3 minute read
Deepening Family Ties on Mother's Day
By: Chris Lee
I love holidays. What I love about holidays is the love and good vibrations that are enjoyed by everyone. Most families use holidays as a time to get together, break bread and create memories that will live on forever. Think for a moment about the times that you’ve enjoyed with your family over Christmas, Thanksgiving, Boxing Day or Mother’s Day. Even in contentious families, people often set their differences aside for a day or two to celebrate.
Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate your mother for obvious reasons. She gave birth to you, she fed, bathed and clothed you until you could do so for yourself. But let’s dig a little deeper. A woman, a mother is the link that ties generations together. Through her womb, distinctive DNA is passed to a new generation. Everything that is uniquely you was given to you by your mother.
There is no love greater than a mother’s love. If you’re a mother and you’re reading this, you know how much you adore your children. Regardless of their character or track record - it is rare for a mother not to have a deep love for her “babies”.
That love goes double for single moms. You often hear people say that their mother played both parental roles. While flattering, it is not possible for one parent to fill the role of two parents. Yet and still, many women take on the role of protector, provider, disciplinarian and nurturer.
I have a tremendous amount of admiration for every mother, but especially single mothers. Raising children of my own helps me to have a deep understanding of what it takes to be a mother. Some of my most cherished memories with my mother are times when I did things that made her happy or lightened her load. As a kid and a teenager, I lived to hear five words: “I’m proud of you son.” When I heard those words, I felt loved, supported and encouraged.
There is a select group of people that will have a different experience on Mother’s Day; those that have lost their mothers. The sting of death can sap the joy out of every holiday, especially Mother’s Day. I can only imagine the sadness that this brings. My heart goes out to you and your family if you’ve lost your mother.
Please remember your friends that have lost their mothers; a phone call, a visit or inviting them to spend time with your family (if possible) can help ease the heaviness of their loss.
On this Mothers Day, be sure to tell your mother words and show her actions that will make her feel the depth of your love. You can do this quick but insightful exercise. Even if your mother has passed on from the physical plane, you can still do this exercise and you can still tell your mother what she needs to hear.
1. Take a moment to center yourself.
2. Take a few deep calming breaths.
3. When your mind feels settled and clear, ask this question: “What does my mother need to hear me say to her?”
4.Continue to focus on your breathing until you receive an answer.
One of the greatest Mother’s Day gifts that we can give to our entire family is the gift of healing. “Mom, I forgive you” or “Mom, please forgive me” can have a calming and healing effect on everyone’s body, mind and spirit. Let her know how much she means to you. Let her know that she still holds an important place in your life. Let her know that she’s not a burden. Let her know how much you appreciate her.