J u n e 17, 2011 - vo l . 51 ed i t i o n 24

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g et Y our n ational , s tate , l oCal s ports , w eather

C e l e b r at i n g 51 Y e a r s William Blair Jr. SR. PuBLiSHeR


C o m m u n i t Y s e rv i C e

Jordan Blair PuBLiSHeR

nobodY Covers


metroplex like


elite news


Dr. William Blair

Mayor Dwaine Caraway


June 17, 2011


vol. 51 edition 24

Dallas Mavericks wins NBA 1st Title Championship

Happy Father’s Day to all fathers

District Attorney Craig Watkins

Psalm 103:13

Jason Terry, Dirk Nowitzki and Jason Kidd makes a grand ending at the end of victory parade Thursday..........................see victory parade photo’s on page 20

s a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him...... See Fathers page 3 David Lynch

Mark Jones

Roger B Brown

n ews u pdates !!!


Crawford Wilson

Apostle Lobias Murray

Who will be Dallas next Mayor? Rawlings or Kunkle? Read The eliTe News ONliNe weekly, JusT

Owner Mark Cuban carries the NBA Championship trophy while Dirk Nowitzki holds MVP trophy followed by Jason Terry and Shawn Marion as they greet fans after returning home on Monday after defeating the Miami Heat.....See Mavs page 8

What Does Juneteenth Mean To You?------------------------- Page 4

as iT appeaRs iN

Men celebrating men at St Paul Baptist Church......Bro. Willie Taylor, Rev. Curtis Wallace, Rev. Lelious A. Johnson, Dennis Dials(Man of Year), and Doug Baylock-- Page 4



Celebrating 50 Years


CommunitY serviCe

c iTy B eaT

What do you do with dirty feet? John 13:1-17


t was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Henry Nelson Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love. The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus. 3Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my

feet?” Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” ”No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me. Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!” Jesus answered, “A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.” For he knew who was going to betray him and that was why he said not everyone was clean. When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. ”You call me `Teacher’ and `Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will

be blessed if you do them. Amen! This story is one of the most memorable incidents in Bible. It was the night before Jesus’ betrayal and crucifixion. It was an intense time in Jesus’ life. His public ministry had ended. Jesus now turns his full attention to his disciples. I want you to imagine this situation with me for a moment. In that culture the most demeaning task around was to wash the guest’s feet. This was job done by lowest slaves. It was necessary because people wore sandals did most of their travel by foot. They walked along trails that were not only dusty, but also cluttered with camel and donkey dung. I am sure that guests arrived with more than dust on their feet. It was a common courtesy for the host to have his slave wash the guest’s feet as they entered the house. Jesus had sent Peter and John to prepare for their meal together. The food had been cooked. The table had been set. And I am sure the disciples thought this matter would be taken care of as well. It was not! As Jesus and the disciples enter the room they see towels and water basin in

“Taste Test” Wake Up! Festive 7 Layer Mexican Coleslaw

the corner. They do not see a slave to wash their feet. Perhaps some of them pause as they enter the room, wondering where the servant was; maybe wondering why Peter and John had not taken care of this important detail. As they recline at the table, each disciple feels a little uncomfortable. “Somebody ought to at least wash Jesus’ feet. But if I do that, where will that put me on the social pecking order? I would be at the Bottom of the heap. If I volunteer I will get stuck with that job from now on. Maybe if I just wait somebody else will do it. If you would like to receive the entire message please request it at revelations_75044@msn.com

Read the Elite News online every Friday

www.dfwelitenews.com Grace International Seminary “For God’s Chosen Women” Enroll Now

Ingredients: 1 16 oz tub sour cream 1 1.0 oz pkg taco seasoning 2 tbsp finely minced green onion 1/8 cup water Jordan Blair ii 1 14 oz pkg classic coleslaw with grated cabbage and carrots, without dressing 3 cups chopped cooked chicken or rotisserie chicken 1 dry pint cherry or grape tomatoes, reserve one tomato for garnish 1 14 oz can pinto beans, rinsed and drained 1 6 1/2 oz can sliced black olives, reserve one slice for garnish 1 8 oz pkg Mexican cheese blend 1 cup chopped cilantro 1 bag tortilla chips

Instructions: Mix sour cream, taco seasoning, onion

page 2

and water in a medium bowl until well combined, then set aside. In a large glass salad bowl, layer coleslaw, chicken, tomatoes, beans, olives, cheese and cilantro. Garnish salad with a tomato, sliced in quarters, to resemble a flower. Top the center of the tomato with a black olive ring. Place salad bowl on large serving platter, and scatter tortilla chips around the base of the salad bowl. Serve coleslaw by tossing all of the coleslaw with the sour cream dressing, and crumbled tortilla chips, or present the bowl of coleslaw with tortilla chips and dressing on the side allowing guests to dish their own and crumble their own chips.


Dr. Karen Hollie

Opportunity for: •Bachelors •Masters •Doctorate Don’t Miss This Opportunity Classes 2nd Saturday of the Month (972) 748 - 1646 www.graceis.org

June 17, 2011

Celebrating 50 Years


CommunitY serviCe


FATHErS, continued from front page BY: JoRDAN BLAIR ELITE NEWS PUBLISHER


he idea of a Father’s Day in the United States of America was the brainchild of Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, who thought of the idea for Father’s Day while listening to a Mother’s Day sermon in the year 1909. Having been raised with five others by her father, William Jackson Smart, after her mother died, Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to her. Ms. Dodd was sitting in church when the idea of a Father’s Day celebration came to mind. Within a few months, Sonora had convinced the Spokane Ministerial Association and the YMCA to set aside a Sunday in June to celebrate

Bishop Greggory M. ingram

fathers. The ministers chose the third Sunday in June so that they would have more time after Mother’s Day (the second Sunday in May) to prepare their sermons. So on June 19, 1910, Sonora delivered presents to handicapped fathers, boys from the YMCA decorated their lapels with freshcut roses (red for living fathers, white for the deceased), and the city’s ministers devoted their homilies to fatherhood. The widely publicized events in Spokane struck a chord that reached all the way to Washington, D.C., and Sonora’s celebration started its path to becoming a national holiday. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson and his family personally observed the day.Eight years later, President Calvin


