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EDITORIAL Heads of Departments Editor in Chief Daemon Sands Head of Editorial Don Campbell Editorial Research Manager Alex Smith Sales Director James Martin Corporate Director Anthony Letchumaman Lead Designer Alina Sandu Publisher Stephen Warman Any enquiries or subscriptions can be sent to ENDEAVOUR MAGAZINE is published by Littlegate Publishing LTD which is a Registered Company in the United Kingdom. Company Registration: 07657236 VAT registration number:116 776007 343 City Road Kings Lane London Norwich EC1 V1LR NR1 3PS Littlegate Publishing Ltd does not accept responsibility for omissions or errors. The points of view expressed in articles by attributing writers and/or in advertisements included in this magazine do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this magazine, no legal responsibility will be accepted by the publishers for loss arising from use of information published. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrievable system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher. Copyright © Littlegate Publishing Ltd 2013
n case you haven’t heard, The Duke
parents, who are not known for their
and Duchess of Cambridge have
political weight, choose to educate
had a son named Prince George
him on the world.
Alexander Louis who will be the future
It would fill me with unease if his
King of England. With all of the fervour
tutorship was from someone more
that’s been created to celebrate this
interested in traditional British values,
successful birth of a boy it has been
because I think one more royal icon
nay impossible to not be caught up
with eyes focussed on the borderline
with it all and with fresh hope of a
of his nation is not what we need. I
future King of England that all can be
would like the future King of England
proud of many of us have been looking
to receive his schooling from someone
at fresh starts.
who has made mistakes, someone who
Was it fated that as Nelson Mandela’s
has opinions of humanitarian causes
health fails and his family dedicate
rather than politics, and someone who
themselves to destroying his legacy,
won’t be afraid to tell him the absolute
that this chosen son is born? We liken
fundamental truth along the lines of,
it to the executive management of a
“what your ancestor did was wrong
company that is inherited by a son or
and you should not make the same
a daughter. In business terms a fresh
start also comes with a decision on
Before the weight of his nation’s
direction, will the approach change or
hopes and dreams are shovelled onto
remain the same and a discussion on
his shoulders I would hope that he is
what the pros and cons of both.
given the opportunity to be human.
Is it such a far flung assumption that
To fail. To make a scene in front of
the power of Britain does not lie
the cameras at a party and to get
within the Royal Family but within
into trouble with the law, I think the
the politicians who are making the
greatest education he could possibly
corporate decisions? Looking at the
receive is to be just a boy, who has to
conflicting views of the politicians
be brought home by the police after a
running this country, the hypocrisy
night of too much fun.
that has stapled the British coalition
Ultimately, if Nelson Mandela is not
government to the wall I sincerely
available to be his tutor then I hope
hope that Prince George is tutored
we will be fortunate enough for him to
and schooled not by anyone with a
turn to his Uncle Harry before anyone
political interest.
While I would not confess to being a royalist I have gambled my optimism on the young Prince and will watch with a careful eye to the methods his
Endeavour Magazine | 3
George Airport Flying High
Royal Mnandi Flavoursome Food And Mouth-Watering Meals CB Group Caribbean Cuisine At Its Finest
40 46 54
54 Barrick South America 4 | Endeavour Magazine
Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad Recognising The Importance Of Sustainable Development Barrick South America The Real El Dorado
Khumani Mine Efficiency, Empowerment And Engineering Excellence
City Of Tshwane Keeping Your Lights On
SANBS Finger On The Pulse
Apollo Bramwell Hospital The Greatest Wealth Is Health
WorleyParsons Tailored Local Solutions Using Global Expertise
Port Authority Of Trinidad And Tobago Staying Connected
WUC From The Source
16 Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad
Apollo Bramwell Hospital
Ricky Martin 2012 Apprentice Winner Super Scientific Recruiter
Be Safe, Be Seen
Time For Public Relations To Be Kept In House
A Pair Of Good Choices And One Bad Idea
Business Headlines
Meep Meep! There Goes The Money!
Four Seasons Bora Bora
104 Passengers
VW Golf Review
106 Book
What’s It Like Wearing Google Glass?
From Hell
Endeavour Magazine | 5
Super Scientific Recruiter
ne of a handful of reality television shows that have an
you’d expect of a winner of a show followed closely by the business
underlining purpose beyond simple entertainment, The
echelon of the world, he’s young 28, he is smart and a fast talker. He
Apprentice has remained one of the highest viewed and
speaks with clarity and force and a year on in his business venture
closest followed programme for it’s the entirety of its nine series run.
working alongside partner Lord Alan Sugar, he is clearly a man not
We were very pleased to speak with last year’s winner of the show Mr.
given to reflection of the past but entirely focussed what he’s doing
Ricky Martin who, working alongside Lord Alan Sugar has created a
now to get to where he wants to be in the future.
company that has a strong parallel to the show. Ricky Martin, 2012 The Apprentice winner has everything that
6 | Endeavour Magazine
“The Apprentice show is styled as entertainment,” he reveals, “But it is directed at sourcing the very best business men and women
and an office manager Ricky
same situation as every school
always predicated towards facts
really interest me I preferred
leaver. Asking the most terrifying
This sourcing of the best
found after methodical research.
question, what am I going to do
through a rigorous system is
Set to follow his interests from
Cardiff University, and studied
something fitting and akin to
a young age he found himself
biochemistry. You can only excel
Ricky’s background. Growing
excelling in areas of biochemistry,
in something that you have a
up in Hampshire, South East
mathematics, science and biology
passion for however, when I left
mind, at length, Ricky knew
England, the son of a bricklayer
from a young age.
university I found myself in the
that the laboratory was not the
now?” For a man who had a for
Endeavour Magazine | 7
place for him and found himself working in medical sales and then in scientific recruitment which he was involved in for six years before he went into The Apprentice. “One of my hobbies was professional reveals
spandex and long hair is what some people may see. But I was hooked and engaged by charisma, story telling and large then live characters.”
The Apprentice With any other television show you accept that it is all in the aid of entertainment, but
“To have Lord Alan Sugar asking me what he can do to help my business success is an incredible thing.”
with The Apprentice there is the question of how the reality of the participants compare to the viewing of the show. “It’s taking business people
Everyone who gets onto the
go out the window very soon. I
just flattery. People see him on
from different business sectors,”
show has watched it at some
think that is part of it. But after
television and think that’s all he
Rick explains, “It’s the variety of
point and Ricky speaks quite
working sixteen hour days for
does,” Ricky reveals, speaking
personalities and approaches
candidly on how he entered the
six days a week and always being
with open honesty, “But he is
that give the show it’s spark. But
2012 series with the foreplan of
on your toes. You stop worrying
a business man through and
variety is also important for any
not making the same mistakes
about anything other than just
as previous participants, or to
getting the day done.
The Apprentice as only part of
His appearances in
Speaking with Ricky, he does
highlight particular behaviours
“The Apprentice is a gauntlet
his working day and he is in the
not sound like a person who is
that he thought was worthwhile,
of fire, we had 11 different
office handling business before
easily intimidated but his tales
but that despite this he was
tasks that required completely
the cameras arrive and after they
on what goes into working on the
have left.”
show is enough to make even the
most brazen of business people
methods. It’s entertaining but
It is an enviable position to
the aim is to find out who has
be in, but also a daunting one as
the solution orientated and who
many of us would be terrified
“You have 400 hours worth of
is stopped at just seeing hurdles
to have the presence of one of
footage that has to be condensed
that anything they say could end
and problems.”
into an hour show,” he tells us, “So
up on the screen, you promise
After winning The Apprentice
you don’t get a complete concept
yourself to do better than anyone
2012, Ricky went into business
every move. For The Apprentice
of what goes into it. However the
in the last series. You hope you
with Lord Alan Sugar to set up a
the depiction of Lord Alan Sugar
editors do a good job at depicting
can predict what they will throw
scientific recruitment company
is slightly skewed towards being
the truth behind it. This is work,
at you,” he tells us, speaking
Hyper Recruitment Solutions.
a demanding and controlling
real work and the whole point of
honestly and with good humour,
“Lord Sugar is an exceptional
the show is to test your mettle.”
“But any preconceptions or plans
business partner and that’s not
8 | Endeavour Magazine
surrounded by cameras and
figurehead. “HRS has been set up in
the same building as Lord Alan
points out is that The Apprentice is set up as entertainment for the
Sugar so we have infrastructure
masses but is actually looking for sustainable business partners, “The
as looking at other countries
support of his infrastructure
upper crust of the very best people with the mental agility to work
and he often comes in or calls
well under pressure and achieve targets and goals.”
Australia and America.” Ricky
well Swiss,
up to ask what he can do for us.”
“It tested me,” he says, “Not until I started my own business have I
Ricky reveals, “To have Lord Alan
been required to bring my A+ Game to such a level as I did during my
One of the main aims of Hyper
Sugar asking me what he can do
time on the show. I worked hard before but trust me, nowhere near as
Recruitment Solutions is to focus
to help my business success is an
hard as I have to now. ”
on sustainable recruitment on a long term scale for ethical
incredible thing.” “He doesn’t have experience
Hyper Recruitment Solutions
companies looking to provide a
in this service driven area and
A year after winning The Apprentice 2012, now that the buzz
service, a means or product that
so when it comes to scientific
of the show has echoed off, and HRS and its directors are left with
will improve the world. All of his
recruitment he is happy to
specific targets and goals to achieve, how is business?
staff are scientists themselves,
hand over the reigns to me. During the meetings though
“It has been going very well so far,” Ricky states, with an appropriate level of pride, “We’ve overachieved on all of our goals.
not salesmen and are working as scientist to recruit into the industry.
he is refreshingly black and
“Everything was started from scratch and I think one of the trying
white,” Ricky points out, “Having
times in any business is sorting out the foundation,” Ricky reflects,
“Of all the discoveries that
sharpened my teeth in the sales
“Doing the bits that don’t actually feel like your job, like setting up
will change the world at some
industry I’m used to people
telephones, computers, desks and chairs and recruiting your own
point a scientist’s hands will be
colouring things up but he cuts
staff. If you’re able to get that done fast you’re on a win.”
involved, we want to provide the
straight to the point. He’s like a laser, he cuts through everything that isn’t important and just gets straight to the point.” Something crucial that Ricky
A year in and while the plan was to have five employees by this
best hands to it,” Ricky concludes.
stage Ricky is sitting on a staff contingent of seven. “Science recruitment covers a wide variety of industries and although we have focused in one of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and clinical we are moving into other areas including food and drink
Endeavour Magazine | 9
Public Relations
ndustries retract whenever technology replaces hands.
The internet was once young
Programming and hardware
and new to people and those
improve efficiency and fewer
who did not understand the ins-
people are needed to improve the
and-outs of cyberspace turned
smooth function of the industry machine.
to those who had the necessary
skills and the time to develop
checkout bays in supermarkets
the strength and experience in
this new industry. This was the
replacing high street stores, the
time where most companies
contraction of industries means
that only the people at the centre
of any given industry can benefit
could offer a simple service of
in the long term while people on
generating a public appearance
the periphery do not.
for the company.
outsourced freelancers
This is not about job roles, it
At the core of each of
is more about the placement of
these agencies was the time to
these roles and one of them is PR agencies. Business reputation is the stage on which all corporate drama happens and to develop a reputation requires high quality work, good customer relations and outbound work generation. A handful of industries and even a smaller handful of companies have no need to be concerned about any of this but for the
Outsourced agencies benefit from the “Shrug� adage because their work is not quantifiable. Ultimately, your product, whatever it is, will not pick up the interest of potential customers if it is not interesting and engaging so what you need is a marketing department, an ideas person and not just someone who will throw your product out to a thousand websites and hope for the best, happy to take credit when something works but always ready for a shrug when it does not.
develop and earn the contacts in television, radio, advertising and online companies. The better the contacts the better the service and the more money they could charge their clients, always at a profit. Not a
internet, something that could be outsourced and managed elsewhere, however in all my
most part generating a top end
years of working with businesses
reputation is vital.
across the globe I have yet to
10 | Endeavour Magazine
find a company who is actually
if it is not interesting and engaging so what you need is a marketing
time for the industry to contract
satisfied with the PR agency as
department, an ideas person and not just someone who will throw
again and for PR, Marketing
per a service against cost ratio.
your product out to a thousand websites and hope for the best, happy
and Promotion to be brought in
And I believe I understand why.
to take credit when something works but always ready for a shrug
house into a department that
when it does not.
can be quantified and managed
A contraction is required.
Between PR agencies and the illusive, self-important ‘Media Buyers’ I don’t understand how agencies, of any kind, can expect to charge such extortionate rates for their services when their services are being replaced by online programmes that have a wider reach and a higher yield. Why do you need an external PR agency to spend their time on Facebook or Twitter, or connecting
LinkedIn on your company’s behalf when this is actually not enough work for an entire agency? “Hire a PR Agency and you daren’t chase them up,” this is the unsaid rule whenever you outsource them. Outsourced agencies benefit from the “Shrug” adage because their work is not quantifiable. Ultimately,
whatever it is, will not pick up the interest of potential customers
Impending Lack Of Ignorance Nothing unknown exists on the internet and while agencies, in all their personas, have relied on the ignorance or laziness of customers, this is no longer the case in a world where information is so freely available and money is pinched more than ever. More and more agencies are finding their customers becoming increasingly discerning and asking the dreaded questions of: what do you do? Recently I was asked to participate in a fund raiser put together by a PR agency of some reputation and watched as money was splurged on fine dining, first class transport, expensive hotels and a lot of primping upon the good name of the charity in question only for the event to be a near failure due to a lot of talk and not a lot of action. A good PR agency will not take you out to an expensive restaurant, they will meet you for coffee in their offices and the managing director should look like they’ve spent the morning on the phone, organizing things. Here is the crutch, in my experience, PR agencies build up a catalogue of news websites and mailings so that their clients will appear on so many websites, but there will be no push, there will be little or no calling and promoting. It’s all about the so-called
someone to do the work of an agency will pay for itself because that person will be answerable to a manager and not a customer who can be mislead, distracted or, in many cases, flat out lied to. The ‘secret’ of the PR industry is brought in-house and becomes the
results and goals of the company can be reflected within the work of the employee instead of relying on the invisible and nonchalant efforts of a PR Agent. In the end, it is simple, an employee can be run ragged for their paycheque and rightly so. Everyone should work for their money and be rewarded for results not promises.
connections. Good results are cause for celebration because it usually comes as a surprise.
Contraction With the all-important customer ignorance at an all-time low, it is Endeavour Magazine | 11
Three choices led to me being choked out this morning.
irstly, I have moved into a
shirts with a depiction of me looking “intelligent”. Due to this I cannot
I have come to realize that
beautiful loft apartment
afford to be up at 7am when I only get to sleep at 3am when the last
moving in with someone you
in the city centre which
of the taxis stop dicing down the brilliant lit up and very visible City
love is really the first step in
determining whether or not
provides me instant access into the city, not that I worry about
So I purchased ear plugs and a flight mask.
you’re meant to be together.
transport (see car review). It
Living together means that you
wasn’t long before I realized
are guaranteed to learn things
that being in the city centre does
about your partner you never
mean that my bedroom windows
knew before. I’ve spent two years
open up onto a road that is not
holding in farts because I was
a main road but is a well-known
trying to give a good impression
short cut to go from the main
and when she managed to inflate
road to the local business parks,
the duvet the other night I
an essential connective line
realized so had she.
that acts like a rung of a ladder
Are you able to shrug off
holding up the clinging hands
that suddenly the decoration
of the city. So I have the languid
of your house is no longer up to
sounds of taxis, truck engines,
you and that you have zero, and I
lorries carrying broken glass
mean zero say in what appears in
and ball bearings and drunken
the bathroom cabinet? Can you
pedestrians arguing over who
handle the smell of nail polish
can projectile vomit the farthest.
remover, can either of you deal
My nightlights are the long line
with snoring? Do you watch the
of high-yield street lamps set up
same television shows? These
at the business premises car park directly opposite my house and
Good Choice Number One
are all the things that determine whether or not you’ll want to
cast such a brilliant white glare
wring their necks a week in (more
through the windows that the
on that later).
shadows of my blinds have been bleached upon the walls. My
influential, my words sway the decisions
my girlfriend, the beautiful red headed Celtic
I am, as I
faerie who has often appeared in my articles as a companion and soul
continuously refer to, a highly
mate and, since discovering her father reads my magazine, never as a
trained and quite lethal martial
punch line - she has moved in.
artist. Since seven years old I
There are a number of reasons why this has been a good choice
have trained extensively in every
and the most prominent one is that she is beautiful, magical and I love
sort of martial art that I could
people walk around with wrists
her with all my heart. Since I first met her I have longed to look after
find, travelling cross country and
bands asking the slogan WHAT
her, provide for her and spend my time concocting ways to make her
overseas to train with the best. I
dreams real (Hi Mr. Murray).
have more black belts than a suit
12 | Endeavour Magazine
rental, I’ve fought professionally
in the ring and cage, I have taught
others how to do it, I’ve studied
karate, ninjutsu, aikido, jujitsu,
compressing my wind
okami, wing-tsun, muay thai and
pipe, I felt a figure-
I also have a black belt in Batman.
four lock wedge the
Due to an injury involving
hold in place but I
a Nootka Cypress (it’s a big,
artery throat
climbable tree) and every branch
sparring techniques, not singular
and that lucid, beautiful calm
because I was wearing a sodding
between the highest sprig and
punches and kicks taught to rows
in my mind as if I had, in one
sleeping mask and couldn’t hear
the ground I wasn’t training when
and rows of uniformed people
training session accomplished
anything because I had ear plugs
I met my girlfriend and romanced
something great. Now partners
her. Writing for Endeavour has
Kiaaaa! noises, but routines to
in training as well as everything
I wrestled and struggled-
pretty much taken up my time
develop movement and rhythm
else we spoke earnestly about
who was it? The Yellow Assassin
since then so there is an entire
so that everyone would develop
the details of my training. The
of The Yellow Hand Ninja Club?
part of my life which she knows
an idea of how to move.
sort of things that I learnt and it
No, there was no tell-tale smell
nothing about.
offered the great opportunity to
brought me so much closer to the
of onions. The Android Raccoons
switch off and let the body take
love of my life because I was able
of Brighton? No, I had defeated
over. It is simply fantastic.
to reveal what had once felt like
them in 2006!
