April 2014

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APRIL 2014




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EDITORIAL Heads of Departments Editor in Chief Daemon Sands daemonsands@littlegatepublishing.com Director General Don Campbell doncampbell@littlegatepublishing.com Editorial Research Manager Alex Smith alexsmith@littlegatepublishing.com Sales Director James Martin jamesmartin@littlegatepublishing.com Sales Manager Tyler Harrison tylerharrison@littlegatepublishing.com


pril Fools has landed on a

today are to help you succeed in this

Tuesday and as the second

new world of “online” and if you allow

day of the week is collectively

yourself to get left behind you deserve

known as being the most uninspiring

to be left behind.

day, this could prove to be the most

Interviewing ISSUU CEO Joe Hyrkin

boring Aprils fools in at least the last

regarding some of the developments,

seven years.

he predicts a watershed movement,

Meanwhile, we at the Littlegate

an explosive evolution of handheld

Towers have been pushing to get more


of our readers to take a serious look at

platforms to help bring the content

the internet as a means of encouraging

of the internet to the users. Along

Any enquiries or subscriptions can be sent to info@littlegatepublishing.com ENDEAVOUR MAGAZINE is published by Littlegate Publishing LTD which is a Registered Company in the United Kingdom. Company Registration: 07657236 VAT registration number: 116 776007

their businesses to develop secondary

with this he expects an unseen

flows of revenues for themselves.

before development of the systems

We’ve been pushing against old-styled

monetizing the internet to make it

attitudes of people with the mind-

even easier to build a steady income

set of yesteryear to change the way

directly from content production.

they look at the internet as not just

It’s an exciting time to be in business

343 City Road Kings Lane London Norwich EC1 V1LR NR1 3PS Littlegate Publishing Ltd does not accept responsibility for omissions or errors. The points of view expressed in articles by attributing writers and/or in advertisements included in this magazine do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this magazine, no legal responsibility will be accepted by the publishers for loss arising from use of information published. All rights reserved. No part of this

an entertainment platform but as a

and furthermore an exciting time to

genuine means of making money.

have business ideas and we’ve brought

A number of cold old hard truths need

you a range of companies with some

to be nailed into the minds of people.

of the best approaches and strongest

One, no matter who you are, you are

innovations to hit their industries.

judged by how much you are worth

Please enjoy,

Corporate Director Anthony Letchumaman anthonyl@littlegatepublishing.com Lead Designer Alina Sandu studio@littlegatepublishing.com Publisher Stephen Warman stevewarman@littlegatepublishing.com

publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrievable system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher. Copyright © Littlegate Publishing Ltd 2014



to other people, your value is what you can offer to others. Another is that the world’s speed of change has accelerated. Our parents say the world changes fast, yet they can’t conceive of the speed. In fact, if you don’t make a concerted effort to keep up with the technology you will be left behind. A large portion of the innovations made

Endeavour Magazine | 3


32 AMS Properties

FEATURES 26 AMS Properties Big Goals, Big Expectations 32 Mario’s Pizza Not Too Cheesy 40 Power Group Constructing Sustainability 46 Cayman Automotive Cruising With Cayman 52 Mining Haulage Company Ltd Giants In Copper Movement 58 Amalgamated Security Services Ltd Everything It Takes 64 KenGen Kenya’s Powerhouse Lighting Up Kenya

38 Mario’s Pizza 4 | Endeavour Magazine

64 Amalgamated Security Services

ARTICLES 6 Joe Hyrkin Analogue To Digital 10 Web Clean Up: The Next Big Industry Run And Owned By Deviants 12 The Empire Strikes Back 14 3 Wheeled City Scooter City Driving Redesigned 18 Gadgets 20 Headlines 24 Become A True Traveller In The Gambia 70 David Redfearn 74 Parkour Generations Jumping That Gap 78 Book Reviews

46 Power Group

Endeavour Magazine | 5

Joe Hyrkin I



’ve wanted to speak with Joe Hyrkin for a long time. The CEO

publications like the New York Times Style Magazine, Vice and Mad

of ISSUU.com, the online digital media platform that in 2006


answered the much debated question of where print publications

Standing at its helm is one Joe Hyrkin who has been in the CEO

were and are going, he is at the head of one of the pioneering forces

position since early 2013 and who has entered into Issuu.com with

paving the roads into the future that the rest of us can walk upon.

the intention of bringing the company to the next level. This may

At first glance, Issuu.com simulates the experience of reading

sound quaint until you understand the standard that Issuu.com, which

a print publication online; a digital newsstand with over 16 million

was initially created in Denmark by original founders Michael Hansen,

publications and over 80 million unique monthly visitors ISSUU

Ruben Bjerg Hansen, Mikkel Jensen, and Martin Ferro-Thomsen, has

features leading and emerging titles in fashion, culture, arts, as well

already achieved. In 2009 the company was named one of TIME’S 50

as hyper local content, all of which are accessible on any electronic

Best Websites and is fixed within the top 500 websites on the traffic

device. The platform of choice for publishers Issuu.com proudly

monitor website alexa.com and with over 16 million publishers and

exhibits local newsletters and family albums right alongside major

80 million unique visitors a month I wanted to speak with Joe Hyrkin

6 | Endeavour Magazine

In 2009 ISSUU.com was named one of TIME’S 50 Best Websites and is fixed within the top 500 websites on the traffic monitor website alexa.com.

regarding not only his plans for

California where the HQ was

companies and backed by such

Virage’s interactive group which

the future of Issuu.com but also

recently moved, and having spent



provides services to major media

for an insight into his operations

a good chunk of his career in

Benchmark, Redpoint, Trinity,

and entertainment companies,

and his approach to success.

media and content management

Floodgate, Baseline, MDV and

enabling them to publish, search

always being at the very cutting

DAG he is a man who is listened

and distribute video. This was

edge of the industry, Joe brings a


right at the start of the web

The Best Man For The Job



wealth of experience to the table.

“During the 90s, I was in

video movement and Virage

Recognized as a pioneering

Asia running the Economist’s

went public in 2000. After that,

Formerly of Reverb, Trinity

force, Joe has been the CEO,

China business, as the EIU was

I went to Yahoo, where I ran the

Ventures and Yahoo, Joe Hyrkin

business and product developer

just starting to explore moving

business side of Flickr and multi-

is the Chief Executive Office

for some of Silicon Valley’s

content from analogue to digital,”

media search.”

working from the HQ in Palo Alto

most impressive and innovative

he explains, “And helped set up

He goes on to add, “I also

Endeavour Magazine | 7

served as CEO of Wordnik, now Reverb, which was a leading automated meaning discovery engine and discovery app.” While there he led the creation a



execution discovery

of and

recommendation product plan, and raised millions in two rounds of funding from companies such as Floodgate, Baseline and many others. The innovation of Wordnik, thrust Joe into the public eye, leading to intensive interviews of the likes of Business Insider, New York Times and Venture Beat (yes, many of them are the same companies that now use Issuu.com) “It’s





and he

testifies, “Bringing the chance for publishers to get their content in

front of people who want to see it.” In 2010, Joe completed a role as EIR with Trinity Ventures and spent six months focused on next generation



community, crowdsourcing and social media, making it clear that Joe Hyrkin is a man who is never satisfied merely riding the wave of innovation, but wants to be the person making the wave. “I like being a pioneer,” he

For the last twenty five years, we’ve been held back by the garish banner ads and pay per click banners that have served their purpose but not evolved much. What we’re going to be seeing soon will be innovative, sleek and glossy-like ads that engage readers.”

that attracted me,” he says

endeavours, “We didn’t need to

range of industries firmly and

simply, “They have deliberately,

focus very much on selling the

enthusiastically embracing the

intentionally created platform

product at all,” Joe elaborates,

next generation of technologies

to transform the publishing and

“We simply created an eco-

like never before:

print industry into digital and to

system for publishers much

“There will be a unity of

facilitate the effective set up of

the same as Youtube did for

content to fuel people’s passions,”

A certain structure to the

a means for publishers to share

videos and allowed it to grow

he continues, “And with a billion

mind of a pioneer exists and is

content with consumers through


Android products being sold this

reliant on keystones such as

an easy media.”

says sagely, “I like being at the cutting edge, being involved in the real changes that count.”


“Enable content to discover

bravery, original thinking and unbending



State Of Industry The digital industry is only

people,” he adds.

year, there will soon be a massive evolution around monetization of the internet.

succeed. As Joe chose to step

And it clearly answered

going to continue to grow

“For the last twenty five

into the CEO seat of Issuu.

a need because as one of the

and develop and Joe foretells

years, we’ve been held back by

com I was eager to know what

busiest platforms it’s happened



the garish banner ads and pay per

attracted him to the position.




moment approaching in due

click banners that have served




to the largest players in a wide

their purpose but not evolved

“It was Issuu.com’s approach

8 | Endeavour Magazine





much. What we’re going to be

environment that suits his own

is the biggest business on

currently we are only scratching

seeing soon will be innovative,

initiative and priorities,

the internet and survives on

the surface.

sleek and glossy-like ads that engage readers.”

“The Denmark guys are efficiency,”

and with Yahoo, Google and

explosion around mobile and

Facebook looking into publishing

tablets,” he assures us, “We’ve

connection between consumer

opportunities to draw in their

just launched our android app

Having surrounded himself

and publishers, they treat this



and it’s where things are going

by the very cream of the crop,

not just as a business with

ISSUU has an all-important head

to go, content needs to make the

Joe is quick to present credit

numbers but as a service, a really

start on the industry.

move from desk tops to phones if

where it is due.

important means to bridge the

“The core plan for this year is

it’s going to be seen. Content to

“I am fortunate enough to

gap between those with the

to build on the product,” he tells

the consumers is incumbent on

have a great team of experienced,

content and those wanting to see

us, “There is so much enthusiasm


seasoned professionals,” he says,

it. And when you organize two

and we’re looking at ways to

“I love where I am. Right out

“ The headquarters have been

international offices just right

further connect and make us of

here on the cutting edge,” he

made in Paola Alto in the States,

you find you’re often passing

our platform, to facilitate the

happily concludes.

but the Denmark office where

the ball between each other

content for both publishers

the product was first created is

and coming up with the best

and consumers and keep it as

intrinsic to the operations and I


straight forward and as smooth

go back every six weeks or so for


“There is going to be an

he says, “And about creating a



the creation of new content

and professionalism, Joe feels that at ISSUU he has found an

Joe explains that publishing

day online.” Pointing out that you cannot put a price on real experience


as possible.”

Watershed Movements, Core Goals, 2014 Is A Big Year

a face to face and we speak every


Returning to the topic of monetization of the internet, Joe reveals that he believes it will be a large part through the innovation and development of the apps people use and that

Endeavour Magazine | 9



ndoor plumbing was right up there with the discovery of the wheel. Amongst all of the inventions that separate humanity from animals the invention

of a system to remove one person’s waste and make it the problem of someone else is the most human of them all. Plumbers make a lot of money, because there is no better motivator for paying someone to fix a problem than when that problem is seeping into your carpets or spraying up onto the ceiling. Frankly it’s a horrible situation when something that you’ve flushed away suddenly spews into your world for everyone to see and the internet has already started to do that for all of us. Reasonably if you’re reading this you have the internet, if you have the internet you’re probably aware of at least one of an established 100+ social networking sites you could be on and have joined at least one of them and forgotten that you have a profile on another. If this is the case you’ll know that whatever you put online stays online. Like radio waves, they don’t just disappear when you delete something which means that it’s still

10 | Endeavour Magazine

all online. Just floating around,

TV stars spread across Britain



did you get that? The internet

waiting for someone to find them.

enjoying pseudo-fame founded

inexorably onto every social



has created a wonderful way for

Consider how quickly things

not on talent but on a social



us to dump our lives online for

can become viral, for example

hunger we have to highlight and

embarrassing images of you is


people to see, making it easier

the story of British girl Gemma

vilify online idiocracy.

just a case of searching Google

for us to engage in being social.

Worrall who Tweeted an albeit

However, what if Gemma

and scrolling down. In fact with

However, the sewer system has

idiotic Tweet about US President

Worrall, who has claimed to

even a meagre online footprint

now clogged up with all sorts of

Obama “if baraco barner is our

have seventeen GSCEs, ever

you would be shocked to see the

effluent rising to the surface and

president why is he getting

wants to become a teacher? Or

sites where you can find your

in the same way that the first

involved with Russia, scary”

had a career plan that included


plumbers and sewerage workers

only to find it Retweeted over

working with children or special


saw opportunity in going where

seven thousand times over the

needs? What if she wanted to

you may think you are, there

No Man Had Gone Before, so too

course of a day and for interview

be a solicitor for a major law firm

is a vast catalogue of errors,

will the next major industry come

requests being thrown at her

and was working her way up,

misdemeanours, dumb moves

in the form of internet cleansing.

from international newspapers.

confident that any embarrassing

and embarrassing stuff, just

It would be an industry


waiting to expose itself to the

that would rely solely on the











may not be a complete moronic,

ignorance of a generation that

ignorant troglodyte. But she

doesn’t understand the internet

certainly didn’t plan that Tweet

and still believes that what is put

to have that kind of response nor

online can remain private. And,

to be catapulted from relative

until the software is invented

anonymity into an overnight

to distinguish between what is

sensation with pictures of her in

important (ie. bank accounts,

USA flag pants, and night outs

voters registers, online utilities,

popping up in popular websites

gas, electric, water etc) and what

across the internet.

must never fall into the sight

She’s been seen on television,

of a living person (an image of

she’s been referenced in chat

a spewing sewer pipe would be

shows and she has become the

appropriate), the job will be done

overnight poster-girl for the

by a person.



