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elite news - JanuarY 14, 2011 - vol. 51 edition 2

dr. williaM “bill” blair grand MarShall

ClariCe TinSley dallaS PoliCe Cheif david brown

biShoP henry williaMSon

arThur buSby

K104 Morning TeaM lady Jade, dede MCguire buCK wilde

Chef KeiTh “buTTonS” hiCKS

CarMina barneTT

roland PariSh

angelia robinSon

Clifford Shaw

drew PerSon (The original 88)

Judge eTTa J. Mullin

JoyCe TaPley

lawanda PeoPeS

dJ M Squared

Celebrating 50 Years


CommunitY serviCe

C ity B eat

Jesus Taught People If They Want To See God Work in New Ways They Must Be Willing To Do New Things

henry nelSon

Hebrews 11:1 “Faith is the evidence of things not seen, the assurance of things hoped for”


aith believes that God’s Will done in God’s way will not lack God’s provisions. A missionary who started the “China Inland Mission” saw by 1949 1 million Chinese turn to faith in Christ. Today there are more than 100 million Christians in China as it has become the fastest growing nation in history. Jesus knew that faith and obedience must be expressed in new actions for maturing believers. When the Jesus invited Peter to walk on the water He said in Mathew 14: 29-31, "Come." Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to

sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Jesus said, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" Amen! Often new experiences require a higher level of faith and obedience. Let the Lord show you greater things as you express a new willingness to venture into the uncharted waters of relationships, ministries and obedience. Faith and works should travel side by side, step answering to step, like the legs of men walking. First faith, and then works; and then faith again, and then works again until they can scarcely distinguish which is the one and which is the other. Jesus honored people who risked shame, frustration and disappointment in coming to Him by faith. In Matthew 15:2228 a Canaanite woman came crying to Jesus, "Lord, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demonpossession. The disciples said, ’Send her away’. They came and knelt before Jesus and said, "Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.’ Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted. And her daughter was healed was healed from that

very hour." Amen! Be willing to risk in order to see God work great things for you and your people. God our Father has made all things depend on faith so that whoever has faith will have everything, and whoever does not have faith will have nothing. Jesus knew that people who are not willing to change risk losing everything. A rich young ruler came to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?" Jesus answered, in Matthew 19:16, 21 "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor. And you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me." When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth." Do not let your unwillingness to change cheat you out of the great things God wants to do in and through your life. Amen! Jesus remembered how His Father in heaven told Abram, in Genesis, 12:12 “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing." Amen! The Lord realized that all peo-

CongraTulaTionS To eliTe newS and dr. bill blair on The 25Th anniverSary of The eliTe newS MlK Parade

ple are tempted to stay with what is familiar and secure, but God calls them to greater places throughout life. Ask the Lord to help you to be more like Abraham who staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but who grew strong in faith being fully persuaded that what God promised, He was able to deliver. In another life one night I was working as an emergency technician when a house caught fire and a young boy was forced to flee to the roof. There I stood on the ground below with outstretched arms, calling to this boy, "Jump! I will catch you." I knew the boy had to jump to save his life. All the boy could see, however, was flame, smoke, and blackness. As you can imagine, he was afraid to leave the roof. I kept yelling: "Jump! I will catch you." But the boy protested, "Sir I cannot see you." I replied, "But I can see you and that is all that matters." Of course the boy was saved after he jumped into my arms. To get the rest of the message contact Henry Nelson at:revelations_75044@yahoo.com

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Judge graCie lewiS CriMinal diSTriCT CourT no. 3 dallaS, TeXaS Page 2

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don’t Miss This opportunity Classes 2nd Saturday of the Month (972) 748 - 1646 www.graceis.org new Semester orientation Jan 8 at 8:00am

Janurary 14, 2010

C ity B eat

Celebrating 50 Years


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E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 6 0

Elite News Host 25th Annual Press Conference Jones (Councilman of Wiley Texas), ple of what is to come at this year’s Carrie Forney Gordon (Mayor of Balch Festival. The Elite News is also proud now, ice and cold weather did not Springs) Claudia Fowler (Dallas urban that Chef Keith Hicks of Buttons stop the Elite News from hosting its League), Skip Cheatham (Flava TV) and Restaurant catered for the press confer25th Annual Elite News Dr. Martin many other distinguished guests). ence this year. The menu consisted of Luther King, Jr. Parade and Festival Press Because of the bad weather, only Tenderloin Sliders (center cut Tenderloin Conference on Monday, January 10, at two Parade Marshals were able to on toasted sweet rolls with caramelized City Hall in the Flag Room. The Press attend, Joyce Tapely and Chef Keith onions and horseradish sour cream); Conference was to announce its 25th Hicks. Jordan Blair acknowledged all the Salmon Crostinis (slow smoked Salmon year in hosting the M. L. K. Parade in Parade Marshals for 2011 and they are: served a top toasted baguette slices with Sunny South Dallas. Clarice Tinsley, La’Wonda Peoples, creamed spinach and caramelized red Jordan Blair, Publisher of the Elite Carmina Barnett, Arthur Busby, Bishop peppers & onions) and grilled Ratatouille News, discussed information with Williamson, Roland Parish, Drew regards to the parade, the location Pearson (the original “88”), change for the festival following the Clifford Shaw, Judge Etta J. parade; the history of this MLK Day Mullin, Angelia Robinson, Chef parade and how it was started by his Keith “Buttons” Hicks, Joyce father, Mr. William “Bill” Blair, Sr. Tapley, DJ M. Squared, K104 Publisher of the Elite News, activist, pio- Morning Team (Buck Wilde, neer and former Negro League baseball Dede McGuire, and Lady Jade), player. and Dallas Police Chief David If you ever want to hear a great ren- Brown. dition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s Sponsors recognized at the speech, then you will want to hear Mr. Press Conference were Deven Nucleus Johnson who speaks and Cumnock with the Sterling Hotel sounds just like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mohammad of 97.9 The Nucleus performed his rendition of Beat. A special thanks to all the Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” sponsors for supporting the this speech during the press conference. years 25th Annual Elite News Jordan blair ii, MarK JoneS, beTTye williaMS, PrinCe of PoP, Jordan blair, nuCleuS JohnSon, bJ fullylove, danny Jordan, Jerry ChaMberS, Awesome! MLK Parade: American Airlines, williaM blair Dwaine Caraway, Deputy Mayor Pro Veolia Transportation, Xerox, Tem for the City of Dallas, greeted those ACS, Ace Check Cashing, Dallas Platter (herb marinated pieces of grilled attending the Press Conference and rec- Mavericks, 94.5 KSOUL, Wells Fargo, eggplant, squash, zucchini, red onions, ognized special guests (i.e.…Bennie Gold Metal Recyclers, Dallas Summer celery, cherry tomatoes, red bell peppers Musicals, KRNB 105.7, NBC 5, and asparagus). Chef Keith Hicks is one Dallas County Community of the Parade Marshals and Buttons College District, Texas Lottery, Restaurant is a Sponsor for this year’s Buttons, Coca Cola, DART, MLK parade. Kroger, K104, 97.9 The Beat, Immediately following the Parade, Soul 73 KKDA, CBS 11, the the Festival will be held at the Towers Sterling Hotel, Dallas County Building in Fair Park across from the Schools, KTXA 21, K104, KHVN Automobile Building. Come and be a Heaven 97, El Centro College, part of American history and tradition. and Amtrak. The Festival will consist of various venGreat entertainment dors, Kids’ Zone, a health pavilion and and delicious food are essential live entertainment and much more! for the success of any event. So join us as we remember and celThe Elite News is bringing back ebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther for another year the Michael King, Jr.! “The Peoples Parade,” celeJackson Impersonator “Prince brating 25 years of honoring the of Pop,” Mr. Michael Ray Brooks. “Dreamer.” JOIN US ON MONDAY, JANSKiP CheaThaM (flava Tv), bennie JoneS(wiley CounCilMan), Carrie At the press conference, Mr. UARY 17, 2011, AND HELP US KEEP THE gordan (Mayor balCh SPringS) dwaine Caraway(dePuTy Mayor Pro TeM) Brooks gave the audience a sam- DREAM ALIVE! by: beTTye williaMS






CITY BEAT ..........................................................PAGE 2 COVER STORY......................................................PAGE 4 BITS AND PIECES ................................................PAGE 5 SPIRITUAL GUIDE ................................................PAGE 6 BACKYARD SPOTLIGHT ........................................PAGE 7 COMMUNITY CALENDAR ......................................PAGE 8 LITTLE KNOWN BLACK HISTORY ..........................PAGE 8

Janurary 14, 2010




VOLUME 51 EDITION 2 Contact Information Visit us in person at: 1911 E. Ledbetter Rd Dallas, Tx 75216 214-372-6500 • 214-372-2534 fax www.dfwelitenews.com

MANAGEMENT William Blair Jr. Publisher Jordan “Randy” Blair Publisher


STAFF WRITERS Debra Blair Abron Bro. Gene Turner Rev. Johnny H. King Henry Nelson Pastor Clarence Henderson Dr. Karen Hollie Geraldine Davidson-Hooker Kevan Browning Lola Searcy Bettye Williams

Marketing Director B. J. Fullylove ing@aol.com


MEDIA/SALES Lola Searcy global.net Tyrone Hodge tyrone@elitenews.com


BUSINESS RELATIONS Bettye Williams bettye_elite@yahoo.com

PRODUCTION The Lyons Group LLC info@thelyonsgrouptx.com

DISTRIBUTION Charles Jones Deadlines and Disclaimers Submission of all article, ads, etc., are due every Tuesday by noon. We accept All credit cards. The views and opinions of guest writers and columnists do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher, staff or board of the Elite News. Elite News is not liable for submissions or payments made to parties other than those authorized agents listed below: Jordan Blair All checks and money orders made payable to the Elite News shall be mailed to: P.O. Box 397925 Dallas, Texas 75339


ELITE NEWS SPORTS ............................................PAGE 9 CLASSIFIEDS ......................................................PAGE 16 ENTERTAINMENT ..............................................PAGE 17 BUSINESS LISTINGS ............................................PAGE 13 MINISTERS LISTINGS ..........................................PAGE 18 OBITUARIES ......................................................PAGE 23


