J u lY 1, 2011 - vo l . 51 ed i t i o n 26

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g et Y our n ational , s tate , l oCal s ports , w eather

C e l e b r at i n g 51 Y e a r s William Blair Jr. sR. PuBlIsHER



n ews u pdates !!!

C o m m u n i t Y s e rv i C e

Jordan Blair PuBlIsHER

nobodY Covers


metroplex like


Congratulations Mayor Mike Rawlings

elite news


J u lY 1 , 2 0 1 1


vol. 51 edition 26

Thank you Former Mayor Dwaine Caraway

Page 7 What does Independence Day mean to you? Happy 4th July

Newly elected-Mayor Mike Rawlings being sworn in at Inaugration ceremony Monday.......continued on page 12

Former Mayor of Dallas and Councilman Dwaine Caraway being sworn in once again .....cont on page 3

John Wiley Price, what will the FBI find?

Page 8 Patrick Martin, class mate, and Chuck Par were among many at David W Carter 2011 Class Reunion

Officers seen in front of Commissioner John Wiley Price’s home Commissioner John Wiley Price talks to reporters about the FBI investivation Commissioner John Wiley Price

Save The Date August 13, 2011 Elite News 12th Annual Religious Hall of Fame

continued on page 4

The King of Pop “Michael Jackson” remembered with great respect - thank you 94.5 and Radio One....... See story on page 9

Read The eliTe News ONliNe weekly, JusT

as iT appeaRs iN

Page 9 William (Bill) Earl Ray director of CrossOver Theatre Company

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Celebrating 50 Years


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c iTy B eaT

What a daughter saw in her father


know some of you are wondering why I wrote the Fathers Day message this week instead of last week when it was Fathers Day. It was for effect. There were Henry Nelson millions of Fathers Day messages last week, but this week the numbers are down and may mean something to the persons who missed the messages last week. Amen! One of the names used to describe our God is Jehovah Shammah. THE GOD WHO IS THERE, in many homes in America there is suffering from the phantom father. The father who is not there and even in some homes even when he is there, they are not there. Hundreds of men have fathered children and simply walked away from the family. Let me say fathering a child does not make a man a father. For to carry the title of father, also carries with it great responsibilities. Other men though living in the family are so absorbed by their careers that they seldom spend time

with the children. The effects have and are devastating, not only to the family unit, but you can see its effect in our society. Were you aware that a decade ago, the number of murders committed by teen was approx. 1000 a year, today it is about 4000 a year. Some would like to blame poverty, broken homes both physical and mental abuse, but as one psychologist put it there are many that come from the same back grounds that are not committing acts of violence. Recent reports tell us that because of a lack of father figures in the Home in the past 30 years there have been increases in violent crime, increases in illegitimate births, increases in teen pregnancies and increase in teen suicide. Many juveniles in state reform institutions come from fatherless homes. The home doesn’t need a man in the house, it needs a father! We are told of a man by the name of Jairus, he was a religious man, a ruler of the local synagogue, but he was also a father. Verse 21 tells us that Jesus is coming back into Capernaum. He is coming from the tombs of Gadarea. He has delivered the possessed man upon arriving at the shore people are eventually had been looking,

waiting for him and as he arrived, many people gathered around him. But we now focus upon one individual one of the rulers if the Synagogue his position is important: Jarius was a presiding elder of the synagogue an assembly that included the whole community of Capernaum; his position made him one of the most prominent men of the congregation. He was neither a teacher nor a preacher, but was responsible for the order of the synagogue service. He was the keeper of the sacred books, which were the property of the community he was in a sense the president of the congregation and the administrative head of the city, the city manager so to speak. If you would like the full message this week please email at: revelations75044@msn.com MARK 5:21-24, 35-43: When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake. Then one of the synagogue rulers, named Jairus, came there. Seeing Jesus, he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on

“Taste Test” Wake Up! Taco Potato Salad

her so that she will be healed and live.” So Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around him.” While Jesus was still speaking, some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?” Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James. When they came to the home of the synagogue ruler, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly. He went in and said to them, “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at him.” After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). Immediately the girl stood up and walked around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished. He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this, and told them to give her something to eat.”

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In a medium bowl, combine mayonnaise and taco seasoning; mix well.

3 pounds white potatoes 2 cups mayonnaise 1 (1.25-ounce) package taco seasoning Jordan Blair II mix 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese 1/2 cup sliced scallions (green onions) 1 (2.25-ounce) can sliced black olives, drained 1 cup coarsely crushed ranch-flavored tortilla chips

Cut cooled potatoes into chunks and place in a large bowl. Add mayonnaise mixture and remaining ingredients to potatoes and mix until thoroughly combined. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Dr. Karen Hollie

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Directions: Place potatoes in a large pot with enough water to cover them. Bring to a boil over high heat and cook 20 to 25 minutes, or until fork-tender. Drain and let cool.

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page 2


July 1, 2011

Celebrating 50 Years


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CARAWAy, continued from front page

Thanks Mayor Caraway you did a Good Job! By Lola Searcy



onday morning, June 27th Mike Rawlings was sworn in as Mayor of the City of Dallas. When then Mayor Tom Leppert announced that he would not seek another term as Mayor of Dallas, Dwaine Caraway has been the man in charge of conducting the business of the city and citizens of Dallas as Mayor. But, now that Mike Rawlings has been sworn in as the new Mayor of Dallas, we thought we would take a look at how former Mayor now, councilman Dwaine Caraway did during his four months as Mayor of Dallas. What kind of a legacy will Dwaine Caraway leave as Mayor of the City of Dallas? you know the old saying, “when I do good no one remembers, but when I do bad no one forgets?” This may very well be the phrase to define Dwaine Caraway’s short tenure as Mayor of Dallas. you can never have a discussion about Mayor Caraway without someone bringing up the infamous “key to the city incident” with Philadelphia Eagles’ Quarterback Michael Vick. Then there was the incident at his home between he and his wife. A private matter between him and his wife that was none of our business anyway, those critics still bring up when talking about then Mayor Dwaine Caraway. The major newspapers will probably never bring up the many, many times he has stopped by local churches in the Oak Cliff, Pleasant Grove, South Dallas, East Dallas, and north Dallas areas to share encouraging words to Pastors and parishioners for their work in the community and for their commitment to the people they lead. Or what about the countless speaking engagements he accepted long before


becoming the Mayor; and the speaking engagements he continue’s to accept once he took on the role and responsibility of Mayor? And who could ever forget his “PuLL ‘EM uP” campaign to encourage young men; especially African American men, to stop degrading themselves by wearing their pants well below their waistline; revealing their underwear and body parts.. This campaign alone gets former Mayor Caraway high marks and high praise! He took three bus loads of children to Arkansas to the William Jefferson Clinton presidential library, and took them on a tour of the civil rights museum. That speaks volumes about former Mayor Caraway, especially since there seems to be a shortage of positive things for today’s teenagers and young people to do. Mayor Caraway visited the “Exciting” Ervay Cedar Baptist Church one Sunday and heard a young man named Twaylon Johnson speak on the topic of “respecting yourself”. Mr. Caraway was so impressed with what the young man said that he invited him down to city hall to recite his speech before the council. Twaylon has never forgotten that experience; and often voices his gratitude to Mr. Caraway for allow-

VOLuME 51 EDITIOn 26 Contact Information - Visit us in person at: 1911 E. Ledbetter Rd Dallas, Tx 75216 214-372-6500 • 214-372-2534 fax www.dfwelitenews.com

MAnAGEMEnT William Blair Jr. Jordan “Randy” Blair

Founder/Sr. Publisher Publisher

STAFF WRITERS Debra Blair Abron Bro. Gene Turner Rev. Johnny H. King Henry nelson Pastor Clarence Henderson Dr. Karen Hollie Geraldine Davidson-Hooker Kevan Browning Lola Searcy Bettye Williams

Marketing Director B. J. Fullylove


MEDIA/SALES Lola Searcy Tyrone Hodge

lolasearcy@sbcglobal.net tyrone@elitenews.com Bettye Williams

COMMunITy RELATIOnS Dwaine Caraway speaking at cermony with great appreciation for the time he served as Mayor of Dallas

Bettye Williams


PRODuCTIOn Bettye “Katt” Williams BW Marketing & PR Agency

DISTRIBuTIOn Elite news - BJ Fullylove Charles Jones Deadlines and Disclaimers Submission of all article, ads, etc., are due every Tuesday by noon. We accept All credit cards. The views and opinions of guest writers and columnists do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher, staff or board of the Elite news. Elite news is not liable for submissions or payments made to parties other than those authorized agents listed below: Jordan Blair

All checks and money orders made payable to the Elite news shall be mailed to: P.O. Box 397925 Dallas, Texas 75339




CITY BEAT ..........................................................PAGE 2 COVER STORY......................................................PAGE 3 PERSPECTIVE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY ............PAGE 4 BITS AND PIECES ................................................PAGE 5 SPIRITUAL GUIDE ................................................PAGE 6 COMMUNITY CALENDAR ......................................PAGE 7

page 3

ing him to speak before the council As we prepare to usher in a new era of leadership under Mayor Rawlings we (Elite news Staff) extend our thanks to Mr. Dwaine Caraway for the leadership you’ve shown during your short tenure as Mayor of Dallas. Keep up the good work! And who knows, four years from now, we may just be attending your inauguration!