It will become the job of the

adults. Furthermore, no matter



relative few with the inclination

what the truth is about her

and the experience of getting rid

intelligence or her virtue, the

of incriminating online evidence

media has slipped her into a

hidden beneath the cap of

world the instant the spot light

to remove ours from the internet,

category which she will not


lands on you.

or bury it so deeply that it’ll never

escape until the media is finished pilfering


Sudden internet fame can

You may see panic in this

resurface. The only sentence on


be a horrific inconvenience if

reality. I see opportunity. You see

these people’s CVs will read,

picture, every drunken status

you have something online that

an expanding history of decades

“If you Google me you will find



you’re trying to hide. Public

of nude images and drunken

absolutely nothing…. Try it.”

throwaway comment made on

scrutiny is a callous thing and the

memes that will forever be within

Yes, today’s pleasant thought

Twitter while not really thinking,

internet has made journalists out

scrolling distance from a possible

is that we will pay money for

and exposed it to us all.



of us all, if you have a dirty secret,

employer’s finger tips and I see a

deviants to find and destroy our

If she wants a life in the spot

whatever it is and no matter how

vast untapped gold mine.

unwanted laundry.

light as a future Kardashian girl

old, if it was ever online, it can be

then that’s fine, she will surely

found online.

be able to join the ranks of reality



My analogy about plumbing at the beginning of the article was



And they will be the richest sewer workers in the world.

a metaphor about the internet-

Endeavour Magazine | 11



o Blacks, No Irish, No Dogs”. That was the sign in

to reduce net immigration down to the “tens of thousands” and

many windows in Birmingham 1950, when my father

certainly below 100,000. However this is becoming increasingly

was looking for accommodation. Rooms that were

difficult to meet. Net immigration rose by 30% to 212,000 in the 12

advertised for rent had somehow “just been taken,” shortly before he

months to September 2013. The Government has few ways of cutting

knocked on the front door of that particular address. When he was

immigration. Nationals of other European Union countries have the

growing up in Jamaica, he had thought of Britain as the motherland.

right to move here freely, while asylum seekers are protected by the

Then after fighting for the British Army in the Second World War,

Human Rights Act. Of course there need to be strict rules dealing

he was shocked to be asked “When are you going back home to the

with illegal immigrants, but the effect of the current Immigration Bill,

Caribbean?,” when he came to England to live. But scoring a century

now going through parliament, is that it unfairly targets academics,

for Warwickshire County Cricket Club changed him overnight from

business people, students and other high flyers from outside the EU.

being described in the local Sports Argus as “Jamaican Immigrant” to

But the net migration reduction targets are not only undeliverable,

“local Brummie hero!”

but damaging to the British economy. As a former Immigration Judge,

Fast forward to August 2012. Instead of racist signs in windows, millions of British TV viewers and thousands in the Olympic Stadium

I also know from experience that Immigration court cases and appeals can be costly and can drag on for years.

were chanting “Go Mo, Go Mo!” as a Somali immigrant named Mo

From January of this year the visa restrictions on Bulgarians and

Farah ran to double Olympic Gold. But what was also significant

Romanians coming to Britain were lifted. But whilst EU Immigration

about the man from Mogadishu was that he was wearing a British

rules have been relaxed, those concerning outside Europe are

vest. Today many of Britain’s high achievers in public life, business,

being tightened. This is having an unfair effect on those from the

entertainment and sport are from immigrant backgrounds. Two

Commonwealth and African countries. No non-EU spouse can join

centuries ago Britain became Great by colonising other parts of the

you unless you earn a minimum of £18,600 per year. This increases

world. Now the Empire is coming home.

to £22,400 for any family with a child and an extra £2,400 for each

The two largest parties in Britain, Conservative and Labour,

additional child. Up to the end of 2012, parents and grandparents

seem currently determined to outdo each other in tough rhetoric

of any UK citizen could come here after the age of 65. Now they

on immigration. I have no doubt this is being egged on by the rising

can only join their family if they need “long-term personal care to

popularity of UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) in the polls.

perform everyday tasks, such as washing and cooking” that is not

An atmosphere has been created that Britain is fundamentally hostile

available in their own country. The National Health Service has

to those not born here. With the European elections in May and the

already lost some highly skilled foreign doctors, from Commonwealth

next General Election about 14 months away, this anti-immigrant

and African countries, because they have had to return overseas to

rhetoric is more about politics than policy.

care for elderly relatives. The further effect of these rules on non-EU

The Conservatives in the Coalition Government have a target

12 | Endeavour Magazine

immigrants is that children, including British children and babies, are

being separated from their families. According


since 2000 were 45% less likely to receive


benefits in the period up to 2011 than

figures, international students in

the host population. They were also 3%

higher education contributed £10.2 billion to the UK economy in 201112 alone. The UK is the second most popular destination, (after America), for international students. However the total number of


students in UK universities fell for the first time on record in 2012-13. As well as students, staff from non-EU countries make a vital contribution to teaching and research in UK universities. In 2011-12, 11% of all academic staff were from outside the EU. Universities UK have expressed real concern that the new Immigration Bill will further damage the UK’s ability

less likely to need social housing. Over the same period EU immigrants have on

It is not in Britain’s best interests to give the impression that immigrants are unwelcome.”

average contributed 34% more in taxes than they received in transfers. Immigrants from outside the EU contributed 2% more in taxes. In contrast, over the same period, the total of UK hosts’ tax payments were 11% lower than the transfers they received. Recent immigrants are also far better educated than their hosts. In 2011, 32% of recent EU immigrants and 43% of recent non-EU immigrants had a University degree. The comparable figure for the UK host population is 21%. The main reasons for the net positive fiscal contribution of immigrants is their higher average labour

to attract international students and

participation and their lower receipt of


welfare benefits.

It is not in Britain’s best interests

The Government claims it still wants to

to give the impression that immigrants

attract the “brightest and best” immigrants,



whose presence is deemed most beneficial

College London Centre for Research

to Britain. But a firm immigration policy

and Analysis of Migration (CREAM)

should also be a fair one. The determination

produced some compelling evidence

to also reduce overall net migration is in

in its report The Fiscal Effects of

real danger of creating tension between

Immigration to the UK, in November

communities. Good politics does not

2013. UK immigrants who arrived

always mean good policy.



Endeavour Magazine | 13

3 Wheeled City Scooter



rban traffic congestion is a major problem in many European

with a new 3-wheel concept.

cities, and is set against a background of increased

The all-new Tricity is the first model in Yamaha’s New Mobility

environmental awareness and the squeeze on many

segment, and it represents a new solution to the issue of personal

consumers’ disposable incomes. The landscape of personal mobility

transportation. Unlike some other larger and heavier multi wheel

is set to change drastically, and Yamaha is working to develop New

scooter-style vehicles, the Tricity has been developed using a

Mobility solutions designed to facilitate and encourage the adoption

completely different approach in which lightness, sportiness, agility

of a new mindset amongst urban commuters.

and ease of use are the key elements.

Despite the availability of a wide choice of scooters, a huge number of commuters continue to make their daily journey into the city using public transport or a car. In addition to these non-riding members

An alternative approach

of the public, there are also those riders who currently commute on

Featuring twin front wheels that automatically lean when

2-wheels - or may have done so in the past - and are attracted by the

cornering, the new Tricity delivers scooter-like agility combined with

increased feeling of stability and riding confidence that are associated

enhanced confidence and an increased feeling of stability. With a

14 | Endeavour Magazine

Yamaha’s designers have created a smart body design that accentuates the modern and aesthetic appeal of this New Mobility vehicle. Viewed from the side, the beautiful lines of the front cowl flow smoothly into the flat footboard area and through to the rear cowl. The contrasting colors of the body panels enhance the futuristic profile - while the combination of the aerodynamic front cowl together with an upswept tail and angular twin front fenders gives an overall impression of dynamic movement.

strong focus on riding enjoyment, ease of use and affordability, Yamaha’s Tricity is equipped to

New Leaning Multi Wheel Chassis

Hidden behind the lightweight front cowl, a lightweight parallelogram link gives the rider the ability to lean the Tricity in much the same way as a conventional two-wheel scooter. The parallelogram

The Tricity’s exclusive new

link’s component parts are connected to the forks and the frame’s

Leaning Multi Wheel (LMW)

steering head and when the Tricity rider enters a turn this system

mechanism has been developed

allows the twin front wheels to lean over in parallel. While leaning over,


specifically by Yamaha for their

the track (distance between the twin front wheels) remains almost

Corporation focused on creating

New Mobility vehicles and it

consistent ensuring a natural and intuitive feel during cornering.

a future-proof concept that

features a patented system that

Another key element of Yamaha’s new LMW mechanism is the

offers an attractive and realistic

is designed to create a good

use of special tandem-type cantilevered telescopic front forks that

alternative for today’s urban

feeling of stability, combined

feature two separate tubes for each wheel. The rear fork tubes

commuters. The key targets for

with a sporty and agile handling

function as guides, while the front fork tubes handle the shock

the Tricity were set as follows:


absorbing functions to deliver smooth cushioning throughout the

transform the daily lives of urban commuters throughout Europe. The team

Tricity in



Endeavour Magazine | 15

90mm stroke. The suspension system on each front wheel operates

4-stroke engine that has been designed to produce good acceleration

completely independently, and this gives a smooth and stable feel

from low speeds, together with smooth higher speed operation. The

over bumpy road surfaces and in changing road conditions.

engine benefits from specially designed intake and exhaust systems that enhance performance in typical urban stop/start situations,

Lightweight cast alloy wheels

making the Tricity a strong performer in congested city streets.

For sure-footed roadholding and easy handling over a variety of

This new engine is equipped with a special cylinder that has been

road surfaces, the Tricity is equipped with twin 14-inch aluminium

developed using Yamaha’s leading casting technology. Manufactured

front wheels that are fitted with 90/80-14 tyres. Featuring 3 pairs

from aluminium alloy with specific silicon content, this lightweight

of V-shaped cast spokes, these beautifully styled lightweight wheels

cylinder has no steel sleeve, and the piston runs directly onto an

complement the dynamic and elegant bodywork to give the Tricity a

aluminium bore. This unique design gives excellent heat distribution,

unique and enchanting image.

which in turn contributes towards stable engine performance and

At the rear the Tricity is equipped with a 12-inch diameter cast

improved lubricant life.

alloy wheel with a 110/90-12 tyre, and this 3-wheel layout delivers a

For high levels of economy the new engine is equipped with

smooth and comfortable ride together with good levels of cornering

Yamaha’s exclusive YMJET-FI fuel injection system that ensures high

grip for confident roadholding.

combustion efficiency with smooth low speed acceleration, together with a responsive power feeling through the mid and high rpm ranges.

Unified Brake System (UBS) The Tricity is equipped with a Unified Brake System (UBS) that is designed to enhance stopping efficiency and deliver smoother chassis characteristics during braking. The system incorporates twin 220m diameter front discs and a 230mm rear disc and when only the left hand brake lever is applied, the braking force is applied to the rear

The lively 125cc engine transmits its power to the rear wheel via an efficient CVT transmission for smooth and easy acceleration, making the Tricity an ideal means of transport for customers who have little or no scootering experience.

Light and compact Weighing just 152 kg with fuel and oil, the defining characteristic

wheel and also to the front wheels, giving balanced and effective

of the new Tricity is its light, compact and agile handling feeling that

stopping power.

sets Yamaha’s New Mobility engineering philosophy apart from the

When the rider applies only the right hand lever, the front brakes

larger and heavier multi-wheel models available in the market.

are applied, and when the rider applies both the left and right levers at

With its confidence inspiring 3-wheel design - combined with a

the same time the Unified Brake System distributes the braking force

fun-to-ride character and a smart, modern image - this revolutionary

to the front and back brakes using input from both levers.

new model is ready to win the hearts and minds of those non-riding

The intelligent UBS technology not only makes the Tricity easy to

commuters who are ready to make a change to their daily lives. Of

use, it also ensures smoother stopping with minimal fluctuation in the

course, the Tricity is also sure to find favour with many past and

handlebar motion.

present scooter riders who value the additional benefits that this

Smooth, lively and economical Powering the Tricity is a newly developed 125cc liquid-cooled 16 | Endeavour Magazine

compact 3-wheel scooter has to offer. The lightweight bodywork is both strong and easy to clean, making it ideal for the rigours of city life - while the aluminium wheels

keep unsprung weight low for

distribution, this idealized centre




comfortable journey for the rider and passenger.


of gravity is another key factor in

The upswept legshields and flat footboard area give a roomy

with smooth and responsive

achieving a light and responsive

riding position with easy accessibility, and the lightweight bodywork

suspension characteristics. The

handling character.

and sports screen also help to protect the rider from the wind and

strong new tubular frame design also offers a large flat footboard with plenty of space for the rider, while also contributing towards weight reduction.

weather. There’s plenty of storage space under the seat, which can accommodate full-face helmet designs, and a convenience hook in

Contemporary Design Yamaha’s


front of the rider gives useful carrying capacity. have

created a smart body design

50:50 weight distribution and centralized centre of gravity

that accentuates the modern and aesthetic appeal of this New Mobility vehicle. Viewed from the side, the beautiful lines of the front cowl flow smoothly

Easy to read instruments and LED lights Just like the rest of this new urban commuter, the instruments are stylish, functional and easy to use. An animated sequence greets the rider when the Tricity is turned on, and the attractive full LCD instrument panel features a central digital speedometer flanked by a clock, air temperature gauge and odometer. The display also includes an array of indicator lights, and the easy to read design displays the


into the flat footboard area and

a major role in shaping the

through to the rear cowl. The

handling and character of every

contrasting colors of the body

vehicle, and this lightweight

panels enhance the futuristic

urban commuter benefits from

profile - while the combination

a 50:50 weight distribution. This

of the aerodynamic front cowl

philosophy of distributing the

together with an upswept tail

weight evenly between the front

and angular twin front fenders

By ensuring that the company’s entire design, development

and rear wheels is the same as

gives an overall impression of

and production processes are operating at a high level of efficiency,

the approach used on Yamaha’s

dynamic movement.

Yamaha have been able to ensure that its new generation of models



MotoGP bikes, and it contributes




relevant information in a clear manner. To enhance the futuristic styling the Tricity is equipped with dual front LED position lights, and there is also an LED taillight and LED license plate lamp.