Page 3

Celebrating 50 Years


CommunitY serviCe

COver StOry

25th Annual Elite News Parade and Festival… We’ll See You There! by: lola SearCy


or some of our readers it is hard to believe that this Parade started nearly 25 years ago! But, our Founder and Senior Publisher, Dr. William Blair will tell you, “Once a task is begun, never leave it until it’s done. Be the task great or small, do it well or not at all.” He began this task almost 25 years ago, and every year he has performed this task better than the year before. This year is no different. As a matter of fact, dr. williaM this year, the man “bill” blair who started the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade will be handling the Grand Marshal duties. You all know him. He’s our very own Founder and Senior Publisher, Dr. William “Bill” Blair. More than 60 years

5520 So. Westmoreland Dallas, Texas 75237 214.339.6606 www.lifewaychurchofdallas.com

Lifeway Church

ago, he traded his Negro Leagues baseball uniform for a publisher’s pen and started The Elite News. He will start the Parade off with a VIP breakfast, (by invitation only), where Dr. Blair will serve as host. Afterwards, he will lead an entourage of ladies and gentlemen who have agreed to serve as Parade Marshals 1.6 miles down MLK Drive, past more than 200,000 spectators and vendors directly onto the grounds of the State Fair. This year, Dr. Blair has invited Dallas’ top lawman to join him as a Parade Marshal. Chief David Brown, a native of Dallas and a 27 year veteran of the Dallas Police Department, will be riding “shotgun” with Dr. Blair dallaS PoliCe this year. Cheif david brown Then the young lady who has been bringing the

oil ShaCK

news to millions of Dallas/Ft. Worth viewers on television’s FOX4 news, Ms. Clarice Tinsley will be sharing Parade Marshal duties with Dr. Blair. Clarice has won several awards for her journalistic excellence including the George Foster PeaClariCe TinSley body award and Emmy, three Dallas Press Club Katie Awards, two Awards of Excellence from American Women in Radio, just to name a few. Also sharing in the Parade Marshal duties is the newly elected and fresh off her swearing in as Judge of the Dallas Judge eTTa J. County Criminal Mullin Court No. 5 is Judge

“Come And Let God Use You”

Jordan ii

Sunday - 11:00 am – 12;15 PM Wednesday - Bible Study 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

“ S e r mo n s i n 1 5 M i n u t e s T h a t W i l l E mp o w e r , E n r i c h a n d E n l ig h t e n Y o u ”

Page 4

Ingredients: 1/2 lb. ground beef chuck (80% lean) 1 small onion, chopped 1 small yellow bell pepper, finely chopped 1 chipotle chile in adobo sauce, finely chopped* 2 teaspoons chile powder 1 to 2 teaspoons

adobo sauce 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 (15-oz.) can black beans, rinsed, drained 1 (14.5-oz.) can diced tomatoes with green pepper and onion 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro

Senior Pastor

Make It:

Johnny & nuCleuS JohnSon, ownerS www.oilShaCKbodyProduCTS.CoM

see MlK continued on page 11

“Taste Test” Smoky beef and black bean Chili

1410 bonnie view rd dallaS TX. 75203 214-948-1700

Dr. Karen Hollie

Etta Mullin. Judge Mullin has over 19 years of criminal justice experience. She is a graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School and Texas Women’s University and she received her law degree from Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University in Houston. Now if you need some comfort food for your soul, then this next Parade Marshal is the man! He’s Chef Keith “Buttons” Hicks and he’s been satisfying taste buds Chef KeiTh “buTTonS” hiCKS with his authentic southern-comfort dishes every since he was “cute as a button” growing up in the Deep South. Here’s hoping he will share some of his delectable delights with us once he’s completed his Parade

1. Cook beef, onion and bell pepper in medium saucepan over medium-high


heat 5 minutes or until beef is browned and vegetables are softened, stirring frequently. Drain off any excess fat. Stir in chile, chile powder, adobo sauce and cumin; cook and stir 2 minutes. Stir in beans, tomatoes and 3/4 cup water; bring to a boil. 2. Reduce heat to medium-low; cover and simmer 10 to 15 minutes to blend flavors, stirring occasionally. Stir in cilantro. TIP *Chipotle chiles in adobo sauce can be found in the Hispanic foods section of most supermarkets. If desired, remove some or all of the seeds. Any remaining chipotle chiles can be covered and refrigerated about 1 week. 2 (2-cup) servings Nutritional Information: 490 calories, 14 g total fat (5 g saturated fat), 34 g protein, 59 g carbohydrate, 70 mg cholesterol, 1455 mg sodium, 18.5 g fiber

Janurary 14, 2010

DeBra’S BitS aND PieCeS E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 6 0


Celebrating 50 Years

Fourth Ward Baptist ChurchEnnis Texas

Pastor(s) Pastor Steven Edwards

From the Mount

ur Sunday school titled, "Turn To Me and Be Saved" Isaiah 45: 11-18, the lesson high points were, "The way we can turn to God and be save, having the assurance of God having the ability of saving us and putting away our false god so we can please God." Dr. Johnny King delivered the morning message titled, ”God Is With Us" Judges 6: 1-12, his high points were, "Don't defend God Johnny King through limited experience, Don't doubt God through lack of experience and Don't limit God through our own limitations." Come and joins us next Saturday (1/22/11) at 07:00 for our first musical of the year

Favorite Song(s) “This Joy I have”

Favorite Scripture Galatians 6:9

Favorite Saying

“Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face”

Church Affiliations

Director of Youth department Whom do you chose for Church Woman of the Week Contact: BJ Fullylove at 214/372-6500 For reservations call: 972-709-4208 “We’re waiting to pamper you!” Offer valid for 30 Days from publicaton date. 10% Discount on Any Massage Service To Anyone, when you mention Elite News


Janurary 14, 2010

CommunitY serviCe

“Loyalty Is Worth It’s Weight In Gold! It Covers A Multitude Of Weaknesses.”Happy New Year! Debra’s January 2011 Words Of Wisdom FORTITUDE: * Have a positive attitude to overcome difficulties and resist impulses. * Be courageous. * Withstand difficulties. * Tolerate discomfort. * Build inner strength. *Overcome fear. Fortitude in Action: * do homework before play. * Make your child do something for himself even if it is easier to do it for him. * As a family, complete a household task. * Work toward overcoming a fear; Remember (fear) is (false evidence appearing real.) * Practice a skill for ten minutes. FAMILY RULE: Tackle your challenges bravely.


Carolyn Haynes Church Home


Your Invited to the Dedication Ceremony for the Dr. William “Bill” Blair Ballpark (Formerly Rochester Park) February 26th, 2011 10:00 a.m. Sharp R.S.V.P. 214.372.6500

Out of the Eyes of a Layman really overdone themselves in hiring third world personnel. They have hired chef cooks and food preparverything around us has ers who have turned all indications that we American foods into someare moving very fast in thing without American the directions of becoming a taste, and when it comes to third world country. Day by service it gets worse. Every day we see things happening hotel in Dallas has an influx in this country that we have of third world personnel that never seen before. We see all knows absolutely nothing of our fast-food establishabout service. I know what I ments laying off Americans am talking about, because I and replacing them with Third am a hotel person. I started gene Turner World Country personnel. working at the Adolphus All of our streets that are Hotel as a roomservice repaired now days are repaired as if in waiter at the age of 17 years old, and another country. They are repaired the from there to Banquet waiter, Captain, same way third world country construc- front desk, and sales manager at the tion workers repair streets in their home Dallas Grand Hotel for many years country. When our city and state offi- before it closed for good, because third cials give out construction contracts, we world people purchased the hotel, and find that our officials give the most of the rest is history. I was a trainer of these contracts to construction workers waiters on many occasions. I have who migrated to this country, and more never in my life witnessed such service than likely they are undocumented per- in hotels as today. The service was so sonnel. They get these contracts bad in one hotel I attended, I ask one because they bid lower than we do. waiter to send the Matrodee to my When a street is prepared in Dallas it table, and he asked me what was that. looks good until a rain comes along, and Serving the head table from the front of we see that street come apart worse the table is a no-no. These things really than it was at first. I can name many happen in our hotels today, because of streets that are wagon trails because of one reason and one reason only, lower this process, but I am just going to wages. name one (1) Sunnyvale, and from Ann When we call TXU, AT&T, City Hall, Arbor to Kiest Blvd., is like driving over or any other large company for informaditches and rocks. tion, or assistance, it takes forever to Our hotels, major and minor have understand them, and for them to understand you. Why would a large company let persons occupy this type of jobs, who cannot speak the language of this country? You can go to any other country in the world and you will not find any country that will change its standards or language requirements for anybody from another country. We try to appease or satisfy people who migrate to our shores. When we do that, you break your own rules and standards that have governed you a lifetime. A good example of that, look at our are we (uSa) Moving Toward a 3rd world Country?


see LAYMAN continued on page 14


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Celebrating 50 Years



CommunitY serviCe

Advice Column: Ask Karen Hollie The Gift of True Forgiveness


t's hard to b e l i e v e Christmas has past. Yes, as the song says: "It's the most wonderful time of the year!" It really is wonderful! We were flooded with Christmas m u s i c , Christmas lights, and lots geraldine of Christmas davidSon-hooKer "activities." And although the Christmas "fluff" is often distracting, most of us are able to see through the bells and bows. In spite of the world's attempt to pull us away, we generally make time to gather with family and friends and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. But many found this time of year to be very painful. The memories of past hurt, which remain hidden throughout the year, are now driven to the surface. Many are required to face someone who has caused them pain, or face the memory of a past Christmas which brings the person (and pain) back into view. Obviously, this is not the turmoil which God intends for our life...especially not as we celebrated the birth of His Son. Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." We cannot properly celebrate the birth of Jesus without reflecting on why He was born. Through His life He offered us a message of eternal hope, and through His death on the cross He offered us the complete forgiveness of sin. With this single act of unbelievable love, Jesus removed the sin which would otherwise keep us eternally separated from our Heavenly Father. This is the manner in which we are to love and forgive others. Jesus told a parable about a servant who had an enormous debt canceled: "The servant fell on his knees before him. 'Be patient with me,' he begged, 'and I will pay back everything.' The servant's master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go" (Matthew 18:26-27). But when the servant went away, he refused to cancel the relatively minor debt a fellow servant owed him; "Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt" (Matthew 18:30). During this most wonderful time of the year, let's reflect on the awesome gift we have been given through our Savior. Then, let's give to others as we have already received. Let's love and give the gift of true forgiveness.

