g et Y our n ational , s tate , l oCal s ports , w eather
C e l e b r at i n g 51 Y e a r s William Blair Jr. sr. PuBlisher
n ews u pdates !!!
vol. 51 edition 18
C o m m u n i t Y s e rv i C e
Jordan Blair PuBlisher
nobodY Covers
metroplex like
elite news
m aY 6 , 2 0 1 1
Happy Mother’s Day!!!
Ken Goldberg Friends of Fair Park PAGE
Mozelle Blair
Devan King
Shelia Bailey
Delores Price
Jessica Ingram
Shirley Murray
I Said a Mother’s Prayer for You I said a Mother’s Day prayer for you to thank the Lord above for blessing me with a lifetime of your tenderhearted love. I thanked God for the caring you’ve shown me through the years, for the closeness we’ve enjoyed in time of laughter and of tears. And so, I thank you from the heart for all you’ve done for me and I bless the Lord for giving me. The best mother there could be! See MotherS, Page
Author Unknown
Playwright David E. Talbert honored by Mayor Dwaine Caraway PAGE 11
ElitE NEws ENdorsEs NatiNsky for Mayor
Nancy and Ron Natinsky with Bill Blair PAGE
11th annual Bill Blair Golf Scramble Classic PAGE
President Obama got Osama!
Read The eliTe News ONliNe weekly, JusT
as iT appeaRs iN
Go Dallas Mavs!!! PAGE
Celebrating 50 Years
CommunitY serviCe
c iTy B eaT
how to Conquer habitual Sins romans 8:1-14
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life henry Nelson set me free from the law of sin and death.3 For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful man, 4in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit. 5Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.6 The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; 7 the sinful mind is
hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.8 Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. 9 You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.10 But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. 11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you. 12Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it.13 For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live,14 because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. I define your battle with the flesh as all the habit patterns that you have developed over the years to meet your needs out of your own resources. It is the Self-Life. Look at what it means to “live by the Flesh” and “How difficult it is to deal with the Flesh.” But this week I want to show you How To
Fight The Flesh and Overcome Sin Tendencies in our life. The 8th Chapter of Romans tells us how: Romans 8 is the “Declaration of Freedom” This Chapter in the Bible and Gods Word declares the Christians Security in Christ. As you study this chapter you will discover that the emphasis is upon the Holy Spirit, who is mentioned 19 times. So, it stands to reason, that in order to live a life free from old habit patterns and sins that try to enslave us. You must have a dependence upon the Ministry of the Holy Spirit who was sent by Jesus to help us live a overcoming life. 2nd Corinthians 3:17 says, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!” So what we are looking into this week is: How you can walk in daily freedom from sinful habit patterns by depending upon the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Just how do we do that? When you notice that you are beginning to live according to the old habit patterns you have developed, in dealing with your problems. You need to STOP and Listen for the voice of God and quiet yourselves. Now the Flesh does not like this. It takes patience and trust and
“taste test” Wake Up!
endurance to stop and listen to God. Your flesh will scream out “ We have got to do something! Now!” But you will never hear Gods voice when you are listening to your own thoughts. Amen! The First Step to Hearing From Gods Holy Spirit is to Quiet yourselves to Listen. This means that you must quiet your flesh, your tendencies to try to solve everything your way and not get ahead of Gods leading. Do not allow your old habits to direct you anymore and begin to listen to Gods voice when He speaks. Step Two: Stay in Step with the Holy Spirit. How Do I Stay in Step With the Spirit? Galatians 5:25 says, “Since we live by the Spirit let us stay in Step with the Spirit.” You stay in step with the Holy Spirit when you make a willful choice to do things God’s way and not your way. Amen! You stay in step with the Spirit by applying a little known principle found in Ephesians 4 Ephesians 4:3 3 says; “Always keep yourselves united in the Holy Spirit, and bind yourselves together with peace.” If you would like to have the rest of the message, please contact me at:Revelations_75044@msn.com
grace International Seminary “For god’s Chosen Women” enroll now
Greek-style Pizza I ngredIentS : 2 cups packaged refrigerated diced potatoes with onion 1 tbsp. olive oil 4
Jordan ii
flat bread (naan) or pita rounds olive oil
4 oz. crumbled feta cheese with garlic and herb 2 cups packaged fresh spinach 12 oz. thinly sliced deli lower-sodium roast beef Sliced baby sweet peppers (optional) Crushed red pepper (optional)
P reParatIon
1. In large skillet cook potatoes in 1 Tbsp. oil over medium heat for 5 minutes or until tender; set aside.
page 2
opportunity for: •Bachelors •Masters •doctorate
2. Meanwhile, heat broiler. Place flat bread on extra-large baking sheet; lightly brush bread with oil. Top with half the cheese. Broil 3 to 4 inches from heat for 2 to 3 minutes or until cheese begins to melt. Top barely melted cheese with spinach, roast beef, potatoes, and remaining cheese. 3. Broil 3 to 5 minutes or until heated through. Drizzle with additional olive oil, then top with pepper slices and crushed red pepper. Makes 4 servings.
don’t Miss this opportunity Classes 2nd Saturday of the Month (972) 748 - 1646 www.graceis.org Bishop Dr. Larry D. McGriff, Founder
may 6, 2011
Celebrating 50 Years
CommunitY serviCe
MOTHERS cover story, continued from front page
Brenda Blair
Linda Tyson
By Lola Searcy
other’s Day remains one of the most favorite times of the year for me. It is a time when I get to show appreciation to a very special person in my life, my Mother. This Sunday, all across the United States, Mothers will be celebrated. Every year around this time, we try to find ways to say, “THANK YOU” and “I LOVE YOU” to the sweetest person ever created, our MOTHER. I remember purchasing a beautiful picture frame for my Mother some years ago with an inscription which read: “To one who bears the sweetest name and adds luster to the same. Long life to her, for there’s none other, who takes the place of my dear Mother!” What a beautiful sentiment and how fitting and true it is. There really is no one sweeter than MOTHER and no one will ever be able to take her place. Her sacrifices are endless
and there really is nothing she won’t do for her children. She is the very definition of the word love. When I was searching for words to share with our readers on this special day, Proverbs 31: 25 – 31 came to mind. Strength and dignity are her clothing; and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her
children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her; “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. Here are a few suggestions for what you can do to make your Mother’s, Mother’s Day one she will remember for years to come as you show appreciation for your Mother on Mother’s Day:
To all the Mothers, from all of us here at the Elite News, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!
VOLUME 51 EDITION 18 Contact Information - Visit us in person at: 1911 E. Ledbetter Rd Dallas, Tx 75216 214-372-6500 • 214-372-2534 fax www.dfwelitenews.com
MANAGEMENT William Blair Jr. Jordan “Randy” Blair
Founder/Sr. Publisher Publisher
STAFF WRITERS Debra Blair Abron Bro. Gene Turner Rev. Johnny H. King Henry Nelson Pastor Clarence Henderson Dr. Karen Hollie Geraldine Davidson-Hooker Kevan Browning Lola Searcy Bettye Williams
Marketing Director B. J. Fullylove
MEDIA/SALES Lola Searcy Tyrone Hodge
lolasearcy@sbcglobal.net tyrone@elitenews.com
PRODUCTION A-Team Enterprises
DISTRIBUTION Elite News - BJ Fullylove Charles Jones Deadlines and Disclaimers Submission of all article, ads, etc., are due every Tuesday by noon. We accept All credit cards. The views and opinions of guest writers and columnists do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher, staff or board of the Elite News. Elite News is not liable for submissions or payments made to parties other than those authorized agents listed below: Jordan Blair All checks and money orders made payable to the Elite News shall be mailed to: P.O. Box 397925 Dallas, Texas 75339
CITY BEAT ..........................................................PAGE 2 COVER STORY......................................................PAGE 3 PERSPECTIVE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY ............PAGE 4 BITS AND PIECES ................................................PAGE 5 SPIRITUAL GUIDE ................................................PAGE 6 COMMUNITY CALENDAR ......................................PAGE 7
page 3
Terri Lynch
Julia Jordan
Spend the day with her doing whatever she wants to do. My Mother is a Christian, so I know we will start our day off by attending church with her, and you could do the same. My mother enjoys all of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren’s company and nothing makes her happier than us joining her at Church on Sunday. All Moms like flowers! A dozen or two of her favorite will definitely make her day! Prepare her favorite dinner for her, or if you can’t cook it like she can, take her to a nice restaurant! Jewelry, especially diamonds, is always appreciated if you can afford them! But, if you can’t afford any gifts, diamonds, dinner or flowers, just spending time on “her” day, I’m sure will be the best gift you can give her!
ELITE NEWS SPORTS ............................................PAGE 8 LITTLE KNOWN BLACK HISTORY ........................PAGE 16 CLASSIFIEDS ......................................................PAGE 16 ENTERTAINMENT ..............................................PAGE 17 MINISTERS LISTINGS ..........................................PAGE 18 OBITUARIES ......................................................PAGE 23
may 6, 2011
peRspecTive iN The Black cOmmuNiTy
elite news endorses natinsky for Mayor
Mavericks signal changing of the guard in the West By Jordan Blair ELITE NEWS
(l) Candidate ron Natinsky, Nancy Natinsky with Gene turner and future voter. (above) Nancy and ron Natinsky with rev. dr. aaron Phillips and Bill Blair.
eLeCtIon daY IS MaY 14, 2011 Join the elite news in voting for ron natinsky for dallas Mayor!
InVItatIon For BId For SUMMer Food SerVICe PrograM 2011
The Dallas Mavericks signal a changing of the guard as they go up 2 games to zip against the 3time defending NBA Champions Los Angeles Lakers. As you watched Monday night and Wednesday night’s games, you got the feeling that the Mavericks are not going to give kobe gets shot off but it was not enough to stop the Mavs. this series away. The Mavericks have a new found sense of confidence, and with good reason. The Maverick’s defense has been outstanding. With key defensive plays from Brendan Haywood and Tyson Chandler and strong inside play from the Mavs big men. JJ Barea was all over the court on Wednesday night, with dribble penetration, and getting to the basket almost every time he brought the ball down court. Barea’s 10 points down the stretch gave the Mavs the spark they needed to go up 2 games to none against the Lakers. The Mavs head home to Dallas to take on the Lakers Friday night at the AAC. Stay tuned. This series is going to be a good one! hoW ‘BoUt theM MaVS!!
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page 4
E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 6 0
debra's May Monthly Words of Wisdom: ModeStY: Be careful about what you say and do. respect privacy and the privacy of others. Use good manners so you don't offend other people. have a sense of propriety. Self-possession: know who you are. have self - control. Be considerate of other people's feelings. there is a right time for everything we do and say. Modesty in action: talk about the differences between prying and expressing concern. establish a family standard for dress, language and personal space. Knock before entering. Keep family matters private. recognize gossip as an invasion of privacy.
5520 So. Westmoreland Dallas, Texas 75237 214.339.6606 www.lifewaychurchofdallas.com
Lifeway Church “Come And Let God Use You”
PaStor: elder Lloyd t. Morgan FaVorIte SCrIPtUre: Matthew 6:33 FaVorIte SongS: “Fully Committed” “Blessed Be the name of the Lord”
Dr. Karen Hollie Senior Pastor
Sunday - 11:00 am – 12;15 PM Wednesday - Bible Study 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
“ S e r mo n s i n 1 5 M i n u t e s T h a t W i l l E mp o w e r , E n r i c h a n d E n l ig h t e n Y o u ”
FaVorIte SaYIng: there are three kinds of people in the world: those who talk, those who do, and those who talk about those who do.