Affordable price and low running costs

can be produced with reduced lead times and also at a highly competitive price.

greatly towards achieving the

bodywork is functional as well

Tricity’s easy manoeuvrability

as fashionable, and Tricity riders

Available from Yamaha European dealers in summer 2014, the


can look forward to experiencing

new Tricity will be priced at less than €4,000, confirming its aim to

a relaxed and comfortable ride

really create a new segment in the urban commuter market.




handling character. Furthermore, the Tricity’s

on their journey to work. The

With high fuel economy and low maintenance costs, this innovative

centre of gravity has been set at

stepped dual seat features a

New Mobility vehicle is poised to change the urban commuter market

a point just below the front of the

slip resistant material, and its

and introduce many new and existing riders to an affordable, easy and

seat, and together with the low

generous length and substantial

more enjoyable way to live every day.

overall weight and 50:50 weight

cushioning material ensures a Endeavour Magazine | 17


Aurora LUCID

DREAMING HEADSET sounds way more convenient than carrying an imaginary top that will perpetually spin when you let it loose on a tabletop. Aurora is a headband that’s worn on the forehead, right above the


eyes. Armed with electrodes, an accelerometer, a heart rate monitor,

ruth be told, lucid dreaming sounds fun. Figuring out how to

and sleep staging software, it will determine exactly when you’ve

get into a state where you have clear awareness while you’re

entered a dream state and proceed to inform you using visual cues. It

dreaming, however, is a whole other matter entirely. Simply

comes with an accompanying app where you can set the kind of LED

put, it’s far easier to dismiss it as one of those woo-woo things only

signals you want to receive, although the headband can function on

weirdos take part in than put in immense effort to experience. That

its own even without being paired with the phone. As an alternative,

may change soon if the Aurora Headset lives up to its promise of

you can opt to have sounds played from the phone as an audio alert to

helping ease novices into finding lucid dreaming success.

accompany the LED’s visuals (you need to pair them via Bluetooth if

An EEG-based headband, its primary function is to play special

you want audio, though).

lights during the REM phase of your slumber to help you become

A successfully-funded Kickstarter project, the Aurora is now

aware that you are in dream state as you sleep. Basically, it provides

under production. They’re still offering it for preorder directly from

a kind of alert to clue in your brain that you’re in a dream -- which

the iWinks website, priced at $199. Shipments are slated for June.


aking video reviews of motorcycles always sounds like

Go Pro HERO CAM www.gopro.com £239.00

a lot of fun until you’re faced with having to sort the problem about filming the thing. The temptation is to duct

tape a few camcorders around your bike and yourself in the hope that at least one of them will manage to capture something usable. But even then it’s hit and miss not to mention such activities will certainly remove any hope of making a cool review video. Enter the Go Pro Hero Cam 3. Designed to be the most versatile camera, this small digital marvel is the latest evolution of the same Go-Pro that caused such a stir when it was first launched. The Go Pro Hero 3, is impact resistant, water resistant and mounted on a manoeuvrable arm with a suction cup that can happily hold the weight of a fully grown man travelling at 180 miles an hour screaming down the freeway (best not ask how I worked that one out). It also has faster Wifi and an smartphone Go Pro App (free) where you can mount the camera where you want and control the recording and editing with the use of your phone instead of having to fiddle with buttons while hoping you’re hitting record and not delete. Go Pro is the camera of choice for any review programme involving vehicles because the designs are the strongest, the camera is the sharpest and the battery last the longest. It also works as a portable security cam if you ever need it and it can also substitute as a spy cam if that’s how you get your kicks.

18 | Endeavour Magazine


he UVA+B Sunfriend features LED lights that indicate when

designed the SunFriend to help people optimize their vitamin D and

users have had a healthy dose of sunlight

reduce the incidence of skin cancer simultaneously.”

Most of us are aware of the dangers surrounding the

The waterproof wristband contains patented, NASA-inspired UV

amount of time we spend in the sun. Although we rely on exposure

sensors with LED indicators that light up as UV exposure accumulates,

to sunlight to provide us with vitamin D, a lack of protection from

before flashing once the safe limit has been reached. The user sets

harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays can lead to skin cancer. The UVA+B

the device to their skin tone and sensitivity and it then constantly

Sunfriend is designed to let users walk that fine line between too little

measures both direct and reflected UV exposure.

and too much sun without the use of sunscreen.

The concept gained traction after inventors Shahid Aslam

The Sunfriend is not the first UV-measuring wrist band we’ve

and Karin Edgett won best Consumer Product and Most Popular

looked at, but devices such as the UVeBand measure the period

Vote awards at the 2011 Create the Future contest, run by NASA

of effectiveness of sunscreen based on cumulative UV exposure

TechBriefs. Aslam and Edgett then put together a team of engineers,

and prompt users to reapply sunscreen when approaching its UV

scientists and marketers and set about testing prototypes with the

absorption threshold. Because sunscreen blocks UVB rays, which

aim of developing UVA+B Sunfriend as a commercial product.

are beneficial in moderation, as well as UVA rays, the team behind

The Indiegogo campaign was launched on October 3 and at

the UVA+B Sunfriend aim to let people tread the right side of that

the time of writing has raised over US$17,000 of its $25,000 goal.

exposure line without using sunscreen.

A pledge of $45 ($10 of which goes to the Vitamin D Council) will

The goal is to counter an increase in vitamin D deficiency, while

land you a UVA+B Sunfriend of your own. It’s worth noting that this

curbing skin cancer rates by promoting outdoor activity within

is a Flexible Funding campaign, so the company will be collecting all

a recommended range of sun exposure. The company says, “We

money pledged even if the goal is not reached.




pena, the iPhone bottle opener case could possibly be the most important invention I’ve ever seen and one that should, in principle appear on every Iphone. I can see the

dangers of creating a useful link to connect two elements that usually share a disastrous relationship- as I still unsure how many times I’ve turned my phone into scrap but every time always followed an opening over a bottle. However, this could be the very handy development that thrusts the telephone industry into finally creating a scratch, water, fire and human digestive system proof phone. With the Iphones becoming increasingly thinner this is providing the opportunity to create covers that not only provide a bit more bulk to the slender phones, but also pack it fill with everything from stun guns, make up holders, credit card holders, swiss arm knives and now bottle openers. And in a world where there are people thinking of incredible things like this, I know where my place is.


BOTTLE OPENER Endeavour Magazine | 19



BIOCAPITAL EUROPE 2014 platform with the capacity to address a vast number of disease targets that are currently considered “undruggable” by the two main classes of therapeutic drugs: small chemical drugs and therapeutic antibodies. CPABs in particular, with their ability to act on intracellular protein targets, represent a major medical and commercial opportunity. It is estimated that there are more than 1000 intracellular disease targets which are known to be involved in important disease processes, but are currently undruggable. Complix’ CPABs have the unique capacity to enter cells effectively and modulate intracellular protein-to-protein interactions (PPIs). The Company has generated compelling data with Complix’ lead CPAB


program against the intracellular cancer target MCL-1. MCL-1 is an omplix,






the discovery and development of Cell Penetrating

important regulator of cellular apoptosis and is often over-expressed in cancer cells and prevents them from dying.

Alphabodies™ (CPABs), a unique class of protein therapeutics

Dr Mark Vaeck, CEO of Complix, comments: “Since the closing of

that are active against intracellular disease targets, announces that

our €12 million Series B round last summer, we have made excellent

its CEO Dr Mark Vaeck will present tomorrow at BioCapital Europe

progress in advancing our lead oncology anti-MCL-1 program,

2014 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (March 27th). Details of the

showing that CPABs can interfere with this important cancer target

presentation are listed below.

to induce cellular apoptosis. Highly specific and safe therapeutics that

Dr Vaeck will give an update on Complix and its recent progress

can effectively address intracellular disease targets are a major drug

in developing CPABs against intracellular targets to generate novel

development opportunity. We believe our novel CPAB therapeutics

first-in-class therapeutics.

are a breakthrough in drug development and represent what should

Alphabodies represent a transformative therapeutic development

become the next generation of therapeutic proteins.”


AccessPay is delighted to announce a new strategic partnership with Global Reach Partners.

and cross-border payments, all of which can be expensive and timeconsuming.

This exciting partnership will help international businesses face

Ai Moiyed, CEO of AccessPay, says “This partnership brings to

the difficulties of cross-border fx payments by unifying their payments

fruition a concept that we’ve been working on some time. A solution

processes under one innovative payment solution.

that brings all the disparate payment processes under one roof is

Companies who import, export or do business overseas can now

great news for corporates looking to do international business. The

harness the combined power of both AccessPay and Global Reach

benefits to them are numerous; from increased cash flow and visibility

Partners to access a single, unified global payments system; they

through to greatly improved risk management.”

will no longer have to use different processes to make Bacs, SEPA 20 | Endeavour Magazine

Daniel Biggs, Partner at Global Reach Partners, agrees “This





fundraiser held at the Mandalay

respective fields,” said Catherine


Bay Resort in Las Vegas, USA,

B. Bachand, CEO of ONE DROP.


to celebrate World Water Day

“Formula E’s commitment to

announced a joint partnership

and featured an original one-off

sustainability from the outset



performance by artists from the

and ONE DROP’s dedication to

their support for the non-profit

eight resident Cirque du Soleil

sustainable water access make us

organisation which strives to

productions. The evening also

strongly aligned. We are absolutely

ensure that water is accessible to

gave guests the chance to view

thrilled to be embarking on this

all, today and forever.







the emission-free Formula E race

journey with Formula E and have

Beginning this September

car - the Spark-Renault SRT_01E

huge confidence that together

in Beijing, Formula E is the FIA’s

- capable of speeds in excess of

we can drive action on the global

global motorsport championship

150mph and accelerating from

water crisis.”


0-62mph in three seconds.



Enrique Bañuelos, Chairman

wheel cars racing in 10 of the

ONE DROP was created

of the Board of Directors at

world’s leading cities including

in 2007 by Cirque du Soleil

Formula E, said: “We are great

Los Angeles, London and Buenos

Founder Guy Laliberté and aims


Aires. The debut of Formula

to significantly and sustainably


E ushers in an innovative age

improve people’s health and

sustainability, which lies at the

where a race on the world

standard of living, as well as their

heart of the FIA Formula E

stage has become the platform

ability to care for themselves and

Championship. Clean water and









their families. The organisation is

clean air are the two key elements

sustainable technology for the

most active in Central America,

to life. ONE DROP’s dedication

environment. Together Formula

West Africa and India and builds

to sustainable water access,

E and ONE DROP will be part

strategic partnerships in order to

combined with Formula E’s drive

of a global movement to engage

increase the sustainability, scale

to reduce environmental impact

people worldwide.

and scope of its programming to

go hand-in-hand. We’re looking

resolve the global water crisis.

forward to working together to

The made



announcement during




“Both Formula E and ONE

‘One Night for ONE DROP’

DROP are game changers in their

partnership with AccessPay enables us to offer ‘one payment solution for all’ and will help businesses to manage their international payments and currency risk, and allow them to act on market opportunities. It’s something we know there’s a real demand for based on client feedback.” Ali concludes, “This partnership expands our reach around the globe and has resulted in a powerful payment solution which has an enviable USP; innovative next-generation technology used to simplify processes at an (almost) unbelievably low price.”

help make a real difference in people’s lives around the world.”

April Books




ex&Honey™, a relationship and sex coaching web platform,

coach themselves through the basics.

has been launched worldwide to empower women with the

The site features a variety of subjects including advice on how to

necessary knowledge and information vital to a satisfying,

spice up their current relationship, the seductive art of the strip tease,

ongoing relationship with their partner. “If 50 Shades has done anything for women around the world,

exploring BDSM, kink & fetishes as well as unveiling the truth behind Master/slave and Dominant/submissive relationships.

it’s opened their eyes to the fact that they can have gratifying sexual

“We want to encourage women to discover their inner siren and

intimacy, even in committed long-term relationships and they can

empower them with the necessary tools to create passion in the

take charge of making it happen,” says Sex&Honey™ founder Honey

bedroom. After all sexual compatibility is one of the most critical

Morgan. “After all, women deserve their happily ever after.”

aspects of success in marriages and long-term relationships,” says

While more people are becoming interested in fantasy in the bedroom, they are not doing so safely. Women who don’t have the right information run the risk of being raped or injured - and in many cases turn fantasy exploration into permanent trauma.

Morgan. Women have access to a comprehensive online store and fantasy fiction that’ll leave them breathless. “What’s more, they don’t have to deal one on one with a coach

“We founded Sex&Honey™ to offer women resources, tools and

until they are absolutely sure they want to take it to the next level,

access to coaches so they may explore their desires in a safe way,” says

at which time they may connect directly with the coach whose voice


and wisdom appeals to them, and not go in blindly or be stuck with

Sex&Honey™ contains real how-to steps from coaches, counselors

whomever is in their immediate locale,” she says.

and therapists from all over the world, effectively allowing women to



iemens has announced its decision to invest £160 million (EUR190m) in wind turbine production and installation facilities in Yorkshire. The revised plan will be spread across

two sites comprising the previously announced Green Port Hull project construction, assembly and service facility and a new rotor blade manufacturing facility in nearby Paull, in East Riding. Siemens is investing £160 million across the two locations and its port partner Associated British Ports (ABP) is investing a further £150 million in 22 | Endeavour Magazine

the Green Port Hull development. The investment will provide a huge

bills down as we invest in home-grown green energy and reduce our

boost to the UK’s offshore wind industry and the Humber region. The

reliance on foreign imports.

combined investments of £310 million will create up to 1,000 jobs

“This deal shows our strategy for offshore wind is working;

directly, with additional jobs during construction and indirectly in the

bringing investment, green jobs and growth, and helping keep Britain

supply chain.

the number one country in the world for offshore wind.”

The much anticipated investment is a landmark moment for the

Roland Aurich, Chief Executive, Siemens plc said:

UK offshore wind industry. It is the first manufacturing plant of its

“Being able to further increase our presence in the UK with this

kind for Siemens next generation blade technology (IntegralBlade®)

significant commitment is great for Siemens, for the UK economy

designed for Siemens SWT-6.0-154 6 megawatt (MW) wind turbine.

and for future generations, who will benefit from more secure and

This is leading edge technology - each rotor blade is 75 metres long

sustainable, low carbon energy.”

and when rotating covers an area the size of two and a half football pitches.

