Cornwall Living 80

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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

I s s u e 8 0 | D e c e m b e r2 0 1 8 | £ 3 . 9 5


Win E


£600O M





NS • C

C hristmas BY THE COAST Our guide to making the most of Cornwall at this magical time of year


H O M E S • I N T E R I O R S • G A R D E N S • T R AV E L • F O O D • H E A LT H & B E A U T Y CL--80--ED--Cover Final.indd 1

23/11/2018 16:29

YOUR MONEY THEIR FUTURE Helping Cornish families for over a decade. We want to understand your story. et our tea wor with you to create an innovative, custo ised nancial plan The value of pensions and investments can fall as well as rise, you may get back less than you invested. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. For an free introductory consultation please contact our team at: ruro ce ce • en ance •


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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

Working in partnership with:

Member of:

The official tourist board


Pr o d u c t i o n E d i t o r H a n n a h T a p p in g h a n n a h .ta p p in g @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k


C o n te n t M a n a g e r D a n W a rd e n D e s ig n M a n a g e r C h lo e S e a r le D e s ig n J a m ie C r o c k e r – S p e n c e r H a w e s M a r k e tin g M a n a g e r R e b e c c a B la k e – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 0 M e d J a s o B e th p ro d

ia n a u

& M a r k e tin g A s s is ta n ts F le tc h e r - M e g a n S e a r le n y A lle n c tio n @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k

F or all e d i t ori al, p rod u c t i on, m ark e t i ng or d e s i g n e nq u i ri e s : 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 C r e d it C o n tr o l T ra c y D a rt – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 tr a c y .d a r t@ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k A c c o u n ts M a n a g e r C h a r lo tte F o r s te r – 0 7 7 1 4 7 1 8 4 7 1 c h a r lo tte .fo r s te r @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k

B u s in e s s D e v e lo p m e n t M a n a g e r s S a m R o b e rts – 0 7 9 4 6 4 9 1 3 5 8 s a m .r o b e r ts @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k G e o ff P u llin – 0 7 5 3 5 5 8 5 6 1 3 g e o ff.p u llin @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k Ia n G ra n t – 0 7 5 0 4 0 0 7 9 4 1 ia n .g r a n t@ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k D a v id J e n k in – 0 7 3 7 6 2 3 4 3 3 2 d a v id .je n k in @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k M e d ia S a le s E x e c u tiv e D e s G lo v e r – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 2 1 d e s .g lo v e r @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k M e d ia S a le s A d m in is tr a to r C la ir e B e n tle y Operations Manager M ig u e l B e le r t Operations Co-ordinator A d a m P a rro tt


to the December issue of Cornwall Living

here is much e citement here in the o ce this month as e all get into the hristmas s irit researching and e loring all things festi e across the county irstly ould li e to say a big than you to all those hotogra hers ho entered this month s co er image com etition t as a close call and hard to choose from all of the ama ing entries but congratulations goes to the inner aren hurchman for her stunning image of orthle en in its inter coat The home of Cornwall Living loo s icture erfect as the sun s rays bounce off both sea and sno ee ing ith the intry theme our co er feature this month is full of ins iration for uletide fun and feasting as ell as some fa ourite laces to isit Turn to page 22 and you ll be assured of some hristmas cheer ant to get your home loo ing fabulous for the forthcoming holiday season rom page 46, let our interior e erts guide you through the latest trends and ideas hen it comes to room and home ma eo ers f you li e out of county then don t des air a bro se through our en iable selection of laces to stay from coast to country ill ha e you reaching for your diary to get your holiday boo ed Turn to page 58 here e ha e selected some of our fa ourites for you to choose from f you re struggling for hristmas gift ideas orry not e e got that co ered too rom page 70 you ll find some onderful ornish art e ellery and gifts to choose from as ell as food and drin s galore nd ee an eye out for the many hristmas fayres and mar ets ha ening across the region sho casing a ealth of onderful local roducts o ith all things festi e co ered that ust lea es me to ish you all a ery merry hristmas and a ha y e ear from all of us here at Cornwall Living ee you in


C o m m e r c ia l D ir e c to r J o n a th a n P e r k in s – 0 7 5 8 7 0 7 2 7 0 6 jo n a th a n .p e r k in s @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k M a n a g in g D ir e c to r B e n P ra tc h e tt – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 b e n .p r a tc h e tt@ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k

The view from Cornwall...

