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Diabetes is a common non-communicable disease that affects hundreds of millions of people ZRUOGZLGH &XUUHQWO\ LW LV WKH ¿IWK OHDGLQJ FDXVH RI GHDWK LQ 7DLZDQ $FFRUGLQJ WR D SURVSHFWLYH IROORZ up of a large cohort of 256,036 diabetes patients for up to 7 years from 1995 to 2001, diabetes patients suffered from a 1.63-fold higher risk of mortality while compared to the general population. However, the cause of death was not ascribed to “diabetes” in more than 70% of the patients. Approximately 48.6% of the patients died of causes probably ascribed to cardiovascular diseases and 18.5% died of cancer. An extension of the follow-up period of a subcohort of 89,056 type 2 diabetes patients who had been interviewed with a structured questionnaire for up to a period of 12 years or to the end of 2016 suggested that the lowest mortality rate was observed in patients with a body mass index within 25 NJ P 7KLV ZDV WKH ¿UVW WR SRLQW RXW WKH H[LVWHQFH RI ³REHVLW\ SDUDGR[´RU D VXUYLYDO DGYDQWDJH in type 2 diabetes patients with mild obesity. A recent follow-up of 92,567 diabetes patients including type 1 and type 2 diabetes until the end of 2011 (up to 17 years) showed that 10.9% of the patients died at an age <60 years. Men with diabetes consistently showed a higher mortality rate than their female counterparts and types of diabetes was not predictive for mortality. Insulin and smoking were consistently predictive for either cancer- or non-cancer-related deaths. However, diabetes duration, hypertension, glycemic control and dyslipidemia were only associated with non-cancer deaths. Patients living in rural areas had a higher risk of mortality than patients living in urbanized areas. Additionally, screen-detected diabetes and obesity provided survival advantage for non-cancer-related deaths.


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