Matthew Chinn, Managing Director of Siemens Energy UK & Ireland said:

“Our decision to construct a production facility for offshore wind

“Siemens is a leader in offshore wind and the investment

turbines in England is part of our global strategy: we invest in markets

demonstrates our ongoing commitment to UK manufacturing and

with reliable conditions that can ensure that factories can work to

confidence in the industry. The development of local manufacturing

capacity. The British energy policy creates a favourable framework

will provide a huge boost to the UK renewables industry and will help

for the expansion of offshore wind energy. In particular, it recognizes

unlock other major projects and investments.”

the potential of offshore wind energy within the overall portfolio of

Green Port Hull is also a landmark moment for the Humber

energy production,” stated Michael Suess, member of the managing

region, promising regeneration and the creation of many hundreds of

board of Siemens AG and CEO of the Energy Sector. The offshore

new jobs and new skills.

wind market in Great Britain has high growth rates, with an even

Siemens manufacturing plans will help create around 1,000 jobs -

greater potential for the future. Wind power capacity has doubled

550 at the blade factory and 450 at Green Port Hull. This is a welcome

here within two years, to roughly 10 gigawatts. By 2020, a capacity of

boost to the economy and to Hull which will be City of Culture in 2017

14 gigawatts is to be installed at sea alone to combine the country’s

when the factory will be up and running.

environmental objectives with secure power supply. Projects for just over 40 gigawatts are currently in the long-term planning.”

Siemens and ABP will be submitting planning applications to Hull City Council and East Riding Council over the next few months for

Energy Secretary Ed Davey said:

revisions to the existing proposed scheme at Alexandra Dock and for

“This deal is excellent news for the people of Hull and the Humber,

land in Paull in East Riding for the wind turbine blade factory.

the UK, the wind industry, and our energy security. We are attracting

Green Port Hull is planned to be operational to meet Round 3

investment by backing enterprise with better infrastructure and lower

requirements in early 2016. The start of production at the blade

taxes. As well as helping to keep the lights on and putting more than

factory is scheduled to be in the middle of 2016 with full production

1,000 people in work, this deal means we will help to keep consumer

levels reached from mid 2017 onwards.

Endeavour Magazine | 23



hile your world is spinning around you filled with top

amount of skeletal baobab trees endure.

technology, social media and the hottest television

Just recently in 2013, the Republic of the Gambia had withdrawn

series, think for a moment about the less fortunate.

from the Commonwealth; which was disappointing to the Gambian

Think about the struggles they go through on a daily basis, not to

people. Now in 2014, they are even considering to stop teaching

afford the newest iPhone, but to simply get clothes on their backs and

English in the schools, as the government doesn’t feel as if it’s

roofs over their head. In fact, I don’t just want you to think about it,

important to their culture. This however, would affect the people of

but I encourage you to take part in making a difference, and travel to

Gambia in a negative direction, especially when it comes to tourism

Gambia, West Africa.

and further schooling past West Africa.

There are so many reasons as to why you should experience

Before traveling to the Gambia, you will need to make sure that you

this trip, which completely outweighs the first impressions you may

have the appropriate vaccines. It is highly suggested that you consult

think of. The historical roots of the slave trade had taken place on

a doctor at least one month in advance, especially to get your yellow

the Gambia lands, which was very significant as to the placing and

fever vaccination. If you would like to travel outside of the Gambia,

keeping of the colony on the Gambia River. Kunta Kinteh Island on the

you will also need to bring with you the yellow fever certificate. It is

Gambia River holds such significant history; you can feel the vigorous

advised that you bring with you malaria medication, rehydration salts,

emotions through the land. Originally called James Island, in 2011

antiseptic cream, mosquito repellent, high factor sun creams, and an

they had renamed to Kunta Kinteh to give the island a more Gambian

insect bite cream.

name. Whilst also Kunta Kinteh is the character in Alex Haley’s book

You should wear your most travelling material. You don’t need to

and TV series, Roots. Kunta Kinteh was one of the 98 slaves in 1767

wear the most expensive brands, or do your make up perfectly ladies;

that was brought to Annaplos, Mayland on the slave ship Lord Ligonier.

this is not what the trip about. You should wear a simple pair of shorts,

Many of the surviving structures from the West African slave trade

and a comfortable shirt. Put on your travel shoes, and leave those Louis

still stand, including Fort Bullen, which a cell, a small jetty, and a good

Vuitton’s back home! Another piece of advice is that when you are

24 | Endeavour Magazine

taking money out, put a smaller

change for larger denominations.

try to fit as many onto one as they can. You can find separate boats in

amount in your pocket and the

Some restaurants and hotels will

the community to get onto, but this is one of those experiences that

rest somewhere safe. You will be

accept credit cards, however it is

you will need to step out of your comfort zone for.

bombarded with communities

still recommended to rely on that.

The tropical seasons are between June to November, which is hot

that will be in need, but trying

As for how to get around

and rainy, and the cool drier seasons are between November through

to get money from any tourist

the Gambia, you will have taxi’s

May. The rainfall has declined by 30% in the past 30 years, which

to help themselves and their



is why it’s very important to stay hydrated and protected on your

families. Whilst giving is a blessing

areas. This is a country in which

holiday. If you are searching for the perfect hotel to stay at, I would

on this trip, there is also an extent

decent road surfaces, traffic

suggest looking into the Loico Atlantic Banjul, or the Coco Ocean;

of which you need to be able to

and direction signs are still

both of these hotels of which are around five stars, are safe and well

keep the rest put away so you

uncommon, which is important

suggested by former travellers.

are not appearing as a vulnerable

to keep in mind when traveling.

This trip you will to be let go of being a tourist, and become

target to the salesman. The

They have public transport called

a traveller. You will need to step out of your comfort zone, and

currency in Gambia is the Dalasi,

Bush Taxis, however they do

experience West Africa the fullest of what it can offer you. Whether

and it can fluctuate just like any

not have a set schedule and can

it’s a history lesson, and digging deeper into your soul. It’s about giving,

other currency. The largest note

often be very over crowded. You

and I will advice you to bring with you anything in your household

you can carry is the D100 and

also may car hire, but it’s quite

that is not of importance. Bring extra clothes with you for all ages,

the smallest is the D5M but it’s

expensive and not advised. As for

bring unused jewellery for the ladies, and throw in some toys for the

important to bring the smaller

river travel, you have the ferries

younger crowd. Take a moment of your time to talk to the community;

amount with you to stall traders

available but like the Bush Taxis

become friends with the people. Be humble, find the deeper meaning

as they will not be able to give you

they are very over crowded, and

of life, and make a difference this holiday in the Gambia.



Endeavour Magazine | 25


26 | Endeavour Magazine



I spoke with AMS Properties Business Development Director Rupen Samani regarding the operational approach of his company and their priority of creating something special.

Endeavour Magazine | 27


Kenya is one of Africa’s fastest growing economies. A healthy percentage of high education, a strong telecommunication sector and a wealth of natural heritage have made this country the gem of East Africa. A ripe land hungry for development and open for new opportunities- there is one company that has had its finger on the pulse of this land for over twenty years and has become the go-to-organization for foreign investors wanting to get a foothold development in Kenya, AMS Properties.


he company was set

He goes on to tell us that AMS Group own a number of other

up twenty years ago

market leading brands, for example Lanor, who are for lack of a better

host of in-house and external consultants and contractors.

by my father,” Rupen

description the exclusive franchisee for Regus, the global office space

explains, “Ten years ago it was

rental company and VIVA Global, of which Rupen is CEO, who are

Rupen specifies, “Is that we look

rebranded as AMS Properties

the agents and distributors for major brands such as Jägermeister,

at what market the project is in

and is now run by myself and my

Campari and Corona.

and we create the project design

brother Ronal, with dad keeping





However, it is through the real-estate development arm of AMS

around what the market needs.

Properties where he sees the major growth taking place, “We acquire

Additionally anyone can build

Rupen, who studied in the

the land, create the design, bring in the finance, administrate and

a shell but it’s the way in which

UK and briefly worked in a sports

originate a project,” he says, “And bring in a main contractor, project

AMS finishes the development

management company in London

manage ourselves and complete the project in its entirety. I’m a big


has brought a hunger to see AMS

believer in paying for experience.”

fittings to take us to the next

an eye.”




Properties grow and expand and

As a real-estate developer, AMS Properties employ only about

has seen the company develop

fifty people but when counting the number of contractors and sub-

level.” This takes experience and

new ambitions and create new

contractors they work with the number of employees escalates

Rupen believes strongly in the

brands in a range of other markets.

into the thousands and at any one time they can be dealing with a

importance of learning on the job

An associated company of M/s Seyani Brothers & Company (U) Limited, one of the leading Civil Engineering & General Building Construction Company in the East African Region, Parbat Siyani Construction Ltd is registered as CATEGORY “A” class of contractors by The Ministry of Roads & Public Works, Kenya and GRADE-1 contractors by National Construction Authority, Kenya. The company is equipped with technical expertise, great potential and advanced technology, and has undertaken a number of large and medium sized projects which include Multi/Storied Office blocks, Residential Apartments, Residential, Banks, Embassies, Hotels, Schools, Colleges and Factories along with Electrical and Mechanical services. Other than construction, the company has diversified its portfolio into manufacturing sector, where it undertakes manufacturing of Cement Concrete Products, Structural Steel Fabrication, Joinery Works and Furniture items.

28 | Endeavour Magazine

WE Are Proud To Be Associated To AMS Properties


VISION: To be one of the innovative, entrepreneurial and empowered team in the “Construction Industry” creating value and attaining global benchmarks.

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General Building & Civil Engineering Contractors www.seyani.com







PARBAT SIYANI CONSTRUCTION LTD P. O. Box 10748 - 00100 1st Parklands Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 2658134 | Mobile: +254 731 337 001 /40 Fax: +254 20 2658136 E-mail: pscl@seyani.com

PARBAT SIYANI INTERIORS LIMITED P. O. Box 10748 - 00100, 1st Parklands Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 2658134 | Mobile: +254 731 337 001 /40 Fax: +254 20 2658136 E-mail: psi@seyani.com


SEYANI BROTHERS & CO. (T) LIMITED P.O. Box 105404, Plot: 41 Mikocheni Light Industry Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tel: +255 22 277 1138 Mobile: +255 762 467 261 Fax: +255 22 277 3285 Email: sbct@seyani.com

SEYANI BROTHERS & CO. (U) LIMITED P.O. Box 21745, Plot: 1469, Ggba Road, Nsambya, Kampala, Uganda Tel: 041 266 142 / 266 218 | 071 789 003 Fax: 041 269 640 / 266 142 Email: sbcu@seyani.com


SEYANI BROTHERS & CO. (R) LIMITED P.O. Box 399, Plot: 1934 Gaculipo Industrial Area Kigali, Rwanda Mobile: +250 7886 22700 Email: sbcr@seyani.com


and facilitates this for all their employees, “Instead of training them in-house, we put them onto the job so that they can immediately begin accumulating the experience needed and we search for appropriate seminars within Kenya and send them to these to gain additional schooling.” Rupen is adamant about the importance of experience and onthe-job training and says that he will happily pay for his employees to gain additional experience to help develop their careers, “It also helps keep them up to date and relevant.” One of the other training techniques is to have local workers and employees work alongside the outsourced consultants from America, South Africa and Europe who bring not only important experience to the table, but a variety of methods and interesting tastes.

Customers Safeguarding relationships with customers is something that both brothers Rupen and Ronal prioritize firmly. For every project that is outsourced to a subcontractor they have a permanent staff member on site managing the project and they themselves visit the sites every fortnight to ensure that the progress on site is sufficient for them to hit the targets agreed between themselves and their customers. This is the reality in the industry; it is a game where everyone has to work to their best ability to ensure a project is completed surreptitiously. “Quality control is something that goes all the way up the chain,” Rupen says.

The technique has clearly paid off as despite Kenya having a

Speaking volumes about the quality AMS Properties provides,

statistically high turnover of staff in the building industry; AMS

not only in their developments but also in the relationships with their

Properties is not afflicted by this figure and have some employees

customers, much of their work is repeat business. With businesses

who have been with them for ten years or more.

and individuals returning to invest in multiple developments.

“We have found a very healthy balance,” Rupen says, “It’s a

“We’ve also been approached by a number of large foreign

corporate professionalism with a family atmosphere creating a very

companies wanting to be involved in real estate development in

comfortable middle ground between casual and professional that

Kenya and partnering with us,” Rupen says, “We haven’t committed to

works for us.”

anything but it’s definitely a good step in the right direction.”

30 | Endeavour Magazine

The Future Speaking


first hotel in Kenya, the Park Inn the


direction, 2014 is set to be the

Hotel, which will be operated by the Rezidor Group.

company’s busiest time yet. With

And what is AMS Properties

their launch of One General

key to success? What is the drive

Mathenge, AMS Properties will

that makes this company such

be the first in Kenya to be selling

a force to be reckoned with and

$2million apartments, a mirror

such an important presence in

of a similar development in New

the development and future


of Kenya? And Rupen explains

“Kenya has become known for an African level of luxury, and

simply that brand building is everything in this business.

these exclusive apartments are

“We defined early on how

appointed with every conceivable

we were going to be different



and went about creating a brand










offer a blissful living experience

solutions that was not only brand

enhanced with all the modern

new but uniquely East African,”

facilities one could want for, in

he concludes

serene sophistication and style.” They are also building their


We defined early on how we were going to be different and went about creating a brand using worldwide ideas and solutions that was not only brand new but uniquely East African.”

Endeavour Magazine | 31


32 | Endeavour Magazine

Jack Slater looks at the leading pizza restaurant chain in Trinidad and Tobago. With nineteen restaurants nationwide, Mario’s started operations in June 1972 at the Valpark Shopping Plaza and has opened new stores in Georgetown, Guyana and another in Kingstown, St. Vincent. Owned and operated by Richard Harford, one of the founding partners the pizza is known for its unique use of New Zealand cheeses rather than traditional mozzarella which provides it a sharper, more flavourable taste.


Endeavour Magazine | 33


“Trinidadians usually prefer more spicy, bold flavours and this is why Mario’s secret pizza sauce is made with eight specially chosen herbs and spices,” Roger explains, “The spices in their sauce, the choice of cheese and variety of toppings have made Mario’s a leading pizza restaurant in the regions in which they operate.”


ariety is the spice of life and diversity in the menu has meant that Marios Pizzas are able to service a wide selection of customers with a catalogue of tastes. In addition to the

pizzas that have put them on the map, the restaurants also sell French fries, hamburgers, chicken, ice cream and have recently expanded their menu further to include Oven Baked Artisan Sandwiches served on ciabatta bread.

