APRIL 2016
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EDITOR’S NOTE Heads of Departments Editor in Chief Daemon Sands daemonsands@littlegatepublishing.com
re you engaging your employees enough? A recent survey of over 500 Internal Communications professionals revealed recently that CEOs and MDs are failing to effectively advocate
employee engagement within their businesses.
Director General Don Campbell doncampbell@littlegatepublishing.com
It is not a good look, with the fifth annual Internal Communications market
Sales Director Alex Smith alexsmith@littlegatepublishing.com
corporate and marketing communications, VMA Group, revealing that many
Sales Manager Andrew Williams andrew@littlegatepublishing.com
survey, which was carried out by the global recruitment specialist for leaders are paying lip service to employee engagement, but failing to invest in this area. Mairi Doyle, Director of Internal Communications at Bupa says, “Building
Sales Manager Tyler Harrison tylerharrison@littlegatepublishing.com
internal pride and brand advocacy is a fundamental contributor to a positive
Sales Manager Emlyn Freeman emlynfreeman@littlegatepublishing.com
Corporate Director Anthony Letchumaman anthonyl@littlegatepublishing.com
remain the same or decrease in the last 12 months, a trend that looks set to
Lead Designer Alina Sandu studio@littlegatepublishing.com
year. Andrew Harvey, Director of Internal Communications Practice, VMA
Publisher Stephen Warman stevewarman@littlegatepublishing.com
biggest asset: its people. However, while there is the perception that CEOs and
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Littlegate Publishing Ltd does not accept responsibility for omissions or errors. The points of view expressed in articles by attributing writers and/or in advertisements included in this magazine do not necessarily represent those of the publisher.
external reputation. Organisations who overlook this fact are missing a huge When looking at financial investment, 81% of teams have seen budgets continue with only 20% expecting to see an increase in funds in the coming Group says, “Internal Comms teams play a key role in engaging a company’s MDs see the value of IC, it seems that senior leaders are simply paying lip service to the function. It’s a well-accepted fact that employee disengagement directly impacts corporate profitability. Without an engaged workforce, businesses risk falling behind the competition. And without investment from the top and a strategy in place, internal comms teams will struggle to achieve their full potential.” Many CEOs are still playing the business game by the old rules, believing that a gap between the management of a company and the workforce is necessary, however now, thanks to successful businesses adopting an open door, open air, wall-less approach to conducting their affairs, it is almost non-existent. More to the point, a CEO of a company is put into that position not only to act as the decider of the big issues affecting his or her company but also as
Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely
a figurehead and an example. If those same CEOs are not investing time in
coincidental. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy
employee engagement, it is harrowing to consider what other areas they do
of the information contained within this magazine, no legal
not invest in, or lack interest in investing in.
responsibility will be accepted by the publishers for loss arising from use of information published. All rights reserved. No part
Like King Henry, descending from his throne into the ranks of his men prior
of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrievable
to battle, it always pays dividends to take the time to listen to what the staff
system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher.
have to say. Always.
Copyright © Littlegate Publishing Ltd 2016
Endeavour Magazine | 3
CONTENTS Cambodia Constructors Association (CCA)
FEATURES 11 Chamber of Mines - Ghana Cracking The Whip On Illegal Mining 17 Trinidad and Tobago Contractors Association Retooling And Rethinking 23 Cambodia Constructors Association (CCA) Building The Future, Together 29 99 Speedmart The Universal Law Of Efficiency And Quality 45 Union Pay South Africa Out Of Asia Into Africa 51 KNBTS The Lifeblood Of Kenya 57 Infinity Industrial Park Project To Infinity And Beyond 63 Guyana Goldfields Still Shining Bright 69 Chamber of Mines - Botswana Protecting The Wealth Of The Land
Infinity Industrial Park Project 4 | Endeavour Magazine
Union Pay South Africa
ARTICLES 3 Editor’s Note 6 Business Headlines 34 Automotives Peugeot 208 Gti Prestige Aston Martin And Red Bull Hypercar COVER STORY Ducati Multistrada 1200 Enduro Drink Drive Limits 76 Gadgets Husqvarna First Apple Watch™ App 80 Travel Sabi Sabi: More Than You Could Ask For Brittany Ferries Pet Travel 86 Book Reviews
Guyana Goldfields Endeavour Magazine | 5
fter three years of R&D, Austin-based housing start-up
facing the economic, environmental and social challenges that face
KASITATM revealed its prototype at SXSW® Interactive,
humanity today,” said KASITA founder and CEO Jeff Wilson, aka
where it was awarded the 2016 SXSW Innovation Award in
“Professor Dumpster”, who lived in a 33 square foot dumpster for a
the Smart Cities category. Named one of 2016’s Most Innovative
year to determine how little space and stuff a person needs to live
Companies by Fast Company, KASITA is transforming urban living,
a happy life. But Wilson believes the status quo is failing and failing
designing and fabricating housing that is more affordable, adaptable
bad. As the world’s populations urbanise, urban cores are facing
and efficient than anything offered by the status quo.
extreme housing shortages, driving up housing costs and driving out
KASITA’s futuristic metal and glass housing units measure approximately 300 square feet, catering to the increasing numbers
the middle class as well as artists, creatives, immigrants and young professionals who are the cultural capital that make cities great.
of one and two person households in today’s cities. Units are packed
“Every aspect of KASITA - from its high tech prefabricated
with amenities, smart home tech and custom furnishings that take
construction to its ability to set up quickly on discounted land - was
advantage of every cubic inch of space. Because they are mass-
designed to create both an amazing living experience and produce
produced, construction costs are kept low and quality high. KASITA
development and living costs that crush traditional site building in
units are quickly attached to a patent pending plug-and-play rack,
terms of affordability,” Wilson said.
which can be set up in days and quickly hooked up to utility lines. The
“In his SXSW keynote, President Obama said we need to tackle
racks slide into underutilised or unused urban lots that are too small
big problems in new ways, and I couldn’t agree more. But the last
for conventional housing developments. A KASITA development
real innovation in housing was 150 years ago, when people started
is being built in Austin later this year, and there is a great deal of
building higher than six stories,” Wilson said. He believes KASITA
interest from cities across the globe. At SXSW, 14 mayors visited
is a complete break from the current way housing is made and
the KASITA prototype, including those from San Jose, Providence
developed, bringing to bear the innovative spirit commonplace
and Kansas City, each evaluating KASITA as an affordable solution
in tech to the housing market. “I think it was Albert Einstein who
for their cities.
remarked that the housing that created the problem, will not be the
“Urban housing is perhaps the single most important factor in
6 | Endeavour Magazine
housing that solves it.”
uma Energy, the globally integrated midstream and downstream
The strategically integrated
energy company, continues to expand its global footprint with
project brings together Puma
entry into Mexico, initially with the supply of bitumen via a Joint
Energy’s state - of - the - art
Venture (JV) with Hidrosur, a hydrocarbon and energy distributor
shipping fleet, flexible transport
company located in Merida. The JV will supply three important
markets in the Yucatan Peninsula: Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana
of scale for customers. The
current capacity of 6,000 m3 of bitumen, will double in H1 2016 to 12,000 m3. Rodrigo
Energy’s Chief Operating Officer for the Americas, expressed, “We have a clear focus: we are a global energy company, and we offer high-quality products in a safe, swift and reliable way, at a competitive price. This is the first of many important steps for Puma Energy into the Mexican oil products markets.”
BM Asia has pledged to support Earth
switch off the lights during the Earth Hour to
Hour 2016, a lights-off event organised by
save energy and help create a better and a more
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to be held on
sustainable future for earth. “Sustainability is at
19 March at 8:30pm (local time) that will last for
the heart of our business and people. We have
one hour.
been participating in Earth Hour since 2013.
Earth Hour is a worldwide annual event
Though it is just one hour, every small step will
that UBM Asia has been participating in since
become the start of something amazing,” said
2013. Originated as a lights-off event in Sydney,
Jime Essink, President & CEO of UBM Asia.
Australia in 2007, the event has become the
“In 2011, UBM set a 5-year target of
world’s largest collective environmental action.
reducing the carbon impact at its global offices,
According to WWF, millions of people
including UBM Asia, by 10%. At the end of
in over 7,000 cities and towns across 172
2015, UBM achieved a remarkable reduction
countries and territories participated in this
of 15% in carbon emissions per employee,” he
event in 2015 and during Earth Hour 2015,
electricity consumption in Hong Kong dropped
In November 2015, UBM was awarded a
by 4.08%, which is equivalent to a reduction in
position on the FTSE 350 Climate Disclosure
CO2 emission of approximately 138 tonnes.
Leadership Index (CDLI) and is as the only
UBM Asia is engaging its entire staff to
Events based business included in the index.
Sabi Sabi Endeavour Magazine | 7
he development of a trade
global shipping route that has played a pivotal role in global trade
initiative to facilitate trade will
for millennia, but today little of the wealth that flows though the
significantly improve the flow of
for the Red Sea region is
region actually benefits the countries that border it. That is about to
goods within the Red Sea region
essential for the sustainable
change,” said Mr Al Rasheed. “This is the fastest growing developing
and foster growth and prosperity
market in the world today and the least exploited. A coordinated
where it is most needed.”
emerging market in the world, according
Rasheed, Managing Director and Group CEO of King Abdullah Economic City. Speaking at a special event at the World Economic Forum in
announced the formation of a non-profit policy think tank, the Red Sea Foundation, to raise awareness of the region’s potential
necessary policy initiatives to drive development. The Foundation, to be based in Geneva, will comprise of a global advisory board of policy makers, business leaders and relevant subject matter experts. It will also include an operational staff
formulate and promote policy recommendations. “The Red Sea is a critical
HOW ROBOTS WILL CHANGE THE WAY WE WORK The writing’s on the wall: robots are coming. The latest report issued by the U.S. Council of Economic Advisers shows that if you
been increasing productivity and making people’s work easier. Right now, a lot of IT processes are performed by algorithms.
earn between 20$ and 40$ an hour, there’s a 31% chance you’ll be
Robots can be both complements and substitutes and
replaced by a robot in the near future. If you earn less than 20$ an
cooperation between robots and humans allows for discoveries
hour, the probability is as high as 83%. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is unstoppable; but is it time to start packing and looking for a new job? The abovementioned report states that throughout the years in the past, many workers had been replaced by technological innovations, but this had led them to find jobs with higher salaries, consume more, and create a number of new workplaces. This pattern might be applicable to the situation in the future. Automation is not a completely new trend. The first robots made their way to the United States in 1961 and since then they’ve
8 | Endeavour Magazine
According to the United Nations,
vessels. Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Port, which began operations in 2015, will be largest Red Sea port by 2017.
the twenty countries that use
Other factors affecting growth include a wide disparity in
the Red Sea as their primary
levels of economic development and a regulatory environment
shipping corridor will increase
that significantly increases the costs of cross border trade. World
by 110 percent from 620 million
Bank data suggests that every dollar spent manufacturing a product
today to 1.3 billion in 2050. The
generates $2.19 in trade costs, including logistics costs and tariffs.
burgeoning middle class in the
Improvements to infrastructure and enhanced cooperation
region is expected to increase by
in cross-border trade could increase efficiency, reduce costs and
150 percent from 137 million to
enhance the participation of smaller and medium sized companies
343 million in the same period.
in the global value chain. This would improve GDP growth by almost
Current projections indicate that
30 percentage points over current projections to $6.6 trillion and
this growth will drive a threefold
trade by more than 180 percentage points to $6.3 trillion by 2050.
increase in regional GDP from
“The objective of the Red Sea Foundation is to actualize the
$1.8 trillion today to $6.1 trillion
enormous potential of this region by enhancing the logistics
by 2050. Trade will increase by a
infrastructure, promoting trade among Red Sea region countries
factor of five from $881 billion
and encouraging foreign investment,” said Mr Al Rasheed. “This is
to $4.7 trillion.
an initiative in which the public and private sectors and civic society
Approximately ten percent
all have important roles to play. The Red Sea Foundation exists to
of global maritime trade passes
bring them together to build a new growth engine for the global
through the Red Sea economic
basin every year. The expansion
The Red Sea Region comprises twenty countries that either lie
to the Suez Canal, which will
on the Red Sea or use it as their primary shipping channel; Burundi,
double its capacity, is expected
The Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
to drive increased volumes.
Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique,Rwanda, Saudi Arabia,
Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, UAE, Uganda, and Yemen.
infrastructure is just one factor limiting growth. For example, few of the region’s ports can handle today’s largest container
that neither can achieve on
IT provides opportunity to pass all routine work to robots and
their own. RPA in biology and
let humans do the work that require creativity and imagination.
medicine is believed to have
Thus, the situation is not as black and white as it may seem.
tremendous potential. RPA in
Those employees who find themselves in the ‘risk group’ require additional training to be able to quickly and smoothly move to new jobs. New generations of workers are already aware of the importance of RPA and other emerging technologies and they are more likely to be adapted for the upcoming tech revolution. It’s still unclear whether the pace at which the innovation happens will leave a lot of people unemployed in the next year or two, or if it will happen gradually to give people time to regroup and retrain. But being aware of the trend might be the best solution at the moment.