Coolidge signed a resolution in favor of Father’s Day “to establish more intimate relations between fathers and their children and to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations.” In 1966,

Rev. Lelious Johnson

President Lyndon Johnson signed an executive order that the holiday be celebrated on the third Sunday in June. Finally in 1972, under President Richard Nixon, Congress passed an act officially making Father’s Day a national holiday (six years later, Sonora died at age 96). Today, we continue to celebrate our Fathers. Even though society looks on mothers as the nurturers and caregivers, the ones who are there for the children and the family, we can’t overlook the contributions of our Fathers. Fathers are more than just the breadwinners for the family, they love and care for their families just like our moms. However, it goes a bit farther because they are the protectors, the providers, they are Christian leaders, and they keep balance in the family. Fathers too run single-parent homes, help with homework, take the children to doctor appointments; they too drop off and pick up the kids from school; some do grocery shop, as well as shop for school clothing. So you see, Fathers are valuable and we should treat them in that manner. As we prepare to celebrate and honor Fathers on Sunday, June 19, I thought it would be interesting to see just what God has to say about Fathers, especially since the idea of Father’s day originated in Church.




CITY BEAT ..........................................................PAGE 2 COVER STORY......................................................PAGE 3 PERSPECTIVE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY ............PAGE 4 BITS AND PIECES ................................................PAGE 5 SPIRITUAL GUIDE ................................................PAGE 6 COMMUNITY CALENDAR ......................................PAGE 7

page 3




The Bible defines Father as “a male parent”; with God himself being one’s heavenly Father. The Bible also defines a Father as, “A God fearing man that is the Priest, Protector, Provider and prophet of his home.” Then I decided to define the word Father from the secular viewpoint. In other words, how does our society define a Father? Dictionary.com defines a Father as “any male ancestor, especially the founder”. Another definition of the word Father from Dictionary.com defines a Father as, “a male who performs the tasks or duties of a male parent; to act paternally.” To be called or labeled a Father does not necessarily mean that one has to actually give birth to a child. There are so many men out there who are serving in the role of a Father. Some Fathers have adopted a child; some serve as mentors to children who do not have a Father figure present in their homes. So, in celebration of Father’s Day we want to celebrate and honor all those men who serve in the capacity of Fathers. Whether you are a biological father, an adoptive father, or a surrogate father, we salute and honor you on your special day. Thank you for being God-Fearing, thank you for being our protectors and providers - we salute you. on this Father’s Day, and every day, let’s show our Father’s how much we appreciate and love them. Make it a memorable day for your Father.

VoLUME 51 EDITIoN 23 Contact Information - Visit us in person at: 1911 E. Ledbetter Rd Dallas, Tx 75216 214-372-6500 • 214-372-2534 fax www.dfwelitenews.com

MANAGEMENT William Blair Jr. Jordan “Randy” Blair

Founder/Sr. Publisher Publisher

STAFF WRITERS Debra Blair Abron Bro. Gene Turner Rev. Johnny H. King Henry Nelson Pastor Clarence Henderson Dr. Karen Hollie Geraldine Davidson-Hooker Kevan Browning Lola Searcy Bettye Williams

Marketing Director B. J. Fullylove


MEDIA/SALES Lola Searcy Tyrone Hodge

lolasearcy@sbcglobal.net tyrone@elitenews.com Bettye Williams



PRoDUCTIoN Bettye “Katt” Williams BW Marketing & PR Agency

DISTRIBUTIoN Elite News - BJ Fullylove Charles Jones Deadlines and Disclaimers Submission of all article, ads, etc., are due every Tuesday by noon. We accept All credit cards. The views and opinions of guest writers and columnists do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher, staff or board of the Elite News. Elite News is not liable for submissions or payments made to parties other than those authorized agents listed below: Jordan Blair

All checks and money orders made payable to the Elite News shall be mailed to: P.o. Box 397925 Dallas, Texas 75339 Jerry Bob Chambers


ELITE NEWS SPORTS ............................................PAGE 8 LITTLE KNOWN BLACK HISTORY ........................PAGE 12 CLASSIFIEDS ......................................................PAGE 12 ENTERTAINMENT ..............................................PAGE 13 MINISTERS LISTINGS ..........................................PAGE 14 OBITUARIES ......................................................PAGE 19


June 17, 2011

peRspecTive iN The Black cOmmuNiTy

What Does Juneteenth Mean To You? By Jordan Blair ELITE NEWS PUBLISHER


ot just bar-b-que ribs, baked beans, potato salad, red soda pop, potato pie, etc., although that menu does sound muy delicious! But, Juneteenth originated on June 19, 1865, when the union General Gordon Granger rode into Galveston, Texas to inform inhabitants of the Civil War’s end two months earlier. This occurred exactly two and a half years after Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Granger’s General order Number 3 finally freed the last 260,000 slaves whose bondage, due to the minimal Union presence in the region, had been essentially unaffected by Lincoln’s efforts. June 19th, a day which name was quickly shortened to be commonly known as “Juneteenth” among celebrants, has become the African-American addendum to our national Independence Day, for, as Juneteenth jubilees remind us, the Emancipation Proclamation did not bring about emancipation, and the prevailing portrayal of Independence Day ignores the ignominious incidence of slavery entirely. It has been reported, though that the tidings of

We Continue to Celebrate Our roots June 18: Invitational Rodeo State Fair Coliseum 7 pm June 17: Trail Ride 5950 Elam Rd & 175-10 am June 19: Real Men Cook Gilley’s Southside 3-6 pm

freedom reached slaves gradually as individual plantation owners read over the months following the end of the war. The news elicited an array of celebrations. In 1980, Juneteenth became an official holiday. Today, the commemoration of that act, which actually came over two years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, is celebrated around the country, even as far north as Canada. Some say the reasons for the celebration stem from the absence of any other day denoting when Blacks were “freed” from the “peculiar institution” of slavery. Still, while some tend to want to forget that there was even anything as vicious and inhumane as slavery, organizers around the country still plan big events commemorating the ending of such an embarrassingly vicious period in American history. The Evolution of Juneteenth observance of Juneteenth has traditionally leaned towards church-centered celebrations featuring food, fun, and a focus on selfimprovement and education by guest speakers. Although initially associated with Texas and other Southern states, the Civil Rights Era and the Poor People’s March to Washington in

