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MARCH 2015


Masterbulk Masters Of Industry Trimetals Takes The Lead Mercedes GL 350 A Symphony Of Style


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EDITOR’S NOTE Heads of Departments Editor in Chief Daemon Sands daemonsands@littlegatepublishing.com


f oil could crash any further right now it would be sucking itself back into the ground and pulling the dirt in after it to plug the hole. In turn, gold is being pulled down as well as silver. People aren’t

spending their money at the moment, as they are waiting to see how

Director General Don Campbell doncampbell@littlegatepublishing.com

low prices can get before they buy. Trying to calculate the waves of

Editorial Research Manager Alex Smith alexsmith@littlegatepublishing.com

guesswork until you’re trying to stabilise.

Sales Director James Martin jamesmartin@littlegatepublishing.com

wells, businesses in the car sector are growing, social enterprises and

Sales Manager Tyler Harrison tylerharrison@littlegatepublishing.com

if your business is predominantly online then you should be sprinting

Corporate Director Anthony Letchumaman anthonyl@littlegatepublishing.com

in the dust.

Lead Designer Alina Sandu studio@littlegatepublishing.com

giants that have danced the jig at the top of the world have suddenly

Publisher Stephen Warman stevewarman@littlegatepublishing.com

for decades, was one of the most powerful businesses in the world

Any enquiries or subscriptions can be sent to info@littlegatepublishing.com ENDEAVOUR MAGAZINE is published by Littlegate Publishing LTD which is a Registered Company in the United Kingdom. Company Registration: 07657236 VAT registration number: 116 776007 343 City Road Suite 10, Thorpe House London 79 Thorpe Road EC1 V1LR Norwich, NR1 1UA Littlegate Publishing Ltd does not accept responsibility for omissions or errors. The points of view expressed in articles by attributing writers and/or in advertisements included in this magazine do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this magazine, no legal responsibility will be accepted by the publishers for loss arising from use of information published. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrievable system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher. Copyright © Littlegate Publishing Ltd 2015

the economy is like trying to predict turbulence and wind shear, it’s all Yet while commodities are blowing out the bottoms of their own crowd funding is rising as a popular method of funding startups and like never before because if you aren’t, you’re going to be left choking Like Bob Dylan said, “The times they are a changin’,”. The corporate felt the world turn. A fine example of this is British Petroleum, which, but has now been KO’d by the courts over the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. While it acknowledged the damage caused, there had been the assumption that the company would simply roll with the punches and stay on top, but few punches pack as much stopping power as the ones that cost $13.7 billion. At the same time, countries that the western world deemed second class, such as the ‘wild lands’ of Africa and South America, are funding major projects for infrastructure and capitalising on growing gains in businesses that have been successful, despite incompetent and at times, intrusive Government regimes. The realm of science fiction is becoming science reality with debates of artificial intelligence, man-made thinking computers and their effect on our world being serious topics of conversation between scientists just moments before one of them flips the on-switch. With all of this change and the promise and opportunity for growth and advancement in technology, medicine, science and business, how soon will we lose interest in redundant and wasteful debates? Where will the place for arguments of sexism, racism and xenophobia be in a world where everyone is made equal by the responsibility of their freedom? Maybe that is a debate to have on its own.

Endeavour Magazine | 3



SNA Civil And Structural Engineers


21 Masterbulk 4 | Endeavour Magazine

15 Stena Bulk The Power Of Culture 21 Masterbulk Masters Of Industry 35 Viraj Profiles Standing For More Than Just A Business 45 SNA Civil and Structural Engineers Sixty And Going Strong 51 G4S Guam & CNMI Preparation Is Good Security 63 Trimetals Trimetals Takes The Lead 67 Gold Fields Ghana Mining For The Future 73 Sol Petroleum Fuelled For Success 79 ECOPETROL S.A. Never Too Old To Grow 83 Allied Caterers An Army Marches On Its Stomach 89 Wilmar The Giant Behind It All



ARTICLES 3 Editor’s Note 6 Winning The Race 8 Business Headlines 56 Automotives The Mercedes Gl 350 A Symphony Of Style Tesla’s Free Supercharger Network UK To Lead Driverless Car Technology 94 Gadgets 98 Travel March To The Beat In Lanzarote 100 Book Reviews Three Books Under 100 Pages Dodge Dynamite! 102 Spotlight Terracycle: What’s Next 106 15 Secrets Of Really Persuasive People 108 My Jaunt On A Californian Jury Duty

89 Wilmar Endeavour Magazine | 5


t was sure great to meet you and maybe we can catch up


In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Cameron announced

in London. Have a nice day”, said the slim young man. We

“a series of proposals to curb immigration,” noting that the overall

were walking into an international leaders’ breakfast in

inflow of foreigners had significantly increased since 2004. The UK

the Hilton Hotel, Washington DC. We didn’t know each other, but

Independence Party (UKIP) initially campaigned on an anti-Europe

shook hands and exchanged a short greeting. I did not think much

stance, but this appears to have broadened into anti-immigrant

more of it. A few years later, that slim young man became the First

rhetoric, to the extent that some critics have accused them of

Black President of the United States of America.


The fact that President Barack Obama is black had a huge

For the USA and UK, immigration policies will have an

impact worldwide. So how important is race to politics in the USA,

increasingly important effect on the general political landscape.

now and in the future? Are there any comparisons with the political

This is due to the changing demographic makeup of both nations.

situation in the United Kingdom? My book called Winning The

The reality is that the USA and UK, both great nations, are each

Race is published in April and examines these issues.

the result of immigration. This should be the starting point for the

It is inevitable that whenever Race is discussed, the emotive subject of immigration is also mentioned. Illegal immigration

discussion, but it is where immigration and skin colour become entwined that the issues become more sensitive.

is a controversial issue in America. Those in favour of tougher

The non-partisan Pew Research Centre, based in Washington

immigration enforcement say that illegal immigrants tarnish the

DC, has produced some compelling data. When Obama was re-

public image of all immigrants, cost the taxpayer over $300 billion

elected as President in November 2012, non- whites made up

and put the safety of law enforcement officers and citizens at risk,

28% of the American electorate, compared with 20 % in 2000. This

especially along the Mexican border. In his 20 November 2014

trend has worked in favour of President Obama and the Democrats

speech, President Obama claimed that “our immigration system

for two elections in a row. He captured a commanding 80% of

is broken and everyone knows it”. He announced a programme

the growing non-white voters in 2012, just as he did in 2008. His

of “Deferred Action,” which would allow about 45% of illegal

opponent, Republican Mitt Romney, dominated among white men,

immigrants to legally stay and work in America.

but that is a shrinking slice of the electorate in America. White men

Up to 3.7 million undocumented parents of US citizens or

made up 34% of the electorate in November 2012, down from 46%

legal permanent residents of at least 5 years and about 3 million

in 1972. Hispanics are currently the largest minority group at 17%

immigrants who arrived as children before January 2010 are eligible

of the US population, but will make up roughly 30% of the USA

for the new deferrals. Some critics say this was an unconstitutional

by 2050. Overall minorities are about 34% of the total population,

act by Obama, usurping the legislative power of Congress, but the

but by 2050 minorities will be about 50%. I have no doubt that

President claims to have been “acting where Congress has failed”.

minorities will vote. The question is, which party will relate better

There have been legal challenges to these immigration proposals

to their hopes and aspirations?

and so far 26 states have taken legal action in the federal court. 6 | Endeavour Magazine

In the UK, the General Election is on 7 May this year. Although

the election lead up is not as long as

their current fierce anti-immigrant

in the USA, our political parties are

rhetoric, attempting to win back UKIP

already campaigning. It will be the

voters, will have a lasting impact on the

closest and least predictable election

political loyalties of the new migrant

in living memory. With concerns

electorate. First impressions count

about the economy slowly receding,

and the ones being shown to migrant

immigration has returned to the top of

voters are not welcoming.

the political agenda. This is confirmed

Nearly 4 million foreign voters will

by the respected Opinion pollsters

be eligible to vote in May 2015. They

MORI (Market and Opinion Research

could have an influence in a range of



marginal parliamentary seats across the

heavily on concerns about immigration,

UK. Migrants will constitute over one

resulting in electoral success in the

third of the electorate in about 25 seats

Euro elections, Council elections and

and at least a quarter of the electorate



even two parliamentary bi-elections last year. This has resulted in the Conservative and Labour Parties trying to outdo each other in sounding tough on immigration, to win back disaffected voters who offered their support to UKIP. There has been a discernible move to the right in British politics, but this may not be a wise tactic in the long term. One voter in ten, in 2015, will be a migrant. Many more will be the children of migrants. That share will rise as the migrants who have settled in the UK over the past decade gain British citizenship and participate in political


in over 50 seats. The Conservatives

One voter in ten, in 2015, will be a migrant. The risk facing the parties is that their current fierce anti-immigrant rhetoric, attempting to win back UKIP voters, will have a lasting impact on the political loyalties of the new migrant electorate. First impressions count and the ones being shown to migrant voters are not welcoming.

made a big mistake by not carrying through boundary reviews a couple of years ago, when they had the chance, so they face an uphill task if they are to win overall control. About 8 years ago I warned a group of Republican leaders not to ignore the ethnic minority vote. They listened politely, did nothing and lost. The Conservatives should learn from the Republicans’ mistake. The Tory leader, Cameron, says he does not want to talk about immigration during the election, but that will not stop immigrants talking about him.

life. The risk facing the parties is that Endeavour Magazine | 7



BM (NYSE:IBM ) announced that pretty much

shows that Millennials share many of the same

everything you thought you knew about

attitudes as Gen X and Baby Boomer employees.

Millennials could well be wrong. A new IBM

By 2020, Millennials will be approximately 50

study reveals much of the hype about Millennial

percent of the U.S. workforce (1). So within the

employees simply isn’t true. They aren’t the “lazy,

next five years, Millennials will wield increasing

entitled, selfish and shallow” workers that many

influence over organisations’ decisions, move in

believe them to be.

to leadership roles and basically take over the

#Millennials have gotten a bad rap. New @IBMIBV





workforce. Today’s business leaders need to begin planning for this shift by creating a workplace

The results of the global, multigenerational

environment that will maximise the Millennial

study “Myths, Exaggerations and Uncomfortable

generation’s unique strengths. To do so, they

Truths” found that the fundamental distinction

first need to separate fact from fiction on what

between Millennials and older employees is their

Millennial employees are really all about. Helpfully,

digital proficiency, which comes from growing up

the IBM Institute for Business Value examined

immersed in a digital world. But, for things like

five commonly held beliefs about Millennials and

career goals, employee engagement, preferred

busted them like the myths they are.

leadership styles and recognition, the study

8 | Endeavour Magazine

Myth 1: Millennials’ career goals and expectations are different from their elders (i.e. unrealistic). As it turns out, Millennials want financial security and a diverse workplace just as much as their older colleagues.

Myth 2: Millennials need endless praise and think everyone should get a trophy.

Myth 3: Millennials are digital addicts with no boundaries between work and play

Myth 4: Millennials can’t make a decision without crowdsourcing.

Millennials’ idea of a perfect

Millennials are less likely

boss isn’t someone who pats

than older generations to use

input, but are no more likely to

for the same reasons other

them on the back. They’re

their personal social media

seek advice when making work

generations do and they are

looking for an ethical and fair

accounts for business purposes.

decisions than Gen X. And,


boss who shares information.



even though they think gaining

colleagues to leave a job to

Thirty-five percent of Boomers



consensus is important, more

follow their passion. In fact,

and Millennials listed this as

compared to only 7 percent of

than fifty percent of Millennials

Millennials, Gen Xers and Baby

the top quality they seek in a

Boomers. Millennials enter the

believe that their leaders are

Boomers are all two times more

boss. Last on the priority list for

workforce with a strong social

most qualified to make business

likely to leave a job to enter the

Millennials? A boss who asks for

presence and personal social


fast lane - i.e. to make more

their input.

media strategy. They know what

money and work in a more

Funny enough, it’s Gen X







Myth 5: Millennials are more likely to jump ship if a job doesn’t fulfill their passions.





likely than



they want to communicate,

innovative environment - than


where they want to share it and

any other reason, including

who are more likely to think

how it best suits their audience.

saving the world.

everyone on a successful team

Like Taylor Swift.



should be rewarded. 64 percent of Gen Xers agreed with this statement compared to 55 percent of Millennials. Project much Gen X?

So what’s an employer to do? Employers can’t rely on generational stereotypes when

For the multigenerational study, the IBV surveyed nearly 1,800

planning and serving their workforce. They need robust, nuanced

employees from organisations of all sizes, across 12 countries.

talent strategies and analytics to better understand employees as

Additionally, research was conducted though a Tweetchat, group

individuals to make the most of their skills.

discussions and one-on-one interviews.

According to the IBV, applying workforce analytics can help

Now it’s your turn. Let’s compare notes on what we all have in

executives uncover previously hidden patterns of employee

common at work. Show us the way you work... share your thoughts

actions, enabling HR and business leaders to make smarter, more

through social networks like Twitter, Instagram, Vine or Facebook.

effective decisions and ultimately improve business results (2).

Please use the hashtag #TheWayWeWork and share a photo/video

IBM works with companies around the world and across industries

of yourself that explains how you get work done and what you love

to help implement best practices for millennial engagement and

the most about your work.

workforce analytics. Endeavour Magazine | 9



n February this year, the orderbook for

Singaporean builders who averaged 52% of

deliveries in the sector. The increased

the global jack-up drilling rig for 2015

deliveries a year. There was a subsequent

appetite for larger units has been supported

had 67 rigs for delivery. So far, according

peak in delivery during the period in 2009

by speculative ordering as owners have

to Clarksons a provider of data and market

at 28 until that fell to 14 in 2012 and it was

been enticed by generous payment terms

intelligence for global shipping and offshore

the Singaporean yards that bore the brunt

offered by yards, reported to be as low as

oil and gas industries, three jack-up rigs

of the decline.

5% up front with the remainder to be paid

have been delivered.






on delivery.

This represents a higher total than

increase in output in 2013 with 44 deliveries,

has ever been delivered in one year and

28 of which were from Singaporean yards.

delivery track record of these Chinese yards

Chinese yards are responsible for 60% of

During this period deliveries from Chinese

is uncertain with several yards potentially

the aggregate. Whilst not all units are going

yards remained limited with an average of

delivering for the first time. Nevertheless,

to meet schedule, Chinese builders are still

4 a year.

Chinese builders are projected to account

projected to increase their market share, according to Clarksons.


further writes



It was during this latter period that the

for the majority of global jack-up output

Chinese builders entered the jack-up market

for the first time in 2015 and will possibly

Between period 2006-2013 the delivery

and while the output was noticeably limited

maintain a leading share in 2016.2015-02-

of jack-up averaged at about 19 units a year

it was stable, whilst their share of global

25_upload_5102124_OYM_2015_02 (1)

and these were predominantly produced by

jack-up deliveries fluctuated annually due to the variation in global deliveries. Their



Speculative ordering and the payment terms offered by yards for jack-ups have


aided this strong growth in projected

deliveries declined to 18% in 2013

output share; however, they also are its

as Singaporean yards increased their

biggest risk. Recent movements in the price

output. However, by this point a few

of oil may put off speculative owners that

yards had developed a track record

had hoped to benefit from oil companies’

within the jack-up sector.

expenditure and can cancel contracts with

The early entrants into the

minimal risk due to the payment structure.

space focused on smaller designs,

So, the orderbook suggests that 2015

which accounted for 60% of the

is going to be a bumper year for Jack-Ups.

units produced by Chinese builders

Chinese builders are expected to drive

between 2006 and 2013. Since then,

the increase in output and are currently

Chinese builders have produced

projected to deliver the majority of units.

greater numbers of large jack-ups.

However, there are clear risks. It will be

In 2013 and 2014, jack-ups >300ft

a test for Chinese yards who will need to

accounted for 74% of Chinese

prove they can deliver this majority share.



n America,


years and provides critically needed

energy resources must be conducted in

requested a budget of $204.7 million for



resources to further strengthen BSEE’s

a safe and environmentally responsible

the Bureau of Safety and Environmental

regulatory and oversight capabilities for


Enforcement (BSEE) as part of next years

OCS oil and gas development, as the

fiscal year budget. The BSEE explains


that this is to help them keep pace with


the industry activity and the important technological

energy strategy.

oversight and compliance on the Outer




encouraging the growth of oil and gas on the US Outer Continental Shelf.


“Funds will be used to recruit expert



engineers, scientists, inspectors and oil



spill prevention specialists to support the

through the President’s all-of-the-above

development of risk-based approaches to


BSEE Director Brian Salerno, was

Continental Shelf.”

quoted as saying that the President’s 2016

At the start of 2014 there were 40

The BSEE said, in a press release, that

request fully reflects the Administration’s

deepwater rigs and non-rig units working

the Administration’s proposal sustains

continued commitment and that the

in the Gulf of Mexico and 69 by the end of

funding increases received in previous

development of the Nation’s offshore

the same year. Projections, by the Energy

10 | Endeavour Magazine





urope’s leading online optician strengthens market




“We are pleased that we continued our course


for growth in 2014 and could expand our position

acquisition in Norway. In 2014, Mister Spex

as the European leader in online optics, now

was once again able to grow further, increasing

with 1.5 million customers,” said Mister Spex-

on a 47 million revenue in 2013 to 65 million

founder and CEO Dirk Graber. “By achieving the

euros this year. This represents an increase of

profitability and stabilisation of our position in

38 percent. In addition, the online glasses shop

Scandinavia with the purchase of Lensit, we are

finished up last year in the black for the first time.

prepared to expand in existing and new European

For further European expansion, Mister Spex

markets.” By mid-2013 Mister Spex had already

has a total investment of 32 million euros. The

acquired the Swedish online eyewear stores

money largely comes from the US investment

Lensstore and Loveyewear. Together with the

bank Goldman Sachs, which invested earlier in the

newly acquired contact lens distributor, Lensit, in

year in Mister Spex. A portion of these funds has

Norway, Mister Spex becomes the second largest

now been used for expansion into Scandinavia

online optician in Scandinavia.

with Norway’s contact lens online shop, Lensit. no, now belonging to the Mister Spex group.

Information Administration, say that this level

to further enhance their ability to reduce

of production will continue to grow through to

on-site risk.