10 | Endeavour Magazine
The Ghana Chamber of Mines was set up as a voluntary private sector employers association, with the vision of protecting those working in the mining industry and providing them with a unified, respected and collaborative voice. The states and affairs of the mining industry in Ghana affect the whole country, as the mining industry accounts for 5% of the country’s GDP and as Ghana is Africa’s second largest gold miner, there is an increased demand for work, hence an increased need for the miners themselves to have representation.
Endeavour Magazine | 11
The chamber’s desire and commitment to serve both members’ and
the country has reinforced the need and strengthened their efforts to build an information-driven, people-centred and development-oriented industry where everyone can access, share and utilise accurate information and knowledge on mining and mining related activities.
o put the importance of mining into perspective: Export
“The chamber represents the collective interests of companies
earnings from minerals averaged 35% and the sector is one of
involved in mineral exploration, production and processing in
the largest contributors to Government revenues through the
Ghana and has been since 1928,” Koney says, “We are funded by
payment of mineral royalties, employee income taxes and corporate
our members who produce over 90 percent of the country’s mineral
taxes. In 2005, gold production accounted for about 95% of total
output and as such it is in the best interests of the country to stop
mining export proceeds.
theft by illegal miners.”
The extractive mining industry of Ghana generated an annual
In a recent statement, released February 2016, Koney explained
revenue of GH₵75.7 billion (US$35 billion) in 2014 and other
that the country stands to lose if steps are not taken to address
than industrial minerals and exports from South Ghana, such as
the theft and that the chamber wants specific steps to be taken to
timber, diamonds, bauxite and manganese, South Ghana also
restore order at the AngloGold Ashanti mine, where the Director
has a great deposit of barites, basalts, clays, dolomites, feldspars,
of Communications of the company died in a mysterious accident.
granites, gravels, gypsums, iron ores, kaolins, laterites, limestones,
The mysterious accident in question is when John Owusu, Public
magnesites, marbles, micas, phosphates, phosphorus, rocks, salts,
Affairs Director of Anglogold Ashanti, lost his life when his driver,
sands, sandstones, slates and talcs that are yet to be fully exploited.
fleeing the hostilities of illegal miners on concessions owned by
It also attracts a high amount of international interest and
AGA, accidentally ran over him.
investment as the parliament of Ghana has no plans to nationalise
The chamber was quoted, “Companies such as AngloGold
Ghana’s mining industry. Therefore, providing support for the
Ashanti - Obuasi Mine in recent weeks and Perseus Mining at
miners themselves and information to the public with regards to
Ayanfuri in recent months, have seen an escalation of activities of
the activities and future plans of the mines, the chamber’s online
illegal miners on their concessions. These companies, who employ
presence has proved to be a valuable one as it has created a single
thousands of Ghanaians, are compelled to use all legal means to
port of call for people wanting to access important information that
eject the illegal miners from their concessions with the help of the
may pertain to them. They have become the voice for the mining
security apparatus. This has often resulted in violent confrontations
industry within the country and it is a title and a responsibility
leading to injuries and destruction of property.”
that they take very seriously, which is why it comes as no surprise
Henceforth, the Ghana Chamber of Mines are urging the
that it was the chamber’s CEO, Sulemanu Koney, who called for
Government to urgently and resolutely turn its attention to the
the Government to intervene in what has become the perennial
perennial incidents of illegal miners invading concessions of
invasion of mining concessions by illegal miners.
large-scale mining companies particularly during election years.
12 | Endeavour Magazine
Carefully controlled explosives energy made this possible‌.
The situation has arisen again with the advent of illegal miners
there will be no way to prevent an imminent loss of investor
encroaching on the bona fide concessions of large-scale mining
confidence in the country, which adds to the risk of some companies
cutting investments,” he added.
“The country stands to lose heavily if the activities of the illegal
Over the years, mining companies have received support from
miners are allowed to fester ahead of the election in November
the National Security Committee on Lands and Natural Resources
2016. There is a clear and present danger to our environment
in addressing the encroachment of their concessions by illegal
and to Ghana’s economy as illegal miners fight large-scale mining
miners. However, there are pockets of illegal miners that continue
companies for concessions the latter have obtained legally. This in
to encroach on the concessions of companies in spite of the
itself breeds a sense of insecurity and fear among investors, which
interventions of the State.
will cause a slowdown in investment in the country’s minerals
This illegality deprives duly licensed companies of the
sectors” said the Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber, Mr
opportunity to exploit the inherent mineral resources more safely
Sulemanu Koney in a signed press release.
and prudentially and it creates additional costs for the companies, in the sense of rehabilitating the land so destroyed by the illegal
miners. The consequences of this illegality are far-reaching. Pits
Part of the chamber’s mission is to attract foreign investors;
excavated by illegal miners claim the lives of company employees
businesses looking to invest heavily into the mineral sector, but the
as well as those of residents of host communities. The resultant
issue is how do you attract foreign or local investment when you
destruction to the environment is immeasurable.
cannot be seen to be protecting the mines which you own from
“Honestly, the country earns next to nothing from the activities
theft? It is one thing to be robbed upon delivery but another for it
of these illegal miners. Only a few unscrupulous individuals benefit
to be taken from you at the source.
from it. It is no secret that the Government loses significant
“If the Government does not put in place security measures,
14 | Endeavour Magazine
amounts of fiscal revenue every year as a result of such illegal
mining activities. Apart from projecting a bad image for the entire
the company’s senior employees and so followed the withdrawal
mining sector, the repercussions to the environment are ominous.
of the military that had been stationed at the mine. AngloGold
If the activities of the illegal miners are not nipped in the bud it
Ashanti has, as a result, evacuated some of its employees for safety
would undermine Ghana’s efforts at attracting and sustaining the
and security reasons, which means the illegal miners have remained
much needed investment into the mining industry,” he continues.
on the mine, “Currently, as we speak, they have worked their way
AngloGold Ashanti - Obuasi Mine in recent weeks and Perseus Mining at Ayanfuri in recent months, have both seen an escalation
to certain underground workings and are using explosives in the process,” he says.
of illegal mining activities on their concessions. These companies,
The audaciousness of illegal miners in perpetrating the act,
who employ thousands of Ghanaians, are compelled to use all legal
despite the recently passed Minerals and Mining (Amendment) Act,
means to eject the illegal miners from their concessions with the
which it and ascribes punitive measures, is baffling to say the least
help of the security apparatus. This has often resulted in violent
and it denotes a complete disregard for the law under the light of
confrontations leading to injuries and destruction of property.
not fearing any major repercussions from a slack Government.
In a pivotal example, Koney highlights how AngloGold Ashanti
“The chamber is calling on the Government to return the
has particularly been inundated by illegal miners, which has directly
Military to AngloGold Ashanti, Obuasi to protect life and property
impacted its ability to attract investors to partner it to revamp the
on the mine in order to restore investor confidence and attract the
mine. This means that much needed improvements to machinery,
necessary investment into the mining sector,” Koney says, adding,
equipment, ventilation and miner safety are now not being done
“It is time for the Government to crack the whip on illegal mining
and to add insult to injury, the miners are having to work harder to
and make it an unattractive venture for all who engage in it.”
accommodate the theft. Simultaneously, the recent surge in illegal mining activities at the Obuasi mine have been violent, leading to the death of one of
Endeavour Magazine | 15
16 | Endeavour Magazine
There are some serious challenges facing Trinidad and Tobago. Being such a small group of islands, the industries of energy and construction are neatly entwined and when one suffers, the other does too. We spoke with an association who are supporting the businesses and people who are suffering the most.
Endeavour Magazine | 17
With the mission of enhancing, promoting, protecting and defending the collective and individual interests of its members in the construction industry, the Trinidad and Tobago Contractors Association (TTCA) was founded in 1968 by a small group of men with vision.
Granville Johnson, McDonald Morrell, Lepold Arthur and Emile
the board are held on a purely volunteer basis and that there is
Elias created the TTCA as they saw a need to have a collective
no remuneration involved. This kind of loyalty demonstrates the
representation in the construction sector and their organisation
importance of the TTCA in bringing higher levels of skill, knowledge,
has evolved into a medium through which construction training and
training and experience to the industry as a whole.
standards, as well as lobbying of the important and numerous issues affecting contractors, are continually and adjectively pursued.
Day-to-day operations are overseen by a general manager who governs a small team of staff consisting of full-time personnel
Working on behalf of their members, the group association has
and contract workers (these individuals are paid) and while their
acted as an unincorporated, non-profit organisation for over 36
team may be small, they are in the habit of punching above their
years until registered as an incorporated entity in 2004. This marks
weight as they champion many huge initiatives that can prove to
the time when things were definitely kicked up a notch.
be axis points for developments and changes that can affect the construction industry and, ergo, the whole of Trinidad and Tobago.
CONNECTIVITY AND RELATIONSHIP BUILDING Holding memberships with several prominent and vibrant local
organisations, the TTCA has found significant value in working
No organisation can survive without funds, or possibly hope to
closely with the likes of the Joint Consultative Council for the
make any kind of difference without some source of fiscal return.
Construction Industry (JCC), the Trinidad and Tobago Coalition of
As such, the association relies primarily on membership dues to
Services Industries (TTCSI), the Trinidad and Tobago Transparency
fund its operations and in turn look after its members. This is
Institute (TTTI) and the Trinidad and Tobago Group of Professional
supplemented by income derived from training programmes,
Associations (TTGPA).
workshops, seminars and symposiums which are held to such a
Also, as stated on their website, via the representation of a number of committees, the association benefits from relationships
high degree as to be the anvil upon which new ideas and strategies for the industry are hammered out.
with the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS), the
To reward their members’ loyalty, TTCA hosts a number of
Organizational (sic) Safety and Health Agency and the Ministry of
special events such as an annual golf tournament and an annual
Works and Transport (Oversight Committee for the Construction
awards banquet where they can recognise and reward the finest
Industry), to name a few. Acknowledging that with the more
of their members for their hard work and contributions into the
agencies, associations and membership bodies they can be linked
with the better, TTCA are aggressively expanding, having been involved in the founding of bodies such as the CCCA (Coalition of Caribbean Contractors Association) and being listed amongst other associated bodies such as the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce as well as the Manufacturers Association of Trinidad and Tobago.
SPEAKING OF THE MEMBERS The association was born out of a need from the individual companies operating within the construction industry but despite this, at the start there was not an immediate uptake of the membership as few contractors were able to see the benefit in collective action and a representative body that could fight the battles that needed fighting in the background. However, within
To legitimately have the best interests of their members at
the first year of operation they saw their membership grow to
heart, it has always been the policy of the TTCA to be relevant. To
approximately 25 members and today the membership is 125
do this, a board of ten directors, inclusive of a President, oversees
strong, with many companies probably being able to attribute
all of their affairs alongside a Vice President and a Secretary. All
their position as major stakeholders in the construction industry
are business owners or senior executives/officers employed by
to TTCA.
construction sector companies. Worthy of a mention is that the positions of leadership in 18 | Endeavour Magazine
To be a member you don’t need to be a certain size but merely active within the industry sector. The TTCA is an all-encompassing
body, having grown organically over the years to deal with every new hurdle, challenge and obstacle thrown in the path of its
construction industry in Trinidad and Tobago. Mikey explained that the association held a meeting with Works
members. Additionally, every new member brings something to the
and Infrastructure Minister Fitzgerald Hinds and expressed the
group, which means that it is able to tackle a range of activities
concerns but could not be given any assurances as to when the
including civil and infrastructure engineering, design, construction
payments would come.
services, mechanical and electrical engineering, assessments of
“We are expecting a period of trial,” Mikey explained, “But the Association will deal with any challenges as they arise.” This was
construction and historic restoration. Some of their members also
reiterated by the Prime Minister, who, a month earlier, spoke about
offer heavy equipment rental services for construction, agriculture
the challenging state of this country’s economic affairs and said that
and marine projects and the manufacture and distribution of
austerity measures were needed.
concrete and cement products.
Mikey said that the association would be meeting with the
Membership has been a particularly valuable asset, especially
Finance Minister to discuss the possibility of contractors receiving
in recent years where the construction industry in Trinidad and
part payments, but recalled how, in 2010, when there was the last
Tobago has entered its most perilous era.
change of Government, that it contractors had to wait nine months to a year and a half for payments.
