Cornwall Living 73

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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

I s s u e 7 3 | J u ne 2 0 1 8 | £ 3 . 9 5

Our guide to the top summer reads


Discover what the animals at Newquay Zoo get up to after hours







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Events to keep the little ones happy over the coming months


What's on

this Summer!


Issue 19 | Summer 2018


Festival FEVER Our guide to Cornwall's hottest events this summer


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11/05/2018 16:38

YOUR MONEY THEIR FUTURE Helping Cornish families for over a decade. We want to understand your story. et our team work with you to create an inno ati e, customise nancial lan. The value of pensions and investments can fall as well as rise, you may get back less than you invested. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. For an free introductory consultation please contact our team at: Truro Office - 01872 88400 • Penzance Office - 01736 366550 •


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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

Working in partnership with:

Member of:

The official tourist board

Pr o d u c t i o n E d i t o r H a n n a h T a p p in g h a n n a h . t a p p i n g @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k



E d ito r ia l M a n a g e r F e lix R o w e e d i t o r @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k D e s ig n M a n a g e r C h lo e S e a r le D e s ig n J a m ie C r o c k e r – S p e n c e r H a w e s M e D a B e p ro

d ia n W th a d u

& M a rd n y A c tio n

a rk e e n – lle n @e n

tin g J a s C a g in

A s o n itlin e h o

s is F le M u s

ta n ts tc h e r - M e g a n S e a r le c L in to c k e m e d ia .c o .u k

F or all e d i t ori al, p rod u c t i on, m ark e t i ng or d e s i g n e nq u i ri e s : 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 C r e d it C o n tr o l T ra c y D a rt – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 t r a c y . d a r t @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k A c c o u n ts M a n a g e r C h a r lo tte F o r s te r – 0 7 7 1 4 7 1 8 4 7 1 c h a r l o t t e . f o r s t e r @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k

B u s in e s s D e v e lo p m e n t M a n a g e r s S a m R o b e rts – 0 7 9 4 6 4 9 1 3 5 8 s a m . r o b e r t s @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k G e o ff P u llin – 0 7 5 3 5 5 8 5 6 1 3 g e o f f . p u l l i n @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k Ia n G ra n t – 0 7 5 0 4 0 0 7 9 4 1 i a n . g r a n t @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k M e d ia S a le s E x e c u tiv e s N ia m h T h o m a s – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 0 n i a m h . t h o m a s @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k B e n W o r m in g to n – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 2 b e n . w o r m i n g t o n @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k D e s G lo v e r – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 2 1 d e s . g l o v e r @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k M e d ia S a le s A d m in is tr a to r C la ir e B e n tle y Operations Manager M ig u e l B e le r t Operations Co-ordinator A d a m P a rro tt


to the June issue of Cornwall Living

his is the time of year when the Cornish festival scene starts to get well underway. Our very own Flora Day last week, in nearby Helston, saw ladies and gentlemen in their finery dancing through the streets of this historic market town. Porthleven is about to play host to the ever-popular Masked Ball in its stunning cliff top location, while many more festivals celebrating art, music and food are taking place across the county over the coming months. We’ve been busy looking forward to some of our favourites, turn to page 24 for all the festive fun in this month’s cover feature. Our regular readers will know that we are passionate about property and interior design. Here in Cornwall we are lucky to have a fantastic choice when it comes to inspiration for our homes and from page 34 you will find a plethora of ideas for creating the ultimate in luxury room makeovers as well as some stunning homes on the market that could turn your dream of living the ultimate lifestyle by the sea into a reality. If you’re a foodie fan you should turn to page 89 where you’re sure to have your tastebuds tempted by our selection of culinary favourites and from page 111 our Kids Love section has plenty to keep families entertained over the coming weeks with our highlights of what’s on and places to visit. Until next issue...happy reading!


C o m m e r c ia l D ir e c to r J o n a th a n P e r k in s – 0 7 5 8 7 0 7 2 7 0 6 j o n a t h a n . p e r k i n s @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k M a n a g in g D ir e c to r B e n P ra tc h e tt – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 b e n . p r a t c h e t t @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k

The view fromCornwall...

G r o u p D ir e c to r A n d y F o rs te r – 0 7 7 1 1 1 6 0 5 9 0 a n d y . f o r s t e r @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k

“I had decided to catch sunrise at Pendennis Castle. Unfortunately, although being beautiful, I didn’t get a shot I was happy with. Luckily, as I drove back I caught a glimpse of this view across the Penryn river. Cornwall never fails to deliver!” Adam J Hill Find more of Adam’s work at Instagram: @osleston

COME JOIN THE TEAM! We have a brilliant and loyal crew here at Leven Media Group but as a fast growth business we’re always interested in talking to outstanding individuals. If you’re a superstar of extraordinary talent then we would love to hear from you. Call Andy Forster on 07711 160590 or email


ON THE COVER Port Eliot Festival. Discover more in our cover story (page 24). Image courtesy of C Faruolo.

Cornwall L i v i ng i s p u b li s h e d b y : E N G IN E H O U S E M E D IA L T D H o l b r o o k, T h e M o o r s, P o r t h l e ev n , C o r n w a l l T R 1 3 9 JX www. e ng i ne h ou s e m e d i a. c o. u k www. le v e nm e d i ag rou p . c o. u k E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td is a m u lti- p la tfo r m m e d ia b u s in e s s w ith a p a s s io n fo r e v e r y th in g Cornish. Visit to find out more. Our mission is to create R E A D - W A T C H - E X P E R IE N C E m e d ia o p p o r tu n itie s m a r r y in g to g e th e r c o n s u m e r s w ith th e fabulous businesses across Cornwall. Our publishing and marketing teams are specialists in c r e a tin g p r in t a n d o n - lin e c o m m u n ic a tio n s , d e v is e d to a c h ie v e a r a n g e o f m a r k e tin g o b je c tiv e s . W ith o v e r 2 0 y e a r s o f m a r k e tin g , b r a n d m a n a g e m e n t a n d m a g a z in e e x p e r ie n c e w e d e v e lo p e ffe c tiv e c o m m u n ic a tio n s th a t d e liv e r y o u r m e s s a g e in a c r e d ib le a n d c r e a tiv e w a y . W e o p e r a te a c r o s s a ll m e d ia c h a n n e ls , in c lu d in g : p r in t, o n lin e a n d v id e o .


2 0 4 9 -8 4 6 2

© A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . M a te r ia l m a y n o t b e r e - p r o d u c e d w ith o u t th e p e r m is s io n o f E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td . W h ile C o r n w a ll L iv in g w ill ta k e e v e r y c a r e to h e lp r e a d e r s w ith r e p o r ts o n p r o p e r tie s a n d fe a tu r e s , n e ith e r E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td n o r its c o n tr ib u to r s c a n a c c e p t a n y lia b ility fo r r e a d e r d is s a tis fa c tio n a r is in g fr o m e d ito r ia l fe a tu r e s , e d ito r ia l o r a d v e r tis in g fe a tu r e d in th e s e p a g e s . E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L t d s t r o n g ly a d v is e v ie w in g a n y p r o p e r t y prior to purchasing or considerations over any financial decisions. Engine House Media r e s e r v e s th e r ig h t to a c c e p t o r r e je c t a n y a r tic le o r m a te r ia l s u p p lie d fo r p u b lic a tio n o r to e d it s u c h m a te r ia l p r io r to p u b lic a tio n . E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td c a n n o t ta k e r e s p o n s ib ility fo r lo s s o r d a m a g e o f s u p p lie d m a te r ia ls . T h e o p in io n s e x p r e s s e d o r a d v ic e g iv e n in th e p u b lic a tio n a r e th e v ie w s o f th e in d iv id u a l a u th o r s a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a r ily r e p r e s e n t th e v ie w s o r p o lic ie s o f E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td . It is s u g g e s te d th a t fu r th e r a d v ic e is ta k e n o v e r a n y a c tio n s r e s u ltin g fr o m r e a d in g a n y p a r t o f th is m a g a z in e .

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Kids Love (page 111): Little Orchard Cider & Music Festival. Image courtesy of Lewis Harrison-Pinder.


Share your stories

@CLIVING2018 Witnessed a beautiful sunset? Tried the tastiest fish in Cornwall? We’d love to see what you’ve been up to…


WEALTH CREATION & FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS IN CORNWALL Offices in Truro, Penzance, Helston & Plymouth · Free initial consultation Truro Office - 01872 888400 • Penzance Office - 01736 366550 •

12/05/2018 13:14



•EXPERIENCE• M O U N T H AW K E S K AT E PA R K Mount Hawke Skate Park celebrates its 30th anniversary this year by playing host to the fi rst UK National Skate Championships in September 2018. If you have energetic children, or are young at heart yourself and enjoy an adrenaline rush, then this is the destination for you! Facilities on site include 24,000 square foot of undercover skate park – perfect to enjoy whatever the weather – as well as an outside trials park, a café, social area, shop, dance studio and puzzle room. Sessions are available to suit all ages and abilities, with coaching offered in skate, BMX, scooter and quad, ideal for honing skills. The skate park is also available to hire for private parties – the ultimate children’s birthday! What’s more, mobile ramps can be hired to use off-site. Mount Hawke also has its very own Surf Academy in Newquay so that when you’ve perfected the ramps, you can then hit the waves. Let the adventures begin!

MOUNT HAWKE SKATE PARK 0 1 2 0 9 8 9 0 7 0 5 i nf o@ m ou nt h awk e . c om www. m ou nt h awk e s k at e p ark . c om m ou nt h awk e s k at e p ark m ou nt h awk e

F i nd m ore li k e t h i s : www. c ornwall- li v i ng . c o. u k


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JUNE 2018

Cover feature



Share your stories

@CLIVING2018 Witnessed a beautiful sunset? Tried the tastiest fish in Cornwall? We’d love to see what you’ve been up to…


See page 24 for our cover feature on festivals in Cornwall




News & views


The heart of good food


Luxury property


Got to experience...




Gourmet gossip


On display


A feast of flavours

Catch up with Cornwall Find your dream Cornish home Win a little piece of Cornwall A window into Cornish art

138 Charity






Trelya – helping disadvantaged children

Meet the CJ’s family

The Hidden Hut on Porthcurnick beach All the latest Cornish foodie news


From hot new foodie businesses

100 Taste the difference

Introducing John’s – The Liquor Cellar T: 01326 569569



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66 71





Way back when

We take a look at coastal life in days gone by

102 Got to experience

Weird Fish’s new Falmouth store

108 A surf icon

Celebrating 40 years of Ann’s Cottage


51 52


Show success

At the Cornwall Home & Lifestyle Show

Blinded by brilliance


With Westcountry Blinds


What a feature!


A service like no other


Something in the air



The art of design



Pond building advice from Cornwall Ponds

From Duke Stone of Cornwall Eco-friendly cleaning with Innoscent La Fabrico: stylish and entrepreneurial

Interior expression

With Cornwall Rug Company

84 87

The warmest of welcomes

We enjoy a stay at the Falcon Hotel, Bude


An evolving philosophy

We catch up with Reeds Pharmacy

125 In the hands of the experts

Protect your lifestyle with Harris Begley

Destination Rock

Explore with John Bray Cornish Holidays




Treatment innovation at Duchy Hospital

Explore at ease

How can Cornish Horizons help you?


A groundbreaking alternative

Visit the Isles of Scilly without a worry

106 Calling all holiday home owners!



84 T: 01326 569569


CORNWALL LIVING | 7 CL--73--CONTENTS--2.00 v2.indd 7

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12/05/2018 11:52

News & views

News & views


Upgrade your home with The Carpet and


Offering personal service with an acute attention to detail, The Carpet and Homestore in Penzance is a member of the Carpet Foundation, approved by the Trading Standards Institute. It’s also a member of the Cornwall Council Trading Standards ‘Buy with Confidence’ scheme, as well as the Carpet1st buying group which keeps costs down, meaning that replacing your carpet with The Carpet and Homestore is both cost effective and quality assured!

20 years of experience. Indeed, from start to finish, your new purchase is managed and made as easy as possible – whether you want to fit the carpet yourself or have the store’s team of DBS identity checked fitters install it for you! Why not pop in to the Longrock Business Park showroom?

For more information call 01736 330279 or visit

The team also offers a free, no-obligation measuring and quoting service, as well as friendly and expert advice that stems from

Enjoy days out with a difference at Budock Vean Hotel

Art exhibition brings together four artistic heavyweights Through a dialogue between the artists Peter Doig, Denzil Forrester, Matthew Higgs and Kurt Jackson, the award-winning Jackson Foundation gallery celebrates the opening of two new exhibitions and reinforces its reputation for hosting eye-catching events. In a coup for the Cornish art scene, these four artistic heavyweights will discuss a range of artistic topics before the private view for the exhibitions Kurt Jackson: Seacrows and Denzil Forrester: From Trench Town to Porthtowan, also featuring a poetry reading by ‘dub-poet’ Linton Kwesi Johnson. Seacrows sees Kurt Jackson turn his gaze to

the shags and cormorants that populate our waterways and From Trench Town to Porthtowan showcases Denzil Forrester’s immersive paintings curated by Peter Doig and Matthew Higgs. Both exhibitions run from 26th May to 23rd June at the Jackson Foundation Gallery. For more information call 01736 787638 or visit

42 High Street FALMOUTH Cornwall TR11 2AF

Tel: 01326 313092


News & views

CL--73--ED--COMPOSITE--NEWS & VIEWS-(Paginated).indd 9

If you’re looking for a different kind of day out, then Budock Vean Hotel on the Helford river isn’t just a great place to stay for a holiday – there’s a lot going on that makes it a great place for locals to visit too! If golf is your thing, then the nine-hole parkland course provides a good challenge for a couple of hours, while the day spa is the perfect place to enjoy one of the team’s great Healing with the Seasons treatments before relaxing on the sun trap terrace and tucking into lunch or a cream tea. If the sun’s out, be sure to wander down through the hotel’s gardens and woodland to the river, where boat trips and kayak adventures depart daily from the private quay (book in advance). For more information and to take Budock Vean’s fantastic 360-degree interactive tour, visit

As Falmouth’s only independent opticians we believe we can look after you, treat you as special and that’s why we ask you to...

love your eyes. CORNWALL LIVING | 9

14/05/2018 10:11

We are a Cosentino Elite Showroom offering a wide range of Quartz, Granite and Corian Worktops.

Experience & Explore



mmerse yourself in our new Kitchen and Bathroom Showroom at Tamar Trading in Bodmin. We are one of Cornwall’s leading independent Builders’ Merchants, offering a great service and wide range of products to retail customers, DIY enthusiasts and to the trade. We’ve gathered together a collection of beautiful kitchens and bathrooms, ready for you to explore and experience. Talk to our designers about the perfect kitchen or bathroom for your home and choose from both contemporary and classic styles, which offer great quality at a price that’s as appealing as the designs themselves. Visit our showrooms to see for yourself, call us to arrange an appointment or visit our website for more information.

Call 01208 264700 Branch & Showroom Cooksland Ind. Estate, Bodmin, Cornwall PL31 2PZ Branches also at HOLSWORTHY & TORRINGTON

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12/05/2018 11:53

News & views Summer fun is set in stone at Greens of Padstow

We recently discovered that Greens of Padstow is gearing up to open its new and improved mini golf course and we cannot wait to give it a go this summer! The team have been at the drawing board to create this immersive course, groundworks are being undertaken and the first phase of planting a Cornish themed garden – including fruit trees, coastal grasses, palm trees and herbs is underway. The Greens of Padstow team have also commissioned three local sculptors: Peter Graham, Reece Ingram and Claire and Tim Stockings-Baker to create fun obstacles for the course with nature as the main inspiration. So, you’ll find something interesting to look at while you make your way around the course, as well as the incredible views over the Camel estuary that is! or more in ormation call 0 8 53 00 or visit reens adsto co u

Experience Trebah Garden like never before This summer Trebah Garden and Gaggle Haus present the epic Persian tale SCRAWW, told via an immersive soundtrack created by international sound designer and composer Max Pappenheim. The production marries the enchanting features of the garden with an even more captivating tale of birds and music. Audiences will don ‘silent disco’ headphones, join a flock and put on their feathers as they get led through the garden. Paths and plots twist as the flock move through this truly immersive soundscape before reaching the finale on Trebah’s

We catch up with the man behind

Zebrafinch Hair

picturesque private beach. Trebah is already established as a cultural hub with a growing reputation for performances however, it’s the first time it’s seen anything like SCRAWW in the midst of its beautiful gardens.

Owner of ebrafinch Hair, eb Gethen has been passionate about hairdressing since he entered the trade 15 years ago. Once qualified, eb worked on fashion shoots and shows around the UK. Settling in Manchester, he started hairdressing at Nicky Clarke before moving to London. Eventually, not even the glamour of styling celebrities hair could stop Zeb being drawn towards the Duchy. On the back of his extensive experience across the UK, Zeb landed on Cornish shores and opened his own salon. Zeb tells us: “my salon is about making the client feel pampered. Taking time with appointments and making the most of my years in high-end salons.” Visit ebrafinch Hair in Falmouth to experience the magic yourself.

To find out more visit tre a arden co u am it eatre

or more in ormation call 0 5 8 53 or visit e rafinc air co u Telephone 01736 754242

A fully managed, flexible holiday letting service... We think you’ll like how we do things. More

News & views

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St Ives | Penzance | Hayle Newquay | Bude | Mevagissey CORNWALL LIVING | 11

14/05/2018 10:11

News & views Dive into your garden with a luxury spa

from Spyrys Spas & Hot Tubs The warmer weather is increasingly drawing us into our gardens, and you can transform your outdoor space this summer with the addition of a luxury hot tub. Spyrys Spas & Hot Tubs is excited to announce the game-changing Spa Boy, an automated water maintenance system from Arctic Spas which represents the most important advancement in hot tubs in many years; allowing you to unwind and relax at the end of a long day and enjoy the experience of soaking in therapeutic salt water in your spa. For those cooler days it’s easy to keep the weather off while you enjoy your hot tub with an umbrella, sail shade,


Cottage Creations

Having a natural talent for design and woodwork, Lucas Goodwin brings 30 years of experience to new venture, Cottage Creations. This fledgling company focuses on creating

or perhaps a gazebo or an automated Covana cover. Visit Spyrys in their large indoor Wadebridge showroom to see the whole range of options available. or more in ormation call 0 08 8 3 0 or visit s r s co u

The Hidden Hut –

read all about it! inspirational and handmade conservatories, annexes, porches and other bespoke projects. Lucas tells us: “we can create beautiful living spaces with stunning, characterful features turning any home into a distinctive, welcoming and spacious property.” Speaking from experience, Lucas built and designed his own annexe and conservatory, enhancing the existing character and contours of his period home. Lucas continues: “our annexe is built to the highest standard with many original features, whilst also creating a versatile living space.” Providing renovations, conversions or new-build projects, Cottage Creations will work with you to turn your concepts into a reality. To find out more call 0 3 0 88 or email lucas ood in mail com

La Fabrico

Having set up the Hidden Hut to great critical acclaim in 2011, Simon Stallard’s restaurant has gone from strength to strength, selling out consistently during the warmer months. Set for release on 3rd May this year, Simon’s new book, The Hidden Hut, showcases irresistible feasts to share and remember with family and friends, from the ocean, fields and clifftops of Cornwall. It’s packed full of inspiration for creating a magical and memorable feast of your own, with dishes suitable for everyone, whether you’re cooking for four or forty, at home or on the beach. Given that The Hidden Hut was ranked Number 1 in the Telegraph’s 25 Most Charming Seaside Restaurants in 2015 and that it appeared in Vogue’s Best Restaurants in Cornwall last year, a read through this fantastic new book is highly recommended to foodies everywhere! To find out more a out T e turn to a e 0



Porcelain Tiles Ceramic Tiles natural Stone Tiles Decorative Tiles

1 Mitre lane, Exeter, ex4 3bb - 01392 848487 -


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News & views

14/05/2018 10:12

UPGRADE your comfort for


During the summer sale take advantage of a FREE base upgrade on any Stressless® recliner. Choose to upgrade your recliner with the superior comfort and style of our Signature base or upgrade it to our new electrical integral footstool system LegComfort™ at no extra cost.*

Discover comfort at

Signature base. Experience striking looks and unbeatable comfort with a feeling of weightlessness and a soft, rocking motion. Available in 3 sizes.

LegComfort™ Featuring an elegantly integrated electric footrest. The footrest extends further to offer ultimate support for all leg lengths. Available in 2 sizes.

Julian Foye Tregolls Road TRURO TR1 1SB T: 01872 222226 W:

*Terms and Conditions apply: Offer applicable on Stressless® Classic base recliners only. Available on all new orders placed with participating retailers between 1st July 2018 – 31st August 2018. Upgrade from a Classic base chair and stool set to a Signature base chair and stool set, or to LegComfort™ (mains only). Upgrade from Classic chair only to Signature chair only also applicable. Offer not applicable on stocked consul promotional chairs or clearance models.

Summer_Comfort_Upgrade_Ad_W197xH264_JulianFoye.indd 1 013.indd 1

09/05/2018 11:54 15:14 12/05/2018

News & views Head to the trenches

for a performance like no other Follow in the footsteps of World War One soldiers and head to the trenches this summer from 18th June to 15th July. The Trench Bodmin tells the true stories of local Cornishmen who fought in the First World War. Enlist at Bodmin Keep and take on a real soldier’s identity. Board a steam train at Bodmin & Wenford Railway and head to the WWI replica trench to experience the chaos of battle first hand. eep your head down though! This immersive experience will see you part of the action. As BBC on Collective Arts says: “if you thought theatre was about finding a comfortable seat in a warm room for a

The road to


couple of hours, think again.” Will you survive? Your duty is clear – enlist today! For more information and tickets call t e o o ce on 0 8 500 or visit

Founder Gerri Creedon tells us: “My vision was to create a safe, warm, friendly environment where individuals struggling with substance use could access treatment and recover – somewhere I’d be happy to go for treatment myself. I was determined to provide care and support for partners and loved ones too.”


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miracle of theatre this summer

“Understanding the causes and effects of substance use is a powerful tool on the recovery journey,” she says.

This summer, Miracle Theatre’s new adaption of Chekhov’s bittersweet comedy, ‘The Cherry Orchard’ tours around the nooks and crannies of Cornwall. Popping up and being performed in unexpected and extraordinary places including gardens, beaches, castles and clifftops from 15th June. Director Ben Scott tells us: “each setting is transformed as night falls; the actors can never be sure what to expect and must be ready to respond to a dramatic moonrise, a sudden shower, or a wild animal trying to get in on the act.” The joy of open-air performance is that every night is different, for performers and audiences alike this is a genuinely unique and shared experience. Suitable for everyone and anyone, watching a performance outdoors truly brings the miracle of theatre to life.

For more information call 01237 405200 or visit

For more information visit or call 01209 216762

In the last year alone, over 40 people have successfully completed the programme. Gerri’s aim is to empower people approaching recovery to enable them to help themselves, to learn as much as possible about substance use and the associated underlying issues.

Regain Recovery is a rehabilitation centre in the heart of north Devon, on six acres of land, with a real sense of peace and tranquillity.

Don’t miss the


News & views

14/05/2018 10:12

LuxaflexÂŽ manual and powered awnings

Comfort & individuality outdoors

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Stylehome Unit 14 Threemilestone Ind Est Truro • Cornwall TR4 9LD

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12/05/2018 11:55

Great reasons to own at St. Minver Holiday Park:

Welcome to holiday home ownership at

• Peaceful woodland setting

St. Minver Holiday Park

• Splash about in the heated indoor pool & relax in the sauna • Explore the adventure play area, soft play, multi-sport facilities, crazy golf & arcade • Great location with 3 fantastic beaches 2 miles from the park • Great base to explore North Cornwall • Nearby attractions including the Eden Project, zoos & more!

Caravans from only £19,995*

Luxury lodges available

Payment options available

For more information visit us in the Caravan & Lodge Sales Enquiry Centre on park on: 01208 220661 Sat-Nav: PL27 6RR St Minver Holiday Park, Near Rock, Wadebridge, PL27 6RR *Prices vary between models and Parkdean Resorts parks. Subject to availability. All prices include VAT. Images are for illustration purposes.

Everyone's welcome Eat


Cornish food is at the heart of our hospitality. Enjoy our amazing Afternoon Tea in the Vista Lounge, taking in the spectacular views, from £16 per person. Bring the whole family for an enjoyable and relaxing day with Sunday lunch and a swim. 2 courses from £16.50 per person, 3 courses from £23 per person.