2040. This is due to the pace of development

Included in the 2016 budget is a request

activity and the production of larger projects

for $1.7 million to establish the Engineering

that will focus mainly on deepwater and ultra


deepwater areas of the Gulf of Mexico.

evaluation of new emerging technologies and





According to BSEE, safety and risk reduction

the development of associated safety and

is a major factor that the 2016 budget plans

oversight protocols. It is crucial that the BSEE be

to bolster. They have increased their capacity

able to keep pace with industry developments

for data analysis of incident reports, near-miss

of this nature and the centre will create a focal

reporting and real-time monitoring and will

point regarding what must be done.

continue to work with specialists in the industry to further understand the safety procedures










December 2015. The grant builds on the

investment for state of the art technology


earlier investment made by San Franciscans

to treat some of the most critically injured

receive an historic grant of $75 million

in 2008 when voters overwhelmingly

patients and deliver innovative high quality,

from Facebook founder and CEO Mr.

approved an $887.4 million bond to begin

compassionate patient care. San Francisco’s

Mark Zuckerberg and Dr. Priscilla Chan’s

the process of building a new facility.

residents and visitors will benefit from this

donor advised fund at the Silicon Valley

Additionally, the grant will enable the

grant for generations because thousands of

Community Foundation for San Francisco

Foundation to provide ongoing support

first responders and health care providers

General Hospital and Trauma Centre, also

to The General and to the more than

will have the 21st Century hospital they

known as The General, the City’s largest

100,000 patients it serves each year. It

need to save lives around the clock. I know

safety net provider and only trauma

will also support the Foundation’s efforts

this gift will inspire others to support our

centre. This grant is the largest single gift

to increase awareness for the key role The


the Foundation has received since it was

General plays in public health throughout

established in 1994 and is believed to be the

the community.

largest single private gift from individuals to

Dr. Priscilla Chan, who received training at The General, knows firsthand the vital

“As someone who has seen firsthand

health care and trauma services this hospital

the quality of emergency care at San

provides to anyone who lives, works or

This grant is the vital piece necessary

Francisco General, I can say that I am

travels through San Francisco said, “Day

to complete The General’s new acute care

personally grateful for this $75 million grant

in and day out, I witness the compassion

and trauma centre. The grant will fund

from Mark and Priscilla – the largest gift to

and dedication of my colleagues as they

critical state-of-the-art equipment and

our City’s hospital ever,” said San Francisco

work tirelessly to deliver the best available

technology for the new building and will

Mayor Ed Lee.

“This grant illustrates

care to all of our patients. Mark and I are

help convert the existing hospital building

my call for 21st Century philanthropy

proud to support such an important public

into an ambulatory care facility. The new

and is a game changer for the rebuild of


acute care and trauma centre will open in

San Francisco General, leveraging more

a public hospital in the United States.

12 | Endeavour Magazine

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO

of the online social media giant Facebook


County of San Francisco and northern San

said, “Priscilla and I believe that everyone

institutions that serves San Franciscans of

Mateo County for 140 years, from the Gold

deserves access to high quality health care.

every community, regardless of income The

Rush to the 1906 earthquake to the HIV/

The General serves anyone who lives, works

General’s role in the community cannot be

AIDS epidemic to the 2013 Asiana Airlines

in or visits San Francisco. We can think of

ignored and the grant is being heralded as a

crash at San Francisco International Airport.

no better place to focus our philanthropy in

historic contribution.

As the City’s public hospital, The General

San Francisco than The General.”






The new hospital will include two

is a member of the San Francisco Health

He added, “The Bay Area is our home,

additional trauma rooms and three more

Network, an integrated delivery system

we work here, we live here and we want to

operating rooms. The new Emergency

operated by the Department of Public

invest in efforts that can make a difference

Department will double in size from the

Health that provides all levels of care to San

in people’s lives here.”

existing one and has the capacity to more


According to the CEO of the Foundation,

than quadruple the number of beds in

Today, The General remains at the

Amanda Heier, private philanthropy is

the event of a major emergency. Other

forefront of health care. It became the first

increasingly important for public hospitals

enhancements for patients include 90

hospital in the country to be certified for

and public health and there is the hope that

percent private patient rooms, 28 more

a Traumatic Brain Injury program in 2011

Mark and Priscilla’s example will inspire

intensive care beds, two additional palliative

and is the only Baby-Friendly certified

additional private support from the San

care rooms, four pediatric exam rooms and

hospital in San Francisco. The General

Francisco community. Sue Currin, RN, MSN

one dedicated pediatric waiting room in the

houses nationally recognised Centres of

and CEO of The General agrees with this

Emergency Department. The General will

Excellence, including those in neurotrauma,

and said, “As the only trauma centre in the

be the only hospital in the City with a base-

stroke and orthopaedics and it provides

City, The General saves lives every day, no

isolated foundation, the most advanced

groundbreaking programs that improve

matter who you are. Grants such as this will

seismic resistant design known today.

access and quality of care to the most

help transform The General into a state-

It will be a ‘green’ building for reduced

vulnerable populations.

of-the-art hospital and trauma centre and

water and energy use and is seeking LEED

with University of California, San Francisco,

enable us to better serve our patients.”

In partnership

Gold Certification. In recognition of this

School of Medicine, The General provides

Located in the Mission, The General

transformative gift, the City has begun

valuable training for future leaders in health

also serves as a community hospital and a

the process of adding their names to the


safety net to more than 100,000 patients

hospital which will be named Priscilla and

December 2015, The General’s capabilities

annually, providing high quality care with

Mark Zuckerberg San Francisco General

will continue to grow, serving diverse

compassion and respect to all regardless of

Hospital and Trauma Centre.

patients with some of the City’s most

their ability to pay.

The General has served the City and

With the new hospital opening in

complex and chronic problems.


MARCH TO THE BEAT IN LANZAROTE Endeavour Magazine | 13

14 | Endeavour Magazine



The strength of personal relationships cannot be underestimated and Swedish company Stena Bulk have proven, with their solid presence in the shipping industry, that irrespective of technology and development you cannot beat the personal touch. Endeavour Magazine spoke with Managing Director, Erik Hanell.

Endeavour Magazine | 15


Stena was founded in 1939. The tanker section of the company, known

as Stena Bulk was founded in 1982 and Erik has been with the company for the last fifteen years and reveals the scope of diversification that Stena Bulk offers to the market, “We started with a mixed portfolio of vessels with presence in several different segments,” he says, adding that these segments developed into mainly lagers crude oil carriers (ULCC and VLCC) and that these remained the focus for ten years, “The last fifteen years the focus has been on a combination of large crude and product tankers in the Suezmax and Panamax segment, product tankers in the Medium Range(MR) segment and specialised tankers for niche markets.”


oday, the main focus is on MR Tankers in the Stena Weco system, Suezmaxes in the Stena Sonangol Suezmax pool and intermediate tankers within Golden Stena Weco, “Our biggest

investment is, however, three LNG vessels that fill a niche within Stena Bulk System.” Stena Bulk also has a presence in shuttle tankers and panamaxes, Erik tells us, while further highlighting some of the niche markets that the company has grown into. These include food stuffs like vegetable and palm oils and easy chemicals on one side and the logistical niche of dealing with trading routes that come with specific requirements and regulations, “These could include restricted drafts,” he says, “Or perhaps they’re remote, ice areas or locations that come with sensitive environmental concerns.” But the primary functions of the company orbit the Suezmax, MR and intermediate size tankers. The company’s fleet includes 20-30 Suezmax tankers 158,000 dwt each, enabling it to trade in crude and fuel oil on a global basis. These vessels are traded by the JV company Stena Sonangol Suezmax Pool which has offices in Copenhagen, Houston and Singapore. 50-60 Medium Range (MR) tankers at 50,000 dwt each are used to trade clean petroleum products as well as food stuffs and easy chemicals. This group of vessels is traded by Stena Weco. They also have 15-20 intermediate tankers, 10,000-20,000 dwt each, which trade palm oils mainly within the Far East. These are traded by another JV company named Golden Stena Weco, which is located in Singapore. When asked about what is unique about his company, Erik was 16 | Endeavour Magazine

quick to point out that although Stena Bulk is a business involving

Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Houston and Singapore, all adhere

large investments and transactions, it is still very much dependent

to the owner’s principles, convictions and basic values that are

on personal relationships, “We prioritise personal meetings to build

communicated through a variety of workshops, “These mandates

long relations, based on mutual respect and understanding for

are also communicated on a daily basis as it represents the culture

different cultures. I believe these are key in order to be successful.”

of how we do business.”

Stena Bulk also have a very keen environmental focus

For a long time they have worked with a delegated business

where energy efficiency is key as sea transportation is the most

responsibility, “By delegated business responsibility what I mean

environmental friendly way of moving goods, he says, adding that

is that each manager, together with his employees, is responsible

Stena Bulk is part of the World Ocean Council, a global organisation

for his task and delivers profit and result according to established

that converges a diverse range of maritime operations to promote

objectives,” Erik explains, “As target driven employees we have the

the sustainable use of the world’s oceans.

authority to do almost anything to reach our objectives, as long as we stick to set values and we believe that the ones who are closest

WEATHERING THE SEAS Tanker shipping is, and has always been, very volatile where

to the client and the task are best suited to influence and renew our business in a positive way.”

the balance between supply and demand has a huge impact on

To this end, individual training is prioritised and an area of keen

business and you have to be a strong and long-term player in order

investment, “There is a constant rotation of personnel between

to successful. The main hurdle is to predict the demand, which is

departments and offices around the world, in order to communicate

dependent on how the current oil price will balance production and

and practice the same business culture with high quality and

consumption worldwide, both short and long term. The capacity to

customer focus,” he says.

build ships has historically always been greater than the demand.

Being the focal point, the customers are always listened to, kept

To turn this volatile situation into a worthwhile opportunity,

updated and informed and offered open channels of communication

Stena Bulk ensure that their 93 staff, who are spread across

to ensure that the service provided to them will be of the highest

Endeavour Magazine | 17


quality. Erik says that repetitive business is important to them and a customer will only return if they have previously been satisfied.

Leading into the new year and beyond, Stena Bulk is also entering into the chemical market, which is a fairly new segment for

“To keep the customer satisfied is quite simple,” Erik reveals,

them and this comes with a host of challenges to be faced, “Some

“Strong relations, communication and punctuality. We always meet

of the segments have less than favourable market outlooks, which

our clients face to face, are available all hours of the day, seven

is always exciting when you really have to walk the extra mile and

days a week so communication is never a problem and we offer

turn every single stone to make a difference, because you know it’s

fast and precise delivery. This is irrespective of first time or repeat

an investment for the future.”


KEEPING AHEAD Competition in this particular field is intense but Erik shows

Of course, this new development will require closer cooperation and communication between the different departments and offices, which will. In turn, make the team stronger and better prepared for new challenges

us that Stena Bulk’s strategies and tactics all evolve from the

The future is about investment, but not just financially. Stena

same vector, which is simply put as, “Exceeding the customer’s

Bulk places its culture and its people above all things, “A lot is


invested in the people and communication. We always rotate

And it has worked. Repeat business is what has kept the

employees for shorter and longer periods around the world in

company afloat for decades, helped create a reputation for

order to communicate the company culture and decrease cultural

excellence and transparency that is valued by customer and supplier

difference, to fully understand the local markets. Every third year

alike and enabled them to grow their fleet and organisation. But

we gather all the employees employed worldwide in Sweden,

whilst growth is important, it is not going to be at the cost of the

where the company is from, just to increase the cooperation,

simplest methodology, “We want to maintain the company culture

communication and understanding needed to build a stronger

and secure quality while maintaining high flexibility,” he says.

team.” He concludes.

18 | Endeavour Magazine

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Masterbulk has navigated uncertain waters to propel itself to the top of its industry and Endeavour spoke to CEO Nicholas Fisher to discover how he has steered the company to this coveted position.

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Masterbulk, far from only just dipping its toe into the waters of

integrated shipping solutions, has a legacy in the industry, dating back to 1995, when it was first founded, in Singapore.


ompany CEO, Nicholas Fisher, looked back at that seminal moment: “The company was originally started as the ship-owning entity for the dry bulk fleet of the Westfal-

Larsen Group of Companies from Bergen, Norway. At that time Masterbulk Private Limited (“Masterbulk”) was one of the first, Norwegian-owned, shipping companies to establish themselves in Singapore under initiatives created by the Maritime Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) to attract shipping investment to the Island State. 2015 marks 20 years of company’s operations in Singapore, so it’s an exciting time.” It is a fair assumption that having started with such impressive parent company credentials, the focuses of the business have remained adaptable and market-appropriate. Nicholas explained just how far the group has come, “In 1962, Westfal-Larsen entered into business with Per Waaler’s Star Shipping, and in July 1964, Star Bulk Shipping Co. was established. In 1995, Westfal-Larsen’s holdings in the then named Star Shipping were transferred to the newly established Masterbulk in Singapore. Today, Masterbulk owns 20 Supramax Open Hatch

22 | Endeavour Magazine


Gantry Crane/Jib Crane vessels, with an average fleet age of 15 years, specialising in the forestry product trades, in addition to normal dry bulk and unitised cargo or project cargo.”

vessels and cargo handling equipment.” So it is the commitment to using only the very best vessels that make Masterbulk such an incredible success? For those of us not

But what would Nicholas class as the specialism of Masterbulk?

in the know about the industry re-defining features of the ships,

“Our vessels are ideal for high-care cargoes, especially when

Nicholas expanded,

keeping items dry is important. As a result, our ships and are sought

“The Open Hatch Gantry Crane vessel offers many advantages

after in the forest products sector. The forestry product markets

for transporting goods by sea. Its many holds make cargo segregation

have evolved over time and the principal trades for wood pulp

easier; the gantry cranes ensure faster and more efficient loading

today are from South America to Europe, USA and China.”

and discharging operations compared to Jib crane operations and

So far from limiting activities to standard ‘dry bulk’, Masterbulk

the box shaped holds and open hatch concept permit unobstructed

has sought out highly specialised areas in which to exploit a need

access to cargo. These features offer our customers not only

for a higher class of service and more evolved, integrated services.

financial advantages but also virtually damage-free transportation

We asked Nicholas what it is about the company that makes it so

of goods.

unique within a competitive industry,

To improve cargo care and flexibility further, most of the vessels

“The combined fleets of Masterbulk and Saga Ship Holding

are fitted with tween decks in some holds allowing multiple cargo

are under the commercial management of the Pool Manager Saga

types/commodities to be stowed in the same hold. Specially

Welco AS, which was established in October 2014. These vessels

designed pneumatic wood pulp frames are designed to lift up to

now represent the world’s largest fleet of Open Hatch Gantry Crane

64 mt of wood pulp bales at a time, with the 70 mt rated gantry

vessels, accounting for 50 ships out of a world fleet of around 130

cranes. Similarly, vacuum clamp frames are used for rolled paper/

similar vessels. The value proposition for the business is the port-

pulp products, but also for pipes, slabs, steel plates and sheets. The

to-port transportation of cargo, particularly forestry products and

cranes are fitted with roofing and side curtains to protect the cargo

in particular, wood pulp, on a Liner basis, using purpose designed

when it rains during load/discharge operations and the holds are

24 | Endeavour Magazine

Dolphin Marine

Engineering & Trading Co., Ltd Hatch Cover Spares & Technical Services info@dolphinmarinetrading.com Tel :(86) 21 3601 1591 Fax :(86) 21 3601 1590 4th Floor, No.135 Fute Xi Yi Rd Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone,Shanghai, China

International air & sea freight forwarding Consolidation & break-bulk Transhipment (air & sea) Customs clearance & documentation Ship spares onboard delivery to vessel Warehousing Pickup & door-to-door delivery Insurance & packing Member of RCAR No 9 Airline Road, #02-02 Cargo Agents’ Building ‘D’, Singapore 819827 Ph : +65 6546 7762 Fax : +65 6546 4993 email: ops@networkcargo.com.sg

Endeavour Magazine | 25

MASTERBULK fitted with de-humidification systems to extract moisture from the

to 2015, for global pulp are around 13%, paper grade around 11%

air to prevent damage to susceptible cargoes.”

and dissolving pulp around 31%. Of the global pulp capacity, the

A far cry from what now appears to be an out-dated stereotype

largest producers are South America (31%), Canada (16%), United

of cargo transporters simply loading and unloading with little or

States and the Nordic countries (13% each). There will be around

no concern for the integrity of clients’ precious items, Masterbulk

11% increase in pulp capacity between 2014 and 2016, after

appears to have been designed with the customer firmly in mind.

accounting for planned mill closures.”

Making a firm commitment to the continued development of

It seems almost inconceivable, but having identified a niche

increasingly ‘damage-free’ procedures, the popularity of Masterbulk

market, Masterbulk will deftly sidestep any of the financial woes

is suddenly brought into sharp focus.

felt by some of its competitors. Good news indeed, but an empty

Having invested in ground-breaking technology and equipment, is the industry remaining buoyant enough to justify the investment?

victory if there are not adequate numbers of staff in place to handle the surge in productivity. Nicholas set inquiring minds at ease,

With the vast majority of markets, worldwide, still recovering from

“Masterbulk and Masterbulk Ship Management employ 31

the fallout from dramatic financial turbulence in recent years, has

staff in Singapore, of which 58% are Singaporean Nationals or

Masterbulk been one of the fortunate few who have not only

Permanent Residents and average seniority is around five years.

survived, but also actually thrived?

Gender diversity is important for Masterbulk and 32% of the staff

“Global Wood pulp demand is expected to remain firm in the

are women, with 22% of staff in management positions and 25%

medium term. For instance, Eucalyptus demand has seen over 4%

of staff in Vice President Positions being women. At Sea, starting

global growth in 2014, 22% growth alone in the China market, 3%

in 2014, 13% of our Cadets are now women from a previously all-

growth in the Europe market offset with a 3% reduction in the

male crew composition.”

North American market. The major growth market continues to be

Did we hear that right? Not only an industry leader, is

China, where five year compound annual growth rates (CAGR), up

Masterbulk also a keen equality within the workplace advocate?

26 | Endeavour Magazine

Made in Japan Deck Crane/ Gantry Crane/ Unloaders/ Hatch Cover

Standard Jib Crane

Heavy Duty 4-rope Electric Crane

Wood Chip Unloader

Gantry & Boom Unloader

Hatch Cover

Gantry Crane

IKNOW MACHINERY CO., LTD. established April 2009 after taking over the Deck crane and Hatch Cover manufacturing business from the failed Tsuji Heavy Industry based in Sasebo, Nagasaki, JAPAN. URL: http://www.iknow-m.co.jp Email: business@iknow-m.co.jp Address: 177-2 Hikarimachi, Sasebo, Nagasaki, JAPAN 858-8501

Congratulations to

Masterbulk on its 20th Anniversary!