THE STATE OF THE INDUSTRY The current state of the industry has been referred to as “nearing collapse” and those businesses that did not feel that joining the TTCA was a prudent move might very well be regretting their decision, as $2 billion is owed by the Government to contractors who have had no choice but to send employees home. According to the President of the Contractors Association of Trinidad and Tobago, Mikey Joseph, the situation will get worse as delays caused by a general election and a change of Government are escalating the problem. He noted that the current administration was not awarding much work at the moment and that Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s initiative of boosting the economy through public/private partnership in housing construction will not be enough to get things going. “The country needs investments and business to bring foreign currency,” Mikey added, “Private entities should take hold of the opportunities and expand into unchartered markets.” An added problem, he reveals, is that forensic audits being commissioned at various state enterprises will cause a further delay and the contractors cannot do anything but wait and see what happens, “Of course they would want to check the books,” he said, “We are having difficulties with some of the Ministers and contractors remain in hope they will be paid within this month or next month,” Frustratingly it puts the members in a position of having to wait and see what the outcome is and once found to be innocent of any wrongdoing or malfeasance or improper practice, hoping the money that is owed will be paid. To give some perspective, this payment has been owed since 2012 and covers over 75% of the
20 | Endeavour Magazine
Adding to this plight is a knock on effect from the decline in oil prices, which resulted in the country’s overall income being slashed by 55%. This of course means that there is less hope of contracts coming from the local public sector. “The coffers of the treasury cannot be filled by heaven and therefore the reality of the situation is that there is need to generate more revenue,” Mikey said, “For the last two to three years we were not reducing our expenditure, we continued spending more and more to our own peril,” he said speaking of Trinidad and Tobago as a whole, “The warning signs were there, but ignored.” Mikey said that sending workers home has been happening for quite some time but that the situation is just getting worse. Some businesses have had to scale back and others have had to close shop and things are not going to be getting better soon unless businesses take the initiative and grab hold of the opportunities that present themselves in all of this. He said that in times such as these there are opportunities that will present themselves if you are prepared to grab hold, retool and change the approach. For a long time the country relied on the energy sector to support it as a vital component of most of the industries in the country and now that it is gone (due to the oil price) businesses are having to now find their feet and establish themselves anew. With this, innovative, proactive-minded individuals will find opportunities, niches and possibilities to flourish. “There are good and interesting times ahead,” he concludes.
The Home of True Red Blocks stablished in 1976, Trinidad Aggregate Product Limited (TAP) is one of the leading producers of clay products in the region. We are situated in Longdenville in the Borough of Chaguanas on 44 acres of land. Longdenville is one of the few places in Trinidad where the best blend of clay is found to make the highest quality clay products. The company produces and markets a wide range of Clay products - HOLLOCLAY foundational and structural blocks, decorative/ventilation blocks, Clay Paver Tiles (glazed and unglazed) and Clay Roof Tiles (unglazed). With our commitment to quality, in 1998, we received our certification from the Trinidad & Tobago Bureau of Standards for maintaining a quality system in compliance with ISO 9002 for the production of non-load bearing
Edsel Vernon Reid
TAP Factory In Longdenville
HOLLOCLAY building blocks, decorative and ventilation blocks. In 2003, we upgraded our certification to ISO 9001 for the production of HOLLOCLAY building blocks, decorative and ventilation blocks and for Hollow Core Block the procurement and mar(Traditional) keting of glazed and unglazed clay paver and clay roof tiles. We have embraced a strict customer satisfaction and quality assurance approach, which is aimed at the maintenance of rigid standards and product quality.
MAXIMUS – Vertical 3 core block Foundation Block
Mr. Reid founded TAP in 1976, and the company is now celebrating its 40th year in delivering quality clay red blocks, pavers and tiles in Trinidad and Tobago. A true gentleman and pioneer Mr. Reid always led by example building the solid foundation for TAP for generations to come.
Phillip Augustus Road, Longdenville Tel. Nos. 665-3391( 6 Available Lines ) . Fax no. 671-2721 Email: general@tapltd.org
22 | Endeavour Magazine
Coming together to ensure solidarity, craftsmanship and high quality within the construction industry, the Cambodia Constructors Association is a collective of some of the most respected industry experts, Endeavour magazine took a closer look at this forward-thinking group to see what they are bringing to the table.
Endeavour Magazine | 23
Founded in 2011, the Cambodia Constructors Association (CCA) might seem like a relative newcomer, but what they have already achieved in their short tenure is staggering. In fact, even the membership numbers are impressive, with more than 300 card-carrying organisations and professionals already signed up.
The Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and
as soon as possible, leading to registration with the Ministry of
Construction took the lead and initiated the association, with a
Interior of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the ASEAN Constructors
clear directive to bring together a wide variety of experts, both in
Association (ACF) before the end of 2011.
the construction and supply chain markets, to share knowledge and
The CCA have listed a number of goals that they are determined
information in a bid to improve the sector as a whole; a valid and
to achieve and oversee and what is particularly impressive is the
honorable endeavour, we think you’ll agree. Brought together at an
desire to always be promoting best practice, good communication
assembly hosted at the Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition
and industry cooperation. Here is a team of people that, through
Center, the event sought to assign association roles to respected
their own professional experiences, have learnt the value of honest
and valued attendees.
and open operation and are seeking to encourage the same in the
“The assembly voted to set up the association statute and selected Neak Oknha Pung Kheav Se to be the association Chairman, with Lok Oknha Ly Chhuong as the Vice Chairman.”
next generation of the construction sector. The tope three goals of the association speak volumes about their priorities as they promise to,
However, assigning gratuitous roles wasn’t the main agenda, as
“Implement the policies of the Royal Government as a
the association was keen to attain and preserve industry legitimacy
contribution to the national development with the local, ASEAN
24 | Endeavour Magazine
and international partner construction companies. Join other
most definitely not something they have aligned themselves with
ASEAN constructor’s federations and international constructors
purely in the interest of lip service. While many organisations and
associations, and seek supports related to construction and the
even other professional associations can be heard making a great
development of the construction sector. Promote good cooperation
deal of noise as to the importance of education, the CCA can be
and mutual respect in the profession, and encourage harmonious
seen doing something to make it a reality.
relations among corporations operating as construction developers”
“CCA has permission from H.E Im Chhun lim, Senior Minister,
In a refreshing change from so many other professional bodies,
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction,
there is no desire for one-upmanship here, instead, the CCA
to nominate the staff of CCA members to join relevant training
actively wants to connect with other likeminded associations to
courses on green building at the Ministry of LMUPC itself. The
really promote and improve the construction industry, as a whole.
course trainer is from Singapore. CCA can nominate 10 participants
The question is, how can this be done? The CCA seems to believe
from 8 CCA member companies to join in the course. The course
that education is one of the key solutions, with a number of their
has passed two terms and has included techniques for affixing solar
documented goals focusing on the development of the mind,
“Organise, support and participate in education or training
Not only is education being offered to worthy staff members of
programs related to construction, development of architecture,
CCA member companies and set ups, it is the right kind of tuition,
engineering, urban planning and other commercial sectors. Award
which looks at future proofed technologies and ways to be greener
scholarship to any individuals who are well qualified, using the
in the construction industry. It’s no secret that as a marketplace,
association funds.”
the construction sector really needs to take charge and look for
These are two of the most important pledges of the CCA and
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26 | Endeavour Magazine
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more environmentally friendly solutions, but to find out that there
are professional industry associations actually making that happen and offering free access to such training gives us hope that others may soon follow in their footsteps.
community, one destiny.” One destiny indeed; to all enjoy fantastic commercial and residential developments, to watch regions flourish in their
While on paper this all sounds fantastic, we always place a
construction projects and for everyone to have access to a wealth
lot of value on the human element still, meaning that we wanted
of support, knowledge and assistance. This isn’t just compliance for
to know what the CCA’s President was keen to achieve. Reading
the sake of it, this is coming from a deep seated desire to make
his address, it becomes clear that he is a passionate man that has
Cambodia the best it has ever been and the most successful that
witnessed great development and change in his country and wants
it can be and through training, conferences, expos and continued
to be a positive influence on the future. He has a natural pride in
collaborations with fellow professionals and the government, there
the construction industry that is impossible to fabricate and really
can be little doubt that that dream will be realised.
sees the value in all that the association does, leading us to do the same. He says, “As Chairman of CCA, I have a great honour to deliver a message to all construction-related firms and institutions. The government has treated the construction sector as one of the nation’s economic pillars. With the noticeable development speed of the construction sector, CCA has been allowed to participate in developing the construction sector to make it aligned with local and international standards, especially those of the ASEAN member states. One
Endeavour Magazine | 27
28 | Endeavour Magazine
99 SPEEDMART WWW.99SPEEDMART.COM.MY 0060 3 3291 7699
By taking away the hassles, annoyance and stress of crowded shopping gridlock, queues and high pricing, 99 Speedmart demonstrates what happens to retailers who offer their customers an “ideal shopping environment”. Combining the elements of time and money saving, this Malaysian retailer lives up to its slogan of NEAR ‘n SAVE. Endeavour Magazine | 29
A household name across Malaysia, 99 Speedmart has enjoyed rapid
growth and expansion, riding the wave their refreshing, new and improved mini-markets have created and investing further into the convenience and quality that their stores provide.
ur goal is to fulfil customers’ needs by supplying various types of daily use products with reasonable price,” says their founder LEE Thiam Wah says, adding, “We have
gone to great lengths to provide the ‘ideal shopping environment’ to our customers and to keep up with our image as one of the market leaders in grocery markets of Malaysia, we aim to continue the concept-oriented mini market associated with the thousands of products used daily by our customers.”
IDEAL SHOPPING While the products sold are of the highest possible quality, they are not unique to 99 Speedmart, but in retail what is more important is the manner in which the products are sold and portrayed. 99 Speedmart has made convenience and ease a major leveraging point with their stores, which fits in perfectly with the busy lifestyles of the Malaysian people. Boiling down, as always, to supply and demand, 99 Speedmart is able to achieve optimum economies of scale via bulk purchases of goods by leveraging a large chain supported by six fully-integrated distribution centres, all working in synergy and with an advanced logistic system. This makes it possible to supply the products to meet demand, with increased efficiency and reduced costs. Since 1987, when the company was founded with a single grocery store, every day has been a lesson and an opportunity to improve. While Lee may have been there from the start, he is very clear that the success of his empire of 780 stores is due mostly to the passionate teams working to propel the company, as well as 30 | Endeavour Magazine
the focus and development of each and every one of the 7000 staff
led by Lee believes that with every helping hand they extend that
they can make a difference.
“We thrive working with our employees who want to make a
As such, their focus is aligned towards developing community
difference, who use their initiative and leave a positive mark on our
pillars of welfare, environmental responsibility and education by:
business,” Lee explains, “By providing training and other learning
creating 7000 job opportunities, forming a semi-pro basketball
opportunities to employees to inspire and motivate them to
team, organising Charity Homes Visitations during festive
perform the functions of their position.”
seasons and contributing goody bags for the World Wetland Day
Without a doubt, it is the company’s commitment to continued human and business development that forms the driving force
Celebrations. This extends from LEE Thiam Wah down through every employee and is a guiding philosophy of the company.
behind their thrust towards greater growth. This is important for the distribution centres to continue being well organised and managed to provide such services as transportation, labelling, packaging and order-fulfilment. Lee explains that the only mission of the distribution centre is to provide outstanding service to the hundreds of 99 Speedmart outlets that rely on them, “They are the pumping heart of 99 Speedmart,”
A RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE CITIZEN Valuing diversity in the workplace and realising their commitment as a responsible corporate citizen, 99 Speedmart, still
NEW DEVELOPMENTS Lee explains that the plan for the future is to continue to increase the number of stores in urban and un-urban areas, with the aim of reaching 1000 branches in the third quarter of 2017. “We will also be implementing a new method of delivery system by using Roll cage system with enhances the supply chain system and this system comes to a total investment RM 20 million,” Lee says, “We are also investing in software to enhance the e – payment. This means that now you can pay your utility bills in your local 99 Speedmart.”
FONTERRA’S PROMISE To make a difference to the health and wellbeing of people and communities, while securing the prosperity of our farmers and looking after the land.
RESPONSIBLE DAIRYING: Helping communities thrive and championing the health of our farms and waterways
DAIRY EXCELLENCE: Producing the safest, high quality dairy products, and innovating to create better dairy nutrition choices for tomorrow
NUTRITION FOR LIFE: Making dairy nutrition and information more accessible and delivering superior products that improve health at key life stages
32 | Endeavour Magazine
0384 138x188Speedmart[6].ai
4:56 PM
Endeavour Magazine | 33
s I have owned the 205 and 306 models, I can safely say that this car is certainly the best I have driven. Considering my past experiences, Peugeot have really nailed it, save for a couple of
small things. It is epically fun, but as a father of two it’s not practical. Maybe the new 308 is the one for me, after the test drive of course. However, if the money was there after packing the kids off for the weekend to Grannie’s, I would postpone everything to drive the weekend wild in this little tear away. It’s fun, puts a smile on your face and gives you that youthful feeling. Performance wise, the gears are amazing for a 1.6 engine, especially through 2nd to 3rd and it is very easy to get comfortable within the car, which is cleverly designed to ensure minimum effort is required to control all functions required. I loved the huge led display to control radio and sat nav functions, while the kids loved the heated seats with three settings. It has auto lights and wiper options with flicker controls, while a double blue strips light up in the roof, which is stylish. It’s rapid enough to shut the kids up in the back, although it does leave you just wanting to go faster in everything. It screams “drive me fast”, which I did and it copes with ease and comfort and from 6th down to 5th, the pull is great for the overtake. It’s also a brilliant head turner. For a 39 year old with chiselled looks, the car certainly stole the show. I never got a look from the public. Incidentally, the newly designed alloys are beautiful. 34 | Endeavour Magazine
AMAZING ON FUEL CONSUMPTION My overall feeling is that I would love to own one of these and I even looked at deals. I believe that the key to it would be to allow a test drive for potential buyers and they’ll find that the sales should rocket. With a surprisingly big boot for the car’s size, about the same size as the Volvo S60’s, it flies in the face of this not being ideally suited as a family car and then there’s the trim. There are three trim levels, with the entry model badged simply 208 GTi. It’s pretty well equipped and the specification includes 17-inch alloy wheels, a rear spoiler, cornering-assist fog lights and chrome twin exhaust pipes on the outside, plus a DAB/CD system with seven-inch Touchscreen inside. The GTi Prestige trim level adds upgrades such as special black alloys, sat-nav and a panoramic roof, hence why it is the luxury flagship model. The GTi by Peugeot Sport is the most expensive model in the line-up, but instead of luxuries such as sat-nav and a glass roof, the focus is on driving fun. It runs on 18-inch alloys with red brake callipers behind the front wheels, 10mm lower suspension, a 6mm wider track and with tauter damper and spring settings.