Our Spa... Indulge yourself with one of our relaxing treatments and make time for fabulous experience.

Afternoon teas

We have been awarded two AA Rosettes for culinary excellence.

Our boutique seaside rooms are styled to suit children, dogs and grown-ups, so make sure you check out our latest offers.

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14/05/2018 11:32

News & views Penrose Kitchen introduce a tantalising selection of Cornish cheeses this season

Penrose Kitchen is going the extra mile this season, giving you the ultimate cheese board experience as part of its dinner menu. For the cheese lovers out there, what better way to top off your meal than with a selection of eight delicious cheeses? Four Cornish and four British, the cheeses are briefly described and cut at your table. This little extra touch brings an extra sophistication to the evening, mingling the usual restaurant protocol with a cheese tasting experience that will leave you wanting more. Owner Ben tells us: “cheese

is special to us because we have it wherever we dine and particularly enjoy it with a little quality port to assist.” Providing the perfect end to a lovely dinner. Book a table now, over the phone or online via the website! To find out more call 0 8 5 or visit enrose itc en co u

Mor means more when it comes to your home interior! With a background in both luxury interior design and quantity surveying, Rebecca Rowe knows a thing or two about high end bespoke interiors. Through her new business, Mor Interiors, Rebecca is offering a fantastic service to anybody hoping to update their tired looking property, whether it’s residential, commercial or a holiday let.

graduated with a degree in Interior Design from Falmouth University and since becoming a member of the British Institute of Interior Design, if you’re looking for somebody to change the way your property feels from the inside out, Rebecca has the skills, knowledge and flair to help you realise your vision. or more in ormation and or a ree one our consultation call 07874 343731 or visit

Rebecca has access to a large network of tradespeople and she specialises in luxury design with hints of coastal chic, which couldn’t be more apt here in Cornwall. What’s more, having

Hoxton Special

With stand-up paddle board rental, kitesurfing lessons, yoga classes, and the best coffee on the beach, it’s a great venue for those that want to kick back with a lovely coffee having sent the younger ones off to do some activities under the watchful eye of the team.


News & views

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In an ongoing series of holiday home tips, George at Cornish Traditional Cottages discusses the popular types of holiday home in Cornwall. Whether you choose a mobile home, a lodge in a holiday park, a bungalow, semi-detached or detached house; folly, mansion, penthouse or castle, it’s very much up to your budget and then how you can make it appeal to tourists. Quirky, unusual and interesting holiday homes, even cabins and caravans, if executed right, can attract a great deal of interest. They’re not necessarily the most expensive to rent, but because they offer a unique experience, they are often popular both in and out of season. On the flip side, there will always be holiday makers who want that ‘home away from home’ experience. Whether this is a characterful cottage, smart townhouse or sprawling farm house; even quirky holiday homes have more appeal with these kinds of visitors when able to provide all the mod cons and facilities, while still retaining that individual character. Of course, when it comes to choosing a holiday home, location is absolutely critical. As we touched on earlier on in this series, there are particular holiday home investment spots in Cornwall and location is key, but you don’t have to be in the heart of the action to make a profitable business from your venture. ust be mindful that as much as properties by the seaside sell for a premium, they also rent for a premium, so what you pay and what you’ll be able to earn will have parallels.

Coffee and kitesurfing at The With amazing views toward St Michael’s Mount, The Hoxton Special is an exciting venue for watersports and coffee lovers alike. Putting to use the abandoned lifeguarding hut, just along from the station house car park in Marazion, the hut offers fun and excitement for all the family.

Holiday home tips

For more information call 01208 893980 or visit

Easy going and approachable, the whole crew is super friendly and always happy to help, and with their wealth of experience and qualifications, you know you’re in for a great day out. For more information call 07572 432402, visit or thehoxtonspecial


14/05/2018 10:12

News & views finishing at Land’s End, after passing through Sennen Cove, Aire Point and Priest’s Cove, entrants will climb Cornwall’s bastion of rugged and alluring coastline to Cape Cornwall to collect their contraband. There’s even a real life shipwreck en-route with the remains of RMS Mulheim, as well as the stunning Longships Lighthouse, which is visible for the entire journey.

Calling all pirates!

Bys yken Events, the host of this coastal caper, has been o cially approved by Plastic Free Coastlines, taking responsibility in all of its events for the conservation of our environment, ensuring each run leaves the coastline plastic free.

The Smuggler’s Scuttler is a half marathon of swashbuckling proportions, set at the very end of land. Starting and

or more in ormation or to enter t is summer event visit sv enevents v e co u

Celebrating the value of volunteers Volunteers at Cornwall Hospice Care save the Cornish charity a massive £1.2 million every year, an extraordinary saving that will be celebrated during the national Volunteers Week from 1st to 8th June. The volunteer’s collective gift of time equates to 162,320 hours and ensures support in the charity’s clinical, retail and fundraising departments and in many of its o ces. Cornwall Hospice Care’s Volunteer Services Manager, Sally Sandford tells us: “There are 8,760 hours in a year so our volunteers are giving us eighteen and a half year’s worth of time every 12 months. I can’t emphasise enough how much that means to our charity

in terms of economy and e ciency. uite simply, without our volunteers we would be lost.” There are a wide range of volunteer roles available at Cornwall Hospice Care to suit all ages and interests, in the hospices at St Austell and Hayle, at the Neighbourhood Hubs in Penzance and Wadebridge, and in shops across Cornwall. To find out more and to a l visit corn all os icecare co u su ort us volunteerin

Cook to

perfection David Retallack Kitchens is introducing its newest product for kitchen e ciency this spring, Samsung’s dual cook flex oven. o Retallack tells us: “the dual flex oven effectively creates two ovens from one without taking up valuable space,” highlighting that this is an oven that can multitask, so that you don’t have to. It’s often the case that we want to cook more than one thing at a time but with variable temperatures, this isn’t usually possible without two ovens. The dual cook solves this problem, allowing you to use different settings in the same oven. Although this is the season for barbeques, it’s definitely worth thinking about the ease of a multi-tasking oven for those big family dinners during the colder months of the year! 0

or more in ormation call 08 8 3 83 or visit davidretallac itc ens co u

B.J. TAYLOR Const ru ct ion & Grou nd w ork s

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Tel: 01503 220499 Mob: 07887 555077 We are authorised installers for Nudura ICF


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Please ring us for more info if you are thinking of a new build or extending. We would love to explain the benefits to you over traditional methods.


News & views

14/05/2018 10:12

Stunning Hardwood Floors TreConcepts creates high quality flooring designs tailored to your requirements.

Call. 01872 492 029 ¡ Showroom open Monday to Friday at Mount Pleasant Eco Park, Chapel Hill, Porthtowan, Cornwall TR4 8HL

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14/05/2018 11:33

News & views Get comfortable with The Cornish Bed Company Visit The Cornish Bed Company at the Royal Cornwall Show from 7th to 9th June and discover what makes its beds oh so comfortable. The dedicated team have been handcrafting beds for over 25 years using traditional foundry casting techniques, and have honed their skills to perfection. Garry Smith tells us: “we take satisfaction in knowing we produce the best beds found anywhere in the world and we do that right here in Cornwall.” The foundry and showroom in Par is open to explore and there are showrooms in Topsham, Devon and Chiswick, London too.

Also appearing at the Three Counties Show from 15th to 17th June, there are more than enough opportunities to get comfortable with the Cornish Bed Company this summer. For more information call 01726 825182 or visit

Transform your property into a

dream home with Adrian Core Based in south east Cornwall, the Adrian Core Bespoke Furniture team are ideally located to produce the perfect solution anywhere throughout the south west, and they relish a challenge.

The north coast

is calling

They specialise in all aspects of high end bespoke internal furniture, from kitchens to bedrooms, cabinets to coffee tables, so whatever you’re looking for, you can guarantee that your creation will receive an attention to detail that is second to none, with plenty of options for aesthetic customisation.

Tucked into a rolling hillside, Gwelva Hills is a luxury collection of nine self-catering lodges, boasting gorgeous views of Bude and the ocean beyond. The perfect destination for those looking to escape from the fast pace of modern life, and spend time reconnecting with friends and family. Dogs are welcome in some of the properties, so your four-legged friends can join you on your Cornish retreat. The two and three bedroom lodges have floor-to-ceiling windows, which frame the stunning views and allow natural light to flood the open-plan living areas.

throughout to reflect the surrounding coastline. Open all year, it’s always possible to relax, unwind and explore this beautiful part of Cornwall.”

As one of very few licensed fabricators of Dupont Corian in Cornwall, Adrian has vast experience of working with this solid surface, and the team can work with a vast array of materials, including glass, granite, marble and silestone, to name but a few! Having originally trained as a cabinet maker, Adrian is able to combine any of these materials with a solid wood of your choice, and the results are always stunning.

The interiors are modern and sleek, with cool blues and pastel tones used

For more information call 07816 416440 or visit

For more information call 01579 324174 or visit

Don’t miss the Weird Wonders of Nature this half term! Something fishy is going on this half term at The Cornish Seal Sanctuary, but can you and your family see past the red herrings and help the team solve a marine mystery? Find the culprit by taking part in The Captain’s Compass Quest; discover the culprit, and the Captain may reward you with a unique pop badge! Along the way, you can also take part in exciting science experiments all about the weird wonders of nature.


News & views

You and your little ones can enjoy all this and more at The Cornish Seal Sanctuary this half term, which is home to over 30 amazing animals and provides a home for rescued grey seal pups being rehabilitated to be released back into the wild. To make some fantastic savings on your tickets, head to the website! For more information visit

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14/05/2018 10:14

News & views Sale now on at

Cornwall Homestore! You may know the Cornwall Homestore for furnishings to adorn the home or o ce, but have you seen the range of luxury accessories that’s available there too? Create your style with finishing touches and designer details; perk up your palette with the latest colour trends. From candles to cushions, new bamboo wears to combat plastic waste; show stopping artwork to bling centrepieces, it’s all at the Cornwall Homestore. Indeed, with bedroom, kitchen, lounge, dining and outdoor ranges available, you’ll find the perfect accessory, whether it’s to complete your home or a gift to a friend.

are always happy to help. The best part is, a sale is now on with multi-buy discounts available, so why not pencil a trip into the Cornwall Homestore now, before you miss it?.

Set over two floors, the showroom has so much on offer, including a new-for-2018 full lighting range, and the experienced staff

For more information call 01326 377485 or visit

Family fun for days at Polurrian Bay Hotel

For the little ones, free Kids Club activities include scratch art, pebble painting, loom bands, hama beads and face painting, while the Outdoor Play Zone gives adults and kids alike the

chance to enjoy giant chess, giant snakes and ladders, hop scotch, and a host of other outdoor games, all against the stunning backdrop of Mounts Bay. Children love the hotel’s Piskie Village Garden; piskies are fairy-like creatures that can only be found in Cornwall and according to the hotel staff, the piskies built their secret village in the hotel gardens! Once you’ve worked up an appetite, the superb Cornish cuisine is one of Polurrian’s chief highlights, with the team of highly skilled chefs ensuring that only the finest, freshest ingredients are used. They even grow their own herbs! For more information call 01326 240421 or visit

Transform your batroom with new designs from Interiora

Interiora has been working hard to create a bathroom range that oozes quality and stunning craftsmanship. Rather than bowing to standard bathroom furniture trends, the designers at Interiora look for more luxurious and sophisticated designs. Visit the showroom in the beautiful Cornish harbour town of Newlyn, and discover the range of solid oak and teak cabinets that Interiora proudly stocks. Designer Charlotte Hall tells us: “these cabinets will transform any bathroom into an interesting and inviting space, offering maximum storage for all your bits and bobs.” Interiora is ahead of the trend being the only showroom in Cornwall to currently offer this beautiful range from Line Art. So, why not make a day of it and pop in to see these unique designs for yourself? To find out more call 0800 038 5353 or visit


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14/05/2018 10:14




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14/05/2018 11:33

Lewis Harrison Pinder

Lewis Harrison Pinder


Louise Roberts

n Street food at the Great Estate


Lo ok ns out sio for n Ses n ext ye e d ar’s line up at the E

n Port Eliot Estate

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ummer is almost upon us and Cornwall’s festival season has officially begun. Throughout Cornwall, marquees are going up, tents are being erected and festival goers are gearing up to make the most of Cornwall’s finest food, music and family friendly events. Indeed, whether you’re looking to savour Cornwall’s tastiest, freshest seafood, or to wind down on the beach as the sun goes down with A-list acts providing your soundtrack, there’s a festival in the Duchy to entertain you and your family’s taste. Take Falmouth Week, for instance (www. Taking place from Friday 10th until Sunday 19th August, this is a major event for visitors and locals

alike, with a fantastic range of activities planned throughout the town. The main line up includes the Pink Wig Ladies Night on the first Friday, the Falmouth Carnival on Saturday 11th, which is followed by a free carnival party at Events Square, before The Wurzels Hog Roast and Cider Night on Sunday 12th August. From then, the week really begins to find its rhythm, with daily acts providing diverse entertainment for visitors. There will also be market stalls, local street food vendors, children’s activities and live music on The Moor for the duration of the week, so even if you can only spare one day in your busy summer diary, you’ll find something to make your trip worth your while as you make your way around Falmouth.


Dan Warden

GO WYLDE Leopalooza ( is returning at The Wyldes in Bude this year, from 27th until 29th July, offering an unbelievable wealth of music and comedy. This year’s event will also include Rogue Wood, a brand new area created by Cornwall’s multi-award winning Rogue Theatre. Rogue Wood is a story world and a forest of activities for those seeking adventure, perfect for anybody who can’t resist the call of the wild!


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14/05/2018 11:07

C Faruolo

Sarah Lauren Photography



Louise Roberts

Just like Cornwall, the provenance of food on the Isles of Scilly is up there with the very best, making Taste of Scilly Festival (www.visitislesofscilly. com) a must for any discerning foodie, with a host of events and experiences to explore the excellent local producers and eateries across the islands.


Later in the year, as summer turns to autumn, Falmouth’s streets will once again be filled with the smells of delicious, local food as the annual Falmouth Oyster Festival ( begins. Expect the usual, exciting blend of esteemed local chefs, hardworking oyster fishermen, food and drink enthusiasts and an eclectic mix of musicians. From Thursday 11th October until Sunday 14th October, Falmouth Oyster Festival is the annual celebration of Falmouth’s unique oyster fishery season, which is especially pertinent as the methods used by the local fishermen have only changed a little in the past 500 years. In fact, only vessels powered by sail or oar can operate and catch the native Fal Oyster which, with its salty liquor and sweet flesh, is generally considered far superior to the Pacific variety. A number of regular chefs will be demonstrating over the weekend, and you can expect a selection of local seafood. While you’re there, be sure to stop by The Seafood Bar, where the menu varies from

n The magic continues after dark at Port Eliot

year to year, generally offering Cornish crab sandwiches, potted prawns, seafood platters and, of course, the Fal Oyster! If Falmouth Oyster Festival sounds great but you’re in north Cornwall, be sure to pencil Rock Oyster Festival (www. into your calendar. Set on the beautiful banks of the river Camel and taking place from Friday 6th until Saturday 7th July, this event is growing in popularity every year and is certainly one of the great festival experiences of the Cornish summer. Rock Oyster Festival can be accessed from the famous Camel Trail, which is great because it means you can either dip in for a few hours during your tour around the estuary, or pitch up for the weekend in the family camping area. It’s the brainchild of festival organiser, Charlie Anderson, who tells us: “The idea is that Rock Oyster Festival is a great party, a proper underground festival, a safe place to bring your kids.” Indeed, as well as a host of musical entertainment to keep revellers rocking into the night, kids will be entertained by various woodland educators, circus people and just by running around free on the enclosed site.

LEFT AND INSET Get some festival flavour with an array of delicious food on offer


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14/05/2018 11:07

Will Fahy

Sarah Lauren Photography


n Spectacular scenes at Looe Music Festival



Enjoy the sunset with a fantastic musical line up at the Lusty Glaze Sundowner Sessions

Often the first thing that people think about when it comes to festivals is music, and contrary to what many think, you needn’t travel to the big events like Glastonbury to get the full musical experience, as Cornwall has its own share of incredible line ups. Tunes in the Dunes (www.tunesinthedunes. on Perranporth beach, for example, has a wealth of acts this year, ranging from the Hoosiers, Jake Bugg and Pixie Lott, to The Wurzels and Fisherman’s Friends. One of our favourite musical events on the festival calendar has to be Looe Music Festival (, taking place this year from 21st until 23rd September. The main stage is on the beach, but festival goers will find music popping up throughout the town. Now in its eighth year, Looe Music Festival is unique on the festival circuit and, taking place in the heart of Looe’s picturesque fishing port, it boasts a stellar musical line up. What’s more, the team behind it is committed to showcasing women in music, as well as shining a light on the very best emerging talent in the region, via the BBC Music Introducing Stage. Those of you who keep up with us here at Cornwall Living may remember our ‘Top of the Pop Ups’ feature last year, in which we featured fantastic pop-up festival, Skybar ( Skybar takes the best of the après ski vibe and turns up the heat to create the highlight of your summer. Building on the amazing sell-out success from the last few years, the team behind

n Newton Faulkner at Lusty Glaze

Skybar is going big in 2018, with excellent music and plenty of drinks to complement the south west’s famed sunsets. There are three events in Cornwall this year, the first of which is in Watergate Bay from 22nd to 23rd June. From 17th until 18th August, Skybar will be popping up in Polzeath and then, on the summer bank holiday weekend, from Friday 24th until Sunday 26th August, it’ll be welcoming revellers on the headland overlooking St Agnes, an absolutely stunning spot from which to watch the sun go down over a glass of your favourite Cornish tipple. For an even more relaxed musical vibe, perhaps Lusty Glaze’s Sundowner Sessions ( will be for you. Lusty Glaze has built a reputation as one of the most unique, exclusive and picturesque spots to enjoy live music. And it’s no wonder! With sweeping coastal views and the cliffs acting as a natural amphitheatre, this private beach recently took The Times’ top spot in Most Picturesque Live Music Venues in the UK. Secluded and nestled away on the outskirts of Newquay, Lusty Glaze has played host to some of the best-loved names in music, including Razorlight and Newton Faulkner, and this year, the team opened the Pizza & Rum Beach Bar, a new rustic restaurant serving hand-stretched, wood-fired pizzas, as well as a selection of fruity rum cocktails.

ALL ABOARD! For sailing enthusiasts, both Falmouth Week (www. and Fowey Royal Regatta (www. offer some spectacular on-the-water competition. Fowey’s Royal Regatta is a must for anyone visiting in August, and it’s one of the UK’s best known sailing events, with a full programme of races and live music throughout the day and evening. Similarly, Falmouth Week Regatta aims to provide toplevel competitive racing, with many viewing points on the banks of the River Fal where you can watch the action.


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14/05/2018 11:08

Throughout the warmer months there are a host of events that celebrate the best of Cornish culture, from local, Cornish traditions, to week-long events that see some of the finest artists, musicians and foodie vendors bringing their offerings to the streets of the Duchy. St Ives September Festival (www. is a fine example. Taking place over 15 days from 8th until 22nd September, this festival of music and arts will embrace more than 300 events this in 2018! A new Artist in Residence initiative will bring Zsuzsanna Ardó, whose work has been seen at an Antarctic research station, an Arctic art museum, a French castle and the British and European parliaments, to St Ives. Zsuzanna will be creating ‘The Glacier Strikes Back’, a series of land art installations from Porthminster to Porthmeor beach, featuring her trademark red umbrellas interacting with the landscape. There will also be an exciting musical line up featuring Port Isaac’s shanty singers, Fisherman’s Friends. For this year’s Festival Film season at St Ives Arts Club, ‘Blasts From The Past’ will be the theme, and once again the organiser Wendy Watson has come up with a fantastic selection of films for the annual silver screen extravaganza. All of this, plus 15 lunchtimes of free music and poetry in Norway Square, more than 30 open studios, pit-fired ceramic pottery and a host of walks, talks and participatory craft events make St Ives September Festival a must for anyone who wants to experience Cornwall’s cultural scene.

Sarah Louise Bennett

Lewis Harrison Pinder

Soak up some culture

Lewis Harrison Pinder


Just around the coast in Penzance, from 15th until 24th June, Golowan Festival (www. is an annual community arts festival which celebrates midsummer and the Feast of St John. The theme for this year’s event is ‘Golowan Goes Wild About All Creatures Great and Small’ and on 21st June, the town will see a mock Mayor election, followed by a spectacular fireworks display. The following day is the much-anticipated Mazey Day, when the streets of Penzance throng with people who come from all over to watch the amazing and colourful street parades, when kids and adults alike carry their wonderful structures that have been tirelessly worked on in the run up to the festival. This year, Golowan is proud to be working with Plastic Free Penzance, helping to eliminate single use plastics from the town, as well as Kowethas An Yeth Kernewek, who will be present to promote the Cornish language.

The full family festival experience

n Seth Lakeman will headline this year at St Ives September Festival

For those seeking a full, family friendly festival experience, there are some fantastic options in Cornwall’s calendar, including Great Estate ( Held on the magnificent Scorrier Estate in early June (1st to 3rd), The Great Estate is known fondly as ‘the most rambunctious garden fete’, balancing major, international headline acts with comedy, theatre, music and the arts, to create a festival everybody can enjoy. This year, The Great Estate team hopes to host the world’s biggest cream tea party on Sunday 3rd June and will be bringing scones, jam, cream and tea to the lawns of Scorrier House to attract more than 735 proper Cornish cream tea guests. You can also visit The Secret Gin Garden, dance in the Woodland Silent Disco, relax in The Sanctuary (a glade of calm and tranquillity), enjoy an elite experience in


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14/05/2018 11:08

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12/05/2018 12:00


n Leopalooza

For all that’s featured in this month’s Cornwall Living and more, head to our website. Fancy being the first to receive updates? Well, you can by subscribing to our newsletter at...


For some amazing footage of Cornwall and just some of what it has to offer, including its spectacular coastline, head over to our Cornwall Living Vimeo page.


é ABOVE Dragon boat racing at Falmouth Week


Andy Lawson

n Experience the weird and wonderful at Port Eliot

The Octopus Lounge, let the kids run wild in The Playground, and so much more, all with some fantastic local foodie options to keep you energised. It’s fair to say that this is definitely not one to miss! Similarly, Little Orchard Cider and Music Festival (, from 14th until 16th September on Healeys Cornish Cyder Farm, promises to be a fantastic weekend for the whole family. While one of the chief allures here is the wealth of local cider on offer; with its biggest line up to date set for 2018, including The Fratellis, Hayseed Dixie and The Wurzels, as well as a vintage fun fair and a feast village to keep that country-air appetite at bay, Little Orchard Cider and Music Festival has proved itself as the perfect way to bring your family’s festival season to a close. Finally, we couldn’t take a look at festivals in Cornwall without mentioning the prestigious Port Eliot Festival (www. Taking place this year from 26th until 29th July, Port Eliot describes itself as ‘your playground for one magical weekend’ and, whether you’re swimming in the estuary, picnicking under a 300-yearold tree, canoeing on the river watching one of the cooking demonstrations in the big kitchen, “our home is yours for the weekend.” In terms of entertainment, whether you’re with the kids, or enjoying a weekend away with just the two of you, there’s plenty to keep you entertained and occupied, from art and literature, to fantastic live music, comedy acts, midnight flying trapeze shows, and much, much more! When it comes to keeping the little ones happy, Festival Co-Director Colin Midson tells us: “Port Eliot brings out the child in all of us. Walking through the gates is like opening the wardrobe doors and entering Narnia. Whether you’re joining a treasure hunt in the maze with a cast of costumed characters, or becoming a pirate for the weekend, adventure and excitement lurk behind every corner!” Port Eliot takes its food seriously and from the outset, the festival has made beautiful food a key part of its line-up. With this in mind, this year’s guest chefs include Anna Jones, Jack Stein, Zoe Adjonyoh, Russell Norman and Simon Stallard, each of whom will make Port Eliot House’s Big Kitchen their own, heading outside to the open fire to create f lavour combinations, set trends and share techniques. And that’s not all. In fact, when it comes to food, there is so much planned for this year’s Port Eliot Festival that we simply haven’t the room to list it here, but more information can be found on the website, so be sure to check it out!

Tanner Courtesy of Anna Photography

Sarah Louise Bennett

Louise Roberts


If all this talk of the outdoors has inspired you to experience something a little different, then you’re in luck! We’re offering a chance to win two tickets to see FUP at Kneehigh Asylum worth £50. Simply head to our website and check out our usual array of fantastic Cornish competitions! Enter now at Terms & conditions apply

Enter now at



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14/05/2018 11:08

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01326 336 554

02/05/2018 12:00 17:12 12/05/2018

Looe & behold!

