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elite news - april 1, 2011 - vol. 51 edition 13
Mountain View College: The Best Kept Secret in Higher Education
Page 9
2011 Parade of Champions “4A Championship” Community Honors Kimball Knights Boys’ Basketball Champions BaraBara Mallory Caraway
Felix a. Zamora President Mountain View College By: lola searCy
Patricia webb assistant Dean of economic and workforce Development who are thinking about starting their own business, or who have what they think could be the next million dollar idea, this program could not have come at a better time. I’m talking about the Advanced Certificate Program in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management at Mountain View College. This program,
t may very well be the best kept secret in higher education, and certainly in Dallas County; located at the cusp of Spur 408, Illinois Avenue and Loop 12 Walton Walker Blvd. With times like they are economically, with people loosing their jobs, companies “downsizing,” and people being laid off or just out of work, for those people out there see MoUNTaIN
Who is Barbara Mallory Caraway? Page 7
Glendale McCartney Sunrise April 25, 1957 Sunset March 30 2011
CITy oF Dallas HoNors HoCkaDay sCIeNCe TeaCHer
continued on page 4
Read The eliTe News ONliNe weekly, JusT
Page 3
as iT appeaRs iN
Celebrating 50 Years
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You Are Not Going To Believe What I Heard Proverbs 11:13 “A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret”
he other day someone tried to engage me in a gossip session but God was with me and just then HeNry NelsoN another coworker walked up and I left them to talk. However, I did wondered why they wanted to share this negative information with me. So this is how this message came to life. Have you ever wondered when conversations are gossip and when they are acceptable conversations? The difference is in motive and accuracy. Ephesians 4:15 says, “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.” Amen! One struggle that people have is that they believe that “not gossiping” means ceasing to having any conversation about people and what’s going on in their lives. Most of us cannot do this and for good reason; people are a huge part of our lives. The good news here is that stopping all conversation about people is not what God
is asking us to do. You need to examine the accuracy of the information as well as your motives in telling the story. Myself I am concerned accuracy, if you are not sure about the truth of the story that should be enough to stop us from sharing it. If it is something that you were concerned about because someone that we love is involved, you should proceed not by sharing the unverified story, but by going to the person in question and sharing our concern. “I heard this and I wanted to make sure it was not true.” For some people, though, the presumption is that if the accuracy of the information is confirmed, then sharing it is not gossip. “I’m just telling the truth,” they’ll say. But there’s a second factor at play and that is the motive we have in sharing the story. Even if a story is verified to be true, if we are sharing it with the motive to hurt the person, to taint their reputation, or just because we want to be the first to share the juicy news, our motive is bad. Here is an example. Let’s say I have a friend named John who has told me he is getting a divorce even though he’s only been married 6 months because his wife had an affair on him. Scenario #1: My heart is broken by his pain and by the knowledge that I have that marriage is a sacred covenant before God and therefore divorce pains Him. In my private prayer time, I shed some tears for John and his pain.
Later that day, I see Francine a mutual friend of John and myself and I share the news with her: “John shared with me that he is going to be getting a divorce. If you get a chance to talk to him, I think he could use a shoulder to cry on.” Notice I did not share the salacious but unnecessary details about the affair. Notice also that I shared accurate information with a motive of helping John, not hurting him. Scenario #2: Having found out about John’s divorce, I am quick to share every detail with everyone from our workplace that I can talk to. My facts are accurate, but my motive is impure and my actions hurtful to John. So, it’s important that we both be sure that our information is accurate and that our motive is pure. Those two factors make up the difference between gossip and appropriate conversation. Have you ever thought about why do we Gossip? I think it is because we love our insider status more than we love people. James 3:1-6 says,” Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check. When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong
“Taste Test” wake Up! Breakfast Casserole
Servings: 12
Make It:
Prep time: 20 min. +
1. Crumble chorizo into a large skillet;
cook over medium heat for 6-8 minutes
Cook time:* 55 min.
or until fully cooked. Drain.
+ standing
2. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs,
milk, mustard and cayenne.
1 pound uncooked
3. Stir in the potatoes, cheese, salsa
and cooked chorizo.
winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.“ Amen! We seldom think about the implications for the person we are gossiping about. Our thoughts are usually on being the first one to spread the news so that we will get credit for being “in-the-know” and others to share their gossip with us when they have got some. The simple but hard truth is that we are raising ourselves up by stomping others down. The simple but hard truth is that we are enhancing our own image without consideration that others must foot the bill. The simple but hard truth is that we are willing to destroy others’ reputations and lives in order to improve our standing. You may wonder why you should change your words. Obviously, what you just read about a moment ago hints at one good reason. That is you should love people more than your insider status, but there are other reasons that directly apply to us. If you would like to have the full message please request it at:
grace International seminary “For god’s Choosen women enroll Now
9 eggs 2-1/2 cups 2% milk 1 tablespoon ground mus-
opportunity For” •Bachelors •Masters •Doctorate
tard 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 package (28 ounces) frozen O'Brien potatoes 2 cups (8 ounces) shred-
Don’t Miss This opportunity Classes 2nd saturday of the Month (972) 748 - 1646
ded Monterey Jack cheese 1 jar (16 ounces) black bean and corn salsa
page 2
Bishop Dr. Larry D. McGriff, Founder
april 1, 2011
peRspecTive iN The Black cOmmuNiTy
E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 6 0
Who is Barbara Mallory Caraway? sPeCIal To THe elITe News
e hear her name; we see her results; now get to know who she really is. Barbara Mallory Caraway was sworn into the Texas House of Representatives for her third term in January 2011. She was elected to her first term in 2006. She represents House District 110, which includes the Dallas areas of Singing Hills, Southeast Oak Cliff - including the Cedar Crest Addition, parts of Pleasant Grove and the City of Seagoville. Representative Mallory Caraway serves on the Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee and the Urban Affairs Committee. The issues that Representative Mallory Caraway has championed for her constituents and the citizens of Texas include lower energy costs and increased educational standards for students. A quality education for all students is a priority for Representative Mallory Caraway. After researching the state of public education in District 110, she discovered that many of the schools in her district were poorly rated
by the Texas Education Agency mainly because of low scores in math and science. After being in office for just a short period of time, this discovery led her to launch the "Career Futures
BaraBara Mallory Caraway
Initiative" in 2007. The Career Futures Initiative is a partnership between the public and private sectors to give high school students 16 years and older first-hand knowledge and practical experience in the fields of math, science, engineering and technology. Representative Mallory Caraway's election to the State Legislature continues years of public service. She served on
CITY BEAT ..........................................................PAGE 2 PROSPECTIVE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY ............PAGE 3 COVER STORY......................................................PAGE 4 BITS AND PIECES ................................................PAGE 5 SPIRITUAL GUIDE ................................................PAGE 6 COMMUNITY CALENDAR ......................................PAGE 8
april 1, 2011
the Dallas City Council representing District 6 for eight (8) years from 1993 to 2001 until term limits forced her to retire. She is also a former Democratic Precinct Chair. During the 82nd Legislative session, Representative Mallory Caraway has authored bills that protect deployed military from accruing fees under the Driver Responsibility Program and clears confusion on the legal requirements on turning right on red at intersections with red light cameras. She has also co-authored bills that keep fine only misdemeanor records of children confidential, and ensures the prevention, treatment, and management of concussions suffered by public and private school athletes. Barbara Mallory Caraway is a small business owner and is a member of the National Conference of State Legislators, the National Foundation of Women Legislators, the Cedar Crest Neighborhood Association, and is a member of Camp Wisdom United Methodist Church. Representative Mallory Caraway is also on the Board of the Dallas Arboretum. She earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Telecommunications /Theatre from Texas Southern University. Originally from Amarillo, Texas, Representative Mallory Caraway is the fifth of eight children. She has lived in Dallas area for more than 22 years. She is married to Dwaine Caraway, Mayor of the City of Dallas. She has a stepdaughter and two granddaughters.
VOLUME 51 EDITION 13 Contact Information Visit us in person at: 1911 E. Ledbetter Rd Dallas, Tx 75216 214-372-6500 • 214-372-2534 fax
MANAGEMENT William Blair Jr. Jordan “Randy” Blair
Founder/Sr. Publisher Publisher
STAFF WRITERS Debra Blair Abron Bro. Gene Turner Rev. Johnny H. King Henry Nelson Pastor Clarence Henderson Dr. Karen Hollie Geraldine Davidson-Hooker Kevan Browning Lola Searcy Bettye Williams
Marketing Director B. J. Fullylove
MEDIA/SALES Lola Searcy Tyrone Hodge
DISTRIBUTION Elite News - BJ Fullylove Charles Jones Deadlines and Disclaimers Submission of all article, ads, etc., are due every Tuesday by noon. We accept All credit cards. The views and opinions of guest writers and columnists do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher, staff or board of the Elite News. Elite News is not liable for submissions or payments made to parties other than those authorized agents listed below: Jordan Blair All checks and money orders made payable to the Elite News shall be mailed to: P.O. Box 397925 Dallas, Texas 75339
ELITE NEWS SPORTS ............................................PAGE 9 LITTLE KNOWN BLACK HISTORY ........................PAGE 14 CLASSIFIEDS ......................................................PAGE 14 ENTERTAINMENT ..............................................PAGE 15 MINISTERS LISTINGS ..........................................PAGE 18 OBITUARIES ......................................................PAGE 23
page 3
Celebrating 50 Years
CommunitY serviCe
cOveR sTORy
Mountain View College: The Best Kept Secret in Higher Education... continued on from front page new to the Mountain View College campus, was instituted less than two years ago. This certificate program in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management presents a strong instructional foundation for beginning and successfully operating a small business venture. The curriculum spans all stages of small business development, including financial planning and management, marketing strategies, and operational management. The professional certificate’s capstone course teaches how to finalize your business plan, and practice the next steps to executing and managing a successful business. Mountain View College utilizes the Skills Development Fund grant; 90 million dollars in grant funding available to Texas businesses at no cost to the business. The size of the business is not important. They work with large and mid-sized companies, as well as “mom and pop” companies. Grants for a single business may be up to $500,000; which may include
IN BUsINess sINCe 1971
tuition, customized course development, instructor fees, materials and all training can be included. The workforce development team will write the grant and do all the work for you once we’ve conducted an initial meeting, follow-up analysis and
tion required for their participation. This program is not only a boost for the company but for the overall economy. At the core of the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Program is the Business Incubator. It is
MoUNTaIN VIew College
customization design. In addition, the program will assist clients with informa-
community. The Business Incubator program provides service and support to new and developing businesses within the Southern sector of Dallas County by offering individual offices, meeting space, a computer lab, training classrooms and more. “Our mission is to empower people and transform the community. We want them to know that you don’t have to work for someone else. We want to make sure that people are interested and can have a place where they can come and get help. We want them to know that they have other options”, said Patricia Webb, Assistant Dean of Economic and Workforce Development. The Entrepreneurial College offers training, lecturers and networking experiences for blooming, growing and established business owners. If you are considering starting your own business, this program may be just what you need. The curriculum consists of six (6) core competencies which include:
designed to encourage the development of new business within the local see MoUNTaIN
continued on page 17
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TraNsMIssIoN serVICe ForeIgN - DoMesTIC sTaNDarD
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page 4
J-BLUE, Owner Bus. PH (214) 372-6321
100 Highland Hills, Ste. 101 Dallas, TX 75241
april 1, 2011
deBRa’s BiTs aNd pieces E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 6 0
Celebrating 50 Years
Debra's Monthly Words of Wisdom: PRUDENCE Make decisions after gathering information and considering consequences. Think things through before taking action. Make wiser decisions. Attain goals through forethought. Learn problem solving. Use caution. Consider the greater good. Learn from past mistakes. Prudence In Action: This month, buy only what is needed. List pros and cons prior to making a decision. Analyze: What could have prevented this? Utilize community resources by consulting experts. Eat to satisfy hunger as opposed to eating until full.