G r o u p D ir e c to r A n d y F o rs te r – 0 7 7 1 1 1 6 0 5 9 0 a n d y .fo r s te r @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k

Simon Rogers Helston


This month we asked you to send in your best wintry photos of Cornwall, with the promise that one would be chosen to appear on the front cover. From dramatic snowy seascapes, to Christmas lights and wildlife, you really delivered, so thank you! We simply love this shot of the iconic robin red breast, which was sent in by Simon Rogers – a very worthy runner up indeed!

Simon Rogers

e ha e a brilliant and loyal cre here at e en edia rou but as a fast gro th business e re al ays interested in tal ing to outstanding indi iduals f you re a su erstar of e traordinary talent then e ould lo e to hear from you Call Andy Forster on 07711 160590 or email


ON THE COVER ongratulations to aren hurchman ho sent in this onderful shot of orthle en in the sno the inning entry for our hristmas co er com etition

Cornwall L i v i ng i s p u b li s h e d b y : E N G IN E H O U S E M E D IA L T D H o l b r o o k, T h e M o o r s, P o r t h l e ev n , C o r n w a l l T R 1 3 9 JX


Share your stories


itnessed a beautiful sunset Tried the tastiest fish in orn all e d lo e to see hat you e been u to

www. e ng i ne h ou s e m e d i a. c o. u k www. le v e nm e d i ag rou p . c o. u k E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td is a m u lti- p la tfo r m m e d ia b u s in e s s w ith a p a s s io n fo r e v e r y th in g Cornish. Visit to find out more. Our mission is to create R E A D - W A T C H - E X P E R IE N C E m e d ia o p p o r tu n itie s m a r r y in g to g e th e r c o n s u m e r s w ith th e fabulous businesses across Cornwall. Our publishing and marketing teams are specialists in c r e a tin g p r in t a n d o n - lin e c o m m u n ic a tio n s , d e v is e d to a c h ie v e a r a n g e o f m a r k e tin g o b je c tiv e s . W ith o v e r 2 0 y e a r s o f m a r k e tin g , b r a n d m a n a g e m e n t a n d m a g a z in e e x p e r ie n c e w e d e v e lo p e ffe c tiv e c o m m u n ic a tio n s th a t d e liv e r y o u r m e s s a g e in a c r e d ib le a n d c r e a tiv e w a y . W e o p e r a te a c r o s s a ll m e d ia c h a n n e ls , in c lu d in g : p r in t, o n lin e a n d v id e o .



2 0 4 9 -8 4 6 2

© A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . M a te r ia l m a y n o t b e r e - p r o d u c e d w ith o u t th e p e r m is s io n o f E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td . W h ile C o r n w a ll L iv in g w ill ta k e e v e r y c a r e to h e lp r e a d e r s w ith r e p o r ts o n p r o p e r tie s a n d fe a tu r e s , n e ith e r E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td n o r its c o n tr ib u to r s c a n a c c e p t a n y lia b ility fo r r e a d e r d is s a tis fa c tio n a r is in g fr o m e d ito r ia l fe a tu r e s , e d ito r ia l o r a d v e r tis in g fe a tu r e d in th e s e p a g e s . E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L t d s t r o n g ly a d v is e v ie w in g a n y p r o p e r t y prior to purchasing or considerations over any financial decisions. Engine House Media r e s e r v e s th e r ig h t to a c c e p t o r r e je c t a n y a r tic le o r m a te r ia l s u p p lie d fo r p u b lic a tio n o r to e d it s u c h m a te r ia l p r io r to p u b lic a tio n . E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td c a n n o t ta k e r e s p o n s ib ility fo r lo s s o r d a m a g e o f s u p p lie d m a te r ia ls . T h e o p in io n s e x p r e s s e d o r a d v ic e g iv e n in th e p u b lic a tio n a r e th e v ie w s o f th e in d iv id u a l a u th o r s a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a r ily r e p r e s e n t th e v ie w s o r p o lic ie s o f E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td . It is s u g g e s te d th a t fu r th e r a d v ic e is ta k e n o v e r a n y a c tio n s r e s u ltin g fr o m r e a d in g a n y p a r t o f th is m a g a z in e .