Looe Music Festival 21st to 23rd September

Port Eliot Estate

Festival DIRECTORY Raise a glass!

Newquay Beer Festival 21st to 23rd September

Swap your wellies for flip-flops – now in it’s eighth year this awardwinning festival promises a spectacular finale to the summer. Every September the Cornish fishing port gets hit with big music and manic entertainment. The main stage is on the beach but music pops up throughout the streets and spills from venues all over the harbour. This year boasts a stellar line-up including, punk rock legends The Stranglers, Scottish sensation The Waterboys, and Finnish barn-rock ambassadors Steve ‘n’ Seagulls, and much, much more!

Newquay Beer Festival, held at Hendra Holiday Park, is one of Cornwall’s friendliest events for beer aficionados. Organised by Newquay Towan Blystra Lions Club and run exclusively by volunteers, it has raised over £30,000 for local causes since it first began. But don’t worry if beer isn’t your thing; the festival boasts a fantastic range of hand-selected ciders, soft drinks and, of course, lots of great entertainment across two stages. There’s plenty of outside seating, making it the perfect destination for enjoying a sunny afternoon.

An outdoor miracle

An immersive experience

The Cherry Orchard 15th June to 25th August

100: UnEarth at The Lost Gardens of Heligan - 3rd to 22nd July

Cornwall’s Miracle Theatre head outdoors again this summer bringing their open-air performances to gardens, beaches, castles and clifftops throughout Cornwall. This year, the award-winning company unpacks Chekhov’s bittersweet comedy, ‘The Cherry Orchard’, treading a tragicomic tightrope to bring out all of the humour and pathos of Chekhov’s masterpiece. Make sure you bring something to sit on and all you need for a cosy evening so you can snuggle down and watch the miracle of open-air theatre unfurl all around you.

‘100: UnEarth’ looks at the devastating aftermath of conflict, telling the homecoming stories of those who fight and live through war. With a love story at its heart, the WildWorks team will weave their way through The Lost Gardens of Heligan, in this retelling of the Greek Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. As an outdoor promenade performance, you’ll be following the action through the gardens, making it suitable for brave children aged 12 and above. Delicious street food will be available – the perfect start to a spectacular night.

Riverside revels!

Food and frivolity

Rock Oyster Festival

Louise Roberts

6th to 7th August

Port Eliot Festival

Set on the banks of the river Camel, Rock Oyster Festival is growing in popularity every year and is certainly one of the great festival experiences of the Cornish summer. Rock Oyster Festival can be accessed from the famous Camel Trail, which is great because it means you can either dip in for a few hours during your tour around the estuary, or pitch up for the weekend in the family camping area. A safe place for the whole family to revel in the festivities, Rock Oyster Festival should definitely be in your summer diary!

Port Eliot describes itself as ‘your playground for one magical weekend’ and, whether you’re swimming in the estuary, picnicking under a 300-year-old tree, canoeing on the river watching one of the cooking demonstrations in the big kitchen, “our home is yours for the weekend.” Whether you’re with the kids, or enjoying a weekend away with just the two of you, there’s plenty to keep you entertained and occupied, from art and literature, to fantastic live music, comedy acts, midnight flying trapeze shows, spectacular food and so much more!

26th to 29th July



14/05/2018 09:23


WATERSIDE WONDERS We take a tour of two stunning waterfront properties currently on the market with Savills.


hile Cornwall is known for its gorgeous coastline, stretching for hundreds of miles and surrounding the county from almost all directions, there’s a gentle debate bubbling below the surface: north coast or south coast? Of course, the simple response is that each is beautiful in its own way – from the rugged cliffs, golden sands and surf of the north, to the sheltered coves, enchanting creeks and worldclass sailing waters of the south. Besides, wherever you might be in Cornwall, you’re never too far from either coast, enjoying the best of both worlds. Nevertheless, to shed a little more light on the life you could be enjoying on either coast, we’ve selected two beautiful properties currently on the market with Savills Cornwall.

Starting on the south coast, Otter Cottage is a charming, slate-hung waterfront home on picturesque Mylor Creek, near Falmouth (guide price: £1,750,000). It has a private quay and boat store, with stunning water views from all of the principal rooms. Built in 1988, the owners have taken great care in creating a bespoke family home in an extremely desirable location. Church Road winds its way along Mylor Creek towards Mylor Churchtown and Mylor Yacht Harbour, where the creek joins the deep waters of the Carrick Roads. Accommodation is set over three levels and has been carefully considered to make the most of the setting; the openplan kitchen and dining room opens at each end onto the terraces, while the sitting room occupies a prime position


CL--73--ED--Savills--2.00.indd 36

14/05/2018 11:16


on the first floor with dual aspect water views. There are four bedrooms including the master suite. The terraced gardens are well established and include a fruit cage, along with beds of honeysuckle, roses, hellebores, wisteria and clematis, and two magnolia trees. Perfect for sailing enthusiasts, lovers of wildlife and nature, or simply anyone who enjoys watching the seasons change and the water gently amble by, this home really does offer a wonderful lifestyle. Onto the north coast and 3 Overcliff, which sits in a fantastic front-line clifftop position in Port Isaac, enjoying panoramic views overlooking the rugged coast and out to the Atlantic horizon (guide price: £550,000).

n Otter Cottage occupies a truly

stunning spot on Mylor Creek, giving access to the world-class sailing waters of the Carrick Roads

It is a three-bedroom cottage with openplan living space; the sitting room has a floor-to-ceiling window to make the most of the view – and what a view that is! The garden is to the seaward side of the house and slopes down to the cliff path, while the patio provides a fantastic location to sit and relax. Importantly for Port Isaac, there is an off-street parking space in the courtyard to the front of the house, and a garage. Port Isaac itself is beloved of artists and foodies, with miles of scenery to explore on your doorstop, via the South West Coast Path. Neighbouring Polzeath is a surfers’ paradise, should you wish to take to the waves. Whether a permanent residence or a weekend bolthole, this home is perfectly located to enjoy the wonders of Port Isaac and beyond.

ABOVE LEFT 3 Overcliff, as the name suggests, enjoys fantastic views of the coastline surrounding Port Isaac é ABOVE The chic, contemporary sitting room of 3 Overcliff


73 Lemon Street, Truro TR1 2PN 01872 243200


CL--73--ED--Savills--2.00.indd 37

14/05/2018 11:16

S H pe ol c Fu id ial rn ay ist is H s i hi om n ng e s Based in Cornwall for over 10 years we have an extensive selection of commercial quality, sustainably sourced, indoor and outdoor furniture. MENTION CORNWALL LIVING FOR 10% OFF | 01726 884123 | All furniture is held in stock and available for immediate delivery CL--73--AD--Sustainable Furniture--1.00 v3.indd 1

14/05/2018 09:52


R o c k N e w q u a y






S t Iv e s

ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

A highly contemporary, substantial family home with generous gardens in a countryside location, offering far reaching views.


ompleted in 2003, this lovely home offers exceedingly comfortable living, in a prime location on the edge of an exclusive development of five individually designed homes, with uninterrupted views across the highly acclaimed Bowood Park Hotel and Golf Club. A grand entrance hall gives access to the lounge, dining room, study, kitchen, drying room and cloakroom. All the reception rooms are extremely generous in size, particularly


PRICE: £775,000


1 North Quay, Padstow PL28 8AF 01841 532555

the dining room which extends into a lovely pentagonal sun lounge. Throughout, it has been finished to a high standard, with touches including beautiful bespoke joinery using a mixture of oak, pine and maple, arndean flooring, the huge stone and slate fireplace in the living room with wood burning stove, and the highly impressive kitchen finished in solid chestnut with talian granite work surfaces. An imperial staircase rises to a large first floor landing, giving access to the four double bedrooms, two of which have acuzzi whirlpool baths and walk-in showers while the remaining two each have acuzzi showers. All four bedrooms have walk-in wardrobes. High-tech energy e ciency features include a whole-house heat recovery ventilation system, a ground source heat pump (returning around £3500 per year as part of the government’s domestic renewable heat incentive , underfloor heating, and Argon filled, double glazed windows. Outside offers around half an acre of cleverly landscaped, low maintenance grounds arranged over a number of terraces and stocked with a large variety of mature plants, shrubs and ornamental trees. There’s ample parking, with the drive leading to the substantial detached double garage and a Gabriel Ash glasshouse. The spectacular north coast is just three miles away, with easy access to Trebarwith Strand, Boscastle, Port saac, Rock and Padstow, making it not only a wonderful family home, but also the ideal base for your adventures.

INFORMATION S p a c io u s a c c o m m o d a tio n F o u r e n - s u ite d o u b le b e d r o o m s H ig h ly e n e r g y efficient nder oor heating W o o d - b u r n in g s to v e W h o re c o v s y s te v a

le h o u e ry v e m a n d c u u m

s e h e a t n tila tio n c e n tra l s y s te m

A ro u n d ½ a c re o f lo w - m a in te n a n c e p r iv a te g a r d e n s A m p le d r iv e w a y p a r k in g D e ta c h e d d o u b le g a ra g e /w o rk s h o p


CL--73--ED--Jackie Stanley--1.00.indd 3

11/05/2018 12:02


R o c k N e w q u a y



ll B o d m in



S t Iv e s

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

PENCARRICK A striking contemporary residence in a fabulous position, with fantastic views over the beautiful Pill Creek and beyond toward the Carrick Roads.

INFORMATION F iv e b e d r o o m s M a s te r e n s u ite T h re e b a th ro o m s L a r g e e n tr a n c e h a ll S tu n n in g w a te r v ie w s In te g ra l g a ra g e


o you dream of a new life by the sea? Introducing Pencarrick, a stunning contemporary home, which offers precisely this. A broad entrance hall draws you in, but it’s the sitting room and kitchen where the views from its fabulous position first hit home. The whole area to the front is awash with natural light from the fabulous windows and south-facing position. The overall design is beautifully executed, offering flexibility with a bedroom and bathroom on the ground floor. Upstairs, the broad landing offers a wonderful water vista, maximised from the master bedroom suite, as well as the guest bedroom. A favourite feature of ours is the artist’s studio, which would make the perfect o ce for those wanting to work from home. The integral garage could easily accommodate boating equipment – you’re bound to do some exploring in the surrounding creeks and waterways. The gardens offer the perfect blend of colour and foliage, and low maintenance, with rolling lawn and lush shrubbery. Pencarrick is set in the pretty village of Feock with its traditional church at its centre and attractive beach offering many activities. Its popular beach café, along with moorings and access to the spectacular sailing waters of the Carrick Roads, make it perfect location for the keen sailor.


OIEO: £1,250,000


01872 306360


CL--73--ED--Rohrs & Rowe--1.00.indd 2

11/05/2018 11:58


Unit 2 Brittania Business Park Kernick Road • Penryn Cornwall • TR10 9DD 200m past ASDA 01326 377485 Mon – Sat: 9:30 – 5:30 Sun: 10.00 – 4.30

039.indd 1


STORE 14/05/2018 08:50



CL--73--ED--Westworld/John Bray--2.00.indd 36

11/05/2018 13:11


R o c k N e w q u a y



S t Iv e s




ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

A stunning Grade II Georgian manor house and additional coach house in the Cornish countryside just minutes from the coast at Port Isaac.


very now and then, we stumble across a real ‘wow’ property, presenting a dream opportunity for the right people to take on. This month we’ve found a real winner! Treharrock is a beautiful estate, comprising a manor house and separate coach house, all within 14 acres of stunning grounds, just inland from the popular fishing village of Port Isaac. The main residence itself is a magnificent manor house, built in 1815, exuding elegance and charm at every turn. The tone is set as you enter the grandiose entrance hall with feature staircase and landing. The rooms are large and stately, with high ceilings and wonderful period details. In total there are 12 bedrooms providing a wonderful range of accommodation, currently configured for up to 20 people. The house is replete with elegant living spaces, ripe for entertaining friends and family, from the large dining room to the drawing room, the TV room and the gamesroom, where the kids can decamp for a round or two of table tennis or billiards. The large kitchen is a chef’s dream, with both a traditional range cooker and modern appliances, and room for a large table for more informal family dining. Outside the grounds are as gorgeous as the interiors, featuring a stream and ponds, a summerhouse, bluebell woodland, a recently refurbished all-weather tennis court and a croquet lawn – just imagine the summers you could enjoy here! As if all this wasn’t enough, the estate is enhanced with the addition of a separate coach house, with a further four bedrooms, alongside its own kitchen, living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. A south-facing balcony looks out over its own private garden, away from the main manor house creating a private, self-contained space, with a multitude of potential uses.

The possibilities really are endless for Treharrock. It would make a beautiful home for a family that loves the privacy and magic of the countryside, yet within easy access to the coast. There’s plenty of room for friends and relatives to stay – in fact, you might find it di cult to keep them away when they discover how incredible this well-kept secret is! Equally, its flexible accommodation and fantastic facilities lend themselves perfectly to a boutique hotel, luxury B&B or self-catering accommodation. Indeed, the manor house and coach house are both currently set up as successful luxury self-catering holiday lets. Situated in a beautiful and popular part of north Cornwall, so close to Port Isaac, the potential is there for a lucrative business opportunity in the right hands. Port Isaac itself is the archetypal Cornish fishing village, with pretty whitewashed cottages hugging the shoreline, independent galleries and boutiques, and an array of fantastic places to eat, including Nathan Outlaw’s Michelin starred restaurants. The estate is also perfectly situated to make the most of all that this part of north Cornwall has to offer, with Rock, Polzeath, Padstow and Tintagel all within easy reach. So, if you’re looking for an exciting new opportunity, or perhaps a lifestyle change, perhaps we’ve just found it for you. This really is the best of both worlds, a tranquil haven with an abundance of space, just minutes from the buzz of the north Cornwall coast.


INFORMATION 1 4 a c re s o f g ro u n d s 1 2 b e d ro o m m a n o r h o u s e P e r io d fe a tu r e s F o u r-b e d ro o m c o a c h h o u s e G a m e s ro o m s A ll- w e a th e r te n n is c o u r t B lu e b e ll w o o d , s tr e a m a n d p o n d S u m m e rh o u s e T w o m ile s fr o m P o r t Is a a c




CL--73--ED--Westworld/John Bray--2.00.indd 37

11/05/2018 13:11

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042.indd 1

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14/05/2018 11:35


R o c k N e w q u a y



S t Iv e s




ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

A stunning contemporary home, with views of the Camel estuary and set in a highly desirable, breathtaking private position in the heart of Rock.


ccessed via electric gates and a private drive, where you’ll find parking for up to five vehicles plus storage space for a boat, Tresithney was designed by awardwinning architect Stan Bolt, offering reverse-living accommodation across five sumptuous bedrooms, four of which enjoy their own en-suite. The spacious, open-plan living area has a light and sleek feel throughout, with the kitchen, dining and sitting room opening out onto a balcony via electric glass doors, where stunning views of the Camel estuary can be enjoyed. At present, Tresithney is enjoyed as a second home, used by family and friends as they come to stay by the rugged north Cornish coast, but it would undoubtedly make an attractive letting property, especially given its location in relation to the highly-sought after Rock.


GUIDE PRICE: £2,450,000


Indeed, with all the mod cons you’d expect from a modern home, Tresithney is contemporary to the last touch, with every square inch having been carefully thought out and meticulously executed. Outside you’ll find beautifully secluded gardens with established trees, a wild flower meadow, and a Zen garden – a wonderful space in which to relax on a hot summer’s day – and in fact, you’ll be tempted not to leave at all, especially when you see the beautiful swimming pool located right outside the ground floor bedrooms! In the local area, as well as the abundant array of watersports available in Rock’s famed sailing waters and the stunning coastal links available at St Enodoc Golf Course, you’ll also find some of the county’s top restaurants within easy reach, including Restaurant Nathan Outlaw in Port Issac, Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen at Watergate Bay and Rick Stein’s Seafood Restaurant in Padstow. Tresithney really does represent a wonderful opportunity to invest in the north coast of Cornwall, but as the area continues to grow in popularity, it’s unlikely that this stunning property will be on the market for long. Why not contact John Bray and arrange your private viewing before you miss your chance?

INFORMATION F iv e b e d r o o m s , fo u r e n - s u ite A r c h ite c t d e s ig n e d C o n te m p o ra ry r e v e r s e liv in g S p a c io u s o p e n p la n liv in g a r e a nder oor heating th ro u g h o u t S e p a ra te study office S e lf- c o n ta in e d g a m e s ro o m S w im m in g p o o l B e a u tifu l s e c lu d e d g a rd e n Z e n g a rd e n O u td o o r d r y in g s p a c e , c a rp o rt a n d la r g e s to r e r o o m


CL--73--ED--Westworld --Tresithney--1.00.indd 3

11/05/2018 14:45

follow us:


0% APR

in-store & online visit our Cornwall showroom Furniture, Flooring, Window Dressings & Home Accessories Tel: 01736 757 333 15 Hayle Ind. Park, Hayle, Cornwall TR27 5JR Duration of Agreement 24 months - Rate of Interest (fixed) 0% - 0% APR Representative iroka acts as a credit intermediary and only offers credit products for Pay4Later Ltd via Secure Trust Bank Plc. Credit provided subject to age and status. *Offer available on living & dining purchases between £1,500 - £25,000

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17/04/2018 12:04 10:30 12/05/2018


R o c k N e w q u a y



S t Iv e s




ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

A luxury detached bungalow in St Mawes affording breathtaking sea views over the Carrick Roads.



GUIDE PRICE: £1,500,000


9 Cathedral Lane, Truro TR1 2QS 01872 242244

he Coppets is a spacious detached bungalow, occupying a generous plot in St Mawes. The property has been immaculately and lovingly updated and now presents impeccable accommodation throughout. Its position takes full advantage of the outstanding views over St Mawes village, Percuil River, St Anthony’s Headland, St Mawes harbour and Falmouth bay. Externally the gardens are a true delight and have been manicured to perfection, with palm trees, a sprawling lawn and generous patio areas. Head indoors and the high quality finish is clear, with the use of black granite worktops in the kitchen, a limestone fireplace in the living room, and quality appliances throughout. St Mawes has an international reputation as one of the country’s most sought after areas; the beautiful fishing town is nestled at the end of the Roseland peninsula. Designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the Roseland offers superb scenery and walks, a number of beautiful beaches and a general feeling of peace and tranquility, with a distinctive Mediterranean atmosphere allowing fauna and flora to flourish. The three boatyards offer numerous moorings and anchorages for those who love the sea and the picturesque harbour is protected by one of the most perfectly preserved of Henry IIIV’s fortresses. The village also provides a great selection of shops and a popular sailing club as well as a host of restaurants and pubs.

INFORMATION C o p io u s liv in g s p a c e R e m a r k a b le v ie w s F o u r b e d ro o m s F a m ily b a th r o o m D o u b le g a r a g e O ff r o a d p a r k in g M a n ic u r e d g a r d e n s


CL--73--ED--Phillip Martin--1.00.indd 3

11/05/2018 12:54


Whether you are already letting or just starting to think about it, maybe it’s time to talk? Phone or email today for an evaluation and no-obligation chat.


046.indd 1

12/05/2018 12:08


R o c k N e w q u a y



S t Iv e s




ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

A charming and spacious Georgian village house in the heart of Flushing.



GUIDE PRICE: £425,000


14 Kersey Road, Flushing 01326 450020

ocated in the picturesque fishing village of Flushing, Ocean Blue is a wonderfully spacious property with three double bedrooms and stunning views across Falmouth harbour. Ocean Blue is currently run as a successful holiday let and has recently been refurbished to an extremely high standard, including a full re-wire in 201 . So, you don’t have to worry about renovating, apart from creating your own statement d cor. The view from the garden really is spectacular, with a smattering of whitewashed cottages spilling towards Falmouth harbour. ndoors, the living space is generous with a beautiful stone fireplace that spans from floor to ceiling, a shower room and bathroom providing more than enough space for a growing family. Ocean Blue is located in one of the most sought after villages in Cornwall, due to the close proximity of the seafront and everything it has to offer. Enjoy the novelty of getting the ferry over to Falmouth, where you’ll find a vast array of great restaurants, shops and caf s. Or, wander along the coast path to the left of the village and get to Flushing beach, great for swimming and jumping off the quay! Further along the coast path is Mylor harbour with its amazing sailing facilities and restaurant. With so much on your doorstep it’s not surprising that Flushing is so popular.

INFORMATION F a v o u re d v illa g e lo c a tio n T h r e e d o u b le b e d ro o m s B e a u tifu l s to n e fireplace T ie r e d g a r d e n w ith s tu n n in g w a te r v ie w s S u c c e s s fu l h o lid a y le t A v a ila b le w ith n o o n w a r d c h a in


CL--73--ED--Harding & Wakefield--1.00.indd 33

10/05/2018 17:52

Tregothnan oak flooring

Hand-crafted in Cornwall Aspen and Ash produces artisan, hand-crafted floors for those wishing to enhance the beauty of a space with a stunning wooden floor of genuine, lasting quality.

Our designer floors use the finest quality, exclusive Tregothan Oak, Olive Ash as well as reclaimed Douglas Fir, to offer unparalleled stability, finish and durability. Our new line of hand-crafted parquet and chevron flooring is created with natural form and long-lasting function, and laid to stand the test of time.

From the forest to the floor, Aspen and Ash is committed to preserving historic woodland with all flooring cut, kiln dried and finished in Cornwall, then delivered to anywhere in the UK. / 01209 210753 / 07980 703760 Aspen & Ash, Cardrew Business Park, Redruth, TR15 1SQ 048.indd 1

12/05/2018 12:09


R o c k N e w q u a y

S t Iv e s






ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

An exclusive collection of contemporary luxury waterfront apartments is launched on North Cornwall’s iconic Atlantic coast.


ward-winning developer, Legacy Properties, has been building bespoke, luxury homes in Cornwall for the last ten years. Overlooking the world-renowned golden sands of Fistral Beach on Newquay’s breathtaking Pentire peninsula, Thirty Six is a private development of six new homes, fusing lavish modern interiors with al fresco luxury Designed by leading architects and built using only the best quality, locally-sourced materials, the apartments maximise indoor living space whilst celebrating the exceptional




Unit 2b, Quintdown Business Park, Quintrell Downs, Newquay TR8 4DS

coastal location and far-reaching sea views. The two and three-bedroomed homes each benefit from stylish, open-plan living, kitchen and dining areas, wide-planked oak flooring, and remote access underfloor heating. Bespoke, contemporary kitchens have been created by acclaimed designer, Treyone, at its state-of-the-art workshop in south east Cornwall, and feature peninsula islands and integrated appliances. Separate utility rooms come as standard. Bedrooms are fitted with pure wool carpets, built-in Italian wardrobes, and en suite bathrooms off the master bedrooms. The ground and first floor apartments benefit from expansive balcony terraces topped with millboard decking, and finished with frameless glass balustrades to maximise the panoramic views of the ocean and out towards Newquay’s undulating golf course. Just steps from Fistral beach, Thirty Six is set within generous landscaped communal gardens, with discreet accent lighting giving warmth and depth to the outside areas once the sun goes down. Each apartment comes with its own surf store and private allocated parking. With its wide expanse of golden sands, world class waves, watersports and award-winning restaurants, Fistral is hugely popular with families and surfers all year round, and ideally placed to enjoy all that Newquay and the surrounding area has to offer. Contact David Ball Agencies 01637 850850 to arrange a viewing.

INFORMATION O v e r lo o k in g F is tr a l B e a c h D e s ig n e d b y le a d in g a r c h ite c ts T w o a n d th re e b e d r o o m p r o p e r tie s a v a ila b le nder oor heating L a n d s c a p e d c o m m u n a lg a rd e n s


CL--73--ED--Legacy Properties--1.00.indd 3

11/05/2018 13:02

050.indd 1

12/05/2018 12:09


SHOW SUCCESS We look back over a successful weekend at this year’s Cornwall Home & Lifestyle Show.


