Endeavour Magazine May 2024

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BHP Building A Better World MAGDALENA Agriculture for the Future CATERPILLAR INC. Optimized Equipment Solutions VALE Transforming the Future Together Inspired by YOUR SUCCESS UK £4.95 CAN $7.95 USA $7.95 EUR €5.95 SA ZAR 69.00 MAY 2024 www.littlegatepublishing.com

The proud guardian of Sudan’s substantial gold resources, Ariab Mining Company Ltd is targeting portfolio diversification in conjunction with international investors.

As the mineral-rich republic’s leading operator in gold exploration and exploitation, the ambitious company is seeking to dig deeper and unlock additional value in several existing mines and highly prospective exploration tenements.

With the goal of achieving long-term value that is strategic, significant, and sustainable, the state-owned firm is on a quest to increase technology acquisition to develop a world-class project pipeline. The forward-thinking enterprise is adopting winning strategies, transforming operational performance and delivering step-change improvements throughout the value chain – from strategy to capital productivity and to developing skills in local communities. With Sudan introducing investment laws that match international standards, now is the ideal time for intelligent investors to bring knowledge and technology to achieve lucrative rewards.

Ariab Mining Company LTD Al Baladia St. corner with Osman Digna St. Block no 10/11 H- Building N. 1 Khartoum East, Sudan T: +249 8377 0127 - 8374 2133 | F: +249 1 8377 0404 | E: public@ariabmining.com

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Editor’s Note

Welcome back to Endeavour Magazine!

This month we start with some of the largest mining and mining construction equipment companies in the world. From BHP’s operations mining some of the most valuable metals and minerals in the world that are playing a vital role in the future of renewable energy, to Vale who is delivering mining projects that support the delivery of vital infrastructure to handle the global energy transition. We then turn to Komatsu and Caterpillar who are pioneering the manufacturing of equipment to make these kinds of mining projects a success.

In this edition, we also look at the intricate waterways system in America which are delivering vital cargo throughout the country’s inland rivers and harbours. We then turn to ports and harbours across Ghana, Mexico, Gibraltar and even Brazil to see how the maritime and shipping industries are developing the economic development of their respective regions and continue to build upon the reputation of each one within the global shipping line industry.

We are also delighted to return to Magdalena to look at how it has transformed its sugar cane milling operations over the last 40 years and is now the largest privately owned energy producer in the company.

One thing that echoes throughout this edition of Endeavour is a focus on developing towards the future with a prominent focus on sustainability. With every operation and project, each company or association is establishing vital measures to protect the planet and deliver significant economic development for the future.

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12 BHP Building A Better World 20 Vale Transforming the Future Together 26 Komatsu Global Mining Advancements 32 Caterpillar Inc. Optimized Equipment Solutions 38 The United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Minerals Harnessing Minerals for the Future 46 Minerals Commission of Ghana Investing in Mineral Resources 52 Magdalena Agriculture for the Future 60 Ports Association of Louisiana Supporting Louisiana’s Maritime Industry 66 Port of Milwaukee Enhancing the Milwaukee Economy 72 Tuxpan Port Terminal A Gateway for Trade 78 Namibian Ports Authority 30 Years Connecting International Markets 82 Gibraltar Ports Authority Boosting Gibraltar’s Tourism Industry CATERPILLAR INC. Features 4 | Endeavour Magazine
6 Business Headlines Asia/Oceania Africa Americas Middle East Europe 58 Environment Levi’s: Tackling Garment Waste 106 Amazing World The dangerous Beauty of Kawah Ijen Volcano GIBRALTAR PORTS AUTHORITY Articles 90 Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority Efficient and Modern Port Facilities 94 Inland River, Ports & Terminals, Inc. A Dynamic Force for Economic Growth 100 Porto do Itaqui The Forefront of Brazilian Port Development 110 Jordan AeronauticalSystems Company Accelerating Airline Solutions 116 Thai International Freight Forwarders Association 36 Years As A United Voice for Freight Forwarders Port Development Endeavour Magazine | 5


Thousands Evacuated in China due to Flooding

Following heavy rains across Guangdong in China, more than 100,000 people have been evacuated from their homes due to extensive flooding. The significant rainfall led to many rivers bursting their banks and contributing to very high water levels across the entire region.

One of the main areas affected was the Pearl River Delta, which sits alongside one of the most densely populated areas of the country in Guangdong. Whilst the river is known for flooding during storm surges, the heavy rain led to significant damage and disruption throughout the region. Across the province, over 1 million households were without power, and hundreds of flights travelling out of the Baiyun International Airport were halted.

Taiwan Hit with Strongest Earthquake in 25 Years

A 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit just southwest of Hualien City in Taiwan a little before 8 am on the morning of April 3rd. The earthquake’s magnitude is the largest the country has seen in 25 years and left 900 people injured and 9 people dead. The earthquake caused at least 26 buildings to completely collapse, with the worst affected areas in Hualien City.

Following the earthquake, tsunami warnings were issued across Taiwan, the Philippines, and southern parts of Japan. Thankfully, only a tsunami wave of 0.3 metres was detected off the coast of Japan and so all warnings were lifted later in the day.

The exact intensity of the earthquake could not be confirmed, with the Japanese weather agency recording it as 7.7 in magnitude, whilst Taiwanese authorities put it at 7.2. However, it marks the strongest earthquake for the country since 1999 when a 7.3 magnitude earthquake occurred in Jiji.

26 Pilots Whales Stranded in Australia

160 pilot whales became stranded along a large stretch off the western coast of Australia. The whales, which are typically 6 metres long, and known for their sociable nature. However, this nature can lead to pods straying into dangerous situations. Some of these situations are thought to be caused by human activity, linked to underwater noise pollution which can affect the whales’ sensitive hearing and cause pods to swim off course.

On Thursday 25th April, dozens of whales appeared just south of Perth stuck in shallow waters. Many teams worked to free as many whales as possible, however, sadly 26 whales were not able to be rescued and died along the shores.

Mass strandings of whales are not uncommon in this region with many spotted around the coast of Australia and New Zealand every year. However, whilst their nature and the input of human pollution are thought to be contributing factors, the full reason that these pods go off track is not currently known.

Business Headlines
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Shipping Containers to Deal with Ghana’s Housing Crisis

On the outskirts of Accra, discarded shipping containers are being transformed into eco-friendly homes to deal with the increasing housing shortage across the country. According to the Ghana Statistical Service, roughly 6 million people across Ghana are in urgent need of housing. A large amount of this population is currently living in incredibly overcrowded slums, as urban areas are seeing an increase in population with urbanisation, however, they do not have the infrastructure to deal with that number of people.

Therefore, the implementation of shipping containers close to Accra is providing a costeffective and sustainable solution that is hoping to make a dent in the significant housing deficit. Compared to traditional brick-and-mortar houses, shipping containers provide a quick solution, where the layouts can be completed and implemented in just a few weeks to be liveable.

Tobacco Farming Wipes out Food Sources in Uganda

Animals in the Ugandan forest have seen their food sources significantly decrease with the growing use of trees for tobacco farming. Trees in Budongo have been used to dry tobacco leaves which are then shipped to international companies. This deforestation has led to a decrease in habitat and as a result, animals have had to turn to other sources for food.

The University of Stirling and the University of Wisconsin-Madison have been studying the animals in the forest, and have found that animals such as chimpanzees, antelopes and monkeys have been seen eating bat faeces that are laden with viruses. Researchers from the universities believe this could shed some light on the way new viruses may spread from wildlife to humans.

3400-Year-Old Statue Returned to Egypt

A statue depicting the head of King Ramses II has been returned to Egypt almost 30 years after it was first stolen and smuggled out of the country. The 3,400-year-old statue was taken from the Ramses II temple in Abydos in Southern Egypt somewhere between the late 1980s to early 1990s. However, it was spotted on sale at an exhibition in London in 2013 and now has been returned to its home in Egypt.

The artefact is now back with the Egyptian Museum in Cairo where, according to the country’s antiques ministry, it will be restored. Whilst the statue is not currently set to go on display, it exemplifies a key bit of Egyptian history returned to the country.

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New PFAS Regulations

Introduced in America

Officials in the United States have introduced new regulations which require local governments to remove six versions of PFAS chemicals from their water systems. PFAS, or per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, are a class of chemicals which repel water, oil, and grease. They are present in hundreds of everyday products; however, they are thought to now be in the drinking water used by 200 million Americans every day. Therefore, millions of Americans are thought to drink water which has been contaminated which has led to fears it could cause health issues.

To mitigate these risks, the government introduced an extra billion dollars to help local governments remove these chemicals from their water systems. Local governments have been given three years to monitor these chemicals in their water system, and if found, they have just 5 years to reduce the PFAS level.

Record Ocean Heat Bleaching Coral Worldwide

Officials from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that coral across the world is being bleached due to extremely high water temperatures. Coal when it is stressed turns white, and there have been increasing cases of this reported with the most recent bleaching marking the fourth global mass coral bleaching event. The bleaching highlights the trend in global temperatures reaching record highs. Whilst coral can recover from heat stress, it can take many years, however as water temperatures continue to rise, many fear that the health of coral worldwide could continue to be impacted. Scientists highlighted that the only way to stop the continued global bleaching would be to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Donald Trump in Court for Hush-Money Trial

The former president, Donald Trump, is in court charged with 34 counts of fraud which are related to hush money paid to adult film actress Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 US election. The criminal trial for the case is now well underway following opening statements from both sides of the case. Trump has pleaded not guilty and argues that the allegations he is facing are not criminal.

Throughout the case, Trump will be taken off his campaign trail for 6 weeks, as he is legally required to be in court as the criminal defendant in the case. The case will be overseen by Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, who also oversaw a tax fraud trial against the Trump Organisation last year.

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Middle East

a year’s worth of rain falling in just 24 hours. Images posted on social media show the taxiways at the Dubai International Airport flooded with water. Thankfully no deaths were reported in Dubai from the storms, however, disruption remained across Dubai for the following days as water was drained from the area.

Flash Floods Leave 18 Dead in Oman

Rescue operations have been put into place following flash floods across Oman caused by heavy rain across the country. The flooding led to government officials suspending the work of all employees across the public and private sectors and encouraged many to work remotely.

The National Committee for Emergency Management sent out rescue teams to search for missing people. Whilst many were encouraged to evacuate their homes to shelters where they would be safer. In the hardest hit provinces, including in Ash Sharqiyah North, police and soldiers were deployed to help move people from flooded areas and to safety.

282 Million People in Acute Hunger

According to the United Nations agencies and development groups, food insecurity around the world has worsened and left around 282 million people suffering from acute hunger in 2023 across the globe. A significant factor in this figure is due to ongoing conflicts which have seen places such as Gaza and Sudan experiencing some of the worst effects. In addition, extreme weather events and economic shocks are continuing to play a vital role in food insecurity.

2023 marked the fifth consecutive year that the number of people facing food insecurity has risen and highlights a bleak outlook on the state of the world. Figures for acute hunger add to the 700,000 people who were reported to be on the brink of starvation last year, with 600,000 of these coming from Gaza. However, reports are already suggesting that this figure has seen a sharp increase and now stands at 1.1 million people on the brink of starvation in the war-ridden Palestinian territory.

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Copenhagen Stock Exchange Engulfed in Fire

One of Denmark’s most historical buildings located in the centre of Copenhagen has been engulfed in fire. The 17th Century Børsen lost its iconic dragon spire to the flames, as onlookers watched as it fell to the streets below. The spire is famous for having four dragons covering it with their tails twisted into a spear and three crowns. The spire represented the country’s close ties with the neighbouring countries of Norway and Sweden.

Following alarms alerting to the fire within the building, members of the public rushed to rescue the historical paintings that were hanging on the walls of the stock exchange building. The building’s current use is for the Danish Chamber of Commerce; however, it was undergoing renovation work and so was covered in scaffolding and protective plastic coverings. Currently, the cause of the is fire unknown, but many are sharing their sorrow at a rich piece of Danish history going up in flames.

A First Oral Treatment for Migraines on NHS Introduced

For those experiencing both chronic and episodic migraines, a new oral treatment could soon be made available on the NHS. Migraines are thought to be more severe than headaches and are often associated with other symptoms such as dizziness, sensitivity to light and difficulty speaking. This pain can be debilitating for many, and so experts believe that the new drug could provide significant relief to more than 170,000 people who experience migraines in England.

The treatment is thought to be recommended for those who have not previously responded well to other types of migraine relief medications or injections. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended Atogepant, which comes in tablet form, following clinical trials which suggest that it was an effective treatment in some adults.

New Paintings Found in the Ancient City of Pompeii

Archaeologists have uncovered some amazing fresco paintings among ruins in the ancient city of Pompeii. One painting depicts the god Apollo trying to seduce priestess Cassandra whilst she ignores him. The legend outlines that her rejection of Apollo resulted in her prophecies being ignored. Then, in the second painting, the outcome of this legend is displayed showing Prince Paris meeting Helen, a union that resulted in the Trojan War – a prophecy Cassandra had seen coming.

These artworks mark a significant discovery in Pompeii which has been extraordinarily preserved following the eruption of Mount Vesuvius covering the city in AD79. The frescos are to be held in position at the site and are being reinforced with plaster glue to prevent them from coming away from the walls.

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BUILDING A BETTER WORLD BHP chevron-square-right www.bhp.com/ phone-square (613) 9609 3333

The demand for green energy has seen a vital increase over the last few decades, as companies worldwide take on the responsibility to reduce emissions and build infrastructure better suited for a carbon-neutral society. However, many of these vital infrastructural developments, including the development of renewable energy, electric vehicles and sustainable farming, require mined metals and minerals. This a tricky balance to play for companies, who seek to drive the world towards the energy transition whilst also participating in the necessary mining activities required to source such resources like copper, nickel and iron. However, companies like BHP are world leaders in these resources but operate with a key focus on building a better and cleaner future to support the renewable energy industry and the planet.

BHP is a world-leading mining company, which produces iron ore, copper, metallurgical coal and nickel, as well as potash. Its operations span the globe and include a complex portfolio of large, long-life quality assets which are focused on delivering value as well as sustainability. BHP is focused on the need for decarbonisation efforts to take effect immediately, so have established themselves as a responsible body that manages commodities which are vital in the development of a renewable energy future.

To understand the valuable role BHP plays we must understand the role of each of the metals and minerals which they mine and the role they play in energy transition targets. Iron ore and metallurgical steel are vital for the development of global infrastructure, and so are crucial resources needed to support the future implementation of renewable energy on an infrastructural level. Copper and nickel also play a vital role in making renewable energy possible, with copper covering the vast majority of electrical wiring. Nickel is a prominent metal used in the development of rechargeable batteries which are used in electric vehicles worldwide.