Page 6

Dear Dr. Hollie, And, even though he sees what she's I am engaged to a man doing, he says he still has to go I’ve been dating for some because one of those times time now. I've known she may be sick for real and from jump that this man he'd never forgive himself. I is a mama's boy, but that love this man with all that's in was kind of what drew me; I’m not sure how much me to him. Don't get me longer I can put up with this. wrong, he's all man, but But on the other hand, I don't the way he caters to his want to turn him loose mom, he also does for because his mommy has me. And so far it hasn't decided to turn crazy. And I been a major problem don't want her to win. because he's been able Crazy Situation dr. Karen hollie to please us both. Well, now for some reason, Dear Situation, since we've been engaged, his mother Since his mom won’t grow up and has turned on me and she demands all stop competing with you, why don’t of his time. He had started cancelling you grow up and stop competing with out on her. If you really love him then stop dates with me to go and do something causing him this kind of stress. You for her. When I brought this up and let don’t have to fight for his attention, he him know I didn't like it, he changed it is your man, so, accept your place and and stopped jumping up every time position. she called. And now, Mama has Dr. Hollie is a local psychotherapist & pasworked out a way to start him back on tor, and for your questions and comments going whenever she calls. She fakes to appear in this column, you can email any and every illness she can think of. askdrhollie@aol.com


Prayer Closet

ast week I gave you the three steps to victory; the same that Moses gave to Israel, and they are 1. Fear not, 2. Stand still, 3. see the salvation of the Lord. Yet after seeing the salvation of the Lord, we are tempted to compromise with the one who seek to destroy us. Pharaoh didn’t want Israel to leave Egypt; therefore he proposed three compromises, which PaSTor ClarenCe are similar to those urged henderSon upon Christians today. Pharaoh was an example of Satan and Egypt was a place of sin. Exodus 8:25, Pharaoh said to Moses and Aaron “Go and sacrifice to God, but do it in the land of Egypt”. In effect “Be a Christian if you will, but don’t be a narrow one”. Satan wants us to claim Christianity, but don’t be a serious one. “Be a Christian, but stay in the world and do your own thing. But, the Bible says “Come out from among them and be separated”, 2 Corinthians 6:17.

Mon - Thurs 11:00 am - 10:00 pm Fri & Sat 11:00 am - 11:00 pm

J-BLUE, Owner Bus. PH (214) 372-6321 100 Highland Hills, Ste. 101 Dallas, TX 75241 www.dfwelitenews.com

Janurary 14, 2010

Celebrating 50 Years

VINCENT’S SCHOOL OF MUSIC - #2 you Could be Playing for your SUMMER CLASSESinSTARTING ChurCh 8 MonThSNOW!!!


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Vincent’s School of Dance

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Janurary 14, 2010


Page 7

Celebrating 50 Years

Birthday's Britini Blair, Jan. 4 - Robert Blair, Jan. 11 - Marc Blair, Jan. 16 LaTonya Spencer, Jan. 16 -Christelle Potter, Jan. 16 - Kimberley Blair, Jan. 21. Cedric Lyons !!, Jan 21 In loving memory of Lois Sawyer Jan. 11 January 15: The African American Museum (AAM) presents an exciting array of activities as part of its Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Program. On Saturday, January 15, 2011 we will host the Annual AAM/KHVN Community Forum and Gospel Concert from 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. The Forum will be broadcast live on KHVN Heaven 97am from 12 noon to 2:00 p.m. and will be followed by the Gospel Concert from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information Contact: Dr. Emma Dawson 214.565.9026 ext. 309 edawson@aamdallas.org


CommunitY serviCe

January 15: National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority to speak at Local Founders Day Celebration. The Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority will commemorate the founding of the 98 year old organization at a Founders day Public Luncheon on Saturday, January 15 at 12:00 noon at the Sheraton Hotel 400 N. Olive St. For more information please contact Bobbye Sanders 214339-5852

COmmuNity CaleNDar

5:00 p.m. The African American Museum (AAM) will celebrate Family Day with fun activities including classes, workshops, art activities, music, African drumming, and dancing. For more information Contact: Dr. Emma Dawson 214.565.9026 ext. 309 edawson@aamdallas.org

January 16: Join Us for Worship Service Sunday, January 16th at 10:45am for our first "Greek, Lodge, Civic and Community Service Organization Sunday" Cedar Crest Cathedral CME Church 1616 E. Illinois Av. Dallas 75216 Rev. Van C. Williams, Pastor

January 29: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will donate needed items, including business suits, household, and personal cleaning products, to Shared housing center Inc of Dallas at the chapters Annual Founders Day Luncheon to be held on January 29 at 12:00 noon at the Doubletree Hotel Ballroom located 8250 N. Central Expressway. For more information please contact Monique Lunsford at 817-456-8671 or email tea08rose@yahoo.com

January 17: from 11:00 a.m. to

January 29: South Dallas Business

liTTle Known blaCK hiSTory by: beTTye williaMS “KaTT”

His name wasn't Martin Luther King-Confusing! According to all accounts, the name on Martin Luther King's birth certificate is Michael and there is no evidence that he changed it. He didn't pick the name Martin Luther out of the air, however. It was the name his father used and claimed to have given to his son. According to Africana.com, Martin Luther King, Sr. said that his son's given name was Martin Luther but that the doctor who delivered him put "Michael" on the birth certificate, something he didn't know until much later. Until adulthood, Martin Luther King, Jr. was known as "M.L." or "Michael."

& Professional Women’s Club, Inc. In Collaboration with the South Dallas Cultural Center Invites you to attend our Black History Program Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 12:00 Noon 3400 Fitzhugh Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75210 Feb 12: It's Lankford /Avenue's 3rd Annual Stomp Teen Violence Event! (By participating in this event you are saying No Bullying,No Teen Dating Violence and No Street Violence. You are saying Yes to positive self -image, positive talent and motivating our youth!) The Event takes place @ Southwest Center Mall Sat. Feb. 12th @ 4 p.m. For more information, please reply or call 214.854.6309. For more information contact Judge Barefoot Sanders Law Magnet Department of Criminal Justice 1201 E. Eighth St. Dallas, Tx. 75203 (972)925-6215

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Page 8

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Janurary 14, 2010

elite NewS SPOrtS

Celebrating 50 Years


CommunitY serviCe

NFL Playoffs 2nd Round You Pickem’ William Blair Sr. Publisher

Jordan Blair Publisher

Barbara McCoy

S. O. C. (AD)

Chris Arnold Mavericks

Roger B. Brown


Leon Simon Elite News Sports

David Pidgeon Starpower

Jordan Blair II College Student

Jerry Bob Chambers











gb @ aTl










Sea @ Chi










nyJ @ ne










last week Picks










overall Standing










BarBerShOP talk with leON SimON


he NFL’s regular season is over. There will be a lot of coaches out of jobs conversely there will be the same amount hired. Prior to the Rooney rule the owners usually would re-cycle a leon SiMon group of about ten coaches. I think back in the day the Houston Oilers hired Wally Lem twice. The Rooney rule made them interview at least one minority. We don’t have the same pool of coaches to choose from. There are still a few names that pop up regardless the job. Jon Gruden, Bill Cowher, etc. you know the rest of them. They demand high salaries total control, and a guaranteed contract. The collective bargaining agreement is up this year. There’s a great possibility that there will be a work stoppage. The sticking point will probably be the addition of 2 regular season games. How much additional money those 2 games will cost in salaries and additional players? There will be casualties. Not just football but all major sports. I thought when the Texas Rangers signed Alex Rodriguez, to the tune of about a quarter of a billion dollars that would be the beginning of the end for the position we know as General Manager, and the end of these coaches that think they’ll have total control. In professional sports you have owners

Janurary 14, 2010

that own everything. Cars to Skyscrapers. A lot of these guys are financial geniuses. They use money like playing Monopoly. High finance is their game. I said their game, yet I get a feeling that there are some people out there that think these financial geniuses are going to turn all this over to a football coach that might have a degree and might not. That worked when players were making $50,000 a year now they’re making that per down in some cases. When salaries are anything else, they get into the twenty million dollar area no one man will make those type decisions. They don’t do it in any business on this planet. When you’re talking one hundred million dollar contracts, do you think some owner is going to give that to a coach that needs someone to keep up with his timeouts, and has to have an agent to negotiate his own contract? Bill Cosby reportedly told Oprah Winfrey to sign your own checks. But sports fans are naïve enough to think these business tycoons are going to let a coach that’s not even the best in his own profession sit down and negotiate a contract that would lock an owner in to a deal with a player worth $100million? The owner of the Redskins signed Albert Hainsworth to a $100 million dollar contract. The owner of the Tennessee Titans made a decision on Vince Young. I have yet to see a Coach or General Manager who is qualified to spend $100million dollars of someone else’s money, or should I say I have yet to see an owner that stupid.