DRIVING A classic hot hatch should be nimble, if nothing else and with a
lower ride height and wider front and rear axles, tuned suspension and running sticky Michelin tyres, the 208 GTi has lots of grip to support quick changes of direction. A small steering wheel means the GTi’s steering is fast and the wheel feels reasonably meaty in your hands although its compact size does see you taking an awkward, elbows-in driving position to gain proper control. While it has quick responses, feedback is a little vague. Where the Peugeot really stands out is with its stability. Midcorner bumps are shaken off without fuss, although if you do exceed the limits of grip, the stability control cuts in quite abruptly. Switch off the electronic safety net and you’ll need quick responses, because while the GTi is rewarding to drive at the limit, it will break away suddenly if you are too enthusiastic with your inputs. The brakes are good and the six-speed manual gearshift is slick,
ENGINE The turbocharged 1.6-litre engine under the bonnet of the Peugeot 208 GTi is a feisty unit. The facelifted GTi gets 8bhp more than before, and a welcome 25Nm boost in torque to 300Nm. Now churning out 205bhp, it pulls hard from low down in the rev range and in general, feels happy to be worked hard - extracting its full potential is good fun.
SOME NEGATIVES Very heavy doors that do not stop when opening, which is a particular problem when it is windy and the sound system is a little lax, lacking as it does in bass which is an oversight. It has quite a loose gearbox when changing from 1st to 2nd and the small sporty steering wheel takes time to adjust to.
but the steering - despite tweaks from Peugeot making it heavier
Whilst the ice grey stippled paint work looks great, my concerns
than in the standard 208 - could do with heftier weighting and
lie with how well it will stay scratch free. It looks like a job for
greater feedback. Still, it’s accurate and quick to respond, plus in
professionals and not a pride and joy 2-3 hours home clean and
combination with the light clutch it makes the car easy to drive in
town. On the road, the combination of a willing engine, sweet manual gearbox, precise steering and a firm but nicely damped ride means the Peugeot is not only more fun to drive than the Clio Renault Sport Trophy, but more comfortable as well.
The shell initially feels like plastic in places, especially at the rear quarters of the car and like all hot hatches, I would be wary with 2nd hand purchases as if I was the owner it would be driven hard. All in all, mostly a very enjoyable car, more so if I were single and maybe ten years younger and able to properly enjoy it. Endeavour Magazine | 35
ritish luxury brand Aston Martin and Formula One team Red
was revealed earlier this month at the Geneva International Motor
Bull Racing are today announcing a partnership that sees Red
Show - the Aston Martin Vulcan and the One-77, Marek Reichman
Bull Racing’s Chief Technical Officer, Adrian Newey and Aston
holds the key to the unmistakeable design language of the modern
Martin’s Chief Creative Officer, Marek Reichman collaborate to produce a ground-breaking Aston Martin hypercar.
era of Aston Martins. “We are in the process of developing a hypercar that combines
Codenamed Project ‘AM-RB 001’, the new hypercar will
the latest in aerodynamics from F1TM and the stunning design
represent the ultimate blend of cutting edge F1TM technology with
language of an Aston Martin sports car,” said Reichman. “The
Aston Martin’s signature sports car design. The combined talents of
opportunity to collaborate with Adrian (Newey) and Red Bull
Newey, widely noted as the most successful Formula One designer
Advanced Technologies will be a fascinating experience for
of all time and Reichman, Aston Martin’s design chief since 2005,
everyone involved. Unconstrained by F1TM regulations, we have
are set to produce the ultimate hypercar.
a unique chance to create a car in its most efficient form that will
Combining the strongest elements of Red Bull Racing, Red Bull
represent the ultimate fusion of art and technology.”
Advanced Technologies and Aston Martin, this new Innovation
Having an illustrious Formula One career spanning nearly 30
partnership unites the world’s best aerodynamicists, composite
years and as the designer of ten World Championship winning
experts and manufacturing masters. All the parties offer different
Formula One cars, the partnership represents a new challenge for
elite capabilities and the combination of all of those skills, ensuring
Red Bull Racing’s Adrian Newey.
that Project ‘AM-RB 001’ promises to be an exciting prospect for customers and enthusiasts around the world.
“From the age of six I have had two goals in life – to be involved in the design of racing cars, and to be involved in the design of a
Aston Martin CEO Dr Andy Palmer said: “Formula One offers
super car.” Newey commented. “Whilst the former ambition went
the ultimate global stage to build wider awareness of the Aston
on to form my career to date, the latter has always bubbled away,
Martin brand. However, this partnership will deliver even more
resulting in countless sketches and doodles over the years. The
than that when the hypercar that Aston Martin and Adrian Newey
opportunity to now develop and realise those ideas whilst working
are in the process of developing hits the road. Between Q by Aston
with Marek and his colleagues from Aston Martin is tremendously
Martin Advanced, Red Bull Advanced Technologies and project
exciting. It allows us to translate the technology we have developed
partner AF Racing AG, we are going to create a car that will excite
in F1TM into a new arena.”
and stir the imaginations of the car designers of the future and a
The Aston Martin brand was born out of the racing exploits of
global audience of sports car enthusiasts. These are exciting times
Lionel Martin - one of the founding partners of the British marque
for Aston Martin and arriving hot on the heels of our DB11 launch
over 103 years ago - and the company made its international motor
earlier this month, this new partnership underlines that our brand
racing debut at the 1922 French Grand Prix. While motorsport has
really is racing again.”
always remained integral to the brand’s DNA, the most famous
Red Bull Racing Team Principal Christian Horner said of the new
moment in Aston Martin’s significant motorsport history is the
partnership: “This is a very exciting project for everyone at Red
1959 outright win at the Le Mans 24 Hours for Roy Salvadori and
Bull Racing. Through this innovation partnership the iconic Aston
Carroll Shelby in the Aston Martin DBR1. The modern Aston Martin
Martin logo will return to grand prix racing for the first time since
Racing team, formed in 2005 has taken three class wins at Le Mans
1960, and Red Bull Advanced Technologies, led by Adrian, will be
and will return to Circuit de la Sarthe again this June.
harnessing our Formula One DNA to produce the ultimate of all
To celebrate the partnership between Aston Martin, Red Bull
road cars. It’s an incredible project which also realises a dream and
Racing and Red Bull Advanced Technologies, the RB12s will carry
vision long held by Adrian to design a road car. We are very much
the iconic Aston Martin wings logo throughout the 2016 season,
looking forward to what I’m certain will be a successful partnership.”
making their debut at this weekend’s Australian Grand Prix at
As the designer of cars such as the Aston Martin DB11 - which
36 | Endeavour Magazine
Albert Park in Melbourne.
Endeavour Magazine | 37
DUCATI MULTISTRADA 1200 ENDURO: GLOBETROTTER ATTITUDE The standard high-tech equipment featured on the new
The new Multistrada 1200 Enduro is equipped for adventure
Multistrada 1200 Enduro comes from the way Ducati interprets
in the most remote areas, as well as being built to ensure ultimate
the concept of safety and stays true to the company’s aim to
safety for everyday use.
make this motorcycle perfect, even when riding conditions are the
Many features contribute to this aspect. The Bosch Cornering
toughest. Every single component has been conceived with both
ABS, which allocates braking power optimally between the front
objectives in mind, from the increased-range 30-litre tank to the
and rear, limits braking when leaning through corners so as to
steering damper specifically required by test riders and introduced
ensure effective deceleration without losing grip or unwantedly
to maximise stability even on the bumpiest ground. Each technical
upsetting the stance. Its 3-level setting is suitable for every riding
choice was carefully evaluated by focusing on the rider and on their
style, weather condition or terrain and the powerful full LED
safety and comfort.
headlights, complete with cornering function, ensure excellent
With this top-of-the-class motorcycle, Ducati ensures the
roadway illumination as well as lighting of the shadow area on the
support of a network covering more than 90 countries around the
inside of corners, improving visibility and safety. The new Vehicle
world, with 766 between Ducati service points and Ducati dealers,
Hold Control function makes uphill and fully loaded starts easier,
all of which are there to satisfy the needs of those who wish to
as well as slippery ground starts, by modulating rear wheel braking
travel in total freedom and safety in a bid to discover new horizons.
as the rider operates the clutch and throttle.
All this translates into the Ducati Globetrotter Attitude. 38 | Endeavour Magazine
The electronic features supplied as standard, also include:
Fuel tank, with 30-litre capacity (as opposed to the max. 20-litre
Riding Modes: Touring, Sport, Urban and Enduro
capacity of the Multistrada 1200) allows over 450km (280 miles) range
Power Mode
between fuel stops. Despite its large dimensions, the tank has been
8-level adjustable Traction Control
perfectly integrated in the overall design of the motorcycle.
8-level adjustable Wheelie Control
Semi-active suspension - it helps maintain optimum
Aluminium side panels complete with supports, to protect the fuel tank
motorcycle control in any situation and any load condition. •
Cruise Control
Infotainment (multimedia system and Link app)
5” Colour TFT Instrumentation display
Backlit switchgear controls
Hands Free
The Globetrotter Attitude embodied by the new Multistrada 1200 Enduro is also reflected by the long list of components
and enhance the typically rugged off-road look. Front mudguard, designed for maximum protection in combination with the new 19” front wheel. Beak, extended in order to improve protection against mud. Mirrors with new aluminium mounts that do not interfere with the rider’s arms during out-of-the-seat riding with the rider standing on the pegs. Handlebars with height gains of 50mm for improved ergonomics during off-road riding.
specifically designed to enhance its adaptability to all situations: Endeavour Magazine | 39
Steering damper to improve control and handling in extreme
for the specific dimensions and the all-terrain use of this model.
conditions, allowing the rider to reach the highest levels of performance
19” spoked front wheel to improve handling both off-road and on
in the large-displacement Enduro Tourer segment - including in off-road conditions and without affecting on-road performance.
uneven road surfaces, with an aluminium alloy rim and hub (as opposed to the Multistrada 1200 with a 17” alloy wheel for sports-inspired,
Rider seat designed to offer maximum comfort on long-distance trips
enhanced agility during on-road riding).
and at the same time, guarantee the greatest freedom of movement
17” spoked rear wheel with an aluminium rim and hub designed for the
(even during out-of-the-seat riding in off-road use). Passenger seat designed to perfectly integrate with the new rider’s seat and ensure maximum passenger comfort.
double-sided swingarm. Double-sided swingarm in shell-cast aluminium, able to handle the stress of off-road riding despite its limited weight (as opposed to the
Sachs CDCi front fork offering 200mm of wheel travel, as well as
Multistrada 1200’s single-sided swingarm designed for predominantly
optimised damping for all-terrain use (as opposed to 170mm wheel
on-road riding).
travel on the Multistrada 1200 with damping adjusted for on-road
Rear mudguard designed to increase protection against debris.
performance). The new forged fork bottom with forward-mounted axle ensures an ideal offset for the multifunctional chassis setup of the Multistrada 1200 Enduro. Sachs CDCi rear monoshock to ensure 200mm wheel travel as opposed to 170mm on the Multistrada 1200 and featuring optimised damping
40 | Endeavour Magazine
Front footpegs made to withstand extreme stress and complete with removable rubber inserts for maximum comfort. They are made of microcast steel to limit their weight (as opposed to being made of die cast aluminium as on the Multistrada 1200). Gear lever features an articulated design to prevent breakage in the
event of a fall or impact against an obstacle; unlike the Multistrada
narrower than the twin silencer on the Multistrada 1200. It has a
1200’s forged aluminium lever, it is made of sheet steel.
stainless steel outer sleeve and a compact design allowing the large
Rear brake lever is height-adjustable to two positions with an easy
Ducati Performance by Touratech panniers to be fitted.
release mechanism, adapting to all riding conditions: the uppermost
Exhaust heat shield extends from the pre-silencer to the passenger
position is easily reached from a backward-leaning, out-of-the-seat
footpeg mount in order to guarantee maximum comfort for both rider
position, typical of downhill off-road riding, while the lower position is
and passenger.
ideal for road-riding. Also made of sheet steel.