The Story Behind Mario’s Pizza Is one that epitomizes the entrepreneurial spirit and starts with the founder of the franchise - the man behind Mario’s, Richard Harford. Better known as “Slice”, Richard is the founder, Owner and Managing Director of Mario’s Pizzeria and is by the credit of his employees and staff a natural hard worker. Reputed for commiting himself fully to any project he undertakes and not relenting until seeing it through to its successful end no matter what the obstacle his dream was to one day own his very own business, a dream that has been achieved through the realization of Mario’s Pizza. Having spent time in Canada, when Richard returned to Trinidad and Tobago he began to explore the entrepreneurial opportunities within the local business market. After a great deal of research he decided upon a restaurant with his close friend Mr. Richard Gibbon. When looking for a location to set up their joint venture, an opportunity presented itself to purchase an ice cream parlour at the Valpark Shopping Plaze as a joint venture. Each invested $4,000 into the business of a deli-style restaurant selling sandwiches, roti and 34 | Endeavour Magazine

ADM Import Export Distributors Ltd. is proud to be a partner of Mario’s Pizzeria Ltd. We at ADM ensure that Mario’s always has a constant supply of the finest quality rennet free New Zealand Cheddar Cheese, which is one of the main ingredients in their pizzas. ADM is the distributor of the rennet free New Zealand Cheddar Cheese which is imported from New Zealand.

W. WEI LUNG CHUNG LTD Supplier of the Finest Ingredients, Sauces and Seasonings

8, Hobson Street, San Fernando, Rep. of Trinidad & Tobago Tel: 868-652-2240 Fax: 868-653-9792 Email: winstonwlc@gmail.com

Distributors to Mario’s and the Carribean Distribution Services Warehousing Private Labelling

www.admtnt.com a: 20-21 Hollis Ave, Arima Trinidad W.I. / t: (868) 667-2514 / t: (868) 667-0073 / t: (868) 667-2671 Endeavour Magazine | 35


drinks. The popularity of the

Richard that a pizza parlour would be a much more lucrative venture

Plaza combined with the friendly

than a mere sandwich shop.

After closing the doors to the restaurant, Richard himself

service and high food quality

After D’Arcy, Charles and Acanne convinced the two Richards to

would balance the cash, do his

of the deli led to them being

convert their sandwich deli into Trinidad’s first local Pizza Parlour,

daily stock evaluation and make

an instant success and Richard

the five friends banded together to form Mario’s Pizzeria Limited

the necessary preparations for

was on his way to realizing his

and Richard Harford was appointed store manager. The first Mario’s

the next morning. His workday

dream of becoming a successful

Pizzeria opened its doors on June 2nd 1972 and was the first ever of

did not end before 11:00pm,


its kind on the island.

but he never failed to get going

An immediate hit, people travelled from all areas of the island to

The Pizza Parlour It was in answer to the growing and



for requests

sample the pizza which was still new to the people of Trinidad and Tobago but Mario had set themselves aside from any competititors by


the use of their cheddar cheese as a primary ingredient. The stepping


away from the use of the traditional Italian mozzarella proved to be a

persuaded Richard to start selling

hit and has proved popular to this day.

bright and early each morning without complaint.

Perserverence Eventually, as happens in any venture, business slowed down

pizza instead of sandwiches and

The main key to Mario’s Pizza’s success was Richard Harford’s

and Gibbon, D’Arcy, Acanne and

roti within months of opening the

rigorous work ethic and exacting standards. At 5:00am every morning

Charles offered Richard and

deli. Colleagues, Colin D’Arcy,

he would go to the market to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables for

another mutual friend Victor



his daily menu and upon arrival at the restaurant he would supervise

Pereira the option of buying them

Acanne had just returned from

the preparations, making sure every quality control specification was

out thereafter Richard Harford

studies in Canada with a pizza

met. Once the doors were opened he would oversee every aspect of

became the proud owner of half

over in tow and they convinced

the operation.

of Mario’s Pizzeria Limited.



36 | Endeavour Magazine

Victor Pereira would soon sell all of his shares to Richard when Trinidad’s economy started to swing south but despite the grim outlook, Richard’s determination and passion for quality products and high standards maintained the popularity and the slow but steady growth of Mario’s Pizzeria. Within recent years, Richard Harford has allowed sons Roger, Ryan and Randal to take greater responsibility for the restaurant chain’s management and it was under Assistant General Manager, Roger Harford’s initiative that the Mario’s Pizza Facebook Fan page was launched in 2009 well ahead of local competition. With this online boost of exposure the chain quickly expanded into other popular social networks such as Twitter, YouTube and in 2011, Foursquare. Eager to interact with customers on a more direct, personal level, Mario’s Pizza also offers coupons via email and facilitates email subscriptions to both their website and Facebook Fan page, sending coupons on a monthly basis with each coupon valid for three months. “We haven’t stopped there,” Roger explains, “We reward our loyal customers with the birthday greetings and birthday coupons. And in keeping with our focus to be at the forefront of digital ventures all of Mario’s Pizza offer free WIFI for customers.”

Erin Meats.indd 1

09/04/2014 14:52

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Diversification And Growth

for a submarine sandwich chain from the US called Blimpie, which

Taking the initiative with the aim of one day rivalling the likes of the American pizza giants, Mario’s has actively promoted franchising as a means to expand its brand throughout the Caribbean and eventually into other regions. Additionally, they’ve engaged in purchasing the franchise rights

opened its doors in Trinidad 2002. Following the decision to close Blimpie in 2007 and not wanting to exit the Sub Sandwich sector of the QSR market, Mario’s Pizzeria launched its own brand of sub style sandwiches called Boomers Tasty Subs and Salads to a sterling response from their regular customers. From humble beginnings as a small restaurant in Valpark, Mario’s Pizza has since emerged as the largest Pizza chain in Trinidad and Tobago with nineteen restaurant locations across Trinidad and Tobago and a booming franchise supporting it. Hungry for, and focussed on their continued expansion, Mario’s recently franchised two restaurants in Guyana and St. Vincent and is currently seeking to do the same in Tobago. This forms part of their plans to continue expanding throughout South Trinidad. “It is Mario’s aim to be fully established within the Englishspeaking Caribbean in the next ten years,” Roger tells us. “Expansion into South America is also under consideration. The lack of a strong regional pizza presence provides us a rich opportunity to become as synonymous with pizza in South America as it is in Trinidad,” he concludes.

It is Mario’s aim to be fully established within the English-speaking Caribbean in the next ten years.”

38 | Endeavour Magazine A de Freitas 1.indd 1

09/04/2014 14:31

Nutrimix Flour Mills Superior Quality ... Honest Prices

808-1 Pacific Avenue, Point Lisas Industrial Estate, Couva, Trinidad, West Indies Tel: (868) 636-2222 Fax: (868) 636-5283


Endeavour Magazine | 39


40 | Endeavour Magazine



Power Group is at the forefront of South African engineering and building development. An innovative industry leader with 31 years experience in the sector, the civil construction company is initiating an exciting new project in 2014, expected to be the biggest of its kind in the country’s history. The Group’s marketing manager Gary Power offers insight into the ways in which the company is making a real impact to business and the local economy through this lucrative venture. Endeavour Magazine | 41


A simple pledge made by a fledgling organisation in April 1983 remains its cornerstone today. The words “to improve the quality of life in Africa through infrastructure development” marked the beginning of a company that has changed both cityscapes and landscapes, constructed profitable luxury residential estates, built industrychanging road and office blocks, developed economic housing schemes and above all, provided the solid groundwork to service it all.


nitially, Power Group started only as a small construction group and has since grown into the largest non-listed construction group in South Africa,” says Power, “The Power

Group is split into Power Construction, which incorporates both Power Civils and Power Building, and Power Developments, the property development division. Power Construction is responsible for forty seven percent of all the civil infrastructure and basis for the new wind farms in South Africa. This is more than any other civil contractor in South Africa.” The group’s national activities certainly span an impressive field: from property development; turnkey housing and road and earthworks construction, to rehabilitation and renewable energy, and is acknowledged to be one of South Africa’s most innovative and influential contractors. Active in the Western, Southern and Eastern Cape, as well as in Gauteng, one of the nine provinces of South Africa, the company operates nationally from the Head Offices in Cape Town. Power Developments is the property division of the Power Group, formed in 1991 and started by constructing small residential developments. Since the early 90s, the South African government has been actively rolling out subsidised housing for the poor which accelerated the company as a housing developer and to date, it has constructed over 50,000 houses. The company’s branch initiates and manages multi-million Rand turnkey developments – developing and building residential, industrial and commercial properties within

16552_RED_ConstructionReview.indd 1

2011/09/23 10:51 AM

a wide-ranging portfolio: from high-density housing projects, to prestigious developments and commercial course developments. It is planning to add to this already notable profile by embarking on an

42 | Endeavour Magazine

upcoming and crucial role in community housing, an ambitious project

a health clinic; library; community shopping centre; fuel station and

that will see the company construct 3,200 subsidised and private

various commercial sites,” says Power, “Residents can work, play and

homes at the Pelican Park Project in Cape Town this year – the biggest

live without leaving the development and send their kids to school

integrated development ever in South Africa.

across the road.” To bolster such an ambitious project, the Power Group has

Cementing the landscape

already delivered significant success with the first FLISP (Financially

Buyers are offered several choices on different types of property

Linked Individual Subsidy Programme) units in the Western Cape.

to suit various budgets; Pelican Park will include 2100 BNG (Breaking

The programme is open to any South African who is 18 years or older

New Ground, government subsidy housing) houses to beneficiaries

and has never received a government subsidy before. Applicants

earning less than R3500 (£197) per month, 720 GAP houses, open to

apply for a bond first, and then a FLISP application is handed in. “It

anybody earning between R3500 – R15000 (£197- £844) household

assists those buyers who earn more than the R3500 (£196.50) cap

income per month, and open market housing, open to anybody/

for BNG housing and could never afford a bond before,” explains

household earning above R15000 (£844) per month, all in one

Power, “This has taken huge innovation from the Power Group as


there is currently only two other developments that are able to sell

The BNG houses are 40m² two-bedroom houses with basic

homes at under R300 000 (£16,842) in the Western Cape. There is a

amenities, given to beneficiaries at no cost and are funded by the City

cap house price of R300 000 (£16,842) on FLISP but we are trusting

of Cape Town. The single and double storey GAP units, launched at

this will be increased to R400 000 (£22,457) shortly.”

a record R290 000 (£16,280) are the cheapest new freehold house

The Pelican Park Project has already garnered significant

available in South Africa, and the essence of the flagship project.

encouragement and approval, both in South Africa and further afield,

These GAP houses are 42m² and consist of two-bedroom, single

and has been nominated as World Design Capital focus project

storey, semi-detached units as well as double storey two, three and

this year. A further coup for the company is a partnership with the

four-in-a-row 42m² units. There are 359 Open Market units with

International Nelson Mandela Build, hosted by Habitat for Humanity

three optional sizes of 48m²m (two bedroom), 56m² (two bedroom)

South Africa, where more than 3,000 volunteers will work onsite at

and 74m² (three bedroom) free standing houses, with an optional

Power Group and donate their time to build 100 houses in just one

single garage as well. To date, the company has already completed just

week. This innovative consumer education, backed up by service

over 400 houses and has a further 2,800 to build by the end of 2017,

and product aims to achieve great things. “It is another way of

“The landmark development will include a primary and a high school;

integrating different cultures and income brackets,” says Power, “It is Endeavour Magazine | 43


only through these strategic partnerships and those with the banks,

commitments to employees, and

is very unusual in the tough

local and provincial government that makes these developments

by extension, the South African

construction industry.”

possible. A number of local businesses are in fact benefitting from

community, the company offers

These trusts are proving

their contribution on this project and moving forward they will

co-ownership to staff affiliated

effective: the 420 unit holding

put a massive amount of money back into the local economy with

with the company for five years

employees now hold the same


or longer. Thus, employees can

share of ownership in both

have a direct share in the profits

Power Construction and Power

generated from the financial


successes of each year alongside


the three shareholders, Power


Group Holdings; the Power


Power to the people The Power Group prides itself on having a progressive and innovative Organisational Development department, that has not only paved the way for the Group, but spearheaded civil industry








shareholding through



Group; and the Power Group

the Employee Trust will be in

training programmes and even assists smaller companies with

Employee Trust. “A few years ago,

workers’ hands at all times.

advice and guidance. Training and development for its 1800 staff is

all 450 staff members that have

“While projects, plant, tenders

compulsory and part of the culture; all employees complete a PDP

been working for the Group for


(Personal Development Plan) which is reviewed annually. “We believe

five years and longer were given

different companies performing,

that any other construction and development company can have the

30% shares in the company,”

the Power Group is ultimately

same machines and similar products, but ultimately the staff make

Power explains, “Many of our

about people . . . People joining

[the company] different and you will often hear the term the “Power

management and staff have

hands, working together towards

Family”, says Power.

been working for the Group for

a shared vision,” says Power.




The last 15 years has seen significant change at Power Group,

more than 20 years and some for

The ‘sharing of knowledge’

both structurally and strategically. One of the more notable

even more than 30 years, which

within the company manifests

A&M Plaster Reliable and dependable plastering Best value for money

aslamwilliams055@gmail.com 44 | Endeavour Magazine

itself in many ways – from formal training courses and ‘learner-ships’ to experiential training and workshops. Annually, Power Group enrols a vast number of students, either as bursary holders, or as trainees and eighty percent of these students come from previously disadvantaged communities, “Because we care about the wellbeing of our staff and their families, we are committed to maximising our peoples’ potential through ongoing development and coaching,” says Power, “Knowledge sharing through skills transfer is a vital way of achieving and maintaining this culture of ongoing improvement.” In addition, these strong principles of corporate responsibility transfer neatly over to customer focus. A dedicated PR division that actively focuses on client relationships coupled with an annual internal and external customer evaluation has resulted in significant customer loyalty; the majority of clients have been making use of the Power Groups services for more than 20 years. “It is testament that we are not a company that comes in, does a project and walks away afterwards,” says Power, “We pride ourselves on completing work ahead of schedule and beyond our clients’ expectations. We are only one of the very few companies that have an internal civil and building construction and property development division, complimented with expert project managers to offer a turnkey service.”

