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2 | Endeavour Magazine
EDITORIAL Heads of Departments Editor in Chief Daemon Sands Director General Don Campbell
usinesses have to address a number of big issues. It would appear that we are entering into a pandemic of Ebola and an increasing number of businesses are having to ask themselves the unsettling
question of, would they be able to handle a crisis in the office? Small and Medium Enterprises are the grease that keeps the cogs of
Editorial Research Manager Alex Smith
the economy turning and these companies look at every person in their
Sales Director James Martin
of their business. When Swine Flu struck in 2009, it was these companies
Sales Manager Tyler Harrison
personnel with swathes of health and safety policies. Swine Flu claimed
Corporate Director Anthony Letchumaman
employ, not as a number, but as a crucial component to the machinations that struggled more than the giants, who could afford to ‘layer up’ their the lives of fewer people than Ebola but infected more and was spread because many employees still came into work - sometimes out of courage and others because they were afraid of losing their jobs.
Lead Designer Alina Sandu
The fear of losing a job, being replaced or made redundant is very real
Publisher Stephen Warman
technology or becoming obsolete. In the past, the baseline requirement
Any enquiries or subscriptions can be sent to ENDEAVOUR MAGAZINE is published by Littlegate Publishing LTD which is a Registered Company in the United Kingdom. Company Registration: 07657236 VAT registration number: 116 776007 343 City Road Kings Lane London Norwich EC1 V1LR NR1 3PS Littlegate Publishing Ltd does not accept responsibility for omissions or errors. The points of view expressed in articles by attributing writers and/or in advertisements included in this magazine do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this magazine, no legal responsibility will be accepted by the publishers for loss arising from use of information published. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrievable system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher. Copyright © Littlegate Publishing Ltd 2014
in the minds of many people who see their careers being hedged by for keeping your position was to always come into work and to put on a brave face, lest you take time off work only to return to find your space occupied. For massive corporations there are policies in place to protect employees against this, just as there are avenues that the company can take to protect itself, but for start-ups and SMEs, the inertia of the company needs to come first. According to reports and surveys conducted in America, Britain and Europe, businesses are more concerned with the flu than Ebola. While the latter has certainly received the most media coverage, it is by far not the only virus that offices need to worry about. Flu is quicker to spread across an office and more likely to keep a person absent, making it a real concern for office managers, whereas the Ebola outbreak remains just a news headline for most office managers and business owners. There is no comparison between flu and Ebola of course, as the results of one is a week off work while the other can be fatal, but an office manager can’t afford to gamble with business time and resources so for now, Ebola is categorised alongside terrorism and alien invasion as “something that won’t happen to us”. Is this maybe why it’s spreading like it is?
Endeavour Magazine | 3
27 Curacao Refinery Utilities FEATURES
15 Metro Copenhagen 4 | Endeavour Magazine
15 Metro Copenhagen Connecting The Hub Of Europe 21 ECGC Feeding The Islands 27 Curacao Refinery Utilities Full Steam Ahead 33 Tiger Tanks Trinidad Unlimited Fierce and Competitive 39 CIVICON Africa’s Main Construction Player 45 VALE Leading With Innovation 59 NV Consolidated Industries Cleaning The Caribbean 65 Merx Construction Directing Asia’s Construction Industry 71 Metso Process Automation Systems Metso Understands Business Drivers 77 Attiko Metro S.A. On The Right Track 85 Toronto Transit Commission Keeping In The Lines 91 NEC Continuing To Impress 97 Grindrod Auto Carriers A Very Good Place At The Moment
85 Attiko Metro S.A.
67 NV Consolidated Industries
ARTICLES 3 Editor’s Note 6 Ebola Takeover 8 Business Headlines 54 VW Touran Apples For Apples The Right Car For The Right Job 102 Gadgets 104 Under The Sun, Under The Shade Of The Mountains A Look At Cape Town 108 Book Reviews 110 Team Darby The Wife, The Woman And The Manager Behind The Comedian Rhys Darby 114 The Business Of Building A Body: A Woman’s Perspective On Training 118 Making Music A Great Industry Again 122 Oh Yes? You Think Being Tall Is Awesome?
73 Merx Construction
Endeavour Magazine | 5
here are some startling facts about Ebola, one in
Agriculture remains a vital part of the West African economy.
particular is that since March 2014, over 3,000 people
According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) agriculture
have died from the rapid spread of the virus, throughout
accounts for 57% of Sierra Leone’s GDP, 39% of Liberia’s, 22% of
some West African countries. Another is that there has not been one
Nigeria’s and 20% of Guinea’s. But Ebola has disrupted the planting
full debate about the Ebola crisis, in either the House of Commons
season and there will be diminished yields for staple crops like rice
or House of Lords. I am not saying that electric collars on dogs or
and maize, during the crucial harvest period, between October
waste bin charges are not important issues, but it seems odd that
and December. According to the FAO, in Liberia alone the price of
parliament has found time to discuss these relatively mundane
the cassava vegetable has risen by a staggering 150%. Food price
matters, but has not had time to discuss this epidemic of biblical
increases like this could cause inflation.
proportions. Let’s be honest, it’s still seen as an ‘African problem’,
Mining activity is 14 % of Liberia’s economy and about 17% of
not really affecting us in the West, but we could not be more wrong.
Sierra Leone’s. But this is decreasing, after restrictions on travelling
Before the Ebola outbreak, West African countries were making
and the repatriation of mining personnel. China Union and Arcelor
encouraging economic progress. Indeed Liberia and Sierra Leone
Mittal are scaling down their iron ore operations, and several firms,
were among the top 10 nations with the highest GDP growth in the
including Australian mining firm Tawana Resources and Canadian
world, albeit starting from a low base. Guinea had high expectations
Overseas Petroleum have suspended work and sent foreign workers
based on its iron projects, attracting international investors like Rio
home. Investments may be postponed or even cancelled, if the risks
Tinto and Chinalco. But Ebola has drastically cut output and has
are too high.
affected investor confidence.
Fiscal revenues are declining, since limited economic activity has
The Ebola epidemic is halting trade, hurting agriculture and
reduced revenues from taxes, tariffs and customs duties. The World
scaring away investors. The countries most affected have tried
Bank reports that, “short-term fiscal impacts are also large, at least
to halt the virus, by implementing quarantines in areas where the
$120 million for Guinea, $93 million for Liberia and $79million for
infection risk is high. Neighbouring countries such as Senegal and
Sierra Leone.”
Cote d’Ivoire have imposed restrictions on the movement of people
If large depositors withdraw funds, banks may face liquidity
and goods, including border closures, but these measures have
problems. Capital flight is a risk, affecting exchange rates and
consequently reduced internal and regional trade. This includes
decreasing confidence in the financial markets. The World Bank
cross-border trade, which could range from 20% to 75% of GDP for
reports that many wealthier Guineans and expatriates have already
West African countries. While these actions aim to break the chain
left the country and that Sierra Leone is experiencing capital
of transmission, it is no wonder the president of Sierra Leone has
called them an “economic blockade”, which could be just as effective as the virus in damaging the welfare of his people.
6 | Endeavour Magazine
Tourism is yet another Ebola victim. British Airways, Air France and Emirates Airlines have implemented some bans on flights to
and from the most affected countries.
could be a lot more, especially in view of
The Chief Executives of 11 firms
their business connections with Africa.
operating in West Africa have said
On 16 September the UN requested
that some travel restrictions are doing
$998 million from the international
more harm than good and may be
community, to fight Ebola. As of 30
exacerbating the humanitarian crisis,
October, only $60 million has been
by blocking crucial trade flows. There
are legitimate concerns that Ebola will
of the total economic impact of the SARS (Severe
It is interesting that in the Bible,
diminish tourism throughout the African
Acute Respiratory Syndrome) epidemic of 2002-04
leaders like Moses, Daniel and Joseph
continent. Misconceptions about the
and the H1N1 Flu epidemic of 2009.
were used to deliver plans to rescue
transmission of the virus and the risk
The US Centres for Disease Control (CDC)
of travel in Africa may further reduce
recently predicted that if the virus continues to
pestilence. I believe the answers lie in
tourism to and within the continent.
spread at current rates, more than 1.4 million people
our leaders making the right decisions,
The biggest threat to West Africa
will be infected before the outbreak is contained.
in a time of crisis. Because this is a
may not be the virus itself, but the fear
For some months this virus was portrayed as an
global problem, we need to have short
factor. As stressed by the World Bank,
‘African’ problem but then we had the high profile
term and long term solutions. In the
“the largest economic effects of the
cases of a few individuals in America and Europe,
short term there has to be a united
crisis are not as a result of the direct
being infected. That woke us all up to the fact that
African and international response, to
costs (mortality, caregiving and losses to
Ebola does not respect geographical boundaries
stop the virus spreading. In the longer
working days), but rather those resulting
and could be our problem too.
term we need to consider how to
from aversion behaviour, driven by fear
In the West we are very unlikely to become
integrate investment in health systems
of contagion. This in turn leads to a fear
infected with Ebola on a large scale. Our health
into regional development plans, so
of association with others and reduces
systems and basic sanitary conditions are far
that public health crises like Ebola can
labour force participation, closes places
superior to that of West Africa, but if West Africa’s
be addressed more quickly and even
of employment, disrupts transportation
economy becomes increasingly impoverished by
averted in the future. We cannot let
and motivates some government and
Ebola, it will be looking to the rest of the world
Ebola take over.
private decision makers to close sea
for more financial and humanitarian help. This is
ports and airports”. The World Bank
potentially a Global problem that the world has
noted that it was behavioural effects
to address. The United States and UK have been
that were responsible for 80% to 90%
major donors. Some argue that China’s contribution
Endeavour Magazine | 7
BUSINESS HEADLINES Singapore-Kuala Lumpur High Speed Rail Stations Confirmed
hile the date has yet to be fixed, the construction of
In Malaysia, the terminus will be in the area of Bandar Malaysia,
the high-speed rail (HSR) project that will connect
while Singapore has laid out three possibilities - the city centre,
Singapore and Kuala Lumpur should begin at some
Jurong East and Tuas West.
point early next year. Providing seven stops in Malaysia namely
While an international tender will be called when both countries
Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Seremban, Ayer Keroh, Muar, Batu Pahat
are ready, Mr Syed Hamid noted that several countries, including
and Nusajaya it will be a marked improvement for connectivity in
Japan and China, have already expressed their interest to develop
the area.
the Singapore-KL HSR.
Several of the proposed stations were revealed earlier this year
A Japanese consortium comprising of the East Japan Railway
by Malaysia’s Land Public Transport Commission, and they were
Company (JR-East), Sumitomo Corporation, Hitachi and Mitsubishi
recently confirmed by the chairman, Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar.
Heavy Industries was formed a year ago and it wants to bring
Updating the information on the sidelines of a high-speed
its country’s bullet-train system to Singapore and Malaysia.
rail conference in Tokyo, Mr Syed Hamid said that Malaysia has
This consortium has already started the groundwork by making
completed its feasibility study, which has been shared with Singapore.
presentations to the commission and Singapore’s Land Transport
The Malaysians are now waiting for Singapore’s own feasibility study
for its section of the proposed 320km to 340km rail, which started in August 2014 and is ongoing.
Considering that their 2020 target is closing in, the timeline will be challenging, said one expert. Mr Tomohiro Kobayashi, a director
Mr Syed Hamid said that in his opinion construction of the rail
in the office of project coordination at the railway bureau of Japan’s
could start in the third quarter of next year (2015), “But we will wait
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, noted that
for the first-quarter meeting between us and Singapore,” he said.
the Tokaido Shinkansen, the country’s first HSR line, took nearly five
With the HSR, commuters can travel between Singapore and
years to construct.
KL within 90 minutes. Including time for waiting, transfers and
Mr Kobayashi added: “It will be very tough to meet this (2020)
immigration clearance, the total journey could take around twenty
deadline... given the time for designing and other processes... the
hours however before work can commence details such as the
actual construction should be started within a year.”
financing and the exact location of the terminus have to be ironed
But once begun it should be smooth sailing.
out, Mr Syed Hamid added. 8 | Endeavour Magazine
biz t
Unsafe Trucks Should Be Confiscated, Impounded
n urgent demand from officials for police to impound trucks that are unsafe, have faulty brakes or other
“Even when we catch the bad guys, the dockets disappear. We cannot accept that,” he said.
deficiencies, instead of merely fining their drivers has
The problem saturates the entire system, it would seem, with
been made. This has come after a truck driver blamed faulty brakes
operators not being properly screened before being granted a
for a major accident that killed four, injured 20 and damaged almost
license in the first place, “You can go to any licensing department in
50 vehicles a fortnight ago on the N12 Highway, Near Alberton on
Gauteng and apply for an operating license and you will get it. There
the East Rand (South Africa).
is no checking of your vehicle, who your drivers are and what their
“You must take the truck with the problem off the road. If you
records are,” he says.
do not, you are keeping the problem there, “ Gavin Kelly of the Road
The summit was called by Gauteng Transport MEC Ismail Vadi to
Freight Association stated, ““If you find a truck with faulty brakes or
improve road safety and to find ways to increase the contribution of
tyres, you have to take it off the road, otherwise it could cause the
haulage to the provincial economy.
type of accident we saw here.”
“Until now we have been focusing on the taxi and bus industries,”
In South Africa, the freight haulage industry is not regulated
said Vadi. “We will be interacting with our counterparts in community
and membership of the Road Freight Association is voluntary
safety, and with metro police, to step up measures to regulate the
meaning that anyone can transport goods by road. This provides
freight industry.”
opportunities for too many companies to cut corners with unsafe vehicles and untrained drivers.
Overloading was a common problem because most of Gauteng’s 18 weighbridges were not functional Vali indicates. He says that
Gavin Kelly goes on to say that widespread corruption, coupled with
some trucks take detours to avoid inspection, thus damaging roads
few barriers to entry mean that virtually anyone can become a truck
not designed to carry heavy vehicles and putting themselves and
operator in an environment that is almost completely unregulated. He
others at risk.
added, that anyone with a truck could apply for an operating license and
He said the Government planned to get more freight moved
start transporting goods on the road while corrupt law enforcement
via rail to reduce the burden on roads and the possibility of people
officials turn a blind eye to road traffic violations.
losing their lives due to avoidable mistakes.
China And Greece Agree To Further Cooperation In Transportation, Infrastructure
Greece and China agreed to strengthen their
infrastructure, maritime, energy and green
strategic partnership during a meeting between
economy. He said that Beijing would back
Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and Chinese
Chinese companies’ efforts to develop the port
President Xi Jinping on Rhodes on Sunday.
of Piraeus and the improvement of the railway
“The Chinese side will continue to support
Greece on sovereign debt issues and efforts to
“Greece welcomes Chinese companies to
promote economic recovery,” said the Chinese
expand investment in Greece’ port, railway, and
airport, making the country a gateway to the EU
“China is ready to share its development opportunities
market,” said Samaras.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visited Greece
enhance the bilateral comprehensive strategic
last month, where he signalled China would buy
bonds when Greece issues debt again, in a show
Xi made special reference to transportation
Connie Garner The Business Of Building A Body
of support for the country.
Endeavour Magazine | 9
Is The Solution To Returning Islamic Fighters To Give Them Jobs?
e have the right to our faith”:
summary execution of Iraqi and Syrian soldiers.
“I know how some people think. They are
Saadi, chairman of the
afraid of us, the ones coming back,” says Talha, a
Grimhojvej mosque in Aarhus, Denmark said
name he adopted to protect his identity because
recently to the Washington Post.
he never told his father he went to fight. “Look, we
There are many countries where Talha would
are really not dangerous.”
be barred from returning or thrown in jail. One of
Many critics have labelled this a dangerous and
the hundreds of young jihadists from the West
soft handed approach and the effort has sparked
coming back from Iraq or Syria, many other places
much debate over the nature of extremism with
in the world would be less than accommodating.
many shouting for new laws which could include
But Denmark has a different approach and Aarhus,
charges of treason.
a port city in Denmark, have instead offered him a job.
“They are being much too soft in Aarhus, and they fail to see the problem,” said Marie Krarup,
A country known for a reasonable and innovative approach to dealing with issues, not a single returned fighter has been imprisoned in Denmark. Instead, they have approached it with the idea that discrimination at home is as criminal as the Islamic State recruiting, furthermore officials are providing free psychological counselling
placements in schools and universities. Their principal is instead of punishing these people they are investing in them. Many progressives agree that Aarhus could
communities in the United States and Europe could follow to help them cope with the
an influential member of parliament said to the
question of what to do when the jihad generation
Washington Post recently, speaking on behalf of
returns. Could this be an action that inspires
the right -wing Danish People’s Party, which is the
a youth to change his or her ways rather than
country’s third-largest political force. “The problem
motivate them into more aggression as would
is Islam. Islam itself is radical. You cannot integrate a
happen if they were imprisoned or villanized as is
great number of Muslims into a Christian country.”
the case in places such as UK and USA. Or, as some people believe is this just an opportunity for Denmark’s support to be taken advantage of.
This being said, police officials say the statistics prove their approach is working. “In 2013, we had 30 young people go to Syria,”
Whatever the outcome, Aarhus’ answer has
said Jorgen Ilum, Aarhus’s police commissioner.
left the likes of Talha walking free after he spent
“This year, to my knowledge, we have had only
nine months fighting in a Islamist bridge in Syria
one. We believe that the main reason is our
before coming back last October. Even with
contact and dialogue with the Muslim community.”
Denmark’s policies he says that he still dreams of
The approach seems to have worked in
one day living in a Middle Eastern caliphate and
Denmark; it would be interesting to see if other
although he rejects the Islamic State’s beheading
countries will be willing or able to replicate it.
of hostages, foreign or native, he defends the 10 | Endeavour Magazine
Book Reviews
Local Players In Asian Construction Target Regional Construction Wave Oman. We are close to getting
to recognise the importance
there, he says. and
sector, is hoping to inspire more
T being
The only way is globalisation,
According to BCA’s CEO John Keung, the construction
internationalisation efforts is to
industry has a cyclical nature,
help weather-proof Singapore
and the overseas expansion
plans of these local companies are
domestic demand.
is the learning of new methods
Stronger demand in the local
and techniques of construction
construction market and steeper
that are not available here.
We learnt new green building
and US consultants flooding
limited land area and few local
into the Asian market have led
Malaysia’s Green Building Index
to a slower pickup of overseas
do not limit our ventures to
and China’s Green Star, and
projects in recent years, says
ongoing local projects. However,
the current markets. We are
also technologies that are used
BCA, and this phenomenon is
constantly prepared to provide
in temperate climates such as
compounded by internal market
beginning to eye contributions
services to all parts of the world.
ground source heat pumps and
conditions such as the resource
from abroad - and some are
heating strategies that are not
crunch in Singapore due to
even aiming to garner almost
ventures are mainly within Asia,
used in Singapore, says Building
foreign worker restrictions.
half their annual revenue from
in particular China, Malaysia
foreign contracts.
and Indonesia, for mixed-use
typically has its hands full with handful
is not known for as
companies can offer them in this
construction sector
the value-add that Singapore
One side benefit of exposing
their services. The goal of its
local players to foreign markets
of sustainable buildings and
BCA, set up in 1999 to develop
“The only way is globalisation. We do not limit our ventures to the current markets. We are constantly prepared to provide services to all parts of the world.”
home-grown architecture design
some work secured through its
and branding firm Ong & Ong.
participation in the Building &
Founded in 1972, with over
Construction Authority’s (BCA)
900 employees, the company -
overseas trade missions and
whose portfolio boasts award-
exhibitions. The firm has also
System and Diagnostics (BSD)
But, according to Dr Keung,
winning projects such as the
received overseas promotional
managing director Tan Phay
a few companies such as Woh
National Library and Chijmes -
Hup, Lee Kim Tah, Surbana and
first ventured out of Singapore
Singapore Tourism Board and
in the 1990s and, today, 30 per
Design Singapore.
cent of its revenue comes from abroad.
BSD building
(as well
as those mentioned above),
established in 2003 as a spin-
have ventured into challenging
overseas projects runs in the
off company of the National
market environments overseas
millions. Last year, half of it came
University of Singapore (NUS).
and have been successful.
significantly higher than the
from Singapore, 30 per cent
Due to heavier competition
They have stayed the course
industry average of 4.75 per
from India and 20 per cent from
and a tightening market in
in this difficult environment
cent, group managing director
Myanmar. Mr Murthy expects
Singapore, a rising number of
Tai Lee Siang projects foreign-
these ratios to remain stable,
BSD’s local clients have moved
proposition and good reputation
accrued revenue to eventually
but is also targeting the Middle
their businesses abroad, says Mr
for reliable, good quality, safety
comprise half of total revenue.
Eastern markets of Qatar and
Tan, especially since overseas
and timely delivery, he said.
EverGreen Recreational Vehicles, LLC Announces Acquisition of Skyline Recreational Vehicles Division EverGreen
will be key to our success.”
