Cornwall Living 75

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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

Is s u e 7 5 | A u g u s t 2 0 1 8 | £ 3 .9 5

Take to



Weigh anchor and experience the thrill of Cornwall’s world-class sailing waters

4,500 £ T O








n i W IONS • C


H O M E S • I N T E R I O R S • G A R D E N S • T R AV E L • F O O D • H E A LT H & B E A U T Y CL--75--ED--Cover Final2.indd 1

06/07/2018 14:25

YOUR MONEY THEIR FUTURE Helping Cornish families for over a decade. We want to understand your story. et our team work with you to create an inno ati e, customise nancial lan. The value of pensions and investments can fall as well as rise, you may get back less than you invested. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. For an free introductory consultation please contact our team at: Truro Office - 01872 88400 • Penzance Office - 01736 366550 •


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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

Working in partnership with:

Member of:

The official tourist board


Pr o d u c t i o n E d i t o r H a n n a h T a p p in g h a n n a h . t a p p i n g @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k


C o n te n t M a n a g e r D a n W a rd e n D e s ig n M a n a g e r C h lo e S e a r le D e s ig n J a m ie C r o c k e r – S p e n c e r H a w e s M e d J a s o B e th p ro d

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to the August issue of Cornwall Living Cornwall has some of the finest saling waters in the country and we’re lucky enough to be surrounded by the sea on almost all sides. n this month’s cover feature (page 22) we discover that there are plenty of ways to take to the water and a plethora of regattas and festivals around the county that celebrate all things nautical. The beautiful weather we’ve been en oying has brought some of the clearest seas ’ve seen in a long time, so there’s never been a better time to get out and en oy the ocean, whether that be on it, in it or beside it. ll this glorious sunshine has made Cornwall feel more like the ed this month so, with this in mind, we have some staycation inspiration for you from page 118. hy battle with a busy airport when you can cut your ourney time and holiday in one of Cornwall’s stunning coastal or countryside escapes. e are also very e cited that this month is our th issue n honour of this milestone we have put together an all new ot to e perience’ supplement which celebrates the best in Cornish locations, lifestyle and more. Turn to page 65 to indulge in some stunning imagery and glorious scenery as well as the chance to scoop our ‘Win it all’ competition worth over £4,500 Be sure to go online to enter at www.cornwall e coudn’t let an issue of Cornwall Living go by without including some great property to buy (page 30), the latest interior trends (page 51), our foodie favourites (page 109), awesome art (page 132) and days out galore (from page 140). fter all that, think may need a lie down in the sun until ne t time... happy reading


M a n a g in g D ir e c to r B e n P ra tc h e tt – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 b e n . p r a t c h e t t @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k

The view fromCornwall...

G r o u p D ir e c to r A n d y F o rs te r – 0 7 7 1 1 1 6 0 5 9 0 a n d y . f o r s t e r @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k



Cornwall L i v i ng i s p u b li s h e d b y : E N G IN E H O U S E M E D IA L T D H o l b r o o k, T h e M o o r s, P o r t h l e ev n , C o r n w a l l T R 1 3 9 JX

“This is not the Mediterranean. Rather, it’s Cornwall: the water may be freezing, but the ocean is sublime!”

Louise Tremewan

e have a brilliant and loyal crew here at even edia roup but as a fast growth business we’re always interested in talking to outstanding individuals. f you’re a superstar of e traordinary talent then we would love to hear from you. Call Andy Forster on 07711 160590 or email

Catherine McMaster

ON THE COVER ailing at t awes with t nthony lighthouse in the distance. mage courtesy of dam ibbard and isit Cornwall

Share your stories

@CLIVING2018 itnessed a beautiful sunset Tried the tastiest fish in Cornwall e’d love to see what you’ve been up to

www. e ng i ne h ou s e m e d i a. c o. u k www. le v e nm e d i ag rou p . c o. u k E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td is a m u lti- p la tfo r m m e d ia b u s in e s s w ith a p a s s io n fo r e v e r y th in g Cornish. Visit to find out more. Our mission is to create R E A D - W A T C H - E X P E R IE N C E m e d ia o p p o r tu n itie s m a r r y in g to g e th e r c o n s u m e r s w ith th e fabulous businesses across Cornwall. Our publishing and marketing teams are specialists in c r e a tin g p r in t a n d o n - lin e c o m m u n ic a tio n s , d e v is e d to a c h ie v e a r a n g e o f m a r k e tin g o b je c tiv e s . W ith o v e r 2 0 y e a r s o f m a r k e tin g , b r a n d m a n a g e m e n t a n d m a g a z in e e x p e r ie n c e w e d e v e lo p e ffe c tiv e c o m m u n ic a tio n s th a t d e liv e r y o u r m e s s a g e in a c r e d ib le a n d c r e a tiv e w a y . W e o p e r a te a c r o s s a ll m e d ia c h a n n e ls , in c lu d in g : p r in t, o n lin e a n d v id e o .


2 0 4 9 -8 4 6 2

© A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . M a te r ia l m a y n o t b e r e - p r o d u c e d w ith o u t th e p e r m is s io n o f E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td . W h ile C o r n w a ll L iv in g w ill ta k e e v e r y c a r e to h e lp r e a d e r s w ith r e p o r ts o n p r o p e r tie s a n d fe a tu r e s , n e ith e r E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td n o r its c o n tr ib u to r s c a n a c c e p t a n y lia b ility fo r r e a d e r d is s a tis fa c tio n a r is in g fr o m e d ito r ia l fe a tu r e s , e d ito r ia l o r a d v e r tis in g fe a tu r e d in th e s e p a g e s . E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L t d s t r o n g ly a d v is e v ie w in g a n y p r o p e r t y prior to purchasing or considerations over any financial decisions. Engine House Media r e s e r v e s th e r ig h t to a c c e p t o r r e je c t a n y a r tic le o r m a te r ia l s u p p lie d fo r p u b lic a tio n o r to e d it s u c h m a te r ia l p r io r to p u b lic a tio n . E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td c a n n o t ta k e r e s p o n s ib ility fo r lo s s o r d a m a g e o f s u p p lie d m a te r ia ls . T h e o p in io n s e x p r e s s e d o r a d v ic e g iv e n in th e p u b lic a tio n a r e th e v ie w s o f th e in d iv id u a l a u th o r s a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a r ily r e p r e s e n t th e v ie w s o r p o lic ie s o f E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td . It is s u g g e s te d th a t fu r th e r a d v ic e is ta k e n o v e r a n y a c tio n s r e s u ltin g fr o m r e a d in g a n y p a r t o f th is m a g a z in e .

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WEALTH CREATION & FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS IN CORNWALL Offices in Truro, Penzance, Helston & Plymouth · Free initial consultation Truro Office - 01872 888400 • Penzance Office - 01736 366550 •

06/07/2018 15:00



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03/07/2018 14:53



•EXPERIENCE• E X P LO R I N G T H E O U T D O O R S W I T H A N N ' S C OT TAG E 2018 sees Cornwall’s premium surf and lifestyle retailer Ann’s Cottage celebrate 40 years by the sea. Their story started back in 1978 on Polzeath beach, when they began selling and renting surfboards and wetsuits to the early surfing pioneers. Ann’s Cottage is now widely recognised as one of the largest surf and lifestyle retailers in Europe. With two brand new stores in Newquay and Truro as well as the recent addition of their Polzeath Surf Centre, they now have 14 stores across Cornwall. At the heart of this phenomenal story, Ann’s Cottage is still very much a family-run business with a knowledgeable, enthusiastic and dedicated team who are always keen to share their passion for surfing, Cornwall, and great products, with all their customers. Whether you're looking for a wetsuit, surfboard, the very latest surf and lifestyle clothing or accessories, Ann's Cottage is your one stop shop for value, quality and service.


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F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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03/07/2018 14:53

Contents 22 AUGUST 2018

Cover feature


See page 22 for our cover feature on sailing in Cornwall

30 Share your stories



Witnessed a beautiful sunset? Tried the tastiest fish in Cornwall? We’d love to see what you’ve been up to…



News & views

Catch up with Cornwall


Luxury property


Coastal escapes

Find your dream Cornish home Our choice of Cornish coastal getaways

134 On display

A window into Cornish art

150 Competitions

Win a little piece of Cornwall

178 Charity






We catch up with Surfers Against Sewage




109 Gourmet gossip

All the latest Cornish foodie news


The zen of Xen


Grazing at Greens


Succulent salmon

Introducing Xen Noodle Bar, Truro Don’t miss this month’s foodie review A delicious recipe from No 1 Rock Road T: 01326 569569




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06/07/2018 15:06

125 132 STAY






A tranquil escape

At Goonwinnow Farm

123 Escape to the Roseland With Portscatho Holidays

125 The lap of luxury


Get outside this summer


At the hearth of the home


A new lease of life


A toast!



Luxuriously indulgent

132 A moment held in gold


Relishing the challenge

136 A spill of light

Teak furniture from Rustic House Catch up with Kernow Fires

Stylish holiday homes at Polurrian

126 Live the holiday highlife

With your pick from Cornish Gems

128 Got to experience...

A holiday by the Camel Estuary

A stunning project by CSA Architects



143 Full steam ahead

Fun-filled days at Bodmin and Wenford

144 Hands on history

Visit Cornwall’s English Heritage sites

146 A diamond achievement

Celebrating 60 years of seal rescue

148 Summer essentials

Gear up for summer with Ann’s Cottage

155 Get surf savvy

Safety tips from the world leading ASI


157 Protecting your future

Financial advice from Harris Begley

158 A gothic tale

Introducing Noel O’Reilly’s ‘Wrecker’


Introducing Vincent Basham


Top service from Three Rivers Furniture


Steve Slimm goes against the grain


Oyster Catcher Coastal’s Basket seats


To two of the south west’s finest artisans









Win ET

128 T: 01326 569569


CORNWALL LIVING | 7 CL--75--CONTENTS--2.00.indd 7

06/07/2018 15:06

News & views

News & views


Go offline and reconnect with your family at Penrose Kitchen

In a bid to urge families to reconnect during the holidays, there will be no access to public WiFi at Penrose Kitchen throughout the summer. n oy your food without the hassle of being bombarded with emails and encourage your kids to look up from their phones and take in the beautiful surroundings of the water gardens. Offering a refreshing break from screens that you didn’t even know you needed, the ‘ban’ on technology has been put in place to promote good old-fashioned quality time, without your concentration being dominated by

technology. The kids can e plore the gardens and parents can sit back and relax with a glass of wine, without constant work interruptions. ou’ll have no option other than to enjoy your tranquil surroundings and savour good food and good company, the oldfashioned way. For more information call 01872 225697 or visit

with Interiora

St Austell’s hidden gem

Tidily tucked away in a corner of t ustell’s town s uare is r mall’s Cornish Taphouse, a drinker’s paradise just waiting to be discovered. This wonderful venue is discreet in its appearance and subtle in its approach, offering stylish and comfortable surroundings in which visitors can enjoy a huge range of local drinks. abelled as a micropub and coffee house, r. mall’s brings together two local offerings under the same roof being both a café and a beer, gin, wine and cider bar. n addition, it also boasts an impressive craft bottle shop, allowing visitors to take home local drinks as well as jams, teas, oils, gift packs and the

Be brave and step outside the box

like. f that wasn’t enough, they’ve even managed to fit in a small art gallery displaying local artists’ work. For more information call 07836 776003, visit or Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @cornishtaphouse

Too often we choose the safe option when picking out tiles for our bathroom, and unsurprisingly this usually leads to a generic finish. o why not break away from the norm and introduce a pattern tile? Interior Designer Charlotte Hall tells us: “A pattern can transform a space, making it much more dynamic and vibrant. ou can even pick out colours that match other products, tying it all together and creating that one off look. Over the last few years, patterned tile production has really taken off and there are a whole host of designs to choose from. o, get down to Interiora today and choose a tile that will give your bathroom that individual and bespoke look you’ve been looking for. For more information call0800 0385353 or visit Telephone 01736 754242

A fully managed, flexible holiday letting service... We think you’ll like how we do things. 8 | CORNWALL LIVING


St Ives | Penzance | Hayle Newquay | Bude | Mevagissey More

News & views

06/07/2018 14:18

UPGRADE your comfort for


During the summer sale take advantage of a FREE base upgrade on any Stressless® recliner. Choose to upgrade your recliner with the superior comfort and style of our Signature base or upgrade it to our new electrical integral footstool system LegComfort™ at no extra cost.*

Discover comfort at

Signature base. Experience striking looks and unbeatable comfort with a feeling of weightlessness and a soft, rocking motion. Available in 3 sizes.

LegComfort™ Featuring an elegantly integrated electric footrest. The footrest extends further to offer ultimate support for all leg lengths. Available in 2 sizes.

Julian Foye Tregolls Road TRURO TR1 1SB T: 01872 222226 W:

*Terms and Conditions apply: Offer applicable on Stressless® Classic base recliners only. Available on all new orders placed with participating retailers between 1st July 2018 – 31st August 2018. Upgrade from a Classic base chair and stool set to a Signature base chair and stool set, or to LegComfort™ (mains only). Upgrade from Classic chair only to Signature chair only also applicable. Offer not applicable on stocked consul promotional chairs or clearance models.

Summer_Comfort_Upgrade_Ad_W197xH264_JulianFoye.indd 1 Untitled-10 1

09/05/2018 10:25 15:14 22/06/2018

News & views

yin t fin the perfect balance when in in


Holiday home tips

li ay

It’s easy to start drinking a lot more when we’re on holiday; we’re relaxed, unwinding and we don’t have to go to work in the morning! So, instead of holding back from that extra gin and tonic we’ll happily indulge. Although there’s no real problem at this point, drinking more can start to snowball. Regain Recovery founder Gerri Creedon tells us: “If you’re on holiday with family members and notice that they’re drinking more than is healthy, don’t be afraid to ask for help. lthough di cult to admit, if you do notice that you (or a loved

Fight the fleas this summer with help from

Regent Court Veterinary Practice

Cornwall’s mild, warm climate attracts thousands of holidaymakers every year but unfortunately it also attracts fleas. For pets, fleas present a number of issues… most obviously, irritated skin and scratching. Regent Court Veterinary Practice urges pet owners to take immediate action if a live flea is spotted, before an epidemic in the home occurs, emphasising that treating the environment and not just your pet is key to successful elimination. To fully rid your house of fleas, you need to break the lifecycle from egg to larva and on to

one) are drinking in an unhealthy way, the team at Regain Recovery are there to offer support for you and your family and start the process of regaining a balanced life. For more information call 01237 405200 or visit

flea, which can only be done through preventative treatments. As vets dealing with this issue, the Regent Court team recommend prescription flea products as the best, and sometimes only way to overcome a flea invasion. hy not book a free parasite check with them? For all prescribed flea treatments you can get 10% off by simply producing this article! For a ea elimination strategy isit


Next, you need to access comparable properties based on: number of bedrooms, property type, location, special features, quality of décor and any additional luxurious factors, as all of these can impact on your home’s rental rate.

So, there you have it, make sure to research how much similar properties charge during the various seasons, see what extras could bump up your rates and promote longer stays in peak seasons to reduce changeover days!

Set in a magical woodland and lakeside location near Falmouth and the Helford river, Trecombe Lakes is the perfect setting for a unique holiday in Cornwall.


George explains: “If the crux of your holiday home purchase is return on investment, you’ll want a fairly detailed spreadsheet to factor in the costs I’ve mentioned already! However, it’s possible to do some quick calculations to assess whether holiday home letting is for you.” George emphasises that it’s important to research peak and low season rental rates of similar properties, as well as the average occupancy for each period so that you can get an idea of the kind of return you can expect.

Furthermore, it’s important to understand the difference in rates between weekend and weekday stays, as weekend stays are usually more expensive. Restrictions on short breaks during peak season are also a good idea because it means you can maximise the income potential by limiting the number of changeovers – so you don’t have to spend time and money cleaning your property and getting it ready for new guests.

Introducing the new luxury lodge at Trecombe Lakes

Newly completed this spring is the first of six luxury Eco Lodges overlooking one of the seven beautiful lakes. Slightly larger and more modern than the other lodges, its cedar exterior and natural, stylish interior made from premium birch is designed with style, comfort and strong green credentials. Sleeping six with one double bedroom, a cosy mezzanine sleeping area for children and a sofa bed.

In an ongoing series of holiday home tips, we hear how to calculate and maximise your holiday home earnings from George at Cornish Traditional Cottages.

For more information call 01208 893980 or visit

It also features a compact yet beautiful kitchen, a toilet and shower-room, underfloor heating and log burner there’s even a stunning contemporary Swedish hot tub on the decking outside! For more information call 01326 211850 or visit


News & views

06/07/2018 14:18




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06/07/2018 09:13

News & views

An open-air miracle not to be missed! This month, award winning Miracle Theatre unpacks Chekov’s bittersweet comedy about a once-wealthy family, whose idleness and extravagance have brought them to the brink of bankruptcy. Bill Scott’s new adaptation treads a tragicomic tightrope, bringing out all the humour and pathos of Chekov’s masterpiece, which, more than a century after it was written is still as popular as ever. Miracle’s open air productions have become a ‘must-do’ activity and pop up in unexpected and extraordinary places around Cornwall, including gardens, beaches, castles and clifftops. Audiences of all ages can enjoy the

open-air experience but make sure to bring along something comfortable to sit on and some snacks for a night of theatre under the stars! Advanced booking is highly recommended! To book tickets & more information visit or call HFC Box Office 01872 262466

Introducing ASI, surfing and SUP

accredited surf or school, with offering the world’s leading school accreditation scheme and regulations to ensure safe and quality operations. Find instructor courses and ASI schools on the ASI website.

When you’re by (or on) the sea, giving a nautical kick to your wardrobe is an absolute must, so make sure to head to Essa Collection in Porthleven to embrace the sailor in you. Cosy and comfortable long-sleeved striped tops await, perfect to keep you warm as you cruise on your boat. Check out the dresses as well, because although they may not be quite so practical for the boat, they’re perfect for wandering around our coastal towns and stopping for a spot of lunch. The beauty of Essa clothing is that lots of items have been sourced from exotic countries, meaning the fabrics are light and loose fitting, perfect for summer. Our favourite combo from the nautical range, however, has got to be the striped shirt coupled with a chunky bead necklace.

For more information visit

For more information call 01326 572236 or visit

education for instructors

Change your career or gain extra income by becoming an surfing or instructor. ASI is the world’s international governing body for instructors and schools with its head o ce in Bondi Beach, and o ce right here in Hayle, Cornwall. ASI instructor courses are delivered in Cornwall, across the and worldwide, and are recognised as the world’s finest. Work in Cornwall or travel the world; with ASI you’ll love your role as an instructor. You can also become an ASI

Introducing the Essa Collection nautical range

Tips to help sell your home from Philip Martin Sean Johnston, Partner at Philip Martin Estate Agents suggests de-cluttering. “But don’t depersonalise. Get rid of excess stuff but leave some personality, as people are often buying a lifestyle as much as a property. Freshen it up too. Giving your walls a fresh coat of neutral paint will make your home seem lighter and bigger – buyers often want to use the rooms immediately.”

“Next, clean! Clean everything until it sparkles and get rid of any odours. Bad smells are the biggest turn off for prospective buyers.”

He also suggests making repairs to holes, cracks and any other blemishes that come as part of everyday living.

Finally, choose a good estate agent and let them show the property. “It’s more comfortable for potential buyers.”



And, while you’re tidying, be sure to do the garden. “Cut back bushes, clean the patio and cut the grass. It helps buyers visualise themselves using the space.” For more information call 01872 242244 or visit


News & views

06/07/2018 14:18

a good nights sleep with

dim out your local ocal al supplier of LiteRise a & SmartCord dim out blinds



Untitled-5 1

13 -14 Marsh Lane Retail Park Marsh Lane, Hayle Cornwall, TR27 5JR

01736 752397 22/06/2018 09:33

News & views Reap the benefits of your

Milestone achieved for Colourfence Cornwall!

very own spa

fter a particularly harrowing winter, many residents throughout the Duchy have realised the benefits of enlisting Colourfence Cornwall to install its award-winning fencing and, owner Olly tells us: “We’re delighted to have now installed 500 fences throughout the region!” Made of lightweight steel, fences from Colourfence now come with a 25-year guarantee, and they really are the perfect solution when it comes to withstanding Cornwall’s unruly winter weather! Olly continues: “We’ve had a number of projects where we’ve been asked to adjoin more fencing to existing Colourfences installed just under a decade ago”, proof that it really is built to last!

Cornwall Hospice Care extends its community reach

Cornwall Hospice Care has launched a new service in Bude called Open House’. The aim is to offer support for those coping with terminal illnesses nearer to their home. The service is volunteer led,

For more information call 01840 537 547 or visit

providing a listening ear and informed advice and signposting to support services. s with all the care offered by this fantastic Cornish charity, the Open House is free.

Whether it’s just soaking away your troubles as the sun goes down, or enjoying a much-needed spot of hydrotherapy to soothe your muscles after a workout, soaking in a hot tub offers a surprising number of health benefits.

The first Open House launched at the Neetside Community Centre, Bude on 14th June and now runs every Thursday from pm to pm. ina tarnes, Cornwall Hospice Care’s Community Engagement Project Manager tells us: “Open House offers a safe and friendly place for people to talk about their situation. t branches out from our Neighbourhood Hub project, as part of our wider reach in to the community.

The OC Spas team have a number of clients with differing conditions who gain a lot of relief from hydrotherapy. ndeed, whether you need help de-stressing, suffer from insomnia and need something to relax your body, or you have back pain or arthritis, there are a number of therapeutic benefits that you can en oy as a hot tub owner. recent study has even shown that sufferers of Type 2 Diabetes experienced a significant decrease in blood sugar levels and improved sleep after 30 minutes a day in a spa!

“By opening services in the community and collaborating with other organisations, we believe many more can be supported by our charity. .

f you think you could benefit from your own spa, OC Spas has an impressive range of luxury hot tubs, plus all the accessories and maintenance products you’re likely to need.

For more information visit

For more information call 01872 575 333 or visit

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News & views

06/07/2018 14:18

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06/07/2018 09:16

CL--73--AD--Magazine House (McCarthy)--1.00.indd 1

05/06/2018 16:35

News & views Create your own private PODS with help from PODS Cornwall

and Cornish Landscaper

From bras to Bees;

50 years in the making

When their lingerie factory closed 50 years ago, Brian with late wife, Pat, took up beekeeping running 400 hives. Using their manufacturing skills they created the BJ Sherriff beekeeping apparel with a fencing type veil. Brian and daughter, Angela continue to design, cut and sew near Mylor, producing a collection of high-end protective clothing. The range features their unique ClearView™ veil and uses fabrics and components sourced as locally as possible, solely within the UK. Brian tells us: “Our team are passionate about customer care and proud to supply clothing which has been expertly hand crafted by local machinists.” Specialising in standard, bespoke, made to measure overall protection BJ Sherriff’s tarter it is a firm favourite with beginner beekeepers, so if you want to encourage the stability of the world’s bee population, be sure to kit yourself out with proven protection from this globally recognised company that’s grown right here in Cornwall. For more information visit

If you need that little bit of extra space for a growing family, an o ce, den, or studio, consider the option of creating a bespoke outdoor room. PODS Cornwall and sister company, Cornish Landscaper create outdoor spaces tailored to your requirements, allowing you to move your o ce outside so that you have more space within your home. PODS stands for Perfect O ces ens and tudios giving you an idea of the kind of spaces you could create with the help from the Cornish Landscaper. Your pod could even become another TV room to watch movies, or a playroom for the kids – the possibilities are endless. Owner Jon explains: “With our PODS what we achieve is perfection, we offer a unique service of a completely turnkey product and

can provide as much or as little landscaping as you require, allowing your pod to merge seamlessly with your garden design.” The CAD visualisation techniques that Jon and his team utilise also allow you to see a realistic representation of your pod before building has even commenced so that you can envisage the finished product and work with the team to create the perfect space for you. No matter how big or small your garden is; there’s a pod design that will fit for you. For PODS Cornwall email or visit For Cornish Landscaper call 07885 253954 or visit

-One Hour Free +44(0)7874343731


News & views



06/07/2018 14:18

Family fun, fitness and wellbeing

with Spyrys Spas and Hot Tubs

Kneehigh Theatre

is breaking the rules (again)

Opening the Asylum theatre festival at the Lost Gardens of Heligan is Ubu Karaoke, a surreal anarchic play about a deranged, dangerous figure of authority Kneehigh will tell this timeless – yet well-timed – story through music and performance. The play is surprisingly democratic, as you’re not ust watching you’re living it, and you will get your say! Director Mike Shepherd tells us: “Together we’ll create uproar, we’ll shout out to the world, and we’ll laugh and celebrate that we’re in this together.” With audience favourite Katy Owen, and the cleverness of Niall Ashdown, backed by the creative team of Dead Dog in a Suitcase and The Tin Drum, the Kneehigh crew are redefining theatre and the world we live in, and they’re inviting you to be a part of it. For more information and to book tickets call 01872 262466 or visit

Owning a hot tub can bring so much more to your garden or outdoor space. When hosting a barbeque for family and friends a spa provides that extra level of fun and relaxation, offering a great place to socialise and make the most of your time together under the summer sun. With the school holidays looming, a hot tub can bring hours of fun for all the family, enjoy quality time with your children – they’ll love splashing around in the bubbles! Then, when the kids are exhausted and in bed, chill in your own personal spa! After a long day, unwind your mind, ease your aching muscles and feel the

many hydrotherapy benefits that a hot tub can give you. For more information call 01208 813760 or visit

The perfect base for a walking break If you’re looking for a great base for a walking break, then Budock Vean Hotel and Cottages is simply perfect. Located right next to the Helford river, and just a ten minute stroll from the coast path, there’s a wealth of inland and coastal walks that mean you can head out on anything from a two hour walk to a full day hike. Head across the water via the Helford passage ferry to explore the south side of the river, stop for lunch at a picturesque pub and then make your way back to the hotel for a spot of golf, a leisurely swim or even a rejuvenating spa treatment. The hotel and some of

the cottages are also dog friendly so you can explore this beautiful part of Cornwall with your furry friends in tow. For more information call 01326 250288 or visit

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News & views

06/07/2018 14:18



£99,000 £99,000 £99,000 £99,000

Juliots Well is perfectly located at the gateway of Cornwall, less than an hour from the M5 yet only a few short miles from Juliots Well is perfectly located at the gateway of Cornwall, theJuliots idyllic towns and villages Padstow, Tintagel and lesscoastal than hour from the M5 yet only a few short from Wellan is perfectly located atlike the gateway ofmiles Cornwall, Newquay. Something often howshort easy we are to idyllic coastal towns and Padstow, Tintagel and lessthe than an hour from thecommented M5villages yet onlylike aisfew miles from Juliots Well is perfectly located at the gateway of Cornwall, reach and the ideal base from which to explore. Something commented is how easy we areand to the Newquay. idyllic coastal towns often and villages like Padstow, Tintagel less reach than an hour frombase the M5 yet onlytoaexplore. few short miles from and the ideal from which Newquay. Something often commented is how easy we are to the idyllic coastal towns and villages like Padstow, Tintagel and reach and the ideal base from which to explore. Newquay. Something often commented is how easy we are to reach and the ideal base from which to explore.