Endeavour Magazine | 27

28 | Endeavour Magazine

Endeavour Magazine | 29


The more we learn about this progressive organisation, the more



changing situations. Improving

we understand exactly how it has come to enjoy the stratospheric


success that it does.“Staff development is an important part of


the performance of the supply

Masterbulk does not disappoint.

chain is important, from cargo

continually improving and up-skilling our colleagues for both their

“Much of the business is

handling productivity (reducing

current jobs and the next level. In 2014, the average number

signed up in long term Contracts

port stay and cost); to all-

of training days per full time equivalent staff member was 15

of Affreightment (COAs) which,

weather operations and cargo

days, ranging from fundamental software skills, compliance and

in turn, contain performance

care and striving to do exactly

specialist technical training to leadership development. Another


this is what keeps our customers

important development was the company’s ‘values’ programme

managers maintain day-to-day

where the principles that have guided the Group’s Owners for the

dialogue, as well as face-to-

last 110 years were translated into tangible meanings and expected

face communication with our


behaviours. Performance management was also introduced

customers, listening to their


to the company for the first time in 2014, in order to promote



body of staff in situ and the best

continuous improvement and stretch targets, whilst at the same

taking corrective actions to

equipment that money can buy

time introducing pay-for-performance incentives based on tangible

meet and exceed expectations.

all already in place, can there


Customer satisfaction is about

be anything left for Masterbulk







so happy.” With









It seems almost redundant to discuss if there are any procedures

delivering what was sold: from

to tackle in the future? With

and protocols in place to guarantee customer satisfaction, as

the routine expectations of “on

phenomenal success already

clearly there will be. Any organisation that opts to never take the

time delivery” and damage free

in its grasp, wouldn’t new

simpler route, preferring instead to place quality and performance

cargo outturn. It is also about


at the forefront of all operations, will, without a doubt, have a

being flexible to customers’

pointless waste of energy? No,










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30 | Endeavour Magazine




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not for the management team, who will never merely coast along

and Masterbulk, together with DNV GL, has developed a vessel

when more can be done,

performance monitoring program that is now in the market named

“The establishment of Saga Welco AS is by far the most exciting

as Eco-Insight.”

new development for the company. Combining the excellence

Celebrating 20 years of successful operation this year,

of the former Saga Forest Carriers and Westfal-Larsen Shipping

Masterbulk is the epitome of a prodigal child, in this case, one

organisations into a larger, more geographically diverse operation,

that belongs to a parent company that can boast 110 years of

the new constellation has the ability to serve our existing customers

progressive thinking, integrated solutions and phenomenal business

with increased trade routes and frequency, with the largest fleet

diversification. There seems to have been no stone left unturned by

of Open Hatch Gantry Crane tonnage in the market. This places

Masterbulk, with environmental considerations, staffing solutions

demands on maintaining and even expanding the fleet size in the

and customer retention all being taken in one easy stride. There

years to come.”

is no doubt that the future will offer nothing but calm waters and

Aware of the necessary legislation compliance that will be

smooth sailing for this captain of industry.

instigated in the coming years, Nicholas assures us that everything is in hand already and then throws in a development curveball. Not content with what appears to be a very amiable take on world domination, the company also has a green heart, “Masterbulk has invested in Green Technology as part of its social responsibility towards the environment and has pledged to participate in ‘green shipping’, implementing Eco-Assistant software for vessels operating on optimised trim. Two vessels’ bows have been modified for better speed and fuel consumption

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Our company’s long-lasting partnership with Masterbulk, who’s known for its operational excellence strongly demonstrate confidence in our expertise in providing steadfast service and contribution in marine industry. We pride ourselves on being reliable, dedicated and competitive one-stop supplier for all shipping needs with our high level of quality services to attain our valued client’s total satisfaction.”

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Congratulations to Masterbulk on their 20th Anniversary!

A One-Stop Supplier For Your Shipping Needs Provisions | Deck & Engine Stores | Bonded Store | Galley Endeavour Magazine | 33

34 | Endeavour Magazine



From a modest start 15 years ago in 1990, Viraj Profiles Ltd has grown year on year to become one of the largest producers of stainless steel products in the world. Forward thinking and diversification, as well as investment into areas of growth and expansion have all been prominent features in one of the most impressive success stories in India today. We spoke with Managing Director, Mrs. Renu Kochar regarding this remarkable journey.

Endeavour Magazine | 35


With a modest strength of 150 employees, Viraj Profiles Ltd was

incorporated in 1990 and started its first melting shop in 1991. While they are best known for it now, it wasn’t until 1995 when they started manufacturing stainless steel products. Mrs. Kochar explains, “In the same year we commissioned our Flanges division and Bright Bar division and started exports of Bright Bars. Then after around 5 years, in the year 2000, we established our Profiles division.”


he profiles division predominantly catered to overseas clients

different shapes and sizes and Viraj have entire divisions dedicated

as 99% of their total profiles products were already being

to the creation of these very important components.

exported. Mrs. Kochar reveals that one of their biggest

A wire and rod division manufactures a range of different wire

achievements came in 2008 when Viraj was ranked 3rd largest

types, from welding wire to conveyor belt wire, while a wholly

producer of Stainless Steel Long products in the world, “And from

separate division produces austenitic grade fasteners, nuts, bolts

then on there was no looking back.”

and screws. Architectural tee bars, taper and no taper channels and

The company has come a long way from manufacturing utensil

equal and unequal angles and a range of flanges.

grade steel to being the go-to-business for the manufacturing

“We are continuously working on technological upgrading, new

of specialised engineering products for various hardware-

product development and the quality improvement of our research

reliant industries such as petrochemicals, ship building, defence,

and development departments products so that we can serve our

automotive, architecture and construction.

customers ever better and produce new products to satisfy them,”

Furthermore, they

support these industries across 90 countries and five continents, with 9000 staff.

Mrs. Kochar explains. Today, the company is one of the largest manufacturers of

“We manufacture a wide range of products using austenitic,

flanges in the world and one of the largest suppliers of flanges

ferritic, martensitic and duplex stainless steel grades,” Mrs. Kochar

for marine applications. Predominantly involved with export, they

explains, “Whether we’re producing rods, wires or flanges and

provide patented protective covers with each and every flange and

fittings, all of our product categories are equally important to us

in September 2010, Viraj Profiles was the winner of the SEEPZ –

and have equal demand across different countries.”

SEZ Highest Exporter Award amongst EOUs.

However, some of the products have specific application in

“We are the second largest manufacturer of long products in

a particular industry, whereas others have a universal demand

the world with 90% of our products exported to different countries

such as the 50,000 SKUs manufactured in austenitic, ferritic,

across Europe, America, Australia, Africa and other Asian countries,

martensitic, austenitic-ferritic (Duplex) and special stainless steel

with plans to further increase our footprint in other parts of America

grades. Irrespective of the grade, Viraj’s steel melting shop is well

and Middle Eastern countries.” Mrs. Kochar says.

equipped. Hosting five induction furnaces, two AOD converters and two continuous billet casters, they have a melting capacity of 5,00,000 tons per annum, Mrs. Kochar reveals that they recently installed three high powered induction furnaces from ABP (Germany) and are equipped with a number of mechanised systems for scrap charging, slag skimming and dismantling of AOD and ladle lining. The smallest bits of machinery are the most important; just ask any engineer who has been left with a handful of nuts and bolts after putting a machine back together. An engineer’s workshop is filled with tools of their trade that come in a range and host of 36 | Endeavour Magazine

9000 VIRAJIANS With such a large workforce functioning at different levels, at Viraj every individual is responsible for their duties and are empowered to do the right thing, “Passion, ownership and transparency are the backbone of our work culture. From the moment of their Induction, all Virajians are introduced to our way of business and everyone plays a vital role in making us a great place to work.” Ongoing training and mentoring programmes are conducted at Viraj and have made them one of the most preferred employers


in their industry. This is largely due to the vision of the human

critical importance to us today. Similarly, our lean management

resources department, which uses a three pronged approach to

structure has streamlined and simplified the operation and co-

gather a workforce of multi-skilled, multi-cultural individuals that

ordination of a business of this scale – which also facilitates rapid

are organised into teams that nurture a constant drive for learning

decision-making. Our strong global presence is combined with an

and development.

extremely large product portfolio that encompasses a broad range

“For a company to prosper, you need to continually hone the

of industrial applications, so agility in our corporate dealings is of

skills of your workforce,” Mrs. Kochar points out. She goes on to

great importance to us.” In many instances, Viraj operates as the

explain that investment into staff, both pre and post joining, is

sole provider in Asia for many of the products that it manufactures

important to get an edge over others in the prevailing competitive

today, which lends a further competitive edge to an already

world, “Viraj strives to keep its employees aligned with recurring

dynamic business.

issues, changes and on-going developments in the organisation by giving them continuous training in behavioural aspects, technical knowledge enhancements, and leadership qualities.”


STRENGTH IN FOCUS, QUALITY AND STANDARDS In order to keep their customers satisfied, Viraj follow very stringent quality control measures to ensure production and delivery of flawless products. Quality Control is “a system for

It is a strong combination of traits and strategies that has led

programming and co-ordinating the efforts of various groups

to the prominent position that Viraj enjoys, internationally, today.

to maintain or improve the quality level which allows customer

Mrs Kochhar enthuses, “Our key strength is our customers. Our


success has been made possible by the loyalty demonstrated

Quality is actually about continuously meeting and improving

by our clients worldwide, so retaining close relationships with

upon the agreed customer requirements and they strive to do so

them and emphasising a strong customer focus remains of

by following strict adherence to the quality analysis tools. Adhering

38 | Endeavour Magazine

to the policy of TQM for improving overall performance and quality of their products, the quality control department inspects all the products at every stage of production to ensure zero-defect products. Then, by employing the most advanced, sophisticated and state of the art machines for production and stringent quality control measures, they can ensure impeccable quality products to meet and exceed their customer requirements. All of Viraj’s plants are ISO 9001 certified and are well equipped with in-house lab and quality testing facilities. They use testing spectrometers for PMI (Positive Material Identification) tests, Ultrasonic Tester sand Eddy Current Testers for assessing both the surface as well as internal defects. SPC Analysis is used as a tool to supervise the ongoing production process and precise inspections, while sorting machines ensure best quality products.

EXPANSIONS, ACQUISITIONS AND COMMISSIONS As per their expansion plan, Viraj have commissioned a Fully Automatic Section Rolling Mill in Tarapur India. Completely automated, the plant is the first of its kind in the country, on an

Our key strength is our customers. Our success has been made possible by the loyalty demonstrated by our clients worldwide, so retaining close relationships with them and emphasising a strong customer focus remains of critical importance to us today. Similarly, our lean management structure has streamlined and simplified the operation and co-ordination of a business of this scale – which also facilitates rapid decisionmaking.”

industrial scale, and is quite unique in terms of facilities, integrating

Endeavour Magazine | 39


an Automatic Picking Line and Automatic Labelling Packaging line.

production site and the nearest Port is around 170 kilometres

This new facility will be able to manufacture more than 700

away. Viraj Profiles has its own in-house Inland Container Depot

different shapes and designs of angle flats and bars and the commissioning of this new plant is a bright example of the Group’s commitment to its strategy of facility modernisation.

(ICD) to ensure smooth logistical support to its clients. The combination of the specific design and fully automated process, coupled with a smooth logistics arrangement allows for

“Upgrading technology is the need of the hour today,” Mrs.

a reliable and consistent production and supply of high quality

Kochar says, “The market has become so competitive that we need

products at optimum operational economy. The new facility will

to offer products to our customers ever faster, with ever increasing

help Viraj to serve current and future markets in a more efficient



The new plant has an automatic labelling and packaging facility which enables quick dispatch processes and its annual capacity will grow to up to 180,000 Tons as the use of fully automated processes will not only help in increasing production capacity, it will also ensure the accuracy in the measurements and dimensions of each product coming out of the plant. “This is for the first time that an automation process of this magnitude has been carried out in the ‘Stainless Steel Long Products’ sector and the plant complies with the high environmental standards of modern Stainless Steel manufacturing and has Level 2 Automation processes,” This new facility has several locational advantages as well. The nearest railway track is a mere eight kilometres from the

40 | Endeavour Magazine

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY “At Viraj, we believe that society is one of our key stakeholders,” Mrs. Kochar tell us, “And we value Corporate Social Responsibility as doing business in such a way that it provides social, economic and environmental benefits to the communities and geographies in which we operate.” To encourage a positive impact on the environment, consumers, employees and community, their corporate social responsibility projects focus on key areas such as health, education, environment and social causes. Their CSR activities aim at reaching out to the poor and under-privileged sections of society and helping them to

shape a better and more sustainable society. “We strongly believe that these activities benefit society as well as enhancing corporate value.�

VIRAJ SHRI RAM CENTENNIAL SCHOOL Viraj Profiles Limited is committed to the welfare of the people within its vicinity as it believes in the policy that emanates from the conviction that human beings are at centre of all developmental activities. Being a corporate house, the company understands its responsibilities towards the society and actively contributes to the same. Mrs. Renu Kochhar, a compassionate woman herself, always cherished the idea of starting an educational institute that could provide the best quality education to the local people of Boisar. In realising her dream project, Viraj Management initiated the construction of a school providing education matching international standards, at their premises at Kurgaon, namely Viraj Shri Ram Centennial School. This CBSE (later ICSE / IGCSE) school is affiliated with a prestigious educational group in New Delhi, Shri Ram New Horizons Ltd. (SRNH), a joint venture between the Shri Ram Group & New Horizons Worldwide, Inc. SRNH brings forth international standards of training and education to India.

Endeavour Magazine | 41


Female Empowerment

EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVES Society’s biggest asset is not the large infrastructure or lavish

Female empowerment in India is still an issue, with women

lifestyle of the people. All this can disappear after certain periods

still being treated as the weaker section of society and Viraj

of time if the population is uneducated, so the biggest investment

recognises this as an outmoded and archaic manner of thinking.

for a society lies in refining its human resources by providing them

Today, a society cannot develop completely unless the women are

with a good education. It is with this motto that Viraj undertakes

empowered. Supporting the notion of women being empowered

several education enhancement activities. At Viraj, Corporate

in today’s society, Viraj Profiles places special attention on local

Social Responsibility is not regarded as merely a brand Image

girls and women. By organising self help groups in nearby villages,

building tool, rather, CSR at Viraj is a sincere devotion that stems

where women are provided with free vocational training by Viraj to

from genuine concern and the drive to provide a better future

help them find financial independence, progress is being made. The

for the next generation. Viraj has supported a number of schools

ultimate aim is to empower women to be self-sufficient and self-

by providing scholarships and distributing reading and writing

reliant, by providing them with a viable entry to the market with an

materials to the students at Zilla Parishad School, Maan. Existing

assurance of running a business.

School infrastructure and an Anganwadi at Baripada have been renovated for providing a better learning environment for the students.

Viraj is going eco-friendly by focusing on energy efficiency in their factories and production processes, with the use of eco-

Adult Literacy Programme A Polytechnic College is being proposed to bring technical advancement to rural areas, to bridge the gap between industrial requirements







knowledge of local people, which will help to accelerate employment among local youths. Through this initiative, Viraj aims to aid the rural youths of society to break away from the vicious circle of poverty, ignorance, deprivation and exclusion by providing

friendly recyclable materials. Recognising that the use of recycled scrap supports waste management, conserves natural resources and reduces energy usage, this has become a primary concern for the organisation. All the while, without compromising on quality, they utilise waste exchange extensively, where the waste product of one process becomes the raw material for another. “The main area

them with a good education and training.

where we contribute, with recycled material, is in our melt shop,

Infrastructure Development

various countries, in order to produce quality Stainless Steel

Amongst various CSR activities which are undertaken by Viraj, one focus is the provision of Infrastructural support to the local schools. As part of this initiative, several developmental activities have been initiated by Viraj Profiles in its peripheral area by renovating village properties. These projects are undertaken on a need basis.

Health Improvement

wherein we import Industrial and domestic recycled scrap, from material,” Mrs. Kochar tell us, “And this is all in line with the latest emission norms put in place to ensure zero discharge of fumes.” To ensure this further they have imported and installed new induction furnaces, in their melt shop, which have ash collectors to collect the dust, while for processes such as induction melting, AOD refining and continuous casting, it is ensured that the induction furnaces are utilised on a rotational basis. This ensures

We understand that society can only develop when it is

that they are maintained to perform at optimum levels, providing

developed in terms of better education, improved health and

better output of material quality, while minimising the consumption

better economic sustainability. Following these principles, Viraj

of energy and offering overall efficiency through reduced wastage.

has undertaken several initiatives for ensuring good health of the

Water is conserved in the annealing and pickling processes

people in the nearby villages. Such initiatives, on the part of the

as well, “We installed a scrubber and absorber system that treats

company, go a long way towards gaining acceptance from local

water with acid or base as required for neutralisation, so that the

communities and encourages engagement from local people.

water can be recycled,” she tells us, “After filtration, we remove the

An ambulance has been in operation, in association with Lions’ club of Tarapur, for subsidised access to emergency medical cases

solid impurities. Thus we use the same water again, saving costs and natural resources at the same time.”

which need to be shifted to Mumbai for further treatment. This

As one of the most important companies, not only in India but

facility has proven to be a boom for the people of nearby villages

in the world, Viraj have nobly taken on the responsibility of being

who otherwise had to struggle for an ambulance in the case of any

an example of how companies need to take the lead, not only in

emergensies. Viraj is planning to establish a world class medical

innovative thinking and technology upgrading, but in social and

facility at Tarapur, while aslo organising free health camps regularly

economic developments as well, as Mrs. Kochar concludes, “We

for the people residing in the nearby villages.

need to stand for more than just business.”

42 | Endeavour Magazine

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Based in Pretoria, a city in South Africa that despite holding parliament has for many years been stuck under the shadow of Johannesburg, SNA Civil & Structural Engineers have been working tirelessly to establish themselves as one of the most prominent and trusted consulting engineering firms in the country. As South Africa’s infrastructure is about to receive a major boost from governmental funds, SNA finds itself in the enviable position of already having everything in place to capitalise on this influx of much-needed cash. Endeavour Magazine correspondent Jack Slater speaks with Managing Director Johan Stoltz about how.

Endeavour Magazine | 45


Celebrating its 60th birthday this year, SNA has undergone some

changes since it was first founded by Mr. F.W Strydom, in 1955, as a single person enterprise. From this humble start, the one man band operation was developed into a partnership known as Strydom and Newmark. Years later it became Strydom, Newmark and Anthony and from here it eventually became SNA Civil and Structural Engineers (Pty) Ltd.


t’s all in the name,” Johan says as he explains the key areas

infrastructure in all its guises, including Toll roads, railways and

that his company focusses on, “We began as a civil and

other projects with Public Private Partnerships . Examples of these

structural engineering company focussing on rural road

would include the N4 (Pretoria to Maputo and N3 (Heidlberg to

design and supervision and this developed into a series of full

Hilton Toll Roads) and the Gautrain, “SNA is currently working on


several Mega Projects and many upgrade of roads for SANRAL,”

For a company as old as theirs, SNA Civils and Structural Engineers have had to diversify their services over the years to help


ride the tide of political and social changes that have shaped South

In Johan’s own words, “Although SNA is seen as a large

Africa. Few countries can boast of businesses that offer clients a

organisation, the company culture is very much that of a family

one-stop-shop and while SNA may be best known as Transportation

business and each and every employee is valued,” he says, “SNA’s

Infrastructure Specialists, they offer a full range of solutions.

level 2 BEE status is a true reflection of the transformation that

Including within their list of specialties are roads, freeway and bridge

has taken place to ensure that all employees are stakeholders in

engineering, structural engineering, railway engineering, township

the company.”

civil engineering services, traffic and transportation engineering,

SNA also believes in supporting the community and demonstrate

geotechnical engineering and material testing, pavement design

this through their Socio-economic development programme where

and management and project management.

the focus is mainly on the education of underprivileged youths by

Johan says, “In addition to Transportation Infrastructures, SNA

paying school fees and building class rooms and administration

is involved in all types of structures, mainly bridges, commercial

blocks to assist schools with better facilities. SNA is involved in

and industrial structures and railway lines. We have also developed

various projects, such as Bhukwana High School (class room and

a strong materials division with our own materials laboratories.”

administration block), Oliver’s House (school stationery etc) and

With SNA offices spread across South Africa, project

Pure Hope School (donations to equip class rooms) to name a few.

management skills are available throughout the country from Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein and Pietermaritzburg through to


Richards Bay, Nelspruit and Polokwane, “We also have operations

The transportation infrastructure industry has a bright future

in Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe

in a developing country like South Africa as aforementioned. SNA

and Kenya and are increasing our presence in the SADEC region,”

is also winning tenders in South African and Sub Saharan Africa,

he adds.

places such as

Johan explains that they are involved in transportation 46 | Endeavour Magazine

Kenya, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mozambique and

Zambia in particular.