Keeping promises “The Power Group has proudly completed over 31,300 BNG houses to date, which is more than 1,000 units per year since our existence,” remarks Power. “The new integrated model is more sustainable, and I believe is the future of housing in South Africa. “Pelican Park is an R660m (£37m) development, started in 2012 and will be completed by 2017. We are currently completing roughly 80-100 houses per month. Over 450 houses have already been handed over and construction on a 6000m² shopping centre will begin in June 2014. More than 600 jobs have been created on the Pelican Park development alone.” How will these plans adhere to the company’s core pledge and principles, I ask. “We need to move away from a hand-out mentality and specifically, from creating an entitlement culture,” asserts Power, “The GAP market is a new market for the Power Group, and we look forward to assisting in providing homes to the more than 500,000 families in this bracket in the Western Cape alone. We look forward to continuing to be a market leader in South Africa and we are also very excited about our new venture in Namibia and looking at expanding into the rest of Africa.”

The Power Group is ultimately about people: people joining hands, working together towards a shared vision.”

Endeavour Magazine | 45


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John C. Felder, President/CEO of Cayman Automotive Leasing, Marketing & Sales Ltd, talks to Endeavour about the exciting developments that are securing the company’s position as the premier auto dealer in the Caribbean. Endeavour Magazine | 47


A relative newcomer to the business world, Cayman Automotive was founded in 2005 in response to certain automotive issues, within the Caribbean, not being catered for previously.


primary concern was that the new and pre-owned vehicle sales market was identified as lacking in extended warranty protection, something that Cayman Automotive consider

to be vital for customer peace of mind and continued custom. Keen to project themselves as a responsible organisation, the company is fully licensed for automotive brokering, importing vehicles that have been manufactured in the United States of America in accordance with stringent production standards. Boasting a vast knowledge of automotive services, the company was unwilling to be confined to just one area of specialism. Such levels of ambition lead to Cayman Automotive fast becoming the largest and most reliable car-leasing organisation within the Cayman Islands. Catering predominantly to ex-patriots inhabiting the country on working visas, the service levels offered are commensurate to the level of skill demonstrated by the professionals using them. Branching out into the Bahamas, St. Thomas, Bermuda, Barbados and Turks and Caicos, Cayman Automotive are set to become the foremost automotive dealer, for both sales and hire, in the Caribbean as a whole. Keen to demonstrate an inherent understanding of automotive developments,






responsibility, John Felder draws attention to the company’s groundbreaking work with electric vehicles since 2009. The first company to introduce electric vehicles into the Caribbean, Cayman Automotive seeks to offer customers impressive variety, significant fuel savings and exemplar service in equal measures. Entering into professional partnerships with reputable automotive giants including Mitsubishi, Think City, Wheego, Tazzari and Polaris was not forward 48 | Endeavour Magazine

thinking enough for Felder and as such, Smith Electric Vehicles have also been welcomed into the fold, providing the Caribbean with its first ever 100% electric fleet of commercial vehicles. Recognising just how diverse the range of electric transport options can be, Cayman Automotive branched out even further into rechargeable scooters and motorcycles, exclusively provided by ZEV Electric. Having collated an impressive fleet of vehicles, it was a natural progression for Cayman Automotive to support the ever-increasing network of electric transportation within the Caribbean region. As such, they have not only opened 2 dedicated service centres, but have also been instrumental in the provision of a suitably requisite number of electric charging stations. Investing significantly in renewable energy resources, solar powered stations look set to become the standard by which all other forms of refueling are measured.vv Setting high standards is a natural initial step for any company looking to attract the right class of customer but this is only achieved through the effective provision of experienced and skilled staff. Felder is prolific in his understanding that satisfied and regular customers are generated as a result of happy employees delivering

Island Heritage Insurance has partnered with Cayman Automotive in order to make it easier to go green. Island Heritage offers Comprehensive Insurance Coverage for Electric Vehicles and is a dedicated Sponsor to one of the first Solar Charge Stations in the Cayman Islands. Island Heritage envisions that green initiatives are the way forward for the Cayman Islands and are happy to support Cayman Automotive in this initiative.

an exemplar service and as such he strives to create a stressfree working environment ripe with development opportunities. 5:24:43 PM Currently 175248_HR-Ads-Endavour-HP.pdf employing a modest bank of 3/24/14 skilled staff members, split

Endeavour Magazine | 49


between the Cayman Islands and mainland USA, Cayman Automotive provide continuous customer satisfaction training, solely designed to maximise customer retention through staff education. By actively acknowledging the efforts of all staff members, an inherent sense of satisfaction is organically passed onto customers through positive and professional interactions. This is unsurprising given that the company defines its mission statement in the following way: “Our goal is to exceed the customers expectation at every opportunity in order to gain customers for life.” A high mantle indeed but Felder explains that this is possible because, “Every employee is empowered to satisfy the customer when there is a need.” It becomes clear that Cayman Automotive are not solely interested in a temporary bolstering of company profits, but seek

Our goal is to exceed the customers expectation at every opportunity in order to gain customers for life.”

such as their impressive 24/7 roadside assistance package that no other leasing organisations offer.

to engage in long term relationships with customers and will take

Working alongside a definitive customer service charter and staff

any steps necessary to do so. With dedicated employees providing

development programme, the procurement of an efficient and reliable

a comprehensive service experience, which includes following

supply chain is the final vital component necessary for any company

explicit after sales protocol to ensure satisfaction, the company is

wishing to experience continued growth and profitability. With this

well deserving of their impressive rise to the top of their industry.

firmly in mind, Felder and his management team have endeavoured

Naturally keen to maintain and simultaneously build upon their

to build and maintain long-term relationships with trusted suppliers.

prominent position, the company actively seeks to remain ahead of

Viewing all partnerships as equally important, Cayman Automotive

competitors through the provision of services unique to only them,

select their suppliers with care, aware that should any imported vehicles discovered to be of a sub-par standard, it will be impractical and costly to return or repair the item. With solid foundations of customer care, reliable suppliers and trusted staff supporting the organisation, Cayman Automotive is able to look ahead to the future and devise new initiatives for company expansion. Exciting developments have included the installation and maintenance of the very first solar-powered charging station for electric vehicles within the Cayman Islands and the introduction of electric vehicle sales within the Bahamas and St. Thomas regions. The impact of these innovations look set to be far-reaching, and the Bahamas will be the first Caribbean island to offer consumers access to an entirely free-of-charge network of recharging stations, thanks to a hugely successful partnership with Sun Country Highway (SCH). Further widening the net of socially responsible transportation options, this combined effort demonstrates the meeting of minds between Felder and president of SCH, Kent Rathwell who are keen for the Bahamas to set an example to all remaining Caribbean islands which have not yet embraced the world of electric vehicles. Looking objectively at some of the impressive achievements already attributed to Cayman Automotive, the future is sure to bring yet more industry changing firsts. In just ten short years, and as a result of a significant eight year, $800,000 investment programme, Cayman Automotive has made significant inroads into a competitive market sector. Entering into a contract with Budget Rent-A-Car, made it the first rental company in the Caribbean to offer fully electric vehicles from locations such as the Reef Resort in Grand Cayman, and has directly contributed to their gaining of a reputation as fast becoming the premier sales and leasing organisation of the area.

50 | Endeavour Magazine


52 | Endeavour Magazine


No stranger to embracing change, the Mining Haulage Company Ltd has dynamic plans for continued growth and diversification, as company director Richard Kazala-Laski tells Endeavour. Endeavour Magazine | 53


Founded in 1973, the Mining Haulage Company Ltd (MHCL) is a recognised market leader within the competitive transport industry. Initially created with a focus on transporting just acid and abnormal loads, it was quickly expanded to begin providing passenger transportation services before the highly skilled and market-aware management team identified a potentially more profitable gap in the market.


efocusing the organisation to meet widespread goods movement and logistics requirements proved to be a lucrative decision and eventually resulted in the current

incarnation of the company evolving in 1994; a specialist trucking company geared for the safe and efficient transportation of mining materials. Naturally, such a dramatic reorganisation of the company could have necessitated crippling financial investment were it not for the foresight of the experienced management team. Purchasing

• Manufacturers of Diamond Mesh • Electric fence systems • Diamond mesh & Game fencing, Razor coil, Barbed wire etc. • Automatic & Swing gates • Appointed distributors for Betafence high security panels • Alarm Systems & CCTV

secondhand ERF trucks from the UK, MHCL sprung into operation and slowly began to grow thanks to support from valued customers and a collectively dedicated workforce. With significant experience under its belt, MHCL initiated a total overhaul of the financial systems underpinning the organisation, leading to accessible cash flow and the opportunity to purchase new trucks and, as the company continued to experience huge growth, specialist equipment. With MHCL firmly established in the mining materials transportation industry, maintaining its enviable position is attributed to a customer-centric attitude. Richard Kazala-Laski explains that, “We (MHCL) believe that the main driving force behind our business is the full satisfaction of our customers. Without any satisfied customers we would not have a supported business. We therefore boast about our ability to meet customers’ exact standards. Our services are done in a timely manner and are customer focused.”

activeagenciesltd@gmail.com mackpringle1@gmail.com www.activeagenciesltd.com 54 | Endeavour Magazine

He goes on to highlight that where competitors fall short is the separation of fiscal success and company balance, illustrating that MHCL embrace both elements for a far more unified approach to every project.

A family business, MHCL was originally founded by Richard’s father, Walter Kazala-Laski, but he was handed the reigns at the

country’s economy, hiring all levels of expertise from school leavers through to skilled mechanical engineers.

tender age of 19 following his father’s sad passing. With 20 years

One thing that remains the same, regardless of position in the

experience now helping him to drive the company forward, Richard

company hierarchy, is an expectation on all employees to be sure they

clearly operates in accordance with a sense of family values and

know what is expected of them and to complete a job to the highest

locality, keeping the organisation supported solely by Zambian

standard possible, on the first attempt. This “do it right the first time,

shareholders which are delighted by reports that MHCL currently

when in doubt ask” ethos prevents valuable time being wasted and

holds in excess of 17% of the market share, making it one of the four

leaves staff available for new projects and likely to have their (rolling)

major hauliers currently in operation, in Zambia.

two-year contracts renewed. Discussing communication between

Keen to expand the business outside of Zambia at some point in

colleagues, Richard proudly reveals that,

the future, Richard explains that the current primary focus remains

“Our company has an open door policy, therefore every manager

firmly within the country, with no plans to ever relocate the business.

is available to interact directly with any employee at any level, and

At present, consideration is being given to listing MHCL on the stock

this applies to the Directors as well. We believe this encourages

market, making it a public company, but this will not disrupt current

communication feedback and opens opportunities for discussions

activities such as the recent diversification into equipment sales,

on important matters. This also avails the directors a chance to know

alongside established services including transportation of mining

more about what is happening at grass root levels. Employees are

materials and hiring of excavation machinery.

encouraged to outline any areas of concern as well as report any

Enjoying what Richard calls a ‘silent partnership’ with the government, MHCL are committed to employing an exclusively

customer grievances / concerns while highlighting the work that the client is happy with.”

Zambian workforce in an attempt to actively contribute to a much-

Identifying the dedicated staff of MHCL as a key reason for the

needed reduction in unemployment levels. With a 315-strong staff

continued development and success of the organisation, Richard

body, the company is clearly making a serious contribution to the

is keen to explain that alongside the rest of the management team,

Endeavour Magazine | 55


he believes that every team member has the ability to excel in their

exciting development, with brand new machinery being imported and

chosen area, and with commensurate encouragement and support,

offered either at a one off price, or as part of a repayment scheme

the work they produce will be of an exemplar standard. Encouraged

which will allow small firms to start investing in their own growth,

to participate in tasks that will solidify a ‘team’ mentality, it can come

without bankrupting themselves. In addition to a new specialism,

as no surprise that MHCL hires based on merit and irrespective of

the company is investing in new and improved premises that will be

gender, disability and even former convictions. If a potential employee

capable of housing the ever-increasing vehicle fleet and workforce

is capable of performing duties most commonly associated with a

and a cutting edge stock control system. Clearly delighted by these

position they have applied for, and demonstrates a clear aptitude for

developments, Richard comments that,

the role, they will be considered fairly alongside all other candidates.