A crucial aspect of development for BHP in recent years has been towards potash, which is utilised across the agriculture industry to see higher crop yields which contribute to the production of biofuel on an international scale. Therefore, these metals and minerals are crucial throughout all of BHP’s work to ensure that their mining, processing and transportation services for these products are always working towards the betterment of the future of the planet.

BHP manages some of the world’s most resilient long-term portfolio assets which continue to grow in value thanks to the company’s discovery explorations, development of resources and acquisition of assets. Across its array of assets and mine operations, BHP develops and implements mining operations and then oversees the processing and refinement of ore before it transports these resources to customers. In addition to the mining, processing and logistical movement of the resources, BHP also focuses on waste management to ensure that its environmental impact on the planet remains at a consistent minimum.

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Building A Better World

Having leveraged reverse engineering to fully understand the best way to manufacture high-quality mining products, MASPRO delivers innovative solutions designed to meet the needs of even the most challenging of mining environments.

Established in 2006, MASPRO is a family-owned and operated company based in Condobolin, Australia that is passionate about delivering precision-engineered mining parts to the world. MASPRO, , has spent the last 18 years focused on creating flexible solutions for the mining industry which aim to reduce recurring failures and help to keep its clients’ mobile mining equipment safe, reliable and operating optimally.

This focus on success is what has bred a culture of innovation across the company as it works to utilise its expertise in the underground and surface mobile mining equipment industry to create world-class engineered, manufactured, and tested products which rival OEMs on the market. By investing in cutting-edge technology, digital software design, 3D optical scanning equipment and comprehensive metallurgical knowledge, MASPRO has been able to re-engineer and perfect its mining parts and equipment for the needs of the mining sector. www.maspro.com.au

Whilst the mining and transport of its ore play a vital role, BHP is also heavily involved in the sales, marketing and procurement of assets to bring continued investment and expertise into the mining sector. It achieves this through a close understanding of the markets, customers and suppliers’ needs. By close attention to global mega-trends, BHP can cater its operations and acquisitions to seek out the most vital and profitable assets which will contribute greatly to the renewable energy transition.

Australia is a key site of operations for BHP with assets covering metallurgical and energy coal, iron ore, nickel and copper operations spanning the entire country. In Western Australia, BHP has the West Musgrave Project which covers the Nebo and Babel nickel-copper deposits, as well as the Succoth copper deposit. The project has an expected mine life of 26 years, with a proposed ore production rate of 10-14 Mtpa. Also in western Australia is BHP’s Nickel West operation which is part of its Minerals Australia business. Nickel West covers a variety of locations across traditional lands with a fully integrated mine-to-market operation spanning both open-cut and underground mines, as well as concentrators, a smelter and a refinery all within the complex. The asset is a crucial driver for renewable energy markets for BHP with 85% of its nickel being sold to battery suppliers across the world.

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Whilst BHP develops vital metal production at Nickel West, part of the company’s mission is to make its operations just that little bit more sustainable. Therefore, BHP has been implementing a range of sustainable projects aimed at improving the overall impact of the complex’s operations on the region. These projects include the Northern Goldfields Solar Farm and BESS Project with Tansalta, which incorporated two solar farms and a battery energy storage solution. The project aims to support the mine and concentrators needs of the Nickel West complex.

The Goldfield Solar Farm began construction in 2021 and built upon the existing Merredin Solar Farm which was a power purchase for BHP in agreement with western Australia’s largest solar farm. Then

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in 2022, BHP announced another power purchase agreement with Enel Green Power for the Flat Rocks Wind Farm which once completed will power the Kalgoorlie Smelter and Kambalda Concentrator on the Nickel West Complex. This investment in utilising renewable energy across BHP’s operations shows the company’s commitment to mitigating its environmental impact on the planet as much as possible.

In Queensland, BHP mines metallurgical coal across 7 assets in the Central Queensland Bowen Basin. The asset is owned in a 50:50 partnership with Mitsubishi Development, and is regarded to be one of Australia’s largest producers and suppliers of seaborne metallurgical coal. The site includes the Hay Point Coal Terminal which can handle more than 55 million tonnes of coal which the mine exports every year. In addition to BHP’s operations in the coal industry in Queensland, BHP also operates the Mt Arthur Coal Mine in New South Wales which produces coal products for an international customer base across the energy sector.

As BHP look towards the future, along with the rest of the world, it is hoping to significantly cut its carbon emissions by 2030, and achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions (including both scope 1 and scope 2 emissions) across its operated assets by 2050. By working with its partners in the steel and maritime industry, BHP hopes to reduce its emissions across its BHP-chartered shipping operations for BHP products by 40%. To achieve this it is working with key stakeholders, and is backed by US$400 million in investments from its Climate Investment Program to significantly improve the low carbon steel making and low-emission technologies of the future.

With BHP you can feel throughout every operation a need and drive to make real change in the world. Through the acquisition, operations and development of BHP’s long-life assets continue to play a crucial role in developing the world towards a more sustainable future. Therefore, BHP’s goal to bring people and resources together has been largely successful and has built a steady foundation ready to meet the renewable demands of the future.

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Better World
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TRANSFORMING the Future TOGETHER Vale chevron-square-right vale.com/in

With a chief commitment to safety and transparency, Vale is an international mining company that focuses on producing iron ore, pellets, and nickel. Spread across 5 continents, the global mining company works every day to take the natural resources available to us and develop them into prosperous resources; all whilst still working to promote environmental protection. This drive towards sustainable development underpins everything that Vale does, as it believes the safety of people and the planet must always take priority.

Since its establishment in 1942, Vale has grown into one of the largest mining companies in the world with operations across roughly 30 countries all over the globe. However, the foundations of its operations in Brazil, remain the focus for the company operating across both the mining and logistics sectors. The company began under the name Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, where it first extracted ore in Itabira in Minas Gerais. Over the years, the name was shortened, and the company began to take on a larger role across the country’s mining industry by also providing logistical solutions via the country’s railroads, ports, and terminals. It even began operations within the energy industry to promote sustainable electrical production, and now is responsible for producing 54% of its own energy consumption.

Vale’s operations in Brazil centre around iron ore, particularly iron pellets which are used in the construction or manufacturing of many products and services we use every single day. Vale highlights that these ores are working towards the evolution of society as they are used in industries that are developing the world towards the future such as construction for houses and medical facilities, as well as in the technology and manufacturing sectors for things such as cars and household appliances. Also, ore found in the Carajás region in Brazil is considered to be the best quality in the world, at 67% iron content. Therefore, with such a rich deposit of iron ore in Brazil, Vale’s operations play a crucial role in mining and delivering these metals for the development of society.

Vales has multiple mine sites across Brazil, which are involved in the mining, processing, and then logistical movement of the mined products to the steel industries in which it sells the iron. To understand Vale’s valuable role in the mining industry in Brazil, we first must look at the birthplace of the company in Minas Gerais. The state accounts for over 50% of Vale’s iron ore production, with 20 mines currently in operation. Mining in Minas Gerais takes advantage of Vale’s railroad connections between Vitória and Minas.

Vale has invested more the 1.3 billion dollars in the acquisition of trains and freight cars, which it primarily uses for transporting iron ore as well as other cargo. The logistics sector of Vale’s operations allows it to play a more well-rounded role in the mining industry and the distribution of its mined products to the ports and steel-making marketplace. Therefore, the mining operations at

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Minas Gerais highlight how the mining and logistical operations of Vale work so closely together to deliver the rich ore to end markets for the betterment of a future planet.

In Minas Gerais, Vale is working alongside the city of Itabira to use its efforts within the mining industry to positively impact the city and build a plan for a more sustainable city. The plan, devised in conjunction with the municipal administration, aims to develop the region with projects which concern the environment, education, and security – all of which are developed with innovation in mind. These projects include the Little Seed of Sport Project, Judo Classes and the Bright Minds Chess Project which is bringing key development to kids across the region all thanks to Vale’s commitment to putting people and the environment at the forefront of its operations.

Vale announced in February that it had entered into an agreement with Anglo American Minério de Ferro Brasil in the Minas-Rio complex in Minas Gerais. The agreement will see Vale acquire a 15% ownership interest in the complex, whilst Anglo

will retain control, management, and operation of the Minas-Rio complex as well as any future expansions. The agreement marks a vital step for Vale and Anglo to develop the mining for iron ore whilst facilitating Anglo’s shift towards low carbonemission steelmaking processes. The Minas-Rio complex has a nameplate capacity of 26.5Mtpy for high-grade iron pellet feed, and the whole complex comprises the mine, plant, as well as geotechnical and supporting structures.

As part of the agreement, the Minas-Rio complex will be able to utilize Vale’s nearby rail line and Tubarão port to expand output as an alternative to the construction of a second pipeline to the port facility at Açu. The partnership between the two companies was celebrated by Vale CEO, Eduardo Bartolomeo, stating in a press release that “Minas-Rio is a Tier-1 asset that will benefit from great synergies with Serpentina’s deposit and Vale’s logistics, and we are confident that this partnership will unlock significant value to all of our stakeholders.”. Bartolomeo’s comments highlight the valuable role both companies can play

Transforming the Future Together Endeavour Magazine | 23

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in developing the deposit whilst taking advantage of the company’s existing infrastructural logistics links which will bring economic development for both companies and the respective region.

Pará, the largest mining complex in Brazil, is owned by Vale and represents one of the largest private investments in the country in recent years. The S11D mine complex in Pará encompasses the mines, a processing plant, and rail and port logistic services, which have continued to drive the region’s economic development for many years. The mines are responsible for mining iron, manganese, copper, and nickel across a vast array of mines which span the complex. However, much like in Minas Gerais, Vale also has a vast array of environmental projects in Pará which ensure that the rich biodiversity of the nearby Carajás National Forest is protected.

A key environmental project for Vale is the Vale Amazon Biopark within the Carajás National Forest which works to provide education on the landscape and species which inhabit the forest. The Biopark ensures that more than 270 animals can roam freely, allowing visitors to learn about the animals in

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Transforming the Future Together

their natural habitats. Over the last decade, the site has seen more than 1.1 million people visiting the site, which has allowed Vale to continue to invest in the protection of the forest which is home to one of the most biodiverse regions in the country.

In Espírito Santo, mining extends back more than 50 years and highlights the vital role the state’s railway and port systems can play in the mining industry. In Espírito Santo, Vale developed a fully integrated strategy for mining logistics which continues to be used every day. Vale’s operations in Espírito Santo highlighted the company for its production of iron pellets, and now the production of pellets by Vale in the region is globally recognised.

Espírito Santo is also home to the largest environmental investment by Vale towards the development of the Tubarão Environmental Master Plan (PDA). PDA aims to control atmospheric emissions and covers 160 projects which are implementing new equipment, improving the environmental controls of its operations, and researching new technologies to reduce environmental impacts. The vast project which encapsulated Vale’s core values, has been successful in its efforts to make vital developments towards the future, whilst remaining clear in its aim to respect the planet, the local communities and the people who live and work across their sites of operation.

Other key mining sites for Vale in Brazil are in Maranhão and Rio de Janeiro. In Maranhão, Vale works with the state to support the logistical movement of ore production through the Carajás Railway to the Ponta da Madeira Maritime Terminal. The terminal plays a valuable role in distributing the ore to consumer markets across the globe, including in China which is currently one of the largest buyers of iron ore products. Then, in Rio de Janeiro, Vale operates the Porto Sul Complex in the Costa Verde region. Vale’s headquarters are based

in the capital, along with a number of terminals which are used for the loading of iron ore. The entire site has the capacity to move more than 75 million tonnes of ore every year through the terminals and towards end markets.

Surrounding the terminals, Vale continues to carry out environmental projects, such as its Fazenda Marinha Project which, much like PDA, monitors environment quality indicators to ensure that the environment is protected as much as possible whilst implementing initiatives which are centres on valuing local culture and promoting education across the region.

Ultimately, Vale’s existence hinges on a passion for improving life and transforming the future for generations to come. To do this, Vale is carrying out mining operations which are essential to life whilst producing ores, pellets and various metals which help to make this possible. However, it is Vale’s commitment to education, environmental protection and innovative approach to the future that has allowed it to play such a valuable role in Brazil for many years thanks to its constant commitment to developing necessary mining operations whilst putting great investment back into the protection of landscapes to support the rich biodiversity of this part of the world.

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MINING EQUIPMENT FOR THE FUTURE Komatsu chevron-square-right www.komatsu.com

Over the last 100 years, Komatsu Mining Corp. has continued to invest in its equipment solutions and services which has established it as a leading manufacturer of machinery for the construction, mining, forestry, and industrial equipment sectors. Across the company’s portfolio of equipment and machinery, Komatsu’s products are designed to deliver value, thanks to its implementation of innovative technologies to take its equipment into the future. Therefore, Komatsu aims to create value throughout its operations, which will bring continued economic benefits for its customers and empower industries worldwide to develop towards a more sustainable future.

Komatsu was founded in 1921 with the goal of providing those in the local community with employment opportunities following the closure of a local copper mine. This passion for supporting people in the local community provided the vital foundation from which the company we know today could form. Having built from a small operation in Japan, Komatsu today is now a multinational corporation which manufactures equipment and machinery across a wide variety of industries.

However, this passion for supporting people can still be seen throughout every product it manufactures as each one is designed with innovation to deliver top results for its network of customers. Its customers are working on some of the most complex projects across the world which are delivering essential infrastructural changes for the betterment of people and the planet.

A key sector for Komatsu’s operations is the construction industry, where Komatsu has developed a range of equipment which champions performance, quality, and reliability. Komatsu’s equipment offerings to the construction industry cover things such as dozers, excavators, motor graders, trucks, and wheel loaders. However, what sets Komatsu’s construction equipment apart from its competitors is its inbuilt smart technologies available across its range of equipment, which are designed to help customers deliver projects with speed, safety, and cost-efficiency as a priority.

To help Komatsu deliver excellent equipment offerings supported by the latest technology to the construction industry, it announced in December 2023 the acquisition of iVolve Holdings Pty Ltd. iVolve is an Australian-based technology company

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Mining Equipment for the Future

that provides top-of-the-range fleet management solutions perfect for equipment within the midtier quarry, mining, and construction industries. Komatsu looks to adopt these technologies into its equipment to allow its customers to have greater control over its fleet on the job site to increase productivity and heighten safety concerns.

Komatsu already has a range of smart construction technologies with iVolve which have been implanted throughout some of its equipment. These include its Smart Quarry Site Technology which utilises pre-shift inspection to allow managers to identify issues across its fleet of mobile equipment to provide a detailed view of the health and status of each machine’s performance. This system helps managers to make the most of equipment and reduce downtime. Therefore, with the new acquisition of iVolve, Komatsu can continue to implement these fleet management technologies across its construction equipment, and its entire product line offering to provide greater transparency and management of fleets across complex construction sites.