Page 9

Celebrating 50 Years


City Beat

CommunitY serviCe

Martin Luther King, Jr. Worship Services Held Preacher, Pastor and Leader of the Civil Rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther Pastor Stephen Nash and the Mt. Tabor King, Jr. Reverend Patrick Rucker, Baptist Church played host to the Pastor of the Koinonia Baptist Church, presided over the evenings services. Rev. Alvin Green, Pastor of the Rugged Cross Baptist Church gave the welcome and occasion. The Mt. Tabor Baptist Church, The Church of the Living God pastured by Bishop Harold Edwards and the St. Matthews Baptist Church under the leadership of Reverend Willie iMa PreSidenT, S. C. naSh wiTh MeMberS of Dodd, rendered selections. The annual MlK ServiCe Rev. David Wilson led the conInterdenominational Ministerial Alliance gregation in giving. Dr. Lugene of Greater Dallas’ Martin Luther King, Spurlock, Pastor of the Fresh Start Jr. worship service. The service is an Community Baptist Church introduced annual celebration to honor the life and the speaker of the hour. After the legacy of the late Civil Rights Activist, introduction, the Lord’s Missionary

By: Lola Searcy

Baptist Church choir rendered selections. The spoken word was given by Dr. Ross C. Cullins, Sr. Dr. Cullins chose

dr. roSS C. CullinS, Sr. as his subject: Overcoming the Challenges of Freedom. Dr. Cullins recounted the struggles we as AfricanAmericans have faced since the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. Over 148 years ago, President Lincoln freed the slaves. Our freedom back

then was from chains and servitude, but it left us mentally and emotionally enslaved. There is no slavery worse than slavery of the mind. When you are mentally enslaved, you become devalued as an individual. The only way to overcome mental slavery is to give your heart and mind to God. Dr. Cullins was called to preach the gospel in 1970. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Bishop College in 1973. In 1994, he earned a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and in 1998, he earned a Doctor of Ministry from Houston Graduate School of Theology in Houston, Texas. Dr. Cullins serves as the Senior Pastor of the Solid Rock Baptist Church in Humble, Texas where he has served for 24 years.

Sponsored by:

Page 10


Janurary 14, 2010

COver StOry

Celebrating 50 Years


CommunitY serviCe

25th Annual Elite News Parade and Festival… We’ll See You There!... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 Marshal duties?! Bishop Henry M. Williamson, Sr. who now serves as Presiding Prelate of the Eighth Episcopal District, comprising five regions throughout the henry williaMSon State of Texas and over 200 churches. He is new to the city of Dallas, and we thought we’d show him a little Texas hospitality by inviting to serve as an MLK Parade Marshal. He hails from Baltimore Maryland, but today you can hear him live on 97.9 The Beat mixing the hottest music and keeping you informed on the new dish. His show Blast Off Radio airs in LubdJ M Squared bock, Texas on 104.9 The Beat in Waco, Texas 104.9 The Beat, and 101.1 The Beat in Bryan, TX. Is he gonna be mixing it up at the Festival? The CEO of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Family Clinic, Joyce Tapley is another one of our Parade Marshals for this year’s parade. She directs and manages the operations of the medical and dental JoyCe TaPley center. More specifically, Ms. Tapley’s group is responsible for providing primary and preventive medical, dental and behavioral care to residents of Dallas County. Her focus is to ensure that high quality health services are provided to those who normally do not have access to affordable health care. How fitting is it that the woman who is responsible for the day to day operations of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Family Clinic serves as a Parade Marshal at the 25th Anniversary of the MLK Parade! It’s the K104 Morning Team featuring Buck Wilde, Lady Jade and Dede

Janurary 14, 2010

McGuire. Your morning commute to work just would not be the same without the antics of this trio. There’s a new way WILDE way to up in K104 Morning TeaM wake Dallas/Ft. Worth …It’s the BUCK WILDE Morning Show on K104…Hip Hop and R&B! Carmina Barnett has always had a love for Gospel Music and it seemed to be a natural progression for her to pursue a career where she could share the music she loves, and her CarMina barneTT success is evident because she was recently nominated as Gospel Announcer of the Year at the 2010 and 2011 Stellar Awards. Cedar Hill Councilman Clifford Shaw is making his debut as a Parade Marshal. Councilman Shaw was elected to the City Council in 1998 and served as Mayor Pro-Tem from 2000-2004. Clifford Shaw Christian and inspirational Music artist Angelia Robinson will make her debut as an Elite News MLK Parade Marshal. Angela, a native of Washington, DC has always possessed a love for Gospel music and all genres of Music. She has sung with gospel greats like angelia robinSon Yolanda Adams, Shirley Caesar, Hezekiah Walker and Donnie McClurkin. In 2009, Robinson’s song, “Wishing You Were Here” was selected to be a part of the soundtrack for the movie, “Saving God”, starring Ving Rhames.

Formerly one of Dallas’ finest Police Officers, Arthur Busby, Jr., will join Dr. Blair and former coworker Chief David Brown as a Parade Marshal. Officer Busby is one of the founders of the arThur buSby, Jr. Texas Peace Officers Association. Mr. Busby joined the Dallas Police Department in 1973 and retired in 2006. La’Wonda Peoples of American Airlines has decided to trade in her frequent flyer miles for a ride in a sporty Corvette down Martin Luther King Blvd. Ms. Peoples is a 24 – year veteran of American Airlines. Mr. Roland Parish, the President, lawonda PeoPleS Owner and CEO of Parrish McDonald’s is among the Parade Marshals for this year’s 25th Annual Elite News Parade. Mr. Parrish owns 25 McDonald’s franchises in North Texas with sales of over 40 million annually. He opened his first restaurant in 1989. The last five years his company has been named to Black Enterprise magazine’s BE 100, as one roland PariSh of the Top 100 Black Owned Businesses in the U.S. based on sales volume, which means “We’re Lovin’ McDonalds”. Prior to McDonald’s franchise ownership, Parrish worked for 13 years for Exxon Co. USA. And last but not least, rounding out this year’s list of Parade Marshals is #88 (the Original 88), Mr. Drew Pearson. roland PariSh That’s right, Dallas


Cowboys legend Drew Pearson. In 1973, Pearson was selected as a free agent by the Dallas Cowboys, where he rose to become one of the NFL’s greatest wide receivers, earning career records of 489 receptions and 7,822 receiving yards, along with 189 rushing yards, 155 yards returning kickoffs, and 50 touchdowns. And who could ever forget the “Hail Mary” pass from NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback Roger Staubach, that faithful day on December 28th 1975 in an NFL Playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings with less 30 seconds left in the game. Roger Staubach a devout Roman Catholic uttered the words, “Hail Mary” and the rest as they say is history. In an interview with Pearson following the game, he said he thought he had dropped the ball only to find it on his hip! I don’t know where you were on that faithful day, but I remember it as though, it was yesterday and you can best believe I am going to be asking for an autograph and taking advantage of all the photo ops I can get! This year’s parade will mark the 25th year since Dr. Blair and the Elite News made a commitment to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the dreamer and his dream! So, we’ll see you there! Get there early, because you’ll want to have a good seat! And once the parade is over, join us at the Tower Building, located at 3809 Grand Avenue, on the grounds of the State Fair of Texas for some fun, food and entertainment. There will be vendors from all over the state selling their wares and trust me there will be something for everybody! We have invited artists from all over the Country, and joining us again this year is Mr. Michael Ray Brooks, also known as the Prince of Pop! The winner and the runners up of the Michael Jackson Impersonator contest, Jalon Howard and Kerry Williams will be on hand to strut their Michael Jackson moves! Kids of all ages will enjoy the 25th Annual MLK Parade and Career Festival!

Are you comin’? I’ll see you there! Page 11

Page 12


Janurary 14, 2010


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Janurary 14, 2010


Page 13

Celebrating 50 Years


CommunitY serviCe

City Beat

United Way offers free tax help


veryone Britney King ever paid to preThis year, the organization wants to pare her taxes didn’t seem interested help file 10,000 tax returns, says Gary in helping her. Godsey, president and CEO of United Way “They were trying to charge me an of Metropolitan Dallas. arm and a leg, and only talked to me about “In 2010, 285 United Way volunteers everything that I owed,” says the 23-year- helped more than 5,500 North Texas famiold daycare teacher from Oak Cliff. lies save nearly $10 million in taxes and tax But last year, King used Earn It! Keep preparation fees,” Godsey says. “This year, It! Save It!, a free tax preparation program offered by the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas. The program begins its third year of service this week and offers free tax help to individuals and families who made less than $50,000 in 2010. “It’s a program that helps you — not one that charges you $500 just to do your taxes,” King says. United Way and the Internal Revenue Service train volunteers to prepare taxes at 10 locations in Dallas. They help people claim underutilized credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, uniTed way of MeTroPoliTan dallaS volunwhich can provide thousands of dollars of Teer anneTTe edwardS helPS a ClienT PrePare relief. hiS TaXeS. ThiS year’S free TaX PreParaTion "The current tax credits substantially SiTeS oPen ThiS weeK. impact the amount an individual or family can expect to see in their return,” says we’re trying to double the number of famiTexas Sen. Royce West. “When you couple lies we serve and return more than $15 milthis benefit with the free tax preparation lion to our community.” services offered by United Way, the value King went to the Southwest Workforce very quickly becomes apparent. We don't Center site, where she was helped by Paula want anyone walking away from this oppor- Houston, a United Way of Metropolitan tunity." Dallas Earn It! Keep It! Save It! volunteer.

“I see Miss Houston as a blessing to my life,” says King. “She gave me all my paperwork, really helped me and didn’t try to take my money.” This year, Houston will be a volunteer tax preparer for the third consecutive year. She says, “It’s rewarding when you can help someone with their taxes. I like to put people at ease and help them relax. And when they see the bottom-line figure, that brings a light to their faces.” Sen. West emphasizes the importance of giving hardworking families access to IRS-certified tax help without fees. "With the United Way service, people avoid the need for a payday lender and the high interest rates and fees that occur with the use of such services." Making sure people learn about and claim the credits they deserve is part of the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas focus on financial stability, Godsey says. “Local experts have identified financial education as a key component of reaching the United 2020 community goal of moving 250,000 more people out of poverty permanently over 10 years.” For her part, King says she’s telling friends and family members about the United Way free tax help program. “I told my grandmother about it and she’s going to try it this year. It’s never too late.”

