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Board of Directors

Board of Directors


The Endocrine Society of the Republic of China(Taiwan) President

෇߈। Fen-Yu Tseng

Standing Executive Board

е‫ڄ‬Н Pei-Wen Wang

ጿջང Keh-Sung Tsai

Executive Board

е‫ݾ‬ϰ Chih-Yuan Wang ؄߫቉ Annie Lee ஼ኋ‫ ܇‬Ching-Chung Chang ചࡧႁ Szu-Tah Chen

ചో਷ Harn-Shen Chen ༂Љಉ Tien-Shang Huang ဩਐᖑ Tjin-Shing Jap ᙐም‫ ع‬Ming-Nan Chien

Standing Control Board

‫ݔ‬ϧ኉ Jen-Der Lin

Control Board

‫׊ݔ‬ႁ Hong-Da Lin

Secretary General

ቔቄ࣏ Feng Hsuan Liu

Deputy Secretary General

֕ஏᆋ Wan-Chen Wu ងีྶ Deng Huang Su

஼Љ໚ Tien-Chun Chang

ߚ୊ઊ Wei-Yih Chiu

The Diabetes Association of the Republic of China(Taiwan) President

೩ඐ㠈 Wayne Huey-Herng Sheu

Standing Executive Board

ٛᓃይ Shyi-Jang Shin

ചᄹᆌ Jung-Fu Chen

Executive Board

؈ࡧ኉ Shih-Te Tu ༂ऊ൞ Yu-Yao Huang ചఽֆ Ching-Chu Chen ጿзᐪ Shih-Tzer Tsai

ᗃ݃ঢ় Ming-Chia Hsieh ࢺΛϧ Yi-Jen Hung ྇୊ി Wei-Shiung Yang ༂࡛ᄀ Chien-Ning Huang

Standing Control Board

ೆҴҖ Lee-Ming Chuang

Control Board

եᐢ೾ Low-Tone Ho

Secretary General

‫ݔ‬ਣ໌ Shih-Yi Lin


؄҅ϰ Hung-Yuan Li ؄࠶኉ I-Te Lee ؄࡛ᑺ Chien-Hsing Lee

ᔝ‫ݎ‬঩ Tong-Yuan Tai

е߹ᑺ Jun-Sing Wang Ԩ‫ע‬Ꮫ Chih-Hsun Chu ‫݁ݔ‬኉ Kun-Der Lin 9

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