Skidplate in aluminium sheet, combined with the new mounts, is
Right-hand passenger footpeg mount designed to also support the
designed to withstand the extreme stress of off-road use.
new exhaust end pipe.
Passenger grab handles designed to improve ergonomics and allow for
Centre stand conceived to integrate perfectly with the new double-
Ducati Performance by Touratech aluminium side pannier to be fitted,
sided swingarm without interfering with the typical out-of-the-seat
thus reducing the overall width of the rear section.
off-road riding style.
Ducati Performance by Touratech aluminium large side panniers
Side stand optimised for this model’s dimensions and offering maximum
available as an accessory.
stability on all types of terrain. Below-seat side panels to protect the lower part of the seat during outof-the-seat off-road riding. Exhaust silencer is higher-slung – makes crossing water easier - and
Ducati has given its utmost to the Multistrada 1200 Enduro; its racing DNA and a new, adventurous attitude. Everything, beyond all limits.
Endeavour Magazine | 41
oad Safety and breakdown organisation GEM Motoring Assist
“Drink driving remains a significant threat to the safety of all
says the UK Government must now accept that the drink
road users, but there are effective steps to help reduce this threat.
drive limit in England and Wales is too high. GEM calls for
Reducing the drink drive limit should be the number one priority,
an immediate commitment to reducing the limit, combined with
as this would bring clear and significant road safety benefits.
increased police activity to enforce the law.
Supporting this should be modern alcohol testing equipment that
The demand follows the publication last week of the new ‘Fit
helps police officers do their job more efficiently. The Government
to Drive’ report by the Parliamentary Advisory Committee for
needs to take a strong lead to help prevent the unnecessary death,
Transport Safety, showing that alcohol impairment continues to be
injury and misery that’s too often a consequence of someone’s
a major contributory factor to crashes. Around 4.5 fatal collisions
irresponsible decision to get behind the wheel after drinking
every week in 2013 (the most recent figures available) were related
to drink driving1. GEM chief executive David Williams MBE commented: “It’s believed that reducing the limit from 80mg/100ml to 50mg/100ml would save around 25 lives and 95 serious injuries every year. Additionally, there is excellent technology available to make simple, effective roadside breath tests a reality. After all, it is now 11 years since Parliament made provision for roadside evidential breathtesting2, which would greatly increase the number of tests carried out by police officers, and reduce the vast burden of paperwork that accompanies every positive breath test.”
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DRINK DRIVING DATA: In 2014, 37,853 people were convicted of driving with excess alcohol in their blood, while thousands more are believed to have escaped prosecution, because delays in transporting them from the scene to a police station allowed their blood alcohol concentration to fall One in six road deaths involve drivers over the limit.
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China UnionPay is really the only name in payment security across Asia and UnionPay International (UBI) is it’s more prolific subsidiary having partnered with over 1000 institutions worldwide and enabling card acceptance in 156 countries and regions with issuance in more than 40.
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UnionPay International provides high quality, cost effective and
secure cross-border payment services to the world’s largest cardholder base and ensures convenient local services to a growing number of global UnionPay cardholders and merchants. It was natural that such a powerful business would find its way to Africa and instigate a safer and more convenient mode of paying for the continent’s most popular tourist destination, South Africa.
accept card payments easily and securely At FNB Merchant Services, we aim to help your customers make smooth, efficient and secure card payments. For more information call 087 575 0012 or email Hwang@fnb.co.za
t is predicted that by 2020 10% of South Africa’s GDP will be directly sourced from tourism and a number of factors contribute to this. With its variety of landscapes, diverse cultures, vast
territory and the availability of space, this vacation hotspot, known as the Rainbow Nation, has also been hit hard with the dropping exchange rate of its currency. While this has been devastating for other industries, it has meant a boom when it comes to tourism as international travellers are flocking to the country to get the best time for their money and local tourists are exploring their own land fully as it is too expensive to travel abroad. This has offered an ideal set up for UnionPay, who have directed themselves as the payment method for tourists and holiday makers from Asia who are visiting the country in such record numbers that the company’s marketing has almost been solely focussed on servicing this one market. Of course, UnionPay is available to everyone, but it knows where its roots lie. BankservAfrica Board Chairman Manne Dipico said that “South Africa is annually attracting more Chinese tourists and enterprises,
First National Bank a division of FirstRand Bank Limited. An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider (NCRCP20). Reg. No. 1929/001a225/06
46 | Endeavour Magazine
with China being one of the biggest trade partners to South Africa. As an important payment tool linking the two countries’ economic,
trade and personnel exchanges; UnionPay cards are welcomed by
over half of the ATMs accept UnionPay cards. And this is literally,
many businesses in South Africa.”
only the beginning of what Africa can expect.
BankservAfrica, South Africa’s largest automated clearing house, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with UnionPay International in August 2013, agreeing to facilitate payment services including bank card acceptance and issuance. According to China UnionPay President Xu Luode, as members of BRICS, China and South Africa have seen stronger exchanges and co-operation between the two countries and a growing demand for cross-border payments in recent years. “UnionPay International is proactively facilitating and strengthening its co-operation with financial institutions across Africa. Currently, UnionPay cards are accepted in over 40 countries and districts of Africa.” Today, in South Africa, 60% of the merchants accept UnionPay cards, including major airports and places frequently visited by tourists, such as hotels, tourist attractions, specialty stores, etc. South Africa’s tourist industry has, for many years, thrived on international visitors and so many of the best attractions, hotels and restaurant brands have kept themselves up-to-date with the latest transactional technology and UnionPay South Africa has made sure that it is integrated into the culture of this country and
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THE OVERSEAS EXPANSION OF MOBILE QUICKPASS Based on analyses of Chinese tourists’ overseas spending, UnionPay International is rapidly and accurately expanding QuickPass business overseas. Nearly 180,000 POS terminals in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore accept UnionPay chip cards with ‘QuickPass’ signage and various mobile QuickPass-enabled products. The overseas transaction volume of UnionPay QuickPass grew 8 times in 2015, and is growing rapidly this year. Currently, UnionPay is the only international card organisation providing contactless mobile payment service for domestic cardholders. UnionPay QuickPass supports offline contactless payment by mobile phones and other mobile devices, as well as remote online payment. It encompasses mobile payment products including HCE and Apple Pay and supports various terminals and operators. Consumers can pay with mobile phones conveniently and securely at POS terminals with ‘QuickPass’ signage overseas. Compared with other mobile payment modes, UnionPay Cloud
QuickPass is safer. It provides multiple security measures including
of merchants accepting contactless payment accept QuickPass.
dynamic PINs and tokens. Real card numbers are not shown
SOGO, 7-11, SaSa and Mannings in Hong Kong, Doota shopping
during payments and transaction information is well guarded by
center, GS25 and Watsons in South Korean, and many merchants
issuers and UnionPay. The abundant application and high security
in Taiwan all accept QuickPass.
of UnionPay QuickPass has attracted an increasing number of overseas merchants to offer the service.
Over two billion UnionPay chip cards have been issued accumulatively worldwide and relative application is enriching.
Cai Jianbo, CEO of UnionPay International, said “UnionPay
Over 7 million POS terminals in China support contactless payment
launched Mobile QuickPass together with commercial banks and
and UnionPay is accelerating application improvement and cashier
major mobile phone manufacturers worldwide. It covers mobile
phone brands including Huawei, ZTE and Apple, and supports multiple payment channels. UnionPay will take advantage of its network and technology to accelerate the launch of Mobile QuickPass overseas, and to deliver secure and convenient crossborder payment experience to cardholders. It is also important for UnionPay to expand Cloud QuickPass on a global scale�. UnionPay International has first provided Mobile QuickPass service in markets frequently visited by Chinese tourists. Australia is the overseas market with the largest number of Quickpass terminals. 30% of brick and mortar stores accepting UnionPay cards accept QuickPass. UnionPay QuickPass is also the
ENTRY INTO AFRICA Making the exchange of money easier is a prerequisite for any business. Any tourist or business person would agree that it should not be difficult to pay for something and this becomes even more prevalent as the world becomes ever more connected and accessible. So, the routes that UnionPay have laid down into Africa will have a stunning effect on the economy of the Rainbow Nation and open the way for further Asian investment into Africa. What an amazing opportunity for everyone involved.
most widely used brand for contactless payment in Macao. 90%
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50 | Endeavour Magazine
KNBTS WWW.NBTSKENYA.OR.KE 00254 20 201 2867
Public health issues are never an easy topic to tackle, but the Kenya National Blood Transfusion Service is looking to make a huge impact on the wellbeing of the nation. Endeavour Magazine took a closer look at this organisation that is fast proving to be an angel of mercy for Kenyan communities.
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Initially established in Kenya by the Ministry of Health, the
Kenya National Blood Transfusion Service (KNBTS) has been given the unenviable task of taking full responsibility for the management of both blood collection and transfusion within Kenya.
n order to tackle this gargantuan feat, it has set up six regional transfusion centres, 9 satellite centres and is headquartered in the grounds of the Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi. Set the task of conducting itself in accordance with the national
policies regarding blood transfusions, collection, distribution and storage, KNBTS has a vision to be, “A world leader in the provision of safe blood for all.” And while that might sound like a lofty aspiration, thanks to a rigorous set up and perfectly managed set of core values, this is more than achievable. It also stands KNBTS in good stead that they are working to a humanist and ethically rich mission, “To provide safe blood for all in an equitable, efficient and effective manner towards improved human health and quality of life in Kenya.”
52 | Endeavour Magazine
Quality of life, that is the key phrase here and it resonates
improve financing of KNBTS activities.”
throughout the world. As long as you have a pulse, you can recognise
You can really start to get a handle on the keywords here can’t
the importance of living a life that offers you joy and health and
you? Efficiency, effectiveness, safe. Far from just being mandatory
KNBTS strives to facilitate this for even the most unwell patients.
health industry SEO phishing phrases, there is an undeniable sense
There is a level of pride that is undeniable and the organisation
that everyone involved with KNBTS is there because they want to
has embarked on a number of advertising campaigns that seek to
be, feel a desire to help and know that they can bring something
exploit this sense of accomplishment in a bid to encourage more
necessary to the table; this goes for management, all the way
blood donations. In fact, the most recent campaign has run with
through to blood delivery drivers and collectors.
the strapline “It is something to be proud of”.
So what has driven the need for a dedicated transfusion
KNBTS has listed a number of objectives that it has both set
service? With the 1930s seeing the advent of blood transfusions,
itself and been given by the Ministry of Health and all have a human
things went a little sour from 1985 onwards, when HIV and AIDS
element at their core. At no point are the patients and people
diagnosis’ saw a dramatic reduction in the amount of blood being
who are in desperate need of the services provided, forgotten or
collected. This had an impact on how costly it was, as a resource,
overlooked as part of a business model. They are there at every
meaning that uninfected blood began to fetch a real premium. With
turn, motivating the organisation to keep striving for more and
most hospitals sourcing their own blood up until that point, the
better. The objectives are to,
situation became tense and desperate, with the 1998 Nairobi bomb
“Improve equity and access to blood transfusion services,
explosion really highlighting the pinnacle of the problem. With US
ensure safety of blood for transfusion, strengthen the organisation
government assistance, the KNBTS was established in 2001, in a
and management structure of KNBTS to improve its efficiency
bid to stop blood being such a powerfully expensive and hard to
and effectiveness, strengthen quality assurance systems and
come by resource. 15 years on from inception, KNBTS has enjoyed
monitoring capacity of KNBTS and to foster partnerships and
some significant milestones and looks forward to more,
Procurement and distribution of medical laboratory and research products to learning & research institutions, hospitals, research and diagnostic laboratories P.O. Box 32269 Nairobi Nairobi 00600 Kenya Phone: +254(020)2373353 Fax: +254(020)2373419 Mobile: +254720994526 www.luedafrica.com 54 | Endeavour Magazine
“Progressively, six regional and 10 satellite centres have
be expecting a lot more tan just a perfunctory pat; they should be
been established. Blood policy guidelines have been developed,
embraced by Kenya and thanked for all the lives they have saved.
including National Blood Transfusion standards, Hemovigilance
They should be promoted, publicised and congratulated, so that’s
manual for transfusing hospitals, Appropriate use of blood and
what we are doing today.
blood products, among others and KNBTS is currently deploying a
Saving lives requires sacrifice, dedication and a genuine interest
vein to vein centralised Blood Establishment Computerised system
in the human condition and we can’t often say that about large
in all its centres.”
organisations in the modern business world. KNBTS, we salute you.