THE HANDS ON STAFF As there are approximately 300 staff members working for SNA, the company must comply with a Quality Management system that is ISO 9001:2008 accredited and the requirements of the industry regulating bodies. To this end, skills development is a very important part of the employer-employee culture, not only to ensure that the professional registration requirements are complied with but also to ensure that employees skills are in line with the changes in the global market, technology and maintain an understanding of the industry. “Employees receive yearly formal training from outside institutions, as well as in-house training. This is especially true of the candidate engineers/technologists/technicians as part of SNA’s registered mentorship programme,” Johan says, “SNA believes that employee development emphasises lifelong learning to ensure that



“Our project


the demographics of South





successful in providing clients

this is why clients recognise

with projects that are fit for

SNA as their first choice when

purpose after handover.”


landscape explains




deciding on what civil and

The approach to ensure this

structural solution provider to

is a simple but effective one and

use, “By adding value through

it starts with everyone involved








and business partners we can

believing in the basic values of

ensure that the product and

excellence, integrity and quality

service the client receives is of

delivery of projects on time and

the finest possible quality,”

within budget, to all clients.





reputation depends on the


SNA can compete with national and international organisations.”

delivery of a superb product


at the completion of a project,

Expansion is the word for

“SNA considers that the client,

2015 as SNA are spreading

The mission of SNA is to provide clients with engineering

consultant and contractor are


excellence in all of their projects using state-of-the-art technology,

a team to deliver infrastructure

and have been awarded two

teamwork and professionalism to grow and develop in terms of

projects to the public,” he says,

contracts in Kenya and two in

Aon Risk Solutions

We believe in the commitments that empower results Aon would like to congratulate SNA Civil and Structural Engineers as they celebrate their 60th Year Anniversary. Aon has been providing Professional Indemnity solutions to SNA for the past 20 years and wish them every success going forward. Speak to your Aon Professional Risk Broker today!

Call 0860 453 672 or visit aon.co.za Aon South Africa (Pty) Ltd is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP #20555).

Risk. Reinsurance. Human Resources.

48 | Endeavour Magazine




Zambia. Continued expansion into South Africa has seen them busy in the Eastern Cape where they are currently contending with several large contracts. “One of our focusses is on the Integrated Rapid Public Transport Networks or IRPTN, which will be for all the metro areas in South Africa,” Johan explains, “And this is coinciding with new opportunities for growth in staff, recruitment and experience.” “All in all,” Johan says, “At sixty, we’re still going strong,”



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Endeavour Magazine | 49

50 | Endeavour Magazine

G4S GUAM & CNMI +1 671 646 2307 WWW.GU.G4S.COM


Security is big business and there is a reason why organisations place such a high value on experience; because when you’re dealing with the protection of people’s property, possessions and wellbeing, experience counts for a bundle.

Endeavour Magazine | 51


Chris Garde, G4S Guam country manager, has been involved with

the company since 2004, enjoying regular promotions and success. Starting out as general manager in the Philippines, he was promoted to Vice President for ESS & IT in 2008. In 2010, after completing the G4S Global leadership training program in the UK, he was assigned as the G4S Security Systems (Guam) Inc. General Manager for Systems Marianas, while concurrently holding the position as Vice President for ESS & IT, Philippines.


orn in Bacolod City, Philippines, he is a graduate of the

require monitoring by the judiciary system but not to the extent

University of St. La Salle and has a degree in Business

of incarceration. He said, “Electronic monitoring will be an option,

Management. Now with 20 years of executive management

especially now that there’s been a lot of discussion regarding the

expertise under his belt, in finance & administration, marketing,

prison itself. It has always been a sensitive issue. A lot of Government

engineering & project management, business development and

resources are reserved for rehabilitation and incarceration,”

sales & marketing management, he was kind enough to speak with Endeavour Magazine regarding his involvement in G4S Guam.

Basically, the system includes a bracelet with a SIM card that is GPS traceable and the tracker is linked to software that can allow

G4S has a mission to establish itself in Guam as a major over-

on-line, real time monitoring, “The system is virtual,” Chris explains,

all security component and in 2004, established its presence in

“So you can monitor it on the web and see, in real-time, where it is.

the Marianas through the acquisition of three of Guam’s largest

It can also send an SMD to a mobile phone and emails and other

security providers; Securewest, International and Armored


Express Services and Pacific Security Alarm. In 2008 the company

Should the offender enter a restricted area, alarms can be set

Document Solutions was established, which provides the

to alert officials. Having this kind of monitoring capability is vital in

document management, shredding, imaging and storage needs of

cases such as restraining orders for violent offenders.

the business community and in early 2010, G4S established Care

Already in use elsewhere in the world, including the United

and Justice Solutions which primarily provides Government justice

Kingdom and Australia, the system is hardly anything new but its

and community safety solutions and, “Comprises of over 800

use in Guam is cutting edge and could be a legitimate and worthy

employees from Guam and Saipan G4S stands as the first choice in

means of decongesting the prisons and cutting expenditure. G4S

business and government support security,”

Guam is leading the way in proving that this works.

Christopher’s role in the growth of G4S Guam cannot be

Christopher reveals that he tested the product himself and

overlooked. As country manager for Marianas he has been driving

wore one of the bracelets on a trip to Saipan and the results were

the company’s motto of “Securing your world,” and this year has

alarming, the team was able to tell exactly where he was and what

launched a pilot programme for electronic offender monitoring.

he was doing, even when he went for a swim.

In a recent interview, Christopher revealed how he had been

The whole programme, once active, will form part of the Care

working for a year testing hardware and software for equipment to

and Justice pillar of services that were created two years ago by

track citizens who are facing trial, on probation or who otherwise

G4S Secure Solutions (Guam) and, considering the results that will

52 | Endeavour Magazine


soon follow, having already been witnessed in the UK and Australia,

which extends the range of

people protecting them are

G4S will remain synonymous with revolutionising and upgrading


the most motivated, reliable


awareness from guard, through


to G4S Guam central to client.

available. G4S wants to grow

G4S Guam have also been implemental in the Visitor Safety





Officers programme that was formatted in conjunction with

Chris emphasises how they

and Christopher is determined

the Guam Visitor’s Bureau, making the beaches a safer place by

are constantly improving this

to see this happen and so, in

reducing crimes, from petty to fatal accidents.

system year in and year out,

January this year, the company

Communication is one of the prevalent tools that Christopher

training staff and upgrading

launched a training academy in

believes makes G4S so effective in what they do. Most of their

management and always taking

Saipan that offers instruction

staff are guards who can immediately be contacted by the National

a serious look at Guam and how


Control Centre, as can the Guam Police Department and other

they can develop their business

industry, “The G4S Marianas

emergency responders, should the need arise.


Training Academy is located in

“It is our swift and efficient response that sets us apart,” Christopher reveals, “We have our own software that tracks and monitors activities digitally and we’re always online, on radio and contactable through cell phones. It basically allows us to be on site faster and to coordinate with Government authorities. These are things that allow us to move fast and get communications out there, track, monitor and record an activity as it is happening.” The data, which is continuously garnered, is put into reports and these records are used to provide clients with information,




the TSL Building,” he explains,

INNOVATION AND CHANGE G4S is in such a position that the only way they can extend their reach or services is by training and developing their staff to continue to offer the




Clients want to know that the

“But this is more than just security training.” The training academy will help develop a local skill set for this sector, which will cut the reliance on hiring foreign workers from other countries. Christopher explains that in

Complete Fire Safety Solutions Hochiki America Corporation 7051 Village Drive, Suite 100 Buena Park, CA 90621-2268 USA 54 | Endeavour Magazine

Tel: (714) 522-2246 Fax: (714) 522-2268 www.hochiki.com

2014 the American Government announced that the CNMI-Only Transitional Worker or the CW visa programme would be extended until December 31st 2019, however, a further extension of this beyond 2019 will not be approved. “This leaves the Northern Mariana Islands with the dilemma of filling the gaps left by these workers. Training locals has always proved to be a good move.” G4S have developed a programme to slowly phase out foreign workers opening up opportunities to hire local workers, allotting resources and training to ensure new employees understand the job scope, “We saw that there was going to be a gap in the hospitality industry,” Christopher says, “Front desk, housekeeping and all other jobs available in hotels.” And it’s not small numbers either, the hospitality industry is looking at a potential 14,000 positions becoming available. That is a big deal and a big opportunity, especially considering that the Mariana Islands are becoming a hot spot for tourism and leisure, meaning that there could be an even greater demand for staff. “Preparation is how you ensure good security,” Chris says.

It is our swift and efficient response that sets us apart,” Christopher reveals, “We have our own software that tracks and monitors activities digitally and we’re always online, on radio and contactable through cell phones. It basically allows us to be on site faster and to coordinate with Government authorities. These are things that allow us to move fast and get communications out there, track, monitor and record an activity as it is happening.”

Endeavour Magazine | 55


The general consensus for the GL 350 BlueTEC 4MATIC AMG SPORT is that this is a car that has everything. For Mercedes Benz lovers especially, this will be the epitome of the it-has-itall class of car and for those who are not lovers of Mercedes, you’ll be very pleasantly surprised and frankly, quite intimidated.

56 | Endeavour Magazine



n a parking lot, the GL 350 stands out for a number of reasons.

on the wing mirrors keep you notified when another vehicle may

It’s long, high backed profile has it looking down on any van or

be overtaking or if there is a lot of traffic on the road. You just can’t

people carrier sat next to it and the impressive, domineering grill

help but be alert in one of these.

may as well snarl like the biggest dog in the park. The silver trim along its flanks, that highlights the three banks of windows, gives it an altogether different look, almost accentuating the blunt yet chiseled shape that the designers have given this beast. In short, it stands out as proudly as Dwayne Johnson in a crowd. The interior is as spacious as you would expect; not quite big enough to swing a cat but definitely sizable enough to lose one in. It boasts perforated artico artificial black leather upholstery, silver trims on the interior and multi-function four-spoke sports steering wheel, trimmed in nappa leather with perforated grip areas. Television screens in the back of the front head rests, heated seats and all controls for the vehicle at easy reach from the driver’s hands are a given while the wide windows and sky light encourage a lot of natural light, destroying any feelings of claustrophobia.


SPEED AND AGILITY Despite its hulking size, the GL 350, weighing in at 2,455kg, is surprisingly nimble. The roads in Norfolk and Suffolk, where we test our vehicles, offer an array of road types; long dual carriageways that loop around the city, connected A roads regularly knotted with roundabouts, narrow one way systems that meander and twist around the inner regions of Norwich and the most insane snake-bend roads cutting through potato, cabbage and rape-seed farmlands. So we have the chance to test our cars across a variety of conditions. Boy does it have some kick: A 3.0 litre turbocharged V6 diesel engine provides the pulling power for the 4x4 Mercedes-Benz GL 350 BlueTEC 4MATIC AMG SPORT at 258HP and a huge 620Nm of torque means that the GL never feels underpowered, which is specifically important when drifting in start-go traffic during a

Mercedes is pushing the safety factor and is especially wary of

Monday rush hour. Additionally, with the eco-stop-start function,

drivers not being distracted while driving. A warning sign to this

fuel consumption is carefully monitored, while encouraging

effect pops up whenever you adjust something on the display

economic driving techniques, where possible. There is a smugness

screen whilst driving, while lane-assist alerts you with a vibrating

in knowing that while you’re in a gargantuan titan, glowering beside

steering wheel should you drift over a line (which is inevitable in

a hatchback in the next lane, that not only are you looking down

Norfolk where some of the roads are too narrow) and passing alerts

on them, you’re also cleaner and if you happen to get alongside a Endeavour Magazine | 57

Range Rover, you can increase the ride height of the GL 350 with a

peaceful and smooth ride that transforms any dual carriageway

simple push of the button. Which is a childish use of a very serious

into a ribbon of silk. At no point in any journey will you feel that the

and useful addition to the car’s capabilities, but why purchase a car

GL 350 could let you down.

like this if you don’t plan to have some fun?

A birds-eye-view reversing camera, colour-coded predicted

Step on the throttle and the bonnet rises with the surge of

tracking on the dash, proximity alerts, adjustable heights, hill decent

acceleration. Even with its two and half tonnes of weight, the

control and various terrain settings all ensure that this vehicle is

engine it is still capable of 0-62MPH in 7.9 seconds and can go

designed to be used in any circumstances, however, it is a big car

onto 137MPH with so little effort you have to keep an eye on the

and this reveals its Kryptonite. While not as wide as a VW Amorak,


it will fill any reasonable parking space very snugly, with little room

Interestingly, one of the first things that will strike you whilst

to manoeuvre on any side. This won’t pose too much of a problem

driving this large 4×4 is not its straight-line performance, but how

for you getting into the space, thanks to the proximity sensors and

manageable the car is to manoeuvre. The steering is light, with

the reversing view screen on the dashboard, but you can’t trust

every input met with a swift response and visibility is unobstructed

other drivers nowadays and when I did have to alley dock it into

all round. Added to this is how the changing of the seats can be

a Sainsbury’s parking space, that really was the part I was most

controlled from the panel on the dash without the need to climb

worried about.

into the back and haul at levers and hidden handles. It’s as if Mercedes wanted you to be able to sit in the drivers and say to


your friends, “Watch this”, as you completely change the interior of

In conclusion the Mercedes GL 350 is a symphony of very

the vehicle from a family wagon to a flat out bed with more space

clever parts and strong elements coming together in beautiful

than many pickups. Even with the seats up, the boot has 295 litres

harmony. It’s fast but never feels like it’s panting, it’s powerful but

of space.

not ungainly, rugged but sleek, versatile but uncomplicated and the

On the B-roads in Norfolk, the driving experience is quiet

two reasons that would prevent me from purchasing this £60,750

and comfortiable whilst the supple suspension soaks up road

car are both to do more with me than the car itself. I live in the

imperfections like butter. If you fancy cutting down the body roll in

middle of the city and have nowhere to park it at my apartment and

faster corners you can put her into the sportiest mode but at the

secondly, even if I piled every one of my worldly possessions into

cost of the ride, which does become very slightly sharper.

the back, I wouldn’t make adequate use of the interior space! But I

I became all too comfortable with the 7-speed dual clutch

know many people who would.

gearbox, which was swift and smooth with almost no lag at all.

Here is the crux about the GL 350 Mercedes. If you own one,

Switch it to manual and you can use the paddle shifter but they’re

make sure that you make use of it because if you don’t, friends and

not as fast as you’d like and it’s easier to just leave it as an automatic

family certainly will - it is that good.

and put your faith in the engineers. This makes for an incredibly 58 | Endeavour Magazine



wo new stations in St. Moritz and Martigny allow convenient

Supercharger in Europe, just three months after Tesla installed

long distance travel to ski resorts in Switzerland and Italy - for

its 50th Supercharging site on the continent. Superchargers

free. With the opening of two new Supercharger locations,

now connect major cities and the most popular highways from

Tesla Motors has expanded its Supercharger network in Switzerland

Scandinavia to continental Europe through Germany, into the Alps

to six locations in total.

and the Mediterranean, linking Amsterdam to London, Paris, Berlin,

The first new Supercharger is located on Route 27 in St.

Zurich, and Geneva.

Moritz, allowing Model S drivers easy access to the world-class ski

Tesla’s Superchargers, which replenish half a Model S charge in

resort. The second Supercharger is located on the A9 motorway

as little as 20 minutes, now connect more than 70 percent of the

in Martigny, energising the important route from Geneva to skiing

population in western Europe, encompassing routes from the north

destinations in Verbier and one of the world’s fashion capitals:

of Norway through to the south of France, into Spain and Italy and

Milan, Italy.

the United Kingdom.

The new Supercharger locations allow Model S drivers in the

Superchargers are free to use for Model S owners, for life, and

Netherlands, Belgium and Germany to travel to their favorite holiday

are strategically placed near amenities such as cafés and shopping

destinations in Switzerland. for free. Last week, Tesla marked the

centres so travellers can get a quick meal or drink while charging.

rapid expansion of its fast-charging network by opening its 100th

Endeavour Magazine | 59



ccording to a major review, confirmation has been given that the UK is uniquely positioned to develop driverless car technology, which is brilliant news because up until now the

scope for testing driverless cars has been limited, but today (11 February 2015) the industry has been given the green light for testing on public roads. The UK’s regulatory environment now sets it apart as a premium location for developing new technology, technology which in this situation comes with tremendous potential for reducing accidents and making traffic flow more smoothly by stopping incompetent drivers from gumming up the works. It’s a sentiment that is shared by Transport Minister Claire

And it’s about time! The United Kingdom is under siege by terrible drivers. Not merely poor drivers, but terrible, straight up awful drivers who forget everything they learnt to earn a driver’s license the moment they are given one. But now, thankfully, this could now change as testing for driverless cars on public roads has been given the green light.

Perry who said in the review, “Driverless cars are the future. I want Britain to be at the forefront of this exciting new development, to embrace a technology that could transform our roads and open up a brand new route for global investment.” He continued, “These are still early days, but today is an important step. The trials present a fantastic opportunity for this country to take a lead, internationally, in the development of this new technology.” Business Secretary Vince Cable also added that the UK is at the cutting edge of automotive technology - from the all-electric cars built in Sunderland, to the formula 1 expertise in the Midlands, “It’s important for jobs, growth and society that we keep at the forefront

60 | Endeavour Magazine

of innovation,” he said, “That’s why I launched a competition to

For those who embrace driverless technology, today’s

research and develop driverless cars. The projects we are now

announcement shows the UK’s strong intent to take this technology

funding in Greenwich, Bristol, Milton Keynes and Coventry will

to the next level and investigate how vehicles that can take greater

help to ensure we are world-leaders in this field and able to benefit

control could improve our driving experience and increase safety,

from what is expected to be a £900 billion industry by 2025.”

negating noticeably untrustworthy drivers.

The Government’s industrial strategy is backing the automotive

The Department for Transport review, carried out over the past

sector as it goes from strength to strength and this is giving

6 months, considered the best and safest ways to trial automated

businesses the confidence to invest over the long term and develop

vehicles where an individual is ready to take control of the car,

cutting-edge technology that will create highly skilled jobs.

if necessary. It also looked further ahead to the implications of

To mark the launch of the review, Vince Cable will join Claire

testing fully automated vehicles.

Perry in Greenwich, home to one of the projects benefiting from

The review provides legal clarity to encourage both the UK and

£19 million Government funding for driverless cars trials. Along

international industry to invest in this technology and it encourages

with Bristol, Milton Keynes and Coventry, the Greenwich project

the largest global businesses to come to the UK to develop and test

is building on the pioneering work begun last year by Oxford

new models. So, the next step is for the Government to introduce a

University in partnership with Nissan.

code of practice, which will provide an industry framework needed

The ministers will witness the first official trials of the fully autonomous Meridian shuttle in Greenwich and unveil a prototype

to trial cars in real-life scenarios and to create more sophisticated versions of the models that already exist.

of a driverless pod that will be tested in public areas within Milton

This code of practice is scheduled for publication in spring

Keynes. They will also be shown other autonomous vehicles

2015, with the first driverless cars supported by the prize fund

involved in the trials, including a BAE wildcat vehicle that is the

expected to be tested on roads by the summer.

result of years of advanced research and development by BAE systems and will be tested in Bristol. Already, advanced driver assistance systems are breaking into the market, improving car safety and leading to lower insurance premiums. Endeavour Magazine | 61

62 | Endeavour Magazine



TriMetals Mining Inc. is setting the standard for the mineral exploration industry thanks to a winning combination of expert management team members, identification of new potential and an insatiable thirst for success. Endeavour spoke to Ralph Fitch, President and CEO, about how this trifecta was realised.