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scheme in partnership FullyHoseasons managed letting with scheme in partnership with Hoseasons

Valley Truckle, Camelford, PL32 9RF

Valley Truckle, Camelford, PL32 9RF Valley Truckle, Camelford, PL32 9RF Valley Truckle, Camelford, PL32 9RF

05/07/2018 10:40

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04/07/2018 10:20

News & views

Introducing new business on the block, White Woods

Walk to your heart’s content then return to Bosavern The newest business to grace Helston high street is professional administration management firm, White Woods. Run by dream team Georgie White and Amy Wood, each bring their own talents and expertise to the table to provide the ultimate in administration support. Whilst chatting away over a G&T the pair realised that their individual skills complement each other perfectly, and so White Woods was founded to combine their experience into one exceptional and easily accessible package for you and your business. Providing support in everything from emails, travel and tackling social media, to book-keeping and payroll, White Woods cover all areas of administration, giving you help where you need it most and

allowing you to enjoy more free time, without having to go to the extent of hiring another member of staff. So, if you have your own business and are feeling overwhelmed with the amount of admin that’s piling up, White Woods is your answer. The team even go so far as to find the best flights so that you can jet off and spend your extra time wisely! White Woods is brimming with talent and offers a tailored service to suit your individual needs, allowing you to spend more time doing the things you set out to do when you first set up your business. For more information call 01326 459059 or visit

Bosavern Guest House provides wonderful self-guided walking holidays in west Cornwall, with sample walks including those from St Just to Porthcurno, St Ives to Zennor and Sennen Cove to Lamorna. They cover several sections of the South West Coast Path, offering the advantage of being able to return to their comfortable bed and breakfast every evening via their collection service. Prices include breakfast, packed lunch and an evening meal, plus transport to the start and end of each walk. Available between mid March and mid November, owners Martin and Helen warmly welcome anyone who wants to make the most of west Cornwall by foot, including your canine companions. Be sure to book out of season in September, October or November to snap up a bargain! For more information call 01736 788301 or visit

R A Design Ltd

Architectural Services

The Guildhall Street-an-Pol St.Ives Cornwall TR26 2DS St Ives: 01736 796111 • Helston: 01326 560719


CL--75--ED--COMPOSITE--NEWS & VIEWSv2.indd 21

17/07/2018 17:33

COVER FEATURE | Calm seas at St Mawes

Leyline Creative

Visit Cornwall Adam Gibbard

Visit Cornwall Matt Jessop

Mevagissey, south Cornwall

A stunning drone shot over Falmouth



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06/07/2018 13:14


v e s a Making w Whether a foodie, keen sailor, avid music fan or simply one to let your hair down, there’s a festival happening in Cornwall this summer that’s just for you. WORDS BY

n taverns across the Cornish coast as the sun goes down, you’ll often hear the sound of sea shanties filling the air. The recent annual Sea Shanty Festival in Falmouth welcomed in the summer with throngs of visitors flooding to the town to celebrate the call of the sea. That very same weekend saw the town host the Falmouth Classics, the biggest event for classic and traditional boats in the . These are ust two of the nautical events across Cornwall over the summer, with other regattas including Fowey eek and Falmouth eek. Falmouth has also hosted the world’s tall ships on several occasions – most recently in . Just a typical summer’s day on a Cornish beach, looking out over the bay, we witnessed a cruise ship, a tanker, a ma estic tall ship with all its s uare sails set, wakeboarders, paddle boarders, canoes, sailing dinghies, yachts anchored in the bay, pleasure boats taking small cruises towards the Helford river – all in the same view. The point here is that Cornwall without boats is like Cornwall without pasties... in other words, not very Cornish hen you’re surrounded by the sea on almost all sides it’s only natural that this will inform the place’s and people’s character. Cornwall’s maritime tradition is deeply woven into its very fabric. t’s no coincidence that dinghy sailing supremo (and the most successful sailor in Olympic history) Ben Ainslie learnt to sail on these waters, in and around the Carrick Roads you can see his golden postbo embedded in the wall of the andora nn on Restronguet Creek.

Cornwall’s strong seafaring tradition has kept Britain in touch with the wider world for centuries. t was here that we first heard news of Nelson’s victory (and death) at Trafalgar, and also where the packet ships landed, carrying post and news from around the world. The National aritime useum Cornwall on iscovery uay, Falmouth keeps this tradition alive and well, with fascinating e hibitions, lectures and children’s activities throughout the year. Charlestown, near St Austell, is home to uare ail entures, and tall ship hoeni , where much of the filming is done for Hollywood blockbusters and small screen period dramas, from Poldark to Alice in Wonderland. f you watch a scene involving a historic boat or harbour, there’s a very good chance it was filmed in Charlestown if not, then by the uare ail crew on location elsewhere around the globe. So, if all of this has inspired you to get out on the water yourself this summer, there are plenty of opportunities to try your hand at sailing across Cornwall, on both the north and south coasts. erhaps one of the greatest misconceptions about sailing is that you need to be an e pert that it is elitist or e clusive. On the contrary, there are many ways to get involved and give it a go, with taster days and weekends, beginner courses and much more, catering for every ability and level of e perience. t needn’t cost the earth either, particularly if you would ust like to dip your toe in to see if it’s for you.



Felix Rowe

é Sir Ben



CL--75--EHM--Sailing--4.00.indd 3

06/07/2018 13:14

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27/06/2018 17:11



The West Looe quayside circa 1912, image courtesy of Francis Frith & Co

There’s also huge variation in the types of sailing you can enjoy, whether singlehandedly or as a pair in a small dinghy, or being part of a crew of up to 30 on a large performance yacht or tall ship. Likewise, many love the thrill of competitive sailing, whereas others like to cruise at a gentle pace, taking in the sights and sounds of the coast at their leisure. Each offers its own rewards and merits. As with most things, the best way to get started is with a taster session; having a go, before making the commitment. There are sailing schools all across the Duchy, which hire boats for a few hours or a whole day, with tuition available to show you the ropes. On the south coast, you’ll find several on the Carrick Roads – in Mylor, Loe beach (Feock), Falmouth, St Mawes and the wider Roseland. As well as Fowey and Looe, another beautiful spot is the Helford river, abounding with pretty wooded creeks. Helford River Children’s ailing Trust teaches children from eight to 18 how to sail, learn a respect for the sea and build their confidence on the water discover more at On the north coast, the popular destinations of Rock and the area in and around the Camel stuary have thriving sailing and watersports schools. As you progress, it’s advisable to take some more formal courses, to learn the ‘rules of the road’, with the Royal Yachting Association R being the o cial recognised governing body find courses near you by visiting While sailing is fun, you obviously need to be aware of potential hazards and the laws of the sea, changing tides, rights of way, navigation and so on. If you’re sailing larger boats, you can gradually progress from competent crew, to day skipper, all the way to becoming an ocean master as you clock up your sea miles and experience. There’s nothing more thrilling than the sea bree e ru ing your hair, with an endless blue horizon and world of opportunity ahead of you.

Venturesail Holidays

Johanna Lucretia

With advances in technology, modern sailing is very different to traditional ‘block and tackle’ sailing of years gone by, so if you want a taster of how it was done back in the age of the sail, a great starting point is a taster weekend aboard a traditional sailing vessel with VentureSail Holidays. We had a go ourselves – and can thoroughly recommend it! – sailing out of Fowey, aboard Johanna Lucretia, a beautifully restored, 96ft, two-masted topsail schooner. Owner and skipper, Rodger Barton and his trusty crew will provide the perfect introduction to traditional sail, providing the opportunity to test your sea legs under their expert guidance. Most of our fellow passengers were novices, yet all got stuck in, creating wonderful memories to bring home. enture ail Holidays has a fleet of beautiful vessels of various shapes and sizes, with a calendar of voyages scheduled throughout the season, both in Cornwall and further afield, geared towards sightseeing, wildlife spotting and more (discover more at


NAUTICAL SUMMER EVENTS Charlestown Regatta Week 21 Jul 2018 to 27 Jul 2018 Falmouth Week 10 Aug 2018 to 19 Aug 2018 Fowey Regatta and Carnival Week 19 Aug 2018 to 25 Aug 2018 Newlyn Fish Festival 26 Aug 2018 Falmouth Oyster Festival 11 Oct 2018 to 14 Oct 2018


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06/07/2018 13:18

Cornwall’s Advanced Dentistry Clinic

ARE YOU CONSIDERING HAVING DENTAL IMPLANTS? Come along to our FREE educational dental implant seminars held regularly at the practice. Everyone welcome.

Find out literally everything you ever wanted to know about dental implants in a relaxed informal setting. WHEN: held every month WHERE: Perenn House, City Rd, TR1 2JL All attendees receive a free consultation worth £120

THE TOPICS COVERED: • The benefits of dental implants • All the treatment options available • Including the revolutionary “Teeth in a day” treatment option • Audience Q&A with Principal Dentist Mark Durnall


to reserv e your seat at our next even t. Space is limited.

Call us 01872 222404 or visit Pure Dental Health is a premium private practice located at Perenn House, City Road, Truro, TR1 2JL • GDC 77678

CL--75--AD--Hive Business/Pure Dental--1.00.indd 1

06/07/2018 11:49


Leyline Creative

BUYING A BOAT? Speak to the team at Ancasta in Falmouth and Mylor for advice on finding the right boat for you. Turn to page 92 to find out more For all that’s featured in this month’s Cornwall Living and more, head to our website. Fancy being the first to receive updates? Well, you can by subscribing to our newsletter at...


Make sure you look the part with a visit to Essa Collection in Porthleven, a wonderful independent boutique which includes some beautiful nautical inspired clothing for your next maritime adventure. Turn to page 12 for more information.

For further nautical inspiration and some stunning footage taken of Cornwall’s rich and varied coastline, head over to our Cornwall Living Vimeo page.


é ABOVE Dragon boat racing at Falmouth Week

If all this talk of the sea has inspired you to get out on the water this summer, why not turn to page , where you’ll find a whole host of fantastic Cornish prizes up for grabs, including a beginner’s Learn to Surf DVD and Logbook from the world leading Academy of Surf Instructors! Enter now at Terms & conditions apply

Courtesy of Anna Photography


ncasta, with o ces in ylor and Falmouth (discover more at As well as the financial considerations, much like buying a house, buying a boat can be a tricky process to navigate, with lots to consider and paperwork to get in order. So, whether looking to buy second hand, or something new, it pays to speak to the experts who can guide you through the process. You’ll also need to consider where the boat is going to be kept, with various mooring options available across Cornwall. Whether you’re planning to circumnavigate the globe, cruise up and down the coast at leisure, or simply enjoy a lazy afternoon in a dinghy in the bay, you’ll find the perfect sailing e perience for you right here in Cornwall. So go on, start making waves!

Enter now at


Freepik If you feel that sailing is for you and something you’d like to commit more time to, you could join your local yacht or sailing club. Another misconception is that you need to own your own boat to become a member – in fact, those with or without boats are equally welcome and you’ll meet other likeminded souls who you can crew for. Aside from the sailing itself, it’s a great social scene too, with events throughout the year, and seasonal regattas. Of course, if you do get the sailing bug and would like your own boat, it can be quite an investment – both the initial outlay and ongoing maintenance, servicing and potential mooring fees to factor in. If you’re looking to buy a boat, speak to the team at


CL--75--EHM--Sailing--4.00.indd 7

06/07/2018 16:56

For you and your home

The Grey Lurcher Tucked away at the top of the high street in Falmouth, The Grey Lurcher sells an ever-changing selection of gifts, cards and interior design pieces. Opened in October 2017 by Julie Oats, this little shop is fast becoming a popular stop for the eclectic and quirky products it sells. Named after the much-loved family lurcher, inside there’s a distinct French feel. Sourcing from local designers as well, the shop stocks The Emporium of Illumination, Windswept Girlie for a coastal feel, and Becky Bettesworth posters and prints.

Port Eliot Estate

Falmouth FAVOURITES The best kept secret

Secrets Boutique Secrets clothing boutique was founded in 1982 in Falmouth. Today, Secrets carries exclusive, stylish, relaxed and individual clothing and fashion labels, crafted from quality fabrics and featuring interesting details for fashion-conscious women. Happy to be a source of inspiration when you visit the shop, the experienced and friendly staff are always on hand to help you choose current trends that complement and express your style, body shape and personality. Free personal shopping sessions are also offered and can be booked in advance.


A family affair

Get your clubs ready

Pennance Mill Farm

Falmouth Pitch and Putt and Crazy Golf

Pennance Mill Farm is a family run campsite situated in a valley of outstanding natural beauty, only two miles from the vibrant seaside town of Falmouth. Meanporth beach is also only half a mile away and is easily reached from the farm’s private footpath. The level and sheltered touring site makes use of three meadows, all south facing and with unspoilt countryside views. n oy the added benefit of hard standing pitches if required and plenty of electrical hook-up points at this tranquil coastal escape.

Falmouth’s nine-hole pitch and putt run by Pennance Mill Farm is a fantastic day out for the whole family. Usually taking 90-minutes to make it around the course, a charming tea room awaits your finish. Food served in the café includes uality light lunches, fresh handmade cakes and locally made ice cream, providing the perfect pit stop to refuel after your pitch and putt adventure. All equipment is provided for your game and left handed clubs are also available, so all you have to worry about is who’s going to win!

01326 317954

All aboard!

Beers of the world

AK Wildlife Cruises, Falmouth Passionate about nature, AK Wildlife Cruises Captain, Keith Leeves loves sharing his knowledge about wildlife with kids and adults alike. Trips are available daily, with a choice of four hour and seven hour trips, as well as a river cruise up the river Fal and Helford. All of this, plus free parking at Falmouth Marina!

HAND Bar & Bottle Shop

HAND, established 2010 in Falmouth, was the vanguard of craft beer in Cornwall. Now, with an attached Bottle Shop, it boasts a wide range of beers, natural wines and spirits from all over the world to drink in and take away. Tucked away in a courtyard on the Old High Street, HAND hosts tap take overs, meet the brewer events, tastings and good times.


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06/07/2018 10:52




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029.indd 1

06/07/2018 15:11




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03/07/2018 15:42


Discover this beautiful location and foodie haven that is fast becoming one of Cornwall’s top property hotspots.


orthleven, mainland Great Britain’s most southerly port, sits on the south Cornish coast between the Lizard peninsula and Mount’s Bay. The harbour town originally developed as a refuge from the fierce swells and prevailing westerly winds that batter the coastline and is still used by local fishermen today. s you wander along the harbour, the still waters within bely the powerful swell out to sea that batters the coastline every year. The summer sees much calmer conditions with swell gently rocking fishing boats but winter storms see huge waves cresting above the harbour walls and hitting against the clock tower – an image that has made Porthleven famous and hints at the area’s tendency for shipwrecks in the past. Porthleven is fast becoming a foodie hotspot and hosts its own annual food and music festival every pril to celebrate great food, in an even better location. The harbour is dotted with excellent restaurants and pubs such as Kota, Rick Stein and the Ship Inn. Located at the end of the harbour, the Ship has a quirky outside seating area that mimics the decks of a ship wrapping up the cliff behind the pub and ending at the crow’s nest, which boasts a great view out over the harbour, providing a novel way to enjoy a pint in the sun. Just outside the mouth of the harbour is the Porthleven reef break, one of the finest in the and e tremely popular with experienced surfers who visit from all over the world. Like almost a third of Cornwall, Porthleven sits in an rea of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The South West Coast Path goes through the town, heading westwards towards Penzance and Land’s End, and eastwards past Loe Bar and towards the Lizard peninsula. Located on the cliffs in front of Porthleven beach is 180 Degrees Blue (guide price: £1,250,000), a stunning property currently on the market with avills. Named after the

incredible 180-degree views of the ocean and surrounding coastline, this is an exceedingly modern property that spans over three floors and is a fantastic e ample of contemporary architecture. The house has six spacious bedrooms, including an en suite master bedroom and a guest suite with access onto the first floor balcony. The living space is modern and open plan with stainless steel features and large white tiles. Plus, both the kitchen and living room boast panoramic sea views and bi-fold doors leading out to the deck in front of the property. The large decking area provides the perfect space to relax with friends and family in the warm summer sun. Enjoy barbeques with the incredible views out to sea and relax in the hot tub on those chillier evenings with a glass of bubbly in hand. There’s even an outdoor shower so you can wash the salt and sand off your skin with the sun beating down on you. Located right next to the beach, you can head out for a morning swim and return to the house for a shower in the sun, or take a leisurely stroll along the South West Coast Path before heading into Porthleven for some local fare. This property really is a gem on the coast and provides the ultimate base from which to explore this beautiful area of Cornwall. With such spacious accommodation, it can easily be transformed into a family home or continue running as a successful holiday let. So, if you’re interested in waking up to a gentle sea breeze every morning from the comfort of your own luxurious bedroom, then get in touch with the team at Savills today.

ABOVE This wonderful property exudes contemporary charm é ABOVE This home offers a generous open-plan living space

MAIN 180 Degrees Blue enjoys the most beautiful Atlantic views


73 Lemon Street, Truro TR1 2PN 01872 243200


CL--75--ED--Savills--2.00.indd 37

03/07/2018 15:42

Fistral House by Legacy Properties, furnished by Iroka

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TR27 5JR | 01736 757 333 CL--75--AD--Iroka--1.00.indd 1

06/07/2018 12:17


R o c k N e w q u a y



S t Iv e s




ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

An enchanting three bedroom thatched roof cottage with far reaching views of the ocean.



GUIDE PRICE: £925,000


1 North Quay, Padstow PL28 8AF 01841 532555

his stunning property dates back to the 1960s and positively oozes character and charm, from its thatched roof to its stone walls. You’re transported back in time as soon as you pull into the drive and you can see England’s history in the traditional form and style of this unique building. Set in a picturesque and tranquil elevated position overlooking the highly sought after village of St Mawgan, Higher Parsonage is only three miles from Mawgan Porth Beach. The property boasts far-reaching views across the valley towards the ocean, and sits within three acres of beautiful gardens and grounds, which include a gently sloping paddock and stables, an orchard and two tree lined, sweeping and gated driveways, making the property perfect for horse lovers or anyone seeking their own smallholding. The three reception rooms as well as the kitchen face onto the garden so you can enjoy the rural scenery as you sip your morning coffee, or recline on the sofa of an evening. Plus, the kitchen has an oil fired ga and walk in larder, nodding to the traditional farm style living, while the comfortable bedrooms are light and spacious. Located in a highly popular and sought after part of north Cornwall, the proximity of the beautiful village and magnificent sandy beach of Mawgan Porth makes this property one to watch, and it’s well worth a visit in person to truly appreciate the character and charm of this wonderful thatched cottage.

INFORMATION T h r e e d o u b le b e d r o o m s O n e b e d ro o m s e p a ra te a n n e x e R u r a l v a lle y lo c a tio n E q u e s tr ia n s ta b le s a n d d e ta c h e d d o u b le g a r a g e O c e a n v ie w s S tu n n in g g a r d e n a n d g ro u n d s E x te n s iv e p a tio a t th e fro n t o f th e p ro p e rty


CL--75--ED--Jackie Stanley--1.00.indd 3

04/07/2018 16:26


R o c k N e w q u a y



S t Iv e s




ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

To be sold for the first time since it was built, this spacious five bedroom property is in one of Cornwall’s most idyllic locations. INFORMATION H ig h ly d e s ir a b le lo c a tio n F iv e b e d r o o m s T h re e b a th ro o m s S o u th w e s te r ly fa c in g O p e n p la n k itc h e n / fa m ily r o o m L a rg e re a r te rra c e a n d p a tio G o o d - s iz e d m a tu re g a rd e n s A ttr a c tiv e v ie w s G e n e ro u s g a ra g e F u ll- h e ig h t lo ft s p a c e E P C D


aking the most of its elevated plot, Trelawney enjoys spectacular views over Daymer Bay, St Enodoc Golf Course and towards Padstow, over Brea Hill and across the Camel Estuary, which, as you can imagine, is quite a view! Thanks to its unrivalled location, this property has easy access to Daymer Bay beach and the miles of nearby coastal paths. The neighbouring villages of Polzeath and Rock are also easily accessible, with some of the ’s finest surf breaks, sailing waters and restaurants within arm’s reach. At over 4,700 square feet, the internal space on offer here is deceptively large and the way in which Trelawney has been designed means it’s fantastically fle ible, offering great potential for the e pansion of its current layout. Five bedrooms make up the current configuration, with three bathrooms, a very large kitchen, living room, generous conservatory and full-height walk-in loft with a large window, which should begin to give you an idea of the space that’s available. Trebetherick is one of the most highly regarded and sought-after coastal locations in the south west. There is unbeatable access to the region’s most spectacular

scenery, including the Camel Estuary and nearby vantage points including Brea Hill, Greenaway and Pentire headland. The wider north Cornwall area is also a foodie paradise, with superb restaurants from top industry names, including Rick Stein, Nathan Outlaw and Paul Ainsworth. However you like to spend your time – whether it’s getting stuck into watersports on the estuary or enjoying a leisurely round of coastal links at St Enodoc Golf Course – Trelawney is perfectly located for you to ma imise the ne t chapter of your life in Cornwall.


GUIDE PRICE: £1,290,000


01872 306360


CL--75--ED--Rohrs & Rowe--1.00.indd 2

05/07/2018 15:46

Richard Cook Furnishers 21-24 Killigrew Street Falmouth TR113PN

01326 312 422

Monday to Saturday 9.00am - 5.00pm Sunday closed

Himolla Chester

SALE NOW ON! FREE delivery throughout Cornwall 1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1

20/06/2018 11:40


R o c k N e w q u a y



ll B o d m in



S t Iv e s

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

FEOCK READING ROOMS A beautiful converted countryside residence within walking distance of Loe Beach.

INFORMATION C o n v e rte d fo rm e r r e a d in g r o o m R e n o v a tio n ju s t c o m p le te d T h re e b e d ro o m s M a s te r e n s u ite O p e n c o u n tr y s id e v ie w s Q u ie t lo c a tio n in F e o c k W ith in w a lk in g d is ta n c e o f L o e B e a c h


textbook example of how to convert a period building and give it a new lease of life as a stylish home, the former Reading Rooms at Feock is a classic space that combines the beauty of a historic outer with contemporary, modern interiors. The building itself is a handsome one, with a symmetrical appearance and slate roof. Featured in the centre is the building’s original clock and a thick granite lintel with the words ‘Reading Room’ prominently displayed. tep inside and you’ll find an entrance hall leading to a light and airy living room with wooden floors and a feature wood burning stove for cosy nights in. There’s also a kitchen/diner and separate utility room. Overall this is a great blank canvas just waiting for someone to make it a home. Upstairs the dormer windows have been added as part of the conversion and they offer some fantastic countryside views. The accommodation here offers three bedrooms with a master en suite and separate family bathroom. ou’re ust a fifteen minute drive from the centre of Truro and a short boat ride

to bustling Falmouth, yet this place feels a whole world away. The property is within walking distance of Loe Beach, which looks out south across the Carrick Roads, offering some of the most idyllic and tranquil sailing waters anywhere on the UK’s south coast. lso close by is National Trust owned Trelissick with over 500 acres of parkland offering many beautiful countryside walks.


PRICE: £450,000


9 Cathedral Lane, Truro TR1 2QS 01872 242244


CL--75--ED--Philip Martin--1.00.indd 36

04/07/2018 13:48

Beautiful curtains and blinds measured and fitted for you…


High Quality UPVC Windows, Doors and Conservatories 01726 813 820

BOOK AN IN HOME APPOINTMENT NOW AND TRY OUR HIGHLY PERSONAL SERVICE AND EXPERT FITTING. With an eye for the little details that so often make all the difference, we can help choose fabrics to suit your tastes and needs.


Mon - Fri: 8.30am to 4.30pm. Sat by appointment.18 Rockhill Business Park, Higher Bugle, St Austell PL26 8RA

CL--75--AD--Camellia Interiors--0.5.indd 1 037.indd 1

26/06/2018 09:20 15:28 06/07/2018

win a night in an oak framed build With the kind support of our friends at Nancarrow Farm, we are offering a night’s stay in our oak framed Bridal Suite and tickets to a sumptuous feast this October, all to raise money for Action Against Hunger. Situated in Zelah, near Truro, Nancarrow host regular weddings and feasts in the oak framed barn and there is no better place to see our work up close and enjoy their incredible produce at the same time - all for a good cause too! Find out more and enter, here:

1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1

01326 336 554

20/06/2018 11:44


ock ew uay



t ves



ll odmin t ustell


en ance

Located on such an idyllic and unspoilt stretch of rugged Cornish coastline, it’s fair to say that properties like this rarely find their way to market.


his really is an exceptional opportunity to obtain a versatile former farmstead with uninterrupted sea and countryside views. Just 250 metres from the South West Coast Path, each of the tastefully renovated properties – of which there are three – is well positioned to access some of Cornwall’s finest beaches. The first of the three is The Old Farmhouse, a historic, Grade II listed Cornish stone residence. South facing and offering wellproportioned accommodation, it has four bedrooms, five if you count one of the two reception rooms, plus a spacious family bathroom and far-reaching coastal views. Then you have Hayloft Barn. Recently converted to a high standard, Hayloft Barn offers three bedrooms of detached accommodation. Spacious and comfortable


GUIDE PRICE: £935,000


with open plan living, Hayloft is currently used as a successful holiday let, enjoying its own lawned garden and patio area, perfect for soaking up the glorious surroundings. Finally there’s The Boathouse. Beautifully presented, this former boat store has been lovingly renovated, now offering selfcontained studio accommodation, including a generous open-plan living, kitchen and bedroom area, with exposed beams and floor to ceiling windows speaking of the building’s original character. Hillsborough Farm is in an absolutely fantastic location for enjoying the north coast. Indeed, whether you’re looking for a leisurely round of golf or to explore the South West Coast Path, this beautiful pocket of Cornwall has access to it all. Just a few miles down the coast lies the Camel Estuary, offering superb watersports. Rock and Padstow sit on either side, each offering a variety of trendy bars, cafés and fine restaurants including Rick Stein’s Seafood Restaurant and Nathan Outlaw’s The Mariners. So if you’re looking to invest in one of Cornwall’s most prestigious areas, be sure to book a viewing with the team at John Bray!

INFORMATION our five bedroom main residence enerous off-road parking Three tastefully renovated properties One mile from oscastle ccess to the outh est Coast ath ar reaching coastal views Hayloft arn used as a successful holiday let Easy access to the north coast


CL--75--ED--Westworld/John Bray--1.00 v2.indd 3

03/07/2018 16:08


e s i d para


We discover a stylish development offering beachside living on the north Cornwall coast.


ocated just a stone’s throw from one of Cornwall’s most beautiful beaches, extending the stunning outdoors inside was integral to the design of each exclusive home at The Rocks at Holywell Bay. This stylish development has been created by award-winning Legacy Properties to complement its surroundings and offer the ultimate in contemporary Cornish coastal living. Building homes in some of the most soughtafter locations in the county, the team at Legacy have worked closely with the architects on this development to orient each home to ma imise the magnificent views of the bay. s you walk through the house you can’t help but frequently feel the connection to the outdoors and the call of the ocean.