Mike Gidaspow, Vice President for Products, Service and Solution for Komatsu in North America highlighted in the press release that “iVolve have been great collaborators and this acquisition offers exciting potential to further our world together”. Gidaspow’s comments focus on Komatsu’s overall mission to deliver products that will provide essential services to help world-developing

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projects remain on track. The iVolve system is planned to be rolled out across Komatsu’s offerings across North America.

One of the most vital industries that Komatsu serves is the mining industry, as its role in global development cannot be understated. The mining industry has seen increasing demands over the last few decades as metals and minerals have taken on a new role in moving the industry towards the future. We have seen this with the use of metals such as lithium used in lithium-ion batteries which is driving the electric vehicle market. Therefore, Komatsu is focused on delivering products which make mining operations run more smoothly for the betterment of the future, and so offers a wide range of operations across both the underground and surface mining sectors.

Komatsu is the leading provider of electric and hybrid rope shovels, walking draglines, automation solutions and connected mining technologies for the surface mining sector. In the underground mining sector, it has a range of shaft sinking equipment, underground rock bolters, underground hard rock drills and underground hard rock bolters. With every piece of mining equipment offered by Komatsu, customers gain access to Komatsu’s team of experts across its global network of dealers who

• SER Certified level supplier of Caterpillar worldwide. • Certified under Transport and Power Generation (TPG) Accreditation Program for Casting and Non-Destructive Testing for supplying critical parts to Wabtec Transportation system. • In House Laboratory certified by National Accreditation Board for certification of Laboratories (NABL), India for Chemical & Mechanical testing.
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Mining Equipment for the Future

are always on hand to help customers choose the right bit of equipment for a job and then remain in contact to ensure each one continues to deliver results for its customers.

With the ever-evolving nature of mining, and as demand continues to soar, Komatsu is committed to providing equipment that continues to meet the current demand of the mine site. Therefore, in February Komatsu introduced the WX11 LHD into the underground hard rock lineup, which offers the best-in-class breakout force and payload. The 11-tonne machine is designed to boost productivity whilst providing lower costs for its customers. Ryan Karns, Director of LHD and Truck Products at Komatsu, highlighted in the press release that “The WX11 is a game changer for hard rock miners. Developed through a close partnership between our experienced team and our longtime customers, this product reflects a shared commitment to design excellence”. Karns comments highlight the founding passion behind Komatsu again, that every bit of equipment is designed for the benefit of its customers as helping them achieve success brings greater success for the world.

The WX11 exemplifies Komatsu’s commitment to providing mining equipment that can be integrated into the next generation of mining capabilities. The

WX11 joins the introduction of the GD955-7 Motor Grader just a month before. The GD955-7 offers operators all the control and precision they need to build and maintain haul roads for truck fleets of 100 tons and up. The machine provides powerful horsepower and exceptional blade downforce pressure to make grading so much easier. We can see with both of these offerings Komatsu remains committed to providing innovative equipment and technologies to reduce overall machine maintenance and keep costs at a minimum, all whilst driving powerful operations to make even the most complicated of jobs a reality.

Every time we cover Komatsu, we are reminded why it is a key player in the machine and equipment manufacturing sector on a global scale. Throughout every new product offering, Komatsu is committed to helping its customers achieve their project success which in turn will develop the world towards a better future. We look forward to seeing what new project offerings Komatsu will develop over the coming years as it continues to meet the growing demands across the mining, construction, forestry, and industrial sectors.

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OPTIMIZED EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS Caterpillar Inc. chevron-square-right www.caterpillar.com/ phone-square 1 309 675 2337

Caterpillar Inc.

The Caterpillar Inc., brand is one you will be very familiar with if you’ve ever stepped foot onto a construction or mine site. With its iconic yellow branding and ‘Cat’ logo, Caterpillar is a world-leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, off-highway diesel, and natural gas engines, as well as industrial gas turbines and diesel-electric locomotives. With almost 100 years of experience behind its operations, Caterpillar is committed to delivering innovative products and services across its global network that are shaping the future of the mining and construction industries.

When you buy a product from Caterpillar you are buying top-quality machinery, which is backed by industry experts who are focused on ensuring that its customers get the most out of every bit of equipment they purchase. To achieve this, Caterpillar believes in bringing together the right people, products, technologies, and services needed to provide solutions which meet the needs of every project. The reputation of Caterpillar’s machinery and equipment speaks for itself, with business operations now spanning every continent on the globe and in sectors such as construction, mining, energy, and transportation.

With every development for Caterpillar, its operational efficacy, cost, reliability, and work site safety are of paramount importance. We see this in the Mining sector, where Caterpillar has its Cat® product line for surface mining which spans the drilling, digging, loading, hauling and maintenance of mine sites to ensure efficiency. When buying one of its vast collection of heavy-duty mining equipment, whether it be a large wheel loader, dozer, motor grader or truck, customers can be sure that every machine has been developed with performance in mind. To achieve this, Caterpillar offers Cat MineStar™ Solutions with its mining equipment, which provides the industry’s most comprehensive and thoroughly integrated suite of technology offerings.

Cat MineStar™ Solutions ensures that customers can have optimized control over fleet management, whilst getting real-time feedback on the health of their machinery. This solution is aimed at improving operations and maintenance of these heavy pieces of equipment so that Caterpillar can continue to deliver results of value for its customers. The MineStar solution is available across its drilling, loading, hauling, dozing, and grading machinery and is aimed at enhancing the efficiency of its mining equipment to make mining operations more productive for its customers.

However, as Caterpillar moves towards the future it is increasing its product offering to meet the mine sites of the future. In May 2023, Caterpillar introduced the Cat® D10 Dozer which is designed to be more productive, efficient and durable to meet the harsh conditions of the mine site. The D10 features industry-leading technology, which reduces the fuel burnt, and increases the productivity and uptime of the machine. With a stator clutch torque converter and load-sensing hydraulics, the D10 is designed to be more efficient than previous models and provide

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Caterpillar Inc.

a longer component life with reduced oil changes and reduce the need for maintenance and repair costs.

By significantly reducing cycle times thanks to the focus on maximising material moved per litre of fuel, the D10 has been designed for the future but is ready to integrate into customer’s projects tomorrow. Consequently, the D10 highlights the focus by Caterpillar to make machinery which provides optimum efficiency for its customers now, whilst integrating technologies which will allow the dozer to have a prominent role in the future of mines.

Much like the mining industry, the world of construction is just as challenging, but now with more project restraints, schedules, and heightened safety concerns. Therefore, Caterpillar has developed a range of industry-leading construction equipment which is designed to handle the challenging confines of construction projects and deliver efficient productivity for its customers. Machines spanning Caterpillar’s construction range include excavators, mini excavators, dozers, wheel loaders, skid steer and compact track loaders, backhoe loaders, telehandlers, articulated trucks, and motor graders – to name just a few!

With every purchase of construction machinery from Caterpillar, customers can take advantage of its Global Dealer Network which supports them throughout their projects. The network provides customers with access to partners, services, and guidance from a team of construction industry experts. Therefore, when customers buy from Caterpillar, the machines do not lose their value as the network works to maintain the efficiency, health, and productivity of the equipment for its entire operational life.

What separates Caterpillar’s equipment from its rivals is its Cat® Command Remote Control Technologies which provides the construction industry with equipment that can be remotely controlled without the need for the machine operator on site. The Command Remote Control Technologies is reshaping construction projects for the future, but removing the need for operators which improves operational safety whilst reducing downtown which drives bottom-line benefits for the customer.

For Caterpillar, its Command Remote Control Technology is pushing the future of autonomy into the construction industry. The automation technology began almost two years ago following

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the acquisition of Marble Robotics of San Francisco. Marble Robotics had developed a range of small delivery robots for use in dynamic environments, and so Caterpillar adopted this technology and infused it with the rugged durability of its Cat Construction range to deliver construction equipment that is equipped with completely remote systems for greater site automation. This development allows Caterpillar to jumpstart its lightweight and costeffective autonomous equipment range, which has allowed it to remain ahead of its competitors.

Using Caterpillar’s Command Remote Control Technology, customers can operate up to 5 machines at once, with machines able to deliver precision operations. To achieve this all operators need to do is assign the machine to a drop point, which the machine will then navigate to alone. Once jobs are completed the machines leave the material and then navigate back to the pickup area where the operator can then take back control. This allows for multiple points of development to take place at once, as the operator does not physically need to be with the machine for it to operate. This

Optimized Equipment Solutions

reduces downtime and increases efficiency, whilst removing the opportunity for safety risks across the construction site.

For Caterpillar, it aims to deliver machinery and equipment which delivers results for its customers. This is something we can see throughout every piece of equipment produced, and every new technology introduced. With a network of dealers behind its products to ensure that customer satisfaction and machine health are guaranteed, Caterpillar has established a world-renowned reputation for reliable machinery which can be seen across mine and construction sites all over the globe. However, it is with this reputation that Caterpillar is striving towards the future, to adopt new and innovative technology to enhance performance and reduce environmental impacts. With this in mind, Caterpillar is focused on making equipment that will be seen across the future of the mining and construction industries, however, it is implementing these technologies now for the benefit of its customer’s projects today.

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HARNESSING MINERALS FOR THE FUTURE The United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Minerals chevron-square-right https://www.madini.go.tz/ envelope-square ps@madini.go.tz

The United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Minerals

Tanzania’s landscapes are rich with vital mineral deposits which today, thanks to the country’s key mining industry, is the 4th largest gold producer in Africa. With an abundance of minerals and natural resources such as gold, diamonds, gemstones, coal and natural gas at its disposal, the country’s economy has grown rapidly in line with mining operations to retrieve these resources. Therefore, mining operations in 2020 accounted for roughly 7% of Tanzania’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures, highlighting the prominent role the mineral sector plays in sustaining the country’s economy alongside the energy sector.

As such a prominent industry bringing vital investment to the country, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania established the Ministry of Minerals as its own entity to promote, regulate and support the mineral sector to maintain its prominent role within the country in 2017. The United Republic of Tanzania’s Ministry of Mineral’s role will now be to formulate and monitor the implementation of mining policies, mine, geophysical and geological surveys, and mining commission affairs. In addition, the Ministry will work to bring value to the mining industry through local content, small-scale mining development, performance improvement, and cooperation with other ministerial departments, agencies, stakeholders, programmes, and projects. This vast role as a governmental body continues to provide the ministry with a stellar reputation for its management of these resources which provide substantial contributions to the national economy and the well-being of Tanzanians thanks to employment opportunities.

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The United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Minerals

Therefore, it is the Ministry of Minerals’ mission to effectively manage Tanzania’s mineral resources through sound policy and legal frameworks to play a vital role in bringing investment to the country and its mining industry. A crucial way that these investments are achieved is through networking to show the geological and infrastructural potential of a region to make investing in mining operations more attractive. Just last month Tanzania attended South Africa’s Mining Indaba Conference in collaboration with the Tanzania Chamber of Mines, which is one of the largest conferences in the sector. The Conference annually brings together about 900 key investors, 40 sectorial institutions and roughly 1000 executives from large companies. The conference serves as a platform for participating countries and organisations to build and strengthen their relationships and business networks across the international mining sector. The conferences provide an essential opportunity for organisations, such as the Ministry of Minerals to seek investment capital, learn about technological advancements in the sector, form partnerships for trade, and

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The United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Minerals

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continue to share experiences to learn more about the sustainable management and development of the mining industry across Africa.

The Ministry of Minerals’ main focus at the conference was on advancing investment in mining to help accelerate prosperity for the country. This focus remains consistent with the government of Tanzania’s commitments set out in its ‘Vision 2030’ project which aims to facilitate more geoscientific surveys to uncover the country’s mineral potential. Therefore, a large part of the Ministry’s time at the conference was spent promoting investment opportunities in the country’s mining sector in things such as exploration, extraction, and value-added activities. The government-owned Ministry hopes the conference will lead to further investment over the coming year. The conference was also the first time it has collaborated with the private sector to facilitate its participation at the conference. For this, the Ministry thanked its sponsors, which include some of the world’s leading mining companies such as Barrick Gold, Anglo Gold Ashanti, Tembo Nickel, Shanta Gold, TRX Gold, Mantra Tanzania, Petra Diamonds, Orica, City Engineering and AUMS.

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However, a key part of the Ministry of Mineral’s operations outside of the private sector is through strong relationships and partnerships with other vital mining industries within Africa. An example of this keen commitment to partnering with other governmental operations was seen in July last year when the United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Minerals signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar. This agreement continues the two ministries’ cooperation towards making key developments and investments in the relevant mining sectors to bring continuous benefits for both parties. Therefore, the Ministry’s role across the region’s mining sector is to ensure that it continues to bring vital investment that will help shape the future of the country and its citizens for the future through economic development and plentiful job creation.

As we have seen, the United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Minerals highlights the crucial value that the mining industry provides to the country, and so throughout its operations, it works to ensure that this value continues to expand and with it comes significant investment for Tanzania. With

Harnessing Minerals for the Future

this investment, Tanzanian mining can continue to support and uplift the country by ensuring that the regulation, promotion and investment into the country’s natural mineral resources remains steady for future generations.

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INVESTING IN MINERAL RESOURCES Minerals Commission of Ghana chevron-square-right www.mincom.gov.gh/ phone-square 233 030 27 1318 envelope-square info@mincom.gov.gh

As the leading gold producer in Africa, the mineral industry in Ghana is vast and profitable, with a whole host of critical metal and mineral reserves naturally occurring across the country. Therefore, a regulatory body was established by the government to ensure that this natural resource potential brings vital economic development to the region. With the sole responsibility of developing and coordinating the mineral sector across Ghana, The Minerals Commission of Ghana takes great pride in implementing policies and regulations to bring continued prosperity to the people of Ghana and establish it as a key player in mineral trade on a global scale.

The Mineral Commission of Ghana was established as a government agency under the Minerals Commission, which gave the commission legal backing to act as a regulatory and management body for the utilization of Ghana’s miner’s resources and establish any policies relating to the mining of these minerals. The commission aims to foster an efficient and effective regulation and management system developed through knowledge which recognises and establishes the means for mining investments to bring joint prosperity for both investors and the country. The goal of the commission is to make Ghana the leading destination of mining sector investment in Africa as it works to establish an atmosphere where mining companies, investors, stakeholders, and local businesses all mutually benefit to bring continued investment and support the economy of Ghana for the future.