ELITE NEWS SPORTS ............................................PAGE 8 LITTLE KNOWN BLACK HISTORY ........................PAGE 12 CLASSIFIEDS ......................................................PAGE 12 ENTERTAINMENT ..............................................PAGE 13 MINISTERS LISTINGS ..........................................PAGE 14 OBITUARIES ......................................................PAGE 19


July 1, 2011

peRspecTive iN The Black cOmmuNiTy

John Wiley Price, what will the FBI find? By: Jordan Blair ELITE nEWS PuBLISHER


ohn Wiley Price is from Forney, Texas. His father drove trucks and his mother was a homemaker, raising Price and his two brothers and three sisters. When Price came to Dallas, he sold men’s clothing at Sanger-Harris in Big Town Mall. Soon after, he enrolled at El Centro

some cars at John Wiley Price’s home allegedly owned by inmates now owned by John Wiley Price

College in Dallas. He later married and had a son. He divorced in 1981, but several years later adopted two other children. In 1972, Price ran for precinct chairman and won. Price caught the eye of Politicians like the late Al Lipscomb and then Dallas County Commissioner Mel Price. Price was then able to obtain an office job in the County Public Works Department…and the rest is history. This is how he got started in county government. Price is the first African American elected to the Dallas County Commissioner’s Court and is currently the longest ranking member. It is being said that he is one of the most powerful and prominent advocates for the people of Dallas County. After 27 years in the same position, he continues to be the most outspoken and diligent advocate for all of Dallas County, not just his constituents in District 3. The people who support Price will agree 100%. However, there are those who will have a totally different take on what he has done for District 3, and who he really is. When the FBI came knocking on the doors of Price’s home and office, and the offices of Kathy nealy (a political consult-

ant) and Dapheny Fain (Price’s longtime administrative assistant) that sent sparks throughout Dallas County. What will the FBI find? This is just one of many questions being asked in relation to the latest development involving “Our Man Downtown,” Commissioner John Wiley Price. Commissioner Price has a long and storied record of service to Dallas County. For years, he has consistently fought for and championed the causes of those who have been left out economically, politically and socially. He promised the voters in his district that if he were elected to serve as their Commissioner, one of his first initiatives would be to guarantee that minority and Women Enterprise would have equal opportunities to do business in Dallas County. Has he kept his word to the constituents and those he serves? For more than 14 years Price has served as the host of a weekly community forum known as the Dallas County Community Leadership Luncheon. For 12 years, he was the nightly host of KKDA’s “Talk Back, Liberation Radio,” a program that focused on educating the community.

Commissioner Price still gives commentary on KKDA Soul 730 AM on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. With all of his involvement in the community and his service to Dallas County, one could not help but ask why is the Federal government raiding his office and conducting investigations, what are they looking for, and why did they seize his properties and vehicles? Why did they seize automobiles at the home of political consultant Katy nealy? What are FBI and IRS agents looking for? Why did FBI and IRS agents choose this time to come knocking on Commissioner Price’s door? According to what we have read and heard through other media outlets, the FBI and IRS are looking for any evidence of theft, briery and much more. We will keep you, the readers, informed as this story continues to unfold. We should hold your opinions and judgments until the equation unfolds. Whether you like Commissioner Price or not, let the justice system work through the process. If there is something there, then let justice be served.

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page 4

Debra’s Bits and Pieces E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 6 0

Debra's June Monthly Bits and Pieces :MODESTy: Be faithful to family, friends, community, country and religious beliefs. Build solid and lasting relationships.Discover self-possession. Initiate an all-for-one; one-for-all mentality. Count on others and be accountable. Loyalty In Action: Develop a family code of honor. Participate in a team sport. Keep promises, Gather around the table at least once a day. Initiate or carry on family traditions.

Out of the Eyes of a Layman


Do Christians Really Believe Their Prayers Will Be Answered? Luke: Chapter 1

Sis. Christine Faye Searcy CHURCH: Mt. Olive Baptist Church PASTOR: Rev. Phillip R. Dowell FAvORITE SCRIPTURE: Psalms 23 FAvORITE SONG: “Oh how precious is the name of Jesus”

WORDS OF WISDOM When God blesses you; He always has more than you in mind.

FAvORITE SAyING: “God is good all the time, all the time God is good; CHURCH AFFILIATIONS: Mother of church, past President of Women’s Mission Society, Culinary Committee

chRisTiaN mOmeNTs The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads.

Who do you choose for Church Woman of the Week? Contact: BJ Fullylove at 214/3726500 For reservations call: 972-709-4208 “We’re waiting to pamper you!” Offer valid for 30 days from publication date. 10% Discount on Any Massage Service, when you mention Elite news


July 1, 2011

Psalm 145:14

Dr. William M. Campbell

Things a little heavy right now? Help is on the way


t has been proven over and over again that most Christians do not really recognize their answered prayers, Why? Because God does not answer us when we think he should. We must remember that it was God who brought time into existence, so, time never slips up on God. God knows when and how to answer our prayers. Let us look at Acts: 12, we find that Peter is put into jail and Herod killed James in order to harass certain leaders in the church. Look at verse 5: Peter therefore was Kept in prison: “but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.” We know the story how they had Peter chained between two soldiers, and God delivered him out of jail. Look what happened in verse 13, Peter knocked at the door and Rhoda (a young girl) came to the door, and when she saw it was Peter, she went and told the others. They said she was crazy and she did not know what she was talking about. Why did they say that? Because they did not recognize the fact that God had answered their prayers. I know we remember Zachariah who was a priest. not only was he a priest, but a very special priest. Zachariah walked before God Blameless, but he and Elizabeth did not have any children. Elizabeth was looked down upon because in those days people figured there was sin in their lives if there were no children now, one of the most important duties of a priest was to burn incense upon the altar of incense. no matter how old or how important he was he could only burn incense one time during his priest years. All people in the Temple were waiting for Zachariah to show himself so they can celebrate. When Zachariah went into the room to burn incense he saw an angel at the right side of the table of incense, and told Zachariah to fear not, the Lord will give you a boy child and I want you to name him John. In Luke 1:18 Zachariah questioned God, because of his age. Gabriel an Arc angel, told “Zachariah that, because you did not believe you shall be dumb, or mute and not able to speak until things are fulfilled in their season.” This is the season for the Black Church, so we should take full advantage of all of God’s blessings that He sets before us in this day. The Black Baptist people in the Dallas Metroplex is just like the church that had a prayer Gene Turner


meeting about the deliverance of their Pastor, The Apostle Peter. When Peter appeared they could not believe it. We are like Zachariah who questioned God because of his unbelief even after he had prayed to God for a child, and because he did not believe what the scripture said, “ Is there anything to hard for God, God sealed off his voice for a solid year. He did not recognize his answer when it came. Here we are with an answered blessing standing at our feet and we cannot recognize the fact that God has blessed us to walk into the land of Caanan. We as Baptist have been complaining, and praying about some well ordered place to have our church conventions, District meetings, State meetings, and other functions at less cost. Well, God has answered our prayers and we cannot see what He has done. The Grand Hotel is on the selling block, and God has shown me that this is an ideal blessing for His people, all we have to do is come together and buy what God has already given us money to buy. If we really wanted to do so we could buy 3 or 4 Grand Hotels. Look where it is, it is in a central location in hollowing distance of anything and everything. This Hotel would be like Jerusalem in the land of Israel. God has made this a possibility for His people of color. Prime property, Downtown, easy to find for Out of Towners. Air, bus, and rail at the front door, what a place for a Baptist Complex. Look at what comes with this property. A high-rise parking facility, the old city library on Harwood & Commerce, plus the Hotel itself. Five (5) ballrooms, Ten (10) breakout rooms, Seven Hundred-Fifty (750) sleeping rooms. What more can God do. Our money is just as green as anyone else’s is and if that’s not enoughany Bank in America will loan at least $15,000,000.00 against this property. Black Baptist leaders do not let God’s blessing to you go invain, lets at least try and own something, somewhere, sometime, this is it believe me, I know what I am saying. Remember the prayer meeting at Mrs. Mary’s house; remember Zachariah’s questioning of God’s blessing to come. Let us not believe God’s visible blessing in front of us. Let us not forget to read our Bibles, and May God bless you real good, and may He ever keep you in His loving care.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Call me and see ‘What’s New’ at Mary Kay Debra Blair Abron 214-405-8335

page 5

Celebrating 50 Years

No Shortcuts Psalm 1:1-3 “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His Law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by Geraldine streams of water, Davidson-Hooker which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.”


any times we see what appears to be a shorter route, and we leave His path. These perceived shortcuts are filled with weeds that entangle us and slow our walk with Christ to a pathetic crawl; “But the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful” (Matthew 13:22). All our time spent away from God’s path clearly hinders our relationship and diminishes our ability to produce anything of lasting value for the Lord. To remain on God’s path and continue to bear good and lasting fruit, we must be wise regarding the counsel we seek. Many people willingly give advice on following a “successful” path and yet ridicule any path directed by God. This counsel must be avoided since the very definition of success is in error! A truly successful path IS the path directed by God!! Staying free of the weeds requires an active pursuit of God; “on His Law he meditates day and night.” If we do not consume ourselves with the ways of God, we will, by default, become consumed by the ways of the world. Jesus made a similar statement to His disciples: “I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit” (John 15:5). Remaining in the vine is a process of clinging to Christ and loving Him with ALL our heart. Our life then becomes defined and consumed by the life of the vine. As we allow God’s Word to flow through our life - as we become planted by the stream of His water - we develop deep roots. These roots become a solid anchor which will not be pulled up during the storm nor dragged along by the swift currents of temptation. God’s path is perfect and His burden is light; but remaining on His path and staying free of weeds requires commitment, perseverance, discipline...and a strong reminder that there are nO shortcuts!

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CommunitY serviCe

spiRiTual Guide

Advice Column: Ask Dr. Hollie Dear Dr. Hollie,

ried for 10 years, I think that’s worth saving. It will require your ability to forgive My husband just dropped a and accept this child. bombshell!! He just told me I know that’s easier said that he has a child I never than done. you could see this knew about. The child is 8 as God answering your years old. prayer of a child in your The problem with that is that home. we’ve been married for 10 There’s no ultimatum to years. I am devastated and I’m give him because he’s not sure I can ever forgive him. Dr. Karen Hollie decided that the child will To make matters worse, he be a part of his life. now wants to get to know the child and this means bringing him to my home. you decide, will you? We’ve never been able to have children Dr. Hollie is a Pastor and practicing and this only adds to my sense of failure. I love my husband but I’m not sure I can psychotherapist in the city. For quesget through this. Should I give him an tions and comments, please write to For therapy ultimatum of the child or me? Please askdrhollie@aol.com. appointments, please call Dr. Hollie’s help. Shell Shocked office at 214-393-2940.