Out of the Eyes of a Layman
5520 So. Westmoreland Dallas, Texas 75237 214.339.6606
“Love yourself enough to lift yourself” Ecclesiastes 12:1; 12:2-8 Luke 10:25-28 I Timothy 4:12
Lifeway Church “Come And Let God Use You”
District 110 State Representative Barbara Mallory Caraway
Pastor(s) Dr. Janet Bell Odom Favorite Scripture Psalm 27: 1-2 Favorite Songs "Walk Around Heaven All Day" Cassitta George, "What a Wonderful World" - Louis Armstrong Favorite Sayings “The World is a very small place” Church Affiliations Faithful Member Whom do you chose for Church Woman of the Week Contact: BJ Fullylove at 214/372-6500 For reservations call: 972-709-4208 “We’re waiting to pamper you!” Offer valid for 30 Days from publicaton date. 10% Discount on Any Massage Service To Anyone, when you mention Elite News
april 1, 2011
Dr. Karen Hollie Senior Pastor
Sunday - 11:00 am – 12;15 PM Wednesday - Bible Study 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
“ S e r mo n s i n 1 5 M i n u t e s T h a t W i l l E mp o w e r , E n r i c h a n d E n l ig h t e n Y o u ”
Words of Wisdom The One Who Died As Our Substitute, Now Lives As Our Advocate.
chRisTiaN mOmeNTs Their insults have broken my heart, and I am in despair. If only one person would show some pity; if only one would turn and comfort me. Psalm 69:20 NLT
Dr. wIllIaM M. CaMPBell
When others won’t turn and comfort you, you can turn to the Lord and be comforted.
are coming. Listen to the Living Bible paraphrase “the down side” of life that faces every youth. “It will be too late then to try to remember (God), when the sun and light and moon and stars are dim to your old eyes and there is no silver lining left among your clouds. For there will come a time when your limbs will tremble with age, and your strong legs will become weak. You will be afraid of heights and of falling, a white hair withered old man, dragging himself along; standing at death’s door. I don’t want to alarm young people, nor do I want to depress them, but the writer of Ecclesiastics who thought enough of the younger generation in his day simply wanted to prepare the youth for what would come. That scripture reading touched on growing old, missed opportunity increased insecurity, crime-ridden neighborhoods, cheapened values and pre-occupation with death. Even though that plagued the younger generation of his day, those same troubles afflict the now generation. Speaking of the “now generation”, from what do young people of today need to lift themselves? First on the list. Especially for Black youth is self-hatred and low selfesteem. One has but to compare and contrast the songs and music of the 60’s to those of the 90’s, and those of today. Look at the R & B groups in the 1960’s. Most of them were named after the best—The Four Tops, the Impressions, Junior Walker and the All Stars. Stevie Wonder, and even Sly and the Family Stone. On the other hand, have you noticed some of the names of most popular groups today? Niggers with an Attitude, Public Enemy, Ice Cube, Geto Boys and Naughty by Nature. Dome of the sick songs our children listen to repeatedly on radio are entitled, “Freak Me’, Six Feet Deep, Knockin Da Boots, “Cop Killers, X-tra Naked, Slow and Sexy, Nice N Wild, and Hard or Smooth. The music videos by young Black American artists are dominated by themes of death and violent sex. Young people love yourself enough to lift yourselves from the gutter garbage. Look at Luke 10:27 records a young adult’s response to a young man seeking eternal life. The real meaning in life is found in the fulfillment of the greatest commandment “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and with all your strength and with your entire mind and your neighbor as yourself. You see, loving God with one’s whole self lifts that person to lofty living. Young people there are no way you can love God with your feelings, spirit, energy and intellect and not rise above our seemingly hopeless and sinful times in which we live. Loving yourself empowers you to lift others as well as yourself.
cclesiastes 12:1 tells young people to remember their creator in the days of their youth before the days of trouble come, and years draw near them. Loving yourself rightly begins by loving your creator. We must understand that there are legitimate reasons for every person, especially young people, to love God. First of all, we are made in His image and likeness; we carry God’s name brand on our lives. If you think Cross Colours, machine, Umen and Guess are the most sought after labels and name brands, you better think again. For every time you look into the mirror; every time you express real love to another; every time you think about the Higher power who made you, you’re showing your designer’s label to yourself and the world and Christian Youth are the “Personal Property of the Prince of Peace.” The second reason youth should love God is that we have in our creator – God a friend we can depend on. He’s a friend who knows all about us and still loves and befriends us. All of us have had friends to let us down. We’ve also had friends who faded away due to time and distance. But, God is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. He can never let us down and He cannot fade away no matter what the need, the problem, the time or the place, you can depend on Him. Next is that remembering your creator in your youth makes God happy because it acknowledges His presence in our lives. It recognizes our creator – creature relationship between Him and us, and it reveals our respect and reverence for our maker. In the fourth place, remembering God in your youth inputs divine data into our database for future retrieval. Our God-created a brain that records everything that we see, hear, say, taste, smell, feel and do. Therefore, as we remember God as youth through worship, Sunday school, scripture, memorization, daily and nightly prayers. Singing in the choir, learning about God through our families and so on. We are storing vital survival information and inspiration to help us as we grow and mature. Remember that loving yourself rightly begins by loving your creator. It is my prayer that our youth will learn Novem ernot 19forget , 201to0read our Bibles, and Letbus to love themselves enough to lift themselves and others amidst seemingly hope- may God bless you REAL GOOD and may less times. My young friends, tough times He ever keep you in His loving care. geNe TUNer
Church Name Camp Wisdom United Methodist Church
CommunitY serviCe
page 5
Celebrating 50 Years
CommunitY serviCe
Advice Column: Ask Karen Hollie Reject a Fearful Spirit "The peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" geralDINe DaVIDsoN-Hooker
(Philippians 4:7).
ne of Satan's favorite tools is to get you to question "What if?" Dedicated Christians get
trapped into hoarding because they fear the "what if" of retirement, disability, unemployment, or economic collapse. Obviously, God wants us to consider these things and even plan for them, within reason. But when fear dictates to the point that giving to God's work is hindered, foolish risks are assumed and worry becomes the norm, rather than the exception. Then contentment is impossible. Christians must consciously reject
this attitude of fear. To claim God's victory, it may be necessary for you to face your fear. If your fear is a lack of surplus, it may be necessary to live without it in order to conquer that fear. But remember above all else, "My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).
page 6
spiRiTual Prayer Closet
Dear Dr. Hollie, me. It is the principle of the matter I loaned my sister $2000 so that she now, more so than wanting the money could get her husband because I think she is out of jail and pay a absolutely wrong, and she retainer on a lawyer for always gets away with not his case. I want my doing the right thing and I'm money back. It’s been tired of it. What do you think of almost a year. It wasn't this and what do you think I like she never had any should do? money. She just didn't Sister Troubles have all that she needed Dear Sister, at the time, so she came Since your mother is involved to me for the rest. Since in this already, that’s a great then, I have repeatedly thing. Ask her if she would Dr. kareN HollIe asked for my money. arbitrate this matter; and of She refuses to pay me course as the arbitrator, she back. She all of a sudden started bring- has the final word. So, ask her if she’ll ing up old stuff that she had done for bring the two of you together, hear me in the past. And now this money is both sides, and that all will be binding suddenly payment for things like pick- by what she says. It should work out ing up my kids from school when I had well for each of you because after all, gotten tied up at work a few times; you said the money is not the driving and loaning me her car while mine was force behind this. So if you’re not in the shop. I've been advised to take awarded the money, you’ll still be okay. her to small claims court, but my mom Dr. Hollie is a local psychotherapist & thinks that would be wrong of me. I pastor, and for your questions and don't want to upset my mother, but I comments to appear in this column, want my sister to pay what she owes you can email
here is a portion of the model prayer recorded in Matthew chapter 6, that should never be omitted from any prayer we utter and that is, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. PasTor ClareNCe When that will is HeNDersoN done, peace and good will and other blessings naturally follow. Many of our prayers are so out of line with the will of God and what is best for our own lives that this is the only way they can be justified. Jesus himself, prayed in agony in the garden of Gethsemane, just before his crucifixion cried, “Oh my Father, if thy be willing, remove this cup from me, nevertheless, not my will but, Thine be done” Luke 22:42. And because he was willing to do the father’s will we have redemption.