ABOVE Visitors to the Cornwall Home & Lifestyle Show had the chance to meet a wealth of experts in the home and self-build industry BELOW Showgoers of all ages, including families, had a fantastic time browsing the array of companies and services

he weekend of May 5th and 6th saw over 3,000 visitors flock to Cornwall’s premier home and garden event. Neither record temperatures nor glorious sunshine could keep people away from this impressive event that has grown year on year, becoming the destination of choice for those looking for interior goods, garden and renewable services and self-build assistance. Sponsored by Duke Stone of Cornwall, and ourselves here at Cornwall Living, it was a proud moment to be exhibiting alongside over 130 of the region’s top makers, designers and suppliers. This year the event spilled out of the 4,000m2 indoor arena to allow for more space for exhibitors in the outdoor arena.. The ninth successive show since its inauguration in 2011, Home Show Director, Andrew Weaver said: “Each year the event has increased its awareness and popularity across the region. We take pride in offering visitors the chance to work with specialist local companies in the home and garden sectors. We continue to turn away big nationals so our local economy can grow and am pleased our visitors are contributing in the same way by shopping locally. would like to thank all that supported the event and we look forward to our next events coming up in September and October.” The ever-popular Cornwall Food Drink Market and Caf , serving delicious artisan produce, was available for all to enjoy. Catching up with Exhibitor Liaison Manger, ess Murray, we discover just how successful the event was: “There was such an amazing atmosphere in the venue, was so pleased to see so many smiles from visitors and exhibitors. t was great to welcome new companies into the mix and hope it proved just as beneficial to them as it did to the returning clients. Overall a fantastic turn out for the show with plenty of happy visitors.”

DISCOVER MORE There are plenty more events coming up to enjoy, including the Cornwall Home and Lifestyle Show Interiors Market from 7th to 9th September on Lemon Quay in Truro and the ever popular Cornwall Home Improvement and Self Build Show on 6th and 7th October at the showground in Wadebridge.


CL--73--ED--Live Events South West--1.00.indd 3

11/05/2018 13:05


BLINDED BY BRILLIANCE We catch up with the team at Westcountry Blinds.


he team at Westcountry Blinds have been successfully installing their designs throughout the Duchy for over a decade. This family run company was established in 2001 and has over 25 years' experience in designing and manufacturing blinds. Owner Dave Tague tells us: “we pride ourselves on the quality of our work, our technical knowledge and our ability to solve complex requirements in both domestic and commercial settings.” The success of the company is evident in buildings throughout Cornwall. Take a close look at the windows of schools, hospitals, fire stations, shops and hotels around the county and don’t be surprised to find them adorned with Westcountry Blinds' innovative and distinctive designs.


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14/05/2018 11:07


The team work closely with their clients and devote the same level of time and energy to each project, regardless of size. From small family homes through to architect-designed installations, the attention to detail and enthusiasm for the work is exactly the same. They offer a bespoke service to meet all of their customers' needs, both in terms of practical and aesthetic appeal. Visit the showroom in Hayle and discover a wide range of designs and options. Pleated conservatory blinds, vertical blinds and roller blinds are all made on the premises, making it possible for you to discuss specific requirement directly with the people that make them and create the perfect fit for you. Westcountry Blinds also offers a supply and fit service for shutters, wood and metal venetian blinds in a huge array of shades and finishes to suit all styles and tastes. All blinds are supplied with a three year guarantee and in the unlikely event of you experiencing a problem, the team are on hand to assist in solving it as quickly and e ciently as possible. The Westcountry team are specialists in offering solutions for covering large or unusually shaped windows. Powered blinds are becoming increasingly popular and can be run by battery or mains power, providing the ideal option for shading large areas of glass or windows that are di cult to reach. Easy to use and surprisingly affordable, they are the perfect solution for all the awkward nooks and crannies of your home or o ce.

The talent at Westcountry Blinds is not just restricted to blinds, as they are also able to supply curtains and awnings. The curtains are made by the team with examples of their work featuring in seaside cottages, holiday lets and some of the county’s most prestigious hotels. Dave tells us: "our curtains are handmade to an extremely high standard. Customers are always welcome to visit our showroom and browse our outstanding range of contemporary and traditional fabrics.” Similarly, the awnings come in a dazzling array of colours. Perfect for extending your home into the garden, they can be supplied with heating and lighting options allowing you to enjoy the outdoors all day and into the night, all summer long. Dave continues: ”the only decision our customers need make is the type of product they would like and the colour. The rest can be left up to us, from the initial measure to the final installation.” The team at Westcountry are there to help and happy to go above and beyond to find the perfect blinds for you. With examples of their work spanning the length and breadth of Cornwall, it’s clear that choosing to work with Westcountry Blinds is a decision you won’t regret.

LEFT Finish off the look of each room with the perfect blinds é ABOVE The Westcountry Blinds team can easily match your new window dressings to your home decor


U n its 1 3 - 1 4 M a r s h L a n e R e ta il P a r k , M a r s h L a n e , H a y le T R 2 7 5 J R 0 1 7 3 6 7 5 2 3 9 7 i n f o @w e s t c o u n t r y b l i n d s . c o . u k w w w .w e s tc o u n tr y b lin d s .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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14/05/2018 11:07

Start your holiday by train... Sweeping along the Cornish coast line to St Ives


| C O RN I S H

| BE A C H

| L IF E S T Y L E



A local Company specialising in double glazing since 1995.

The Original D Necklace is composed of bold hoops, joining at the signature ‘D’ shape, creating a chic necklace that clasps your glasses.

Over the course of our history we have provided installations for numerous companies consisting of schools, hotels, shop fronts, industrial sites, and the refurbishment of the local golf clubs, although our main clientele comprise of individual clients across the South West region, who testify their contentment with the high standards and professionalism of the service received during and after installation. Highlighting the Companies commitment to customer care and supplying a quality service we are affiliated with FENSA, the Glass and Glazing Federation, and Trustmark.

Alexander Miller Opticians • 42 High Street FALMOUTH • Cornwall • TR11 2AF Tel: 01326 313092

054.indd 1

Our extensive product range includes, windows, doors, conservatories and orangeries in a choice of PVCu or aluminium. Call us on: 01288 356 541 or see our website at for further products.

14/05/2018 11:36


WHAT A FEATURE! While an exciting one, building a pond in your garden can be a daunting task, so we seek advice from Andy at Cornwall Ponds. é ABOVE

Ponds can quickly become your garden’s defining feature

ABOVE However big or small; wild or well-kept, your pond is in safe hands with the experts at Cornwall Ponds


t turns out, there’s quite a lot to take into account when creating a pond, as Cornwall Ponds owner, Andy, explains. “A little preparation and careful planning by following a few simple guidelines will pay dividends, allowing you to reap the benefits of having a beautiful, ecologically balanced ecosystem in your garden.” “Firstly, consider what’s above and below ground, as well as soil conditions, and remember that what you dig out can increase in volume by up to 40%, often making it expensive to remove. Avoid placing a pond in direct sunlight too, as this will cause problems with algae. You do, however, need some sunlight for the aquatic plants, especially for lilies to flower.” “ f a pond is built too close to trees or overhanging foliage, not only will this reduce the amount of sunlight the plants get, but the fallen leaves will cause water problems and detritus to build up. Tree roots will also make it di cult to dig and could damage the lining once built. Choose a site with a good sunny aspect and a nearby feature that offers some shelter but without producing too much shade. Finally, you shouldn’t build a pond at the foot of a slope, as surface run-off and ground water can cause real problems.” On which type of pond to choose, Andy tells us to consider its purpose. “ s it for wildlife or an ornamental purpose? Will

it be a koi pond, or even a swimming pond? Wildlife ponds needn’t be very deep, unless you want lilies, in which case you will need a minimum depth of 0.7 metres. Avoid Goldfish and oi if you’re intending to have a wildlife pond, as they will eat small creatures and damage plants.” Make it friendly for creatures such as newts and frogs by incorporating varying depths and shallow, boggy, or beached areas. Marginal areas for planting are a must, as aquatic plants play a major role in the biodiversity of any pond by removing excess nutrients that can cause problem algal blooms. Choosing the right species of aquatic plants is also important and you should seek expert advice. Finally, it’s crucial that you maintain the the clarity of the water, and Andy informs us: “Larger volumes of water will require more expensive filtration to keep the water habitable for the fish. t’s always worth calculating costs for the filtration.” So there you go! f you’re looking for a way in which to diversify your garden space, perhaps building a pond with help from Cornwall Ponds could be the answer!


0 1 3 2 6 3 6 8 2 7 2 a n d y @a q u a t i c - c o n s u l t a n c y . c o . u k w w w .c o r n w a llp o n d s .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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10/05/2018 13:25

Elliott White Photography –


A SERVICE LIKE NO OTHER Using only the best natural materials, Duke Stone of Cornwall guarantees a dream finish and secondto-none service that focuses on you.

R DISCOVER MORE Date for the diary Duke Stone is holding its Open Day on Saturday 26th May 2018 from 9am to 5pm – an ideal opportunity for you to take a look at their vast range of full size granite and quartz slabs to help you with your project. Off-cuts are also available for any smaller projects that you may have.

egular readers of Cornwall Living will already be familiar with the stellar service provided by Duke Stone of Cornwall, but for those of you who are new to this Cornish business, think meticulous attention to detail, secondto-none customer service, the highestquality materials and a rich knowledge of natural stone products, from flooring to kitchen surfaces. Based on the Lizard, the small, professional and friendly team’s reach extends across the south west, with many happy homeowners nationwide reaping the rewards of the Duke Stone service. Each team member takes pride in their work, paying meticulous attention to detail in each aspect of every job, displaying unrivalled skill in meeting your individual requirements, but the thing that really stands out to us is their focus on customer care, which means you know you’re being well looked after. In Cornwall there’s a great demand for work surfaces made from granite, as well as other hardwearing materials. It’s on these materials that Duke Stone has built its sterling reputation, working with an extensive range of colours and finishes in granite, quartz, marble and limestone to

give customers the results they want, and in a cost effective way, too! The images above show a recently installed kitchen by Cornwall Bathroom and Kitchen Centre in Truro, one of the many local kitchen companies and fitters that Duke Stone work closely alongside. Duke Stone made every effort to liaise with the customers direct, ensuring that all requirements for their worktops were met, manufacturing and fitting a free standing, raised seating area with end panels to fully support the structure. The worktops were made from 20mm thick quartz and complement the kitchen beautifully! It may be that you’ve decided this is the year to start that big home refurb you’ve been thinking about, or it could just be your kitchen or bathroom that needs an update; either way, why not give the team a call and see how they can help bring your interior or exterior vision to life?

ABOVE Sourcing the best materials for your worktops can be the difference between a nice kitchen and your dream one!

DUKE STONE OF CORNWALL U n its 7 B o c h y H e ls to 0 1 3 2 6 w w w .d

a a n d 1 m , C u ry n T R 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 u k e s to n

9 , R u r a l W o r k s h o p s , H ig h e r C ro s s L a n e s , 7 A Z e o fc o r n w a ll.c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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10/05/2018 12:02

beautiful blinds beautiful blinds

shutters, curtains, roller, shutters, curtains, roller, shutters, roller, venetian,curtains, vertical, Roman venetian, vertical, Roman venetian, Roman & Duettevertical, pleated blinds.

& Duette Duette pleated pleated blinds. blinds. &

057.indd 1

SHOWROOM 13 -14 Marsh Lane Retail Park Marsh Lane, Hayle SHOWROOM SHOWROOM Cornwall, TR27 5JR 13 -14 Marsh Lane Retail Park 13 -14 MarshMarsh Lane Lane, Retail Hayle Park Marsh Lane, Hayle

Cornwall, TR27 5JR Cornwall, TR27 5JR

01736 752397

01736 752397 752397 01736

12/05/2018 12:11


Italian style The new range of tiles at Cornwall Tile Centre comes from some of the finest factories in Italy.


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11/05/2018 14:40




RIGHT Tiles give an aesthetic edge to any project RIGHT High gloss creates the ultimate in bathroom luxury MAIN The only limit when using tiles in your flooring design is your imagintaion

ornwall Tile Centre’s new, comprehensive range of tiles is sourced from some of the best factories in Italy. The range includes ceramic, porcelain, natural stone and slate, along with a unique collection of handmade tiles and mosaics, any of which will transform your home with their stylish and modern designs. Owner Chris Warmington tells us: “at Cornwall Tile Centre we specialise in providing our clients with the best quality tiles from Italy, offering a direct factory supply,” emphasising that you’ll be getting high quality at a reasonable price because the tiles are sold directly from the factory. The ethos at Cornwall Tile is to help create unique spaces in all types of settings, both for private homes and commercial projects throughout Cornwall, Devon and Somerset. Chris continues: “we offer high-quality porcelain and ceramics for wall and floor areas that will give you the ‘aesthetic edge’ on any project.” Images of the collections, that can be found on the company website, hint at the sleek and tasteful finish that can be achieved with the help from the team at Cornwall Tile Centre. For example, the classic style collection will be at home in a country house or a city apartment. Traditional black and white tiles offer an alternative style that can suit any area of the home, and elegant marble tiles will make you feel like you’ve stepped into a luxury hotel in the middle of the Maldives. Enjoy the cool lines of dark slate in your shower-room and experience the luxury of marble beneath your bathtub, with under-tile heating offering you the ultimate spa experience from your own home. Among all the finishes available, from decorative patterns to minimalist tiles, there’s something for everyone in their showrooms. With the added benefit of offering a delivery service throughout the south west so that the brilliant range of tiles can be brought right to your doorstep. Plus, the friendly and helpful team are on hand to offer support on all aspects of tile design and installation, providing an outstanding service that reflects over 50 years of experience in the industry. There are a multitude of reasons why choosing tiles from Cornwall Tile Centre is a good idea. Firstly, they have an exclusive choice of talian wall and floor tiles that are imported

directly from two of the finest factories in the world. Secondly, they provide bespoke orders that suit every style and taste and offer free on site help with design choices. Finally, they bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge to the table, which means that you can rest assured that your dream project will come to fruition with the help from this innovative company. With tile choices for both domestic and commercial use it’s well worth contacting the team at Cornwall Tile Centre no matter how big or small your project may be. Chris tells us: “we have designed and built our showrooms to give our professional visitors and retail clients the best possible opportunity to view our extensive and unique tile collection.” The best way to find the perfect design for your home is to head down to the showroom and peruse the options available in person. Plus, you get to take advantage of the impeccable service that Cornwall Tile Centre provide. “We have a great team of people who are here to assist you in your tile selection, whether for your own home, a development project or a commercial building. We want all our clients to enjoy the experience of visiting us,” adds Chiris. So, why not experience it for yourself and visit one of the showrooms today?

CORNWALL TILE CENTRE & STUDIO ONE SOUTH WEST P e ns i lv a s h owroom : U n i t 2 4 P e n s i l v a I n d u s t r i a l E s ta te , L is k e a r d P L 1 4 5 R E 0 1 5 7 9 3 6 2 2 6 4 W ad e b ri d g e s h owroom : C o m m i s s i o n e r R o a d , W a d e b r id g e P L 2 7 7 A L 0 1 2 0 8 8 1 3 3 4 4 P ly m ou t h s h owroom : U n i t 3 , 6 D a r k l a k e V i e w , E s to v e r, P ly m o u th P L 6 7 F B 0 1 7 5 2 9 7 7 4 9 7 w w w .s tu d io o n e s w .c o .u k w w w .c o r n w a lltile .c o m w w w .b e s p o k e tile im p o r ts .c o m F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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11/05/2018 14:41

Kestrel Specialist Handrail Systems We offer bespoke solutions using modular systems. Tailor made to your unique location.

Kestrel Specialist Handrail Systems Ltd

Units 1 & 2, Manfield Way Holmbush Industrial Estate St Austell, Cornwall, PL25 3HQ

01726 338086

This recent GreenGenUK 8.5kW air source heat pump replaced a bottled LPG system and provided the homeowner with the following:

+ £450 Annual Saving on Heating Bills + £1500 in Annual RHI Payments + 6-tonne Yearly Carbon Reduction + 5-year Return on Investment

Replacing your Central Heating this year? Consider an Air Source Heat Pump Air source heating is the ideal renewable alternative to oil and LPG heating, lowering heating bills by as much as 50% and eligible for up to £1550 in annual subsidy from the government's RHI scheme.

GreenGenUK offers free surveys to all customers. Enquire today and book your free consultation.

060.indd 1

Phone: 01326 564513 or visit

Unit B Ruston House, Helston, TR13 0FG

12/05/2018 12:12


TIMELESS ELEGANCE Just Shutters launches its new and exclusive Coastal Range.


nspired by our rich coastal heritage, Just Shutters has created a truly unique and exclusive collection of eight stunning shutter colours. Bringing the very essence of the British coast into your home, these eight delightful colours complement today’s interiors and add a timeless elegance. The salty sea spray, the tingle of sandy toes, and the cool summer evening breeze… Just Shutters has captured these feelings in its exclusive ‘Coastal’ colour pallet. What’s more, the colours have been carefully toned to ensure longevity of style in your home. Couple this with the company’s most contemporary, large louvered shutters with hidden tilt rods, and the impact is undeniable – the uniquely ‘Just Shutters’ signature style many have come to know and love. Andrew Cook, owner of Just Shutters South West, tells us: “we created the Coastal Range to give our customers something very unique, very special and very ‘us’. The Coastal Range is a delightful, luxury range that incorporates the finest quality sustainable hardwood, with the most inspiring colours. What’s more, the range is very liveable, offering both timeless elegance that will not date, while being practical and easy to maintain.”

“They are the sort of stand out design feature that will have all the neighbours green with envy!” adds Charlotte Fantelli, Just Shutters Marketing Manager and joint creator of the range. From contemporary blue greys, through timeless warm neutrals and an added hint of bold summer tones, the range has something for every home. With names such as Horizon, Tranquility, Dune and Jurassic, each tells a charming story. Made from sustainable, certified, premium hardwood, the Coastal shutters sing quality in every way. Unbeatable for their durability, they are as practical as they are beautiful. What’s more, shutters in the range are protected by Just Shutters’ lifetime guarantee. Luxurious and chic, these shutters are made for those who have an eye for design. They show a passion for interiors and a brave desire to be bold in their choices, without being brash. Create a symphony of style in your home and let your windows (and doors) sing of the seaside, with Just Shutters’ exclusive Coastal Range.

é ABOVE The stunning new Coastal Range, exclusively from Just Shutters

DISCOVER MORE Available in eight exclusive painted colours inspired by the coastal elements, the Coastal Range is ideal for today’s trend towards natural textures and relaxed washed interiors. It is made from natural painted premium, sustainable hardwood, and is available in 89mm and 114mm louvre sizes.

JUST SHUTTERS 0 1 3 9 2 3 4 2 0 8 1 w w w .ju s ts h u tte r s .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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11/05/2018 13:59


Don't sit


Make the bold leap and invest in a new fence this year.


Made of lightweight steel, these designs are built to last

INSET Avoid collapsed fencing


fter a stormy winter, we’ve had our fair share of fallen trees and even the odd barn being blown over. So, our humble garden fences haven’t stood much of a chance. Most homeowners would like to think that their garden fence could last years. However, with Cornwall’s gale force winds this is more of a pipe dream than a reality. Endless maintenance issues can make keeping your fence in good condition a complete nightmare. So, when is it time to put away your tools and realise that it might be easier to replace your fence? As your fence starts to age, it will gradually start to weaken. Rotting is often one of the first signs that there is something seriously wrong. As the decay sets in, your fence will quickly begin to deteriorate, leaving it looking less attractive and a lot weaker than before. A lot of wooden fences also begin to distinctively lean to one side or another and panels can start to chip or go missing all together. Although these problems can be temporarily fixed, it’s unlikely that this will undo the damage, and it’s usually more cost effective to replace with something stronger and more durable. Therefore, if you want your fencing to stay intact, then it’s well worth investing in a higher quality product such as Colourfence. Made out of lightweight steel, fences from

Colourfence have a 25-year guarantee and offer the ideal solution to withstanding Cornwall’s severe weather conditions. Olly Daglish set up Colourfence in Cornwall on the back of his own success with the product. Olly tells us: “we’ve installed over 450 fences in the last four years, with some adjoining old Colourfences installed just under a decade ago – the difference between old and new is almost too hard to tell. Compare this to the look of a wooden, plastic, or concrete fence after this time and there’s no comparison.” Cornwall being the second windiest county in the country makes Colourfence the perfect match for fencing in the Duchy. So, put down your tools and think about investing in a safer, more durable solution that means you can spend less time fixing and more time relaxing in your garden this summer.

COLOURFENCE CORNWALL G le n h u r s t, T r e v e n , T in ta g e l P L 3 4 0 D T 0 1 8 4 0 5 3 7 5 4 7 w w w .c o lo u r fe n c e c o r n w a ll.c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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10/05/2018 11:02

Up to 50% disco unt at the show room


Teak Garden Furniture

With an extensive collection of teak garden furniture, parasols & cushions, you’re sure to find the perfect finishing touch for your garden.


High Quality UPVC Windows, Doors and Conservatories 01726 813 820 SHOWROOM NOW OPEN!

Mon - Fri: 8.30am to 4.30pm. Sat by appointment.18 Rockhill Business Park, Higher Bugle, St Austell PL26 8RA

063.indd 1

Find us online or visit the Rustic House showroom to see our selection of special offers available throughout the summer Par Moor Road, Par, Cornwall. PL24 2SQ

w w w. p a t i o - f u r n i t u r e .c o.u k 01726 817567

12/05/2018 12:12

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12/05/2018 12:13



We catch up with Rebecca Varcoe, founder of Innoscent Cleaning, a wonderful new business from Truro offering eco-friendly and effective products.


nnoscent Cleaning, based in Truro, has quickly made a name for offering exemplary cleaning services that don’t cost the earth thanks to its fabulous eco-friendly cleaning products. The company uniquely produces their very own handmade, 100% natural cleaning products and has recently launched these for sale to both the public and wholesale customers at the Cornwall Home & Lifestyle Show. Rebecca Varcoe, Innoscent Cleaning’s proprietor has been shocked by the astounding response. “Launching a product for sale is a bit like sending your child off into the world,” Rebecca tells us. “You hope and pray that they will fair well but you are filled with trepidation! Thankfully the response to the products has been amazing and I’ve had so many customers get in touch to report how brilliantly they have worked for them and I couldn’t be happier.” One such product, Innoscent Cleaning’s ‘Tough Stuff’ is so gentle that you could use it as an exfoliator for your skin, but it’s so effective it even gets rid of permanent marker pen from any hard surface as Danette Craig, an Innoscent Cleaning customer, found out. Danette Craig says, “I didn’t waste any time using my Tough Stuff on the Sharpie scribbles on the wall which

have been bugging the life out of me – it’s gone! Well done on fabulous products.” Not only do the products work extremely well, they would be a very stylish addition to any home. Packaged in stunning and eco-friendly aluminium, Innoscent Cleaning will also be offering a discounted refill service to encourage its customers to recycle. Sustainability is at the heart of everything the company does. “Everything is sustainably sourced,” says Rebecca, “from our ingredients to our stand tablecloths to our business cards. Anything that we can’t source sustainably we offset through the Carbon Trust.” Innoscent Cleaning is currently offering four products: ‘Anything & Everything’ a hard surface (including glass) cleaner; ‘Tough Stuff’ for really tough jobs; ‘Time to Shine’ vegan wood treatment and ‘Something in the Air’ home fragrance, in three sensational fragrances: sweet orange and ylang ylang, lavender and lotus, and lemongrass and bergamot which will not only ensure your home is left hygienically clean, but smelling gorgeous too!

ABOVE Clean your home effectively, without damaging the environment é INSET Rebecca Varcoe, founder of Innoscent Cleaning

INNOSCENT CLEANING w w w .in n o s c e n tc le a n in g .c o m

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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11/05/2018 12:59



n g i s e d

Introducing La Fabrico, an unbelievably stylish and entrepreneurial tiling business.


a Fabrico’s showroom was unveiled in September last year with a VIP launch event that indicated exactly what the company is all about: style, taste and glamour. The ribbon was cut by Exeter Chiefs star Will Chudley and the local business community looked on as the doors to the showroom were opened, marking a significant addition to their ranks with this unbelievably contemporary and stylish company. Established by Paul Greenslade, Simon Pearce and Jon King, the trio have 25 years of experience in the tiling and stone industries between them, and have combined this experience to create La Fabrico. Paul tells us: “creating La Fabrico has been one of the most exciting yet di cult things ’ve done, but seeing the showroom now makes it all worth it.” As you walk into the showroom, you’re greeted by beautiful displays that ooze sophistication and class. The cleverly arranged exhibits reveal the kind of effects you can achieve in your own home, allowing you to envision how your completed project could look with the help from the team at La Fabrico. Paul continues: “with so many years experience in the tiling industry, I really enjoy showcasing the different options available and look forward to sharing my knowledge with clients.” Paul’s experience shines through in the layout of the showroom, and it’s obvious


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11/05/2018 13:32


Stocking Spanish brand Grespania, the quality of their products is unmistakable, however, the La Fabrico team pride themselves on being able to offer quality in design but at a fair price. Simon elaborates saying: “we provide superior quality tiles and innovative designs at competitive prices, you won’t find the same standard at a cheaper price anywhere else.” The team will also help with the installation aspects of your project, and provide advice on tile aftercare. Showing that the service goes beyond simply making a sale, the team at La Fabrico genuinely want to ensure that their products will continue to look amazing in your home even after the deal has been made. So, head down and explore their boutique style showroom for yourself, and cast your eyes on the undeniably stylish displays that are bound to inspire you.