Recreational Vehicles LLC was
employees of Skyline RV, as well
the fastest growing company in
today that the purchase of
as solidifying and building strong
Board, Kelly L. Rose.
Recreational Vehicles
the industry for both registered
Savvy RV consumers are
retail sales and total increase in
dealer body of Skyline, is job one
increasingly investing in ‘The
market share for the year 2013.
Recreational Vehicles, LLC have
for our team,” remarked Rose.
Today, EverGreen is the fourth
of the
Division is complete. EverGreen successfully acquired all of the
assets of Skyline’s Recreational
been retained along with all
dramatically lead the towable
Vehicle Division.
intellectual property and this
RV segment in sales. EverGreen
Simply Put, Type One Diabetes Could Be Cured
development in
finish line,” said Prof Melton. stem
of childhood diabetes with
cell-derived beta cells are
29,000 youngsters currently
of diabetes is being heralded
undergoing trials in animal
suffering from it in Britain.
as a breakthrough of such
models, including non-human
significance that it is on
primates, where they are still
par with the invention of
producing insulin after several
months he added.
producing cells, comparable in
What this means is that
The Harvard team used stem
almost every way to normally
a cure for Type 1 diabetes
condition, Type 1 Diabetes
functioning cells and in vast
is imminent after Harvard
quantities, so they can be
stop producing insulin, the
used to properly reestablish
breakthrough with the use
hormone that regulates blood
the body’s control.
of stem cells to create the
glucose levels or sugar in the
necessary millions of beta cells
blood. If this level is not kept
needed for transplantation.
in check, deposits of glucose
the University of Liverpool,
it is the most common type
in the organs can turn to a
professor Anthony Hollander
create such huge quantities
glucose acid and eat away
commented, “This is very
of insulin-producing cells, is
at organ linings and arterial
exciting fundamental research
being hailed as an enormous
walls, causing severe long-
that solves a major roadblock
step forward.
term damage that can lead to
in the development of a stem
amputations and even death.
cell treatment for diabetes.”
This could mean the end of
While their
Chris Mason, Professor
for the 400,000 people in
Britain curently living with
under control by injecting
University College London,
Type 1 diabetes and it also
insulin, it doesn’t provide the
has also called this a major
makes twenty three years
required fine tuning that is
medical breakthrough,
of ongoing research for the
needed to effectively control
Harvard professor behind the
metabolism. The
is proven to work in both the
discovery, Doug Melton, not
that Melton has taken looks
clinic and in the manufacturing
in vain. He has been searching
at the body’s natural abilities
facility, the impact on the
for a cure ever since his son,
and looking for ways to
treatment of diabetes will
Sam, was diagnosed with the
increase these abilities from
be a medical game-changer
disease as a baby.
“If this scalable technology
the source. It’s an important
on a par with antibiotics and
“We are now just one pre-
step as around 10 per cent
bacterial infections,” he said.
clinical step away from the
of all diabetes is Type 1 and
12 | Endeavour Magazine
manufacturer in North America.
2.6 million cooperatives, 1 billion members, 250 million jobs: Cooperatives are part of the equation--and the solution!
he 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives brought
that co-operatives are securing non-traditional, reliable streams of
together over 3,000 participants from 93 countries
capital while guaranteeing member control and preserving the co-
along with 200 well-known speakers. Discussions during
operative difference.
I also warmly welcome the “Co-operatives
the four-day summit focused on economic issues, the development
and Employment Global Report”. It shows that 250 million people
of cooperative businesses, food security, employment, and access
worldwide have work within co-operatives. We can now say with
to health care and services.
confidence that co-operatives contribute to resilient employment and a sustainable economy. They make up almost 12% of the entire
Indisputable economic impact
employed population of the G20 countries. This new solid evidence
Considerable ground has been covered since the first edition
allows us to go to global decision makers with confidence, to make
of the Summit was convened in 2012, coinciding with the United
this new case for proper recognition of our co-operative model of
Nations’ International Year of Cooperatives. During the past two
years, the cooperative movement was invited—for the first time— to participate in B20 discussions and to partner strategically with
Solution For A Myriad Of Global Issues
a number of international organizations, including the International
Various studies presented during the week revealed how the
Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations (UN), the World
cooperative business model has helped societies improve health,
Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization
increase prosperity, lower unemployment rates, and address
(FAO), and the World Bank.
inequality. For instance, financial cooperatives clearly demonstrated
This year’s Summit illustrated more clearly how important the
their resilience during the recent financial crisis. Some have even
cooperative movement is to the world economy. As cited in various
been ranked among the world’s strongest financial institutions, as
studies that were presented during the Summit, there are 2.6 million
is the case with Desjardins Group, which was ranked second in the
cooperatives worldwide, with 1 billion members and 250 million
annual list published by Bloomberg Markets magazine.
jobs. Within the G20 nations, cooperatives account for 12% of all The 2014 Summit Declaration: Committed To
jobs and annual revenue of US$3 000 billion. “This Summit has shown us that cooperatives and mutuals
Doing More, And Doing It Better
can be part of the solution to the significant challenges facing
inclusion on a global scale
the world today,” said Monique F. Leroux, Chair of the Board, President and CEO of Desjardins Group and Summit co-
• •
Continue efforts to improve rural populations’ access to affordable energy for food processing and preservation
alone resolve the issues. Response must be organized on a global scale, and rather than confrontation and ‘everyone
Facilitate access to agricultural land and help maintain local ownership
host. “None of these enormous challenges can be solved at just the regional or national levels, nor can government
Increase the role of financial cooperatives in financial
Encourage changes to policies that can leave people in developing countries more vulnerable or lead to financing
for themselves,’ dialog and cooperation are what is really
and operational rules that impede cooperative development
needed.” Dame
Develop innovative solutions to help communities manage
International Cooperative Alliance and Summit
health care and services themselves by making citizens
co-host declared: “I am pleased and excited at the
central to solutions, with a clear focus on prevention and the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits
wealth of studies and policy tools presented at the 2014 Summit. The new World Co-operative Monitor launched this week, reveals the turnover of the
Develop initiatives to support the startup, consolidation, and growth of cooperative enterprises, including by assisting with capitalization
largest 300 co-operatives – 2 200
In closing, the 2014 draft declaration reasserts the strength and
billion USD, equivalent to the GDP of
vigor of the cooperative and mutual movement and emphasizes the
Brazil. It shows that co-ops are a global
leading role it must play to meet today’s challenges and ensure a
player, and a genuine counterweight to
better world tomorrow. As it notes, cooperatives “have reaffirmed
investor enterprise. This is now showing
that, as builders of local economies and drivers of a more stable,
as a steady upward trend over the last 10
more inclusive, and more humane global economy, they are making
years. The Alliance’s brand new Survey on
an undeniable contribution to the creation of sustainable prosperity.”
Co-operative Capital presented today, shows
Endeavour Magazine | 13
14 | Endeavour Magazine
Forming the capital of one of the strongest economies in Europe, Copenhagen hosts an urban population of 1.23 million and a metropolitan population of 1.97 million and marks the cultural, economic and governmental center of Denmark. The city has invested heavily into its institutions and infrastructure to play a definitive role in urban and cultural development over the last several decades, the benefits of which have set the platform for all future endeavours. Endeavour Magazine | 15
It is due to this investment into Copenhagen’s infrastructure that has seen its transportation network become a hub for Northern Europe. Including road, rail and an international airport, Metro Copenhagen has become the benchmark for reliability and efficiency.
n the late 1990s, plans for the construction of a more
from the popularity and convenience of the existing two Metro lines
sustainable and functional network were first considered and
in the city, the decision to go ahead was in fact agreed in 2007
soon after, Metro Copenhagen was founded. It was 1997
between the Danish Parliament, Folketinget and the Copenhagen
when an agreement for an all-encompassing master plan was signed
and Frederiksberg municipalities. The decision was to build the new
with an international tender process that lead to ground being
route, called Cityringen, the contract of which was signed in 2011
broken that same year.
with principle construction beginning the following summer.
Only five years later the first phase was opened to revenue
Comprising a circular underground line within the city, the
services and several extensions have been unveiled in the following
project is closely modelled on the existing metro with the same
years but today Metro Copenhagen proudly comprises of 22
high-frequency service and short trains. The contract covers 15.5
stations, situated over 21 kilometers of line upon which a fleet of
kilometres of twin bored tunnels and last year the first Tunnel Boring
34 vehicles operate.
Machine (TBM) started the tunnelling from one of the three shafts
Henrik Ploughmann, CEO of Metroselskabet, the company
40 meters underground at the work site of Nørrebroparken. By 2018
responsible for building the ambitious cityringen project that
the completion of the Cityringen line and its 17 new stations will
is transporting the Metro network was quoted as saying: “The
almost double the number of metro stations in the Danish capital
establishment of Metro Copenhagen bore immediate success and
and will result in a scenario whereby 85 percent of all residents of
helped usher in a new era of public transportation in the city. It has
Copenhagen will have a station within 500 metres of their homes or
since gone on to contribute towards the growth of Copenhagen,
places of work.
which in turn has resulted in plans to expand the Metro system itself across the city,”
The development of Metro Copenhagen could have been straight forward and ultimately boring and still achieved every one
Metroselskabet was founded in 2007, has over 200 employees
of their targets; however several landmark moments have made this
and is responsible for the daily operation of the existing metro and
project a pioneering model. For example, they have adopted both a
for the construction of new lines. “There is a dual task that we are
24-hour service and the use of driverless vehicle technology. Once
performing in Copenhagen,” Henrik explains, “Our primary task is
again placing them at the lead of innovative technology.
to ensure constant, high-quality, frequent public transport which is needed if we are to further grow within the city.” With the current demand for more lines and stations springing 16 | Endeavour Magazine
Some specific changes have also defined this as a leading project. As an example, originally, 24-hour operations were limited to weekend travel only, however this has since been extended to
cover the entire week following a period of public consultation. The
commencing with the finishing
for this they will aim to have
result is a Metro system providing a virtually continuous service for
works across all 17 new stations.
Copenhageners with an ‘always on’ concept, where the presumption
In addition to these works, they
and installations complete by
by users is they can just turn up, day or night and expect a reasonably
2016, “This will give us a good
short wait for the next train without needing to consider timetables
lead in time to carry out test
or schedules and have a consistently short journey time.
centre and are now beginning
driving in preparation for the
with the installation of technical
components along the line.
Concurrently, considering that the adoption of driverless technology was certainly a daring decision, which represents a major departure from the traditional forms of rail transport that were already operating in Denmark, and indeed throughout the world.
completed of
Having been operating now
more than ever, the responsibility
for well over a decade, Metro
“Metro Copenhagen was the first Metro in the world to introduce
falls to suppliers to ensure they
Copenhagen is still considered
a driverless system,” Henrick explains. “While it is considered a
complete their contracts on
a young system when compared
bold decision to take it has been extremely successful in that the
time and so far the progress
to others, but it continues to
decoupling of staff from trains has resulted in a flexible demand
being made across the project
have a sizeable influence both
driven service, as opposed to a resource driven one. It has also
bodes extremely well for the
within the capital itself and on
allowed us to provider a greater degree of exposure to customers
completion of the works ahead
the international stage where
for a particular number of staff.”
of the line opening.
it is seen as a model for other
With the Cityringen project we find Metroselskabet in the midst
of a considerable program of work. With two TBMs driving the first
that they plan to have the line
modern transit systems.
stage of the tunnelling of the new line and by the end of 2014 they
opened and in operation by
Of course there is also
intend to have all box constructions and shafts complete, before
late 2018 and in preparation
continued focus on potential
BMS gi’r også Metro’en et løft... 18 | Endeavour Magazine
improvements that could be made to the system to deliver even better service to passengers. As a matter of fact, since the contracts for the Cityringen project were signed in 2011, a new extension to the Nordhavnen area of the city has been agreed that will see the addition of new stations in a new development area of Copenhagen. Ultimately, the development of ideas and suggestions for new metro lines is the responsibility of companies such as Metroselskabet and they are currently considering plans for a couple of lines that will branch off from the Cityringen into the north of the city and a second that will branch off into southern areas. Metroselskabet have also been assigned the impressive task of constructing almost 30 kilometres of a light railway that will operate around the circumference of Copenhagen. A hugely important project that will see the company responsible for building the first light railway system in Copenhagen and indeed the first in Denmark for many years. This project, while in its infancy is still a long term commitment that will keep them in the lead of the country’s development.
“Metro Copenhagen was the first Metro in the world to introduce a driverless system. While it is considered a bold decision to take it has been extremely successful in that the decoupling of staff from trains has resulted in a flexible demand driven service, as opposed to a resource driven one.�
Endeavour Magazine | 19
20 | Endeavour Magazine
ECGC WWW.ECGCSVG.COM 001 784 457 1918
Taking a look at the history of the East Caribbean Group of Companies you can’t help but feel inspired. Definitely one of the most interesting tales you’ll ever hear related to flour but it all started when a local entrepreneur Sir Phillip Veira had a vision of creating a flour mill in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. At the time, flour was imported from England and then from Maple Leaf Mills of Canada and Sir Phillip had purchased equipment relative to his vision, but what he needed most of all was the necessary technical expertise to bring his vision to life. Endeavour Magazine | 21
An agent of Maple Leaf Mills was suitably impressed by Sir Phillip’s vision, his interest and passion and proposed a partnership of sorts between Maple Leaf Mills, the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Sir Phillip.
reaking down the ownership between Maple Leaf Mills, the Government and private investors of whom the majority was Sir Phillip himself, there were a number
of prestigious developments that aided the development of the company further. Under the Caribbean Common Market agreement, flour production was allocated to St. Vincent for the OECS. The Treaty of Chagaramus, provided protection for the sale of the St.
Fuel Services dedicated to the Caribbean!
Vincent flour in the OECS. Consequently, the ECFM, became the mill of the islands which gave rise to the brand name “Cream of the Islands” flour for bakers. And, just like that, on Sunday December 11th 1977 East Caribbean Flour Mills began operations. What followed was a catalogue of astute decisions and developments that have shaped how this company operates today. The East Caribbean Group of
Caribbean Aviation Management Inc provides Fuel and FBO Services in St. Vincent, Canouan, Grenada, St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Kitts, Antigua, St. Maarten and Tortola. We have an established Network of FBOs and Fuel Service Reps. who provide high quality fuel supply and FBO services.
Companies was launched in 1988 and in late 1991 a subsidiary company Caricom Rice Mills was purchased from the Government of Guyana and merged. From there, thanks to the innovation and astuteness of the then Managing Director, O.A. ‘Ken” Boyea, the business leadership skills of the Board Chairman, Sir Phillip and an excellent team of foreign and local managers, the flour mill company grew into a group of businesses that included an animal feed plant, a polypropylene bag plant and a rice mill.
22 | Endeavour Magazine
“ECGC has positioned itself as one of the leading manufacturers in the Caribbean Region,” Osmond Davy, current CEO stated, “Its location at Campden Park Bay is ideal for a fully integrated operation in terms of the discharging of raw materials and the loading of finished products,”
State of industry Having realized a steady growth since its first day, consistently growing in its work capacity and product lines, the Mill produces some of the finest quality baker’s flour under the brand name, “Cream or the Islands,” and “Nelsons,” coupled with the long standing packaged flour brands of “Easy Bake” and “Purity”. When the rice mill was developed a number of rich rice brands were created, namely Three Jewels, Carib Pearl, Natural Diamond and Carib Diamond, most recently these have been added to with CariGold and Caricom Pride, “We also boast about producing the widest variety of top quality animal feeds in the region,” A key characteristic of ECGC is their incredible customercentric approach to business, consequently the company is forever diversifying its product line to include the packaging of pulses such as lentils, red kidney beans, black eyed peas, yellow split peas and recently Carib Pearl Natural Spring bottled water under the private labeling has been added to the ever expanding family of products.
Endeavour Magazine | 23
One hundred and thirty seven employees are employed by ECGC
investment of new opportunities such as the acquisition of the assets
at St Vincent, and the continued investment into the development of
of a beverage bottling plant in St. Vincent, “This facility became
their human resources identifies this section of the company as a key
operational in the second quarter of 2014,” he said in the statement,
priority for the management, “Our commitment to the development
“This venture will certainly add business synergies to the Group’s
is not limited to our staff but also extends to the community level,”
overall operations, while at the same time, create employment for
Osmond identifies, “Including areas of sports, education and youth
the people of St. Vincent & The Grenadines.”
He goes to add that In Guyana, they have invested in retooling
There is a motto at ECGC, “Excellence through team work” and
and upgrading the rice factory milling equipment in order to increase
this has saturated every level of the business from top to bottom
the much needed through-put and improve quality, “Our strategic
with a commitment to excellence and hard work. This has seen
decisions above reflect that in some modest way, we have made
positive and quantifiable results in the OECS region and beyond.
clear strides towards furthering our Company’s stated objective
Osmond Davy, the CEO of ECGC believes firmly in
enhance food security by reducing imports from developed
communication, transparency and being a community enterprise. In
countries, increase employment at home, increase the country’s
a recent statement he spoke about how the volatility of the global
GDP, and reduce foreign exchange outflows.”
grains market has influenced the company and the purchasing
Although the unsettling clouds would still overshadow ECGC
strategy that was devised specially to allow the implementation
during 2014, they stand optimistic that they are able to achieve
of a successful statistical/forecasting business model that would
their set goals as long as they continue to work together as a team.
be unique to his company but allow them to obtain grains at the
Pledging themselves to continue improving their after-sales services
same competitive prices similar to those enjoyed by the giants of
promotional team and to be more proactive in their approach by
the industry, “This of course would have a resulting beneficial impact
making more frequent market visits to the partners, as well as
on the prices offered to you, our consumers and business partners.”
conducting more flour and feeds seminars throughout the region.
One of the things he is most proud of at the moment is the
Such activities would provide opportunities for ECGC to address any
24 | Endeavour Magazine
concerns from the partners and customers as they aim to enhance their deliverables.
ECGC - A Culture Of Quality Osmond says, “We strive for excellence at ECGC, in the quality of our products and in our service to our customers and the continued increase in competitiveness and technological advancement across the region, impacts significantly on consumers’ tastes and expectations.” He goes on to explain that Quality can be simply defined as a degree of excellence and that routine daily analyses are conducted on samples of products taken from the production line to ensure that these products are maintained within international standards. “Analyses are conducted from the very raw material as they are off loaded, throughout the production process and on the final products.” Although, once again he looks to highlight that the real quality starts from within and blossoms outwards from there. “We are a family and a team,” he concludes.
There is a motto at ECGC, “Excellence through team work” and this has saturated every level of the business from top to bottom with a commitment to excellence and hard work. This has seen positive and quantifiable results in the OECS region and beyond.
Endeavour Magazine | 25
26 | Endeavour Magazine
With exciting expansion and development plans firmly underway, Endeavour Magazine speaks to Henny Barbolina, Plant Manager at Curacao Refinery Utilities B.V., about what the future holds. Endeavour Magazine | 27
Curacao Refinery Utilities B.V. (CRUBV) has undergone a number of changes in recent years, thanks to a Government takeover in 2011, from the then owners, who had failed to meet and comply with user needs for an unacceptable length of time.
aving procured the organisation, priority was given to
Miles Trucking & Heavy Equipment Services N.V. Kaya Angel J. Leañez kavel 97-100 Industrie Park Seru Lora Willemstad, Curacao
rectifying issues that had lead to a 10 month shut down period in 2010, leaving countless clients stranded;
“The first and most important area of focus was to re-establish
the operation of all the plants by performing extensive backlog maintenance. The lack hereof was the main reason for not complying with client demands.” What a difference a competent and committed management structure can make. In just three short years, 90% of the maintenance has been completed, with the outstanding work on schedule to be completed next year. With a fully operational plant, attention is now being turned to the all-important task of reinvigorating client faith; “Focus now is on establishing an operation excellence program within all of our disciplines (Operations, Maintenance, Technical, HSES, Finance and HR) in order to maintain the units and ensure that the system is up to optimum operating standards in order to guarantee production to the clients.” Considering that the refinery, local community and nearest power station, Aqualectra are all ‘clients’, the importance of these confidence building measures cannot be underestimated. Responsible for the reliable and timely production of water, steam, power and compressed air, additional units are currently being constructed on-site to increase capacity. Add to this a fully integrated system that sees all grids directly linked to the refinery
Tel: (5999)-747-3486 Fax: (5999)-747-3484 28 | Endeavour Magazine
and CRUBV has definitely put the past behind it and is moving ahead at an impressive rate, but how is the industry performing as a whole, and is that impacting on the new phase of production?