More inforMaTion: UnitedWayDallas.org/EKS or 214.978.0081 United Way of Metropolitan Dallas free tax help locations and hours • North Dallas Shared Ministries 2875 Merrell Road 2-8 p.m. Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sat • St. Luke's Church 5710 E. R. L. Thornton Freeway 12-8 p.m. Mon-Tue • Holy Trinity Center 3826 Gilbert Ave. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Mon-Fri (plus 6-8 p.m. Mon and Thu), 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Sat • St. Luke's Community Center 6211 E. Grand Ave. 1-9 p.m. Wed-Thu, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sat • Habitat for Humanity 2800 N. Hampton Road 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sat • Dallas Urban League 4315 S. Lancaster Road 5-8 p.m. Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sat • Women's Southwest Federal Credit Union 4210 Junius St. 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sat • Concord Baptist Church 6808 Pastor Bailey Drive 3-8 p.m. Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sat • New Hope Church 2835 Peavy Road 4-8 p.m. Mon-Fri, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sat • Southwest Workforce Center 7330 Westmoreland Road 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Mon-Fri

Out of the Eyes of a Layman... continued from page 5 public schools, some of them are named after some person that we have never heard of, nor are they in our history books, because they are from the country they came from, plus that person just might have been against free education. You do know every country does not have free education, as we know here in America. That’s why everybody want’s to come here. If that’s not enough, we import foreign teachers to teach in our public schools who cannot speak the language clearly, nor can they teach in this culture, because it is very different from their own. How can a teacher from another culture teach a White American child, or a Black American child? Yes they can, but not properly. We have American teachers with Master Degrees who cannot get a job. And on top of all this these imported teachers receive a big bonus just to come here. This article is not written out of a prejudice standpoint, but a true fact. There is no way I could write about this from a prejudice standpoint because I

Page 14

am a “BLACK” person, and I do not have to go into detail with that. Now, last but not least, our country has set up bank loans for immigrants coming into this country. They can go to a bank and get a loan to set-up a business, no questions asked. We as citizens of this country have to go under the second degree just to apply for the same kind of loan, and still not get the loan. Gas stations will not hire Americans, or put Americans over, or head-up a gas station. Out of every 100 gas stations, 80 of them are headed by middle easterners. If all of these people from over there where our troops are fighting right now would ignite their gas stations at the same time, they could demolish America in a matter of minutes. Anybody who will blow themselves up. What do you think they will do to you? They have proved that several times over. “America rushing toward becoming a 3rd world country. Let us not forget to read our Bibles. May God bless you REAL GOOD and may


Janurary 14, 2010

Celebrating 50 Years

Janurary 14, 2010


CommunitY serviCe


Page 15

Celebrating 50 Years advertise reSTauranT Mr. C’s Catfish and More Serving lunCh and dinner 4909 S. lancaster rd. dallas, TX 75216 214.371-6108 odoM’S barbeCue “voted best ribs in dallas” 810 oriole blvd. duncanville, TX (214) 572-7727


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friendShiP TowerS SeCTion 8/ uTiliTieS Paid highriSe aParTMenTS for The elderly and diSable ConTaCT: Cindy (214) 330-7764


CommunitY serviCe 5

lines for


with one month Commitment

Parade Participants/Marshals/Sponsors/floats itinerary

at Cleveland St. and MLK Jr. Blvd. The staff will coordinate the riders with their floats and will feed the float into the parade procession at the appropriate time.

7:00 am: Marshals and Sponsors: Report to the Tower Building located in Fair Park, enter at the Grand Street Entrance to Fair Park, Dallas, Texas 75215 – you must be present by 7:00 am for a very short awards program and a few words from our Sponsors as well as picture session for the Parade Marshals

REMEMBER: You cannot back the float up, so make good decisions on your driving! 9:00am: All riders of the floats will meet at the float staging area at MLK Jr. Blvd. & Cleveland St. at 9:00pm.

8:30am: This is the suggested line-up time for participants at the corner of Martin L. King, Jr. Blvd. and Lamar St. (Early arrival is suggested for a beginning place in parade) Drivers of tow vehicles for parade floats must check in at the Livestock Building in the Fair Park. The Livestock Building is located in the rear of the Fair Park grounds, Enter the Fair Park (eastbound) thru the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance. (Just follow Pennsylvania Avenue until you see the Livestock Building on the left) Pick up float on the parking lot outside of the Livestock Building. The floats will be connected to the tow vehicle by parade staff. All floats will then proceed in a caravan to the float staging area. The floats will be escorted west on Pennsylvania Avenue to Cleveland St. where they will make a right turn. Parade staff will direct the floats to the staging area


Page 16

PLEASE NOTE: All Parade Marshals need to dress appropriately, (Semi Casual) according to possible inclement weather. We will provide transportation and escorts for all Marshals and we will have a Hospitality Vehicle at the staging

ChriStiaN mOmeNtS

Notes From Union Hope would like to take this opportunity to introduce our readers to who we are. Having had the opportunity to meet some of you and realize that we have not introduced oureld lloyd T. selves to our Morgan readers. We are a friendly and caring church family where everyone is somebody and Christ is the center of our worship. We are “Primitive Baptist” by denomination but don’t let the name cause you to assume that we are “Primitive” in worship or practice. We take the name “Primitive” to mean “first” because we are the off spring of the first known organized Baptist church in America. The Organization with which we are affiliated “The National Primitive Baptist USA was organized in 1907. The Union Hope Church was organized in

Marshals do not leave the Tower Building. A vehicle will transport you from the Tower Building to the starting point 10:00am: Parade starts promptly! The parade route will proceed down the entire length of MLK Jr. Blvd. across Robert B. Cullum Blvd. into the Fair Park grounds. All riders are required to dismount the floats at the corner of MLK Jr. Blvd. & Robert B. Cullum Blvd. at the end of the parade route. Parade staff will direct you from that point. The Green Room at St. Martin’s Place located at 2603 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. is for the Dignitaries, Marshals and Sponsors where they can view the parade.

1969 and has been in its present location 36 years. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only Saviour of the world. We believe that by faith in his finished work at Calvary we are born again. We believe in water baptism by emersion, infilling of the Holy Spirit, living a sanctified life. We believe that the act of salvation is a onetime act by the Holy Spirit, that the process of sanctification is a life time experience. We believe that heaven is the final destination of all believers, that Hell is a real place reserved for those that reject the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Our Morning Message was delivered by our beloved Pastor Eld.L.T.Morgan from the subject “A bad experience on the road of life” Luke 10:25-35. Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan, Pastor used this story to show how Satan encounters everyone on the road of life and does to them what the thieves did to this man Jesus being our Good Samaritan come to us to give us back everything the enemy stole from us. Be Blessed

wanT To win a free darT buS PaSS? enTer To win in 50 wordS or leSS, wriTe abouT whaT you liKe abouT

darT. PaSSeS are good for unliMiTed rideS on darT loCal and eXPreSS ServiCe buS rouTeS, darT rail, and Tre Zone 1 To CenTrePorT STaTion . PaSS iS good froM January 17-23. PaSS value iS $49.00 To enTer PleaSe eMail whaT you liKe abouT darT To JordaneliTe1@yahoo.CoM


Before I had finished praying in my heart, I saw Rebekah coming out with her water jug on her shoulder. She went down to the spring and drew water. So I said to her, ‘Please give me a drink.’ Genesis 24:45 NLT dr. williaM A prayer to be M. CaMPbell answered must first begin in the heart whether or not it crosses the lips. PS – Preachers’ Bonus: Woman at a well…man saying “give me a drink.” Sound familiar? I’m just saying

KeeP The daTe: January 17th 2011 elite news 25th annual M. l. K. Parade and festival Call and geT your SPonSorShiP now for inforMaTion Call eliTe newS 214-372-6500 www.elitenews.com

Janurary 14, 2010

D elite

NewS eNtertaiNmeNt

Celebrating 50 Years


CommunitY serviCe

rollin with a Brotha


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Janurary 14, 2010

elcome to the weekend baaaby! Well here I sit, having failed to control my Christmas spending, holding a seriously emtpy wallet! I wonder W.W. D. K. D..... "What Would Doctor King Do" if he were alive and in the same spot? I can Kevan browning use my imagination, seeing him pouring over the bills at the kitchen table..."Coretta, we are in the hole again with these Christmas bills" would boom from powerful lungs, full of righteous indignation! Then, after a few moment his face would relax into that special, warm smile he had, realizing that the more things change, the more they stay the same... next year I really am gonna control the Christmas spending...I really am,lol!!! I'd like to CoreTTa King salute the Blair Family for it's tireless efforts in our community. I'm so proud to be a part of the Elite News team and look forward to seeing you this Monday, 10AM at the MLK Parade over in Fair Park! The "People's Parade" is something we as a people can take pride in. Yes, it's a little hectic, but everybody gets to participate. That inclusiveness is what Dr. Kings message is all about...Congrats two two dynamic couples, Nelly/Ashanti and Malcolm Jamal Warner/Regina King! It's good to see people professing their love and you never know how it's gonna happen...My partner Bloodhound Benny reports Warner/King have been dating exclusivley for more that a year and have known each other since the 80's when he was on Cosby and she was on 227...Nelly and Ashanti are in love


, but say they will take their time before walking down the aisle! Yea for Aretha Franklin and Michael Douglas! Both Cancer patients recently underwent surgery and are recovering well. Aretha, who's at a Detroit casino recovering called the Wendy Williams Show with a big "How You Doin" and plans on heading the the beach as soon as possible. Douglas has gained 13 of the 32 pounds back he reportedly lost! I love GOOD News, but have to share the bad with you has well...This week marked the 1 year anniversary of the Haiti earthquakes and Haiti is still a mess. Wyclef Jean reports outbreaks of the deadly disease, Cholera, while more than a Million Haitians live in tents or remain homeless. The success story for Internet sensation Ted Williams continues. Wiliiams whose homeless/pandhandling video has recieved almost 10 Million hits on YOUTUBE has decided with some expert help to check into rehab. Williams golden voice has led him from the mean streets of Columbus Ohio to national TV appearances, Kraft Macaroni commercials and various job offers from the NBA/NFL and others in less than a week...Williams and his daughter got into an altercation, as she accused him of drinking. Williams has been clean for the last 2.5 years from the drug/alchohol usage that rendered him homeless...It's good to see he has some real people support.... Good luck Ted Williams! Happy Dr. King Holiday Weekend! R U giving something back to someone, helping someone to move forward, or is it all a b o u t YOU...W.W.D.K. D.? That's somegeorge forMan thing to reflect on, particularly this weekend! Happy Birthday to YOU and Celebs this week: Joe Frazier is 66, Rod Stewart is 65, George Foreman is 61, Charo is 59, Todd"LL Cool J" Smith 42, and Pirates Of The Carribbean Star, Orlando Bloom is 33! Thanks for Rollin With A Brotha in The Elite News and online at www.Dfwelitenews.com

voTing haS begun Please vote 4 Shotz Magazine/Shotzdaily.com dvd/online magazine of the year! go to www.southernentawards.com and vote deadline for voting is Jan 15th 2011 donT 4geT To CheCK your eMail and ConfirM your voTe!