Endeavour Magazine | 63


At present, TriMetals Mining Inc. is focused on two lucrative

projects: exploration of the Gold Springs in Nevada and Utah in the US and investigation of the Escalones in central Chile. Utilising a range of techniques and investigative techniques, the TriMetals team will be focused on near surface development in Nevada, while taking a more large scale approach to the Chilean mine advancement, but who is the guiding hand for these specialist projects?


alph Fitch, President and CEO of TriMetals Mining Inc. is

completed in 2013. The program was focused on the recovery of

perfectly placed to oversee the development of this already

the copper, gold, silver and molybdenum by conventional flotation

fast-progressing company. With in excess of 50 years

and conventional sulphuric acid leaching.”

experience as an exploration geologist, few people could be

Having conducted viability investigations, the most recent

better qualified to preside over mining operations, but it is not just

update on the Escalones project is that TriMetals has received an

‘book smarts’ that he brings to the table. As one of the founding

environmental permit, which allows them to move forward with

members of South American Silver Corp., as well as General

their proposed next drilling program.

Minerals, his business credentials are second to none and thanks to his appointment as Chief Geologist and Manager for the Chevron Minerals Group, his experience within the industry is well rounded and even better documented. TriMetals commented that,

Running concurrently is the premier project for the company, the exploration of the Gold Springs region of Nevada and Utah, “The Gold Springs project is held by TriMetals Mining Inc. through its wholly owned subsidiary High Desert Gold Corporation

“Ralph Fitch’s extensive exploration experience includes work

(HDG). All work completed on the property by the company

in South America, Australia, West Africa, South Africa and the

has been done by High Desert Gold who continued to conduct

United States. Mr. Fitch is credited with being a team member for

resource definition drilling programs in 2013 and has completed

a number of major international discoveries and was awarded the

rock chip sampling, preliminary mapping, soil sampling, stream

Chevron Chairman’s Award for his part in the discovery of the Ujina

sediment sampling and a property-wide aero-magnetic and ZTEM

deposit at the Collahuasi copper porphyry project in Chile. Earlier in

geophysical survey and metallurgical testing. The combination

his career he was involved in the discovery of the Henkries uranium

of the geological and geophysical work has identified 18 target

deposit in South Africa, the Coppins Gap copper deposit in West

areas for gold mineralisation located within the project area. Each

Australia, and the Pah-My-Yah diamond field in Liberia.”

of these targets exhibits strong gold and silver signatures and

With such gravitas at the centre of all TriMetals interests,

represents areas that justify drill testing.”

it comes as no surprise that the ongoing projects are yielding

If we cut through the complex industry talk, essentially,

impressive success. Though the lesser focus, the Escalones are

TriMetals has hit the jackpot, having identified 18 areas within

proving to be a feasible and exciting development, having been

the Gold Springs location that exhibit signs of a high likelihood of

discovered in 1996 by the current management team at TriMetals.

impressive gold and silver yields. When we look at the history of

Ralph Fitch commented that,

the site, this is a little less surprising,

“A program of metallurgical testing on Escalones material was 64 | Endeavour Magazine

“The Gold Springs project area has a long history of gold

exploration and production dating back to the 1870’s. Early mining

positive PEA, there is a significant opportunity to expand the area

efforts between 1897 and 1942 focused on the high-grade veins

containing mineralisation, through drilling, and further enhance

mined by underground methods and did not pursue the substantial

both the project and company’s common share-valuation.”

widths of lower grade gold mineralisation hosted in the breccia and

Though, of course, large organisations strive to operate with

stockwork zones that are the current targets for exploration on the

transparency and integrity, in industries such as mining and mineral


exploration, there can never be the certainty of success, so this

Not a company to simply go where others have before, TriMetals

open and informative approach is just one element that truly sets

has identified a new approach and is reaping the rewards. As such,

TriMetals apart from their competitors, but as Ralph explains, there

Ralph was confident in his address to interested parties,

are many other factors at work,

“As I alluded to in my recent Letter to Shareholders, a strongly

“The company’s approach to business combines the team’s

positive preliminary economic analysis (PEA), such as the one

track record of discovery and advancement of large projects, key

announced, moves the company from the realm of exploration

operational and process expertise and a focus on community

speculation to a company with an asset with an estimated value that

relations and sustainable development. The management team has

can be moved towards production by completion of engineering

extensive experience in the global exploration and mining industry.”

studies.” Good news indeed for shareholders, as well as the company as a whole. Ralph continued to say,

Perhaps not usually considered to be amongst the most environmentally conscious industries, mining is being given a new lease of life with the positive and responsibility-driven reputation

“The major advantage the company has is that less than 10%

of TriMetals, which is in no small part thanks to the indefinable

of the prospective areas at Gold Springs have been drilled, so even

genius of Ralph Fitch and his highly qualified and deeply committed

though the present resource estimate provides the ounces for a

team of executives.

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Endeavour Magazine | 65

66 | Endeavour Magazine



Gold Fields is an unhedged, globally diversified producer of gold with eight operating mines in Australia, Ghana, Peru and South Africa, all with attributable annual gold production of approximately 2.22 million ounces. At the end of December 2013, Gold Fields’ attributable Mineral Reserves totalled 49 million ounces and Mineral Resources equated to 113 million ounces. We spoke with Managing Director, Alfred Baku, regarding this.

Endeavour Magazine | 67


Gold Fields has a primary listing on the Johannesburg Stock

Exchange, with secondary listings on the New York Stock Exchange (‘NYSE’), NASDAQ Dubai Limited, Euronext in Brussels (‘NYX’) and the Swiss Exchange (‘SWX’).


n Ghana, Gold Fields has two subsidiary companies, which each operate a producing mine (Tarkwa Gold Mine and Damang Gold Mine respectively) and in 1996, GFG and the Government of

Ghana signed a management contract to take over what was then the State Gold Mining Company (SGMC) in Tarkwa. “In 2001, Gold Fields signed an agreement to purchase an interest in the Damang Gold Mine, operated by Abosso Goldfields Limited,” Baku explains, “The Government of Ghana owns a 10% interest in each of Gold Fields Ghana Limited, Tarkwa Gold Mine and Abosso Goldfields Limited, Damang Gold Mine.” GFG operations focuses on 4 key pillars, which are financial, business optimisation, people and social license. Financial aims at keeping operations sustainable to generate free cash for investors and not just producing ounces at any cost. Business optimisation looks to ensure efficiency from existing assets; brownfields/near mine exploration. Relates to a commitment to invest into training and development of every member of staff and social license is the desire to operate and create a shared value. “We mine and process gold,” Baku explains, “Gold Fields Ghana carries out open pit mining at both our Tarkwa and Damang Gold Mines.” According to Baku, both Mines employ a Carbon-In-Leach (CIL) recovery process, producing over 730,000 ounces of gold. The CIL plant at the Tarkwa Gold Mine has a current throughput capacity of approximately 13.3 million tons per annum, whilst at the Damang Gold Mine; the current capacity is approximately 4 million tons per annum.

68 | Endeavour Magazine

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Endeavour Magazine | 69


As of December 2013, the total mineral resource of both mines

mining companies to accurately assess the potential life of mine

was 16.9 million ounces with total mineral reserves of 8.3 million

for each project,” he says, “The Government of Ghana is currently

ounces. The 2 producing mines in the West Africa Region account

in the process of streamlining investor stability agreements for the

for 16% of Gold Fields Group’s Mineral Resource and 16% of the

industry but in the meantime we suffer these problems,”

Mineral Reserve base, excluding growth projects.


Between the two mines, Gold Fields Ghana provides

Gold Fields has a strong focus on safety and social development,

employment to almost 6,000 employees, directly and through

“Safety is the backbone of the company’s DNA,” Baku says, “Gold

contracting and have adopted global best practise training

Fields has publicly pledged that if we cannot mine safely that we

standards, employing specific management and technical training

will not mine, which demonstrates the company’s commitment to

programmes, which are run regularly depending on the needs and

the safety of its employees, communities and the environment.”

competency of each staff member.

GFG was the first mining company in Ghana to set up a

“Gold Fields strongly believes that the success of the company

Foundation for the development of its host communities. Called

is intimately tied to the growth and development of its employees,”

the Gold Fields Ghana Foundation, it is made up of independent

Baku says, “Employee development is one of the key strategic focus

persons from the majority of people sitting on the Board of Trustees

areas of the company.”

of the Foundation. “Both operating mines donate US$1 per ounce of gold produced, plus an additional 0.5% of pre-tax profit to the Foundation,” he explains, “And to date, the Gold Fields Ghana Foundation has spent over US$26Million on community development, in the key areas of education, health, water and sanitation, agriculture and agribusiness and infrastructure.” Additionally, GFG has spent close to US$15Million on sports development in Ghana, mainly on soccer and the development of golf and they were also the main sponsor of Ghana’s national team, the Black Stars, in the run up to the 2006 and 2010 FIFA World Cup.

LOAD SHEDDINGS AND DROPS “The industry is currently facing the effects of unstable power

MINING FOR THE FUTURE Within the next three years Gold Fields Ghana aims to reach sustainable operations that can produce at least 1,000,000 ounces per annum at an all-in cost (AIC) of US$1,000 per ounce with zero lost time injuries. This will be achieved through business process re-engineering and complementary strategies. Embedding a sustainable power strategy for the Tarkwa and Damang mines, will come primarily through a Power Purchase Agreement with an Independent Power Provider, as well as through efficient reserve power plant capacities. Focussing on growth through a combination of near mine and brownfields exploration at the same mines, so as to increase mineable resources and processing capacity at existing plants will enhance production whilst reducing overall associated costs.

supply, high energy costs and increased cost of other inputs, which

Baku highlights that this will help generate dividends for their

includes labour,” Baku reflects, “This is compounded by the low

investors and stakeholders, which will result in growing the margin

price of gold and a strict fiscal environment.”

and not just gaining ounces. The aim is to generate a 15% free

To illustrate, in Q4 2014, the mines were affected by

cash flow margin @ US$1300/oz gold price, “In so doing we have

load shedding of up to 25% and these disruptions have been

committed to ensure that there is no marginal mining, instead

accommodated through the use of standby generators which

we focus on quality mining,” he says, “This also requires a strong

ultimately increases the overall costs of production.

focus on protecting the sustainability of ore bodies by investing in

“As the mining industry is long term in nature, it is heavily reliant on a stable fiscal situation and other fundamentals, which allow 70 | Endeavour Magazine

development and stripping.”

72 | Endeavour Magazine



The stand out provider of petroleum products to the Caribbean region, Sol Petroleum makes managing a complex network of operations seem effortless, so we spoke with General Manager, Steve Francis, to find out how.

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Founded in 2005, Sol Petroleum is looking forward to celebrating it’s

first decade in the industry and with an unprecedented level of growth and success. Far from taking it easy in those initial years, the company has been ‘gassed up’ and hitting the accelerator pedal since day one.


uilding customer relationships and improving our

managing to weather the storm? It could be a fair assumption,

infrastructure is an ongoing and never-ending process.

to those not in the know, that the industry will have suffered

These issues are necessarily continuous as we want to

dramatically, but the answer may surprise you,

stay at the very forefront of our industry, not coast on the fantastic reputation we have built in the past.”

“We are fortunate as our chosen industry is fairly stable. Gasoline and diesel products are price controlled in our region,

From this, it is evident that the management team, led by General

as this prevents us from offering different grades of products to

Manager Steve Francis, has a keen eye for opportunities to develop,

retail sites. With this in mind, worldwide fluctuations have little to

grow and retain customer satisfaction. Staying so amenable to

no impact on us. Had we experienced difficulties however, I am

industry change and evolving customer needs is, without a doubt,

confident that the Sol Petroleum team would have risen to the

just one of the contributing factors to the incredible success that

challenge and emerged victorious.”

Sol Petroleum has been enjoying for 10 years.

Pondering where this confidence comes from, the answer is

Steve divulged just how impressive the company’s network is,

obvious; a team of highly competent, committed staff must be at the

“We have a wide reach, incorporating operations in the

centre of all company activities. Sure enough, Steve confirms that

Eastern Caribbean, Barbados, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Belize, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica.”

his team comprises of industry experts and progressive thinkers, “We have a modest team of 16 in place, but don’t let that relatively small number deceive you. When selecting employees,

But there seems little doubt that there will always be capacity

we use international petroleum industry standards. Our staff

for adding new regions into the fold, after all, can the world ever

members are all trained in every aspect of receiving tankers and

really be enough for an ambitious fuel distribution giant such as

distributing products safely and in line with all industry regulations.

Sol Petroleum?

These include ship-to-shore, confined space, oil spill management,

Steve spoke of the day-to-day activities of the company, “We facilitate the distribution of a wide range of petroleum

and all safety legislation.” He went on to explain further,

products, to an equally diverse client base. The products include

“We market highly flammable products and it is very important

gasoline, diesel, LPG, lubricants, and aviation fuel. In addition, we

that our staff are trained and re-certified when necessary, not just

also handle our own transportation through a high-performance

for our productivity, but most importantly, their safety. As well as

fleet of oil tankers, which supply our markets reliably and

taking our staff and their needs seriously, we like to inject a little bit


of fun too and enjoy ‘casual Fridays’. It is a small gesture, but makes

Considering the worldwide financial instability of recent years, how has the petroleum industry faired and is Sol Petroleum 74 | Endeavour Magazine

a big difference to the morale of everyone in the team.” With a motivated, happy team in place, all working towards the


same goals and company ambitions, there can be little doubt that

“We are looking forward to the rebranding of our service stations

customer satisfaction is a top priority, with systems and protocols

from Shell to SOL as this will bolster our recognition. We also have

in place to ensure repeat custom. Steve expanded on this,

our 10th anniversary celebrations to look forward to and will be

“We seek to provide timely responses to customer needs

planning something spectacular. Finally, we will be completing our

and queries through our extensive retail network. We actively

recent acquisition of the Esso business in the Western Caribbean

promoted a Shell programme called ‘People Make the Difference

and Martinique and Guadeloupe.”

Real’ (PMtDR), which focuses on ensuring that customers are well served and always with a smile.”

The anniversary celebrations will provide a two-part benefit to the company; increased media coverage and client awareness,

He continued,

as well as the bolstering of staff motivation and appreciation. Far

“Every business looks for repeat-purchases and Sol Petroleum

from a frivolous use of resources, the commemoration of a decade

is no exception. This is key to developing and strengthening our

of success demonstrates the personable team behind the industry

business, so staying close to our customers is therefore of the

leader, an important facet of modern business operations. As for

utmost importance to us. In order to set ourselves apart from our

the acquisition of Esso interests, this will provide Sol Petroleum

competitors, we differentiate our products by offering only those

with access to new, previously unexplored markets, increased sales

that are superior in quality, for example our ‘Sol Go Further’, which

and vastly increased recognition throughout the region.

will soon be replacing Shell V-Power, another quality fuel.”

Having driven itself to the very forefront of the petroleum

An impressive client base, supported by a committed, highly

distribution industry, Sol Petroleum shows no sign of slowing

trained and motivated team surely means that the future is

down. Rather, the company seems certain to move forward at an

guaranteed to be a nice easy ride for Sol Petroleum and yet this

exponential rate, fuelled by the support of an enviably dedicated

ambitious organisation will not be taking the simpler road. Steve

team and a plethora of satisfied customers.

talks about the innovations coming up,

76 | Endeavour Magazine


DCL values our excellent relationship with SOL Petroleum. We are committed to supporting SOL’s continued growth and success in the region.

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78 | Endeavour Magazine



Amongst the top fifty oil and gas companies in the world, ECOPETROL is also the fourth largest in Latin America. In terms of raw revenue, including profile, EBITDA, assets and equality, ECOPETROL S.A ranks first in Colombia and has a presence in Brazil, Peru and the US.

Endeavour Magazine | 79


While the company does enjoy a strong footprint and a diverse

offering, with an established presence in exploration and production, transportation and logistics, refining, petrochemicals and biofuels, they also have stakes in other companies, some of which are owned outright and others that are part-owned. Similar ‘power’ names in the petrol industry these businesses, like ECOPETROL itself, are standard and trend setters in their market places. Involved partly with E&P, Hocol, Savia, Equin, ECOPETROL America, ECOPETROL Brasil and ECOPETROL Germany GMBH, they also own Cenit outright, a major player in the transportation industry. In refining and petrochemicals they have shares in Reficar and Proplico and in biofuels, they own half of Ecodiesel and 91% of company Bioenergy.


isted on the Colombian Stock Exchange and with ADRs listed

Additionally, they say that they have at the disposal of their

on the New York and Toronto Stock Exchange, the Republic

associates, the Colombian Petroleum Institute (ICP), which is

of Colombia is a major shareholder of ECOPETROL with an

considered to be the most complete scientific research and

interest of 88.5%.

development laboratory facility in the country, holding more than a hundred years of geological data in the Colombian petroleum

AN INTRODUCTION TO ECOPETROL As the largest company and the principle petroleum company in Colombia, ECOPETROL S.A belongs to a group of the 40 largest petroleum companies in the world and is one of the four principal petroleum companies in Latin America. “We are the absolute owners, or we have the largest share of the transportation and refining infrastructure in the country,” they say on their website, “With the most geological knowledge of the different basins, a renowned policy of good neighbours among the communities where we perform our exploration and production activities for hydrocarbons.” “We are well-known for environmental management and also in upstream and downstream, we have established business with the largest and most important petroleum companies in the world,” they add. Having successfully discovered and established oil-producing

history. Indeed since 1997 they have set a record for obtaining the highest profits of any Colombian company ever and in 2003 became a publicly held entity and set out to complete a transformation that would guarantee better and more competitive financial autonomy within the new organisation of the Colombian hydrocarbon sector, with the possibility of establishing commercial alliances outside the country. In order to guarantee the transparency of their operations, as well as the flow and integrity of their information, ECOPETROL has adopted a Governance Code. All these things, their composite strengths and competencies have made them the leading company in Colombia and the optimum partner for hydrocarbon exploration and production.


fields in the areas central, south, west and north of Colombia,

Discoveries of new gas are always key to setting an industry alight

ECOPETROL makes use of two main refineries and a series of ports

and as the oil price has been dropping, it is a welcome development,

on both coasts for fuel exports and imports. Underlying all of this is

one that has instigated a busy period for ECOPETROL. Last year ,

a transportation network of some 8124km worth of pipelines and

in December, they announced the first hydrocarbon discovery in

polyducts throughout the Colombian territory, which in turn link

the deep waters of the Colombian Caribbean. The Orca-1 well,

production systems with the large consumption centres and the

located in the Tayrona block, is a joint effort of three main partners;

maritime terminals of ECOPETROL.

Petrobas, ECOPETROL and Repsol.