“The new developments will help in the provision of a new income

This enlightened recruitment policy is just one more element that sets

source which will breed the ability for further growth, and in turn

MHCL apart from its competitors.

generate a larger customer base with more satisfied customers, as

When discussing the value MHCL places on customers, Richard is adamant that they

well as employees. The new stock software will increase the level of control on our stocks and give better comparison between stock

“Value our customers and their needs must always come first, therefore each contract and its requirements are studied very carefully and attention is paid to every detail to ensure that we understand the customer needs in order to deliver the service requested. The security of our customer goods is highly important to us and we treat these as though they were our own while in our custody, this means we treat them with extreme caution and care, we track our vehicles with live tracking 24 hours a day every day of the year to ensure we are able to advise our clients of the exact whereabouts of our vehicles carrying their goods at

movement and sales.” The







developments mark the beginning of another phase of anticipated growth for MHCL, but not one to overlook social responsibility

We are confident beyond reasonable doubt that we are the best at what we do.”

in favour of financial benefit, the company operates in accordance with green





to reduce waste production, promote recycling and prevent spillages on public roads. They even see greater value in the refurbishment of furniture than simply procuring new items, and for those pieces that are beyond restoration, they are offered

any given time.”

to anyone that can make use of



them. Equally as admirable is


the sponsoring of local sports

satisfaction is supported by

teams and provision of extensive


premises tours to schoolchildren

commitment equally














machinery and perhaps begin

suggestions for improvement.

working towards a career within

The seamless development of

the company.

professional relationships with




clients has directly assisted in the securing of a small, reliable, tested

in every aspect, it is no wonder that the family run business has

and trusted supply chain, helping MHCL to guarantee all clients the

consistently succeeded in branching out into new areas, leading to

provision of a timely and recommendable service, with no weak links

substantial growth and recognition within a perpetually competitive

or room for error, at the best possible price. Operating from a central

marketplace. With no misplaced pride, Richard concludes by stating

location in the Chingola light industrial area ensures that all pertinent


locations are within easy reach, further solidifying the consideration given to any issues that may compromise reliability. With a reputation for excellence firmly established, what does the future hold for MHCL? Moving into equipment sales has been an

56 | Endeavour Magazine

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58 | Endeavour Magazine



Leading Caribbean security company Amalgamated Security Services Limited (ASSL) has a long history of proving that security is all about preparation, planning, anticipation and rewarding the hard work of those working on the front lines. Endeavour Magazine | 59


With almost three thousand employees, a vast fleet of vehicles, one of the strongest and most reliable networking systems available and decades worth of experience we spoke with Group Marketing Manager Robert Baur regarding some of the latest developments and the internal success stories that have been highlighting this impressive company.


very step taken and decision made by ASSL is in line with their

to be certified. A further highlight is the ASIS Organizational Award

two fold directives which are simple but all encompassing:

of Merit which recognizes ASSL as an organization of outstanding

“For the customer, we promise to do everything it takes to

leadership, committed to the professional development of security

protect your assets,” Robert states, “And for the employee, we will

professionals through ongoing training, certification and self-

give you everything you need to do this well.”

development. ASIS International is the leading global community of

This mandate has established ASSL as the standard setter in the industry and they consistently lead the way in a number of areas. As

security practitioners with more than 38,000 members in 232 local chapters worldwide.

an example, as of 2014 they are TRACE certified. The internationally

“Constant development is the only way to keep up to date with

acknowledged TRACE certificate was awarded after a thorough due

the needs of the market,” Robert says, “We have to continue updating

diligence by the awarding body and “signifies ASSL’s commitment

ourselves to assure the protection of our client’s operations and

to transparency in international commercial transactions and in

assets.” One of the developments has been the incorporation of

particular the firm’s compliance with international anti-bribery

polygraph testing in 2013 and the training of their staff in USA.

standards,” he explains. Robert goes on to further elaborate on the

“Instead of outsourcing we trained up our own staff.” Our Certified

significance of this in Trinidad and Tobago which has dropped three

Polygraph Examiner graduated top of her class from the world

places in the Corruption Perception Index of 2013 and is now tied

renowned San Antonio Polygraph Institute. As an associated

with Jamaica and Guyana whilst World Bank Group President Jim

member of the American Polygraph Association she now specializes

Yong Kim labelled corruption in developing countries as “Public

in the field of Psycho-Physiological Detection of Deception and

Enemy Number One”.

the Use of Polygraph Technology for Sex Offender Supervision and

Some of ASSL’s other important achievements are the STOW (Safe To Work) certification by the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and

Management. “Polygraph testing is one of the more recent services we offer our clients.”

Tobago. STOW aims at improved Health, Safety and Environment

Putting their employees first is a common theme with ASSL.

governance resulting in a reduction in incidents, accidents and

Included in the company’s vision statement of: “To foster and elevate

downtime and optimizing overall efficiency in business operations.

the developmental and professional aspirations of our employees,” it

STOW certification is especially important in Trinidad & Tobago

is with particular pride that Robert speaks about his staff.

because any contractor providing services to the energy sector needs

“Some of the benefits that our employees receive include

“For the customer, we promise to do everything it takes to protect your assets. And for the employee, we will give you everything you need to do this well.” Robert Baur, Group Marketing Manager 60 | Endeavour Magazine


life insurance, health plans, training and retraining, development

on people and the best way to know what the industry is doing.”

opportunities, paid vacations and even comprehensive medical, visual

Through this Robert has realized, that there are a great number of

and dental treatments,” Robert tells us, “In return our employees

personal success stories within the company which reveals the kind

provide us with expertise, reliability, diligence and competence. We

of environment that ASSL staff find themselves in.

are happy to be a top employer because our employees are worth it.” ASSL has their own training academy and before becoming an officer with the company one must first pass through there. “This way

“Our Chief Operations Officer and the Chief Security Officer both started out as security guards and climbed the corporate ladder to be top managers of the business.”

we ensure that our officers are well-prepared to protect themselves

A further great achievement worth mentioning is that of Financial

and by extension our clients”. ASSL’s position as the market leader in

Director John Aboud who was recently elected as Chairman of

quality is further substantiated by the fact that the company employs

Caribbean, Bermuda and Latin America Crime Stoppers Incorporated

the highest number of ASIS Certified Protection Professionals (CPP)


worldwide. “We spearhead the standard with CPP,” Robert tells

“In this role he is responsible for assisting in the development

us, “And this simply means that our employees are the best of their

of the current Crime Stoppers programmes in twelve jurisdictions,”


Robert says, “While continuing to serve as Chairman of Crime

One of the things that Robert has been doing is speaking with

Stoppers Trinidad & Tobago (CSTT); Chairman of the Crime and

the long standing employees of the company, some of who have been

Justice Committee at the Trinidad & Tobago Chamber of Industry

there for twenty years or more to discuss their time with the company

and Commerce; and as a member of the Trinidad & Tobago National

and to honestly and openly liaise with them on how satisfied they are

Drug Council.

working for ASSL. This is to ascertain if there are any areas where ASSL could improve. “The employees are the eyes and ears into the industry, the hands

“We are all very proud in Mr. Aboud’s significant contributions to these organizations, which reflect ASSL’s constant effort to truly be a socially responsible corporate citizen.”

PARTNERSHIP A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Digicel Business as the primary communications partner of Amalgamated Security Services Limited would like to extend congratulations to the team on securing the position of regional leader in security services. Find out how Digicel Business can work with you to deliver cost-effective & secure solutions for all of your IT, Cloud & communications requirements. We are here to make it more seamless.

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62 | Endeavour Magazine


The Customers Robert mentioned that recently a violent heist in the country affecting another security company reached the local newspapers which emphasized the importance of professional protection. This has helped to make ASSL’s clients even more appreciative of their work and that such incidents have never occurred under this company’s watch. This is not to suggest that their clients were not sincerely grateful to start with, but a mark of good security is to be present but not oppressive, to have the client aware they are being protected but unaware of the full extend. To help keep the promise they make to their clients, ASSL keeps on the very cutting edge of available technology and methods, keeping tabs on developments in the industry in other countries and making opportunities to introduce these new methods and technology to their clients.

2014 “We offer forensic services,” Robert says, speaking about how 2014 will be a next important year to ASSL, “This was broadly outlayed in 2013, but in 2014 we are offering a wider base of forensics to meet the existing and the anticipated needs of the client.” Robert goes on

to reveal that the Electronic Security & Integrated Systems (ESIS) services will be further expanded in 2014 and that in April 2014 ESIS will stage an electronic security exhibition in collaboration with its international partners. “The aim is to introduce existing and potential clients, governmental agencies and other interested parties to the newest trends in electronic security and ways to integrate the various components into one system for the client.” Robert explains, “Thereby ASSL will transfer state-of-the-art knowledge into the Caribbean region and continue to spearhead its industry in innovation.” Asset and Vehicle Tracking will also be further expanded this year in response to current trends in crime and the Archangel Ambulance Service, an atypical business unit of ASSL, with the largest private fleet of ambulance vehicles will continue to provide services to the public. Benefitting from top equipment, the highest trained professions and the strength of ASSL’s network, the ambulance service will prove to be invaluable throughout the island for protecting and saving lives. “We’ll never stop finding new ways to protect our clients,” Robert concludes.

We spearhead the standard with CPP. And this simply means that our employees are the best of their profession.”

Endeavour Magazine | 63

KENGEN 00254 203666000 WWW.KENGEN.CO.KE

64 | Endeavour Magazine


Retaining the coveted title of ‘leading power generation firm in Kenya’ may be an impossibly high mantle for lesser companies, but Patrick Kimemia, Head of Supply Chain at KenGen, describes how they are committed to the task and have a suitably defined mission, designed to keep them at the top.

Endeavour Magazine | 65


Producing up to 80 percent of all the electricity used in Kenya, KenGen have an inherent understanding of the pivotal roles that continual development and technological advancement play in their industry, using them to remain at the very forefront of the market.


enerating enough power to meet demand is, naturally, one

Company, a leading distributor to domestic consumers. KenGen

of the main concerns faced by KenGen, but embracing

highlight that a commitment to nurturing skilled workers, combined

a multitude of techniques and sources has allowed the

with fiscal responsibility and environmentally sound growth plans

company to not only meet demand, but surpass it, and through

allows them to retain their position as the leading power supplier in

surprisingly ecologically friendly means. With just short of 65 percent


of all electricity being produced through hydro energy harnessing, it

Operating in accordance with core values of industry integrity

is clear that KenGen have a firm grasp on the importance of utilising

and professionalism, with highly qualified and trained team members

natural resources. Taking full advantage of all three incarnations of

that are supported and motivated in a safe environment, it comes

hydro-turbines currently available in the world, the company has

as no surprise that KenGen have an equally impressive focus on

equipped their hydropower plants with cutting edge equipment so

corporate social responsibility. Far from erecting large power stations

as to offer a reliable electricity supply to the whole of Kenya. Not

and neglecting those in close proximity to the impressive installations,

a company to rest on their laurels, KenGen also utilise naturally

the company documents a commitment to improving the standard

occurring thermal, geothermal and wind power to maintain a steady

of living for all Kenyans. One area that causes great concern for the

supply of energy, while minimising environmental impact.

conscientious management team is the provision of safe drinking water

Conducting business in a liberalised market, KenGen has four

and as such, the company has become heavily involved in schemes

main competitors, all of which are independent organisations, which

that seek to provide clean water collection points for communities

combine to supply the remaining 20 percent of the country’s power

and damns for safe water storage. In addition to inclusion in

needs. Despite having a clear monopoly in the market, the company

community water projects, KenGen have identified the importance of

is cautious to continue supplying competitively priced electricity in

supporting younger generations to remain in education for as long as

order to retain their customer base of the Kenya Power and Lighting

possible. For those children and young adults living in close proximity

The product of an industry separation of electricity production and distribution channels in 1997, KenGen has risen to the challenge of initiating a reliable and respected supply chain, headed up by Patrick Kimemia, resulting in the company securing an incredible 80 percent of the market. 66 | Endeavour Magazine


to power plants, a scholarship programme has been created, offering

rise to the top of their industry, KenGen extends a promise to train

secondary school and university students opportunities to embrace a

and develop all employees, allowing them to rise through the ranks

more positive future, with well paid jobs and technical qualifications.

of the corporate structure and unleash their potential, while enjoying

Running for almost 10 years already, the scholarship scheme currently

competitive remuneration packages.

supports over 300 students, paying all tuition and boarding fees. This

In line with a desire to uphold professional integrity at all times,

consideration for the future is somewhat rare in large, successful

KenGen are careful to enter into transactions with reputable and

companies, but KenGen do not restrict their future-friendly approach

responsible organisations, with any suppliers that show interest in

to education, they are also keen conservationists. Painfully aware of

becoming a business associate being vetted against a comprehensive

the impact made by environmental issues, such as climate change, the

criteria list. Those that meet the detailed requirements are then added

company actively sponsors, among many others, a scheme called ‘To

to the KenGen list of approved suppliers for an allotted period, within

Hell’s Gate on a Wheelbarrow’, a conservation project which aims to

which, the suppliers are able to bid for tenders. Demonstrating a clear

preserve a national park and the delicate ecosystems within.

desire to operate at optimum efficiency levels, with transparency social

and time-efficiency playing major roles, it is understandable that any

responsibility upheld by the management team at KenGen, alongside







companies entering into a business relationship with KenGen must

an incredible domination of the power industry in Kenya, it is clear

also work in accordance with comparable ethics and values.

that the company, which has been in operation since 1954, has a firm

The product of an industry separation of electricity production

grasp on effective staff management. With a workforce currently

and distribution channels in 1997, KenGen has risen to the challenge

in excess of 1,800, over numerous sites, KenGen regularly seeks to

of initiating a reliable and respected supply chain, headed up by

bolster their market leadership through recruitment of motivated

Patrick Kimemia, resulting in the company securing an incredible

and ambitious professionals. In return for a commitment to upholding

80 percent of the market. Prior to the separation, one company

the values and levels of excellence that have allowed the company to

was solely responsible for the creation, transmission and supply of

68 | Endeavour Magazine

electrical power throughout Kenya, but following the crucial Electric Power Act, put in place in 1997, the industry was restructured to allow companies such as KenGen to become far more focused. Now responsible for the generation of all power made available to the public in Kenya, KenGen has flourished in the wake of significant change, demonstrating that their steadfast market leadership is no accident, but the product of an experienced management team that recognise the need to remain flexible and adaptive and above all, responsive to staff and surrounding community needs.

The company has become heavily involved in schemes that seek to provide clean water collection points for communities and damns for safe water storage.

We have been providing engineering and project management support to KenGen for more than 15 years, including project and owner’s engineer roles at Olkaria, Kipevu and Kilifi. For more information, please contact: Mercy Gachichio T: +254 722 73 78 60 E: mercy.gachichio@jacobs.com

We meet our clients’ needs by managing and delivering projects through our local Kenya office while accessing our global pool of talent in all areas of power generation and networks.

www.jacobs.com | worldwide Jacobs® and Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) have combined to form one of the world’s largest and most diverse providers of technical, professional and construction services.

Endeavour Magazine | 69

David Redfearn



master of magic and innovative illusion, David has enchanted and charmed audiences across the world with his impressive and infectious style of close up

and performance magic. Skillfully blending suggestion with sorcery, he challenges psychological parameters and defies logic, leaving audiences astounded and amazed. David’s polished performances have firmly established his reputation as the A-list magician of choice for film stars, Royalty, celebrated musicians and sporting legends. His adaptable performance style spans all types of events, whether corporate, charity and private sectors. I caught up with David to find out more.

Tyler: You’ve been a professional Magician for many years now, but can you remember when and how you first got introduced to magic? David: My earliest recollection of seeing magic being performed was when I was about 14 years old - there was an American magician on TV and the things I saw totally fascinated me.

70 | Endeavour Magazine

Tyler: Was it at that point that you knew you wanted to be a Magician?

Tyler: At what point did you leave the London Fire Brigade to become a professional magician?