1 M itr e L a n e , E x e te r E X 4 3 B B 0 1 3 9 2 8 4 8 4 8 7 i n f o @l a f a b r i c o . c o m w w w .la fa b r ic o .c o m F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k

é ABOVE Beautiful contemporary designs, guaranteed to add a chic touch to your home


that showcasing the creative possibilities available has been an integral part of the design and organisation of the space. La Fabrico isn’t just a pretty face; the team also provides the ultimate customer experience. Whether you’re looking to revamp your bathroom, renovate your o ce so that it’s more classy and sophisticated, or get the perfect finish on your kitchen worktop, the in-house design team are always on hand to provide advice and ideas on all of your projects. Paul tells us: “one of the most rewarding things is to help guide our clients through the process and watch as their dreams become a reality. We’re here to help with all types of projects, from a new tiled kitchen to a full bathroom design.” As a testament to this, it’s possible to book a free interior design consultation thanks to the design hub, which has been set up specifically to provide professional advice from local architects and designers, giving you a chance to discuss your ideas with the experts. Continuously on the hunt for current designs, the team have made sure to include a selection of trending looks this season including concrete, wood effect and natural stone tiles.

Creating La Fabrico has been one of the most exciting yet difficult things I’ve done




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11/05/2018 13:33


the space age WELCOME TO

If you’re in need of some more room then spread out into your garden with a luxury bolthole.


re you becoming increasingly aware that you need that little extra space in your home? Perhaps you are working from home and need a place of calm and quiet to call your own. Whatever it is, there are multiple options for you to get that little extra leeway. With a bespoke range of garden pods, Project Modular offers you the chance to get creative and build the perfect bolthole. There are numerous ways to make the most of your extra space, whether as a quiet place to do work, a music studio, somewhere to house your guests, or a full-size annexe for permanent living. The flexible design means Project Modular can tailor the build to meet your needs and specification. You can even transform your getaway into a money-maker by setting it up as holiday accommodation. When it comes to thinking about planning, the team at Project Modular can offer their in-house architectural experts, who will design and submit your planning application, liaising on your behalf throughout the process. All you need is garden space. The self-contained units can be fitted with luxury bathrooms, en-suites and beautiful kitchens, designed with semi-flat or pitched

roofs, covered with either EPDM rubber, real-slate tiles, or even zinc. All are finished internally in a contemporary style. With several external finishes on offer, from the beautiful and popular red cedar, white render or multiple colour options with cedral weatherboard, your new modular building will be the envy of your friends and neighbours. Why not include solar energy, or an air source heat pump, providing free power for all your electrical needs, combine this with cosy underfloor heating to make it your most favourite place to be. All units are pre-fabricated here in Cornwall within the Project Modular workshop, speeding up the overall build process time, allowing completion in a matter of weeks. These buildings are both beautiful and affordable, filling you with a burst of excitement, every time you venture into the garden to your tranquil escape.

é ABOVE LEFT Enhance your home’s living space, creating a studio, office, or guest bedroom with the addition of a chic garden room from Project Modular

PROJECT MODULAR U n it 2 , S t B la z 0 1 7 2 6 i n f o @p w w w .p

4 2 S ta tio e y , P a r P 8 1 5 0 7 0 r o je c tm o r o je c tm o

n R o a d , L 2 4 2 L Z

d u la r.c o .u k d u la r.c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w . c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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11/05/2018 13:16

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11/05/2018 15:54

2 person tubs from £1,649.00 6 person tubs from £2,236.00 8 person tubs from £2,321.00 Choice of internal or external wood fired heaters.

Natural ~ Beautiful ~ Sustainable ~ ~ 07779 374017

THE ST ENODOC HOTEL Positioned above the Camel estuary with sweeping views across the water, St Enodoc Hotel it is the perfect place to relax by the sea. Leave the car and walk the few minutes to surrounding sandy beaches and the footferry to Padstow. With an endless supply of quality produce in the local area our chef James Nathan and his team focus on fresh, healthy modern European recipes. For reservations and the latest offers 01208 863 394

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14/05/2018 11:36


Int erior

EXPRESSION Pay a visit to the Cornwall Rug Company and discover the hidden home-décor delights that reside within its four walls.

é ABOVE LEFT Find a huge selection of home accessories to brighten your home

BELOW Get your home feeling cosy in a way that suits your taste and style


s you enter the Cornwall Rug Company two-storey showroom in the heart of Wadebridge, you’re immediately drawn into a world of interior expression. Bursting with a lovingly handpicked range of beautiful rugs and accessories sourced from around the globe, the team at the Cornwall Rug Company has a unique eye for effortless style. From squishy scatter cushions to slouch on and throws to snuggle under, to quirky vases and beautiful handmade lampshades that are perfect for brightening your space and adding interest; you’ll find all this and much more to inspire your inner-interior designer!

Whether you’re more at home in a cool rustic cottage by the sea, with waves of blue and grey organic tones and natural materials, or in an eclectic abode adorned with deeppile Berber rugs, vintage kantha throws and fabulous vintage Moroccan floor cushions, you’re guaranteed to find what you’re looking for at the Cornwall Rug Company! A visit to the Wadebridge showroom is a must, especially if you’re looking to transform your home, to change the feel of a room or simply to purchase a unique gift. The best part is, leaving empty handed doesn’t mean you don’t get what you want – it just means the team are packaging your purchase and readying it to be delivered, straight to your door, so you can go about the rest of your day unencumbered! Whatever your style and taste, the team of award-winning interior stylists are always on hand to help in store. Alternatively, why not simply head to the website and browse the current collection online.

CORNWALL RUG COMPANY U n it 4 , T r e v a n s o n W a d e b r id g e P L 2 7 0 1 2 0 8 3 6 8 6 4 3 m a i l @c o r n w a l l r u g w w w .c o r n w a llr u g c

S tre e t, 7 A W

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14/05/2018 09:58


SHARE YOUR PHOTOS Do you have any fascinating vintage photos like this one? If so, please get in touch:


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11/05/2018 14:03

| LIFESTYLE The inner harbour of Porthleven, circa 1911

W A look at life on the coast in days gone by

e love delving into the past to reveal a glimpse what life in Cornwall was like in yesteryear. In this issue, we visit the home of Cornwall Living, instantly recognisable by the iconic clock tower of the BickfordSmith Institute, completed circa 1884, and the castellated Coastguard Station, built in 1866, perched on the hillside – both still stand today. The UK’s most southerly port, the stone harbour wall was constructed mostly by French prisoners of war during the Napoleonic Wars in the early 19th century, creating a safe haven for working boats to weather the storms. Despite motorboats largely taking place of the traditional sailing vessels – and more visitors in part due to the blossoming foodie scene – the overall look of the harbour has actually changed very little in the last 100 years. Porthleven still has an active fishing fleet, selling fresh fish from the side of the quay. f you want to find out more about its history, take the Porthleven Town Trail. Look out for wall plaques dotted around the harbour detailing historic buildings of note, including the fish curing stores, the china clay store, the lime kiln, and the lifeboat house. S o u r c e : F r a n c is F r ith & C o F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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11/05/2018 14:03


A perfect country retreat

Win a four-night luxury weekend break

Enter our competitions for the chance to win these fantastic prizes!



TERMS AND CONDITIONS No purchase necessary. Prize draw open to anyone in the UK age 18 years or over excluding employees of Wadebridge Dental, Atlantic Coast Holiday Park, Kneehigh Theatre, Trevornick, Callestock Vean, Porthleven Holiday Cottages, Leven Media Group, and their families, agents and anyone else connected with this promotion. One entry per household. The prize is non-transferrable and non-exchangeable. No cash alternative available. Winners must be willing to provide their name and country of residence for publicity if required. The promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The winners will be drawn at random after 18th June 2018. The winner will be notified by email within 14 days after the draw closes. Subject to availability. See online for full terms and conditions.


£650 Escape to five-star gold indulgence at Callestock Vean where you’ll enjoy contemporary interiors, stunning countryside views, whirlpool bath and absolute peace in a stunning new build. Tuck into the complimentary freshly made Cornish cream tea and breakfast hamper.

IT’S SHOWTIME! Win a pair of tickets to see FUP! at Kneehigh Asylum 2018

On the greens Win a luxury coastal golfing getaway




£600 FUP is a big-hearted modern fable about family, love and nature set in a weird and wild Cornwall not so different from this one, featuring live music, quacking puppetry and Kneehigh’s infamous eccentricity and charm.

Enjoy a three-night self-catering break in one of Trevornick’s brand-new static caravans for four people. The prize includes a daily round of golf on Holywell Bay Golf’s Par 3 course, and a challenging daily round on one of the south west’s finest 18-hole pitch and putt courses.



14/05/2018 10:46


A seaside stay

A SMILE THAT SHINES Win a teeth-whitening treatment from Wadebridge Dental

Win a family holiday for four in Porthleven WORTH UP TO



£350 Have you lost confidence in your smile? Courtesy of Wadebridge Dental, the winner will enjoy an Opalescence treatment, which promises to visibly whiten your teeth with long lasting results, instilling confidence back into you and your smile.

In association with Porthleven Holiday Cottages, this is your chance to win a family holiday for four in the stunning, harbourside village of Porthleven. With over 15 years’ experience of creating memorable holidays for families, couples and groups, Porthleven Holiday Cottages is located in the heart of thevillage. Most of its Cornwall self catering cottages are also dog friendly so everyone can enjoy the fun.

A family beach break


Win a short break at Atlantic Coast Holiday Park

With plenty of incredible prizes to be won, now’s the time to log on and enter our competitions!



Atlantic Coast Holiday Park is the perfect setting for your family holiday, set in a secluded location near the coast and immersed in the wild beauty of the surrounding sand dunes.

It’s often said, but so true – you’ve got to be in it to win it! You never know when it might be your lucky day. To show just what you might be missing, we catch up with a previous competition winner, Sarah, who tells us: “I’m a bit gobsmacked as I never win anything, but the prizes have started to arrive. It’s amazing! We even had an interior designer here this evening, something I never thought would happen at my house!” Why not give it a go? Good luck!



14/05/2018 10:46


BAY DREAMING We discover The Bay, a community of stylish, contemporary, self-catering holiday homes that are available to rent on the south Cornwall coastline.

é ABOVE Talland Bay is simply stunning

INSET Nothing beats retreating to sumptuously luxurious accommodation after a day spent exploring


magine a secluded cove blessed with both a rocky foreshore, perfect for rockpooling, as well as a safe sandy beach ideal for sheltered sand castle building and safe swimming. Now picture waking up after a relaxing night’s sleep and taking a lazy ten-minute stroll down to said cove – sounds idyllic doesn’t it? This could be you on your next holiday in Cornwall with a stay at The Bay, Talland. The quiet hamlet of Talland nestles between Looe and Polperro on the south Cornish coast and offers family holidays that will create memories to last a lifetime. The Bay offers a variety of accommodation with something to suit everyone. The properties are individually owned so each one has its own unique style and feel. Some have sea views, others overlook the stunning, surrounding countryside and many have hot tubs – nothing quite like a soak under the Cornish night sky. Directors of Talland Bay Ltd, Stuart and Lynne, worked in Surrey but took the decision to move to Cornwall in 2006 where they started a family with a good work-life balance. Living on site with their two young daughters they are able to benefit from the amazing lifestyle that living here offers. Their small but passionate team manage the whole complex ensuring that standards

are high throughout and also provide an excellent concierge service. There really is no need to venture far from this glorious place. There is an indoor heated pool as well as a fully equipped gym on site if you’re feeling energetic, with kayak hire available from Talland Beach Café. If you’re after a slower pace of life then lazing on the sandy shores, dipping the occasional toe into the cool clear waters is all you need do – and with two beach cafés, lunch and snacks are always to hand. Back at The Bay there’s a large sauna to relax in and spa treatments are available to book in your own accommodation. If you don’t fancy cooking then you need not lift a finger for dinner either as the highly recommended restaurant at The Talland Bay Hotel is less than a mile away. This is family holidaying at its best!


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11/05/2018 13:45



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077.indd 1

12/05/2018 12:15

Introducing Island Helicopters The new helicopter service from Land’s End Airport to the Isles of Scilly

Travel Isles of Scilly


Book now. First flight 21 May. Discover more at or call 01736 334220 #connectscilly

177x119 Cornwall Living IH ad.indd 1

16/04/2018 20:31

Travel Isles of Scilly

078.indd 1


12/05/2018 12:15


EXPLORE AT EASE Don’t let parking worries in Penzance dictate your holiday to the Isles of Scilly this summer.

ABOVE é An island paradise awaits your arrival! RIGHT Convenient parking in Penzance, just minutes from the ferry to Scilly


e’ve all had those moments when you’re trying to explore a new place and settle into your holiday but you end up spending hours circling the area on the hunt for somewhere to park. It’s an unforeseen challenge that impedes on your time to relax and one that’s easy to overlook when you’ve just booked your trip and are in the throws of holiday-induced delight. An even bigger worry is the thought of trying to find parking in the busy tourist hub of Penzance when you’re trying to get over to the Isles of Scilly this summer. After all, who needs the added stress of having to find parking in time for your ferry? If you’ve booked a holiday to the Isles of Scilly and are increasingly beginning to question your parking decisions, or the lack of them, then it’s definitely worth planning ahead with Isles of Scilly Parking. The islands are such a beautiful place to visit; it’s worth getting your parking sorted so that you can relax with the knowledge that your car is safely parked in Penzance. There are two options with Isles of Scilly Parking; either choose Premier parking which is in the closest possible proximity to the Scillonian – only a stone’s throw from the quay. Or, choose the value for money Standard parking that’s only a four-minute drive away and is served by a regular shuttle service. The shuttles are spacious and comfortable and will drop you straight to

the quay, so there really isn’t much between the two options. Either way you’re sure to be able to park your car in a safe place and get to the quay in good time. In relation to their experience one customer has said: “Thank you so much for the superb assistance. Your company is one of the best I have ever experienced in 50 years of living in the UK.” Proof that planning ahead with your parking really will put your mind at rest, especially when the team at IOS are so helpful in making sure that your travel experience is as stress free as possible.

ISLES OF SCILLY PARKING O 1 7 3 6 0 7 7 2 4 c o n ta c is le w w w .is

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11/05/2018 15:33



Tim Woolcock Photography


Enjoy beautiful stays in St Ives and Truro.

Scots Craig, St Ives Located in a plum position above Porthminster beach, St Ives, a warm coastal welcome awaits within this magical high-top haven. Built in the 1960s, Scots Craig was once the residence of a local artist who adorned the stone walls with his artwork, all inspired by the ever-changing views. Today, this iconic house has been lovingly and sensitively renovated to blend the old with more modern order. The interiors have been styled by a professional Cornish company adding a burst of colour and creative air to this historic home. Choose from four beautiful bedrooms, generous social spaces and two large balconies offering one of the best views of the harbour, beaches and the opalescent blue bay. Scots Craig invites up to eight of your friends and family to check in for a very special stay in this standout property from the Cornish Gems portfolio, whatever the occasion, whatever the season.

01872 241241


CL--73--ED--Cottages.indd 80

11/05/2018 14:57

“Luxury self-catering accommodation in Old Town Padstow� Leave feeling, rested, relaxed and inspired Short Breaks & Weeks available. 07815201864

Take in the views the Roseland has to offer from the comfort of one of our delightful holiday homes. Please visit our website to see a further selection at the address below. 01326 270900

081.indd 1

12/05/2018 12:17

Juliots Well is perfectly located at the gateway of Cornwall, less than an hour from the M5 yet only a few short miles from the idyllic coastal towns and villages like Padstow, Tintagel and Newquay. Something often commented is how easy we are to reach and the ideal base from which to explore.


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10/05/2018 12:20 15:02 12/05/2018


Callestock Vean, Truro ryside

n Surrounded by beautiful count

only a short trip to the coast

If you’re dreaming of a tranquil escape amidst rolling green hills and beautiful countryside then Callestock Vean is the perfect retreat for you. This two-bedroom detached property is set in its own grounds with stunning views across open farmland. The house itself has been finished to an extremely high standard, boasting two indulgent bathrooms and a contemporary style throughout, with every room angled towards making the most of the incredible views. Callestock Vean has the benefit of being totally private and sheltered with fields stretching out in front of the property and with Cornwall’s stunning north coast just a short drive away; this property really does have the best of both worlds. Perranporth is just ten minutes away and has three miles of beautiful beach and cliff-top walks. Or, head over to Newquay where you’ll find a wealth of restaurants and shops, as well as some of the best surf beaches in the county. f you’re looking for a more secluded spot, take the turning off to Crantock, a fascinating village, which leads down to the magnificent sweep of Crantock beach. After a long day exploring all that Cornwall has to offer, kick off your walking boots and head back to the tranquillity of Callestock ean. Fluffy towels, sumptuous bathrobes and slippers await you, and maybe even a glass of wine on the spacious patio.

01872 540445


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11/05/2018 14:57


Destination ROCK Situated on the north-eastern bank of the Camel river and just across the water by ferry from Padstow, Rock has become a dream holiday destination for staycationers across the UK!

TOP HOLIDAY HOMES TO STAY The Moorings - Sleeps six, prices from £475 to £1,370 Gull Rock 4 - Sleeps eight, prices from £1,565 to £4,790 Saltrock - Sleeps eight, prices from £780 to £1,825 First Light - Sleeps eight, prices from £1315 to £2730 19 Slipway - Sleeps eight, prices from £835 to £2,585


hanks to its unique position on the rugged north coast, the allure of staying in Rock really speaks for itself, however there’s much more to this north Cornish holiday destination than potential visitors often realise, not least the wealth of luxury holiday accommodation available through John Bray Cornish Holidays! The first and most obvious place to start is Rock as a watersports destination, and you’ll be pleased to know that there are a variety of water-based thrills and spills available here. The team at John Bray Cornish Holidays have tried most of them, and they’re always on hand and more than happy to offer any tips and advice on what to do. Off the water, there’s plenty for holidaymakers to enjoy, and for anyone bringing their dog to Cornwall, the South West Coast Path offers scintillating views of the Atlantic and endless miles along which your furry friend can bound, sniff and roll to their heart’s content. What’s more, renowned as being one of the best courses in west England, the world class St Enodoc Golf Course is also nearby, offering visitors the chance to enjoy a leisurely nine or 18 holes of beautiful Cornish links. And, for those looking to really relax and recharge their batteries, a day trip to the St Enodoc Spa at St Enodoc Hotel could well be what the doctor ordered! With such an array of activities to choose from in the daytime, those staying in Rock usually find themselves with a hearty appetite come nightfall. Fortunately, Rock is quite the

foodie destination, offering a choice of pubs and cafés, including No 1 Rock Road, The Rock Inn and Blue Tomato Café, as well as a range of fine dining options, including offerings from Nathan Outlaw at the Mariners, James Nathan at St Enodoc Hotel and Fred Beedles at the The Dining Room What’s more, across the water in Padstow, you’ll find a bustling hub of foodie flair, with a huge selection of restaurants that include Rick Stein’s Seafood Restaurant and Paul Ainsworth at Number 6. As you can see, there is more to Rock than at first meets the eye, so as a potential visitor, all that’s left for you to decide is where you’ll stay. Thankfully, John Bray Cornish Holidays has an enviable selection of luxurious accommodation available to suit your holiday needs.

é MAIN John Bray Cornish Holidays has more than 110 holiday homes in Rock, many with sea views!

INSET Rock is a watersports mecca

JOHN BRAY CORNISH HOLIDAYS 0 1 2 0 8 8 6 3 2 0 6 w w w .jo h n b r a y c o r n is h h o lid a y s .c o .u k

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11/05/2018 15:41

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02/05/2018 12:21 13:34 12/05/2018



WELCOMES We meet Rupert Brendon, proprietor of The Falcon Hotel in Bude, and his daughter Sophia, manager of The Brendon Arms next door.



DISCOVER MORE Every Friday, between 5pm and 7pm, it’s Falcon Fizz Friday, when you can enjoy half-price Champagne and reduced prices on other bubbles! There’s also a digital wine list on a tablet for fellow oenophiles, with illustrations, full tasting notes, wine critic scores and some personal comments.

stablished in 1798 and run for most of its tenure by the Brendon family now by fifth generation Rupert and wife Christine), The Falcon is the oldest coaching house in north Cornwall, and while most of the family’s coaches have now been sold on, one Brougham carriage still remains in the beautiful hotel gardens, serving as both a reminder of the hotel’s rich history, and as a stunning backdrop for wedding photographs. As we enter, it quickly becomes clear that this beautiful hotel is steeped in history. Proprietor Rupert Brendon shows us around, allowing us to take in every detail, from The Gallery and The Ballroom (which combine to create the Acland Suite, a beautiful and classy space for larger events and weddings , to the rooms above The Brendon Arms next door, each of which is named after one of the many shipwrecks on the Bude coastline. It’s clear that the Brendon family is passionate about everything that The Falcon Hotel and Brendon Arms have to offer, from the museum-like displays of family heirlooms that can be found throughout the hotel, to the second-to-none food and service in the Lord Tennyson Restaurant. Even in The Brendon Arms next door, which is ran by Rupert’s daughter Sophia, we find a fantastic selection of Cornish beers, ciders and ales, as well as a hearty menu of traditional pub food, perfect for reenergising after a long day spent on Summerleaze beach, just moments away.

After a day spent exploring the countryside surrounding Bude, we return to our room, one of The Falcon Hotel’s 33 recently-refurbished bedrooms, before sitting for dinner in the Lord Tennyson Restaurant, where Rupert happily obliges with a fantastic selection of wines. Each one he recommends based on our meal choices, and every glass is as delicious as the last. Over dinner, we learn that one of his biggest goals is to encourage more guests to try fine wines. To achieve this, as well as slashing the mark up on the wines he offers, he recently introduced Coravin, a wine preservation system that allows him to offer wine by the glass. He’s even installed a Champagne bar, where guests can choose from six champagnes and sparkling wines by the glass, including the ever-popular Camel alley Sparkling Ros , of which he treats us to a glass! The hotel team firmly believes that they provide the warmest welcome in the West Country, and it’s fair to say that our experience reflects that, so if you’re hoping to enjoy the finest food and wine that the region has to offer, be sure to make the Falcon Hotel your next port of call.

é ABOVE Enjoy fine food and wonderful ambiance at the family-run Falcon Hotel in Bude

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10/05/2018 17:42



Enjoy a















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087.indd 1

14/05/2018 11:37


FLYING HIGH Cornwall Gold supports the Cornwall Air Ambulance with its iconic flip-flop pendant.

RIGHT The flip-flop, available exclusively from Cornwall Gold, using silver, Tolgus Tin and granite é ABOVE

Cornwall Air Ambulance, supported by Cornwall Gold

DISCOVER MORE You can find out more about this exciting renovation project by visiting Tolgus Mill. Entry is free and the mill is open daily until 5pm.


ith more than 300 of the country’s finest beaches, and 2 0 miles of coast on our doorstep, it’s no wonder that Cornwall attracts millions of visitors each year. For the half a million people who call Cornwall home, as well as the millions who visit the county, Cornwall Air Ambulance is a reassuring presence, as anyone could need this service at any time, whether local or visitor, young or old. Set up in 1 as the first air ambulance service in the U , its story is now entwined with the lives of those with a connection to our beautiful county. That’s why this summer, Cornwall Gold is proud to announce its collaboration in supporting this vital work – with its iconic flip-flop. t’s made from Cornish granite, sterling silver and tin, extracted and processed by the Cornwall Gold team in their very own tin streaming works, Tolgus Tin Mill, located on the site between Redruth and Portreath. Steve Ackland, from Cornwall Gold, explains, “Our Tolgus regeneration project is all about preserving our unique Cornish heritage for future generations. Tolgus Mill was established in 1 and in those days very little thought was given to safety and healthcare in rural communities.”