CL--75--ED--Legacy Properties--2.00.indd 2

03/07/2018 15:36


e ve created a natural flow with these houses, blurring the lines between indoor and outdoor living that’s perfectly in keeping with the surroundings,” says Nick Long, Legacy Properties’ Managing Director. nd the surroundings here are pretty special. Holywell Bay is a hidden gem of a village, tucked away between Penhale Point and Kelsey Head. Miles of golden sandy beaches, dunescapes, dramatic cliff tops and ocean vistas are part of the fabric of everyday life. It’s no wonder this unspoilt corner of Cornwall has been used as one of the backdrops for the BBC’s B FT winning series oldark. “We build homes in some of the most sought-after locations in the county,” says Nick, “and it’s crucial that we do those sites justice in terms of architecture, craftsmanship and finish. nd, of course, the interior of each four bedroomed house at The Rocks reflects the quality, craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail that’s made Legacy multiple award-winners. Locally sourced materials are used in beautiful open-plan living, kitchen and dining spaces with wide planked oak flooring a natural material that again links with the coastal outdoors. There’s even remote access underfloor heating to keep you cosy through the winter months, and a separate utility room that’s all plumbed in and ready to go. The kitchens have been hand-crafted here in Cornwall by renowned designer Treyone at its nearby workshop. They feature stylish stone composite worktops, stainless steel sinks and integrated Neff appliances. ll rooms are fitted with dimmable down lights and state-of-the-art speakers and the landscaped south-facing back garden is the ultimate place to entertain family and friends after a day at the beach.

pstairs the bedrooms are all fitted with pure wool carpets and the master bedroom has built-in Italian wardrobes and an en-suite bathroom, finished with contemporary fittings and electric heated towel rails. arge floor to ceiling patio doors flood the master bedroom with light for a spacious, airy feel. nd you re connected to the outdoors again here via a beautiful patio topped with millboard decking and finished with frameless glass balustrade so that nothing can spoil your view. There’s plenty of room for entertaining in this house too with four bedrooms, plenty of indoor and outdoor space and two to three allocated parking spaces. nd of course Newquay is just a few miles away offering fabulous surf, great fine dining at Rick Stein’s, Fistral, or Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen Cornwall at Watergate Bay. There’s also a couple of golf courses close by, plenty of coastal walks for blowing away the cobwebs and sunsets to die for. Each of these ten individually designed houses is a true masterclass in bespoke, contemporary luxury. There’s a beautiful simplicity to them that can only come from a precise combination of very careful planning, premium products and e cellent design. nd a 10-year NHBC Buildmark warranty gives peace of mind for years to come. These stunning properties are sure to be snapped up quickly so why not arrange a viewing and experience them for yourself?


LEFT Contemporary architecture contrasting with the rugged north Cornwall coast BELOW CENTRE A room with a view BELOW Clean lines combine with beautiful simplicity é ABOVE Muted greys bringing a feeling of tranquilty

U n it 2 b , Q u in td o w n B u s in e s s P a r k , Q u in tr e ll D o w n s , N e w q u a y T R 8 4 D S w w w .le g a c y p r o p e r tie s .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED--Legacy Properties--2.00.indd 3

03/07/2018 15:36

Stunning Hardwood Floors TreConcepts creates high quality flooring designs tailored to your requirements.

Call. 01872 492 029 ¡ Showroom open Monday to Friday at Mount Pleasant Eco Park, Chapel Hill, Porthtowan, Cornwall TR4 8HL

1.00 Template.indd 1 Untitled-7 1

19/09/2017 11:31 27/04/2017 16:33


R o c k N e w q u a y



S t Iv e s




ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

This historic property is nestled within the heart of Penryn town and affords wonderful views of the river.



GUIDE GUIDEPRICE: PRICE:£300,000 £425,000


16 High Street, Falmouth TR11 2AB 01326 450020

riginally dating back to 1602, this Grade II listed, four-bedroom cottage was once the home of prominent Penryn merchant Tristam Lord and lies within that historic market town. The property has oodles of character and charm with spacious and light rooms throughout and a garden area to potter around in which also boasts a lovely garden studio. The reception room features a traditional Cornish stone wall, which extends up to the second floor and brings some of the natural elements of Cornwall inside. Exposed wooden beams and wooden flooring give a nautical feel to the building, which reflects its close pro imity to the river, views of which can be enjoyed from both floors. Three double bedrooms, a shower room and a family bathroom with a double-ended bath make this property ideal for families, especially due to its close proximity to Penryn School. Penryn itself has a wealth of things to do on its doorstep, including Jubilee Wharf – a creative learning space of makers and movers, boasting artist studios and yoga as well as a beautiful child day care centre and the Muddy Beach Café. Bohill really is brilliantly situated in more ways than one, and boat lovers especially will enjoy its close proximity to numerous Falmouth and Penryn based moorings.

INFORMATION 4 b e d ro o m s G r a d e II lis te d C e lla r r o o m In th e h e a rt o f P e n ry n C h a ra c te r c o tta g e O ff- s tr e e t p a r k in g N o o n w a r d c h a in W a te r v ie w s


CL--75--ED--Harding & Wakefield--1.00.indd 37

06/07/2018 15:12


R o c k N e w q u a y



ll B o d m in



S t Iv e s

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

SPRINGFIELD HOUSE An impressive and deceptively spacious five bedroom Victorian residence offering fantastic living accommodation.

INFORMATION D e ta c h e d V ic to r ia n h o u s e S e t w ith in a n a c r e p lo t F iv e b e d r o o m s


F o u r r e c e p tio n r o o m s F iv e b a th r o o m s P a r k in g fo r s e v e r a l v e h ic le s L a rg e g a ra g e E s ta b lis h e d g a r d e n s P e r io d fe a tu r e s S e p a r a te u tility r o o m a n d b o o t ro o m

his grand detached property is situated in a quiet, convenient location, set back from the road in the sought after village, St Columb Major. Once the focal point of a large farming estate, the house exudes character and charm, with an abundance of original features, making it a very distinctive and gracious property. A beautiful entrance hall welcomes you with a traditional wooden staircase and matching flooring. On the ground floor you’ll find the drawing room with the dining room next door, perfect for entertaining, with both enjoying original fireplaces. further reception room to the rear could be used as a study, playroom or, alternatively, a sixth bedroom! Through to the kitchen/breakfast room and you’ll love the full height windows and patio doors, which allow plenty of natural light in, also providing access to the back garden. The kitchen is well fitted with a range of modern shaker style units, an integral dishwasher and space for a range cooker, and a delightful window seat allows you to take the weight off your feet and enjoy the views of the front garden. A lovely bathroom completes the ground floor layout with a claw foot bath, perfect for a long soak. Upstairs, an impressive landing leads to four double bedrooms, all of which except one en oy modern en suites. There’s also a

separate shower room and a further staircase leading to the fifth double bedroom in the attic, currently used for storage. Set within an acre plot with private, beautifully kept gardens, there are fruit trees to be found and a kitchen garden to fuel your foodie flair, and the surrounding trees offer privacy and shade, ideal for a tranquil woodland stroll around the grounds. This wonderful property certainly won’t be on the market for long, so be sure to book a viewing with the team at My Place in Cornwall.


GUIDE PRICE £625,000

Unit 18, Callywith Gate, Bodmin, Cornwall PL31 2RQ 01208 813874


CL--75--ED--My Place in Cornwall--1.00.indd 2

06/07/2018 09:27


We supply and install Electric Heating Systems to suit every budget. Call us for a quote today

Our showroom has everything from limestone & marble surrounds to hole-in-the-wall gas & electric fires and furniture. Our bespoke fireplaces are made to fit your home perfectly.



01872 572 303

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Cornwall’s premier, family run, flooring & bed specialist We pride ourselves on the very high standard of service we provide. As Cornwall’s premier flooring company it is essential for us to maintain this quality of service at all times and provide each customer with an enjoyable, informative and stress free experience from initial enquiry to completed installation.

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76859 01208 our Bodmin p into e

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01208 76859 • Bodmin Flooring Centre • Dunmere Road • Bodmin • Cornwall • PL31 2QN Showroom open Monday - Saturday 9:00am until 5:00pm

045.indd 1

06/07/2018 09:21


THE MARK OF SUCCESS Following on from being awarded the title of 'Best Estate Agency in Cornwall 2017/18’, we catch up with Rohrs & Rowe to find out how they’ve been getting on so far in 2018.


rom chatting to the team, it seems like their early successes are continuing at pace in 2018 and that at the time of winning their award, they’d only shown but a fraction of their potential. From what we hear and see, they are proving their niche offering is now excelling in the market place. Their vision and approach of creating something completely different to traditional agencies is now being seen in the sales results which they have achieved in the earlier selling season of 2018. According to the country’s leading property portal, Rightmove, between 1st January and the end of May, they agreed more open market sales of houses above £750,000 across Cornwall than any other agent. This is quite an achievement for a company in only its second full year of trading and with several established competitors within the market. In


CL--75--ED--Rohrs & Rowe--2.00.indd 2

06/07/2018 15:18



RIGHT Dramatic and beautiful photography is crucial in any marketing strategy MIDDLE Rohrs & Rowe market property in some of Cornwall's most beautiful locations

MAIN Drone photography is a major part of R&R's marketing strategy LEFT Martyn Rohrs and Matthew Rowe

addition, the company has also successfully sold numerous properties off market too. They state the results they are probably most proud of though is that a large number of their sales have been on properties which had previously been for sale with other agencies and quite often for a long time. Rohrs & Rowe's renowned marketing style and innovative campaigns are a major part of their successes and now they are actively seeking more properties, to add to their portfolio of offerings. They have many active buyers looking across a broad spectrum of prices and locations, for similar aspirational properties for which the brand is now synonymous. Martyn and Matthew explain: “As with everything we do, we aspire to be the best we possibly can. We hope that our passion for the houses we sell and the county in which we live, comes through in everything we do. We are beyond delighted that our recent sales figures back up the award that we were so proud to receive and we would be delighted to confidentially speak with anyone who feels that our marketing style, brand and most importantly, experience could help them, even if they already have their house for sale. The incredible response we have received from the market gives us a great deal of confidence and proves that our unique approach really does work in grabbing the attention of the best buyers.” With over 50 years of combined agency experience within the company, and a dynamic in-house marketing team, Rohrs & Rowe attribute their success to some simple, but incredibly powerful ingredients: experience, correct and honest advice, passion, unbounded enthusiasm, attention to detail in their marketing and exceptional personal service. This boutique and personal approach clearly shows why the company were

recognised in their fledgling stages as Best Estate Agency in Cornwall”; they continue to go from strength to strength and we very much look forward to seeing more of their excellent offerings over the coming months here at Cornwall Living, similar to the four fabulous properties they have featured with us this month.


0 1 8 7 2 3 0 6 3 6 0 i n f o @r o h r s a n d r o w e . c o . u k w w w .ro h rs a n d ro w e .c o .u k

We hope that our passion for the houses we sell, and the county in which we live comes through in everything we do.

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED--Rohrs & Rowe--2.00.indd 3

06/07/2018 15:18

NEW FURNITURE SHOWROOM A one of a kind destination for furniture, interiors & gifts H AW K S F I E L D AT L A N T I C H I G H W AY WA D E B R I D G E W W W. J OA N D C O H O M E . C O M

CL--75--AD--Jo & Co--0.5.indd 1

furniture furniture | lighting | lighting | sofas | sofas floor floor & wall & wall coverings coverings | accessories | accessories City City Road, Road, Truro, Truro, TR1 TR1 2JL2JL

Follow us @ J OA N D C O H O M E accessories| accessories| gifts gifts for for himhim & her & her jewellery jewellery | stationary | stationary | homewares | homewares 5 Boscawen 5 Boscawen St, St, Truro, Truro, TR1 TR1 2EL 2EL

048.indd 1

PL27 7LR

25/06/2018 14:30

uneeka.home uneeka.home

CL--75--AD--Uneeka--0.5.indd 1


café.uneeka café.uneeka upstairs upstairs 25/06/2018 14:48

06/07/2018 09:23

t s a o c e h t o t e r i t e R We find out from Churchill Retirement Living why Mount’s Bay Lodge, Penzance could be the ideal location in which to start your next chapter.

F ABOVE AND BELOW Stunning harbour views from Mount's Bay Lodge RIGHT At Mount's Bay Lodge you've got fantastic access to the South West Coast Path

or coastal destinations, it really doesn’t get any better than Penzance, offering striking views across Mount’s Bay to the iconic St Michael’s Mount and blessed with one of the mildest climates in the UK. Penzance's seafront promenade stretches from the harbour to the fishing port of Newlyn and the picturesque village of Mousehole and is ideal for walkers and cyclists alike. In the summer, one of the most popular spots is Jubilee Pool, Cornwall’s much-celebrated art deco lido offering superb views and one of the best places to swim in the open air. Further afield the outh est Coast ath between Penzance and St Ives attracts visitors year after year with its breath-taking views, impressive granite scenery and historic engine houses. It is exactly this combination of striking scenery, leisure activities and amenities within easy walking distance that bring people back to Penzance time after time, so for those looking for an independent, active and secure retirement, Mount’s Bay Lodge from Churchill Retirement Living may be just the answer. The development offers a collection of 50 one and two-bedroom retirement apartments located opposite the picturesque harbour,

home to Penzance Sailing Club and the Isles of Scilly ferry. Many apartments enjoy glorious uninterrupted views and feature generous balconies to take advantage of the enviable waterfront location, whilst local shopping is within walking distance in Market Jew Street and Alverton Road. So, if you’re excited to embark upon the next chapter in your life but you want to ensure you make the most of it, why not contact the Churchill Retirement Living team and discover the by-the-sea lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of?

CHURCHILL RETIREMENT LIVING 0 8 0 0 4 5 8 1 8 4 9 w w w .c h u r c h illr e tir e m e n t.c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k

DISCOVER MORE Sandy beaches, dramatic coastlines and beautiful countryside are all within easy reach of Churchill Retirement Living’s other Cornish developments – Perran Lodge in Newquay and Tregolls Lodge in Truro, Cornwall’s cathedral city.


CL--75--ED--Churchill Retirment Living--1.00.indd 3

04/07/2018 14:11

Luxury holiday homes Own a holiday home with Peter Bull Resorts and choose from three spectacular coastal locations, all along the beautiful North Coast of Cornwall. With a selection of preloved caravans and brand new luxury holiday homes

Choose Peter Bull Resorts • 12 month season • Walk to the Beach • Pay monthly with 8.2% APR finance • Sublet programme available • No stamp duties, council tax or legal fees • Dog friendly parks • Choose from one of our newplots No site fees until 2021 on selected holiday homes

Save up to £10,000 on selected models | 01637 852000 Untitled-16 1

22/06/2018 11:43


GET OUTSIDE THIS SUMMER Enjoy the warm wooden tones of luxury teak garden furniture this summer.


he summer solstice has been and gone and the reminder that our days will slowly become shorter draws us outside and into our gardens to savour the long and lazy days of summer. Many an evening is spent sitting in the garden, hosting INSET Teak outdoor and enjoying barbeques and generally making dining set with the most of the great Cornish summer. parasol umbrella The more time we spend in our gardens and matching seat however, the more we may notice the little cushions improvements that we’ve been meaning to make. If you’ve been thinking about updating your garden furniture this year, it couldn’t be a better time to invest in some new outdoor pieces so that you can enjoy the height of summer in comfort. We absolutely love the feel of solid wood furniture, especially in our gardens surrounded by greenery and trees. The natural tone and grain of wood is totally befitting of an outdoor space. Patio Furniture Ltd has a huge range of teak garden furniture, which they carry in stock ready for delivery. Following our visit earlier in the year, we catch up with Emily who e plains the benefits of going for teak furniture. She tells us: “We’ve always got plenty of special offers, new products, ideas and discounts to tempt you. Each month we have a new selection of two to six seater teak garden furniture sets, including cushions ABOVE é The entire range is on display at the Rustic House showroom in Par

and parasols, available in a selection of colours and with astonishing discounts to help you completely refresh your garden.” The timeless appeal and outstanding durability of teak furniture is built to last with very little maintenance, so you can enjoy your furniture for many years to come. Plus, with regular showroom exclusive deals and savings, it’s definitely worth dropping in to the showroom at Rustic House in Par, where the friendly and knowledgeable staff are always on hand to help you find what you’re looking for. From dining sets to benches and loungers there’s something to suit all tastes and requirements, so take a look at the collection and enjoy the rest of your summer outside in complete comfort.

RUSTIC HOUSE P a r M 0 1 7 2 w w w w w w

o o r R o a d , P a r P L 2 4 2 S Q 6 8 1 7 5 6 7 .r u s tic h o u s e .c o .u k .p a tio - fu r n itu r e .c o .u k

DID YOU KNOW? When summer comes to an end these simple jobs will help maintain your teak furniture: 1. Clean down your furniture taking care not to damage the surface of the wood 2. Fill any small cracks or openings with exterior wood glue to prevent the wood splitting 3. Lightly sand surfaces as desired with fine sandpaper 4. Check fixings on folding chairs and tables 5. Apply a coat of wood treatment 6. Place it in a sheltered position 7. If you’re using a waterproof cover, place some wood blocks underneath so that the cover doesn’t rest on the furniture, this will allow air to circulate and prevent condensation 8. Apply an algae and mould treatment to keep your furniture looking great over the winter months, ready for next spring

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED--Rustic House with Zaza Homes--1.00.indd 3

02/07/2018 17:07



Our range consists of the best that the UK and Europe has to offer when it comes to quality and efficiency.

AT THE HEARTH OF THE HOME We catch up with Simon, Managing Director of Kernow Fires, and get his take on what sets this impressive Cornish company apart. é MAIN From traditional cottages to ultramodern waterside homes, Kernow Fires have a stove to suit every home. Architects from Arco2 helped realise this stunning home by the water


hose who keep up with Cornwall Living will have read about Kernow Fires before, a fantastic Cornish business that specialises in high-end wood burning stoves, with an expert team that always goes the extra mile. According to Simon, Kernow Fires’ Managing Director, there are a number of qualities that set this company apart from the crowd, and skill is one of the most important. “Our installers are all brought onto the team because they offer something extra. This might mean they come from the building trade, are a painter decorator, have outstanding people skills or, in some cases, an untapped ability. We try to make the teams up with two personalities that complement each other, which means they enjoy their work while offering the right set of skills to ensure every job is completed to the highest standard, leaving the property exactly how they found it.” He introduces us to installation expert, Ross. Like Simon, Ross has a keen eye for detail, which can often be the difference between a simple installation and one that’s that extra-

Millard & Flo, Interior & Lighting Design, photo: Daniel Scott


bit special. “The installers all recognise the importance of paying attention to the small details, which has gained them a reputation for going that extra mile to ensure the finished result always looks great. ou may have seen pictures on our social media of the lads celebrating after a job with big grins and thumbs up, proof that they really do take pride in their work!” Of course, nowadays the ‘green’ agenda is very much at the front of our minds, especially when it comes to our homes and how we heat them. Simon and the team’s ethos aligns itself with this: “Our range consists of the best that the UK and Europe has to offer when it comes to quality and e ciency. This is a key part of the business and one that takes up a great deal of my time! However, having a quality product for both the fires and flue systems that we install ensures our stoves will last for years.” It’s no wonder that where other installers are short of work, Kernow Fires are already booking jobs into September! The team’s sterling reputation can also, in part, be accredited to the design service they


CL--75--ED--Kernow Fires--2.00.indd 2

05/07/2018 14:39

RIGHT Architecs from Harrison Sutton Partnership helped create this beautiful space

Millard & Flo, Interior & Lighting, photo: Daniel Scott

é ABOVE It’s easy to see how a Kernow Fires stove could change your home


Millard & Flo, Interior & Lighting Design, photo: Daniel Scott


Installation innovation

offer, and it’s here that Simon and the team have really stepped things up a gear. Working to each client’s individual needs, from simple open fire replacements to installing feature walls, Kernow Fires have been known to transform rooms with the installation of fireplaces, log stores, storage units, shelving, even furniture! This is thanks to sister company, Kernow Metals, and the master craftsmanship of Designer Jamie. Jamie is able to fabricate metal work, fully upholster and add any paint effects to individually designed pieces, creating stunning, bespoke furniture to match and complement its environment, and a number of interior designers from London have already placed their ideas in Jamie’s capable hands. Impressive! ou’d be forgiven for thinking this is all too good to be true, but don’t just take our word for it; we did a little digging and found this review from one very happy customer, who says e had a double sided fire installed in the wall between the kitchen and living room. Our house is old and the wall is very thick as it used to be an exterior wall. Other companies were quite negative about the

Keeping things cosy, whatever the style

prospect of what we wanted, but Ross visited us and provided an exciting option for a design that evolved during the installation. The team from Kernow Fires were amazing, especially Ross, Tommy and Lee, who all dealt with a di cult ob with enthusiasm and incredible skill. They’ve left us with an ama ingly beautiful fire that has completely changed our house.”


U n it 2 , T r e n a n t In d u s tr ia l E s ta te , W a d e b r id g e P L 2 7 6 H B 0 1 2 0 8 8 1 2 5 2 7 info

DISCOVER MORE If you’re looking for bespoke furniture to complement your interior design scheme, Kernow Metals Designer, Jamie, has been commissioned for a number of individual pieces for designers in some of London’s most fashionable areas, so you know you’re in good hands!

ind more like this


CL--75--ED--Kernow Fires--2.00.indd 3

05/07/2018 14:39


A NEW LEASE OF LIFE In a recent project CSA Architects have expertly restored a beautiful Grade II listed house


he Old Vicarage (Elynglas) is a Grade II listed house, which is nestled in the village of Cubert near Newquay on Cornwall’s north coast. When the property changed hands, the new owners appointed CSA Architects to develop proposals and obtain revised Planning and Listed Building Consent to restore the vicarage to its former glory. CSA tailored the proposals to suit the individual requirements of the new owners, who needed a large home suitable to comfortably accommodate the whole family. Director Louisa Meek tells us: “We took careful consideration of the client's brief and also of the findings and recommendations put forward by the Archaeological Team”, allowing the company to carefully execute the internal alterations to provide both practical and modern living accommodation for the family, and to simultaneously appreciate the historic character of the building and outbuildings. Elynglas has since been transformed from a worn out, damp, Grade II listed Victorian vicarage to a beautiful, warm and inviting family home. The combined diligence of the design team, client and contractor delivered a successful project, within a strict budget, despite the constraints associated with a listed building of this nature. Currently in use by both the family and as a holiday cottage, the sympathetic renovations and alterations have both enhanced, and preserved Elynglas for future generations to enjoy.

CSA’s valuable input on this renovation hasn’t gone unnoticed and they were shortlisted for not one but two building awards, the LABC Building Excellence and Cornish Building Awards. Louisa explains: “The judges were very impressed by the building, they particularly liked the attention to detail in the restoration of the historic structure, the high-quality renewal of so many original features and the careful recreation of lost details where appropriate.” Louisa continues: “They were also impressed by how we restored the parts of the house that faced the village and noticed that they had been handled with considerable respect.” After viewing the expert restoration of the house, the judges even agreed that they would very much like to live there themselves and it was a particular delight to see such a fine house being restored to family use, so we think you’ll agree it was a resounding success all around!

ABOVE é Sympathetically restored exterior INSETS é From damp interior to cosy and inviting accomodation

CSA ARCHITECTS S t P ir a n H o u s e , T r u r o T H e ro n W a y , T ru ro T R 1 0 1 8 7 2 2 6 5 3 1 0 i n f o @c s a - a r c h i t e c t s . c o w w w .c s a - a r c h ite c ts .c o

e c h n o lo g y P a r k , 2 X N

.u k .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED--CSA Architects--1.00.indd 2

05/07/2018 10:15

n o i t a r b Cele Offer


% 25 OFF*

*See website for details

A special promotion from us to you. We have just reached a great 15 year milestone with our factory. We can give you an amazing discount of 25% on our beautiful DoveWood range, 20% discount on our ever popular CraftWood range and 15% discount on our top of the range LindenWood. You do need to act fast though as this celebration offer is strictly time limited.

01392 342081 T2734 JS 2018 JULY Cornwall Liv 85.5x244 OFFER.indd 1 055.indd 1

18/06/2018 11:02 06/07/2018 09:24


A toast!

Celebrating two of Cornwall’s most successful artisan businesses.


CL--75--ED--Cornish Bed Company--2.00 v3.indd 2

06/07/2018 15:26


é ABOVE Par's historic railway house is the perfect spot in which to showcase CBC's beautiful beds

INSET MIDDLE Some of Cornwall's finest designers, architects and hoteliers met at the CBC foundry


op interior designers, architects, and hoteliers from across the West Country came together recently to toast two of Cornwall’s most successful artisan businesses. The Cornish Bed Company, which hand casts a range of metal beds at its foundry in the heart of Cornwall, joined forces with award-winning lighting and furniture designer, Tom Ra eld, at a special summer party to salute craftsmanship in the county. The bed company’s long-held ethos is to create beautiful bed frames built to last a lifetime, its small team of skilled artisans honing timehonoured techniques championed by their Victorian forefathers. Each bed frame is hand-poured using traditional gravity casting and then individually numbered, creating a bespoke product for every customer. The iron beds are coated in a choice of colours and the brass frames skilfully lacquered by hand. The company’s foundry, in Par’s historic railway roundhouse, is one of the last in the country to manufacture beds in this way, flying the flag for sustainability and creating sought after pieces of furniture which stand the test of time. The impressive loft space above the foundry, a masterclass in industrial chic, was an ideal canvas against which to showcase the beds, complemented by selected pieces from Tom Ra eld’s e tensive furniture and lighting collection. Guests were treated to a tour of the foundry, giving them the chance to see first hand the entire manufacturing process. e’re confident that we produce some of the finest beds found anywhere in the world and we’re proud that we do it all in Cornwall,” says Director, Garry Smith. “We champion authenticity and craftsmanship; it really is as far from the production line as you could get, and that is

evidenced by the quality of our beds”. Based in a woodland workshop in the Trevarno alley in west Cornwall, Tom Ra eld designs and and crafts a range of contemporary furniture and lighting using the age old method of steam bending. As well as boasting an impressive domestic order book, Tom Ra eld now en oys a global platform, taking on special commissions for restaurants, hotels and residential projects across the world.

THE CORNISH BED COMPANY T h e R o u n P a r P L 2 4 0 1 7 2 6 8 2 w w w .c o rn

d h o u s e , 2 4 H a rb o u r R o a d , 2 B B 5 1 8 2 is h b e d s .c o .u k

DISCOVER MORE Inspired by nature and shaped by steam, to see Tom Raffield’s beautiful range of furniture and lighting visit:

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED--Cornish Bed Company--2.00 v3.indd 3

06/07/2018 15:26




A local Company specialising in double glazing since 1995.

Over the course of our history we have provided installations for numerous companies consisting of schools, hotels, shop fronts, industrial sites, and the refurbishment of the local golf clubs, although our main clientele comprise of individual clients across the South West region, who testify their contentment with the high standards and professionalism of the service received during and after installation.


Highlighting the Companies commitment to customer care and supplying a quality service we are affiliated with FENSA, the Glass and Glazing Federation, and Trustmark.

Our extensive product range includes, windows, doors, conservatories and orangeries in a choice of PVCu or aluminium. Call us on: 01288 356 541 or see our website at for further products.

058.indd 1

06/07/2018 09:25



t n e g l i ndu With luxury design and comfort at its core, we introduce new, innovative brand, Oyster Catcher Coastal.

