. Sunday Bible Class ................6:30 pm Sunday School..........9:30 a.m. Sunday Night..........................7:30 pm Morning Worship 10:45 am C.C. Robertson Pastor & First Lady C.C. Boyce

Faithful Missionary Baptist Church

6255 Bonnie View Rd. Dallas, Texas 972-225-7381 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Worship

Little Flock Baptist Church 705 E. Aimee Street Forney, Texas Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Morning Worship....10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Meeting/Bible Study..7:15 P.M.

Rev. Louis E. Laurent

Greater Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church 8350 Forest Lane Dallas, Texas 214-349-7701 7:30 am Early Morning Worship 9:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship

page 18

Rev. J.L. Rainbolt

Dr. David Wilson

Early Morning Pentecost ....8:00AM Sunday School.....9:25 AM Mountain top Experience ....11:00 AM Wed. Nite Bible Study........7:00 PM

Dr. Timothy J. Brown, Pastor

On Face Worldwide ZioMy n Temple Church of Ministries of Jesus

God in Christ

Elder Glenn Tatum, Sr. Pastor

Marsalis Avenue Missionary Baptist Church 2723 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 Church: 214-943-6007 9:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship 7:00 pm Prayer/Praise Worship

Dr. David Henderson

(214) 946-3584

Open Door Church of God In Christ 2651 Gooch Street Dallas, Texas 75241 Church 214-376-0354 Sunday Inter. Prayer.....8 A.M.-9 A.M. Sunday School......9:15-10:50 A.M Sunday Morning Worship... 11:00 A.M. Evening Worship...6:00 P.M.

Sunday 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM Fullfillment Hour 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship Wednesday 6:30 PM Women, Men & Youth Meeting 7:30 PM Bible Study

2023 Mouser Street

3702 Toronto Dallas, Texas 214-920-2473

“Come Worship With Us”

1403 Morrell • Dallas, Texas 75203 214-946-4522

OctobeWorship r 29Services , 2010

New El Bethel Baptist Church

Community West Baptist Church

Rev. N. C. Sargent

Pastor Kevin Powell Pastor Kenneth W. Beck

7:00 pm - Midweek Worship PastorLancaster W.J. Atkins Pastor L. McDaniels “His Grace Is Sufficient” Greater Mt.Willie Pleasant Baptist Church Full Gospel

Terry White Pastor/Teacher

4204 Frank Ave. Street 1839 N. Galloway Suite A Dallas, Texas 75210 Mesquite TX 75149 Phone 469-556-8418 Ph: (214) 426-5231 Fax: 972-329-1962 Sunday 469-556-8418 School......9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Services 12:00 p.m.(noon) Morning Worship........11:15 a.m. Wednesday Prayer-Fire Night p.m. 7:00 pm Y.P.W.W..............6:45 Evening Worship.........8:15p.m.

Salem Institutional Baptist Israel Baptist Church Church 2023 West Davis Street Rev. Todd M. Atkins - Pastor Dallas, Texas 75208 3918 Crozier St. Dallas, TX 75215 Ph:214-428-3797 (214) 942-7535 Phone Sunday School....9:45 A.M. Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 am MorningSchool Worship .... 11:00 Sunday @ 9:15 am A.M. Prayer & Bible @ 7:00 pm WedStudy BibleWednesday Study ...6:30 P.M.


Eld. Wallace M. Holyfield Monica Moody

Rev. Morgan Rev.C.C. Todd M. Atkins

december 2, 2011

celebRaTiNg 50 yeaRs Of cOmmuNiTy seRvice

ObiTuaRies McClure, Avis J. 65. Survived by husband, CMSGT (Ret) Walter McClure, 4 daughters, 16 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Wake- Friday, December 2 from 8:309:30 pm at Golden Gate- 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy. Service- Saturday, December 3 at 11 am at Friendship West Baptist Church, 2020 West. Wheatland Road.

Croom, CharLisa Les'Shae 26. Survived by parents, Leslie Johnson, Lisa and Mark Stephenson, 4 sisters, 3 brothers, grandparents and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Wake- Friday, December 2 from 7-9 pm at Sure Foundation Bible Church- 900 N. Polk #170, Desoto, Texas 75115. ServicesSaturday, December 3 at 12:30 pm at Singing Hill Baptist Church- 6550 University Hill.

Jackson, Johnnie 96. Survived by 10 daughters, 1 step son, 28 grandchildren and a host of great grandchildren, great great grandchildren other relatives and friends. viewingFriday, December 2 from 2-9 pm. Service- Saturday, December 3 at 11 am. Both services will be held at Golden Gate4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy. Hunter, Celestine 83. Survived by 1 son, Robert, 4 daughters, Betty, Erma Jean, Linda and Cynthia, 1 sister, Gloria, 48 grandchildren, 50 great grandchildren and 12 great great grandchildren. Wake- Friday, December 2 from 6-7 pm. Services- Saturday, December 3 at 11 am. Both services will be held at Golden Gate - 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy.

Remembering Almer C. Peterson December 22, 1918 - November 24, 2011 Dallas, Texas under the leadership of the late Rev. Fred W. Grant. He was an active leader in the church, the Greater South Dallas District, and the north Texas Conference. He held many elected and appointed positions at each level of these organizations. He served as a Steward Pro Tem under three pastoral administrations, but lastly under Rev. E. L. Wright II. He was later named Steward Emeritus in 1997.

Mr. Almer Charles (A.C.) Peterson, the son of the late Delmer and Clara Peterson, was born on December 22, 1918 near Henderson, Texas. He was the fourth of six children born to this union. A.C. served in the United States Army and participated in World War II from 1942 to 1945. Upon his return, he married the late Ruby S. Ferguson on December 22, 1945. To their union was born three sons – Jerry, Charles, and Roderic. Mr. Peterson was last employed by Dallas Independent School District where he retired at the age of 80 after nearly 30 years of service.

Brother Peterson had a great love for God, his family, and his church. His devotional leadership was admired by many. God blessed A.C. to be with us for 92 years and 11 months. He leaves to mourn: his eldest sister, Johnnie Mae Roberson of Houston, Texas, three sons—Jerry (Rosalind) Peterson of Biloxi, Mississippi; Charles (Janice) Peterson of DeSoto, Texas; Roderic (Regina) Peterson of Dallas, Texas and a dear friend, Ethel Wesson. “Paw-paw” leaves eight grandchildren, eleven great grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild, Mya Jade. He leaves a host of nieces and nephews who lovingly called him “Uncle Red” and numerous friends and relatives.

A.C. accepted Christ at an early age. In 1947 he joined St. Paul A.M.E. Church in

december 2, 2011

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