Dear Shell Shocked, This can be a win/win for you; it depends on how you see it. you say you love your husband and you’ve been mar-

Read the Elite News online every Friday www.dfwelitenews.com

Notes From Union Hope


u r church School lesson was “God is Victorious” Joshua 6:2-3, 4b, 12-20b. God spoke to Joshua assuring him that He had given him Jericho, its Eld lloyd T. Morgan king and all of his strong warriors. God’s statement made it clear that the battle really was not Joshua it was the Lord’s. Believers should be encouraged to know that the Lord always goes ahead of us in all situations to secure for us the victory. God’s battle plan did not make sense according to the human idea of battle strategy. Marching around the city for six days would not be impressive to the military mind, but God wanted to make sure that Israel understood that the victory belonged to him. In the life of every believer God establishes the fact that “without me you can do nothing.” Israel followed God’s orders and on the

seventh day after marching around the wall seven times, the Priest blew the Horns and the people shouted and the walls fell down. Only Rahab the prostitute who hid the spies and her family that was in the house with her was spared. Because this was his battle he instructed them not to take the Gold and silver bronze and Iron for themselves it belonged to Him. The Morning message was delivered by our Guest Minister Rev. George M. Barker from the subject “Backsliding Heifer” Hosea 4: 15-17 we were blessed by the message. Sunday we celebrated our pastor and wife’s 25th anniversary. Our guest churches were Shady Grove Primitive Baptist church where Eld. Michael Morgan Sr. serves as pastor and Grace Temple Fellowship Baptist church where Rev. Keith Hall is pastor. The Anniversary message was delivered by Eld. Michael Morgan who blessed us with a dynamic message. He preached from the theme: “Lifting up Our Pastor and Wife, Our gift from God”Eph.4:1112. May God Bless you real good


Prayer Closet


have shared recently with you, concerning the initial steps to successful prayer. They are; to feed on the word of God, to adore God for who he is, to thank Him for what Pastor Clarence Henderson he has done, to confess our sins to him and to recognize our helplessness and accept His strength and will. However, there is another step and that is “Praying for others”. It’s easy for us to think only of ourselves and those within our own little group. But Paul and Moses were not that way. They cared so much about others that they would have allowed themselves to be cut off from God if it meant others would be saved, (see Romans 9:1-3 and Exodus 32:30-36). Just as dry and wilted flowers revive when rain comes, tired and discouraged saints rejoice when they know someone is praying for them.

From the Mount


ur Sunday school titled, “God Is Victorious” Joshua 6: 2-3, 4b and 12-20b, the lesson high points were, “God brings victory in our Johnny King lives, we have can have confident in God’s instruction and we can praise God for all He has done.” Dr. Johnny King delivered the morning message titled, “Faith leads to maturity“ Galatians 4: 1-11. The church celebrated our Shepherd 17th anniversary this Sunday, Pastor C. W. Pruitt and Mt Pisgah Baptist Church from Ladonia, Texas were our guest, Pastor Pruite delivered the annual day message titled, “Setting on Top off the World” 2 Corinthians 4: 13 Yet we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, I have believed, and therefore have I spoken. We too believe, and therefore we speak.

July 1, 2011

Celebrating 50 Years Brendon Dubose-July 3, Jacqueline Fullylove-Parks-July 8, Raquel Dent-July 10 ,Carmenia Henderson-July 17, Chaunice Cofer-July

July 9: Parkland Hospital Healthy living Class will be July 9 from 9:30 am to 12 pm at Friendship West Baptist Church, 2020 W. Wheatland RD, Dallas TX July 9: Parkland Hospital Community Mammography Outreach will be July 9 from 9am to 1:00pm at 500 W. Hickman St. Hutchins TX 75141 July 10th-24th-: Honoring Our Pastor for Six years of Service and anniversary schedule for Dr. William D. Mcnealy; Pre -Anniversary Tea July 10 at 3pm at Greater El Bethel Baptist Church 1130 E. ninth St. Dallas, Texas 75203. PreAnniversary Services Sunday July 17th @10:00am at Greater El Bethel Baptist Church 1130 E. ninth St. Dallas, Texas 75203. Anniversary Banquet is Saturday, July 23rd at


7pm at Friendship West Baptist Church Conference Center 2020 W. Wheatland Rd. Dallas, Texas 75232. The Anniversary Hour is Sunday, July 24, 2011 @3:00 p.m. at Greater El Bethel Baptist Church 1130 E. ninth St. Dallas, Texas 75203. July 15: The Joe Kirven Endowment Scholarship who seeking to attend or currently attending Wiley College in Marshall, Texas. you must be a Texas resident, you must be a Wiley College student or accepted to attend Wiley College. The application deadline is July 15, 2011. For information contact Joe Kirven Scholarship, 5916 St. Marks Circle, Dallas, Texas 75230 or email at: gkirven@gmail.com.

CommunitY serviCe

Inc., Psi Chapter will celebrate 75 years of service to the greater Dallas community on July 31, 2011, from 6:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m., at the Hilton Garden Inn, Duncanville, Texas 75116.For more information on the event please call me at (469) 3588479 or email me at delorjam@verizon.net.

July 30: The alumni of Lincoln High School Maurine F. Bailey Concert Choir presents the Audrey L. Jones Scholarship Concert, Sat July 30 at new Friendship Baptist Church 2419 metropolitan Ave, Dallas TX 75215. For more info or how to apply for scholarship email: aljalumnichoir@gmail.com



ndependence Day, more commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the united States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July, 4, 1776, declaring independence from Great Britain. The Thirteen colonies under British rule, decided that it was time to declare their independence; their freedom the Kingdom of Great Britain. The definition of freedom for the framers of our constitution meant they could establish their own laws; elect their own leaders and representatives. As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day or as it is more commonly known as the 4th of July, the question always comes to mind what does independence and or freedom mean? For a lot of our readers, Independence Day – Fourth of July means gatherings on Saturday or Monday depending on which day you choose to observe it, with

page 7

Taylor Deshae Harris

Duncanville High School

Graduating Class of: 2012

July 31: Iota Phi Lambda Sorority,

family and friends, eating BBQ, drinking sodas or a beverage of their choice, sharing memories, kicking back and relaxing, taking a vacation , sleeping late and just enjoying the day off. But what does Independence Day really mean? I don’t believe the framers of the constitution could have imagined the strides we have made today. Surely they could not have imagined the amazing advances we’ve made in transportation – railroads, huge ships, the automobile, jet airplanes, space vehicles that put Americans on the moon and explored planets far beyond the earth. Communication has advanced greatly! no pony express! The telegraph has been replaced with computers and telephones which allow us to communicate with people and places across the globe with the touch of a button! Slavery has been abolished, even though it happened 87 years later when then President Abraham Lincoln drafted the infamous Emancipation Proclamation. (It took almost 2 years for the people of Texas to get the news).



Happy Independence Day By Lola Searcy

caleNdaR/sTudeNT Of The week

On August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment was signed into law allowing Women the right to vote; and her place moved from the home to the board rooms; to the White House! The Civil Rights Movement began in the mid 1950’s and as a result of the efforts, labor and sacrifices of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ms. Rosa Parks, and other civil rights activists, African Americans have the right to vote and on november 4th 2008, we elected our first African American President of these united States. “ It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward and forever more”, said John Adams one of the framers of the Constitution and the second President of the united States. So, when you’re out and about celebrating Independence Day – Fourth of July take some time to reflect on what this day really means.


Favorite Class/Teacher: Newspaper/ Mr. James Rich

School Activities: Volleyball, Duncanville Panther Prints, Young Life, National Honor Society

Favorite Past Time: Writing or listening to music

Future Plans: Want to go to Howard University, graduating, and eventually starting my own magazine.

To nominate a student of the week who you think is worthy from grades 1-12, please email 100 words or less why you think this student should be the “Student of Week” to Ms. Bettye “Katt” Williams at bettye_elite@yahoo.com) or call Elite News 214-372-6500

July 1, 2011

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BaRBeRshOp Talk David W. wiTh leON simON By Jordan Blair



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Carter 2011 class reunion

he nBA season is over, ELITE nEWS PuBLISHER they’ve had the draft. Everyone has had a chance n Saturday, June 25, David to improve their chances for next W. Carter’s Class Reunion year. The draft didn’t improve took flight. This event was anyone enough to put them higher sponsored by the Class of 1975, leon simon on the totem pole as for as their who felt it necessary to bring back chances of winning a graduates from 1973-1980. Championship. no better way to start off a class Las Vegas has already put out it’s list of favorites, and reunion than with a four-man the Miami Heat drew the short straw and they occupy that scramble, which took place at position as favorite to win next year’s Championship. For Tangle Ridge Golf Course. It didn’t what it’s worth I don’t think their record is good enough to take long to figure out who has been put any credence in what they say. on the course on a regular basis, The betting line is exactly what it says; If you want to bet because the first prize trophy went those are the guide lines. to Jordan Blair, Charlie Webb, If you think new Orleans was favored to win the Super- Gerald Booker and Reggie Bowl when they did you’re mistaken. Cuenington, with a score of 62. The Mavericks finished 4th in that poll. That could be Later in the evening a mixer was where they belong, but the three teams that finished ahead held at the Oasis in Grand Prairie on of them (Chicago and Oklahoma City) didn’t make any Joe Pool Lake. It was a festive significant changes. I guess they’ll do it by osmosis. Vegas afternoon as alumni mixed, mingled does that to get the betting going, that’s how they build so and just enjoyed each other’s commany hotels and Casinos, most working class people bet pany. It was interesting to watch with their heart and no logic what so ever. the faces of some of the younger Last season the Mavericks were underdogs in every alumni, who didn’t realize that play-off series they played in, and not one series had to go David W. Carter’sattendance was even games for them to win. made up of majority white students. During the nBA draft they pointed out the Celtics had But nonetheless, with all that said, four seasons with at least 50 wins; the Mavericks have had one thing remains constant, we may 11 seasons with 50 or more wins. have had our problems back during yet the Celtics were favored to win in all their play-off 1973-1980, but the Carter Cowboys series. It’s not like Vegas didn’t know the fact is they knew remain strong and together as a they could get people to bet, by making Celtics favorites good ole cowboy family, and this and Mavericks underdogs. class reunion proved just that. Facts like that will be a big help to the Mavs next year. Some had picked up weight, othThe fact that they had 11 straight seasons of 50 or more ers had less hair or gray hair, and a victories; and they led the league in bench scoring; will be wrinkle or two here or there, but a big help. But why let facts like that decide how you bet, you could tell as alumni waded when you can lose your money and say “ I just don’t like through the crowd, you could hear them”, “I’ve been a Laker fan all my life” or here’s a good chants like “Aren’t you so-andone I heard at Church: “ I just don’t like Mark Cuban.” so?”, “Picked up a little weight but Those are some of the reasons that supposedly smart peo- you still look the same.”, “now, ple lose their money. what class were you in?”. If the Mavericks sign their own free agents Tyson What made this event even more Chandler, and J.J. Barea, without going through the whole special was that many of the alumlist; plus getting Caron Butler back would make this a for- niin attendance pledged to help midable team. Carter High School. until next I didn’t say favorite team because it’s way too early to time, go Carter Cowboys! pick winners and losers. It’s too early to pick the winner of baseball and they’re closing in on mid-season. Let along trying to pick basketball and they haven’t even gone to camp. If you just have to bet this early in the year remember this: the majority seldom win, because if they did they would have dirt streets in Vegas and you would have to bring your own tent.