“The biggest challenge facing us is the continuation of the
“We follow recognised international standards for task
refinery beyond 2019 and as such, this is a current topic of
completion, alongside specific Dutch codes for pressure steam
discussion within all the different interest groups. For CRUBV, it
vessels. These ensure not only optimum operation but also the
is important to comply with the present requirements in a reliable
safety of all employees.
manner, therefore keeping the refinery at optimum operation as the
With regards to training, we offer on the job training as this
talks take place. Without the refinery, CRUBV will cease to exist but
allows for specific task mastering, but this is very much guided by
with it’s continuation and expected investments, the outlook will be
both the individual employee and company requirements. We view
very good. Investments will, of course, be required for CRUBV to
individual staff development as being of the utmost importance,
comply with any future refinery requirements.”
not only for morale, but also to ensure that we have the strongest
Any organisation hoping to restore and maintain client faith will
and most cohesive team possible. By developing the strengths and
naturally be reliant on, not only optimum production facilities, but
qualities of individuals, we can identify the best opportunities for
also the bank of staff that operates within them. With this in mind,
progression as well.”
how highly does CRUBV value its employees?
The combination of newly improved production facilities and a
“At present there are 85 employees and capacity for 100 full
team of specifically selected staff must have surely secured CRUBV
time people. We are in the process of a recruitment drive to fill the
a market leading position, but upon asking the question, we were
remaining 15 vacancies but progress can be slow as we are looking
surprised to learn of the fortuitous position that the company is in;
for exactly the right candidates.”
“We do not have competition when it relates to the refinery,
In the midst of a reinvention, it stands to reason that CRUBV
but with regards to power production for the community, we have a
would wish to minimise staff turnover by being a supportive
responsibility to start considering alternative energy sources, such as
employer, so what standards are expected of and what training
wind and solar power. Basically, at present, power production based
opportunities are in place for, the lucky 100?
on fossil fuels is still much cheaper, however we have to consider
30 | Endeavour Magazine
the general public becoming more environmentally conscious as well
Alongside this complex task, we will continue to focus on the
as our responsibility to lead the way and as such, future plans for the
completion of the maintenance backlog plan, as that will restore
modernisation of the refinery and CRUBV already include changes
all units to their full operational capacity and reliability. The
that will lead to a far cleaner and environmentally friendly operation.”
introduction of our new operation and maintenance excellence
Before you go back and re-read, you did understand correctly.
program, as mentioned earlier, will help us keep the units in optimal
Not only is CRUBV successfully turning around issues of reliability
condition. More than 100 million USD has been invested in the
and client satisfaction, it is also looking to the future and identifying
maintenance backlog program over five years. During these five
green initiatives that will allow for more environmentally responsible
years the employees had to invest a lot of extra hours, necessitating
production methods. Not only is CRUBV changing existing client’s
a change in operating philosophy. The future upgrades will also cost
impressions, it is altering the image of its industry as a whole thanks
hundreds of millions of dollars, as well as employee dedication, but
to its unwillingness to ‘settle’ for the cheapest or easiest options,
this is not a problem as we have mastered the art of taking on these
making it a flagship organisation in the field.
big challenges.
So what does the immediate future hold for CRUBV? “We
Most notably, preparation for the future refinery is getting
underway. This entails changes to expand capacity in order to comply
restructuring, which will create new job descriptions, classification
with the future requirements as well as making active changes to
and performance evaluation systems. This will especially benefits the
comply with new environmental regulations.”
employees of the company, increasing morale and work satisfaction.
If there were any lingering doubts as to the capabilities of CRUBV,
With the implementation of the operation and maintenance
the pro-active approach of the management team, alongside a
excellence programs the future will look a lot brighter and we will be
substantial investment program, have allayed any fears and replaced
able to continue improving our work processes and therefore also
them with client confidence, satisfaction and most importantly,
our performance.
Endeavour Magazine | 31
32 | Endeavour Magazine
As fierce and territorial as its namesake, Tiger Tanks Trinidad Unlimited have adopted this attribute of competitiveness and strength to grow their business and its territory. The largest supplier of logistic offshore cargo-carrying equipment in the Caribbean, Tiger Tanks have had to look beyond the realms of their own island to grow and expand.
Endeavour Magazine | 33
Considering that Tiger Tanks Trinidad Unlimited, TTTU, is the sister of Texas giant, Tiger Offshore of Beaumont, and is the child of Dragon Products Ltd, you would be right in expecting something dramatic and exciting from this company. As suppliers to all the major oil companies, TTTU manufactures a range of transport containers and storage vessels, backed up by its extensive experience and innovative techniques.
TTU was the first company to introduce and
Not only does the company provide its clients with other support
provide certified cargo carrying equipment in
services by working with Tiger Offshore but it also serves as the
Trinidad and Tobago,” General Manager Denis
base for the company’s Latin American operations and has projects
Latiff explains, “TTTU has since diversified its operations to be a
in Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana and Guyana.
major service provider in both the petroleum and downstream petrochemical industries, introducing state-of-the-art technology for the collection, transportation and disposal of hazardous waste. This complements some of our other core services, which include tank cleaning and emergency/spill response and control.”
34 | Endeavour Magazine
Why Are They The Best? Keeping all of its manufacturing in-house instead of outsourcing it, TTTU maintains quality in its products and relies on the
continuous improvement of its services, products and people to
environmental preservation and these units will provide a solution
ensure that quality remains consistent. The company also maintains
for the treatment of hazardous waste which is a unique service
a commitment to the environment and safety, safeguarding one of
that is not currently available anywhere else in the region,” Denis
Trinidad and Tobago’s most valued resources.
tells us, “Also, the technology offers us a viable disposal option for
“As a soundly managed company, TTTU believes that quality
oilfield sludge and oil-based mud drill cuttings. Previously, this only
and safety go hand in hand,” Denis was stated as saying, “Tiger
was achievable through bioremediation, which, dependent on the
Tanks takes pride in pleasing our customers and can build to their
material type, can last as long as a year, increasing waste generators’
required specifications and needs. If we don’t have it, we’ll get it and
exposure and liability.”
customers will have it on line, on time, every time.” According to Denis, TTTU’s growth primarily comes from its
The Core Ethos
ability to introduce emerging technology to the oil and gas industry.
It is clear in any business that a reliable team of staff is the source
For example, he says the company investigated best-available
of quality and success and TTTU strives to empower and educate
technology for the cost-effective treatment and disposal of sludge
them as its single greatest asset. They view their people as their
and tank bottoms that are recovered from cleaning operations.
strength and the ambassadors of the company who determine their
Through this, TTTU acquired a direct-fired thermal desorption unit
integrity, reputation and vitality.
and two infrared thermal evaporation units. The evaporation units
At the beginning of 2011, TTTU launched its Teamwork Through
have a patented system for the recovery of pipeline-quality oil from
the Healthy Competition initiative. The company created seven
tank-bottom sludge.
teams and the primary objective was for the teams to identify and
“It is important that we maintain our commitment to
36 | Endeavour Magazine
execute internal and community projects. The teams were scored
based on the planning and
He goes on to note that
success of the projects, and the
TTTU’s particular dedication to
winning team was named ‘Team
teamwork has been key to its
of the Quarter’.
many industry achievements.
As an example, only last year
ultimate goal was to encourage
interaction of employees, who,
in spite of working in the same
Employer of the Year in the small
company category.
interaction. The program proved
a success, as it produced a more
Unlimited will continue to be
closely knitted staff body that
the leaders in this field and will
had a better understanding of
continue developing our staff
each other’s role within the
and innovating our technology
to service our clients,” Denis
of their contribution to achieve the goals established by the company.”
“As a soundly managed company, TTTU believes that quality and safety go hand in hand. Tiger Tanks takes pride in pleasing our customers and can build to their required specifications and needs. If we don’t have it, we’ll get it and customers will have it on line, on time, every time.”
Endeavour Magazine | 37
38 | Endeavour Magazine
A major player in the construction industry in Uganda, Civicon has played a major role in shaping this industry’s approach to standards and professionalism within Uganda. A proactive company with a strong belief in skills enhancement, development and internal growth the company has been set as the benchmark standard for partners and competitors alike. Endeavour Magazine spoke with Country and General Manager Jason Horsey regards to his involvement and what the company has to offer in the future. Endeavour Magazine | 39
In many ways Jason epitomizes the philosophies of Civicon and has always supplemented his career with engineering related courses that would help develop his understanding, his experience and his personal development. After joining the group seven years ago in 2007, when Civicon increased the Ugandan scope of work to include a construction aspect of the business, he has applied his various attributes to the role with a vervor that has been replicated throughout the company.
ivicon was established in 1975 Civicon has made a
power stations (geothermal, HFO and wind), construction and repair
ame for itself by working on projects for a league of
work where they have maintained and rebuilt roads, equipment
international organizations across Africa and the Middle
hire and bridges and various logistical work using off and on road
East. Along with Uganda, it’s African base includes branches in Kenya, Sudan, Rwanda and the Congo. Over the last thirty nine years the company has grown organically and garnered valuable expertise in a number of fields including steel fabrication, green fields work with
transport and heavy lift.
The Development Of Civicon There has always been a spirit of innovation at Civicon and the Ugandan office is a reflection of this. Originally set up as a transit point for their trucking business to enable logistical support for the vehicles that were primarily transporting food aid from Kenya to Southern Sudan for the United Nations. To meet this need they registered the company and set up in Kampala with an office and yard. However, they were shortly awarded an additional contract to
Source Supply Logistics are proud to have supplied Civicon in Kenya, Uganda, Sudan & DRC for 10 years.
work with IDP the Internally Displaced Peoples camps to transport
Source Supply Logistics is a global procurement, logistics and supply chain company, HQ’ed in Shanghai but with regional offices in Africa. Source Supply is able to provide goods procurement, logistics and backup support for all Industries including Construction,Transport, Marine, O&G and Mining.
for substantial growth as, to meet the need they established bases
Over the years we have supplied Civicon with heavy machinery including Trucks, Cranes, Trailers, Marine equipment and a full range of Prefabricated housing.
Power Station in Lugogo. This development coincided well with the
food aid into Northern Uganda. This proved a prestigious move as it gave them an opportunity
For more information contact: Paul Williamson Tel. Kenya
+254 (0) 707 699 032 Tel. International +44 (0) 759 028 3838
w ww.source -su p p
in Lira, Gulu, Pader, Kitgum and Bundibugyo in the West as well as developing a novel design for the fleet of forty foot semi-trailer trucks that allowed them to be ultra competitive in the market place without sacrificing any of their potential to complete the tasks. In 2005, the Ugandan office was supplemented by the construction expertise of the Kenyan office and Civicon Uganda was awarded the diesel pipeline contract for the 50MW Aggreko transition of their yard in Kampala from one that was very transport orientated into a large fabrication workshop capable of handling thousands of tonnes of daily steel fabrication. Which set them onto the road their on today. Contracts surfaced at that time in the Ugandan petroleum industry that was still in its infancy and with the need for qualified ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Civicon was required to bring in expertise from abroad. Today such outsourcing of overseas experts is unnecessary considering the lengths Civicon
40 | Endeavour Magazine
have gone to train up their local staff in the intervening years.
for various breweries around East Africa. Arriving in one piece, the
Civicon believes in the development of local Ugandans to help
storage vessels that are imported from European countries pose an
develop the ongoing growth of the country’s economy. Valuable
interesting logistical problem that required the use of tailor made low
experience is available for local tradesmen to be had with Civicon
loaders to transport them to their end location. Once there they are
including working on construction projects for fuel heavyweights
offloaded by means of a crane or gantry where Civicon would have
like Total and Shell and in a number of varied projects.
constructed the foundations for the vessels. They even proceed
The scope of experience that can be found makes Civicon
with piping and ensuring the vessels meet QA/QC requirements.
Uganda a highly sought after employer where tradesmen can
Civicon also places emphasis on quality and timely delivery of our
work on mechanical construction, pipe works, fire fighting facilities
works which sets us apart from our competition. Working regularly
and power stations (like the Aggreko Power Station in Lugogo,
in the oil industry has imbued in our corporate culture the concept
of Quality Control as an integral part of the delivery requirements
As a diverse organization employees have the opportunity to
of a project. We have a QA/QC department that tracks the quality
work in a company that has the stability and control of the entire
at all stages during the project’s lifeline, from the receiving of
supply chain with their in house resources and the opportunity to
materials to the necessary NDE (Non Destructive Examination) of
work on projects that work on a turn-key basis allowing exposure to
the welded joints during construction ensuring that we comply with
the entire layout of a project instead of just a single facet. For clients
the specifications and procedures required.
this eliminates the need to juggle the management of multiple contractors on site and for employees gives them a chance to gel
Health And Safety Looking after your staff is a hallmark of a great company and
and communicate better as a team. As a major transporter on and off road in East and Central Africa
Civicon know that the health and safety of their staff is one of the
Civicon are ideally positioned to provide superior logistical support
core values. With a large HSE department that functions through the
to their projects. A prime example of this would be the work they do
entire group of companies they ensure regular training programmes
Manufacturer and seller of construction machinery products and related spare parts, such as bulldozers, road machinery, concrete machinery, industrial vehicles, etc.
AVIC-SHANTUI Construction Machinery (E.A) Company Limited Gold Rock Warehouse, Mombasa Road, Nairobi, Kenya, P.O.Box: 50724-00100 Tel : +254 786348755/6; +254 706348755 42 | Endeavour Magazine
are available for all their personnel and in Uganda alone over five thousand hours have been already been spent on in house and third party training. It is a firm belief throughout the company that it is their focus on health and safety and meeting and exceeding the regulations to look after their staff that has made Civicon Uganda such a successful company. Civicon specializes in a number of different services including pipeline construction, where their extensive experience and innovative thinking in pipelines ranging from half inch to thirty eight inch lines has made them the go-to company for their clients piping needs. Off road handling, which has seen them traversing mountain and desert and given them a reputation of being a company of true grit with a fleet of trucks and skilled drivers capable of handling any terrain. Storage tanks, specifically the fabrication and installation of bulk storage tanks, has given them the ability to respond confidently and effectively to the demands of each project. Steel erection, their experience in which is backed by a comprehensive range of complementary services and a top of the line skilled workforce. Road Construction, having supplied off road transport services for many years, Civicon is no stranger to conquering the toughest terrain. From this experience, Civicon have developed teams who go into the more remote areas of Africa and carve a new road out of the
Civicon believes in the development of local Ugandans to help develop the ongoing growth of the country’s economy. Valuable experience is available for local tradesmen to be had with Civicon including working on construction projects for fuel heavyweights like Total and Shell and in a number of varied projects.
bush; living in road camps hundreds of kilometres into the interior where all maintenance and repairs have to be done by Civicon. And, concrete engineering which, throughout East and Central Africa is infamous for its low standards of construction, but Civicon specializes in concrete for clients who expect the best and they achieve this by using only the top materials that comply with the comprehensive and relevant standards.
Blue Nile Rolling Mills LTD. Blue Nile Wire Products LTD. Manufacturing Division
It’s worth mentioning that unlike some companies whose assets are tied up in bank loans and debt, Civicon own all its machinery and equipment and has an extensive equipment list.
What machinery and equipment are owned by Civicon Limited? Unlike a lot of other companies whose assets are tied up in bank loans Civicon owns all its equipment which means that when it comes to pricing and approach everything can be done so in a transparent fashion. With the oil finds in Uganda causing the industry to expand rapidly, Civicon is ideally located to become a major contributor to the country’s economy and to be involved in the development of the infrastructure to help make this happen. There are some concerns that the oil revenues may be be mishandled in the country, which is no stranger to governmental corruption however it is the companies involved in building the economy’s strength that have become a major influence in these sort of activities and this will ensure that the tax gained from the oil will be put to good use for the future development of the country. Endeavour Magazine | 43
44 | Endeavour Magazine
VALE WWW.VALE.COM 0065 6500 1800
Headquartered in Brazil, Vale is a global mining company that has set themselves a mission to transform natural resources into prosperity and sustainable development. Standing as the second largest producer of nickel, they are also the leaders in the production of iron-ore and present in over thirty countries across the world. The company’s footprint is as indelible as the minerals they mine and with their recent construction of the Valemax ships, their footprint is set to deepen and extend even further. Endeavour Magazine | 45
“Our operations span five continents,” Claudio Alves, Global Director Sales and Marketing says, “And are diversified across several sectors including metals, coal, fertilisers, logistics, shipping, energy and mining.”
s the head of marketing and sales, Claudio is a key
integrates mines, railroads, ports and ships across Brazil, Indonesia,
figure in a highly competitive and at times, controversial
Mozambique, Oman, the Philippines and Argentina, Vale has created
industry. With much being said about the ethics of
a working mechanism. This process carries the ore from the initial
sourcing and mining limited minerals from the earth, what is seldom
research and development stage all the way through to mining and
mentioned is that ores and the refinement of them provides vital
extraction and eventually to processing and refinement.
materials for a number of indispensable items such as mobile phones, computers and even large-scale airplanes. Manufacturers of these valuable assets rely on companies like Vale to provide them with high quality ore, which Vale takes great care to source ethically and sustainably. “The industry is one of the most important in the world,” he says, “And it is up to Vale to establish parameters to determine how we conduct ourselves ethically and sustainably.” As the world’s largest producer of iron, Vale are in a position to influence the sustainability of not only their own operations but the ethical production of their suppliers. Thanks to their investments into technology and logistics, they assure continued efficiency and growth throughout their operations and with a logistic network that
Do They Have The Minerals? Mining laterite/saprolite nickel, Vale produce nickel matte, an intermediate product that is mainly shipped to Japan. Nickel is most commonly used in combination with other metals to form alloys due to its versatility and resistance to oxidation and corrosion. It retains its characteristics, even when subjected to extreme temperatures and can therefore be used in many products and applications including televisions, rechargeable batteries and CD/DVD pressing. Despite a deepening supply glut that saw iron-ore trade at a fiveyear low, Vale exceeded financial and business analysts’ estimates and posted record quarterly outputs as well as starting new projects. In a statement, Vale noted that iron-ore output, excluding production from its share of the Samarco Mineracao SA venture, had climbed 3.1 percent to 85.7 million metric tons, beating the 83.3 million average of seven analysts’ estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Vale’s copper and nickel output also exceeded forecasts. A host of expansions at the Rio de Janeiro-based company, in addition to those at its two main competitors, BHP Billiton Ltd and Rio Tinto Group, have seen a global surplus in the seaborne iron-ore market that UBS AG estimates will reach 26 million tons this year. Despite prices plunging 40 percent in 2014, Vale is on course to produce as much as 320 million tons this year, a number far above its estimates. Now, with such production, expansion and growth taking place, you would be forgiven for assuming that the cost of this company’s success is as much ecological as it is fiscal but you would be mistaken. In fact, Vale’s production lines operate with clean energy, generated by 12 hydroelectric power plants and nine small hydroelectric power plants, which currently, generate 59% of its needs worldwide.
Who Is Leading This Innovative, Forward Thinking Company? Vale SA is captained by President and CEO Murilo Ferreira, who has over thirty years of experience in the mining industry. Appointed as President and CEO in May 2011, after joining the board only six years earlier, his career has always revolved around the bottom line. He now leads the company with a sense of direction that can be backed up not only by Vale’s reputation but also its transparency. 46 | Endeavour Magazine
Ferreira is also a long standing employee of the company, having
“Over the last five years,” Claudio says, “we focus on health
begun his professional career at Vale in 1977 as a financial and
and safety to minimise workplace accidents. On a daily basis we
economic analyst before moving upwards to embrace important
encourage awareness-raising, reflection and valuing life, promoting
roles such as CEO of Vale Inco, currently part of Vale operations in
a health and safety culture at the company.”
A staggering number of people work with Vale, either as direct
Long standing employees are nothing new at Vale, who employ
employees or as contractors and it is expected that Vale employees
over 80,000 people worldwide and have nurtured the sort of loyalty
strictly adhere to the company values, which include; Life Matters
that is rarely seen in such large companies.
Most, Value Our People, Prize Our Planet, Do What is Right, Improve
“We offer a dynamic, challenging work environment,” Claudio explains, “As we believe that it is important to stimulate development among our employees.” A focus on employees is a focus on people and Vale is highly
Together and Make it Happen. Claudio goes on to make it clear that detailed training had to be put in place to handle such a large score of staff and that all employees receive comprehensive training in their specific areas.
invested in their Social Management Plan and Integrated Community
“Mining requires a workforce that is usually not found in the
Development program. Recognising that they are in the position to
market,” he says, “Therefore, developing people is critical to ensure
directly influence the minds of future generations of employees, it
business sustainability so we created a corporate university in 2003,
is important for Vale to invest in the youth of today in order to bring
which is linked to strategic issues of the business.”
about the most skilled, experienced and proficient staff of tomorrow.