Before the establishment of the commission, there were two governmental agencies which were working to develop and promote the industries for specific minerals in Ghana. These agencies were the Aluminium Industries Commission (AIC) for Bauxite and the Integrated Iron and Steel Commission (IISC) for iron ore. However, the maintenance of two separate agencies with similar mandates posed some challenges and concerns over budgetary constraints and scarce human resources. Therefore, a single united body was established by the government to develop and coordinate the mineral sector all under one roof. The new company, which we today know as The Minerals Commission of Ghana, was then made responsible for coordinating mineral sector policy and monitoring its implementation across all mineral types. This greatly reduced the division of resources and promoted a well-established governing body better suited to manage key investments into the sector for the country.

Today the commission is overseen by a board of 9 members, with the secretariat headed by the Chief Executive Officer. The secretariat is made up of 3 main divisions which oversee the Commission’s operations. These divisions are support services, promotion and development, and inspection and compliance. The commission oversees the vast resources across the country, which has 6 mineralisation belts including the KibiWinneba, Shanti, Sewfi-Bekwai, Bui, Bole-Nangodi and Wa-Lawra. Between these belts are a range of basins including Birim, Kumsai (Asankrangwa Belt),

Minerals Commission of Ghana
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Minerals Commission of Ghana

Sunyani and Maluwe. This vast resource potential makes Ghana the preferred destination for mineral mining, and so the Commission’s divisions work across all of these belts and basins to oversee mineral operations to ensure continued economic development.

The commission’s role is vast, as we have seen with the expansive mineral potential across the country. However, its overarching mission is to bring continued prosperity to Ghana by investing revenue generated from mineral sales back into the Ghanaian economy. To do this the commission work with stakeholders and government agencies to formulate recommendations for national policy regarding the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources with special reference to establish national priorities. Furthermore, the Commission continues to monitor the implementation of these policies throughout all bodies operating within and alongside the country’s mineral industry.

Just last year, The Minerals Commission of Ghana announced the implementation of the newest edition of its procurement list which now has 50 items on the provisions of goods and services. In an announcement by the CEO of the Mineral

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Investing in Mineral Resources

Commission, Mr. Martin Kawaku Ayisis, outlined how the procurement list’s regulatory purpose is to promote job creation using local expertise, goods, and services throughout the country’s mining industry. The list is part of the Minerals and Mining (Local Content and Local Participation) Regulation 2020. Part of this legislation requires the commission to provide a public local procurement list which stipulates the goods and services with Ghanaian content which are to be procured in the country.

One of the purposes of the regulations and procurement list ensure continued economic benefits for the country. This means all mining companies are expected to ensure that a minimum of 60% of their financial services including revenue from sales are submitted to local banks. In a similar way, regulations are in place to ensure that 60% of all insurance services which also require placements are to be made with insurance companies which are owned exclusively by Ghanaians. This regulation ensures that banks and insurance companies are keeping a large amount of money from mineral mining within the country.

This commitment to keeping the economic impact of the mineral industry benefitting Ghana is crucial as a whole range of new mines are set to come into commission, and existing ones will continue to

expand. New projects expected to begin are with Newmont Ghana Gold Limited and the US$850 million investment in the Ahafo North Gold mine project, the US$500 million gold project currently being undertaken by Cardinal Namdini Mining Limited, a $200million gold mine in the upper west region, and a $125 million lithium project in Ewoya. The planned projects are set to be roughly US$1.7 billion of investment to Ghana. It is these crucial investments that will bring sustained economic development to the region, as the Commission expects these investments to support the growth of the economy and boost local participation.

Overall, The Mineral Commission of Ghana is focused on ensuring that the mineral resources of the country are constantly working to benefit the people of Ghana. As a governing body, it has been vastly successful in regulating and overseeing the mineral industry, which in turn has brought several large investment opportunities to the industry. With over a billion in investment announced just last year, the Commission continues to solidify Ghana’s place as a vital mineral and mining sector not just in Africa but across the globe. As a key area that already benefits from mineral resource potential, a stable regulatory environment, and a favourable fiscal scheme; the Commission’s work continues to make Ghana a hub for minerals.

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AGRICULTURE FOR THE FUTURE Magdalena chevron-square-right www.magdalena.com.gt/ phone-square 503 2422 7200

With a prominent focus on building a more intelligent relationship between land and people, Magdalena has spent the last 40 years producing and transforming the agriculture industry of Guatemala with a passion for developing the industry and its products towards a sustainable future. The company works yearround to produce and commercialise products derived from the sugar cane milling process which has established Magdalena as a key player in renewable markets. We’re so glad to be returning to Magdalena, to see how its focus on sustainability and innovation continues to drive its operations and build a better world for tomorrow.

Magdalena found its origins in 1983 with the Leal Family who purchased one of 19 sugar mills in Guatemala at the time. Through this purchase, the family-run and owned company began a long journey set on developing and investing in Guatemala’s agriculture and energy sector. Just 7 years after the Leal family began milling sugar cane, it began a range of cogeneration projects utilising sugarcane bagasse to generate electricity. Sugarcane bagasse is a byproduct from the milling process, which can be utilised to generate electricity and so Magdalena develop its own energy matrix. As the company gained more energy and power contracts, the company installed a second tandem of mills which doubled the sugar production for Magdalena and so increased its ability to generate more electricity.

Magdalena is a pioneer in the renewable energy industry that is capable of producing electricity, marketing it and then transmitting it across the national energy infrastructure. This development from by-product to renewable energy resources, influenced a key turning point for Magdalena as it began to see the significant impact of its sustainable operations to produce a valuable renewable energy resource. Today, Magdalena is responsible for roughly 8% of Guatemala’s total energy needs through its power matrix.

1995 saw yet another large step up for Magdalena in terms of research, as it constructed its first lab to produce high-quality sugar cane seeds. The lab research focused on understanding which sugar cane seed varieties were best suited to the soil across the company’s operations, and so would produce the greatest crop yield. This focus on research allowed Magdalena to increase its sugar cane outputs significantly, which then required a new grinding mill just 5 years later to keep up with the sugar cane production. The new and third grinding mill for Magdalena, installed in 2000, established Magdalena’s facility as having the largest grinding capacity in Central America, and the second largest in Latin America.

With so much sugar cane being milled year-round, Magdalena began refining it to produce refined sugar products which could be marketed and sold to both domestic and international markets. When installed, the sugar refinery attached to the sugar mill was one of the largest in the world. Today, Magdalena has a daily grinding capacity of 40,000 metric tons, which provides 24% of the national production of standard, brown, golden, raw, and

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refined sugars. Magdalena’s sees 20% of its sugar products delivered to local markets, however, the other 80% is taken from Guatemala as exports. By developing such a large exporting marketing for its sugar products, Magdalena continues to bring significant economic development to the region that provides added benefits to those surrounding Magdalena’s facilities.

In 2010, Guatemala’s energy industry was rapidly expanding to meet the demands of its population, and so Magdalena ventured further into the energy sector where it developed its technologies to integrate biomass and mineral fuels which would diversify its energy matrix offerings. Due to the increasingly significant role Magdalena began to play in the energy industry, the company had integrated some of its operations with the corporate government, which continued to support

and develop its energy production opportunities as it began producing electric power serving a much larger variety of markets across the region.

Over the last 40 years, the steady progression by Magdalena through its production of sugar and then energy has continued to bring significant economic benefits to the region. However, its product offerings do not end there, instead, Magdalena is focused on ensuring that it produces as little waste as possible, and so it takes the molasses produced as a byproduct from the processing of sugar cane and uses it to create alcohol. Magdalena now can produce up to 420,00 litres of alcohol a day, adding yet another asset to its portfolio of offerings all based on its sugar milling operations.

One thing that remains evident throughout every aspect of Magdalena’s operations is a keen focus on reducing waste and maximising the productivity

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Agriculture for the Future

of its crop yields. This commitment to reducing waste stems from the company’s firm commitment to building a better future for Guatemala, and subsequently the planet. Therefore, Magdalena has set up a range of sustainable initiatives that are working to reduce its operational carbon footprint by investing in green harvesting, agricultural design, organic compost, and the application of microorganisms and biological nutrients. These initiatives seek to nourish the soils in which the sugar cane grows, whilst utilising the most modern agricultural techniques to achieve strong yields that can continue to allow Magdalena to play a vital role in developing renewable energy for the future.

When we last covered Magdalena, it announced it was developing into the solar and wind energy production world to support its operations and the local communities of Guatemala. In recent months, MPC Energy Solutions has announced that it plans to build a 65 Mega-Watt solar photovoltaic (PV) plant in Guatemala, where its output will be sold to Magdalena under a 16-year fixed-price power purchase agreement (PPA). The sale to Magdalena

highlights the leading role it continues to play within Guatemala’s energy production industry as the largest private energy production company in the country.

Once, operational the plant is expected to produce roughly 141 Gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity per year, which will add yet another vital input to Magdalena’s renewable energy division. The recognition of Magdalena by MPC Energy Solutions as the right provider of the solar field’s output exemplifies its expansive role not just in Guatemala but across the global energy sector.

Ultimately, Magdalena is a thriving sugar can producer that has vastly expanded its operations and is now one of the country’s largest private renewable energy producers. Over the last 4 decades, the company has continually developed its operations with sustainability and innovation in mind to bring essential investment into the region to support Magdalena’s circular economy model. Therefore, Magalena remains committed to respecting the planet and its natural resources and these are what are going to power the future of the planet.

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Throughout the world waste is a key concern, especially in the consumer market where we are stuck in cycles of buying poorly made, bad quality or fashion-fad garments which ultimately end up in landfill sites. For a long time, fast-fashion brands have lagged behind, as they continually push consumer products to meet current trends rather than focus on sustainable and timeless clothing items. Consequently, these ‘trendy’ garments more often than not end up as waste with every new cycle. We have even seen an increase in vintage and charity shopping over the years, as the consumer is left to work on reducing their impact on the world alone.

As the rates of garment waste continue to rise on an international scale, the consumer cannot tackle this problem alone. Therefore, it is great to see Levi’s, a giant jean brand recognised across the globe, putting a step in the right direction to encourage consumers to limit excessive buying, to recognise jean quality for re-wearability, whilst actively looking to find ways to reduce waste, water use and energy throughout its own manufacturing process.

Source: levi.com/GB/en_GB/features/sustainability

Levi’s is not shy about confronting the effects the clothing industry has on the planet, as it is far too aware of the excessive waste that many clothing companies contribute to. Therefore, Levi’s is taking essential steps to implement new industry practices which are working to reduce the stress on the planet by minimising waste production and limiting energy and water use throughout the manufacturing process. Levi’s is focused on bringing circularity to the clothing industry that sees its products made with innovation, and when they are no longer needed or functional, they can be returned through Levi’s SecondHand Scheme to be repaired or changed into creative pieces that can continue to live a second life. All of these measures are to ensure that as few garments as possible end up in landfill. Therefore, as such a global company, Levi’s move towards a more responsible approach to water use and conservation seeks to tackle the industry head-on on a global platform.

In 2021, Levi’s launched its ‘Buy Better, Wear Longer’ campaign which encouraged consumers

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to be more conscious about their purchasing habits and only buy pieces that are going to stand the test of time. Through the production of Levi’s jeans, reducing water is one of its most important sustainable initiatives. Levi’s introduced its Water<Less process in 2011, which was its flagship innovation to maximise water efficiency. This initiative saw Levi’s save almost 12 billion litres of water as of 2020. Therefore, this initiative is one it wants to extend across the industry, as it requires all of its facilities to recycle more than 20% of the water used in manufacturing.

The company’s foundation is based on producing garments which are designed for their reliability and will stand the test of time. Levi’s started as a company that wanted to provide sturdy and reliable outerwear for workers; consequently, the brand is now known for producing top-quality denim that will not rip or get thread-bare with continual wear. However, should you find yourself with Levi’s jeans which are no longer fit for your needs, the Levi’s SecondHand scheme which is a buy-back and re-commerce programme takes these garments and reworks them into new pieces. The programme, launched in 2020, seeks to reduce waste and increase sustainable consumption as it is responsible for giving some of the most loved vintage Levi’s pieces a new life.

Additionally, Levi’s has launched a forwardthinking collection called Levi’s by Levi’s, in which all the products are made entirely from upcycled and repurposed Levi’s garments that were either donated, returned, or cannot be sold. This offers a fresh way to recycle garments, often with collaborations with designers, to produce one-ofa-kind pieces to ensure that no garments are going needlessly to landfill. Levi’s also has its own in-shop Tailor Shop which allows for jeans to be repaired, reimagined and customized to suit the individual customer, in order to unlock creativity and return to the company’s origins of craftsmanship and selfexpression. Furthermore, with this initiative, Levi’s has joined with the Ellen MacArthur Jeans Redesign Project which places Levi’s at the forefront of helping to drive circularity in the denim industry. The project coincided with the introduction of a fully circular version of its 501 Original Jeans which are timeless in style and made to be made again without sacrificing its high durability standards. Overall, when we think of Levi’s we think of jeans which are made to stand the test of time, but we can now see them as a brand which is working to reduce its impact on the world by actively tackling the ever-increasing issue of garment waste on an international scale. Its Second Hand and Levi’s by Levi’s initiatives are ensuring that no unnecessary garments are going to waste, whilst inspiring creativity through sustainability. However, even with Levi’s key role in driving change, the industry still has a long way to go. We hope that through key global brands such as Levi’s spearheading this move towards sustainability, other brands will follow to work collectively to reduce the damaging effects that fast fashion is increasingly having on the environment.

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SUPPORTING LOUISIANA’S MARITIME INDUSTRY Ports Association of Louisiana chevron-square-right www.portsoflouisiana.org/

Ports Association of Louisiana

Louisiana is home to many ports which all play a vital role in the development of the state’s economy along the inland waterway system. Currently, more than 60% of grain in the United States, and 20% of the nation’s petroleum and energy commodities are handled by ports across Louisiana and so industries such as these have brought continuous economical and developmental success to the state for many years. Therefore, the Ports Association of Louisiana (PAL) was established to bring together the ports, stakeholders, and vital industries of Louisiana with the aim of developing the state’s maritime industry to bring significant economic development for the state’s future.

Established in 1984, PAL was designed to develop and foster efficient and reliable relationships among the ports in the State of Louisiana. This need for unification among the state’s maritime sector came as the demand for cargo movement along the Gulf Coast of Mexico continued to see a significant increase in demand for handling needs. PAL’s role, therefore, was estbalished to support the ports playing a vital role in developing Louisiana’s ports by facilitating operations such as cargo handlind to meet the demands of the state for now and in the future. Today, PAL provides essential cargo handling services to the oil, gas, agiculture, petrochemical and manufacturing industries – all of which play a significant role in developing the economic output of the U.S. In fact, in the national oil and gas sector, Pal’s operations cover 100% of the national deepwater offshore oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico, which is estimated to add more than $182 billion in economic output for Louisiana’s economy.