So, we agreed that since we will be living together and I am
a certified lethal weapon that
We also did throws, the kind
a dark secret. I am deadly. Yes, I
No. It was none other than
it was time she had a look into
of throws that would put a lighter
am highly trained and stealthy,
my beautiful, loving girlfriend
this violent and exciting part
woman against a larger attacker
physically and psychologically
who had felt that 2am was a
of my life which has turned my
at an advantage using more body
fists into iron hammers and my
physics than brute strength and I
opponents and enemies. Yes, I
shins into steel girdles. A bit of
won’t lie it was more than a little
used to hurt people in the ring
investigation revealed a local
exciting to see my fragile looking
and cage for money. Yes I have
school teaching Jeet Kun Do
red head of a girlfriend throwing
beaten men unconscious and had
a martial art developed by the
a man my size over her shoulder
been revered as a modern day
late, great Bruce Lee which has
after he applied a choke hold and
warrior by men and women alike.
developed over the last forty
to hear him hit the matts like a
Then she shampooed my hair
years into a concept driven
sack of potatoes and know that
martial art. This means, basically
at least it wasn’t me.
that you learn how to cheat in a
of a ninja assassin I was and had, in the same test, discovered just how quickly a person could fall asleep when after between three and five seconds I went limp. (haha. Sorry Mr. Murray).
and we went to bed. ******
What an idiot!
real fight to increase the chances
We got home late and I felt
My dreams were shattered,
of winning. Which, in a real fight
that familiar ache in my shoulders,
torn apart as a body landed upon
is actually really useful.
back and legs that I remember
my back and an arm wrapped
after a hard martial arts session
around my throat. The elbow
Last night we were learning
perfect time to test how much
Endeavour Magazine | 13
Meep Meep!
14 | Endeavour Magazine
have a daughter. She’s three.
aged three and as a result I watch a lot of modern children’s television.
That’s her age not her name
Most of it is phenomenally poor which is a shame as she likes it. As
incidentally. Three would be
I don’t like it I try, wherever possible, to get her to watch decent (or
a terrible name although naming
“old”) children’s television instead. She’s often unhappy about this
children in number sequence
but as she’s too short to reach the remote on the top of the bookcase
would make the whole thing a lot
there’s not much she can do about it. My efforts are paying off because
easier and save family arguments
she’s come to like Tom and Jerry. Her favourite bits, she tells me, are
if we have another child. But then
“when the people get hurt”. Which is heart-warming isn’t it? Kids!
people would wonder what had
Given the success of Tom and Jerry I thought she might enjoy
become of One and Two wouldn’t
watching Road Runner and I was right, she loves it. And as we were
they? And that’d lead to all sorts
sitting there this morning watching Wile E. Coyote up to his always
of difficult conversations. But I
doomed tricks a thought struck me. You know how Wile E. Coyote
digress. I have a daughter who’s
will run/rollerskate/rocket over the edge of a cliff but he’s fine and
blown up, sometimes he gets run over
rocketing until he looks down and
usually by a train and sometimes he drops
realises there’s nothing below him? And
off the edge of the cliff frantically still
then he plummets to disappear in a cloud
running /rollerskating/rocketing until he
of dust? Well it occurred to me that’s
realises there’s nothing holding him up.
almost exactly what happened to the
Now this being a cartoon he’s always
international banking system. There it
back seconds later with a new, even
was happily running along until someone
crazier scheme. He doesn’t refine his last
somewhere looked down and realised
scheme, ironing out the glitches until it’s
that nothing at all was holding it up. And
perfect. Oh no. he just scraps it and starts
so the whole world plummeted into our
something completely new. And gets hurt
current cloud of dust which we’re still
again and again and again. And he never,
gingerly picking our way out of.
ever catches his prize. The Road Runner
And the more I thought about it the
is always out of reach, mocking him as
more I realised that Wile E. Coyote is a
it soars away leaving him in some fresh
powerful metaphor for the businesses
new agony. And we laugh at his pain and
of the world which I’d like to explore with
suffering. There’s nothing noble about
you now in greater detail. If you’ve never
what Wile E. Coyote does – he is first and
seen the Warner Brothers cartoon Road
foremost a figure of fun.
Runner this is going to mean nothing to
So if you’ve ever sat listening to
you by the way. And I feel sad for you.
your company directors telling you of an
Go and watch it. Now. The character that
exciting new direction that the company
interests me is the villain of the piece,
is soaring off in, or if you are that company
Wile E. Coyote. He is a metaphor for
director, just think about Wile E. Coyote
every failed business you can think of
for a moment. Would you be better off
from Woolworths to HMV to Bearings
if you just made a few tweaks to your
Bank. The reason for this is that all
current crazy scheme? Is it really time
Wile E. Coyote does, all day every day,
to strap on the jet propelled rollerskates
is to single-mindedly chase the same
and take the organisation in a new and
unobtainable goal which, in his case, is the
exciting direction, i.e. downwards?
Road Runner. Which in turn makes Road
I’m not trying to suggest that trying
Runner the metaphorical prize chased
new ideas is a bad thing; I don’t believe
by businesses everywhere. What? No,
that for a moment. But what I am saying
not the customer, silly! The customer’s
is that before you do that, you should
money. And so Wile E. Coyote dreams up
consider whether a tweak might be
more and more increasingly dangerous
better. It’s equally important to know
and ridiculous schemes to try to catch his
when you’re beaten and when the time’s
right to change tack. As a case in point, did
If you’ve ever watched Road Runner
anyone notice Rupert Murdoch’s recent
(what, you still haven’t? I told you to go
£50million re-launch of My Space? Me
and watch it. Now!!!) you’ll know what
neither. Even my three year-old daughter
happens to Wile E. Coyote every time.
would have known better than to try that!
He gets hurt. Badly. Sometimes he gets Endeavour Magazine | 15
C Four Seasons BORA BORA
elebrities and the royal family aren’t treated as well as this. That’s
what I’m thinking, with my toes swaying to the tide of the French Polynesian Pacific as I lie in a sunbed searching the sky for
anything in the shape of clouds. A pineapple cocktail is in one hand and a brochure advertising snorkelling tours offered in many different locations around the island of Bora Bora in the other. All of us have seen the meme’s online of the thatched roof chalets standing in light aquamarine waters of the Bora Bora
about going there and as I sit here I can’t fathom why it’s taken me so long to get here. Opened in September 2008
16 | Endeavour Magazine
and managed by Rajiv Malhotra,
architects Dider Lefort and Pierre-Jean Picart were called in, working
Four Seasons have a long
Four Seasons Bora Bora has
with interior designer company BAMO. Typical of Four Seasons
history of impressing patrons
garnered itself 220,000 square
the resultant effect is one of intense satisfaction and, dare I say it,
and statistically make most of
metres (2,368,060 square feet)
their revenue through return
of the enviable Bora Bora coast.
Although all the normal amenities are provided for including deep,
visits and I can understand why.
Bragging a total of 107 rooms,
luxurious bathtubs, minibars, wifi and telephones it is a journey of only
I feel utterly at peace knowing
100 bungalows, 7 villas and 15
a couple of steps to get the feeling that you are as far away from your
that the office and my boss is
residential units.
daily slog as you can get. Set on a private motu (island) in the string
on the other side of the planet
Design Aesthetic is Tahitian
of coral islets surrounding Bora Bora’s main island and overlooking
and I have entered a bubble
style, making the most use of
Mount Otemanu and Mount Pahia it is remarkably easy to lose
of sunshine, calm ocean and
the natural special feel and full
yourself to the singular island beauty, the salty air, lush, foaming
fantastic service where there is
use of the abundant long hours
vegetation and an island filled with birds of paradise.
nothing more pressing for my
of sunshine. Over-water guest
Recently, Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora was again named #1
attention than whether I want to
suites, like the one I’m currently
resort in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific and #5 on the
go snorkelling in the morning or
basking in, have trraditional
list of Top 100 Hotels Overall in Travel and Leisure’s 2013 World’s
the afternoon?
teak wood furnishings, high
Best Awards readers’ poll.
On a tangent though, it’s the
ceilings and thatched roofs made
“We’re thrilled that sophisticated readers of Travel and Leisure
kind of place that makes you re-
from pandanus leaves and the
have recognized us as the #1 resort Australia, New Zealand and the
assess you priorities. Thusly, if
striking works of art are sourced
South Pacific and as one of the world’s very best resorts,” said General
you are reading this my job must
throughout French Polynesia.
Manager Rajiv Malhotra, “Our dedicated team will continue to create
be very, very good. If not, then I’m
No expense has been spared
the most extraordinary, memorable and romantic experiences for our
still on my island getaway and see
in the design of the suites and
valued guests.”
you here.
Endeavour Magazine | 17
long time ago, when I still had hair, I owned one of the
lower than its predecessor and it looks and feels that little bit sportier,
original MK’s I GTI which set the benchmark as a usable
too. Inside, the Golf has VW’s usual mix of high-quality materials and
everyday car/hooligan’s tool and I loved it. Over the
loads of up-to-date equipment – there’s an option for a huge eight-inch
years many rivals have tried to produce their version of the Golf and
touchscreen to sit at the centre of the completely redesigned interior.
struggled to match it. Today there are more and more very good rivals
You can choose between eight engine specs across four versions – S,
so this new Golf needs to be even better than before to succeed in
SE, BlueMotion and GT. All models are quiet and smooth on the road,
retaining its crown.
with either the six-speed manual or automatic gearboxes. There have
This seventh generation of Volkswagen Golf continues to raise
been some critics of the car’s design, saying it’s too tame and similar
the family hatchback bar and is nearly 100kg lighter than the old Mk6,
to old models, especially with the likes of the SEAT Leon pushing the
however its dimensions are actually wider and longer. There is more
boundaries a bit. But a conservative look is a small price to pay for what
room in the boot and extra passenger space inside. The car is slightly
could easily be described as the only car you’ll ever need.
18 | Endeavour Magazine
Plenty of grip and a range of quiet engines make the Golf great to drive in any situation
quiet the Golf is. Even at motorway speeds, the interior is so brilliantly insulated that wind and tyre noise are barely evident, so you end your journey feeling calm and well refreshed. No other car in the class comes close to the Golf in terms of interior quality and upmarket feel.
Losing 100kg has made the new Golf more agile to drive than the previous model. There’s very little body roll through the corners thanks to plenty of grip, and all the engines on offer are quiet and smooth at motorway speeds – even the diesel models. In fact, the
Well-built and beautifully engineered – the VW Golf is a dependable car.
148bhp 2.0-litre TDI model we tested nearly achieves hot-hatchback
The Golf is clearly a family car first, and there’s more room inside
levels of speedy performance. Thanks to a variable ratio that makes
it than ever before. The increased dimensions means that legroom
the steering light and easy at low speeds but quicker and more
in the back has gone up by 15mm – which is much more in reality
responsive at higher speeds, the Golf is good to drive in all situations.
than it sounds – creating enough room for three adults in the back.
The economical BlueMotion version drives a bit differently to other
It’s worth noting that the middle seat is a little cramped because of a
models, with a much slower pace and compromised handling.
large transmission tunnel at the passenger’s feet, though. If you fold the Golf’s rear seats flat, you end up with more than enough space for
Comfortable, quiet and effortless – the current VW Golf is more grown up than ever before The Golf can handle pretty much anything the slowly disintegrating UK roads can throw at it. But what’s really notable is how incredibly
lugging around large items without too much hassle. Plus, it’s the little things that VW adds that make all the difference, like the neat little seatbelt holders in the back that stop them snagging when you fold the seats down. You also get a ski hatch in the rear bench for posting longer objects through, and the loading lip is low so negotiating bulkier items into the boot is easy. Endeavour Magazine | 19
There’s more hitech standard equipment on the VW Golf than ever before You can hardly call the Golf cheap, but the quality of the car is so high, its starting price just north of £16,000 is still extremely
20 | Endeavour Magazine
options. What’s more, history says that when you come to sell it on in the UK used car market, the Golf’s resale value should be high. We’d also suggest paying the few hundred extra pounds to get the three-year maintenance service
everything during the span of the car’s manufacturer warranty.. VW has exceeded itself with
low running costs with all models
tested the mid-range SE, as it
coming fitted with its super-
has all the bells and whistles
efficient technology to improve
you’ll ever need, but with a more
fuel economy and reduce CO2
reasonable list price. All SE
emissions. The result is by far
versions and above get adaptive
the most fuel-efficient Golf yet.
cruise control as standard (which
Our 2.0-litre TDI diesel gives
maintains a set distance to the
the best balance of performance
car in front), while hi-tech extras
and economy overall, returning
like park assist and auto braking
68.9pmg while remaining fast,
smooth and responsive.
tartling new UK motorcycling statistics say 970 motorcyclists were killed last year and over
55,000 seriously injured. Nearly half of incidents were caused through not being seen. I have been testing the “Polite� High Visibility Safety Vest on my motorbike. It is purposely very similar to a Police vest in its design and really stands out. It is perfectly legal to wear this and it is welcomed by insurance companies. It really does stand out and gets you seen. Does the design make other road uses think and act more cautiously as they are unsure if you are a police officer or does the high viz just catch their attention more?
I am unsure
however I know it works and I have had a very positive time with the vest. The Polite range is the fastest selling high viz range in the UK. You can get yours from or call them on 44 1 151 768 7182.
Endeavour Magazine | 21
Mophie:Juice Pack Plus By Alex Smith
RRP: $79.95 Available at:
his month I enjoyed a heavy dosage of live music, sweltering
camera. The design offers quite rugged protection of your phone and
Scottish weather and a very embarrassing vest top tan. It’s
includes a very simple battery life reader, a four light system to check
festival season again and I had five great days in T in the Park.
how much battery life is left. Now of course getting to the Plus’ main
To make experience even more enjoyable I reviewed two products
function it is the top of the line battery pack from Mophie and yields
the Mophie:Juice Pack Plus and the MusucBag. I was sent this product from Mophie in the back end of May ready for me to review at T in the Park, I must confess however I tried it out on my Iphone 4 the day it arrived and I haven’t taken it off since. The Plus looks great, it still allows easy access of all the iPhone
2100 mAh of battery capacity, with the Iphone 4’s in built battery 1420 mAh this allows you an extra 150% usage from the device. I highly recommend the Mophie:Juice Pack Plus and if you are looking for the best combination of unyielding battery life and great ergonomic design – this for me beats all its rivals!!
options such as the volume buttons, power, headphone jack and the
The Dual Power Bank By Tyler Harrison
RRP: £39.99 Available at: & Amazon in both Blue and Black Versions
his month I’ve been testing the Dual Power Bank from Gadget
where you can’t charge your USB
charge your USB devices. The
innovators Thumbs UP UK, and so far this product has been
devices from a power socket, the
digital LED display gives you
extremely beneficial. As a Project Manager I’m often travelling
Dual Power Bank guarantees you
a real time indication of how
so it’s imperative that both my iPhone and iPad have enough battery
can keep running your business
much charge is left in the Dual
power, ensuring I can continue to do my job on the move. We’ve all been
without any uncertainty. To get
Power Bank, and Thumbs Up UK
in a situation where we urgently need to send that important email,
started the Power Bank will
conveniently include all the wires
or make that vital phone call, but your phone battery is worryingly
need to be charged from a mains
and connectors that are required
close to going flat. With the Dual Power Bank, these situations will be
power socket, a full charge takes
to get started. For some, having
a thing of the past. The Dual Power Bank is a compact, portable and
roughly 7 hours. Once the Power
the Dual Power Bank by your
high capacity charging station which is barely larger than the palm of
Bank is charged you can pop this
side will be an absolute lifesaver
your hand, and yet can simultaneously charge two USB devices. The
gadget into your briefcase, and at
and I personally will endeavour
generous 6600 mAh capacity is enough to fully charge your phone 3
any time, wherever you are in the
to continue using this.
times over so if you’re away on a business trip, or in a remote location
world, you can simultaneously
22 | Endeavour Magazine
MusucBag By Alex Smith
RRP: 119.00 EUR Available at:
ith the massive fad recently of ‘onesies’ mixed with the
temperatures as low as -13 Degrees Celcius. The storage in the item
fact I was going to be spending four nights camping in
deserves a mention, I hate spending hours packing away sleeping
Scotland I thought it would be a great idea to try out
bags the process is so tedious, however the stuff bag that comes with
the MusucBag Classic. MusucBag is a revolutionary sleeping bag
the product is great and takes less than a minute to have it packed
system which allows maximum mobility (perfect while fleeing from
away. Sitting outside my tent the MusucBag turned a lot of heads and
the Scottish) whilst keeping warm. Its lining is made from soft touch
I had a lot of people asking about so there is a lot of interest there.
nylon with a polyester hollow fibre bonded filling and can withstand
OfficeVibe By Don Campbell
Free Available at:
n the surface this is a subscription to a “feel good blog”,
Missions include things like,
hardest and most rigid deadlines
with the guise of an App to send it through to your iPhone
“The Secret to Fun at Work, Be
in the corporate world which
however it is simply a means to “gamify” the office in an
Like James Bond,”.
comes with an appropriate level
attempt to change the corporate world. This is accomplished by
It is also emphasized that
focusing on five initiatives that the largest companies in the world,
you need to share and invite the
While I like the idea of
including Google and Zappos make use of: Philanthropic Initiatives,
social network with colleagues to
OfficeVibe, I think at the moment
Performance Initiatives, Social Initiatives, Green Initiatives and
share the Good Vibes.
it appears (perhaps wrongly)
Wellness Initiatives. Described as a “Gamifying” platform aimed at targeting all five of
At this point it is worth mentioning
of stress.
to be a thinly veiled method of
building a viewership. However,
these initiatives I found the website to be an interesting distraction
companies operate like Google,
this being said the very same
during my lunch breaks. While I believe that the focus of this product is
but all companies have the same
thing was said about Twitter
very good I think it needs to be repackaged to suit the office manager
stresses and strains. Giants like
and Facebook when they first
level rather than the employee where it is currently targeted.