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ces in ruro, en ance, elston ly outh en ance ce

ree initial consultation www harris egley co u

23/11/2018 17:11



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23/11/2018 10:58



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or an o i co r ir la gr a o simply take a look at their website.

ri a ar o onl



8 P ark P lac e , W h i t e roc k 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 i nf o@ wad e b ri d www. wad e b ri d

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A warm welcome awaits

Cosmetic crowns, before and after

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CL--80--ED--Wadebridge Dental--GTGT V9--BLK.indd 5

23/11/2018 10:58



Cover feature



9 31 58

News & views

Catch up with Cornwall

Luxury property

Find your dream Cornish home

Coastal escapes

Our favourite Cornish stays




On display


Gourmet gossip



Win a little piece of Cornwall A window into Cornwall’s art scene

Turn to page 22 for our guide to a very Cornish Christmas!



All the latest Cornish foodie news Supporting Cornwall Air Ambulance








58 T: 01326 569569




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46 49 50 53 55 57












62 C




An architectural masterclass

We catch up with RA Design

A warm welcome awaits

At Eden Hearth and Home

Transform your home

With a trip to Four Seasons

The fabric of life

We visit Merchants and Makers

Award-winning architecture

From Lilly Lewarne Architects




Exciting times ahead

For the Strippers Flooring team


Got to experience


Retirement wealth


How it all began


The pinnacle of luxury


Sparkling splendour


A passion for design


Got to experience


Gold for Christmas


Caring for Cornwall


Discover the Duchy

A dental practice with a difference What’s the right answer for you? For the Oceanic Suite Hotel Discover Carn Mar in Polzeath Visit Porthleven Jewellery Workshop At Plymouth College of Art Clifftop dining in Perranporth Winter wonders at Cornwall Gold Read the Bluebird Care story Open events at Duchy Hospital T: 01326 569569



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23/11/2018 16:53

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01326 336 554 02/11/2018 10:17

News & views

News & views


A creative approach with Cornwall Zinc Roofing e hear from orn all inc oofing Director, Ross Bland, who explains the benefits of choosing inc roofing for your home. He tells us: “As well as providing a contem orary finish hich loo s great both with new builds and older buildings, inc roofing also lasts bet een and years – as opposed to 50 years with usual concrete or tile roofs.” Few materials are as dynamically useful as zinc and it’s also a more environmentally friendly and natural product. Ross continues: “We work with architects, builders and clients all over Cornwall bringing a much desired creati e a roach ith unique roofing

and cladding that’s visually pleasing with an architectural finish o if you re after a long lasting and lu urious roofing solution then get in touch and discover the benefits of inc roofing for yourself For more information call 01326 370951 o i i w i c oo .co.

Celebrate in style at the Budock Vean Hotel

Revamp your home with Tileworld What better way to welcome in the New ear than by ma ing the finishing touches to the home of your dreams? If you’re in need of some fresh ooring then ma e sure to get in touch with the team at Tileworld who will be more than happy to help. With 35 years of trading under their belt, the Tileworld team are experts in their field and can ro ide ad ice on e erything from the season’s latest trends to how best to fit your tiles o if you d li e to see in the e ear ith a gorgeous ne oor be sure to contact the Tileworld team and discover the stunning collections on offer.

If Christmas sees you rushing around shopping, cooking and looking after everyone, then why not let someone else take the strain come the end of the year? Budock Vean Hotel by the Helford river has some last-minute availability for their fantastic New Year’s Eve celebration break. With top local band The Grace Notes providing the entertainment, you can welcome 2019 in style with a two-night stay including dinner and breakfast, plus the dress to impress NYE party itself. And if you want to add something extra special then why not indulge in a seasonal spa treatment? The in-house Natural Health Spa has just won Bronze at the Cornwall Tourism Awards and was a finalist in the ood a ards so it s certainly worth checking out!