1968, in particular, helped spread the tradition all across America – to the extent that Milwaukee and Minneapolis now host two of the largest Juneteenth celebrations in the nation. Juneteenth As We See It Today Yes, the state of Texas did make Juneteenth an official holiday on January 1, 1980, and it also became the first to grant government recognition of the celebration. To this day, the Lone Star State remains alone in its affirmation of an anniversary of significance to many African Americans. Today, Juneteenth is promoted not only as a commemoration of African-American freedom, but as an example and encouragement of self-development and respect for all cultures. As We Celebrate Our Freedom Large celebrations on June 19 began in 1866 and continued regularly into the early 20th century. The African-Americans treated this day like the Fourth of July and the celebrations contained similar events. In the early days, the celebration included a prayer service, speakers with inspirational messages, reading of the emancipation proclamation, and stories from former slaves, food, red soda water, games, rodeos, and dances. The celebration of June 19 as emancipation day spread from Texas to the neighboring states

of Louisiana, Arkansas, and oklahoma. It has also appeared in Alabama, Florida, and California as African American Texans migrated. In many parts of Texas, ex-slaves purchased land, or “emancipation grounds,” for the Juneteenth gathering. Examples include: Emancipation Park in Houston purchased in 1872; what is now Booker T. Washington Park in Mexia; and Emancipation Park in east Austin Celebration of Juneteenth declined during World War II but revived in 1950 at the Texas State Fair Grounds in Dallas. Interest and participation fell away during the late 1950s and 1960s as attention focused on expansion of freedom for African-Americans. In the 1970s Juneteenth revived in some communities. For example, in Austin, the Juneteenth celebration returned in 1976 after a 25-year hiatus. House Bill No. 1016 passed in the 66th legislature, regular session, declared June 19, “Emancipation Day in Texas,” a legal state holiday effective January 1, 1980. Since that time, the celebration of Juneteenth continues across the state of Texas with parades, picnics and dancing. “ Happy Junteenth Have fun and be safe”

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page 4

Debra’s Bits and Pieces E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 6 0

Debra's June Monthly Bits and Pieces :MODESTY:Be careful about what you say and do. Respect, privacy and the privacy of others. Use, good manners so you don’t offend other people. Have a sense of propriety. Self-possession: know who you are. Have self control. Be considerate of other people’s feelings. There is a right time for everything we do and say. Modesty in Action: Talk, about the differences between prying and expressing concern. Establish a family standard for dress, language and personal space. Knock, before entering. Keep, family matters private . Recognize, gossip as invasion of privacy.

Out of the Eyes of a Layman


Taking God at His Word


Sis. Willie Mae McIver Potter’s House PASTOr:

Bishop T. D. Jakes FAvOrITE SCrIPTUrE:

Isaiah 54: 17 FAvOrITE SONG:

“Amazing Grace”



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“Let go and let God”

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June 17, 2011

chRisTiaN mOmeNTs I will bless this city and make it prosperous; I will satisfy its poor with food. Psalm 132:15

Dr. William M. Campbell

True prosperity is not measured by the wealth of a few but by the sustentation of all. The Lords’ blessing upon a city is a blessing to all of its citzens.ens.

o we really take God at His Word? We say we do, but do we really, totally believe what God says will eventually Gene Turner come true? Well, we do not act like we do, because if we really take God at His word, we would not do some of the things that we do. The reason why I say that is because I am a prime example, and that is why I was a non-believer for so long. In other words that is why I remained in the world of sin not knowing, and not wanting to know God, because I did not take God at His word. I heard my mother talk about the joy of Jesus Christ. I read about it in Sunday School all my childhood days. I’ve heard preachers preach about the joy God will give, but I did not really believe that is because I was never baptized until I reached the age of forty-two. I did not think that anything could top the good times, and the fun I was having in the street of Dallas. I thought I was at the epitome of fun, and that is just what it was FUN. I did not think things could get any better that it was at the time in my life, but I had never experienced joy until I met the Lord Jesus Christ. After I met Jesus I found JoY and you know it is a funny thing about JoY, you can’t explain it no matter how much you try. All you can do is tell somebody how to get it, but you cannot explain to anybody about it. All you can tell them is that you found complete JoY in Jesus Christ. They have to get it for themselves. After experiencing the joy I would not give it up for any amount o f money. When you have JoY you will be able to do great things in God’s name. You remember when Peter and John went down to Samaria (Acts 8:14-18) and Simon the soceror asked Peter and John to sell him some of this power or magic. Now, when I became a Christian I


began to understand why a sinner would not take God at His word. Men of God often get caught up in traps, because they go through the motion of taking God at His word, but in some instances they really don’t, but we as Christians must learn to take God at His word. There are some people we read about in the Bible who did not take God at His word. Take Adam for instance, He really did not take God at His word when God told him if he ate of the forbidden fruit he would surely die. After Adam sinned. God made it plain that to please Him or make atonement for your sins, there must be the shedding of blood. Well Abel and Cain understood this, but Cain offered up fruits and vegetables which was good, but not acceptable for sin, and that is why God turned his offering down, but accepted Abel’s offering. Cain did not take God at His word. Don’t you be a fool enough to believe that if you want something, just believe hard enough and you will have it. This is not faith. Faith is taking God at His word. It is believing and acting on what God has revealed. Joy is inward, a response to man fulfilling his creation purpose of fellowship with God, and how can man fulfill his creation purpose? By “Taking God at His Word”. As Christians we say we believe God’s word. Do we really? Let us remember to read our Bibles. May God bless you REAL GOOD, and may He ever keep you in His loving care.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Call me and see ‘What’s New’ at Mary Kay Debra Blair Abron 214-405-8335 page 5