A group of class mates between the class of 1975 to 1980 enjoy the festivities during 2011 Class Reunion

All smiles for class mates of the 2011 Class Reunion

Class of 1975 graduate, Jordan Blair enjoys celebration the 2011 Class Reunion with classmates

David W. Carter

Class of 1973-80

July 1, 2011

Class mates of 2011 Class Reunion stop for a minute to pose for a picture knowing the years have past by and they are still looking good


page 8

Celebrating 50 Years


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CrossOver Theatre Company a bridge of tomorrow’s Art and Culture Special to Elite News


heatre companies come and go, especially in the DFW Metroplex. This phenomenon is being tested as there is a new theatre company in town, the CrossOver Theatre Company; a 501c3 Actors Equity start up organization housed at the Corner Theatre in Desoto, Texas. The company is in its Inaugural Season opening with the hit 60’s musical BeeHive; featuring a host of local talent and an incredible guest artist Mrs. Jacqui Cross of Austin Texas. Artistic Director William (Bill) Earl Ray,(Rockdale, Texas), Director of the Board; President Gil Pritchett, a Dallas native returning home after a long stay in new york City and around the globe, and Mrs. Renay Hardy of Phoenix Arizona now a resident of Desoto Texas. We are working together to create an extraordinary collage of local theatre and theatre education. In the words of Lloyd Richards: “Anyone who is really working creatively in the realm of ideas, as theatre should be, is a threat to those who attempt to keep things in control”. CrossOver Theatre Company is

unique in that it is rooted in the grassroots efforts of home grown talent and entrepreneurial ambitions. It is designed to create jobs, develop and produce educational programs to train writers, directors, designers, technicians, local talent, patrons and theatre goers of tomorrow one show at a time. We at Crossover believe it is important that we keep theatre alive in our communities. Theatre and the creative arts can revive life as we know it, allow for new growth, expression of ideas for the future and entrepreneurial opportunities for those who partake in it. It is equally important that we train and educate our children the skill of self expression and encourage them to take a stand for the art of creating. This skill is a life line to those who may have no other voice to speak on their behalf. So we seek to inspire those who know the importance and the necessity of keeping theatre and the creative process living. As with any startup company; CrossOver is in need of your prayers, monetary and voluntary support to keep

the doors open. We need Angel support and we need it now. We are vastly approaching our opening night and ask that you support the CrossOver Theatre Company by submitting donations and or pledge support (8528 Davis Blvd, Suite 134-357; north Richland Hills, TX 76182). Beehive will be on stage July 8th through July 31st; at the Corner Theatre 211 E Pleasant Run



t’s been two years since the Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, left us so suddenly. He produced music to dance by, music to live by, and music to cry by, and it continues to be the standard by which other artists are measured. It’s also the best form of flattery and respect when others want to copy the works that you have done. I have been a Michael Jackson fan as long as I can remember. I grew up with Michael and I am familiar with just about all of his music. But as I tuned in and listened to 94.5 FM this past weekend, as they honored Michael Jackson, my level of respect went to an even higher level for Michael Jackson for all that he did. not only was he a great musician, singer, performer and overall artist, but he was a great humanitarian. Big “ups” to 94.5 FM and the Radio

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One family for playing Michael Jackson’s entire repertoire and saluting the King of Pop. you even played songs I wasn’t familiar with and you did it all weekend long. I stayed glued to the radio the entire weekend to see what you were going to play next. you simply saluted the King of Pop in an outstanding way. To the program director of 94.5 FM, you simply slugged the ball out of the park in the bottom of the ninth. Thank

Fans of Michael Jackson set roses and other items around Hollowood star in rememberence of pop star

Let’s keep theatre and the creative process vibrant. Peace and Love, CrossOver Theatre Company a 501c3 Organization. Go see some theatre y’all!

Crossover Theather presents the cast of “BeeHive “

The King of Pop “Michael Jackson” remembered with great respect - thank you 94.5 and Radio One By: Jordan Blair

Rd. Desoto, Texas 75115. Ticket information is located at showtix4u.com or call (817) 449-6739. We thank you in advance for your generous support of our grassroots efforts.

you for setting aside this weekend to honor the one who so many people love and respect, the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. no doubt that Michael has been and will continue to be missed.

August 13, 2011 12 noon Elite News 12th Annual Religious Hall of Fame at the sterling Hotel 1055 Regal Row, Dallas TX 75247 Call Elite News for details 214-372-6500

sunrise: August 29, 1958 sunset: June 25, 2009


July 1, 2011

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July 1, 2011

Celebrating 50 Years

July 1, 2011


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page 11

Celebrating 50 Years




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here in the Classified seCtion


lines for


with one month Commitment

Dallas Inaugurates a New Mayor By Lola Searcy



t’s official. Mike Rawlings is the City of Dallas’ new Mayor. The ceremonies took place on Monday, June 27th at the Meyerson Symphony Center. The ceremonies also included the swearing in of City Council members. The ceremonies opened with a piano prelude by Edward Gonzales and a musical prelude by Thomas E. Froehlich of the First Presbyterian Church. The Welcome and Introduction of the Mayor and City Council was given by State Representative Rafael Anchia, of District 103. The invocation was given by Reverend Philip S. Postell, S.J. of the Jesuit College Preparatory and the presentation of Colors was by Circle Ten Boy Scouts of America, Troop 42; Dallas Police Department Choir sang the national Anthem. Mayor Dwaine Caraway and City Manager Mary Suhm recognized outgoing City Council members.

Following the recognition of outgoing council members, there was a dance performance by members of the Dallas Black Dance Theatre. Afterwards, Mayor Caraway and City Secretary Debra Watkins recognized incoming city council members. The Honorable Jane J. Boyle, united States District Judge administered the Oath of Office to the Mayor and council members. Pastor Frederick Haynes, III, Senior Pastor of the Friendship West Baptist Church administered the Charge to Duty to the Mayor and council members. In his charge, Pastor Haynes, made the following remarks, “ Dallas is a world class city with no second class citizens. Dirk and the 14 made for a world championship team; Mike and the 14 make a team. Let us have Quail sense and flap our wings together.� In his remarks, Mayor Rawlings thanked former Mayor Tom Leppert, Mayor Caraway and the outgoing council members; he also thanked the city employees. Pearl Washington sang “Amazing Grace� and the benediction

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Did you ever wonder who invented the Cell Phone? The inventor of the Cellular phone is Henry Sampson, Jr. Sampson is an African-American from Jackson Mississippi. He attended Morehouse and Transferred to Purdue. He received an MS in Engineering from the University Of California (Go Bears). He was awarded an MS in Nuclear Engineering from Illinois and his PHD from Illinois. Sampson is the first African-American to receive a PHD in Nuclear Engineering. In 1971 Sampson was awarded a patent for the “gamma-electric cell.�

page 12

was given by Rabbi Debra Robbins of Temple Emanu-el; the reception followed at Mariachi Michoacan.

Businssman and now the City of Dallas’ Mayor Mike Rawlings Legal Notice

If You are African American and Suffered Farm Loan Discrimination by the USDA between 1981 and 1996, You may be eligible for money from a $1.25 billion class action Settlement Fund (Heirs/Kin may be included) There is a proposed class action Settlement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) involving racial discrimination against African American farmers between 1981 and 1996. This Settlement is only for certain people who tried to file a late claim in the original Pigford case, or their heirs (kin) and legal representatives. The current Settlement (sometimes called Pigford II) provides benefits to some of those late filers. Am I included? You may be included if you: s "ETWEEN AND WERE discouraged or prevented from applying for or were denied a USDA farm loan OR OTHER BENElT OR YOU WERE GIVEN A loan with unfair terms because of racial DISCRIMINATION

s 7ERE ELIGIBLE FOR A PAYMENT IN THE original Pigford CASE and s 3UBMITTED A LATE lLING REQUEST THAT WAS denied or never considered because it was late. If you are the heir or kin of someone who DIED WHO lTS THIS DESCRIPTION YOU MAY lLE a claim for a payment that would become part of the deceased person’s estate. If you are not sure if you (or someone for whom you are the legal representative) ARE INCLUDED PLEASE CALL

You are not included if you received a payment in the original Pigford case. What does the Settlement provide? You may be eligible for a substantial cash payment and USDA loan forgiveness from the Settlement. You will need to file a claim to be eligible for these benefits. The claims deadline may be as early as February 28, 2012. The Court has appointed lawyers to help you file a claim under the Settlement. You do not have to pay them or anyone else to help you with the claims process. These attorneys will ask the Court for fees and expenses of BETWEEN AND OF THE 3ETTLEMENT &UND AND THE #OURT WILL DECIDE HOW much they are paid. You may hire your OWN LAWYER IF YOU WISH AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE )F YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR NEED MORE INFORMATION CALL What else should I know? The Court will hold a hearing on September 1, 2011 to consider whether TO APPROVE THE 3ETTLEMENT AND A REQUEST for attorneys’ fees and expenses. If you want to object to or comment on the 3ETTLEMENT OR APPEAR AT THE HEARING YOU need to file a letter with the Court by August 12, 2011. If the Court approves THE 3ETTLEMENT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE to sue the USDA about your farm loan discrimination claims in the future.