80 | Endeavour Magazine

The drilling reached a depth of 4,243 metres in water depth of

Board, with the assistance of an international executive search firm.

674 metres and was completed in September 2014. The confirmed

The hope is that the result of the transition and handover

accumulation of natural gas is 3,657 metres. The Tayrona block was

between the current president and his successor can be finalised

the first contract granted in 2004, by the National Hydrocarbons

and reported on at the next ordinary meeting of the Shareholder

Agency (Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos), for exploration in the

General Assembly. The company will remain under the leadership

Colombian Caribbean.

of Javier Gutierrez until the presidential succession is completed.

Orca-1’s results confirm the hydrocarbon potential of this

The Board of Directors would like to specifically acknowledge

Colombian frontier basin and demonstrate the capacity of the

the outstanding human and professional qualities of Mr. Gutierrez,

petroleum system in the deep part of the offshore basin. Following

as well as his achievements during his term as president. He led

completion of this phase of exploration and initial tests, in-depth

ECOPETROL’s transformation into the Colombian company with

technical studies will begin to determine gas potential of the

the highest number of shareholders, with a global presence and

discovery. ECOPETROL is currently a participating partner in 13

industry recognition. Under his direction, the company doubled

offshore blocks in the Colombian Caribbean and a drilling campaign

hydrocarbon production, helping Colombia to become one of

is planned for this basin that will include two wells in 2015 and two

the top 20 oil producers in the world and significantly increased

or three additional wells in 2016,with its partners.

revenues transferred to the state, allowing for more effective social investment programs in the country.

NEW DEVELOPMENTS ABOUND On December 11th,2014, ECOPETROL’s Board of Directors announced a succession plan for the company’s presidency, which has been held by Javier Gutierrez since 2007. The process of selecting the next president of ECOPETROL will be led by the

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82 | Endeavour Magazine



Understanding that, especially in the offshore industry, the physical and indeed psychological wellbeing of any staff member begins with a suitably well balanced diet there is one company in Trinidad and Tobago that has garnered this niche industry and provided a peerless level of quality and service. Jack Slater of Endeavour Magazine had the chance to speak with General Manager of Allied Caterers Trinidad, Gillian Huggins.

Endeavour Magazine | 83


With over 35 years in business, Allied Caterers Ltd, Trinidad’s premier industrial and events caterer, has grown with their industry working at a pace to keep ahead of the competition and make full use of their experienced and well trained staff. Services on offer range from supplying airlines, as well as the offshore industry.


ur company is well known for high quality and full service catering,” Gillian tells us, “We pride ourselves on providing, to our clients, a culinary experience that is

second to none.” Gillian Huggins, General Manager of Trinidad comes with 23 years of experience in progressively challenging positions from administration through to organisational and business development and finance and accounting in commercial, industrial and state enterprises. Her specific areas of expertise include operations review and analysis, review and analysis of work flows and procedures and development of business and strategic plans. Approaching her work with a keen strategic mindset, she has experience in three main areas of the food industry; flavour manufacturing, snack manufacturing and catering services. “I have a passion for catering and event management,” she reveals, “Over the years I’ve been blessed to be able to work in varied and diverse scenarios and have learned a great deal.” Holding a BSC (Hons) in Industrial Management from the university of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Gillian, who is also a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is a woman with a great deal of determination and set to lead by example. In India she underwent intensive training at the Entrepreneurship Development Institute, both on a macro and micro scale, before joining Allied Caterers TT in 2008 as Financial Controller. Promoted to General manager in 2011, she is recognised as a valuable asset 84 | Endeavour Magazine

Vasha’s Foods Limited is primarily involved in the manufacture of burger patties as well as a major food service distributor. Other product lines of the food service distribution center include Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Yogurt and numerous other frozen food items. Vasha’s Foods Limited has its warehouse complex located at John Persad Road in Freeport. The warehouse facility comprises of 30,000 Sq feet which sits on 5 Acres of Freehold land

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ALLIED CATERERS with a reputation for getting results that not only meet the high

so we consistently provide them with a menu, submitted a month

standards of the company, but surpasses them.

in advance to be approved by the offshore installation managers.”

“I have a passion for giving back,” Gillian reveals, “If you’re going to succeed you have to exceed the expectations.”

Allied Caterers also offer hospitality services to the offshore industry. Keeping the rooms, bed sheets and furnishings clean for those living there. Offshore work has a reputation for involving long grueling hours in, often, unsavoury conditions, so a price cannot be


put on the psychological impact of coming back to a clean room

“The industry is competitive at the moment,” Gillian tells us,

with fresh bed linen.

“But we do have the edge. It takes a great deal of coordination,

The continuous push to establish footholds in applicable areas

planning and logistical activity. We ensure a high quality of service

of their industry, ie. catering, hospitality and event management

by adhering to our strict policies and standards that permeate all

has benefitted Allied Caterers greatly. They have an established

sectors of our business, including the airlines and the offshore

monopoly on the flights coming in to Trinidad and are the preferred


service provider for offshore oil production platforms in their region.

“Two primary examples, if we were to look at the airline industry is how the menu is cycled every three months, with food needing

With clients including BPTT, Repsol YPF, BHP Billiton, British Gas Trinidad and the National Gas Company.

to be of a high standard, while still falling within the load (weight/ specification) required for the aircraft. United Airlines audits us every month to ensure strict adherence to every step of the food preparation, through to delivery on board the aircraft.” “Offshore is a completely different scenario, as we’re not catering for passengers but for people who live there. Their needs are completely different. They need healthy, well-balanced meals,

Excellent fresh and frozen seafood for the United States of America, Canada and the Caribbean from our HACCP certified processing plant

www.seafoodstt.com 86 | Endeavour Magazine

STAFF The impressive and flawless reputation of Allied Caterers, and the strength of their name, would not be possible if not for their staff. Of the 400 plus employees who work with Gillian, either at their plant in Trinidad or in the kitchens on the offshore rigs, each one is provided with all the tools they need to develop themselves professionally.

“We see employees as our most valuable asset,” Gillian explains, “I work with people. I’ve seen how so many people, be they

improved and if accidents have happened how best to safeguard against them.”

entrepreneurs or our staff, possess the diligence, the drive and ambition to succeed but lack the guidance. I wanted to ensure we provided them that.” A training matrix has been put in place to keep the staff up to scratch and as Allied Caterers is part of the Goddard Catering Group and, by extension, Goddard Enterprises Ltd., employees benefit from promotion, career development and mobility not only within Allied Caterers LTD but also within the group. “We place a high value on experience,” Gillian Huggins.

ACCOUNTABILITY. Everything that Allied Caterers Ltd does is audited and thoroughly checked over and unlike many companies, they are

NEW DEVELOPMENTS 2013 Customers demand high quality at the best rates and Allied Caterers plans to further meet this conundrum through business expansion and strategic alliances that will increase not only their footprint in the market but also their service abilities. “Business expansion is priority for 2015,” Gillian affirms, “We have a good position in the offshore oil production industry but we are aiming to get into drilling because it would be a plug and play scenario. We believe we can offer a farther reach for this industry and would like to have a solid hold on it, as we have on the airlines.” Innovations within the food business are also a focus for Gillian this year, as one of the mechanisms for expansion.

entirely focused on the quality and standard of their products,

“Whenever there is a shutdown at a platform, for maintenance,

preferring to have a reputation for that than one of market

we fly food in on a daily basis,” she explains, “This is refrigerated


to keep it fresh and we have a particular brand of oven that we

“Nothing is perfect,” Gillian reminds us, “But if even little

utilise to reheat the food on the platform. This is all in aid of serving

accidents are allowed then they can quickly accumulate into

safe meals. Development in this area will be a major factor in the

major issues if you’re not accountable enough to fix it at the

upcoming year.”

start. Our quality and safety managers work closely not only with our customers but also with our staff, to see how things can be

“At the core of everything are our quality and standards,” Gillian concludes.

Endeavour Magazine | 87

88 | Endeavour Magazine



Ranked amongst the largest of the listed companies by market capitalization on the Singapore Stock Exchange, with its quarters in Singapore, Wilmar International has been the leading agribusiness group in Asia since its inception in 1991.

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Part of their success has been their speedy expansion; for example

in 2010 they took their first steps into the sugar industry by acquiring Sucrogen Limited, the largest raw sugar producer and refiner in Australia, and PT Jawamanis Rafinasi, a leading sugar refinery in Indonesia. Immediately expanding their presence globally this led to another acquisition in 2011 of PT Duta Sugar International in Indonesia, Proserpine Mill in Australia and Natural Oleo chemicals, a leading oleo chemicals producer with significant market share in Europe and Asia and a growing presence in the USA.


iversification, not only of industry but also of location has ensured a solid global presence which is very much the model of corporate giants today.

“Currently we’re investing $250 million into the construction of

a petrochemical refinery in Gresik East Java,” Jeremy Goon explains, “And $300 million to construct a flour mill and bio-refinery plant in Gresik.“ It appears that a substantial part of Wilmar is setting up shop and laying down the groundwork for future development and growth. Their business activities include palm oil cultivation, biodiesel and fertiliser manufacturing and grain processing At the core of Wilmar’s strategy is a resilient integrated agribusiness model that encompasses the entire value chain of the agricultural commodity processing business, from origination and processing to branding, merchandising and distribution of a wide range of agricultural products. With over 400 manufacturing plants and an extensive distribution network covering China, India, Indonesia and some 50 other countries the Group employs a staggering multinational workforce of 90,000 people. Considering the tidal impact of their presence upon nature and being the axis around which much of the food industry supply chain revolves it is surprising how so few of the consumers at the end even know of their existence. With this in mind, Wilmar’s portfolio of high quality processed agricultural products is the preferred choice of the food manufacturing industry, as well as the industrial and consumer food catering businesses. Its consumer-packed products occupy 90 | Endeavour Magazine

a leading share in its targeted markets. Through scale, integration and the logistical advantages of its business model, Wilmar is able to extract margins at every step of the value chain, thereby reaping operational synergies and cost efficiencies. “As our spread is so varied with cultures, people and locations it is important for us to maintain a structured mandate of approach,” Jeremy specifies, “To ensure this we have a structured set of values that are known throughout our workforce and up through the entire corporate structure.” Integrity, excellence, passion, innovation, teamwork, safety and simplicity are the key to managing people. The expectations for every employee are easily communicable and easily understood and it’s this simple but strong approach which can be directly attributed to the vast expanse of this country. “While Wilmar’s net income dropped 53 percent to $378 million in the first half of this year,” Jeremy explains, “Our revenue climbed 7 percent to $21.5 billion.” As a member of the RSPO (Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil) who share a vision to make sustainable palm oil the norm, Wilma comes with the hefty task of conducting themselves in a manner befitting their status as one of the global leaders in this industry.

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Their approach to this end has included all the major areas of their business.

The milling of these fresh fruit bunches takes place within twenty four hours of harvesting, where they are first transferred to

“As one of the largest oil palm plantation owners in Indonesia

the palm oil mills for sterilisation by applying high-pressure steam,

and Malaysia,” Jeremy tells us, in explaining the lengths of their

whereupon the palm fruits are enzyme-deactivated and separated

corporate approach, “Our oil palm plantations are strategically

from the palm bunches.

located in the various regions of Malaysia and Indonesia where the climatic conditions are suitable for planting oil palms.”

After steaming, the palm fruitlets are crushed in a pressing machine to obtain crude palm oil and palm kernel. Waste and

To best make use of the weather conditions, in Indonesia their

water is then cleared and separated by means of a centrifuge. The

plantations are located in Sumatra, West Kalimantan and Central

cleared crude palm oil emerging from the centrifuge is then sent for

Kalimantan with is in the southern region while in Malaysia, they

refining while the palm kernel nut is sent for crushing and the liquid

are located in the states of Sabah and Sarawak.

waste material arising from the process is recycled as fertiliser in

“The Group, through joint ventures also owns oil palm

the plantations.

plantations in Ghana, Uganda and West Africa,” he tells us,

As part of Wilmar’s integrated business model, they own a fleet

“Approximately 247,081 a hectare (ha) of planted area of which

of vessels which caters primarily to their in-house needs, improving

about 74% is located in Indonesia, 24% in East Malaysia and 2%

the flexibility and efficiency of their logistics operations. The

in Africa.”

shipping operation is managed by Raffles Shipping Corporation Pte

Under the Plasma Scheme, Wilmar manage approximately

Ltd a subsidiary of Wilmar.

38,021 ha of oil palm plantations in Indonesia. The Plasma

A driving force to every industry leader is research and

Programme is an initiative designed for the development of oil

development and the lengths that this company goes to ensure

palm plantations for smallholders by a developer of plantations.

that they are ahead of the curve in all new movements and changes

“We are committed to purchasing all the fruits produced by the

are remarkable.

small landholders’ plantations,” he states, “And intend to grow our

“Wilmar’s research and development takes place in China,

plantation business through greenfield projects and acquisitions to

Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Russia and Germany,”

better tap into the ever growing demand for palm oil.”

Jeremy outlines, “Aiming to improve current processing technology

Wilmar is committed to the use of best management practices, which include good field and harvesting standards and timely

and products and develop green and white biotechnology, creating new product concepts that support healthy living.”

application of fertilisers to optimise crop yields. With stringent

In China, the R&D focus is primarily on edible oils, specialty

corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and procedures

fats; food technology, oleo chemicals, flavour chemistry, food

ensuring their plantations are developed in an environmentally and

ingredients and cereal processing while in Indonesia activities

socially responsible manner everything from the cultivation of the

include research into agronomic traits of palm oil. The cloning of key

seeds to the harvesting of the final product over a palm-oil lifespan

oil palm genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis, environmentally

of twenty five years.

friendly approaches to controlling or preventing oil palm diseases,

“A scientific approach to the cultivation and production is pivotal

bio fertilisers and the use of microbes to improve plant growth

to reaching maximum yield,” Jeremy points out, “For example once

and for waste treatment are just some of the areas that are being

a seedling has spent a year in the nursery it is put into the field and

looked at right now.

the young palms are planted about nine metres apart resulting in 128 to 140 trees per hectare. “Generally oil palms begin to produce fruits 30 months after being field planted with commercial harvesting commencing six

Besides supporting Wilmar’s business and brands, their research and development efforts also focus on providing sustainable solutions to optimise resources, reduce energy consumption and minimise environmental impact.

months later. Although low at first the fruit yield increases as the

“One such example is the rice milling operations in China where

palm matures,” it is clearly a long-term commitment, “Fully mature

paddy husks, a major by-product of the milling process, are used to

oil palms produce 18 to 30 metric tonnes of fresh fruit bunches per

generate electricity,” Jeremy concludes, “It is through these sort of


developments and this innovative thinking that keeps us ahead.”

92 | Endeavour Magazine


Everyone Hates ‘The Day Of Travelling’ The leading mobile software provider for the travel industry,

of concern. Half of our survey respondents said that finding out

MTT has conducted a thorough study into ‘day of travel’ frustrations

what to do if bags are lost is either “difficult” or “fairly difficult”.

that reveals the pain points travellers experience prior to flying and

Over 60% find it difficult to find the right information when making

in airports.

flight connections.

Aimed at increasing understanding of what causes the most

When survey respondents were asked (without prompting)

aggravation for travellers, their observations concluded that

what are the most important mobile services the airlines could

logistics and navigation causes the most stress. During their

provide on their ‘day of travel’, to improve the travel experience,

research, over 25% of travellers needlessly queued at the check-in

responses included traffic updates en route to the airport, live

desk when they had already checked-in online, many unknowingly

flight status, information on check-in and gate location, length of

stood in the wrong queue only to be directed to another queue in

security queues, accurate flight disruption information, where bags

the same terminal and almost 50% of questions to ground staff

are and flight connection details.

were for airport directions.

When asked if they thought they would take more trips if the

During one-to-one interviews between MTT and travellers, they

airport and air travel experience was to be improved, 67% said

said that lack of information and guidance in times of disruption

yes and almost all travellers (93%) said they want mobile updates

and when making flight connections were the most vexing and

regarding important ‘day of travel’ information during their trips.

in an online survey, 67% said they would make more trips if the airport and pre-flight experiences were improved.

Commenting on their research findings, Gerry Samuels, CEO of MTT said, “Today’s travellers are not getting the level of service

To answer this need, MTT’s new product, Concierge Live,

they need and deserve on their day of travel. In times of disruption,

enables airlines to transform customer service on the ‘day of

for example, a lack of information causes more distress than bad

travel’ by precisely guiding travellers at every step in their journey

news. Once travellers know exactly what is going on, they are more

with real-time, contextual mobile updates and directions via their

accepting of the delay and can plan around it.” He continues, “MTT’s

airline’s app.

new product, Concierge Live, has been designed to transform how

The ‘day of travel’ is what causes the most stress for travellers

airlines service customers on their day of travel. This product has

as they prepare for their flight, get to the airport, go through airport

been built to ensure a smooth and efficient traveller experience at

procedures and navigate airport terminals. The output of this

every stage of the journey.”

research has led MTT to build a mobile product to help to improve

MTT Concierge Live combines live data sources including live

travellers’ experiences. The MTT study included an online survey,

flight status, baggage tracking and queue wait times with the

one-to-one interviews with travellers and airport observation.

traveller’s itinerary and leverages airport indoor mapping and geo-

Worries about getting to the airport on time, getting through

location technology to deliver contextual, timely mobile guidance via

check-in, bag drop, passing through security and reaching their gate

an airline’s existing app. MTT Concierge Live ensures a contextual,

on time are constants for travellers. This is worsened by any delays

guided experience from the moment the traveller begins to prepare

and cancellations and the lack of clear, up-to-date information.

for their flight to when they land at their destination, collect their

Lost baggage and making flight connections are also major areas

bags and look for transport options at their destination.

94 | Endeavour Magazine

New Smartphone designed for offshore sector An Aberdeen-based hardware and software specialist, who has a particular focus and interest in the oil and gas sector, has introduced a hazardous-area smartphone for the offshore market. Designed to be hardier than your average electronic store phone, the new Smart-E 01, is designed to work in the challenging environments that the offshore industry can provide. It has a touch screen that can be used in direct sunlight, a hard casing to avoid damage from dropping and you can still download a number of applications for it. Managing Director of Motion Software, Stephen Burt, said that the Smart-E 01 has already proven to be a popular piece of kit with demand outstripping supply,

“The key is ease of use in demanding environments whereby the flow of operations is enhanced, rather than using cumbersome pen-and-paper or traditional handheld PDA processes.” Working in hardware and software, Motion Software’s main focus is in the oil and gas sector and in the latter part of last year, it announced a design for a tablet that would be similarly useful in the extremely hazardous offshore oil and gas industry and that this would be available early 2015. This is far more than just a niche industry, as engineers and specialists working in the offshore industry are often at a disadvantage with the fragility of some of their monitoring equipment. Certainly, products like the Smart-E 01, will prove to soon be a market norm.