WORDS OF WISDOM god Looks at the heart, not the hand; the giver, not the gift.
ChUrCh aFFILIatIonS: Sanctuary Choir-President, Musician; Women’s Mission - Vice President; Youth Minister; Sunday School teacher Who do you choose for Church Woman of the Week? Contact: BJ Fullylove at 214/372-6500 For reservations call: 972-709-4208 “We’re waiting to pamper you!” Offer valid for 30 days from publication date. 10% Discount on Any Massage Service, when you mention Elite News
may 6, 2011
Mastering our treasures in order to move forward
work with. No Kingdom-builder serves empty handed. To be sure, He has left us with timely tools and valuable resources to master the household well. So, never Forget, in this parable, the Lord identifies KINGDOM MINDED DISCIPLES AS MASTERS OF A HOUSEHOLD. Matthew 13:51-53 THE PARABLES RECOGNIZES THAT KINGDOM-MINDED DISCIPLES MAXI“Have you understood MIZE THE USAGE OF THE TREASURER AT all this? They answered, OUR DISPOSAL. Kingdom-minded disciples Gene Turner “Yes.” And he said to understand Kingdom principles and precepts. them, “Therefore every Matthew 13 contains six parables. After Jesus has scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of told five of them, He then asked His disciples, heaven is like the master of a household who brings “Have you understood all this?” To which they out of this treasure what is new and what is old.” answered, “Yes”. Then, in a commending spirit, When Jesus had finished these parables, he left that an affirming accolade, and an encouraging enunplace. ciation, the Master told His attentive and attached od had placed us in charge of our divine- followers, “The Parable of the Householder.” He ly-designed destiny. We are the masters wanted them and us to know that Kingdomof the treasures He has given us. God has building pays off. MOVING FORWARD FOR granted us rich resources to meet any challenge THE KINGDOM’S SAKE reaps big dividends. facing us. By learning from our past interpreting The guarantees that we are treasurer-finders. And our present, we can build for our future. we become treasure-finders as a result of our Therefore, there is hope regardless of how hope- being Kingdom-seekers. The Lord’s disciples less our situations, circumstances and conditions understand how the Kingdom operates. are. Kingdom-procedure, Kingdom-priority, “The Parable of the Householder,” told by Kingdom - purpose and Kingdom-promise are Jesus, found in Matthew 13:51-53 (NRSV) not “Greek” to us. We learn to know and underreads as above. I want you to focus your mind stand what He teaches. on the subject-MASTERING OUR TREASKingdom-minded disciples appreciate the treasURES IN ORDER TO MOVE FORWARD. ure at their disposal. Like the record says, THIS PARABLE IDENTIFIES KINGDOM- “(Kingdom-citizens) bring out of (our) treasure MINDED DISCIPLES AS MASTERS OF A what is new and what is old.” We give thanks for HOUSEHOLD. That’s right! For those of us who the rich heritage of the old. We treasure the Old are MOVING FORWARD FOR THE KING- Testaments, with its Law, Writings, Poetry, DOM‘S SAKE, the Lord grants us lordship. As it Wisdom and Prophets, knowing that it was the relates to the Kingdom’s purpose, He compares only Bible of Jesus and the Early Church. We us to “masters of a household.” When we seek value the timeless truths, which carried our rightHim first, He rewards us with rulership. In other eous foreparents from Abraham’s call to words, in designated areas and specific situations Malachi’s Prophecy. We are enriched by the in the Kingdom of God, He allows us to reign stories of men and women of Old who exemwith Him. We may be His servants, but Kingdom plified faith in God who kept His promises to - citizens need not be subservient to any other but them. We know that the treasure in the Sacred Him. We are masters, I tell you, of a household. Scripture is more valuable than rubies, diaAs masters, we are in charge. We have been monds and gold. assigned responsibilities from on High. Note that Moreover, Kingdom-minded disciples praise our Lord did not liken His disciples to house God for the wealthy-knowledge we find in the help, field hands, yard workers or gatekeepers in new. Because we have walked and talked with this passage. No, He left us in a position to give the Master-teacher Himself, we have access to orders. As a matter of fact, He is looking to us to treasured truth about which Abraham, Isaac, keep things in order until He gets back. Jacob, Moses, Samuel, David, Solomon and As masters, we have liberties. We are not Elijah knew not of. Through the eyes and ears restricted in caring for the household. He has of our Lord, we see jewels in the Word about faith is us to do what needs to be done. He gives which the Prophets only predicted. With the us privileges that others do not receive. He mind of Christ, we can proclaim new insights empowers us to be free to exercise our respective that have never before been revealed to His gifts and talents in His service. We are provided people. The Gospel of Christ makes new with “the keys of the Kingdom” to “loose and applications in new forms even in our new bind” whatever is necessary to further His work. age. As masters, we have access to resource. God NovemLet us not forget to read our Bibles and may ber 19, 2010 would not put us in charge and grant us liberties God Bless you RAL GOOD and may He ever without providing us with resources to fulfill our keep you in His loving care mastering responsibilities. We have got goods to
Sis. Vickie e. dean Union Hope Institutional Primitive Baptist Church
Out of the Eyes of a Layman
chRisTiaN mOmeNTs Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. Psalm 103:2 NLT
Dr. William M. Campbell
do not forget the things the Lord does for you and the people he uses to do them. think him and thank him.
page 5
Celebrating 50 Years
CommunitY serviCe
spiRiTual Guide
Advice Column: Ask Karen Hollie A Costly Mistake
FL player Marquis Cooper was one of four men who set out for a fishing trip off the Gulf Coast of Florida. When they hit rough seas, their boat capsized, and Geraldine Cooper and a Davidson-hooker friend never made it back. Sadly, the Coast Guard never received a distress signal from Cooper’s fishing boat. But here’s the sad footnote to the tragedy. Two days before that fatal trip, a friend had urged Cooper to buy a lifesaving device that self-activates radio signals when a boat flips over, but he never got what could have saved his life. That is the kind of mistake the Bible says has cost a lot of people their lives–forever, as in eternal life. We may not realize it, but according to the Bible, we are all in a deadly situation. We were created by God and for God, but we’ve all lived for ourselves instead. We’re rebels against the God who made us, which leaves us separated from the One we were made for. If we die that way, we’ll be away from Him forever. As the Bible says, though, God does not want “anyone to perish” (2 Peter 3:9 ). So He sent Jesus, His only Son, to do the dying for our sins. Jesus paid the price to give us eternal life, but He doesn’t force it on us. We make it ours when we say, “Jesus, I’m Yours.” Then God asks this sobering question: “How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3 ) You don’t have to reject Jesus to miss heaven, just neglect Him. The life-saving option is there within your reach.
eLeCtIon daY IS MaY 14, 2011 page 6
Prayer Closet
I have a question. I have been seeing this woman for some months now. dear Know, I’m really feeling this lady. I’ve hung out with her famiI’m not sure why or what you ly and friends. would need this information The more we hang out, the Dr. Karen hollie for. more I find out things from It is better to consider this her people. relationship as beginning with the two of From listening in on her conversations you. with them, I’m starting to think she has I know sometimes we are concerned been with quite a few men. about who was before us, but as you statThat’s kind of messing with my head. ed, you might not be able to handle it. On one hand, I want to ask her just how Because of that, it will be easier for you many men she’s been with; but on the not to know numbers. other hand, I’m worried that it will be a Can you just be content knowing that really big number. you’re number one now? Or at least a number bigger than what I can deal with. But I think that if I don’t ask, I’ll think the worst and that’ll be a Dr. Hollie is a local psychotherapist problem. and pastor. Send your questions and What do you think? comments to askdrhollie@aol.com.
an’s greatest ambition is to grow. God has blessed us with the ability to improve and enlarge our talents. The small businessman is not satisfied until he is a big businessman. The educator thirst for greater knowledge and becomes greater. The athlete improves his skills and are sought by others to become part of their team. The list goes on and on. However, what is Pastor Clarence true in the material henderson world is true in the spiritual as well. The Apostle Paul, who lived the Christian life to the full, was constantly talking about growth. He begged men to quit being babes on a milk diet and to become strong men who can eat the meat that will so exercise their senses as to enable them to discern both good and evil. When we begin to spend more time in our prayer closet, we will discover our fulfilled ambition to spiritual growth.
Notes From Union Hope
From the Mount
r. hollie,
Do women get offended by questions like this? I mean, if she asked me, I wouldn’t mind telling her. I Want To Know
the Christ hymn
hilippians 2:1-11 was the church school lesson for Sunday. eld lloyd T. Morgan The church a Philippi was having a problem, the problem that has plagued the church from its beginning “disunity.” He says to them “If the fact that you are in Christ has any power to influence you, if love has any persuasive power to move you, if you really are sharing in the Holy Spirit, if you can feel compassion and pity, complete my joy, for my desire is that you should be in full agreement, loving the same things, joined together in soul, your minds set on the one thing. Do nothing in a spirit of selfish ambition, and in a search for empty glory, but in humility let each consider the other better than himself.
Do not be always concentrating each on your own interests, but let each be equally concerned for the interests of others. The modern day church need to consider the message and practice what this first century church was challenged to practice, “Unity.” Christ must always be held up to the church and the world as the example of how we should be. The Morning message delivered by Pastor Morgan was “Jesus offers abundant life” John 10:9-10. Often when witnessing to people about Christ and Salvation they seem to think that coming to Christ and surrender to him will take away all their joy and happiness. But today it was argued that real life and joy doesn’t exist outside of Christ. If you want to know the fullness of joy give your life to Christ. The Psalmist says; “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Ps 16:11. Try Jesus and if you don’t like him the devil will always take you back. Be blessed
ur Sunday school lesson titled, “The Christ Hymn” Philippianas 2: 1-11, the lesson high points were, “It is Christ desire that we have the same mine, it is Christ desire that we have the same love, and it is Christ desire that we be on one accord.” Dr. Johnny H. King delivered the morning message, “Intimacy With God” John 15: 1-7. Missionary Brenda Hayes was our Sunday night speakJohnny King er, she spoke on the subject “Stand” Ephesians 6: 10-17. Come and join our Women of Excellence in our summer conference on Wednesday (5/11)-Friday (5/13) Pastor Charles A. Smith of Christian Builders Baptist Church is our Wednesday speaker, Pastor M. L. Gee from Independence Baptist Church will be our Thursday night speaker, Pastor Truman Gulley of Cross of Christ Baptist Church will be our Friday night speaker, Our annual Prayer Breakfast will be Saturday (5/14) at 8:30 a.m. and we will conclude our Women’s Annual day at 03:00 on Sunday Evening (5/15) Pastor L. T. Morgan and Union Hope P.I.B.C will be our guest.