For more information or to begin the claims filing process:

Call: 1-877-810-8110


Visit: www.BlackFarmerCase.com

July 1, 2011

eliTe News eNTeRTaiNmeNT GReGG a. smiTh

Celebrating 50 Years


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Rollin with a Brotha


B ackyaRd s pOTliGhT call 469-471-4180

elcome to the 4th of July weekend Baaaby! It’s time once again to celebrate Mom, Apple Pie and what it is to be an American, Kevan Browning living in the greatest country on earth, The united States of America!!! If you are looking for fireworks displays, peep a couple of my favorite sites...www.4thofjulyeventsindallas.com or www.nbc5i.com...These sites will cover Dallas to Ft. Worth to Plano!!! Happy 4th of July Weekend and God Bless America and County Commissioner John Wiley Price! Best movie this weekend??? The Autobots return to action in Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon! The place I am most likely to get an early taste of BBQ? How about the fired ribs at Corey Toney’s place, C.T.’s Real Deal BBQ, at 2901 Lancaster! Best spot to grab a 4th or pre-4th Hot Dog...try the Angry Dog at 2726 Commerce...Best burger..My personal grill..Just add no salt seasoning, onions, bell peppers and tadaaaaa!!! looking forward to seeing the BET awards again...Wy do they keep most of the Gospel and R&B til the last Corey “CT” Toney hour....Guess we deserve it after sitting thru a Hip Hop malaise!!!! VH-1’s behind The Music is on fire this weekend with a spotlight on Missy Elliott, who made headlines recently after revealing about her battle with Graves disease, which she discusses in

detail on the show.The episode will also include an in-depth look at Elliott’s rise to stardom, her battle with weight and being sexually molested as a child.Celebrating its 14th anniversary this year, the series will also feature Ice Cube, Mary J. Blige, Enrique Iglesias and more...My p a r t n e r Bloodhound Benny reports:Otis Williams, the Missy Elliott Motown group’s sole surviving founding member, says a stage musical is in the works based on the 1998 nBC miniseries, “The Temptations,” reports Billboard. Broadway producer Ira Pittleman is working with the group on the project. That will be sooo cool...Still can’t do thsoe Temptations moves,lol! ya know...I am sooo happy for Birthday Boy Mike Tyson! I remember hanging with him at a the old Lexington of Turtle Creek. he was kinda scary, but now...All pussycat,lo...Congrats Mike! Over the weekend, lovebirds, Mike Tyson and wife Lakiha Spicer renewed their vows at the M resort in Las Vegas, but it was something like a surprise to family and friends. Loved ones thought they would be attending a joint birthday party for the couple. “My wife & I are getting ready to host friends and family tonight. Many we haven’t seen in years,” Mike tweeted before the big night. “It’s going to be a great night.”Happy Birthday to yOu and Celebs this week:H. Ross Perot is 81, Billy Davis Jr. is 71, Car Lewis is 50 and Mike Tyson is 45! God Bless America and thanks for Rollin With A Brotha in The Elite news and online at www.dfwelitenews.com

Advertise with Elite News Call 214-372-6500 or log on to www.dfwelitenews.com July 1, 2011


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Your minister with the


elite news.

Call us todaY at

Greater New St. John Primitive Baptist Church

“Sensational” St Paul AME Church

2529 56th Street Dallas, TX 75241 Church:(214) 372-4076 Sunday School: 8:45am Service: 10:00 am “Keeping the main thing, the main thing and that’s Jesus Christ”

7550 South Hampton Road Dallas, TX 75232-4122 Office:(972) 228-2420 Fax:(972) 228-2584

Dr. Karry D. Westley Pastor

“We Build Peple” Office Hours 8:30am -5:00 pm Closed-Friday

Arlington Park First Baptist Church 5726 Van Winkle Blvd. Dallas, TX 75235 Church:(214) 631-9633 Fax: (214-631-2077 Sunday School: 9:00am Service: 10:05 am Bible Study: Wed 7:00 pm

Church School: 8:30 am St. Pau AME Center 2300 Metropolitan Avenue Worship Service: 10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study: Wed 7:00 pm

Wednesday Noonday Bible Study Wed 7:00 pm

Rev. David Jones sr.

Mount Horeb Baptist Church 601 Kaufman St.. Waxahachie TX 75165 Church:(972) 937-6579 Sunday School: 9:15 am Service: 10:45 am Bible Study: Wed 7:00 pm Rev. Tedrick J. Woods Pastor Emeritus C. O. Smith

Rev. C.l. Taylor

Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church 2251El Paso Grand Prairie, Texas 75051 Church:(214) 631-9633 Fax: (214-631-2077 Sunday School: 9:00am Morning Worship 8 & 10:30 am 7pm Midweek Service Rose of Sharon 2251 Lawrence Street Dallas, TX 75215-4555 (214) 428-0462

8:00 am Worship 10:00 am - Sunday School Wednesday: 12:00 Noon Intercessory Prayer Rev. H.l. Ward Thursday 6:00 PM - Intercessory Prayer

page 14

ATTENTION: New updates In Process All church’s and ministers! Please email or call Bettye at Elite News to update photo and church information if needed bettye_elite@yahoo.com 214-372-6500 Calvary Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church

“Oh taste and see that the lord is good”

Sunday Morning Worship Experience Worship I: 7:30 am Church School: 8:45 am Worship II: 10:00 am

2420 Metropolitan Avenue Dallas, TX 75215-3534 Church:(214) 421-1344 www.spame.net

Rev. Juan N. Tolliver senior Pastor

Rev. Vincent E. Davis, Pastor

Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church


Rev. Joe H. Moore, Jr

4703 Sunnyvale St Dallas TX 75216 214-372-3434 Sunday School: 9:30am Morning Worship 11:00am Wednesday: The Lord’s Table 12-3:30pm (Feeding seniors and homeless), Prayer 7:00PM Bible Study: 7:30pm

Christ Way Fellowship Bible Church 1830 Lamont Dallas, TX 75216 Church:(214) 317-1863

Union Hope Institutional Primitive Baptist Church 2217 56th Street Dallas, TX 75241-1435

Ph: (214) 374-6441 Fax: (214) 374-6490 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship “Come and celebrate with us” Eld. lloyd Morgan, sr

Sunday School: 9:30 am Service: 10:30 am Bible Study: Wed 7:00

Rev. Terrence shepherd

Golden Chain Church 5023 Wadsworth Dallas, TX Church 214-372-0280

New Covenant Christian Fellowship Church

2025 E. Wheatland Rd Dallas,Texas 75232 Phone (972) 224-5000

Rev. Aundre Byrd, sr

www.newcovenantdallas.org Sunday Worship: 8am & 10:30am Youth Church: 10:30 am (2nd and 3rd Sun) Intercessory Prayer: 11am - 12 noon (Tues. & Thurs.) Bible Study: 7pm (Wed)

Metropolitan Tabernacle Baptist 2206 Harlandale Avenue Dallas, TX 75216-2429 (214) 372-3828 9:30 am - Sunday School 10:30 am - Sun. Morning Worship 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Service Pastor W. J. Atkins 11 am to 5 pm - Friday Counseling


Rev. B.l. Horn

Sunday School: 8:00 am Morning Worship 10:00 am Carter Temple CME Church 2503 Crossman Avenue Dallas, TX 75212-5209 (214) 747-0752 Sunday School: 10:00am Morning Worship 11:00 am Bible Study: Wed 7:00 pm “His Grace Is Sufficient”

Pastor Willie l. McDaniels

July 1, 2011

Celebrating 50 Years


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ATTENTION: New updates are In process. All church’s and ministers! Please email or call Bettye at Elite News to update photo and church information to bettye_elite@yahoo.com 214-372-6500 Faith Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 4205 Robinson Road/P.O. Box 540515 Grand Prairie, Texas 75054 972-642-9125

Sunday Church School.................. 9:00 am Morning Worship........................10:30 am Tues. Bible Class..............................6:00 pm Prayer Service..............................7:00 pm Mission Study Classes...................7:45 pm Rev. Stanley E. Smith

Greater New Zion Greater Church New Zion Baptist 2210 Pine Church Street Baptist

Tuesdays 1:00am Wednesdays 7:30p.m.

Rev. Patterson Rev.Joe Joes.Patterson

New Leaf Missionary Baptist Church “Turning over a new leaf” 5044 Veterans Drive Dallas, Texas 75241 214-372-3200 (Church) Sunday School 9:45 am Morning Worship 11:00 am 1st Sunday Lord’s Supper 6:00 pm Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm

Rev. R. O. Moffett

Rev. Wendell Blair, Sr.

True Gospel Ministries

Come worship with us, A minstry of caring

Crest View Ministry of “Hope”

Restoring lives and giving hope to the “hopeless”

6000 Singing Hills Dr. Dallas, Texas 75241 214-374-6631 Morning Worship 8:00 am & 10:15 am Sunday School........................9:00 am Lord’s Supper 1st Sunday ......6:00 pm Rev. C. J. R. Phillips Jr.

1430 N. Polk Street Desoto, Texas 75115 Ph: (469) 567-1602 Early Morning Worship - 8:00 am Sunday School - 8:45 am Morning Worship - 10:00 am Wed. Hour of Bible Study - 7:30 pm

Apostle Lobias Murray

3317 Morris Street • Dallas, TX 75212 214-638-0918 • www.nmtcalvary.org

Rev. Christopher T. Willis, Sr.

Pastor Michael and Sherry Perkins

Myrtis Robinson, Pastor

2949 E. Kiest Blvd Suite J Dallas, TX 75206 Church: 214-946-2989 Sunday School: 10:00 am Morning Worship: 11:00 am

1101 Sabine • Dallas, Texas 75203 Church: 214-943-8295 Fax: 214-942-2023 Pastor: 214-942-7474 Website: www.goldengatembc.org

Sunday School: 9:00 am Morning Worship: 10:30 am

Rev. B. R. Williams

Munger Ave. Baptist Church “Your Church Home In Dallas”

3919 Munger Ave./Dallas, Texas 75204 (214) 824-8312 Sunday School.........9:30 am Sunday Morning Worship...11:00 am Wednesday Mid Week Service Sunshine Bible Study...10:00 am Fellowship Dinner.......5:20 pm

Rev. Kedric L. McKnight Senior Pastor

“Come, taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalms 34:8

Sunday School……10:30 a.m. Morning Worship……12:45 p.m. Wed. & Fri. Services……8:00 p.m. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17

Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church

Wednesday ~ 7:00

Hour of Power (Bible Study, 1st & 3rd Wed.) D.I.V.A.S. (Women’s Ministry, 2nd & 4th Wed.) M.S.G. (Men’s Mnistry, 2nd & 4th Wed.)