Notes From Union Hope
From the Mount
“Worship Inspires Service”1Tim.5:18, 17-22was our Church School lesson, the lesson began with instructions on how we should talk to one another in the body of Christ. For those elD lloyD T. that were raised in MorgaN a different generation this lesson was taught at home. We were taught to speak to older people with respect. We were taught that we are brothers and sisters and should treat each other as such. Paul gave instruction on who the church had an obligation to help among them, widows who were childless and in need of help. Timothy was to teach these things to the church, some remember when this was life as we knew it. Paul taught that the pastor who worked hard should be paid well, especially those that preach and teach, but
they should not be money driven. Our Morning message was delivered by Pastor L.T.Morgan from the subject “Is the service and worship that you offer God really your best?”Mal 1:13-14. Israel had a up and down relationship with God they often forgot that they were who they were because God chose them. In the text Israel had become common with God as many Christians do and began to offer God animals that was sick and missing limbs as a sacrifice. God said “You have shown contempt by offering defiled sacrifices on my altar.”Then you ask, 'How have we defiled the sacrifices?' "You defile them by saying the altar of the LORD DESERVES no respect. When you give blind animals as sacrifices, isn't that wrong? And isn't it wrong to offer animals that are crippled and diseased? Try giving gifts like that to your governor, and see how pleased he is!" I ask you dear reader “is the service and worship that you offer God your best? He deserve nothing less. Be blessed
ur Sunday school lesson titled, "Worship Inspires Service". The lesson high points were, "Honoring God by honoring Widows and Elders, and honoring those who have faithfully served JoHNNy kINg God. Dr. Johnny King delivered the morning message titled, "The Invisible Hand of God" I King 18: 3646. Director Karen Harrison and the Shepherd support group celebrated our annual Shepherd Support day. Rev. James Wiley and Samaria Baptist Church of Waxahachie, TX. were our guest. Rev. Wiley delivered the annual day message titled, "A Man after God's own Heart" II Samuel 13: 13-14. Next Friday (4/8) our BTU will present our Annual Feast of the Nation at 07:00 at the church. Come and sample some of the food of our nation!
april 1, 2011
ciTy BeaT
Celebrating 50 Years
CommunitY serviCe
Dallas NaaCP oN THe MoVe NAACP Charter last month from the National office under the leadership of Dr. Wallace. She presented a certificate to Woodrow at their Black History Celebration. She is presently working on reactivating the Juanita Craft Youth Chapter at St. Philips Community School. She believes in educating in the classroom and outside of the walls-the community
are you a young inspiring model and have a desire for fame, including a 1-k prize and television exposure. “MoDelwaNNaBe” is a new reality show series that gives everyday people across the nation the opportunity to compete for the grand prize. you must 18 to 25, 5’7” or more and be in excellent physical and mental health. There will be open casting calls tentatively scheduled during the months of april 1 thru June 30st. (The last day for casting is June 30th, 2011.) walk – Ins saturdays & sundays 10:00 am. – 2:00 pm.
Jerry CHaMBers, lINColN Hs NaaCP CHaPTer, Dr. loUIe wHITe, VICkIe sMITH aND PrINCIPal Carlos lee
exClUsIVe To elITe News
r. Jerry Chambers strikes again! After returning to Lincoln as community liaison, in one week, he brought together students interested in the mission of NAACP and like-minded community leaders who contributed to Lincoln students resources to reactive the
Lincoln High School Chapter. Dr. Juanita Wallace, President of the Dallas NAACP Chapter is singing the praise of Lincoln High School , second oldest Black School in DISD for reactivating the chapter that started under the late Victor Smith, NAACP President. Woodrow Wilson received its
Contact gary springer For More Details: MoDelwaNNaBe 2201 Main street suite 300-11 Dallas, Texas 75201 www. MoDelwaNNaBe.CoM ICaNeNTerTaINMeNT@lIVe.CoM Cell 469.337.5521
CITy oF Dallas HoNors HoCkaDay sCIeNCe TeaCHer As an educator, innovator and scientist, Jennifer brings a festive approach to learnfficials with Dallas Water Utilities pre- ing chemistry by blending style, intelligence sented a certificate of appreciation to and key subject matter. Her self-designed Jennifer Stimpson, science faculty program, “Get a ‘KIC’ out of Science: An with The Hockaday School, for her efforts to Innovative Strategy to Attract Students to help citizens understand the benefits of Chemistry,” demonstrates how science currecycling used cooking oil. riculum should be applicaStimpson has taken her pasble and meaningful for sion to the classroom, incortoday’s youth. Her work has porating within her lectures garnered numerous accothe “how-to’s” of converting lades including an appearused cooking oil into bio-fuel. ance in O: The Oprah DWU and the Dallas Magazine and a grant from County Schools (DCS) are in a the Jordan Fundamentals partnership to collect and Schools, Inc. recycle used cooking oil into “Jennifer has pioneered bio-diesel that helps power educational efforts geared almost 1,000 county school toward awareness and busses. The relatively easy implementation of environchemical process to convert mentally beneficial proused cooking oil into biograms,” said Larry Duncan, JeNNIFer sTIMPsoN diesel has helped DCS save more Her FaTHer & sIsTer President of the Dallas County than 150,000 gallons of diesel Schools Board of Trustees. fuel at a savings of $330,000 so far this “Those efforts include improving efficiencies school year. and reducing costs involving student trans“We truly appreciate the efforts of portation in Dallas County,” Duncan added. Jennifer and her students to demonstrate “We are delighted that the City of the multiple benefits of our grease and oil Dallas is recognizing Jennifer for her recycling program,” said Jody Puckett, direc- efforts,” said Cathy Murphree, Assistant tor of Dallas Water Utilities. “Used cooking Head for Academic Affairs and Provost. oil can be used to fuel school busses as “Her work demonstrates that students are opposed to being poured down the kitchen active, engaged learners and scientists drain and possibly clogging indoor plumbing themselves when the curriculum is relevant and city sewer pipes,” Puckett added. to their lives."
MINIsTers’ & workers’ CoNVeNTIoN CoNVeNe IN Dallas
sPeCIal To elITe News
april 1, 2011
By: lola searCy
he Texas Northeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction convened their Annual Ministers’ & Workers’ Convention at the Saintsville Sanctuary Church of God in Christ, where Bishop J. Neaul Haynes, is the Pastor. The theme for the Annual Convocation, “Encouraging Yourself, was based on the scripture found in I Samuel 30:6. The convocation services began on Monday, March 28th and will conclude on Friday, April 1st. On Monday Night, Pastor Terry Gafford presided over the evening’s services, and the Word of God was proclaimed by Superintendent W. James Campbell, Pastor of the St. James Church of God in Christ of Chicago, Illinois. Tuesday Night was designated as Youth Church Night and Vacation Bible School, with Superintendent Lee Stern presiding. The Spoken Word was delivered by the internationally acclaimed Preacher, Pastor and Psalmist, Bishop Paul S. Morton. Bishop Morton is the Presiding Bishop pf the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship in New
Orleans, Louisiana, who recorded the popular gospel song entitled, “Let It Rain” among other, delivered the message on Tuesday Night. The Women’s Day Service began on Wednesday morning, with Mother Freddye Carter, presiding. First Lady Janice Hornsby presided over the Wednesday night services and the Spoken Word for the evening was by Evangelist Joyce Rodgers, International Chairlady of the Youth Department of the Church of God in Christ. Thursday Night, Pastor Van Medlock, presided over the services, while Pastor Elijah Kelley, Jr., Pastor of the Deliverance Chapel Church of God in Christ delivered the message. The Annual Convocation concluded on Friday with the Official Day Services and an Afterglow Musical at 7:30 Friday evening. Bishop J. Neal Haynes has been the Pastor of the Saintsville Sanctuary Church of God in Christ since 1979, and he has served as the Prelate of the Texas Northeast Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction since 1978. He is a General Board Member of the Church of God in Christ, Inc.
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Celebrating 50 Years
April Birthdays Babies: Jack Searcy - April 25th Ashton Blair Collier - April 30th David Fullylove – April 28th Jordan Blair – April 27th Jordan Blair II – April 6th April 2: Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., Psi Chapter will hold its annual Business Month Education and Scholarship Luncheon on Saturday, April 2, 2011, from 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Crowne Plaza Market Center, 7050 N. Stemmons Freeway Dallas, Texas. To reserve a seat or for information regarding the event, call Wendy B. Jacques at (972) 274-3533 or Brenda Jackson Napier at (972) 918-0636 or please visit our websites at or April 2: Free Tax Help! Celestial Haven Baptist Church, along with participating sponsors are hosting “Earn It! Keep It! Save It!” Saturday April 2nd: 9 am to 3 pm. Celestial Haven Baptist Church 7230 S. Hampton Rd. Dallas, TX. 75232. This United Way program offers free tax preparation services to qualifying people who make less than $50,000 a year. You can get your refund in as little as 10 days at JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE April 5: grand Opening Celebration! Hacienda Del Sol 116 Galicia lane, Dallas TX 75217 Tuesday, April 5 at 10:00 a.m. For information email April 7-10:, the Dallas Auto Show 2777 Stemmons Freeway • Suite 935 • Dallas, Texas 75207 celebrates 30th Anniversary. Hours of the show are: 4 to 10 p.m. Thursday, April 7; 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 8 and 9; and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, April 10. For more informa-
Antonisha, a resident of Mesquite, TX and student of Lawrence Elementary, recently competed in the Miss Jr. Preteen Dallas/Ft. Worth Pageant. She was awarded 2nd runner-up on Sunday, March 27, 2011. Antonisha is an honor roll student at her school and aspires to become a Veterinarian. She is the youngest of three children and enjoys singing, dancing, and caring for her cat.
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CommunitY serviCe
tion, visit April 8: D’Ventures Club & Restaurant 7474 So. Lancaster Rd. Dallas, TX. 75241 Presents, “His Majesty” Event. 9:00pm. – 1:00pm. Good Christian Music, Dancing, Food, Karaoke, Door Prizes, Spoken Word(Poetry) and more. For more details contact: (469) 254-5366 or April 9: Ten educators to be inducted into the archives and history program 2011 hall of fame/ two education supporters also to be honored. Induction ceremony banquet at 5 p.m. Saturday, April 9, 2011 at New Birth Baptist Church, Jesus Center, 444 West Ledbetter Dr., Dallas. Mayor Dwaine Caraway and Representative Barbara Mallory Caraway will serve as the master and mistress of ceremonies. For more information, please contact: Dr. Roscoe C. Smith, 972-741-8213 Gwendolyn Brantley, 972-298-6980 Robert Price, 214-376-4816 April 9: Jack & Jill of America partners with boys and girls club and Delta Sigma Theta in 1st Annual Health and Wellness Fair at Boys and Girls Club in Grand Prairie on April 9th. For more information contact: Trenia Moore at 214.235.6406 April 10: Women In Red hosted by Greater Edwards Chapel AME church 107 Palmyra Road Palmer, Texas 3:00p.m. Please fellowship with us in our Annual “Women In Red” Worship Service Rev. Michael King and Greater St. James Temple AME Church, Dallas, Texas will be our special as well Rev. Lonnie R. Newman, Pastor Sis. Vera Dixon Sanders, Chairperson. April 10: AARP Chapter 2032 will sponsor their "Thirty-five Year Celebration and Tea on April 10, 2011 at Kiest Park Recreaction
GReGG smiTh BackyaRd spOTliGhT Antonisha Chambers, 7 yrs. old, Mesquite, TX
cOmmuNiTy caleNdaR
Center, 3080 S. Hampton Road, Dallas, TX 75224 from 3:00PM-6:00Pm. Special Guest will be State Representative Yvonne Davis. Please join us. Please contact: Leroy Finley, President at 214-330-7450 April 10: Egypt Chapel Baptist Church is having their 131st Church Anniversary and also a "Pew Dedication", Sunday, April 10th at 3 p.m. at Egypt Chapel Baptist Church-1122 Hutchins Rd Dallas, TX 75203 telephone # 214-942-0133 Pastor: Dr. Tommy McGee. Everyone is invited to help us celebrate of 131st Church Anniversary and a special "Pew Dedication" for our new church. Please come out and help us celebrate.