Google offer their staff flexible
The premise is that weekly missions to engage you on the
working hours, slides, games,
I would whole heartedly
above mentioned initiatives are received, and as an individual or an
fringe benefits, a fun working
suggest giving it a go. It’s free and
office you work towards accomplishing, generating what they call
environment and great peace of
it’s fun so why not?
“Good Vibes”.
mind but still have some of the
Endeavour Magazine | 23
he accounting of the financial cost of the nearly decadelong Iraq War will go on for years, but a recent analysis has shed light on the companies that made money off the war by
providing support services as the privatization of what were former U.S. military operations rose to unprecedented levels. Private or publicly listed firms received at least $138 billion of U.S.
As private enterprise entered
the war zone at unprecedented
without considering competing
levels, the amount of corruption
bids continued to grow, by 9
percent last year, according to
the Washington Post.)
duties as expected. According bipartisan
Even though the military to
has largely pulled out of Iraq,
private contractors remain on
Wartime Contracting in Iraq
the ground and continue to
reap U.S. government contracts.
For example, the U.S. State
Afghanistan, corruption
the by
contractors may be as high as
providing private security, building infrastructure and feeding the
$60 billion. Disciplined soldiers
taxpayers will dole out $3
that would traditionally do many
billion to private guards for the
of the tasks are commissioned
government’s sprawling embassy
by private and publicly listed
in Baghdad.
taxpayer money for government contracts for services that included
Ten contractors received 52 percent of the funds, according to an analysis by the Financial Times. The No. 1 recipient?
The costs of paying private graft,
and publicly listed war profiteers
firm KBR, Inc. (NYSE:KBR), which was spun off from its parent, oilfield
the costs of paying for these
seem miniscule in light of the
services provider Halliburton Co. (NYSE:HAL), in 2007.
services are higher than paying
total bill for the war.
Houston-based energy-focused engineering and construction
Last week, the Costs of War
over the past decade, with many of the deals given without any bidding
soldiers to do them because of
Project by the Watson Institute
from competing firms, such as a $568-million contract renewal in
the profit motive involved. No-
2010 to provide housing, meals, water and bathroom services to
bid contracting - when companies
Brown University said the war
soldiers, a deal that led to a Justice Department lawsuit over alleged
get to name their price with no
in Iraq cost $1.7 trillion dollars,
kickbacks, as reported by Bloomberg.
competing bid - didn’t lower
not including the $490 billion
Who were Nos. 2 and 3?
legitimate expenses. (Despite
in immediate benefits owed
Agility Logistics (KSE:AGLTY) of Kuwait and the state-owned
promises by President Barack
to veterans of the war and the
Kuwait Petroleum Corp. Together, these firms garnered $13.5 billion
Obama to reel in this habit, the
lifetime benefits that will be
of U.S. contracts.
trend toward granting favoured
owed to them or their next of kin.
The company was given $39.5 billion in Iraq-related contracts
24 | Endeavour Magazine
Gender Equality
August Books
n the first quarter of 2013,
percent by 2020, according to the company’s 2012 Sustainability
Review. In 2012, 17 percent of the group leaders were female, up
entered the oil and gas
3,900 positions were added in the oil and gas sector with about 46 percent of these positions, or
from 9 percent in 2000. This goal reflects a broader rise of women in the workforce as a whole. “We’ve seen a lot of women apply for positions and they’re very, very qualified,” said Mile Melillo, Repsol USA recruiting manager.
1,800 positions filled by women,
Today, more women than men hold bachelor’s degrees, and
according to the Bureau of Labor
they make up nearly half – 47 percent – of the American workforce.
Statistics. Since 1991 (when the
But that’s not all. America’s working mothers are now the primary
Bureau of Labor Statistics began
breadwinners in a record 40 percent of households with children, up
tracking this trend), there has
from just 11 percent in 1960, according to a recent study conducted
never been a year where more
by the Pew Research Center.
than a third of new hires
While most of these homes
in the industry have
are headed by single mothers, a
been women.
significant number are families
“While there is a concerted
with married mothers who earn
more than their husbands.
recruit women into the
Overall, 13.7 million U.S.
field, that number stands
households with children under
alone in this recovery
the age of 18 now include
and only time will tell
mothers who are breadwinners.
if its sustainable,” said
Of those, 5.1 million, or 37
Paul Caplan, president,
percent, are married, while 8.6
Rigzone, in a recent
million, or 63 percent, are single.
And among all U.S. households more
with children, the share of married breadwinner moms has jumped
women and minorities within my
from 4 percent in 1960 to 15 percent in 2011. For single mothers, the
company every day,” said Kelly
share has increased from 7 percent to 25 percent.
Emanuel, NAM credit manager
The national average annual salary for oil and gas exploration and
at Weatherford International.
production is $96,844 or about $47 per hour – more than double the
“It makes me feel good knowing
average annual salary for all occupations, according to the American
that they are willing to hire
Petroleum Institute.
the best candidates for the job
“I entered the oil and gas industry directly out of college because
despite their gender or ethnic
it was a good opportunity,” said Emanuel. “I have found that there are
a lot of opportunities for women for growth and learning.”
Oil and gas companies are
In fact, the industry distributed $176 billion in wages paid to
actively recruiting women with
U.S. employees, plus benefits and payments to oil and natural gas
many launching internal goals for
leaseholders, reported API.
gender representation among
“The population of this country is far more diverse than this
senior leadership. BP plc has a
industry as a whole,” said Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewel, at the
goal of raising its percentage
2013 Offshore Technology Conference at a press hearing. “So I think
of female group leaders to 25
this industry has some work to do.”
Turn to page 106
Endeavour Magazine | 25
ankserv Africa’s Economic Transaction Index (Beti) shows encouraging signs that the economy is stabilising, the electronic payment transaction company said on Thursday.
BankservAfrica regulated products CEO Brad Gillis said the value of Beti transactions in the past 12 months totalled R7.7trn, a 6.3% increase on the previous 12 months. The economy seemed to be growing at a normal pace every two months and at a stagnation rate every other month. February, April and June showed normal growth, equivalent to around 3.0% to 3.5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). January and March indicated much slower growth rates, while May showed a small slowdown from a very strong April. Chief economist for, Mike Schussler, said a return to “normal” economic growth should be cause for celebration after recent labour upheavals and the weakening of the rand. “While the South African economy continues to grow at a slower pace than we want it to, the fact remains that June 2013 was the 46th month of an upswing, making this the second longest business cycle upswing in the country’s history,” he said. Schussler said the Beti did not imply that the country was in a boom phase but rather back to a steady, albeit slow growth period, with the normal average growth rate pegged at 3.4%. The return to normal growth was further evidenced by the 3.3% increase in new car sales. The total vehicle sales, seasonally adjusted, was up by 4.4% for June. The Kagiso Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) also increased by 1.2 points in June to 51.6. “Along with the February data, we feel that four of the last six months have shown relative robust and more normal growth than most of last year,” Schussler said. “With electricity distribution showing growth for two months in a row in May 2013 after 13 months of decline, it is clear that more than one set of indicators are showing a more positive trend than most of last year.” 26 | Endeavour Magazine
arketing and media jobs continue to grow while available candidates are in steep decline Latest employment data from The Association
of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) reveals that the marketing and media sector continues to suffer from a mass talent shortage. Permanent placements have collapsed by 21% year on year, but actual job openings have risen by 2% which is indicative of an on-going scarcity of available candidates. While organisations are increasingly turning to temporary workers to help alleviate
T&T has turned on the nation’s fastest 4G LTE network in
said Jose Juan Davila, vice president and general manager for AT&T
St. Thomas, bringing customers the latest generation of
Mobility Puerto Rico & USVI.
wireless network technology. This means faster speeds as
Even as AT&T continues to expand its 4G LTE coverage, customers
LTE technology is capable of delivering speeds faster than many other
can get 4G speeds outside of 4G LTE areas on our 4G HSPA+ network,
mobile Internet technologies. Customers can stream, download,
unlike some competitors, where smartphone customers may fall back
upload and game faster than ever before.
to slower 3G technologies when outside of LTE coverage.
Offering lower latency, LTE technology helps to improve services
“Our goal is for our customers to have an extraordinary experience,
like mobile gaming, two-way video calling and telemedicine. The
and they’ll be able to download, upload, stream and game faster
wireless spectrum is a finite resource, and LTE uses spectrum more
than ever before on our 4G LTE network,” said Ray Flores, regional
efficiently than other technologies, creating more space to carry data
vice president AT&T Puerto Rico & US-VI. “As part of the U.S. Virgin
traffic and services and to deliver a better network experience.
Islands community, we’re always looking for new opportunities to
“We continue to see demand for mobile Internet skyrocket, and our 4G LTE network in St. Thomas responds to what customers want
provide enhanced coverage, and our investment in the local wireless network is another way we’re accomplishing that.”
from their mobile experience — more, faster, on the best devices,”
this, the on-going decline in placements
end of the market are still in demand for
indicates a marked skills shortage.
enterprise change, business intelligence
This trend can be attributed to a
and change management roles.
mismanagement of expectations within
are continuing to experience growth in
companies seeking to develop digital
the contract market as employers take
marketing strategies. A sentiment which is
advantage of the benefits of a more mobile
echoed by founder of Only Marketing Jobs,
workforce without fixed headcount costs.”
Simon Lewis:
Ann Swain, Chief Executive of APSCo
“The latest APSCo monthly hiring trends
comments: “Whilst the marketing and media
report showing a decline in marketing and
sector is clearly booming as reflected in the
media placements is not a surprise. Quite
increased number of job opportunities,
simply workers have been unable to meet
it is concerning that staffing companies
the demands of our increasingly digital
the permanent IT market is suffering
are struggling to source staff to meet the
world, resulting in a mismanagement of
badly. Despite historically being one of
demand. Recruitment consultancies need
expectations within hiring organisations
the most resilient sectors, permanent
to not only work with hiring organisations
looking to quickly develop their digital
placements have declined by 14% year on
to help plug this gap now, but they also need
marketing strategy.
year and vacancies have collapsed even
to work closely to develop effective talent
The skills shortage has increased the
further (16%). Yet there are encouraging
pipelining strategies to prevent further
so-called ‘war for talent’, meaning the finite
signs in the temporary IT recruitment
skills shortages in the long run.”
number of experienced digital professionals
market with a 2.7% increase in placements
John Nurthen, Executive Director
are snapped up quickly, whilst the rest
year on year. This can be attributed to
International Development for Staffing
are embroiled in an elongated beauty-
organisations’ on-going use of temporary
Industry Analysts which compiles the data
pageant-style round of interviews, hoping
and contract professionals in today’s new
on behalf of APSCo comments:
to convince the judges that their skills are
era of corporate agility. A sentiment echoed
“Looking at the trends over a two
up to scratch. Additionally, technology and
by Victoria Maloney, Global Operations
year period, the demand for marketing
associated analytics - formally the exclusive
Director at SThree:
and media professionals has remained
domain of IT - is muddying the waters as
“There has been less movement in
remarkably constant but we can see clearly
companies seek the ‘all-in-one’ marketing
the permanent market in recent months.
that professional staffing companies are
and technologically capable employee”.
But although vacancies are dropping off
struggling to find the right candidates on
slightly, premium candidates at the senior
behalf of their clients.”
Elsewhere APSCo’s data reveals that
Endeavour Magazine | 27
arlier this month IREX’s
in its infancy. In Botswana a
participant stressed that his
Positive findings did indicate a brighter future. Kenyan participants
colleagues did not adequately
cheered improved affordability and availability of Internet, and noted
(MSI) found that traditional
use online resources to gather
social media is taught in some journalism schools. Internet-broadcast
media remained the preferred
and distribute news. Online
radio shows potential sustainability in Liberia. In Angola, online media
source of news for the continent
provide an outlet for critical analysis of the government.
Malawi but participants question
The MSI’s unique methodology measures journalism quality,
Many online
profitability. Namibia’s lack of
media management, news plurality, press freedom, and institutions
have yet to reach most citizens
local language content online is
supporting media. African journalists, media advocates, academics,
in the 42 sub-Saharan African
a barrier to many; in Burundi,
and related professionals evaluate their own media sector. Results
countries analysed. Nonetheless,
and many countries, steep cost
are compiled by IREX, a leading organization working to develop
a transition to online and mobile
prevents access. In Ethiopia,
independent media globally.
format media appears inevitable.
characterized online media as
28 | Endeavour Magazine
The MSI have recorded progress and setbacks since 2007. Gains
have been made in press freedoms, as journalists face fewer overt
and report cases of threats from
challenges to free speech. Countries adopting the Declaration of Table
Mountain, which decriminalizes
global economic slowdown. Fears
than 100 new jobs. This announcement follows
Cars. “Our cautious optimism at the beginning
of losing advertising revenues
record sales over the last three years, significant
of the year has proven to be correct and our goal
are pervasive, such that editorial
expansion of the manufacturing plant and the
for the business remains the same: consistent,
and advertising interests often
launch of the Company’s latest model, Wraith. Half-
sustainable growth.” He continued, “Rolls-Royce
intersect in newsrooms.
year sales figures announced last week show that
is a Great British manufacturing success story.
Rolls-Royce is on track for another record year in
We now enter the next chapter of this company’s
libel, have further improved. However, business management practices
revenues dropped during the
South Africa remains the region’s best performer, despite backsliding
olls-Royce Motor Cars, the leading
programme, made possible by the continuing
manufacturer of super-luxury motor cars,
success of our company,” said Torsten Müller-
today announced the creation of more
Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor
Many of the roles are based at the Home of
Business Secretary Vince Cable said: “Last
followed by Namibia and Ghana.
Rolls-Royce at Goodwood, with around half in
week’s automotive industrial strategy underlined
Marketing, Sales, After Sales, Public Relations and
the government’s commitment to work with world-
Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sudan
the Company’s Bespoke business. The remainder
class companies like Rolls-Royce Motor Cars on the
were considered unsustainable,
will be based in Engineering and Manufacturing
future of the sector. Today’s announcement shows
demonstrating severe problems
and are directly linked to the production of Wraith,
how well the industry continues to grow. With the
with free speech, the quality
which is currently in pre-production with the
right investment, skills and R&D, we will help it grow
first cars available to customers in the Autumn. A
even more. I met some Rolls-Royce apprentices and
number of new positions have also been created in
graduates last week who all told me how much they
Rolls-Royce regional offices around the world.
enjoyed working in the sector so I’m sure these jobs
and of
supportive of a free media environment.
“I am delighted to announce this recruitment
China’s Forgotten Wonderland China is a land of forgotten kingdoms. All countries have massive industries that haven’t quite moved outright but there is an abandoned amusement park in China that was intended to be fake Disneyland! Named Wonderland, located in Chenzhuang Village (twenty miles out of Beijing) it was aimed at being a fake Disney Land but construction stopped in 1998
will be highly sought after.”
the super-size in 2004, but a lot of places still utilize it. Before then Americans, like everyone else, had regular portions of everything and wore regular fit like everyone else.
Advertising Green Cars In Norway Is Illegal Norway prohibits cars being advertised as environmentally
due to financial problems. Farmers are now using it to grow
friendly! To stop corporations from “greenwashing” cars to
their crops. Lots of abandoned kingdoms and smiling children’s
increase purchases of products Norway has made it illegal
rides. Scary.
to advertise cars as being environmentally friendly. Valuing
Everyone Runs From Their Problems And Gets Fired In 1941, a young South African was forced to flee the Eastern Cape for Johannesburg via Queenstown, arriving in April, after he was obligated to be involved in a tribal arranged marriage. He found work as a night watchman at Crown Mines
transparency, Norway has very strict rules on advertising cars as “green”, saying “cars can do nothing good for the environment except less damage than others”
In Japan. Want To Impress The Boss? Fall Asleep At Work Only in Japan. In the UK or the US if you fall asleep at your
but was fired after the headman discovered he was a runaway.
desk you’re fired. But in Japan it is acceptable to fall asleep on
This left him disgraced, jobless and alone. Today this man is
the job, in some cases even praised; it shows you’re working
recognized as one of the greatest humanitarian leaders in the
hard!One in three people have some sort of sleep problem.
world. Nelson Mandela.
Power naps became popular in the 1980s as an effective
Jurassic Park Made America Fat
restorative power to catch up on sleep. Today, people have a hard time shutting down early and getting proper sleep. In
The super-size that has made American’s synonymous with
Japan this is termed “inemuri” meaning “to be asleep while
fat was introduced first in McDonalds in 1993 as a promotional
present.” Inemuri is thought of as a dedication and hard work
for Jurassic Park first coined “Dino-size”. The super-sized drink
to the job. It’s seen as exhaustion from working too hard and
is 42 ounces of pop. McDonalds actually started phasing out
therefore praised. Sometimes people even fake it to make it. Endeavour Magazine | 29
30 | Endeavour Magazine
It’s all about staying at the front of customer service when it comes to an airport. This is something that we have found at Endeavour Magazine again and again. With this in mind, George Airport is well ahead of the competition and is setting the example in a number of crucial areas. We spoke with Airports Manager, Brenda Vorster regarding the new developments in progressive training to help disabled people find work.