The central roles for PAL include the promotion and exchange of information between ports to

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ensure that each operation remain up to date with the best technologies to meet the demands of the future. To achieve this PAL is focused on ensuring all policies, plans, and questions of common interests relating to each port’s operations are presented to key stakeholders on a regional, state, national and international scale. Furthermore, PAL continues to represent the interests of every member across the Association in various setting, including governmental, to improve the conditions and efficiency of Louisiana’s ports and help them to maintain top quality services which aid in building continuous economic prosperity.

Over the last 40 years, PAL has grow to now have 32 corporate members and 85 associate members. Corporate members include all state-created port commission, ports, harbours and terminal districts, as well as board of commissioners, navigation districts and terminal authrories which are all working to promote and develop the maritime industry of Louisiana. Other membership include associate members, which covers both public and private entities which are concerned with the maritime industry. The vast array of members, including some of the largest ports in America, has allowed PAL to remain ahead of the nationwide maritime industry.

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Ports Association of Louisiana


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One way PAL continues to promote these ports is thorough vital networking, which it achieves through the promotion and publication of key information regarding in each ports and the Louisiana port industry for the maritime and logistics sector. This networking covers mediums such as newsletters, magazines and journals. Another key networking aspect is the annual conference held by PAL, which is designed to bring together its members, key governmental figures, companies and stakeholders among both international and regional maritime and logistics sectors to promote the role of Louisiana’s ports to domestic and international markets.

In an effort to stay ahead of the curve, PAL continues to focus on academic research and educational development across the port and maritime sector of Louisiana. This focus on education is a prominent focus of PAL as it strives to ensure every single port is equipped witht the knowledge and expertise to meet the advancing needs of the future and the growing demand of development across the port’s industry. Therefore, as PAL moves towards the future through

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Supporting Louisiana’s Maritime Industry

educational and technological advancement, PAL is already working to adapt and develop each ports to accommodate larger ships that are travelling through the Panama Canal. This development project will cost the federal government $300 million and the state of Louisiana $150 million, with the aim of developing the berths and depths of the state’s ports and adding $849 million of income and 17,000 new jobs to the economy. With this development project, we can see PAL’s commitment to working with key governmental bodies, as well as its members, to provide greater operational capacity to Louisiana’s ports.

PAL’s ports include the Port of South Louisiana which is one of America’s largest tonnage ports, which serves as a vital gateway for US exports and imports. Located on the Mississippi River, the port is the leading US port for domestic trade, accounting for roughly 57% of Louisiana’s exports. With such a vital port for the entire nation’s import and export market under its Association, PAL continues to build a reputation and a leading voice for the port and maritime industry across Louisiana. Plus, being located in Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ), many ports

under PAL benefit from the potential deferral, reduction or possible elimination of duties as many items of cargo, as long as they do not enter the domestic market, are often not subject to tax or duties. This deferral, reduction or elimination of duties, gives a competitive edge to the ports under PAL by reducing duties fees, eliminating year-end inventory loss adjustment and providing much faster delivery speeds. Therefore, the Association has built a reputation for success which focuses on delivering vital port services efficiently and cost effectively. Overall, PAL has worked over the last 40 years to unify Louisiana’s maritime and cargo industry by bringing together key players across all aspects of the sector with the goal of promoting, developing and educating the industry for the continued benefit for its members. With such a vast and growing industry as the cargo one, PAL’s commitment to remain ahead of the curve has established it as a crucial port asoociation that brings significant benefits to the U.S. economy. We look forward to seeing how PAL continues to expand over the coming years, and for yet another successful year for investment into the region’s maritime industry.

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ENHANCING THE MILWAUKEE ECONOMY Port of Milwaukee chevron-square-right portmilwaukee.com/ phone-square 414 286 3511 envelope-square port@milwaukee.gov

Port of Milwaukee

Governed by a seven-member board of Harbour Commissioners, the Port of Milwaukee works to promote the shipping and economic development of Wisconsin and the surrounding states thanks to its commitment to stimulating trade on both a local and international scale. Working with its tenants, customers, transportation providers, logistical experts and other supply chain experts, Port of Milwaukee sustains the water-centric city of Milwaukee with a thriving cargo industry, reliable transportation links and the continued development of the leisure sector to see significant economic growth in the region for many years to come.

Located to the west of Lake Michigan, the Port of Milwaukee serves as a hub for the distribution of cargo and materials travelling from the Gulf Coast, and into vital US states such as Illinois, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Missouri and Indiana. Thanks to its strategic location just 1,021 nautical miles from the coast of Montreal in Quebec, Canada, the port also serves as a vital link with Canadian markets, including those in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Therefore, in its role to promote the shipping and commerce of the region, the Port of Milwaukee’s operations are influential in both domestic and international markets.

One of the major advantages of the Port’s location is its excellent infrastructure links with the railroad and highway systems. The Port of Milwaukee is served by two Class I railroads; the Union Pacific (UP) Railway and the Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) Railway. These provide an essential link to other states, and so vessels stopping in Milwaukee can use the port to distribute its products throughout the region and onto the national marketplace. This reliance on the railroad infrastructure has been further developed by the Port of Milwaukee as it also owns and maintains 14 miles of its own rail track, which connects up with the UP and CPKC railways.

In addition to the railroads, the Port of Milwaukee is also directly served by the Federal Interstate Highway System with the I-94/794 which allows trucks to drive directly into the port. This ease of access to the port for the land freight forwarders and trucking companies allows for a quicker turnaround on shipment pick-ups and therefore a speedy delivery to customers. Consequently, through almost 350 miles of highway connection, the Port of Milwaukee provides direct from its ports to crucial trade hubs such as Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul., Peoria, Des Moines, Moline, Indianapolis, Madison and Green Bay.

Annually, operations at the Port of Milwaukee see 2.3 million metric tons of cargo handled through the port, which adds roughly $106.5 million in economic activity and $68.1 million in income generated. In addition to these regional economic benefits, the Port of Milwaukee also provides 1,309 jobs

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Port of Milwaukee

M.E. Dey & Co.

For over a century, the partnership between M.E. Dey & Co. and the Port of Milwaukee has played a significant role in shaping local trade in the community. Our founder, Mae Elizabeth Dey, established an office as a Customhouse Broker in 1907 by request of the district Director of Customs to provide brokerage services at the port. The role of a Milwaukee broker at that time relied heavily on collaboration with the port to facilitate shipments arriving through the Great Lakes. Mae’s relationships with other brokers at major seaports helped connect Wisconsin shippers to the rest of the world. As transportation methods evolved and intermodal became a reality, M.E. Dey and the Port of Milwaukee have maintained a strong partnership in addressing challenges unique to inland ports and securing Wisconsin’s place in the global marketplace.

which continues to bring both personal and local economic benefits for the region.

The history of the port dates back to 1835 when it was known as the Great Lakes port, dealing with commercial cargo vessels serving the struggling new village on the west shores of Lake Michigan. The area provided access to the Milwaukee, Menomonee and Kinnickinic rivers which join Lake Michigan within Milwaukee’s harbour. Therefore, the port slowly began to grow in size as settlers and traders were drawn to the region to take advantage of this vital port at the heart of three rivers and Lake Michigan. Over the years an ‘inner harbour’ was developed, and a comprehensive plan was formulated to build a lakefront area within the outer harbour. This harbour, under municipal control, played a crucial part in the development of the port into the modern port that we see today. Today, the port has built on this success and today is overseen by a board of commissioners who work everyday to strategically promote the port’s operations, and work with those across the industry to devise plans

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Enhancing the Milwaukee Economy

to help the port maintain its role in the future of America’s economy.

Within the Port of Milwaukee, vessels are offered a range of services to offload and unload cargo, whilst providing 330,00 square feet (sq ft) of covered warehouse space for bulk, steel and general cargo, as well as 30,000 sq ft of climate-controlled space. Key cargo moving through the Port includes a variety of breakbulk and non-containerized cargo including steel, wind turbine components, brewery tanks, mining equipment, yachts, forest products, transformers, farm and construction machinery, manufacturing equipment, bagged materials and other project cargoes. Therefore, as we can see, the Port of Milwaukee is involved in a whole number of sectors from manufacturing, to renewable energy, mining and agriculture, which each play a vital role in enhancing the American economy.

As the Port of Milwaukee moves towards the future it has implemented major developments across the port, including the development of facilities for the agricultural sector. In July 2023, the Port of Milwaukee announced a partnership with the DeLong Co., Inc. to open a $40-million Agricultural Maritime Export Facility on Jones Island. The facility is aimed to handle agricultural commodities and transport them via the Port’s truck, rail and international vessel network. These agricultural commodities include animal feed supplements derived as a byproduct of ethanol due to its high nutrient value.

The facility will allow Wisconsin’s maritime and agricultural economies to play a greater role in international markets. It is hoped that with the successful implementation of the facility, Wisconsin will develop into a vital trade hub for its home-grown soybeans, corn and grains which it can deliver to a wider international audience. The Director of Port of Milwaukee, Jackie Q. Carter, highlighted this in the press release announcing the facility saying that “Port Milwaukee is an integral link in the Wisconsin economy. In this case, we are connecting Wisconsin farmers, growers and producers with new international markets”.

Carter continues, “The combined support from local, state and federal officials affirm the importance of this new asset on Jones Island. The development of this facility at Port Milwaukee is a great addition to the city’s marine commerce, and I’m excited to witness the benefits it will create for our maritime economy”. Carter’s comments highlight the growing hub that the Port of Milwaukee

continues to expand into, and with vital investments with key players in the sector such as agriculture, the Port can continue to provide significant economic benefits for both Milwaukee on a regional level and Wisconsin on a state level.

The continuous development and promotion of activities at the Port of Milwaukee is what has marked it as such a vital port within both domestic and international markets. Dealing with cargo from a vast array of industries, the Port’s services, and then vital logistical links via the railroads and interstate, allows the port to remain a key player within the state-wide economy. With such a reputation for development, whilst meeting the demands of the cargo, tourism, and logistics industries, the Port of Milwaukee has been successful in promoting the shipping and commercial cargo aspects of the region. We look forward to seeing how the port continues to expand and put the development of Wisconsin industries at the forefront of its development in the years to come.

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A GATEWAY FOR TRADE Tuxpan Port Terminal chevron-square-right www.tpt.mx/ phone-square 01 783 102 3900

As part of the SSA Marine and Carrix company, the Tuxpan Port Terminal (TPT) is a privately operated terminal located along the Gulf of Mexico offering a range of services across the cargo and related industries market to the United States. TPT takes advantage of such a vital position, to provide clients from across the worldwide shipping and logistics industry with an alternative cargo handling operation which guarantees a reliable, accessible and high-quality service facilitated through a specialised infrastructure system. Through its team of highly trained personnel, Tuxpan Port Terminal hopes to play a significant role in the development of Mexico’s economy as it expands the country’s foreign trade offerings.

Located 293 kilometres from Mexico City, TPT sits strategically along the Mexico-Tuxpan highway and so provides easy delivery of products from the city into the terminals for distribution across domestic and international markets. The strategic location of TPT utilises the infrastructure links of the region to deliver cargo handling operations that save on freight costs, toll fees and extended transportation times. This reduction in time and distance makes TPT a vital hub that delivers cost-effective benefits for all stakeholders involved in the movement of cargo. By enhancing the operations of stakeholders, TPT hopes to see continued investment into the terminal, which will allow it to maintain its reputation as a reliable and efficient alternative cargo handling service providing vital links to both the Northern and South American markets.

What sets TPT apart from other ports and cargo terminals along the Gulf Coast, is its implementation of cutting-edge technology across its operations. TPT’s operating system has been developed by Tideworks Technology, a subsidiary of the Carrix company, with the aim of providing solutions for the efficient and productive management of the terminal. Tidework Technology’s solutions have already been seen across the world, and in TPT include systems such as Spinnaker which manages yard planning by providing supervision to ship manoeuvres, yard operations, deckhouse activities and the transit of cargo throughout the terminal.

TPT covers a total area of 85.7 hectares (Ha), which is divided into 15. Ha of container storage, CFS and warehousing to handle the high cargo capacities that are travelling through the terminal. In terms of vessels entering the terminal, TPT has a 15-meter (m) depth along its 556m waterfront which has an operational ship capacity of 11,500 twentyequivalent units (TEUs). When vessels reach the terminal, they are met with 2 STS Super Post quay cranes, 30 container trailers, top and side loaders, forklifts, spreaders, 240 refrigeration consoles for containers and the necessary equipment for steel and steel production. All of these facilities, ensure that TPT can seamlessly take cargo from vessels travelling into the Tuxpan port, and move it swiftly off throughout the Terminal complex and then onto

Tuxpan Port Terminal
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the transportation or shipment companies which will take the goods to their end markets.

To maintain a firm management and standardised system for container merchandise, a Mainsail system has been implemented, which will also enhance the reporting systems across the port. Tideworks Technologies has also implemented traffic control systems which support the effective coordination of cargo across the terminal’s yard. Then, to enhance the connection between the terminal, its customers, shipping lines, transportation companies, and related stakeholders, TPT was installed with a Forecast system to ensure all key players remain updated and in constant communication for the benefit of the smooth flow of cargo throughout TPT.

Typical cargo travelling through TPT includes those in the steel, forestry, project cargo, aluminium and copper industries. All of these industries are global economic heavyweights, and so being the port and terminal of choice for international shipping lines travelling along the Gulf Coast highlights TPT’s

Tuxpan Port Terminal

growing role in supply chains for some of the world’s most economically lucrative industries. Therefore, TPT is already highlighting the significant role it has begun to play in the comprehensive economic development of Tuxpan, which in turn will see more importers and exporters utilising the terminals to expand their international distribution network.

Just last year the role of TPT in international markets took a large step forward, with TPT extending its reach across the Gulf of Mexico. TPT announced in June 2023, that it was adding a new multimodal service at TPT, which would connect with Canada, the U.S. and across Mexico. The service will provide exporters and importers with a new strategic channel to enter these markets, supported by TPT’s reputation for efficient and cost-effective cargo handling. This new route will be supported by Crowley, a world-leading shipping and logistics company, which currently provides door-to-door solutions in the U.S., Caribbean, Central American and Mexican markets.