Saturday Bible Study: Join Us for South Dallas Café’ Small Group Bible Group. Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. at South Dallas Café @ Redbird Square. All Adults are Welcome. For more information contact Gloria Price 214-337-9200 Dallas Cardinals Youth Football is looking
April 16: One Church One School in partnership with Anne Frank Elementary School will host a Parenting Summit. The Parenting Summit is scheduled for Saturday, April 16, 2011 from 9:00 am11:30 am at Anne Frank Elementary School. Anne Frank is located at 501 Celestial Dr Dallas 75254. If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call at 214-341-6831or email me. D&J Construction is Going Green!!! GOING GREEN TOTAL HOME MAKEOVER. This year D&J Construction will give someone in the Dallas/Fort Worth area a total home transformation. This is our way of saying thank you for supporting our business for the past eleven years. ALL applications MUST be turned in by April 8, 2011 @ 6:00pm. NO application will be taken after this date. FREE and that it is for the elderly or/and disabled individual or family member For Information contact: Ashley Forge at 972-227-3020 Email: Learn More about Going Green Total Home Makeover at
for football players and cheerleaders ages 5-12 for the up-coming football season. For more info please contact Brent Smith @ 214-434-5830. All sign ups must be completed by June 21 2011 Parkland’s Bluitt-Flowers Health Center teams up with Friendship-West Baptist Church host a Healthy Living with Diabetes Class 2020 W. Wheatland Road Dallas, Texas 75232. To register for this program, call Vickie Henry at 214.266.4398
TRack aNd field key daTes March 26 - Jesuit-Sheaner Relays at Jesuit High School in Dallas April 8-9 - Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays at Texas' Mike A. Myers Stadium in Austin April 11-14 - UIL district meets April 29-30 - Southwest Preparatory Conference Championships meet at Fort Worth All Saints May 2-3 - UIL regional meets May 6-7 - TAPPS state meet at Baylor's Hart-Patterson Track and Field Complex in Waco May 13-14 - UIL state meet at Texas' Mike A. Myers Stadium in Austin
april 1, 2011
eliTe News spORTs
Celebrating 50 Years
BaRBeRshOp Talk wiTh leON simON
e’re in the middle of track season, and last week at the Carter Shoot out I was pleasantly surprised. I saw the Roosevelt leoN sIMoN Mustangs look like the dominate team that spoiled a lot of people for a lot of years. Coached by Bruce Davis, Davis himself is a big part of that storied history of Roosevelt. Bruce attended Baylor and played for the Cleveland Browns. Mr. Davis is definitely qualified. Roosevelt was once one of the most successful and proud 5A programs in the country is now 3A. But being a 3A school doesn’t diminish the pride that this inner-city school on Bonneview exudes. While watching track practice yesterday I was joined by one of Roosevelt’s favorite sons – Roy Martin. Roy, known by many as Robot, was an Olympian as a junior in 1984. At the State Track Meet in 1985, Roy ran the fastest 200M dash ever by a high school athlete. The stadium clock had him at 19.75, and since he didn’t go to Texas, that time gets slower every year. I think it’s up to 20.1 or something to that affect still a national record. Davis and Martin are just a small part of the Star studded alums of ‘Velt, without using the rest of this article naming them all I’ll throw out a few for those of you that are not familiar.
John Jefferson( Green Bay, San Diego), Jeff Fuller ( 49ers), Richmond Webb ( Miami Dolphins), and a little closer to home Kevin Williams ( Dallas Cowboys), Aaron Wallace ( Raiders). Thats about 10 Super Bowl rings. Today’s Mustangs to name a few Toddrick Young, Avonta Shaw, and seniors Jason Holland and Xavier Hicks on the anchor. That the 4x100 and 4x 200meter relay team, those two relays would be among the favorite if the state championships were held today. I believe the Mustangs under Davis are laying a foundation to bring this program back to where it was, when Roosevelt would be the drawing card even when they had colleges there. At the State track meet this year in the 3A Division we should see a familiar battle between Roosevelt and Dallas Madison for the Championships. Madison brings some history with them also. The Pitts boys Donovan and Tim, Byron Sweat, but that’s another article for anther time. On another front. A little birdie told me that one of DISD’s well known coaches took the buy out. If that little birdie is correct that would leave one of DISD’s most popular programs without a head football coach and athletic director. Another note… Keep your eye open. If you think there are too many schools in Oak Cliff, wait until next year when they re-open Wilma Hutchins. It wouldn’t surprise me to see some schools not have enough boys to fill a football team. And we’re still trying to open buildings. Buildings
Dallas Mavericks 7 Day Schedule Sat 26
@ Utah
Sun 27
@ Phoenix
Wed 30
@ LA Clippers
Thu 31
@ LA Lakers
Sat 02
@ Golden State
Sun 03
@ Portland
Wed 06
vs Denver
april 1, 2011
CommunitY serviCe
2011 ParaDe oF CHaMPIoNs “4a CHaMPIoNsHIP” CoMMUNITy HoNors kIMBall kNIgHTs Boys’ BaskeTBall CHaMPIoNs By: BeTTye wIllIaMs “kaTT” The Kimball Knights High School boys’ basketball team are the grand winners of the State 4A Championship. The Elite News and the Kimball High School Booster Club sponsored a parade and rally for the Knights this
lowing the parade which featured entertainment by artist “Pooca LeRoy and Feezy,” the Color Guards, National Anthem, moment of silence for the Tsunami victims, cheerleaders, Latin dancers, Troups, Carla Ranger’s trophy presentation, sponsors recognition, and closing remarks by Jordan Blair,
Kimball High School Cheerleaders and Majorettes performing at rally past Saturday. Parents, students, alumni, booster club members, and the community lined the parade route on Saturday to congratulate the Justin F. Kimball High School boy’s basketball team on their 4A State Championship victory. The parade, featured school bands, cheerleaders, drill teams, clubs, nearby schools, car clubs and organizations. Other participants were Dallas Mayor Dwaine Caraway, Senator Royce West, District 6 Trustee Carla Ranger, Mayor Candidate Ron Natinsky, Dallas Police Chief David Brown, and many other entries were among the many that drove or walked the parade route. The parade was organized by Elite News publisher Jordan Blair and the Kimball High School Booster Club, with the support of community businesses and organizations. A rally was held immediately fol-
the principal, and Earl Jones. Dallas Mayor Dwaine Caraway, Senator Royce West, District 6 Trustee Carla Ranger, and mayoral candidate Ron Natinsky, all saluted the team and its coaches and praised the team for an outstanding season exemplified by wins on the court and good sportsmanship throughout the season. Elite News would like to thank the sponsors, Coke Cola, All Ready Gear, Golden Gate Funeral Home and Dallas County Schools. Special recognition goes to the Elite News staff, volunteers, Tamika Stevenson and the Kimball Knights Booster Club, Vet Club, Freedom Chevrolet, Kimball High School Staff, Championship Auto, moderator for the rally (K104 jock “GSpook”) and the community’s involvement. See Pictures on the next page.
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Celebrating 50 Years
CommunitY serviCe
eliTe News spORTs
2011 kIMBall kNIgHTs ParaDe oF CHaMPIoNs 4a sTaTe CHaMPs
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april 1, 2011
ciTy BeaT
Celebrating 50 Years
CommunitY serviCe
MoUNTaIN VIew College sCeNes
INsIDe ClassrooM aT MoUNTaIN VIew College elITe News PUBlIsHer JorDaN BlaIr aT MoUNTaIN VIew College’s eNTrePreNeUrIal exPerTs roUNDTaBle
gUesT PaNelIsTs
FITNess CeNTer INsIDe BUsINess INCUBaTor workrooM INsIDe BUsINess INCUBaTor
PresIDeNT FelIx a ZaMora BeINg INTerVIeweD By JorDaN BlaIr
april 1, 2011
PresIDeNT FelIx a ZaMora aND PaTrICIa weBB assIsTaNT DeaN oF eCoNoMIC & workForCe DeVeloPMeNT aT MoUNTaIN VIew College
sHaroN DaVIs VICe PresIDeNT oF BUsINess serVICes
PresIDeNT FelIx a ZaMora
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Vincent’s School of Dance
SUMMER CLASSES STARTING NOW!!! yoU CoUlD Be PlayINg For yoUr CHUrCH IN 8 MoNTHs Are you a musician looking for work ? Give us a call at Vincent's for guaranteed results "WE OFFER JOB PLACEMENT REFERRALS FOR LOCAL MUSICIANS."
This is your season to be blessed First Come - First Serve Courses are 8 months-guaranteed written agreement that students will be performance ready for the particular field of music they choose to study. We also offer live entertainment for your next occasion
“Just In Time For The Holiday Season” 2 – 45 min. lessons $20.00
Pastor Vincent E. Davis We now teach Guitar, Violin and Saxophone. PLEASE CALL FOR CLASS AVAILABILITY Hours of Operation: Monday - Saturday 8:00am to 9:00pm
We now offer pick-up and drop off to the general public. Public schools - Shopping - Errands. For prompt service give us a call.
2428 Millermore • Dallas, Texas 75216 214-355-0623 Main Office 226 W Illinois Ave • Dallas, Texas 75224 214-943-5066 (#2) 2nd Location LOWEST PRICES IN DFW…GUARANTEED! Over 600 Students since 1988
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We offer dance lessons in Ballet Praise & Worship Hip – Hop Mime Gospel Hip – Hop Salsa Swing Out (Ballroom) / Friday’s Only 7 – 9:00 pm We also offer private 1 on 1 lessons Pick up and drop off services 2 Field trips each year Free movie passes to dance related movies We also offer after school rates for working parents Monday – Friday 4:00 – 7:00 pm Phone: (214) 943-5066 (214) 355-0623
You can’t go wrong when you grow your own... we also offer church accounts
ALL Classes include Music Theory and fundamental sight reading Classes offer 3 month seminar and recitals • Church referrals for qualified students: Please Visit us online at:
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april 1, 2011
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april 1, 2011
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Celebrating 50 Years
CommunitY serviCe
here in the Classified seCtion 5 lines for month Commitment
with one
oN THe CaMPaIgN TraIl wITH roN NaTINsky
resTaUraNT Mr. C’s Catfish and More serVINg lUNCH aND DINNer 4909 s. lancaster rD. Dallas, Tx 75216 214.371-6108 oDoM’s BarBeCUe “Voted Best ribs in Dallas” 810 oriole Blvd. Duncanville, Tx (214) 572-7727
graPHIC DesIgN/PrINTINg alP Printing Inc. 4850 s. Hampton rD. suite 97 Dallas, Tx 75232 (214) 339-7197 or Fax (214) 333-0233 ask for: sandy, alfred or alma
The lyons group llC Po Box 380494 Duncanville, Tx 75138 972-960-2795
Notary Public Bettye’s Mobile Notary service all Types of Documents (469)-261-0717
Design create Church Programs obituaries, Flyers at reasonable prices Contact: lola r. searcy 972.825.2355
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real esTaTe/HoUsINg
lincoln Memorial Cemetery sales, accounts Payable, Clerical, grounds keeper (214) 398-8133
FrIeNDsHIP Towers seCTIoN 8/ UTIlITIes PaID HIgHrIse aParTMeNTs For THe elDerly aND DIsaBle CoNTaCT: CINDy (214) 330-7764
page 14
Mr. C’s Catfish 4909 s. lancaster rd Mon-wed Closed Thurs- sat 11am -6pm sunday 12-6pm
lITTle kNowN BlaCk HIsTory By: BeTTye wIllIaMs “kaTT”
Part 2: Three organizations emerged from the Negro Day celebration of 1936: the Texas State Conference of Branches of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Texas State Negro Chamber of Commerce, and the Texas Negro Peace Officers Association (now the Texas Peace Officers Association). All three organizations had as their objective to improve the lot of blacks in Texas. The Texas Centennial was indeed a watershed event for African Americans.