may 6, 2011
Celebrating 50 Years
Birthdays & Anniversaries Breneshia Carter - May 8, Bobby Searcy, Jr. - May 9, terri Lynn Williams - May 21, darial L. Searcy - May 24. In Loving Memory of Chamisha donte Presley Searcy May 21st
May 6: The Dallas African American Museum and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Sigma Lambda Chapter co-sponsors “First Fridays - Music Under the Dome” Featuring “Jimmy and the Crew” on Friday May 6, 2011 from 7 PM to Midnight at African American Museum-Fair Park 3536 Grand Ave. Dallas TX 75215. May 6-7: Texas College (TC) is proud to announce the matriculation of more than 100 prospective associate and baccalaureate degree earning graduates for the College’s Class of 2011 Texas College’s graduation activities will begin Friday, May 6, 2011 on TC’s campus with the Class of 2011 Flagpole Ceremony (5:30 p.m.), and Baccalaureate and Communion Service (6:00 p.m.) where Danny Glover serves a Keynote Speaker On Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in Tyler ‘s Caldwell Auditorium the 2011 Commencement Exercises will be held. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III will serve as the Keynote Speaker For more information, call 903.593.8311 ext. 2231. May 7: Connect Fest SBI/Carter HS/ Dist 5 and 8 Trash Attack The Connect Fest will take place at Carter HS joining the events planned by the Carter PTA. Ms. Beverly Hall president of Carter PTA is the primary point of contact and can be reached at 972 709-7467 May 7: The stage play “Candles in the Devil’s Wind” performs May 7, @ 7:00 p.m. @ the God’s Deliverance Miracle Temple on 316 S. Ninth Street Garland, TX 75040 Please contact me @ 682-230-3277. My website is www.maryplays.com
page 7
May 7: David W Carter PTSA will sponsor 1st Annual Parade/Carnival. If your organization would like to participate in the upcoming parade please contact Carter High School or PTSA Liaison 972-932-5700 May 7: Turning Point Christian Academy presents the “Founding Families Breakfast” on May 7, 20011 from 10:00-11:30am at Hampton Inn. May 10: The Museum of Nature & Science and the Texas Instruments Foundation will make a major announcement regarding the Perot Museum of Nature & Science on Tuesday, May 10. at 10:30 a.m. at Park Seventeen in downtown Dallas, guests will have an opportunity to preview and experience interactive exhibit prototypes for the Perot Museum, followed by the announcement program at 11 a.m. May 11: Northside First Baptist Church would like to invite you to attend our Pastor’s Appreciation Services, May 11 to May 13 at 7:30pm and Sunday May 15 at 3pm. The theme is “God’s chosen leader for his chosen people.” Jeremiah 3:15 – Contact Rev. or Sis LaGrone at 972-240-5146 for additional information May 12: Turning Point Christian Academy is having a Open House on Thursday, May 12 from 5:30-8:00 pm at Turning Point Christian Academy 235 E. Belt line Desoto Texas 75115. For More Information please call 972-230-1838 May 14: Family Conference Present Strategies to Help Build Successful Families 9am – 1pm at Hilton Garden Inn 800 North Main Street Duncanville, TX 75116. The purpose of the Family Conference is to inspire, guide and nourish families in Christ with the knowledge of God’s word on how to prosper and have biblical success. Contact Stephanie Scott @ 214.916.7472 or stephaniescott4002@yahoo.com May 15: The Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists
CommunitY serviCe
caleNdaR/sTudeNT Of The mONTh
Urban Journalism Workshop Class of 2011 Closing Ceremony will be held at 3p.m. at Lincoln Humanities and Communications Magnet, 2826 Hatcher St. Dallas May 17: Dayspring Family Church located at 618 N. Beltline Road, Irving 75061 will be hosting Financial Peace University (FPU), Dave Ramsey’s life-changing program that teaches you to achieve your financial goals by eliminating debt, saving for the future, and giving like never before. This 13-week class begins Tuesday, May 17. Classes are 7pm - 9pm. For more details. Contact us at fpu@vinsoncs.com or 972-399-PRAY June 14: Join our 2nd Annual Dikita Enterprises’ Invitational Golf Tournament Benefitting West Dallas Community Centers Hosted by: Former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert, Willis Johnson and Luscious Williams. Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 8AM-2PM Prestonwood Country Club and Golf Course 15909 Preston Road Dallas, Texas 75248 (972) 233-6166. For more information please contact us @ (214) 760-8353. Dallas Cardinals Youth Football is looking for football players and cheerleaders ages 5-12 for the upcoming football season. For more info please contact Brent Smith @ 214-434-5830. All sign ups must be completed by June 21 2011
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Call me and see ‘What’s New’ at Mary Kay Debra Blair Abron 214-405-8335
StUdent oF the Month MaY 2011
erik Johnson School: duncanville high School graduating Class of: 2014 Favorite Class/teacher: Speech/Coach allen, Science/Ms. rojas activities in school: Football and track Favorite Past time: Listening to Music, Making Beats, drawing, and designing graphics Future Plans: attend Stanford, play football and major in graphic designing
to nominate a student of the month who you think is worthy from grades 1-12, please email 100 words or less why you think this student should be the “Student of Month” to Bettye Williams (bettye_elite@yahoo.com) office: 214-372-6500
may 6, 2011
eliTe News spORTs BaRBeRshOp Talk wiTh leON simON
hile trying to get some barbecue Saturday I ran across a flyer. Rodney Hampton is trying to have a football camp. Sponsored by a Duncanville Church he wants his camp to be at an Oak Cliff park. leon simon It is amazing to me how athletes from other areas can so readily get access to Southern Dallas facilities. In most cases at no charge, or very little, when there are programs in Dallas being cut out or cut back because of a shortage of funds. These guys go to naïve council representatives and make them think that they are trying to help our kids. Mind you these athletes pretend during their playing days to be afraid to come over here. While they’re playing the only time they come this way is when their planes fly over this area on their way out of town. You have to be a resident of these suburbs to use their facilities but all these washed up athletes have to do is ask and they can use facilities in the southern sector. We’re laying off teachers, closing swimming pools in Dallas and we let Deion Sanders have the Cotton Bowl free to have try outs for an already sponsored team. Now here comes Rodney Hampton former New York Giant, who came from a Church in Duncanville. A church by the way, that is surrounded by 3 city parks in Duncanville; Armstrong Park, Southside City Park, Lakeside City Park, none of which is over a quarter mile from said church. These guys use people like Newy Scruggs to make you think the kids in the Southern sector have no one to help them learn these games. Newy knows as much about the goings on in the southern sector as the Premier of Russia. As a matter of fact, the Premier probably has spent more time over here than Newy. As far as the help they bring over here, Southern Dallas has had Pro- Bowlers and hall of fame type players before Deion or Rodney were born. So don’t bring that argument here. You can’t beg a Cowboy or a New York Giant to get in a parade on the South side. But as soon as he gets broke, here he comes with a camp he couldn’t sell in South Lake or Plano. We have guys who have been working on these parks as long as 35 and 40 years and cannot get a stadium to play Bowl games to raise money for uniforms or take their kids on trips. These ex-pros are trying to get kids from 5 - 12. People!!! A pro can’t even relate to a kid that young! The football terminology is too hard for the kids, yet they want to charge $80 each for 2 days even if the kid could relate to the terminology - $80 for 2 days -- let him go to Sunday school. If you want your kids to play football there are a ton of programs in Oak Cliff like anything else check them out and pick the one that best suits your needs. And quit helping these guys pay these expensive house notes, let them hit the streets.
may 6, 2011
Celebrating 50 Years
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Elite News 11th annual william Blair scholarship Golf scramble By Bettye “Katt” Williams ELITE NEWS STAFF
lite News has done it again! Elite News held another successful Scholarship Golf Scramble for the 11th year on Friday, April 29, at the Grand Oaks Country Club in Grand Prairie, TX. We were fortunate enough to enjoy very nice weather and many amateur golf players turned out and geared up for the Annual Bill Blair Golf Tournament by competing in a number of events and contests. Since 2000, the Elite News has sponsored the Annual Bill Blair Scholarship Golf Tournament. Some of the proceeds will go to deserving college students or college bound students. The Elite News is a strong advocate of education and believes in contributing to the youth through the Bill Blair Scholarship Program. The Elite News will give two scholarships to deserving students this year. Winners: 1st Place Team (Veolia Transportation), 2nd Place Team (Team Heineken), 3rd Place Team
Sponsors and supporters of the 11th annual Blair Scholarship golf Scramble See more pictures on pages 11 and 15
(No Limit Bail Bond), and 4th Place Team (Unlimited Investigation). There were other contests such as the Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Tiger Drive, and Putting contest, along with prizes for raffles and silent auction items. The Elite News would like to thank the many businesses, churches, and individuals who sponsored this Scholarship Golf Tournament. They were Dallas County Schools; Coke Cola (Derek McCoy); Golf Galaxy; Lifeway Church (Dr. Karen Hollie); CT’s Real Deal Barbeque (Corey Toney); Unlimited Investigations (Rev. Arthur Robinson); Mt Pisgah M.B.C.; Pearly Gate Bap-
tist Church; the Silent Partner; Marriott Courtyard (Michael Caldwell); Heineken (Marcus Jordan); DART(Maurice Jones); ALW Entertainment (Al Wash); Freedom Chevrolet (Kevin Harris); and Veolia Transportation (Maurice Bell). Also, thanks to the many teams that played (i.e., the New Mount Zion team, Adrian Howard State Farms Agency team, The Law Dawgs, Dart Team, Team Heineken, Concord Baptist Church team, Unlimited Investigation team, Vieola Transportation Team, CoAmerica, No Limit team, Lawless Creative Media Team, A.W. Brown and many other teams not mentioned, as well as volunteers; Atmos Energy (Daylan Walker), Renee Hardy and Elite News staff that participated in this annual event. If you are interested in participating, playing, learning more about the Annual Bill Blair Scholarship Golf Tournament, or sponsoring a scholarship, please contact Jordan Blair or Bettye Williams at the Elite News at 214-372-6500.
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Political ad paid for by Dave Neumann for Dallas City Council District 3. Charlie Tupper, Treasurer
www.DaveNeumann.com www.Dav eNeumann.com Early Voting starts May 2nd. Election Day is Saturday, May 14th.
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may 6, 2011
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President Barack obama got osama bin Laden By Jordan Blair ELITE NEWS
t’s been 10 years since Osama bin Laden had been seen. He has been given credit for being the mastermind of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks that murdered thousands of Americans and was labeled the most hunted man in the world. In 72 hours before Osama bin Laden’s death was announced, President Obama balanced public events with a series of private military briefings. Nothing leaked. All presidents keep secrets, but over a 72-hour span leading to bin Laden’s death, Obama’s tenacity to keep a poker face was tested as never before. Obama gave a commencement speech in Miami and played golf with aides in Maryland. He met with victims of deadly storms in Alabama and delivered zingers at the Correspondence Dinner in Washington. The operation was set in motion at 8:20 a.m. Obama then flew south where he walked through a neighborhood in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. From there he flew to Florida, speaking to graduating students in Miami and meeting with the crew of the space shuttle Endeavor, whose flight was postponed. At 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, President
President Barack Obama
Obama’s motorcade left for Andrews Air Force base for a round of golf. He played 9 holes and spent a little time on the driving range. By 2pm he was back at the White House for a meeting with senior officials to discuss what one aid calls final preparation. Later, the results were Osama bin Laden was killed in a fire fight with U.S. forces in Pakistan on Sunday, President Obama announced.
In a dramatic late night appearance in the East Room of the White House, President Obama declared that justice had been done as he disclosed that U.S. Military and CIA operatives had finally cornered the Al-Qaeda leader, who had eluded them for nearly a decade, and shot him to death at a compound in Abbottabad, north of Islamabad. “For over 2 decades, bin Laden had been Al-Qaeda’s leader and symbol,” said President Obama, in a statement carried on televisions around the world. The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s efforts to defeat Al-Qaeda but his death does not mark the end of our effort. We must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad. The death of bin Laden is a defining moment in the U.S. led war on terrorism. What remains to be seen is whether or not there will be a backlash for his killing. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson said, “I want to commend President Obama, our men and women in uniform, and our intelligence service for their great efforts. I also want to commend President Bush who rallied our nation in our moment of need on September 11. The death of Osama bin Laden is historic, but the fight against terrorism continues.
