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Influencing through brand

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Engagement Windows

Engagement Windows

With the backing of Mighty Craft, Better Beer is the brainchild of social media influencers Matt Ford and Jack Steele from The Inspired Unemployed, and founder of Torquay Beverage Company, Nick Cogger. We spoke to Mighty Craft’s Cam Buckland - Sales and Marketing Director - on the role social media played launching this crowd favourite.

Q Can you tell us about the activationthe channels, audience/s, assets etc.

The digital-first, social media-led approach of Better Beer’s launch made this brand ‘lagerthan-life’ in record time.

The Better Beer team and Mighty Craft, worked closely to create content for digital and social media platforms to launch the brand in November 2021.

Appealing to young Australians who want a carb and sugar free drink with their friends, and don’t take themselves too seriously, Better Beer activated an ‘always on’ social media campaign across Instagram and TikTok.

This was backed up by a strategic PR push to generate coverage across TV, radio, print, online and podcasts, which generated significant editorial, as well as in-store displays and visibility across the Endeavour network.

Q What were the insights behind this particular direction?

It was well understood that younger customers were becoming increasingly disengaged with the liquor category and one of our early goals was to build a brand that would re-engage these customers and get them excited about beer again.

With Matt and Jack’s extraordinary social media following and engagement, it was an obvious choice to put most of our efforts into creating unique content for their channels that would successfully resonate with the target audience and drive them into Dan Murphy’s and BWS stores.

The launch of Better Beer was an intense 12 months of planning and six months of close partnering with Endeavour.

Working hand in glove with Harriet and the team, we worked through every facet of the fully integrated launch plan. We wanted the Better Beer launch to be disruptive, engaging and most importantly a lot of fun.

The launch was a huge success, which subsequently created many further challenges after selling out of what we thought would be six weeks of stock, in the opening weekend!

Q Would you say the understanding that your audience connects digitally with brands more than ever before influenced this activation?

Absolutely. The Better Better launch demonstrates the power of digital marketing and the incredible reach of The Inspired Unemployed, especially with our target consumer.

Since its launch, Better Beer has amassed over 110,000 followers and its social channels have had over 20 million impressions and reached over 8 million people.

This level of reach has played a huge role in the success of Better Beer and continues to do so.

Q What have been some of the interactions with your audience during, and as a result of, this campaign?

Following the launch, Better Beer has gone on to stage successful campaigns including the Better Beer Drop Competition, Moan Challenge and our inaugural ‘Day for It Day’ launch, which was an incredibly successful campaign that welcomed the arrival of summer on the first Saturday of December.

in the opening weekend!”

Q What can we expect to see from the brand moving forward?

We’re thrilled that Better Beer has disrupted the beer category like nothing else we’ve seen in the past decade.

While Better Beer is eyeing a potential expansion overseas after robust sales in the New Zealand market, the focus is still on Australia and launching two new products in the first half of this year.

The brand is on course to exceed our year one expectations and we look forward to continuing to work alongside the Endeavour team to keep Better Beer top of mind and on everyone’s lips in the year to come.

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