Page 17

Celebrating 50 Years list


Your minister’s listings with the

Greater New St. John Primitive Baptist Church

2529 56th Street - Dallas, Tx 75241 214-372-4076 Sunday School.....8:45 am Morning Services...10 am “Keeping the main thing...the main thing and that’s Jesus Christ”

miNiSterS liStiNgS

CommunitY serviCe

elite news

Call us todaY at

“Sensational” St. Paul AME Church

Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 7550 South Hampton Road Dallas, Texas 75232 972-228-2420 (office) 972-228-2584 (fax) website: www.afmbc.org “We Build People”

2420 Metropolitan Avenue Dallas, TX 75215-3534 Ch. Office: 214-421-1344 www.spame.net

Office Hours 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Thursday Closed - Friday Sunday Morning Worship Experience 7:30 AM - Worship I 8:45 AM Church School 10:00 AM - Worship II

Rev. Vincent E. Davis Pastor

Calvary Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church 4703 Sunnyvale St. • Dallas, Texas 75216 Church Phone: 214-371-3434 Sunday School.......9:30 a.m. Morning Worship.....11:00 a.m. Wednesday…………12 Noon – 3:30 p.m. The Lord’s Table Feeding the Seniors and the Homeless 7:00 p.m. Prayer 7:30 p.m. Bible Study

Rev. Joe H. Moore, Jr., Pastor

Dr. Karry D. Wesley, Pastor



Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 am Sunday School @ 9:15 am Prayer & Bible Study - Wednesday @ 7:00 pm Union Hope Institutional

601 Kaufman St. Waxahachie, Texas 75165 972-937-6579 Sunday School....9:15 am Morning Worship...10:45 an Wednesday Night...7:00 pm Pastor Emeritus C. O. Smith

Primitive Baptist Church

Pastor Tedrick J. Woods

Pastor Sylvester d. Patton, iii, M.div.

Rev. C.L. Taylor

Golden Chain Church

Eld. Lloyd T. Morgan, Sr.

Sunday Worship: 8 am & 10:30 am Youth Church: 10:30 am (2nd & 3rd Sun.) Intercessory Prayer: 11 am - 12noon (Tues. & Thurs.) Rev. Andre’ Byrd Sr. Bible Study: 7 pm (Wed.)

Metropolitan Tabernacle Baptist Church

2251 Lawrence Dallas, Texas 75216 214-428-0462

Rev. H.L. Ward

Sunday worship Services @ 8:30 am & 11:00 am Sunday School @ 9:30 am Prayer & bible Study wednesday @ 7:00 pm

5023 Wadsworth Dallas, Texas Church 214-372-0280

2025 W. Wheatland Rd • Dallas, Texas 75232 Phone: (972) 224-5000 www.newcovenantdallas.org

Rose of Sharon

PAGE 14 Page 18

Pastor Sylvester d. Patton, iii, M.div. 2406 Childs Street - dallas, TX 75203 Phone: 214-948-9482 fax: 214-948-7191 email: smithchapelame@sbcglobal.net

New Covenant Christian Fellowship Church

Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church

8:00 am Worship 10:00 am Sunday School Wednesday: 12:00 Noon - Intercessory Prayer Thursday: 6:00 PM - Intercessory Prayer

2217 56th Street Dallas, Texas 75241 Ph: (214) 374-6441 Fax: (214) 374-6490 9:30 am Sunday School 11: 00am Morning Worship

Church School...... 8:30 am St. Paul AME Service Center 2300 Metropolitan Avenue Worship Service...... 10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study... 7 pm Wed.

SMiTh ChaPel afriCan MeThodiST ePiSCoPal ChurCh "expanding our vision of Ministry"

Rev. Todd M. Atkins— Pastor 3918 Crozier Street Dallas, Texas 75215 Phone: 214-428-3797

Mount Horeb Baptist Church

2251 El Paso Grand Prairie, Texas 75051 972-647-1445 9:00 am Sunday School Morning Worship 8 & 10:30 am 7 pm midweek

Rev. Juan N. Tolliver Senior Pastor

Noonday Bible Study 7:00 PM Worship on Wednesday


Rev. Todd M. Atkins


2206 Harlandale Ave. Dallas, TX 75216 Church: 213-372-3828 9:30 am - Sunday School 10:30 am - Sun. Morning Worship 6:00 pm - Wednesday Bible Service 11 am to 5 pm - Friday Counseling

Sunday School 8 am Morning Worship 10 am

Rev. B.L. Horn

Dallas District Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Presiding Elder Dallas/Ft. Worth Region Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 1616 East Illinois Ave Dallas, Texas 75216 Ph. (214) 372-9505

Rev. Dr. W.C. Champion

Carter Temple CME Church

Pastor W.J. Atkins

www.dfwelitenews.com www.dfwelitenews.com

2503 Crossman Avenue Dallas, Texas 75212 Church: 214-747-0752 10:00 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Sun. Morning Worship 7:00 pm - Midweek Worship Pastor Willie L. McDaniels “His Grace Is Sufficient”

October 29, 2010 Janurary 14, 2010

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Celebrating 50 Years


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Janurary 14, 2010


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Page 19

Celebrating 50 Years list

Your minister’s listings with the

Church 2920 Fordham Rd. Rev. A. L. Banks

Greater Progressive Baptist Church 1966 Life Street Dallas, Texas 75212 214-630-8637 10:45 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday School

Rev. J. J. Raven

elite news

New Unity Baptist Church

Greater Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church

6332 Bonnie view Rd. Dallas, Texas 75241 214-225-2703 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship

Sunday School: 9 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Mid-Week Service: 7: 30 p.m. Transportation Available!!

Ch: 214-371-7026

Rev. Shank Robinson

Early Morning Worship........8:00 a.m. Sunday School........9:30 a.m. Morning Worship............10:30 a.m. Rev. Lelious Johnson, Pastor

1323 So. ewing ave. dallas, Texas 75216 214-942-4643 Sunday School ….. 9:00 a.m. Sunday worship ….. 10:30 a.m. wednesday bible Study …..7:00 p.m. rev. lee Craig

Rev. Paul E. Walker

Greater Shiloh Baptist Church 4010 Sunnyvale Street Dallas, Texas 75216 • 214-371-2262 Sunday School .......9:00 am Morning Worship...11:00 am BTU .......................6:00 am Wed. Prayer & Teaching ... 7:00 pm Saturday Outreach 10:00 am Rev. S. L. Johnson


2200 S. Marsalis Dallas, Texas 75216 Sunday School..............................7:30 am Sunday Morning Worship............10:00 am Tuesday Bible Band.......................7:30 am Friday Pastoral Teaching................7:30 pm Sunday Radio Broadcast...............8:30 am “Come Worship at the Home of The Saints”

Bishop J. Neaul Haynes

Rev. Cecil Proctor

New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church 411 N. Hampton Road Desoto, TX 75115 214-729-3322 Rev. Darrell W. Pryor Pastor/Teacher

“Inspiring the Community One Family at a time”

Rev. Darrell W. Pryor, Pastor

Sunday Services: Intercessory Prayer..........7:30-8:10 am Early Worship.........................8:00 am Church School........................9:30 am Morning Worship..................10:50 am NBC.......................................6:00 pm

Dr. S.C. Nash, Pastor

Third Avenue Missionary Baptist Church “The Church With the 20/20 Vision”

Dr. H.E. Anderson, Sr.,

Full Gospel Tabernacle, NTC

2408 Hatcher Street • Dallas, Texas 75215 Church: 214-428-3695 Sunday School..........................9:15 am Morning Worship.....................10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study............7:00 pm Radio Broadcast: M - F 12:30 pm on KGGR

Rev. Michael D. Pryor

Totally Committed Progressive

623 E. Woodin Blvd. at Marsalis Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 (214) 943-3760 Pastorfavors@yahoo.com “Reaching the lost at any cost.”

Sunday Morning Worship: 10:00 am. Sunday Night Evangelistic Service: 7:00 pm. Wednesday Night Bible Study: 8:00 pm. Friday Night Youth Service 8:00 pm. Radio Broadcast • KGGR 1040 AM • Every Saturday Morning 11:15am

1111 E. Ledbetter Dallas, Texas 75241 214-372-4411 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship

3700 Simpson Stewart Road Dallas, Texas 75241 972-225-1704

“The Exciting” Singing Hills Baptist Church 6550 Houston School Road Dallas, Texas 75241 Phone: 214-375-5952

Early Worship ................8:00 am Sunday School....................9:30 am Morning Worship..............10:45 am Wed. Night Breakthrough....7:00 pm

Rev. Steven C. Jones

e-mail: revscj@swbell.net

Mount Tabor Baptist Church

Saintsville Church of God and Christ

4360 Kollock Dr. Dallas, TX 75216 214-375-5190 Fax: 214-372-1620

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Tuesday Bible Study................7:30 p.m. Prayer & Praise Family Night............7:00 p.m.

ewing avenue baptist Church

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

Office: 214-375-0062

Sunday School: 9:00 am Sunday Worship: 10:45 am Tuesday Bible Sudy: 7:30 pm

Neighborhood House of Prayer

Children’s Church 1st, 2nd, 4th Sunday.10:30 a.m.