David: To be honest No, I never thought I would be a Magician,

David: I’d been working at the London Fire Brigade for 15

I always wanted to be a Fireman and that was my dream job,

years, and my interest in magic had rapidly developed. My work

that’s what I worked towards. I had actually passed all my exams

colleagues were a great audience for me, but due to certain

and was waiting to join the London Fire Brigade when a magician

circumstances I decided to leave the Fire Brigade and begin my

showed me a card trick that blew my mind. After being amazed

career as a professional magician.

by this guy over a period of months he eventually invited me

Tyler: Do you have to dedicate a lot of time to practicing your act?

to a party where I met other magicians and witnessed things I couldn’t believe. That’s really when I developed a serious interest

David: I’ve got a saying which is “an amateur looks for new

in Magic, but I still never thought I would be a professional – I

tricks, but a professional looks for new audiences,” and I think

wasn’t even aware you could earn money from being a magician!

that is definitely something which separates professionals from

I can remember after joining the Fire Brigade, on my first day

someone who just performs for fun. I’ve been a professional

everyone had to stand up and introduce themselves, I stood

magician for a long time now and magic is what I do for a living,

up and told everyone that my ambition was to join the magic

so aside from making sure my act is polished and well rehearsed,

circle, and the room erupted with laughter. No one thought

I have to make sure I’m also business minded. For example if

I had it in me!

I’m out somewhere, I’m constantly thinking ‘I wonder if this

Endeavour Magazine | 71

Hotel/Restaurant/Company will work with me?’ Of course I do love performing, but you have to be business minded as a professional. When I first started there wasn’t the Internet and advertising campaigns, you had to really put yourself out there to get the bookings.

Tyler: You’re a favourite amongst A-List celebrities and sporting heroes, and you’ve performed in pretty much every country around the world, but tell me some of the highlights from your performing career. David: Performing regularly at Chelsea Football Club and the Ritz Casino has been great – I’ve been the resident magician at

Chelsea Football Club for 19 years, and I’ve been with the Ritz for

Magic is an international language and can work in any social situation, It’s the perfect icebreaker, and encourages people to engage with each other.

15 years. Chelsea came about when I was the resident magician at restaurant chain TGI Fridays, and one evening I spotted Glen Hoddle, who was the manager of Chelsea at the time. I showed him my magic and asked him if I could be the resident magician for the club, performing on match days around the corporate/ hospitality boxes. He introduced me to the right people and the rest is history. Performing for Michael Jackson is definitely one of my career highlights, as well as performing at Sting’s private birthday party for 3 years in a row. I was also booked to perform at David Beckham’s private party.

Tyler: Can you tell me about your interests outside of magic? David: Golf is something I really enjoy and I’ve been a member of the Variety Club Golf Society Charity for 15 years now. It’s a great charity and I’ve actually just been made Captain, which I’m so happy about. I’m the second magician in history to be named captain of the Variety Club. The first was Tommy Cooper! Not only am I helping a great cause, I also get to work with some of the greatest names in show business like Russ Abbot, Bobby Davro, Bruce Forsyth and Jimmy Tarbuck.

72 | Endeavour Magazine

Tyler: I know that you are a member of the prestigious and exclusive Inner Magic Circle, with a Gold Star. How did that come about? David: I had been a member of the Inner Magic Circle for quite some time, and then after a string of TV performances and TV Commercial appearances, I was awarded a Gold Star. Only 200 people in the world have been awarded a Gold Star by the Magic Circle, so that’s something I’m very proud of.

Tyler: A lot of your work is in the corporate arena and with many of our readers being business owners and CEO’s; tell me how you could help a company enhance their next event? David: Magic is an international language and can work in any social situation, It’s the perfect icebreaker, and encourages people to engage with each other. I can create bespoke magic using a particular companies props and products branded with their logo. Branded gifts and prizes can be handed out as part of

To book David Redfearn for your next event, please visit his website www.davidredfearn.com for more details. Follow David on Twitter @David_Redfearn

my show and given to the audience with a very positive memory attached to the product. Magic can also help create foot fall at trade shows and most importantly allows a company to promote, advertise and market your brand, product or message whilst drawing in and entertaining your target audience.

Endeavour Magazine | 73

Parkour Generations JUMPING BY DONNIE RUST




arkour, a movement about movement that has humans transversing the concrete jungle as speedily and as gracefully as monkeys through trees. Represented in

numerous films, this lifestyle/sport/art brings with it a high level of intensity and energy as the contours and details of ordinary buildings become a jungle gym landscape. As people’s hunger to see parkour taken to the next level grows and with television and the internet competing to make this happen, the real development can be seen within the operations and the people who are fighting not only for parkour’s legitimacy but for the safety of its participants. I caught up with the founder of Parkour Generations Dan Edwardes who, since 2006, has injected his unique vision and passion into creating a school for parkour and free runners. “Our focus has always been to integrate natural, functional

movement into people’s lives and to open their eyes to the opportunities for movement and health in their own environment,” Dan says, “Parkour is a philosophy and a training

Parkour is a philosophy and a training discipline based on learning to move effectively and well over any terrain and this mentality is directly applicable to overcoming any obstacle one encounters in life.”

discipline based on learning to move effectively and well over any terrain and this mentality is directly applicable to overcoming any obstacle one encounters in life.” Starting off with teaching and performance work through stunt work, movies and TV commercials, Dan and his team have brought parkour into a whole range of new markets including training facility design, coaching certifications, clothing, theatrical work and recently applying the benefits of urban acrobatics to tactical personnel within the military and emergency services. The founder of Parkour Generations, Dan has been training in parkour since 2002 and has been lucky enough to train with the French Founders and pioneers since 2004, “I began Parkour Generations with two of these same individuals and we have partnered with other founders to create a truly global collective.” Dan’s journey began at the age of eight when he began training in the martial arts and fighting disciplines, an obsession that took him to Japan where he lived for five years following graduation from Cambridge. There he studied ancient Japanese warrior arts that could only be studied in Japan and has intensively studied Aikido, Karate, MMA, Jujutsu, Boxing and Katori Shinto Ryu.

74 | Endeavour Magazine

“I’ve delved deeply into a range of movement disciplines

surrounds himself with the

and physical arts, with the aim of achieving overall physical and

very best he can find and

mental capability,” he adds.




a team of sixty professional

Parkour Generations Parkour Generations have become the go-to resource for parkour / freerunning related activities (freerunning being a nonliteral translation of the French word parkour, itself a renaming of the original term art du deplacement), and Dan and his team are certified to consult, display and teach the art anywhere in the world. “We offer coaching workshops, classes and international training events; education with coaching, teaching and fitness qualifications; performance training for the provision of stuntwork for film and television and live action performances,” he relates, “Facility design is also a major part and includes the creation of bespoke parkour training structures, facilities and portable equipment that is safe and applicable.”

Dan’s Team

parkour coaches. “Each




has to pass the rigorous ADAPT



certifications,” he mandates, “As well as demonstrating great




ability to gel well in a team and





professionalism.” Ongoing



provided to keep all of the coaches up to date with the latest information and methods,



Team Training sessions where everyone can meet, train and

Since the global explosion of parkour there has been a lot

share information, “We also

of development and to raise the standards even higher Dan

have a Developing Athlete

Endeavour Magazine | 75

Programme for under twenty ones looking to gain experience in the field and a develop a professional career with us.”

improve on. “Parkour is a principally non-competitive discipline,

Standards mean everything and to make sure that everyone is

focussing on self-improvement and self-mastery,” he reveals,

leading from the front the individual development of each Dan’s

“So we encourage competition in the original meaning of the

staff is measured thoroughly via constant peer appraisal, “We

word, that is to work or seek together (Con-Petire in the Latin) to

also insist that all our coaches repeat the ADAPT Level 2 physical

achieve excellence and overcome any challenge.”

components every year to make sure they are still operating at

With the growing interest in parkour not only as an enjoyable

the highest level and can thus be role models for the rest of the

pastime, and esoteric movement, but also has a legitimate


fitness model more and more schools and academies have

Dan is very firm about the quality of his coaches because he

been established in recent years and for the most part Parkour

knows that as a team they are responsible for the quality of the

Generations can be credited for their coaching groups and their

next generation of athletes. With this in mind the coaching is

ADAPT Certification Programme which ensures that coaches

approached in a systematic method:

are qualified, “It is our Coaching Development Programme

“We always begin with giving them a good grounding in the

that keeps our team ahead of the game, plus our commitment

fundamental aspects of functional movement,” he explains,

to excellence, hard work and staying true to the original, core

“Reinforcing those healthy patterns and developing applicable

principles and values of parkour.”

strength before progressing onto more complex movement patterns. “

Reaching New Heights

He goes on to explain that there is a very broad and deep

Parkour Generations have just opened the UK’s first

syllabus which the coaching team can draw on, but as movement

dedicated parkour and functional fitness centre, The Chainstore,

is very individual a good coach of parkour has to look at the

in London.

individual learner and identify exactly what he or she needs to

76 | Endeavour Magazine

“It’s one of a kind,” Dan says proudly, “Bringing the outdoor

experience indoors and it’s made a huge noise in the UK and international media already. It’s a special place and we’re looking to make it the first of many across the country and eventually expand the centres internationally as well.” They’ve also recently launched a new groundbreaking certification programme for personal trainers and fitness professionals, called Parkour Fitness Specialist, which is fully accredited by bodies such as ACE, CYQ and FIT. This takes the incredible functional mobility, strength and fitness elements of parkour and introduces them to a fitness training paradigm, enabling everyone to benefit from the amazing discoveries made by the parkour community. It restores natural movement to any practitioner, enabling him or her to access previously unknown levels of physical and mental capability. This certification has been launched in the USA, Asia and the UK and has been phenomenally well received. “Thirdly, we are expanding to several new countries this year to build on operations we have in the UK, USA, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Brasil and Spain,” Dan tells us, “We’re very keen to see parkour in its proper form made accessible to every community that wants it and opening new regional branches is a huge step in that direction. “ These steps, and some other big projects that are being initiated this year, will hugely expand the Parkour Generations reach and community, bringing the benefits of parkour to tens of thousands of new practitioners. For Dan and his team it’s all about the movement and about making this knowledge accessible to all and they believe that it is unethical to charge huge amounts of money for knowledge that could and should be available to everyone and they always look for ways to make that happen while maintaining the highest quality and standards in everything they do. For an example, the making of the Chainstore: a building that went from scratch to a fully-equipped parkour academy in just nine weeks was a result of a team of about ten to twelve committed individuals using their skills, experience and ingenuity. The primary investment into these crucial developments has been a combination of blood, sweat and passion from their international team, “We don’t have deep pockets,” Dan relates, “And are always looking for good partners to assist the growth of these concepts, but with a dedicated group of individuals focussed on a task you can change the world. That’s what we aim to do.”

Endeavour Magazine | 77


April Fools By Richie Tankersley Cusick http://amzn.to/1fmV2me

I would have been roughly thirteen when I first got April Fools from the library. I loved it right from the off. Belinda and her friends, Hildy and Frank make a stupid decision on April Fools night and become entangled in a twisted, sinister family. Belinda is hired to tutor Adam, the scarred, scary son, and finds romance with the sunny blond son, Noel. But can she trust them? Now, Adam left an impression on me. Right from his first appearance I thought he was an interesting character and it just about broke my heart when Belinda saw an old picture of him and says how handsome he was. Strangely enough, I always pictured him as being good-looking, despite what Belinda says about him. And I never pictured him with healed scars, more thick, black stitches. There is one scene in particular that stayed with me. Belinda hurts herself and goes to Noel’s house, looking for help. Instead, she finds Adam wandering around the house with one of the pet snakes wrapped around his neck. The ensuing ‘help’ is quite creepy - in an endearing way because I’ve always liked creepy. Honestly, I raved about April Fools to anyone who’d listen, and

Like A Virgin: Secrets They Won’t Teach You at Business School By Richard Branson http://amzn.to/1hdmhDy


ooking for advice on setting up your own company, improving your career prospects, or developing your leadership skills? Why not ask Richard Branson?

In Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won’t Teach You in Business

School, Richard distils and shares the wisdom and experience that have made him one of the world’s most recognised and respected entrepreneurs. From his ‘Top 5 secrets of Business Success’, to hard hitting discussions about the global financial crisis, this book brings together his best advice on all things business. It’s business school, the Branson way. 78 | Endeavour Magazine

occasionally still do, because its just that good. ~ Shauna

Yes Man By Danny Wallace http://amzn.to/1hZvFZB

‘I, Danny Wallace, being of sound mind and body, do hereby write this manifesto for my life. I swear I will be more open to opportunity. I swear I will live my life taking every available chance. I will say Yes to every favour, request, suggestion and invitation. I WILL SWEAR TO SAY YES WHERE ONCE I WOULD SAY NO.’ Danny Wallace had been staying in. Far too much. Having been dumped by his girlfriend, he really wasn’t doing the young, free and single thing very well. Instead he was avoiding people. Texting them instead of calling them. Calling them instead of meeting them. That is until one fateful date when a mystery man on a late-night bus told him to ‘say yes more’. These three simple words changed Danny’s life forever. Yes Man is the story of what happened when Danny decided to say YES to everything, in order to make his life more interesting. And boy, did it get more interesting. Danny’s story was made into a hit film starring Jim Carey.

John Carter: A Princess Of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs http://amzn.to/1m7TReR

When Civil War veteran Captain John Carter is incredibly

Dejah Thoris, who wins his love the first moment his eyes meet hers.

transported from Earth to a strange and weird landscape on Mars,

A Princess of Mars is the first book in the classic, best-selling John

he finds that the weak gravity exponentially increases his speed and

Carter of Mars science-fantasy series, soon to be a major Disney/

strength. Taken prisoner by Martian warriors, Carter impresses

Pixar film from Wall-E director Andrew Stanton. Written during

them with his remarkable fighting skills and is quickly made a high-

the heyday of the pulp fiction era by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the

ranking chieftain. Before long, the captain finds himself embroiled

renowned author of the immensely popular Tarzan novels, these

in the deadly warfare raging across the Red Planet and thrust into

epic, swashbuckling Red Planet tales of derring-do and dazzling

dark intrigues that have been polarizing the Martian races. The

romance permanently remapped the terrain of fantasy and science

heroic Carter also finds dangerous romance with the divine princess


Endeavour Magazine | 79

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