april 1, 2011
eliTe News eNTeRTaiNmeNT
Celebrating 50 Years
CommunitY serviCe
Rollin with a Brotha
Saturday, April 9 8:30am-5:30pm
Saturday, April 16 8:30am-5:30pm
Saturday, May 21 8:30am-5:30pm
J.O. Schulze Elementary 1200 S. Irving Heights Dr. Irving, TX 75060
Lakewest Family YMCA 3737 Goldman St. Dallas, TX 75212
Oak Cliff UMC 549 E. Jefferson Blvd. Dallas, TX 75203
Job Fair
Health Fair
april 1, 2011
and More!
Space is limited register now!
Welcome to the weekend baaaby!! Even though the Mavericks are "ballin", I must say I am excited about Ron Washington and our American League Champion Texas Rangers! keVaN BrowNINg Today is opening day at the Ballpark in Arlington! Our boys host the Boston Redsox in a 3 day home stand that starts today at 3:05 PM. For those who can't sneak away from work, Fox Sports Southwest will carry all the festivities... Look for the Nolan Ryan hot dog and sausage, plus the mega pretzel that costs $12.50 and weighs all of 3 pounds among the new food offerings! Our Mav's are on a West Coast road trip, having battled the Clippers and Lakers already this week, in L.A. and preparing for Golden State,then the Portland Trail Blazers Sat and Sun night. Goooo Mav's! Perfect timing...The Ranger's Friday afternoon and that JaNeT succulent cougar, JaCksoN Ms. Janet Jackson in concert with her "Number Ones, Up Close and Personal" Tour Saturday night at Verizon in Grand Prairie... Ya know, I'd also love to see Dallas own Dondria in concert at TBAAL, but keeping it real... I'll check her next time and am looking forward to it! Can SOMEBODY get rapper Foxy Brown the right meds??? Iva Marchand AKA Foxy Brown was booted off The Tom Joyner Fantastic Voyage Cruise after going ballasitic because she was 3 hours late for a
manicure appointment and could not be served quick enough. S-E-CU-R-I-T-Y escorted her back to her room, where she remained under "supervision" for a couple of days until the ship dropped anchor in Grand Cayman Islands... She was promptly escorted off to the airport and flown home! Brown, you may remember allegeedly beat up two nail salon employees in 2004 and a beauty store employee in 2007...Wow... Nick Canon and Mariah Carey thought the twins were coming earlier this week! Maria had some serious contractions on her 42nd Birthday and was rushed to to the hospital! Everythin turned out to be OK! Tired of hearing about Chris Brown and Rihanna? Well, don't read the latest Rolling Stone M a g a z i n e , Rhianna's on the cover and g u e s s rIHaNNa what/who she's talking about? Big ups to Pitts-burg Steeler receiver Hines Ward and Lil Romeo... Both set it off this week on dancing with the stars, while TV/Radio cutie Wendy Williams was lucky to survive! Have you been watching??? Don't sleep on Ralph "The Karate Kid" Macchaio, he could go all the way,lol!!! Big ups to Rapper Lil John, who led his team(Team Backbone) to a victory on Celebrity Apprentice! He''l deliver a 40,000 dollar check to his favorite charity, "The United Methodist Children's Home" in Decatur Georgia, during this Sunday's episode.YEAH!!!! Happy Birthday to YOU and celeb's this week:VP Al Gore is 63,M.C. Hammer and Quentin Tarrantino 49 and Mariah Carey is 42! Thanks for Rollin With A Brotha in the Elite News and online at Facebook(Kevan Browning) and at
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april 1, 2011
eliTe News cOmmuNiTy News
Celebrating 50 Years
CommunitY serviCe
Mountain View College: The Best Kept Secret in Higher Education... continued from page 4 • Accounting and Financing • Sales and Marketing • Human Resources Management • Business Law • Business Planning and Development • Operations Management Ten (10) Electives which include: • Technology • Social Marketing • Customer Service • Sales Management • Business Tax • Nonprofit Formation and Management • Contracts and Bids • Customer Service • Franchise 101 Since finding out about this “gem” called Mountain View College, nestled in Dallas’ Southern sector, at a recent Entrepreneurial Workshop at Mountain View College, we decided to talk to the man at the helm of Mountain View College, none other than President Felix A. Zamora. We asked President Zamora a few questions about Mountain View College and what he attributes to its success. President Zamora says that bringing together a representative group of faculty and staff to put a strategic plan in place that mapped out a process for improving the way the college interacted with the community. We had been doing a good job, but we just needed to be more responsive in order to meet our community where they are, which in turn helped them find the resources the college had to offer. When asked how the county bond funds enhanced the campus or the college’s affects on the community in which it serves, President Zamora told us that the bond funds enabled them to add an additional 120,000 square feet to the college which increased space by 33%. “More importantly, we added a new student services building in order to better accommodate a growing student body, a new science building to house updated science labs and technology, and a new nursing education laboratory so that we could add an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) Degree in Nursing. We added a new
april 1, 2011
economic and workforce development building so that we could help local companies address training needs within the community. In that same building, we are evolving an entrepreneurship college which will infuse our community into looking at a small business as a real alternative to working for someone else. We also built a 2,000 seat sports facility that will accommodate soccer and football games.” The new Economic Workforce, Business Incubation and Entrepreneurial College is a very impressive part of Mountain View College, and since it is new, we wanted to know what the outlook is for the college. He told us that they intend to support local and small businesses by providing opportunities to start and build their business. “We hope to provide an ever increasing array of business development opportunities,” said President Zamora. For students who want to move on to four year institutions, Mountain View has partnered with UNT Dallas, with UTA Arlington and other major universities in the Metroplex. We asked President Zamora to tell us a little bit about the high school within the Mountain View College environment. He said, “The high school is named the Trinidad ‘Trini’ Garza Early College High School. In only its fifth academic year (2010 – 2011), the Early College High School (ECHS) currently serves 400 students and has become a model for academic success with other ECHS around the nation. The school is rated ‘Exemplary’ by the Texas Education Agency, ECHS not only prepares students for college, but immerses them in college-level courses and the culture of a college. MVC ECHS graduates leave high school with a high school diploma as well as an Associate’s degree, or credit hours transferable to a four-year university of their choosing.” And lastly, President Zamora shared with us special facts and statistics regarding the college’s accomplishments. He was happy to share with us that Mountain View has another record high enrollment. Current enrollment for spring 2011 is 8,718 students with 60%
of the students returning from the fall of 2010 to spring of 2011. “The economic work force is what we are focusing on out here. We are the largest feeder to the University of North Texas at Dallas,” said President Felix A. Zamora. “We are 7,000 strong and still growing. We are getting attention for doing great things in the Southern sector. We are in the process of a huge campaign to complete college, part of President Obama’s initiative to grow more small businesses.” President Zamora also states, “We want to take the students that come to us and build the pipeline for even better things; we want to create a larger funnel.”
BTYF Jayhawks - 2011 TAAF State Basketball Champions sPeCIal To THe elITe News
TYF Jayhawks competed in the TAAF 12u Division-1 State Tournament held this year in Carrollon/The Colony, 3/18-3/20. Winning 6 games to complete the tournament run to win, 48-39, against Southlake All Sports and take the State Championship.. These dedicated young men are a part of the elite organization, Bigger Than You Figure: Youth Leadership & Athletics. They intend to make a huge mark in the DFW metrolex and later this year at the
AAU National Tournament held in Memphis during June. The BTYF organization is still seeking individual and business sponsorship for organzation's overall youth program. Please visit their website, email, or call to make a donation. Contact Information: Richard Cunningham, Rodney Walker, Ms. Shawn Rainey Hope Website: Email: Phone: (469) 454-8775
BTyF JayHawks Boys BaskeTBall TeaM
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Celebrating 50 Years list
Your minister’s listings with the
Greater New St. John Primitive Baptist Church
2529 56th Street - Dallas, Tx 75241 214-372-4076 Sunday School.....8:45 am Morning Services...10 am “Keeping the main thing...the main thing and that’s Jesus Christ”
miNisTeRs lisTiNGs
CommunitY serviCe
elite news
Call us todaY at
“Sensational” St. Paul AME Church
Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 7550 South Hampton Road Dallas, Texas 75232 972-228-2420 (office) 972-228-2584 (fax) website: “We Build People”
2420 Metropolitan Avenue Dallas, TX 75215-3534 Ch. Office: 214-421-1344
Office Hours 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Thursday Closed - Friday Sunday Morning Worship Experience 7:30 AM - Worship I 8:45 AM Church School 10:00 AM - Worship II
Rev. Vincent E. Davis Pastor
Calvary Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church 4703 Sunnyvale St. • Dallas, Texas 75216 Church Phone: 214-371-3434 Sunday School.......9:30 a.m. Morning Worship.....11:00 a.m. Wednesday…………12 Noon – 3:30 p.m. The Lord’s Table Feeding the Seniors and the Homeless 7:00 p.m. Prayer 7:30 p.m. Bible Study
Dr. Karry D. Wesley, Pastor
Rev. Juan N. Tolliver Senior Pastor
Noonday Bible Study 7:00 PM Worship on Wednesday
Pastor sylvester D. Patton, III, M.Div. 2406 Childs street - Dallas, Tx 75203 Phone: 214-948-9482 Fax: 214-948-7191 email: website:
Rev. Todd M. Atkins— Pastor 3918 Crozier Street Dallas, Texas 75215 Phone: 214-428-3797
Call us
todaY at Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 am 214-372-6500 Sunday School @ 9:15 am
Rev. Joe H. Moore, Jr., Pastor
Rev. Todd M. Atkins
Prayer & Bible Study - Wednesday @ 7:00 pm
Mount Horeb Baptist Church
Union Hope Institutional
601 Kaufman St. Waxahachie, Texas 75165 972-937-6579 Sunday School....9:15 am Morning Worship...10:45 an Wednesday Night...7:00 pm Pastor Emeritus C. O. Smith
Primitive Baptist Church
Pastor Tedrick J. Woods
2251 Lawrence Dallas, Texas 75216 214-428-0462
PAGE 14 page 18
Eld. Lloyd T. Morgan, Sr.