For every flip-flop sold this summer, Cornwall Gold is donating directly to the Cornwall Air Ambulance trust, providing a source of much needed funds. “We’ve been here since 1 , and all of us have been affected in one way or another by the Air Ambulance”, continues Steve. “Things don’t get much more Cornish than our flip-flop and this is our little way of saying ‘thank you’ for the amazing job they do by putting something back into the local community.” Flip-flops are available in both left and right foot with either a granite or sand finish, exclusively from Cornwall Gold, just off the A30 between Redruth and Portreath, or from the o cial website.

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11/05/2018 12:40

| foodie


d o o f d o go

Introducing the family behind CJ’s at the Sanctuary and what good food means to them. DISCOVER MORE The restaurant is putting on a number of events this summer with a fun packed Murder Mystery dinner on Friday 13th July and a Drag Night on Friday 3rd August. Not to mention the weekly Steak Club every Wednesday, which includes two prime steaks, hand cut chips, dessert or cheese board all for £30.

DID YOU KNOW? The spacious structure of the church really lends itself to parties and events with a large upper area looking down on the tables below. The building extends right back and the beautiful interior of the church, with its original stained glass windows and detailed woodwork, gives a unique feel to any gathering.


un by Paul James and his wife to be Sarah Casswell, the restaurant was named CJ’s as a union of their second names and the names of their two sons, Charlie and Jack – hinting at what lies at the heart of the restaurant for them, family. Paul tells us: “It’s all about family, I work in the kitchen, my partner Sarah runs front of house, granny makes the puddings and the boys keep things clean in the kitchen.” The family took on the running of the restaurant in September, and gave it a thorough refurbishment. They got rid of the booth style tables to really utilise the space available, and painted the dark red and black walls white to create a much more airy feel. Located on the outskirts of Falmouth, CJ’s is nestled in the heart of Budock Water in the spacious shell of an old Methodist church. As you approach CJ’s, you drive away from the hubbub of town and towards this picturesque village through a tunnel of trees. The church is located right next to some beautiful National Trust walks making it an ideal stop for a Sunday roast as you can work up an appetite with an invigorating walk and then head into the spacious restaurant for a hearty feast.

Paul says of his roast: “we have a hugely popular Sunday roast, serving from 100 to 200 people, we bring the carvery to you.” The veg is brought out on huge platters to the table and you get a great big jug of gravy with limitless refills. Paul tells us: “ t’s not about fine dining here, it’s about getting back to the heart of cooking and simply producing food that tastes amazing. Forget about foam and micro cresses, at CJ’s it’s about good, wholesome meals that leave you feeling satisfied.” Having worked in the fine dining industry for over 20 years, and even won a number of competitions such as the televised BBC programme Alex Polizzi: Chefs on Trial, Paul is happy to have left fine dining to get back to simply making great tasting food, without all the faff!

ABOVE The spacious interior of the old Methodist chapel é INSET Delicious, fresh seafood prepared by Head Chef and owner Paul James


0 1 3 2 6 3 7 7 0 1 0 C J ’s a t T h e S a n c t u a r y S c h o o l h ill, B u d o c k W a te r, F a lm o u th T R 1 1 5 D D F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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14/05/2018 09:24

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•EXPERIENCE• THE HIDDEN HUT ON THE ROSELAND PENINSULA Nestled at the back of Porthcurnick beach, and sending wafts of Indian spice, sweet patisserie and heady coffee up the path to the car park on the edge of Portscatho, The Hidden Hut lies in perfect harmony with its surroundings. The lunch menu is hard to choose from, such are the delights on offer, and while it isn’t licensed, you’re more than welcome to bring your own wine or beer. What could be better than a glass of your favourite tipple, overlooking the golden sands of Porthcurnick on a summer’s afternoon after a delicious, homemade meal? Everything here is homemade, from cakes to pastries, pasties to atbreads, and each meal is prepared on massive burners in the outside kitchen, at which the chefs can be seen weaving their culinary magic. If you’d like to learn to cook some of the dishes that have made this unique beachside restaurant an instant hit, owner Simon Stallard recently released The Hidden Hut, a cook book showcasing inspiration for creating magical and memorable feasts, each recipe having been adapted for home cooking and each being achievable for both small families and large gatherings.

THE HIDDEN HUT P ort s c at h o, T ru ro T R 2 5 E W www. h i d d e nh u t . c o. u k F i nd m ore li k e t h i s : www. c ornwall- li v i ng . c o. u k


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11/05/2018 15:07

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CL--73--Hidden Hut--2.00.indd 3

11/05/2018 15:07

G OURMET We catch up with all the latest news from some of our favourite chefs, eateries, hotels and pubs.

Great food for an even better cause

Hospitality students from Penzance are organising an enticing event to raise money for local charity, Street Food Penzance. Taking place on 6th July at Penwith College’s Senara Restaurant, the evening will include a three-course meal and a big screen projection of the iconic musical Moulin Rouge, accompanied by gourmet cinema snacks. Those lucky enough to book a ticket will enjoy welcome drinks and canapés, followed by a delicious meal. The students are bringing together a number of top chefs including Stephane Delourme and Stuart Pate from the Rick Stein Group, Jude Kereama from Kota and Nik Boyle from Victoria Inn, allowing you to sample the food that has catapulted these chefs to success and enjoy an evening full of fun, all for a good cause! TRURO AND PENWITH COLLEGE Penwith College, St Clare Street, Penzance TR18 2SA 01736 335215


The private dining experience, with

Timothy Dean

A question that crops up time and time again for chef Tim is whether he opens his Wadebridge café during the evenings. While the answer is no, Tim now offers an exciting chance to experience fine dining from the comfort of your own home. Accompanied by a Michelin star waitress and cocktail master, Tim will cook up a storm in your kitchen and provide a unique dining experience, showcasing Tim’s renowned menu, ‘Best Taste of Cornwall’, perhaps a starter of pan-fried scallops, main of Cornish duck breast and panna cotta for dessert – or whatever you desire!

This personalised dining experience means you’re in for an evening of delectable delights without having to lift a finger – or even a toe – to get to the restaurant. To find out more call 0 08 8 visit Tims lace ad

550 or

Enjoy homemade farmhouse treats at

Tregairewoon Farm Kitchen As we move into the summer months (and some sunshine!) Tregairewoon Farm Kitchen is extending its opening times so you can make the most of the longer, warmer days. Serving light lunches and afternoon teas daily, as well as the popular Sunday Carvery, the farm kitchen provides homemade local fare that will leave you feeling utterly satisfied and content. When the sun shines, the café makes use of the secluded tea garden for Cornish cream teas. Plus, the kitchen also serves a full afternoon

tea on its collection of vintage bone china, the ideal birthday treat for a loved one. It’s the perfect destination for Fathers’ Day. To complete your day out, why not order one of the Farmhouse ready meals to take home? TREGAIREWOON FARM KITCHEN Portscatho TR2 5EP 07967 826405

Enjoy fizz and chips at Rick Stein’s Fish, Falmouth Located on the bustling discovery quay in Falmouth, Rick Stein is serving gloriously crispy battered fish, and plump chips with a glass of Prosecco this spring, with Fizz and chips – available Monday to Thursday until 6.30pm for just £9.95, putting a sophisticated twist on a classic dish. Traditional fish and chips are still at the heart of the menu however; it will also include some of Rick’s favourite dishes such as his Indonesian seafood curry. Not to mention the Mexican inspired theme, which runs throughout

some of the dishes following Rick’s recent trip. Both restaurant and takeaway, Stein’s is the perfect pitstop for a leisurely lunch or a great meal to have on the go, so you can sit down by the water’s edge and watch the sailing boats lazily make their way across the bay. RICK STEIN’S FISH Discovery Quay, Falmouth TR11 3XA 01841 532700

92 | CORNWALL LIVING CL--73--(FD) Gourmet Gossip.indd 94

11/05/2018 14:10



Chantek welcomes

a new chef to its midst

Enjoy delicious, freshly roasted coffee at the Apple Tree Café! New owners Penny and Martin Lees have brought their self-acclaimed coffee obsession all the way from Australia. Having lived down under for eight years, the couple were immersed in the booming coffee culture and have adjusted to the Aussie norm of perfect coffee, cup after cup. On returning to the UK, they balked at the idea of no longer having their coffee fix, so made the bold leap and trained as baristas. Penny tells us: “The secret is consistently serving great coffee every single time you make it – from 9am until 5pm and every cup in between.” They now serve their own brand of hand-roasted artisan coffee, Penmarace Coffee, at the Apple Tree and package it in smaller bags to sell to customers. THE APPLE TREE CAFÉ Trevescan, Sennen TR19 7AQ 01736 872753

Recently joined by wonderful Executive Chef, Lhong Niparat, Chantek introduces a new string to its bow with a celebration of Lhong’s intense passion for Pan Asian cuisine. Originally from Thailand, Lhong has over 15 years of experience in the Asian food industry, including extensive sushi making skills, for all the sushi lovers out there! Lhong brings her exciting and tantalising culinary skills to the table in the form of a new Pan Asian and tapas menu available for lunch and dinner. Along with a new menu, you can now also enjoy live music every Saturday. So why

not sample the new dishes and sip on one of the Asian inspired cocktails, while listening to the mellow tones of live music drifting through the restaurant? CHANTEK 15 New Bridge Street, Truro TR1 2AA 01872 225071

Ann’s Pasties prove popular in Porthleven There’s not many an occasion that isn’t made better with a hot pasty in hand and we’re delighted that Ann’s Pasties has opened a new shop right here in Porthleven, the home of Cornwall Living. Ann’s Pasties is very much a family business, originally opened by Ann and mother Hettie in Porthleven back in 1985. As the business flourished, Ann’s son Fergus stepped in to help and he now gets the crimping seal of approval from Granny Hettie. Ann’s Pasties are all lovingly handmade, from locally sourced meat and vegetables and crimped to perfection. Organic flour and a generations’ old recipe makes for thin, crisp pastry on the outside and a succulent layered filling on the inside. Be sure to pick one up next time you’re in Porthleven or if you want to take home a

taste of Cornwall, you can have Ann’s Pasties delivered across the UK. ANN’S PASTIES 01326 572282

Refreshment for you and your garden at Bodmin Nursery Nestled in the midst of Bodmin Nursery, The Mill Café is the perfect stop-off. It now has extra space with the opening of its Garden Room extension and, on summer days, guests can enjoy its south-terrace, which is a real sun trap and perfect for enjoying a delicious Cornish cream tea. The café serves all home-made soups, light lunches, cakes and barista-served Carraro coffee and is an ideal venue to meet up

with friends or family, being so central in Cornwall and just a mile from the A30! Why not combine a visit to coincide with Bodmin Nursery’s foodie Farmer’s Market, held on the third Saturday of every month? BODMIN NURSERY Laveddon Mill, Bodmin PL30 5JU 01208 72837

CORNWALL LIVING | 93 CL--73--(FD) Gourmet Gossip.indd 95

11/05/2018 14:10

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Introducing the Alverne in Penzance, serving delicious home-cooked cuisine. MAIN


Delicious dishes freshly prepared by Head Chef Deryk and the team

RIGHT Get cosy inside or enjoy a seat on the terrace on those balmier days


stablished as one of Penzance’s finest restaurants, Alverne offers modern Mediterranean cuisine with a Spanish influence, using the best Cornish and Spanish ingredients. After more than a decade of success at the Alverne, owners Deryk and Sandra Heywood look set to continue this reign, judging by the many glowing reviews online. Head Chef Deryk draws upon his vast experience and diversity of styles, combining this with a genuine passion and flair for developing dishes that are modern and innovative. Deryk uses only the best seasonal and artisan produce sourced from a network of local producers and suppliers. Everything is homemade, from the bread to the pastries. Eating here is relaxed and informal, and the team places an intense focus on warm and friendly hospitality, which makes enjoying the chefs’ delicious and innovative dishes

an absolute pleasure. There’s also a mouthwatering selection of pastries on offer, made daily, as well as hot drinks and a well-stocked bar. ndeed, an intimate meal in the dining room is always a treat at the Alverne, but you’re equally welcome to visit for a casual glass of wine with nibbles, a cup of coffee or a relaxing drink on the cosy sofas or suntrap patio. Open throughout the day and into the evening there’s always a warm welcome. Perfect for special occasions, this family run business excels at giving its customers what they want. So, next time you’re in Penzance, see what culinary delights await you at Alverne Restaurant and Lounge.


3 0 A lv e r to n S tr e e t, P e n z a n c e T R 1 8 2 Q N 0 1 7 3 6 3 6 6 0 0 7 A lv e r n e R e s ta u r a n ta n d L o u n g e F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--73(FD)--ED--Alverne Restaurant--1.00.indd 2

11/05/2018 12:51

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A warm welcome awaits you at The Cornish Arms, Pendoggett.

y t u a be


aving taken over the business just over a year ago, owners Geoff and Karen Dennison and their team of staff ensure a warm welcome awaits you at The Cornish Arms, Pendoggett, a traditional country pub dating back to the 16th Century. Situated near the north coast, between popular destinations Port Isaac and Tintagel, The Cornish Arms is ideally located to explore this rugged region of Cornwall, and the many attractions it has to offer. The Cornish Arms is only three miles away from the attractive fishing village of Port Isaac. Its winding streets and whitewashed cottages make it an idyllic filming location, and a beautiful place to explore on foot. To the north of the pub is Boscastle, an area of coast that’s acclaimed for its outstanding beauty – a beauty that’s inspired generations of authors such as Thomas Hardy, whose footsteps you can trace along this picturesque part of Cornwall’s coastline. After a long day exploring the abundant attractions that Cornwall has to offer, what better way to relax than to sit down with a refreshing pint at The Cornish Arms? The beer garden has lush green grass and sturdy wooden benches from which you can admire

the quirky form of the pub itself, which looks warped with age and with a host of stories to tell. Head into the pub on an evening, and enjoy the gentle ambiance of exposed beams and dark wood that creates a warm and comforting environment to enjoy your food. Karen tells us: “our freshly prepared traditional pub food is made wherever possible with locally sourced ingredients and is served every lunchtime and evening with Cornish cream teas available in the afternoon.” For the gin lovers out there, the pub also boasts a wide selection of over 60 gins from Cornwall and beyond as well as its variety of Cornish beers, lagers and ciders. There’s something to suit every taste and you can top it all off with a comfortable night’s sleep in one of the seven en-suite rooms available – which may be necessary after an evening of gin tasting!

é INSET A spacious dining area awaits you with comforting wooden tones and exposed beams

BELOW LEFT The pub’s quirky exterior hints at its 16th Century heritage BELOW Enjoy the well stocked bar full of craft ales, beers and artisan gins

THE CORNISH ARMS PENDOGGETT P e n d o 0 1 2 0 8 c o n ta c w w w .c

g g e tt, S t K e w , B o d m in P L 3 0 3 H H 8 8 0 3 3 5 t @c o r n i s h a r m s p e n d o g g e t t . c o . u k o r n is h a r m s p e n d o g g e tt.c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


Bethany Allen


CL--73(FD)--ED--Cornish Arms--1.00.indd 3

10/05/2018 11:08

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l a n o i t a s Sen

SPRING DINING Enjoy a sunny bite by the sea at The Lemon Arms, Mylor.


t the Lemon Arms at Mylor Bridge, with its garden in full bloom and management by Jonny and Sam Pearce (with over 20 years’ experience of running Cornish pubs and restaurants), there’s no better time than now to enjoy the fruits of sunny Cornwall. Indeed, walking around Mylor creek and looking over the undulating blue water as it ripples beneath the boats, it’s not hard to work up an appetite, especially as the sun shines and the sea breeze works its way in and out of your lungs. What could be more fitting than a fresh seafood lunch, complemented with a your favourite tipple? Headed up by Daniel Blaszkowski, who previously worked with London seafood specialists Wright Brothers of Borough Market, and Tim Hammill, who learned his trade locally in places such as the Pandora Inn and Mylor Café, the kitchen team has a keen passion for Cornwall’s amazing local produce and, never knowing what the local day boats are going to bring in,

produces an ever changing specials menu for you to peruse, so no visit is ever quite the same. All the food on the menu is made fresh on site, using local, seasonal produce wherever possible, while an award-winning range of Cornish beers and spirits from St Austell Brewery means there’s something to match your palette and choice of dish, whatever the catch of the day! Pop in for an afternoon bite or make a day of it after a stroll around the creek; whatever your plans, if you find yourself near Mylor, be sure to pop into the Lemon Arms. And if you don’t, it’s certainly worth a trip, particularly on a Sunday if you’re hankering for the perfect Sunday roast.

é INSET Fresh mussels and chunky bread

BELOW The Lemon Arms serves a range of tasty seasonal fare

THE LEMON ARMS L e m 0 1 3 w w le m

o n H ill, M y lo r B r id g e T R 1 1 5 N A 2 6 3 7 3 6 6 6 w .s ta u s te llb r e w e r y .c o .u k /p u b /fa lm o u th / o n -a rm s

F in d o u t m o r e o n lin e : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CLUP--B&B--11--ED--Lemon Arms--1.00.indd 2

11/05/2018 13:20

Relaxed family run Bar & Grill • Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner • Cream Teas & Coffee • Beer and Fine Wines • Full bar • Sunday Roast • Private functions • Dogs welcome • Fantastic panoramic views over the Camel Estuary from both restaurant and terrace.

Rock Rd, Rock PL27 6FD 01208 863008

7th- 9th June 2018

Baker Tom's Bread will be returning to the Royal Cornwall Show this year bigger and better than before. In addition to our busy stand in the Food & Farming Pavilion, Baker Tom's will be hosting a lively masterclass tent, buzzing with baking demos by Tom himself, live music, family fun, competitions and, of course, lots of delicious goodies to try. Find us at stand 118 in section A1 ... look out for the green flags or follow the aroma of freshly baked bread!

097.indd 1

12/05/2018 12:24

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s r u o v fla A FEAST OF

In a fusion of east meets west, we check out some of this summer’s hottest new food businesses.

Photography Toby Weller


s we eagerly await the summer sun, dining al fresco has just become much more enticing thanks to three local Cornish businesses. Supported in setting up their ventures by leading business startup experts, Outset Cornwall, Casita Lupe, Taparty and Sharmi’s Kitchen are cooking up a treat throughout the county with their mix of Latin American, Spanish and Indian cuisines. So, if you’re looking for a fresh alternative to the traditional British banger, why not check out the fusion of exotic flavours from the wholesome Cassava flatbread from

Cuba to authentic Spanish paella and Kolkata street food? Founder of Casita Lupe, Brazilian born Flavio Silva came up with the idea of creating and selling Latin inspired food after seeing a gap in the street food market while attending summer festivals. Flavio and his team have great passion for the food they cook, sourcing seasonal organic vegetables wherever possible, often from their own allotment in Gwithian.


Ana Lozar, founder of Taparty


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11/05/2018 17:03


Delicious dishes, bursting with colour and flavour

Photography Toby Weller

Vegetarian, vegan and gluten free alternatives are also always available. The team are now busy preparing for the summer festival season, with bookings already secured at the St Ives Food and Kindred Spirits Festivals among many others, as well as private parties, events and weddings. The Casita Lupe food truck will give customers a visual idea of where the food comes from, as Flavio explains. “We will decorate the truck to create an enticing atmosphere that offers a little of the spirit of South America and its appetising food culture.” Globetrotting from Brazil to Spain, we meet the inspiration behind Taparty, Ana Lozar. Ana is keen for her business to reflect the Spanish tapas culture, which is very much a way of life in her native Spain. Taparty offers a wide selection of tapas, all distinctive of different parts of Spain, bringing to your table the most popular tapas and also those less well known but equally tasty and delicious. Passionate about sharing her delicious homemade dishes throughout Cornwall, Ana offers a private chef service, bringing a bespoke menu to enjoy in the comfort of your own home. If you feel inspired to give it a go yourself, why not learn to cook new and exciting dishes at one Ana’s Spanish cookery classes?

CL--73--(FD)-- ED--Outset Cornwall--2.00 v5.indd 3

Like Flavio, Ana is also looking forward to bringing her brand of street food to the markets and festivals of Cornwall this summer. You can see Taparty at ‘The Market’ in Crantock illage Hall on the first Saturday of each month. Ana will also be offering paella parties to self-catering holiday cottages as well as wood fired grill parties with sangria on the beach for surf clubs and hen parties. Moving our focus from west to east, we meet with enthusiastic chef Sharmistha Roy who has successfully launched her authentic Indian cookery business, Sharmi’s Kitchen. Sharmista has long enjoyed a passion for creating healthy yet tasty food and was supported by her family to start the business. “My husband encouraged me to bring the authentic taste of Kolkata’s healthy, home cooked street food to the people of Cornwall,” she says. Sharmi’s Kitchen has been bringing creative ideas and culinary talent to private dinner parties throughout Cornwall. You can also sample the culinary delights of Indian cuisine at food markets in Truro and Falmouth. Hopefully your taste buds are now tingling with excitement, so why not give these new foodie businesses a try!


0 1 2 0 9 3 1 1 0 6 3 w w w .o u ts e tc o r n w a ll.c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k

Photography TCraig Reid

Photography Toby Weller

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Sharmista Roy of Sharmi’s Kitchen, bringing the authentic taste of Kolkata to Cornwall

LEFT Flavio Silva, founder of Casita Lupe, Latin American inspired streetfood

DISCOVER MORE Funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Liverty and the Outset Foundation, Outset Cornwall provides a flexible programme of business start-up support, helping individuals explore their business idea through information sessions, specialist workshops and one-to-one coaching.


11/05/2018 17:03

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n A huge selection of spirits to choose from

Taste the difference Introducing Johns’ – The Liquor Cellar, a newly opened craft spirits emporium in Truro’s Lemon Street Market.


hen searching for the perfect tipple, expert advice is often invaluable. Nowhere is this more apparent than at Johns’ – The Liquor Cellar, a newly opened craft spirits emporium offering over 70 gins, 60 rums and 100 whiskies. Located in Truro’s vibrant Lemon Street Market, the store is an extension of Johns’ Wine Spirit Specialists – a fifth generation Cornish family business originally established in St Ives in 1894. Following on from the success of their St Ives store, brothers Tom and Sam Hanson had been wanting to expand the business for a number of years, but had never come across the right location. That all changed when a small unit became available in Lemon Street Market towards the end of 2017. “We’ve always loved the market at Lemon Street,” explains Tom. “It’s full of local, independent retailers like ourselves and has a great atmosphere year round. It seemed like the perfect fit.” Unlike their St Ives store (which also offers wines, local ales and ciders), the Truro site focuses solely on spirits and liqueurs; and features products from both local distillers and those from further afield. Whether it’s a parma-violet flavoured gin or a sophisticated

Japanese malt, there’s something to cater for every palate. To accompany the diverse range of drinks on offer, The Liquor Cellar is staffed with fully trained ‘spirit geeks’ to help customers navigate their way through the mind-boggling selection. “We sell a huge range, so it can be di cult to know where to start,” explains Tom. “All of our staff are trained to offer expert advice, evaluate your tastes and preferences and point you in the direction of that perfect bottle.” While it certainly helps to know the story behind a product, the real test is in the taste. That’s why The Liquor Cellar also hosts regular tasting events throughout the year, featuring representatives from some of the country’s most exciting artisan spirit brands. So whether you’re looking for a special whisky, a spiced rum, or a new bottle of gin for the collection, be sure to pay The Liquor Cellar a visit – the team are bound to have something to wet your whistle!

JOHNS’ – THE LIQUOR CELLAR U n 0 1 jo h w w

it 2 , L e m o n S tr e e t M a r k e t, T r u r o T R 1 2 Q D 8 7 2 8 5 7 0 2 0 n s w i n e s @h o t m a i l . c o m w .th e liq u o r c e lla r.c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--73--(FD)-- ED--Johns Wine--1.00.indd 2

11/05/2018 13:37

Luxury from


START TO FINISH Helping you create the perfect item of luxury jewellery at Michael Spiers.