These issues include health and safety, sustainability, innovation
“With investments in technology and concern for the environment,
and include the development of all categories: technical-operational
we believe that mining brings prosperity and sustainable development,”
(secondary and technical level), technical specialist (upper level) and
Claudio says. He goes on to highlight that Vale, as a mining company,
leaders at all levels (supervisors, managers and directors).
has a recognised record in carbon emissions per unit of revenue. In
“Do what is right” is the corporate code of ethics and conduct
addition to their environmental endeavours, Vale is dedicated to long-
that directs and guides Vale SA, stimulating them to act responsibly,
term development in local communities, promoting education, culture
honestly and with respect and loyalty. These principles are to be
and well-being in its areas of operation.
followed by everyone who works for and acts on behalf of Vale,
Having first started in the port agency business in 1937, C.F.Sharp Shipping Agencies has moved from being originally liner agents to meeting the requirements of trampling vessels and discerning Tanker, Container, Bulker and Offshore Owners and Operators. Port Services are offered in South East Asia and worldwide through it’s fellow members of the Multiport Port Agency Network ( as well as through Sharp’s own offices and associates covering more than 104 countries and 2,300 ports.
Sharp Port Services Pte. Ltd.
Email: Website:
Endeavour Magazine | 47
including Executive board members, employees, contractors and
of a new iron ore treatment plant in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil,
but it is still very much the Valemax ships that are being focussed on in the media.
A Plethora Of New Developments So much is happening at Vale that it is important to acknowledge
The Valemax
some of the new developments. Take a look at the 10,000 kilometres
Vale’s reputation is of the highest calibre as they approach
of railroad that have been laid down in Brazil, or the impressive work
every project with a desire to complete and improve. One of their
Vale has done with fertilisers, to help raise better and stronger crops.
successful projects is the construction of Valemax megaships.
The hydroelectric plants and centres in Brazil, Canada and Indonesia
A Valemax is a ship of staggering proportions. Able to carry
(Vale Soluções em Energia, which was founded in 2007) focus on
nearly 400,000 tonnes, they are a vital part of the Vale equipment
the development of innovative, efficient and sustainable energy
generation solution.
The Valemax ships are known as “very large ore carriers” (VLOC),
“One of the new developments is S11D project, located in
designed to carry high quantities of iron ore from Brazil to European
Carajás,” Claudio says, “It has a nominal capacity of 90 million metric
Middle Eastern and Asian ports. With a capacity ranging from
tons per year of iron ore, with proven reserves of 4.240 billion metric
380,000 to 400,000 tons deadweight, the vessels meet the highest
tons that has an average ferrous content of 66.7%, low impurities
standard of ship construction, known as the largest bulk carriers
S11D is expected to start-up in the second half of 2016 and will
ever constructed and some the longest ships of any type currently
deliver full capacity production by 2018. The largest project in Vale’s
in service.
history, and in the iron ore industry, it will maintain Vale’s undisputed
Construction began in 2008 when Vale placed orders for twelve
leadership in the global market, in terms of volume, cost and quality.
400,000-ton Valemax ships to be constructed by Jiangsu Rongsheng
Another important development is the Itabiritos projects, which
Heavy Industries (RSHI) in China. They went on to order seven more
include the Vargem Grande Itabiritos, comprising of the construction
ships from South Korean Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering
48 | Endeavour Magazine
(DSME) in 2009. A further sixteen ships of similar size were ordered
options for the movement of ore at ports where Valemax is unable
from Chinese and South Korean shipyards and chartered to Vale
to enter, due to size limitations. Also, these ships are always fully
under long-term contracts before September 2014, bringing their
loaded to make complete use of their space, allowing Vale to reduce
fleet to one of the largest in the world.
its transportation costs and capitalise on the economies of scale
With its iron-ore mines located in Brazil, Vale does have a
generated from the use of these ships.
disadvantage when it comes to transportation costs, especially when
Vale’s iron ore distribution center in Malaysia, formally known as
compared to its main competitors; Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton. These
Teluk Rubiah Maritime Terminal will serve as a strategic distribution
companies have their mining operations concentrated in Australia,
hub to Vale’s customers in Asia. Located in the Straits of Malacca,
which is much closer to the major iron-ore consumers in Asia and
about 10 days away from other ports in the region, the distribution
with this in mind, the Valemax ships have become an integral part
center will allow Vale to reduce the iron ore delivery time to their
of the company’s strategy to lower transportation costs from its
clients in Asia and Southeast Asia, increasing its competitiveness.
Brazilian ore mines to its consumers in Asia.
How Do The Valemax Ships Work?
Valemax Solution Historically, the long distance from Brazil to Asian markets has caused higher shipping costs, long delivery schedules and market
The Valemax ships have 2.3 times the capacity of Vale’s Capesize
volatility. In early 2008, the cost to ship iron ore to China was as high
ships, which are usually used to navigate the route between Brazil
as US$ 110 per ton, which was more than the cost of the ore itself.
and China. Working together with these carriers, Vale makes use of
Bulk shipping market imbalances and high costs were detrimental
another transportation system to Asia, the floating transfer stations
to iron ore producers, steel mills and their downstream users. This
positioned in Subic Bay, Philippines and its recently inaugurated
resulted in the new generation of large ships specifically designed to
distribution centre in Lumut, Malaysia.
carry iron ore. The design has many efficiency and safety advantages
This system of trans-shipment in the Philippines provides more
over the older class of dry bulk carriers.
Endeavour Magazine | 49
The 400,000 MT carrying capacity Ore Tianjin – owned by Vale, operated by Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement – a global leader in quality Shipmanagement
Reduced carbon emissions per ton of cargo: 35% less bunker
which makes the ships more stable with about 60% fewer port
consumption and corresponding 35% lower carbon emission per
manoeuvrings for the same amount of ore delivered reducing port
ton of ore transported compared to earlier generation ships. The
congestion and the likelihood of accidents.
most environmental friendly ships in the dry bulk market – reduced SOx, NOx emissions. Future improvements will reduce emissions even more. To further reduce carbon footprint, Vale is considering
Going Forward With the global steel industry characterised by overcapacity and a subdued pricing environment, the ability to reduce costs is a major
possible LNG powered Valemax. Double port efficiency and throughput: the reinforced vessel
incentive for Vale’s customers which include all Chinese steelmakers.
structure allows one pass loading and the geometry of the holds
Ports in Italy, Netherlands, Oman, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines,
allows double the unloading speed, consequently shortening time at
Korea and China have received Valemax ships. The Valemax is a
berth with 60% less berthings for the same volume of ore enabled
critical component of Vale’s shipping and logistics strategy. The
by more than double capacity of average capesize ships achieving
objective is to increase efficiency in order to reduce the disadvantages
efficiency with reduced port queues and demurrage.
of distance from Asia. Efficiency gains from Valemax ships are part
Better safety: Valemax ships are the most suitable vessel to
of Vale’s overall strategy to increase its long-term competitiveness.
transport iron ore as they have been specifically designed to be ‘ore
Vale’s target is to sell more of the best iron ore from Brazil, faster
carriers’. The ships’ design allows for minimal cargo movement as
and more competitively compared to its competitors. Vale’s strategy
compared to traditional bulk carriers and its drainage system allows
will enable a long-term, undisrupted and large scale supply of high
for reduced standing water facilitating more efficient unloading
quality iron ore. The economies of scale will reduce volatility, clearly
procedures by using 6 bilge wells per hold vs. 2 per hold in other
benefiting its customers.
bulk carriers. Hold design allows minimal movement of the ore
Image credits: 1 - Pietro Allevato, Vale, 2 - Reserva Natural da Vale do Rio Doce, Photo: Luis Vega, 3 - Sohar (Oman), December 10, 2012 – Sohar Complex. Photo: Marcelo Coelho / Agência Vale
We assist you from the very beginning to the entire life of the project and over!
52 | Endeavour Magazine
An Ocean of Expertise In an era of high demand for shipping skills, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement provides an unparalleled concentration of ship and shore-based maritime expertise. Our reputation as a global leader in high quality shipmanagement is built on a strong foundation of knowledge, professionalism and customer service with an unerring focus on safety, cargo care and cost efficient vessel operation. Entrusted with managing a fleet of more than 600 ships on behalf of responsible and demanding customers, our comprehensive shipmanagement solutions are provided through an infrastructure of maritime service, crew management and training centres in over 30 locations around the world. 20,000 highly skilled sea and shore-based personnel are at the heart of everything we do, including operation of the world’s largest and most efficient ore carriers for Vale. Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement is proud to have a long standing relationship with Vale which ensures the safe and effective transport of iron ore in Valemax ships from the mines of Brazil to customers around the world.
Easily one of the most adaptable multi-purpose vehicles on the market with its practical dimensions, wide choice of engines and purpose built interiors the Touran was a pleasure to drive and a great place to be for a long trip with the family.
54 | Endeavour Magazine
All in all the Touran is a pleasant place to be for a long journey.
ssentially a smaller, seven-seat version of the Sharan, The Touran definitely has a lead against its older brother in terms of style and efficiency. Including BlueMotion
technology, a lighter body, smaller proportions and one of the most
The Looks Characterised with the trademark three-bar chrome grill and angular headlights, the Touran has conventional hinged doors, rather than the sliding doors of the Sharan. I mention this because
efficient engines available, the 1.6 TDI S Touran is highly economical
having made use of the Sharan, I know how useful sliding doors can
with fuel, returning 55.0mpg and emitting 134g/km of CO2.
be when it comes to loading up the van with kids and bags, while
VW clearly wanted to make a vehicle that would be, first and
preventing worry about neighbouring cars being damaged by over
foremost, a reliable and comfortable family car and with this in mind,
eager kids kicking the doors open. With hinged doors this concern
the Touran is, for the most part, refined, even at motorway speeds.
resurfaces but then again I should probably teach my kids some
The only exception to this would be the entry level 1.2 TSI S which
special awareness and care.
can get a little rowdy as the revs get higher. The body-control helps
Even the cheapest version of the Touran comes with alloy
prevent passengers sitting in the back from feeling queasy, important
wheels but the top-spec Sport model offers a chrome trim, tinted
when you have kids in the rear seat who haven’t yet learnt how to
rear windows and even larger alloys but with a family car, which the
control their stomachs and the easy, fluid handling makes for a great
mid-spec is, these things are unnecessary. The Touran is a worker
ride that is easily controllable.
and a people carrier, it’s not designed to win any beauty contests.
Coming in three specifications: the entry level S, mid-range SE
Not an unaesthetic vehicle by any means, it is just a little bit dull
(which we tested) and top-spec Sport, the Touran features some of the
compared to some of the vehicles that VW has put out. Inside it has
most comprehensive safety measures for passengers including head
a quintessentially Golf-styled layout, built for use and not looks; it’s
and side airbags, curtain airbags and vehicle avoidance technology.
spacious, comfortable and safe.
Endeavour Magazine | 55
How Does It Drive? There are five different engines you can choose from with the Volkswagen Touran: the entry-level S model is available with a 103bhp 1.2-litre TSI petrol or a 1.6-litre TDI BlueMotion Technology diesel that offers the same power, but shaves over 20g/km of CO2 to give an overall emissions figure of just 121g/km, combined with an average of 61.4mpg. The latter is available in SE-spec, as is a 138bhp 1.4-litre TSI petrol and a 2.0-litre TDI BlueMotion diesel with the same power output. The top-spec Sport model also gets the 138bhp 2.0-litre diesel engine, but comes with a more powerful
in corners there is good grip and very little body roll. I was hoping for something a little more exciting, but this is because I’ve driven the Scirocco. It’s is a good reminder that the Touran is intended to protect the little people sitting in the back, not provide opportunities for exciting, dangerous driving. So as far as driving is concerned, this is not the car for boy racers, but specifically for parents. If you’re looking at buying a Touran you probably have kids. Or a lot of dogs.
Reliability Practicality has been emphasised in this family car, which has
175bhp version, too, capable of going from 0-62mph in just 8.8
been on sale long enough to iron out all of the teething troubles.
seconds. The 2.0-litre engines provide strong, smooth acceleration
Likewise the engine range is used across the VW Group and much
while the 1.2 puts up a good fight and never feels underpowered.
of the switchgear can be found on other VW models.
Motorway refinement is on par with the Renault Scenic and
56 | Endeavour Magazine
Available with either five or seven seats, the five seater does
have a larger boot space as the seven seater cuts it down to 121
for the first year. The 1.2 TSI, 1.6 TDI and 2.0 TDI are also available
litres, but if you fold the rear seats down this increases to 700 litres.
with BlueMotion Technology tweaks, while stop-start and brake
If this isn’t enough, fold down the second row of seats and it expands
energy recovery means these engines achieve 44.0mpg, 55.0mpg
to 1,913 litres which is much more than the Vauxhall Zafira Tourer.
and 53.0mpg respectively. The most expensive engine to tax is the
Flexible seating arrangements can be used to offer extra space;
1.4-litre petrol, which lands in band G and will cost £175 per year.
the rear bench can be transformed into two outer seats with a table
Volkswagen Touran insurance groups range from 11 to 21 and as
in the middle and there are a whopping thirty nine storage areas in
well as a three-year/60,000 mile warranty, Volkswagen offers a
the front, which includes a sunglasses holder, under-seat storage
three-year/30,000 mile fixed price service plan.
boxes and a generous glove compartment.
Running Costs
Conclusion This is a vehicle intended for families; bachelors and childfree
Of the available engines, the most efficient is the 1.6 diesel with
couples would not like it. For families focused on the school run
BlueMotion Technology, emitting just 121g/km of CO2 and returns
and the occasional family vacation, this is an ideal companion and a
fuel economy of 61.4mpg - this also means it’s free from road tax
reliable partner.
Endeavour Magazine | 57
58 | Endeavour Magazine
Endeavour Magazine talks to Wouter Van Meegdenburg, Managing Director of NV Consolidated Industries Corporation, about the domination of its industry and what the future holds for the organisation.
Endeavour Magazine | 59
Looking at the history of NV Consolidated Industries Corporation (CIC), it is clear it is an organisation that is clearly thriving in it’s chosen field and yet has not neglected the core values that have been in place since its inception in 1967. Even more impressive is the client focus of the guiding principles that state: “Your success is our desire” “Trust in our relationships and personally responsible for all our actions” “Creating a better company for a better world”
o what can we take from these values? That CIC is a progressive company that seeks to stay at the forefront of the household cleaning products manufacturing industry
and recognises that in order to do so, customer satisfaction and wider social responsibility are key. Since the creation of the company in 1967, CIC has enjoyed unprecedented success, as well as continual growth. In just 4 short years, the annual turnover of the organisation was revealed to be the equivalent of 550,000 USD, an incredible feat for a company that started life with a small product line. With such enormous growth in a small space of time, what does the company attribute this early success to? “Company performance during the seventies was characterised by diversification, quality improvement and gradual enlargement of domestic market-shares. Diversification of the product range, which we were keen to begin in the second year of operation, saw us moving into the production of liquid detergents and toothpaste.” Clearly not an organisation that is content to enjoy moderate success when market domination is a possibility, CIC continued to diversify with plastic packaging production and extended their export network. Based in the capital of Suriname, Paramaribo, the company remains well placed to take advantage of established export channels and now supplies the whole of the Caribbean with domestic cleaning products. Having established itself as the chief producer of a large number of cleaning products, within Suriname, CIC set its sights further afield and credits the development of its ‘Ozon’ line of
60 | Endeavour Magazine
products in the 1990s as the catalyst for export success on a large scale and future plans; “The introduction of our OZON quality line of products was successful and we now export to major Caricom destinations such as Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Barbados, Guyana, Dominica and Antigua. With our Ozon powder laundry detergent, we now have an estimated market share of 20% in competitive markets such as Trinidad and Barbados, while the volume growth of our liquid detergents is also promising. With our infiltration of Caricom being so successful, we are now preparing for challenges further ahead such as free trade in all the America’s (FTAA).” It would be easy to assume that CIC has had little in the way of difficulties to tackle and that the rise to market domination has been seamless, but a fire in 2009 destroyed a sizable portion of the production facilities. This proved to be nothing more than a small stumbling block however and in true CIC style, the unfortunate event was viewed as an opportunity to modernise and improve facilities. Just 1 year later, a new production site was completed and fully operational, making us ask the question, can nothing stop this company from moving forward and continuing to grow?
Endeavour Magazine | 61
Bolstered by a strong management structure and committed
professional courtesy is extremely important to us, but we also
employees, the staff team is 120-strong. We asked Wouter Van
focus on the impact we have externally, both environmentally
Meegdenburg what the company’s policies are regarding internal
and socially. Our ISO 140001 environmental management system
staff development;
helps us reduce our environmental impact by reducing waste and
“Developing talent from within our ranks is very important to us.
energy use. As a member of the VSH United Group we contribute
We operate in a very competitive market and we have to keep up
a percentage of our profit to the VSH Community Fund from which
to date with developments if we want to see our growth ambitions
social programs are sponsored.”
come to fruition. We are an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified
Though responsible operation is being employed by an ever-
company and all of our staff have a part to play in the maintenance
increasing number of companies, it is this ‘extra mile’ that continues
of quality management systems. We have to develop staff and keep
to set organisations apart. By opting to enjoy success, but not at the
their skills and knowledge as current and relevant as possible.
detriment of the surrounding locality or the staff it employs, CIC has
We also recognise that internal promotions of staff who
secured itself the position of industry leader and can feel secure that
have demonstrated good performance can be very inspiring and
as it continues to grow, it will have a steadfast bank of customers,
motivational for other colleagues. With this in mind, we offer
supporters and employees. With this in mind, we asked Wouter
our staff on the job training as well as vocational training and for
what the future holds for CIC;
key management positions MBA programs, so they have every opportunity to be the best they can be.”
“Continued growth in Surinam and the Caribbean with our OZON and SUN brands. Construction of a new warehouse is also
With such an inclusive staff development policy, it stands to reason that this progressive organisation would be a strong believer in Corporate Social Responsibility and they do not disappoint; “We have a Code of Conduct and a Corporate Governance Code. Our code of conduct is a guideline for our conduct towards
occurring alongside the development of improved product formulas and new packaging.” Clearly CIC is only going to continue its upward ascent and really, what else could we expect from a company that produces domestic cleaning products, than a bright and sparkling future?
“A Good Name to Stick With”
each other, our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. This
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62 | Endeavour Magazine
64 | Endeavour Magazine
JP Morgan, Singapore, 220000sqft, 2014
The fourth largest financial hub in the world, Singapore is one of the fastest growing and fastest moving business sectors in the world. Especially the construction industry which, having weathered the global economic downturn of 2008 better than the United Kingdom and the United States, has continued to expand and diversify offering a scope of opportunities to the companies savvy enough to keep up.
Endeavour Magazine | 65
LukOil Asia Pacific, Singapore, 17300sqft, 2014
Endeavour Magazine was fortunate enough to speak with Australian borne founder and owner of Merx Group, William Forwood, regarding the various machinations of the Asian construction industry and to outline what it takes to be a success in the construction sector.
erx Group was founded in 2001 by William, with the key focus being project and cost management for two clients; Clear Channel International and Adshel
who were responsible for the advertising on bus stops and bus shelters across Singapore. Considering the dependency Singapore
TARKUS INTERIORS PTE LTD Established in 1990, Tarkus Interiors has earned the reputation of being an interior contractor and manufacturer that firmly believes in balancing function and aesthetic
has on public transport it is not surprising that this contract, which was originally only a year, lasted two years and gave the young company the comfort-zone to set their feet and determine their future plans. “Since the beginning our focus and targets have developed,” William says, describing how his company had since taken the reigns in project, construction and procurement management, programming and scheduling, quantity surveying and contract administration, building due diligence and space and occupancy analysis studies for both workplace and retail, “As consultants we provide skills and expertise via resources into a project. We interface with clients, contractors and consultants to provide the best and most quantifiable outcome possible.” After four years of working the Singapore market, offices were then established in Dubai (2005), Malaysia (2006) and Hong Kong (2007) with the latest office in Myanmar being set up this year in 2014. “The core activity throughout,” he continues, “Is providing fee based professional consulting services to our clients. The “foundation service” is project management for interior fit-out and new build projects with particular focus on corporate offices, retail tenancies and hospitality such as hotels. Combining with project management we include cost management (QS), site management
46 Defu Lane 9 Singapore 539286 Tel: (65) 6285 6142 | Fax: (65) 6286 5695 | 66 | Endeavour Magazine
and commercial construction management.” William explains that his background has always been in construction having originally earned a Bachelor of Construction
and Construction Management at RMIT University in Melbourne,
do refer work to smaller companies. We see this as a sign of growth
he worked on a number of inner city high-rise conversion projects in
and no work in the premium end of market, retail, hospitality and
Melbourne before seeking out further opportunities in Hong Kong
corporate construction.”
in 1996. From there he went to Singapore and has been there for the last 14 years.