The development of the new multimodal service, will highlight TPT and Crowley’s expertise and professionalism, and provide a competitive advantage for the most modern port terminal complex in Mexico. The General Manager of TPT, John Bressi, outlines in the announcement that “Tuxpan Port Terminal recognises and congratulates both Crowley and CN for the important advantages that the services of both companies will present to foreign trade. Crowley is a premier container line and logistics company that selectively chose TPT for this exceptional service, recognising that this terminal is the best alternative on the Gulf of Mexico coast. This short sea route will offer significant benefits to the BCOs, such as competitive pricing, shorter transit time, reduced CO2 emissions and safer cargo handling. We are delighted to be Crowley’s port terminal partner”.

Bressi’s comments here really solidify the aims of TPT to work with international companies such as Crowley to enhance the shipping and distribution

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network for Mexico and bring significant economic benefits to the region. These economic benefits will then provide a wider local and international reputation for cargo handling success, which aims to bring future investment and reliance on TPT for international shipping lines in the future.

Overall, TPT has optimised its strategic location along the Gulf of Mexico to deliver an internationally recognised port terminal which delivers efficient, cost-effective and reliable cargo handling for customers both within Mexico and beyond. With new developments and partnerships, such as with key shipping companies like Crowley, TPT has established itself as the best alternative port terminal serving the Gulf through its specialised systems that ensure every customer’s cargo is delivered with efficiency.

A Gateway for
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30 YEARS CONNECTING INTERNATIONAL MARKETS Namibian Ports Authority chevron-square-right www.namport.com.na/ phone-square 264 64 208 2111 envelope-square customercare@namport.com.na

Namibian Ports Authority

Almost all of Africa’s imports and exports are conducted by sea, and so ports and port authorities around the continent’s coast play a vital role in keeping the cargo industry moving to serve countries within Africa and across the globe. A key port authority playing a vital role in developing the port industries in the southern African region, particularly in Namibia, is the Namibian Ports Authority. The authority, otherwise known as Namport, is helping to establish an efficient and reliable maritime and cargo port which serves international shipping lines and continues to develop the port as a vital link between the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries, and the rest of the world.

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Established 30 years ago in 1994, Namport is a state-owned entity which began as a collection of fishing harbours, which today has been transformed into a hub of cargo and maritime operations. A large part of this expansion has been due to the vastly expanding economies of surrounding SADC countries that utilised Namibia’s ports to move cargo from one country to another on both local and international scales. Today, the commercial and industrial activities of the port have superseded the fishing origins, however, these are still a prominent focus at one of Namport’s ports which recognises the vast fishing industry which began the company three decades ago.

Namport’s central role is to oversee the ports in Namibia and cater for each one’s trade needs in order to meet current and future demands. This management has contributed to the competitive nature of Namport’s ports across the SADC, as every port under its management is known for its efficient, reliable, and cost-effective supply of port services which aid in facilitating local and cross-border trade for continued economic development. Across its two main ports, the Port of Walvis Bay and the Port of Lüderitz, Namport offers a range of specialised berthing facilities including pilotage, navigation, bunkering, towage, and harbour response - to just name a few. Once vessels are berthed at ports in Namibia, Namport provides cargo handling services, as well as provides places for ship repairs to take place.

To best understand the vast role of Namport we must first look at the Port of Walvis Bay which is responsible for handling container imports, exports, and transhipments. These include bulk and break-bulk commodities, and so the port serves as a convenient and fast transit route which connects southern Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas. The port benefits from a temperate climate and so with the development of world-class infrastructure since Namport was established, the port is now an international shipping hub of choice for those in the southern African region.

At the Port of Walvis Bay container terminal, Namport handles roughly 750,000 twenty-foot equivalent tons (TEUs) per year, with an approximate throughput capacity of between 350,000 and 400,000 TEUs. The Port of Walvis Bay now is a key stopping place along the south of the continent, with 4 main trade corridors: Trans-Kalahari Corridor, Walvis Bay-Ndola-Lubumbashi Corridor, Trans-Cunene Corridor, and the Trans-Oranje Corridor. These shipping corridors connect both Port of Walvis

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Bay and Port of Lüderitz with international markets notably spanning Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Angola. Therefore, Namport’s role across the Port of Walvis Bay highlights the reputation of Namibia as a crucial player across international shipping lines and supply chains, which continues to bring investment into the country.

Supporting the Port of Walvis Bay is the Port of Lüderitz, located just 254 nautical miles to the south. The port is strategically located to provide access to even more southern African markets in the Northern Cape. The Port of Lüderitz is home to a 500-metre quay, two 60-tonne Haulers and a 45-tonne Reacher stacker. These features ensure that the port can provide essential cargo handling facilities alongside the existing cargo and shipping lines serviced by the Port of Walvis Bay. Namport recognised the growing demand for bulk facilities which could cater towards the mining industry, and so the company has commissioned a feasibility study to enhance its port offerings and allow the Port of Lüderitz to improve its effectiveness in the bulk cargo handling sector for the benefit of its customers.

As we have seen, Namport’s goal is to raise the efficiency and reputation of its cargo-handling facilities through port developments. These developments have been essential as the cargo market continues to soar across Africa. However, alongside its cargo operations, Namport has been putting vital developments into the tourism and cruise line aspects of the two ports. Walvis Bay is a hotspot for tourism with visitors coming from across the world to see the idyllic scenery and rich culture that Namibia has to offer. Consequently, Namport has put plans in place which outline the expansion of a new waterfront and marine development at Walvis Bay. The development will enhance the waterfront and give a facelift to the current yacht club with the hope of bringing in more cruise lines to the ports of Namibia to further enhance the country’s economy.

For Namport sustainability is a vital part of its operations to ensure it does not cause significant environmental impacts. This commitment to sustainability was highlighted in January when the Port of Walvis Bay welcomed the world’s largest and most sustainable SSCV (semi-submersible crane vessel), the SSCV Sleipner on its maiden voyage. The ship, owned and operated by Heerema Marine Contractors, once docked at the port, underwent

essential procedures including a rundown, crew change and bunkering. The vessel’s call at the port highlights Namport’s partnerships with companies promoting sustainability within the maritime sector, as the vessel, which produces its own propulsion sustainable, marks a big turning point for the maritime industry. Namport remains committed to developing the maritime sector and its operations across both ports whilst remaining conscious of the environmental impacts of the industry in which it operates. Therefore, through the supporting partnership with SSCV, Namport reaffirms its commitment to facilitating efficient and seamless maritime operations in the region whilst championing sustainability.

Overall, Namport has served the ports of Namibia for the last three decades and transported each port it’s a vital hub serving international shipping corridors around the southern coast of Africa. With essential management, cargo, cruise line and developmental operations, Namport has worked every day to establish both the Port of Walvis Bay and the Port of Lüderitz into thriving hubs of maritime excellence. As the port looks towards the future, we look forward to seeing how it continues to grow its tourism market as more and more cruise liners choose Namibia as a vital stopping point.

BOOSTING GIBRALTAR’S TOURISM INDUSTRY Gibraltar Ports Authority chevron-square-right www.gibraltarport.com/ phone-square 350 200 46254 envelope-square gpaenquiries@port.gov.gi

Gibraltar Ports Authority

Located at the crossroads of the Mediterranean and Atlantic shipping lands, the historic island of Gibraltar receives around 240 million gross tonnes of vessel calls per year. Its strategic location makes it a vital link for stakeholders within the shipping industry to help deliver goods and services year-round. For almost 20 years, the Gibraltar Ports Authority (GPA) has continued to build on its existing success and hopes to extend the level of partnership and transparency to all sectors of the industry at the Port. In the last year, GPA has put a major focus on its tourism and cruise facilities with the aim of establishing Gibraltar as one of the most important cruise destinations in the Western Mediterranean.

Since 2005, GPA has been building on Gibraltar’s strategic location at the heart of international shipping lines by implementing firm and efficient services across the maritime and logistics sector. This includes the navigation, bunkering and licensing of port operations. By providing these services, GPA has established a vision for the future which aims to develop more partnerships for the port with a transparent and efficient approach to every aspect of the port industry sector.

The main role of GPA is to maintain the strict and thoroughly monitored control of all vessels travelling throughout the British Gibraltar Territorial Waters (BGTW) by providing essential port, security, and navigational services. Alongside these vital services, GPA provides licenses and ship-to-shore operations for several vessels within the BGTW. However, as one of the largest bunkering ports in the Mediterranean, one of the main activities for GPA is the bunkering of vessels within the Port of Gibraltar. For GPA, they provide low-cost bunkering services, thanks to the tax-free status of the island within the European Union. Therefore, Gibraltar’s

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strategic location and competitive port dues mean that bunkering remains a profitable operation for both Gibraltar and GPA.

Therefore, bunkering at the Port of Gibraltar sees companies from across the world utilising GPA’s services to supply all grades of marine fuel from 30 centistokes (cSt) to 380 cSt. Thanks to the 1-metre tidal variation year-round, bunkering vessels can easily be met with efficient ship-to-shore services no matter the season, often delivering products such as fuel via barge whilst the vessel is at anchor in the Gibraltar Bay. However, these services can also be delivered alongside. By continuing to provide valuable and efficient bunkering services, as well as content quality checks of cargo throughout, GPA has established Gibraltar as a vital stopping location for shipping lines on an international scale.

However, in recent years the tourism side of GPA’s operations has seen a big uptick, especially in the years following the pandemic. Gibraltar has long been a popular destination for tourists from across the world with millions descending on ‘the rock’

Boosting Gibraltar’s Tourism Industry

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Gibraltar Ports Authority

Dive Marine Services Gibraltar: 2023 Highlights:

In early 2023, the Company was proud to be selected as a delivery partner by the main salvage contractor appointed by Gibraltar Port Authority with salvaging the OS35 wreck, a 178m LOA Bulk Carrier which was run aground off the eastern Gibraltar shoreline after a collision with another ship in the area. DMS Gibraltar was approached by the main salvage contractor (KOOLE) and appointed to perform all preliminary diving works, in particular damage assessments and mapping, internal (e.g. cargo holds, engine room, etc) and external UW inspections and general surveys.

Another key milestone for the Company in 2023 was the successful conclusion of the first DMS Gibraltar Training Program. This initiative, supported by the Gibraltar Port Authority, University of Gibraltar, Government of Gibraltar and other partners, provided vocational training opportunities in the maritime and diving sector to several individuals over the course of one year. The idea was to promote and create viable routes to employment in the maritime sector for the younger generations.

We are extremely happy that the 2023 Training Program was a resounding success, leading to a total of 3 fully HSE qualified commercial divers and a total of 8 candidates who achieved one or more accredited qualifications and real-life work-experience in the maritime/diving sector (e.g. STCW 95 Basic Safety Training, Introduction to Shipping Diploma, BSAC Scuba Certificate and working as Able Seamen or deck-hands on locally based serviceboats/dive-boats).

Overall, 2023 was a great year for the Company on all fronts. Going into 2024 and beyond, we strive to further consolidate our reputation for honesty, safety, professionalism and overall efficiency, to the benefit of all clients, partners and industry stakeholders and the community as a whole.


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Safer, Together

Offering a broad range of marine services that support maritime companies through the busy waterways of Gibraltar, Antwerp and Singapore.

Dive Marine Services Gibraltar offers a comprehensive range of professional underwater services to an extensive client-base, including ship operators, vessel managers, technical managers, shipyards, governmental institutions, maritime agencies and other underwater contractors. Due to excellent collaborative efforts with local partners and our strategically located Dive Marine Group partners in other regions, we can offer clients efficient global solutions to the highest standards.


• UW hull cleaning and propeller polishing (including to NZ/Australian standards)

• UW repairs and installations (e.g. arresting holes, blanking/plugging, cofferdam installation, stabilization of leakages, propeller repairs & blade straightening).

• UWILD/in-water surveys, Class Approved by LR, ABS, CLASS NKK, RINA, BV, IRS, DNV. UW civil engineering and construction, including maintenance projects involving seawall and port structures surveying and upkeep.

• ROV inspections for vessels, UW structures or seabed surveys.

Visit our website for further

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Gibraltar Ports Authority

every year. Therefore, tourism remains a vital part of Gibraltar’s economy, and so it has continued to play a vital role in GPA’s operations for many years. GPA has been working closely with the Gibraltar Tourism Board to make it easier for visitors to enjoy the island and provide clear info to encourage the continuous development and promotion of the tourism industry. Therefore, the Port of Gibraltar is now a busy and thriving commercial port with a multitude of services which are developing the tourism industry.

A key aspect of GPA’s role in developing the island’s tourism industry is through its delivery of services to cruise vessels. These services include delivering bunkering, crew change provisions, and the supply of spare parts and repairs to cruise vessels docking within its port. These services are backed by GPA’s commitment to efficient and reliable port operations, and so, many cruise liners are now choosing Gibraltar as a key and essential stopping point along their cruise itineraries. Therefore, to meet the needs of the growing cruise line tourism sector, GPA is looking to develop its facilities to meet the tourism demand and continue to rank Gibraltar as a key stopping point for cruise liners yearround.

Plans to develop the port are a key concern for the Minister for Tourism, Hon Christian Santon MP. Santon highlighted the role of the tourism sector in a recent press release regarding the news of Gibraltar welcoming a new cruise vessel (the Arvia) into the port in October 2023; “I’m delighted to see the hard work of my predecessor Vijay Daryanani come to fruition as we welcome a vessel of this size to our port, giving us an opportunity to showcase the tourist attractions, the historically rich sites and the culturally diverse community Gibraltar has to offer”. Santon’s comments highlight the increasing number of inaugural calls by large vessels see at the Port of Gibraltar over the last year.

With an increase in cruise line business for GPA, Santon continues the mission of Vijay Daryananai who began developing a new state-of-the-art facility to replace the current Cruise liner terminal. The new terminal will provide a main area for passengers, whilst the first floor will be dedicated to events and conferences. In addition, the terminal would see the possibility for various shopping units across the proposed 3817 square meters of the development. Daryananai highlighted back in September that “Gibraltar has the potential to become the most important cruise destination in the Western Mediterranean”, and it is this sentiment that the new Minister Santon continues to promote.

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Boosting Gibraltar’s Tourism Industry

In November last year, Santon highlighted, following further inaugural visits from cruise liners (such as the Norweigan Star, the Emerald Azzurra and the Norweigan Viva), the government is “committed to enhancing the experience of cruise passengers arriving at our Port with the plans for the creation of the new cruise terminal”. The government, therefore, is continuing to work with GPA to bring a cohesive and purposeful strategy to develop the port’s offerings and continue to bring economic prosperity to the region by investing in the cruise liner and tourism sector.

Every time we cover GPA, we are reminded of the firm role the authority plays in developing both Gibraltar’s economy and the maritime sector towards international recognition. With a continued service which focuses on regulation, support and development, GPA has developed the Port of Gibraltar into an essential and lucrative base for many vessels to stop at when travelling across international shipping lines. Then, with recent

developments towards the cruise line terminal development, both GPA and the government are highlighting the vast economic potential of the tourism industry which will continue to add significant income to Gibraltar’s economy for many years to come.