ABOVE é Whilst paying homage to the quality of the originals, the 'Basket' is brought up to date with modern day materials and technology TOP RIGHT The 'Basket' in all its glory INSET Indulge yourself


his fantastic new company was founded because the team wanted to bring the history of the ‘Basket’ up to date. But what is a Basket? Rewind to Germany in the days of the Kaiser, circa , when the very first version of this type of wicker seat was designed by the Royal basket maker. According to the Oyster team, they were placed on benches, allowing the gentry who had taken the waters of the Baltic sea to relax and enjoy the elements in mid-summer, as well as in early spring and late autumn. This early basket gave them protection from the environment at either end of the summer. Now fast-forward to 2018, and Oyster Catcher Coastal have brought the Basket up to date, turning it into a garden accessory that will simply embed itself into your home, offering comfort throughout the seasons. Brimming with history and packed with practicality, the Oyster team have also ensured that this fabulous chair oozes elegance. Boasting three stylish models – Hamptons, Cape Cod and Nantucket – there is a level of both sophistication and versatility to these outdoor accessories that allows them to be uniquely tailored to your personal taste. Whether it’s the contemporary design of Hamptons, the nautical feel of Nantucket or the traditional charm of Cape Cod, Oyster Catcher Coastal offer a range of different features in each model, and a list of extra options are available to be added, making

your basket completely unique to you and your home. From an additional cocktail table to a champagne bucket holder, the team have thought of everything so that you can make the most of an afternoon spent basking in the sunshine. The best part is that even if the wind starts to pick up, your bespoke basket is designed to protect you from all sides, with the hood overhead keeping away those pesky breezes. Made from high-quality materials, with a durable yet aesthetically pleasing design, a Basket from Oyster Catcher Coastal is a real luxury, one that we certainly recommend treating yourself to over the coming summer months!

OYSTER CATCHER COASTAL w w w .o y s te r c a tc h e r c o a s ta l.c o m

DISCOVER MORE To see one of these marvellous Baskets in action, the Nantucket Basket is currently on display at Lucy Orr Interiors in Rock, where you’ll find plenty of inspiration for fitting one into your own lifestyle!

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED--Oyster Catcher Coastal--1.00.indd 3

04/07/2018 15:37


g n i h s i Rel

THE CHALLENGE No task is too much for the team at Three Rivers Furniture, an independent, family-run Cornish business.

C ABOVE The Three Rivers team are experts at delivering to awkward or remote locations, including Truro Cathedral’s bell ringing chamber RIGHT BELOW Good old-fashioned quality is always guaranteed

ornwall has more than its fair share of beautiful and unusual buildings, often with quirky interior layouts or nestled into relatively remote or di cult to access locations, whether deep in the countryside or perched on the cliffs. hile this all adds to the charm and uni ue identity of a property, it can create some logistical challenges, particularly when it comes to delivering and installing new furniture. One company, however, that seems to genuinely relish the challenge this presents is Truro’s Three Rivers Furniture an independent, family owned furniture store displaying a vast range of uality oak, mango and acacia furniture, and specialising in nglish made pine furniture and mattresses. The showroom is in the heart of the city centre, in the shadow of the great cathedral, so it’s fitting that the company was chosen by the diocese to supply and fit a new bookcase, as tore anager atthew e plains. e had a bookcase made that would split into five pieces to enable it to go up the tower and then be reassembled in the bell ringing chamber. t seems that even small stone spiralled staircases won’t stop the team from completing a ob The team can deliver locally to the room of your choice, assemble your new purchase and even recycle all packaging for you. uch of the store’s furniture is made here in the est Country, enabling it to offer multiple paint finishes, semi bespoke si es and a wide range of items that are simply unbeatable in quality – that’s good old-fashioned quality, from dovetail drawers to solid drawer bottoms. From modern dining tables to reclaimed pine chests, atthew continues, our furniture is built to last. ith customer parking, a huge range in store and plenty advice on offer, Three Rivers Furniture is the place to go to furnish your home, however remote or di cult to access it may be

THREE RIVERS FURNITURE 9 6 -9 7 K e n w y n S tre e t, T ru ro T R 1 3 B A 0 1 8 7 2 2 7 1 5 3 5 w w w .th r e e r iv e r s fu r n itu r e .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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04/07/2018 14:02

St Mawes Sailing Club Regatta Day Philip Martin are the Proud Quayside Sponsor As part of Falmouth Week 2018 Philip Martin are delighted to sponsor the quayside events for the St Mawes sailing club regatta day on Friday 17th August. Falmouth Week offers an action packed week of top level racing in a fun atmosphere using a variety of courses during the week. Contact Philip Martin for more information.

Sailing | Food | Bar | Music St Mawes Sailing Club, No 1 the Quay, St Mawes, TR2 5DG | Hosting day: Friday 17th August | Location: Latitude: 50.158397930500 Longitude: 5.016202926640

Truro 01872 242244

St Mawes 01326 270008


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06/07/2018 15:25

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06/07/2018 15:25

The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

4,500 £ T O








n i W IONS • C

Got to

EXPERIENCE Our ultimate guide to some of the best experiences in Cornwall


T R AV E L • A R T • F O O D • C O M P E T I T I O N S • S H O P P I N G • I N T E R I O R S • B O AT S CL--74--ED--GTGT Cover-FINAL.indd 1

06/07/2018 17:03




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onds Go from sky high to freefall in sec ! this do can s Kid on The Giant Swing. g. 25k ght: wei Min k. boo No need to


Mud, sweat & cheers for savages. Book a session & get busy hurling axes. Suitable for 12 years & up. 1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1




SINCE 2009

05/07/2018 11:36

Pr o d u c t i o n E d i t o r H a n n a h T a p p in g h a n n a h . t a p p i n g @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k C o n te n t M a n a g e r D a n W a rd e n D e s ig n M a n a g e r C h lo e S e a r le D e s ig n J a m ie C r o c k e r – S p e n c e r H a w e s M e d J a s o B e th p ro d

ia n a u

& M a rk F le tc h e n y A lle n c t i o n @e

e tin g r - M - C a n g in

A s e g a itlin e h o

s is n M u s

ta S e c L e m

n ts a r le in to c k e d ia .c o .u k


F or all e d i t ori al, p rod u c t i on, m ark e t i ng or d e s i g n e nq u i ri e s : 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2


C r e d it C o n tr o l T ra c y D a rt – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 t r a c y . d a r t @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k A c c o u n ts M a n a g e r C h a r lo tte F o r s te r – 0 7 7 1 4 7 1 8 4 7 1 c h a r l o t t e . f o r s t e r @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k

to Cornwall Living’s GOT TO EXPERIENCE

B u s in e s s D e v e lo p m e n t M a n a g e r s S a m R o b e rts – 0 7 9 4 6 4 9 1 3 5 8 s a m . r o b e r t s @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k

Celebrating the ultimate lifestyle by the sea

G e o ff P u llin – 0 7 5 3 5 5 8 5 6 1 3 g e o f f . p u l l i n @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k

For our 75th issue we have collated a wonderful selection of shops, stays, destinations and activities that we think you’ve really got to experience! From the coast to the countryside, why not take a moment to sit back, relax, pour yourself a glass of something cold and enjoy the stunning photography which graces the following pages.

Ia n G ra n t – 0 7 5 0 4 0 0 7 9 4 1 i a n . g r a n t @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k M e d ia S a le s E x e c u tiv e s B e n W o r m in g to n – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 2 b e n . w o r m i n g t o n @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k

Once you’ve soaked up the scenes, make sure you enter our ‘Win it all’ competition, from page 104, with a prize fund worth over £4,500! Enter now at


D e s G lo v e r – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 2 1 d e s . g l o v e r @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k M e d ia S a le s A d m in is tr a to r C la ir e B e n tle y Operations Manager M ig u e l B e le r t

C o m m e r c ia l D ir e c to r J o n a th a n P e r k in s – 0 7 5 8 7 0 7 2 7 0 6 j o n a t h a n . p e r k i n s @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k M a n a g in g D ir e c to r B e n P ra tc h e tt – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 b e n . p r a t c h e t t @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k G r o u p D ir e c to r A n d y F o rs te r – 0 7 7 1 1 1 6 0 5 9 0 a n d y . f o r s t e r @e n g i n e h o u s e m e d i a . c o . u k


Cornwall L i v i ng i s p u b li s h e d b y : E N G IN E H O U S E M E D IA L T D H o l b r o o k, T h e M o o r s, P o r t h l e ev n , C o r n w a l l T R 1 3 9 JX www. e ng i ne h ou s e m e d i a. c o. u k www. le v e nm e d i ag rou p . c o. u k E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td is a m u lti- p la tfo r m m e d ia b u s in e s s w ith a p a s s io n fo r e v e r y th in g Cornish. Visit to find out more. Our mission is to create R E A D - W A T C H - E X P E R IE N C E m e d ia o p p o r tu n itie s m a r r y in g to g e th e r c o n s u m e r s w ith th e fabulous businesses across Cornwall. Our publishing and marketing teams are specialists in c r e a tin g p r in t a n d o n - lin e c o m m u n ic a tio n s , d e v is e d to a c h ie v e a r a n g e o f m a r k e tin g o b je c tiv e s . W ith o v e r 2 0 y e a r s o f m a r k e tin g , b r a n d m a n a g e m e n t a n d m a g a z in e e x p e r ie n c e w e d e v e lo p e ffe c tiv e c o m m u n ic a tio n s th a t d e liv e r y o u r m e s s a g e in a c r e d ib le a n d c r e a tiv e w a y . W e o p e r a te a c r o s s a ll m e d ia c h a n n e ls , in c lu d in g : p r in t, o n lin e a n d v id e o .

IS S N 2 0 4 9 -8 4 6 2

© A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . M a te r ia l m a y n o t b e r e - p r o d u c e d w ith o H o u s e M e d ia L td . W h ile C o r n w a ll L iv in g w ill ta k e e v e r y c a r e o n p r o p e r tie s a n d fe a tu r e s , n e ith e r E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td a n y lia b ility fo r r e a d e r d is s a tis fa c tio n a r is in g fr o m e d ito r ia l fe fe a tu r e d in th e s e p a g e s . E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia r e s e r v e s t h e a r tic le o r m a te r ia l s u p p lie d fo r p u b lic a tio n o r to e d it s u c h m E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td c a n n o t ta k e r e s p o n s ib ility fo r lo s s m a te r ia ls . T h e o p in io n s e x p r e s s e d o r a d v ic e g iv e n in th e p in d iv id u a l a u th o r s a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a r ily r e p r e s e n t th e v ie M e d ia L td . It is s u g g e s te d th a t fu r th e r a d v ic e is ta k e n o v e r r e a d in g a n y p a r t o f th is m a g a z in e .

Share your stories

ON THE COVER Drone shot of Mousehole harbour by Matthew Burtwell


Operations Co-ordinator A d a m P a rro tt

u t th e p e r m is s io n o f E n g to h e lp r e a d e r s w ith r e p n o r its c o n tr ib u to r s c a n a tu r e s , e d ito r ia l o r a d v e r r ig h t to a c c e p t o r r e je c t a te r ia l p r io r to p u b lic a tio o r d a m a g e o f s u p p lie d u b lic a tio n a r e th e v ie w s w s o r p o lic ie s o f E n g in e a n y a c tio n s r e s u ltin g fr o

in e o rts a c c e p t tis in g a n y n . o f th e H o u s e m

Witnessed a beautiful sunset? Tried the tastiest fish in Cornwall? We’d love to see what you’ve been up to…

Featuring 66

The ultimate lifestyle


Creekside Cottages


Budock Vean Hotel


Summerhouse Gallery


Mullion Cove Hotel

90 Waverunner Safari


Penventon Park Hotel


Ancasta Cornwall


Pentire Coastal


Virgin Balloons


Park Leisure


Cornwall Hospice Care


Carvynick Holiday Park


Slickers Doghouse


Natural Retreats


Collington & Co


The Esplanade Hotel


Wadebridge Kitchens


The Oceanic Hotel


Win it all

From coast to country

A holiday by the Helford A luxurious cliff top stay An indulgent holiday

A coastal holiday park Beautiful beaches at Bude A countryside getaway Self-catering luxury Overlooking the ocean

A slice of Cornish hospitality

Unique and individual Discover something new

Exclusive ocean adventures Making dreams a reality Flying high above Cornwall A woodland memory walk Products for your pooch Updating your home The room of your dreams Prize fund worth over £4,500


CL75--(GTE) Intro-Contents--1.00v2.indd 65

06/07/2018 16:01



•EXPERIENCE• T H E U LT I M AT E L I F E S T Y L E BY T H E S E A From making the most of Cornwall’s great outdoors with the family, to ensuring your home’s interior makes the most of its coastal or countryside location; from luxurious stays in some of the Duchy’s most sought-after locations, to taking to the skies and seeing this marvellous county from above, there are a whole host of ways in which you can make the most of your time in Cornwall. Indeed, whether you’re lacing up your boots and exploring Cornwall’s endless tapestry of woodland walks, gardens and coastal paths, or sipping a flute of something chilled while you soak up the views from your waterside cottage, take our word for it, you’ve simply got to experience the ultimate lifestyle by the sea. T h is s tu n n in g im a g e o f M o u s e h o le h a r b o u r w a s c a p tu r e d b y M a t t h e w B u r t w e ll o f A e r ia l C o r n w a ll. F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--EHM got to experience.indd 4

06/07/2018 16:05



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--EHM got to experience.indd 5

06/07/2018 16:05



•EXPERIENCE• A H O L I DAY BY T H E H E L F O R D R I V E R The Budock Vean Hotel and holiday homes are set in 65 acres and surrounded by a nine-hole golf course, gardens and woodlands leading down to the edge of the Helford river. It’s a haven for peace and quiet, a real hidden gem. With an in-house spa to pamper you, tennis courts, croquet lawn, billiards room, bar, restaurant, boat trips and kayaking, it’s somewhere that can keep you busy – or where you can fi nd plenty of uiet places to ust rela and do nothing


N r H e lfo r d P a s s a g e , M a w n a 0 1 3 2 6 w w w .b u d o c k v b u d

n S m ith , F a lm o u th T R 1 1 5 L G 2 5 0 2 8 8 e a n .c o .u k /3 6 0 o c k v e a n h o te l

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Budock Vean.indd 4

04/07/2018 15:09


Signature room

Pamper yourself

3deep Aerial

The perfect lunch


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Budock Vean.indd 5

04/07/2018 15:09



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04/07/2018 15:21



•EXPERIENCE• A S TAY AT M U L L I O N C OV E H OT E L Crashing waves and spectacular sea views. Elegant and inviting luxury rooms and apartments, amazing food and friendly staff – these are just some of the reasons guests love Mullion Cove Hotel. Set in a dramatic sea view location on the Lizard peninsula, it offers a breath-taking escape from the everyday. From dog friendly breaks to romantic coastal retreats, an outstanding and luxurious stay in Cornwall starts here.


M u llio n C o v e , L iz a r d P e n in s u la T R 1 2 7 E P 0 1 3 2 6 2 4 0 3 2 8 w w w .m u llio n - c o v e .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Mullion Cove Hotel.indd 5

04/07/2018 15:21



•EXPERIENCE• A N I N D U LG E N T A N D U N I Q U E H O L I DAY E X P E R I E N C E AT T H E P E N V E N TO N PA R K H OT E L A stay at the Penventon is a feast for the senses. The Georgian building with Italian heritage and charisma brings an element of fantasy to your visit with 63 boutique rooms, three versatile function suites, a gin bar – with 160 gins to choose from – plus an all day dining restaurant, spa, swimming pool and fitness suite Whether you’re looking for a short romantic break, a family getaway; whether you love walking or visiting Cornwall’s beautiful gardens, Penventon Hotel is well located in the heart of Cornwall between major Cornish towns. Less than a mile from the A30 – the hotel is easily accessed by road, and the train station is ust a five minute walk away, as is Redruth town centre

PENVENTON PARK HOTEL W e s t E n d , R e d ru th T R 1 5 1 T E 0 1 2 0 9 2 0 3 0 0 0 w w w .p e n v e n to n .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Penventon Hotel v2.indd 4

05/07/2018 14:52



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Penventon Hotel v2.indd 5

05/07/2018 14:53



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Park Leisure (Lux Hol Home Liv)--GTGT--2.00.indd 2

06/07/2018 16:49



•EXPERIENCE• LU X U RY H O L I DAY H O M E L I V I N G AT P E N T I R E Pentire is the perfect location from which to explore the stunning Cornish coastline and countryside. Situated within a short distance of the popular seaside resort of Bude, the park is within easy reach of a choice of beautiful beaches, historic market towns and picturepostcard villages. The area boasts an incredible variety of attractions and entertainment options with freshly caught local seafood being a speciality in a number of local restaurants. The epitome of a walker’s paradise, Pentire is within easy reach of a range of dog-friendly beaches, stunning natural scenery and an abundance of traditional Cornish pubs. Simply ut, it s ela ati n at its finest e a eisu e et s is sim le ffe in t e finest li ay a s in t e finest l ati ns a eisu e ne s a e i en a m lete fi e sta e e ien e f m t e m ment t ey in and now, you can buy a brand new 2018 Willerby Links holiday home – at 35’ x 12’ with two e ms f m ust , it l site fees

PENTIRE COASTAL HOLIDAY PARK 0 1 2 8 8 3 2 1 6 0 1 A nd re w. S h u t lar@ p ark le i s u re . c o. u k www. p ark le i s u re . c o. u k / p e nt i re

F i nd m ore li k e t h i s : www. c ornwall- li v i ng . c o. u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Park Leisure (Lux Hol Home Liv)--GTGT--2.00.indd 3

06/07/2018 16:49



•EXPERIENCE• A V I S I T TO P E N T I R E C OA S TA L H O L I DAY PA R K Get away from the hustle and bustle and escape to the Cornish coast. Drop everything in the holiday home before heading down to the beautiful sandy beaches of Bude and dipping your warm toes into the cool surf. Pentire couldn’t be a more perfect setting to create lasting memories, whether you choose to visit one of Cornwall’s world class attractions such as the den ro ect, have a go at surfing, rela at a waterfront restaurant or bar, or simply enjoy browsing the many independent shops. Stay your way with Park Leisure’s stunning holiday homes or touring and camping holidays. Pet-friendly breaks are also available!

PENTIRE COASTAL HOLIDAY PARK 0 1 2 8 8 3 2 1 6 0 1 A nd re w. S h u t lar@ p ark le i s u re . c o. u k www. p ark le i s u re . c o. u k / p e nt i re

F i nd m ore li k e t h i s : www. c ornwall- li v i ng . c o. u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Park Leisure ( A visit to Pentire holiday Park)--GTGT--2.00 copy.indd 2

05/07/2018 15:14



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Park Leisure ( A visit to Pentire holiday Park)--GTGT--2.00 copy.indd 3

05/07/2018 15:14



•EXPERIENCE• C A R V Y N I C K H O L I DAY PA R K midst the beautiful Cornish countryside situated at ummercourt you will find Carvynick Holiday ark. The first thing you will notice about the park is that it’s nestled away from the hustle and bustle of New uay and set around landscaped grounds. The holiday park is the ideal place for either a couple’s retreat or a uiet family holiday. Carvynick is set in a perfect location with easy access to nearby New uay, adstow, t ustell, Bodmin and Truro. Carvynick has self catering holiday cottages ranging in different si es with a few bungalows too. The park also offers fully serviced hard standing pitches, each with water, electric hook up and foul points. t’s particularly designed for motorhomes but new caravan serviced pitches will be available for summer .

CARVYNICK HOLIDAY PARK S u m m e N e wq u ay 0 1 8 7 2 5 i nf o@ c arv y www. c arv y

rc ou rt , T R 8 5 A F 1 0 7 1 6 ni c k . c o. u k ni c k . c o. u k

F i nd m ore li k e t h i s : www. c ornwall- li v i ng . c o. u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Carvynick Holiday PArk--GTGT--1.00.indd 2

04/07/2018 15:10


Caravan park

The Fox’s Revenge

Holiday cottage


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Carvynick Holiday PArk--GTGT--1.00.indd 3

04/07/2018 15:11



•EXPERIENCE• LU X U RY H O L I DAY S W I T H N AT U R A L R E T R E AT S Offering a spectacular collection of self-catering holiday homes across the Cornish coastline, Natural Retreats are experts when it comes to unforgettable escapes. From cosy cottages in picturesque Port Isaac, to sprawling sea-view penthouses at Fistral beach and spacious family villas near Mevagissey, guests can enjoy the best that Cornwall has to offer, from the comfort of their very own stunning and beautifully designed holiday home. All of this, plus a dedicated concierge service and complimentary welcome hamper!


F a c e In s ta T in w

b o o k .c o g ra m .c o w itte r.c o f o @n a t u w w .n a tu

m /n a tu m /n a tu m /N a tu r a lr e tr e r a lr e tr e

r a lr e tr e a ts u k r a lr e tr e a ts u k r a lR _ U K a ts .c o .u k a ts .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Natural Retreats.indd 4

06/07/2018 09:32



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Natural Retreats.indd 5

06/07/2018 09:32



•EXPERIENCE• A S TAY AT T H E E S P L A N A D E H OT E L The Esplanade Hotel is a picturesque and contemporary hotel overlooking the world famous beach break at Fistral, Newquay. The hotel is more than just a place to sleep – it’s a place where you can enjoy quality family time right next to Cornwall’s stunning coast. Unwind at the end of a long day in the heated indoor swimming pool and dine together in the family friendly restaurant overlooking the waves. The beach makes the perfect playground with rock pooling, flying kites and surfing providing buckets of entertainment. During the holidays the hotel also runs free family friendly activities in Newquay, so be prepared to get messy and make memories. With an onsite Quiksilver Surf School, everyone from beginner to pro can be catered for, so you can spend a day amongst the waves and return to the hotel of an evening with the kids exhausted and ready for bed, and you ready to head to the bar for a welldeserved gin and tonic.


E s p la n a d e N e w 0 1 w w w .e s p la n a

R o a d , F is tr a l B e a c h q u a y T R 7 1 P S 6 3 7 8 7 3 3 3 3 d e h o te ln e w q u a y .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED--The Esplanade Hotel--GTE.indd 4

04/07/2018 15:06



CL--75--ED--The Esplanade Hotel--GTE.indd 5

04/07/2018 15:06



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Oceanic Hotel v2.indd 4

04/07/2018 15:19



•EXPERIENCE• T H E O C E A N I C H OT E L Enjoy a slice of Cornish hospitality at the award winning Oceanic Suite Hotel – Cornwall’s luxury getaway for grown ups. If you have an appetite for adventure and a thirst for unforgettable experiences, you’re in the right place. Rela , unwind and indulge in one of the designer hotel suites for the ultimate mi of five star hotel facilities and stylish apartment living. Chill out in the spacious wooden hot tub, soak up the sun on the terrace and en oy a drink from the well stocked honesty bar. deal as a couple’s retreat or as a base to discover the delights of Cornwall, from the Oceanic, everything is on your doorstep.


1 L a n s d o w n e R o a d , F a lm o u th T R 1 1 4 B E 0 1 3 2 6 3 8 9 3 3 0 w w w .o c e a n ic h o te lfa lm o u th .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Oceanic Hotel v2.indd 5

04/07/2018 15:20



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Creekside Cottages v2.indd 4

04/07/2018 15:27



•EXPERIENCE• YO U R V E RY O W N C R E E K S I D E C OT TAG E Nestled amongst the lapping shores and tranquil surroundings of Cornwall’s south coast you’ll find Creekside Cottages stunning holiday homes. ocated close to the buzzing harbour town of Falmouth, the cottages are in a prime position from which to e plore all aspects of Cornwall. ost sit within the peaceful confines of some of Cornwall’s most tran uil creeks, with a patchwork of sheltered coves and hidden beaches on your doorstep. ile upon mile of calm waters and numerous secluded, unspoiled and beautifully wooded rivers and estuaries are ust waiting to be e plored from your wonderfully uni ue and individual cottage.

CREEKSIDE COTTAGES S tr a n g w ith F a lm 0 1 w w w .c re e

H o u s e o u th T R 3 2 6 3 7 k s id e c o

, R e s tro n g u e t 1 1 5 S T 5 9 7 2 tta g e s .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Creekside Cottages v2.indd 5

Bringing the art of gin making to you

04/07/2018 15:27



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Summerhouse Gallery.indd 4

04/07/2018 15:25



•EXPERIENCE• A V I S I T TO T H E S U M M E R H O U S E G A L L E RY The ethos that sits at the heart of The Summerhouse Gallery is to make art enjoyable and accessible to all. With artists on display varying from the well established to the up and coming there’s always an opportunity to discover something new. The light and welcoming space also includes a children’s table, to encourage your little ones to express their creative side while you wander around. The gallery sits in the picturesque market town of Marazion, just a stone’s throw from the stunning St Michael’s Mount. With regular shows and events held throughout the year, it’s always worth keeping in touch with Director Jayne, Ellie and Ashleigh, the Summerhouse team.

THE SUMMERHOUSE GALLERY M a r k e t P la c e , M a r a z io n T R 1 7 0 A R 0 1 7 3 6 7 1 1 4 0 0 w w w .s u m m e r h o u s e g a lle r y .c o .u k

Photo: John Freddy Jones

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Summerhouse Gallery.indd 5

04/07/2018 15:25



•EXPERIENCE• C O R N WA L L WAV E R U N N E R S A FA R I S Join Cornwall Waverunner Safaris for an exclusive adventure on the north or south coast. Hit the water on one of the powerful Yamaha Waverunner jet skis and explore the coast from a unique perspective as you carve through waves and send streams of spray into the air. If driving isn’t your thing, jump on board the new ten-metre Humber rib for an exhilarating powerboat trip where you can explore Cornwall’s stunning coastline or blast around the bay on a fun-fuelled Banana Boat ride.

CORNWALL WAVERUNNER SAFARIS L u s t y G a lz e B e N e w q 0 1 6 w w w .c o r n w a llw

a c h u a y 3 7 a v e

, L u s T R 7 8 0 6 1 ru n n

t y G la z e R o a d , 2 A E 0 6 e r s a fa r is .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Cornwall Waverunner Safaris.indd 4

06/07/2018 15:24



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Cornwall Waverunner Safaris.indd 5

06/07/2018 15:25



•EXPERIENCE• L I F E A F LOAT W I T H A B OAT F R O M A N C A S TA At Ancasta International, the team have been helping people live their dreams for over 35 years. Owning a boat conjures up many images; of family and friends, of good times and amazing places, of adventures shared. Making owning and changing your boat as fun and hassle free as possible has made Ancasta Europe’s largest boat sales organisation. Share the team’s local knowledge, comprehensive experience and global reach to make your dreams a reality.


F a lm o u th Y a c h t M a r in a , N o r th P a r a d e , F a lm o u th T R 1 1 2 T D 0 1 3 2 6 2 1 1 0 0 7 w w w .a n c a s ta .c o m F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Ancasta.indd 4

05/07/2018 15:00


If the cap fits...

What shall we do next?

…scalded cat


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Ancasta.indd 5

05/07/2018 15:00



•EXPERIENCE• T H E S K I E S W I T H V I R G I N B A L LO O N S Gently rise into the sky with Virgin Balloon Flights and discover the beauty of Cornwall in a new and unique way. As you drift majestically and serenely in the iconic red balloon, you’re afforded a panoramic view of Cornwall’s stunning countryside in this age-old form of sky travel. Enjoy views of vivid green trees and rolling countryside panning into the distance, and even glimpses of azure seas from the Liskeard location. Then celebrate with a glass of Champagne when you get back down to Earth from a trip you’ll never forget.