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Winning the Best Regional Airport Award six years in a row they are looking at the development and training of disabled and previously disadvantaged individuals to get them into work. Known as one of the best employers and having one of the best places to work it is also one of the most picturesque locations, situated as it is near the Garden Route, at an intersection of locals and tourists enjoying the natural scenery.
busy airport is a happy airport and George Airport deals
valuable work experience which we help them in their search for jobs
with over 600,000 a year, which is set to increase by a
this year could prove vital for their careers.”
further 200,000 within the next decade. This will mean
It is a sad fact that in many countries disabled people do not get
a strong development for the surrounding locations in terms of
the opportunity to do in-house training, and George Airport are
employment opportunities and corporate functionality. This is an
ensuring that everything is done above par and properly by giving
impressive number to cite however, as one of nine regional airports
them a certificate and an allowance while they are at the airport and
operated by Airports Company South Africa (ACSA), the George
providing mentors to watch over them. Furthermore if there are jobs
Airport has a reputation for an excellent level of customer service
at the end of the year going at the airport they will automatically
as well as an enviably and a strong Corporate Social Responsibility
be put into the line for application. This is not merely a lip-service
attempt to keep communities happy but a real necessary approach.
Leading From The Front
Looking After The Customers
A pioneering move, this innovative move to help, on a sustainable
Currently, George Airport employs 550 people and in order
basis, disadvantaged disabled people was started on December 1
to meet the airport’s high standards for customer service, staff are
2012 and is directed at helping a dozen disabled candidates to gain
required to undergo rigorous training programmes including an
the sort of working experience that will help them receive a business
annual refresher course.
administration certificate. Assisting people to find employment in a
“The nice thing about George Airport is that, although it has been
country known for its unemployment and skills shortage will only add
almost seven years, since it was upgraded, it has won the regional
to their already impressive catalogue of attributes.
airport award for its excellent standards of customer service,” Brenda
Brenda, has managed the airport for the past four years and was
told us.
quoted in saying that, “One of our CSR pillars is the mantra ‘moving
It goes further than that and each year staff are put through a
people, changing lives’ and that is what we are aiming to do with
customer service training course which is usually done on location
this scheme. By giving 12 individuals the opportunity to gain some
with the help of the local university. There are a lot of hefty regulations
32 | Endeavour Magazine
Staying Up
that have to be adhered to and to
complaining that we didn’t have
of passengers across the airport.
keep their position as one of the
a petrol station,” Brenda explains,
With a positive light, the situation
leading airports is really down to
“So this will add to our customer
is starting to stabilise and the
service value as well as providing
use of modern technology is the
the capabilities of their staff.
numbers are picking up.
only way to keep ahead in this
An appreciate and a keen
The focus on this standard
a valuable service to the local
However, Brenda, who has
business. And George Airport,
of customer service has steered
communities and those working
worked for seventeen year at
in a typical approach already
the plans for the business.
at the airport.”
ACSA and has, during that time
have systems in place that take
Pushing for organic growth and
A hotel, to cater for the
studied for both her bachelor
advantage of things like the
development, as an example
increase of passenger numbers in
and masters’ degrees, keeps a
exponential growth in mobile
there is no fuel station at the
the next couple of years, is being
keen eye on ways in which to
phone subscriptions. This has
airport. The nearest one is some
considered by management. A
develop the airport’s business.
already paid dividends as it
20km away.
small, 80 bed hotel will be put
She also works alongside leaders
encourages passengers to print
Directly because of this, a
together that could be tendered
in George to further increase
off boarding passes at home or
R7-8 million initial investment
and go to site within the next
and spur traffic to their region.
use their mobile phones to scan
has been penned for a project
to develop and construct one at the airport site. Yet another way they are looking at polishing their
“George Town is using a new
the passes on its entry machines.
strategy and is aiming to turn
Speeding up the processing time
into an investors’ town. With this
and increasing efficiency.
in mind we are partnering with
“It is an ongoing process.
offering and providing additional
downturn in the global economy
the municipality to encourage
Seven years since the upgrade
has made an impact on the
tourism as we have noticed that
and we’re just starting,” she
“There is never a reason
airport’s business, which has
the business market is starting to
to have unhappy customers
seen a reduction in the number
equal tourism,” she said.
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Although delicious cuisine is incredibly important for RoyalMnandi, client requirements remain a priority, while any success is thanks to a passionate, enthusiastic and fully trained workforce.
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Virginia Woolf’s infamous “one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well,” quote is as true now as it ever has been. Whether you are studying at school, working hard in the office or socialising with friends, food plays a big role in everyday life
s a company that recognises the importance of eating healthily, enjoying mealtimes, feeling satisfied and receiving great value for money, we were keen to uncover
the driving forces at RoyalMnandi.
About RoyalMnandi For more than twenty years, RoyalMnandi has been one of South Africa’s most prominent outsourced catering companies. Since its inception in 1990, the company previously known as Royal Food Services and then RoyalSechaba has been on a journey of continued growth and prosperity. Following successful partnerships and acquisitions as well as a takeover from the listed Mvelaphanda Group - a financial service, healthcare, mining and real estate conglomerate - the company achieved two major milestones.
Beefy Meats Food Services
When Mvelaserve, the holding company for RoyalMnandi,
Proud supplier to the Royal Mnandi group since 2007
unbundled from the Mvelaphanda Group, the company listed on the
Tel (+ 27 11) 316 3233 Fax (+27 11) 316 4880
South Africa’s fifth largest outsourcing catering company underwent
36 | Endeavour Magazine
Johannesburg Stock Exchange in November 2010. The following year, a rebrand.
Using the Zulu word Mnandi, which means delicious, the company adopted a fresh and innovative approach to business with the service philosophy “Made from the Heart” an important strategic vision. When it comes to the company’s unique selling point, business development and marketing executive Glenn McGinn believes that the current mature market requires RoyalMnandi to offer more than just one distinctive characteristic. “The key ingredient for RoyalMnandi is providing memorable experiences and as a company we provide over a million meals per month, which equates simply to the same number of opportunities to deliver a great experience,” he says.
Employee empowerment On the subject of people, Glenn told us that client requirements is the company’s priority and through careful planning and discussions, RoyalMnandi is able to deliver what will work best for the customer. This is made possible through a dedicated, energetic and dependable workforce. As Glenn explains: “They are people you will like. People you can
With over 25 years of experience in packaging and distribution, Microfuture’s committed team provides clients with quality service, value-for-money products and unique and customised solutions. A Level 2 BBBEE contributor, Microfuture is based in the Kya Sand business area, in Northern Johannesburg. We deliver across Gauteng and surrounding areas. Microfuture was launched by Norma Gore in 2007 and currently employs 20 clientfocused staff members. The team has a solid understanding of packaging trends and can assist clients with tailored options. +27 11 462 3418 Unit 3, Riverside Industrial Park, Koevoet Street, Kya Sand, PO Box 511, Fourways, 2055
trust, people, who are courteous and friendly. People who you can rely on, people who always go the extra mile, people who are passionate
Endeavour Magazine | 37
and enthusiastic about what they
“The Training Academy provides all our training requirements
The last 10 years have seen
do, People who are experts in
and yearly boasts over a 100 per cent attendance rate. The key to
clients require a more retail
their field. Great people – they
our success is we tailor make each programme to the ever changing
aligned commercial approach
are RoyalMnandi people!”
business environment. We do not believe that one size fits all.”
to catering, which calls upon
In addition to the employee
Although the company boasts cutting-edge technology that
growth opportunities available
improves systems and streamlines processes, the absence of a well
at the company, any new member
trained and motivated workforce would be hugely detrimental to
of staff will receive expert
everyday operations.
instruction and teaching through what Glenn describes as “one of the jewels in the RoyalMnandi crown.” “The
training is provided through our
“Without our RoyalMnandi people, we could not create the great experiences that we have built up a track record of delivery,” adds Glenn. “Our people are RoyalMnandi.”
Current developments
providers to develop innovative outsourced solutions. “The high street environment is now being used as an industry benchmark,” notes Greg. Therefore,
continues to invest heavily in research
development customer
demands, particularly current
very own Training Academy,” he
When we asked Glenn about the highly competitive and
trends towards healthy eating.
asserts. “Every member of the
unregulated catering industry, he said that providers continue to seek
“We believe we will continue
RoyalMnandi team is assessed
out different avenues, which balance good service with a reasonable
to have a meaningful impact on
return. “The barrier to entry is very low, and this continues to put
people’s lives and well being,”
programme crafted specifically
great pressure on the sustainability of providing a safe professional
says Glenn.
for them.”
service,” he reveals.
38 | Endeavour Magazine
“We are launching a number
of very exciting products for our Education, Healthcare, Commercial and Mining business sectors, which will again lift the bar in terms of providing a personalised service.”
Commitment to school meals In recent years, RoyalMnandi has actively reached out to students and academic staff to discover what is required in lunch halls and cafeterias across South Africa. “Incorporating the multifaceted requirements of modern education, from ensuring menus are well balanced and deliver all the right nutrients to stimulate great academic achievement, to keeping
3, 8th Street, New Doornfontein, 2091 Tel: (011) 402 5701 | Fax: (011) 402 5702 Email:
the energy requirements in check to ensure all students perform at their peak, is all in a day’s work,” notes Glenn. Along with providing an extensive choice of meals that are great value for money, Glenn also believes that children should enjoy their time at the table. “Even in schools, there is an expectation that the dining environment be comfortable and exciting,” he adds. “This has led to a fundamental change in our offering over the years. Creating those moments of magic and sustaining them are what makes the difference.” However, delivering mouth-watering meals to schools and education institutions is only part of the process, as RoyalMnandi is also concerned with delivering an on going and dedicated after-sales service. “Regular feedback forms the heartbeat of our day-to-day operations,” reveals Glenn. “Each operation has a unique platform which encompasses all our guests. Within 24 hours any negative feedback is escalated to our onsite team for immediate attention.”
Achievements and aspirations
They are people you will like. People you can trust, people, who are courteous and friendly. People who you can rely on, people who always go the extra mile, people who are passionate and enthusiastic about what they do, People who are experts in their field. Great people – they are RoyalMnandi people!”
“Our reputation for providing superb solutions for any requirement speaks for itself,” boasts Glenn. “Ask any of our customers, they are our champions. “And we don’t just believe in excellence, we practice it!” In the next five years, Glenn believes that RoyalMnandi’s ability to convert from a traditional contract catering offering to a ‘fun, exciting and innovative food experience’ will be vital for future success. “We are spending great amounts of people resources and time to develop the required products and change management process needed to make the future a reality that is exciting and sustainable,” he signs off.
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Although CB Group already provides Jamaica and other Caribbean countries with comprehensive food and feed solutions, it is also looking to showcase the region’s flavours and seasonings around the world. WRITTEN BY JOHN HARVEY
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Having recently earned the 16th Annual Jamaica Observer Business Leader Award for 2012 in conjunction with Grace Kennedy and Co, the enterprise established by Carl Hendrickson and his wife, who subsequently had four children – Butch, Lori-Ann, Cathy and Kevin – in a rural town in the parish of St. Elizabeth over 75 years ago has come a long way since inception.
heir efforts, through the National Continental Corporation (NCC), have since created the largest and most diverse bakery complex in the region under the National, HTB and
Yummy brands. Their investments in the tourist industry have also made them the third largest hotel operators in the region, with a footprint that spans Negril, Montego Bay, Kingston and St. Lucia. Another division, now known as CB (Caribbean Broilers) Group, is an animal protein production complex, producing poultry, eggs and pork directly through integrated operations and indirectly, with additional animal protein, through their animal feed manufacturing and distribution network. The CB Group brands consist of CB Chicken, Smart omega3 Eggs, Chippenham Eggs, Copperwood Pork, Caribbean Passion Processed meat products, Bad Dawg Sausages and Nutramix Feeds. The CB Group is now managed by director Lori-Ann and a team of senior managers that include her husband Dave Lyn as director, her son Matthew as chief operations officer, Mark Haskins as chief executive officer, Garth Channer as treasurer, Hans Muller as divisional manager of feed, Eaton Barrett as field operations manager, Tracey-Ann Thomas as human resources and development manager and finally Donald Keith Amiel, the manager of corporate affairs. Eager to discover more about Jamaica’s love of food and the company’s success story, we talked in-depth to Donald, who well and truly believes that CB Group’s unique flavours should be shared around the world.
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CB Group facts and figures “We produce 25-30 types of animal feed for farmers in Jamaica and nine other countries across the Caribbean,” boasts Donald. “It is an integrated broiler operation that produces about 30 million kilograms of chicken meat per year from a hatchery that turns out around 600,000 baby chicks a week.” CB Group firmly believes that good food starts with quality farming, which is possible through a network of trusted farmers and commercial customers. “In addition to the broiler operation, we are on our way to becoming the biggest pork producer in the country with a complete food chain operation, from a research facility right through to processing,” reveals Donald. The third major part of CB group is the production of eggs. “We have a commercial egg operation that produces regular eggs and Omega 3 enriched eggs, which are for the hotel and supermarket trade,” says Donald.
Redefining and rebuilding the industry In addition to his management consultant capacity, Donald is also a qualified veterinarian, enabling him to give advice to the CB Group’s
network of livestock farmers. “We have been able to build an agriculture industry based on training small farmers across the country,” he asserts. “We create about 20 workshops a month where farmers learn how to use our feed and produce livestock.” CB Group also works closely with the Dairy Development Board to strengthen the industry and produce as much milk as possible from the four breeds of cattle currently found in Jamaica. However, it remains vitally important to achieve organic growth as Donald explains: “We are working on redeveloping the cattle industry because in the past, the colonies have suffered from gifts of kindness and Haiti is an excellent example of this. “Europe and North America gave us surplus milk powder and butter, which could have destroyed the local dairy industry. So now there is no surplus, we have to rebuild again without international aid.” Donald has also recognised that Jamaica’s geographic position and favourable weather conditions have great potential when it comes to growing grain. “Until now, Jamaica has been sustained by countries that have growing seasons of just seven months because of the cold weather and snow,” notes Donald. “But by virtue of Jamaica’s idyllic climate, we can produce things
Endeavour Magazine | 43
365 days a year. So the company is now growing grain in an effort to
compensate price fluctuations in the market. For example, we have an
advantage over North America as they only have one crop per year,
whereas we can have two.”
integrated farmers.
passed the
Although Jamaica is somewhat limited by its small size, the rest of
Not only does this
the Caribbean can be utilised to make this business ambition a reality
benefit CB Group, it
for CB Group. “In the region, there is Belize, Suriname and Guyana.
also has an incredibly
One of our ideas is to use these resources and broaden out what we
positive impact on
do, therefore becoming less dependent on international markets for raw materials.”
Improving efficiency and maintaining standards Like any other company, operational efficiency is an important
the local community and economy. “We give them feed
chicks to produce themselves”, asserts Donald. “We have
consideration at CB Group. Thankfully, the parameters of production
are identical to those in North America and Europe, enabling the
university graduates
company to adopt and use state-of-the-art technology. This means
including four veterinarians out
the cost of overheads can be brought down and savings are passed on
there in the field providing a
to a wide variety of customers. However, these technological advancements and systematic
service to make sure farmers get it right. “So far, it appears to be working, as it has put around
Devenish Nutrition would like to congratulate the team at the CB Group for their continued success. Devenish Nutrition have supplied the CB Group with premixes and nutritional services for many years and look forward to continuing this relationship in the future. For more information on Devenish Nutrition, please visit our website or email us at
Promoting the authentic taste of the Caribbean Although
relatively small island, CB Group “creates
30,000 people across the region
with particular flavours and
into work. It is a major employer
tastes that are well worth trying,”
of labour, generating as much
according to Donald.
if not more income than the
Looking forward, CB Group
banana and sugar industries that
hopes to appeal to tourists and
sustained the colonies in days
extend its product footprint
gone by.”
to new international markets.
Maintaining standards and
keeping quality levels high is
on expanding the company’s
also significant, which is why
processing operation and finding
CB Group has implemented
appropriate marketing partners,
necessary procedures to ensure
Donald knows that more and
the customer always receives a
more people are interested in an
superior product.
authentic taste of the Caribbean.
“We have put in quality
He notes: “Tourists that
control measures, which includes
visit here should be able to take
a dedicated department headed
home some of the flavours they
by Dr. Velton Gooden, a PhD
were exposed to, so expanding
graduate,” says Donald. “Our
into herbs and spices as well as
facilities are certified with good
canned products should enable
manufacturing practices and we
us to be in a strong position and
have various programs in place.
broaden our exposure.
“We have worked with SGS
“We also hope to target the
to be ISO 9000 certified for safe
large Caribbean population living
food and this will enable us to
abroad, which is as large as it is
target foreign markets.”
at home. In a city like London, if they have jerk chicken or pork
44 | Endeavour Magazine
flavoured with our products, they can remember what food back home tastes like. Donald continues: “In North America, Canada and other parts of the world, I have noticed that bigger supermarket chains are targeting non-native people so as not to lose out on niche markets. They are increasingly incorporating sections in their shops to accommodate goods from particular countries. So we are hopeful our products can become the norm in these areas.” Despite humble beginnings in a small Jamaican market, CB Group has achieved a great deal and still strives for success. Expansion and prosperity look
“We have put in quality control measures, which include a dedicated department headed by Dr. Velton Gooden, a PhD graduate,” says Donald. “Our facilities are certified with good manufacturing practices and we have various programs in place. “We have worked with SGS to be ISO 9000 certified for safe food and this will enable us to target foreign markets.”
like a certainty, as a growing number of people are discovering the delectable and mouth-watering cuisine of the Caribbean.
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KULIM 0060 7 861 1611 WWW.KULIM.COM.MY
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In an ever-changing world, palm oil producer Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad continues to pursue sustainable initiatives and environmentally friendly practices with a continuous commitment to staff well being.
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Tracing its roots back to 1933, Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad began operating a 190-hectare rubber plantation in Johor, Malaysia in 1947 under the name Kulim Rubber Plantations Limited. However, in 1970, the company changed its name to Kulim Group Limited (KGL) and listed shares on the London Stock Exchange.
hree years later, the business expanded from just oil palm and rubber plantations to include property development in the UK and hotels in the Caribbean.