ABOVE, RIGHT AND BELOW Let the Michael Spiers team create a piece of jewellery that's completely bespoke to you

s well as providing a truly luxurious experience and selling some of the world’s most prestigious brands, Michael Spiers is also proud to offer handcrafted, exclusive jewellery, with its very own dedicated jewellery workshop based in its Plymouth showroom. Bruce Baker, Colin Rimmer and Chris Higman make up the team and have over 90 years of experience between them. Ellé Simpson from Michael Spiers tells us: “these are our experts who will bring your creations to life.” The design process is tailored to fit each individual with the first step being the initial consultation. Perhaps you want to revive a family heirloom or maybe create an engagement ring that’s like no other? The bespoke jewellery design service ensures you’re involved in every step of your jewellery journey. Ellé continues: “from design, to sourcing the perfect stone and handcrafting the item, our designers, stone experts and goldsmiths will work together to create your dream piece of jewellery.” Creating a piece of bespoke jewellery for a loved one can be a truly magical experience. Although it may seem like a more complicated option than simply choosing an item of jewellery from the window, creating your own exclusive piece is made easy by the team at Michael Spiers. Ellé tells us: “once we have an idea of what you’re wanting, our experts will then start designing the piece by creating hand-drawn illustrations of the jewellery. From there, it’ll be handcrafted in-house and you’ll have the chance to see the different elements of your

piece coming together.” The whole process makes finding the perfect item of jewellery that little bit more personal and heartfelt for your loved one, creating an amazing memory and a totally unique item of jewellery. Michael Spiers has built up a reputation for never compromising on the quality of the products and service that the team provide to customers. Founded by the late Michael Spiers, with a modest and much loved shop in Looe, it’s now possible to experience the amazing service at this renowned jewellers throughout the south west, with stores in Plymouth, Exeter, Taunton, and Truro. So, if you would like to create a unique piece of jewellery for that special someone, why not pop into your local store and see what the team can do for you?

MICHAEL SPIERS 0 1 7 5 p ly m w w w 5 4 C

2 6 6 o u th .m ic o rn w

1 9 8 1 @m i c h a e l s p i e r s . c o . u k h a e lp ie r s .c o .u k a ll S tr e e t, P ly m o u th P L 1 1 L R

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--73--ED--Michael Spiers--1.00.indd 101

11/05/2018 15:44



•EXPERIENCE• W E I R D F I S H ’ S N E W FA L M O U T H S TO R E Popular clothing brand Weird Fish was born in 1993 after a walk along a coastal path in Cornwall. Inspired by the great outdoors and beautiful landscapes, Weird Fish makes well-made, easy-going clothes that evoke a ‘forever weekend’ feeling. Since creating its first T-Shirt, the brand has come a long way and is now one of the UK’s favourite lifestyle clothing brands. Using unique fabrics and clever dying and washing techniques, you can rely on Weird Fish for instant, feel-good favourites. Weird Fish recently opened its latest store in Falmouth, making it the fourth store to open in Cornwall. With stores also in Newquay, Truro and St Ives, Cornwall is the perfect fit for Weird Fish, with its strong maritime heritage and love of the outdoors.

WEIRD FISH FALMOUTH 4 7 Ch u rc h S t re e t , F alm ou t h T R 1 1 3 E A 0 1 3 2 6 3 1 3 5 1 4 Find more like this:


CL--73--Weird Fish--2.00.indd 2

11/05/2018 13:42

Isobel Cunningham



CL--73--Weird Fish--2.00.indd 3

11/05/2018 13:42



THE SEASONS Celebrate the turning of the seasons this year at the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic for a truly enchanting experience


TOP RIGHT The wheel of the year INSET Colourful midsummer decorations BELOW Annual All Hallow's Eve event RIGHT The Horned God and the Goddess

he Museum of Witchcraft and Magic is located on Boscastle’s harbour, and was originally set up here in 1960 because of the areas tangible connection to magic. The wheel of the year is always turning, and the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic marks the changing of seasons with its immersive calendar of events. The height of the summer represents a mystical time of change and has been celebrated for centuries. Falling on the 23rd June this year, the Museum is hosting its second annual midsummer celebration. Giving you the chance to embark on a day filled with traditions and Cornish legend. Dust off your dancing shoes and take to the floor with Merv Davey, who will lead you in the art of traditional Cornish dancing. Listen to the sound of the Cornish Pipers playing songs on their bagpipes, and watch as harvest folk art is created outside the museum. Enjoy a walk with a difference when you visit the museum this year by joining the weekly-guided folklore and magic walks around the picturesque village. Walk in the footsteps of the sea witches and take in Boscastle’s rugged cliffs and coast. Or, tread the path of the saints through the oak

woodlands and on to Valency valley. The Museum is open daily and sometimes even at night! On these special evenings, the soft glow of candlelight illuminates objects; heightening the mystery and creating a beautiful atmosphere. The evenings are taking place throughout the summer; see the “discover more” box for exact times and dates. The museums 2018 exhibition “Dew of Heaven: Objects of Ritual Magic” explores magic that derived from the Ancient World, with sections on John Dee and Aleister Crowley. The exhibition is accompanied by monthly curator talks in the Museum library, allowing you to hear about the themes of the exhibition in greater detail. So, if you’re entranced by the mystery of magic, then get down to the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic this summer, and learn more about the captivating world that the museum displays.

MUSEUM OF WITCHCRAFT AND MAGIC T h e H a 0 1 8 4 0 m u s e u w w w .m

r b o u r, B o s c a s tle P L 3 5 0 H D 2 5 0 1 1 1 m w i t c h c r a f t @a o l . c o m u s e u m o fw itc h c r a fta n d m a g ic .c o .u k

DID YOU KNOW? On the 27th October, the museum will be hosting its Halloween celebration. Acknowledging the coming of the darker months with more dancing; then, as night falls, the torches will be lit and the creatures will come out! (Photographed below left)

DISCOVER MORE The museum will be opening its doors at night between 8pm and 11pm on 26th May, 16th June, 28th July, 18th August, 1st September and 27th October.

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--73--ED--Museum of Witchcraft--1.00 v4.indd 2

11/05/2018 12:56

The March Hare

EVERYTHING FOR THE MOTHER OF THE BRIDE OR GROOM Manor Fashions is one of the few shops in the country selling exclusively Special Occasion wear for Mother of the Bride and Mother of the Groom.

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14/05/2018 11:38


l l a g n i Call

HOLIDAY HOME OWNERS! There’s much more choice for holidaymakers in Cornwall this summer thanks to a record number of new properties taken on by holiday cottage agency, Cornish Horizons.


ince the start of the year, Cornish Horizons has added more than 55 cottages to its already-diverse portfolio of 650 properties. With o ces in Padstow, Looe, Porthleven, Fowey and St ves, the team now boast their greatest selection of self-catering holiday properties to date. Senior Property Manager, Annabel Leach tells us: “We’re absolutely delighted that we’re able to keep recruiting such fantastic properties and offer our holidaymakers an even wider choice of accommodation. The organic growth of the company is down to the solid foundation of truly local expertise, personal, honest service and continually pushing up quality standards. Owners choose us for our extensive letting experience and knowledge. We have the marketing expertise to deliver results time and again for our owners.” Bay House, for instance – an elegant apartment in Looe that sleeps three – joined the Cornish Horizons portfolio in February and has already received more than ten bookings in its first two months of being available online!

Cornish Horizons is continually looking for new properties to meet the demands of holidaymakers, and Annabel tells us the team would love to meet anybody that’s thinking about letting. n fact, the Cornish Horizons Property Managers are hosting drop-in sessions throughout the year, perfect for anyone considering investing in a holiday home, or who wants to find out how they can make their existing property work better for them. Held between 2pm and pm on Thursday th uly and Thursday 11th October in all five o ces, the team will be happy to talk through any prospective purchases and can even discuss projects off plan!

CORNISH HORIZONS Offices in adstow ooe and t ves


ABOVE Bay House – an elegant apartment in Looe é INSET Senior Property Manager, Annabel Leach


cottages cornishhori www.cornishhori ind more like this


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14/05/2018 09:06


At Pure we have decades of combined experience providing Advanced Dental Solutions. These days nobody needs to be troubled by their teeth. All of the images below are of real clients.


When you have lost a tooth it not only causes emotional distress, but also upsets the equilibrium in your mouth. If you lose a large tooth at the back of your mouth, you will normally compensate by eating food on the other side of your mouth, by doing this you will eectively be placing excess pressure on these teeth which, over time could cause them to break or be lost.If you lose a front tooth it is likely to have a massive eect on your self-confidence.


Loose dentures can cause frustration and embarrassment. Wearing an ill-fitting denture can make it dicult to eat certain types of food - which in turn could have detrimental eects on your digestion and overall health. Many people with loose dentures will use lots of denture adhesive to compensate which can leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth and make cleaning the denture dicult. Dental implants can help stabilise dentures, allowing you to eat whatever you like with confidence.


In suitable patients we can replace a conventional removable denture with a fixed restoration in just one day! We use a revolutionary approach that has radically changed the replacement of lost teeth. We can now remove failing teeth, place new implants and provide a fixed full restoration in a single day. This approach to dental treatment allows you to rediscover the feeling of being able to smile with confidence and it allows you to begin to enjoy eating again.

TAKE THE FIRST STEP. We offer complimentary treatment adviser appointments where a highly qualified member of our team will make treatment recommendations after listening your personal situation. Or attend one of our free, relaxed and informal presentations, held regularly at the practice. ALL ATTENDEES RECEIVE A FREE ASSESSMENT WORTH £120 WITH PRINCIPAL DENTIST MARK DURNAL • Cornwall’s Advanced Dentistry Clinic • 1.00 Template 107.indd 1 CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1

Perenn House, City Road, Truro, Cornwall TR1 2JL - GDC number: 77678

22/03/2018 13:08 10:29 12/05/2018


é ABOVE Where it all began... Polzeath, the home of Ann’s Cottage

A surf icon

As legendary Cornish surf and lifestyle store Ann’s Cottage celebrates 40 years, we take a look back at the company’s fascinating history.


egular readers of Cornwall Living will know that we love a good, old-fashioned Cornish success story. We love hearing about ventures and enterprises that have stayed true to their Cornish identity and values, whilst going on to enjoy great success on a broader scale. One such example that has this down to a T, is Ann’s Cottage, the surf and lifestyle company that has grown from humble beginnings into one of the largest surf and outdoor retailers in Europe. Returning customers

come from far and wide across the globe to make the most of the team’s knowledgeable and friendly advice, as well as the company’s extensive range of products. So, as Ann’s Cottage celebrates an incredible 40 years in the business, we look back on the company’s journey. In today’s world of Internet shopping and an over abundance of choice, this is all the more remarkable. Undoubtedly, the key to success is never losing sight of what made the brand so unique and special in the first place. For a start, many of the staff are avid surfers themselves and all have a love of the outdoors. So you can be confident that when you ask for advice, you’re actually speaking to like-minded souls, who want you to get the best out of your equipment and experiences, whether you’re a pro or casual weekend enthusiast.

We are lucky enough to embrace the surf lifestyle on a daily basis, and there aren’t many retailers that can say that!


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11/05/2018 17:20


LEFT The original filling station, which became the first store back in 1978, hiring and selling surfboards

It all started when Ann’s Cottage Owner and Managing Director, Rob Harris moved down to Polzeath with his family and started working at the local filling station during the school holidays. Then, in 1978, when the owner of the filling station retired, Rob and his wife Beverly took over the premises, thus opening the very first Ann’s Cottage store. They began selling and renting out surfboards and wetsuits to the early surfing pioneers, kickstarting a longstanding connection with the surf community. Holidaymakers now had a place to get their beachwear before hitting the sand and waves of Polzeath… and for the locals the Ann’s Cottage name was born. n the late 1 0s, the pumps finally closed down, but by this point Ann’s Cottage was already synonymous with all things related to the beach, surf and sea in Cornwall. 2003 saw the opening of a second store in Wadebridge and, from there, the network of stores has continued to grow. Spring forward to 2018 and Ann’s Cottage is not only a recognised household name across Cornwall but a major player in Europe’s surf scene, with 11 stores across the south west as well as a popular online store. Yet it remains a family-run business that thrives on being at the heart of the surfing community, with a dedicated passion to all things related to the sea. In a competitive market, Ann’s Cottage stands out by having stores in some of Cornwall’s most stunning locations such as Padstow, Falmouth and Fistral to name a few!

Laura from Ann’s Cottage tells us: “Our team is made up of 150 to 200 members of staff who are all incredibly knowledgeable, enthusiastic and dedicated to always providing outstanding customer service. We are lucky enough to embrace the surf lifestyle on a daily basis, and there aren’t many retailers that can say that!” Ann’s Cottage is a way of life. It’s the Cornish way of life; the surfer’s way of life… and it’s an iconic brand that continues to grow and grow. Long may that continue.

ANN’S COTTAGE 0 1 2 0 8 i n f o @a w w w .a A n n

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tta g e .c o m tta g e .c o m g e s u rf


Today Ann’s Cottage has grown to become one of Europe’s largest surf and lifestyle retailers

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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11/05/2018 17:21



t r a e h r u o y o t e s o l c Specialising in beautiful sterling silver designs The Little Keepsake Company create bespoke personalised gifts that last.


ABOVE RIGHT BELOW Beautiful, personalised gifts and keepsakes, entirely bespoke and unique to you

he Little Keepsake Company specialises in crafting beautiful items of jewellery out of sterling silver. The team has a passion for creating the perfect personalised gifts, keepsakes and bespoke items for every occasion. Run by husband and wife team Natalie and Steve, The Little Keepsake Company creates handcrafted silver jewellery using actual handprints, footprints and handwriting, presenting a unique way to capture a part of your loved one to admire forever. As the business has grown, so has their selection of personalised gifts and keepsakes across a range of different styles. Natalie tells us a little bit more about the company: “we love that we can turn a customer’s sentimental item into a lasting piece of jewellery. Whether it’s a handprint of their new born child or a piece of writing from a special letter or card, we aim to turn it into something beautiful to keep and cherish!” Her enthusiasm for the business is infectious and it shines through in the range of jewellery. Natalie goes on to say: “quite simply, if you are happy, we are very happy! Every effort is made to ensure you are delighted with both the product and the service you receive.” The Little Keepsake Company has an extensive range of bracelets, necklaces, earrings, keyrings and cu inks on offer with either standard or personalised messages to make your gift truly unique. An absolutely beautiful idea that the company has coined is to transform a baby scan photo into a detailed watercolour print, a perfect piece of artwork for your nursery. For other print artwork, the company provide mess-free, inkless printing kits making the whole process as simple and easy as possible. With an utterly unique approach to capturing the special people and moments in your life, you can trust The Little Keepsake Company to help you create the perfect piece of jewellery to cherish forever.

THE LITTLE KEEPSAKE COMPANY K u g g 0 1 3 2 e n q u w w w

a r, H e ls to n T R 1 2 7 L Y 6 2 9 0 0 4 6 i r i e s @t h e l i t t l e k e e p s a k e c o m p a n y . c o m .th e little k e e p s a k e c o m p a n y .c o m

DID YOU KNOW? Even the style of handwriting used in engraving is down to you! The expert team can work with handwritten words and engrave them as they are or extract letters from longer samples of writing and put them together to create the desired message.

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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11/05/2018 12:49

Issue 19 | Summer 2018

Our guide to the top summer reads

What's on

this Summer! Events to keep the little ones happy over the coming months


Discover what the animals at Newquay Zoo get up to after hours

DAYS OUT | NEWS | BOOKS CL--73(KL)--EHM--Cover FINAL--1.00.indd 1

14/05/2018 09:37

What's On WHEN






Newquay Zoo

Marvellous mini beasts week features a nature trail, animal enrichment and creepy encounters.


Lost Gardens of Heligan

Discover your wild side and join in a full week of fun, adventure and outdoor play.

28 May - 29


Minack Theatre

It's mid-summer and the Minack has a selection of classics to entertain you, from Shakespeare's Hamlet, Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibily to Dr Dolittle and the iconic rock-opera Jesus Christ Super Star that will take you on an emotional journey of Jesus’ final days.

29 May

PRINTING THE SEA Falmouth Art Gallery

A free family art workshop where you will learn how to print your own sea-themed creations.

29 - 31 May


Tintagel Castle tintagel

11am - 5pm. Discover how the legends of King Arthur inspired Victorian Romantics at Tintagel, with the eccentric castle custodian. Take part in our play, join in our have-a-go games and be spellbound by traditional tales of Arthurian folklore.

30 - 31 May


Pendennis Castle pendennis

11am - 5pm. Experience this all-action contest as four teams of knights battle it out for victory. Budding young knights can test their skill at have-a-go archery, or hear musical tales of Reynard the Fox. Tickets available online.


Trebah Garden

Gather your friends and family for a ‘Yo Ho Ho’ and a bottle on rum that will leave you all a quiver.

7 - 9 June



The county’s biggest annual event, is brim-full of exhibits and activities for all the family.

15 - 24 June



A ten day, midsummer festival with live music, performing arts and theatre including the ever-popular Mazey Day on June 23rd.


adopt a lobster

Visit US! The National Lobster Hatchery

South Quay, Padstow Open 7 days a week from 10am one of Cornwall’s Leading Marine Conservation Charities

family fun, whatever the weather

giving nature a helping hand

Head down to Jungle Jack’s and let your little monkeys run wil , ha e a blast an burn o some o that energy. Our ur ose-built lay- rame ro i es o er 1,700 s uare eet o un inclu ing challenging climbs, a ro e bri ge, our astra-gli e sli e, cra ty crawl tubes and peekaboo bubble windows. Opening hours Monday to Saturday: 9.30am to 6.30pm Last entry 5.30pm

13 & 14 Treloggan Trade Park, Newquay, Cornwall, TR7 2QL,

Sunday: 10.00am to 4.00pm Last entry 3.00pm

01637 852890 in o ungle


CL--73 (KL)--ED--What's On--2.00.indd 36

12/05/2018 13:24

What's On WHEN





16 June



Redruth's annual celebration of its most famous citizen, inventor William Murdoch. The programme of events includes children's dance and art procession, all day music and entertainment, street market and fair.

16 June - 24 June



Includes live music, an arts and crafts fair, comedy night, lighting of the solstice bonfire, colourful village carnival and a unique mock mayor choosing ceremony.

22 June - 24 June



A fantastic free festival of maritime music and a great way to soak up the true atmosphere of Falmouth’s seafaring past with performances by dozens of groups from all the UK and beyond.

24 June - 30 June




Community festival packed full of entertainment. Crab catching on the harbour, fishing boat races, dance along the street in the traditional flora dance, swing your partner at the ceilidh or simply watch and enjoy.

6 July - 7 July


Camel Estuary

A midsummer celebration of music, food and art, taking place in the wonderful Cornish countryside overlooking the Camel Estuary near Wadebridge.

16 July



Musical entertainment, food courts, craft stalls, a fairground, and animals of all sorts including rare breeds, a dog show and dog agility, exhibitions, equestrian events - a full day out for the whole family.

20 July


Newquay Zoo

Enjoy a rare opportunity to meet the experienced keepers and learn about the animals they look after.

2 - 25 August


Lost Gardens of Heligan

A roof-raising stark-raving sing-along satire! Inspired by Alfred Jarry’s riot-inducing masterpiece, Kneehigh will wind-up and let rip their own version of theatre’s most anarchic creation - King UBU.

7 - 25 August


Lost Gardens of Heligan

New for Asylum 2018, from the story by Quentin Blake. Directed by Mike Shepherd.


WHERE HISTORY MEETS LEGEND Explore the landscape and its centuries-old story through new displays and works of art.

Quality cycle hire & 40 miles of family friendly cycle trails Sales, servicing and repair of electric bikes and bicycles

Plus natural camping and luxury glamping on our small family site

Tintagel, Cornwall PL34 0HE

Book online at Tram Road, Nancekuke TR16 5UF Tel:01209 891498














CL--73 (KL)--ED--What's On--2.00.indd 37

12/05/2018 13:24


Join us for a Festival of Pandemonium! World-class theatre, epic live music, pop-up shows and surprise events in the beautiful Lost Gardens of Heligan

UBU Karaoke!


2 – 25 August

The Dancing Frog 7 – 25 August

FUP: A Modern Fable 2 – 22 September


01208 862727 Book Now: WeAreKneehigh


Truro & Penwith College

P art - t i m e Cou rs e s

broNew out chure C now vie all fo w o r yo ur c ur c our opy ses or onli ne

Time for you

Start a hobby, develop a skill and meet new friends. Your time is precious so make the most of it. 01872 265800 or 01736 335149

114.indd 1









12/05/2018 12:34

Top tomes Our latest selection of page-turners, old and new, to get the little ones reading.



' Helen Nicoll & Jan Pienkowski

Helen Ann Young

Meg, Mog and Owl are in for another exciting adventure in this much-loved classic story full of magic, making fires, catching fish and helicopter rescues. When they are stuck in a boat, Meg makes one of her spells and gets more than she bargained for!

Join Hellie, Grandad, Jaffa the dog and friends, as they go on a quest to explore and enjoy the world we live in. An interactive adventure that encourages children to learn about their homes, planets and stars, plants and landscapes, animals, weather and people through fun and creative activities.



Julia Donaldson & Sara Ogilvie

Oliver Jeffers

Peter’s dog Nell has an amazing sense of smell. She is known far and wide for her talents, whether it’s finding a lost shoe or discovering which dog made a mess on the new gravel path, her gifted nose is always hard at work. One day, when Nell goes with Peter to school, they discover that all of the books are missing! It’s up to Nell and her nifty nose to sniff out the culprit!

When Floyd gets his kite stuck in a tree, he throws up his shoe to knock it out, but that gets stuck too. So, he throws his other shoe together with a pot of paint, a ladder, an orang-utan, a boat and a whale! Will Floyd ever get his kite back?


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11/05/2018 16:10

Fearsome feasts Discover what the animals at Newquay oo get up to after hours.


f you’re looking for a unique evening out this summer then head down to Newquay Zoo on Friday 20th July for an out of hours animal experience. Newquay Zoo will be opening its doors at night in a one-off experience for visitors to see what life is like for the animals out of hours. The zoo is home to a variety of animals, from penguins to red pandas and lions to lynx. It’s also home to some of the rarest birds in the world, Javan green magpies. The experience will include talks from keepers on the lives of sloths, macaques, lions, penguins and a meet and greet in the Gems of the Jungle enclosure where the rare magpies reside. From 6pm to 8.30pm, you’ll be able to meet the keepers and the rare and endangered animals that they look after – you may even get the opportunity to feed the animals yourselves! Explore the zoo at your own pace and learn more about exotic species through interactive talks along the way. The zoo’s Marketing Co-ordinator Rebecca Blake tells us: “Not only will the keepers talk about the different species,

they’ll also talk about the animals’ characteristics, what they like to eat, their names and even how they became keepers themselves,” providing real insight into the lives of your favourite animals. Rebecca continues: “this will be a unique one-off event for all ages. There will be plenty to see, do and learn about for everyone and visitors will be able to stop along the way and enjoy a hot meal as part of their ticket! Seeing the animals at night really is a whole new experience, as they’re often a lot more active in the evenings.” This is a great opportunity to learn more about the animals you love and see them in a whole new light, literally – a unique experience that’ll create lasting memories for you and your children. You’ll even get to tuck in to a delicious dinner yourselves too!


T re n a n c e G a rd e n s , N e w q u a y T R 7 2 L Z 0 1 6 3 7 8 7 3 3 4 2 w w w .n e w q u a y z o o .o rg .u k /e v e n ts F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


Some of the many exotic inhabitants you can expect to meet at Newquay Zoo

DISCOVER MORE This one-off experience is set to sell out fast so booking is essential! Tickets can be found on the Newquay Zoo website and are £18 per person, which includes a hot meal from the café during your visit.


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10/05/2018 11:33

Find out more and buy tickets online: Telephone 01208 812 183 Over 1000 Trade Stands / Child Tickets just £5

JOIN THE MISSION Help raise £2.5m to buy a faster, more powerful, medically-advanced air ambulance helicopter that will save more time and more lives in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Donate now online: Or from your mobile: TEXT HELI20 FOLLOWED BY THE AMOUNT TO 70070 Any additional income raised above the £2.5m New Heli Appeal target will be put towards Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust running costs.

117.indd 1

Registered Charity No. 1133295

12/05/2018 12:34

On Display

Showcasing local artists and art galleries 2. EAT ART

Bespoke framing service Eat Art is a collaboration of artists, designers and craftsmen with many years’ experience in the art of picture framing. Working with clients throughout the UK, the team collaborate with some of the best artists working in Cornwall today and supply art and frames to the trade and public. With simple solutions from just a few pounds to unique handcrafted designs, eat art offer a complete bespoke framing service. Studio open 10am to 5pm, Tuesday to Friday.

01326 375917

1. ALCHEMY TILES Lean My Heart by Mel Chambers

“I will always lean my heart as close to your soul as can” – Hafiz. Bringing ancient 13th century inlay techniques into a modern day era, Alchemy Tiles individually hand carves, rather than paints, inspiring images, quotes and poetry into beautiful bespoke and unique creations. All pieces are held eternal in earth and time. Commissions welcome.