As President Obama said yesterday, ‘Let us think back to the sense of unity that prevailed on September 11. I know that it has been, at times, frayed. Yet today’s achievement is a testament of the greatness of our country and the determination of the American people.’ Indeed this great mild stone against terrorism reminds us that we must remain united against the forces that drive us within our borders and abroad.” It is amazing that bin Laden could elude capture for so long and all the war mongering that went on during the Bush administration could never capture a terrorist living in the open, as we later found out. Our current president, Barack Obama, has had to endure all types of criticisms throughout his administration, but he did something his predecessor couldn’t do; he put together a plan that made all Americans proud. And, he did it without losing American lives. When will we learn that it’s not about party, that it’s not about race, but it’s about a leader doing the best he can for his country and his people? This should be a starting point to stop bipartisan politics and do the right thing for America. Hats off to President Barack Obama for a job well done. You handled your business for your country.
Jumping the Broom has several lessons on abstinence, black love, marriage Screen hype
SPeCIaL to the eLIte neWS
t a time when sex, drugs and violence appear to be the formula for most blockbuster movies, selling tickets at an alarming rate, it is wonderful to see a movie that is not animated, but is still great family entertainment. Jumping the Broom is a fun movie that also evokes several other feelings as viewers are introduced to Jason and Sabrina, and their sometimes dysfunctional families. Jason’s mother works in the post office, while Sabrina’s family is old money. When the two worlds collide, there are sure to be some laughs and some tears. Calling Jumping the Broom a “dramedy,” producer Bishop T. D. Jakes, says it is the story of two families brought together by marriage and they meet for the first time at the wedding. “It’s a com-
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first lady serita Jakes
tX. rep. Helen Giddings
edy with a lot of drama,” he explained. A very talented cast has been assembled to tell this story of abstinence, commitment, tradition and black love. The story deals with stereotypes, focuses on breaking down barriers and understanding history, while also celebrating black love. Recently Bishop Jakes was joined by several members of the cast and crew
actress angela Bassett shares a light moment with Gary with da tea from the rickey smiley Morning show
responsible for the movie that will hit theaters on Friday, May 6. It was a red carpet affair at NorthPark Mall’s AMC Theater. In addition to actors Angela Bassett, Loretta Devine, Laz Alonso, Valarie Pettiford, Gary Dourdan, Vera Cudjoe, Paula Patton; Producers
Jakes, and Tracey Edmonds, VP of Production DeVon Franklin and Writer Elizabeth Hunter took questions from journalists from across the country. Additionally a who’s who of Dallas showed up to walk the red carpet, jump the broom and see the movie. Sen. Royce West (D-Dallas), State Rep. Helen Giddings (D-Dallas), NFL Hall of Famer Emmitt and Pat Smith, Stephen and Clarice Tinsley Giles, National Council of Negro Women board member Carolyn Matthews, Judge Faith Johnson, businessman David Wells and his fiancée Linda, and The Potter’s House First Lady Serita Jakes were among the star-studded, dress to impress crowd. An added feature at the event, which was followed by the screening of the movie and a question and answer segment with the crew, was the presence of Ms.
see sCreeN hYPe, page 16
may 6, 2011
Celebrating 50 Years
Mayor Caraway recognizes award-winning playwright
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scenes from Blair Golf Tournament
Councilmembers tennell atkins and Carolyn davis join Mayor dwaine Caraway in welcoming david E. talbert and the cast of What Your Husband Doesn’t Know.
By Bettye “Katt” Williams ELITE NEWS STAFF
With a room full of anxious, screaming women waiting on the special guest to arrive, Mayor Dwaine Caraway and Dallas City Hall held a press conference in the Flag Room on Wednesday, May 4, 2011, in special recognition to playwright David E. Talbert. Talbert marks his 20th anniversary in theatre with his newest national touring production,
Curtis king introduces the cast of What Your Husband Don’t Know as Mayor Caraway looks on.
“What My Husband Doesn’t Know,” now at the Naomi Bruton Main Stage. Cast members Morris Chestnut, Michelle Williams, Clifton Davis and Ann Nesby attended the press conference. Cast member Brian White was not able to attend. Others on hand to help Mayor Dwaine Caraway present the proclamation were Councilman Tennell Adkins and Councilwoman Carolyn Davis.
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Castmembers Chestnut, williams, Nesby and davis
David Talbert’s 12 national touring productions have received 24 NAACP nominations. Talbert was named Best Playwright of the Year for his 2001 production of “The Fabric of a Man,” which received the New York Literary Award for Best Playwright of the Year in 2007, and the NAACP “Trailblazer Award” in 2008, for groundbreaking accomplishments in theater. You may remember Morris Chestnut in, “Not Easily Broken,” Brian White in “Stomp the Yard,” Michelle Williams in the group “Destiny’s Child,” Clifton Davis in the longrunning sitcom, “Amen,” and Ann Nesby in “Sounds of Blackness.” So if you want to indulge in some great entertainment, go see Morris Chestnut in “What My Husband Doesn’t Know,” showing at the Naomi Bruton Theatre, May 4-8. Tickets can be purchased at the Dallas Academy of Arts and Letters Box Office located at 650 S. Griffin Street, Dallas, TX 75202; ph. 214-743-2400.
may 6, 2011
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may 6, 2011
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Successful benefit held for Jordan Baptist Church By Lola Searcy
eLIte neWS StaFF WrIter
few weeks ago, during the wee hours of the morning, a storm tore through the city of Lancaster. It left in its path of destruction, a gaping hole in the sanctuary of the Jordan Baptist Church, located at 1515 Dewberry Blvd. Although, no one was hurt or injured, Pastor Royal and his congregation found themselves without a place to worship, and faced with the daunting task of replacing a roof, they had replaced a little Pastor Zackery Royal more than a year ago. Well, they have since found another place of worship thanks to the generosity and kindness of Pastor Kevin Pritchard and the members of the Rolling Hills Baptist Church. On Sunday night, at the Bexar Street Baptist Church, in a collaborative effort by the Dallas Baptist Ministers Union; the Fellowship Missionary Baptist District Association; the Dallas Baptist Ministers Conference, The Oak Cliff Ministers Union and churches from the Dallas and Ft. Worth areas, hosted a benefit service for Pastor Royal and the Jordan Baptist Church Family.
Dr. T. L. Brown, program coordinator, Pastor Zackery Royal and Mrs. Latona Royal and grandchildren along with Pastor A. Mac Royal of Memphis, TN.
The benefit program was held at the Bexar Street Baptist Church, located at 2018 Marsalis Avenue, where Rev. Dr. C.C. Robertson is the Pastor. Dr. Robert Murphy, 3rd Vice President of the Dallas Baptist Ministers Union gave the call to order and served as the Master of Ceremonies of the program. Dr. Murphy also led the congregation in singing, “What a Fellowship”. The scripture was read by Pastor Marshall Hobbs, Jr., the Pastor of the Passion Community Church of Ft. Worth, Texas. Dr. A.C. Stapleton of the Shekinah Tabernacle Baptist Church gave the prayer. Dr. C.C. Robertson was ill and unable to attend, so the welcome and greetings were extended to the congregation by Rev. A.L. Banks, Pastor of the Community Baptist Church of Dallas and Ft. Worth. Dr. David Henderson, President of the
Baptist Ministers Conference gave the occasion. Dr. Henderson reminded those in attendance that “We are here to be a blessing to someone who needs our help. Despite the situation, God is still in control.We are here to help you, and to let you know the Church community cares. Today its Jordan Baptist Church, but it could be any one of us tomorrow, so we should do all we can to aid and assist Pastor Royal and his congregation.” The Bexar Street Baptist Church rendered a selection and Dr. A.E. Sharp, Moderator of the Fellowship Missionary Baptist District Association gave greetings on behalf of the Fellowship District Association. Dr. B.R. Daniels, Pastor of the Beth Eden Baptist Church of Ft. Worth, TX and Rev. A.L. Banks led the congregation in giving following another selection from the Bexar Street Baptist Church choir.
The “Exciting” Ervay Cedar Baptist rendered selections and afterwards, Dr. Robert Murphy introduced the speaker of the hour, Pastor Zackery Royal, who is the brother of Pastor Sinclair Royal, and the Pastor of the St. Mary Baptist Church in Miami, FL. His sermon, “When Praise Become a Priority,” was taken from Psalms 63:4. Pastor Royal told those in attendance, that when praise becomes a priority, the perils of our predicaments will be transformed when we praise God. “When we praise God, he will turn our frowns into smiles” And lastly, he assured Pastor Sinclair Royal and the Jordan Baptist that God will never leave them in a storm.” After the sermon, Dr. Robert Murphy extended the invitation to Christ and one gentleman came to request prayer. Pastor Sinclair Royal gave expressions of gratitude on behalf of the Jordan Baptist Church Family and afterwards, Pastor A. Royal prayed for Pastor Sinclair Royal and the Jordan Baptist Church Family. Special thanks to Rev. Dr. T.L. Brown, Pastor of the “Exciting” Ervay Cedar Baptist Church, who coordinated the program; to Dr. C.C. Robertson and the Bexar Street Baptist Church for the use of their facility for the benefit program. To Pastor Kevin Pritchard and the Rolling Hills Baptist Church Family for opening their doors and allowing Pastor Royal and Jordan Baptist Church to worship in their facility; and “thank you” to all who came out to give and be a blessing to the Jordan Baptist Church Family.
Friends of Fair Park presents Centennial award for service By Craig holcomb
riends of Fair Park presented the 18th annual Spirit of the Centennial Award to Gold Metal Recylers on April 28 in the Crystal Terrace at the Music Hall in Fair Park. The Award is given for longstanding commitment and service to Fair Park. Previous Award winners include the State Fair, DART, the Meadows Foundation, Walter Humann, and Texas Instruments. Rev. Sammie Davis of Fellowship Baptist Church, delivered the invocation. John Scovell, whose family also received the Spirit of the Centennial Award, presented the Award to Gold Metal. He said that they
page 14
enjoyed a free day at the Park with were receiving the Award fireworks, music, food, and free because they stepped in and admission to the Park’s museums. sponsored last year’s Fair Park In his acceptance, Ken Goldberg Fourth when it appeared it pointed out that his earliest memowould be canceled for lack of ry of Fair Park was laying in the funds and also they were lagoon looking up through the receiving the Award for being water. He implied that Neill, his good corporate citizens of brother and business partner, might South Dallas for over thirty have pushed him into the lagoon. years. Ken recognized many of Gold Because of the economy, Metal’s longtime employees who Friends of Fair Park, which prowere present at the luncheon. duces the annual Fourth of July Neill Goldberg When Neill Goldberg spoke, he celebration, was forced to cancel discussed that he and his brother it. Because Gold Metal thought that would be un-American, they agreed to were inspired by their eighty-five year old sponsor the fireworks and thousands of people father who was present. He also talked about
how much, as Dallas natives, Fair Park meant to him and his family. David Luther, Chairman of Friends of Fair Park’s Board, closed the luncheon noting that it was the best attended Spirit of the Centennial that Friends had ever had. Other attendees included Mayor Dwaine Caraway, Mayor Pro Tem Pauline Medrano, Councilwomen Vonciel Hill, Delia Jasso and Angela Hunt, and Councilmen Sheffie Kadane, Dave Neumann and Ron Natinsky. Diane Scovell, John Scovell’s wife, said as she was leaving, “The Goldbergs are such nice people. We have known them since our children were in elementary school. I am so glad they got this.”
