2 minute read
Ana Ludlow
actividades realizadas en el sector son otro factor, debido a que la sociedad tiene la idea de que sólo se necesitan ingenieros en el segmento y no es así.
El crear conciencia de la desigualdad existente en el sector, ayudará a la lucha de la equidad de género a sobreponer todos estos estereotipos. Los hombres deben ser parte fundamental del cambio, y aportar a todas estas mujeres un apoyo para que ellas logren sus metas. “Creo que todavía tenemos que impulsar más el que se abran los espacios para las mujeres no es algo que vaya a cambiar solo. Creo que es responsabilidad de nosotros si sabemos que hay otra manera de hacer las cosas, empujar a que eso suceda. Se debe de seguir manteniendo el que se haga conciencia de esta desigualdad de género y se trabaje en cerrar las brechas”, comentó Ana.
El camino al éxito no es un camino lineal, siempre existirán altas y bajas pero se debe seguir luchando por los sueños y metas. Hay que levantar la mano, confiar en sus capacidades y nunca darse por vencidos. “Hay que quitarnos ese tipo de de cargas para dar lo mejor posible y seguir seguir creciendo dentro de todos los sectores, no solamente en el energético”, concluyó.
Over the years, leadership in the sector has been a problem of female discrimination. To have an impact, diversity must be sought that allows more value to be placed on the vision of decision-making. And this will only happen with an equitable and egalitarian culture where women contribute all their capabilities and concern for all social and environmental issues. According to Ana, this concern and interest in these issues will help the ecological transition sought around the world.
The trend of male predominance in the sector is a factor that should lead to a transition. Likewise, the macho culture, where men work and women care for the family, opens a discrimination gap. And on the other hand, the need for more information about the activities carried out in the sector is another factor because society has the idea that only engineers are needed in the segment, which is not the case.
Raising awareness of the existing inequality in the sector will help the fight for gender equity to overcome all these stereotypes. Men must be a fundamental part of the change and support all these women to achieve their goals. “I think we still have to push more to open spaces for women. It is not something that is going to change by itself. I think it is our responsibility to push for that to happen if we know that there is another way of doing things. We must continue to raise awareness of this gender inequality and work to close the gaps,” said Ana.
The road to success is not a linear path, there will always be ups and downs, but we must continue to fight for our dreams and goals. You must raise your hand, trust your abilities and never give up. “We have to take off those burdens to do our best and continue to grow in all sectors, not only in the energy sector,” she concluded.