Endeavour Magazine | 95

Next generation of XO re-sealable beverage can end technology for 2016 Following the successful global market introduction of its re-

technologies are incorporated to increase heat resistance during

sealable beverage can end two years ago, XOLUTION GmbH,

the filling process to support high-temperature pasteurization and

headquartered in Munich, Germany, announces the next generation

hot-fill. Shelf life of filled beverage cans with XO ends is expected

can end and a major increase of its production capacity for 2016 to

to be between 12 to 18 months. Furthermore, the next generation

meet the growing global demand for XO technology.

of XO ends will support new-generation shell profiles for the

The XO system is a revolutionary solution for beverage cans

diameter 202 such as CDL®, SuperEnd® and OLOF®. Production

that allows people to reseal a can multiple times and enjoy it at their

capacity for diameter 200, 204, 206 and 209 is also in preparation

leisure. Unlike familiar beverage cans, which can only be opened

for 2017. In addition, the new XO ends will have an increased

once, XO equipped beverage cans have lids with an integrated

flow/pour rate and a new flexible two-step opening & locking

plastic opening mechanism that allows the can to be re-closed

mechanism to increase product safety and guarantee easy handling

and portioned for later consumption. When driving a car, playing

by the consumer. XO ends are available not only in standard black,

sports, shopping - beverages stay perfectly fresh and carbonated

but also in any custom colour according to a customer’s preference.

– without spilling, dripping or allowing dirt and insects to go in the

To meet the growing demand for XO ends, both globally and


regionally, XOLUTION is increasing its production capacity to

The XO closure system is an innovative new product development

400 million units annually, scheduled to start in January 2016.

for cans ranging from 200ml to 1.0 litre. Its user-friendly opening

XOLUTION is committed to further increasing production capacity

mechanism works by simply pulling up an integrated open / closure

based on global demand, either by its own efforts or through its

strap, then sliding it backward for drinking and forward for closing.

global production-licensing partners.

Resealed cans are pressure stable and entirely gas, as well as liquid,

Nigel Garrard, Managing Director and Chief Executive of

tight. A tamper-proof seal, that covers and secures the opening

ORORA Limited, and XOLUTION’s exclusive distribution partner

strap, breaks when initially opened, guaranteeing consumers that

in Australia and New Zealand states, “The XO re-sealable can end

the can has never been previously opened. XO’s high flow rate adds

offers our customers significant benefits and opportunities. XO is

to a full new drinking experience. Re-sealable XO ends are suitable

compatible with most existing filling lines currently on the market,

for a variety of products and can be processed on existing filling

requires little to no line changes or capital investments and its slim

lines without modification of same or capital investment.

line design means no change to the amount of liquid in the can.

Marc von Rettberg, CEO of XOLUTION, comments, “It took

With its drop-in concept, the XO ends can be used side-by-side

us more than four years of intense R&D to develop and finish the

and in conjunction with existing SOT/LOE lines and require no

current XO re-sealable end design to withstand even the toughest

reduction in filling speeds”.

demands on a beverage can. We are confident that the current XO

XOLUTION GmbH was founded in 2003. The company is

end has all the credentials to be a game changer for brands and

majority funded by Inventages (one of the world’s largest life-

the beverage can industry. Consumers are just waiting to take their

sciences, nutrition and wellness focused venture capital firms)

favorite canned beverage anywhere they want to go.”

and now has sales/representative offices in the U.S.A., People’s

New features of the next generation include less and even thinner plastic parts to achieve a reduction of the total weight, as well as of the stacking height of the XO ends. State-of-the-art plastic 96 | Endeavour Magazine

Republic of China and in Russia/Baltics to drive the company’s aggressive expansion plans.

TASER Now Offering Body Worn Video Solution in UK For Purchase on G-Cloud and EMSCU Frameworks TASER International, the global leader in body-worn cameras

Evidence.com helps police capture, manage, and share their

and evidence management for law enforcement, today announced

digital evidence without the complexity or cost of installing in-

the availability of its digital evidence management platform,

house servers. It enables greater transparency through seamless

Evidence.com for use in the United Kingdom. To better serve and

integration with the industry-leading AXON body-worn video

support police forces wanting to use body-worn cameras in the

cameras. Evidence.com is the most secure, scalable and cost-

field, evidence.com in the UK

effective solution for managing all

will run on the Skyscape Cloud

types of digital evidence. The end-

Services assured cloud platform. Skyscape’s full range of services are Pan Government Accredited (PGA), up to Impact Level 3 (IL3), hence suitable for all data at Official including “Official Sensitive”. The evidence.com solution is the most cost-effective method to deploy body-worn video, while meeting or exceeding all appropriate UK security standards. Police forces can now procure this



“Evidence.com is the number one body-worn video solution used by large police forces in Australia, Brazil, New Zealand and the United States. We’re excited to bring it to more customers here in the United Kingdom,” says Rick Smith, founder and CEO of TASER International. “This is an opportunity for a turn-key solution for police forces in the UK, wanting to use their innovation funds to build a premier body-worn video program for their department.”

to-end solution automates the upload process to ensure security and integrity while keeping officers in the field, rather than sitting at computers. “Evidence.com is the number one body-worn video solution used by large police forces in Australia, Brazil, New Zealand and the United States. We’re excited to bring it to more customers here in the United Kingdom,” says Rick Smith, founder and CEO of

end solution through G-Cloud

TASER International. “This is an

6 and EMSCU body-worn video

opportunity for a turn-key solution


for police forces in the UK, wanting



Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire has confirmed

to use their innovation funds to build a premier body-worn video

that TASER has been accepted onto all four lots of the EMSCU (East

program for their department.”

Midlands Strategic Commercial Unit) framework for Body Worn

TASER’s AXON cameras are small, yet highly visible and can

Video. In addition, the Crown Commercial Service has confirmed

be attached securely to uniforms/shirts, sunglasses, a cap, a shirt

that TASER has also been awarded a place on two lots of G-Cloud

collar, or a head mount. They are powered by a pocket size battery

6, the latest iteration of the G-Cloud framework.

pack, which ensures recording capability during an entire shift.

The Evidence.com platform helps police forces to capture,

When recording, the cameras capture a wide-angle, full-colour

manage and share the digital evidence from their body-worn

view of what an officer is facing. The video automatically uploads

video cameras and other devices. Together, with the G-Cloud and

via a docking station to Evidence.com, a cloud-based storage and

EMSCU framework, police forces can efficiently procure an end-to-

management system, where it can be easily accessed for review.

end body-worn video programme for their department in a timely

The video files stored online or on the AXON video camera are

and cost-efficient manner.

secure and include a chain of custody with audit trails. Endeavour Magazine | 97



Is it just me or does this time of year put you in hibernation mode? I think it’s because after the holiday season you just feel like you’re waiting for summer to come around. I know you must be feeling like you just want to sleep for a few months and wake up when the sun is shining and the temperatures aren’t completely freezing, however, I may have the solution that you need. Rip those winter coats off and get over to Lanzarote now!


anzarote is a gorgeous Spanish island in the Canaries that is

hotel resides in Playa Blanca, another tourist favourite in Lanzarote.

only a four-hour plane journey from the United Kingdom, with

An additional family vacation benefit of travelling to Lanzarote is

all year round temperatures you just cannot beat. If that hasn’t

that it shares the same time zone as England, so if you are travelling

sold you yet, the euro has fallen weaker in the last few months, so

with young children, it’s easier for them to adapt with no time

the currency difference makes everything much cheaper!


To start booking your trip, I would advise looking into all-

If you are into surfing or windsurfing, you may not know that

inclusive deals and while you may be thinking that it could be

Lanzarote is known to be the Hawaii of Europe. There is a beach

expensive, think again! Thomas Cook offers amazing all-inclusive

called La Santa, known to be the Pipeline (one of the best surf

options that allow you to take relaxing to a whole new level.

destinations in the world) of Europe but please take my advice

I would personally recommend that you to look into the

and do not surf at this beach unless you are experienced. Another

Ficus Apartments in Costa Teguise, which have brilliant food for

great beach to surf at is Caleta de Famara, which is also next to a

breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as snacks on offer all day. A

surf-inspired town. There are surf shops, rentals and bars down the

pool bar during the day and an entertainment area at night make

strip, which make you feel as if you never want to leave. If you want

it perfect for parents needing a break. The rooms at Ficus are very

to just give surfing a try, or are lightly experienced, I would suggest

spacious and finished in a modern European style, which enhances

making your way over to En Centro, which is a bit of an easier break

your feel on the trip. The town around Costa Teguise is gorgeous,

for anyone who would simply have a good time learning!

with wonderful beaches and ocean views to enjoy. There are

There are always events happening at night and the best part?

plenty of shops where you can get great deals on souvenirs and

The alcohol is cheap, so you can drink without shredding your wallet

restaurants with menus to die for.

and have an amazing time doing so. I would suggest wandering

Another resort to look into would be the Princesa Yaiza hotel,

through the towns and seeing what’s going on as it’s more of local

which has tons of activities for kids and spas for the adults. The

events that you want to be able to enjoy. Take an adventure out to

98 | Endeavour Magazine

Puerto del Carmen one night and check out Charlie’s Bar, which

in your hotel room and when carrying anything with you, keep it

has been known to have spectacular live music.

light and secure. If you are a young female, be careful when you are

A reminder for you: rent a car if you are able to drive! One

enjoying the nightlife with your girl friends, as it has been known

journey in a taxi will cost you as much as it would to rent a car for

for women to have been drugged and then robbed. Also make sure

the whole trip. There is so much to see around the island and it’s

you are always holding your drink. Another thing to watch out for

all relatively close (most journeys are a maximum of an hour away).

is the strong current in the ocean; make sure that if you aren’t a

The roads are very easy to figure out so it’s not difficult to grasp.

great swimmer, to be at a beach with a lifeguard. There are plenty

This year,Lanzarote had claimed to have had the coldest winter

of tourist beaches that block the currents from coming in.

in twenty years, however, this March is the perfect time to go as

Lanzarote is basically the best place that you could possibly

the heat is back and with little to no rain, you are destined to get a

travel to right now, whether you are looking for a family holiday or

dreamy tan. Even if you have a few days of overcast weather, the

to take that needed break with your friends. It has everything you

sun will make an appearance for a few hours throughout the day.

are looking for, as well as friendly locals to make it that much better.

The best thing about Lanzarote is the volcanic view that

It’s cheap, which allows you to enjoy a holiday like a king (or queen)

surrounds the island and completely captivates you. It’s not an

and the hot weather is the perfect cherry on top! Don’t believe us

island full of expensive surroundings, however it is very chic and

yet? Well, see for yourself and you can say gracias later. Enjoy your

picturesque. You will find that a lot of the people residing are

travels in Lanzarote this March!

originally from the United Kingdom, which makes it a bit easier to communicate with the locals, who are quite friendly and welcoming to tourists. Just like everywhere else, you must be cautious when you are travelling. It’s always best to keep your items in a safe place back Endeavour Magazine | 99

BOOK REVIEWS THREE BOOKS UNDER 100 PAGES THAT’LL GET YOU THINKING ABOUT YOURSELF All too often we associate the worth of a book by its length, but it is often the shorter books that punch with the greatest impact, by saying only what they need to. These three books not only pack serious punches, they’re also all under 100 pages, meaning you could get through them in a day.


irst published in 1886, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is the original title of a novella written by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. Commonly known today as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, it is about a London

lawyer named Gabriel John Utterson who investigates strange occurrences binvolving his old friend Dr. Henry Jekyll and the evil Edward Hyde. Considering how popular the twinned characters Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are in popular culture today, reading the original work is an example of how different times were and how much has changed over the last 130 years. The work is commonly associated with the rare mental condition often referred to as having a ‘split personality’. Regarded in psychiatry as dissociative identity disorder, within the same body there exists more than one distinct personality. In this case, there are two personalities within Dr Jekyll, one apparently good and the other evil. The novella’s impact is such that it has become a part of everyday colloquial language, with the very phrase “Jekyll and Hyde” coming to mean a person who is vastly different in moral character from one situation to the next. Stevenson’s stepson wrote: “I don’t believe that there was ever such a literary feat before, as the writing of Dr Jekyll. I remember the first disease of the world though it were yesterday. Louis came downstairs in a fever; read nearly half the book aloud; and then, while we were still gasping, he was away again, and busy writing. I doubt if the first draft took so long as three days.”


riginally entitled A Solitary Soul, The Awakening, is a novel by Kate Chopin, first published in 1899. Set in New Orleans and the Southern Louisiana coast at the end of the nineteenth century, the plot centres on Edna Pontellier

and her struggle to reconcile her increasingly unorthodox views on femininity and motherhood with the prevailing social attitudes of the turn-of-the-century American South. It is one of the earliest American novels that focuses on women’s issues, without condescension. It is also widely seen as a landmark work of early feminism, generating mixed reactions from contemporary readers as well as criticism. The novel’s blend of realistic narrative, incisive social commentary and psychological complexity makes The Awakening a precursor of American modernist literature; it predates the works of American novelists such as William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway and echoes the works of contemporaries such as Edith Wharton and Henry James. It can also be considered among the first Southern works in a tradition that would culminate with the modern masterpieces of Faulkner, Flannery O’Connor, Eudora Welty, Katherine Anne Porter and Tennessee Williams. 100 | Endeavour Magazine

DODGE DYNAMITE! 50 YEARS OF DODGE MUSCLE CARS Since the 1950s, Dodge has produced a series of charismatic performance cars that have given the company a unique reputation among American car makers. The original Charger and Challenger and the later Viper and Caliber SRT are all outstanding examples of the company’s commitment to cars of high performance and aggressive styling. Peter Grist’s pictorial history of these typically American machines gives a fascinating insight into their ancestry and evolution and celebrates the huge impact they have made, both on the road and on the track. His account is an exciting


introduction that will appeal to everyone who is interested in

companion to the modern drive for success and financial gain,

American automotive history.

Bartleby the Scrivener: A story of Wall Street was written

When the first Dodge performance cars were conceived,

and published in 1853. In this novella, the narrator, an elderly,

in the early 1950s, they were a brave step for a company that

unnamed Manhattan lawyer with a comfortable business, relates

was well known for its dependable saloons and pickups. Peter

the story of the strangest man he has known: Bartleby. At the

Grist describes this change of direction and the radical new

beginning of his story the lawyer already employs two scriveners to

thinking that resulted in the creation of the innovative Dodge

copy legal documents by hand: Nippers and Turkey.

Hemi V8 of 1953. This remarkable engine provided the

An increase in business leads him to advertise for a third and he

power for the first sporting Dodges and led to the race-bred

hires the forlorn-looking Bartleby, in the hope that his calmness will

D-500 series of 1956, the first Dodge Muscle Car. Dodge’s

soothe the temperaments of the other two.

reputation for creating big, potent, sporting cars was really

At first, Bartleby produces a large volume of high-quality work,

consolidated in the 1960s and early 1970s, the muscle-car

but one day, when asked to help proofread a document, Bartleby

era, when the Dart, Charger and Challenger were incredibly

answers with what soon becomes his perpetual response to every

successful on the road, the race track and drag strip.

request - “I would prefer not to.” To the dismay of the lawyer and

The book features these historic cars and the drivers who

the irritation of the other employees, Bartleby performs fewer and

have raised Dodge to a pre-eminent position over the last 50

fewer tasks and eventually none. The narrator makes several futile

years. Featuring illustrations of Dodge’s styling experiments

attempts to reason with him and to learn something about him

and concept cars, which had a strong effect on their

and when he stops by the office unexpectedly, he discovers that

production models, from the first Dodge concept, the 1954

Bartleby has started living there.

Firearrow, up to the Challenger and Hornet. The book brings

Tension builds as business associates wonder why Bartleby is

together an evocative collection of over 200 photographs

always there. Sensing the threat to his reputation, but emotionally

and adverts that offer a unique look at ALL of Dodge’s fast

unable to evict Bartleby, the narrator moves his business to new

cars in one book. This is an entertaining and informative

premises. Soon the new tenants come to ask for help: Bartleby still

guide to the Dodge tradition, which will be essential reading

will not leave - he now sits on the stairs all day and sleeps in the

for Dodge enthusiasts and for everyone who enjoys their cars

building’s doorway. The narrator visits him and attempts to reason

at full speed.

with him and surprises even himself by inviting Bartleby to come live with him, but Bartleby “would prefer not to.” Later, the narrator returns to find that Bartleby has been forcibly removed and imprisoned in The Tombs. The narrator visits him. Finding Bartleby glummer than usual, he bribes a turnkey (one of the guards) to make sure Bartleby gets enough food, but when he returns a few days later Bartleby has died of starvation, having preferred not to eat. Sometime afterwards, the narrator hears a rumor that Bartleby had worked in a dead letter office and reflects that dead letters would have made anyone of Bartleby’s temperament sink into an even darker gloom. The story closes with the narrator’s resigned and pained sigh, “Ah Bartleby! Ah humanity!”

Endeavour Magazine | 101



My mother once said that we are defined by what we ask of ourselves. Many successful business people ask the question, “Where is the profit?” or “How can we monetise this?” Tom Szaky’s ground-breakingly innovative business, TerraCycle, which has successfully ploughed a trail into a brand new industry, is based around a simple question, “What’s next?”


orn in Budapest in 1982, during the reign of the Iron Curtain, Tom’s family left the country in 1986 when the disaster at Chenobyl occurred and the family found themselves in

Canada, via Germany and then Holland. As such, Tom went to university in the USA and it is his education in this country, that he calls the “centre” of capitalism, that he believes was his inspiration to run a business. “America opened my eyes to entrepreneurialship and the value of owning your own company,” he explains, “While Canada stirred up inside me a deep concern for the environment. TerraCycle was different at the time because it was a social enterprise, a model which I chose to use because it was the best way to unite American capitalism and Canadian environmentalism in a profitable and meaningful business.” At its essence, today, TerraCycle is focussed around recycling material waste that has previously been considered to be nonrecyclable. Working with businesses (the likes of McVitie’s, Febreze and Kenco in the UK and Colgate, Garnier and Capri Sun in the US

102 | Endeavour Magazine

for example), factories and communities, they are present in over

Australia, New Zealand and Canada. But Tom credits a decision that

21 countries around the world and have revenue of $20 million a

was taken in 2008, five years into the business.


“When we first began, we wanted to make consumer products

“Eleven years ago the idea came to me,” Tom says, “If you think

out of garbage,” he explains, “We would look at what product we

about the concept of waste, every object will inevitably become

wanted to make and find the waste to do so with it. Like this the

waste but only some can be recycled. You have to consider the

product was the hero,”

economics of waste.”

He admits that it wasn’t a bad model, considering the company

In explaining the economics of waste, Tom reveals that 70% of

made $1 million in its first year, however, he believed that they

objects in the world will be eventually turned into rubbish and only

could do more and proceeded to change their position in their

30% of that can be readily recycled. An aluminium can, for example,

winning waste –-to – product formula.

has enough value to cover the costs of processing and collecting

“In 2008, we decided to change our position and ask ourselves

while still making money, hence why recycling companies exist

instead ‘What product can we make out of this?’,” he says, “This

to recycle aluminium cans. Whereas, tooth brushes cost more to

changed our process fundamentally and offered a great opportunity

collect and process than their value and are destined for the dump.

for innovation and creativity.”