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EFFICIENT AND MODERN PORT FACILITIES Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority chevron-square-right www.ghanaports.gov.gh/ phone-square 233 0 303 219120 envelope-square headquarters@ghanaports.gov.gh

Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority

The shipping industry plays a vital role in the Ghanaian economy, with 85% of the county’s trade currently passing through the Port of Tema and Port of Takoradi. Therefore, Ghana’s ports play a vital role in maintaining a steady economy, and thanks to the smooth movement of operations throughout the country’s ports and harbours, it is now a leading trade and logistics hub across West Africa. These smooth operations are made possible by the Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority (GPHA), which was established to oversee the vital port services along the country’s coast and waterways. GPHA’s goal is to provide efficient port facilities which continue to establish Ghana as a vital shipping hub across the entire continent.

GPHA was established as a statutory corporation under Ghana’s Provisional National Defence Council Law of 1996, to develop, manage and promote maritime operations across all ports in Ghana. However, the port’s origins extend back to the 16th to 18th century, when there were roughly 40 locations across the Gold Coast of Ghana used as landing points. However, by the 1900’s these had been consolidated to just 6 main points, which by the end of the 1940s had been joined by an integrated network of road and rail links which would support the port’s operations going forward. With the introduction of these transport networks, the Takoradi Port was developed as a new hub for regional and international shipping. Then, following the independence of Ghana in 1957, even more, road infrastructure was implemented, and Ghana’s second port ‘Tema’ was constructed.

In the following years, the port and harbours industry of Ghana saw a vast overhaul with the construction of these two ports, the introduction of a shipyard complex, the construction of accommodation for port workers, the dredging of turning basins and berths, and the development of quays and buildings dedicated for the container terminals. Today, GPHA oversees all these operations with a central focus on developing the infrastructure at Ghana’s ports to ensure that trade can continue to bring vital economic development to the region.

GPHA’s daily activities encompass a variety of operations from clearance procedures, and cargo delivery systems, to reducing risks and increasing safety, as well as focusing on reducing the environmental impact of all port and harbour operations. To achieve this GPHA has maintained a strong network which brings ship owners and their agents, freight forwarders, cargo handlers, importers, exporters, haulage companies, ship chandlers, terminal operators, warehouse companies and dock operators together, to produce a cohesive network for which customers’ cargo can travel through efficiently.

Whilst GPHA’s management covers a vast array of ports and harbours spanning the coast and waterways of Ghana, the two prominent ports of the country include the Port of Tema and the Port of Takoradi. The Port of Tema is the largest in the country and covers over 5.5 million square meters (sq m) of land area, just 30 kilometres (km) from the capital of Ghana. Typical calls at the port include those from container vessels, general cargo vessels, tankers, Roll-on/Roll-off vessels, and cruise vessels. The port sees over 1500 vessel calls

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a year, which are met with the reliable services of GPHA and then passed on through its network of warehouses, transport and haulage companies, freight forwarders, factories, or various related centres. Therefore, GPHA’s operations are the frontfacing services which every customer using the port will see first, and so its focus on excellence, efficiency and development is what continues to ensure that customers continue to move cargo through Ghana’s ports and throughout the shipping industry across the West African region.

The Tema Port is also home to GPHA’s Golden Jubilee Terminal (GJT) which is an inland clearance depot strategically located on the western end of the Port of Tema. The facility includes a container freight station, state warehouse, car park, an open stuffing/unstuffing area, banking services, customs, security, and container storage/delivery services. This terminal allows vessels travelling into Ghana’s ports to pass through customs clearances efficiently and then on to either storage or delivery methods. The Port of Tema is also home to the GPHA Transit Terminal, which extends the Authority’s services beyond Ghana and into Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger. The terminal provides a onestop procedure for clearance so cargo can pass through ports and towards end markets much more quickly. The terminal supports the port’s Reefer Terminal, which has over 1550 reefer plugging points and caters for the inflow and outflow of cargo which needs temperature regulation such as fresh produce and frozen foods.

The Port of Takoradi’s operations span the oil and gas side of Ghana’s cargo industry and is set on a vision to be a leading port serving West Africa’s lucrative energy industry. Much like the Port of Tema, GHPA works across the Port of Takoradi to provide efficient services to customers by delivering efficient pilotage, towage, mooring/ unmooring, berthing, stevedoring, fresh water supply, storage, and warehousing services – to name only a few. Therefore, the port continues to play an increasingly important role in the oil and gas sector as it takes vital energy products entering or leaving the region and aids in their movement to both local and international markets.

However, the mining industry of Ghana is also a lucrative economy, and so the port also moves manganese, bauxite, clinker, quicklime, containerized cargo, and equipment. All of these operations have allowed GPHA to maintain a strong relationship with the mining industry in Ghana which

Efficient and Modern Port Facilities

already brings such vital economic benefits to the country. Therefore, as a vital player in the movement of this type of cargo for the mining industry, the Authority hopes to see equal economic benefits for the maritime industry as it works to take the cargo from these mines and towards international markets via the ports and harbours of the country.

In January, the most decent development for GPHA’s operations was announced with the commission of two new Damen tugboats. The tugboats are designed to berth any post-Panamax vessel in the hope of fortifying the efficiency of the ports across Ghana. The tug boats will allow GPHA to bring greater efficiency and safety to its maritime activities, whilst speeding up operations with more accessible tug boating services to maintain a steady stream of operations for the prosperity and progress of the nation.

GPHA has spent the last two decades developing the ports of Ghana, with the implementation of new terminals, and upgraded IT systems, whilst expanding existing port infrastructure. These operations have allowed Ghanaian ports to widen their operational network, which continues to bring increasing numbers of cargo through its ports every year. Therefore, GPHA’s operations unite the maritime industry of Ghana and have helped it to develop key partnerships with the energy, mining, and tourism industries – all of which are collectively helping to boost Ghana’s position as a vital hub for international trade. We look forward to seeing how GPHA continues to develop the ports and harbours of Ghana over the coming years, as it continues to unite the country, reduce the cost and trade and position Ghana as the modern port of choice in West Africa.

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A DYNAMIC FORCE FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH Inland River, Ports & Terminals, Inc. chevron-square-right www.irpt.net/

The inland waterway systems across the U.S. play a valuable role in generating exports and delivering them as imports across the country via the river system. Therefore, the inland waterways help to develop the economy of America, with 502 million tons of freight worth more than $134.1 billion moving throughout the river systems every year. With a large part of the nation’s economy resting on its waters, the Inland, River, Ports and Terminals (IRPT) works to maintain the economic prosperity of the inland waterways, whilst working to be a force for dynamic growth in America.

Based in the state of Missouri, IRPT is a nonprofit trade association working for the benefit and development of the nation’s inland waterways, ports and terminals. IRPT was charted as a non-profit corporation in 1974 under the laws of Missouri, and so is only a fairly young company compared to the historical role of the waterways systems across the U.S. However, despite its young age, the Association works across the U.S., marine transportation system (MTS) which comprises approximately 12,000 commercially navigable miles of both inland and intra-coastal waterways. Transportation along these waterways is achieved through the use of locks and damns which allow the water levels to be regulated by IRPT to keep vessels moving and cargo reaching its intended markets with reliable speed, safety and efficiency.

A key sector which relies on the inland rivers, ports and terminals is the agriculture sector, which utilises the waterways system to transport its products to and from states spanning the water system. These products can then be transported through the Inland Marine Highways to serve both domestic and international exporting channels. Consequently, the U.S. economy relies on the agricultural sector and its use of inland waterways systems to continue to remain competitive in the global export marketplace. Therefore, in such a vital industry as agriculture, IRPT’s passion for growing the economy through the development of the country’s inland ports is crucial. The association’s passion for building economic growth brings together the multi and intermodal transport links throughout the waterways through the river, rail and road network, which subsequently continues to contribute towards the U.S.’s international export market.

Under IRPT are over 300 members ranging from port professionals to terminal operators, shippers, carriers, firms suppliers and other associations. These members work with IRPT to enhance the waterways systems that span across the nation’s river basins. Members from IRPT span the Missouri River Basin, Great Lakes Basin, Arkansas-White-Red Ouachita River Basin, Pacific Rivers Basin, Upper Mississippi Basin, Ohio River Basin, and Illinois Basin. These basins and subsequent river systems are what divide up the members of the association, as they work to enhance the industry across each region. IRPT encourages cooperation between these members and those who use the waterways for essential cargo transportation. By establishing a strong relationship between these key

Terminals, Inc.
Ports &
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Inland River, Ports & Terminals, Inc.

stakeholders, IRPT’s members cohesively support the development and reputation of the system as key facilitators for the nation’s economy.

However, IRPT’s network does not just end with those who manage and facilitate the operations across the inland waterways of the United States. Instead, IRPT also meets with and collaborates with governmental agencies to develop the local and national economies of each state along the waterways, whilst enhancing the overall reputation of the country’s vital transportation system. By working with the government, and other stakeholders within the maritime and transportation industry, IRPT provides the essential network for its members to thrive, whilst encouraging both private and public investment to enhance the system which plays such a vital role in the nation’s economy.

Over the last few years, IRPT has been working on a range of initiatives which continued its mission to be a resource of vital change to the inland river, ports and harbours systems. These initiatives are working to bring vital education, funding and personal development to the region. These aim to educate the


Storage and distribution facilities at ports and terminals require the interior to be expansive and dry. Calhoun Super Structure specializes in manufacturing durable fabric structures tailored to suit your needs. With over three decades of expertise, our structures feature high-density polyethylene (HDPE) fabric for ample natural light and hot-dipped galvanized steel frames for superior corrosion resistance. Additionally, our structures offer wide-span interiors up to 250 feet, maximizing storage capacity.


general public on the industry, develop those within the industry with the latest expertise and establish a solid foundation for the industry’s future.

With the backing of IRPT, the waterways industry and the Association’s members are continuing to see great economic benefits from the waterways’ reliable and efficient management. This was highlighted in February with the Ports of Indiana which are a member of IRPT seeing 12.6 million tons of cargo travelling through its ports every year. This is the second-highest total tonnage in 63 years, second only to the 14.8 million tons that travelled through its ports in 2018. The prominent role Inidana’s ports play in developing the inland waterways as well as Indiana’s industry, highlights what a valuable role the members of IRPT play in developing the industry across the country.

Indiana also plays a key role in the agriculture industry, with its fertilizer handling seeing an 11% increase last year, alongside the increase in demand for its soy products, minerals, ethanol, DDGs and cement. Therefore, the Ports of Indiana is just one example of a member of IRPT which has

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A Dynamic Force for Economic Growth

seen a vast increase in product demand, particularly in the agriculture field, which utilises the inland waterways, ports and harbours across the country to deliver significant economic benefits for Indiana year on year.

Overall, IRPT continues to promote the healthy growth, operations and development of the inland river ports, terminals and harbours which are serving the U.S. every single day. The waterway plays such a vital role in advancing the American economy, across a variety of industries and sectors. Every single member under IRPT plays a vital role in achieving the success of the waterways, and alongside the rail and road links, each one is steadily establishing the inland waterway network as one of the most vital assets to domestic shipping for the country.

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THE FOREFRONT OF BRAZILIAN PORT DEVELOPMENT Porto do Itaqui chevron-square-right www.portodoitaqui.com/ phone-square 98 3216 6000

Porto do Itaqui

Across almost 20 million hectares of the hinterland, the Port of Itaqui (Porto do Itaqui) boosts the local and national economy of Itaqui through its vital cargo services for a range of products including grains, minerals, and petroleum derivatives. These vital exports have established the Port of Itaqui as a key international hub, which, through a crucial management system, has continued to bring investment into the port and surrounding region. Therefore, the Port of Itaqui continues to provide excellent port logistics to strengthen supply chains, whilst developing new investment projects to position itself at the forefront of Brazilian port development.

Located in the Matopiba region, which brings together the states of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia, Itaqui has long been a key driving force for economic development along the Central-West of Brazil. Port operations in Itaqui have a long history, and in 1918 saw a decree which would contract the construction of docking facilities in Itaqui which linked the commercial centre of São Luís with a wider international market. However, the grant was not prosperous and was terminated in 1923, with the construction of the Port of Itaqui not beginning until 1960. The construction of piers at the Port of Itaqui was facilitated by the National Department of Ports and Waterways, and the Port began official operations in 1972 following the completion of the first two berths.

Over the next 50 years, the port continued to expand with the development of the pier to cater to further berths, including some solely for the management of petroleum and cellulose products. Now in 2024, the Port of Itaqui has 9 operational berths, which play a vital role in establishing strong supply chains for the region and continue to bring more investment to the region subsequently establishing the Itaqui Port Industrial Complex within both national and international markets.

The Port of Itaqui is overseen by the Maranhão Port Administration Company (EMAP) which provides the infrastructure and management to develop port operations, the quality of services and the establishment of employee and business opportunities. EMPA is responsible for supervising port operations, ensuring that activities are carried out regularly, efficiently, safely and with respect for the environment. It also works to authorise the entry and exit of vessels, including the docking, undocking, anchoring and vessel traffic management across the port area.

As part of this, EMPA oversees the 14 thousand direct and indirect jobs which are created as a result of the port and its operation. Therefore, economically the port benefits both the people and the industry. This management has seen the volume of cargo moving through the port continually rise over the years, with a total of 2.02 million tons of cargo handled by the port in 2023. This is 39% higher than the previous year and highlights the valuable role the port and its management systems continue to play within both the wider port logistics industry and the Itaqui economy.

A key aspect of the Port of Itaqui’s success is thanks to the interconnectedness of the port to

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vital railway and highway links. These links include a direct connection with both the Transnordestina (FTL) railway which passes through 7 states across the Northeast and the Carajás Railway (EFC), which connects the capital of Maranhão to Carajás-PA. These routes help the Port of Itaqui to transport cellulose products throughout the region. In addition, the port is also connected with the NorthSouth Railway (FNS) which links the EFC to Açailândia where it transports mineral and vegetable solid bulk and fuels across the states. Alongside the railways, are the federal and state highways including the BR-135, Br-222 and MA-230, which run throughout the north and south of the country. All of these transport services work in lockstep with the Port of Itaqui to take the materials and products handled by the port throughout the country. By utilising the existing infrastructure, the port industry of Itaqui highlights the valuable role they all play in developing supply chains which ultimately brings significant economic benefits to the area.