VIRGIN BALLOON FLIGHTS 0 1 9 5 2 2 1 2 7 5 0 www.virginballoon

ind more like this


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Virgin Balloons.indd 4

04/07/2018 15:39



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Virgin Balloons.indd 5

04/07/2018 15:40



•EXPERIENCE• A W O O D L A N D WA L K I N M E M O RY O F A LOV E D O N E W I T H C O R N WA L L H O S P I C E C A R E New for 2018 is the Woodland Memory Walk for Cornwall Hospice Care, a special family event that allows the whole family to remember a loved one. Taking place at Trelissick Gardens in Feock on Saturday 15th September, the walk will start just before dusk and promises beautiful views of countryside, woodland and river. Walkers will have plenty of chances to remember their loved ones throughout the evening, walking along the softly lit woodland route and at the end, they’ll be able to light their personally-decorated candle bags. Registration is £20 for adults and £15 for children aged 5-15. Under 5s are free, and family groups of up to five can sign up for ust , provided at least two of the group are aged between 5 and 15 years old. Registration also includes your t-shirt, on which you can write the name of the person you’re remembering, as well as a candle bag for you to decorate.

CORNWALL HOSPICE CARE w w w .c o r n w a llh o s p ic e c a r e .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Cornwall Hospice Care v2.indd 4

04/07/2018 15:33



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Cornwall Hospice Care v2.indd 5

04/07/2018 15:33



•EXPERIENCE• E C O - F R I E N D LY P R O D U C T S F O R D O G OWNERS FROM SLICKERS DOGHOUSE New to Padstow last year, Slickers Doghouse has an array of useful, high quality products for dog owners offering great value for money. Owner Lisa Hope tells us: “As nature lovers, we are on a mission to provide eco-friendly, sustainable products for our planet and oceans, as well as our dogs. Our toys and bowls are all made from eco-friendly materials such as rice husk, hemp and recycled bamboo chopsticks. Our bags are all paper and where plastic is almost impossible to avoid – poop bags for instance – we only stock biodegradable and compostable bags.” There’s also a range of harnesses, lifejackets, coats and drying coats, along with a free fitting service, as well as wet, dry and raw food and treatments for common canine ailments, so be sure to pop in and get everything you and your dog need to make the most of Cornwall.


5 N o r th Q u a y , P a d s to w P L 2 8 8 A F 0 7 9 7 1 0 0 5 0 7 1 w w w .s lic k e r s d o g h o u s e .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Slickers Doghouse.indd 4

04/07/2018 15:23



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Slickers Doghouse.indd 5

04/07/2018 15:23



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Collington & Company.indd 4

04/07/2018 15:16



•EXPERIENCE• U P DAT I N G YO U R H O M E W I T H H E L P F R O M C O L L I N G TO N & C O Collington & Co is an independent business, established in 1969. The team designs and installs bespoke conservatories, windows and doors, working with the highest quality materials which can be tailor made to suit your personal preferences. Collington’s team of fitters are all skilled tradesmen and take pride in their work, which the company backs with a ten-year guarantee to give you peace of mind. But don’t just take our word for it; pay a visit to the Helston showroom and see how the team can help transform your home!


1 6 W a te r M a T r o u t, H e ls to n T R 1 3 0 L W 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 2 5 9 9 w w w .c o llin g to n s .c o m F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Collington & Company.indd 5

04/07/2018 15:16



CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Wadebridge Kitchens.indd 4

06/07/2018 12:32



•EXPERIENCE• T H E R O O M O F YO U R D R E A M S W I T H H E L P F R O M WA D E B R I D G E K I TC H E N S Wadebridge Kitchens is a well-established and creative family business specialising in fitting kitchens, bedrooms and studies, bringing years of e perience to the table. ith so many choices available in the showroom, it’s easy to mi door styles, colours and te tures to create a uni ue design that really suits your personality. Open plan living, breakfast bars and islands provide multipurpose social spaces, allowing you to make the most of the space available and take steps to truly make your kitchen the heart of the household. our new kitchen should look great on the outside, but it’s what goes on behind the scenes that really makes a difference. ull out bins for rubbish and recycling help keep your kitchen tidy, deep drawers with dividers provide e tra storage space and clever internal designs including innovative corner solutions make a tricky layout easy to manoeuvre, achieving the ultimate use of space and design. The adebridge itchens team pride themselves on attention to detail, installing uality fitted furniture throughout your home. roviding in house computer design and a full installation service, they can create your dream kitchen, bedroom or home o ce, whatever your budget.

WADEBRIDGE KITCHENS F o u n d r y H o u s e , P o lm o r la R o a d , W a d e b r id g e P L 2 7 7 N B 0 1 2 0 8 8 1 3 2 3 1 w w w .w a d e b r id g e k itc h e n s .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED(GTGT)--Wadebridge Kitchens.indd 5

06/07/2018 12:32

Win it all W O R T H


£ 4 ,5 0 0

A seaside stay

Win a two-night family stay at the Esplanade Hotel, Newquay

RELAX AND REJUVENATE Win a two night spa break WORTH


Enter for the chance to win all of these fantastic prizes!


www.cornwall- TERMS AND CONDITIONS No purchase necessary. Prize draw open to anyone in the UK age 18 years or over excluding employees of Esplanade Hotel, Penventon Hotel, Budock Vean Hotel, Mullion Cove Hotel, Creekside Cottages, Summerhouse Gallery, Slickers Doghouse, Cornwall Hospice Care, Carvynick Holiday Park, Just Delights, Camel Valley, Ancasta, Virgin Balloons, Natural Retreats, Pentire Coastal Holiday Park, Park Leisure, Porthleven Jewellery Workshop, Forever Cornwall, Wadebridge Kitchens, Cornwall Waverunner Safari, Oceanic Hotel, Leven Media Group, and their families, agents and anyone else connected with this promotion. One entry per household. The prize is non-transferrable and non-exchangeable. No cash alternative available. Winners must be willing to provide their name and country of residence for publicity if required. The promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The winners will be drawn at random after 13th August 2018. The winner will be notified by email within 14 days after the draw closes. Subject to availability. See online for full terms and conditions.






Indulge in a family getaway, enjoy a spacious room for you and the kids; spend your days at Fistral beach and evenings in the heated indoor swimming pool. Then top it all off with a family dinner over looking the waves in the Cove Restaurant!

Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life with this fabulous two-night spa break at the luxurious Penventon Hotel, including dinner and a gin tasting board to share.


A room with a view

Win a sumptuous spa day at the Budock Vean Hotel

Win a two-night luxury stay at the Mullion Cove Hotel











re o M in




£673 Enjoy a day of pampering at the Budock Vean Hotel’s Natural Health Spa with one of the team’s fabulous ‘Healing with the Seasons’ spa days. Includes use of the facilities, a light lunch and a 45 minute treatment using natural, seasonal spa products.



Two nights of luxury await, indulge in a complimentary dinner for two and bottle of fizz on your first night. Gaze at the crashing waves and spectacular sea views from your Premier room and enjoy the delights of Cornwall’s south coast.

TO ENTER VISIT www.cornwall- 06/07/2018 12:55


A winter break Win a three-night winter escape for two

FRUITS OF THE SEA Win a mussel shell necklace from The Summerhouse Gallery

Let sleeping dogs lie Win a medium-sized Donut Dog Bed from Slickers Doghouse







Indulge in a three-night stay with Creekside Cottages this winter; wander along the south coast’s stunning beaches and cuddle up in front of a roaring fire of an evening, all in your very own getaway.

The Summerhouse Gallery in Marazion is just moments from St Michael’s Mount. Visitors can find a wonderful, ever-changing array of paintings, ceramics, sculptures, jewellery and more, including a number of stunning pieces like this unique mussel shell necklace!

The team at Slickers Doghouse in Padstow provide a range of products, food and treatments designed with environmental welfare in mind. This comfortable mediumsized Donut Dog Bed is a great example, being made out of recycled water bottles!


A weekend retreat


Win a Memory Leaf from Cornwall Hospice Care

Win a relaxing stay for four in a self-catering cottage


Win a voucher to spend in store at Just Delights, Penryn WORTH




£400 Win a beautiful Memory Leaf, handmade by Sharon McSwiney with copper, with your love one’s name attached. Choose to hang your leaf on one of Cornwall Hospice Care’s copper memory trees – also made by Sharon – or have it sent to you in a presentation box to treasure.


Enjoy a weekend away for four in a spacious holiday cottage with stunning countryside views. Newly refurbished, this house has access to beautifully landscaped grounds and is located near the bustling surf capital of Newquay.

What a treat! Spend time perusing in store for a special gift for a loved one or maybe a little something for yourself. At Just Delights you’ll find a wide selection of homeware and gifts inspired by the unique Cornish lifestyle.


06/07/2018 12:55


Crack open the bubbles Win a bottle of bubbly to share with you and your loved ones

Take to the skies Win a sunrise balloon ride for two

ARE WE THERE YET? Win a Trunki Travel Pack WORTH






Enjoy a bottle of Cornwall’s awardwinning Camel Valley Sparkling Wine, a fresh and fruity fizz, compliments of the Oceanic Hotel – Cornwall’s luxury getaway for grown-ups.

Discover the beauty of Cornwall in an unforgettable sunrise balloon flight for two with Virgin Balloon Flights. Fly any morning, Monday to Friday, from more than 100 launch sites nationwide!

Holiday heaven


Win a seven-night luxury break

Win a handmade ring

Courtesy of Natural Retreats, your kids could be entertained from the moment you start the car thanks to this fantastic selection of Trunki Travel Gifts – no more moaning from the back seat!

Raise a glass Win a Camel Valley Sparking Wine gift set with Camel Valley Brut






£750 Park Leisure offer 12 stunning holiday park locations in the UK and are giving one lucky winner the chance to win a luxury break at Pentire Coastal Holiday Park in north Cornwall!

Porthleven Jewellery Workshop creates a range of distinct and beautiful jewellery, all of which is on display for your perusal on Porthleven’s beautiful harbourside. There’s always something new on display too, thanks to the team of in-house jewellers!

This beautiful Camel Valley Box, courtesy of Ancasta Cornwall, comes with with two branded 125ml glasses and a saver to help keep in the fizz. The winner will also receive a beautiful bottle of Camel Valley Brute, a delicious, fresh and fruity fizz.



06/07/2018 12:55


AN AUTUMNAL ESCAPE Win a week in stunning St Clement’s House in Mousehole this autumn

An exhilarating ride

COOK UP A STORM Win a set of Neff saucepans

Win two Jet Ski taster sessions from Cornwall Waverunner Safaris




Forever Cornwall is offering a full week’s self-catering break at this gorgeous cottage-come-townhouse just moments from Mousehole’s historic and pretty harbour.

Delivered to your door Win a year’s subscription to Cornwall Living




Courtesy of Wadebridge Kitchens, the lucky winner of this prize bundle will receive this top-of-the-range four-piece set from Neff, which promises to revolutionise the way you cook. From soups to Sunday roasts, cooking with these pans is an absolute delight!

Cornwall Waverunner Safaris are offering the chance to win two Jet Ski Taster Sessions for you and a friend! Blast through the surf and see the Cornish coastline from a different perspective. Available at Carlyon Bay or Lusty Glaze.

IN IT TO WIN IT! With plenty of incredible prizes to be won, now’s the time to log on and enter our competitions!


£35.75 A year’s subscription to Cornwall Living means you’ll receive 13 issues packed full with everything you need to enjoy the ultimate lifestyle by the sea, from homes, interiors and gardens, to travel, food, health and beauty.

Competition winner Sarah, says: “I’m a bit gobsmacked as I never win anything, but the prizes have started to arrive. It’s amazing! We even had an interior designer here this evening, something I never thought would happen at my house!”



06/07/2018 12:55

CL--71--AD--Delabole Slate-EDIT-1.00.indd 1

06/07/2018 12:09

G OURMET We catch up with all the latest news from some of our favourite chefs, eateries, hotels and pubs.

Gin connoisseurs take heed!

It’s no secret that gin is the drink of the moment, but did you know that there is a new category of gin that’s soaring in popularity? Pink gin is enchanting gin enthusiasts across the country, but exactly what it is and what makes it pink is often misunderstood. Tom Hanson from Truro’s The Liquor Cellar explains: “Traditionally pink gin was a 19th century cocktail of gin and Angostura bitters, but the pink gins we see today take their colour from the addition of one or more key botanicals. Often these are fruits such as raspberries or strawberries, but just about anything can be added, so long as it brings about that classic rosy hue.” To get you serving pink gin like a pro, The Liquor Cellar suggests the following recipe: 50 ml St Ives Berry Gin, 125ml Sicilian lemon tonic, an orange slice and red berries to garnish. For more information visit

gossip Introducing the monthly taster menu at Henlys Bar Head to Henlys on Church Street, Helston and experience the exclusive taster evening’s on the first aturday of every month, ranging from fish night’s to a nose to tail’ evening. Offered to a set number of people and taking place in one sitting, all produce is locally sourced and expertly cooked. The menu is a showcase of the month’s seasonal produce and includes a selection of six to eight courses. The bespoke wine list is crafted by Henlys’ personal sommelier and reflects the themes of the menu, accentuating the different flavours present. The first class, intimate service

shows an even more sophisticated side to Henlys that is well worth experiencing. For more information call 01326 561141 or visit

Forward thinkers

listen up!

Too early to think about Christmas? The team at Tregairewoon Farm Kitchen don’t think so, which is why they’re putting the call out now about their quality handmade Christmas puddings. Anne tells us: “Our puddings are bursting with vine fruits and nuts soaked in rum and Cornish ale, and they come in three sizes. At Tregairewoon we are now offering a mail order option so, whether it’s for your own table or a gift for your family or friends, you can order your Christmas puddings now, ready for delivery in time for Christmas.”

It’s not a bad idea, and at least you’ll have ticked something off that dreaded Christmas to-do list! For more information email

New range of online meat boxes launched by Etheringtons!


gossip •

CL--75--(FD) Gourmet Gossip.indd 107

In a bid to get more people eating better quality meat, The Brian Etherington Meat Company has announced the launch of a new range of online meat boxes, making the Cornish butcher’s high quality, locally sourced meats available to all and drawing on more than 60 years of expertise in the butchery trade.

choice for steak connoisseurs and seasonal specials for the barbeque season, Christmas and Valentine’s. Following in the autumn, boxes designed by local Paralympic medal winner Melissa Reid and an ‘Eat like a Pirate’ selection featuring a collection of the Cornish rugby team’s high protein favourites will be showcased.

The range will feature something for all tastes and budgets. Boxes include a premium

For more information visit


06/07/2018 13:28



Enjoy a proper taste of Cornwall

at Tim’s Place

Ever striving to offer the best taste in Cornwall, it recently became apparent to Tim, owner of Tim’s Place in Wadebridge, that he couldn’t just stick to fantastic breakfasts and delicious cakes and scones. He tells us: “You can’t offer the ‘best taste’ without offering some of the county’s ama ing meat and fish. With this in mind, alongside freshly made soups, quiches, steak sandwiches and the ever popular fish finger sandwiches, Tim has a number of other delectable options to the menu, including delights such as smoked duck breast, seabass served with tagliatelle, and hake with chorizo and chick peas. Other new additions include mackerel with crushed potatoes and vine tomatoes, and wild mushrooms on sourdough toast with a beautiful golden St Ewe egg. So, whether it’s coffee, cake, a cocktail, breakfast or maybe something ‘a little bistro’, Tim tells us, “you’ll always get the best taste of Cornwall at Tim’s Place.” For more information call 01208 812550 or visit

New summer menu now available at Hooked on the Rocks

Having only just undergone a refurbishment designed to further enhance the seaside dining experience, Hooked on the Rocks has now launched a brand new menu with even more emphasis on local produce! In line with the warmer weather that’s finally started to grace the uchy, the team is keen to encourage diners to sit out on the terrace overlooking the ocean and enjoy what Head Chef George Morgan has to offer, and you’ll find a large tapas selection that’s lighter, more colourful and perfect for a light lunch. George tells us: “It’s such a fantastic time of year for foraging, fishing and flavours, and we really hope this comes across in the new menu.”

n y ea

The specials board is also in full swing and, with the freshest fish being available, the kitchen team are able to be more creative and really put their own stamp on the menu. For more information call 01326 311886 or visit

si e fis an

at Rick Stein, Fistral Head to Fistral beach this summer for world renowned surf and delicious fish and chips. Located right on the beach, Rick Stein’s offers a casual and laid-back environment to enjoy your food. With a varied menu of fish and chips, curries, mussels and pulled beef brisket burger plus Mini Stein meal options for the kids, the whole family will be satisfied. f you hit the beach early, there are also bacon rolls and huevos rancheros ready to power your seaside adventures. Watch out for Fistral sessions, taking place on the first Friday of every month from 7pm to 9pm, so grab a beer, pick a spot overlooking the beach and enjoy the live music. What better way to watch the sun set?

i s

For more information call 01841 532700 or visit

Head to Boscastle Farm Shop for

stunning food and delicious views

Boscastle Farm Shop is surrounded by National Trust farmland and is less than yards from the coastal path. ig into fresh, home grown and locally sourced produce and gaze out to sea from the superb position that the farm shop affords. From home reared award winning beef, lamb and pork, to home-made pies and cakes, you can find them all and so much more in the Farm Shop and café. The summer season sees

the return of much-loved barbeque events, running on Saturdays from July 28th until August 27th, ranging from music evenings to cider sampling. Tickets are £10 for adults and £5 for children in what promises to be a memorable occasion for all, especially as the sun sets below the ocean’s horizon. For more information call 01840 250827 or visit


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05/07/2018 14:28



Sit back and enjoy

Is your kitchen

in vogue?

ccording to avid, owner of Retallack Kitchens, metallic colours are becoming increasingly popular in modern kitchens, especially in cities like London, and Retallack Kitchens are bringing this trend to the heart of Cornwall. avid tells us that he and the team offer a wide range of options and styles. He explains: “We are the only company in Cornwall to have Crown Imperial Kitchens on display. You can park right outside our Lostwithiel showroom, and we have comfy seats and good coffee, so you can relax while deciding which outfit is right for your new kitchen.” What’s more, he continues: “Our showroom demonstrates different style options, plus many features such as internal layouts for cupboards and drawers to help you make the most of your own space.” If your tired kitchen is in need of an update, why not stop by and see how the Retallack team can help? For more information call 01208 873283 or visit

Peace and tranquillity abound at Waterside, where you can sit back and soak in views across the lakes from the comfort of the restaurant’s dining room and conservatory. Fresh Cornish air spills in from the outside decked area during the summer and you can always enjoy delicious coffee from the team’s local supplier or, if you really want to indulge yourself, sample what has been hailed as ‘the best hot chocolate ever’, made with real chocolate. How tempting does that sound? Every Sunday Waterside hosts its popular carvery from 12pm until 6pm, and during the week until Saturday, there is always something on the menu to satisfy that country air appetite, especially when the refurbished

restaurant opens at the end of July with its all-new menu! Ask your server for the day’s special, or choose from a wealth of mouth-watering options available every day. For starters, among others, you may fancy Moules Marinere or Citric Cured Salmon and to follow, you’ll be torn between Pressed Pork Belly, Pan Roast Hake, Butternut & Garlic Risotto and Ribeye Steak – again, to name but a few! One thing’s for sure, whatever you decide to sate that appetite with, you’ll leave feeling satisfied and, if recent customer testimonials are anything to go by, looking forward to your return! For more information call 01208 831808 or visit

What’s on the menu at

The Lemon Arms, Mylor? With its beautiful beer garden in summer bloom and managers Jonny and Sam Pearce offering more than two decades of experience running proper Cornish pubs and restaurants, what better time than now to visit the Lemon Arms, Mylor? The kitchen team has a passion for delivering Cornwall’s amazing local produce to your plate. The specials menu changes daily, featuring the finest meat and veg that the uchy has to offer,

as well as the catch of the day – depending on what the local fishermen have brought home So, why not enjoy a sunny stroll around Mylor creek this summer before popping in and tucking into one of the many delights on the Lemon Arms menu? For more information call 01326 373666 or visit falmouth/lemon-arms


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05/07/2018 14:28

E A T . D R I N K . S T AY . R E L A X

Cornwall Living Half Page April 2018.indd 1

03/04/2018 14:09:34

er ties cat par ns We ivate ctio pr fun for and


01736 366007

30 Alverton Street, Penzance TR18 2QN

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25/06/2018 14:59 06/07/2018 09:28

| foodie

of Xen

THE ZEN Experience the delicious food and buzzing atmosphere of Xen Noodle and Wine Bar.


Xen's contemporary restuarant

MAIN South Korean barbeque grill RIGHT Marinated beef noodles bursting with flavour BELOW Enjoy a selection of cocktails including this refreshing Gin Bramble


isit Truro’s Xen Noodle and Wine Bar for a tantalizing mix of South Korean and Asian food. The sweet and the sour, the hot and the salty, all mixed with a rainbow of fresh, wholesome ingredients. ade with no artificial flavours, the array of colour and taste speaks volumes for the type of food en delivers, a positively healthy night out! ating different food groups has often been linked with a preferable diet and may be why obesity rates have remained low in sian countries, whereas they are noticeably higher in the estern orld. erhaps this is due to the healthy amount of soup that features as a staple in the diet of most sian countries, as it means you feel full uickly but consume less calories. t’s certainly a great option to try if you want a healthy lunch. Of course there are the big marinated beef dishes, that are bursting with flavour and make a delicious treat once in a while, but all in all the input of seafood and vegetables swings en s food firmly into the healthy category en’s dishes have fermented and traditionally prepared vegetables in numbers. Healthy bacteria found in fermented food is said to boost your immune system. Not only does Xen bring this to the table (literally)

it also delves into the cruciferous family of cabbages and radishes, known for their anti cancerous properties and provides flavoursome gluten free and vegan options. en benefits from its true sian heritage, patriotic cooking and preparation, delivering food with authenticity, modernity and deliciousness from the heart of sian culture. mployee Chris tells us e are passionate about our place in the heart of Truro and are thankful for the continued support and custom we’ve received from its people. uitable for any occasion, feel free to give us a call or ust come in if you pass by. ith friendly staff, a bu ing atmosphere and mouth watering sian cuisine, en Noodle Bar is well worth e periencing, but don’t take our word for it, head there for yourself and tuck into crispy wonton dumplings, chicken satay and a plate piled high with marinated noodles.

XEN NOODLE BAR 4 7 T ru 0 1 8 in fo w w

4 9 C a ro T R 7 2 2 2 @x e n w .x e n

DISCOVER MORE Enjoy an evening with a difference if you choose the South Korean barbeque grill option, it includes a selection of either meat or seafood, all served sliced, marinated and ready to grill.

l e n i ck S t r e e t , 1 2 S F 2 9 9 8 tru ro .c o .u k tru ro .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75(FD)--ED--Xen Noodle Bar--1.00.indd 3

06/07/2018 15:28

HOME foodie ||


DISCOVER MORE Adding another string to their already laden bow, Greens has its very own crazy golf course. Recently refurbished, the course will imminently be up and running and promises to be a fun-packed family day out this summer.


eing based on the south coast of Cornwall, I don’t often explore the further reaches of the north coast. Taking just under an hour to drive to Padstow, it was actually so nice to be doing something different and going somewhere new for a change, made better by the fact that it was an absolutely beautiful evening for a long drive and a delicious dinner. As we arrived in Padstow an array of boutique shops greeted us. We parked in the heart of town and wandered up the hill towards the restaurant with the sound of a choir singing to accompany our walk, and an increasingly spectacular view of the harbour and Camel Estuary beyond. Greens affords an absolutely stunning position at the top of the hill, just outside the main hubbub of town and close by to a beautiful coastal walk, making it an ideal place to stop and refuel for lunch after a long walk; or dinner as the sun descends. The restaurant lends itself wholeheartedly to good weather, with a spacious outdoor seating area and bifold doors that, once opened, allow a gentle sea breeze to enter into the room. My dining partner and I were shown to a table for two, from which we could admire the stunning view. The blue skies and indigo ocean contrasted with the sandy hues of the surrounding countryside, scorched by the glorious heat-wave we’ve been experiencing,


Light and fruity goat's cheese and beetroot salad

Will Hamling

We try out the culinary delights of Cornwall’s north coast.



CL--75--EHM-- ED--Restaurant Review--2.00.indd 2

06/07/2018 10:01

Will Hamling

Will Hamling

| foodie

MAIN Greens' funky interior é ABOVE Roasted red peppers with a crisp side salad

TOP Spacious outside seating area RIGHT Enjoy coffee and cake after a morning stroll

Stunning views of the Camel Estuary

and as we sat gazing at the panoramic ocean vistas I could fully appreciate the soft light and incredible surroundings that have inspired countless artists. The interior of the restaurant is modern and contemporary with funky blue tiles drawing on the deep indigo of the ocean and the light blue sky. I could easily have sat all night and watched the sun set however, my tummy was rumbling in anticipation and I couldn’t wait to try out the deliciously summery menu on offer. To drink, I ordered a white wine spritzer which was incredibly refreshing alongside the warm summer's evening and my partner chose a light and fruity sparkling elderflower cordial. All the staff were extremely helpful and the service was well timed between courses. To start, I ordered the goat’s cheese and beetroot salad and was impressed by the delicate balance of flavours the creamy goat s cheese complemented the sweetness of the beetroot relish perfectly and was set on top of a fresh summer salad with walnuts strewn throughout. My partner chose the warm crevettes in salsa verde and got stuck in peeling the shells off the prawns and dunking them in the tangy lemon mayonnaise, before mopping up the remaining sauce with artisan bread. In the interim between courses we wandered out to the balcony to look at the view and

watched as the coastguard made its way out of the harbour. Then on our return we were greeted with two beautifully presented dishes. My partner chose the crab linguine on recommendation and wasn’t disappointed; referring to it as: “The best linguine I’ve ever had,” the meaty and fresh crab was tossed through the linguine with red chilli, garlic, ginger and green herbs scattered on top. My dish was full of colour with deep red roasted peppers filled with light, fluffy cous cous and a crisp salad on the side. For dessert, we shared a warm chocolate brownie with honeycomb ice cream and a jug of chocolate sauce to drizzle on top. The ice cream provided the perfect respite from the decadence of the rich, chocolaty brownie and we finished the dish between us in seconds. All in all, I couldn’t have asked for a better evening to spend at Greens; the views blew me away and the food was delicious. In my eyes it’s the perfect cliff-top getaway from which to enjoy a summer's evening, and one I’ll be recommending to anyone who will listen!

GREENS OF PADSTOW N o rth Q 0 1 8 4 1 g re e n s w w w .g

u a y , P a d s to w P L 2 8 8 A F 5 3 2 0 0 2 c a f e @h o t m a i l . c o . u k re e n s p a d s to w .c o .u k

Every issue, we dine undercover at a different restaurant, tasting the menu and putting the team through their paces in search of the finest eateries, freshest produce and best service. It’s a tough job but someone has to do it! Look out for our ‘Tried and Tasted’ seal of approval.

DID YOU KNOW? Greens is accessible for all with a lift for disabled access and dogs are welcome for those who want to enjoy delicious food with their canine companions in tow.

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--EHM-- ED--Restaurant Review--2.00.indd 3

06/07/2018 10:01


foodie |



Perfect for a light lunch or a simple supper, why not try this recipe from Rohan Kelly, chef proprietor at No1 Rock Road.