Rev. E.C. Wilson

New Restoration Church

Tuesday Generation Exchange (Youth/Children Happy Hour) ~ 6:45 p.m.



1734 Idaho St. • Dallas, Texas 75216 Church: 214-942-0997 Residence: 972-225-6997

4122 Kilgore St. Dallas, TX 75212 214-630-3195 • 972-274-9911 Sunday Morning Service - 11:15 am Wed. Night Bible Study - 7:00 pm Saturday hour of Prayer - 10:00 E-mail - fallsfamily@prodigy.net Supt. & Mrs. Howard E. Falls, Sr.

New Mt. Calvary Baptist Church

Rev. Wade J. Simmons Pastor

The House of Refuge Full Gospel Church

Bibleway Church of God in Christ

“Christ-Centered, Faith-Driven, Holy Living”

4325 W. Ledbetter Drive Dallas, Texas 75223 Church: (214) 337-1713 Sunday School … 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship … 10:30 a.m. Baptist Training Union …. 6:15 p.m.


39727 LBJ Freeway Dallas, Texas 75237 972-572-FGHT (3448) 24 HOUR PRAYER LINE: 972-223-9898 Sunday School..........................9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship.............11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship................7:30 pm Tuesday..& Saturday........................8:00 pm visit our website www.fullgospelholytemple.org

Sunday Church School ~ 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. New Member Orientation ~ 1:30 p.m.

7407 Fox Crossing Court Dallas, Texas 75232 972-224-0271

page 15

344 E. Saner Dallas, Texas 75216 Ph: 214-946-9262 Sunday School............................ 9:15 am Sunday Morning Worship.............10:30 am Tues. Bible Band/Brotherhood Youth7:30 pm Thursday Prayer............................7:30 pm *Every Saturday “Bible Speaks” broadcast on 1040 AM radio at 3:45 pm Eld. Robert L. Ashberry

Divine Inspiration Missionary Baptist Church

God’s “Exciting” Cathedral of Praise Baptist Church

1734 E. Ann Arbor Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 214-371-1349 214-371-0100 (Fax) Formally True Gospel MBC Sunday School...8:45 am Morning Worship Service...10:30 am Last Tuesday in each month Word Explosion – 7:30 PM 2nd & 3rd Tuesdays – Bible Study 4th Saturday - Evangelism Outreach Rev. Calvin Ray Washington

Sunday Service......11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Class........7:30 p.m.

Rev. R. E. Price

Full Gospel Holy Temple Church

New True Vine of Holiness Missionary Baptist Church

6728 Altaire Street Dallas, Texas 214-375-6504 Sunday School - 9:15 am Morning Worship - 10:35 am Evening Worship 7:30 pm A Church Where The Bible is Our Guide

9550 Shepherd Road Dallas, Texas 75243 Ph: 214-341-6459 Early Morning Worship................. 7:30 am Sunday School..............................9:00 am Sunday Morn. Worship................10:30 pm Bible Class..................................6:00 pm Prayer and Bible Study...................7:45 am

St. Phillips Missionary Baptist Church

Dallas, TX 75215

2210 Pine Street 214-421-4119 Texas 75212 email:Dallas, gnz2210@sbcglobal.net 214-421-4119 Sunday School............................9:30am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship Service..........................11:00am Morning Worship Study -10:45 am Bible

Steven Temple C.O.G.I.C.

New Mount Zion Baptist Church

Prayer Meeting-Bible Study 6:30-8:30 pm

Rev. Vincent Parker, Pastor


Youth Bible Study & Rehearsal 7:00 -8:30 pm

Rev. Wade Charles Davis

July 1, 2011

Celebrating 50 Years


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ATTENTION: New updates are In process. All church’s and ministers! Please email or call Bettye at Elite News to update photo and church information to bettye_elite@yahoo.com 214-372-6500

Living Testimony Baptist Church

Community Baptist Church 2920 Fordham Rd. 214-376-9774

Rev. A. L. Banks

Greater Progressive Baptist Church 1966 Life Street Dallas, Texas 75212 214-630-8637 10:45 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday School

Rev. J. J. Raven

4129 Idaho Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219 (214) 374-3860 9:30 a.m. – Sunday School 10:45 a.m. – Worship Rev. R.G. Simmons, Pastor

Church Phone: 214-339-9554 Fax: 214-337-7626

New Unity Baptist Church

Greater Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church

6332 Bonnie view Rd. Dallas, Texas 75241 214-225-2703 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship

1711 Reynoldston Lane Dallas, Texas 75232

Sunday School: 9 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Mid-Week Service: 7: 30 p.m. Transportation Available!!

Ch: 214-371-7026

Rev. Shank Robinson

St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church

1519 Denley Drive Dallas, Texas 75216 214-941-5224 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Worship

Early Morning Worship........8:00 a.m. Sunday School........9:30 a.m. Morning Worship............10:30 a.m. Children’s Church 1st, 2nd, 4th Sunday.10:30 a.m.

Bishop Harold Edwards

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

Rev. Paul E. Walker

Greater Shiloh Baptist Church 4010 Sunnyvale Street Dallas, Texas 75216 • 214-371-2262 Sunday School .......9:00 am Morning Worship...11:00 am BTU .......................6:00 am Wed. Prayer & Teaching ... 7:00 pm Saturday Outreach 10:00 am Rev. S. L. Johnson


page 16

Rev. Lelious Johnson, Pastor

1323 So. Ewing Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 214-942-4643 Sunday School ….. 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ….. 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study …..7:00 p.m. Rev. lee Craig

2200 S. Marsalis Dallas, Texas 75216 Sunday School..............................7:30 am Sunday Morning Worship............10:00 am Tuesday Bible Band.......................7:30 am Friday Pastoral Teaching................7:30 pm Sunday Radio Broadcast...............8:30 am “Come Worship at the Home of The Saints”

Bishop J. Neaul Haynes

1111 E. Ledbetter Dallas, Texas 75241 214-372-4411 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship

Rev. Cecil Proctor

New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church 411 N. Hampton Road Desoto, TX 75115 214-729-3322 Rev. Darrell W. Pryor Pastor/Teacher

Rev. Darrell W. Pryor, Pastor

“Inspiring the Community One Family at a time”

Sunday Services: Intercessory Prayer..........7:30-8:10 am Early Worship.........................8:00 am Church School........................9:30 am Morning Worship..................10:50 am NBC.......................................6:00 pm

Dr. S.C. Nash, Pastor

Third Avenue Missionary Baptist Church “The Church With the 20/20 Vision”

Dr. H.E. Anderson, Sr.,

New St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church

3603 Pugett Dallas, Texas 75212 214.351.7096 Sunday Service…10:45 am. Monday…6:00 pm. Monday School Thursday…6:00 pm. Prayer Meeting Bible Study

Rev. Steven C. Jones

3700 Simpson Stewart Road Dallas, Texas 75241 972-225-1704

The “The “Exciting” Exciting” singing HIllsBaptist Baptist Church Singing Hills Church 6550 Hills Boulevard 6550 University Houston School Road Dallas,Texas Texas75241 75241 Dallas, Phone:214-375-5952 214-375-5952 Phone:

Early Worship ................8:00 am Sunday School....................9:30 am Morning Worship..............10:45 am Wed. Night Breakthrough....7:00 pm

e-mail: revscj@swbell.net

Mount Tabor Baptist Church

Saintsville Church of God and Christ

4360 Kollock Dr. Dallas, TX 75216 214-375-5190 Fax: 214-372-1620

Sunday School.......9:30 AM Morning Worship............ 11:00 AM

Tuesday Bible Study................7:30 p.m. Prayer & Praise Family Night............7:00 p.m.

Ewing Avenue Baptist Church

3711 Biglow • Dallas, Texas 214-374-5485 9:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Worship 7:00 pm Wed. Bible Study/Worship

Office: 214-375-0062

Sunday School: 9:00 am Sunday Worship: 10:45 am Tuesday Bible Sudy: 7:30 pm

Neighborhood House of Prayer

1600 Pear Street Dallas, Texas 75215 Ph: 214-421-3741 Fax: 214-421-3926

Church Of The Living God

Rev. Chris J. Evans

“Church of Love” 4807 BurnsideDallas, Texas 75216

Denley Drive Missionary Baptist Church

Dr. Aaron Phillips

Metropolitan Baptist Church “Where we walk by faith, not by sight, joyfully doing the Lord’s work serving the community,” II Cor 5: 7

2408 Hatcher Street • Dallas, Texas 75215 Church: 214-428-3695 Sunday School..........................9:15 am Morning Worship.....................10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study............7:00 pm Radio Broadcast: M - F 12:30 pm on KGGR

Rev. Michael D. Pryor

Calvary Temple Community Church

Totally Committed Progressive

1401 Clay Mathis Rd. Mesquite, TX 75181 2403972-222-3708 HarlandaleFaxDr. Church Phone: 972-222-5699

Dr. M.L. Curry, Pastor


Dallas, TX 75216 Website: Calvarytemplemesquite.org Ch 214-374-0977 • C 214-864-0470 E-mail: Calvarytemplecc@att.net Sunday School........ 10:00am Services: Sunday 8:00am and 10:30am MorningTimes: Worship........... 11:15am Midweek Service: Wednesday Tues Bible Study............. 8:00pm Prayer/Bible Study @ 7:00pm Dr. W.R. PASTOR ANDWillis FIRST Church Motto: We Walk by Faith, 8:00pm Not by Sight " Thurs Joy "For Night.............. 2 Corinthians 5:7 LADY MCCULLOUGH

July 1, 2011

Celebrating 50 Years


CommunitY serviCe

ATTENTION: New updates are In process. All church’s and ministers! Please email or call Bettye at Elite News to update photo and church information to bettye_elite@yahoo.com 214-372-6500

Shekinah ShekinahTabernacle Tabernacle Baptist Baptist Church Church 2109 TX TX 2109Beckley Beckley• Dallas, • Dallas, 214-942-2227 214-942-2227 8:30 8:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Worship Service

Ebenezer Missionary Riverside Baptist Church Ebenezer Missionary 3132 Lagow Baptist Church Baptist Church Dallas, Texas


8015Blossom BlossomLane Lane 8015 9:30 am Sunday School Dallas, Texas Texas 75227 Dallas, 75227 10:45 Sunday am Worship 214-388-1200 214-388-1200

Rev. Rev. A.A.D.D.Tuston Smith Smith Rev.S.T.