In recent months the Port of Itaqui announced that it was looking into gaining a new fertilizer

terminal to meet the growing global demand for agricultural inputs. In 2023, the port handled more than 3 million tons of fertilizers, a 22% increase from the previous year highlighting the continued growth in the Brazilian agriculture market. Representatives from the National Secretariat of Ports and Waterway Transport announced it will begin surveys to understand the technical, economic, and environmental possibilities in a feasibility study for the construction of a new fertilizer terminal.

Ellen Brissac, Contracts and Leasing Manager at the Port of Itaqui outlines that “the new terminal, once completed, will bring a significant boost to the development of the Port of Itaqui, a highly demanded port, mainly for transporting grains and solid bulk materials such as fertilizers. The new terminal will further strengthen the position of the Port of Itaqui as one of the main logistics hubs in Brazil”. The new terminals would create thousands of new jobs for locals and increase the revenue for the port and the Brazilian government making significant contributions towards GDP growth. Therefore, the implementation of a new fertilizer terminal hopes Endeavour Magazine |


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The Forefront of Brazilian Port Development

to strengthen both Brazil’s position as one of the main players in the international agriculture market and the Port as a key hub for agriculture business.

Overall, the Port of Itaqui’s mission to provide excellent port logistics for international supply chains including those in the agriculture and petroleum sectors has been very successful. Therefore, the Port of Itaqui has positioned the region as a vital hub for a whole range of local and international markets. The management and development of the port is a key factor in the continued development of the region’s port industry, and so the Port of Itaqui continues to play a valuable role in bringing economic benefits and investment into the region’s maritime sector.

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When we think of volcanoes rarely does the colour blue come to mind. We might be more inclined to think of the red in line with the flowing lava we have seen before, but I doubt many of us would associate blue flames burning or a lake so acidic that it is a brilliant blue-green colour. All of this is unless you are familiar with the popular tourist spot of Kawah Ijen Volcano, known for its beautiful display of glowing blue flames at night and a lake in its crater that looks more like a beautiful blue ocean than a volcano - although many say it looks as though the volcano has blue lava.

Kawah Ijen Volcano, located to the east of Java Island in Indonesia, is an active volcano with a bizarre blue lake that brings tourists across the globe to view its natural wonder. The Ijen volcano is made up of close to 10 stratovolcanoes, that enclose the Kava Ijen Lake which has become famous for its bizarre blue-hued water. The water is turned blue due to the hydrogen chloride which is spouted from the volcano beneath the lake. When this gas comes into contact with the lake it causes the blue hue and so forms the world’s largest hydrochloric acid lake in the world. Depending on the volcanic activity, the lake can vary in colour from turquoise, to green or even grey. The lake sits at a PH of 0.5 and the release of these gases has made

Amazing World
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the air surrounding it extremely toxic. Therefore, visiting the volcano as a tourist comes with risk, and requires the need for respiratory equipment to be able to marvel at its sight.

One of the truly beautiful features of the volcano comes at night when blue flames can be seen flickering around the volcano. This naturally occurring phenomenon happens as sulphur is produced from the volcano as a gas, which upon being released is then exposed to the incredibly high temperatures of the volcanic atmosphere which ignites the sulphur and so the flame burns blue.

As the volcano remains active it is a beautiful wonder to experience but remains a deadly place to be. Not to mention the toxic air quality due to the number of poisonous gases being produced, but the volcano often experiences phreatic eruptions. These eruptions do not often cause significant damage, but they do risk the lives of those visiting, and so sometimes visiting the volcano to see the wonder of the blue lake or flames is dangerous. The volcano remains under constant observation for signs of an eruption, and every precaution is taken before tourist groups can visit. However, the volcano, due to its sulphuric gases, makes it a crucial spot for sulphuric mining. When sulphur is molten it glows red a lot like lava, however

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as it cools on the ground it becomes bright yellow and hard. Miners break this cooled material, taking it away from the volcano and to local sulphur refineries. The mining process then is incredibly dangerous, as miners are risking their lives trying to make a living from the sulphur refineries. Although, unlike tourist groups, miners do not often go near the volcanos with respiratory equipment, instead they are dangerously putting their lives at risk to make a wage. The mining at Kawah Ijen is surrounded by issues of exploitation, child labour, inadequate equipment, and health issues, as many miners experience lung diseases and chest infections from being forced to mine in such dangerous conditions. Therefore, whilst the volcano boasts great beauty, there is a danger that comes with such a natural phenomenon.

Overall, Kawah Ijen volcanic fires and Kava Ijen Lake have some of the most remarkable natural activity in the world making them a must-see destination for many travellers in Indonesia.

Whilst, other volcanoes are also known for their blue lakes, Kawah Ijen is the most consistent so remains at the top spot for tourism. Like many natural wonders, there comes a dangerous and dark side, as we have seen with the harmful and often exploitative nature of sulphur mining that takes place around the volcano. Therefore, Kawah Ijen is a dangerous beauty on the bucket list of sights to be seen, but what a sight it is! Providing proper safety and monitoring is carried out, it makes it a must-visit destination for any volcano enthusiast and natural wonder seeker.



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ACCELERATING AIRLINE SOLUTIONS Jordan AeronauticalSystems Company chevron-square-right www.jac.com.jo/ phone-square 962 6 4882453 envelope-square info@jac.com.jo

Jordan Aeronautical-Systems Company

With over 20 years of experience in the aerospace industry, the Jordan Aeronautical-Systems Company (JAC) is on a mission to develop the country’s aviation industry and bring an extensive range of services to customers across the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. To achieve this level of success, JAC works every day to ensure that the civil and military aviation market continues to be supplied with vital maintenance, repair, and overhaul services to keep flights moving. However, in order to stay ahead of the curve, JAC remains committed to implementing solutions that follow the ever-changing nature of the aviation market.

Since its founding in the early 2000s, JAC has spent the last two decades delivering complete aviation solutions, which are focused on providing the most efficient, highquality quality and valuable services to the aviation market. Therefore, JAC is an approved maintenance organisation, which specialises in aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul. The company’s operations are based in Jordan, and so take advantage of both a stable political and economic climate and its strategic location at the heart of the Middle East. With its operations at the centre of the region, Jordan has easy access to the international aviation industry.

JAC’s operations are vast but the primary objective is to deliver quality aeronautical systems to ensure crafts are airworthy through a reliable maintenance, repair, testing, and development service. These services have always focused on customer satisfaction, a goal it has been achieving for almost two decades. JAC grants a large part of its success to its employees who operate with strict discipline and adherence to safety regulations. This reputation for discipline provides customers with the confidence that all work carried out by JAC will be efficient and cost-effective, whilst still firmly meeting international safety standards and its customer’s specific needs.

A crucial service JAC provides is Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) which is used to test the latest equipment in the aeronautical industry. All aircraft are provided with level III certified NDT inspection teams, available at the JAC base or in the customer’s location. These teams are equipped with x-ray, eddy current, ultrasonic, magnetic, and fluorescent inspection measures to ensure the safety of a plane. The findings of these reports are written up officially and given to the relevant authorities or OEM to make the necessary improvements, repairs, or certifications. Should a plane need a specific part, JAC also possesses a vast inventory of material which it then sells to customers at a significantly discounted price which is sold either as single items or as complete packages. This twostep operation allows JAC to not only ensure planes are up to code, but that they can then provide all essential parts or necessities via its own inventory.

One of the great aspects of JAC is that it is equipped to provide its customers with on-call technical services which span from performing light checks to engine removal and installation. This ensures that customers using JAC’s services are

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supported by a reliable team of engineers backed by the leading airline maintenance expertise. This expertise extends into JAC’s aircraft assessment service which will perform the essential assessment of aircraft for buyers to ensure that any potential problems are seen before customers invest in an aircraft. This service utilises JAC’s highly qualified team of engineers who will look at the overall health of an aircraft, and provide a deep visual inspection, borescope inspection, inventory check, functional check, and document search. This comprehensive assessment provides JAC customers with the confidence that they can make big investment purchases in aircraft backed by the assessment and personal expertise of an international aeronautical specialist company.

Alongside its assessment and repairs services, JAC also has a variety of offerings including paint services which work across both civilian and military fixed and rotary wing aircraft to ensure the outside of the plane has the correct paint, branding, and design specifications for its duties. This service works alongside operations such as sheet-metal

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Jordan Aeronautical-Systems Company

airframe repairs and signage. The level of detail throughout JAC’s services can be felt in every operation, but none more so than the aesthetics of the cabin interior. JAC provides a range of cabin interior design and maintenance services to ensure those travelling with the aircraft experience a comfortable flight. This service highlights JAC’s commitment to helping its customers to succeed; every single detail spanning from the engine to the cabin is carefully considered by JAC and delivered to its customers throughout its service and solution offerings.

With so much success behind the company, Jordan’s aviation industry has been greatly enhanced by JAC as it continues to provide expert-backed complete aviation solutions, maintenance, repairs, and overhauls to the aircraft industry. However, as we saw during the pandemic, the aviation market can be fickle with constantly changing needs and ever-growing demands. However, this is something JAC already factors into its service offerings but focuses on innovative services, which will allow it to extend its capabilities to work with Airbuses. By extending its offerings, JAC can continue to expand its network across Africa, and into the Central Asia and European markets.

To achieve this push towards the future, JAC has just appointed a new CEO, Eng. Ayman Al Habahbeh, who brings a wealth of experience across the aviation industry with him. As an avionics and electrical engineer, Al Habahbeh has more than 30 years of experience in the logistics and

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maintenance aviation sector backed by a deep understanding of aircraft systems. The new CEO is set on a clear vision for transforming JAC towards the future as a state-of-the-art centre for aviation excellence across the maintenance and logistics of the aviation industry. He hopes to leverage the current success of the company and continue to push toward innovative strategies in order to enhance the operational efficiency and quantity of its operations, whilst always ensuring customer satisfaction.

As we have seen throughout JAC’s vast array of service offerings, it is a pivotal company servicing the aviation industry in the heart of the Middle East. Whilst only being a young company, the wealth of experience across its teams is unmatched and will continue to provide customer satisfaction, international regulatory standards and close attention to detail throughout its every operation. With a new CEO at the helm, we look forward to seeing how he tackles the ever-changing nature of the aviation industry as it continues to expand its aviation network across the Middle East and beyond.

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36 YEARS AS A UNITED VOICE FOR FREIGHT FORWARDERS Thai International Freight Forwarders Association chevron-square-right www.tiffathai.org/ phone-square 66 2 018 28282 envelope-square center@tiffathai.org

Thai International Freight Forwarders Association

The freight forwarding industry has seen vast expansion in Thailand since the 1980s when demand for imports and exports first began to skyrocket. With industries such as the automotive, electronics, agriculture, furniture and manufacturing sectors all relying heavily on the reliable movement of goods throughout Thailand and to international markets, the need for a more regulated system was essential to allow Thailand’s freight forward industry to remain competitive within international freight and logistics sectors. Therefore, the Thai International Freight Forwarders Association (TIFFA) was established to promote and regulate the freight forwarding industry in Thailand.

Just seven years after Thailand saw a big boost in demand for its cargo imports and exports, TIFFA was established to mitigate the unregulated nature of the industry which had seen haphazard growth up until that point. The association’s concept was devised by a group of freight forwarders who came together with the goal of forming a governing body which would oversee the sector’s development. The association’s goal was to bring better regulation to the import and export markets for increased economic growth. This was particularly essential in the automotive market as Thailand saw many car parts arriving in the country from overseas which would then be assembled in Thailand and sent through the country via freight links to ports for international shipping. Therefore, as the automotive industry was so lucrative for Thailand, the founding freight forwarding companies of TIFFA needed a way to ensure that the movement of such valuable cargo was supported by the same regulatory standards seen across the world, to ensure its exports remained competitive in global markets.

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36 Years As A United Voice for Freight Forwarders

The original members of the association submitted the proposal for a freight forwarders association to the Board of Trade in Thailand (BoT), which was fully supported and then registered with the Ministry of Commerce. After this registration, TIFFA was officially inaugurated in March 1987 and saw an increase in members joining the association over the coming years. Currently, over 250 members ranging from ordinary to association members make up TIFFA, with the combined goal of developing the country’s freight forwarding industry to keep cargo moving throughout the country and onto the ports and airports.

Alongside the Association’s work to promote the industry and provide a united voice for its concerns, TIFFA also has 4 business units which work alongside the associations to provide an even greater integrated scope of services designed specifically to enhance the transport and its related infrastructure across Thailand. The first unit is the TIFFA Transport business, which operates its fleet of freight vehicles across its network in Thailand. The fleet includes a range of vehicles from pick-up trucks, 6 and 10-wheelers, flatbeds, lowbeds and trailers. By providing customers across Thailand with its cost-effective prices, as well as a range of value-added services, TIFFA continues to accelerate the freight forwarding industry and provide international recognition

To promote the education and training surrounding the freight forwarding industry, TIFFA has established The International Transport and Business academic institute. The school focuses on both theoretical and practical training surrounding the international transport industry and its associated businesses. The educational hub aims to upgrade the level of knowledge and expertise of the freight forwarding industry which will create a more experienced workforce ready to take the freight forwarding industry of Thailand to the next level.

Working specifically with the importers, exporters, freight forwarders and carriers operating in Thailand, TIFFA provides a range of integrated services through its Inland Container Depot (ICD). The ICD was granted a 10-year concession from the State Railway of Thailand to operate and manage the facility, which covers one of the most active terminals in Bangkok. TIFFA’s presence in such a pivotal terminal for the country ensures that its freight-forwarding members have access to international markets thanks to the integrated services TIFFA offers at the ICD.

Thai International Freight Forwarders Association

the future of the industry with TIFFA EDI Services which leverages its network with internet-based technologies to move Thailand’s freight forwarding to the next wave of growth. EDI provides internetrelated application services, to help address the challenges of local and international freight forwarding business. This will help freight forwarding with both business-to-business (B2B) and businessto-government (B2G) markets.

be supported, the Association also hosts a yearly general meeting to bring together key stakeholders within the logistics and freight industries on both local and national levels. This allows for a useful platform where member associations and companies can network with key players in the sector, and learn about the best practices to continue to develop on both a company and industry level. The last conference was held in March and saw lectures covering topics such as the sustainability of the logistics industry in Thailand, and the implementation of digital logistics in freight forwarding. The conferences provide a yearly celebration of the industry, whilst focusing on education that will see the association into the next generation of its operations.

Overall, TIFFA has spent the last 36 years working to develop, regulate and promote the freight forwarding industry of Thailand. With crucial business lines which are working to support, develop and set up the industry for the future, TIFFA has marked itself as a key player in both local and international freight forwarding industries. As the demand for cargo continues to soar across the globe, we look forward to seeing how TIFFA continues to maintain its role at the helm of Thailand’s freight forwarding industry, as its member associations work to move the freight forwarding industry towards the future.

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