In 1975, Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad was incorporated and made
public, with KGL becoming a subsidiary. Since then, the group has consolidated assets, diversified operations and continually expanded. Today Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad is one of the palm oil industry’s leading organisations in terms of performance, with average five-year yield per hectare of around 23.50 tonnes.
Maintaining palm product and plantation standards In order to improve palm product extraction and maintain high yield levels, Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad’s main objectives moving forward include the development of superior planting materials, sharing best practices among all operation units and adhering to the company’s sustainable development philosophy. To fulfil these aims, Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad is committed to total quality management, which is reflected in the various certifications, including ISO accreditation, obtained by its own and contracted operating units. Ultimately,
organisational processes is designed to achieve customer and stakeholder satisfaction at continually lower costs. As a result of this relentless commitment towards quality, corporate excellence and sustainability, Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad has received numerous prestigious awards from industry bodies and international institutions. 48 | Endeavour Magazine
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Sustainable development From planting and harvesting to sterilisation and pressing, Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad is passionate about making the whole palm oil production process sustainable. “The road to sustainability is not always easy, and setbacks can occur,” says chairman Kamaruzzaman Abu Kassim. “But like our crops, we continue to grow and increase yields for people and the planet. We are poised for big changes ahead and we look forward to the new challenges.” Over the past four years, Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad has taken various measures and made several changes in relation to its sustainability strategy. “We have divested our oleochemicals business and are in the process of divesting our foods and restaurants business,” notes Kamaruzzaman. “We have also acquired additional oil palm estates, allowing us to strengthen and develop our sustainable agri-business model. Our commitments to sustainable agriculture are now central to our business strategy.” Thanks to this devoted stance, the company was one of the first palm oil producers to be certified to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil standard in 2009. As such, Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad is
dedicated to its 30:30 initiative,
which aims to raise fruit yields to
opportunities for women at all
30 tonnes per hectare and palm
levels. We are also supportive of
product extraction rates to 30
the recommendations adopted
per cent.
by the Government and Bursa
“A the
voluntary RSPO’s
Malaysia that 30 per cent of
decision-makers in PLCs should
be female.
“Perhaps such targets will
the certification credible and
one day be obsolete, but our
robust, though there are always
experiences show that support
opportunities for improvements,”
and encouragement of women is
Berhad’s Sustainability Report
2010/2011. “We believe that it
industries in Indonesia and Africa
represents the most responsible
are increasingly recruiting oil
way to grow oil palm. All our
plant workers, Kamaruzzaman is
planted areas meet the stringent
confident of retaining a valued
RSPO Principles and Criteria for
sustainable palm oil production.”
“We know from surveys and focus groups that our employees
Supporting a valuable workforce Along
issues, Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad also strives to be an employer of choice at a local level. In 2009, the company pledged to do more for members of staff at the lower
are generally happy to work for us,” he cites. “We have focused on strengthening our decision making and management to allow for a better working climate.”
Recent developments
end of the pay scale.
Thanks to impressive results
“Since then, most of these
in terms of yields and palm
employees have been given the
opportunity to earn additional
(Malaysia) Berhad is expected
income, and housing and facilities
to raise its stake in associate
provided to our employees have
company New Britain Palm Oil
also been upgraded,” reveals
Limited (NBPOL) to a controlling
level within the next few months.
“We are also focusing on end-
of-career training, contributing
business opportunities and the
to fulfilling, active and decent
timing is right, you should not
retirement for our employees.”
miss them or let them go,” says
As well as improving working
conditions and tackling complex
Recently, Kulim increased
health and safety issues, gender
its stake in the subsidiary by 20
equality is another significant
per cent to 68.97 per cent. “The
issue for the company.
offer to increase our investment
Kamaruzzaman “Our
explains: OnWards’
initiative goes from strength 50 | Endeavour Magazine
credibility and commitment to stakeholder
in NBPOL represents a vote of
cites Kamaruzzaman. “It also
Innovative • Technology Driven Dedicated Team • Reliable • Experienced
Products & Services Design, Build and Commissioning Complete turnkey projects in construction of palm oil mills both locally and overseas. Undertakes mill modification or mill upgrading.
Pressure Vessel Licensed manufacturer of unfired pressure vessels like Vertical Sterilizer, horizontal sterilizer, back pressure receiver, pressure sand filter, softener, oil vacuum dryer, de-aerator & air receiver.
Clutch Door Licensed manufacturer of sterilizer clutch door & dish end.
Boiler Licensed manufacturer and repairer of steam vessel, fired and unfired pressure vessels.
Manufacturing & Supply We have fully equipped fabrication shop for both light & heavy fabrication works.
Environmental Work Professional consultation for integrated waste management system and modular troubleshooting design that can assist in reducing environmental issues. Our system includes Value+ Bio-Composting System and dust particulate trapping system for boiler stack.
Equipments & Spares Our sales offices at variuos strategic locations in Malaysia and Indonesia carry wide array of industrial products, parts, spares and equipment to serve the customers’ need. In addition, we are the authorized distribution agent for Sumitomo Gearbox, Hanson Gearbox, TRP Chain and Renold Chain.
Engineering Consultation Offer professional consultation for turnkey projects in plam oil mill, engineering design & technology development that customized to customers’ requirements and also retrofit existing machinery /system for better performance.
Maintenance Services After sales services and schedule field maintenance work for palm oil mills.
Training & Advisory Services Offer training for palm oil mill engineers and provide advisory services for palm oil mill by our experienced engineers.
represents a vote of confidence in the growth prospects of Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and the other markets that NBPOL serves.” After the company’s AGM, Kamaruzzaman said the oil palm
in Pengerang, Johor, as a good
Even so, the company is
still planning to capitalise on
services to the oil and gas players
there,” noted Kamaruzzaman.
division would remain Kulim’s main business activity, but was actively
particularly in the oil and gas
looking at ways to develop, strengthen and grow operations.
industry as well as selective
or expansion plans, you can be
property development.
sure that the group’s sustainable
“We are continuously exploring new land opportunities from time to time for our oil palm business both locally and abroad,”
he added. Although Kulim divested its Indonesian investment in
Nasional Bhd’s Refinery and
commitment to employees and
2007, Kamaruzzaman did not dismiss the possibility of returning,
high yield levels will continue to
as Malaysian landowner prices were “too exorbitant” for oil palm
Development or Rapid project
52 | Endeavour Magazine
deliver successful results.
Innovative • Technology Driven Dedicated Team • Reliable • Experienced
ATG is a leading palm oil mill construction specialist with vast experience in design and construct, fabrication works and also an authorized supplier of crucial machines & spares necessary for driving the oil palm industry. ATG was founded in 1992 and based her operation in Kluang, Johor, Malaysia. It has the expertise and capacity to undertake turnkey palm oil mill projects, manufacture mill machinery/ equipment and establishing strategic alliance with suppliers. Since then ATG has successfully constructed and commissioned many turnkey projects at competitive cost including our ProAuto™ Vertical sterilization system. The Company welcomes enquiries from potential customers & business partners. Site visits to view the ProAuto™ Vertical Sterilization System either in Malaysia or Indonesia can be arranged.
Our Vision “To become a leading technology and service provider for palm oil mill.”
Our Mission “To become a fully integrated palm oil mill product and service provider that creates competitive advantage to our clients through technical know-how, sustainable technology development and care for the environment.”
No. 22, Jalan Kg. Baru, Taman Perkasa 86000 Kluang Johor, Malaysia Tel: +60-7-7738464 +60-7-7720172 / 7720777 Fax: +60-7-7733464 +60-7-7737566 Email: Website:
Contact Persons Aland Chow +60-12-7729020 Mohd Zair +60-19-6609020
54 | Endeavour Magazine
El Dorado has been debunked as a myth. A legend fuelled by the Spanish’s hunger and lust for gold, and although the City of Gold has never been found the hundreds of explorers who have gone in search of this mystic place should have just spent some time digging beneath the surface.
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Endeavour Magazine | 55
For a million years ago the continent of South America saw fit to bestow the land with the 7000 kilometre crest of the Andes Mountains, the creation of which caused the creation of a range of precious metals that have proved more valuable than the city of El Dorado could ever have claimed. We spoke with commercial director Luis Pino regarding this legend of the industry.
ithin the South America’s Barrick Gold includes
regional business units located in Australia, Africa, North America and
the Pierina and Lagunas Norte gold mines in
South America giving it a complete global footprint. As well as South
Peru; the Veladero gold mine in Argentina; the
America, Barrick is currently undertaking mining and exploration
Cerro Casale project in Chile,” Luis tells us. South America has an area of 17,840,000 square kilometres and with a population of well over 371,090,000, most of whom live near
projects in Papua New Guinea, the United States, Canada, Dominican Republic, Australia, Peru, Chile, Russia, South Africa, Colombia, Argentina and Tanzania.
the western or eastern coasts of the continent while the interior
“Since, January 20, 2006, when Barrick acquired a majority
and the far south is sparsely populated. The geography of western
share of Placer Dome, we have enjoyed the position as the larger
South America is dominated by the Andes, which is the longest range
gold producer in the world,” Luis tells us, “In 2012, South America
of mountains in the world. It is vibrant and lush land, famous for the
produced 1.63 million ounces of gold at total cash costs of $467 per
Amazon basin and those of Paraná and Orinoco and most of it lies in
ounce and in 2013, gold production is expected to be in the range of
the tropics.
1.25-1.35 million ounces at all-in sustaining costs of $875-$925 per
“As diverse as the country’s landscape it boasts a wide cultural,
ounce and total cash costs of $550-$600 per ounce.”
ethnical and racial diversity,” Luis tells us, “People here originate from South America as well as Europe, Africa and Asia.”
About Barrick South America
Lagunas Norte Peru Located on the Alto Chicama property in north-central Peru, 140 kilometres east of the coastal city of Trujillo, and 175 kilometres
Barrick Gold Corporation is the largest gold mining company
north of Barrick’s Pierina mine. Lagnuas Norte, lies on the western
in the world, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada with four
flank of the Peruvian Andes and is at an elevation of 4,000 to 4,260
“Since January 20, 2006, when Barrick acquired a majority share of Placer Dome, we have enjoyed the position as the larger gold producer in the world.”
56 | Endeavour Magazine
HAUG S.A. congratulates Barrick Gold South America for reaching this crucial milestone and wishes the best of luck in their future endeavours.
HAUG S.A. Av. Argentina 2060, Callao –Peru Tel: (511) 6134545
Haug HP.indd 2
HAUG CHILE INTERNACIONAL LTDA Av. Once de Septiembre 1881, Office 702, Providencia, Santiago de Chile - Chile Tel.: (562)-22337567
FACTORIA METALICA HAUG. S.A. SUC. ARGENTINA Reconquista 1034 1st Floor, Buenos AiresArgentina Tel.:(5411) 60917300
08/08/2013 15:08
Endeavour Magazine | 57
meters above sea level. It’s an
Pierina mine.”
Norte produced 754,000 ounces
In 2006, Lagunas Norte won first prize awarded by the Mining
of gold at total cash costs of
Safety Institute (ISEM) in the category Open Pit Operations, this
$318 per ounce. Lagunas Norte
recognition became a milestone in the sector as it was the first time in
is expected to produce 0.56-0.60
disseminated and hosted in
the history of Peruvian mining a mine in its first year of operation had
million ounces of gold in 2013 at
volcanic and sedimentary rocks,”
ever achieved this award.
total cash costs of $380-$420
open-pit, crush, valley-fill heap leach operation. “The
per ounce. Proven and probable
is exposed at surface and is
Environment At Lagunas Norte
currently defined over a strike
On the environmental side, Lagunas Norte has the ISO 14001
length of 1,600 metres oriented
Environmental Management System, awarded by the international
certification body Bureau Veritas and this recognition is part of
direction and a width of 750
Barrick’s vision and values to maintain the highest standards of care
and preservation of the environment, this commitment throughout
“Generally, the mineralization
the process operation.
gold reserves as of December 31, 2012, were 5.8 million ounces.
The Pierina Mine In Andean Cordillera The Pierina mine is located in the Andean Cordillera in the
is flat-lying and extends up to 300
Also, as part of good environmental practices Barrick, Lagunas
Department of Ancash (Ancash
metres in depth, disseminated
Norte has a ranch ecological project that demonstrates the viability
– ‘blue’ in the local Quechua
and hosted in volcanic and
of a harmonious coexistence between farming and mining. At the
language) in north-central Peru,
ranch the bred species include alpacas, cows, and other small animals
tuffs. The deposit is of the high
in order to improve and rehabilitate highly productive high-puna
northwest of the city of Huaraz,
sulfidation type and is similar
at an altitude of approximately
in style to the mineralization at
58 | Endeavour Magazine
As far as productivity of the mine is concerned, in 2012, Lagunas
4,100 metres. Featuring an open-
pit, truck-and-loader operation where ore is crushed and transported through an overland conveyor to the leach pad area whereas run-ofmine ore is trucked directly to a classic valley-fill type of leach pad. “In 2011, Pierina produced 152,000 ounces of gold at a total cash cost of $825 per ounce,” Luis explains, “Proven and probable mineral C
reserves as of December 31, 2011 were estimated at 771,000 ounces M
of gold and 23.2 million ounces of silver.”
As a result of rising gold prices, and based on mineral reserves CM
Pierina’s mine life has been extended to the end of 2016.
The Pierina Belt contains structurally controlled gold, silver, lead, CY
zinc and copper mineralization in the Calipuy volcanics. A 70 km long CMY
belt of hydrothermal alteration is associated with the known deposits K
which are underlain by basal andesitic lavas and overlying rhyodacitic pumice and lithic tuffs. Gold mineralization is associated with vuggy silica alteration and is dominantly hosted in the rhyodacitic pumice tuff with lesser amounts in the overlying lithic tuff and the underlying andesite. The silica altered zone is flanked by quartz-alunite and argillic alteration. Ore-grade mineralization in the pumice tuff occurs over intervals of more than 260 m. The area of currently known mineralization
+54 11 5941 4444 | Gonçalves Dias 1145 [C1276ACQ] Buenos Aires | @SullairArg Sullair Argentina S.A. sullairargentina
measures approximately 450 m wide by 1,200 m long and is open to
Endeavour Magazine | 59
the southeast. Significant silver mineralization is present. The highest
Barrick’s Pierina mine during the
grades of silver (to 300 g/t) are located in the north end of the deposit
three-year program and 135 of
where over 95% of the mineralization is oxide.
which will be directly funded by
“The leach process is a classic valley fill method. The ore is stacked
the company.
The Veladero Mine, San Juan Province, Argentina
in a lined containment area behind a retention dam,” Luis diligently
Additionally, as the region
Utilising the same mining
explains, “Cyanide is sprinkled on top of the low grade ore and the
surrounding the mine suffers
and processing techniques as its
resulting pregnant (gold bearing) solution is then redirected to a gold
sister mine Pierina, Veladero is a
recovery circuit.”
mine holds a greenhouse that
conventional open-pit operation
produces and holds 300,000
where ore is crushed by a two-
trees and plants per year. Thanks
stage process and transported
Barrick’s investment in local communities is already making a
to this, Barrick has already
via overland conveyor and trucks
difference and the Pierina mine has had a profoundly positive impact
planted more than 1.2 million
to the leach pad area.
on local communities where poverty has declined significantly since
trees in the mine area.
Investment In Local Community
“One of our gems, in 2009,
the mine opened and literacy rates are on the rise. Over 90% of
“In 2012, Pierina produced
Veladero produced 611k oz. of
Pierina’s employees and contractors are Peruvians and they live in
110,000 ounces of gold at total
gold at total cash costs of $438
the nearby communities who feel the positive effects of the company.
cash costs of $1,156 per ounce.
per ounce,” Luis tells us, “Probable
“Barrick is also involved with the A Roof for My Country,” Luis
Proven and probable mineral
mineral reserves as of December
describes, “An international non-governmental organization (NGO)
reserves as of December 31,
31, 2009 are estimated at 12.0
whose volunteers build transitional homes side by side with the
2012, were 542,000 ounces of
million ounces of gold.”
families who will live in them.”
gold.”- Luis Pino.
Located in the San Juan
In all, 335 homes will be built in 11 different communities around
SEMISA S.A EMPRESA MAYO S.R.L U.T.E (transitory united of companies) and 21collaborative companies
ARGENTINIAN MINE SERVICES COMPANY We are the region leader mine services company, specialized in people transportation. Working in synergy with our clients we plan strategies trying to improve every day and in the way to give immediate solutions to all their problems, always focus on quality management, security and environment cares. SEMISA S.A –EMPRESA MAYO S.R.L U.T.E GRAL. MOSCONI S/N ENTRE CALLE 5 Y PROGRESO-RAWSON -SAN JUAN-ARGENTINA
60 | Endeavour Magazine
13/08/2013 17:09
Province of Argentina, immediately to the south of the Pascua-Lama property in the highly prospective Frontera District and elevated at about 4500 metres above sea level, the property is located at elevations of 4,000 and 4,850 metres above sea level, approximately 374 kilometres northwest of the city of San Juan. Volcanics host epithermal mineralization and Veladero contains at least 8 alteration areas with an aggregate 14 sq. km area. The property contains several large bulk-tonnage deposits of goldsilver mineralization in altered, silicified volcanic rock, dominantly various types of silicified breccia and the oxidized zone extends to considerable depth. Veladero is a conventional open-pit operation and 2006 is the mine’s first full year of production. There are two open pits, a truck shop, primary and secondary crushers located next to Filo Federico open pit, covered ore stockpile, secondary crusher and load out bin,
“In 2011, Pierina produced 152,000 ounces of gold at a total cash cost of $825 per ounce.”
where trucks collect crushed ore to haul to the valley-fill leach facility. “Veladero mine plan calls for mining 80 million tons per year of ore and rocks,” Luis tells us, “Of that, 12.6 million tons of ore will be crushed and sent to the valley-fill leach pads; and 3.5 million tons of ore will be sent for additional processing, depending on the grade.”