may 6, 2011
may 6, 2011
william blair sCholarship golf sCramble
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Pastor Tony evans addresses Methodist Charlton Pastor Appreciation luncheon
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Hype Screen,
ecognizing the impact church enjoyed the program, speaker, and leadership has on its communirecognition Methodist Charlton ty, Methodist Charlton hosted bestows on ministry leaders in the its annual appreciation luncheon for community by saying: “We appreciate local pastors and ministry leaders. being appreciated.” The speaker for the event was The event also gave attendees an Pastor Tony Evans, senior pastor of opportunity to: Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church in •Learn about growth and changes takDallas . ing place at Methodist Charlton Dr. Evans spoke on common goals •Become educated on policies and of the church and hospital to treat peoprocedures to help pastors and ministry ple who are sick, whether it is a spirileaders better serve patients and their dr. tonY eVanS tual or physical brokenness. families during pastoral visits Accomplished and versatile singer •Learn more about upcoming commuand actress Madelyn Fortner performed at the nity education seminars at Methodist Charlton event. Free health screenings for hypertension, •Open a dialogue with hospital leadership for high cholesterol, triglycerides, diabetes, prostate better communication and partnerships cancer, and body mass index (BMI) were also Dr. Evans is one of the country’s most respected offered. leaders in evangelical circles and the first AfricanMethodist Charlton hosted this third annual American to graduate with a doctoral degree from event to honor pastors and ministry leaders for Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS). He has their dedicated service and commitment to the served as senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible community. “We want to express our sincere grat- Fellowship for over 34 years, witnessing its itude to pastors and ministry leaders who serve growth from 10 people in 1976 to over 8,500 conpatients and their families all hours of the day to gregants with 100 plus ministries. Dr. Evans also provide spiritual support,” says Methodist serves as president of The Urban Alternative, a Charlton President Jonathan Davis, FACHE. One national ministry to bring about spiritual renewal participant at the event expressed how much she in America through the church. reStaUrant
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continued from Page 10
Bassett’s husband, actor Courtney B. Vance, and Ms. Patton’s husband, Robin Thicke. Both men also traveled with their wives to film Jumping the Broom. Mr. Thicke said he enjoyed being with his wife and interacting with the crew. Ms. Edmonds agreed. “It was a wonderful experience and I hope to work with Bishop Jakes again in the future. We were in Nova Scotia working and we had a wonderful time together. It was beautiful there and I enjoyed the experience.” Ms. Edmonds also produced the movie “Soul Food,” which eventually became a popular television series. She even mentioned the pos-
sibility of a Jumping the Broom II. And Bishop Jakes, who has written several best-sellers, said he is looking at future projects and bringing more projects to the big screen. In Jumping the Broom, pay special attention to funnyman Michael Epps. While there is an expectation that he will be spouting side-wrenching lines every time he opens his mouth, he is equally impressive having the serious conversations and making sense out of the chaos. Is Jumping the Broom worth a visit to the theater? Without a doubt and when (and only when--SAY NO TO BOOTLEGGING!) it makes it to DVD, you should have a copy for your collection.
eLeCtIon daY IS MaY 14, 2011 Join the elite news in voting for ron natinsky for dallas Mayor!
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little Known Black history By Bettye “Katt” Williams
reaL eState/hoUSIng FrIendShIP toWerS SeCtIon 8/ UtILItIeS PaId hIghrISe aPartMentS For the eLderLY and dISaBLed ContaCt: CIndY (214) 330-7764
History of Mother’s Day Mother’s Day began: in 1858, when anna Jarvis, a young appalachian homemaker, organized “Mother’s work days” to improve the sanitation and avert deaths from disease-bearing insects and seepage of polluted water. in 1872, when Boston poet, pacifist and women’s suffragist Julia ward Howe established a special day for mothers —and for peace— not long after the bloody franco-Prussian war. in 1905, when anna Jarvis died. Her daughter, also named anna, decided to memorialize her mother’s lifelong activism, and began a campaign that culminated in 1914 when Congress passed a Mother’s day resolution. --Each woman and all of these events have contributed to the present occasion now celebrated on the second Sunday in May
may 6, 2011
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Rollin with a Brotha
GReGG a. smiTh
BackyaRd spOTliGhT
may 6, 2011
elcome to the weekend, Baaby! Gooooooo MAVS!!! Mike Epps, ya know I luv ya, but tonight while you are making em laugh, it’s on with the Lakers and Kobe 15 minutes aways at the American Airlines Center! I think the Mavs proved something to themselves this week, in beating a Laker squad that saw Kobe Bryant on fire! Tyson Chandler’s brought the attitude and ya gotta believe the rest of the team has caught it! Dirk has finally realized he can’t be stopped by one man...Jason Terry has fought thru is grief and shooting funk....Jason Kidd is truly the Godfather...Peja is doing Peja...JJ Barea is barely 6 feet tall, but has the heart of a giant...I mean the list of why Mark Cuban’s team could upset the Lakers is long. It could really happen! Gooooooo MAVS!!! Saturday night, check out the African Music Legend Femi Kuti at Dallas House of Blues...The interJason Kidd Dallas MAVs national flavour will be full blast. From his 1st Afrobeat Album in 1998, Shoki Shoki, to his most recent singles like “Bad Government” and “Nobody Beg,” he is truly an International Music Ambassador! Yes, it’ll be a wayyy different vibe, but if ya wanna be a citizen of the world, ya better start opening yourself to it’s sounds....”Judge Judy” is keeping her hand firmly on the gavel through 2015. Judy Sheindlin signed a new multi-year deal to stay with the long-running syndicated program, CBS Television Distribution said Monday. A former New York judge, the tough-talking Sheindlin presides over smallclaims cases on her program — in its 15th season. She’s 68 and trippin, imagine Judge Judy at 72, like whoa! My
partner Bloodhound Benny discovered just how much Lil Wayne’s 12-year-old daughter is making on the BET reality show starring her mom. The production company behind “TOYA: A Family Affair” was legally obligated to file a minor’s contract with L.A. County Superior court so 12-year-old Reginae Carter could get paid for the show. I love it that this lil Black Girl is making 2,000 dollars for each episode... If this happened at Judge Judy sheindlin my house, no more allowance,lol!!! Looks like there is some old school/new school ish brewing between Ice-T and Soulja Boy. The legendary West Coast rapper explained in a recent interview that hip hop has really gone south, referring to Soulja Boy’s music and specifically his goal to produce a mini-movie remake of “Juice.” “At some point somebody gotta stop it,” Ice-T said. It’s unclear whether he was referring to stopping Soulja Boy or stopping the beef between the two artists. Did you see FAST Five last weekend? The director of “Fast Five” has confirmed plans for another Fast and Furious sequel in the wake of its $86.2 million opening weekend at the U.S. box office. So, thank you! Who’s your favorite movie director, Spielberg or maybe Spike Lee? Well for me, it’s Quentin Tarantino! From Pulp Fiction to Kill Bill and beyond, he’s the man! Quentin Tarantino is one of those movie makers who just knows no boundaries and is willing to try anything. In his most recent venture, he’s daring to tackle the American dark past of slavery. Called a spaghetti western-esque film, “Django Unchained” is about a German bounty hunter who helps former enslaved man Django rescue his wife from a plantation owner. Alrighty then Q.T.! Happy Birthday to YOU and Celebs this week:Willie Mays is 80, Jackie Jackson is 60, George Clooney is 50 and Dancing With The Stars Cheryl Burke is 27! Thanks for Rollin With A Brotha in The Elite News and online at www.Dfwelitenews.com-.
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Office Hours 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Thursday Closed - Friday Sunday Morning Worship Experience 7:30 AM - Worship I 8:45 AM Church School 10:00 AM - Worship II
Rev. Vincent E. Davis Pastor
Calvary Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church 4703 Sunnyvale St. • Dallas, Texas 75216 Church Phone: 214-371-3434 Sunday School.......9:30 a.m. Morning Worship.....11:00 a.m. Wednesday…………12 Noon – 3:30 p.m. The Lord’s Table Feeding the Seniors and the Homeless 7:00 p.m. Prayer 7:30 p.m. Bible Study
Dr. Karry D. Wesley, Pastor
Rev. Juan N. Tolliver Senior Pastor
Noonday Bible Study 7:00 PM Worship on Wednesday
SMIth ChaPeL aFrICan MethodISt ePISCoPaL ChUrCh "expanding our Vision of Ministry"
with the
Pastor Sylvester d. Patton, III, M.div. 2406 Childs Street - dallas, tX 75203 Phone: 214-948-9482 Fax: 214-948-7191 email: smithchapelame@sbcglobal.net website: www.smithchapelamec.net
Rev. Todd M. Atkins— Pastor 3918 Crozier Street Dallas, Texas 75215 Phone: 214-428-3797
elite news
Call us todaY at Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 am 214-372-6500 Sunday School @ 9:15 am
Rev. Joe H. Moore, Jr., Pastor
Rev. Todd M. Atkins
Prayer & Bible Study - Wednesday @ 7:00 pm
Mount Horeb Baptist Church
Union Hope Institutional
601 Kaufman St. Waxahachie, Texas 75165 972-937-6579 Sunday School....9:15 am Morning Worship...10:45 an Wednesday Night...7:00 pm Pastor Emeritus C. O. Smith
Primitive Baptist Church
Pastor Tedrick J. Woods
2251 Lawrence Dallas, Texas 75216 214-428-0462
PAGE 14 page 18
Eld. Lloyd T. Morgan, Sr.
Rev. H.L. Ward
Sunday School 8 am Morning Worship 10 am
Rev. B.L. Horn
Christ Way Fellowship Dallas District Christian Methodist Bible Episcopal Church
1830 Lamont Ave.Church Dallas, TX 75216 (214) 317-1863 Presiding Elder Dallas/Ft. Worth Region Christian Methodist Sunday School: 9:30amEpiscopal Church Sunday Worship: 8 am & 10:30 am 1616 East Illinois Ave Service: 10:30 am Bible Study: Wed pm75216 Youth Church: 10:30 am (2nd & 3rd Sun.) Dallas,7:00 Texas Intercessory Prayer: 11 am - 12noon (Tues. & Thurs.) Ph. (214) 372-9505 Rev. Dr. Rev. Andre’ Byrd Sr. “COME AND CELEBRATE Bible Study: 7 pm (Wed.) W.C. Champion Dr. Terrence Shepherd GOD WITH US”
Metropolitan Tabernacle Baptist Church
Rose of Sharon
8:00 am Worship 10:00 am Sunday School Wednesday: 12:00 Noon - Intercessory Prayer Thursday: 6:00 PM - Intercessory Prayer
Golden Chain Church 5023 Wadsworth Dallas, Texas Church 214-372-0280
2025 W. Wheatland Rd • Dallas, Texas 75232 Phone: (972) 224-5000 www.newcovenantdallas.org
Rev. C.L. Taylor
Sunday Worship Services @ 8:30 am & 11:00 am Sunday School @ 9:30 am discipleship Bible Study Wednesday @ 6:50 pm
Pastor Sylvester d. Patton, III, M.div.
New Covenant Christian Fellowship Church
Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church
2251 El Paso Grand Prairie, Texas 75051 972-647-1445 9:00 am Sunday School Morning Worship 8 & 10:30 am 7 pm midweek
2217 56th Street Dallas, Texas 75241 Ph: (214) 374-6441 Fax: (214) 374-6490 9:30 am Sunday School 11: 00am Morning Worship
Church School...... 8:30 am St. Paul AME Service Center 2300 Metropolitan Avenue Worship Service...... 10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study... 7 pm Wed.