For more information call 01726 65434 or visit

For more information call 01326 252100 or visit

La Fabrico

Porcelain Tiles Ceramic Tiles natural Stone Tiles Decorative Tiles

1 Mitre lane, Exeter, ex4 3bb - 01392 848487 -


News & views



23/11/2018 15:49

News & views

Give the gift of a Rick Stein experience

Weather proof your garden with ColourFence n adsto arguably the foodie ca ital of orn all ic tein s has been i otal in sha ing the local food scene ith locals and isitors ali e returning time and time again to both the reno ned eafood estaurant and of course tein s ish hi s hat s more tein s offers discerning foodies the erfect adsto brea ith lu urious accommodation benefitting from the e ert interior touch of ill tein onderful for retreating to after a inds e t day s ent e loring the local coastline nd as if all that asn t enough ic tein s oo ery chool offers you an e erience you ll ne er forget hether you re a budding chef loo ing to hone your s ills or a com lete no ice in the itchen ith hands on demonstrations using some of the best locally caught seafood ic s talented chefs ill guide you through a day of demos coo ing and dining

n the run u to hristmas if you re on the loo out for the erfect hristmas gift then you ll be leased to no that ic tein s ift erience cards are a ailable for all of this or a delicious dining e erience at any ic tein restaurant from a int of ra ns at The ornish rms in t erryn to a delectable three course meal at The eafood estaurant gift cards are a ailable from ust r for a stay in one of tein s sum tuous rooms in adsto gift cards start at ust ombined ith a ic tein s oo ery chool gift card a ailable from ust a stay ith tein s ould ma e a fantastic hristmas gift for one of the foodies in your life For more information call 01841 532700 or visit

After a tumultuous winter last year, many of us are finding oursel es battening do n the hatches both inside and out ne thing that such indy eather did ma e all too clear as ho out of sha e some of our fences ere ith a number falling ictim to the harsh tlantic gales that s e t through the uchy t olour ence orn all lly aglish e lains e firmly belie e that olour ence is the best general garden fencing roduct on today s mar et designed to stand the test of not ust time but orn all s harshest eather too hich is hy e offer a year guarantee t s sur risingly affordable too The best art is that it s not ust a fantastic roduct that lly and the team offer They ro ide fantastic ser ice too ust head to the ebsite and you ll find a fantastic blog ith a myriad of maintenance ti s for your garden erfect hether or not you ha e a olour ence installed For more information call 01840 537547 or visit Telephone 01736 754242

A fully managed, flexible holiday letting service... We think you’ll like how we do things. 10 | CORNWALL LIVING


St Ives | Penzance | Hayle Newquay | Bude | Mevagissey More

News & views


23/11/2018 15:50

F U R N I T U R E | H O M E WA R E S | K I T C H E N S | L I G H T I N G | F L O O R I N G | W I N D O W D R E S S I N G




For VIP access join our mailing list at Subscribe to our mailing list by the 22nd December and you will be emailed the Secret Sale information. No products will be marked in store, so unless you receive the invite, you may miss out! The Secret Sale is on the 2nd - 13th Januar y 2019.

SHOWROOMS: 5 M O L E S W O R T H S T R E E T , W A D E B R I D G E | 1 5 H A Y L E B U S I N E S S PA R K , H A Y L E w w w. i ro ka .c o m | 0 1 7 3 6 7 5 7 3 3 3 ( H ay l e ) | 0 1 2 0 8 8 9 5 5 8 4 ( Wa d e b r i d g e ) | s t u d i o @ i ro ka .c o m

1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1

20/11/2018 12:19

The Home of Real Flame Since 1983

Helston: 01326 572878 Truro: 01872 520010 CL--80--AD--Wendron Stoves--1.00.indd 1

The Finest Range of Stoves, Range Cookers and Fireplaces Full Installation and Service and Sweep 22/11/2018 16:18

News & views

Authentic sash windows from

Collington & Company Collington & Company’s sliding sash windows are a collection of high end, timber-effect windows that are available in a variety of materials, colours and finishes They combine the lo maintenance and energy e ciency of modern materials with the classic design features of traditional indo s o hat makes this collection different to others? Firstly, the attention to detail is truly exceptional and what’s more, they are so authentic that the windows have been s ecified and a ro ed in conser ation areas nationwide where maintaining a traditional loo is crucial ollington Company are also exclusive stockists of

the Bygone Collection and every window can be made bespoke for individual clients ensuring a erfect fit e ery time For more information call 01326 572599 or visit

The sky’s the limit with

With more than 30 years in both military and ci il a iation ir rones outh est founder te hen ac eil started his business in 2016 to join the growing mar et for nmanned erial ehicle ser ices