Endeavour Magazine | 61
Environment And Community Using the company’s experience at Pierina, Veladero are providing emergency services training, health programs, an expansion
and developing the lives of
their staff and the surrounding
created thousands of jobs while
“We take this very seriously,”
at the same time mitigating
Luis states, ““In 2005, we were
its environmental impact and
“Things like internet access to local communities make a huge
one of the first to sign the
working to develop the economy
difference,” Luis tells us, “The service has been installed in the towns
UN Global Compact (UNGC)
of the region. With projects
of Las Flores, Rodeo, and Jachal, where it is available at public libraries
and community centres.”
directly involves the business
to the Rodeo hospital, and programs that promote mining industry awareness.
Safe transport, storage and handling of chemicals is a priority at
community in tackling some of
Veladero where spill prevention measures, such as double-walled
the most pressing social and
tanks and lined or bermed containment cells, minimize the risk of an
environmental challenges of our
accidental release of petroleum products or other chemical solutions
impacting the environment or leaving the mine site.
Staffing And Community Barrick Gold South America
The principles behind the Global
on internationally recognized
of this scale there is always a positive ripple effect when it comes to employment. To a ratio of 1:3, for every one person who is directly employed an additional 3 are indirectly employed which allows for some understanding of the positive impact this company provides. “Barrick
norms and conventions covering
America is all about people and
One of the key reasons we are so keen to highlight Barrick Gold
human rights, including labour
community,” Luis tells us, “They
South America is to highlight the focus placed on their staff and the
standards, the environment and
are the pillars holding us up.”
local communities. The with such high yields coming from the land
Barrick Gold have responded with an ardent focus on improving
“Barrick Gold South America is all about people and community,” Luis tells us. “They are the pillars holding us up.”
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Now that years of construction work are complete, Khumani mine is aiming for operational efficiency, employee empowerment and excellent levels of engineering.
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Last month, Endeavour magazine spoke to Willem Grobbelaar, Divisional Manger at Assmang Limited, about its on-going commitment to staff and the various mines currently in operation. Interested in finding out more information about past, present and future projects, in particular the Khumani mine, we picked up the phone and talked to Willem once again. Here is what he had to say.
n the late 1990s, Assmang, jointly managed by JSE listed
a pre-feasibility process before finalising any design, which should
African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) and Assore, realised it was
start any day now.”
running out of resources at the Beeshoek mine and could not
grow the business based on future anticipated capacity,” notes Willem. Therefore, the company started initial feasibility studies to establish
Focusing on efficiency From the commissioning of the mine and approval of the jig
the new Khumani facility, which was approved and commissioned
plant expansion to the inclusion of the Whims plant, there has been
approximately six years ago.
constant construction activity at Khumani. Now that these have been
With great optimism and belief about the new project, Assmang immediately expanded the mine by installing a Whims (wet highintensity magnetic separation) plant and extra jigging capacity.
completed, Willem is concentrating on making the mine as efficient as possible. “For the first time since commissioning the operation, we can now
These successful additions now mean Khumani mine produces
concentrate on steady state conditions and are working very hard on
14 million tonnes of iron ore per annum, adhering to the capacity
fine tuning the available facilities in terms of improving efficiencies,”
allocated by the Transnet Limited railway line that runs down to
he notes. “This has been underway for the past year and consists of
Saldanha Bay. However, there is the possibility of increasing output
minor projects, all of which have been successful.”
even further according to Willem.
Despite doing everything in its power to run a smooth and
“We are considering an additional jig plant, which will be able to
coherent operation, factors outside of Assmang’s control threatened
exploit more of the lower grade material available in the area and
to disrupt the Khumani mine’s efficiency. During the summer months
extend the life of the mine,” he reveals.
in South Africa, there were some problems with the supply of water,
“There is no definitive answer on capacity, because this depends on discussions and negotiations with Transnet, but we will go through
which even led to intermittent shutdowns. “With the expansion of mining operations in the Northern Cape,
“Our employees are certainly valued and it is very important for us to have happy people and fully trained staff. We need to make sure we are doing our bit to make sure they can carry out their duties and are happy from a personal point of view in terms of circumstances, housing and schooling.”
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Endeavour Magazine | 67
there are more demands on the Gamagara system and the Sedibeng Water board,” says Willem. “Water comes from a place near Kimberley on the Vaal River and
per annum.” In addition to this valuable
discussion with Willem, staff play
supplies all of the mining operations as well as towns, municipalities
proximity of both mines has also
a pivotal role in the organisation
and even some local farmers.”
enhanced operational flexibility,
and as such, Assmang offers
as resources can be shared
between the two.
to own their own home. “We
wherever possible and strives to re-circulate every drop so it does not have a negative impact on the environment and production processes.
As mentioned in our previous
For this reason, Assmang remains committed to conserving water
Employee benefits
“This assisted us during some
subsidise our employees very
problematic months, but both
heavily, but they will be the
mines managed to achieve their
owner of that property and
Before the water pipeline receives necessary re-capitalisation
production targets at the end of
benefit from capital growth over
to bring it up-to-date, Assmang has still managed to continue with
the financial year in June,” boasts
time,” he reveals.
operations thanks to its existing infrastructure.
Willem. “Moving forward, we are
Housing remains one of
“We actually managed to make up losses during the dry period
looking to enhance this flexibility
the Northern Cape’s greatest
and catch up in terms of production,” asserts Willem. “The Beeshoek
and are revisiting our strategy
challenges, but Willem believes
mine is still operating, despite virtually shutting down for a year after
to see if there is anything
that providing solutions for a
Khumani was commissioned. For a year, no production took place
else we can do. This includes
dedicated workforce is of great
apart from available stockpiles that were utilised to supply local
benefit for the individual and the
available, improving efficiencies
Taking advantage of existing operations
“This has been gradually ramping up again and will be given a new lease of life with just over 2 million tonnes of iron ore being produced
68 | Endeavour Magazine
and possible expanding plant facilities.”
company as a whole. “Overall,
policy has been instrumental in
securing a very stable workforce,” he says. “We have an extremely
low labour turnover, albeit in the background of some very scarce
diverse as brick or even coffin
engineering skills in the country.”
making and there is a lot of infrastructure projects in various
Staff encouragement and reward On the subject of South Africa’s skills shortage, Assmang has been
towns, namely Kathu, Kuruman and Postmasburg,” says Willem.
proactive in its approach to recruiting talented members of staff by
“Our employees are certainly
setting up a training centre, with plans for construction now being
valued and it is very important for
us to have happy people and fully
“The primary objective of this training centre is to provide
trained staff. We need to make sure
technical expertise to our mining operations in the Northern Cape,”
we are doing our bit to make sure
notes Willem. “However, there will be additional capacity for us to
they can carry out their duties and
train other industry workers in the region, or even the country for
are happy from a personal point
that matter.
of view in terms of circumstances,
“Before now we have had to send our artisans to other training institutions, so this will make life better and have a positive impact on
housing and schooling.” With
the local community as well. We can also train people in life skills that
increased capacity, an upgraded
might be of value if they decide to leave the mining industry.”
infrastructure and highly trained
As part of its license to operate, Assmang is obliged to conduct
staff, the future certainly looks
certain sustainable economic development projects, an undertaking
bright for Assmang Limited and
that Willem is more than happy to carry out.
the Khumani mine.
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The City of Tshwane has recently signed a Services Agreement with Peu Capital Partners (PTY) LTD for the Security of Revenue project. The Council approved this agreement at its council meeting end of May and follows a public participation process as stipulated by the Municipal Financial Management Act (MFMA) for tender contracts that exceeds the period of three years. Marking a significant step towards energy efficiency and accountability.
Endeavour Magazine | 71
Jason Ngobeni, City Manager was quoted on saying, “The Security of Revenue Master Service Agreement (MSA) is a first of its kind in that there is no similar project business model of this nature in the country.”
e went on to say that the process of negotiating the actual
indicated in his Budget Speech that this project is critical for the
master services agreement has been a long and extensive
financial sustainability and broadening of the City’s liquidity position.
process that considered all the legislative and financial
It is also seen as a catalyst for job creation as it will result in the
provisions. He expressed his appreciation to the interdepartmental
creation of new opportunities within the local economy.
team who has put in a lot of groundwork and research in getting this
The first smart meter will go live on 1 October 2013.
agreement on the table. “The many hours of work and sleepless nights
This follows an important trend in companies, parastatals and
was not just for meeting legislative and administrative requirements
municipalities across the globe seeking to install a philosophy of
but also ensuring that the agreement addresses the needs of the
conservation and awareness. This will also provide more accurate
City’s residents,” he said.
consumption figures, protection from unethical providers, no more
The project is regarded as an off-balanced sheet project as the
monthly bills and removing the R5 billion wasted in paperwork,
municipality itself will not be incurring the cost of the project. Peu
administration and debt recovery. Their aim is to convert all electricity
will incur capital and operating expenditure in order to procure
users to pre-paid meters within the next two years, a system that has
the necessary smart pre-paid meter infrastructure and associated
worked very well in places such as United Kingdom and America.
equipment, software including vending and communication platforms as well as the required human resources to provide services. The Executive Mayor, Councillor Kgosientso Ramokgopa
72 | Endeavour Magazine
In April 2013, the city launched the R7bn Security of Revenue Project which will see the installation of 800 000 pre-paid smart meters in every household, business and public building at no cost to
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CommerCial VehiCles: TRUCKS • VANS • BUSES. Endeavour Magazine | 73
the consumer.
when asked about the reality of
“We can bank on money received
Jason Ngobeni, city manager, said the smart meters would give
the payments, that the city, on
the power back to the people. “People will be able to control their own
average, received bill payments
and use it to improve social
electricity consumption,” he said.
131 days after issuing them.
infrastructure,” he confirmed.
The reason why this system has worked in other countries is it
“We have to pay Eskom 15 days
places the responsibility onto the consumer and links them directly
after buying the electricity but
with the provider instead of relying on a middleman to provide billing.
we wait much longer to receive
Consumers can control the amount of money spent on electricity
the money from the consumers,”
each month by giving them the power to choose how many electricity
he said. This is one of the many
Not only will the new system
units to upload.
results of outdated systems that
help save money for residents
Additionally, it has been promised, there will be no increase in
are being replaced and refreshed
electricity fees when switching from the current system to the smart
by municipal leaders around
metering system. To go into a bit more detail, the service fees for
the country. It boils down to a
increase job opportunities in
electricity on the current system range between 27c and 30c (rand)
very simple fact, for the City of
the city. The factory producing
while on the smart meter system, this fee is expected to decrease to
Tshwane to make improvements
the meters will have to be within
19.5c a rand.
and changes, there must first be
Tshwane to benefit the city’s job
money in the coffers.
seekers, he said. There is also the
The City of Tshwane will collect revenue upfront to improve the city’s liquidity, allowing more budget to be extended towards
Executive mayor Kgosientso
Staff Development additionally, the
Ramokgopa system
installment of the meters into the
other municipal responsibilities which includes roads and sewer
houses which will require a range
maintenance, school support and infrastructure development.
metering system would improve
of skills including engineering
the flow of money to the city.
and safety. This is a big shift that
Andile Dyakala, chief financial officer of the City of Tshwane, said,
74 | Endeavour Magazine
will eventually involve a change to over a million households and such big moves always require additional hands. There is a significant and welcomed ripple effect of job creation that will extend beyond the City of Tshwane.
Philosophy Of Conservation As the Electricity tariffs on the new system will differ depending on the time of day, in other words peak periods will cost more than off peak periods it will mean that those who were used to just paying a bill at the end of the month and simply complaining about their household wastage will now be able to make significant changes to their usage. “Hopefully this will encourage people to restructure their electricity usage times and reduce the impact on power grids during peak times,” said Dyakala, “This might change people’s behaviour if they realise they cannot just consume, consume, consume.” Setting the example, as a sign of solidarity Ramokgopa will be the first to have the smart metering system implemented in his home,
“Hopefully this will encourage people to restructure their electricity usage times and reduce the impact on power grids during peak times,” said Dyakala, “This might change people’s behaviour if they realise they cannot just consume, consume, consume.”
thereby being the epicenter of this change. “This system will benefit the totality of residents in the city,” he concludes.
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76 | Endeavour Magazine
In November 2012, we featured the South African National Blood Service for the first time and highlighted to our readers the endeavours of this organization. Now, almost a year on we spoke with their CEO, DR. Loyiso Mpuntsha to find out about their latest campaigns and how 2013 has been.
Endeavour Magazine | 77
Considering that blood supply is the single most used resource in every hospital worldwide it is easy to forget that it has to be donated. Considering that some South African cities are in the top ten of the most violent cities in the world and that 16.6% of the country’s adults have HIV you can immediately see the challenge that this organization faces.
owever, a reliable supply of blood means that patients
seen world over as the leaders in their field.
can undergo surgery, women in labour can receive blood
“As we are a not-for-profit organisation which is free from
transfusions and victims of accidents or violence can get
shareholders,” DR. Mpuntsha tells us, “We are able to re-invest any
the emergency treatment they need. Tying together South Africa’s
surplus we make back into the organisation and to continue improving
medical and emergency care system the South Africa National Blood
our service.”
Service (SANBS) acts as the guardian responsible for the collection, screening and distribution of the blood in South Africa.
Campaigns keep the pulse moving in this machine and a constant drive to keep people aware of the new for blood keeps every one of
Founded in 2001 SANBS has grown impressively in the last
the 2400 people working for SANBS very busy. In fact we were very
twelve years and stayed at the very cutting edge of the technology
lucky to get the opportunity to speak with DR. Mpuntsha who is one
available to their industry. Utilizing high-tech facilities and the most
of the busiest people in the business.
stringent safety procedures to protect both donors and staff, they are
“We are involved in a number of big pushes at the moment, the main ones are the winter season campaign, the Festive Season Campaign, the Youth Campaign, and the Schools (Adopt-a-month) campaign,” she tells us. Rolled out across 30 branches nationwide, with use of many mobile blood banks stationed in shopping centres, holiday resorts and secondary schools and with the government supporting them with backing for their campaigns to encouraging blood donorship they get 20% more blood than they did in 2001 through endeavour such as this. “The duration of the campaigns range from a few weeks to a year depending on the focus and implementation period of the campaign,” Thapelo Mokoena the marketing director at SANBS, “The goals of the campaign also differ: For example , the Festive season campaign is meant to remind and mobilise blood donors to donate blood during the festive period, and not only concentrate in their busy festive lives. “The schools campaign is directed at educating school pupils about blood donation and in turn inspiring them to encourage their parents to donate blood. The winter season campaign encourages blood donors and potential blood donors to make time to donate in spite of the cold weather conditions which may affect their health and lifestyles. The Youth campaign aims to educate youth from the age of 16 to understand the value and importance of donating blood, so that they can continue with the culture of donating blood later in their lives” South Africa is a diverse country and one of the most complex social structures in Africa. With eleven official languages and nine provinces, a vast landscape of cities and rural areas to contend with, the planning of campaigns has to be down to the smallest margin and yet remain flexible to handle any eventuality. “Each campaign is planned on a targeted and segmented basis,
78 | Endeavour Magazine
Share a Little, Save a Life
Become a bone marrow stem cell donor today Every year thousands of South Africans, mostly children and teenagers, are diagnosed with blood disorders such as
leukaemia, marrow failure and aplasia. There is hope, a diagnosis of this kind is not always lifethreatening and there is the chance of the patient undergoing a successful bone marrow stem cell transplant from a healthy bone marrow stem cell donor. The Sunflower Fund, with the help of committed local and international funders, corporates and the general South African public, is increasing this HOPE every year and building a STATE ASSET to help future generations of leukaemia sufferers. With HOPE, leukaemia is no longer the DEATH SENTENCE that it was over 30 years ago.
The Sunflower Fund’s mission is to educate and recruit a viable source of well-informed potential bone marrow stem cell donors who are ethnically diverse, in an effort to save the lives of those
needing a transplant when suffering from lifethreatening blood disorders. It strives to maintain the associated donor records of the South African Bone Marrow Registry.
The Sunflower Fund was formed in 1999 in support of the South African Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR) and was inspired by 17 year old Chris Corlett’s heroic struggle against leukaemia. It was formed by Founder Director, Tina Botha (Chris Corlett’s Mother) and other parents whose children had contracted leukaemia, and in some cases had lost their battle against it. The Sunflower Fund would like to encourage the public to join the South African Bone Marrow Registry or to assist by funding the expensive tissue typing tests which cost The Sunflower Fund R2000 per donor that registers. Together we can save many more lives by offering young patients the opportunity to a life-saving bone marrow stem cell transplant.
To make a direct donation visit Given Gain or for more information go to Toll-free number if dialling from South Africa: 0800 12 10 82 If dialling internationally call: 0027 21 7010661
Endeavour Magazine | 79
where the strategy, history, goals, plans, and targets of each campaign
to those who need it, especially for women giving birth in hospitals.
are taken into consideration,” Thapelo explains, “We rely on a mixture
“Improvements that have taken place include developing
of creativity and strategy, including information gathered through
mechanisms for minimising blood wastage at hospitals,” Thapelo
customer surveys, research, and direct contact with blood donors.”
explains, “And the improvement and more focus on the management
Thapelo goes on to explain, “The best areas are the urban areas
and treatment of deferred blood donors, that is, blood donors who
with good facilities and better living conditions, whilst the worst areas
cannot donate due a condition at the time of donation such as low iron
are the rural and poor areas with minimum or no facilities, as it will
be difficult for any individual to donate blood on an empty stomach characterised by poor nutritional conditions.”