While you’d never actually want to need the services of the KNBTS, just imagine what a relief it must be for Kenyan residents to know that there is a health resource in place that has been directly driven and implemented with their best interests and well being at heart. With responsibility for managing donor services, coordinating blood drives, overseeing blood processing, maintaining storage and distribution, utilisation, bio-safety and security, disaster response and monitoring, you start to get a picture of just how vital and stretched the KNBTS is, as a resource. It relies on the hard work of its core team members, as well as the education and generosity of volunteers who are happy to sacrifice a pint or two for the good of Kenya as a whole. It never seems fitting for such operations to talk about themselves or ask for a pat on the back, but KNBTS should
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When the sky’s the limit, you have to expect progressive companies to build the infrastructure necessary to shoot past it and that’s exactly what Abacus Property Consultants have done. Endeavour Magazine spoke to Ashok Rupshi Shah, Chairman of the operation, to find out what makes the company so special.
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A significant arm of the Abacus Group, Abacus Property Consultants (APC) has made no bones about using the expertise gathered by the parent group to really push itself forward. Founded in 1988, the Abacus Group itself has a wealth of information and experience to pass on and made light work of introducing a new faction.
aving always been keen to embrace a seemingly very ambitious
development. Compared to Nairobi’s existing industrial areas,
programme of expansion and diversification, the Abacus
Infinity Industrial Park will be highly secured and will provide a
Group has used APC as a means to enter the competitive
conducive environment for smooth and comfortable operations of
world of high-end industrial parks. With experience in countless
industries and business enterprises. The proposed Infinity Industrial
sectors, including IT, pharmaceuticals, project management and
Park, when fully developed, is expected to enhance Kenya’s
real estate development, the Abacus Group has pushed APC to the
position as an internationally competitive and attractive Country.
very forefront of its operations as the main promoter of the Infinity
The park is comprehensively designed and planned to provide an
Industrial Park.
institutional framework, physical infrastructure and administrative
With an impressive background himself, Ashok Rupshi Shah is far from just an impressive figurehead; he is a hands-on,
services that are currently not available elsewhere in the entire Eastern and Central African Region.”
impassioned part of the machine and the driving force behind
Not a project for the fainthearted, weak-willed or inexperienced,
all diversification opportunities. Having founded and developed
the development of an ultra-modern industrial park is quite a feat,
a number of impressive organisations in his time, many of which
but something Mr. Shah and his team are more than taking in
fall under the protective umbrella of the Abacus Group, he always
their stride. In fact, the 200 acre construction site is causing no
found time to maintain a connection to his social responsibilities,
worries at all and is anticipated to be completed right on schedule,
which is something that the group itself has taken onboard too.
which is unsurprising when you learn the vision and mission of the
With a host of amazing projects already under his belt, 2014 saw
organisation as a whole.
Mr. Shah embark on his most ambitious yet.
APC pledge,
“Infinity Industrial Park is one of the largest, private Industrial
“To be a company of choice and a dependable partner in the
Park in Africa. With world-class amenities, modern infrastructure
provision of real estate solutions to our customers primarily in Kenya,
and a central location, it will be a truly unique and fascinating
East Africa, Middle East and India. We operate in accordance with
58 | Endeavour Magazine
core values of integrity, honesty, quality, efficiency, accountability
and SMEs a highly secure, private industrial park with modern
and transparency.”
infrastructure, essential amenities and services under one roof.”
Though this could sound like the mantra of many a modern
That’s what makes APC so different. They genuinely know that
company that understands the buzzwords that clients want to hear,
in order to enjoy success and growth themselves, they have to be
we get the distinct impression that they carry with them a lot of
a key part of the success of others. There is no selfish agenda here,
sincerity and weight in this case, especially when you combine it
just a desire to see the region profit from new companies and to
with the mission statement,
play a role in their subsequent successes. Infinity Industrial Park will
“To provide a complete package of superior real estate solutions and create wealth for customers. We shall uphold high standards of integrity and professionalism as we deliver satisfaction and value to all our cherished customers.”
be the crowning glory of all APC’s endeavours and they modestly know it. “The park will be comprehensively designed and planned to provide a world-class institutional framework, physical
Did you spot the word that really stood out there? ‘Cherished’.
infrastructure and administrative services that are currently not
How often do you see a company referring to their clients as
available in the entire Eastern and Central African Region. This
cherished? It’s not common, but it’s this heartfelt connection to
project is of great benefit to the people of Kenya as it shall create
people that has lead APC to create an exemplar industrial park that
an economical multiplier effect through the whole Country and
will support their clients while they develop and grow.
enhance the Government’s aspirations of Vision 2030. Already, the
“We are dedicated to providing a secure, eco-friendly
project has received an overwhelming response from industrialists
environment in which business entrepreneurs will be able to nurture
and entrepreneurs around the world. Infinity Industrial Park was
and grow in a model environment enabling smooth operations of
also highly commended during the recent International Investment
their businesses. We also want to offer foreign & local investors
Conference at the KICC which was presided over by H.E. Uhuru
60 | Endeavour Magazine
Kenyatta and attended by over 2000 delegates from all over the world.” Supported by a highly valued team of employees, APC always acts with the best interests of clients in mind and welcomes direct feedback. In fact, such responses are used to shape future developments, initiatives and training and it’s a good job they are, as there doesn’t look to be any chance of APC slowing down, “The current demand for industrial space in Nairobi is constantly increasing but we do not have any industrial park with sufficient infrastructure, security and services. Industries are coming up in scattered areas where no water, sewer or electricity is available and it becomes costly for individuals to set these services up (due to no sewer, waste is being disposed into the ground). There are lots of issues with land title deeds too. Infinity Industrial Park proves to be a model solution to all problems faced by such industries.” With $125m being the projected total cost of the Infinity Industrial park project and $40m having already been injected, we can’t wait to see how this state-of-the-art business facility will change the face of business in Nairobi forever.
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Endeavour Magazine | 61
62 | Endeavour Magazine
Endeavour Magazine has spoken to the talented team at Guyana Goldfields before, but we wanted to return to see if everything we expected of them has been realised. With excellent year-end results for 12015 now published, we were pleased to see that we weren’t wrong and that all that glitters really is gold for this extraordinary organisation.
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If you don’t remember Guyana Goldfields (GG) from our previous
article then shame on you, as this Canadian-based mineral exploration company is head and shoulders above its nearest competitors. Focusing their attentions of Guyana, in South America, the main directives of the company if to source, explore and develop countless gold deposits and they have been busy!
till considered to be an emerging producer, GG have enjoyed fantastic success with their flagship gold mine, called Aurora, which announced significant first gold production in August
2015. Don’t let the ‘emerging’ tag fool you into thinking that this is a fledgling operation though, as GG have been operating continuously, responsibly and sustainably in Guyana since 1996. You hear the words gold production and automatically, outdated images of the gold rush and clambering greed enter your mind, but you have to dispel these stereotypical notions, as not all operations are built and run equally. In fact, some have a far better grasp on social responsibility and caring for surrounding communities than you might expect. GG is exceptionally proud of how much they seek to reach out, “The Company’s CSR Strategy, Community and National Initiatives target areas locally within our communities and also on a national level that promote sustainable development in Guyana. Some of the activities that we developed are; National Library Support, erection of Monument of Hope in Bartica, Amerindian Heritage Month Support, Indian Arrival Day and
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African Emancipation Day support. We’ve also been involved
While it’s become increasingly common for large organisations
with the Fire Prevention Week Fund, Guyana Relief Council
to understand how valuable a sense of community is, it is still
Support, Community Company Information Sessions, Community
relatively rare for this to translate into anything other than nice
Development Initiatives and $20 Million Children Needs and
speeches and website manifestos. The fact that GG are proactive
Development Initiatives.”
in their desire to consistently minimise the impact they have on
It’s really not just a case of grab the money and run for GG, as there is a sense of stewardship that naturally pours out of every facet of this forward thinking and progressive company.
established communities really sets them apart from many others in their industry. While being the ‘nice guy’ would, in an ideal world, automatically
“Proactive, healthy interaction with the communities impacted
grant organisations all the success that they desire, it is still so
by the Company’s exploration and development programmes is an
often the case that the more ruthless and uncaring conglomerates
important part of the long-term investment strategy for Guyana.
still enjoy the lion share of profits, in every industry, but we are
Though early stages of airborne exploration have a minimal impact
delighted to announce that GG has not suffered at all for its innate
on communities, this changes once targets are identified and
desire to take care of surrounding communities, alongside its own
evaluation and development programmes are implemented. The
interests. The year-end 2015 figures are proof of this and really
Company recognises that from the inception of the programme,
demonstrate the special nature of this company, given that,
and as the project progresses, it will be important to communicate
“Prior to implementing any drilling, evaluation and other such
and interact proactively with any community and role player that
programs, the Company will endeavor to identify the impact of
may be affected by its programmes and inform and obtain buy-
the proposed activities and determine how to best manage them
in with any stakeholders that may be impacted by exploration,
to minimise negative impacts and maximise potential benefits at
evaluation and development.”
affected communities.”
66 | Endeavour Magazine
Are we finally seeing a new era of business? Can responsible, thoughtful operations still enjoy good profit margins and longevity?
ready to make investments into improved machinery to allow for maximum productivity and uninterrupted operation,
It would appear so! Having produced a staggering 35,901oz of gold,
“The Company’s focus remains on optimising gold recovery,
28,850oz were sold, generating the company $31m in revenue,
reducing reagent consumption rates, reducing freight and
equating to $0.13 of earnings, per share. While this might sound
equipment rental costs and other continuous improvement
terrifically impressive, GG is keen to explain that 2016 is expected
initiatives designed to further improve operating efficiencies and
to yield much better results,
reduce costs.”
“The Company does not believe that the 2015 financial
With the Aurora mine boasting a total gold resource of 6.54
information is representative of expected results to be achieved
million ounces, in the measured and indicated categories, plus a
in 2016, as optimal operating performance has not been achieved.
further 1.82 million ounces in the inferred category, there can be
Operating costs are higher in the four-month ramp up period as
no doubting that GG is prepared to ramp up their exploration and
GGI transitioned from development to commercial production.
production efforts, with informed investments forming a major
As such, the processing facility had not yet consistently attained
part of the plan. What we think is fantastic, however, is that all of
its design capacity of milling 5,000 tpd, and the Company expects
this will be achieved without causing any harm or concern to the
improvements to mining, processing and G&A costs to be realised in
surrounding communities. How’s that for the nice guys not finishing
2016. In addition, gold sales were made substantially in November
last anymore? GG is one of the most compassionate organisations
and December 2015. Extensive costs were incurred in September
in operation and they are very much coming out on top.
and October for commissioning and start-up operations.” Far from making excuses, it seems as though the management team at GG has a firm and experienced hand on the tiller that is
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Established to serve the interests of the mining and exploration companies, the Botswana Chamber of Mines remains one of the main drivers of economic activity in the country. With more exploration of minerals than ever before, it is essential that the activities of the relevant companies and the progress found is achieved smoothly and with due regard to legislation put in place to protect people and land.
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With this in mind, the Botswana Chamber of Mines aims to ensure that legislation in the country is conducive for mining companies and at the same time, develops good working relationships with the legislator.
According to Charles Siwawa, CEO, The Botswana Chamber of Mines serves the interests of the mining industry in the country and furthermore, as the CEO, it is up to him to engage and liaise with the government, nongovernment organisations and other stakeholders to ensure that the needs of the industry are catered for properly.
“As the face of Botswana’s mining one of the Chamber’s aims is to ensure that Botswana’s regulatory environment supports the mining sector,” he says, “And amendments to some of Botswana’s legislation have already been made thanks to the Chamber’s efforts.”
HOLDING BOTSWANA’S POTENTIAL IN THEIR HANDS As Botswana’s Chamber of Mines represents the country’s high-potential mining industry, Siwawa is adamant that they must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, keeping the country’s best interests in mind at all time, “We commit to a number of values, which govern the way we operate and relate with our internal as well as external stakeholders,” he says.
Mining activities have been taking place in Botswana since the
Unity – We will actively promote our shared purpose and
nineteenth century with the advent of the gold rush in the northern
commitments, speaking with one voice, and acting as one team to
part of the country. Notable mining activities included the gold
honour and deliver the Chamber’s business.
mines in Francistown, copper mines at Matsitama, manganese mines
Good governance – Our operations and ways of working will
at Kgwakgwe hills in Kanye and asbestos mines at Moshaneng. Not
be characterised by compliance to good practices and ethical
much is known about this industry as far as operations or how the
standards. We will be transparent and honest in our dealings.
exploration and mining companies built/kept relationships with their workforce during this time but in 1990, off the back of the growing industry, the mining houses felt the need to discuss the issues under a single forum and that heralded the birth of BCM. It is a mining employer’s organisation, serving its members to promote their interests in the Botswana mining industry with consultations between the members on matters of common concern. There has been significant progress over the years in terms of achievements by this organisation. The companies of the BCM include those explorers and exploiters of the various mineral to be found in Botswana and other
Meritocracy – We promote and recognise excellence in our dealings within as well as outside the Chamber. Good corporate citizenship – Our business operations will benefit our communities through well-managed corporate social responsibility programmes. Safety - We commit to conduct our business without harm to our people and the environment. These values are important when considering the bounty that Botswana possesses. It is a land rich in diamonds, coal, copper and coal bed methane with additional resources such as iron ore, uranium and silver.
stakeholders include the government, mining suppliers, contractors
“Coal has a particularly strong potential for growth,” he
and tertiary training institutions. In total there are 30 members of
indicates, “Companies can export it raw, use it for power generation
different levels of participation.
or convert it to a liquid as a petroleum product,”
70 | Endeavour Magazine
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Endeavour Magazine | 71
3 600 people. 26 months turnaround time. 8 million man-hours worked. The biggest platinum plant in the world. Impossible? Not for DRA. With an output of 600 000 tpm, Anglo Platinum’s Mogalakwena Platinum Mine remains the biggest producer of platinum in the world. From project management to detailed design work, construction and associated infrastructure, it marks one of the biggest project undertakings for DRA to date. A first in terms of its size but not experience, DRA has delivered 80% of the world’s platinum plants over the past 20 years, Mogalakwena not only required us to work around an extremely tight time frame, its scope demanded our utmost attention to detail, uncompromising quality control and dedicated, passionate team work. From 2 817 drawings to 27 000 m³ of poured concrete, it’s our desire to pioneer uncharted challenges that continue to ensure we deliver every time, even when it’s the first time.