Being able to see property from above really helps give a unique perspective on a potential new home, which is what ma es te hen s ser ice such a o erful mar eting tool for ro erty agents What’s more, when you’re buying a property, completing as thorough a survey as possible is crucial to ensuring

It’s been a very exciting year for Innoscent Cleaning, having established themselves as a benchmark for excellence in eco-friendly cleaning ser ices Throughout the their range of 100% natural, eco-friendly, biodegradable and vegan cleaning products are really causing a stir! These roducts are so effecti e that nnoscent Cleaning now supply to a whole host of equally forward-thinking, eco-friendly businesses, from other cleaning companies, to plastic-free subscription box services, to yacht charter businesses

Air Drones South West

Based in Cornwall but covering any location in the te hen uses drones to support estate agencies with aerial photographs, also assisting surveyors acting on behalf of those buying ro erty

Innoscent Cleaning takes UK by storm

At the heart of their success is their commitment to sustainability They refuse reuse, repair and recycle’ where possible and steadfastly promote a waste-less, selfsustaining circular economy, even off-setting their carbon emissions ith the arbon Trust for anything they can t ta e care of peace of mind before parting with your hard earned cash ffering some of the most competitive rates in the industry, if you could benefit from ha ing eyes in the s y hy not gi e te hen a call and discuss a quote?

If you’re looking for an eco-friendly gift this Christmas (and who isn’t?), Innoscent Cleaning is offering ethically produced, reusable jute bag hampers containing their entire range of roducts including the brand ne o n the Pan’ gel cleaner!

For more information call 07899 947802 or visit

For more information visit or

Indigo Clothing pops the champagne Having been trading for more than 16 years, Indigo Clothing Wadebridge is celebrating ten years under the ownership of Carole Bourne, a successful decade that she puts down to her loyal and regular customers from all over Cornwall, as well as the annual isiting trade This fantastic boutique has become a go to destination for edding guest outfits holiday ardrobes and good quality basics toc ed labels include popular brands like Adini, Mistral, Capri, nto n mreco and ignature and ne brands


News & views


and ranges are being added all the time This year these ha e included ant and a e and ec s you might e ect you ll also find a range of accessories to com lement any outfit arole along ith arah and auline are al ays really helpful, and are extending the offer to all Cornwall Living readers of 10% off all fully riced items until the end of the year im ly mention this article in store and the team will be ha y to redeem your discount For more information call 01208 815887


23/11/2018 16:15

News & views

Transform your

house into a home First For Floors has over 25 years’ experience in fitting all things ooring for both residential and commercial projects and are available to help with everything from the design stages right through to com letion e hear from General Manager, Stuart Dawes, who tells us: “The particular focus now seems to be a trend of luxury vinyl tiles, the likes of Amtico, Karndean and Moduleo to mention a fe arquet erringbone borders and design strips are also popular – the possibilities are endless and our e erienced in house fitters can do it all From the smallest of spaces to the grandest of designs, First For Floors has got you covered so why not pop into the showroom where you can discuss the myriad of options with one of the company’s passionate sales advisors?

For more information call 01726 829836 or i i www. o floo .com

Success for Legacy at UK Property Awards

egacy on est esidential Development, Cornwall’ and received fi e stars for est artment for istral House, an exclusive collection of ten lu ury a artments and agshi penthouses overlooking Fistral beach on north orn all s iconic tlantic coast

With its trademark attention to detail, egacy built istral ouse using only the highest-quality materials, maximising the indoor living space whilst



Capture the fun of Christmas in Penzance, the go to destination for those hard to find resents and the place to enjoy Christmas shopping and find your festi e s irit oasting a high street brimming with independent shops, there are lenty of laces to find ins iration There’s so much going on in Penzance this festi e season n oy Thursday ate ight Shopping on 13th and 20th December, and Sunday Christmas Shopping (11am until 4pm) on 16th and 23rd December, then take the kids to meet Santa in his grotto, 11pm until 4pm on st th and rd ecember hristmas markets are running between 11am and 5pm on 1st and 15th December, and you won’t want to miss the hristmas ights itch n on st ecember from m

restige ornish house builder egacy Properties, is celebrating success at the restigious ro erty ards