It’s also a matter of earning trust with the people of South Africa and as we highlighted last year the two blood screening facilities in
The level of education also plays a role in influencing the
Johannesburg and Durban are some of the best in the world and it is
donor profile, he goes on to say, as the people who understand the
possible to screen every bag of donated blood for infection using state
importance of blood donation would be more likely to donate blood.
of the art testing technology. It is an expensive but vital component of
Ultimately, this is the main aim of the campaigns. With a population
the service that SANBS offers.
of 49 million inhabitants, in 2012 only 442,000 were regular blood
Like a perpetual wheel the need for blood supplies will never go
donors. The World Health Organisation estimates that only around
away and SANBS will hold this mantle for a long time. Ultimately it
1% of the population give blood in most countries and South Africa are
is something that everyone should be involved with. If you don’t give
not far from that. A combined approach of education and availability is
blood, you should.
needed to boister the blood supply.
“Global readers can get involved through encouraging their
Otherwise there could be a repeat of the 2011 crisis where a shortage of blood had a knock-on effect for the entire medical
friends and families to donate blood,” Thapelo informs us, “And helping us to spread the education message regarding blood donations.”
industry in SA.
Becoming a blood donor in South Africa couldn’t be easier. Further
In the last article we focussed on the importance of blood donors
information can be obtained from our website:
in SA and how different times of the year affected the supply of blood
be d to Prou iated c asso with
Johannesburg: Tel: +27 (11) 928 8300
Fax: +27 (11) 928 8333
Cape Town: Tel: +27 (21) 555 6777 Durban: Tel: +27 (31) 569 3767 London: Tel: +27 (0) 1753 682 498
80 | Endeavour Magazine
Fax: +27 (21) 555 6789 Fax: +27 (31) 569 3734
Fax: +27 (0) 1753 686 992
WHY YOU SHOULD GET INVOLVED • It is through development, growth and transformation that the South African Bone Marrow Registry has expanded from merely 800 donors in 1999 to over 64 500 dedicated donors to date. It is through strategic development and continuous improvement that The Sunflower Fund continues to grow the Registry.
the recruitment of Black donors in all targeted recruitment campaigns and donor drives.
• Even so, building and expanding is an everyday challenge. There is no sell by date as it is a living registry. The Sunflower Fund strives to continue building this state asset in order to protect and nurture our future generation as they may need lifesaving donors.
• The Sunflower Fund is aiming to reach out to more youth programmes to specifically increase the recruitment of young black donors. We are attempting to collaborate with more youth clubs within communities to increase awareness about the crucial need for donors. Potential donors have to be between the ages of 18 and 45 which is why we strive to recruit donors as soon as they turn 18 so that they can remain on the registry for a lengthy time with the hope that someday they too can give back to society by saving someone’s life.
• Ethnic origin (Heritage) is important when matching donors and patients. The “markers” that are tested when searching for a match are genetically inherited and often unique to a particular race. It is through education that we aim to increase the number of Black donors on the Registry to help the many children and young adults in our state hospitals searching for donor matches. This involves us selectively targeting
• Education and awareness is created in communities through talks at universities, churches and community centres. It is vital that all South Africans are educated about becoming a donor and the urgent need for donors of all ethnic backgrounds. Without these donors we are losing patients. Together, we can make a difference in South Africa and the rest of the World and save more lives.
THANK YOU FOR BEING PREPARED TO “SHARE A LITTLE, TO SAVE A LIFE” Website: Toll-free number if dialling from South Africa 0800 12 10 82 If dialling internationally call: 0027 21 7010661
82 | Endeavour Magazine
Boasting state-of-the-art technology, accomplished medical professionals and exclusive international accreditation, Apollo Bramwell is the Indian Ocean’s leading private hospital.
Endeavour Magazine | 83
As the majority of us are all too aware, life is full of unexpected twists and turns. But whatever happens in our work and social life, health remains a priority. Several individuals still rely on national health services to provide treatment and care in times of hardship, however more and more people are seeking private cover and protection.
rom a high standard of care and treatment
with numerous inpatient and
rooms and added peace of
outpatient services such as high
mind, several private healthcare
cardiac and general intensive
care, paediatric private beds,
boundless merits to the island
consultation rooms and a 24-
nation of Mauritius is Apollo
hour emergency facility.
Bramwell Hospital (ABH).
In addition to patient comfort with fully air conditioned rooms,
About Apollo Bramwell
healthy meals three times a day, individual TV screens and
In November 2005, the Chennai-based of
internet access, visitors are also catered for with special lounges, cafeterias and shops.
American Investment signed a
For the founder and chairman
memorandum of understanding
of Apollo Hospitals Group Dr.
Prathap C. Reddy, employing
multidisciplinary medical facility
in Mauritius. Today, ABH is the
provide patients with the best
Indian Ocean’s largest private
care possible is a prime concern.
hospital, with over 200 nurses
“Our endeavour is to establish a
and 200 physicians and dentists,
state-of-the-art hospital with the
most of which are trained
highest standards of patient care
and with wide-ranging facilities
standards. 84 | Endeavour Magazine
ABH prides itself on being
under one roof,� he notes.
“Our mission is to bring healthcare of international standards within the reach of every individual. We are committed to the achievement and maintenance of excellence in education, research and healthcare for the benefit of humanity.”
Papworth partnership In June 2013, ABH signed a partnership agreement with the world-famous Papworth Hospital in London to enhance specialist cardiac services and educate key clinical staff. “We are proud to be associated with Papworth Hospital, which is truly a leader in cardiothoracic surgery and cardiology, but is also the UK’s main heart and lung transplant centre,” notes David Gray, deputy chairman of Apollo Bramwell Hospital. “Apollo Bramwell will greatly benefit from the support of Papworth Hospital, which will include the potential for having surgeons and cardiologists performing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures at Apollo Bramwell.” Every year, Papworth treats over 22,800 inpatients and 53,400 outpatients requiring specialist heart and lung treatment from the UK’s largest cardiothoracic hospital. Apollo Bramwell hopes to gain invaluable insights from the Cambridge-based hospital, which has
Endeavour Magazine | 85
witnessed over 1000 heart and
proud to announce the launch of a full-service orthotic and prosthetic
The department at ABH
lung transplants since it was
facility. The new department aims to offer renewed hope, greater
has been established alongside
founded over 30 years ago.
mobility and a better quality of life for amputees that have lost a limb
as a result of disease or an accident.
“Papworth is a fantastic
institution with a history of
“Diabetes is a common reason why Mauritians lose a limb and
outstanding results, including
need to use a prosthesis,” David reveals. “This service will therefore
Africa, and Ottobock, a German
the first ever heart transplant
offer a special prosthetic program to fit the individual needs of each
operation in the UK back in
patient. We provide amputees with mobility, comfort and an improved
prostheses, braces and orthoses.
1979,” cites H.E. Nick Leake,
self-image thanks to the latest designs available in prosthetic limbs.”
British High Commissioner to Mauritius.
right prosthesis that best suits their needs, patients will also benefit
“Apollo Bramwell is bringing specialised
Along with expert guidance and support to help choose the
from careful monitoring, as long-term care is required for devices to accurately fit and function correctly.
Accreditation, quality and certification
region for the first time, such as
David explains: “Due to technological advances prosthetic
ABH has now joined an elite
those provided in conjunction
components are continually changing, which can make the decision-
and exclusive circle as one of
with Papworth. It will position
making process confusing.
only 385 hospitals in the world
Mauritius on the right track to be a services hub for Africa.”
New facility at ABH Earlier in 2013, ABH was
“While we utilise modern technology, it is important to understand that the latest and greatest appliance is not always the
most appropriate for every patient. Our policy is to provide the most
accreditation. With over 350
appropriate device, matching the patient’s lifestyle in the most cost-
stringent guidelines, covering
effective manner.”
Pharma Trade Ltd.
The Hospital Product Specialist & Sole Representative & Distributor of: JULPHAR, Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, U.A.E // FRESENIUS KABI, South Africa // FRESENIUS KABI, France // FRESENIUS KABI, India // HAMELN, Germany // LABORATOIRE RENAUDIN, France // LABORATOIRE AGUETTANT, France // MACOPHARMA, France
Bougainville Lane, Beau Bassin, MAURITIUS
Tel: 230 464 6315 // Fax: 230 464 2629 Email: 86 | Endeavour Magazine
to win the Joint Commission (JCI)
procedures and air quality, the accreditation is recognised as a symbol of quality, which reflects an organisation’s commitment to meet high performance standards. “JCI accreditation is a further indication of the Apollo Bramwell
point of their treatment. “From the time the patient steps in the hospital till the discharge journey, quality standards are applied and respected to cater for best quality of healthcare that the patient experiences,” asserts ABH.
Hospital’s commitment to world-class medical excellence; it means
Ultimately, ABH is a world-class facility that acknowledges how
first and foremost the highest standard of care for our patients,” the
significant health is in today’s modern society. Any patient visiting
hospital boasts.
Mauritius can rest assured that they are in the best hands possible.
Despite this industry recognition, ABH still employs a quality management system to produce results that meet and exceed stakeholder and public expectations. “By reinforcing the goals and objectives of patient care, quality is not only an additional step of control or inspection, but an integral part of our daily practices and work for every employee throughout the hospital,” notes ABH. “The hospital is continuously exploring ways of improving the quality of healthcare through the latest evidence-based medicine, audits of services, integrated care pathways, indicator measurements, voice of customers, customer satisfaction including complaints/ incidents and other standardisation frameworks.” ABH promotes a proactive culture that encourages patients to be involved in the decision making process and to ask questions at every
“While we utilise modern technology, it is important to understand that the latest and greatest appliance is not always the most appropriate for every patient. Our policy is to provide the most appropriate device, matching the patient’s lifestyle in the most cost-effective manner.”
Endeavour Magazine | 87
88 | Endeavour Magazine
WorleyParsons South Africa is able to draw upon a comprehensive worldwide network to deliver energy and resources solutions at a local level.
Endeavour Magazine | 89
Operating in the resources and energy sectors, the Australian firm WorleyParsons Limited is a multinational engineering, project delivery and management company. With over 40,000 employees, a presence in over 40 countries and 165 offices worldwide, this Australian Stock Exchange listed company knows a thing or two about global energy solutions.
lthough the business
spread across the continent,
has been in existence
for several decades, it
is still a relatively young player
joint with
venture DeltaAfrik
Engineering in 2003.
in South Africa. Even so, in less
However, its South African
than five years it has acquired
other industry players, grown
business bought a 50 per cent
its footprint and achieved great
started in
engineering Three
the house
company’s story as well as
remaining half in addition to
tracking recent developments,
consulting firm KV3. Thanks
Endeavour magazine decided to
get in touch with WorleyParsons
South Africa CEO Greg Denton to get the lowdown on an intriguing industry and market.
WorleyParsons in Africa
90 | Endeavour Magazine
takeovers, has
established a substantial and recognised
presence. This
enhanced its capabilities even further with the announcement
This particular engineering
of another major buyout as Greg
enterprise traces its roots in
explains: “After purchasing TWP,
Africa back to the early 1970s,
we now have well over 2000
when Parsons E&C established
employees in South Africa and a
offices in Cairo, Egypt. Over the
large portfolio of projects spread
years that followed the company
right across the Hydrocarbons
and Mining sectors. Most of this activity came from TWP.”
The project house, now trading as WorleyParsons TWP, is a major provider of engineering design, procurement and construction management with a great deal of industry competence.
local make
senior key
judgement calls. “I am very empowered as
“We are excited about integrating them into our global business,”
a leader to drive the business
notes Greg. “They are global experts in underground mining and
and make the most of the local
precious metals, so taking this South African knowhow to the world is
market,” reveals Greg. “Obviously
a fantastic opportunity for us.”
I can tap into our many resources, where other offices around
Commitment to people through a unique local global model “It`s always about people. We are a company that delivers a professional service,” Greg confidently asserts. “The quality of our people, the use of our systems and processes, consistent levels of performance and advice as well as delivery expertise is what we pride ourselves on.” While Greg considers these core values to be WorleyParsons
the world work in partnership on numerous projects, but our local global model means we have quite a distributive and empowered workforce.”
Current state of play
SA’s unique selling point, the company also differentiates itself from
“We have a number of major
competitors through a unique ‘local global’ model. While industry
projects underway in this part of
rivals make decisions from a centralised office, WorleyParsons
the world, but with hundreds of
Home of Service Excellence Tshireletso Business Engineering known as TBE was founded in 2002 and restructured into its present form in 2005. The Company has a narrow, specialised focus resulting in a true understanding of the technologies and methodologies applicable to its chosen fields of expertise and this focus benefits the client, which can be sure that it is dealing with a Company that understands all aspects of the project. TBE’s vision is to be the best in its chosen field of specialisation which will make it the contractor of choice for discerning clients in these fields of expertise. The company specialises in overhead traction electrical equipment (OHTE) and electricity distribution. Owing to the inherently hazardous nature of working with electrical current, TBE places great emphasis on safety standards and ensuring that its personnel are trained in all aspects of safety.
91 Vlagskip Street, Laser Park, Honeydew, Johannesburg +27 11 794 1270 , +27 11 794 8391, +27 11 794 9425
Endeavour Magazine | 91 Tshireletso Business Engineers.indd 1
15/08/2013 09:04
active ventures that our people work on every month, it is hard for
me to outline activity levels,” says Greg. “In summary, our headcount
subjects that relate closely to the
is slowly growing and we are currently recruiting, which is a good
indication of the company’s overall position in South Africa.”
services business and our staff certainly have other options. “Therefore it really is a
Greg says: “Engaging with
daily task of ensuring the work
Although market conditions differ greatly between the Power,
students starts early, so we go to
environment is positive and
Mining and Hydrocarbon industries, WorleyParsons SA’s established
schools and universities to help
that people are motivated to be
and reputable position is sure to stand the company in good stead.
create graduates. We also offer
here. This comes from a number
bursaries as part of our graduate
of things we do to make sure
development program.”
WorleyParsons is a fun place to
“I’d like to think we are one of the companies people want to have on their tender lists because we have the systems, processes and people to get the job done,” adds Greg.
In addition to continuous training,
Educating staff and potential employees During our discussion with Greg, confirmation of WorleyParson SA’s devotion to educating potential employees and providing a
are happy and satisfied in their jobs is another objective for WorleyParsons SA.
Looking forward “I honestly believe that South Africa and WorleyParsons are
“It is about providing a
looking at a very positive five
“You’ve caught me on a good day as this week we have been
diversity of work opportunities
years with solid and consistent
having a series of job experience days with local high school and year
that keeps people interested
growth, as we maintain diversity
one university students,” says Greg.
in their jobs,” explains Greg.
in our work program, increase
To this end, WorleyParsons SA has partnered with a number
“Retention is always a challenge
the depth of our local capability
of educational institutions, including the Wits University in
in the white-collar professional
and work closely with customers
valued service to the community was evident.
92 | Endeavour Magazine
to deliver infrastructure that will
acquisitions mean the company
develop southern Africa,” Greg
also has a great deal to offer the
rest of the world moving forward.
Regardless of any strategic acquisitions,
“Carrying out Engineering and
Johannesburg is an exciting
investments that may take place,
prospect for the future,” notes
Greg’s sole focus is sure to
Greg. “We are creating a South
remain the same.
African business that will be
“For us, the most important thing
globally linked.
“We can tap into all of our
customers. To stay close to
resources, but there is now
them, recognise their needs and
global expertise in South Africa
requirements then deliver the
as well, which WorleyParsons
best solutions we can from our
will be taking to the world,” Greg
global capacity.”
Even though WorleyParsons
“I honestly believe that South Africa and WorleyParsons are looking at a very positive five years with solid and consistent growth, as we maintain diversity in our work program, increase the depth of our local capability and work closely with customers to deliver infrastructure that will develop southern Africa”
SA benefits from the knowledge and prowess of a global network of
Endeavour Magazine | 93
94 | Endeavour Magazine
A strategic hub in the southern-most waters of the Caribbean, where trade lanes between the Americas and the great oceans of the World converge the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago is the bottle neck for the wealth and future of the island nation. We spoke with their Head of Marketing, Sandra Henry regarding some of the developments.
Endeavour Magazine | 95
Located at Port of Port of Spain the capital of Trinidad and Tobago this port benefits from a multipurpose offering, including cargo handling, receipt, storage and delivery including containers, breakbulk, ro-ro, one-stop barrel shop, LCL, dry and liquid bulk, towage and dredging services. Outside of the heavy cargo and freight services they also cater for cruises ship reception facilities and the management of a crucial inter-island ferry service.
andra reveals, “The company has been split into three
“The Port Police Department has taken definitive measures to
corporate entities, POSINCO Port of Spain Infrastructure
ensure these challenges are overcome by ensuring that each officer
Company, Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago and Trinidad
undergoes training that reflects modern international standards,”
and Tobago Island Transport Company.” Completely government owned and with approximately 142 hectares to work with 61 hectares used specifically for cargo
Sandra tells us, “Officers are trained in the comprehensive areas of Crime Scene Management, Cell Phone Forensics, E-mail analysis, Cybercrime Identification and Crime Scene awareness.”
operations they are in the ideal position to make the decisions based on the community and longevity of the port and not necessarily at a corporate bottom line.
HSE Department One of the functions of the PATT is to ensure the safety, health and
The Port has been the gateway to the capital of the Twin Island
welfare of their employees, contractors, the community and visitors
of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago for more than seventy years,
to the port. As part of their continuous commitment to employees
but was officially named the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago on
and stakeholders’ safety, they apply an effective HSE Management
June 14th 1962.
system to all their operational activities.
What makes this of particular relevance is the natural harbour
The Port Authority HSE Department is guided by our clear
on the sheltered north western coast of Trinidad, which makes the
SAFETY POLICY which essentially serves as the “Constitution” for
Port of Port of Spain ideally positioned to service the major sea lanes
HSE within their facilities. A dynamic, well trained unit committed to
between the Americas, the islands of the Caribbean and the trading
the prevention of accidents and ill-health. Operating around the clock
links between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans via the Panama Canal.
they purview over a wide scope of responsibilities including training and orientation, conduct and a regular self-evaluation of systems and
The Port Of Port Of Spain (Ppos)
practises to keep them up to international standards..