Bishop Harold Edwards

Rev. Chris J. Evans

“Church of Love” 4807 BurnsideDallas, Texas 75216

1519 Denley Drive Dallas, Texas 75216 214-941-5224 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Worship

3711 Biglow • Dallas, Texas 214-374-5485 9:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Worship 7:00 pm Wed. Bible Study/Worship

Metropolitan Baptist Church “Where we walk by faith, not by sight, joyfully doing the Lord’s work serving the community,” II Cor 5: 7

Church Phone: 214-339-9554 Fax: 214-337-7626

1600 Pear Street Dallas, Texas 75215 Ph: 214-421-3741 Fax: 214-421-3926

Church Of The Living God


1711 Reynoldston Lane Dallas, Texas 75232

St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church

Sunday School.......9:30 AM Morning Worship............ 11:00 AM

Call us todaY at

4129 Idaho Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219 (214) 374-3860 9:30 a.m. – Sunday School 10:45 a.m. – Worship Rev. R.G. Simmons, Pastor

Denley Drive Missionary Baptist Church

Dr. Aaron Phillips

miNiSterS liStiNgS

CommunitY serviCe

Living Testimony Baptist Church

Community Baptist





2403 Harlandale Dr. Dallas, TX 75216 Ch 214-374-0977 • C 214-864-0470 Sunday School........ 10:00am Morning Worship........... 11:15am Tues Bible Study............. 8:00pm Thurs Joy Night.............. 8:00pm


Janurary 14, 2010

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Celebrating 50 Years


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Your minister’s listings with the

Shekinah ShekinahTabernacle Tabernacle Baptist Baptist Church Church 2109 TX TX 2109Beckley Beckley• Dallas, • Dallas, 214-942-2227 214-942-2227 8:30 8:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Worship Service


Rev. Rev. A.A.D.D.Tuston Smith Smith Rev.S.T.

Carver CarverHeights HeightsBaptist BaptistChurch Church “A Christ” “A going goingChurch Churchfor fora aComing Coming Christ” 2510 2510E.E.Ledbetter Ledbetter Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75216 75216 Church: Church:214-371-2024 214-371-2024 Sunday a.m.a.m. SundaySchool......9:30 School......9:30 Morn. a.m. & 10:45 Morn. Worship...8:00 Worship...8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. a.m. Tues. Tues.Noonday NoondayBible BibleStudy Study Wed. p.m.p.m. Wed.Prayer/Bible Prayer/BibleStudy....7:00 Study....7:00

R. R.L.L.Washington Washington

Olive Olive Grove GroveBaptist BaptistChurch Church Lotts Mortuary 4416 Denley 4416South South DenleyDrive Drive 2434Dallas, MLK Blvd, Dallas Tx 75215 Texas 75216 Dallas, Texas 75216 Ph: Ph:214-941-4378 214-941-4378 9:45 School 9:45am am- Sunday - Sunday School 10:45 Worship 10:45am am- Morning - Morning Worship Midweek Midweek Service: Service: Wednesday Wednesday––Prayer Prayerand and Teaching Teaching6:00 6:00p.m. p.m.

Rev. Rev.W. W.Hunter Hunter

Rev. Bradley Rev.Johnnie JohnnieR.R. Bradley

Pilgrim Pilgrim Rest Rest Baptist Baptist Church Church 1819 1819 N. N.Washington Washington Dallas, Dallas,TX TX Ph: Ph:214-823-7308 214-823-7308 8:00 Worship 8:00am amFirst First Worship 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:45 10:45am amSecond Second Worship Worship

Rev. Rev.Curtis CurtisWallace Wallace

Janurary 14, 2010

Rev. Rev.Frederick Frederick D. D.Haynes HaynesIIIIII

Lords Lords Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church

6722 6722 Bexar BexarStreet Street Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-428-5459 214-428-5459 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship

Rev. FreddieCheatum Cheatum Rev.Freddie

14120 Texas 75240 14120Noel NoelRoad Road• Dallas, • Dallas, Texas 75240 972-239-1120 972-239-1120Church Church 972-239-5925 972-239-5925Fax Fax Worship 10:45 amam WorshipServices Services8 8& & 10:45 Sunday SundaySchool School9:45 9:45amam Wednesday Wednesday12 12noon noonprayer prayer

Rev. Rev.Michael MichaelR.R. Hubbard Hubbard Sr., Sr.,Pastor Pastor

2837 2837Prosperity ProsperityAve. Ave. Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75216 75216 Ph: Ph:(214) (214)376-2447 376-2447 8:45 School 8:45am am- Sunday - Sunday School 10:00 Worship 10:00am am- Morning - Morning Worship 5:00 5:00pmpm-B.T.U. B.T.U. Dr. Pastor Dr.T.L. T.L.Brown, Brown, Pastor

1000 1000East EastRedbird RedbirdLane Lane Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-371-9228 214-371-9228 8:00 amam Worship 8:00&&10:45 10:45 Worship 9:30 9:30Sunday SundaySchool School

www.hmbconline.org www.hmbconline.org Sunday a.m.a.m. SundayEarly EarlyWorship....8:00 Worship....8:00 Morning 10:45 p.m.p.m. Morning Worship Worship........ 10:45 Tuesday p.m.p.m. TuesdayYouth YouthChoir...7:00 Choir...7:00 Wed. p.mp.m Wed.Prayer PrayerMeeting Meeting.....7:00 .....7:00 Wed. p.m.-p.m.-8:30 8:30 p.m. p.m. Wed.Bible BibleStudy StudyClass.....7:30 Class.....7:30 For ine.or g Prayer@hmbconline.org For Prayer: Prayer: Prayer@hmbconl

Rev. Rev.Jerome JeromeE.E. McNeil, McNeil,Jr.Jr.PhPhD.D.

New New Friendship FriendshipMissionary Missionary Baptist BaptistChurch Church “Where Real & & FriendshipIsIs Real “WhereFriendship The Word” TheMinistry MinistryIsIsThe The Word”

2419 2419Metropolitan MetropolitanAvenue Avenue Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75215 75215 Church: Church:214-421-7211 214-421-7211 Fax: Fax:214-565-1530 214-565-1530 Pastor’s Pastor’sOffice: Office:214-421-8272 214-421-8272 Caregiver’s Caregiver’sOffice: Office:214-565-1147 214-565-1147 www.newfriendshipmissionarybaptistchurch.com www.newfriendshipmissionarybaptistchurch.com

Sunday A.M. SundaySchool....9:15 School....9:15 A.M. Morning 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Worship........ 11:00 A.M. Mon.-Christian pmpm Mon.-ChristianEducation...7:00 Education...7:00 Wed. P.M.P.M. Wed.Prayer PrayerMeeting Meeting....7:30 ....7:30

Bishop Bishop Ray RayCampbell Campbell

5707 5707Bonnie BonnieView ViewRoad Road Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75241 75241 214-376-5846 214-376-5846 8:00 8:00am amEarly EarlyWorship Worship 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship www.bambc.org www.bambc.org

Rev. Pastor Rev.Johnny JohnnyA.A.McGee, McGee, Pastor

Rev. Mitchell Rev.J.J.E.E. Mitchell

Greater GreaterMount MountHebron Hebron Missionary MissionaryBaptist BaptistChurch Church 2335 Texas 75241 233556th 56thStreet StreetDallas, Dallas, Texas 75241

Rev. Rev.Carlton CarltonGarrett Garrett

Concord Concord Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church

6808 6808Pastor PastorBailey BaileyDrive Drive Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75237 75237 214-331-8522 214-331-8522 7:30am, aM 9:15 aM 11:00-12:24 8:00 am,am & 12:00 pm pm 8:00 am,10:00 10:00 & 12:00 wWorship orShoP Worship

Ph: Fax:Fax: (214) 824-3813 Ph:(214) (214)823-1018 823-1018 (214) 824-3813

Bon Bon Air Air Baptist Baptist Church Church

2020 2020W. W.Wheatland Wheatland Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75232 75232 972-228-5200 972-228-5200 Sun. 8am&10:45am Sun.Morn. Morn.Services Services 8am&10:45am Wed. Noon & 7pm Wed.Bible BibleStudy Study1212 Noon & 7pm

5144 Texas 75223 5144Dolphin DolphinRd. Rd. • Dallas, • Dallas, Texas 75223

Ideal IdealPentecostal Pentecostal

Friendship Friendship West West Baptist Baptist Church Church Rev. Pastor Rev.Daryl DarylCarter, Carter, Pastor

2415 2415Ann AnnArbor Arbor Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-374-3639 214-374-3639 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship

Ervay ErvayCedar CedarMissionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church

Shiloh Shiloh Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church

1114 1114Comal ComalStreet Street Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75203 75203 214-946-3581 214-946-3581 9:00 am Early MorningWorship Worship 8:00 am Early Morning 8:00 am Early Morning Worship 10:15 am Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday School 11:15 am WorshipService Service 11:00 am Worship 11:00 am Worship Service

Hopewell Hopewell Missionary Missionary Baptist BaptistChurch Church

Temple Temple of ofFaith Faith Christian ChristianChapel ChapelC.M.E. C.M.E. Church Church

New New Greater GreaterEmanuel Emanuel Baptist Baptist Church Church

Rev. Rev.Alfred AlfredStapleton Stapleton


Little Little Friendship Friendship Baptist Baptist Church Church

Dallas, Texas

2554 Texas 75216 AnnArbor ArborAve. Ave.Dallas, Dallas, Texas 75216 2554Ann Ph: Ph:(214) (214)376-2873 376-2873 am am Sunday SundaySchool............9:45 School............9:45 Morning am am Morning Praise..........11:00 Praise..........11:00 Children’s am am Church......11:30 Children’sChurch......11:30 BTU.............................6:30 pm BTU.............................6:30 pm Mon. pmpm Mon. Youth YouthMission Mission....7:00 ....7:00 Tues. pm pm Tues.Men’s Men’sMinistry Ministry....7:00 ....7:00 Fri. pmpm Fri.Singles/Family Singles/FamilyMinistry Ministry7:30 7:30

CommunitY serviCe

Call us todaY at

Ebenezer Missionary Riverside Baptist Church Ebenezer Missionary 3132 Lagow Baptist Church Baptist Church 8015Blossom BlossomLane Lane 8015 9:30 am Sunday School Dallas, Texas Texas 75227 Dallas, 75227 10:45 Sunday am Worship 214-388-1200 214-388-1200


Church: Church:214-374-4759 214-374-4759 9:00 9:00am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:30 10:30am amMorning MorningWorship Worship 7:00 pmpm Wed Bible Study 7:00pm pm- -7:30 7:30 Wed Bible Study Thurs. Rehearsal/Usher Thurs.Night Night- Choir - Choir Rehearsal/Usher 7:00 Men’s Night OutOut 7:00pm pm Fri. Fri. Men’s Night