Celebrating 50 Years


CommunitY serviCe

spiRiTual Guide

Advice Column: Ask Dr. Hollie The Debilitaring Dilemma of debt “I want it, and I want it NOW,” seem to be America’s motto.


ave you seen the financial graphs that portray the power of compound interGeraldine est? When we Davidson-Hooker save money, compounding interest works in our favor. When we accumulate credit card debt, it works against us. Whenever you borrow money to purchase something, you know that you end up paying much more than the original price. The Bible does not completely condemn debt, but it does warn us that debt should be repaid and that borrowing causes us to be “slaves” to the lender. As stewards of all that God has entrusted to us, how should followers of Jesus Christ approach situations of borrowing and debt? We spend unnecessarily, have multiple children we can’t afford, and expect the government and the local churches to take up the slack. I have witnessed these culprits using the system, driving from church to church, sucking up everything they can to get by. Many of these perpetrators do not claim membership at any church, don’t attend service, and in fact if asked to visit a service, will refuse to come. Some are in deep trouble. They had made some foolish choices with their limited or No income, and are over their head in debt. For some, not a day goes by that some credit card, or utility company’s calls and ask for money. Yet our Nail Shoppes, Hair Salons, Cable Company, and Bazaars are full of shoppers. Don’t forget the BIG SCREEN televisions. It is not the church’s responsibility to pay your bills month, after month, year after year!!! First, we must know the difference between needs and wants. Second, we must consider how our debt affects others. Third, we must practice “delayed gratification.” If it’s a “want,” either save up and pay cash or do without. Needing everything right now is childish behavior. We are called to be mature stewards of our money and resources. If we aren’t, we will live much of our life as a “slave to the lender.”

page 6

Dear Dr. Hollie,

You probably know that smoking marijuana has some ome time in the last few side effects and many of years, I sustained an them are far worse than the injury that causes me pain you are experiencing. I severe pain. The pain gets so would contact the physical bad that I’m not able to move therapist and request some out of my bed for days. exercises that you can do on I was seeing a doctor about it, your own, explaining that and we were working on findyou can’t afford to come ing the cause. Dr. Karen Hollie into the office. Well, that became too expenCall the nurse’s station at sive for me so I had to stop going to the doctor and physical thera- the doctor’s office and ask them about pain management and a payment plan. pist. In my “Pre-Jesus” life, I was a heavy Above all, remember street marijuana is weed smoker. Having that experience, I not grown, harvested or processed the know that smoking marijuana would ease same as medicinal marijuana. my pain. I am so tempted. The pain is Dr. Hollie is the senior Pastor of that awful. I’ve gotten advice about this from a few friends, some against, some Lifeway Church of Dallas and a psychotherapist. For your questions and for it. Since doctors are prescribing it for comments to appear in this column, you can write to askdrhollie@aol.com. For medicinal purposes anyway, is it okay? Unnecessary Suffering therapy appointments, call 214-3932940.


Dear Unnecessary,

Notes From Union Hope

T eld Lloyd T. Morgan

he church school lesson was “God has expectations” Joshua 1:7-16. God instructs Joshua to be strong and very courageous to be careful to obey all the instruc-

tions Moses gave him. The need of obeying the word of the Lord as it is written is greatly needed in our time. We saw the blessing of unity and obedience to leadership as the people prepared to cross Jordan to possess the land. They arrived at the Jordon when it was overflowing and it seem like a unlikely time to cross over, but God parted the Jordan and allowed them to go over on dry land. We now know that if the Lord brings you to it, He will take you through it. The morning message was delivered by Pastor Lloyd Morgan from the sub-

ject “The impossibility of pleasing God without faith” Heb 11:5-6. The emphasis of the message was he that comes to God must believe that God “is”. In this postmodern society where people seem to only believe what they can see, touch, or taste, the church is challenged to present to the world our unseen God. The Bible says “that He is;” the universe witnesses to the same great truth; and human consciousness confirms the testimony. There must be Faith in his entreatableness. “That he is a reward-er of them that diligently seek him.” This implies faith in his accessibility; the belief that we may approach him. We must believe that He hears the sigh of sorrow, the moan of misery, and the whispered aspiration of the pious heart. He not only hears prayer, but he also answers it. on Sunday June 26, at 3:30 pm Union Hope will be celebrating their pastor and wife 25th anniversary as pastor and first lady of Union Hope. We invite all of our friends to join us in this celebration. Be Blessed


Prayer Closet


ffective prayer many times is hindered by our social contacts. A constant fellowship day in and day out, with people who are worldly and carnal minded, will Pastor Clarence Henderson dull the spiritual senses. The people may be interested primarily in money making, and therefore, we find ourselves worshipping the “almighty dollar” and believing that money is more important than God. Let us remember that worldly pleasures wars against the soul of man. Therefore, one must seek to put all concerns into right perspective, putting God first at all times. We must employ the words of the song writer who said “ I’ll take Jesus for mine; you may have this whole wide world, but i’ll take Jesus for mine”!

From the Mount


ur Sunday school lesson titled, “God Has Expectations” Joshua 1: 7-16, the lessons focused on high points were; “God expects us to Johnny King obey Him. our greatest desire should be to obey God, and the need to know what it take to obey God.” Elder James Hayes from Rejoicing Tabernacle CoGIC was our morning speaker; he spoke from the text Hebrews 9: 11 & 15 and 24-28. Next Sunday June 26 at 03:30 p.m. the church will be celebrating the Pastor 17th anniversary, Rev. C. W. Pruitt and Mt Pisgah Baptist Church from Ladonia, Texas will be our guest. Join Us. DVDs are available of our morning service upon request. Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm

June 17, 2011

Celebrating 50 Years

Birthdays & Anniversaries Lavail Struggs-June 16. Telvin Newson-June 20. Christine Searcy, Shirley Sallie-June 22. Lashandra Gibbins Smith-June 25

June 17-19: Circle the Wagons and Get Ready for Cowboy Food, Fun and Music in South Dallas 1st Annual Juneteenth Family-Friendly Trail Ride and Camp out June 17-19, 2011. Join us Friday, June 17th through Sunday, June 19th for a weekend celebration for the whole family at the Let’s Cowboy Up 52acre Ranch at 5950 Elam Road in South Dallas to celebrate Juneteenth and a night at the Texas Black Invitational Rodeo at Fair Park For information call 469-248-2588. June 18: JAMES MADISoN HIGH SCHooL MEMoRIAL CELEBRATIoN Class of 1961 is sponsoring a memorial service to honor all of our classmates who have passed since our class first formed in 1956 at Madison HS, 10:30-11:00


CommunitY serviCe

caleNdaR/sTudeNT Of The mONTh

a.m. on Saturday, June 18, 2011.