2206 Harlandale Ave. Dallas, TX 75216 Church: 213-372-3828 9:30 am - Sunday School 10:30 am - Sun. Morning Worship 6:00 pm - Wednesday Bible Service 11 am to 5 pm - Friday Counseling
Carter Temple CME Church
Pastor W.J. Atkins
www.dfwelitenews.com www.dfwelitenews.com-
2503 Crossman Avenue Dallas, Texas 75212 Church: 214-747-0752 10:00 am - Sunday School 11:00 am - Sun. Morning Worship 7:00 pm - Midweek Worship Pastor Willie L. McDaniels “His Grace Is Sufficient”
October 29, 2010 may 6, 2011
miNisTeRs lisTiNGs list
Your minister with the
Celebrating 50 Years elite news.
Faith Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
Sunday Church School.................. 9:00 am Morning Worship........................10:30 am Tues. Bible Class..............................6:00 pm Prayer Service..............................7:00 pm Mission Study Classes...................7:45 pm Rev. Stanley E. Smith
greater new Zion Greater Church New Zion Baptist 2210 Pine Street Baptist Church
rev. Patterson Rev.Joe Joes.Patterson
New Leaf Missionary Baptist Church “Turning over a new leaf” 5044 Veterans Drive Dallas, Texas 75241 214-372-3200 (Church) Sunday School 9:45 am Morning Worship 11:00 am 1st Sunday Lord’s Supper 6:00 pm Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm
Rev. R. O. Moffett
Rev. Wendell Blair, Sr.
True Gospel Ministries
Come worship with us, A minstry of caring
Crest View Ministry of “Hope”
Restoring lives and giving hope to the “hopeless”
344 E. Saner Dallas, Texas 75216 Ph: 214-946-9262 Sunday School............................ 9:15 am Sunday Morning Worship.............10:30 am Tues. Bible Band/Brotherhood Youth7:30 pm Thursday Prayer............................7:30 pm *Every Saturday “Bible Speaks” broadcast on 1040 AM radio at 3:45 pm Eld. Robert L. Ashberry
Divine Inspiration Missionary Baptist Church
6000 Singing Hills Dr. Dallas, Texas 75241 214-374-6631 Morning Worship 8:00 am & 10:15 am Sunday School........................9:00 am Lord’s Supper 1st Sunday ......6:00 pm Rev. C. J. R. Phillips Jr.
1430 N. Polk Street Desoto, Texas 75115 Ph: (469) 567-1602 Early Morning Worship - 8:00 am Sunday School - 8:45 am Morning Worship - 10:00 am Wed. Hour of Bible Study - 7:30 pm
Apostle Lobias Murray
3317 Morris Street • Dallas, TX 75212 214-638-0918 • www.nmtcalvary.org
Rev. Christopher T. Willis, Sr.
Pastor Michael and Sherry Perkins
Myrtis Robinson, Pastor
2949 E. Kiest Blvd Suite J Dallas, TX 75206 Church: 214-946-2989 Sunday School: 10:00 am Morning Worship: 11:00 am
1101 Sabine • Dallas, Texas 75203 Church: 214-943-8295 Fax: 214-942-2023 Pastor: 214-942-7474 Website: www.goldengatembc.org
Sunday School: 9:00 am Morning Worship: 10:30 am
Rev. B. R. Williams
Munger Ave. Baptist Church “Your Church Home In Dallas”
3919 Munger Ave./Dallas, Texas 75204 (214) 824-8312 Sunday School.........9:30 am Sunday Morning Worship...11:00 am Wednesday Mid Week Service Sunshine Bible Study...10:00 am Fellowship Dinner.......5:20 pm
Rev. Kedric L. McKnight Senior Pastor
“Come, taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalms 34:8
Sunday School……10:30 a.m. Morning Worship……12:45 p.m. Wed. & Fri. Services……8:00 p.m. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17
Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church
Wednesday ~ 7:00
Hour of Power (Bible Study, 1st & 3rd Wed.) D.I.V.A.S. (Women’s Ministry, 2nd & 4th Wed.) M.S.G. (Men’s Mnistry, 2nd & 4th Wed.)
Rev. E.C. Wilson
New Restoration Church
Tuesday Generation Exchange (Youth/Children Happy Hour) ~ 6:45 p.m.
1734 Idaho St. • Dallas, Texas 75216 Church: 214-942-0997 Residence: 972-225-6997
4122 Kilgore St. Dallas, TX 75212 214-630-3195 • 972-274-9911 Sunday Morning Service - 11:15 am Wed. Night Bible Study - 7:00 pm Saturday hour of Prayer - 10:00 E-mail - fallsfamily@prodigy.net Supt. & Mrs. Howard E. Falls, Sr.
New Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Rev. Wade J. Simmons Pastor
The House of Refuge Full Gospel Church
Bibleway Church of God in Christ
“Christ-Centered, Faith-Driven, Holy Living”
4325 W. Ledbetter Drive Dallas, Texas 75223 Church: (214) 337-1713 Sunday School … 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship … 10:30 a.m. Baptist Training Union …. 6:15 p.m.
39727 LBJ Freeway Dallas, Texas 75237 972-572-FGHT (3448) 24 HOUR PRAYER LINE: 972-223-9898 Sunday School..........................9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship.............11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship................7:30 pm Tuesday..& Saturday........................8:00 pm visit our website www.fullgospelholytemple.org
Sunday Church School ~ 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. New Member Orientation ~ 1:30 p.m.
7407 Fox Crossing Court Dallas, Texas 75232 972-224-0271
may 6, 2011
Rev. R. E. Price
God’s “Exciting” Cathedral of Praise Baptist Church
1734 E. Ann Arbor Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 214-371-1349 214-371-0100 (Fax) Formally True Gospel MBC Sunday School...8:45 am Morning Worship Service...10:30 am Last Tuesday in each month Word Explosion – 7:30 PM 2nd & 3rd Tuesdays – Bible Study 4th Saturday - Evangelism Outreach Rev. Calvin Ray Washington
Sunday Service......11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Class........7:30 p.m.
Steven Temple C.O.G.I.C.
9550 Shepherd Road Dallas, Texas 75243 Ph: 214-341-6459 Early Morning Worship................. 7:30 am Sunday School..............................9:00 am Sunday Morn. Worship................10:30 pm Bible Class..................................6:00 pm Prayer and Bible Study...................7:45 am
Full Gospel Holy Temple Church
New True Vine of Holiness Missionary Baptist Church
6728 Altaire Street Dallas, Texas 214-375-6504 Sunday School - 9:15 am Morning Worship - 10:35 am Evening Worship 7:30 pm A Church Where The Bible is Our Guide
St. Phillips Missionary Baptist Church
Dallas, TX 75215
Tuesdays 1:00am Wednesdays 7:30p.m.
CommunitY serviCe
New Mount Zion Baptist Church
4205 Robinson Road/P.O. Box 540515 Grand Prairie, Texas 75054 972-642-9125
2210 Pine Street 214-421-4119 Dallas, Texas 75212 email: gnz2210@sbcglobal.net 214-421-4119 Sunday School............................9:30am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship Service..........................11:00am Morning Worship 10:45 am Bible Study -
Call us todaY at
Prayer Meeting-Bible Study 6:30-8:30 pm
Rev. Vincent Parker, Pastor
Youth Bible Study & Rehearsal 7:00 -8:30 pm
Rev. Wade Charles Davis
page 19
Celebrating 50 Years list
Your minister with the
elite news.
CommunitY serviCe Call us todaY at
Church 2920 Fordham Rd. Rev. A. L. Banks
Greater Progressive Baptist Church 1966 Life Street Dallas, Texas 75212 214-630-8637 10:45 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday School
Rev. J. J. Raven
Church Phone: 214-339-9554 Fax: 214-337-7626
New Unity Baptist Church
Greater Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church
6332 Bonnie view Rd. Dallas, Texas 75241 214-225-2703 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship
1711 Reynoldston Lane Dallas, Texas 75232
Sunday School: 9 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Mid-Week Service: 7: 30 p.m. Transportation Available!!
Ch: 214-371-7026
Rev. Shank Robinson
1519 Denley Drive Dallas, Texas 75216 214-941-5224 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Worship
Early Morning Worship........8:00 a.m. Sunday School........9:30 a.m. Morning Worship............10:30 a.m. Children’s Church 1st, 2nd, 4th Sunday.10:30 a.m.
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Rev. Paul E. Walker
Greater Shiloh Baptist Church 4010 Sunnyvale Street Dallas, Texas 75216 • 214-371-2262 Sunday School .......9:00 am Morning Worship...11:00 am BTU .......................6:00 am Wed. Prayer & Teaching ... 7:00 pm Saturday Outreach 10:00 am Rev. S. L. Johnson
page 20
Rev. Lelious Johnson, Pastor
1323 So. ewing ave. dallas, texas 75216 214-942-4643 Sunday School ….. 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ….. 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study …..7:00 p.m. rev. lee Craig
2200 S. Marsalis Dallas, Texas 75216 Sunday School..............................7:30 am Sunday Morning Worship............10:00 am Tuesday Bible Band.......................7:30 am Friday Pastoral Teaching................7:30 pm Sunday Radio Broadcast...............8:30 am “Come Worship at the Home of The Saints”
Bishop J. Neaul Haynes
1111 E. Ledbetter Dallas, Texas 75241 214-372-4411 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship
Rev. Cecil Proctor
New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church 411 N. Hampton Road Desoto, TX 75115 214-729-3322 Rev. Darrell W. Pryor Pastor/Teacher
Rev. Darrell W. Pryor, Pastor
“Inspiring the Community One Family at a time”
Sunday Services: Intercessory Prayer..........7:30-8:10 am Early Worship.........................8:00 am Church School........................9:30 am Morning Worship..................10:50 am NBC.......................................6:00 pm
Dr. S.C. Nash, Pastor
Third Avenue Missionary Baptist Church “The Church With the 20/20 Vision”
Dr. H.E. Anderson, Sr.,
New St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church
3603 Pugett Dallas, Texas 75212 214.351.7096 Sunday Service…10:45 am. Monday…6:00 pm. Monday School Thursday…6:00 pm. Prayer Meeting Bible Study
Rev. Steven C. Jones
3700 Simpson Stewart Road Dallas, Texas 75241 972-225-1704
The “The “exciting” Exciting” singing hillsBaptist Baptist Church Singing Hills Church 6550 Hills Boulevard 6550 University Houston School Road Dallas,Texas Texas75241 75241 Dallas, Phone:214-375-5952 214-375-5952 Phone:
Early Worship ................8:00 am Sunday School....................9:30 am Morning Worship..............10:45 am Wed. Night Breakthrough....7:00 pm
e-mail: revscj@swbell.net
Mount Tabor Baptist Church
Saintsville Church of God and Christ
4360 Kollock Dr. Dallas, TX 75216 214-375-5190 Fax: 214-372-1620
Sunday School.......9:30 AM Morning Worship............ 11:00 AM
Tuesday Bible Study................7:30 p.m. Prayer & Praise Family Night............7:00 p.m.