Rev. Rev.Alfred AlfredStapleton Stapleton

Carver CarverHeights HeightsBaptist BaptistChurch Church “A Christ” “A going goingChurch Churchfor fora aComing Coming Christ” 2510 2510E.E.Ledbetter Ledbetter Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75216 75216 Church: Church:214-371-2024 214-371-2024 Sunday a.m.a.m. SundaySchool......9:30 School......9:30 Morn. a.m. & 10:45 Morn. Worship...8:00 Worship...8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. a.m. Tues. Tues.Noonday NoondayBible BibleStudy Study Wed. p.m.p.m. Wed.Prayer/Bible Prayer/BibleStudy....7:00 Study....7:00

R. R.L.L.Washington Washington

Olive Olive Grove GroveBaptist BaptistChurch Church Lotts Mortuary 4416 Denley 4416South South DenleyDrive Drive 2434Dallas, MLK Blvd, Dallas Tx 75215 Texas 75216 Dallas, Texas 75216 Ph: Ph:214-941-4378 214-941-4378 9:45 School 9:45am am- Sunday - Sunday School 10:45 Worship 10:45am am- Morning - Morning Worship Midweek Midweek Service: Service: Wednesday Wednesday––Prayer Prayerand and Teaching Teaching6:00 6:00p.m. p.m.

Rev. Rev.W. W.Hunter Hunter

Rev. Bradley Rev.Johnnie JohnnieR.R. Bradley

Pilgrim Pilgrim Rest Rest Baptist Baptist Church Church 1819 1819 N. N.Washington Washington Dallas, Dallas,TX TX Ph: Ph:214-823-7308 214-823-7308 8:00 Worship 8:00am amFirst First Worship 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:45 10:45am amSecond Second Worship Worship

Rev. Rev.Curtis CurtisWallace Wallace

page 17

Rev. Rev.Frederick Frederick D. D.Haynes HaynesIIIIII

Lords Lords Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church

6722 6722 Bexar BexarStreet Street Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-428-5459 214-428-5459 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship

14120 Texas 75240 14120Noel NoelRoad Road• Dallas, • Dallas, Texas 75240 972-239-1120 972-239-1120Church Church 972-239-5925 972-239-5925Fax Fax Worship 10:45 amam WorshipServices Services8 8& & 10:45 Sunday SundaySchool School9:45 9:45amam Wednesday Wednesday12 12noon noonprayer prayer

Rev. Rev.Jerome JeromeE.E. McNeil, McNeil,Jr.Jr.PhPhD.D.

Rev. Rev.Michael MichaelR.R. Hubbard Hubbard Sr., Sr.,Pastor Pastor

2837 2837Prosperity ProsperityAve. Ave. Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75216 75216 Ph: Ph:(214) (214)376-2447 376-2447 8:45 School 8:45am am- Sunday - Sunday School 10:00 Worship 10:00am am- Morning - Morning Worship 5:00 5:00pmpm-B.T.U. B.T.U. Dr. Pastor Dr.T.L. T.L.Brown, Brown, Pastor

1000 1000East EastRedbird RedbirdLane Lane Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-371-9228 214-371-9228 8:00 amam Worship 8:00&&10:45 10:45 Worship 9:30 9:30Sunday SundaySchool School

New New Friendship FriendshipMissionary Missionary Baptist BaptistChurch Church “Where Real & & FriendshipIsIs Real “WhereFriendship The Word” TheMinistry MinistryIsIsThe The Word”

2419 2419Metropolitan MetropolitanAvenue Avenue Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75215 75215 Church: Church:214-421-7211 214-421-7211 Fax: Fax:214-565-1530 214-565-1530 Pastor’s Pastor’sOffice: Office:214-421-8272 214-421-8272 Caregiver’s Caregiver’sOffice: Office:214-565-1147 214-565-1147 www.newfriendshipmissionarybaptistchurch.com www.newfriendshipmissionarybaptistchurch.com

Sunday A.M. SundaySchool....9:15 School....9:15 A.M. Morning 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Worship........ 11:00 A.M. Mon.-Christian pmpm Mon.-ChristianEducation...7:00 Education...7:00 Wed. P.M.P.M. Wed.Prayer PrayerMeeting Meeting....7:30 ....7:30

Bishop Bishop Ray RayCampbell Campbell

5707 5707Bonnie BonnieView ViewRoad Road Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75241 75241 214-376-5846 214-376-5846 8:00 8:00am amEarly EarlyWorship Worship 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship www.bambc.org www.bambc.org

Rev. Pastor Rev.Johnny JohnnyA.A.McGee, McGee, Pastor

Rev. Mitchell Rev.J.J.E.E. Mitchell

Greater GreaterMount MountHebron Hebron Missionary MissionaryBaptist BaptistChurch Church 2335 Texas 75241 233556th 56thStreet StreetDallas, Dallas, Texas 75241

Rev. Rev.Carlton CarltonGarrett Garrett

Concord Concord Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church

6808 6808Pastor PastorBailey BaileyDrive Drive Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75237 75237 214-331-8522 214-331-8522 7:30am 9:15am, 11:00-12:24 8:00 10:00 amam & 12:00 pm pm 8:00am, am, 10:00 & 12:00 Worship Worship Worship

Rev. FreddieCheatum Cheatum Rev.Freddie

www.hmbconline.org www.hmbconline.org Sunday a.m.a.m. SundayEarly EarlyWorship....8:00 Worship....8:00 Morning 10:45 p.m.p.m. Morning Worship Worship........ 10:45 Tuesday p.m.p.m. TuesdayYouth YouthChoir...7:00 Choir...7:00 Wed. p.mp.m Wed.Prayer PrayerMeeting Meeting.....7:00 .....7:00 Wed. p.m.-p.m.-8:30 8:30 p.m. p.m. Wed.Bible BibleStudy StudyClass.....7:30 Class.....7:30 For ine.or g Prayer@hmbconline.org For Prayer: Prayer: Prayer@hmbconl

Bon Bon Air Air Baptist Baptist Church Church

2020 2020W. W.Wheatland Wheatland Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75232 75232 972-228-5200 972-228-5200 Sun. 8am&10:45am Sun.Morn. Morn.Services Services 8am&10:45am Wed. Noon & 7pm Wed.Bible BibleStudy Study1212 Noon & 7pm

Ph: Fax:Fax: (214) 824-3813 Ph:(214) (214)823-1018 823-1018 (214) 824-3813

Ideal IdealPentecostal Pentecostal

Friendship Friendship West West Baptist Baptist Church Church Rev. Pastor Rev.Daryl DarylCarter, Carter, Pastor

5144 Texas 75223 5144Dolphin DolphinRd. Rd. • Dallas, • Dallas, Texas 75223

Ervay ErvayCedar CedarMissionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church

Shiloh Shiloh Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church

1114 1114Comal ComalStreet Street Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75203 75203 214-946-3581 214-946-3581 9:00 am Early MorningWorship Worship 8:00 am Early Morning 8:00 am Early Morning Worship 10:15 am Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday School 11:15 am WorshipService Service 11:00 am Worship 11:00 am Worship Service

2415 2415Ann AnnArbor Arbor Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-374-3639 214-374-3639 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship Temple Temple of ofFaith Faith Christian ChristianChapel ChapelC.M.E. C.M.E. Church Church

New New Greater GreaterEmanuel Emanuel Baptist Baptist Church Church

2554 Texas 75216 AnnArbor ArborAve. Ave.Dallas, Dallas, Texas 75216 2554Ann Ph: Ph:(214) (214)376-2873 376-2873 am am Sunday SundaySchool............9:45 School............9:45 Morning am am Morning Praise..........11:00 Praise..........11:00 Children’s am am Church......11:30 Children’sChurch......11:30 BTU.............................6:30 pm BTU.............................6:30 pm Mon. pmpm Mon. Youth YouthMission Mission....7:00 ....7:00 Tues. pm pm Tues.Men’s Men’sMinistry Ministry....7:00 ....7:00 Fri. pmpm Fri.Singles/Family Singles/FamilyMinistry Ministry7:30 7:30

Hopewell Hopewell Missionary Missionary Baptist BaptistChurch Church

Little Little Friendship Friendship Baptist Baptist Church Church

Church: Church:214-374-4759 214-374-4759 9:00 9:00am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:30 10:30am amMorning MorningWorship Worship 7:00 pmpm Wed Bible Study 7:00pm pm- -7:30 7:30 Wed Bible Study Thurs. Rehearsal/Usher Thurs.Night Night- Choir - Choir Rehearsal/Usher 7:00 Men’s Night OutOut 7:00pm pm Fri. Fri. Men’s Night

Mt. M.B.C. Mt.Pisgah Pisgah M.B.C. “THE “THEROCK” ROCK” 11611 Chapel Rd. Rd. 11611Webb Webb Chapel Dallas, Tx.Tx. 75229 Dallas, 75229 Worship Services..7:45 & 11 am Worship Services..7:45 & 11 am Sunday am am SundaySchool...9:45 School...9:45 Wed. Study 12 pm 7 pm Wed.Bible Bible Study 12&pm & 7 pm Office...972-241-6151 Office...972-241-6151 Fax...972-243-5279 Fax...972-243-5279 Music MusicMinistry...972-241-5985 Ministry...972-241-5985 Prayer Line...972-243-2037 Prayer Line...972-243-2037

Rev. Rev.Fred FredConwright Conwright

Office Mon.Mon. & Fri...9 am - 3 pm OfficeHours... Hours... & Fri...9 am - 3 pm Tues., Wed., Thurs...9 am - 6am pm - 6 pm Tues., Wed., Thurs...9 Website...www.dallasmtpisgah.org Website...www.dallasmtpisgah.org