Extraordinary Possibilities
According to him, the SADC region needs to develop efficient
Siwawa explains that a company must have the relevant
power-distribution systems and this is something that Botswana’s
paperwork in the form of a mineral-exploration license and/
coal can play a role in and this position is supported by the
or a mining license or be a contractor for such a company. With
government of Botswana as well. Another segment that promises
30 members under its umbrella, the Chamber also demands that
growth is copper refining and there are studies currently ongoing
mining companies applying for a mining license must have a plan
to determine the full potential of undertaking this project of further
for rehabilitating the land once the project is finished.
beneficiation of base metals. “The Chamber of Mines strongly supports foreign investment in Botswana’s mining industry and wants to position Botswana as a mining hub,” he says.
KEEPING HOLD OF IT ALL As has long been the case for African nations, foreign investment comes into the country and funds the removal of the most valuable resources. These resources make investors rich, while plunging the
“Each mining company is required to create funds that will be used for this rehabilitation once mining operations have ceased,” he says. Botswana remains one of Africa’s most desirable locations for FDI in mining and while foreign investment is encouraged to take advantage of the many opportunities available in the country, they have to be sure about who is benefitting the most with regards to the mineral wealth of their nation. Certain questions like, ‘Are the workers local and are local people receiving training and expertise to do so?’ and ‘Do the mines operate sustainably or is
host country into debt, as the money is made overseas. Then when
their operation likely to ruin the land completely?’ have to be asked
the land has been completely sucked of it’s worth by foreigners, it is
and it is the BCM’s role to do this.
left to the locals to try and pick up the pieces and fill the holes left
“This sort of position is important as it means that investors can
behind. This is why, to join the BCM, there are a few fundamental
be confident that their involvement in Botswana will be safe and
pointers that have been established to stop this from happening.
productive forr the long-term,” Siwawa concludes.
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hree decades have shaped DRA into a global business with offices and operational facilities spanning 5 continents and 17 countries. Headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, the group is renowned for its capabilities in project and service delivery to the mining industry. In mining and its periphery industries, experience is key. This experience provides the knowledge needed to successfully implement projects, find innovative solutions to challenges and meet specific client needs. Organisations, now more than ever, must understand the industry and the locations in which they operate to apply this knowledge to mitigate the risks posed to clients. With an impressive history of implementing successful projects and operational projects for clients across the continent and across borders, DRA has positioned itself as the industry partner of choice and as an expert in risk mitigation. Clients, business partners and investors maximise this offering in; engineering design, construction, project management and operations services and ongoing plant optimisation and maintenance in various sectors. With large scale projects and large teams, DRA rightly emphasises safety in all its operations. On-going training programs have secured the organisation one of the best safety records in the industry; this is no small feat considering the harsh climates and varying economic, geographic and political conditions projects usually present. As one of the largest organisations of its kind, DRA prides itself in client centricity and devotes as much time and dedication to small and large scale projects, and those both standard and bespoke. This approach has earned the organisation the reputation of project delivery that is on time and within budget, although clients often benefit from faster delivery and reduced project costs. Service delivery of this level is made possible through the implicit value the organisation places in its customers. In understanding all requirements of a project, exceptional client relationships are born and in building these relationships the organisation is able to deliver beyond expectations. DRA has been assisting clients in Botswana for over 15 years and has been instrumental in a variety of Mining and Infrastructure Projects, as well as Technical Investigations and Studies across all commodities. In
order to improve on plant processes and to assist clients in realising their economic returns, the organisation established an office in the country in 2005, from which it provides world-class service and expertise to clients. DRA specialises in full-service engineering solutions, from concept to commissioning, and as a result teams are knowledgeable beyond industry parameters and norms. The comprehensive delivery on all stages of feasibility studies, design, construction, project management and operations and maintenance services on an EPC, EPCM, LSKT, BOOM and BOOT basis requires a team fully and comprehensively trained and knowledgeable in their fields. Projects have been undertaken in gold, platinum, coal, ferrous metals, diamonds, uranium, base metals, rare earths and potash, clearly demonstrating the organisations extensive knowledge base. Periphery projects outside of mining include the development of essential infrastructure, such as ports, roads, bridges, power plants and housing, all requiring insight into remote territories and specific requirements. DRA is well known for employing locally first, this not only empowers the communities in which the organisation operates but also further bolsters the skills and knowledge of project teams. In 2015 the organisation shared its new claim with the industry, a motto customers can attest to, DRA creates extraordinary possibilities. With an enviable track record in project implementation and management, these possibilities are feasible because of the people and talent that DRA deploys to its projects, expert engineers, draughts professionals and project managers who give priority to understanding not only the business requirements but also how to manage the risks involved in achieving their goals. Africa is becoming an increasingly attractive hub for foreign investors and organisations that are forward thinking, and employee-centric, play a pivotal role in the growth and development of the continent. The corporate sector has long since been investing in community upliftment, providing the financial might and experience to implement sustainable solutions for developing communities and in turn cementing the sustainability of the industry. It is in this context that organisations such as DRA play a pivotal role in not only driving growth but also in securing long term success of people and sectors on a global scale.
Innovative Navigation App ‘Wandrr’ Promotes Exploration And Discovery For 21St Century Adventurers Introducing Wandrr – the innovative new navigation app that allows you to ‘get lost’ and explore new surroundings, without ever really losing your way to your chosen destination. The app leverages the very latest technology to help people do something that feels totally natural – explore. Available for iPhone and iPod Touch, Wandrr lets you choose a route to your destination depending on how much time you have. Rather than the fastest route, Wandrr allows you to choose a more interesting, mindful way to get from A to B, whether it’s a coastal train ride by the sea, a bike ride down a country path or a scenic drive to your next destination. The app creates a unique route every time, so if you don’t like the one suggested just hit refresh for a new option. More than just a travel app, Wandrr is a next-generation discovery tool that helps us to reconnect with the world around us. Arthur Chance, a Wandrr co-founder added, “We’ve become a society obsessed with saving time and being productive – we’re missing out on the beautiful world around us. Wandrr creates tailor-made routes for each individual use, helping people to go on their own personal adventures while still ending up at their destination. We hope the app can take users back to a bygone era, where exploration was still exciting and travel wasn’t simply about getting somewhere fast!” Co-founder Omar Karim said, “We created the app as a tool for the next generation of creative explorers. If Jack Kerouac had wanted to go ‘On The Road’ in 2016, this is the app he’d use to plan his journey. Wandrr is a unique navigation app that puts emphasis on the journey, rather than the destination. We want to help people rediscover a sense of freedom whilst travelling and still
How Does That Work? Digitalisation In The Hospital Without High Investment Costs
rom electronic patient files to operating theatre robots digitalisation has long since reached the health care industry. However, according to recent studies, only every fourth
hospital in Germany (28%) has a strategy for encountering digital
enjoy the peace of mind that their route will take them where they
challenges. While digitalisation is being advanced in hospitals,
need to be!”
these institutions are wary of investment costs.
All users have to do in order to unleash the true potential of
ClinicAll addresses this aspect with a clever strategy. “We
Wandrr is choose a start point, a final destination and how long
want to offer hospitals the use of our innovative software on our
they want to travel for. Wandrr will then generate a route which
bedside terminals, without having to invest. We have therefore
will take roughly that long, taking users on scenic roads and lesser-
developed a special operator model, where the patient pays a fee
travelled routes to help users spontaneously find new places and
for using the provided services, and the hospital has no costs,”
adventures, whether on a date, in a new city or up a mountain.
the ClinicAll management explains. The ClinicAll System unites
The app is also fully optimised for a future in which driverless
patient infotainment and digital hospital applications in one
cars will be the prime method of transport. When automated cars
bedside terminal. Patients can use multimedia services like IPTV,
are here and you want to go for a meaningless drive to switch off
pay TV, Internet, VoD, VoIP telephony and access current news,
or relax, Wandrr is where you’ll start.
weather forecasts, online games, clinic information, etc. This not
76 | Endeavour Magazine
truMedic Shiatsu Massager Provides Essential, Effective Post-Workout Muscle Relief The leader in pain relief and relaxation, truMedic is helping Americans keep New Year’s fitness resolutions on track with a personal massager inspired by an ancient form of Japanese bodywork. Cordless and portable, the InstaShiatsu Plus is the ideal way to ease tight, overworked muscles after a workout. truMedic is committed to developing effective and fast-acting pain relief. The InstaShiatsu TM Plus is one of its top selling products, hailed as a hugely effective way of managing chronic conditions, as well as working out knots, stress, tension and other physical issues. As an ancient bodywork art, Japanese Shiatsu is based on the theoretical ‘energy meridians’ framework of traditional Chinese medicine. When the body is working overtime to repair itself, postworkout, Shiatsu is an effective way to rebalance the 12 meridians and ensure blood is flowing equally through each highway. “Getting in shape has become a somewhat universal new year’s resolution, yet so many people are put off by the painful after effects of a workout. By simulating the intense deep-kneading circular motions of Shiatsu, the InstaShiatsu Plus is able to provide fast and effective relief to overworked muscles,” said Anthony Izzo, VP of truMedic. New Year’s resolutions are a given for many people, with the latest research from Harris Interactive revealing that 45% of Americans usually set themselves goals. Of these, a huge 66% include some form of fitness target. Unfortunately, the term “no pain, no gain” is all too true when it comes to sweat sessions. For many, even the lightest of workouts leads to muscle tension and only relieves the boredom of patients and makes their stay more
general discomfort. As your ‘personal masseuse’, the InstaShiatsu
pleasant, but also, in addition to the salutary psychological effect,
TM Plus is the perfect companion for every gym member or exercise
provides relief to personnel, because patients are occupied and
buff. Using deep-kneading, circular motions, the massager actively
stimulates acupressure points to relieve pain, stress and tension.
Individual hospital applications can also be connected,
Using the InstaShiatsu TM Plus is easy, with weary gym goers
extending to direct access to the digital patient file through any
simply increasing or decreasing pressure on the wrist strap controls.
terminal. The core is innovative, expandable, and future-oriented
At the touch of a button, users can change the direction of the
software based on Windows 10®.
circular motions, or select heat mode for extra comfort, relaxation
The terminals and software are set up “all inclusive” at no
and tension release.
charge if ClinicAll is allowed to bill patients directly. There is no
The product has received five-star reviews from customers who
minimum utilisation volume as sometimes requested by other
rely on the InstaShiatsu TM Plus as an easy and instant solution
providers. In addition to this, the hospital can connect its own
to post-workout pain. From gym sessions and group workouts to
medical applications, for example, soft touch nurse call, digital
hiking, biking and trail running, the InstaShiatsu TM Plus is every
ordering of meals or access to the electronic patient health record
exerciser’s best friend.
and use these via the terminals. Service and maintenance are also included during the agreed term.
“This is a life saver when it comes to working out knots or sore muscles from an intense workout,” says truMedic customer Coleen. Endeavour Magazine | 77
he app from Husqvarna enables users to control, configure and
in its name and capabilities. It’s powered by electricity and takes
monitor the robotic lawn mowers Husqvarna Automower®
on steep 45% climbs, works in any weather condition and powers
320, 330X and 450X models from the wrist.
along silently.
Today, the world leader in robotic mowers launches the app
The unique mowing technique is based on the mower’s small,
Automower® Connect, an app available for Apple Watch™. With
sharp pivoting blades continuously cutting the grass several times,
the touch of a finger, Automower© Connect enables you to mow
in random patterns within the boundaries you decide. When it’s
your lawn from the wrist via Apple Watch™, regardless if you are at
time to recharge the battery, the mower returns to its charging
work or on vacation on the other side of the world.
station and thereafter continues to mow until the job is done.