As companies grow, responsibilities grow as well and with more employees come more mouths to feed so selecting the projects that
“Initially, it was purely for the professional opportunity,” he says,
will not only provide the best returns but also promise future work
“As I had a family connection there but having moved to Singapore
and return work is important and part of the Merx Group’s approach
and set up a growing company here it has been the main reason for
to growth.
me staying in the country.” Businesses never turn out the way you expect, he says candidly,
The Asian Market Place
“Everything is an opportunity and we’ve worked all around South
“Across Asia the construction industry is generally buoyant,”
East Asia, although we don’t have offices everywhere, we’ve ducked
William says, “There is strong demand for project management
our heads into new territories across India, Philippines and Thailand.”
services in the established markets that we work in which are
William believes that the diversity and culture that a company
Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong.”
is exposed to when working across so many different regions, even
According to William, the emerging markets in Asia are yet to
when they are neighbours, can take a business to another level.
fully understand and therefore recognise the need for project
Things move fast in Asia and you have to think and act dynamically
management on their projects. These emerging market clients still
to keep up with the project activity.
tend to deliver their projects in a ‘design and build’ fashion or ‘client
Having built up a healthy client base and established a solid
direct’ management approach. There are some areas where Merx
reputation, Merx Group have found themselves in the position
Group have been able to demonstrate the importance of their
where they are able to assess which projects they wish to work with,
services, “In a market like Myanmar we have been able to show our
“We don’t have the pure luxury of choosing which clients we work
clients that professional project management helps improve delivery
with all the time,” he says, “As we are part of the economic cycle
quality and co-ordination and dramatically reduces our clients’ risk
but the business has grown to the point where we are able to and
and exposure to cost overruns and programme slippage.”
There have, however, been a few hurdles that Merx Group
“Individual staff development is a real focus as we drive staff
has had to face and overcome, ranging from the crash in
promotion and succession planning for staff as they progress in their
the early 2000s to SARS in 2003, although he does point out that
careers,” he says, speaking about how the company is 13 years old
comparatively, Hong Kong was hit harder by that than Singapore,
now, and many staff have been with the firm longer than six years,
nevertheless it did scare off a few people. Since 2008 however,
which he sees as a great sign, “Staff have built their careers, joining
things have been stable and growing exposure coming off the back
at an early stage and progressing through many projects. They have
of big corporates working in Europe and America and as well as
learnt and evolved into the senior leaders within the firm.”
a number of Asian operations shoring up their businesses, “For a
Long term relationships outside the staffing ranks are just as
while the attitude was to stabilise and grow,” William recalls, “Both
important to Merx as they are inside with repeat business being
of which are good for us.”
an intrinsic part of the Merx brand and the company ethos. “The
Inside Merx Group With consultancy being a very much face-to-face industry and with 35 employees across their markets, William is actively involved
company values are Agility, Excellence, Integrity, Teamwork and Passion,” William tells us, “These values are brought into each project we undertake for our clients and living these values is the essence of our customer focus and customer satisfaction guarantee.”
in ensuring his employees are all on the same page. All of the Merx
Aftersales is also a key part of their business, he says, “The quality
active ‘client facing staff’ that work on fee generating projects are
of our service offering culminates in the creation of an ‘asset’ for
degree qualified and the qualifications held vary across the fields
our clients. Whether it is a new office, retail store, hotel, industrial
of architecture, engineering (structural, electrical or mechanical) and
building, restaurant or data centre, the quality of our overall project
quantity surveying. Each year all of the staff engage in additional
management service is to a large reflected in the end result.”
training outside their day-to-day work life.
The Merx core strategy is to focus on forging long-term
“Also we have developed a framework for delivering projects,
relationships with clients. To achieve this, Merx provides on-going
which is an in house system called ‘Octagon’ that all staff are trained
support in the form of non-biased independent advice for any of
in,” William explains that is an 8-step gateway process for delivering
the client’s project, construction and property needs, “The strategies
projects from inception through to close out.
we have in place to differentiate ourselves from our competitors
Clients Satisfaction with Uncompromising Quality and On Time Delivery
Electrical Engineering & Contracting Services Fire Protection System Facilities Management General Builder Works Security System +65 6553 3955
Singapore Malaysia lskm&
68 | Endeavour Magazine
Ooredoo, Myanmar, 35 Locations, 2014
Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Works
include leveraging new markets, improved services, employing great
the SEA region on multi city/multi project commissions. Merx will
staff and team leaders and encouraging their training and upskilling.”
also have a regional leadership team established which will meet
Developing long term relationships, delegation of tasks to the
quarterly and the plan is to grow in the established Asian markets
most competent of employees and staff, focus on consulting and
and emerging markets reflecting the new dawn for the countries with
developing repeat business are some of the keys that William has
young demographics, rising middle classes and large populations.
learnt are important, “It’s important to employ people who are better than you,” he says sagely.
During the second quarter of 2013 Merx started an ongoing investment into branding of the sectors they operate in such as
These sorts of hard learned management strategies will be
corporate office, retail and their new sector, hospitality. The branding
needed for the future projects that are going to be approached in
involved upgrading the company website, aligning company
2015. Merx is focussing on expansion plans for 2015, “During the
collateral, brochures, marketing documents and staff inductions.
course of 2014, we have looked at geographies and sectors and
Along with this Merx invested into their two in-house systems;
driven these two pillars.”
their project system (Merx Octagon) and the online pre-qualification
Moving into 2015 they are taking on large projects in Myanmar
system (Merx PQ)
with a particular reference to hotels and mixed use and have re-
“We have also brought on a new Project Director to lead the
launched the Merx Hong Kong office with the engagement of a new
Retail and Hospitality division and a new head of hospitality,” William
director for Hong Kong, Macau and PRC. They will be employing
tells us, “And in September Merx had its yearly ‘all staff off site’
new staff and working with some great clients in Hong Kong and the
to Sentosa Island which was a focused day of training and team
region in 2015.
Indonesia is a new market that Merx will be opening offices in,
He ensures us that the investment will continue into 2015 as
thanks to a joint venture with a large MNC real estate firm. Like
they continue to develop their systems with new clients in Asia and
Myanmar the focus will be on hotels, mixed use and large scale fit-
that they will continue to grow, develop and influence the course of
out projects. With the re-launch of Hong Kong and new offices in
Asia’s construction industry.
Myanmar and Indonesia they will start serving their core clients in multiple cities through Asia which will enable them to deliver around
Leader In Corporate Office Design
36a Mosque Street Singapore 059514 T: 6 5 6 5 3 4 9 4 0 6 F : 6 5 6 5 3 4 9 4 2 6 Company registration number: 200712215K
Endeavour Magazine | 69
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While some operations opt to specialise in one area, Metso Process Automation Systems has the expertise to set the worldwide standard for a multitude of industries and Endeavour Magazine spoke to Director of Energy and Process Systems, Esa Jokiniemi, to find out how.
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The result of a successful merger between two existing organisations, (Rauma and Valmet), Metso Automation was founded in 1999 but its legacy stretches back much further, to 1936. Operating from a workshop, for the sole purpose of manufacturing and repairing aircraft instrumentation, the early incarnation of Metso Automation took every opportunity to diversify and develop. The 1960s saw the company branch out into the launching of a pneumatic measurement control system, called Airmatic with Elmatic, an electronic system, following shortly after. By 1979, Metso had developed the idea to such an extent that the first digital control system, Damatic (DCS) was released. Today, the latest innovation is called Metso DNA, a complete automation platform for better process results.
traight away it is clear that Metso is a company that not only takes advantage of opportunities to diversify but that it actively creates niche markets to become heavily
involved in. Today, Metso has tangible involvement within the mining, construction, oil and gas, marine and pulp and paper sectors but despite this broad spectrum of interests the demonstrable levels of professionalism, expertise and responsibility of the expert team at Metso does not falter. Esa Jokiniemi notes that; “Our goal is to do business in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable manner, and to provide solutions that have a favorable impact on the environment.” Discussing the day-to-day activities of a company that has so many different facets of operation could be difficult but Jokiniemi is clearly accustomed to tackling the gargantuan task; “Metso’s process automation solutions are designed to maximise the profitability of our customers’ businesses by improving their production performance and their cost, material and energy efficiency. Our extensive range of process automation solutions and services is supported by a worldwide network of automation experts. The Process Automation business serves customers in pulp and paper and other process industries, power generation, marine, and oil and gas.” It is also worth noting here that Metso Automation’s Process Automation Systems (PAS) is the market leader for the provision of Digital Control System (DCS) solutions to the European waste-toenergy industry and subsequently, biofuel fired power plants in the same region. It is at this point that we have to start wondering just
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how PAS can not only cope with such a heavy workload, but also how it has capacity to continue taking on more projects. The answer, of course, is careful management and slick prioritisation which starts at the beginning of any new contract; “To find the best solution to each customer, an evaluation of their situation starts with the expertise of Metso’s sales and product lines. A well-planned audit is the key to show all the pre-existing bottlenecks and possibilities to the customer. After the realised project work, lifecycle services are offered to keep and maintain the successfully installed process in question. As an example, in a pulp mill, we gathered data and studied process information about the mill’s steam network to create a fullscale picture of the plant’s performance level in terms of energy efficiency. As a result, our Steam Manager advanced process control (APC) was installed. Soon, a 90% reduction in steam vented to the atmosphere. It reduced carbon footprint for the mill. Ten thousand tons of steam monthly are not being discharged to the atmosphere, which is the energy equivalent of 715 tons of oil per month and 2, 200 fewer tons of CO2. Further, more stable steam pressure supply to steam-consuming processes in the mill complex.” If further confirmation of the satisfaction of customers were needed, in addition to the constant securing of new contracts,
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Jokiniemi draws attention to the impressive net sales figures from
“Recently, we delivered district heating network control
2013, which totaled an incredible EUR 3.8 billion. From this, it
optimisation solution to one of our customers. The major goals for
seems safe to assume that the industries Metso is involved with are
the control optimisation were to keep the supply temperature in the
enjoying a period of buoyancy but is it really that simple?
production units as close to the target temperature as possible, and
“The power industry is experiencing different challenges in
to avoid sudden, large variations, especially during shutdowns and
different regions. The existing financial means and intensity in the
start-ups. Now after the completion of the project, cost savings can
fight against green house effects varies a lot, even from country
be achieved through optimised electricity output by not supplying
to country and affects operations significantly. Investment into
water that is too hot to the network and thereby getting more
biofuel combustion is very sensitive to incentives, such as political
electricity. Then, the end-customers benefit from this in getting
higher-quality heat at an attractive price.”
Happily for PAS, it has long been an advocate of environmentally
With a comprehensive overview of the industries Metso
responsible business operation, making it less susceptible to
supports firmly in mind, there can be no plausible way that they
disruptive influences and ensuring consistent solution provision;
employ a skeletal crew of staff and thankfully, they do not. With
“Sustainability plays an important role in the future of power
more than 16,000 employees, located throughout the world in 50
plants. Having that in mind, our technologies have been developed
countries, Metso must be confident in the expertise and abilities of
to serve the customers in the best possible way. We recognise that
their selected personnel;
today’s concerns and future goals of our customers, and society,
“Metso is a technology oriented company and the vast majority
must be reflected in the way we run our business profitably and
of our staff are certified engineers. To maintain high standards, we
responsibly. Our mission is to contribute to a more sustainable world
are investing in continuous training for our employees through not
by helping our customers to process natural resources and recycle
only carefully selected partners, but also the provision of our own
materials into valuable products.
training courses.
To stay competitive in the market, process improvements are
Our competence development is aligned with our strategy and
expected in power plants. As an example, Metso offers solutions
targets. For instance, we have review discussions about the strategic
to ensure that NOx and SOx emissions are minimised to meet the
competence development with each and every person on our team.”
tightening EU norms.
With an enormous portfolio of satisfied customers already under its belt, PAS is now looking to the future and has development plans in place already; “We will be promoting our FBB automation offering for multifuel fired plants, as well as developing advanced process control packages, plant information management and analysis packages as well as new analysers. We are looking forward to expanding our turbine control offering to hydro turbines and entering the hydro plant retrofit business, alongside the provision of control and optimisation solutions for cogeneration plants. We have also been pushing through a large staff training program called Leadership Essentials, an initiative open to all managers within the organisation.” Setting itself apart from competitors at every available opportunity, PAS is leading the way for responsible organisations and supportive employers in equal measure. By looking at the future with an all-encompassing eye, PAS is simultaneously ensuring customer and employee satisfaction, a rare combination that will doubtless keep them at the very front of their chosen industries, on a global scale.
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ATTIKO METRO S.A. WWW.AMETRO.GR 0030 210 679 2399
Endeavour Magazine spoke to Attiko Metro S.A. Deputy Manager, George Leoutsakos, about the company’s new 3.3 billion Euro project to further develop the Athens Metro network.
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Tackling an expansion project as critical and largescale as the installation of a new metro line, which is destined to house an additional 14 stations, is no small feat, but for the expert team at Attiko Metro S.A. (AM), it is the latest in a long list of impressive achievements.
riginally founded in 1991, AM is state-owned, centrally based in Athens and has a clear directive; “The design, construction, organisation, management
and development of the metropolitan railway network in the Attica Prefecture as well as in the area of Thessaloniki Prefecture.” Thrown into the deep end from the point of inception, the company was immediately charged with the construction of an extra two metro lines, a project that was enthusiastically started in 1992. Despite the gravitas of this expansion project, AM was not a company to overlook company growth potential, as George Leoutsakos explains, “In 2001, Attiko Metro formed Tram S.A. as a subsidiary company, which undertook the implementation of the Tramway network in Athens. This company was made independent in 2003, but in 2011, Attiko Metro S.A., through further legislation, assumed back the responsibility for the continuation of the expansion of the Tramway network.” It is almost incomprehensible that one company could maintain such a high volume of work, without a compromise on quality, budget or timescale and yet AMSA makes it seem easy. Leoutsakos was happy to highlight the accomplishments of the company; “In the last 22 years, Attiko Metro S.A. has put into operation, or has currently under construction, 61 km of Metro lines with 64 stations in Athens and Thessaloniki, equating to an approximate value 7.2 billion Euros. An additional 53 km with 46 stations are in the planning and design stage with a budget of an additional 5.2 billion Euros.”
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This is impressive enough, but factor in 32km of Tram lines, with an additional 9km currently being designed (at an estimated cost of 600 million Euros), and AM is clearly a force to be reckoned with, but what goals motivate the organisation? “The main aim is to continuously improve, extend and enhance the Transit Systems in Athens and Thessaloniki, serving as many areas as possible. The benefits derived from the systematic use of the public transportation are numerous for the passengers (speed, comfort, safety and reliability), as well as for the everyday life of the citizens in general (air pollution decrease, noise reduction and less traffic accidents.).” Essentially, public transport passengers within Athens and Thessaloniki have AM to thank for getting them to their numerous destinations, in a comfortable and timely manner, but it is not just members of the public that have acknowledged the expertise of the organisation; “Following a 2012 legislation, Attiko Metro S.A. is currently able to provide technical consulting services for Metro and Tram systems
AKTOR has been established as the largest construction company in Greece, with a diversified experience in many large-scale projects, offering a broad range of construction services in Greece and abroad. One of the main fields of AKTOR’s activities is Infrastructure Metro Projects. The highly specialized technical know-how required for the construction of all kind of metro projects, is one of the strongest assets of AKTOR. The company enjoys extensive experience and expertise in the field of the construction of metro projects gained over the years through its dynamic participation to major infrastructure projects in Greece and abroad. The state-of-the art technological solutions applied by AKTOR to infrastructure projects of high complexity, improves the overall standard of everyday life by the result of the final product itself.
to third parties, both in Greece and internationally. This is based on the experience, specialized know-how and project management effectiveness that the company has aquired, in the construction of
the fixed guide-way rail networks.”
Endeavour Magazine | 79
it takes a great dream to build a great work We are proudly partnering the Greek authorities in their metro network development since 1992. Today in Hong Kong, Doha, Cairo, Paris, our teams are delivering worldclass underground metro lines improving people’s everyday life. Our tunneling experts are gathering worldwide experience in order to offer the best innovative solutions to our clients. VINCI is a major player worldwide in concessions and construction. The work of our 190,000 employees around the world is to design, build, finance, and manage facilities that improve everyday life: the systems that transport us, the public and private buildings in which we live and work, the urban developments that create and improve our communities, and the water, energy and communication networks vital to human existence.
expert in systems coordination for major infrastructure projects As a subsiduary of VINCI CONSTRUCTION GRANDS PROJETS, VINCI CONSTRUCTION GRANDS PROJETS HELLAS operates, since 2002, as a separate and individual Greek branch, specialized in coordinating constructions, designing work and interfacing management as well as in producing architectural and electro-mechanical final designs. This broad spectrum of specialty services has allowed VINCI CONSTRUCTION GRANDS PROJETS HELLAS to proceed to the development and offering of highly skilled and specialized know-how solutions, addressing a variety of challenges in its so far involvement in the Athens Metro System and to maintain its presence continuously as a principal partner in the two (2) phases of the Metro projects extensions.
This in no way detracts from the day-to-day business activities,
of whom are highly educated professionals with unique expertise
the focus of which is still the construction of a new Metro projects
gained within the construction and rail industry. The development of
in Athens;
our personnel is one of our primary goals, as we strongly believe that
“The on-going project is the Line 3 extension to Piraeus
our people can add an extra value to our company. With this firmly
(underground, 7.6 km long, with 6 new stations). The Project budget
in the forefront of the management team’s mind, the continuous
is 730 million Euros and aims to resolve the acute traffic problems
improvement of employee knowledge is guaranteed through
and sub-standard services, in terms of public transport, especially
specialist training courses and seminars. In order to offer a high-end
in the Piraeus Port area. The extension will serve approximately
service, maintaining a premier body of staff is necessary and as such,
132,000 passengers on a daily basis, while also offering a direct
is a primary company goal.”
connection between the Port and International Athens Airport. Once
So, far from being exclusively concerned about current projects,
this extension is completed, the number of vehicles on the road will
AMSA as an organisation is keen to support the development of
be reduced by approximately 23,000 on a daily basis, which in turn
individual employees. It is a mystery how it finds the time to give
will significantly reduce CO2 emissions. The project commenced in
equal consideration to both staff and customers, but find the
March 2012 with completion expected in 2018.”
time they do, because it has a deep-seated inclination to retain its
It’s hard to believe that this is just one facet of current AM operations, but continuing to discuss pertinent projects, Leoutsakos expands on the concurrent development in Thessaloniki;
exemplar reputation; “Our focus is to construct a safe, reliable, punctual and aesthetically pleasing Metro or tramway system. This is the best
“Concerning the development and construction of the Metro
practice to keep “customers” happy. As part of our ‘after sales’
system in the city of Thessaloniki, it is worth pointing out that by
policy, we have a commitment to look into the specific problems of
incorporating state-of-the-art systems and trains in combination with
individual passengers with specific care and attention.”
the most stringent quality and operability standards, Thessaloniki
There can be no doubt that AM has numerous future projects
Metro shall become one of the most advanced and state of the art
to look forward to and that the already impressive portfolio of
fully automated Metro networks in Europe.
completed work will soon be added to, but are there any particularly
A contract was agreed for a 9.6 km network, with 13 modern
notable initiatives in the offing?
platform stations and 18 fully automatic and air-conditioned trains,
“The design, tender and implementation of the new driverless
designed to ensure the provision of optimum services to passengers
metro line 4 in Athens. The first section, of 12.2 Km and 14 new
with maximum safety. A multi-level depot on a 50,000-m2 area is
stations, has secured funding and is ready to proceed to the project
also under construction including an operations control centre. June
construction tender phase.
2013 saw a new contract signed for the construction of the first
There is also the full pedestrianisation of a central avenue in
extension of the Thessaloniki to Kalamaria line with a further 4.8 km
Athens, with a corresponding catenary free tramway installation,
and 5 new stations.”
designed to make the city safer and friendlier
With new contracts being agreed, it is safe to assume that the
Finally, the very special design of a metro station in Thessaloniki
industry is remaining stable, with ready access to funding? Thanks
(Venizelou station) is something to look forward to. After having
to the E.U. and European Investment Bank (EIB), the answer is yes
discovered part of the ancient city during the station excavations, we
and transportation improvement initiatives are not suffering from
are aiming to incorporate the ancient city inside the metro station,
the recent economic turbulence experienced by many countries. In
seamlessly blending the antiquities with 21st century technology
fact, the only stumbling block to faster project completion, within
and driverless trains.”
Athens and Thessaloniki, appears to be essential archaeological
Pleased to be involved with such a wide variety of projects,
investigations, which have in most cases been taking longer than
AM looks set to continue its legacy of providing state of the art,
impressive transportation solutions which shine a spotlight on
It would not be a stretch to assume that AM, with such a bulging
the cutting edge architectural principles applied throughout its
portfolio of current projects, has a staff body to rival the largest
stations. Coupled with a sympathetic approach to existing historical
organisations in the world and yet the figure is relatively diminutive;
structures, AM is guaranteeing it’s addition to the history books.