Luther King Blvd. No CHILDREN

June 18: The 24th Texas Black Invitational Rodeo at the State fair Coliseum in Fair park at 7:00pm. For information call 214-565-9026.

July 9: Parkland Hospital Healthy living Class will be July 9 from 9:30 am to 12 pm at Friendship West Baptist Church, 2020 W. Wheatland RD, Dallas TX

June 23: Urban League Greater Dallas & North Central Texas Job Fair is June 23, 2011 from 9:30am to 2:30pm at Texas Discovery Gardens at Fair Park 3601 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75210 June 25: The 17th annual Don’t Believe The Hype Celebrity Bowl-athon, catered by Peaches Party Package, featuring special guests and celebrity bowlers. To register your team or for sponsorship opportunities, call 214-428-8958 or 972-5720088

July 9: Parkland Hospital Community Mammography outreach will be July 9 from 9am to 1:00pm at 500 W. Hickman St. Hutchins TX 75141


Jordan & Brenda Blair Celebrating 25 years of Marriage

Jalon Deshae Howard

June 25: Booker T.Washington and Lincoln High School Former Students Join us at the School Reunion Picnic Saturday June 25, 2011 at 11:00-3:00 Rochester Park. FREE Entertainment Free Food. Pick up tickets at South Dallas Cafe on 67 and Eva’s Barbeque on Martin


allas, Texas –Sunday, June 12, 2011, at the 8:00 a.m. service, the men of St. Paul Baptist Church celebrated their Annual Men’s Day with a full house. St. Paul Baptist Church, under the leadership of Dr. Lelious Johnson, is located at 1600 Pear Street, in sunny South Dallas. The guest speaker was Terry White, Pastor of the Great Marsalis Avenue Baptist Church.

on the evening of June 12, the celebration continued. The guest speaker was none other than the outstanding preacher/teacher/singer and proclaimerof the gospel, Dr. Curtis Wallace of Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church. The subject was “The Bible is a book of Blood and the Blood is what the gospel is made of.” Dr. Wallace turned it out! Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church was in attendance and their male chorus blessed the congregation in a special way. Mike Long on the

JUNE 2011


School: West Elementary

Men celebrating men at St Paul Baptist Church By: Jordan Blair


lead really blessed everyone with his rendition of a negro spritual. Hats off to Brother Doug Blaylock for the outstanding job that he does year after year, along with Brother Willie Taylor, President of the Brotherhood. And, last but certainly not least, to the Man of the Year, Usher Dennis Dials, and to the entire St. Paul Baptist Church family, you have been able to show what an Annual Men’s day is all about. To God Be the Glory!

Graduating Class of: 2017 Favorite Class/Teacher: Math-Mr. Bridges School Activities: Football, Basketball, Tennis, Baseball Favorite Past Time: Listening to Music, Dancing, performing, eating nachos Future Plans: This summer he will focus on voice lessons and choreography classes

To nominate a student of the month who you think is worthy from grades 1-12, please email 100 words or less why you think this student should be the “Student of Month” to Bettye Williams at Michael Long, Constable Derick evans and male chorus members of Golden Gate M.B.C pose for camera

page 7

Rev. Wallace preaches the Gospel at St. Paul Baptist Church as ministers stand to their feet


June 17, 2011

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Celebrating 50 Years

BaRBeRshOp Talk wiTh leON simON


he Dallas Mavericks played there last game of the year. When I first wrote that I thought they would, I said I didn’t know how they would come out. That’s been solved. Leon Simon In six games they disposed of the thought to be all world Miami Heat. It was almost an exact replica of the Lakers series, except they swept the Lakers. The similarities, up until the last quarter of the last game those supposedly experts kept saying and thinking that Heat would win the series. All series the conversation was, whose team was the Heat. King James or Dwayne Wade, unanimously Dirk Nowitski won series MVP. While playing against both of these super stars, one legitimate superstar oneself or media proclaimed star. The star of the Championship game could very easily have been Jason Terry. Jason, a player that most of those media and ex players said after game four should shut up. I found out early in my life that people with fearful or scary personalities, often tell people that are not afflicted with said personalities to shut up, how disrespectful an unintelligent. In 1963 when a brash young Cassius Clay said what he would do to a thought to be unbeatable Sonny Liston. I heard the same thing. When a very menacing looking Mike Tyson Got out of jail and signed to fight a religious soft spoken Evander Holyfield, heard the same thing. Steven A. Smith, Jalen Rose apparently Deshawn Stevenson and Jason Terry don’t fear Lebron James as much as you losers. Everything Terry said was true, but fear has always shaded the view of a coward. Listening to some of the media I thought Terry should be in fear for his life. There are still people discussing how the Heat should have put a whipping on the Mavericks, folk the series is over pay that debt off and quit crying. It’s not like the Maverick eased by these people, they played 8 games this year the mavericks won 6. In those 8 games LeBron James never scored his season average. I have one thing to say to the Dallas Mavericks, with the heart, hustle, and fight you displayed in winning your first NBA championship. I for one will never be afraid or ashamed to applaud your efforts like some of the Dallas natives. Your victory probably will go unnoticed around the country and the area. Steve Young said it beast after he won his first Super-Bowl, and got the monkey off his back “no one could ever….ever take it away” The word around is the Mavericks took their talents to South Beach, saw an unprotected champion ship. Took it, through a big party got out of town and King James has been demoted to Prince James once again the season has ended with him without a ring , this time he can’t blame his team.

