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The sun’s energy inside a
U.S. lab
U.S. scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory achieved a historic breakthrough in nuclear fusion. The researchers conducted fusion ignition after decades of work, i.e., this team produced the sun’s energy in the laboratory. This success will pave the way for the future of the energy transition.
The latent concern around the world about the climate crisis has prompted world governments to look for new ways to produce the energy needed to exist. The transition to renewable energy sources is spearheading the change.
Electricity has an impact on all aspects of life. It is essential for living for heating, lighting, and mechanical and chemical processes. However, one of the sectors that produce the most pollution is the electricity sector. That is why researchers at Lawrence Livermore
Se trata de un logro histórico para los investigadores y el personal de la National Ignition Facility. Han dedicado sus carreras a hacer realidad la ignición por fusión, y este hito sin duda impulsará aún más descubrimientos”,
“This is a historic achievement for the researchers and staff at the National Ignition Facility. They have dedicated their careers to making fusion ignition a reality, and this milestone will undoubtedly spur even more discoveries,” la energía nuclear como fuente de poder. Sin embargo, los científicos consideran significativo el avance porque se trata de una prueba irrefutable de que la energía nuclear puede aprovecharse en la Tierra.
National Laboratory have worked for decades to develop nuclear fusion to produce electricity through clean atomic energy.
Fusion is the sun’s way of producing energy, and recreating a functional fusion reaction has been difficult. This breakthrough means a lot because fusion could move from the laboratory to a usable energy source and add to the fight against the environmental crisis.
“This is a landmark achievement for the researchers and staff at the National Ignition Facility. They have dedicated their careers to making fusion ignition a reality, and this milestone will undoubtedly spur even more discoveries,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm.

Y aunque deberá pasar por lo menos una década más para ver la primera planta de fusión y se comercialice, muchos empresarios e inversionistas los cuales buscan la transición ecológica ya están invirtiendo dinero en la industria de la fusión.
El objetivo de este tipo de fusión es ofrecer energía barata e infinita al mundo, poder llegar a cada casa y rincón del orbe y lograr económica y socialmente un cambio positivo, así como el apoyo a aquellos que no tienen acceso a la energía eléctrica.
En caso de lograr la implantación a gran escala de la fusión, se convertiría en una fuente de energía de escasa contaminación y de gases de efecto invernadero causados por el uso de los combustibles fósiles. Además de la reducción exponencial de los peligrosos residuos radiactivos de larga vida creados en las centrales nucleares actuales.
Despite the breakthrough’s great success, nuclear power still needs to become a viable power plant and solve the environmental crisis from which it suffers. The cost and time to build a nuclear fusion plant, plus the fact that the process is still in the research pipeline, are critical obstacles to using nuclear energy as a power source. However, scientists consider the breakthrough significant because it is irrefutable proof that nuclear energy can be harnessed on Earth. And although it will be at least another decade before the first fusion plant is commercialized, many entrepreneurs and investors seeking a green transition are already pouring money into the fusion industry.
This type of fusion aims to offer cheap and infinite energy to the world, to reach every home and corner of the globe, and to achieve economically and socially positive change, as well as support for those who do not have access to electricity.
El objetivo de este tipo de fusión es ofrecer energía barata e infinita al mundo, poder llegar a cada casa y rincón del orbe y lograr económica y socialmente un cambio positivo.
This type of fusion aims to offer cheap and infinite energy to the world, to reach every home and corner of the globe, and to achieve economically and socially positive change.
In the case of achieving largescale implementation of fusion, it would become a source of energy with low pollution and greenhouse gases caused by the use of fossil fuels, in addition to the exponential reduction of the hazardous longlived radioactive waste created in today’s nuclear power plants.