Rev. H.L. Ward
Sunday School 8 am Morning Worship 10 am
Rev. B.L. Horn
Christ Way Fellowship Dallas District Christian Methodist Bible Episcopal Church
1830 Lamont Ave.Church Dallas, TX 75216 (214) 317-1863 Presiding Elder Dallas/Ft. Worth Region Christian Methodist Sunday School: 9:30amEpiscopal Church Sunday Worship: 8 am & 10:30 am 1616 East Illinois Ave Service: 10:30 am Bible Study: Wed pm75216 Youth Church: 10:30 am (2nd & 3rd Sun.) Dallas,7:00 Texas Intercessory Prayer: 11 am - 12noon (Tues. & Thurs.) Ph. (214) 372-9505 Rev. Dr. Rev. Andre’ Byrd Sr. “COME AND CELEBRATE Bible Study: 7 pm (Wed.) W.C. Champion Dr. Terrence Shepherd GOD WITH US”
Metropolitan Tabernacle Baptist Church
Rose of Sharon
8:00 am Worship 10:00 am Sunday School Wednesday: 12:00 Noon - Intercessory Prayer Thursday: 6:00 PM - Intercessory Prayer
Golden Chain Church 5023 Wadsworth Dallas, Texas Church 214-372-0280
2025 W. Wheatland Rd • Dallas, Texas 75232 Phone: (972) 224-5000
Rev. C.L. Taylor
sunday worship services @ 8:30 am & 11:00 am sunday school @ 9:30 am Discipleship Bible study wednesday @ 6:50 pm
Pastor sylvester D. Patton, III, M.Div.
New Covenant Christian Fellowship Church
Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church
2251 El Paso Grand Prairie, Texas 75051 972-647-1445 9:00 am Sunday School Morning Worship 8 & 10:30 am 7 pm midweek
2217 56th Street Dallas, Texas 75241 Ph: (214) 374-6441 Fax: (214) 374-6490 9:30 am Sunday School 11: 00am Morning Worship
Church School...... 8:30 am St. Paul AME Service Center 2300 Metropolitan Avenue Worship Service...... 10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study... 7 pm Wed.
sMITH CHaPel aFrICaN MeTHoDIsT ePIsCoPal CHUrCH "expanding our Vision of Ministry"
listings with the
elite news
2206 Harlandale Ave. Dallas, TX 75216 Church: 213-372-3828 9:30 am - Sunday School 10:30 am - Sun. Morning Worship 6:00 pm - Wednesday Bible Service 11 am to 5 pm - Friday Counseling
Carter Temple CME Church
Pastor W.J. Atkins
2503 Crossman Avenue Dallas, Texas 75212 Church: 214-747-0752 10:00 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Sun. Morning Worship 7:00 pm - Midweek Worship Pastor Willie L. McDaniels “His Grace Is Sufficient”
October 29, 2010 april 1, 2011
miNisTeRs lisTiNGs
Celebrating 50 Years
elite news
Your minister’s listings with the Faith Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
Sunday Church School.................. 9:00 am Morning Worship........................10:30 am Tues. Bible Class..............................6:00 pm Prayer Service..............................7:00 pm Mission Study Classes...................7:45 pm Rev. Stanley E. Smith
Rev. Joe Patterson
New Leaf Missionary Baptist Church
Rev. R. O. Moffett
Rev. Wendell Blair, Sr.
True Gospel Ministries
Come worship with us, A minstry of caring
Crest View Ministry of “Hope”
Restoring lives and giving hope to the “hopeless”
Rev. R. E. Price
344 E. Saner Dallas, Texas 75216 Ph: 214-946-9262 Sunday School............................ 9:15 am Sunday Morning Worship.............10:30 am Tues. Bible Band/Brotherhood Youth7:30 pm Thursday Prayer............................7:30 pm *Every Saturday “Bible Speaks” broadcast on 1040 AM radio at 3:45 pm Eld. Robert L. Ashberry
Divine Inspiration Missionary Baptist Church
6000 Singing Hills Dr. Dallas, Texas 75241 214-374-6631 Morning Worship 8:00 am & 10:15 am Sunday School........................9:00 am Lord’s Supper 1st Sunday ......6:00 pm Rev. C. J. R. Phillips Jr.
1430 N. Polk Street Desoto, Texas 75115 Ph: (469) 567-1602 Early Morning Worship - 8:00 am Sunday School - 8:45 am Morning Worship - 10:00 am Wed. Hour of Bible Study - 7:30 pm
Apostle Lobias Murray
3317 Morris Street • Dallas, TX 75212 214-638-0918 •
Rev. Christopher T. Willis, Sr.
Pastor Michael and Sherry Perkins
Myrtis Robinson, Pastor
2949 E. Kiest Blvd Suite J Dallas, TX 75206 Church: 214-946-2989 Sunday School: 10:00 am Morning Worship: 11:00 am
1101 Sabine • Dallas, Texas 75203 Church: 214-943-8295 Fax: 214-942-2023 Pastor: 214-942-7474 Website:
Sunday School: 9:00 am Morning Worship: 10:30 am
Rev. B. R. Williams
Munger Ave. Baptist Church “Your Church Home In Dallas”
3919 Munger Ave./Dallas, Texas 75204 (214) 824-8312 Sunday School.........9:30 am Sunday Morning Worship...11:00 am Wednesday Mid Week Service Sunshine Bible Study...10:00 am Fellowship Dinner.......5:20 pm
Rev. Kedric L. McKnight Senior Pastor
“Come, taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalms 34:8
Sunday School……10:30 a.m. Morning Worship……12:45 p.m. Wed. & Fri. Services……8:00 p.m. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17
Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church
Wednesday ~ 7:00
Hour of Power (Bible Study, 1st & 3rd Wed.) D.I.V.A.S. (Women’s Ministry, 2nd & 4th Wed.) M.S.G. (Men’s Mnistry, 2nd & 4th Wed.)
Rev. E.C. Wilson
New Restoration Church
Tuesday Generation Exchange (Youth/Children Happy Hour) ~ 6:45 p.m.
1734 Idaho St. • Dallas, Texas 75216 Church: 214-942-0997 Residence: 972-225-6997
4122 Kilgore St. Dallas, TX 75212 214-630-3195 • 972-274-9911 Sunday Morning Service - 11:15 am Wed. Night Bible Study - 7:00 pm Saturday hour of Prayer - 10:00 E-mail - Supt. & Mrs. Howard E. Falls, Sr.
New Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Rev. Wade J. Simmons Pastor
The House of Refuge Full Gospel Church
Bibleway Church of God in Christ
“Christ-Centered, Faith-Driven, Holy Living”
4325 W. Ledbetter Drive Dallas, Texas 75223 Church: (214) 337-1713 Sunday School … 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship … 10:30 a.m. Baptist Training Union …. 6:15 p.m.
39727 LBJ Freeway Dallas, Texas 75237 972-572-FGHT (3448) 24 HOUR PRAYER LINE: 972-223-9898 Sunday School..........................9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship.............11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship................7:30 pm Tuesday..& Saturday........................8:00 pm visit our website
Sunday Church School ~ 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. New Member Orientation ~ 1:30 p.m.
7407 Fox Crossing Court Dallas, Texas 75232 972-224-0271
april 1, 2011
Steven Temple C.O.G.I.C.
9550 Shepherd Road Dallas, Texas 75243 Ph: 214-341-6459 Early Morning Worship................. 7:30 am Sunday School..............................9:00 am Sunday Morn. Worship................10:30 pm Bible Class..................................6:00 pm Prayer and Bible Study...................7:45 am
God’s “Exciting” Cathedral of Praise Baptist Church
1734 E. Ann Arbor Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 214-371-1349 214-371-0100 (Fax) Formally True Gospel MBC Sunday School...8:45 am Morning Worship Service...10:30 am Last Tuesday in each month Word Explosion – 7:30 PM 2nd & 3rd Tuesdays – Bible Study 4th Saturday - Evangelism Outreach Rev. Calvin Ray Washington
Sunday Service......11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Class........7:30 p.m.
Full Gospel Holy Temple Church
New True Vine of Holiness Missionary Baptist Church
6728 Altaire Street Dallas, Texas 214-375-6504 Sunday School - 9:15 am Morning Worship - 10:35 am Evening Worship 7:30 pm A Church Where The Bible is Our Guide
Call us todaY at
St. Phillips Missionary Baptist Church
Greater New Zion Baptist Church
“Turning over a new leaf” 5044 Veterans Drive Dallas, Texas 75241 214-372-3200 (Church) Sunday School 9:45 am Morning Worship 11:00 am 1st Sunday Lord’s Supper 6:00 pm Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm
CommunitY serviCe
New Mount Zion Baptist Church
4205 Robinson Road/P.O. Box 540515 Grand Prairie, Texas 75054 972-642-9125
2210 Pine Street Dallas, Texas 75212 214-421-4119 Sunday School 9:30 am Morning Worship 10:45 am
Prayer Meeting-Bible Study 6:30-8:30 pm
Rev. Vincent Parker, Pastor
Youth Bible Study & Rehearsal 7:00 -8:30 pm
Rev. Wade Charles Davis
page 19
Celebrating 50 Years list
Your minister’s listings with the
Church 2920 Fordham Rd. Rev. A. L. Banks
Greater Progressive Baptist Church 1966 Life Street Dallas, Texas 75212 214-630-8637 10:45 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday School
Rev. J. J. Raven
elite news
New Unity Baptist Church
Greater Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church
6332 Bonnie view Rd. Dallas, Texas 75241 214-225-2703 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship
Sunday School: 9 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Mid-Week Service: 7: 30 p.m. Transportation Available!!