Mt. M.B.C. Mt.Pisgah Pisgah M.B.C. “THE “THEROCK” ROCK” 11611 Chapel Rd. Rd. 11611Webb Webb Chapel Dallas, Tx.Tx. 75229 Dallas, 75229 Worship Services..7:45 & 11 am Worship Services..7:45 & 11 am Sunday am am SundaySchool...9:45 School...9:45 Wed. Study 12 pm 7 pm Wed.Bible Bible Study 12&pm & 7 pm Office...972-241-6151 Office...972-241-6151 Fax...972-243-5279 Fax...972-243-5279 Music MusicMinistry...972-241-5985 Ministry...972-241-5985 Prayer Line...972-243-2037 Prayer Line...972-243-2037

Rev. Rev.Fred FredConwright Conwright

Office Mon.Mon. & Fri...9 am - 3 pm OfficeHours... Hours... & Fri...9 am - 3 pm Tues., Wed., Thurs...9 am - 6am pm - 6 pm Tues., Wed., Thurs...9 Website...www.dallasmtpisgah.org Website...www.dallasmtpisgah.org

Greater Church GreaterEmanuel EmanuelBaptist Baptist Church 2110 2110E.E.11th 11thSt.St. Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75203 75203 214-942-0218 214-942-0218

Rev. Rev.Bryan BryanCarter Carter

9:00 School 9:00a.m........Sunday a.m........Sunday School 7:45 10:00 a.m...Morning Worship 7:45a.m. a.m.& & 10:00 a.m...Morning Worship 6:30 Prayer/Bible Study 6:30p.m....Wed. p.m....Wed. Prayer/Bible Study


Rev. Rev.Burley BurleyHudson Hudson

Pastor: Rev. Robert Townsend Pastor: Rev. Robert Townsend

Page 21

Celebrating 50 Years list

Your minister’s listings with the

New Birth Baptist Church

444 West Ledbetter Dallas, Texas 75224 214-374-0828 Early Morning Worship ........7:50 am Sunday School ....................9:30 am Morning Worship ...............10:30 am Evening Worship ................7:00 p.m.

Rev. George Pryor

3610 Hancock Dallas, Texas 75210 214-428-2083 Sunday School.....10:00 am Morning Worship.... 11:00 am BTU.......9:30 am

Rev. K.D. Pace

St. Mark AME Zion Church

2311 E. Illinois Ave. Dallas, TX 75216 214-376-7750 Fax 214-376-2485 stmarkameziondallas.org Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Worship 11 am Prayer Meeting Tues 12 - Wed 6 pm Sat 8 am - Sun 9 am “You Must Be Born Again”

C.C. Robertson

Rev. N. C. Sargent

Little Flock Baptist Church

Bonnie View Christian Church 4861 Bonnie View at Ledbetter Dallas, Texas 75216 Church 214-376-8514 Sunday School......8:30 A.M Call To Worship... 10:00 A.M. Wed. Prayer Service & Bible Class..7:30 P.M.

3104 Gibbs Williams Road Dallas, Texas Sunday School ... 9:00 A.M. Morning Service ... 10:30 A.M. Evening Worship ... 6:00 P.M. Wed. Bible Study ... 7:00 P.M.

1051 West Wintergreen Rd. Lancaster, Texas 75134 972-227-1400 Sunday School ......................9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship .......9:00 am Sunday Bible Class ................6:30 pm Sunday Night..........................7:30 pm

Pastor David L. & Shirley F. Maxey

Rev. Louis E. Laurent

Greater Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church

Dwayne E. Rodgers, Sr. Pastor

Dr. David Wilson

Rev. Lee W. Turner, Pastor

2948 Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75241 Church: 214-631-2226 Sunday School.....9:30 a.m. Morning Worship.10:45 a.m. Evening Worship...7:00 p.m.

Rev. Michael L. Smith, Pastor

Sheep of Jesus Christ Christian Church

Kevin A. Powell, Pastor

1724 Windmire Dr. Mesquite, Texas 75181 972-222-3763 kennethbeck@clear.net Sunday Service: 10:00 a.m. Bible Study: Monday 7-8 p.m. “….lovest thou me more than these? Feed my sheep….John 21:15-17 Motto: “Where Mature Christians Are Made”

Pastor Kenneth W. Beck

Greater Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church

Pastor & First Lady C.C. Boyce

1403 Morrell • Dallas, Texas 75203 214-946-4522 Worship Services Sunday 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM Fullfillment Hour 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship Wednesday 6:30 PM Women, Men & Youth Meeting 7:30 PM Bible Study

Dr. David Henderson

New El Bethel Baptist Church 2023 Mouser Street

(214) 946-3584 Early Morning Pentecost ....8:00AM Sunday School.....9:25 AM Mountain top Experience ....11:00 AM Wed. Nite Bible Study........7:00 PM

Dr. Timothy J. Brown, Pastor

Zion Temple Church of God in Christ 4204 Frank Street Dallas, Texas 75210 Ph: (214) 426-5231

Sunday School......9:45 a.m. Morning Worship........11:15 a.m. Y.P.W.W..............6:45 p.m. Elder Glenn Tatum, Sr. Pastor

Evening Worship.........8:15p.m.

Eld. Wallace M. Holyfield

Israel Baptist Church

Marsalis Avenue Missionary Baptist Church 2723 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 Church: 214-943-6007 9:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship 7:00 pm Prayer/Praise Worship

207 Eggar St. Waxahachie, Texas 75165 Church (972) 937-4615 Email: iwturner@prodigy.net Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Call to Worship.... 10:45 AM Wednesday Prayer Service.... 6:30 p.m. “The Church With The Mind Of Christ”

Redeemer Missionary Baptist Church

601 N. Hampton Rd. ~ Desoto, Texas 75115 Phone: (972) 274-1074 ~ Fax: (972) 274-1117 Sunday School Time: 9:00 am SundayService: 10:00 am Wednesday Mid-week Service Bible Study 7:00 pm - Choir Rehearsal 8:00 pm Rev. Robert Bonner Jeremiah 3:15

2651 Gooch Street Dallas, Texas 75241 Church 214-376-0354 Sunday Inter. Prayer.....8 A.M.-9 A.M. Sunday School......9:15-10:50 A.M Sunday Morning Worship... 11:00 A.M. Evening Worship...6:00 P.M.


Greater New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church

Open Door Church of God In Christ

705 E. Aimee Street Forney, Texas Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Morning Worship....10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Meeting/Bible Study..7:15 P.M.

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3314 Detonte St. Dallas, Texas 75223 Church 972-823-1962 Email: progressivechurch@swbglobal.net Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Call to Worship.... 11:00 AM Mission.......6:00 - 7:00 P.M. Bible Study……7:00 - 8:00 P.M. “The Church Where God Is Glorified”

Grace Of God Baptist Church

Faithful Missionary Baptist Church 6255 Bonnie View Rd. Dallas, Texas 972-225-7381 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Worship

Call us todaY at

Lancaster Full Gospel Holy Temple Church

Bexar Street Baptist Church 2018 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 214-943-3579 Early Morning Worship......8:00 a.m. Sunday School..........9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 am

elite news

The Called Fellowship Baptist Church

Rev. John Morris, Jr.

miNiSterS liStiNgS

CommunitY serviCe

Progressive Baptist Church

Beginners Baptist Church

8350 Forest Lane Dallas, Texas 214-349-7701 7:30 am Early Morning Worship 9:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship


Terry White Pastor/Teacher


2023 West Davis Street Dallas, Texas 75208 Ph: (214) 942-7535 Sunday School....9:45 A.M. Morning Worship .... 11:00 A.M. Wed Bible Study ...6:30 P.M.

Rev. C.C. Morgan

Janurary 14, 2010


Celebrating 50 Years

Armstrong, Jr., Rayford Oct. 8th, 1990-Jan. 8th, 2011 20. Survived by parents, Rayford Sr. and LaShanda Armstrong, fiancee', Mercedez Wilson, brothers, Ketric, Rayshad and Rayshon, sisters, Crystal, Rachelle and Raygan and a host of aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. WakeFriday, January 14 from 8:30-9:30 pm at Golden Gate- 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy. Funeral- Saturday, January 15 at 12 noon at Greater Mt. Pilgrim B.C.- 1010 Bayonne, Dallas Kirby, Chris 29. Survived by wife, Sha'kerrius Kirby, son, Christopher Kirby, Jr., daughter, Shania Kirby, mother, Bernice Kirby and father,

Waymon Kirby, Sr. Wake- Friday, January 14 from 7-8 pm. FuneralSaturday, January 15 at 11 am. Both services will be held at New Leaf M.B.C.- 5044 Veterans Dr., Dallas, TX 75216 Linell, Jr., Carl Lee 29. Survived by mother, Denise Jenkins, father, Carl L. Linell, Sr., son, Ashad Silas Linell, sister, Kindra Linell, grandmother, Etta Jenkins and special friend, Sonya. Wake- Thursday, January 13 from 7:15-8:15 pm at Golden Gate- 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy. Funeral- Friday, January 14 at 11 am at Johnson Chapel Community Church1400 N. Hampton Road, Desoto, TX. McClendon, Steve Ray 59. Wake- Friday,


CommunitY serviCe

January 14 from 7:15-8:15 pm at Golden Gate- 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy.

Mrs Ruby Shaw (April 1919- January 11, 2011)

Mrs. Ruby Shaw was born in Hallsville Texas in April, 1919 and departed January 11, 2011. Mrs Shaw became a Christian at an early age at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. She later married Roosevelt Shaw in October 1939. To

this union, eight children were born; Merrill, Maxine, Roosevelt, Nelda, Robert, Vivian, Marvin, and Clifford. There are 16 grand children, 14 great-grand children, and three great-great-grand children. Mrs. Ruby Shaw lived a great and fruitful life. She would tell you what she thought and would mean what she said. From all of her children, grand children, great and great-great children, we love you Mu-dear and will miss you. Funeral Service for will be 11:00a.m.,Saturday,January 15,2011 at the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church of Hallsville,Texas

Channel 21 every Sunday Morning at 5:30am

Janurary 14, 2010


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.