June 17, 2011


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Dallas Mavericks wins NBA 1st Title Championship By: Bettye “Katt” Williams Elite News Staff Writer


t wasn’t the Dallas Cowboys or the Texas Rangers this time to have Dallas in an up-roar of celebration in the city, it was the Dallas Mavericks. Fans and others who ended up becoming a fan of the Dallas Mavericks after Dirk Nowitzki and the Dallas Mavericks are NBA champions for the 1st time in history. All over town, celebrations, parties and joy to know Dallas has been put on the map and recognized as NBA Champions. But the exciting part is they are champions against none other than LeBron James for that long-awaited first title. You could hear cheers and screams thru out the city as Jason Terry scored 27 points, Nowitzki added 21 and the Mavericks topped the Miami Heat 105-95 in Game 6 of the NBA finals on Sunday night. The fans had been hyped up from the first time they saw that the Mavericks was headed to the final and won four of the series’ last five games especially since remembering when the Heat celebrated their first title in Dallas after Game 6 of the 2006 and to know that Dirk Nowitzki with the help of Mavericks teammates; Jason Terry who erupted for almost 30 points and Jason Kidd, Shawn Marion, Tyson Chandler and J.J. Barea who all

Dallas Mavericks small forward Shawn Marion (0) yells after his go-ahead dunk late in the 4th quarter

played a major role to take down LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh, Pat Riley and the Evil Empire known as the Miami Heat. Even though the Miami Heat tried to hang in there with Lebron James scoring 21 points after the opening minutes, Chris Bosh scoring 19 points, Mario Chalmers scoring 18 points, and Dwyane Wade with 17 points, it just wasn’t enough to get out of the “boiling water” and beat the Dallas Mavericks. So you can imagine how the Mavs owner Mark Cuban and coach Rick Carlisle is feeling right about now. Cuban has put together one of the most talented teams in the league, and it paid off this week. So now he can say to all the NBA owners that he is the top owner in the Association and he’s the man now. The NBA champion Dallas Mavericks made it back home here in Dallas with hundreds of excited fans who greeted them at Love Field when the team landed in Dallas. The plane passed under a water cannon welcome at the airport. owner Mark Cuban walked off the plane carrying the championship trophy. And Dirk Nowitzki followed him carrying his MVP trophy. A high fence surrounding the runway allowed the fans to get a close look. It is the first NBA championship title for Dallas and the city planned a parade on yesterday (Thursday) with thousands of fans and admirers to see Dallas Mavericks' Jason Terry carries Dallas’s own history makers to celethe NBA Championship basketball trobrate the 1st NBA Champions and to phy after the team's arrival at Love know they are the champions of the Field in Dallas, Monday


world. An estimated 250,000 people or more attended Thursday morning’s parade to celebrate the Mavs’ NBA Championship. It didn’t matter to fans that the temperature was 100 degree because people from every where attended the parade, all ages, race and nationalities showed their spirit. The parade included dozens of vehicles carrying the team owners, players, coaches and city officials. Than it end with an after party at the American Airline Center or around Victory Plaza. Even thought Mayor Dwaine Caraway said the city is in a budget crunch, the city deserved the parade, though Cuban repeated Monday that he will personally pay for the celebration. over the past year, the Dallas area has hosted the World Series and the Super Bowl but the Mavericks are the most recent pro championship since the Dallas Stars won the Stanley Cup in 1999. The development of the area where American Airlines Center is located was made possible by the 16,042 votes. Williams Bill Blair, Rev. Dr. Stephen Nash, and members of IMA lead the charge to make a difference in the vote and look what happen. We have the American Airline Center, all the development around it, and a championship from the Mavericks. My money has always been on the Mavericks. Congratulations to Dirk, Kidd, Terry, Matrix, Chandler, Cuban and the rest of the Dallas Mavericks for putting Dallas on the map.

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Celebrating 50 Years


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If You are African American and Suffered Farm Loan Discrimination by the USDA between 1981 and 1996, You may be eligible for money from a $1.25 billion class action Settlement Fund (Heirs/Kin may be included) There is a proposed class action Settlement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) involving racial discrimination against African American farmers between 1981 and 1996. This Settlement is only for certain people who tried to file a late claim in the original Pigford case, or their heirs The (kin) and legal representatives. current Settlement (sometimes called Pigford II) provides benefits to some of those late filers. Am I included? You may be included if you: s "ETWEEN AND WERE discouraged or prevented from applying for or were denied a USDA farm loan OR OTHER BENElT OR YOU WERE GIVEN A loan with unfair terms because of racial DISCRIMINATION

s 7ERE ELIGIBLE FOR A PAYMENT IN THE original Pigford CASE and s 3UBMITTED A LATE lLING REQUEST THAT WAS denied or never considered because it was late. If you are the heir or kin of someone who DIED WHO lTS THIS DESCRIPTION YOU MAY lLE a claim for a payment that would become part of the deceased person’s estate. If you are not sure if you (or someone for whom you are the legal representative) ARE INCLUDED PLEASE CALL

You are not included if you received a payment in the original Pigford case. What does the Settlement provide? You may be eligible for a substantial cash payment and USDA loan forgiveness from the Settlement. You will need to file a claim to be eligible for these benefits. The claims deadline may be as early as February 28, 2012. The Court has appointed lawyers to help you file a claim under the Settlement. You do not have to pay them or anyone else to help you with the claims process. These attorneys will ask the Court for fees and expenses of BETWEEN AND OF THE 3ETTLEMENT &UND AND THE #OURT WILL DECIDE HOW much they are paid. You may hire your OWN LAWYER IF YOU WISH AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE )F YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR NEED MORE INFORMATION CALL What else should I know? The Court will hold a hearing on September 1, 2011 to consider whether TO APPROVE THE 3ETTLEMENT AND A REQUEST for attorneys’ fees and expenses. If you want to object to or comment on the 3ETTLEMENT OR APPEAR AT THE HEARING YOU need to file a letter with the Court by August 12, 2011. If the Court approves THE 3ETTLEMENT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE to sue the USDA about your farm loan discrimination claims in the future.