“21 years ago Husqvarna set the first robotic mower on the market, and we have been pushing the technological frontier ever
About Husqvarna
since. With Automower© Connect for Apple Watch™, Husqvarna
Husqvarna is a brand within Husqvarna Group. Since 1689,
takes the user experience to yet another level and strengthens its
Husqvarna has manufactured high performing products and
innovation lead in the growing robotic mower market”, says Olle
delivered industry-changing innovations such as anti-vibration
Markusson, robotic category manager at Husqvarna.
and automatic chain-break on chainsaws, as well as the world’s
The Automower® Connect app is available for the Husqvarna
first commercial robotic mower. Today, Husqvarna offers a broad
Automower®320, 330X and 450X. The one-touch display allows
range of high performing outdoor power products for parks, forest
functionality in these key areas:
and garden, and represents technological leadership in the key
Control – Monitor the current status of the robotic
areas; chainsaws, trimmers, ride-on mowers and robotic mowers.
mower, and send it “Start,” “Stop” and “Park” commands.
Husqvarna products are sold in more than 100 countries, mainly
Configure – Read and modify the menu of the robotic
through servicing dealers.
mower settings. Security – Receive alarm notifications and track the position of the robotic mower in the event of theft. The application is free to download and available in App Store and is listed in the utilities category.
Husqvarna Group Husqvarna Group Husqvarna Group is a world leading producer of outdoor power products including chainsaws, trimmers, robotic lawn mowers and garden tractors. The Group is also the European leader in garden watering products and a world leader in cutting
About Husqvarna Automower®
equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone
The Husqvarna robotic lawnmower was introduced in 1995
industries. The Group’s products and solutions are sold under
and has since evolved into a true performer that handles almost
brands including Husqvarna, Gardena, McCulloch, Poulan Pro,
any garden. More than 20 years on, the robotic lawnmower still
Weed Eater, Flymo, Zenoah and Diamant Boart via dealers and
excels on the lawn, quietly and efficiently saving you time to do
retailers to end-customers in more than 100 countries. Net sales
other things.
in 2015 amounted to SEK 36 billion and the Group had more than
Since its birth, Husqvarna Automower® has truly evolved both 78 | Endeavour Magazine
13,000 employees in 40 countries.
Endeavour Magazine | 79
80 | Endeavour Magazine
IA. This Is Africa. It’s a saying that is often used to describe
nodding their heads in approval. A wildlife oasis in the heart
the unexpected diversity and the swell of life that occurs
of the African bushveld offering incomparable luxury at each
within the mother continent. Probably best known for
of its four 5 star lodges, it creates within each guest a sense
its abundant wildlife and breath-taking scenery, this land
of royalty, a sense of presence and even better - a sense of
captivates and affects millions of tourists every year and if you
ownership. People leave Sabi Sabi feeling that in some way,
haven’t paid it a visit yet then you really should and I would
they own what they have seen and with this comes a sense of
whole heartedly recommend Sabi Sabi.
responsibility to protect it.
Standing in the African bushveld you get a sense of how
Situated in the Sabi and Wildtuin, a recognised hotspot of
very, very small you actually are. Under a sky that is too big and
biodiversity within the greater Kruger National park, Sabi Sabi is
a horizon that is too far away, even the silence rings and there
blessed with an astonishing variety of habitat and wildlife. Here
is a certain peace to be found in this overwhelming beauty so
you will experience Africa’s ever-changing landscapes; from
far removed from the traffic, noise and urban jungles of our
the clear light of dawn and the pastel haze of late afternoon,
city living. It is a life-altering experience that never fails to
to the fiery sunsets and sudden onset of night. Against this
awaken within people a sense of themselves. Oh how poetic,
backdrop, the abundant animals and extraordinary variety of
you may think to yourself but it is nonetheless true and it is the
birds exist in this unfenced natural environment, as they have
protection of this enlightenment that Sabi Sabi have charged
done for centuries. Exciting morning and evening open vehicle
themselves with.
safaris as well as environmental awareness walking safaris are
For over three and a half decades, Sabi Sabi has given people
led by experienced rangers and Shangaan trackers.
the opportunity to immerse themselves into the savannah and
Within this untamed setting, Sabi Sabi had created its
have done so in a manner that has proved both highly effective
luxurious lodges in the styles and atmospheres of Yesterday,
as a tourist attraction but also as a conservation reserve.
Today and Tomorrow.
Their methodology is actually devious in its subtly and
A tribute to the pioneers of the grand steam train era of the
cleverness and has had conservationists and marketers
late 1800s, the historically themed Selati Camp Is the Sabi Sabi Endeavour Magazine | 81
82 | Endeavour Magazine
of yesterday. Selati’s 8 beautifully appointed suites, including
is designed to instil a sense of peace. Each of the 13 suites,
the Ivory Presidential Suite are filled with authentic antiques,
including the famous Amber Suite, is gloriously luxurious.
vintage décor and railway memorabilia- offering intimacy and
Earth Lodge continuously meets and exceeds the highest
romance with a dash of nostalgic opulence.
international standards of architectural design, innovative
The Today experience is found at Bush Lodge, with its
décor and superb facilities.
contemporary safari style being a vibrant and eclectic mix
However, the luxurious accommodation, the chance to
of furnishings and décor garnered from all corners of Africa.
enjoy a dusk time bath outside while enjoying the scenery, the
Accommodating only 25 couples the lodge has earned a
lusciously comfortable beds, the thick pillows and the beautiful
reputation of warmth, service excellence and personalised
firelight evenings, all dull in comparison to the importance of
their work.
Little Bush Camp is a celebration of Today and Tomorrow
It is human hands that are affecting the delicate ecosystem
and exudes consummate African hospitality. The lodge is
of the African plains and it is by human hands that this needs
intimate- just 6 ultra-luxurious suits, epitomising ‘African
to be fixed. Places like Sabi Sabi offer a safe haven for animals,
adornment’ and imbued with décor from our diverse continent,
the opportunity to protect their immediate environment and
making this unique lodge an ideal retreat for small groups
the chance to influence the minds of people visiting to see this
seeking an idyllic hideaway.
Earth Lodge, the Sabi Sabi of Tomorrow, is a celebration of
By 2020 it is expected that 10% of the income of South
ecological responsibility. Sculpted into a slope of the earth, the
Africa will come from the tourism industry, which will give the
lodge merges so well into the surrounding bushveld that is it
opportunity for more protection of these wildlife oasis’ as well
virtually invisible. From the unexpected arrival via a concealed
as further chances for Sabi Sabi to demonstrate to the industry,
pathway to the dramatic entrance a vast foyer with a huge
as a whole, the best way to affect and enrich the hearts and
sweep of a semi-circular ceiling framed by waterfalls gently
minds of their guests by giving them more than they expect
tumbling from the roof into a central rock pool, everything here
and treating them like African royalty. Endeavour Magazine | 83
BRITTANY FERRIES SEES 78% SURGE IN PET TRAVEL IN LAST 8 YEARS For the seventh year in a row, the number of
pet passport scheme and customers’ testimonials.
pets travelling on Brittany Ferries has increased.
Pet-friendly cabins are always the first to sell
According to latest figures from the cross channel
out on Brittany Ferries’ sailings. They come with
ferry operator, for 2015 they totalled 67,462, up
an attractive and hygienic laminate floor and offer
almost 17% on 2014, or more than 78% on 2008
plenty of room for a dog basket. More kennels
have been added too - there are now 114 of these
To help those who don’t want to leave
across the fleet – along with open deck walking
Fido behind, the company has announced
areas. In total, there are three options for those
it has further expanded its range of pet-
wishing to take their pets on holiday with them.
friendly hotels, campsites, cottages and villas.
As well as pet-friendly cabins and on-board
There are now more than 800 in total on the
kennels, for routes to and from France, there is
www.brittany-ferries.co.uk website. Making it
also the option to carry your pet in the car. There
easier for travellers, Brittany Ferries also offers
are regular visits to the car decks for owners to
a pet-friendly property search option on its
check on their loved one.
website, as well as a section dedicated to pet
“Boarding kennels can cost as much as £150
owners giving hints and tips, information on the
a week in Londo, and more than £100 a week
84 | Endeavour Magazine
YEAR PETS CARRIED 2008 37,766 2009 39,862 2010 39,918 2011 43,975 2012 51,997 2013 55,174 2014 57,670 2015
in outside the capital,” said Christiane Barker, general manager Brittany Ferries holidays. “But aside from the money, there’s the emotional cost of leaving a key member of the family behind. More people want to take the family pet on holiday, particularly as many properties make no charge.”
SOME INTERESTING FACTS Before 2012, Britain’s pet-passport rules were much stricter than the rest of Europe’s. Animals had to be vaccinated against rabies six months before travelling and have a blood test to prove the vaccine has been effective. Under the new rules, animals need to be vaccinated only 21 days before travelling, and the blood test, for which vets charge up to £100, has been scrapped altogether. All pets still need to be microchipped under the pet passport scheme. Pet-friendly cabins are available from Portsmouth to Le Havre, Bilbao and Santander.
ABOUT BRITTANY FERRIES Brittany Ferries is a passenger car and freight service operating from eleven ports, linking four countries: UK - France, UK - Spain and Ireland – France. The company was set up by a collective of French farmers as a freight-only operator, running from Roscoff in Brittany to Plymouth with the first crossing taking place on 1 January 1973, the date the United Kingdom joined the EEC (forerunner to the EU). The aim then was to bring French agricultural products to a wider British market. However, the service quickly developed into an operation carrying hundreds of thousands of British tourists, eager to experience the delights of Brittany and Normandy. Today Brittany Ferries is the market leader on the Western Channel for passengers and for freight. It is also a leading supplier of ferryinclusive motoring holidays to France and Spain.
Endeavour Magazine | 85
Pyramids By Terry Pratchett With Pyramids, the seventh Discworld opus, Terry Pratchett’s unstoppable creative genius unleashes some of the most cosmic comic mayhem the series had seen up to that point. While the story is weirdly schizophrenic, such a thing isn’t necessarily a liability in the anything-goes world of farce. Our hero, this time, is Teppic, heir to the throne of Djelibeybi, a sliver of a kingdom that bears, you might say, a passing resemblance to ancient Egypt. Wanting to make a little something of himself in the world and unsatisfied with the nonsensically ritualised life awaiting him if he stays at home, Teppic travels to Ankh-Morpork where he enrols as a student in the Assassins Guild (makes sense). But when his father, the moderately
Let’s Pretend This Never Happened: (A Mostly True Memoir)
mad Teppicymon XXVII, unceremoniously kicks the bucket, Teppic must make his way back home (a journey Pratchett all but ignores in the interest of just getting him back there) to assume the throne.
Jenny Lawson realised that the most mortifying moments of
Assume it he does, but any illusion that he actually rules anything
our lives—the ones we’d like to pretend never happened—are in
evaporates once he meets Dios, his high priest, a character similar
fact the ones that define us. In the #1 New York Times bestseller,
to Deacon Vorbis in the later Small Gods, though not depicted by
Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, Lawson takes readers on a
Pratchett as quite as ruthless a fellow. Teppic’s dialogue exchanges
hilarious journey recalling her bizarre upbringing in rural Texas, her
with Dios are among the funniest Pratchett has written, as the
devastatingly awkward high school years and her relationship with
young and confused pseudo-king tries to figure out exactly where
her long-suffering husband, Victor. Chapters include: Stanley the
he stands in the order of things. Indeed, it is Dios running the show
Magical, Talking Squirrel; A Series of Angry Post-It Notes to My
and things begin really getting out of hand when Dios manipulates
Husband; My Vagina Is Fine. Thanks for Asking and, And Then I
Teppic into ordering the construction of the largest pyramid ever
Snuck a Dead Cuban Alligator on an Airplane. Pictures with captions
built for his late father. Teppic is none too happy about this (and
(no one would believe these things without proof) accompany the
neither is the ghost of his father, who, now dead, is finally beginning
to enjoy life and doesn’t want to be cooped up in an enormous mausoleum), because Djelibeybi is frankly overrun with pyramids. But what can he do?
86 | Endeavour Magazine
Parker Pyne Investigates By Agatha Christie Parker Pyne Investigates is a short story collection written by Agatha Christie and first published in the UK by William Collins and Sons in November 1934. Along with The Listerdale Mystery, this collection did not appear under the usual imprint of the Collins Crime Club but instead appeared as part of the Collins Mystery series. It appeared in the US later in the same year published by Dodd, Mead and Company under the title Mr. Parker Pyne, Detective. The UK edition retailed at seven shillings and sixpence and the US edition at $2.00. The collection comprises of twelve of her fourteen stories featuring detective James Parker Pyne; the two remaining stories, Problem at Pollensa Bay and The Regatta Mystery were later collected, although these were originally stories featuring Hercule Poirot when they were first published in the Strand Magazine in 1935 and 1936 respectively. James Parker Pyne is a retired Government employee who considers himself to be a “detective of the heart”. Advertising his services in the personal column of The Times, he works alongside his secretary, Miss Lemon, novelist, Ariadne Oliver, handsome ‘lounge lizard Claude Luttrell and disguise artist Madeleine de Sara. The first six stories deal with Pyne solving cases in England, while the second six stories detail Pyne’s vacation, where he hopes not to have to do detective work only to end up helping others anyway.
Endeavour Magazine | 87
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