Greater Church GreaterEmanuel EmanuelBaptist Baptist Church 2110 2110E.E.11th 11thSt.St. Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75203 75203 214-942-0218 214-942-0218

Rev. Rev.Bryan BryanCarter Carter

9:00 School 9:00a.m........Sunday a.m........Sunday School 7:45 10:00 a.m...Morning Worship 7:45a.m. a.m.& & 10:00 a.m...Morning Worship 6:30 Prayer/Bible Study 6:30p.m....Wed. p.m....Wed. Prayer/Bible Study


Rev. Rev.Burley BurleyHudson Hudson

Pastor: Rev. Robert Townsend Pastor: Rev. Robert Townsend

July 1, 2011

Celebrating 50 Years of CommunitY serviCe Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 am Todd M. ATTENTION: are In process. All church’s and ministers! Please email or call Bettye at Elite News Sunday School @New 9:15updates am tkins to update photo Prayer & Bible Study - Wednesday @ 7:00 pm and church information to bettye_elite@yahoo.com 214-372-6500 New Birth Baptist Union ChurchHope Institutional

Progressive Baptist Church

Golden Chain Church

Greater New Mt. Zion

3314 Detonte St. Missionary Baptist Church Dallas, Texas 75223 5023 Wadsworth Dallas, Texas 207 Eggar St. Church 972-823-1962 Waxahachie, Texas 75165 Church (972) 937-4615 Email: progressivechurch@swbglobal.net Church 214-372-0280 Email: iwturner@prodigy.net Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Call to Worship.... 11:00 AM Call to Worship.... 10:45 AM Mission.......6:00 - 7:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service.... 6:30 p.m. Bible Study……7:00 - 8:00 P.M. Sunday School 8 am Pastor David L. & Shirley F. Maxey “The Church With The Mind Of Christ” “The Church Where God Is Glorified”

444 West Ledbetter Primitive Baptist Church Dallas, Texas 75224 2217 56th Street 214-374-0828 Dallas, Texas 75241 Early Morning Worship ........7:50 am Ph: (214) 374-6441 Sunday School ....................9:30 am Fax: (214)am 374-6490 Morning Worship ...............10:30 9:30 am Sunday School Evening Worship ................7:00 p.m. Rev. George Pryor Rev. Lee W. Turner, Pastor Pastor Morning Worship 10 am 11: 00am Morning Worship Rev. B.L. Horn Eld. Lloyd T. Morgan, Sr. ick J. Woods Redeemer Missionary Bonnie View Christian Church Beginners New Covenant Christian Fellowship Church 4861 Bonnie View at Ledbetter Dallas District Christian Methodist Episcopal Baptist Church Baptist 2025 Church W. Wheatland Rd • Dallas, Texas 75232 Dallas, Texas 75216 2948 Singleton Blvd. Church 3610 Hancock Phone: (972) 224-5000 Church 214-376-8514 Dallas, Texas 75241 Presiding Elder Dallas/Ft. Worth Region Dallas, Texas 75210 www.newcovenantdallas.org Sunday School......8:30 A.M Church: 214-631-2226 214-428-2083 Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Call To Worship... 10:00 A.M. Sunday School.....9:30 a.m. Sunday School.....10:00 Sundayam Worship: 8 am & 10:30 am 1616 East Illinois Ave Wed. Prayer Service & Morning Worship.10:45 a.m. Rev. Michael L. Morning Worship.... 11:00 am Youth Church: 10:30 am (2nd & 3rd Sun.) Dallas, Texas 75216 Bible Class..7:30 P.M. Evening Worship...7:00 p.m. Smith, Pastor BTU.......9:30 am Rev. K.D. Pace Dwayne E. Rodgers, Sr. Pastor Intercessory Prayer: 11 am - 12noon (Tues. & Thurs.) Ph. (214) 372-9505 Rev. Dr. Rev. Andre’ Byrd Sr. Bible Study: 7 pm (Wed.) W.C. Champion C.L. Taylor St. Mark AME Zion Church GREATER El BETHEl MIssIONARY Sheep of Jesus Christ

BAPTIsT CHuRCHCME Church Christian Church Carter Temple 1724 Windmire Dr. WIllIAM D. MCNEAlY, PAsTOR

2311 E. Illinois Ave. Dallas, TX 75216 214-376-7750 Fax 214-376-2485 stmarkameziondallas.org am Harlandale Ave. Sunday School 9:30 2206 Sunday Worship 11 am Dallas, TX 75216 Prayer Meeting Tues 12 - Wed 6 pm 213-372-3828 Sat 8 am - Sun 9Church: am 9:30 am - Sunday School “You Must Be Born Again”

Metropolitan Tabernacle Baptist Church

Rev. JohnWorship Morris, Jr. 10:30 am - Sun. Morning 6:00 pm - Wednesday Bible Service 11 am to 5 pm - Friday Counseling

H.L. Ward

Mesquite, Texas 75181 972-222-3763 kennethbeck@clear.net Sunday Service: 10:00 a.m. Bible Study: Monday 7-8 p.m. SundayChurch: School .....9:00a.m. 214-747-0752 “….lovest thou me more than these? Sunday Worship ..10:00a.m. 10:00&am Sunday School Feed my sheep….John 21:15-17 Wed. Prayer Service Bible- Class 7:00p.m. 11:00God amIs- Praised” Sun. Morning Worship Motto: “Where Mature Christians Are Made” “Where

1130 East Ninth Street Dallas, Texas 75203 Avenue 2503 Crossman ChurchDallas, 214-946-9701 Texas 75212

Holy Temple Church

Bexar Street Baptist Church

www.dfwelitenews.com 2018 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 214-943-3579 Early Morning Worship......8:00 a.m. Sunday School..........9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 am C.C. Robertson

1051 West Wintergreen Rd. Lancaster, Texas 75134 972-227-1400 Sunday School ......................9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship .......9:00 am Sunday Bible Class ................6:30 pm Sunday Night..........................7:30 pm

Faithful Missionary Baptist Church 6255 Bonnie View Rd. Dallas, Texas 972-225-7381 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Worship

Little Flock Baptist Church

Rev. Louis E. Laurent

Greater Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church

page 18

2651 Gooch Street Dallas, Texas 75241 Church 214-376-0354 Sunday Inter. Prayer.....8 A.M.-9 A.M. Sunday School......9:15-10:50 A.M Sunday Morning Worship... 11:00 A.M. Evening Worship...6:00 P.M.

2023 Mouser Street

(214) 946-3584

Rev. J.L. Rainbolt

Dr. David Wilson

Early Morning Pentecost ....8:00AM Sunday School.....9:25 AM Mountain top Experience ....11:00 AM Wed. Nite Bible Study........7:00 PM

Dr. Timothy J. Brown, Pastor

Zion Temple Church of God in Christ 4204 Frank Street Dallas, Texas 75210 Ph: (214) 426-5231

Sunday School......9:45 a.m. Morning Worship........11:15 a.m. Y.P.W.W..............6:45 p.m. Elder Glenn Tatum, Sr. Pastor

Marsalis Avenue Missionary Baptist Church 2723 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 Church: 214-943-6007 9:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship 7:00 pm Prayer/Praise Worship

Dr. David Henderson

New El Bethel Baptist Church

Open Door Church of God In Christ

705 E. Aimee Street Forney, Texas Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Morning Worship....10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Meeting/Bible Study..7:15 P.M.

8350 Forest Lane Dallas, Texas 214-349-7701 7:30 am Early Morning Worship 9:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship

Pastor & First Lady C.C. Boyce

3702 Toronto Dallas, Texas 214-920-2473

“Come Worship With Us”

1403 Morrell • Dallas, Texas 75203 214-946-4522 Worship Services Sunday 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM Fullfillment Hour 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship Wednesday 6:30 PM Women, Men & Youth Meeting 7:30 PM Bible Study

October 29, 2010

Community West Baptist Church

Rev. N. C. Sargent

Pastor Kenneth W. Beck

7:00 pm - Midweek Worship Pastor L. McDaniels PastorLancaster W.J. Atkins Mt.Willie Pleasant Baptist Church Full Gospel “His Grace Is Sufficient” Greater

Terry White Pastor/Teacher


Evening Worship.........8:15p.m.

Salem Institutional Baptist Israel Baptist Church Church 2023 West Davis Street Rev. Todd M. Atkins - Pastor Dallas, Texas 75208 3918 Crozier St. Dallas, TX 75215 Ph:214-428-3797 (214) 942-7535 Phone Sunday School....9:45 A.M. Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 am Morning Worship .... 11:00 Sunday School @ 9:15 am A.M. Prayer & Bible @ 7:00 pm WedStudy BibleWednesday Study ...6:30 P.M.

July 1, 2011

Eld. Wallace M. Holyfield

Rev. Morgan Rev.C.C. Todd M. Atkins

OBiTuaRies Brown, Diane Christopher 64. She was born April 8, 1947 and passed away on June 25. She leaves to cherish husband, Charles Brown, 3 children, Eric Christopher, Subrina Stoker and Rebecca McDonald, 5 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. WakeThursday, June 30 from 8:30-9:30 pm. Funeral- Friday, July 1 at 1 pm. Both services will be held at Golden Gate4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy Ball, Billie Fay Johnson passed away June 23, 2011. Wake: Thursday June 30, 2011 7pm-8pm. Funeral: Friday July 1, 2011 12pm, both services held at Bridge to Life Christian Fellowship, 2306 E. Overton RD Dallas, TX 75216. Survivors: Mother, Rachel Johnson, Children: Shinequa Lane, Cameron

page 19

Celebrating 50 Years Johnson. And a host of relatives and friends that loved her the most. Randall Funeral Home Dallas, Tx 75216 214476-7835 Empy, Ruby 81. Survived by 2 daughters, 8 grandchildren and a host of great grandchildren. Viewing- Wednesday, June 29 from 2-9 pm at Golden Gate- 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy. FuneralThursday, June 30 at 11:30 am at Church of Christ on Pemberton Hill Rd.- 320 Pemberton Hill Rd., Dallas, TX 75217.


CommunitY serviCe

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