“Attiko Metro S.A. currently has 450 employees, the majority
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The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) was founded in 1921 and has been involved in many of the major transportation and commuting developments of the area ever since. They ran the streetcar lines along the main roads in Toronto for the electric trolley buses that were introduced in 1922 and in 1954 they opened the first subway line along Yonge Street. 1966 saw them open the Bloor-Danforth line and they have seen the system expand several times since then. The last expansion of the subway network was in 2002 when the Sheppard line opened. The next major project is expected at the end of 2016 when the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension (TYSSE) will open. Endeavour Magazine | 85
Speaking with the Director of Third Party Planning and Property, Joanna Kervin of TTC, who is working intently on the TYSSE project, Endeavour Magazine was keen to hear about the challenges faced with this major undertaking.
he Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension is a very important project for us,” Joanna reveals, “The project was identified as a priority in 2001,
to respond to growing transit demands in the corridor. York Region is the fastest growing region in the Greater Toronto Area and there is a need for a high quality rapid transit service to serve its fast growing areas,” The population and employment within the catchment area of the project are projected to grow by a remarkable 81% and 20% respectively by 2031 and this catchment area includes the ever growing York University. The University has a student population of over 55000 students and will be served by two subways stations. The project that TTC is building now will facilitate that speedy growth and serve future developments and expansions of the subway. The estimated cost of the project is 2.6 billion Canadian dollars and the entire project is funded by the Canadian Government, the Province of Ontario, City of Toronto and The Regional Municipality of York. It will add 8.6 kilometres to the existing TTC Yonge–UniversitySpadina (YUS) subway line and for the first time a subway line will cross the municipal boundary between the City of Toronto and York Region. In addition to the line six new stations are being constructed along the extension to accommodate the flow of human traffic. For a project of this scale, it is inconceivable that there would be no challenges to work through and Joanna explains that one of their biggest challenges is actually the weather, “Having come through the worst winter in over 30 years in Toronto, which included extreme cold and a major ice storm, it is the one thing we simply cannot control but its impact is enormous on the project’s progress and the ability of the contractors to work efficiently and safely.” Another challenge was tunnelling under buildings and other structures, “The alignment of the subway tunnels required tunnelling using four earth pressure balance tunnel boring machines under
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seventeen buildings and eight major pieces of infrastructure.” The
project management team have to have some prior experience with
infrastructure was the major power corridor for the city, transmission
large transit projects,” she says, and adds that they are bringing on
pipelines, railways and a couple of roads! Without a single pothole or
summer students who will gain experience in project management
blackout, the tunnelling was a total success, and was completed last
and often field experience as well.
year in November (2013).
A wide range of experience is necessary to staff the project,
Now, this isn’t the only rapid transit line that will be crossing the
including many different disciplines of engineering such as civil,
City of Toronto boundary, there are currently plans for another TTC
structural, railway, electrical, mechanical, systems, environmental,
subway line, an extension to the Yonge line. A relief line to the Yonge
architectural, power, construction, management and logistics
Line would alleviate the busiest part of the Yonge-University-Spadina
management, tunnelling, geotechnical and hydrogeological to name
line, is being studied, “The impact of an extension [of the Yonge line]
but a few. “Other expertise are required for project scheduling,
at the busiest station at Yonge-Bloor is significant,” Joanna tells us,
which includes everything from risk assessment and management
“A Yonge relief line, would not only alleviate the crowding at Yonge-
through to legal, planning, permitting and utilities.” There are a lot
Bloor but also make extension into York Region possible.”
of hands at work to make these projects a success, because, not to sound too clichéd, failure is not an option.
Staffing Strict deadlines and an uncompromising approach to standards requires the right sort of staff who are able to match the high criteria
Finding Opportunities To Be Better And To Innovate
required by TTC, which doesn’t lend itself much space for training
“We are building unique stations, designed by world class
newcomers, “Given the complexity of the projects the majority of our
architects that will offer future riders bright, open spaces with
Endeavour Magazine | 87
daylight penetrating deep into most stations that will provide a
never been used by TTC.”
unique and distinctive architecture,” Joanna says. The stations are
Joanna Kervin was previously a manager at the City of Toronto
barrier free, fully accessible and have been designed to meet the
in the Transportation Planning Division and prior to that was an
Toronto Green Standards including elements such as green, or
engineering consultant, “My career since graduating from the
‘cool’ roofs, fitted, which means bird-friendly glass, bioswales and
University of Waterloo, with a degree in Civil Engineering, has been
self-irrigating landscape designs, “Each station will contain a unique
focused on transportation engineering and planning,” she explains,
public art installation integrated into a station design.”
“One of the things I enjoy the most about the role is the high level
Innovation has been key to this project and one particular
of innovation and change.”
structure was built using a tunnelling method that had never been
The transit industry, particularly in the Toronto area, has to
used in Canada before, known as a Sequential Excavation Method
continually look at ways to better suit the customer’s needs for
(SEM), or New Austria Tunnelling Method (NATM). Essentially this is
travelling seamlessly between transit services and the rest of
a specialised procedure for hand-mining in constrained conditions.
the transportation network. Strong, well-designed connections
“A triple track structure needed to be built across a high power
need to be designed and transit facilities built to better connect
transmission corridor containing large transmission towers as well
the surrounding communities. This means on-going research,
as underground oil and gas pipelines. Normally, a structure such
development and planning.
as this would be built using open excavation. However with the
As an example, the City of Toronto is busy working with company
restrictions imposed by the transmission towers and pipelines, it was
Carillion to revitalise Union Station. The 900,000 square foot project
determined that the best option would be to use SEM tunnelling
involves the replacement, upgrade, relocation and construction of
to complete the work. Specialists were brought in to assist in the
various elements through the entire facility.
development of the design and the contract specifications for the
The Union Station project involves construction of a new
work. This method is not commonly used in North America and had
retail concourse under the existing track ways and platforms
88 | Endeavour Magazine
in the station, the excavation of new pedestrian tunnels and the renovation of existing office and retail areas. It is a hefty undertaking that will proceed in five stages, taking five years to complete, but it is an important one. People need to have reliable and hassle-free transportation and they need to be reminded of their history so in circumstances like this both have to be carefully designed and surgically implemented. To accomplish this, Union Station has to be excavated and underpinned, while hazardous materials are being anticipated, such as contaminated soils, lead, mercury and asbestos. All will need to be removed as safely as possible, while disruptions to the users of the stations need to be minimised. To achieve this, a major transportation hub with an annual pedestrian traffic that exceeds that of Pearson International Airport will be phased into the construction so that all track ways will remain in service and pedestrian access will be maintained. “What we are building now is being built to remain,” Joanna says,
What we are building now is being built to remain. We don’t want to do a good job, we want to do a great one.”
“We don’t want to do a good job we want to do a great one.”
Endeavour Magazine | 89
90 | Endeavour Magazine
The National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (National Energy) continues to impress with its stalwart approach to developing and promoting the orderly management and utilization of the hydrocarbon resources of Trinidad and Tobago. Since we last spoke with President Dr. Vernon Paltoo, the company has been engaging in all enterprises within the hydrocarbon based and energy intensive industries to further conceptualize, promote, develop and facilitate downstream energy based industries and businesses in the islands. Endeavour Magazine | 91
A wholly owned subsidiary of the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, National Energy has been committed to supporting the infrastructure and development of the nation’s gas based energy industry, and monetizing the country’s valuable natural gas resources.
n its primary role as overseer to the nation’s gas-based
projects for Trinidad and Tobago,” he adds, “However, we have been
industry infrastructure, National Energy is tasked with being
working closely with other private and state agencies to develop
responsible for the development and identification of new
opportunities for exporting energy-sector knowledge and expertise,
industrial estates as well as the deep water ports that service
especially in the energy services sector in regions including Guyana,
them, with such projects providing a crucial contribution to the
Suriname and Africa.”
national economy through the creation of strategic national assets
There is also a high degree of collaboration between National
in the marine, energy and infrastructure sectors. This infrastructure
Energy and the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs for initiatives
development function spans the full spectrum of procurement,
related to determining methods for providing competitively priced
design, project implementation and supervision of publicly funded
energy options for other Caribbean territories.
projects, and sees National Energy working closely alongside the
The Company is currently focussing on areas for attracting
relevant statutory bodies and authorities in order to achieve optimal
investment, which include petrochemicals, metals, inorganic
results for the industry’s stakeholders, which include government,
chemicals, plastics, speciality chemicals and renewable energy
local and international investors, consultants and contractors.
projects. By diversifying and refusing to be cordoned into a box,
In addition to this, National Energy is also responsible for the
National Energy is working towards ensuring that Trinidad and
maintenance and management of Trinidad and Tobago’s existing
Tobago achieves a sustainable energy future. With this in mind they
gas-based industrial estates and port facilities which are essential in
have also been marketing the country’s energy expertise across the
servicing the nation’s energy and industrial sectors and overseeing
globe, especially in frontier provinces for petroleum exploration and
the import and export requirements of petrochemical and metal
One hundred and thirty people work for National Energy and this
Dr. Paltoo points out that while National Energy continues
does not include the valuable subcontractors but rather permanent,
to focus on the above areas, their current mandate also includes
contract and temporary employees directly employed with National
identifying and developing new industrial estates, deep water ports
Energy. As the company is a beacon for legitimacy, transparency and
and the further development and management of the La Brea and
hard work, there are company policies that govern their operations,
Union Industrial Estates, towage and Harbour operations and very
behaviour and ethical standards, “These are standardised policies,”
importantly, the sustainable management of the environment.
Dr Paltoo elaborates, “That are used throughout the entire National
“National Energy is focused on developing energy-based 92 | Endeavour Magazine
Gas Company’s Group of which we are a part.”
Furthermore, the development of individual employees and
Dr Paltoo describes how customers and their involvement and
staff members is something that is taken very seriously, “Personal
feedback are so very important to the development of National
Development Plans are developed for each employee,” he says,
Energy and the industry as a whole, “Customer commitment impacts
“National Energy has taken a much more aggressive approach in
on the Company’s revenue stream,” he says, “We understand what
ensuring that employees are adequately trained and competent in
is required to positively contribute to our bottom-line and customer
their respective job areas. These plans would also include the scope
commitment and quality service are paramount. The best way to
for career advancement and professional development.”
develop this is by always listening to what the customer says good
In an industry that is always developing and growing, the
or bad and learning from both.”
development of each employee is crucial for the continuity and
“At the same time,” he says, “You have to learn from competitors,
prosperity of the Company. Dr Paltoo mentions that National
see where they are beating you and find out why. Knowledge is
Energy’s strength is a direct consequence of the capability and
dedication of the employees. Based on the nature of their business, their success impacts on the nation, “As such, although it may sound cliché, our employees are definitely the most important asset and are fundamental to our Company’s success,” he declares, and adds, “The better qualified and capable the employees are, the greater the efficiency and productivity of the Company.” As surely as employees are looked after and protected, customer satisfaction remains as high on their list of deliverables and as such, National Energy has incorporated this measure into their corporate performance management system.
Suppliers National Energy hosts supplier forums in order to provide awareness of their internal processes. This is also a means for suppliers to network and meet each other as well as National Energy’s staff. This is their preferred means of building relationships with their chosen suppliers as there is no substitute for face to face contact. Dr Paltoo has always been firm when it comes to the approach to creating and protecting relationships, “We must always keep lines of communication open throughout our company, between us and suppliers and even internally with our staff. It’s not just about having an open door policy, but encouraging people to make use of it and not be afraid to speak. Whether it is staff or suppliers, improvement and growth requires a team approach.” Dr Paltoo goes on to say that growth is also about pursuing the most competitive prices and products for the various business areas and that while they don’t regularly seek to change the supply chain, favouring long term standing relationships over new ones, they encourage all their partners to be as competitive as possible. “Having long-term partners is highly beneficial to our business, especially in the operational aspect. Since we maintain a high level of respect with our suppliers, in this regard, we are able to obtain goods on credit or enjoy extended credit periods and just in time delivery. This is of particular interest for parts and equipment for our marine fleet.” he says. With such a dynamic and powerful company, we asked Dr Paltoo what was exciting him about the future and what we could expect from National Energy. “The development of a Methanol/DME (dimethyl ether) project,” he says, “This is a downstream natural gas and methanol based project that is currently the major energy project under development.” Secondly, he continues, there is the development of an Integrated Melamine/Formaldehyde Cluster Project at Union Industrial Estate. This project would utilize locally produced melamine and methanol to create higher valued products, such as
94 | Endeavour Magazine
Oriented Strand Board and Veneer Products, “This project is a first
National Energy,” he explains, “However, expansion and rehabilitation
for Trinidad and Tobago, as it would seek to bridge the gap between
works are necessary in order to cater for the growing needs of the
the energy and manufacturing sectors of the economy.”
nearby Union Industrial Estate. The projects previously mentioned
At an investment of US$85 million the development of the
are earmarked for location at that industrial estate. “
Galeota Port Project (location: south-east Trinidad) phase 1 was
While the above are the three main areas under development,
officially launched on September 05, 2014 by the Minister of Energy
Dr Paltoo was keen to also mention other projects, such as the
and Energy Affairs, Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine. This
development of a Steel Mill and Rolling Plant to produce downstream
project in particular provides an excellent opportunity to facilitate
metal products for both export and local consumption as well as a
the anticipated increased activities of exploration and production
small-scale LNG project, which is currently under consideration.
(E&P) companies, while generating both onshore and offshore
“The environmental impact assessment is underway and
economic activity in Galeota and environs. Engineering designs for
negotiations for a project development agreement are in progress
Phase 2 of the main Galeota Port Project are expected to begin in
and we continue to actively market energy services to the region
2015 and would address the expansion of the berthing and harbour
and other emerging economies,”
facilities at Port Galeota.
All of these projects will have significant consequences on the
It also included the establishment of a Fish Landing Facility at
company and the community, positive ones at that. By enhancing
Guayauayare, which was completed in 2012, at a cost of ~US$6Mn.
the overall energy landscape in Trinidad and Tobago and diversifying
This facility was developed as part of the Company’s CSR programme
the energy portfolio mix, the country as a whole would be in a
and as such, provides for the fisher-folk activities and livelihood in
better position to further stimulate economic activity and generate
the area.
sustainable employment.
Thirdly, the rehabilitation and expansion work at the Port of Brighton, La Brea, “This is an existing port, which is managed by
G Borde & Sons Plumbing 388 Bon Air West, AROUCA, Trinidad, WI Telephone: 1-(868)-748-6170 (c), 1-(868)-221-4342 Email: SANITARY CONSTRUCTOR LICENSE NO: 98016
G. Borde and Sons Plumbing are Licensed Plumbing Contractors committed to client satisfaction and service and the safe and prompt delivery of value. We offer a full range of plumbing services to a variety of Commercial, Industrial and Domestic clients. These include but are not limited to:
Some of our proudly completed projects include:
• •
• • • •
Design and preparation of Plumbing Isometric Drawings for approval by the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) of Trinidad and Tobago. Review and Vetting Designs done by others for approval. Inspections of plumbing works Complete supply and installation of plumbing works. i.e. Sewer Treatment Plants, Swimming Pools, Hot Tub / Jacuzzi and the like.
• • • •
National Library Building T&T for Carillion (Caribbean) Ltd. National Energy Corporation Head Office Building (Carillion (Caribbean) Ltd). BHP Billiton On-Shore Accommodation Building (BHP Billiton). Civil Drainage works to WASA Sewerage Treatment Plant – Beetham Estate (Bi Water International). Tru-Valu Supermarket Long Circular Mall (Eastern Commercial Lands). Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority (Water Tec Ltd).
Licensed Sanitary Plumbers Specializing in Isometric & As Built Drawing Preparation Sanitary & Supply Plumbing Endeavour Magazine | 95
96 | Endeavour Magazine
Listed on the JSE securities exchange, Grindrod Limited is the holding company for one of South Africa’s most dynamic organizations with more than a century worth of experience in freight movement and related industries. With a business focused on moving cargo by road, rail, sea and air they provide all integrated logistical and specialized services en route. And, as they are globally represented in more than thirty seven countries Grindrod is uniquely positioned to service Africa’s trade flows. Endeavour Magazine | 97
Today, a world class shipping and freight logistics operation Grindod is based in South Africa and represented across the globe by over seven thousand skilled and dedicated people. Valuing empowerment, transformation and education as important aspects to their corporate structure Grindrod South Africa has become one of the icons of the industry in SA and having survived the worst of the global recession is working very hard to reestablish themselves in the number one position. We spoke with National Manager of Grindrod Auto Carriers Dave Roberts regards to where the company stands at the moment.
ave has been, in one capacity or another, involved in Grindrod for nearly ten years having worked for a business previously that was bought out by the
company, “It’s a good company to be a part of,” he opens up, “A highly professional organization that is very focused with a clear strategy. And while we’re in a great place currently, it hasn’t always been a bed of roses.” Indeed, Grindrod as a group turned one hundred years old in 2010 and has ridden the economic rise and falls that have presented themselves throughout that period. Most recently the aforementioned financial recession in 2009 caused their market to go into freefall until 2011 and 2012. After which there was growth, but Dave explains this was at a low pace. However, things had turned the corner and begun to stabilize which is a situation that Dave prefers, “A stable market is a better one to work in,” he says, “Booms and busts aren’t reliable, the bigger a boom the greater the bust but it has now reached a level playing ground which is easier to work with. Right now we have a lot of green shoots,” And capitalizing on this market stability that his division of Grindrod Auto Carriers has entered requires a focus and strategy, “We are in a period of consolidation,” he explains, “And postrecession we have come out with a clear strategy that has been implemented across all of the Grindrod Group.” He says that this strategy is one of development and growth not only of a fiscal means but also internally, “Grindrod has a reputation for looking after its employees,” he says, “We value an entrepreneurial mindset and when we consider people for employment we obviously
98 | Endeavour Magazine
look at qualifications but it’s the attitude that counts. You can teach skills but you can’t teach attitude.” Grindrod Auto Carriers likes to consider themselves as an embryo for ideas and Dave says that there has to be a balance between
allowing people to innovate, think outside the box and develop YOUR PARTNER ON THE ROAD. SHELL CARD.
these ideas whilst at the same time maintain a corporate level of expectation and target reaching. It is a
Transactions balancing1 act mln between
rigidness of the bottom line and the creative measures to achieve targets but is one they have had a lot of experience in maintaining and have done very well for longer than most companies in South Africa. And creating and maintaining this balance begins with how you develop your staff, Dave relates, great companies develop great employees, empowering and enriching their lives, “As a South African company we have had to offer literacy and numeracy schooling to some of our staff and take an invested interest and pride in empowering all races and genders.”
The Industry
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“We’re in a trying time,” Dave says, “But on a whole we are in a far better, far more exciting time now than we were two years ago.”
Endeavour Magazine | 99
Things move fast, he explains, “There are companies who are
latest technology which will
younger than us but are in the same space and this is one of the
bring down costs- which always
“Every year we have a graduate
situations you find yourself in within our market.”
makes the customer happy- and
training program and we cherry
Grindrod Auto Carriers is a small section of the Grindrod Group,
this includes launching the new
pick the very best,” he says,
operating predominantly within the regions of Botswana, Lesotho,
tech in areas like EPD (electronic
“Although talent by itself isn’t
Namibia and South Africa, the seven major vehicle manufacturers of
proof of delivery) which will be
this area account for 80% of this regions product so there has to be
e handheld devices for drivers.”
a differentiating quality to make a company stand out and a business cannot rely purely on a good name to hold it through.
Completely technology
An avid football fan, Dave
likens how important it is to
have a team of talented players
“As my father said,” Dave recalls, “Never trust a man who’s
organically over the years and is
who know what they’re target
been with a company for twenty years, does he have twenty years
the result of many years worth of
is or else you’ll just end up like
experience or merely one year experience twenty times?”
experience in the field and trial
Manchester United, “Running
You have to continually learn and relearn not only from your
and error to create something
around and not doing much. But
successes but most importantly from your mistakes, “Our reputation
that will make their services
with talent and vision you can
took a bit of a knock over the last couple of years,” he explains, “But
even more efficient as well as
achieve anything,”
we are rebuilding our reputation to regain our number one position
saving the client’s money.
and we are achieving that by investing inwards and differentiating ourselves from the competition with the very best customer service.” And lots of development! 2015 is set to be a very promising
which is one of the key elements to
year and Dave is excited about the prospects they’re looking
promises that they will continue
at, “It’s all happening in our fleet,” he says, “We’re integrating the
to attract good talent from their
100 | Endeavour Magazine
Bannatyne Group In Real-Time With Google Apps
ccessing information on any of my mobile devices is critical when running a national organisation. Cloud technology has made
this process simple and very reliable, which is key to me.” Duncan Bannatyne, Chairman of The Bannatyne Group
3D Printed Cast It can improve bone healing and you can scratch through it. We’ve seen 3D-printed lamps, chairs, houses and even self-replicating 3D printers, but Deniz Karahasin’s mind-bending Osteoid cast looks like something from a sci-fi movie. The designer has created a concept design for a custom cast that could speed up bone healing by nearly 40 percent using 3D printing and ultrasound technology.
