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Reviewing Incense Holders, Sticks and Cones

By: Andrea Sipcic

If you ’ re new to the world of burning incense, the options available can seem overwhelming. For me, that was definitely the case. Even if you ’ re not new to it, you may find that there are some options available that you may not know about or didn ’t consider trying because of the comfort you ’ ve developed with what you ’ ve been using for so long. One way or the other, it’ s nice to have options and get to know what we may like and what may work best for us. As with most things, despite the feedback offered, it’ s always best to try things out for ourselves and see what we like.


The following are a few of the different options to consider. (Please note the safety importance of burning incense in a more open, non-obstructed area, especially with the open burners that don ’t have any type of enclosure.)

Boat Burners/Ash Catchers

Boat Burners/Ash Catchers

These are the most common holders for stick incense. They are basically a long, flat piece of wood (or aluminum, ceramic, glass or stone) that curves up at the end, which has the hole to put the stick into. With this being so open and without any enclosures, the smoke emitted from the sticks is quite concentrated. Although it is the simplest and smallest, I have found it to be the messiest, with ashes that fall outside of the catcher. It can be a good choice for travel and small spaces.

Box Burner

Box Burners

This is a long, coffin shaped incense burner typically made of wood. The incense stick is placed and burns inside of the box, with all the ashes contained inside as well. There are small holes on the top cover from which the smoke comes out of, making the smoke emitted less concentrated and dense. Remember to empty the ashes out frequently, not allowing it to get too accumulated.

Wide Set and Leaf shaped holders

Wide Set and Leaf shaped holders

These are my personal favourites. I especially like the leaf shaped ones. They are the same idea as the standard boat burners, but being wider, there is virtually no mess, and it is very simplistic. The one I prefer and use most is a longer leaf shape, so the stick sits on a steeper angle. Similarly, I have tried and do appreciate the more rounded, stand up ones, in which the incense stick stands up straight, as opposed to slanted like most others. I have found this one to be a little less tidy than the leaf shaped one, but definitely appreciate the compact size and simplicity. There are also others that fall in between these two in terms of shape; they are wider, but shorter, often leaf shaped or oval like, with the stick sitting on a less steep angle.

Wine Bottle Holders/Burners

Wine Bottle Holders/Burners

These come in the shape of a wine bottle, and the stick is held in place through a small key ring that sits at the top of the bottle opening. There are typically a few small holes at the bottom of the bottle, allowing the smoke to leave through them, as well as through the top hole. This is a great option if you want to have a less dense smoke being emitted, and if maybe the coffin burners aren ’t your first choice; some people don ’t love the idea of burning in a wood enclosed box. This option also takes up less surface space. The one thing to note is that in order to secure the incense stick, you will have to wedge it between the key ring and then place the stick inside. This can be a little tricky and messy, and can cause ash and incense residue to get on your fingers. You can also easily make your own using a wine bottle. Getting the holes at the bottom is not necessary and a little more tricky, but if you want them, it is definitely doable.

Incense Cones

Incense Cones

Recognizing that incense sticks seemed to be more popular, I would always disregard cones and didn ’t really understand how the tiny things even worked. When I finally tried them out, I was pleasantly surprised. They function much the same as sticks, but are just more compact and burn faster. With these, you just light the tip and then extinguish the flame with gentle movements of the hand. There are also a wide variety of holders for cones. If you ’ re looking to go super minimalistic and prefer the most basic available, you can opt for the tiny, flat metal plate measuring less than three centimetres (only slightly bigger than the cone itself). If you prefer the more extravagant route, there are large, more intricate and mystical options such as a water fountain or a dragon type design, creating a striking, more illusionary vibe. Or opt for anything in-between; the possibilities are practically endless.

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