Out Over Bolenowe by Steve Slimm Renowned for their quality of light, Steve’s mystical landscape paintings can be seen in various Cornish galleries, including the wonderful Wave 7, near Port Isaac. This delightful original oil painting is currently being shown along with a dozen similar pieces that breathe the ancient Celtic spirit of Cornwall.


Blue and White Vase by Linda Craig In the picturesque coastal village of Perranuthnoe, The Cowhouse Gallery is run by a group of local artists and craftspeople, offering a wide range of original work at very affordable prices. Open daily, paintings, sculpture, printmaking, photography, ceramics, jewellery, textiles, woodturning and leatherwork are all beautifully displayed in this bright light art space.

WAVE 7 GALLERY, PORT ISAAC PL27 6RD 01208 880605



New Polzeath by ohn ri ths Wave 7 Gallery exhibits contemporary art and crafts in two buildings; the main gallery and the granary. It’s also the working studio of Victoria Mead. Art courses and craft afternoons run throughout the season. The gallery is open 10.30am to 5pm, Tuesday to Saturday. The current exhibition is John Gri ths and ictoria Mead, which began on 18th May. PLAIN STREETS, TRELIGHTS, NEAR PORT ISAAC PL29 3TW 01208 880605


Ocean Currents by Dreya “The sea and its moods have always been in my life”, says Dreya. “The sea is all encompassing from colour, sound, smell and its reflective quality. Glass has such similar qualities to water and is the perfect medium to express it – you can look at it, or through it.” Visits available by appointment. SEAWALK, TREGOSS ROAD, NEWQUAY TR7 2NR 07977 532933



11/05/2018 17:52

| ON DISPLAY 7. CAITLIN MCLINTOCK Porthleven Boats by Caitlin McLintock Born and bred in Cornwall, Caitlin has always used its rich landscape and wonderful culture to inspire her collection of work. Graduating from Falmouth University with a degree in illustration, she uses inks, watercolours and pens to create works in a crosshatching style. To see more of Caitlin’s beautiful pieces, head to the website.

9. SUMMERHOUSE GALLERY Reflexa by Kate Richardson

The Summerhouse Gallery is a beautiful, welcoming space showcasing the very best of Cornish art. Located just across the water from the wonderful St Michaels Mount, the team aims to create the perfect place to discover paintings, jewellery, sculpture and glass in a relaxed manner. ‘New Directions’, featuring artist Kate Richardson, opens at The Summerhouse on Sunday 10th of June. MARKET PLACE, MARAZION TR17 0AR


Cliffside Tin Mine by Sarah Blakey The Craft Kiln (Cornish crafts), Sail Loft Emporium (antiques and collectables) and Cscape Art are part of The Old Workshop, next to the main Charlestown car park. Many originals, prints and cards by artist Sarah Blakey, and photographer Mick Blakey, are available at the gallery. Open daily during the season, 10.30am to 5.30pm. THE OLD WORKSHOP, CHARLESTOWN, PL25 3NJ 01726 66639

01736 711400

10. JEREMY SANDERS STUDIO Helston Flora Day by Jeremy Sanders

Jeremy Sanders is an oil painter working from his studio in Drift. Inspired by the light and colour of the peninsula, you can watch him at work by appointment and view his work online. THE OLD WORKSHOP, LOWER DRIFT, BURYAS BRIDGE, PENZANCE TR19 6AA


The East Coast fleet at Newlyn by Gibson & Sons This rare photograph by Alexander Gibson, dating from the 1890s, can be seen in the current exhibition at Penlee House, ‘Bringing Home the Catch: Art & Fishing in Newlyn 1880 – 1 0’. The east coast boats were notorious for fishing on a Sunday and their activities led to the infamous Newlyn fish riots of 1896. MORRAB ROAD, PENZANCE TR18 4HE 01736 363625

12. MOG & CRUSOE GALLERY The Coast Path Way by Jo Crusoe-Williams

Situated in Foundry Court in the picturesque town of Wadebridge, this beautiful, fresh, artist-led gallery showcases a collection of original paintings, ceramics, jewellery, textiles, fine art, limited edition prints and handmade cards, mostly made

here in Cornwall. Owned by Mark and o and now in its fifth year, the gallery continues to blossom and evolve. Open Monday to Saturday, 10.30am to 4pm. 3 FOUNDRY COURT, WADEBRIDGE PL27 7QN 01208 368120



11/05/2018 17:52


A GROUNDBREAKING ALTERNATIVE We speak with Consultant Urologist at Duchy Hospital, Mr Matthew Hotston about an innovative new procedure for men.

O nM r M a t t h e w

H o ts to n

DISCOVER MORE DATE FOR THE DIARY Mr Hotston will be giving a talk about the symptoms, causes of an enlarged prostate and new treatments available for prostate problems on Thursday 14th June, 6pm Book online or call 0800 917 0022 and quote ‘Cornwall Living’ The UroLift procedure is available on a private basis at Duchy Hospital and costs £4,530. Interest-free finance is available, subject to terms and conditions, should you prefer to spread the cost.

ver half of men over the age of 50 will develop troublesome urinary symptoms that affect their quality of life, according to Mr Matthew Hotston, Consultant Urologist at Duchy Hospital. These include frequent trips to the toilet, getting up at night to empty their bladder and reduction in the stream of urine flow. As a consequence, men tend to significantly alter their daily lifestyle, often stopping drinking in the evening, avoiding long-distance travel and avoiding places where there is no toilet. Similarly, the disturbance in sleep results in many feeling fatigued during the day. For most men, the cause is an enlarged prostate gland and for Mr Hotston, this is now one of the most common referrals he receives. For men with minor symptoms, simply changes in lifestyle may be all that’s required, however for those with more bothersome symptoms, the options are regular lifelong medication or invasive surgery. Medication can be effective but unfortunately it can lead to significant side effects, such as reduced libido and erection/ejaculation problems. In addition, a significant proportion of men will still require surgery. The traditional surgical operation is the trans-urethral-resection of prostate TURP . This involves a long general anaesthetic,

whereby the internal part of the prostate gland is ‘cored out’. After the operation, a bladder tube (catheter) is placed and the patient stays for two nights in hospital. The risks include bleeding, scar tissue, formation and erection/ejaculation problems. There is a new, minimally invasive, daycase procedure called the prosthetic urethral lift (UroLift) which has has recently been approved by NICE in the UK. It involves a short anaesthetic whereby tiny implants are placed into the prostate gland, drawing the lobes of the gland apart to improve the flow of urine. Patients leave hospital on the same day, with no need for a catheter. Mr Hotston explains: “The research shows excellent results in symptom improvement, early return to daily activities and no erection/ejaculation complaints.” UroLift is a safe and effective alternative for men who do not wish (or are unable) to take medication for their urinary symptoms, or require surgery but want to avoid the potential associated risks. Mr Hotston is the first to offer this state-of-the-art procedure at Duchy Hospital”

DUCHY HOSPITAL P e n v T ru ro 0 8 0 0 w w w

e n tin T R 1 9 1 7 0 .d u c h

n ie 3 U 0 2 y h

L a n e ,

P 2 o s p ita l.c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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11/05/2018 10:00


JUNE 11-12-13-14

JULY 30-31





19 M AY – 3 0 S E P 2018

Patrick Heron Five Discs : 1963 1963 (detail) Private collection © Estate of Patrick Heron. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2018

gifts & framing

121.indd 1

Telephone 01726 65900

Supported by the Patrick Heron Exhibition Supporters Group

71 Charlestown Road, Charlestown, St Austell, Cornwall, PL25 3NL 12/05/2018 12:36

Cornwall’s only award-winning multi-specialist dental centre

A smile you can trust At River Practice Specialist Centre you can trust your smile with experienced specialists in the eld of race wor ’ orthodontics. t’s a no rainer to opt for treatment with a specialist rather than a general dentist. • We can offer you the right treatment for you (a general dentist will have limited options) • We have more extensive training and skills to maximise success • Our prices are usually no more (and sometimes less) than a non-specialist • For Spring 2018 we are offering free initial consultations

Find out more watch our videos and read helpful advice at

10 Castle Street, Truro, TR1 3AF 01872 242444 •

Breaking le c y C the Trelya is a haven for kids and families in distress. We provide a warm and friendly place for kids to go. We supply nutritious meals, stability and successful programmes run by dedicated, trained staff to help children feel safe and families get back on track. We can’t do it without your help. If you wish to donate please get in touch by phone or have a look at our website. Help make a difference to someone’s life.

The Lescudjack Centre Penmere Close Penzance TR18 3PE 01736 339616

122.indd 1

12/05/2018 12:38


AN EVOLVING PHILOSOPHY We catch up with Graham Brack, proprietor of Reeds Pharmacy in Truro, who explains how pharmaceutical care is gradually changing.


n the topic of how pharmacies are changing, Graham tells us: “It’s less about fixing you when you’re ill and more about keeping you healthy in the first place.” This, he explains, involves some key public health messages about healthy eating and drinking, and increasing exercise. “All these things are easier to achieve if you share your plans with others. t’s harder to give up smoking or watch your weight if others in your household aren’t doing the same. t’s not about competition; it’s a matter of mutual support and encouragement.” But if you do need medicines, what can pharmacists do then? “Money is tight in the NHS. As a pharmacist spend a lot of time trying to save money for the NHS where can, without compromising patient care. Anything we can do to reduce waste is a good thing. “Through the NHS Medicines Use Review – which is free – we help people use their medicines to best effect and discontinue medicines when there is no benefit.” But, you may be thinking, surely if there is no benefit our GP wouldn’t prescribe them! Graham continues: “There will have been a good reason to prescribe them when you first got them, but as time goes by the potential benefit falls – because we have less time left to realise it – and our susceptibility to adverse effects increases. That’s why we may decide that the balance has tipped in favour of not giving a medicine. t has nothing to do with saving money, and everything to do with giving people better treatment.”

Finally, he points out that “there’s plenty of evidence that people’s ability to keep to their medicine schedule is increased if we can reduce the number of tablets they need to take. Unfortunately, as we age, we may have a number of conditions needing treating, but we don’t want to finish up needing extra drugs to counter the side effects of others. t’s important that we treat you as a whole person and not try to treat your illness in isolation.” To find out how a pharmacist could help you, why not pop into Reeds Pharmacy in Truro and speak with Graham and the team.

é ABOVE Reeds Pharmacy has been a trusted local pharmacy for over 70 years


T h e G lo b e , F r a n c e s S tr e e t, T r u r o T R 1 3 D P 0 1 8 7 2 2 7 2 1 0 6 w w w .re e d s p h a rm a c y .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--73--ED--Reeds Pharmacy--1.00.indd 127

10/05/2018 17:36

We treat every home like it’s our home

Offering 5* house keeping and management services throughout West Cornwall. Second home cleaning and management • Property maintenance • Weekly house keeping Call us on 07720 646245 to find out how we can help look after your home •

Spyrys Spas and Hot Tubs is a Cornish company based in Wadebridge, North Cornwall, where our large showroom displays over a dozen Hot Tubs and All Weather Pools for sale to suit all needs and budgets.

Unit 5 Dunveth Business Park, Wadebridge, PL27 7FE • Tel: 01208 813760 •

124.indd 1

12/05/2018 12:38



the experts

With Harris Begley Financial Planning, whatever stage of life you’re at, you can ensure the protection of you and your family’s lifestyle in Cornwall.


ince its foundation in 200 , Harris Begley Financial Planning has developed a sterling reputation across the Duchy, thanks to its team of respected financial advisors. Based in Truro, Penzance, Helston and Plymouth, between them, the Harris Begley experts have a wealth of experience and knowledge surrounding the financial market place. This enables them to give you sound, professional advice on all aspects of your financial life, from savings, investments and income protection, to mortgages, life assurance, pensions and retirement planning – the critical factors to protect and maximise your personal wealth for the benefit of you and your family. Fully qualified and personable, each Harris Begley advisor will listen to you in confidence and detail, taking the time to clarify and assess your financial goals, before researching each of your options in order to create a tailored strategy to protect, preserve and enhance not just your wealth, but your lifestyle. Matt Begley tells us: “We pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional service to our clients. Our word of mouth referrals and the loyal and satisfied clients who have in many cases relied upon our expertise for over a decade, are a testament to this and are the reason why we founded Harris Begley Financial Planning.” Living in Cornwall is a lifestyle, but it’s one that needs protecting, especially as the U faces an unsettling mix of Brexit and international turmoil, so it makes sense to make the most of Harris Begley’s free, no-obligation, initial financial health check to see how the team can help minimise your monthly expenditures and make your money work harder for you. Following a straightforward process which

analyses your income and expenditure, your financial advisor can identify how you can balance these short term demands with your longer term aspirations, including building contingency reserves into your cash flow to help deal with any unforeseen events later in life. What’s more, if you’re over , new government pension legislation gives you the freedom to invest all or part of your pension fund as you please, giving you the flexibility to choose how you draw it. With this increased freedom and flexibility, making the right decision about how to make the most of your funds can seem a daunting task. Again, Harris Begley can help, and it certainly pays to seek advice, so why not book a free, no-obligation initial financial review of your pension? A qualified pensions advisor will assess your pension and create a proposal with recommendations without charge, so you can help cement a happy, trouble-free retirement in Cornwall with help from a team that understands your lifestyle.

HARRIS BEGLEY FINANCIAL PLANNING en ance o fice T h e R e g e n t, C h a p e l S tre e t, P e n z a n c e T R 1 8 4 A E 0 1 7 3 6 3 6 6 5 5 0 ruro o fice H e a lth & W e llb e in g In n o v a tio n C e n tr e , T r e lis k e , T ru ro T R 1 3 F F 0 1 8 7 2 8 8 8 4 0 0 e n q u i r i e s @h a r r i s b e g l e y . c o . u k w w w .h a r r is b e g le y .c o .u k

our home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change. HM Revenue Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes which cannot be foreseen Income Protection is a complex product, with a vast array of options, so it is essential that you take advice As with all insurance policies, terms, conditions and exclusions will apply.

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--73--ED--Harris Begley--1.00.indd 3

11/05/2018 13:29

New properties to call home

Unique and versatile country residence, South Petherwin, East Cornwall Highly versatile home with charm and character, Finnish BBQ hut/studio, up to 5 bedrooms, mature gardens, workshops, stores & home office, two garages, 3,618 sq ft, EPC = E

Guide ÂŁ675,000 | Freehold

Talk to us today Ben Davies Head of Department 01872 243 204

Untitled-5 2

11/05/2018 11:06

Savills Cornwall

01872 243 200

Historic ship captain's house, Polruan, Fowey River, South Cornwall Beautifully renovated landmark period property, contemporary interiors with original features, annexe potential, four floors of accommodation, renovation completed in 2018, up to six bedrooms, open plan living space, rear terrace garden and patio, 2,554 sq ft, EPC = E

Guide ÂŁ650,000 | Freehold

what can we do for you?

Untitled-5 3

11/05/2018 11:06

Mawgan Porth


Situated in a uite stunnin elevated frontline position on the cli s at aw an orth, en oyin spectacular uninterrupted views of the coastline, beach and across the ocean to entire oint. his substantial detached four bedroom residence provides a once in a lifetime opportunity to secure a property located in a uni ue and hi hly sou ht a er location. o hear the roar of the ocean and witness the tide crashin in, is a breathta in e perience and one we hi hly recommend. C

Nr St Wenn


his a ractive and detached four bedroom co a e is situated amon st beautiful ardens and rounds with a detached two storey barn that has hu e potential to be converted into further accommodation sub ect to plannin permission. he ori inal part of the co a e is thou ht to be over 2 years old. he ardens are a beautiful noteworthy feature and well stoc ed, with a variety of paths lined with an abundance of ower beds and trees leadin to di erent parts of the rounds. here is a fruit and ve arden, poly tunnel plus lar e so fruit ca e and spacious lawns. Of further bene t is an enclosed ently slopin paddoc accessed throu h a ate with eld shelter perfect for a pony or livestoc . C



fabulous second oor, two bedroom waterside apartment with stunnin views across the harbour stuary, split level accommodation, li access and allocated par in . s the name implies, the property is ri ht on the ed e of the water en oyin the most spectacular and uninterrupted views across the stuary towards oc , the harbour and out to sea which are and will always be, uninterrupted. Ideally placed for easy access to the shops, eateries and amenities of adstow, the private ated location allows a hi h de ree of privacy away from the public view. C D

CL--73--AD--Jackie Stanley--2.00 v2.indd 2

11/05/2018 14:37

St Maybn


his characterful three bedroom co a e is situated on the very ed e of the popular villa e of St abyn. hou ht to be built in the early s, the property can be found at the end of a lon tree lined driveway in a semi rural position. he co a e was ori inally detached and was then thou ht to be oined to the nei hbourin co a e sometime in the 5 s and sits on a lar e private plot with a arden and par in to the front. Stone built under a slate roof with half slate hun e terior walls, C double la in and e tended at a later date, the property presents a rare opportunity to purchase a hu ely characterful home o erin privacy and seclusion yet only a short distance from villa e life. C

St Teath

OIRO ÂŁ600,000

Converted ust a few years a o and situated within ust under acres of e uestrian paddoc s, all weather turnout area, stables, Dutch barn, a ractively landscaped ardens and a self contained OD anne e with e cellent rental potential. his three bedroom property is an e uisitely presented former a ricultural barn of e actin standards and deceptive si e found in a deli h ul rural location on the very ed e of the sou ht a er villa e of St eath, a pre y Cornish villa e notable for its e cellent community and ood ran e of local facilities. CC



ransformed by an all encompassin and complete renovation pro ramme by the current vendors where no stone has been le unturned and no e pense spared, his roperty represents an outstandin opportunity to ac uire a hi hly contemporary and substantial detached four bedroom bun alow with an a ached one bedroom anne e set in the pictures ue rural hamlet of als iddy, ust two miles north of the former mar et town of St Columb, nine miles from pictures ue adstow and ust si miles from ew uay airport. he property s rural se n allows for peaceful livin yet is within easy reach of main transport lin s via the which is ust minutes away. C


01841 532555 CL--73--AD--Jackie Stanley--2.00 v2.indd 3

11/05/2018 14:38


01872 306360


130.indd 1

12/05/2018 12:40


01872 306360


131.indd 1

12/05/2018 12:41

01326 565016 PORTHLEVEN, A SHORT WALK FROM HARBOUR AND BEACH – GUIDE PRICE £300,000 Presented and renovated to a stunning standard, this end terrace period home provides sympathetic and stylish three bedroom accommodation and is enhanced by some attractive village and countryside views from the spacious master bedroom. The ground floor provides an inner hallway, excellent size sitting room with a wood burning stove and a large bay window, a separate dining area and a quality fitted kitchen which is extremely easy on the eye and comprehensively fitted with integrated appliances. The first floor comprises a modern family bathroom and three bedrooms. A decked garden and covered storage area is also provided. EPC – E 52

TRESCOWE COMMON, SOUTH WEST CORNWALL – GUIDE PRICE £525,000 A superb detached three/four bedroom cottage situated at the end of a third of a mile adopted tarmacked road enjoying almost complete privacy and tranquillity being enhanced by approximately three and a quarter acres of profusely stocked plantsman’s gardens with an arboretum, formal gardens and a meadow all of which surround the property. Inside, the property has been greatly improved in recent years and a particular feature is the stunning kitchen/breakfast room with oak fitted units, granite work surfacing and a Heritage Range. The ground floor also provides a beautiful sitting room/diner with an extremely impressive Inglenook fireplace and contemporary stove, a useful utility room, reception room/fourth bedroom, conservatory and a bathroom. The first floor has a shower room, separate additional wc and three bedrooms. EPC – E 44 TREWENNACK, NEAR HELSTON – OFFERS OVER £450,000 Excellent opportunity to acquire this substantial four bedroom family home set in gardens in excess of one third of an acre. Being located just five minutes drive from Helston yet giving a wonderful rural feel this property commands breathtaking panoramic rural views and benefits from an excellent degree of privacy. Offering accommodation which is spacious throughout to include a useful bedroom and wet room on the ground floor, there are three further bedrooms on the first floor two of which offer en-suite shower facilities in addition to a generous double aspect lounge and re-fitted kitchen/dining room on the ground floor. EPC – D 57

CL--73--AD--Mather Partnership--1.00.indd 1

11/05/2018 17:44

Untitled-7 1

11/05/2018 14:35

Freshwater Lane, St Mawes DETACHED FAMILY RESIDENCE AFFORDING RIVER AND COUNTRYSIDE VIEWS Exceptionally presented detached family home finished to an impeccable standard and set in half an acre of beautiful landscaped grounds, affording views to the Percuil River and National Trust countryside beyond. Three bedrooms (all en suite), living room, kitchen dining room, shower room, utility room, wine kitchen and store. Detached one bedroom studio with kitchen and en suite. Heated outdoor swimming pool and outdoor shower room. An internal inspection is strongly recommended. EPC - D.

Guide price £1,895,000. Truro 01872 242244 CL--73--AD--Philip Martin--1.00.indd 1

St Mawes 01326 270008 12/05/2018 12:52



An exceptional Grade II Listed three bedroom end of terrace character cottage with river views and delightful gardens located close to the centre of the city.

Main OfďŹ ce 31 Lemon Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2LS T: 01872 272622 CL--73--AD--Clive Pearce Property--1.00.indd 1 cpearceproperty ClivePearceProperty 12/05/2018 12:44

16 High Street Falmouth TR11 2AB 3 Dunstanville Terrrace, Falmouth - £575,000

116 Boslowick Road, Falmouth - £270,000

11/12 Market Strand, Falmouth - £325,000

4 Dunstanville Villas, Falmouth - £250,000

Gazebo, Bridge - £700,000

5 St Gluvias Parc, Penryn - OIRO £425,000

T / 01326 450020 E /

CL--73--AD--Harding & Wakefield--1.00.indd 1 12/05/2018 12:44

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CL--73-BTS.indd 1

12/05/2018 12:45


n Breaks are free for every child who attends but cost, on average, £970 per child


REFLECTION Introducing CHICKS, a heart-warming charity offering much needed respite for disadvantaged children.


very year, hundreds of children from across Cornwall and other parts of the UK are welcomed to children’s charity CHICKS’ Coastal Retreat in Tywardreath. With a weekly schedule boasting time for rest and reflection, pasties on the beach, kayaking and surfing, you’d be forgiven for considering their break to be a totally idyllic Cornish holiday. But for the children who visit CHICKS, a week in Tywardreath is not a holiday but a respite break; the chance to escape their responsibilities as young carers, the impact of being bullied or the effects of having been recently bereaved. “When they have had the experiences that the children we support have,” explains Head of CHICKS’ Respite Breaks Richard Whitehouse, “space away from that environment is more than a nice thing; it’s an opportunity to completely leave behind all of their stresses, pressures and challenges.” CHICKS provides free respite breaks for over 800 disadvantaged children from across the UK every year, in Tywardreath and at a second and newly opened retreat in Derbyshire. Every one of CHICKS’ breaks is led by a specially-trained team of Respite Break Leaders (RBLs) who tailor each week to the specific needs of the children. Richard explains: “The RBLs want to create a safe

environment, physically and emotionally, and have opportunity to engage with each child. Whether they’ve climbed to the top of a climbing wall ten times, or held the rope for their friends, we want every child to feel they’ve achieved something.” One of the things Richard has been keen to develop is time for the children to relax and reflect. “We might do this with a picnic on the beach,” he explains, “a camp fire or a walk in the woods. There’s a healing property in the natural environment that allows children to take stock, and once they’re in that space, feel free enough to be creative, imagine and explore.” Unfortunately in 2017 only 49% of children who applied for a place on a CHICKS respite break were able to attend, due to a lack of funding. To help CHICKS say ‘yes’ to more children and give them a chance to explore, imagine and have adventures, please make a donation or find out about volunteering opportunities by visiting the o cial website.


B a rn P a rk F a rm T y w a rd re a th P L 0 1 8 2 2 8 1 1 0 2 0 i n f o @c h i c k s . o r g w w w .c h ic k s .o r g

é ABOVE CHICKS provides respite breaks for disadvantaged children aged 8 to 15 from across the UK

, W e ll S tr e e t, 2 4 2 Q N .u k .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--73--ED--Chicks--1.00.indd 2

10/05/2018 16:46

CL--73--AD--Rozen Furniture IBC--1.00.indd 1

10/05/2018 12:41


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