Bannatyne Group, the UK’s largest independent Health Club operator, implemented Google Apps for Business last year, with the help of Grove Group, as a means to increase real-time collaboration and business development. We spoke to Justin Musgrove, Commercial Director, about why they chose to move over to Google Apps. “Bannatyne Group was making use of a server for a 100 head office and mobile users, as well as 300 remote location users who were using a 3rd party POP3 server with limited spam and antivirus filtering. They were experiencing challenges with their server in terms of cost and speed to deploy and migrate. They were also becoming frustrated with expensive conference calls, needing remote access to data and having to be on a network or rely on Wi-Fi. The Bannatyne team was introduced to Google Apps through Grove Group and after considering all their options, decided to adopt the Google Apps Business suite based on it’s offerings of mobility, security, cost-effectiveness, and access to information.” Justin highlighted the most significant results that have emerged since their migration to Google Apps: Saving Time: A large amount of time is saved on collating information from across the group, “For instance sales and cancellation data for health club members (170,000 members); dynamic pricing is also shared across the estate far more efficiently.” Greater Collaboration: Regional managers have found particular value in tools such as google sheets, which they now use to collaborate and share data between managers, as well as using scheduled hangouts to discuss group strategies. Mobility & Remote Access: Bannatyne Group has around 50+ mobile users using windows laptops and iPhones - Justin highlights that all users are reporting greater flexibility, especially when travelling to locations like central London, “They now don’t need to take their laptops, but instead just a mobile device and they will often use a computer in the club if necessary.” Working on the Go: Teams within regional management are now able to review group performance data on the fly; previously they had to be connected to an internal network and were sharing multiple sheets via multiple e-mails. 102 | Endeavour Magazine
The Energy-Harvesting Chinstrap Canadian Engineers are thinking outside the box and have invented a chin strap that harnesses energy from chewing and turns it into electricity. Claiming that the device could one day replace batteries needed for hearing aids, earpieces and small gadgets, it’s made from a socalled ‘smart’ material that becomes electrically charged when stretched. Dr Aidin Delnavaz and Dr Jeremie Voix, mechanical engineers at the École de Technologie Supérieure in Montreal, Canada, suggest that jaw movements are a promising candidate for harvesting natural energy. Creating a strap from commercially available piezoelectric material, then attaching it to earmuffs and fitting it snugly around the chin of Dr. Delnavaz, the researchers built a prototype and sure enough, when he chewed gum for 60 seconds, they measured up to 18 microwatts of generated power. But Dr Delnavaz said this could be achieved by bundling up more of the material together to create more energy because while it’s a clever idea, the prototype needs to be about twenty times more efficient to actually be useful, but it’s a start. So chin up guys.
Matchware Launches Mindview 5 Business Mac: The New Industry Standard For Mac Mind Mapping & Gantt Chart Software MatchWare’s highly anticipated MindView 5 Business Mac boasts a powerful new feature set that helps project managers and other users maximise productivity, accuracy and quality, while reducing time, cost and risk. MatchWare Inc., a leading multinational software company that develops proprietary mind mapping, project management and meeting management software tools, announced today the launch of its highly-anticipated MindView 5 Business Mac; the new industry standard for Mac Mind Mapping and Gantt Chart software that is inspiring project managers worldwide. Built on MatchWare’s award-winning MindView Business Platform, MindView 5 Business Mac was engineered from the ground up to enable success by empowering project managers and other users to brainstorm Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) in Mind Maps, and seamlessly transfer the data between
The Ultra High-Tech Coffee Table Incorporating A Windows 8 Computer Definitely one of the coolest items I’ve seen lately is the Hammacher Schlemmer‘s coffee table, which has a functional 32 inch Windows 8 computer. Put into the living room, this intriguing tech-table unleashes its true potential. Yes it completes the décor of any room but it has, obviously, a geekier function. You can play games, watch videos, check emails and basically do anything you can with a conventional computer. Featuring a 178° viewing angle, it is ideal for enlarged photos, maps or allowing multiple users to comfortably view the same data from the sofa. The wooden table is topped with an antiglare LCD screen that functions like a tablet computer. The ultra-tech coffee table boasts a generous 32-inch screen with a 1366 x 768 resolution. Moreover, it features an Intel Core i5 3.2 GHz processor, 6 GB of memory, 500 GB hard drive, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. There is one drawback however as owning a piece of statement furniture such as this comes with a price. Literally. The tech-table costs $7,000 and I think will be popular only with the super rich who can afford to throw away money on something that could get scratched or damaged by a number of hot and cold drinks.
six interchangeable views: Gantt Chart, Timeline, Mind Map, Top Down, Left/Right and Outline. In addition to several key project management-focused upgrades, including individually managed resource calendars, effort-driven tasks and improved branch data visualisation, MindView 5 Business Mac also features: •
an intuitive and streamlined Mac-friendly Interface
enhanced MS Office® and MS project integration
built-in task and resource allocation
seamless transferring to/from MindView 5 Business PC
…and much more “After nearly two years of evaluating user feedback and
analysing our competition, we are proud to release MindView 5 Business Mac.” commented MatchWare’s product manager Thomas Henriksen. “By combining a fully functional project management solution with the industry’s leading mind mapping software, MindView 5 Business Mac improves usability and the presentation of ideas, which helps make users more efficient every day. Quite simply, MindView 5 Business Mac is an invaluable asset for any project manager.” MatchWare’s MindView 5 Business Mac is available now for a one-time fee of $349 (single user). A demo version is also available. Learn more at: Endeavour Magazine | 103
outh Africa. If you haven’t visited this country, drop what
South Africa and felt the heat at the heart of this nation. What better
you’re doing and book your flight. Honestly, I am not kidding,
place to experience this than in the Mother City, Cape Town.
whatever you are doing at the moment will not give you
Under the sun and under the mountain, Cape Town sits upon
nearly the same satisfaction or make you feel more alive than partaking
the rugged peninsula between the Indian and Atlantic Ocean and
in any one of the thousands of different excuses to have fun that this
benefits from some of the most sublime views in the country. On an
country provides every moment of every day.
average morning you can expect dark blue ocean waters stretching out
Life began in Africa, but it learnt how to have fun at its southern
to beyond the horizon and the rising wall of the world famous Table
most country and from a tourism and travel destination aspect, the
Mountain, one of the seven natural wonders of the world, on the other
problem is not what to highlight, but knowing where to start. Having
creating a cinema setting for the most extraordinary of sunsets.
lived and travelled in a number of different countries I’ve yet to live
Cape Town is bountifully thick with natural life and beauty which
anywhere else where I could find the staunch love of life that you find
has merged seamlessly with the city providing a diverse offering of
in SA. Whether it’s the sunshine that has every South African soaking
boutique hotels, game resorts, restaurants and a score of water sports
up Vitamin D like a sponge or the native love of braaivleis and anything
including surfing, para-sailing, snorkelling, diving, jet-skiing and whale
and everything related to outdoor sports, we South Africans have an
watching. Fun above the waves is good, but the richness of the Atlantic
endless stamina for fun and an enthusiasm for adventure.
Oceans delivers a swell of life beneath them and every opportunity to
This Is Africa has never been more appropriate and you cannot appreciate the South African way of life until you’ve actually been to
104 | Endeavour Magazine
go diving and snorkelling should be embraced and pursued. A warning is necessary, once you’ve visited Cape Town you will not
want to leave, like most things about South Africa, you just can’t find the same elsewhere. Its appeal is so powerful that it stays with you and changes your shape so that you just don’t feel like you fit the same anywhere else. For honeymooners and couples seeking a romantic getaway, you will leave a part of yourself here that you’ll have to return to collect, so my advice would be when you arrive, book your next holiday while you’re there. Exquisite accommodation and idyllic views, the finest wine and gourmet food found anywhere in the world a wealth of culture and language, the easy-going people who all share a love of busy days and relaxing evenings watching the golden sun set. While many international eyes are fixed on places such as the vibrant V & A Waterfront, of the craft markets, the trips up Table Mountain or the safaris one of the best places we found was actually a little further inland. However, if you are looking for something that will combine the visually stunning with the clean-cut allure of a corporate aesthetic, there is really only one place to go.
African Pride Crystal Towers Hotel & Spa A tribute to South Africa’s ability to splice different genres and modes together, African Pride Crystal Towers and Spa, has united the expected comfort and straight lines of the business world with the famously organic, luxurious surroundings. Opened in 2009, African Pride Hotels is part of the Protea Hospitality Group which was, itself, founded in 1984. “Our main focus has always been service excellence,” General Manager Gary Koester says, “And at our heart is corporate and conferencing business.” With a 180 bedrooms, eight boardrooms and four large conference venues, three of which can be combined to create a 350-seater cinema style venue, or a 450-seater cocktail venue they have brought practicality and luxury together. Creating a fresh environment where business leaders can approach projects and ideas with fresh thinking and open minds. Endeavour Magazine | 105
“We are noticing a growth in international leisure travel,” Gary continues, “Previously, the international market focussed on being in the Cape Town CBD, but many are now looking outside and realising that Century City is the most central area, being only 15 minutes from the CBD, the start of the Cape Wine lands and Cape Town International airport.” “Key features include 500MB Wi-Fi per day complimentary to all guests and 24 hour room service. In the rooms, the signature design elements include the television sets which rise from the base of the bed, allowing guests to lower it out of sight if they simply want to enjoy the view of the city or canal through the floor to ceiling windows and our cylindrical showers, the ‘Crystal Showers’. As with most hotels, standard features such us satellite television, telephone, alarm clock, work desk and mini bar are all included.” “On the dining front,” he continues, “We also have an in-house a la carte restaurant Towers Restaurant, an upmarket bar, Ruby Bar, a 24 hour deli and a suspended pool deck which has its own bar and menu. Located next to the pool deck is our Life Day Spa which recently won the award for the best day spa in South Africa.”
What Can Guests Expect? As previously mentioned, African Pride Hotels is part of the Protea Hospitality Group, and as such are included in the training that they provide. With its own training department, Protea Hotels Institute for
106 | Endeavour Magazine
Professional Development offers everything from an in-service trainee
50mbps Wi-Fi connectivity through the property,” Gary adds, “We are
programme for school leavers (4 year programme) to short courses and
one of only a handful of hotels in South Africa that have this and this
skills development for existing employees. All courses are funded by the
is over and above the offer of the first 500MB per day free of charge.”
Hotels for their employees. “People may ask what if we train our staff really well and they leave,” Gary says, “But our answer is simple, what if we don’t and they stay?” African Pride Crystal Towers Hotel & Spa are dedicated to the development of their staff, understanding that only a happy and well trained employee will be able to offer the guest the kind of standard of service that has put them on the map. “Our service vision is to ‘Acquire and maintain guests by anticipating, meeting and exceeding our guests expectations by consistently delivering outstanding personalised service’,” Gary affirms, ”This vision is recited by the teams each morning to ensure that it is at the forefront of their minds.” A ‘Hot or Not’ review system is used as another facet to maintain
The Source Of An Ideal Business Get-A-Way? There has to be a sense of emotion for any experience to sink in. Whether it is the lessons learnt from a corporate training seminar and business function or the experience of swimming with dolphins of shark diving off the Cape point, if something is going to stay with you there has to be a sense of emotion, a sense of being moved. This is what Cape Town offers, so many opportunities to stop and look at Table Mountain, or cast your gaze out at the sunset over the Atlantic, or sit at a boutique coffee house in Century City and watch the many different people pass you by and just allow yourself to be moved.
standards. This is in the form of cards which each guest completes on checkout with a rating system and feedback. Each and every card is responded to and tracked to ensure that issues and compliments are addressed accordingly. These comments are also placed on guests’ profiles to ensure that their previous comments are taken into consideration on every stay and the entire process is managed by their Guest Relations team. “We recently installed high speed fibre optic lines which now offer
Endeavour Magazine | 107
The Mask Of Zorro By Isabel Allende
’ve always loved Zorro because
The Mask of Zorro, by Isabel
he was a very ‘human’ hero,
Allende, is a swashbuckling, fun, thrill
working in a limited span.
ride that follows the story of Diego
Unlike Batman or Superman whose
de la Vega, the original Zorro, and his
adventures could span entire worlds,
various entourage of loyal friends and
Zorro was always held to his time and
instructors in the arts of acrobatics and
to his location, namely Los Angeles
combat. The novel takes the form of a
during the late 1800s. Having to rely
biography and is the first origin story
on ingenuity, athleticism and cunning
for this legendary character. In terms
to overcome his various enemies, he
of material, it is a prequel to Johnston
was an inspiration to many children
McCulley’s 1919 novella The Curse
who saw him and actually believed
of Capistrano, which first featured
that they could do something similar
the character of Zorro. The story also
without the need for super powers.
incorporates details from a variety
Zorro, which means Fox in Spanish,
of works that have featured the pulp
was probably to blame for many a
hero, including the 1998 film The Mask
bruised knee, blackened eye and
of Zorro.
broken arm, but has also been cited as
It is a heavy read, but worth getting
the inspiration behind Bruce Wayne’s
through because it highlights Zorro’s
decision to become Batman (the
fallibility as a mere human and the
night his parents were murdered
tricks he had to use to appear greater
than his enemies. I especially enjoyed
to watch Zorro at the
the comment about his “honest ears”…
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Tell No One By Harlan Coben
Eight years ago, David Beck was knocked unconscious and left for dead while his wife, Elizabeth, was kidnapped and murdered. For the next eight years he re-lives the horror of what happened that day, until one afternoon when he receives an anonymous email telling him to log onto a certain web site at a prescribed time, using a code that only he and his wife knew. The screen opens onto a web cam and it is Elizabeth’s image he sees. As Beck tries to find out if Elizabeth is truly alive and what really happened the night she disappeared, the FBI are trying to pin Elizabeth’s murder on him and everyone he turns to seems to end up dead...
Haunted Chuck Palahniuk
Haunted is a novel comprising of twenty-three horrifying, hilarious and stomach-churning stories. They’re told by people who have answered an ad for a writers’ retreat and unwittingly joined a “Survivor” type of scenario where the host withholds heat, power and food. As the storytellers grow more desperate, their tales become increasingly extreme and they ruthlessly plot to make themselves the hero of the reality show that will surely be made about their plight. This is one of the most disturbing and outrageous books you’ll ever read, one that could only come from the mind of Chuck Palahniuk who gave us Choke and Fight Club.
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The Wife, The Woman And The Manager Behind The Comedian And Actor Rhys Darby. WRITTEN BY STEPHANIE PAUL
recently had the absolute pleasure of interviewing the
both roared with laughter at this mistake and I relaxed again, as our
delightful Rosie Carnahan-Dar, the woman who makes up the
laughter died down we continued.
other half of “Team Darby”; standing by her man the acclaimed
ME: Take me back to the beginning, how did you meet?
Actor and Comedian, Rhys Darby. I was honored that Rosie invited
ROSIE: We were just discussing this the other day actually. In
me to meet with her at their home in an area that’s known as “The
fact it is surprising we didn’t meet at University in Christchurch
Valley” in Los Angeles, California. The Valley can get hot and that
because two of our best friends from Uni are brothers.
day, it was 112 degrees Fahrenheit outside (44 C) with no breeze. I
ME: So you are the same age?
turned my car off, opened my door stepping out, only to be engulfed
ROSIE: Yes (she says with a twinkle in her eye) Rhys is two
in heat that made me feel like I could be supervising pizzas cooking
weeks older than me. However we met after University when I was
from inside of a wood-fired oven. As I walked up the path to knock on
auditioning people for a venue. I was running a performance space
the door of their home, I prayed for air-conditioning. Rosie opened
with a bar and a café. Rhys propped up the bar with the one beer
the door and welcomed me over her threshold before I melted on
he could afford every night, (she whispers to me) for months (and
her doorstep and my prayers were answered. Not only did their air-
conditioning make me comfortable Rosie and Rhys made me feel like I was back in New Zealand just sitting around having a natter with some kiwi friends. Rhys kindly made us a cup of tea, then slipped off down the hallway leaving Rosie and I to settle into the interview. ME: You have been together for 70 years, oops 17 years. We 110 | Endeavour Magazine
ME: So one might assume that he propped up that bar every night to see you? Could we say maybe, that is when he fell in love? ROSIE: (Rosie looks back to the hallway where Rhys has snuck off to and raises her voice) I think so, (Louder) I hope so! ME: Do you think you fall in love or you choose to love?
ROSIE: I think there’s a point where there is no return and there
show finished at 5am and I often napped between shows. There is
is a point when you can get out. There’s no time limit on it. Love
something glorious about being woken up back stage by an old Dr
could happen after day 2 of meeting someone and I think if you
Who because you have to open the house for his show. I ended up
choose to stay with that person forever, you grow to love them.
working there for over a year and my second year at the festival I
When you live with someone, you develop alongside each other,
ran 9 venues. We met amazing people there and Rhys and I have
your not developing like cakes in separate ovens. I don’t know
been back 9 or 10 times in the last 14 years. It was a great training
where that came from? (We laugh at the analogy). Your opinions,
ground for the arts.
interests, thoughts and experience bounce off each other and shape where you are going in life. ME: You eventually went into business together, tell me how did that start?
ME: So after a couple of years in Edinburgh you moved to London is that when you started managing Rhys? ROSIE: No I worked on the New Zealand Comedy Festival, the London Comedy Festival, and as a Talent booker for a chain of
ROSIE: It really happened over the course of the years. I was
Comedy Clubs called Jongleurs in the UK. It wasn’t until after we
helping the comedians in Christchurch to bring in the crowds while
had children that I really started to manage Rhys. We carefully kept
they developed their comedy, in a void, as they did not have a lot of
our professional lives very separate we never wanted to be accused
influences. I was offered a job to run a comedy club, The Classic in
of nepotism. However people still would say things like “Rhys only
Auckland, so we moved. Eventually we both wanted to broaden our
got that gig because of bla bla bla”. In fact it was quite the opposite.
careers so we decided that we would go to the Edinburgh Fringe.
Whenever I’ve been in the position to know something from my
At the festival I got a job running one of the big venues for the
job I always left the room, especially if it was something he was
Gilded Balloon. My first show each day was at 10am and my last
involved in like a comedy award that was being discussed. I’ve never
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wanted to have to lie to Rhys or hold information back that I may know about his potential career. Managing him just sort of happened when we were in New York doing Flight of the Conchords. Rhys was working on the show and I became a full time mother as I did not have a visa I could work on. We had tried both working and juggling our family in London, but it became a nightmare. That is where I started running his schedule so we could work his career around the family. It took me about two years before I would even agree that I was managing him, I thought I was just organising him. He still has his agents and managers in the USA, NZ and England; I’m just the team leader. ME: Does he pay you well? ROSIE: (laughing maniacally) I take it all!! No everything goes through our business,Awesomeness International, and we get paid a salary. ME: Awesomeness International was started how? ROSIE: I guess initially it was a hobby project to keep me
ROSIE: I don’t know exactly, because unlike most businesses we don’t have a corporate structure that specifically aims at certain things. Things come up and we just do them. ME: Are you involved with any comedy charities?
entertained. Idealistically Rhys and I had always said that we would
ROSIE: Not specifically although a lot of shows I have taken on
go overseas and garner knowledge to take back to New Zealand and
have been charities, as we knew there would be no hope of making
share. He would learn from the comedians I would learn production
money. It was more about supporting comedians and helping them
wise what was happening in the club industry and we would take
through the endeavour. It is always worth it, taking on these projects
that home. Bringing amazing comics to New Zealand has never been
to help them get a step forward in a mentor type role. I believe we
about the money it has been about show casing unknown great
should share the knowledge.
talent to New Zealand. In producing Rhys it ensured that we kept all the profit from his tours and I could keep a sharp eye on the budget
ME: I heard through the grapevine that you write some of Rhys’s material is that true?
in a market I knew well. In fact the very first shows we produced at
ROSIE: No, sometimes I give him ideas. He is very controlling
Skycity in Auckland sold out in minutes and the only announcement
about writing his material but is certainly open to ideas. He has a
we did was on social media.
very unique style and there is definitely a difference between his
ME: What percentage of your business is aimed at helping and nurturing other comedians and talent? 112 | Endeavour Magazine
standup and his shows. At the end of his shows we will sit down with some writers and go through and look at what we think worked or
didn’t work and toss around ideas, i.e that line didn’t work, this line did, this whole piece isn’t working get rid of it. ME: Does he hold on to some of those pieces that sometimes might not be working and not want to let them go? ROSIE:
holds onto things or I have to pick my moments. I waited 10 shows once to pick my moment to tell him a whole piece wasn’t working because I knew he really loved it.