SERVES 4 INGREDIENTS: SALMON 500g salmon fillet


verlooking the Camel Estuary, No 1 Rock Road serves a fresh, seasonal menu of fresh fish and meat dishes as well as vegetarian and gluten free

150g Cornish sea salt


12 cloves


150g brown sugar

100g dill 200ml Rock Gin


HORSERADISH CREAM SAUCE 100g cream cheese 20g horseradish sauce Salt GARNISH Vine tomatoes Basil


ay your salmon fillet out and check for bones. Remove any stray ones with tweezers and then lay the fillet on a large tray cover with the gin. Evenly layer on the salt, sugar, dill, and cloves pressing down onto the fillet to ensure it’s fully coated. Cover with cling film and leave in the fridge to cure for two days. Remove from fridge and rinse under cold water, discarding any liquor, and set aside. To make the horseradish cream, combine the cream cheese and horseradish and season with a little salt.

options. With a large balcony that has a stunning vista across the water, this really is food with a view. We are delighted that Rohan has shared one of his recipes with us, we can’t wait to try it out 3

This dish is delicious served with crispy herbs. Turn a microwavable bowl upside down and cover with cling film. ay basil and flat leaf parsley leaves over the bowl, coat with oil and a second layer if cling film again. Microwave until crispy.


When you’re ready to plate, cut the salmon into cubes and sear with a blowtorch or, if you don’t have one, in a very hot pan. Pipe the horseradish cream on to a plate, arrange salmon carefully on top and garnish with tomato, crispy herbs and rocket delicious



R o c k R o a d , R o c k P L 2 7 6 F D 0 1 2 0 8 8 6 3 0 0 8 w w w .n o 1 ro c k ro a d .c o m

Olive oil

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k



CL--75(FD)--ED--No.1.Rock Road--1.00.indd 2

06/07/2018 15:30

“Welco me! ”

say The Cornish Arms owners, Geoff and Karen

Open all day every day from 11.30am offering Real ales, good wines and a selection of over 70 Gins, plus a range of Cornish Beers, Lagers & Ciders.

Good Pub Food Served All Day: 12 noon - 8.30pm Vegetarian, Vegan, Pescatarian and Gluten free options available

Please see our web site for menu details & current food offers Beer Garden • Free Parking • Dog Friendly Seven ensuite bedrooms available.

The Cornish Arms

Pendoggett, St Kew PL30 3HH 01208 880335 pendoggett

117.indd 1

06/07/2018 09:29



Tim Woolcock


Beautiful stays in Newquay, Tregonetha and Falmouth

The Old Stables, Newquay Located on Cornwall’s stunning north coast, The Old Stables is a beautiful property, full of character. Let by holiday letting agency Cornish Horizons, The Old Stables is spacious and wonderfully presented. With three bedrooms this is the perfect holiday retreat for families and groups of friends. The property’s wood flooring gives it a warm, rural feel and the exposed stone walls with rich tones complement the earthy colours of the stylish kitchen décor. Outside, the garden includes a great expanse of lawn, perfect for family barbecues, dogs to run around in and outdoor games. There’s even a trampoline to keep the kids entertained! After a day in the surf or walking along Cornwall’s rugged coastline, return to the house and enjoy a luxurious sauna followed by a refreshing shower, or simply sink into the freestanding bathtub to soothe your tired muscles. Head to the kitchen and cook up a feast then wander out to the terrace for al fresco dining in the late summer sun. Finally, end your day relaxing on the spacious L-shaped sofa with a glass of wine and a good book. Situated near Newquay, all the delights of Cornwall’s north coast are close to hand but being on the outskirts of town, you can still enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the countryside.

01841 533331



05/07/2018 14:08

| STAY Old Barn, Tregonetha With its unique and contemporary eco-friendly design and peaceful location not far from the bustling fishing port of Padstow, this is a stylish self-catering barn conversion that’s proving extremely popular with guests looking for character and luxury in every detail. Outside, Old Barn offers enclosed lawned gardens, barbeque facilities and ample parking. Inside, the spacious living room, with its high vaulted ceiling, offers plenty of space to relax, with the added bonus of a woodburner, perfect for those cooler evenings spent snuggling on the sofa. Three luxurious bedrooms complete the accommodation, with the master on the first floor enjoying its own en-suite with a deep slipper bathtub. nderfloor heating runs throughout, helping to keep things cosy. Indeed, there’s a distinct ‘house in the country’ feel about the property, thanks to the original and exposed features dotted throughout, as well as the traditional Aga stove in the kitchen. All of this, on top of the fact that it actually is a house in the country just 20 minutes from Padstow – arguably Cornwall’s premier foodie destination – makes Old Barn Tregonetha the perfect stay for anybody hoping to make the most of their visit to north Cornwall.

LEFT Old Barn is especially cosy during the winter!

01637 880121

Pentreath, Falmouth Picture the perfect moment; relaxing on your penthouse bedroom balcony enjoying the elevated views of Falmouth Bay, with a gin and tonic in hand, looking forward to a lazy stroll down to close-by Maenporth beach. Pentreath is a show-stopping, coastal property that sleeps seven in four bedrooms. It’s tailored to provide luxurious self-catering holidays for larger family groups and boasts a stylish contemporary interior and a huge private garden, a large chilled-out lounge, and a sensational open-plan kitchen and dining space. This is perfectly equipped with tasteful and practical appliances and opens through double bi-fold doors onto the large lawn - a perfect space to play or entertain. The impressive and indulgent master bedroom, with its super-king-sized bed, overlooks the secluded garden and has far-reaching views across the stunning bay. The perfect environment for socialising and relaxing with family and friends, Pentreath is close to Falmouth and pretty local beaches, as well as the Helford river – making it the perfect playground for water-lovers and walkers alike. The stunning sub-tropical gardens of Trebah and Glendurgan are nearby and the charming village of Mawnan Smith with its iconic thatched pub is a short stroll away. Don't just take our word for it, stay in this fabulous holiday home yourself, and indulge in the luxury that Pentreath has to offer.

01326 567838



05/07/2018 14:08

Open the doors to retirement living Discover what your local retirement village, Roseland Parc, could offer you. Private retirement living at its very best. Call 01372 383950 for your complimentary A-Z retirement living guide. Variety of new and pre-owned properties available.

01372 383950 | | Roseland Parc, Fore Street, Tregony, Truro, Cornwall, TR2 5PD

Cornwall’s only award-winning multi-specialist dental centre

A smile you can trust At River Practice Specialist Centre you can trust your smile with experienced specialists in the eld of race wor ’ orthodontics. t’s a no rainer to opt for treatment with a specialist rather than a general dentist. • We can offer you the right treatment for you (a general dentist will have limited options) • We have more extensive training and skills to maximise success • Our prices are usually no more (and sometimes less) than a non-specialist • For Summer 2018 we are offering a free consultation with one of our specialist orthodontists

Find out more watch our videos and read helpful advice at

FREE dental implant consultations CHILDREN GO FREE when an adult registers Emergency appointments available for non - registered patients 8 Park Place, Whiterock Road, Wadebridge, Cornwall, PL27 7EA Tel: 01208 813816 or 816668 Email:

120.indd 1

10 Castle Street, Truro, TR1 3AF 01872 242444 •

06/07/2018 09:50


A TRANQUIL ESCAPE Experience the peace and quiet of a country retreat at Goonwinnow Farm. ABOVE é Goonwinnow enjoys beautiful countryside surroundings INSET Spacious and comfortable


un by husband and wife team Nikki and Mark Darby, Goonwinnow Farm offers families and groups of friends the chance to stay together in a beautiful setting. Sleeping up to 26 people, Goonwinnow is ideal for large family gatherings as well as for couples and small groups. The four self-contained cottages can be booked in any combination; the two smaller ones being particularly cosy in the cooler months with their woodburning stoves. We hear what inspired the couple to set up their stunning holiday cottages in this beautiful area of Cornwall. First and foremost, being so centrally located and just a mile off the A30, it’s ideally located for getting pretty much anywhere. Nikki tells us: “We’re very lucky to be based in such a beautiful and tranquil location, when it comes to the wealth of beaches around us, my personal favourite is Holywell Bay for its massive sand dunes, surf lessons galore and cliff top walks.” With attractions such as the Camel Trail and the Lost Gardens of Heligan close by too, you won’t fail to be entertained. The local pub, the Plume of Feathers, is just a gentle walk away and for

the avid foodies out there, Padstow is only a 30-minute drive and has a smorgasbord of highly acclaimed eateries. The cottages themselves have open plan living, luxurious hot tubs outside and cosy bedrooms. Nikki explains: “The peace and quiet, fantastic views and beautiful sunsets are just a few of the wonderful reasons to stay with us.” Plus, for the kids there’s plenty of space and fields in which to roam. hen discussing space in more detail, Nikki tells us: “We’ve just recently taken a booking for the whole farm next spring for a 60th birthday celebration. The central courtyard is perfect for outdoor parties and the clock house works equally well decked out with tables, chairs and twinkly lights!” The farm can adapt to all your needs, so what are you waiting for? Book your luxury escape now and experience the tranquillity of Goonwinnow Farm.

DISCOVER MORE Goonwinnow also has a children’s play area, a games room with table tennis and well-stocked cottages with all the amenities of home, including washing machines. Plus, your four legged friends are more than welcome in all the cottages, so you don’t have to leave any family members behind!

GOONWINNOW FARM & ESTATE S t N e w ly n T R 8 5 J D 0 1 8 7 2 4 6 4 f a r m @g o o w w w .g o o n

E a s t

5 7 0 n w in n o w .c o .u k w in n o w .c o .u k

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CL--75--Ed--Goonwinnow Farm--1.00.indd 3

06/07/2018 15:32

This recent GreenGenUK 8.5kW air source heat pump replaced a bottled LPG system and provided the homeowner with the following:

+ £450 Annual Saving on Heating Bills + £1500 in Annual RHI Payments + 6-tonne Yearly Carbon Reduction + 5-year Return on Investment

Replacing your Central Heating this year? Consider an Air Source Heat Pump Air source heating is the ideal renewable alternative to oil and LPG heating, lowering heating bills by as much as 50% and eligible for up to £1550 in annual subsidy from the government's RHI scheme.

GreenGenUK offers free surveys to all customers. Enquire today and book your free consultation.

Phone: 01326 564513 or visit

Unit B Ruston House, Helston, TR13 0FG


15% OFF


Beautiful hardwood shutters, for less Transform your home this summer with Shuttercraft! There’s 15% off our S:CRAFT Cuba range of stylish interior shutters, made-to-measure for the perfect fit. Book your FREE home survey today and order by 31 August 2018.

01637 849 153 We provide shutters and blinds in all locations across Cornwall


* The promotion applies to the S:CRAFT Cuba shutter range comprising hardwood shutter panels with a robust MDF frame. 15% discount applied to Cuba orders placed between 01 July and 31 August 2018. Terms and conditions apply, see website for details.

122.indd 1

06/07/2018 09:35



When you holiday with Portscatho Holidays you’re more than just a customer, a helpful and welcoming approach makes you feel more like an old friend.


ased in St Mawes on the beautiful Roseland peninsula, Portscatho Holidays is one of the oldest holiday letting agencies in Cornwall, dating back over fifty years. nd over those years the firm has retained the original values of being a family business offering a friendly, personal and professional service. The o ce, overlooking the uay, is run by Beverley and her colleagues, mma, aisy and lison who each have specialist knowledge of south Cornwall and, in particular, an in-depth local insight into the Roseland. The team personally inspect all the properties on their books and are e perts at matching guests with their perfect property so do give them a call for friendly service and an unbiased view on the perfect holiday spot to meet your needs. The Roseland peninsula is an area that guests choose to return to time again to enjoy the beautiful scenery and watersports around the Fal river estuary, the glorious sandy beaches and the exceptional views and walks long the coastal path. There’s a wide choice of locations on offer here, from coastal accommodation in t awes, Portscatho and Portloe to special cottages in tucked away villages around St Just in Roseland, Ruan anihorne and eryan. ou’ll find a great selection of different types of holiday accommodation available too, from small boltholes for two to homes that are great for families, and from stunning beach side residences to impressive houses that make the perfect retreat for a large family gathering or special celebration. s the Roseland peninsula is such a walker s paradise many of the properties are also dog friendly ust ask the team for more advice as most of them are dog owners o, if you’re looking for the ultimate coastal holiday take a look at their website to browse through their properties or call in to their o ce for a brochure when you’re ne t in t awes.

PORTSCATHO HOLIDAYS 4 T h e Q u a y , S t M a w e s T R 2 5 D G 0 1 3 2 6 2 7 0 9 0 0 i n f o @p o r t s c a t h o h o l i d a y s . c o . u k w w w .p o r ts c a th o h o lid a y s .c o .u k

TOP é Portscatho has a range of large properties, perfect for gathering the whole gang ABOVE From country cottages to terraced seaside residences, Portscatho Holidays has it all

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CL--75--ED--Portscatho Holidays--1.00.indd 3

03/07/2018 16:53



Enjoy a















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124.indd 1

06/07/2018 09:39


y r u x u l f o p a l e h T Stylish new family villas boasting incredible panoramic sea-views in a stunning location.

ABOVE Polurrian's stunning coastal villas é

RIGHT Designer fixtures and fittings including Judy Willoughby and Anna Marrow's seaside imagery


ocated high above the cliffs on Cornwall’s mesmerising west coast, the Polurrian Bay Hotel is situated in a remarkable location and boasts incredible sea views. New for 2018 are Polurrian’s contemporary coastal villas. The deluxe three bedroom, two bathroom villas offer guests their own private space whilst still being able to benefit from the hotel’s extensive facilities. Guests have full use of the indoor and outdoor pools, clifftop tennis court, leisure club and restaurant, as well as two hours of free childcare per day – hours that can be spent having a leisurely lunch with your other half or perhaps even indulging in a pampering spa treatment. Styled on classic Edwardian seaside homes, the beautiful villas have natural oak flooring throughout, a Porcelanosa kitchen, Krion worktops and Neff appliances, providing everything that you’ll need on your coastal escape. Wake up in the morning and have a quiet cup of coffee on the balcony and in the evening, recline on the sumptuous sofa with a glass of wine as the sea breeze passes through the floor to ceiling windows. Or, head outside and enjoy the communal garden and barbeque area.

The villas offer a great base from which to explore Cornwall with picturesque coves and beaches nearby. Wander through the hotel gardens and link up with the South West Coast Path – to the north is Poldhu Cove, perfect for little ones and for learning to surf. Further afield, you’ll find the translucent waters of Kynance Cove, renowned for being one of the most awe inspiring spots in the Duchy. For those who want to explore Cornwall in new and exciting ways, book onto kayaking, coasteering, surfing or paddle boarding with i ard Adventure, who work with the Polurrian team throughout the season. The Polurrian has been in existence as a hotel for well over 100 years and it’s easy to see why! Offering a Cornish escape for all generations of family and friends, the unrivalled location means you’ll wake up to breath-taking views daily, and the private beach allows you to enjoy the bounty of the coast from your doorstep.


P o lu r r ia n R o a d , M u llio n T R 1 2 7 E N 0 1 3 2 6 2 4 0 4 2 1 i n f o @p o l u r r i a n h o t e l . c o m w w w .p o lu r r ia n h o te l.c o m

DID YOU KNOW? The new villas are dog friendly, so none of the family needs to be left behind!

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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04/07/2018 15:41


Live the

HOLIDAY HIGHLIFE Make the most of a break in Cornwall in one of Cornish Gems' luxury holiday homes.


t’s well known that time out in Cornwall is time well spent and the team at Cornish Gems could not agree more. Whether you’re visiting old haunts, creating a life-long love affair for all things Cornwall, or soaking up the welcome tonic of sea and salty air, Cornish Gems invites you to create your holiday highlife with them. It’s been a busy but very exciting year for Cornish Gems. The company, which started in 2007, has welcomed over 20 stunning holiday homes to its portfolio of Gems and Cornish Cribs (its crème de la crème collection of holiday homes) this year alone. And many of its guests’ favourite homes have had beautiful refurbishments and interior design upgrades.

Stunning view from River House

Cornish Gems hand-picks all of its 180 luxury houses, cottages and apartments to showcase the very best holiday homes with fantastic facilities including sea views, hot tubs, swimming pools and beaches. Guests can expect the highest standards of quality and cleanliness topped off with unrivalled locations in Cornwall. However you like to spend your valuable time away, there’s definitely a property to suit you on Cornish Gems' books, whether you’re seeking a bucket and spade family holiday or a pad large enough to accommodate the whole family for a landmark celebration. Collections include Dog Friendly properties, Sea Views, Country Houses and Boutique for Twos – the ultimate romantic getaways – which makes it even easier to pick what’s best for you.

River House master bedroom


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03/07/2018 16:54


é ABOVE Entertain in style at River House

LEFT The blue waters of the Gannel Estuary , just a stone's throw from River House

Check into the coast If you love the coastal lifestyle, then the team’s stunning ‘On the Beach’ collection will have you reaching for your flip flops, as Cornish Gems has searched from coast to coast to select the very best homes, which are quite literally a hop and a skip from long stretches of sand and the shimmering fringe of the ocean. Take River House in Newquay, for example. This opulent five bedroom property has five bathrooms and a wonderful open-plan layout, perfect for social occasions, all designed to maximise the backdrop of sand and seascapes. Slide back the glass doors and let in that fresh Cornish air, or take dinner outside for the ultimate al fresco dining experience. From River House’s elevated vantage point, you can watch the ebb and flow of the coast, and soak the stresses of daily life away in the bubbling hot tub, which is set beautifully into the cliffs. Check into the country Perhaps the verdant expanses of Cornwall’s countryside are what you have in mind when it comes to escaping your everyday. If so, Tredinnick Dairy near Newlyn will tick all of your boxes. Just one of the 30 in Cornish Gems' Country collection, this once-upon-a-time dairy has been flawlessly transformed into a characterful cottage, with rest, relaxation and serenity in mind, offering accommodation for up to six guests with a large open plan kitchen and dining room. A quiet snug area is ideal if you want to curl with a book, and the beautiful garden, surrounded by Cornish stone boundaries and rural landscaping, offers plenty of space for the family to spread out and relax in the Cornish summer sun. To discover even more unique collections from Cornish Gems, including Dog Friendly stays, Latest Cottages and Cornish Cribs, be sure to head to the website!

é ABOVE Tredinnick Dairy is flawlessly renovated to create a characterful home

LEFT The open plan kitchen at Tredinnick Dairy leads out to a sunny patio for al fresco dining

Readers' offer

CALLING ALL DOG OWNERS Cornish Gems has teamed up with the creative crew at Cornishware to offer you an exclusive giveaway. Book any dog-friendly cottage to stay between 1st October 2018 and 31 March 2019 and receive a free personalised dog bowl worth £30. Simply enter CORNISHDOGS when booking online. Hurry – offer ends 30th September 2018! To find out more visit

CORNISH GEMS 0 1 8 7 2 2 4 1 2 4 1 w w w .c o r n is h g e m s .c o m

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03/07/2018 16:54



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03/07/2018 16:55


Win! Enter your photos of north Cornwall to be in with a chance of winning a fantastic break by the Camel Estuary, worth more than £1,000! For more details visit www.johnbraycornishholidays/competition/photo


•EXPERIENCE• A H O L I DAY BY T H E C A M E L E S T UA RY A boating and birdwatching haven, visitors to north Cornwall’s beautiful Camel Estuary can expect spectacular waterside views, gentle sea breezes and fresh, clear air when they visit this beautiful stretch of water on the Atlantic coast. The estuary, which is bordered by the highly-sought after towns of Rock and Padstow, offers a unique balance of life, combining exceptional food and drink, relaxation with active outdoor sports including surfing, sailing and stand up paddle boarding, as well as walking, riding, golf, fishing virtually every conceivable seaside activity. Whether you’re looking for a beachside bolthole, a cliff-walker’s retreat or an active escape, John Bray Cornish Holidays have over 110 family and dog-friendly self-catering holiday homes to choose from, so head to the website and book your estuary getaway now!

JOHN BRAY CORNISH HOLIDAYS 0 1 2 0 8 8 6 3 2 0 6 le ttin g @ s jo h n b r a y .c o .u k w w w . j o h n b r a coy r n i sh h o l i d a s.y co

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03/07/2018 16:55

CHARITY | The AW169 air ambulance helicopter Cornwall deserves

Join the mission Cornwall Air Ambulance is on a mission to save more time and more lives through the New Heli Appeal.


he incredible beauty of Cornwall’s coastline draws millions of people to the Duchy every year, enchanted by its laid-back lifestyle, miles of sandy beaches, and picturesque villages. One thing many of us don’t factor into our holiday, however, is the unfortunate possibility of having a serious accident. But when accidents happen, the quick response of Cornwall Air Ambulance can make all the difference. In the city, you may only ever be a matter of minutes from a hospital emergency department by road; in many parts of Cornwall on the other hand, you could be more than an hour from the nearest major trauma centre. This is what makes the work of the Cornwall Air Ambulance and its crew so important to Cornwall’s visitors. Steve Garvey, who leads the team of Cornwall Air mbulance paramedics, tells us Our first ever mission was more than 30 years ago. Since then, we’ve carried out thousands of missions to seriously sick and injured holidaymakers.” As a charity, Cornwall Air Ambulance relies on outside support to carry on providing the quick response necessary in trauma situations. The charity’s helicopter routinely bypasses our county’s congested, twisty roads, flying

to the aid of seriously sick and Inside an AW169 air am bulance helicopter injured people in minutes. Steve continues: “We try to reach everyone who needs us, but sadly there are some people we cannot get to in time due to the limitations of the current aircraft we fly. This is why the charity has launched the £2.5 million, New Heli Appeal, to bring a next generation of air ambulance helicopter to JOIN THE MISSION Cornwall. A faster, more powerful, medically There are many ways you can advanced helicopter that will save more time join the mission to bring a next and more lives for the next 20 years. generation of air ambulance to Cornwall: Steve continues: “By supporting the New Heli Appeal, you will be giving something back to • Donate now by visiting www.cornwallairambulance the Cornwall you love. You will also be helping, or text to ensure that my crew will be there for you HELI20 followed by the and your family, should you need us.” None of amount you would like to us want to expect the worst, but unfortunately give to 70070 sometimes the worst does happen; a misread • Set up a regular donation wave or a fall on the coast path could mean by Direct Debit by going to you need lifesaving medical care fast from cornwallairambulancetrust. org/donate Cornwall Air Ambulance, in which case raising the money needed for a faster, more powerful, • Go to the Cornwall Air Ambulance website and medically advanced helicopter is in everyone’s sign up to receive email best interests.


w w w .c o r n w a lla ir a m b u la n c e tr u s t.o r g /a p p e a l

updates about the New Heli Appeal and wider charity activity, including exclusive events in London

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--75--ED--Cornish Air Ambulance--1.00.indd 2

04/07/2018 15:48

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131.indd 1

06/07/2018 09:40



held in gold

When it comes to innovation, Penwith landscape painter Steve Slimm, renowned for his visionary atmospheric work, is never far from the edge.


DISCOVER MORE Steve’s ‘moments held in gold’ can be seen in his studio near Praa Sands by appointment, and in Market House Gallery in Marazion.

teve tells us: “Something always changes through any deliberate act of innovation.” In 2000, for example, he staged an exhibition in Penzance entitled ‘Priceless and Obscure’, with no wall prices and an invitation for the public to take paintings home and pay him what they thought them to be worth. The show proved a real turning point in Steve’s sense of artistic worth. Set on innovation once again, Steve is now defying the Cornish tradition of framing landscapes in white. “Gold is the new white!” he proclaims. “I don’t mean the gaudy commercial frames of the 70s. It’s shabby chic I’m after, where layers of gold are floated over red and black under-painting. The end result can sometimes be stunning!” But, he adds, “not all paintings lend themselves to this approach and some definitely still look better in white. Steve goes on to relate how white originally came about through artists’ integrity in making sure a painting could stand alone, without the visual support of a contemporary frame. “Work needed to be strong; it couldn’t rely on its frame to look good,” he explains. “But the problem is that some work actually

does look better in something other than white. It can still be strong work, but is enhanced even further by localised colour support from a frame.” Steve’s paint is made in his studio using finely ground pigment in a suitably stable medium. His assistants leave the final finish to teve himself, as he insists that each piece be individually treated. As yet, Steve tells us, “I’m unsure how galleries and collectors will receive my ‘golden innovations’”, but he points out that “in the world of the auctioneer, our beloved Cornish white ‘tray’ frames are referred to as ‘holding frames’, which, when sold out of county, are often whipped off and replaced with something more suitable.” teve finishes Time will tell, but must admit I don’t like the idea that an artist’s notion of ‘suitable’ can be so different to a buyer’s. But then again, as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there’s no accounting for taste!”

é MAIN Steve Slimm and his stunning paintings

LEFT Gold is the new white when framing paintings


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04/07/2018 13:54

Beautiful fused glass gift and interior pieces, handmade at our Cornwall studio. Padstow | St Ives | Fowey | Tintagel | Launceston

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133.indd 1

06/07/2018 09:41

On Display

1. TREASURE PENZANCE Incoming Tide by Jayne Herbert

Showcasing local artists and art galleries 2. EAT ART

Bespoke framing service Eat Art is a collaboration of artists, designers and craftsmen with many years experience in the art of picture framing. The team collaborate with some of the best artists working in Cornwall today and clients from all over the UK to supply art and frames to the trade and public. With simple solutions from just a few pounds to unique handcrafted designs, Eat Art offers a complete bespoke framing service.

Treasure Penzance is home to inspiring art, gifts, crafts, vintage wares and the Cornish Craft Cavern, which showcases more than 60 Cornwall-based artists and makers, offering a truly different view into Cornwall’s creative scene. Open Monday to Saturday, 9.30am to 4.30pm. 73 MARKET JEW STREET, PENZANCE TR18 2LJ 07799160638 TreasurePenzance


01326 375917

3. JEREMY SANDERS STUDIO p to the top field, Treen by Jeremy Sanders

Jeremy Sanders is an oil painter working from his studio in Drift. Inspired by the light and colour of the peninsula, you can watch him at work by appointment and view his work online. THE OLD WORKSHOP, LOWER DRIFT, BURYAS BRIDGE, PENZANCE TR19 6AA

4. THE COWHOUSE GALLERY Restless Sea by Jean Foulds

Located in the picturesque coastal village of Perranuthnoe, The Cowhouse Gallery is run by a group of local artists and craftspeople, offering a wide range of original work at very affordable prices. Open daily, paintings, sculpture, printmaking, photography, ceramics, jewellery, textiles, woodturning and leatherwork are all beautifully displayed in this light and bright art space. LYNFIELD CRAFT CENTRE, PERRANUTHNOE TR20 9NE 01736 710538


Live Simply by Mel Chambers “Live simply. Laugh often. Love deeply.” Bringing ancient 13th Century inlay techniques into a modern day era, Alchemy Tiles individually hand carves, rather than paints, inspiring images, quotes and poetry into beautiful bespoke and unique creations. All held eternal in earth and time. Commissions welcome. MEL CHAMBERS STUDIO, GOLDMARTIN GARAGE, SAMPYS HILL, MAWNAN SMITH, FALMOUTH TR11 5EW 07768 193848


Thrift Encrusted Heights by Jo Crusoe Situated in Foundry Court in the picturesque town of Wadebridge, this beautiful, fresh, artist-led gallery showcases a collection of original paintings, ceramics, jewellery, textiles, fine art, limited edition prints and handmade cards, mostly made here in Cornwall. Owned by Mark and Jo and now in its fifth year, the gallery continues to blossom and evolve. 3 FOUNDRY COURT, WADEBRIDGE PL27 7QN 01208 368120



05/07/2018 15:31

| ON DISPLAY 7. SUMMERHOUSE GALLERY Turquoise Pentreath by Kit Johns The Summerhouse Gallery is a beautiful, welcoming space showcasing the very best Cornish art. Located a stone’s throw from the iconic St Michael’s Mount, the team creates the perfect place to discover paintings, jewellery, sculpture and glass in a relaxed manner. The gallery is both child and dog friendly. Visit the website for upcoming shows and events. MARKET PLACE, MARAZION TR17 0AR 01736 711400

Shimmering Waters by Sarah Blakey


The Craft Kiln (Cornish crafts), Sail Loft Emporium (antiques and collectables) and Cscape Art are part of The Old Workshop, next to the main Charlestown car park. Many originals, prints and cards by Sarah Blakey, and photographer Mick Blakey are available at the gallery along with other vibrant pieces. Open daily from 10.30am to 5.30pm.