For more information or to begin the claims filing process:

Call: 1-877-810-8110

Visit: www.BlackFarmerCase.com

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Vera Smith 214-872-3549 page 9


June 17, 2011

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June 17, 2011

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Remembering Comanche Crossing The saying was, “Come hell or high water, there will always be Juneteenth at Comanche Crossing.” That was the Booker T. Washington State Park, which was located in Mexia, Texas, 50 miles east of Waco. And it was where one of the biggest Juneteenth celebrations took place every year. People would drive down a mile-long road off the highway and across a bridge leading into Comanche Crossing with bumper-to-bumper traffic, hundreds of cars in every direction. It was so overcrowded that people started leaving their cars to enjoy the festivities.

page 12


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June 17, 2011

eliTe News eNTeRTaiNmeNT GReGG a. smiTh

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IT’S A JUNETEENTH FATHERSDAY BLUES EXPLOSION Sunday: June, 19th RL’s Blues Palace 3100 Grand Ave. Dallas TX Staring; GReGG A. SmiTh, RL GRiffin,LiL, Jimmie, LADy LoTion, momo, LeRoy, BiG Joe, AnD CheSTeR BuRneS

B ackyaRd s pOTliGhT call 469-471-4180

Doors open @7 show @ 8.Pm Buffet will be served.

Tickets at the door For information 214 -421-9867 or 469-471-4180

June 17, 2011


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Rollin with a Brotha


elcome to the weekend, baaaaby! Well Dallas Mavericks F a n s . . . . We ’ v e climbed the mountain and planted oUR flag on top! Congrat’s to The 2011, NBA World Champion Dallas avericks...There is so much to be said, Kevan Browning but I’ll just reflect back on a couple of thoughts... 1st, It was the epitome of class and kindness that Mark Cuban asked Mav’s founder Donald Carter to accept the Championship trophy...Mr. Carter founded the Mavericks after the other owners voted yes to the proposal for a Dallas franchise during the 1980 NBA All-Star festivities! For you “new heads”, Mavericks” came from the classic TV western staring James Garner, Maverick! DFW fans sent in 4600 postcards to name the team, with Mark Cuban Mavericks beating out “Wranglers” and “Express” as possible mascots. The Mavs were pretty good in the 80’s...Mark Aguirre, original draft pick Brad Davis, Rolando Blackman, Derek Harper, Sam Perkins and Detlef Schrempf had the Mavericks in the playoffs six of seven times from 1983 to 90, winning the Midwest Division in 1986–87 and reaching the Western Conference Finals in 1988. Too bad we kept running into the Lakers! Now after 11 years of 50 plus wins, We are the Champions...of The World! Seaking of winners...Check out the Rich and under 30 club from Forbes Magazine! Forbes Best-Paid Celebrities Under 30:notice 2 Heat players,lol! Lady Gaga, $90 million 2. Justin Bieber, $53 million 3. LeBron James, $48 million 4. Roger Federer, $47 million 5. Taylor Swift, $45 million 6. Katy Perry, $44 million 7. Cristiano Ronaldo, $38 million 8. Beyonce Knowles, $35 million 9. Lionel Messi, $32 million 10. Rafael Nadal, $31 million 11. 12. Dwight Howard, $28 million 13. Dwyane Wade, $26 million 14. Carmelo Anthony, $25 million 15. Maria Sharapova, $24 million 16.-17. Kristen Stewart, $20 million; Robert Pattinson $20


million 18.-21. Carrie Underwood, $15 million; Miley Cyrus, $15 million; Lil Wayne $15 mill i o n . . . P o o r Weezy...”only” 15 Million!!! Montel has opened a weed pharmacy! Former talk show host Montel Williams, a longtime supporter of medical marijuana use, has opened a pharmacy in Montel Williams California to dispense the drug for pain relief and medicinal purposes. Medicinal marijuana is legal in California, and Williams, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, has now launched the Albatin Wellness Cooperative in Sacramento to provide patients with access to the drug. The process is strictly regulated and Williams hopes the new center will help lower the stigma of medical marijuana use. Connecticut was the latest state to decriminalize amounts of less than 1/2 oz of the wacky tobaccky! Last week the Connecticut House and Senate said yes...Well the Bishop Eddie Long fiasco continues in Atlanta, Ga. My partner Bloodhound Benny reports that 1st lady of New Birth, Vanessa Long has left Bishop Eddie. Long reached financial settlement recently with a group of young men, who’d accused him of various sexual shenanigans, while the young brotha’s were teenagers. This time last year, Jaleel White was in the headlines denying rumors that he was gay and that he had a relationship with former NBA star Penny Hardaway. It was a frustrating distraction for the actor-writerproducer, who at the time was trying to promote the first ever DVD release of “Family Matters,” the 90s sitcom that made him a household name as the Winslow family’s loveable next-doorneighbor, Urkel. A year later, White is now in movie theaters as school teacher Mr. Todd in the film “Judy Moody and the NoT Bummer Summer.” White wants everyone to know he’s fine and made so much money on his sitcom that he only works when he wants to! Happy Birthday to YoU and celebs this week:Marla “Florence” Gibbs is 80, Donald Trump is 66, Lionel Ritchie is 62,Venue Williams 31,Mary Kate and Ashley olsen 25! Thanks for “Rollin” with the Elite News and online at www.dfwelitenews.com

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Christ Way Fellowship Bible Church

1830 Lamont Ave. Dallas, TX 75216 (214) 317-1863 Sunday School: 9:30am Service: 10:30 am Bible Study: Wed 7:00 pm “COME AND CELEBRATE GOD WITH US”

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Dr. Terrence Shepherd

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Greater New Zion Baptist Church 2210 Pine Street Dallas, TX 75215 214-421-4119 email: gnz2210@sbcglobal.net Sunday School............................9:30am Worship Service..........................11:00am Bible Study Tuesdays 1:00am Wednesdays 7:30p.m.