“If you have too many big goals I think you miss the chance to seize the day. I used to get frustrated when I didn’t have all the information or control all of the information. Then I realized if I just let go of the information, it would come to me when it was good and ready. So don’t sweat the little things. Don’t get too caught up in the way you normally do things, be willing to go with the flow.”
there, together as Team Darby? RHYS:
something wonderful in someone and that is what they love and then they find that there’s a lot of low level stuff that they have to put up with for this one wonderful thing they love. With Rosie, I initially didn’t fall in love with her intelligence and what she was capable of, I fell in love with her beauty and her essence. After that, eventually came the realisation that she was a force of nature and capable of everything.
ME: So you had to have proof!
ROSIE: It’s not really for the proof, it’s just allowing him to get
there is a lot to learn about each other and Rosie has so many layers
to a place where everything else in the show is getting stronger and
to her, not just the winter clothing. I’m very lucky that she has a lot
stronger around it and it wasn’t going to be a piece that worked
going on because that means we will have a rich life together and
inherently within the show. Then when we started creating television,
it’s certainly not shallow. You have to have so much more going for
with Short Poppies, I came on board as Executive Producer and
you than the physicality, and Rosie has so much more to offer, way
writer. I helped with character development, story arcs and script
more than me.
editing. We bounce ideas off each other well and mainly because I know him so well I can take something maintain the integrity of what he has written and just help him make it work a little bit better. ME: So you are just Team Darby taking on each thing that comes one at a time.
Then he smiled and slipped away again. I turned then back to Rosie to ask her my closing question. ME: If there is an inspirational message you could share with other women, what would it be? ROSIE: If you have too many big goals I think you miss the chance
ROSIE: We never really sat down and said we’re going to set
to seize the day. I used to get frustrated when I didn’t have all the
up this company and have this and this and we’re going to do that.
information or control all of the information, but then I realised that
Everything we have done has pretty much been organic, I guess our
if I just let go of the information, it would come to me when it was
business Ethos is “Yes”. Nothing we have ever done really has been
good and ready. So don’t sweat the little things. Don’t get too
a deliberate decision. Whatever is on the table movies/TV, tours,
caught up in the way you normally do things, be willing to go with
shows whatever it is it has to fit in with our family. Family is the
the flow. Take a deep breath and actually enjoy life because it’s not
number one priority and we have turned some things down putting
all about work, or achieving goals. Life is about experience. There
family first. We don’t always do it for the money sometimes it is
is no glass-ceiling, do what you like. Find your passion and do it!
just the opportunity. We have lots of ideas that we do bounce off
Instead of asking why, ask why not?
each other. I don’t think it’s a chore for him to work with me. I’d like
We said thank you, good-bye, shared hugs and kisses and Rosie lead
to think I make him laugh and my ideas are strong because of my
me out again to the blistering heat. I noticed as I wandered up the garden
path in the blistering heat to the, now sauna-like, temperature of my car,
Then Rhys walked into the room and I was able to ask him the following… ME: Rhys, you and Rosie have been together for 17 years what are the things about her and your relationship that have kept you in
that I had a big smile on my face and felt warmth in my heart and a little skip in my step. I couldn’t help but wonder had a little bit of Team Darby love rubbed off on me? Because it was obvious to me, even after 17 years Rosie and Rhys were still nuts about each other.
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odybuilding is a sport that requires a specific kind of mindset. Genetics and good luck may play a part, but they are of the tiniest importance compared to hard
work, dedication, research and preparation. I asked Miss World Fitness and Miss Fitness Australia, Connie Garner, if she could take me through what it takes to build a body into a physique that wins national and international competitions. A recognisable figure on the female bodybuilding scene, Connie has appeared in competitions across the globe and magazines such as FHM and Oxygen. She has also been in films, is a writer, has a bachelors degree in Information Systems, a diploma in Management, is a fully certified group fitness instructor and personal trainer and to top it off is a qualified hairdresser. It takes dedication, a long-term vision, planning, consistent hard work and passion to be a winning bodybuilder or fit girl, things that many people struggle to muster. It also takes sacrifice, focus and above all, tactics. “Early in my fitness career I did a lot of planning,” Connie says, “After all, the longer you do something the better you get at it!” The highly sought after fitness model and competitor developed a taste for competitive and challenging sports at the age of fifteen when she started car racing, this soon progressed into fitness and bodybuilding alongside other sports such as UFC, MMA, Rugby, Nascar and V8 Supercar. Through all of these she quickly learnt what was important and necessary to win: “Research and planning,” she says, “I found out what the people who were the best in the business were doing and established what the current trends were and evaluated what worked for me so that I could develop and work to my strengths.” This is a tactic that she has used repeatedly ever since and has
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important things to remember are the details that most spectators will never know about. “Sunday afternoons are spent prepping meals for the week ahead because you never want to be caught hungry,” she says, “Packing your gym bag and preparing your food the night before ensures you are prepped for the next day and helps motivate you.” Nutrition accounts for 70% of your results and Connie knows that you are what you eat. If you’re not eating right, you’ll be at an automatic disadvantage, “I tell people who complain about not being able to lose weight that even if they don’t like exercise but have the correct nutrition that they can still lose fat. Exercise, of course, will bring tone and shape to your body but nutrition is the key.”
Motivation In a game where results are as clearly evident as with bodybuilding, motivation is a key component for any sort of success added that to a philosophy of hard work and repetitive learning,
and Connie explains that she keeps her spirits high is by keeping a lot
“Practice, practice, practice,” she says, “Particularly when it comes
of motivational quotes, images and mantras around her at all times.
to fitness routines; they need rehearsals to ensure the best results.
“Everyone needs to find the system that works for them and
The best in this game get there because when they train hard they
I’m a visual person, so I like things to be in my face,” she says, “It’s
don’t have to think about anything else other than their training.”
so important, because setting goals is a must, to keep yourself
Winning a bodybuilding competition is not all about just the gym. It is a full-on demonstration of dedication and those who plan, usually do better than those who don’t. Connie has a list of fundamentals that she looks at before each and every contest: 1. Get your training right
motivated and on track.”
Training Through Peaks And Troughs One thing that everyone knows about body building is that it’s
2. Get your diet right
a balance between training, diet and rest. What you may not be
3. Outfits ordered and fitted early
aware of however, is that to gain the perfect physique that wins
4. Be impeccably manicured head to toe
competitions, timing plays a key role. ASuccess depends on a juggling
5. Ensure you tan for the lighting you’re working with
act where a number of different elements, such as diet, training and
6. Be prepared for the expected and unexpected (pack
water intake, have to come together at just the right time.
spare outfits, food, shoes, jewelry, makeup, hair products, safety pins, bobby pins, nail polish)
“The first two weeks of dieting is the challenging phase as your body still craves things you are cutting out and your energy dips,”
7. Get a great night’s sleep before the event.
Connie relates, “the key is knowing that once you get through those
8. Take the best attitude you possess everywhere you go.
first two weeks you’ll be back to normal and this helps to keep your spirits high enough to push yourself through it.”
Clearly, a lot of work goes on behind the scenes, that many
She goes on to say that pre-workout supplements are great for
people don’t appreciate, Connie however believes that the most
a boost for training, while protein supplements are vital to repair
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and rebuild the muscles that are damaged through training; “A lot of
of training muscle elastic strength and explosiveness to enhance
bodybuilders and athletes neglect multivitamins and amino acids but
athletic performance, allowing athletes to train harder and longer in
these are essential for your body when dieting.”
the gym to get their results.
As a bodybuilder, you cannot train and diet at the same pace
Cutting phase – (6-8 weeks before event) – this is the most
throughout the year because the body is not designed to do so and
technical and arduous period during an athletic schedule where
you have to coordinate things to meet at a point- usually the day
training is undertaken to burn calories, while dramatically reducing
of the competition. The phases of training for all bodybuilders and
calorie intake to create the formidable lines and definition in the
fitness girls are:
Hypertrophy – improving areas that need more shape. Long
Connie says that she doesn’t have a favourite training method
sessions of self-assessment and analysis in front of a mirror are
and what she does depends on what phase of training she is in.
important to assess what areas need to be worked harder and
Leading up to a competition, she trains three hours a day, mixing
smarter. Speed and agility training – the body works as a unit; skeleton, muscles, tendons and soft tissue all need to be trained in different fashions with different procedures and routines required. Plyometric training – a method
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up cardio, weights, routine and
“Research and planning. I found out what the people who were the best in the business were doing and established what the current trends are and evaluated what worked for me so that I could develop and work to my strengths.”
flexibility training. During her hypertrophy
train four days a week, with little cardio while focusing hard on weight training to gain the muscle bulk that can then be shredded down later.
Promotion “I am online a fair bit. I love Twitter, Facebook and bodybuilding. com,” Connie says, “Connecting with likeminded people and sharing information with others is how this sport grows and it’s also motivational to be able connect with and share others training and nutritional experiences.” But when it comes to the training itself, Connie says that this is very much an individual sport and she doesn’t have a training partner preferring to be able to move around quickly through her training, “I superset my work outs and have found I’m not as productive if I train with someone else.” “I do have an inspiration that drives me,” she admits, “And that will always be Monica Brandt; she has an amazing physique and is a lovely soul.”
is now trendy. It is simply more fashionable today to be a healthy, hard-training gym fan. “Fitness is and has been the ‘hot’ topic for the past decade,” she says, “I believe we will see it continue. Tough Mudder and the new Miss Muddy style events will continue to draw new participants for a few years yet and there will be new ones popping up soon.“ We’ll also be seeing a lot more of Connie who has been involved in a Hollywood blockbuster, due out mid 2015, where she was involved in a couple of scenes, “I’m looking forward to doing more movies and television work as well as continuing to model and give motivational speeches.” You can catch Connie on Twitter: @msworldfitness and at her website:
The Fitness Revolution Thanks to the Internet, the prominence and importance of fitness has gone from being ‘health orientated’, to something that
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he Internet has put music on the decline,” Scott Warner, CEO of GIGG says candidly, “Musicians are still making great music and fans are hearing it
more than ever but the money isn’t being made. This has created a great opportunity.” As the music industry pond shrinks, the major music labels are turning to established musicians to make money while all but ignoring the new talent. With limited means available for undiscovered acts to gain the exposure needed to begin networking with industry professionals, an opportunity has been created for innovative businesses to find the solution. Enter GIGG. App/web based technology company GIGG is providing opportunities for aspiring artists to get recognition and exposure. On one side it is working with global talent such as Robin Thicke, Kelly Clarkson, Diddy and countless other big names in music production and development, while on the other side, new music talent is being given a usable, available resource to get their names and sounds out there. “We launched GIGG in January 2013,” Scott explains, “And even since then, things have developed and changed. We are still focused on creating a new way for musicians and artists across the globe to gain exposure, get the word out, and be discovered, but to do this we have to keep ahead of the technology development.”
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Explaining this, the young CEO of the industry morphing company insists that the overall vision hasn’t changed and that
the Internet created an environment that did not suit the needs of the old music-business model.
they are always looking to find ways to help aspiring artists. It is
“I was VP of sales for Pinnacle Security,” Scott reveals, “And I
this mission that has gained the attention of Forbes magazine, who
spent a decade learning about business traits and skills. One of the
focussed on the company after they were asked to help push Robin
most essential lessons I learnt was the importance of updating your
Thicke’s single, Give It To You, out into the market.
philosophies and models. You have to be cutting edge.”
Being on the front line, Scott has a full view of the state of the industry and it is not all rosy, “Today there just isn’t a lot of money being made in music because many people, especially the youth, don’t think they need to pay for it. In addition, many well-known bands are now giving their music away for free, like U2. This really affects aspiring artists. If we want the talent to keep developing, we have to discover or reinvent new ways to improve or fix the issues they are currently faced with.” This innovative thinking is the strength behind GIGG’s platform. Competitions are regularly put in place where artists’ music can be leveraged with the strength of online media and social networking. As a global business, they have worked with the likes of Maroon 5, Korn, Carrie Underwood, Diddy, Jay Sean, Skylar Grey and many others, forming an enviable network of producers and online affiliates that
With a passion for music and entertainment Scott founded GIGG not because he saw an opportunity to simply make money but because he saw the chance to help re-model the music industry back into a profitable position, “This can then be replicated for other industries,” he says, “Across all entertainment sectors and businesses.” There is a lot of correlation between the problems faced by the music industry and those being tackled in the print-media and book industry. As we discussed with best-selling author Alex Scarrow last month, the money vs talent ratio is not being met. Businesses that are focussed on changing this face a host of obstacles that need to be overcome, not only in the business sense but also in changing perceptions.
has put them at the front of this fast paced and colourful industry. “I’ve learnt, from day one, that things never go according to plan,” Scott says, “You plan for one thing and it develops in a different direction. It’s not about pulling the wagon but riding the wave you’ve created.” In January 2015, GIGG will be unveiling their new product. Scott wasn’t able to go into too much detail but he did say, “We are in the process of rebuilding and putting together a brand new website and application that includes the technology we use for musicians and it will be aimed not only at the music industry, but all performers and businesses as well.” Scott believes that it is all about networking, developing strategic partnerships with the right people and as many of them as possible. Their approach to developing these relationships with the right people works so well for the music industry, allowing fast and worthwhile contact between performers and labels that it is an easy extension to offer it to businesses. These developments have come at just the right time and have been a response to the developments in the music industry since
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“Making change starts by knowing what you need to do and focussing on it,” Scott explains, “All of my staff share my passion for
The Artists GIGG’s clientele are artists and its purpose is to help these
entertainment and we all value innovative thinking. Training them is
artists develop and grow, as gaining exposure encourages people to
imperative because like any team, things only progress if we’re all
continue developing and pushing themselves as far as they can and
fighting for the same cause.”
to keep on learning no matter what. “We normally run about two
Of course not all companies are agile enough to change and
to seven competitions a month but we plan to increase that,” Scott
Scott believes that not many businesses in the music industry
says, “We’ve started connecting the artists to the music legends that
have truly figured out how to use the Internet to help build music.
will help them grow and show them what they can do to become
Clinging, as it were, to ‘age old’ methods that worked a handful of
years ago is one of the areas Scott is hoping to change and he is
“Once an artist competes on GIGG, we want to keep them
actively testing his models by building strategic relationships with
around for a while,” he adds, “Providing them with the Cool Tools
some of the ‘big dogs’ in the music industry and seeing if GIGG can
that could help them become better at what they do.”
help them.
So, to ensure this happens they are working on strategies to keep
One of the tools used by GIGG is social media, something that
ahead of game. “There are competitors out there with a vast number
Scott insists all of his staff are familiar and fluent with, “It plays a
of platforms available to artists but they are unable to harness all
massive role in what we’re doing and the use of social media is
the separate elements into a single effective thrust. We are always
something that needs to be encouraged within all businesses. Not
making sure that we’re building opportunities for artists and they
just in the music industry but all entertainment industries as well.”
just keep getting bigger.”
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2015 And Beyond “I am incredibly excited,” Scott reveals “About 2015, but unfortunately I can’t yet reveal a lot of what we are doing. I can say
biz ta
that its stuff that you’re not going to be seeing anywhere else!” Even more services will be provided to artists, to achieve what they really want to and opportunities for businesses to leverage the same strength will be provided as well, “This tech we are building from scratch is going to be useful for a number of industries.” “The world knows us as a competition and artist discovery platform but in 2015, we’ll be known for so much more and that’s exciting. We’ve invested a few million dollars into it so far
“Making change starts by knowing what you need to do and focussing on it,” Scott explains, “All of my staff share in my passion for entertainment and we all value innovative thinking. Training them is imperative because like any team things only progress if we’re all fighting in the same direction.”
and will no doubt invest a few more million, but this will provide some vital tools to make our mission even more effective.”
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f course you do. Everyone wants to be tall. Superheroes
people. You stand out in a crowd, you’re guaranteed a certain level
are all tall, except Wolverine who in the comic books is
of success and all you need to do his have good posture and go to
only five foot four inches. Because Tom Cruise didn’t
the gym and wham that modelling job where you just need to stand
want to play him in the movies, the role went to Hugh Jackman
still and be tall is yours! But there are some serious downsides to
and the character is now one of the most beloved of all times and
being tall. Okay, not so much downsides, because there aren’t really
of course he is because Hugh Jackman is tall! Sure, an adamantium
that many, but there are a few things that are annoying and have
skeleton, retractable claws and a badass attitude probably helped,
very little to do with us and more to do with this world that has been masterly created by Hobbits!
Tall = Big Feet= Big Shoes= Problems Buying shoes is difficult. I’m six feet five inches and am grateful for my size 13 boat paddles that I call feet because without them, I’d fall over faster than a stepladder in a Benny Hill skit. It’s also come in handy with swimming because they’re like flippers and in martial arts because with such big feet I’m likely to kick something with very little effort. Living in Britain, most shoe shops only go up to a size 12. To get bigger I have to order them online and even online the biggest size that the shoes I want are a size 12! I wanted a pair of Harley Davidson Grinder boots, the sort that Arnie wore in the Terminator films and nothing says ‘hard ass’ more than having to crush your feet but it’s the height that counted the most. Trust me. Being tall is one of those things that everyone else seems to
into a macho boot that’s too small for your immense kangaroo sized feet.
think is one of the best starting points you can have in life. If you’re
And it’s like everyone else thinks I’m lying about having such big
tall, you’re half way there to being able to look down on other
feet. If I had a pound/dollar for every time someone at a shoe shop
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pulled out a size twelve shoe and asked if these would be okay, I
some sort of task or chore that you’re just dying to ask me to do. The
would have my own bespoke shoe emporium by now!
endless requests from you short people to get this, to move that, the
As it is, guys my size tend to have boots and shoes that get ‘worn into’. Shoes, clothes and the world in general is just not made for us;
assumption that being as tall as I was that I was imbued with some sort of strength that would only happen if I was a real giant.
shoes wear out and break faster, socks don’t stand a chance and trousers - oh God, don’t get me started on the trousers!
I’m A Giant In A Tiny, Tiny World
The Trousers
something; there are very few tall people in Britain but at least that
I moved to Norwich, England almost a decade ago and discovered
I was six feet tall when I was 10 years old, which not only made
makes it easier for us to spot each other in a crowd. Everything in
me an utter freak, it also turned me into the punch line for any
Britain has been crafted specifically for small-statured Anglo Saxons.
number of jokes. When the bullies got bored they’d just wander over
There is a reason why Vikings wore helmets when they invaded
and start throwing stones. Firstly, I was all height with no horizontal
here as I’ve hit my head on everything. The tops of doors, signs and
aspect at all; a stick figure with remarkably big feet for a pre-teen and
even ceilings. There is a a pub called the Adam and Eve, which is the
horrendously large ears (assuming that the nose and ears continue
oldest in the city, and is so small it caters entirely to people of the
to grow throughout a man’s life, I’ve resigned myself to the fact I’ll
Shire and when I walked into it the first time I actually did set my
look like the BFG). I was in primary school in South Africa where
own punchline.
the school uniform was grey shorts, tall grey socks and white short
It’s not just houses and pubs, it’s restaurants too! Furniture in all
sleeve T-shirts with the badge on the pocket. We weren’t allowed
of its shapes and configurations actually cater to a select group of
to wear long trousers because that wasn’t the school uniform and
people; regular heighted or shorter than average. If I sit at a table in
South Africa is nothing if not dedicated to their uniforms.
a restaurant, my knees are crushed beneath the surface and if there
Their largest size of shorts was about two sizes too small for my
are ever those weird supported leg bars under the table, my shoes
apparently pachydermish sized rear end and so after I sprouted like
get caught under there like a trip rope and everything on the table
a freak I also had to wear hot-pants for the last three years of school
will go flying.
before finally being admitted into high school.
I hate flying. I can’t believe that airlines are so blind to the fact
By the time I was 13, I was six feet two inches tall so naturally the
that tall people exist and I have come to the conclusion that it’s a
moment I stepped through the high school gates I was prescribed to
massive conspiracy to keep me on the ground. I get so wedged in
join every sporting team they could think of. Swimming, basketball,
when I’m flying that even if the plane did go down, I would be found
rugby, athletics, boxing and even golf (no idea why). South Africa
in exactly the same scrunched up seated position. I’m always at odds
is a nation obsessed with being manly so the sports we play and
with people sitting next to me because I probably do need the aisle
how we play them are definitively rugged and violent. We play golf
seat and if they need to move then it’s going to take some while
vigorously but it was in playing rugby that I learnt how to run as
because usually within a couple of minutes I’ve lost all feeling in my
fast as I did because the moment someone passed me that ball I
legs, probably because of the ridiculously tight trousers!
would Forrest Gump my way in the opposite direction of the people coming at me (a moment of consideration will explain why I was quickly taken off the rugby team). In basketball I played provincially but didn’t dribble the bloody ball once; no cool leg and footwork for me! I ran from one side of the court to the other depending on who had the ball and my job was to reach up and either a) stop the ball going in or b) make sure the ball went in. It
however, there were also endless chores! Anything requiring height. I may not know you but I know that there is
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