2 minute read
Practicing Witchcraft
By: Aria de Lima
In the past, the practice of witchcraft was something that was commonly looked down on. Oftentimes, people kept their practices a secret to avoid the backlash and criticism from society. Today, practicing witchcraft is actually very common and openly talked about. Entire communities have been built as a place for people to learn, share and interact with others who have similar beliefs.
Tori Smith was one of those
people. At the young age of 14, Tori found herself taking a passionate interest in crystals. Over the next several years, she began to notice that her intuition and draw towards certain practices continued to grow. About a year ago, she connected with the online community through the help of Instagram and Tik Tok. She was able to learn from others and eventually found her mentor.

“I’ve sort of been a witch my whole life without really knowing about it. I’ve always had a really good intuition,” she said.

While many people are practitioners of witchcraft, there are different types of witches who use different methods within their practice. Some examples of this include Hedge, Wicca, Lunar, Celtic and Herb magic.
“Anybody can be a witch. There is power within every single human being. We all have a light source; we all have energy. The power within yourself is all that you need.”
Over the past year, Tori has taken a deep dive into the history of magic and witchcraft. As you would with any other interest, she explained that doing your research is the first step. One way she incorporates her practice into her everyday life is through the use of candles;
setting intentions while lighting candles. The candles can be used for various purposes based on the purpose you choose to have them serve. They don’t have to be any special candles; simple tea lights will do just fine. You may choose to use coloured candles which each have their own meaning and purpose. For example, yellow is to help promote happiness, and black candles can be for protection.

She also keeps a spell book and works with various aspects of the practice, including potions and the use of herbs and crystals. She turned to books such as ‘Psychic Witch,’ by Mat Auryn and ‘Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs,’ by Scott Cunningham.
“It is a manipulation of the
energy around us for an optimal result. I almost sort of felt the draw and fell into this world head first. I had a few crystals. I had a few books. I would read online and see videos, and I always had such an interest in it,” she said.
With the support of some of her family members, friends and the community she has found online, Tori has expanded her knowledge of the practice of witchcraft and incorporated it into her life. Ultimately this led to her creating her own crystal business, called Musings of a Baby Witch.
To learn more about Tori’s crystal business, visit her Instagram and Tik Tok accounts at @musingsofababywitch. Get 10% off your first purchase by sending her a direct message using the code "musings10."