ewing avenue Baptist Church
Bishop Harold Edwards
Office: 214-375-0062
Sunday School: 9:00 am Sunday Worship: 10:45 am Tuesday Bible Sudy: 7:30 pm
Neighborhood House of Prayer
1600 Pear Street Dallas, Texas 75215 Ph: 214-421-3741 Fax: 214-421-3926
3711 Biglow • Dallas, Texas 214-374-5485 9:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Worship 7:00 pm Wed. Bible Study/Worship
Rev. Chris J. Evans
“Church of Love” 4807 BurnsideDallas, Texas 75216
St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church
Church Of The Living God
Metropolitan Baptist Church “Where we walk by faith, not by sight, joyfully doing the Lord’s work serving the community,” II Cor 5: 7
4129 Idaho Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219 (214) 374-3860 9:30 a.m. – Sunday School 10:45 a.m. – Worship Rev. R.G. Simmons, Pastor
Denley Drive Missionary Baptist Church
Dr. Aaron Phillips
miNisTeRs lisTiNGs
Living Testimony Baptist Church
Community Baptist
2408 Hatcher Street • Dallas, Texas 75215 Church: 214-428-3695 Sunday School..........................9:15 am Morning Worship.....................10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study............7:00 pm Radio Broadcast: M - F 12:30 pm on KGGR
Rev. Michael D. Pryor
Calvary Temple Community Church
Totally Committed Progressive
1401 Clay Mathis Rd. Mesquite, TX 75181 2403972-222-3708 HarlandaleFaxDr. Church Phone: 972-222-5699
Dr. M.L. Curry, Pastor
Dallas, TX 75216 Website: Calvarytemplemesquite.org Ch 214-374-0977 • C 214-864-0470 E-mail: Calvarytemplecc@att.net Sunday School........ 10:00am Services: Sunday 8:00am and 10:30am MorningTimes: Worship........... 11:15am Midweek Service: Wednesday Tues Bible Study............. 8:00pm Prayer/Bible Study @ 7:00pm Dr. W.R. PASTOR ANDWillis FIRST Church Motto: We Walk by Faith, 8:00pm Not by Sight " Thurs Joy "For Night.............. 2 Corinthians 5:7 LADY MCCULLOUGH
may 6, 2011
miNisTeRs lisTiNGs list
Your minister with the
Shekinah ShekinahTabernacle Tabernacle Baptist Baptist Church Church 2109 TX TX 2109Beckley Beckley• Dallas, • Dallas, 214-942-2227 214-942-2227 8:30 8:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am Worship Service
Celebrating 50 Years elite news.
Call us todaY at
Ebenezer Missionary Riverside Baptist Church Ebenezer Missionary 3132 Lagow Baptist Church Baptist Church 214-428-3200
Rev. Rev. A.A.D.D.Tuston Smith Smith Rev.S.T.
Rev. Rev.Alfred AlfredStapleton Stapleton
Carver CarverHeights HeightsBaptist BaptistChurch Church “A Christ” “A going goingChurch Churchfor fora aComing Coming Christ” 2510 2510E.E.Ledbetter Ledbetter Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75216 75216 Church: Church:214-371-2024 214-371-2024 Sunday a.m.a.m. SundaySchool......9:30 School......9:30 Morn. a.m. & 10:45 Morn. Worship...8:00 Worship...8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. a.m. Tues. Tues.Noonday NoondayBible BibleStudy Study Wed. p.m.p.m. Wed.Prayer/Bible Prayer/BibleStudy....7:00 Study....7:00
R. R.L.L.Washington Washington
Olive Olive Grove GroveBaptist BaptistChurch Church Lotts Mortuary 4416 Denley 4416South South DenleyDrive Drive 2434Dallas, MLK Blvd, Dallas Tx 75215 Texas 75216 Dallas, Texas 75216 Ph: Ph:214-941-4378 214-941-4378 9:45 School 9:45am am- Sunday - Sunday School 10:45 Worship 10:45am am- Morning - Morning Worship Midweek Midweek Service: Service: Wednesday Wednesday––Prayer Prayerand and Teaching Teaching6:00 6:00p.m. p.m.
Rev. Rev.W. W.Hunter Hunter
Rev. Bradley Rev.Johnnie JohnnieR.R. Bradley
Pilgrim Pilgrim Rest Rest Baptist Baptist Church Church 1819 1819 N. N.Washington Washington Dallas, Dallas,TX TX Ph: Ph:214-823-7308 214-823-7308 8:00 Worship 8:00am amFirst First Worship 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:45 10:45am amSecond Second Worship Worship
Rev. Rev.Curtis CurtisWallace Wallace
may 6, 2011
Rev. Rev.Frederick Frederick D. D.Haynes HaynesIIIIII
Lords Lords Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church
6722 6722 Bexar BexarStreet Street Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-428-5459 214-428-5459 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship
Ph: Fax:Fax: (214) 824-3813 Ph:(214) (214)823-1018 823-1018 (214) 824-3813
Rev. FreddieCheatum Cheatum Rev.Freddie
14120 Texas 75240 14120Noel NoelRoad Road• Dallas, • Dallas, Texas 75240 972-239-1120 972-239-1120Church Church 972-239-5925 972-239-5925Fax Fax Worship 10:45 amam WorshipServices Services8 8& & 10:45 Sunday SundaySchool School9:45 9:45amam Wednesday Wednesday12 12noon noonprayer prayer
Rev. Rev.Michael MichaelR.R. Hubbard Hubbard Sr., Sr.,Pastor Pastor
2837 2837Prosperity ProsperityAve. Ave. Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75216 75216 Ph: Ph:(214) (214)376-2447 376-2447 8:45 School 8:45am am- Sunday - Sunday School 10:00 Worship 10:00am am- Morning - Morning Worship 5:00 5:00pmpm-B.T.U. B.T.U. Dr. Pastor Dr.T.L. T.L.Brown, Brown, Pastor
1000 1000East EastRedbird RedbirdLane Lane Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-371-9228 214-371-9228 8:00 amam Worship 8:00&&10:45 10:45 Worship 9:30 9:30Sunday SundaySchool School
www.hmbconline.org www.hmbconline.org Sunday a.m.a.m. SundayEarly EarlyWorship....8:00 Worship....8:00 Morning 10:45 p.m.p.m. Morning Worship Worship........ 10:45 Tuesday p.m.p.m. TuesdayYouth YouthChoir...7:00 Choir...7:00 Wed. p.mp.m Wed.Prayer PrayerMeeting Meeting.....7:00 .....7:00 Wed. p.m.-p.m.-8:30 8:30 p.m. p.m. Wed.Bible BibleStudy StudyClass.....7:30 Class.....7:30 For ine.or g Prayer@hmbconline.org For Prayer: Prayer: Prayer@hmbconl
Rev. Rev.Jerome JeromeE.E. McNeil, McNeil,Jr.Jr.PhPhD.D.
New New Friendship FriendshipMissionary Missionary Baptist BaptistChurch Church “Where Real & & FriendshipIsIs Real “WhereFriendship The Word” TheMinistry MinistryIsIsThe The Word”
2419 2419Metropolitan MetropolitanAvenue Avenue Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75215 75215 Church: Church:214-421-7211 214-421-7211 Fax: Fax:214-565-1530 214-565-1530 Pastor’s Pastor’sOffice: Office:214-421-8272 214-421-8272 Caregiver’s Caregiver’sOffice: Office:214-565-1147 214-565-1147 www.newfriendshipmissionarybaptistchurch.com www.newfriendshipmissionarybaptistchurch.com
Sunday A.M. SundaySchool....9:15 School....9:15 A.M. Morning 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Worship........ 11:00 A.M. Mon.-Christian pmpm Mon.-ChristianEducation...7:00 Education...7:00 Wed. P.M.P.M. Wed.Prayer PrayerMeeting Meeting....7:30 ....7:30
Bishop Bishop Ray RayCampbell Campbell
5707 5707Bonnie BonnieView ViewRoad Road Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75241 75241 214-376-5846 214-376-5846 8:00 8:00am amEarly EarlyWorship Worship 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship www.bambc.org www.bambc.org
Rev. Pastor Rev.Johnny JohnnyA.A.McGee, McGee, Pastor
Rev. Mitchell Rev.J.J.E.E. Mitchell
Greater GreaterMount MountHebron Hebron Missionary MissionaryBaptist BaptistChurch Church 2335 Texas 75241 233556th 56thStreet StreetDallas, Dallas, Texas 75241
Rev. Rev.Carlton CarltonGarrett Garrett
Concord Concord Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church
6808 6808Pastor PastorBailey BaileyDrive Drive Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75237 75237 214-331-8522 214-331-8522 7:30am 9:15am, 11:00-12:24 8:00 10:00 amam & 12:00 pm pm 8:00am, am, 10:00 & 12:00 Worship Worship Worship
5144 Texas 75223 5144Dolphin DolphinRd. Rd. • Dallas, • Dallas, Texas 75223
Bon Bon Air Air Baptist Baptist Church Church
2020 2020W. W.Wheatland Wheatland Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75232 75232 972-228-5200 972-228-5200 Sun. 8am&10:45am Sun.Morn. Morn.Services Services 8am&10:45am Wed. Noon & 7pm Wed.Bible BibleStudy Study1212 Noon & 7pm
2415 2415Ann AnnArbor Arbor Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas 214-374-3639 214-374-3639 9:30 9:30am amSunday SundaySchool School 11:00 11:00am amWorship Worship
Ideal IdealPentecostal Pentecostal
Friendship Friendship West West Baptist Baptist Church Church Rev. Pastor Rev.Daryl DarylCarter, Carter, Pastor
Hopewell Hopewell Missionary Missionary Baptist BaptistChurch Church
Ervay ErvayCedar CedarMissionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church
Shiloh Shiloh Missionary Missionary Baptist Baptist Church Church
1114 1114Comal ComalStreet Street Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75203 75203 214-946-3581 214-946-3581 9:00 am Early MorningWorship Worship 8:00 am Early Morning 8:00 am Early Morning Worship 10:15 am Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday School 11:15 am WorshipService Service 11:00 am Worship 11:00 am Worship Service
Temple Temple of ofFaith Faith Christian ChristianChapel ChapelC.M.E. C.M.E. Church Church
New New Greater GreaterEmanuel Emanuel Baptist Baptist Church Church
2554 Texas 75216 AnnArbor ArborAve. Ave.Dallas, Dallas, Texas 75216 2554Ann Ph: Ph:(214) (214)376-2873 376-2873 am am Sunday SundaySchool............9:45 School............9:45 Morning am am Morning Praise..........11:00 Praise..........11:00 Children’s am am Church......11:30 Children’sChurch......11:30 BTU.............................6:30 pm BTU.............................6:30 pm Mon. pmpm Mon. Youth YouthMission Mission....7:00 ....7:00 Tues. pm pm Tues.Men’s Men’sMinistry Ministry....7:00 ....7:00 Fri. pmpm Fri.Singles/Family Singles/FamilyMinistry Ministry7:30 7:30
CommunitY serviCe
Little Little Friendship Friendship Baptist Baptist Church Church
Dallas, Texas
8015Blossom BlossomLane Lane 8015 9:30 am Sunday School Dallas, Texas Texas 75227 Dallas, 75227 10:45 Sunday am Worship 214-388-1200 214-388-1200
Church: Church:214-374-4759 214-374-4759 9:00 9:00am amSunday SundaySchool School 10:30 10:30am amMorning MorningWorship Worship 7:00 pmpm Wed Bible Study 7:00pm pm- -7:30 7:30 Wed Bible Study Thurs. Rehearsal/Usher Thurs.Night Night- Choir - Choir Rehearsal/Usher 7:00 Men’s Night OutOut 7:00pm pm Fri. Fri. Men’s Night