“That there is the thesis of TerraCycle,” he says, “Finding solutions to recycle non-recyclable waste.” Food sachets and packaging, Tupperware, coffee pods and cigarette butts are only some of the things that go through this

Since making the switch, TerraCycle began focussing on the popular waste streams people were collecting, “The businesses we work with collect various forms of waste,” he says, “Food packaging and cigarette waste is very high in a lot of the countries,”

process and come out on the other side as something new. It’s a

Not all the waste is the same and some people care more about

model that is working well and getting TerraCycle a great deal of

it than others and often the strength of recyclability comes down to

international attention, thanks to successful global expansion and

a cultural thing. But this does not mean that some countries waste

recent projects taking them into Japan, which adds to their already

more than others. He emphasises that, as an example, Europe and

vast footprint alongside most of mainland Europe, the UK, the USA,

America have the same amount of waste but the waste is properly

Endeavour Magazine | 103




incinerated or taken to landfills and because of this it doesn’t get out of hand,” Whereas



countries, he continues, there is less disposable waste, however

good laws, where they can bring the right pressures to the right people to affect the correct handling

it is poorly managed and this

of waste, like Europe’s Extended Product Legislation regarding packaging. The second way is through

creates an issue not only with

a company such as TerraCycle, who actively take the waste and find a method of not only reusing but

collection but also, ultimately,

reintroducing it to the cycle, keeping it out of the waste sites.”

with processing and disposal. As

This being said TerraCycle does not have any direct competitors. The closest thing, Tom explains,

an example, a few countries in

are companies trying to manage their own waste trains, “We run Nespresso platforms in the US,

Africa have periodically banned

Canada, Australia and New Zealand but Nespresso manages its own similar platforms in Europe where

the use of shopping packets to

the company itself have decided to voluntarily handle their own material.”

discourage the litter situation

However, Tom says, while they handle their own Nespresso waste, they’re not going to start

that was not only damaging

collecting shoes or tennis balls so they’re not competitors as such, “Theoretically large waste

the aesthetics of a city but also

management companies getting into the business could be a threat,” he concedes, “However we

becoming hazardous to the

manage this by partnering with companies rather than working against them.”

environment. “There are two ways to solve waste,” Tom explains, “One is through legislation and 104 | Endeavour Magazine

Progressive Waste, a large waste management company in Canada bought 20% of TeraCycle’s Canadian business and working together, they have been able to achieve greater results than if they were working against each other for the same goals. Tom emphasises how diverse his business is by simply pointing out that his business is found across

21 different countries, 21 potential cultures and that final products that are popular in one country simply may not work in others.

For 2015, Tom is looking at expanding further into Asian markets after successful projects in Japan and with that growth,

“On the job training is important as it helps keep everyone

they will be seeking new methods of engaging stakeholders and

on the same page,” he says, “As is transparency in the business

developing new business models, “In 2011, we were focussed on


big consumer companies,” Tom says, “We worked with the likes of

He describes how, as the CEO of the company, he receives

Kraft Foods, Tassimo and Bic and developed a ZERO Waste Box

around 30 reports every month. Highlighting the business activities

that could be put into offices and collect particular kinds of waste

and that every employee is able to see the same reports. Feedback

such as office waste. It worked and we made $1 million in a year.

is freely given and everything is shared, “No matter where you are,

Then we asked ourselves ‘What next?’”

everything is as clear as glass, even in my office I’m in the middle

What followed were investigations into factories and scientists

of everything. You can’t work as a team when you’re separated by

were hired to undertake research into the best ways to help


remove waste from factories and they developed a division aimed

As the leader, Tom believes that management needs to change

specifically at factories. Then they asked, ‘What’s next?’.

and you can’t ever stop growing and changing, “At 33 I’m a young

Waste changes fast, Tom says, “You have to stay ahead of

manager,” he says, “And when I first started I didn’t think of

things. You can’t rest on your laurels and you have to constantly be

transparency as being important, but as things have developed I

focussed on what’s next.”

have learnt its value and more importantly, the value of being able to change and learn.” It is this ability to change and learn that has shaped his business, which is, at its very core, a continuous mechanism of innovation and creative problem solving that has to constantly be evolving and changing to keep ahead of new developments.

To find your local TerraCycle website see www.terracycle.eu and click on the relevant country. Endeavour Magazine | 105


Whether you’re convincing your boss to fund your project or your preschooler to wipe his own backside after using the bathroom, persuasion is a skill that’s instrumental to your success in life. Persuasive people have an uncanny ability to get you leaning toward their way of thinking. Their secret weapon is likeability. They get you to like more than their ideas; they get you to like them. Here are the 15 tricks of the trade that exceptionally persuasive people use to their advantage.

They Know their Audience

They Connect

They Aren’t Pushy

They Aren’t Mousey

They Use Positive Body Language

Persuasive people

People are much more

Persuasive people

On the other hand,

Becoming cognizant

know their audience

likely to accept what you

establish their ideas

presenting your ideas

of your gestures,

inside and out and they

have to say once they

assertively and

as questions or as

expressions and tone

use this knowledge to

have a sense of what

confidently, without

though they need

of voice (and making

speak their audience’s

kind of person you are.

being aggressive or

approval makes them

certain they’re positive)

language. Whether

In a negotiation study,

pushy. Pushy people

seem flawed and

will engage people

it’s toning down your

students were asked

are a huge turn off.

unconvincing. If you

and open them up to

assertiveness when

to reach agreement

The in-your-face

tend to be shy, focus

your arguments. Using

talking to someone who

in class. Without

approach starts the

on presenting your

an enthusiastic tone,

is shy or cranking it up

instruction of any kind,

recipient backpedaling.

ideas as statements and

uncrossing your arms,

for the aggressive, high-

55% of the students

Persuasive people don’t

interesting facts for the

maintaining eye contact

energy types, everyone

successfully reached

ask for much because

other party to mull over.

and leaning towards the

is different and catching

agreement. However,

they know that subtlety

Also, remove qualifiers

person who’s speaking

on to these subtleties

when students were

is what wins people over

from your speech. When

are all forms of positive

goes a long way toward

instructed to introduce

in the long run. Know

you are trying to be

body language that

getting them to hear

themselves and share

that if your idea is really

persuasive, there is no

draw others in. Positive

your point of view.

their background first,

a good one, people will

room for “I think” or “It

body language will and

90% of the students did

catch on in time. If you

is possible that.”

convince your audience

so successfully.

don’t, they won’t catch

that what you’re saying

on at all.

is valid.

106 | Endeavour Magazine

They Are Clear and Concise

They Are Genuine

They Acknowledge Your Point of View

They Ask Good Questions

They Paint a Picture

Persuasive people are

Being genuine and

An extremely powerful

The biggest mistake

Research shows that

able to communicate

honest is essential

tactic of persuasion

people make when it

people are far more

their ideas quickly and

to being persuasive.

is to concede the

comes to listening is

likely to be persuaded

clearly. When you have

No one likes a fake.

point. Admit that your

failing to hear what’s

by something that has

a firm grasp on what

People gravitate toward

argument is not perfect.

being said because they

visuals that bring it to

you’re talking about,

those who are genuine

This shows that you are

are focusing on what

life. Persuasive people

it’s fun and easy to

because they know

open minded and willing

they’re going to say next

capitalise on this by

explain it to those who

they can trust them.

to make adjustments,

or how what the other

using powerful visual

don’t understand. A

It’s difficult to believe

instead of stubbornly

person is saying is going

imagery. When actual

good strategy here is

someone when you

sticking to your cause.

to affect them. The

images aren’t available

to know your subject

don’t know who they

You want your audience

words come through

or appropriate, these

so well that you could

really are and how they

to know that you have

loud and clear, but the

people tell vivid stories

explain it to a child. If

really feel.

their best interests at

meaning is lost. A simple

that breathe life into

you can explain yourself

By concentrating on

heart. Persuasive people

way to avoid this is to

their ideas. Good stories

effectively to someone

what drives you as an

treat others’ opinions

ask a lot of questions.

create images in the

who has no background

individual, you become

as valid. This makes the

Something a simple

mind of the recipients

on the subject, you

a much more interesting

other person more likely

clarification question

that are easy to relate to

can certainly make a

and persuasive person

to consider their point

shows not only that

and hard to forget.

persuasive case with

than if you attempt

of view.

you are listening but

someone who does.

to win people over by

also that you care about

trying to be the person

what they’re saying.

they want you to be.

They Leave a Strong First Impression

They Know When to Step Back

They Greet People by Name

They Are Pleasers

They Smile

Research shows that

Urgency is a direct

Your name is an

Persuasive people never

People naturally (and

most people decide

threat to persuasion, so

essential part of your

win the battle only

unconsciously) mirror

whether or not they

tread lightly. When you

identity and it feels

to lose the war. They

the body language

like you within the

try to force people to

terrific when people use

know how and when to

of the person they’re

first seven seconds

agree instantly, studies

it. Persuasive people

stand their ground and

talking to. If you want

of meeting you. They

show that they are

make certain they use

yet they are constantly

people to like you

then spend the rest

actually more likely to

others’ names every

making sacrifices that

and believe in you,

of the conversation

stand by their original

time they see them. You

help their cause. They

smile at them during

internally justifying their

opinion. Your impatience

shouldn’t use someone’s

are always giving in,

a conversation and

initial reaction. First

causes them to counter

name only when you

giving ground and doing

they will unconsciously

impressions are tied to

your arguments in favor

greet him or her.

things for other people

return the favour and

positive body language.

of their own. If your

Research shows that

that make them happy.

feel good as a result.

Strong posture, a firm

position is strong, you

people feel validated

Persuasive people do

Persuasive people smile

handshake, a smile, and

shouldn’t be afraid to

when the person they’re

this because they know

a lot because they have

opening your shoulders

back off and give it time

speaking with refers to

in the long run this

genuine enthusiasm

to the person you are

to sink in. Good ideas

them by name.

wins people over. They

for their ideas. This

talking to will help

are often difficult to

know it’s better to be

has a contagious effect

ensure that your first

process instantly and a

successful than it is to

on everyone they

impression is a good

bit of time can go a long

be “right.”




Endeavour Magazine | 107


When you get that little invitation in the mail, the last thing you want to do is put on your party pants for Jury Duty. Most people respond “Oh no! Not me? How am I going to get out of this?” I recently got that letter (after 15 years of avoiding it because I wasn’t a citizen of USA). Well now, I am a Kiwerican (Kiwi/American for the globally challenged) and I honestly didn’t fit the “excuse category” they gave me to get out. So I decided I should probably do my civic duty and see what this Jury Duty was all about. After all, life is about experience and my Jury Duty was extraordinarily exactly that.


nfortunately, the first day I reported at the courthouse I had

out of the box) but it became quickly apparent that I was not going

a business meeting afterwards and I was all suited up. Upon

anywhere and this experience would offer the perfect fodder for a

arriving I thought the way I was dressed, was either going to

sketch comedy or reality TV show.

work for or against me getting picked because quite frankly, given

It was explained to us (Jurors), in what at first felt like a laborious

the state of the way some of the public were wandering around

elucidation, that this process might take two hours or even four

the courthouse I could have worn my pajamas and fit right in! As

hours (possibly longer as the attorneys had the right of refusal with

I entered, the man in front of me going through security (like at

jurors 10 times each). We needed 12 Jurors and 3 alternatives for

the airport only with smaller trays and Sheriffs) had pantyhose

the trial. An extra 3 just in case something serious enough happened

on his head tied in a small knot at the top. I thought to myself he

during the course of proceedings to affect a chosen Juror to be

was probably up for burglary and his wife shrunk his pantyhose in

unable to return to their civil duty. Now that seems fair enough it is

the laundry for his court appearance. I mean seriously who wears

a process after all. I get it! However some of the potential Jurors it

pantyhose on their head? That is so 70s! Even in Point Break they

appeared didn’t get “it” and saw “it” as an opportunity to seek crowd

wore masks!

therapy or air out historical unrelated grievances with a soliloquy of

After arriving, checking in and acquiring my Jury number, I

ailments that had absolutely nothing to do with the questions being

found a seat and sat down in the waiting room. Feeling dressed

asked. Here I give you a very abbreviated, simple example because

like a Christmas Turkey at a funeral, with what seemed about 500

it got quite ridiculous. The Judge would say something like, “Do you

other mourners, I waited to be called. Great news the courthouse

feel that you can be open-minded and not affected by the “Assault

supplies free wireless! No sooner had I flipped open my laptop and

Charge” before you today and sit on the jury objectively?”. People

got on line that I felt my calling, heard my name and I was picked

questioned would respond with stuff like “Well when I was 12 I had

in the first batch of 55 potential jurors. Off we went like a herd of

my bicycle stolen…”. The Judge then replied something like, “And

turtles to the Honorable Judge Gary S. Paer’s courtroom number

this affects you how?” Response: “I just feel I can’t be objective

C37 for the process of Jury selection. I was picked as number 12

about it because my sister cried about the loss for a week”. Why

straight away and stayed put for the duration of my Jury duty.

didn’t they just answer the question by saying “Peanut butter and

Some Jurors got to play musical chairs (as potentials were voted

jelly tastes good?” It’s about as relevant!

108 | Endeavour Magazine

Thus causing the Judge and the attorneys to come up with

The Assistant District Attorney was like the Asian version of

detailed elaborate explanations not far short of sign language and

Pewee Herman (with a touch of Mighty Mouse) with his slicked

a puppet show for their questions and still getting incredulous

back, perfect hair. All his skinny suits were two inches too small and

responses. Looking at this cross section of the public coming in

he had various states of power poses. (Let’s call him APHMMADA

and out of the Jury box like a conveyor belt, I became increasingly

for short).

terrified. Needless to say, these members of the public were relieved

The Defense Attorney was one bottle of bleach away from

of their duty (thank God), which restored my rapidly faltering faith

her hair breaking off and if her suits got any shorter or tighter, we

in the justice system! Forget two hours! All in all selection took

were going to get way more of a show than we bargained for. On

two days and I was praying (I’m sure along with everyone else) that

one particular day, I could see her knickers/panties (whatever you

we had finally had a good selection or deliberation was going to

want to call them) through her white skirt. The court reporter was

be a nightmare and I was going to have to learn sign language and

stunningly beautiful! She should have been on a soap opera and I

puppeteering rather quickly!

wondered how she had managed to pay for all that plastic surgery

The honorable Judge Paer I must say did a fine job of explaining

on her wage? Watch out if you spoke at the same time, over lapping

things. At times it may have felt long-winded but he was clear and,

a conversation while she was recording, she pounced like a panther

in my opinion, thorough throughout the entire experience, well

on a pig poised for slaughter. She was scary and pretty all at the

balanced and extremely patient with everything. (NB. Hope you

same time. Cliff-hanging stuff and the whole courtroom held its

get him if you ever have a trial, the man was nothing short of a

breath during those tense moments that happened a few times a

saint). During the beginning stages, the Judge and the attorneys


kept saying, “This is not like TV, this is nothing like you see on TV!”

Honestly, three people cried. I thought witnesses lied. three

They wanted to make that loud and clear… and no it wasn’t! It was

people fell asleep (one of them daily in the Jurors box). Some of

100 times better!! Only the acting was 100 times worse. The drama

the tactics deployed could have been used on that show Are You

was greater than what you see on TV, because it was actually REAL.

Smarter Than A 5th Grader? Seriously! There was more theatrical

Real-ly ludicrous unfolding before my very eyes. I almost handed

ridiculousness than I have seen from clowns in a three-ring circus.

one of the attorney’s my business card to offer acting lessons.

I mostly felt sorry for the Bailiff and the Judge; they seemed to be

the only two sane people in the courtroom. But you never know!

working out, climbing the stairs for exercise during the waiting

Normal people are the ones you just don’t know very well and

times and before and after our mandatory 90-minute lunch, a

neither of them said much until the very end (except what they

far cry from the corporate world. No one was paying for it and it

had to tell us, legally). There were moments when it took all my

certainly wasn’t liquid. At one point, the Hispanic Bailiff, named

strength not to laugh out loud though that did actually happen on

Robert, came outside the courthouse looking for the APHMMADA

two occasions when the Judge looked up at the APHMMADA with

and mistook another Asian man in a suit for him; I caught his eye

a ‘WTF’ expression on his face. Opps. That happened about three

and said, “You know, that is racial profiling don’t you?” Thank God

times a day and eventually I just had to look down at my hands and

he laughed! Sometimes my inside voice just slips out.

repeat, “Don’t laugh out loud” inside my head. Court, to me, was hilarious! I loved it!

Finally, after all the charades, we were locked into the deliberation room with an amazing view of Orange County. 12

It seemed the lawyers spent more time going up approaching

strangers (who had spent the last two weeks gambling and listening

the bench than they did delivering arguments. Surely we were

to facts, long drawn out facts, possible fibs and unfortunately no

dealing with some new attorneys here, just cutting their teeth and

forensics) were there to do their civil duty and decide if ‘he’ did

getting their training wheels off, or maybe I am just a novice as to

it. We agreed on everything, but became hung on one simple

what goes on in the courtroom and being a tad harsh because I

law, making it seven Jurors to five. So at the end of it all, we were

have watched too much Law and Order. but I don’t think so, in fact

hung on one of 5 original accounts. He was guilty on 3 counts of

I know so. I shared this article with four people before I published

vandalism (which he pleaded guilty to), the charge of battery got

it, all of who spend a lot of time in courtrooms (including my sister

dropped during the case (this was good in my opinion, given the

who lives in New Zealand) and they ALL said laughingly: “That’s

evidence it was as weak as trying to stick gum on a drain pipe

exactly what it’s like”!

during a torrential rain storm, to stop a flow). The assault charge

On a lighter note, the Jury, socially, was delightful! We slowly,

got lowered by the jury to a lesser count, but we couldn’t decide

over the two weeks we spent together seemed to gel quite well

who was the bigger bully - the victim who got cut by a floor standing

apart from one member, who I had a sneaking suspicion may have

air fan or the defendant who got beaten to a pulp and knocked out

had a little Anthropopphobia, the fear of people, possibly making

by the said victim (who looked and sounded like he would smash

his marriage difficult. Not only did he keep his distance outside

you up if you looked at him sideways). After being beaten to a pulp

the courtroom, but also when we had to deliberate. He wouldn’t

and knocked out, the defendant then vandalised three cars to say

sit at the table with us in the deliberation room. It was like having a

“Thank you for the beating” possibly? All this apparently costs the

serious board meeting with someone off in the corner interjecting.

taxpayer about $10,000 a day.

But he certainly had opinions and didn’t hold back on those.

In the end, when everything was said and done the Bailiff finally

The Jury foreperson was a wonderful, bubbly lady who brought

came out and thanked us for being sensible because he thought

Christmas and Hanukkah decorations, shared chocolate treats with

the whole case was a bit of a waste of time and we had truly done

everyone and started wagers for entertainment. I think she started

our civil duty and in his mind, done the right thing. Because even

canvassing for the foreperson position the moment she arrived

though we were hung on that little thing, it seemed that the assault

in the box. As it turned out, she was the prefect person for the

would possibly get thrown out as, like I said, we shouldn’t have

job. Yes I said it! We gambled outside the courtroom when we got

been in court for that. I truly hope the APHMMADA learned a

kicked out for “Important Stuff” we were not allowed to hear. We

few things and was better prepared for his next case. I made some

gambled about what times we would get let back in for 25 cents

friends and truly enjoyed my experience, although I’m in no rush

a bet. On average, the winner of each wager made about $5.50, a

to go back! Thank you Lady Justice, The moral of the story is: just

third of the $15 we were getting paid a day.

be good!

The courtroom was on the 10th floor and a group of us started

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