Ch: 214-371-7026
Rev. Shank Robinson
Early Morning Worship........8:00 a.m. Sunday School........9:30 a.m. Morning Worship............10:30 a.m. Rev. Lelious Johnson, Pastor
1323 so. ewing ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 214-942-4643 sunday school ….. 9:00 a.m. sunday worship ….. 10:30 a.m. wednesday Bible study …..7:00 p.m. reV. lee CraIg
Rev. Paul E. Walker
Greater Shiloh Baptist Church 4010 Sunnyvale Street Dallas, Texas 75216 • 214-371-2262 Sunday School .......9:00 am Morning Worship...11:00 am BTU .......................6:00 am Wed. Prayer & Teaching ... 7:00 pm Saturday Outreach 10:00 am Rev. S. L. Johnson
2200 S. Marsalis Dallas, Texas 75216 Sunday School..............................7:30 am Sunday Morning Worship............10:00 am Tuesday Bible Band.......................7:30 am Friday Pastoral Teaching................7:30 pm Sunday Radio Broadcast...............8:30 am “Come Worship at the Home of The Saints”
Bishop J. Neaul Haynes
1111 E. Ledbetter Dallas, Texas 75241 214-372-4411 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship
Rev. Cecil Proctor
New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church 411 N. Hampton Road Desoto, TX 75115 214-729-3322 Rev. Darrell W. Pryor Pastor/Teacher
Rev. Darrell W. Pryor, Pastor
“Inspiring the Community One Family at a time”
Sunday Services: Intercessory Prayer..........7:30-8:10 am Early Worship.........................8:00 am Church School........................9:30 am Morning Worship..................10:50 am NBC.......................................6:00 pm
Dr. S.C. Nash, Pastor
Third Avenue Missionary Baptist Church “The Church With the 20/20 Vision”
Dr. H.E. Anderson, Sr.,
New St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church
3603 Pugett Dallas, Texas 75212 214.351.7096 Sunday Service…10:45 am. Monday…6:00 pm. Monday School Thursday…6:00 pm. Prayer Meeting Bible Study
Rev. Steven C. Jones
3700 Simpson Stewart Road Dallas, Texas 75241 972-225-1704
“The Exciting” Singing Hills Baptist Church 6550 Houston School Road Dallas, Texas 75241 Phone: 214-375-5952
Early Worship ................8:00 am Sunday School....................9:30 am Morning Worship..............10:45 am Wed. Night Breakthrough....7:00 pm
Mount Tabor Baptist Church
Saintsville Church of God and Christ
4360 Kollock Dr. Dallas, TX 75216 214-375-5190 Fax: 214-372-1620
page 20
Tuesday Bible Study................7:30 p.m. Prayer & Praise Family Night............7:00 p.m.
ewing avenue Baptist Church
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Office: 214-375-0062
Sunday School: 9:00 am Sunday Worship: 10:45 am Tuesday Bible Sudy: 7:30 pm
Neighborhood House of Prayer
Children’s Church 1st, 2nd, 4th Sunday.10:30 a.m.
Bishop Harold Edwards
Rev. Chris J. Evans
“Church of Love” 4807 BurnsideDallas, Texas 75216
1519 Denley Drive Dallas, Texas 75216 214-941-5224 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Worship
3711 Biglow • Dallas, Texas 214-374-5485 9:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Worship 7:00 pm Wed. Bible Study/Worship
Metropolitan Baptist Church “Where we walk by faith, not by sight, joyfully doing the Lord’s work serving the community,” II Cor 5: 7
Church Phone: 214-339-9554 Fax: 214-337-7626
1600 Pear Street Dallas, Texas 75215 Ph: 214-421-3741 Fax: 214-421-3926
Church Of The Living God
1711 Reynoldston Lane Dallas, Texas 75232
St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church
Sunday School.......9:30 AM Morning Worship............ 11:00 AM
Call us todaY at
4129 Idaho Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219 (214) 374-3860 9:30 a.m. – Sunday School 10:45 a.m. – Worship Rev. R.G. Simmons, Pastor
Denley Drive Missionary Baptist Church
Dr. Aaron Phillips
miNisTeRs lisTiNGs
CommunitY serviCe
Living Testimony Baptist Church
Community Baptist
2408 Hatcher Street • Dallas, Texas 75215 Church: 214-428-3695 Sunday School..........................9:15 am Morning Worship.....................10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study............7:00 pm Radio Broadcast: M - F 12:30 pm on KGGR
Rev. Michael D. Pryor
Calvary Temple Community Church
Totally Committed Progressive
1401 Clay Mathis Rd. Mesquite, TX 75181 2403972-222-3708 HarlandaleFaxDr. Church Phone: 972-222-5699
Dr. M.L. Curry, Pastor
Dallas, TX 75216 Website: Ch 214-374-0977 • C 214-864-0470 E-mail: Sunday School........ 10:00am Services: Sunday 8:00am and 10:30am MorningTimes: Worship........... 11:15am Midweek Service: Wednesday Tues Bible Study............. 8:00pm Prayer/Bible Study @ 7:00pm Dr. W.R. PASTOR ANDWillis FIRST Church Motto: We Walk by Faith, 8:00pm Not by Sight " Thurs Joy "For Night.............. 2 Corinthians 5:7 LADY MCCULLOUGH
april 1, 2011
miNisTeRs lisTiNGs
Celebrating 50 Years
elite news
Your minister’s listings with the
Shekinah ShekinahTabernacle Tabernacle Baptist Baptist Church Church 2109 TX TX 2109Beckley Beckley• Dallas, • Dallas, 214-942-2227 214-942-2227 8:30 8:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Worship Service
Rev. Rev. A.A.D.D.Tuston Smith Smith Rev.S.T.
Carver CarverHeights HeightsBaptist BaptistChurch Church “A Christ” “A going goingChurch Churchfor fora aComing Coming Christ” 2510 2510E.E.Ledbetter Ledbetter Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75216 75216 Church: Church:214-371-2024 214-371-2024 Sunday a.m.a.m. SundaySchool......9:30 School......9:30 Morn. a.m. & 10:45 Morn. Worship...8:00 Worship...8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. a.m. Tues. Tues.Noonday NoondayBible BibleStudy Study Wed. p.m.p.m. Wed.Prayer/Bible Prayer/BibleStudy....7:00 Study....7:00
R. R.L.L.Washington Washington
Olive Olive Grove GroveBaptist BaptistChurch Church Lotts Mortuary 4416 Denley 4416South South DenleyDrive Drive 2434Dallas, MLK Blvd, Dallas Tx 75215 Texas 75216 Dallas, Texas 75216 Ph: Ph:214-941-4378 214-941-4378 9:45 School 9:45am am- Sunday - Sunday School 10:45 Worship 10:45am am- Morning - Morning Worship Midweek Midweek Service: Service: Wednesday Wednesday––Prayer Prayerand and Teaching Teaching6:00 6:00p.m. p.m.
Rev. Rev.W. W.Hunter Hunter
Rev. Bradley Rev.Johnnie JohnnieR.R. Bradley
Pilgrim Pilgrim Rest Rest Baptist Baptist Church Church 1819 1819 N. N.Washington Washington Dallas, Dallas,TX TX Ph: Ph:214-823-7308 214-823-7308 8:00 Worship 8:00am amFirst First Worship 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:45 10:45am amSecond Second Worship Worship
Rev. Rev.Curtis CurtisWallace Wallace
april 1, 2011
Rev. Rev.Frederick Frederick D. D.Haynes HaynesIIIIII
Lords Lords Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church
6722 6722 Bexar BexarStreet Street Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-428-5459 214-428-5459 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship
Rev. FreddieCheatum Cheatum Rev.Freddie
14120 Texas 75240 14120Noel NoelRoad Road• Dallas, • Dallas, Texas 75240 972-239-1120 972-239-1120Church Church 972-239-5925 972-239-5925Fax Fax Worship 10:45 amam WorshipServices Services8 8& & 10:45 Sunday SundaySchool School9:45 9:45amam Wednesday Wednesday12 12noon noonprayer prayer
Rev. Rev.Michael MichaelR.R. Hubbard Hubbard Sr., Sr.,Pastor Pastor
2837 2837Prosperity ProsperityAve. Ave. Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75216 75216 Ph: Ph:(214) (214)376-2447 376-2447 8:45 School 8:45am am- Sunday - Sunday School 10:00 Worship 10:00am am- Morning - Morning Worship 5:00 5:00pmpm-B.T.U. B.T.U. Dr. Pastor Dr.T.L. T.L.Brown, Brown, Pastor
1000 1000East EastRedbird RedbirdLane Lane Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-371-9228 214-371-9228 8:00 amam Worship 8:00&&10:45 10:45 Worship 9:30 9:30Sunday SundaySchool School Sunday a.m.a.m. SundayEarly EarlyWorship....8:00 Worship....8:00 Morning 10:45 p.m.p.m. Morning Worship Worship........ 10:45 Tuesday p.m.p.m. TuesdayYouth YouthChoir...7:00 Choir...7:00 Wed. Wed.Prayer PrayerMeeting Meeting.....7:00 .....7:00 Wed. p.m.-p.m.-8:30 8:30 p.m. p.m. Wed.Bible BibleStudy StudyClass.....7:30 Class.....7:30 For ine.or g For Prayer: Prayer: Prayer@hmbconl
Rev. Rev.Jerome JeromeE.E. McNeil, McNeil,Jr.Jr.PhPhD.D.