Mt. M.B.C. Mt.Pisgah Pisgah M.B.C. “THE “THEROCK” ROCK” 11611 Chapel Rd. Rd. 11611Webb Webb Chapel Dallas, Tx.Tx. 75229 Dallas, 75229 Worship Services..7:45 & 11 am Worship Services..7:45 & 11 am Sunday am am SundaySchool...9:45 School...9:45 Wed. Study 12 pm 7 pm Wed.Bible Bible Study 12&pm & 7 pm Office...972-241-6151 Office...972-241-6151 Fax...972-243-5279 Fax...972-243-5279 Music MusicMinistry...972-241-5985 Ministry...972-241-5985 Prayer Line...972-243-2037 Prayer Line...972-243-2037
Rev. Rev.Fred FredConwright Conwright
Office Mon.Mon. & Fri...9 am - 3 pm OfficeHours... Hours... & Fri...9 am - 3 pm Tues., Wed., Thurs...9 am - 6am pm - 6 pm Tues., Wed., Thurs...9 Website...www.dallasmtpisgah.org Website...www.dallasmtpisgah.org
Greater Church GreaterEmanuel EmanuelBaptist Baptist Church 2110 2110E.E.11th 11thSt.St. Dallas, Dallas,Texas Texas75203 75203 214-942-0218 214-942-0218
Rev. Rev.Bryan BryanCarter Carter
9:00 School 9:00a.m........Sunday a.m........Sunday School 7:45 10:00 a.m...Morning Worship 7:45a.m. a.m.& & 10:00 a.m...Morning Worship 6:30 Prayer/Bible Study 6:30p.m....Wed. p.m....Wed. Prayer/Bible Study
Rev. Rev.Burley BurleyHudson Hudson
Pastor: Rev. Robert Townsend Pastor: Rev. Robert Townsend
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miNisTeRs lisTiNGs
Celebrating 50 Years of CommunitY serviCe Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 am Todd M. Sunday School @ 9:15 am tkins list -Your minister with Prayer & Bible Study Wednesday @ 7:00 pm the elite news. Call us todaY at 214-372-6500 New Birth Baptist Union ChurchHope Institutional
Progressive Baptist Church
Golden Chain Church
Greater New Mt. Zion
3314 Detonte St. Missionary Baptist Church Dallas, Texas 75223 5023 Wadsworth Dallas, Texas 207 Eggar St. Church 972-823-1962 Waxahachie, Texas 75165 Church (972) 937-4615 Email: progressivechurch@swbglobal.net Church 214-372-0280 Email: iwturner@prodigy.net Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Call to Worship.... 11:00 AM Call to Worship.... 10:45 AM Mission.......6:00 - 7:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service.... 6:30 p.m. Bible Study……7:00 - 8:00 P.M. Sunday School 8 am Pastor David L. & Shirley F. Maxey “The Church With The Mind Of Christ” “The Church Where God Is Glorified”
444 West Ledbetter Primitive Baptist Church Dallas, Texas 75224 2217 56th Street 214-374-0828 Dallas, Texas 75241 Early Morning Worship ........7:50 am Ph: (214) 374-6441 Sunday School ....................9:30 am Fax: (214)am 374-6490 Morning Worship ...............10:30 9:30 am Sunday School Evening Worship ................7:00 p.m. Rev. George Pryor Rev. Lee W. Turner, Pastor Pastor Morning Worship 10 am 11: 00am Morning Worship Rev. B.L. Horn Eld. Lloyd T. Morgan, Sr. ick J. Woods Redeemer Missionary Bonnie View Christian Church Beginners New Covenant Christian Fellowship Church 4861 Bonnie View at Ledbetter Dallas District Christian Methodist Episcopal Baptist Church Baptist 2025 Church W. Wheatland Rd • Dallas, Texas 75232 Dallas, Texas 75216 2948 Singleton Blvd. Church 3610 Hancock Phone: (972) 224-5000 Church 214-376-8514 Dallas, Texas 75241 Presiding Elder Dallas/Ft. Worth Region Dallas, Texas 75210 www.newcovenantdallas.org Sunday School......8:30 A.M Church: 214-631-2226 214-428-2083 Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Call To Worship... 10:00 A.M. Sunday School.....9:30 a.m. Sunday School.....10:00 Sundayam Worship: 8 am & 10:30 am 1616 East Illinois Ave Wed. Prayer Service & Morning Worship.10:45 a.m. Rev. Michael L. Morning Worship.... 11:00 am Youth Church: 10:30 am (2nd & 3rd Sun.) Dallas, Texas 75216 Bible Class..7:30 P.M. Evening Worship...7:00 p.m. Smith, Pastor BTU.......9:30 am Rev. K.D. Pace Dwayne E. Rodgers, Sr. Pastor Intercessory Prayer: 11 am - 12noon (Tues. & Thurs.) Ph. (214) 372-9505 Rev. Dr. Rev. Andre’ Byrd Sr. Bible Study: 7 pm (Wed.) W.C. Champion C.L. Taylor St. Mark AME Zion Church GreATer el BeThel MissiONArY Sheep of Jesus Christ
BAPTisT ChurChCME Church Christian Church Carter Temple 1724 Windmire Dr. WilliAM D. MCNeAlY, PAsTOr
2311 E. Illinois Ave. Dallas, TX 75216 214-376-7750 Fax 214-376-2485 stmarkameziondallas.org am Harlandale Ave. Sunday School 9:30 2206 Sunday Worship 11 am Dallas, TX 75216 Prayer Meeting Tues 12 - Wed 6 pm 213-372-3828 Sat 8 am - Sun 9Church: am 9:30 am - Sunday School “You Must Be Born Again”
Metropolitan Tabernacle Baptist Church
Rev. JohnWorship Morris, Jr. 10:30 am - Sun. Morning 6:00 pm - Wednesday Bible Service 11 am to 5 pm - Friday Counseling
H.L. Ward
Mesquite, Texas 75181 972-222-3763 kennethbeck@clear.net Sunday Service: 10:00 a.m. Bible Study: Monday 7-8 p.m. SundayChurch: School .....9:00a.m. 214-747-0752 “….lovest thou me more than these? Sunday Worship ..10:00a.m. 10:00&am Sunday School Feed my sheep….John 21:15-17 Wed. Prayer Service Bible- Class 7:00p.m. 11:00God amIs- Praised” Sun. Morning Worship Motto: “Where Mature Christians Are Made” “Where
1130 East Ninth Street Dallas, Texas 75203 Avenue 2503 Crossman ChurchDallas, 214-946-9701 Texas 75212
Holy Temple Church
Bexar Street Baptist Church
www.dfwelitenews.com 2018 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 214-943-3579 Early Morning Worship......8:00 a.m. Sunday School..........9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 am C.C. Robertson
1051 West Wintergreen Rd. Lancaster, Texas 75134 972-227-1400 Sunday School ......................9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship .......9:00 am Sunday Bible Class ................6:30 pm Sunday Night..........................7:30 pm
Faithful Missionary Baptist Church 6255 Bonnie View Rd. Dallas, Texas 972-225-7381 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Worship
Little Flock Baptist Church
Rev. Louis E. Laurent
Greater Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church
page 22
2651 Gooch Street Dallas, Texas 75241 Church 214-376-0354 Sunday Inter. Prayer.....8 A.M.-9 A.M. Sunday School......9:15-10:50 A.M Sunday Morning Worship... 11:00 A.M. Evening Worship...6:00 P.M.
2023 Mouser Street
(214) 946-3584
Rev. J.L. Rainbolt
Dr. David Wilson
Early Morning Pentecost ....8:00AM Sunday School.....9:25 AM Mountain top Experience ....11:00 AM Wed. Nite Bible Study........7:00 PM
Dr. Timothy J. Brown, Pastor
Zion Temple Church of God in Christ 4204 Frank Street Dallas, Texas 75210 Ph: (214) 426-5231
Sunday School......9:45 a.m. Morning Worship........11:15 a.m. Y.P.W.W..............6:45 p.m. Elder Glenn Tatum, Sr. Pastor
Marsalis Avenue Missionary Baptist Church 2723 S. Marsalis Ave. Dallas, Texas 75216 Church: 214-943-6007 9:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship 7:00 pm Prayer/Praise Worship
Dr. David Henderson
New El Bethel Baptist Church
Open Door Church of God In Christ
705 E. Aimee Street Forney, Texas Sunday School.....9:30 A.M. Morning Worship....10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Meeting/Bible Study..7:15 P.M.
8350 Forest Lane Dallas, Texas 214-349-7701 7:30 am Early Morning Worship 9:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Morning Worship
Pastor & First Lady C.C. Boyce
3702 Toronto Dallas, Texas 214-920-2473
“Come Worship With Us”
1403 Morrell • Dallas, Texas 75203 214-946-4522 Worship Services Sunday 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM Fullfillment Hour 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship Wednesday 6:30 PM Women, Men & Youth Meeting 7:30 PM Bible Study
October 29, 2010
Community West Baptist Church
Rev. N. C. Sargent
Pastor Kenneth W. Beck
7:00 pm - Midweek Worship Pastor L. McDaniels PastorLancaster W.J. Atkins Mt.Willie Pleasant Baptist Church Full Gospel “His Grace Is Sufficient” Greater
Terry White Pastor/Teacher
Evening Worship.........8:15p.m.
Salem Institutional Baptist Israel Baptist Church Church 2023 West Davis Street Rev. Todd M. Atkins - Pastor Dallas, Texas 75208 3918 Crozier St. Dallas, TX 75215 Ph:214-428-3797 (214) 942-7535 Phone Sunday School....9:45 A.M. Sunday Worship Services @ 10:45 am Morning Worship .... 11:00 Sunday School @ 9:15 am A.M. Prayer & Bible @ 7:00 pm WedStudy BibleWednesday Study ...6:30 P.M.
Eld. Wallace M. Holyfield
Rev. Morgan Rev.C.C. Todd M. Atkins
may 6, 2011
OBiTuaRies gipson, audric, 89 of Dallas, TX. passed away peacefully on Tuesday, April 26, 2011. The Wake will be held 7-8 pm Thursday, May 5, 2011 at Laurel Land Memorial Chapel. Funeral service will be 11:00am Friday May 6, 2011 at Galilee Missionary Baptist Church, 4545 Vandervort Dr. Dallas, TX Williams, rachel Lee “Lil rae” 77. Survived by husband, Thomas Williams, 22 grandchildren and a host of great grandchildren. Wake- Wed., May 4 from 7:15-8:15 pm at Golden Gate4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy. Funeral- Thursday, May 5 at 11 am at Agape Temple A.M.E. Church- 3432 Mingo, Dallas, TX 75223 Wiggins, Lena Mae 76, survived by 3
Celebrating 50 Years
CommunitY serviCe
sons, 1 daughter, 17 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren. Wake - Friday, May 6 from 6 - 7 pm at Golden Gate - 4155 S. R. L. Thorn-ton Frwy. Funeral - Saturday, May 7 at 11 am at Republican Baptist Church 1240 Republican Church Rd. Morningsport, LA. Funeral Services for donna Moore will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at the Morehouse District Association Building located at 8420 Collinston Road in Bastrop Louisiana (318) 281-6995. Ms. Moore is the mother of Mr. Kevin Moore – City of Dallas Park and Recreation Department. Flowers and Cards may be sent to the Tennant Funeral Home at 1014 Harrison Street in Rayville, Louisiana, 71269. (318) 728-5808. Brown Jr., Johnny Otis August 25, 1970 - May 2, 2011 Services: Golden Gate Funeral Home 5701 E Loop 820 S. - Fort Worth, TX 76119, Saturday 5/7/11 at 1 pm.
Channel 21 every Sunday Morning at 5:30am
may 6, 2011
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Only one candidate has been
endorsed by Mayor
Dwaine Caraway
Bringing Jobs to South Dallas RonNatinsky.com Paid Pol Ad by Ron Natinsky Campaign, Pete Schenkel Treasurer
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may 6, 2011