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Rev. Joe S. Patterson


June 17, 2011

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Ewing Avenue Baptist Church

1323 So. Ewing Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 214-942-4643 Sunday School ….. 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ….. 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study …..7:00 p.m. Rev. Lee Craig

The “exciting” Singing Hills Baptist Church 6550 University Hills Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75241 Phone: 214-375-5952

New St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church

3603 Pugett Dallas, Texas 75212 214.351.7096 Sunday Service…10:45 am. Monday…6:00 pm. Monday School Thursday…6:00 pm. Prayer Meeting Bible Study

page 16

Calvary Temple Community Church 1401 Clay Mathis Rd. Mesquite, TX 75181 Church Phone: 972-222-3708 Fax 972-222-5699 Website: Calvarytemplemesquite.org E-mail: Calvarytemplecc@att.net

Dr. M.L. Curry, Pastor


Services: Sunday Times: 8:00am and 10:30am Midweek Service: Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study @ 7:00pm Church Motto: "For We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight " 2 Corinthians 5:7

Dr. W.R. Willis

June 10, 2011

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7:30am 9:15am, 11:00-12:24 Worship

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WiLLiAM D. MCNeALY, PASTOR 1130 East Ninth Street Dallas, Texas 75203 Church 214-946-9701

Sunday School .....9:00a.m. Sunday Worship ..10:00a.m. Wed. Prayer Service & Bible Class 7:00p.m.

“Where God Is Praised”

Salem Institutional Baptist Church Rev. Todd M. Atkins - Pastor 3918 Crozier St. Dallas, TX 75215 Phone 214-428-3797 Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 am Sunday School @ 9:15 am Prayer & Bible Study Wednesday @ 7:00 pm

page 18


Rev. Todd M. Atkins

June 17, 2011

OBiTuaRies rev. Elliott C. Lambert serves are; Wake Friday, June 17 from 6:00-8:00 P.M at the GREATER GARTH AMEC, 2828 Carpenter Avenue Dallas, TX 75215. Funeral services are Saturday, June 18 at 11:00 A.M. at the SMITH CHAPEL AMEC, 2406 Childs Street Dallas, TX Tolbert, Ms. Willie Mae 83. Survived by aunt, Dovie Livingston of Fort Worth, sister-in-law, Inell Williams of Dallas and a host of other family and friends. Wake- Thursday, June 16 from 7:15-8:15 pm at Golden Gate4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy. Funeral- Friday, June 17 at 11 am at Celestial Haven B.C.- 7228 S. Hampton, Dallas, TX

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Gipson, Earline Albertha Matilda Ballard-Lewing 53. Survived by 1 son, 1 daughter and Albertha Matilda Ballard-Lewing was 4 grandchildren. born December 29, 1918 in opelousas, Wake- Friday, June Louisiana to the parents of Albert Ballard Sr 17 from 7:15-8:15 and Louvenia Ballard. She is a graduate of pm. FuneralGrambling University, Indiana University, Saturday, June 18 University of Southern California at 11 am. Both services will be held University of Berkeley, Texas Southern University La Salle School. at Golden Gate- 4155 S. R.L. She was a teacher and a counselor in different schools and a sorority Thornton Frwy member Phi Delta Kappa Beta Alpha Chapter . Mrs. Ballard-Lewing Hunter, Dr. was married to Mr. MckinneyLewing ( preceded her in death Survived Charles A. 85, by her three children Sandra Delores Clark, Daryl Glen Lewing, Sheryl died . A minister, DietraLewing- Gary, grandchildren: YonkardiaLewing, Tiger Townes, college professor, Jese Gary, Kim Lewing, Narthaniel Clark, Daryl Clark, Ivorique Clark peacemaker, com- Hambrick; great grand children, Jasmine Clark, Cindy Clark, Brooklyn m u n i t y Thomas, Jahmiyak Mattox and Trevin Lewing; sibling, Albert Melvin leader,columnist, mentor and friend. Survived by chil- Ballard Jr., Jetta Mae Harris, Melba Kemp, Genevieve Sims, Nella dren, Rhonda Hunter, Esq., Rev. Dr. Moore, Senora Moore; godson Mannie Allen, and a host of friends and Rhashell Hunter, Byron Hunter and relatives. Rosalyn Hunter. Visitation: June 17, Services: Dallas, TX Wake: 12 noon – 6:00 pm, Sun June 19, 2011, 6:00-8:00 pm, Laurel Land Funeral Sandra Clark Funeral Home Chapel. Shreveport, LA Visitation: 2:00Home, 6000 S. R.L. Thornton 5:45pm, and Wake: 6:00 – 8:00pm, Mon June 20, 2011, Morning Freeway, Dallas, TX. Funeral, Star Bapt Church 5340 Jewella Ave. Funeral: 11:00am, Saturday, June 18, 11:00 a.m.,oak Tuesday, June 21, 2011, Paradise Bapt Church, 1706 Cliff Presbyterian Church, 6000 S. Hollywood Ave, Shrev. LA. Interment: Carver Memorial Hampton Road, Dallas, TX 75232.

in Memory of Lawrence “Pap” Anderson Sunrise: 2-22-22 Sunset: 6-11-11 Lawrence “Pap” Anderson age 89,

Born to Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Anderson. He attended Dallas public schools and graduated from Booker T. Washington. Pap was a 33rd degree Mason and an Honorary Past Grand Master of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas. He leaves to cherish his memories: wife; Bessie Mae Lloyd Anderson, Sister; Thelma Wayley, Children; Cynthia Edwards, Larry Fuller, Lawrence Mitch Anderson and a host of other relatives and friends. Wake: Friday June 17th from 7-9 at Koinonia Baptist Church 616 W. Kiest Blvd. Dallas Services: Sat June 18 at 11:00am at Koinonia Baptist Church 616 W. Kiest Blvd. Dallas

Cemetery, Shrev , LA

page 19


June 17, 2011

Congratulations Mav’s on your “Grand Celebration”

page 20


June 17, 2011

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