At the Break of Day by Melanie McDonald Wave 7 Gallery exhibits contemporary art and crafts in two buildings, the main gallery and the granary. It’s also the working studio of Victoria Mead. Art courses and craft afternoons run throughout the season. The gallery is open 10.30am to 5pm, Tuesday to Saturday. Check out Melanie McDonald’s beautiful coastal paintings, exhibited in the gallery this summer.

THE OLD WORKSHOP, CHARLESTOWN, PL25 3NJ 01726 66639 Williamson Art Gallery & Museum, Birkenhead © The Artist’s Estate



01208 880605


Rolling Wave by Dreya “The sea and its moods have always been in my life”, says Dreya. “The sea is all encompassing from colour, sound, smell, and its reflective uality. lass has such similar qualities to water and is the perfect medium to express it – you can look at it, or through it.” Visits available by appointment. SEAWALK, TREGOSS ROAD, NEWQUAY TR7 2NR 07977 532933


Morning at Lamorna Cove by SJ Lamorna Birch SJ Lamorna Birch (1878-1955) made his name painting landscapes, in particular those around Lamorna in west Cornwall, from where he took his name. This painting is one of the star exhibits in the current exhibition, ‘Entranced by a Special Place,’ at Penlee House. PENLEE HOUSE GALLERY AND MUSEUM MORRAB ROAD, PENZANCE TR18 4HEE 01736 363625


Over Green - Into the Blue by Steve Slimm Renowned for their quality of light, Steve’s mystical oil paintings can be seen in various Cornish galleries, including the acclaimed Market House Gallery in Marazion. This stunning original oil painting is

currently on show, along with other similar works that capture the essence of Cornwall’s atmospheric landscape. MARKET HOUSE GALLERY, MARAZION TR17 0AR 01736 710252



05/07/2018 15:31


A SPILL OF LIGHT Introducing Vincent Basham, a talented seascape artist based in Wadebridge producing stunning oil paintings. ABOVE é 'Summer Surf'

'Evening Ember


RIGHT 'Winter Sun Polzeath'



Bethany Allen

t never ceases to amaze when an artist can capture a moment so accurately, bringing to life the colours and tones of the world even more vividly than a photograph. Vincent Basham is one such artist; unbelievably talented, his seascape oil paintings accentuate the stunning colours of Cornwall’s coastline, manipulating paints to create a real-life effect, with light radiating out of his paintings and drawing the observer in. We hear a bit about Vincent’s history. He tells us: “I was a born in Maldon, Essex and was educated at Thurstable School in Tiptree where my paintings were first e hibited as a young teenager, but actually I was essentially self-taught, and painting has always been what I love to do most.” More recently his work has been displayed in prestigious galleries in London, Essex, Suffolk and in the south west. When he was invited to attend a royal visit from HRH Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall in Essex, his work was being displayed among other local artists in a public house and he was able to speak to the royals in person about his paintings, and about his time living in Cornwall, a resounding moment for him. After living in Cornwall in his early twenties, Vincent developed a keen passion for painting seascapes, capturing the colours

and movements of the sea with a masterstroke. He has recently moved back to the Duchy with his partner Jane and their dog, Stella to the town of Wadebridge, where he has purpose-built a studio adjacent to his home. Boasting views over the River Camel and the Camel Trail, it’s the perfect spot to seek inspiration and continue to produce breath-taking paintings. Check out his seascape art exhibition being displayed at the Padstow Institute this summer from 30th to 31st July and 1st to 2nd August, and look out for his mesmerising depictions of sunsets. Some of our favourites within his collection are: ‘Evening Embers’ and ‘Summer Surf.’ We also love the scene of people strolling along the beach at Polzeath as the sun breaks through the clouds in ‘Winter Sun Polzeath’, as it’s rare for incent to include figures within his paintings, and the spill of light over the cliffs is absolutely beautiful. Vincent's studio-gallery is open daily to visitors in Wadebridge.

DID YOU KNOW? Several of Vincent’s paintings are available as limited edition prints of ‘195’ worldwide. Samples of these can be seen on the website:

'Afternoon Light'


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05/07/2018 10:22





137.indd 1

06/07/2018 09:41


August 16th

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Telephone 01726 65900

71 Charlestown Road, Charlestown, St Austell, Cornwall, PL25 3NL 138.indd 1

06/07/2018 09:42

Days out in the Duchy

Now that the sun is well and truly shining (touch wood!) and the school holidays are nearly upon us, it’s time to start planning our summer itineraries.


o celebrate their diamond anniversary, from 21st July until 2nd September, the Cornish Seal Sanctuary team are offering you the chance to swim through history and learn all about their origins, from the sanctuary’s beginning in 1958, to 2018 – a record year of seal rescues! Take part in a historic guided tour and learn about the evolution of seal rescue, or take a moment in the Seal Cinema, where you can sit back and enjoy a visual journey through the last 60 years. All of this, plus the usual host of daily talks and feeds, as well as fun and games for the whole family.

Meanwhile at Camel Creek Adventure Park there’s an action packed calendar full of events, whether you fancy making a splash in Water Wars, or getting soaked in Downpour Derby. Even if the weather turns, Children’s favourites Peppa Pig and PAW Patrol will be joining in the fun, appearing at regular intervals throughout the summer season – be sure to check the website for dates and times. Trebah Garden is a beautiful way to experience Cornwall at any time of the year, but the summer has to be one of the best, with an events diary that’s brimming with exciting happenings. From the hilarious mix of puppetry, natural history and comedy that is The Sea Show on 27th July, to The Reluctant Dragon on 28th July – an enchanting adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s children’s book; from SCRAWW – an interactive, feather-fuelled quest through the garden to find the legendary Simorgh bird from 14th until 25th August, to Punch and Judy, an age-old classic reimagined by Carnon Downs Drama on 18th August, there’s plenty to keep the whole family entertained. There’s something primal about our fascination with fellow members of the animal kingdom, and nowhere in Cornwall will you enjoy a more intimate experience of some of nature’s most marvellous creatures than Newquay Zoo. Home to a variety of animals from penguins and red pandas, to lions and lynx, kids and adults alike love learning everything there is to know about mankind’s many and varied Earthly companions. Don’t miss the educational Native Explorers event on 1st August, or Fearsome Feasts: Big Cats and Cupcakes on 10th August, an out of hours tour dedicated to Newquay Zoo’s most mighty carnivores!


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04/07/2018 14:46

What's On WHEN





20th July


Newquay Zoo

Enjoy a rare opportunity to meet the experienced keepers and learn about the animals they loo a er.

21st July



A fun-packed family day out on the hills overlooking the ocean. Expect show jumping, a children's entertainment area, vintage tractors and cars. Plus a whole host of farm animals to admire!

21st July to


The Eden Project

aunch into an intergalactic mission, and return a ully edged space e plorer, go planet hopping and may e e en encounter your ery rst alien

25th July


Trellisick Gardens

25 July to 31st August


St Mawes Castle

Get set for a day of family fun as the Hands on History Crew bring St Mawes to li e this summer, oin the cre or acti ities inspired y the udor itchens and get stuck in!

26th July


Trebah Garden

uantum heatre presents an enchanting adaptation o enneth rahame s story The Reluctant Dragon – a touching, sweet and funny tale of bravery, friendship and adventure.

27th July


Trebah Garden

ele rate the sea ith tall tales, silly slapstic , antastic acts, li e music and songs - unmissable fun for children and adults of all ages. Created by Craig Johnson, an actor, musician and puppeteer, and a long-standing member of Cornwall's Miracle Theatre.

26th to 29th July


Port Eliot Estate

.portelio esti

Take part in treasure hunts with a cast of costumed characters or become a pirate for the weekend! Adventure and excitement lurk behind every corner. With a dedicated children's area there are loads of workshops and even edtime stories.

26th July


Antony House and Garden

orage or curious natural o ects in the garden and ha e a go at creating a cra y masterpiece to ta e home. urn a pine cone into a spider s ody, ma e a antastical creature rom a pile o lea es or trans orm rose petals into a u er y.

PROPERTY | 2nd September SPACE




ee ho high you can y your ite to the eauti ul ac drop o rellisic Gardens this summer.


Celebrating 60 Years of Seal Rescue! CORNISH SEAL SANCTUARY

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What's On WHEN





30th July to 3rd August


The Minack Theatre

Watch Lewis Carroll's tale of Alice in Wonderland unfurl to the backdrop of the ocean and sky and be prepared for a world of mystery and adventure!

2nd to 25th August


Lost Gardens of Heligan

roo raising star ra ing sing along satire nspired y l red arry s riot inducing masterpiece. Kneehigh will wind-up and let rip their own version of theatre s most anarchic creation ing

7th to 25th August


Lost Gardens Heligan

e or sylum , a s ippity hopping tale ased on uentin la e s famous story and directed by Mike Shepherd.

Dates available until th August


Around Cornwall

er ormed y iracle heatre, ill co s ne adaptation o he ho s i ers eet comedy promises to engage audiences o all ages, ith touring dates across Cornwall this summer.

14th August


Trebah Garden

n original production commissioned y re ah and created y artists rom Cornwall, London and New York. A promenade performance taking place on oot around the garden. a e the epic uest to nd the legendary imorgh ird in this feather-fuelled, technically immersive adventure into Persian poetry.

18th August


Trebah Garden

Carnon Downs Drama brings you the real thing, a live performance of murder and mayhem. ppallingly unny and dread ully righ ul

1st August to 1st September


Newquay Zoo

ith animal ace painting and a nature colouring oo let ull o uestions and interesting acts, let the team o presenters educate you and the amily with talks throughout the day. From lions to penguins, there's something to interest everybody!

2rd August 3rd September


Tehidy Woods

gnite your imagination ith an immersi e theatre ad enture or all the senses, told by the award winning Rogue Theatre in the stunning grounds of Tehidy Woods.

Dates available until th September


i ard ational rust

oin the i ard ational rust or a guided coastal ildli e al and disco er local ild o ers, tlantic grey seals and the history o the ornish chough you may e en see one great ay to e plore the i ard ational Nature Reserve.

North Cornwall farm cottages Chapel Amble, Wadebridge, Cornwall, PL27 6EN 01208 813219 | |

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4 Skittles Lanes Delicious Food Lots of Games Family Fun!

Opening Times

SCHOOL & BANK HOLIDAYS: Mon to Sat - Noon to 11pm Sunday - Noon to 10:30pm ALL OTHER TIMES: Mon to Fri - 6pm to 11pm Sat-Noon to 11pm, Sun-Noon to 10:30pm


Townshend•Hayle•TR27 6ER

01736 850209


CL--75 (KL)--ED--What's on v2.indd 37

06/07/2018 12:23


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142.indd 1

Giraffe Equity Release Limited is a trading style of Fortic Financial Services Limited, 5 Tywarnhayle Square, Perranporth, Cornwall, TR6 0ER. Fortic Financial Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority No. 474740. Company No. 6300493

06/07/2018 14:01


d a e h a m a e t s l l u F We discover a fun-filled day out for all the family at Bodmin and Wenford Railway.


t’s no coincidence that some of our most famous children’s literature features the golden age of the steam train. Edith Nesbit’s The Railway Children remains one of my nostalgic favourite and platform 9¾ on King’s Cross station will be forever in our hearts thanks to J.K. Rowling. And so it was that we decided to journey back in time to create our very own family steam train adventure with a day out at Bodmin and Wenford railway. The Bodmin branch line opened way back in 1887 and ran steam hauled passenger services until 1963. It is now Cornwall’s only full size railway still operated by steam locomotives. On arrival at the station both of our children were wide-eyed at the size and stature of the impressive locomotive waiting for us on the platform. For me, it was the smell of the steam trains that evoked a bygone era. We opted for the full 13 mile round trip from Bodmin Parkway to Boscarne Junction and back and even buying our tickets caused much excitement – the staff were all really friendly and helped to make the experience a much more enjoyable one than any online booking system! We had time before our train departed to browse the informative displays and the children even discovered a dressing up and toy box. We climbed aboard and settled down for our trip, but not before picking up a free colouring set from the shop for extra

entertainment on the journey that takes you through some stunning Cornish countryside. The children loved looking out of the window watching the world go by. The end of the line is Boscarne Junction, where you can alight for access to the Camel Trail and a cycle into Padstow – something we will definitely be back to do at a later date. Thirsts can be quenched and hungry tummies satisfied either at the newly refurbished café before departure or at the on-board buffet. No day out can happen in our family without a visit to the gift shop for souvenirs to take home, and today was no exception. Happy with their purchases our two little ones chatted animatedly about their train ride proving that, in a high-speed world of all things digital, it’s good to take things at a slightly slower pace now and again. Bodmin and Wenford offer special events for families, grandparents (and well-behaved dogs!) throughout the year as well as dining e periences and the event that is now firmly on our family calendar, ‘Santa by Steam’.

MAIN Some of the locomotives running on the Bodmin and Wenford line are over 100 years old é ABOVE

Experiencing a bygone era

BELOW Getting ready for the off with some platform fun

BODMIN AND WENFORD RAILWAY B o d m in G e n e r a l S ta tio n , B o d m in P L 3 1 1 A Q 0 1 2 0 8 7 3 5 5 5 w w w .b o d m in r a ilw a y .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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06/07/2018 14:22


y r o t s i h n o s d n Ha Be a part of the action this summer at Cornwall’s historic English Heritage sites.

a day Become a knight for

here has to be by sea, either on the foot ferry from Pendennis Castle Falmouth or the King Harry Ferry from Feock. Further up the coast Restormel Castle is an atmospheric ruin. It saw action during the Civil War in 1644 and the 13th century circular shell-keep still remains. Now the castle and grounds are a haven for wildlife and birds and a great place to relax with a picnic. Cross to the north Cornish coast for a castle whose heritage is steeped in myth and legend. The spectacular cliff-edge Tintagel Castle has long been associated with the tale of King Arthur. Once a thriving trading port and royal stronghold the site at Tintagel straddles the mainland across to the wild landscape of a weather-worn headland. To the centre of the county you’ll find Launceston Castle. Sited in what was originally Cornwall’s capital and main entry point, the castle boasts an impressive 13th century round tower that you can scale to reveal impressive views across the town and of the surrounding countryside.

at Tintagel Castle

Jousting at Pendennis Cas tle

Image: Emily Whitfield-W icks


ere in Cornwall we are very lucky to have some spectacular English Heritage sites, each with its own unique identity. Steeped in history and legend and shaped by the landscape, these castles and settlements are great places to visit and explore for both adults and children alike. Pendennis Castle, in Falmouth, was one of Henry ’s finest coastal fortresses. Guarding Falmouth from invasion from Tudor times up until the Second World War, the Tudor castle not only has breath-taking views to enjoy out across Falmouth harbour but also tells a tale of life as a soldier. Here you can explore the castle via winding stone staircases that open out into vast halls before visiting the original gun emplacements through tunnels cut into the rock. On the opposite side of Falmouth harbour, St Mawes Castle stands proudly, sharing the task of protecting the important anchorage of the Carrick Roads with Pendennis Castle. Elaborately decorated and with stunning views of the Fal estuary, the best way to arrive

The north east view of Tintagel


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You don’t need to be a history buff to enjoy these incredible castles. English Heritage not only ensures that they are beautifully kept but that they also have a wide range of exciting things that take place throughout the year, with an emphasis on fun adventures for children during the school holidays. You’ll find action packed events throughout the summer at Pendennis, St Mawes and Tintagel Castles. Entertain all the family with unique experiences, exciting discoveries and a chance to get hands on with the past!

ENGLISH HERITAGE 0 3 7 0 3 3 3 1 1 8 1 w w w .e n g lis h - h e r ita g e .o r g .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


DON’T FORGET! Tintagel is open late until 7pm in July and August

Buy tickets online by the Friday before an event to receive a 10% discount.



Tudor Pageant

A Taste of the Tudors

Tue 31 July – Thu 2 Aug 2018 Celebrate all things Tudor at Falmouth’s great Tudor castle!

Grand Medieval Joust

Every Tue & Wed from 7 – 22 August Experience a true medieval spectacle as knights on horseback clash in a contest of speed and skill.

Pendennis at War

Wed 29 & Thu 30 Aug 2018 Step back in time to the Second World War and experience explosive action and all the thrills of the home front. Plus join the Hands on History crew this summer holiday from Wed 25 July – Fri 31 August for fun family events at all these sites.

Wed 25 July – Fri 31 August Get set for a summer packed with family fun as the Hands on History crew bring St Mawes to life. Enjoy have-a-go activities inspired by the castle’s Tudor kitchens.

TINTAGEL CASTLE Myths and Legends

Wed 25 July – Fri 31 August Join the Hands on History crew this summer holiday for have-a-go activities and tales of legend every day.

Terrific Tudors

Wed 25 July – Fri 31 August (excluding major event days) Join the crew for Tudor crafts, activities, and storytelling every day throughout the summer holidays. Excludes major event days.

Tintagel's impressive bron ze sculpture


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06/07/2018 15:40


A DIAMOND ACHIEVEMENT Celebrating 60 years of seal rescue, The Cornish Seal Sanctuary continues to rescue and rehabilitate seals from around Cornwall.


hen exploring the coves and beaches of Cornwall, it’s always an utter delight to encounter the dog-like features and inquisitive globe eyes of our native grey seal. Usually a rare occurrence, the seals will occasionally pop up in the water next to you to satisfy their boundless curiosity. Sadly, hundreds of seals get injured every year, however those that wash up on Cornwall’s coast have more chance than many, thanks to The Cornish Seal Sanctuary. The Seal Sanctuary’s beginning can be traced back to 1958 when a young seal pup was washed up on a beach at St Agnes. Ken Jones and his wife, Mary, lived near the beach and upon discovering the injured seal, Ken took it to his home to care for it. Little did the family know that this was to change their lives, and the lives of many seals, forever. The Jones family began to receive calls about seals that needed help, so they set up a rescue centre from their home in St Agnes. News of their work spread and every year, they received more and more calls about injured seals. The family realised they were going to need more than the single pool at St Agnes, so set out to find a site to build a larger, permanent rescue centre. This was to become the Seal Sanctuary we know today, set aside the Helford estuary in Gweek. The family worked tirelessly to complete the sanctuary and prepare it to accommodate


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both the resident animals and rescued seals. ork was finally completed and the sanctuary opened at its new location in 1975. Today, alongside the specially designed hospital, the sanctuary has nursery, rehabilitation and convalescence pools. The Seal Sanctuary has rescued many seals and has been able to successfully release most back into the wild once they have recovered. Unfortunately, there are some whose injuries are too severe or who suffer from ongoing health problems and would not be able to survive back in the wild. These individuals are provided a safe and permanent home in the resident pools. There are also enclosures for a variety of other animals including otters, penguins, sheep, ponies and goats. In 2018 the sanctuary took its next step and moved over to the charity The Sea Life Trust, who have helped the sanctuary continue its vital work. This year the Seal Sanctuary is celebrating its diamond anniversary and since 1958 it has grown to become a pioneer in seal care. The Animal Care Team dedicate their lives to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of seal pups from around Cornwall’s coastline. Each season, they rehabilitate over 60 casualties of the sea. This involves 24 hour care; from night feeds to expert medical assistance, each pup has individual needs and the team work around the clock to ensure every pup is given the best possible chance to be released back to where they belong.

This season the sanctuary has had some real superstar pups that have had to overcome major injuries. Ted is one of those pups. He was rescued on 16th December from the north coast of Cornwall. It was apparent that Ted had been knocked about by strong waves after a storm. He was malnourished after being separated from his mum; he had a fever, a respiratory infection, multiple puncture wounds to his flippers, ulcers on both his eyes and a worm infestation. He was only a few weeks old and was exhausted, and the team wasn’t even sure if he was going to make it. However, after weeks of care, he was successfully released on 26th March. All in all it cost over £2,000 to get Ted well again. This year the Seal Sanctuary has helped to rescue, rehabilitate and release 82 pups, all with their own individual stories just like Ted’s and it’s thanks to the Animal Care Team and the sanctuary's guests that make this vital work possible. So, make sure to join the Seal Sanctuary this summer to celebrate its Diamond Anniversary and see the recovering pups get back on their flippers once again.


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1 e a life tr u s t.c o m life .c o m /g w e e k

MAIN Giving Cornish seals a second chance is what the Cornish Seal Sanctuary is all about ABOVE It's not just seals that you'll find at the Cornish Seal Sanctuary! é ABOVE Another fond farewell

INSET Each seal at the sanctuary is unique and full of character

DISCOVER MORE From 21st July until 2nd September, you can swim through history and learn all about the sanctuary’s origins, from humble beginnings in 1958 to the record year of seal rescue today. Take part in a guided historic tour where you can learn about how seal rescue has changed, or take a moment in the Seal Cinema where you can sit back and enjoy a visual journey through the last 60 years. There are also daily talks and feeds as well as fun and games for all the family!

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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06/07/2018 15:44


r e m m u S s l a i t n e s s e

BELOW Levis t-shirt and shorts, the perfect beach combo

Our top summer recommendations from iconic surf shop Ann’s Cottage.


ummer is well and truly here finally and now is the time to grab your beach gear and head to the coast. Here at Cornwall Living we have a profound love for the sea and everything to do with the beach. Lazy Sunday barbeques and long coastal walks are what powers us through the week, and one company that can always be relied on for beach attire, from sunglasses to SUP boards, is Ann’s Cottage. In this piece we explore the summer essentials that are a must for any trip to the beach, which Ann’s Cottage have in abundance in their wealth of shops around Cornwall. The beauty of Ann’s Cottage is that its stores are strategically placed to be as close to the coast as possible on all sides of Cornwall. So, no matter what you need, whether it’s a new bikini or perhaps even a leash for your surfboard, rest assured that you’ll be able to find it close to hand and within the welcoming environment of an Ann’s Cottage store. So here it is, our list of summer essentials that will see you through any trip to the beach this season! First and foremost, you can’t head to the coast without swimwear. Ann’s Cottage stock a whole host of swimwear, with big brands such as Seafolly and Rip Curl providing bikinis and costumes that are reliable no matter how big the swell is. We absolutely love Seafolly’s colourful one-piece and matching bag, perfect for surfing and exploring Cornwall’s coves and beaches. Similarly, Rip Curl has a stunning selection of swimwear on offer, our favourite is the blue

Aztec bikini, with a design that can withstand waves and chasing your little ones round the beach, whilst still allowing you to catch that glowing tan. For the boys, make sure to check out the selection of Quiksilver boardies on offer. We’ve got our eye on the Everyday Volley shorts, light and breathable with quick dry technology, they’re an ideal choice for lounging on the beach or by the pool. Relaxing on the beach and reading a good book is our idea of heaven, especially after going for an exhilarating swim. When lying in the sun good sunglasses are an absolute must. Ann’s Cottage stock premium brands Oakley and Ray-Ban, and with so many styles to choose from, and UV protection, these supreme quality sunglasses have got to feature in any tote bag bound for the beach. Now for our favourite part, summer clothing. There’s something extremely satisfying about throwing together the perfect outfit, from hat to sandals it feels good to co-ordinate our summer style. Comfortable shorts for strolls along the sand and a warm cardigan to throw on if a cloud suddenly looms are fundamental additions to any beach wardrobe. Levis shorts are the ideal choice for long walks along the coast, offering great style with unrivalled durability. If you’re planning on staying at the beach until well into the evening, then the Free People oversized jumper will keep you warm, whilst its white design maintains a light summery feel. Or, if you’re planning on heading to a cocktail bar when evening descends, the beautiful and intricately

é MAIN We love Free People’s Once Upon a Time top with gorgeous bell sleeves


Bethany Allen


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06/07/2018 14:08

| LIFESTYLE Seafolly Sahara one-piece and matching bag

é ABOVE Comfortable Everyday Volley shorts by Quiksilver

DISCOVER MORE Ann’s Cottage stores are ideally located in Polzeath, Fistral, Padstow, St Columb, Wadebridge, Bude and Falmouth. Strategically placed to enjoy some of Europe’s most prolific surfing breaks, as well as the sheltered estuaries of the south coast. Offering unrivalled customer service and product knowledge, a visit to one of the stores is bound to be a successful one. Or, simply head to the website and pick out everything you need for the summer season.

RIGHT You can’t hit the beach without your Ray-Bans

Rip Curl Aztec bikini

designed cream top, with its gorgeous statement bell sleeves is super trendy when coupled with a black Brixton Fedora, and achieves the ultimate balance between beach style and sophistication. All these brands embody a carefree lifestyle by the sea and offer premium designs to equip you for your seaside escapades. Ann’s Cottage brings 40 years of experience in surf attire to the forefront of its own collections, such as their in-house brands, Born by the Sea and Saltwater Seeker. Entranced by the magical world of the sea, we love the colourful mermaid prints on the t-shirts and the men’s Saltwater Seeker collection

incorporates the retro colours of California’s surf lifestyle. So there you have it, our top summer essentials to fully equip you for your coastal adventures this season, all under one roof. Simply head to Ann’s Cottage and discover the beautiful summer collections; we’ll see you at the beach.

ANN’S COTTAGE 0 1 2 0 8 i n f o @a w w w .a A n n

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tta g e .c o m tta g e .c o m g e s u rf

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k

A sneak preview of the summer collection at Ann’s Cottage

MIDDLE Free People’s oversized jumper is perfect to beat the chill


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06/07/2018 14:08


A scene from the sea Win a handcrafted ‘Ocean Scene’ bangle from Silver Origins

ADORE YOUR FLOOR Win a wood oor care kit from Woodstock Flooring WORTH

Enter our competitions for the chance to win these fantastic prizes!




TERMS AND CONDITIONS No purchase necessary. Prize draw open to anyone in the UK age 18 years or over excluding employees of Silver Origins, Woodstock Flooring, Cornish Seal Sanctuary, Bosavern Guest House, Forever Cornwall, Tregairewoon Farm, Jo Downs Glass, Churchill Retirement Living, Cornish Tea & Coffee, Academy of Surfing Instructors, Porthleven Holiday Cottages, Leven Media Group, and their families, agents and anyone else connected with this promotion. One entry per household. The prize is non-transferrable and non-exchangeable. No cash alternative available. Winners must be willing to provide their name and country of residence for publicity if required. The promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The winners will be drawn at random after 13th August 2018. The winner will be notified by email within 14 days after the draw closes. Subject to availability. See online for full terms and conditions.


£95 Elegant, flowing lines capture the rise and fall of ocean waves in this stunning torque bangle. Designed in Cornwall by Silver Origins, handcrafted in high polish sterling silver and presented in a luxury gift box and bag.

Woodstock recently opened their newly refurbished showroom in Falmouth, incorporating a large Ted Todd flooring display. One lucky winner will receive a care kit to keep their wooden floor in the best condition for years to come.


A relaxing retreat

Win a unique experience at the Cornish Seal Sanctuary

Win a night away at Bosavern Guest House




£98 Join the seals on a unique experience! Embark on a VIP tour of the sanctuary (before it’s even open) and enjoy learning all about the resident seals, then feed them their tasty breakfast before heading to the café for a delicious one of your own.