The Port of Port of Spain (PPOS) is the cargo handling business unit of the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago and provides berthing for international container vessels as well as towage services, container freight services and warehousing, and a one stop barrel shop for clearance and delivery of personal effects.
Security Of The Port
Upkeep: $30 Million Upgrade To The T&T Express The Ferry Service which is run by Trinidad and Tobago Inter Island Transport Company (TTIT) has made great strides this year, in fact according to, Port Authority Chairman Joseph Toney, they were improving by “leaps and bounds.”
Ultimately the responsibility for ensuring the security of the Port
“The fleet includes the T&T Spirit, the T&T Express and the cargo
perimeter remains within the mandate of the Port Authority. Totally
ferry—Warrior Spirit,” Toney said, “The important presence of these
compliant with the International Ship and Port Facilities Security
ships are supported by the intelligent and careful scheduling so if any
Code, the security for the Port is provided by the PAPD- The Port
are dry docked it is hardly missed.”
Authority Police Department that consists of a cadre of professional
He went on to say, regarding the development,“In the past there
and dedicated men and woman who are always ready to protect the
was usually a lot of backing up and congestion, complaints and so on.”
assets and serve the people who work at and travel through the Port facilities. Security is a critical issue for any national gateway and the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago is no different 96 | Endeavour Magazine
Close to $30 million was spent to refurbish the T&T Express in 2012, but the hefty bill was necessary to refurbish everything from carpets, engines, air conditioned, air conditioned units, seats and water jets.
Imtech Marine Trinidad & Tobago T + 1 868 679 2887 E W
Increased Ridership—1,2 Million Per Year More people are choosing to ride the ferry than the 20-minute flight to Tobago and thanks to a move to excel beyond mere customer service, the ferries have carried on average 100, 000 per month. Alongside passenger movement, over 200,000 cars were also transported. According to Toney, the number of passengers and cars improved by about 15 per cent from 2012, he said: “In 2013, we want to do even better.” August is usually the best month for travelling but in the history of the service, there has never been such a high number of passengers. For a long time people had preferred the flight from Trinidad to Tobago but more people are turning to the fast ferry for its comfort and better customer service. Toney said while it was a good sign that people were switching to the ferry as the PATT was still heavily subsidised by the Government. “By about $200 million a year in fact, but transportation all over the
Supplying and servicing all Navigation & Communication Equipment on board your vessel. From Deepsea Shipping, Dredging, Mega yachts and Offshore Industry to Special vessels. We help our Customers run their vessels as efficiently and safely as possible. Representing the top brands in the business, amongst which Furuno, Cobham Thrane & Thrane, Jotron, JRC, Seatel, Southern Avionics and many others. With over 60 branches worldwide, we’ll deliver the Marine Electronics wherever you need us to.
world is subsidised by government.” In 2013 the ticketing system moved online and this trend will increase onwards into 2014.
The Navis Investment Imtech QP.indd One of the most prominent of investments was the $7 million into
13/08/2013 11:45
the Navis SPARCS N4 software which has helped the PATT become more efficient and paid itself off already. Toney said the system, which is Internet-abled, allowed for more computerised planning by all stakeholders. “I think,” he says, “That sometimes the port gets an unfair tag as being the delinquent party when there are delays. That is not necessarily so.” he continues, “With the Navis system, what we have found out is that there are a number of other individuals in the train— customs agents, truckers, hauliers sometimes, who contribute to the delay of goods either going on to a ship or coming from a ship and going to a business place.” Toney said while the port was trying its best with the system it would sometimes “break down.” But he said, like any new system, it has its snags, “All in all, the system has helped us to be more efficient. We are calling on our stakeholders to make use of the system. It cost us about $7 million, and $1 million annually to maintain. It is a huge but worthwhile investment.” Due to a number of developments beyond their control exports into the Port have dropped, partly due to the corporate environment in Trinidad and Tobago but also due to the limitation of space that he Port of Port of Spain was able to offer. With this in mind, Sandra reveals, they have initiated a number of movements to increase the capacity space but razing unnecessary sheds and constructions to make the best use of their offering. “Our intention is to open up space,” she reveals, “To better serve our customer’s needs.” Endeavour Magazine | 97
WUC 00267 7130 9746 WWW.WUC.BW
98 | Endeavour Magazine
The Water Utility Corporation based in Botswana, the bosom of Africa, have a major undertaking ahead of them. Four years ago in 2009 a take-over was announced that has created waves of change that they have worked hard to lead.
Endeavour Magazine | 99
Their intention is a simple one: provide clean and accessible water for the country. The programme, predicted to take five years and incorporating 540 villages was broken down into 6 phases and is a year ahead of its target, already in its last phase in April 2013.
he centralisation of the
water sector in Botswana
Master Plan Review and this
sets an example of the role WUC
Utilities Corporation (WUC) has
already made some noticeable
“At the base level people
differences to the capacity of
need drinking water to live and
the country’s water supply, a
reserves for sanitation,” says
trend that is set to continue, said
Mbayi, “We are improving the life
Nginani Mbayi, Deputy Chief
of the people in Botswana, and
Executive Officer for Operations
are grateful that the Government
and Water Resources.
has given this a major priority.”
“Our mandate is to ensure
The Water Sector Reform
that clean, potable water flows
which has given new controls
to all areas in the country
of the water sector to the
2009 this expanded to include
supply of potable water and the
National Water Master Plan
provision of wastewater services
Review recommended a major
in areas previously catered for
restructuring of the fractured
by Department of Water Affairs,”
system. The Implementation of
said Mbayi. “Further to this it is
the recommendations started in
our task to operate and maintain
2009 on a five year programme.
dams and other water resources
Since 2009, WUC has been
such as well fields and also
pressing ahead with the Water
improve infrastructure.”
Sector Reform that was first
100 | Endeavour Magazine
planned in 2005, targeted to
supply of drinkable water is of
be completed in 2014: “We are
paramount importance for the
well ahead of our programme,”
continued welfare of the country
says Mbayi. “However, that does
and the people. In 2009, the state
not mean we should ignore or
of water was given providence
be complacent about particular
by the Botswanan Government
TECHNICAL TRADE SUPPLIES With a wide cultural and fiscal selection in the country, some areas
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are slower on the development than others an approach of patience and logic is needed, “Whilst villages have been taken over “as-is” in terms of infrastructure, there are a number of emergency projects that aim at improving operational efficiency and reduce water losses. These are areas which mostly have been operating manually, have
Quality Borehole Pumps and Accessories
serious water losses and inadequate infrastructure capacity in the short to medium term.” Capital projects including pipelines and treatment plants take up most of the WUC budget. Drinking water and quality waste water (for sanitation) that is easily and regularly available is the primary concern and influences all of their decisions. The expansion of water and wastewater reticulation network to meet the development needs and the integrity of customer data in areas taken over under the Water Sector Reforms has been a major challenge to WUC. However, it all boils down to the financial viability and availability to complete
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these projects and measures have to be put in place to ensure it is all functioning smoothly. “Achieving objectives for the Water Sector Reforms is crucial, we are also responsible with achieving a good financial performance and to this we have introduced fair tariffs,” says Mbayi. A parastatal body enacted by an Act of Parliament in 1970, The Corporation itself has roots dating further back into Botswanan history, with an original mandate to manage the supply and distribution of water in the Shashe Development Area. Eventually this was expanded upon to include water supply and distribution to urban and industrial areas and later on bulk water supply to urban villages. In 1999 WUC became a pioneer in the country by implementing integrated business system called Systems Application Product (SAP) to improve delivery on customer services. “The benefits of having an integrated business system are often demonstrated as it has delivered a lot on customer service delivery” said Mbayi. “Our greatest challenges has been to adopt some of the systems we took over in 2009 and bring them in line with other processes at WUC.” Due to taking over different sections, WUC has inherited more than 2,200 staff to add to its existing 800 employees and integrating them comes with the challenge of uniting the different cultures from the different organisations. The secret, Mbayi maintains, Is to unite their goals first to ensure everything is moving in the right direction towards supplying uninterrupted water utilities to all of Bostwana. Mbayi and the Directors at the WUC believe that its overall mission is within sight: “We all look forward to the day when we can look back and say with pride that water service level has increased in all corners of the country.” Relying on a wealth of experience the WUC are succeeding in making the biggest differences to clean water and quality wastewater services. Management are keen to highlight that things have only just begun and there is still a lot that WUV will be able to provide. Endeavour Magazine | 101
WHAT’S IT LIKE WEARING Google Glass ? A Glimpse Into the Future With Robert Scoble WRITTEN BY DAN LYONS //
magine an app where you can look at something, say “Buy that,”
“I think everything is going to be `Uber-ized’ in the next 10 years,”
and just like that, Amazon will get to work shipping it to you. Or
Scoble says, referring to the car service where you order a car via an
imagine being able to say, “Find coffee nearby” and having an app
app on your smartphone and in minutes a car arrives at your location,
direct you to a coffee shop where your drink is waiting for you, and
and it’s all billed to your credit card, automatically. “I want everything
your credit card has already been billed. Nothing to sign, no card or
to work like Uber. It just makes so much sense.”
money to hand over -- just grab your drink and go.
If Scoble is right, Glass could radically change all kinds of
Those things and more could be possible thanks to Google Glass,
transactions -- and could also have a profound effect on the world of
and they might not even be so far away, says tech pundit Robert
marketing. Instead of having to figure out how to rank high in search
results, marketers might need to game Glass and become the coffee
Scoble has been wearing Google Glass every day, all day, for the past three months, and while he concedes that for now the device has limited uses, he says Google Glass has given him a glimpse into the future.
shop or sushi place that Google sends people to. Instead of SEO, maybe we’ll talk about GEO – “Glass Engine Optimization.” Moreover, Google Glass could actually change the nature of what marketing is. If JetBlue shows you where the best parking spots are when you arrive at the airport, is that marketing? The answer is yes, but it’s a new kind of marketing -- one where “marketing” is defined as providing useful, lovable services and keeping customers engaged, rather than buying advertising and pulling people into a “funnel.” We’re talking about inbound marketing on steroids.
Meanwhile, Back in the Real World … Okay, let’s take a deep breath. All that stuff remains in the future. Google hasn’t even said when Glass will become available to the public, or what it will cost. For now, the gizmo is priced too high (developers pay $1,500 for the Google Glass Explorer edition) and does too little. More important, the current version of Glass still looks too big and
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dorky to go mainstream.
hasn’t provided developers with
closest McDonald’s, place and
No doubt, Glass will become sleeker and less obtrusive. Eventually
good enough tools for creating
order, and bill it to your credit
Glass may be built into ordinary eyewear. Or eventually maybe we
applications, but that too should
card -- so that all you do is drive
will just get used to this, and we’ll stop thinking that people wearing
change. Even so, some people are
up, grab your Big Mac, and go.
Glass look ridiculous. Scoble, however, says he has grown completely
developing cool Glass apps. One
“If Google can make that
accustomed to the gizmo. “The novelty has worn off for me. Now it’s
engineer, who also owns a Tesla,
world happen, and if Google
just something I wear,” he says. He’s even worn them in the shower - as
has created an app that lets him
can get, say, 50 cents every time
you see in the photo above.
control the car from his glasses.
something like that happens, that
The bigger problem is that right now even proponents like Scoble
As for the price, Scoble
could be 10 times bigger in terms
admit there’s not much you can do with Glass. You can get directions,
reckons Google will price Glass
of revenue than what they’re
and use voice commands to get information. You also can take
somewhere between $200 and
doing now,” Scoble says.
pictures and videos with the built-in camera. But there aren’t enough
$400. “I’m hoping [Google CEO]
Google will generate about
apps, and it’s still too difficult for developers to create programs that
Larry [Page] prices them very
$60 billion in revenue this year.
run on Glass.
aggressively. If they’re $200, a
Expecting the company to do
lot of people will buy them. Then
10 times that much may be a
it’s just a question of how many
tad optimistic, but you get the
hours per day or per week you
idea. Those goofy glasses could
wear them,” he says.
be a pretty big deal. Is there any
“For now the camera is the killer app,” Scoble says. “I’d buy it for the camera alone if it were priced under $400.” What else? “When you get a phone call it shows you the face of the person who’s calling,” Scoble says. “And recently when I was in London, as a tourist, I said, ‘Okay Glass, get me directions to Big Ben,’ and it just took me there.”
universe in which you’d wear
could open up a huge new
business where instead of selling
Google have to do to make the
Glass all day, every day. “They add enough value to my life, just with
product worth the price tag?
taking photos, getting directions and making phone calls,” he says.
transactions and take a slice of
As far as Scoble is concerned that’s enough to keep him wearing
A Long Way to Go
each one. Scoble’s
Scoble reckons Google will announce the actual Glass product
example: You’re on a road trip,
in February 2014 and start shipping them in April. So far, Google
and you ask Glass to find the
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hich is worse? The inconsiderate passenger reclining into your face for an entire flight or the out of control child running amok in the cabin.
Editors at, the world’s first safety and product
rating website, has listed its 10 worst passenger types with the seat recliner and the inconsiderate parent topping the list as the most hated. Geoffrey Thomas Editor and founder of, said that “It was a toss up between parents that think their 200 fellow passengers are baby sitters or the thoughtless passengers who reclines into your space from takeoff to landing.” These two passengers have been dubbed Parentus Slapdashii and Reclinus Maximus. “Of course we all feel for the mother with the crying baby and we can always put a headset on to reduce the impact but it’s the children running amok and kicking your seat that angers fellow passengers.”
Offspring of Parentus Slapdashii
“However Reclinus just wins according to our editor survey.” Various global surveys back up the worst passengers picks. “One by the UK’s Telegraph newspaper found that nearly 70 per cent of travellers would be prepared to pay more for a child free cabin which underscores the problem of the irresponsible parent,” said Mr Thomas. “Responding to that Malaysian Airlines and Air AsiaX have both moved to child free zones in the past 18 months.” Another growing problem passenger is Smellus Incredibilus. “There is no doubt that personal hygiene on planes is in decline and typically “Smellus” will also leave the toilets in a mess,” said Mr Thomas Next on the list is Armrest Grabbis who hogs the armrests and typically he is become more of the problem as passengers get larger. Chatticus Majorus makes up the top five and it seems no matter what you do if Chatticus wants to talk you are in for a long and boring trip! Making number 6 is Bladder Incredibilus who for some bizarre reason always seems to request the window seat. Bladder not only affects the passengers in the same row but also the ones in front as he
Chatticus Majorus
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or she inevitably uses the seatbacks as a steadier. At number 7, often you can’t decide whether Carry-on Greedicus
is stupid, arrogant or just plain
is “Window Hoggus” who takes
inconsiderate. Maybe he’s all
the window seat and immediately
after take-off pulls down the typically
window shade and goes to sleep
seated in row 30 or 40 but he
denying fellow passengers a
thoughtlessly — particularly in
the US — dumps his carry-on bag
which is way too big or too heavy
or both in row 2’s overhead bin,
thoughtlessness in that it fuels
rather than carry it all the way
air rage, “It is impossible to
down the back.
get accurate figures but one
This of course causes chaos
reliable estimate puts the air
for passengers boarding after
rage incidents count in the US
alone as 10,000 a year,” said Mr
Holding down number eight position is High-and-Mighticus,
Thomas. Extrapolated
who is almost always bathed in
globe the number of air rage
self glory. This tiresome traveller
incidents could top 40,000 a
sees the overhead reading light
year.“ Another survey of frequent
more as a spotlight on their
flyers found that 37 per cent
own special opening night stage
occasionally felt a sense of rage
rather than as reading aids.
on a flight,” said Mr Thomas.
You will often hear Mighticus
And it’s no longer just one
demanding before you see him
passenger causing grief. Last
and that tone will continue all
offloaded 100 school children
At number nine DVT –
and their chaperones, after a
Avoidus would be funny if they
number refused to turn their
were not so irritating.
mobiles off and sit down.
A real tell-tale sign of this trait is the traveller going through their yoga or tai chi routine in the boarding lounge. Once on board, they spend the entire trip doing arm stretches and leg raisers bumping the back of your seat or elbowing you in the head or shoulder. The final irritating passenger
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Every business has a story to tell. That story may be how your unique products improve your clients’ lives. Or maybe it’s how your service representatives are so incredible, that your customers often claim them as lifelong friends. Or maybe it’s how, through your no frills approach, you’re able to offer your customers the best deal possible. Whatever your story, it’s important that you tell it. And the internet is perhaps the most effective platform to do just that. Understanding Internet Marketing: Telling the Story of Your Business is a comprehensive, interactive book that introduces you to the
Understanding Internet Marketing: Telling the Story of YOUR BUSINESS by Mrs. Karla Peppas
106 | Endeavour Magazine
different elements of internet marketing and how to put them to use for your business. Written in an easy-to-understand format, this book teaches you the key components of a digital marketing plan, so that you can gain new clients, starting now. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level and connect with customers through the most powerful advertising medium in history then this book is for you.
First, Break All The Rules By Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman
The greatest managers in
conventional wisdom. They do
the world seem to have little in
not believe that, with enough
common. They differ in sex, age,
training, a person can achieve
and race. They employ vastly
anything he sets his mind to.
different styles and focus on
They do not try to help people
different goals. Yet despite their
They consistently disregard the
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Choke By Chuck Palahniuk Writer of Fight Club. Victor Mancini, a medical-school dropout, is an antihero for our deranged times. Needing to pay elder care for his mother, Victor has devised an ingenious scam: he pretends to choke on pieces of food while dining in upscale restaurants. He then allows himself to be “saved” by fellow patrons who, feeling responsible for Victor’s life, go on to send checks to support him. When he’s not pulling this stunt, Victor cruises sexual addiction recovery workshops for action, visits his addled mom, and spends his days working at a colonial theme park. His creator, Chuck Palahniuk, is the visionary we need and the satirist we deserve
Endeavour Magazine | 107