New New Friendship FriendshipMissionary Missionary Baptist BaptistChurch Church “Where Real & & FriendshipIsIs Real “WhereFriendship The Word” TheMinistry MinistryIsIsThe The Word”
2419 2419Metropolitan MetropolitanAvenue Avenue Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75215 75215 Church: Church:214-421-7211 214-421-7211 Fax: Fax:214-565-1530 214-565-1530 Pastor’s Pastor’sOffice: Office:214-421-8272 214-421-8272 Caregiver’s Caregiver’sOffice: Office:214-565-1147 214-565-1147
Sunday A.M. SundaySchool....9:15 School....9:15 A.M. Morning 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Worship........ 11:00 A.M. Mon.-Christian pmpm Mon.-ChristianEducation...7:00 Education...7:00 Wed. P.M.P.M. Wed.Prayer PrayerMeeting Meeting....7:30 ....7:30
Bishop Bishop Ray RayCampbell Campbell
5707 5707Bonnie BonnieView ViewRoad Road Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75241 75241 214-376-5846 214-376-5846 8:00 8:00am amEarly EarlyWorship Worship 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship
Rev. Pastor Rev.Johnny JohnnyA.A.McGee, McGee, Pastor
Rev. Mitchell Rev.J.J.E.E. Mitchell
Greater GreaterMount MountHebron Hebron Missionary MissionaryBaptist BaptistChurch Church 2335 Texas 75241 233556th 56thStreet StreetDallas, Dallas, Texas 75241
Rev. Rev.Carlton CarltonGarrett Garrett
Concord Concord Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church
6808 6808Pastor PastorBailey BaileyDrive Drive Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75237 75237 214-331-8522 214-331-8522 7:30am, aM 9:15 aM 11:00-12:24 8:00 am,am & 12:00 pm pm 8:00 am,10:00 10:00 & 12:00 wWorship orsHoP Worship
Ph: Fax:Fax: (214) 824-3813 Ph:(214) (214)823-1018 823-1018 (214) 824-3813
Bon Bon Air Air Baptist Baptist Church Church
2020 2020W. W.Wheatland Wheatland Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75232 75232 972-228-5200 972-228-5200 Sun. 8am&10:45am Sun.Morn. Morn.Services Services 8am&10:45am Wed. Noon & 7pm Wed.Bible BibleStudy Study1212 Noon & 7pm
5144 Texas 75223 5144Dolphin DolphinRd. Rd. • Dallas, • Dallas, Texas 75223
Ideal IdealPentecostal Pentecostal
Friendship Friendship West West Baptist Baptist Church Church Rev. Pastor Rev.Daryl DarylCarter, Carter, Pastor
2415 2415Ann AnnArbor Arbor Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-374-3639 214-374-3639 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship
Ervay ErvayCedar CedarMissionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church
Shiloh Shiloh Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church
1114 1114Comal ComalStreet Street Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75203 75203 214-946-3581 214-946-3581 9:00 am Early MorningWorship Worship 8:00 am Early Morning 8:00 am Early Morning Worship 10:15 am Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday School 11:15 am WorshipService Service 11:00 am Worship 11:00 am Worship Service
Hopewell Hopewell Missionary Missionary Baptist BaptistChurch Church
Temple Temple of ofFaith Faith Christian ChristianChapel ChapelC.M.E. C.M.E. Church Church
New New Greater GreaterEmanuel Emanuel Baptist Baptist Church Church
Rev. Rev.Alfred AlfredStapleton Stapleton
Little Little Friendship Friendship Baptist Baptist Church Church
Dallas, Texas
2554 Texas 75216 AnnArbor ArborAve. Ave.Dallas, Dallas, Texas 75216 2554Ann Ph: Ph:(214) (214)376-2873 376-2873 am am Sunday SundaySchool............9:45 School............9:45 Morning am am Morning Praise..........11:00 Praise..........11:00 Children’s am am Church......11:30 Children’sChurch......11:30 BTU.............................6:30 pm BTU.............................6:30 pm Mon. pmpm Mon. Youth YouthMission Mission....7:00 ....7:00 Tues. pm pm Tues.Men’s Men’sMinistry Ministry....7:00 ....7:00 Fri. pmpm Fri.Singles/Family Singles/FamilyMinistry Ministry7:30 7:30
CommunitY serviCe
Call us todaY at
Ebenezer Missionary Riverside Baptist Church Ebenezer Missionary 3132 Lagow Baptist Church Baptist Church 8015Blossom BlossomLane Lane 8015 9:30 am Sunday School Dallas, Texas Texas 75227 Dallas, 75227 10:45 Sunday am Worship 214-388-1200 214-388-1200
Church: Church:214-374-4759 214-374-4759 9:00 9:00am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:30 10:30am amMorning MorningWorship Worship 7:00 pmpm Wed Bible Study 7:00pm pm- -7:30 7:30 Wed Bible Study Thurs. Rehearsal/Usher Thurs.Night Night- Choir - Choir Rehearsal/Usher 7:00 Men’s Night OutOut 7:00pm pm Fri. Fri. Men’s Night
Mt. M.B.C. Mt.Pisgah Pisgah M.B.C. “THE “THEROCK” ROCK” 11611 Chapel Rd. Rd. 11611Webb Webb Chapel Dallas, Tx.Tx. 75229 Dallas, 75229 Worship Services..7:45 & 11 am Worship Services..7:45 & 11 am Sunday am am SundaySchool...9:45 School...9:45 Wed. Study 12 pm 7 pm Wed.Bible Bible Study 12&pm & 7 pm Office...972-241-6151 Office...972-241-6151 Fax...972-243-5279 Fax...972-243-5279 Music MusicMinistry...972-241-5985 Ministry...972-241-5985 Prayer Line...972-243-2037 Prayer Line...972-243-2037
Rev. Rev.Fred FredConwright Conwright
Office Mon.Mon. & Fri...9 am - 3 pm OfficeHours... Hours... & Fri...9 am - 3 pm Tues., Wed., Thurs...9 am - 6am pm - 6 pm Tues., Wed., Thurs...9
Greater Church GreaterEmanuel EmanuelBaptist Baptist Church 2110 2110E.E.11th 11thSt.St. Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75203 75203 214-942-0218 214-942-0218
Rev. Rev.Bryan BryanCarter Carter
9:00 School 9:00a.m........Sunday a.m........Sunday School 7:45 10:00 a.m...Morning Worship 7:45a.m. a.m.& & 10:00 a.m...Morning Worship 6:30 Prayer/Bible Study 6:30p.m....Wed. p.m....Wed. Prayer/Bible Study
Rev. Rev.Burley BurleyHudson Hudson
Pastor: Rev. Robert Townsend Pastor: Rev. Robert Townsend
page 21
Celebrating 50 Years list
Your minister’s listings with the
New Birth Baptist Church
444 West Ledbetter Dallas, Texas 75224 214-374-0828 Early Morning Worship ........7:50 am Sunday School ....................9:30 am Morning Worship ...............10:30 am Evening Worship ................7:00 p.m.
Rev. George Pryor
3610 Hancock Dallas, Texas 75210 214-428-2083 Sunday School.....10:00 am Morning Worship.... 11:00 am BTU.......9:30 am
Rev. K.D. Pace
St. Mark AME Zion Church
2311 E. Illinois Ave. Dallas, TX 75216 214-376-7750 Fax 214-376-2485 Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Worship 11 am Prayer Meeting Tues 12 - Wed 6 pm Sat 8 am - Sun 9 am “You Must Be Born Again”
Rev. John Morris, Jr.
C.C. Robertson
Dwayne E. Rodgers, Sr. Pastor
Your minister’s
news Call us todaY 214-372-6500 1051 West Wintergreen Rd. Lancaster, Texas 75134 972-227-1400 Sunday School ......................9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship .......9:00 am Sunday Bible Class ................6:30 pm Sunday Night..........................7:30 pm
“Come Worship With Us”
Pastor & First Lady C.C. Boyce
Rev. Louis E. Laurent
Greater Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church
2651 Gooch Street Dallas, Texas 75241 Church 214-376-0354 Sunday Inter. Prayer.....8 A.M.-9 A.M. Sunday School......9:15-10:50 A.M Sunday Morning Worship... 11:00 A.M. Evening Worship...6:00 P.M.
Dr. David Wilson
2948 Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75241 Church: 214-631-2226 Sunday School.....9:30 a.m. Morning Worship.10:45 a.m. Evening Worship...7:00 p.m.
Rev. Michael L. Smith, Pastor
Sheep of Jesus Christ Christian Church
1724 Windmire Dr. Mesquite, Texas 75181 972-222-3763 Sunday Service: 10:00 a.m. Bible Study: Monday 7-8 p.m. “….lovest thou me more than these? Feed my sheep….John 21:15-17 Motto: “Where Mature Christians Are Made”
Pastor Kenneth W. Beck
1403 Morrell • Dallas, Texas 75203 214-946-4522 Worship Services Sunday 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM Fullfillment Hour 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship Wednesday 6:30 PM Women, Men & Youth Meeting 7:30 PM Bible Study
Dr. David Henderson
2023 Mouser Street
(214) 946-3584
Rev. J.L. Rainbolt
Early Morning Pentecost ....8:00AM Sunday School.....9:25 AM Mountain top Experience ....11:00 AM Wed. Nite Bible Study........7:00 PM
Dr. Timothy J. Brown, Pastor
Zion Temple Church of God in Christ 4204 Frank Street Dallas, Texas 75210 Ph: (214) 426-5231
Sunday School......9:45 a.m. Morning Worship........11:15 a.m. Y.P.W.W..............6:45 p.m. Elder Glenn Tatum, Sr. Pastor
Marsalis Avenue Missionary Baptist Church 2723 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 Church: 214-943-6007 9:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship 7:00 pm Prayer/Praise Worship
Rev. Lee W. Turner, Pastor
New El Bethel Baptist Church
Open Door Church of God In Christ
705 E. Aimee Street Forney, Texas Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Morning Worship....10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Meeting/Bible Study..7:15 P.M.
207 Eggar St. Waxahachie, Texas 75165 Church (972) 937-4615 Email: Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Call to Worship.... 10:45 AM Wednesday Prayer Service.... 6:30 p.m. “The Church With The Mind Of Christ”
Greater Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
3702 Toronto Dallas, Texas 214-920-2473
Rev. N. C. Sargent
Redeemer Missionary Baptist Church
Community West Baptist Church
Little Flock Baptist Church
page 22
Bonnie View Christian Church 4861 Bonnie View at Ledbetter Dallas, Texas 75216 Church 214-376-8514 Sunday School......8:30 A.M Call To Worship... 10:00 A.M. Wed. Prayer Service & Bible Class..7:30 P.M.
Pastor David L. & Shirley F. Maxey
Lancaster Full Gospel Holy Temple Church
Faithful Missionary Baptist Church 6255 Bonnie View Rd. Dallas, Texas 972-225-7381 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Worship
Call us todaY at
Greater New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church
listings with the
Bexar Street Baptist Church 2018 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 214-943-3579 Early Morning Worship......8:00 a.m. Sunday School..........9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 am
elite news
3314 Detonte St. Dallas, Texas 75223 Church 972-823-1962 Email: Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Call to Worship.... 11:00 AM Mission.......6:00 - 7:00 P.M. Bible Study……7:00 - 8:00 P.M. “The Church Where God Is Glorified”
miNisTeRs lisTiNGs
CommunitY serviCe
Progressive Baptist Church
Beginners Baptist Church
8350 Forest Lane Dallas, Texas 214-349-7701 7:30 am Early Morning Worship 9:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship
Terry White Pastor/Teacher
Evening Worship.........8:15p.m.
Salem Institutional Baptist Israel Baptist Church Church 2023 West Davis Street Rev. Todd M. Atkins - Pastor Dallas, Texas 75208 3918 Crozier St. Dallas, TX 75215 Ph:214-428-3797 (214) 942-7535 Phone Sunday School....9:45 A.M. Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 am Morning Worship .... 11:00 Sunday School @ 9:15 am A.M. Prayer & Bible @ 7:00 pm WedStudy BibleWednesday Study ...6:30 P.M.
Eld. Wallace M. Holyfield
Rev. Morgan Rev.C.C. Todd M. Atkins
april 1, 2011
Celebrating 50 Years Williams, Paul D. 47, of Dallas, TX, passed away March 26, 2011. Wake- Thursday, March 31 from 7:15-8:15 pm at Golden Gate4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy.
CommunitY serviCe
4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy. FuneralFriday, April 1 at 11 am at Highland Hills U.M.C.- 6006 Flagstaff Dr., Dallas, TX In Memorial of Glendale McCartney April 25, 1957 March 30 2011 Services are pending.
For more information contact Singing Hills Funeral Home at 214-371-4311
Rice, Mary Lucille 66. Survived by 2 sons, 2 daughters, 8 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. Wake- Thursday, March 31 from 6-7 pm at Golden Gate-
Channel 21 every sunday Morning at 5:30am
april 1, 2011
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april 1, 2011