Located on Cornwall’s wild-west coast, Bosavern is a great base from which to explore the stunning landscape of Land’s End and Penzance; stay in one of the beautiful rooms and wake up to homemade muesli and fresh eggs from the garden.



06/07/2018 17:19


A beachside break


Win a week in a beachside holiday home this autumn

Win a delicious 2lb Christmas Pudding!

Brighten up your bathroom

Win a stunning six-piece mini shoal installation






Forever Cornwall is offering a full week’s stay in self-catering accommodation at Gwithian this autumn. Choose from participating beach houses, explore the coast and wake to the sound of the sea each morning.

£260 Be ahead of the game this year and win a handmade Christmas pudding bursting with vine fruits and nuts. Delivered to your door just in time for Christmas and serving 8-10 people!

Bring the natural beauty of the ocean home with this exclusive Shoaling Fish installation, courtesy of Jo Downs Glass and Churchill Retirement Living. Made up of six beautifully designed glass fish, the ornament is the perfect creative feature for your bathroom.


On your feet!


Win a year’s supply of tea and coffee

Win an ASI Beginner’s Learn to Surf DVD and Logbook

Win a family holiday for four in Porthleven WORTH UP TO






Calling all tea and coffee drinkers! Take a break and make time to enjoy a refreshing brew from Cornish Tea & Coffee. The lucky winner of this prize will receive 24 bags of coffee from the range, 24 boxes of Smugglers Brew as well as two orange Cornish Tea & Coffee mugs to drink it all from. Go on – stick the kettle on!

The one-hour Learn to Surf DVD and 20-page logbook covers beginner surf safety and skills. It can be used with surf lessons at ASI schools and with ASI accredited instructors. Be safe on Cornwall’s beaches this summer!


In association with Porthleven Holiday Cottages – with over 15 years’ experience of creating memorable holidays for families, couples and groups – this is your chance to win a family holiday for four in the stunning, harbourside village of Porthleven.


06/07/2018 17:19



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25 UP TO




at St. Minver Holiday Park SPEAK TO US TODAY FOR MORE INFO ON: 01208 220661 VISIT PARKDEANRESORTS.CO.UK/BLUECROSS ST MINVER HOLIDAY PARK, NEAR ROCK, WADEBRIDGE, PL27 6RR Selected parks only, full terms can be found at

152.indd 1

06/07/2018 09:44


Photo: Will Hamling



Now’s the time to get active with the family at Kernow Adventure Park.


et in a 21-acre site around a stunning upcycled granite quarry near Falmouth, Kernow Adventure Park is absolutely perfect for active family days out. At its core it’s an outdoor INSET adventure centre, a social sanctuary and a The inflatable aqua safe playground set on a secret, freshwater park is simply lake sunk deep into the earth. There are fantastic! lots of activities for those looking for some outdoor fun, as well as a lakeside restaurant that’s perfect for refreshing yourself after an afternoon on the lake, and ideal for those who are happy to simply watch on in comfort. Park founder, Alex tells us: “Our vision is to create opportunities in Cornwall for individuals and families to access adventure within our safe, natural and astounding lake. We aim to break down barriers and promote an active lifestyle, with the intention of creating a healthier and happier society. Our mission is to educate people that the social norms of sedentary lifestyles or gym fitness are not the only way to live. We want to reconnect people with the outside and get them moving!” Kernow Adventure Park started out as a waterpark in 2014, with just a cable for wakeboarding and some shipping containers on the beachside. Then, in March 2016, Alex

explains: “we rebranded as Kernow Adventure ark and began running inflatable a uapark sessions, and installed a custom-built, glassfronted clubhouse with a café and bar. “This year, we’ve added paddleboarding to our ever-expanding offering, and there are lots of exciting developments in store for 2019, so watch this space!” So, now that the temperatures are well and truly on the rise and summer is now o cially here, why not book your family in for an afternoon at Kernow Adventure Park and start making the most of Cornwall’s great outdoors? Quote 'CORNWALLLIVING10' when you book and you'll receive a 10% discount!

KERNOW ADVENTURE PARK K e s s e ll D o w n s Q u a r r y , H a lv a s s o , P e n ry n T R 1 0 9 B Z i n f o @k e r n o w a d v e n t u r e p a r k . c o m w w w .k e rn o w a d v e n tu re p a rk .c o m

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


ABOVE é Kids and adults alike love getting stuck in at Kernow Adventure Park

This year, we’ve added paddleboarding to our ever-expanding offering, and there are lots of exciting developments in store for 2019, so watch this space!



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04/07/2018 16:56

Specialists in outdoor clothing, footwear, camping, hiking and much more…


154.indd 1

06/07/2018 09:45

y v v sa


GET SURF The Academy of Surfing Instructors (ASI) – the world’s leading surf education training organisation – gives some tips to make your time on the beach not only safer, but more enjoyable too.

TOP Be safe while enjoying some of Cornwall's world-class surf breaks! RIGHT If you're just starting to surf, be sure to use a safe beginner's board

n e stan ea si ns an a s When hitting the beach, look for beach signs and lifeguard flags for safety information. Red flags mean danger, so don’t enter the water if they’re flying, while red and yellow flags mark safe swimming areas. Black and white flags indicate surfing only’ areas, and orange windsocks show the wind direction. Not all beaches have lifeguards or flags, and where there are lifeguards, they often finish around pm, so be sure to stay alert to any possible dangers. Refer to tide charts The tide comes in and goes out in appro imately hours, at slightly different times. ou could find yourself walking on a sandy beach only to find the tide has turned and blocked your way back. Tides can flow very fast, especially near river mouths, so always refer to a tide chart so as not to get caught out! Watch the wind Offshore is a wind that blows out to sea from land. arger crafts like stand up paddle boards easily catch the wind and can uickly be carried far from the shore. t lifeguard beaches, you can check the orange windsock. Rip currents Rips can be very strong, formed when water from waves surges back out. uch currents can end a long way out from the shoreline. f you’re caught in one, try not to panic rather than swimming against the rip, swim parallel to it until you’re free of the pull then swim back to shore. Watch the waves Beginners should use a safe beginner s board and only go into waves that are

foot high to ensure safety. aves can be unpredictable. ook out for dumping waves that crash with full force, and never turn your back on them when getting out of the water. SUP Aware is fantastic to see Cornwall’s coast and it’s great for fitness. t’s best in calm, flat bays and rivers. Only those with e perience should in or near waves.

KNOW THE SIGNAL In the water, the help signal is one hand in the air while shouting for help. Remember, never go out on your own! If you’re inexperienced, whether in surfing or stand up paddle boarding, be sure to book a lesson with an ASI accredited surf school or instructor.

Care for the environment and dunes are very sensitive to footfall. Never walk, drive or ride a bike on the sand dunes. tick to the designated paths and trails, and use the beach – not the dunes for your picnic, being sure to take your rubbish home. is the world’s leading professional membership organisation and international governing body for instructors, coaches and schools for surfing, and bodyboarding. Based in Bondi Beach, ustralia, ’s operation has been working from Hayle, Cornwall for more than eight years.


ind more like this


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06/07/2018 15:46

Andy Gulland Yellowdoor Studios

Beautiful Buildings…

David Curran

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We have a large selection of stone and quartz slabs and samples, tiles, setts and reclaimed Cornish granite at our workshop. For friendly, expert advice come and visit us at: 7a & 19 Rural Workshops, Higher Bochym, Cury Cross Lanes, Helston, TR12 7AZ or give us a call on: 01326 241111 e-mail:

06/07/2018 09:46



e r u t u f r you A staggering one in ten of us will face a period of sickness absence of more than six months during our working lives. We talk to Harris Begley Financial Planning about what you can do to plan for such an event.


hilst you may have life cover in place, the uestion arises of how would you, or your family, cope if a wage earner was off work for a long period of time? ource emos survey, pril . One route is to take out an Income Protection policy. This product is designed to pay out a tax-free* monthly sum in the event that you are unable to work due to illness or in ury. n general, it will pay out until you are either well enough to return to work, have retired, the policy ends, or upon your death whichever happens first. nder current legislation, ta year ach policy will have different conditions, such as cover choices against not being able to work in your own occupation, or any occupation, and you would obviously need to disclose any pre-existing medical issues. Initially it’s useful to establish if you would only receive the tatutory ick ay of . a week in the ta year paid for up to weeks, if you ualify , or if there are additional benefits from your employer or the state. Once you’ve got an idea of this income stream, you can then decide when you’d like your income

protection cover to kick-in (called the deferred period). The longer you wait the cheaper the premium will be. It pays to be sensible about how much you require until you’re able to return to work (or have retired). In the same way you wouldn’t need a pay out commensurate with buying a new house if the kitchen floods, your potential pay out via an income protection policy should be calculated in a similar way (up to a ma imum amount . nd again, the less you need, the lower the premium. The sobering fact is that each year, a million people in the UK suffer a prolonged absence from work due to sickness, and up to half of those would find their savings have run out after ust a few weeks o, it makes sense to plan accordingly by contacting Harris Begley now for a free initial financial health check. ource The Chartered nsurance nstitute, 2016 report).

HARRIS BEGLEY FINANCIAL PLANNING Penzance office T h e R e g e n t, C h a p e l S tre e t, P e n z a n c e T R 1 8 4 A E 0 1 7 3 6 3 6 6 5 5 0 Truro office H e a lth & W e llb e in g In n o v a tio n C e n tr e , T r e lis k e , T ru ro T R 1 3 F F 0 1 8 7 2 8 8 8 4 0 0 e n q u i r i e s @h a r r i s b e g l e y . c o . u k w w w .h a r r is b e g le y .c o .u k

You may also require advice on the legal and tax issues. HM Revenue & Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes which cannot be foreseen. The value of pensions and investments can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested. Income Protection is a comple product, with a vast array of options, so it is essential that you take advice. As with all insurance policies, terms, conditions and exclusions will apply.

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--72--ED--Harris Begley--1.00.indd 3

06/07/2018 09:51


A GOTHIC We meet Noel O’Reilly, author of debut novel, Wrecker.



eriodically throughout the year, we’ll receive the occasional review copy of a novel set in Cornwall. But in recent months, it’s fair to say we’ve been inundated with a flood of paperbacks, all with Cornwall at their centre. It seems that in the literary world, Cornwall is well and truly hot property right now! Of course, a lot of this may have to do with the ‘Poldark effect’. As a writer for The Guardian commented, “I’d lay a bet on Cornwall being the landscape that inspired the biggest number of fictional backdrops. One title, in particular, to catch our eye was Wrecker, the debut novel of emerging talent, Noel O’Reilly, set in the fictional fishing village of orthmorvoren, a dark, superstitious corner of far west Cornwall. The novel is told through the perspective of Mary Blight, a spirited local young woman, who is not afraid to speak her mind and tell

it like it is. ccording to industry ournal The Bookseller, the book was snapped up by HarperCollins “in the fastest pre-empt literary agent David Headley has ever seen. Naturally eager to find out what the fuss is all about, we catch up with Noel to hear more. Noel has always had a creative streak, writing comedy sketches in the s and playing saxophone in a band, before becoming a ournalist. bout ten years ago, he started taking writing fiction more seriously, chipping away on weekends and holidays, honing his craft to reach the point he is at now. Of Irish descent, Noel has long been captivated with Cornwall, often visiting with his family, en oying holidays in ort saac, bodyboarding with kids at ol eath, kicking back at orthmeor beach, and most recently, exploring the wilds of est enwith.


CL--75--ED--EHM Noel O'Reilly--2.00.indd 2

06/07/2018 14:23


found extremely compelling. “I wondered, what was her life like nd so the new story began to take shape, with Noel carrying out a huge amount of research on Cornish social history. “A lot of the stuff in the book did actually happen, he e plains, but was also writing in the dark’, letting the story plot the ourney. The title itself, Wrecker, is arguably a provocative one, con uring up a range of conflicting emotions here in Cornwall. et this is perhaps something of a misnomer, with religion and the complexities of living in small remote communities being the more central themes of the book. Noel gets his wider inspiration from a range of sources, from the landscape itself, to Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles. Yet Wrecker can be seen as the latest offering in a recent trend towards literary historical fiction, rich with evocative, colourful language, in successful books like arah erry’s The Essex Serpent and The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton. While not directly influenced by these books he was deep into his own novel by this point Noel took a similar approach to imagining another world. And so returning to the aforementioned Poldark... although his book may capitalise on its success, he had started writing the book before the new adaptation hit the screens. “I thought I had this period of Cornwall all to myself he okes. nd Noel’s tale is very much a beast of its own.


The first time visited Cornwall it felt like another country, Noel tells us, an e citing world. He tapped into this feeling when sowing the seeds for Wrecker. “I love the wildness and ruggedness of it; the paganism and mythology – it’s an enchanting place. The time and setting of my novel is very superstitious. For Noel, this particular vision of Cornwall made the perfect setting for historic fiction. “The remoteness of it, the notion of people on the edge of civilisation – literally the and’s end, in the s. u aurier plugged into the magical, ethereal qualities of Cornwall, though she could be uite dark and brooding too. To an extent Noel’s novel is a conscious reaction against the idealised portrayal of Cornwall often seen in fiction and on screen. “I was attracted to the darker, gothic side... the wider metaphor for clinging to the edge of the land. At this time, there was much social conflict ships coming in from the Americas... I wanted to focus on the real, normal people, the country folk going about their lives, which to me is much more interesting. There’s prettiness in there too, but at the same time I wanted to draw out the paganism of the time. The novel is written entirely from the point of view of the feisty heroine, Mary Blight, “on her uppers, grabbing what she can. Her moral compass is awry. I wanted to write something that’s a work of the imagination and not too formulaic. Once I focussed on Mary Blight, and found that voice, I realised she had to tell the story. You’re rooting for that one person. From initial inspiration, it took Noel four years to write. “I had already started another contemporary story set in Cornwall, but ust couldn’t get it to work. hile staying in Mousehole, Noel discovered a local history book with a vintage photograph on the cover of a young girl carrying pales of water down a dark alleyway, which he

The first time I visited Cornwall it felt like another country, an exciting world NOEL



w w w .h a r p e r c o llin s .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k

DISCOVER MORE Wrecker is published by HQ, available now in hardback, eBook and audio.


CL--75--ED--EHM Noel O'Reilly--2.00.indd 3

06/07/2018 14:23

Properties to call home

Country estate & manor house | Callington, Cornwall C13 manor house, first sale for nearly a century, flexible annexe accommodation, outstanding southerly views, stocked lake and large pond, 150' x 100' shed, office & commercial units, 3,749 sq ft, EPC = D

Guide ÂŁ1.75 million | Freehold

Around 46 acres

Talk to us today Ben Davies Head of Department 01872 243 204

1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 2

05/07/2018 14:32

Savills Cornwall

01872 243 200

Contemporary home in rural setting | Near Helford, South Cornwall Built in 2015, far reaching countryside views, rural village location, close to the Helford river, open plan living, 3 bedrooms, landscaped gardens, walking distance to village amenities, 2,149 sq ft, EPC = C

Guide ÂŁ795,000 | Freehold

what can we do for you?

1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 3

05/07/2018 14:32



This substantial five bedroom detached period property has a wonderful character and history, standing prominently on Bossiney Road between the villages of Tintagel and Bossiney on the rugged North Cornish coast. The property is thought to date back to 1893 and this is the first time the property has been on the market for 38 years. With large, bright rooms, high ceilings and lots of original features plus ample parking. Huge potential, must view! EPC E

Little Petherick


Situated in the pretty hamlet of Little Petherick, within a short drive of both Padstow and Wadebridge, is this traditional Grade II listed semi-detached cottage in an elevated position neighbouring the picturesque parish church of St Petroc. The cottage offers comfortable two bedroom accommodation, three reception rooms and a host of characterful features. Externally, the stone façade is enhanced by brick quoin stones, lintels and window surrounds providing a most attractive look to the property, whilst the pretty gardens stretch across the front and to the side of the cottage. EPC G

Port Isaac


Rare opportunity to acquire a front line coastal property with huge potential to create your dream home. Ripe and ready for refurbishment this four bedroom link-detached enjoys the most breathtaking uninterrupted ocean views and is just a short walk to the popular and picturesque harbour made so famous by Doc Martin. All front facing rooms enjoy spectacular views and a pleasant enclosed garden, with a substantial outbuilding, is to the rear. There is plenty of parking by virtue of the attached garage and generous driveway. All in all, a fabulous property that is just waiting for you to stamp your mark upon it. EPC E

CL--75--AD--Jackie Stanley--2.00.indd 2

06/07/2018 12:04



A three bedroom detached home situated on a quiet cul-de-sac just 200 yards from the beautiful beach at Trevone Bay. It is a delightful and characterful detached three bedroom home with a welcoming feel and a beach-style interior. The property features slate floors as well as stripped pine floors, doors, skirting and architraves, high ceilings, a cast iron wood burning stove and a simple style that gives a charming feel and a cosy atmosphere. Further benefits include UPVC double glazing, electric heating, driveway parking and a separate beach room at the back of the garage, perfect for showering off the sand straight from the beach. EPC X



If you are looking for stunning views, look no further! This contemporary, light and deceptively spacious detached bungalow, just a five minute drive from Trebarwith Strand, enjoys a far-reaching panoramic vista. Modern, stylish and incredibly welcoming, this beautifully presented gem offers three bedrooms, one en-suite, a gorgeous family bathroom with free-standing bath and shower enclosure, a fabulous kitchen/diner and separate lounge. Add attractively designed decking/terrace areas, surrounded by glass, established gardens, a detached garage and plenty of parking and you have a fantastic property that would suit equally well as a main residence or second home. EPC E

Watergate Bay


Cited in a superb central and front facing position and the only duplex two storey property within the Waves development with fantastic unencumbered views of the beach and ocean beyond, is this contemporary two double bedroom penthouse apartment located at Watergate Bay just 150 meters from the spectacular beach. The development boasts private allocated parking, secure telephone entry system, communal beach showers with each apartment having the convenience of a separate lockable storage area on the ground floor, perfect for surfboards and sandy wetsuits. EPC C


01841 532555 CL--75--AD--Jackie Stanley--2.00.indd 3

06/07/2018 12:04


01872 306360


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06/07/2018 15:50


01872 306360


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06/07/2018 15:52


01872 306360


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06/07/2018 12:01


01872 306360


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06/07/2018 15:51

Restronguet Point, The Fal Estuary An exciting refurbishment or redevelopment opportunity that occupies one of the most sought after, prime waterfront throughout the whole of the south west. 4/5 bedrooms, private slipway, outhaul mooring and pool. or sale for the rst time in years. EPC Rating E. Guide Price ÂŁ2.25m

of ce

CL--75--AD--Jonathan Cunliffe--Single Pages--2.00.indd 1

06/07/2018 12:11

Falmouth Harbourfront ne of almouth’s nest townhouses. An elegant, double fronted, Georgian villa with commanding water views. isted rade and availa le for sale for the rst time since edrooms flats and studio cottage. Walled garden and large private driveway. 100 yards from Royal Cornwall Yacht Club.


Guide Price £1.2m

of ce

CL--75--AD--Jonathan Cunliffe--Single Pages--2.00.indd 2

06/07/2018 12:11

16 High Street Falmouth TR11 2AB 2 Kersey Road, Flushing - £440,000 - EPC D

Flat 5, 15 Melvill Road, Falmouth - £300,000 - EPC D

Gazebo, Bridge - £700,000 - EPC D

Jasmine Hill, Budock Water - £495,000 - EPC B

Ocean Blue, 14 Kersey Road - OIEO £400,000 - EPC F

South View, Perranwell Station - £350,000 - EPC E

T / 01326 450020 E /

CL--75--AD--Harding & Wakefield--1.00.indd 1 06/07/2018 11:57


Guide Price £620,00

A large detached character house of exceptional charm set in mature landscaped gardens, located between Truro and Falmouth. EPC rating E.

Main Office 31 Lemon Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2LS T: 01872 272622 CL--75--AD--Clive Pearce--1.00.indd 1 cpearceproperty ClivePearceProperty 06/07/2018 15:48

CHYCOOSE, POINT A UNIQUE 1970’S HOUSE WITH OUTSTANDING RIVER AND COUNTRYSIDE VIEWS Penolva has been in the same family ownership for almost 45 years and is offered for sale for the first time since it was built in 1974. The location is very special set in a private, quiet and non-estate position at the end of a lane and surrounded by open countryside. It is understood that the site was once an orchard to a neighbouring property within Chycoose and hence it is of little surprise that the property faces due south and furthermore it enjoys fabulous unobstructed water views over Restronguet Creek. Penolva was designed to take advantage of the outlook with the accommodation arranged on a reverse level principle. The main living area is situated to the first floor with a veranda accessible from the sitting/dining room allowing the internal space to flow to the outside which provides a wonderful modern living area. The ground floor comprises an entrance hall, two double bedrooms and a shower room. To the upper ground floor there is a further bedroom and bathroom as well as access to the rear porch and rear garden. The property has been well maintained over the years although it is now in need of general updating and modernisation but it offers huge potential to extend, remodel or indeed redevelop. This is a truly unique opportunity particularly in such a special geographic location.

OFFER IN THE REGION OF £500,000 Truro 01872 242244 CL--75--AD--Philip Martin--1.00.indd 1

St Mawes 01326 270008 06/07/2018 11:53


W HCoast ER E COA ST MEETS COUN TRY @ Perranporth is an exciting collection of contemporary new 2, 3, 4 & 5 bedroom homes, 3 minutes f rom the beach and designed to 2, reflect Coast @ Perranporth is an exciting collection of carefully contemporary new 3, 4 & 5 the vibrant, contemporary style of this beautiful seaside reflect bedroom homes, 3 minutes f rom the beach and carefully designed

the vibrant, contemporary style of this beautiful seaside town.



Sales centre open Thursday to Monday 10am - 5pm

01872 494 163 Sales centre open Thursday to Monday 10am - 5pm

Working in partnership with

01872 494 163

Please note property images used are CGI’s. Prices correct at time of distribution.

1.00 Please Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd note Untitled-3.indd 1property images used1 are CGI’s. Prices correct at time of distribution.

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02/07/2018 28/06/2018 17:23 10:54

01326 565016

PORTHLEVEN, PRIVATELY POSITIONED CLOSE TO THE HARBOUR OFFERS OVER £450,000 This property will appeal to those seeking residential development potential, as well as somebody looking for the opportunity to redesign and renovate a distinctive period property or to create a holiday rental income. Coming to the market for the first time in over 40 years this is a rare and unique opportunity in this coastal hot spot. This Victorian former Gentleman’s residence is not a listed building and would make a fine, substantial family home with spacious grounds. The accommodation is currently arranged to offer seven bedrooms, together with a kitchen, two reception rooms, two utility rooms, two bathrooms and an attic room. There are also a variety of outbuildings. TO BE SOLD BY INFORMAL TENDER WITH THE CLOSING DATE FOR OFFERS BEING FRIDAY 10 AUGUST AT 12 NOON. EPC G -11

BETWEEN THE VILLAGES OF ST MARTIN & MAWGAN, LIZARD PENINSULA - GUIDE PRICE £400,000 A stunning Grade II Listed three bedroom home replete with rustic charm and large grounds located in a sought after semi rural location between the villages of Mawgan and St Martin. An amazing home which has been sympathetically improved by the current owners and is oozing bespoke character features throughout. The property is further enhanced by a detached garden studio of excellent size which would suit as guest accommodation, home office or a tranquil space for budding artists or writers who would take inspiration from this peaceful and quirky space. Beautiful traditional features and good size private gardens.

PRAA SANDS, CLOSE TO THE BEACH - GUIDE PRICE £525,000 This stunning four bedroom property has undergone a complete refurbishment by the present vendors and now offers exceptionally spacious accommodation which is presented to the highest of standards. The accommodation is well thought out and offers an excellent degree of flexibility benefitting from a beautiful light and airy lounge where coastal views can be enjoyed. The spacious ‘live-in’ kitchen is fitted to a contemporary style, again enjoying views of the coast. Large utility room, two double bedrooms on the ground floor together with a bathroom and a shower room and access to the integral double garage. The first floor offers two double bedrooms, both of which benefit from an en-suite shower room and command fabulous coastal views. EPC - D 66

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06/07/2018 14:17

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27/06/2018 17:17

LOOKING FOR A SMOOTH AND SUCCESSFUL SALE? “I put in my offer on the spot! – I can definitely put this down to how the property was photographed and described” – Nadia S, April 2018




CL--75--AD--My Place in Cornwall--1.00.indd 1

06/07/2018 11:46

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01326 562552

CL--75-BTS.indd 1

06/07/2018 11:35



Image: Lewis Arnold

plastic pollution Introducing Surfers Against Sewage, a national marine conservation and campaigning charity.


TOP All help is appreciated no matter how big or small BELOW Volunteers in action at a beach clean

urfers Against Sewage is a charity that unites and empowers communities to take action and protect oceans, beaches, waves and wildlife. Head of Community and Engagement Dom Ferris tells us: “We’ve made great progress on cleaning up our beaches from sewage, and although the cleanliness of our seas remains in the DNA of the organisation, our new ‘sewage’ is plastic pollution. Plastic pollution has sadly become synonymous with any coastal activity, from surfing to swimming, beach holidays to wildlife watching – it’s simply an expected part of our experience, but one we cannot and should not accept." In 1950, the world’s population of 2.5 billion produced 1.5 million tons of plastic; in 2016, over 7 billion people produced more than 320 million tons, and this is set to double by 2034. There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean, which can take hundreds (if not thousands) of years to degrade. But there is hope. Plastic is tangible; it’s an issue that even the smallest action can result in direct improvement. SAS’ Plastic Free Coastlines vision has led to the creation of a number of easy-to-access projects to tackle the issue at all levels of society, through schools, communities and government.

The recent Big Spring Beach Clean event saw over 35,000 inspiring individuals head to beaches, rivers, canals, marinas and lakes across the UK, removing a staggering 63 tonnes of marine plastic pollution. SAS also currently have over 300 villages, towns and cities across the UK working towards becoming Plastic Free Communities. Nationally, more change needs to happen, however SAS already have a presence in government, Dom explains: “We lobby and work with government and industries to curb throwaway plastic culture. Our campaign for the 5p plastic carrier bag charge led to an 80% decrease in the number of plastic bags used in England, and our petition for a Deposit Return Scheme for bottles, glass and cans received over 300,000 signatures and was recently accepted by the Government.” Globally, SAS are collaborating with likeminded organisations across the world to build a worldwide movement to change attitudes, behaviours and to build a reverse throwaway plastic culture. For more information on all SAS campaigns, environmental initiatives and opportunities to get involved, please visit the Surfers Against Sewage website.

GET INVOLVED! There are loads of things you can do to get involved with SAS and make a difference wherever you are: • Join a beach or river clean, or even do your own #MINIBEACHCLEAN • Lead a Plastic Free Community • Download your Individual Action Plan to say goodbye to avoidable, single-use plastic • Become a member, volunteer or fundraise for SAS Every penny you raise will help fund projects to protect UK coastlines.

U n it 2 , W h e a l K itty W o r k s h o p s , S tA g n e s T R 5 0 R D 0 1 8 7 2 5 5 3 0 0 1 i n f o @s a s . o r g . u k w w w .s a s .o rg .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k

Image: Greg Martin

Image: Alex Poppe



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06/07/2018 15:50

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06/07/2018 11:19


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