The UK Property Awards celebrate the highest levels of achievement by companies operating in all sectors of the ro erty trade

Join the festivities in Penzance

celebrating the apartments’ exceptional coastal location egacy ro erties is a family run developer which has been acquiring, designing and building luxury coastal homes in orn all for the last ten years For more information visit

n th ecember from m itness a display of Christmas creativity with the um hry a y antern arade then on st December, don’t miss Montol Festival – the agan celebration of the mid inter solstice For more information visit or


News & views

23/11/2018 15:50

Holiday Lodges For Sale

IN NORTH CORNWALL The perfect base at the gateway to Cornwall’s sights and attractions

Juliots Well is perfectly located at the gateway of Cornwall, less than an hour from the M5 yet only a few short miles from idyllic coastal towns and villages like Padstow, Tintagel and Newquay. Something often commented on is how easy we are to reach and that we are the ideal base from which to get out and explore!

5 GREAT REASONS TO CHOOSE JULIOTS WELL • Low running costs • 12 month holiday season • New leisure facility planned • Complimentary golf at neighbouring Bowood Golf Course • Fully managed letting scheme in partnership with Hoseasons


01840 298 596 1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1



Or email: Valley Truckle, Camelford, PL32 9RF

16/11/2018 15:40

News & views

Christmas gift inspiration at Little piece of Cornwall Little piece of Cornwall is a Cornish treasure trove brimming with beautiful keepsakes, including prints from local artists, stunning photography of the Duchy and, of course, our very own Cornwall Living calendar, which captures the beautiful and diverse landscapes across the county, from shimmering seascapes to magnificent must isit country estates

you need to know each month to lead your very own ultimate lifestyle by the sea. For more information visit

Whether you’re searching for the perfect card, want to a memento to cement those fond holiday memories, or know somebody who holds Cornwall close to their heart, you ll find hat you re loo ing for at ittle piece of Cornwall. You can also subscribe to Cornwall Living – containing everything

Plan your dream kitchen

Couple smash £100k target for

with Now Kitchens and Bathrooms

Cornish charity! Dedicated fundraisers Bob and Marilyn Bosisto are celebrating, having hit their target of £100,000 for Cornwall Hospice are The cou le ha e collected the funds via monthly charity auctions over the last se en years The auctions ha e been held at Penwithick every month and at Indian Queens twice a year. They started collecting for orn all Hospice Care when a close friend died of cancer n the first year they set themsel es a £20,000 target. Bob tells us: “It was hard work, but we achieved it and we enjoyed ourselves, and with the support of many people we decided to raise £100,000.” At a presentation at Mount Edgcumbe Hospice, St Austell, Paul Brinsley, Chief

Executive of Cornwall Hospice Care told the couple: “Your support of our charity has been wonderful. Our focus is of course the care we provide at our hospices and in the community, and you’ve helped us to achieve this.” For more information call 01726 66868 or visit

When planning your dream kitchen it’s important to prioritise how you use your space and ask yourself questions such as: is family dining a priority? Is an island or breakfast bar on the wish list? What about the latest innovations regarding storage, waste and recycling? An understanding of your style is also key to determining the overall look of your kitchen, whether you want to make a bold statement or go for a more classic look. And as with everything, it s the finer details that can really ma e a difference, with the small touches of handles, doors, cabinets and splashbacks providing a unique finish To ta e the stress out of the planning process, be sure to visit Now Kitchens and Bathrooms in Helston. For more information call 01326 565522 or visit






23/11/2018 15:50

Tregothnan oak flooring

Hand-crafted in Cornwall Aspen and Ash produces artisan, hand-crafted floors for those wishing to enhance the beauty of a space with a stunning wooden floor of genuine, lasting quality.

Our designer floors use the finest quality, exclusive Tregothan Oak, Olive Ash as well as reclaimed Douglas Fir, to offer unparalleled stability, finish and durability. Our new line of hand-crafted parquet and chevron flooring is created with natural form and long-lasting function, and laid to stand the test of time.

Now in stock: a limited supply of 120-year old pitch pine

From the forest to the floor, Aspen and Ash is committed to preserving historic woodland with all flooring cut, kiln dried and finished in Cornwall, then delivered to anywhere in the UK. / 01209 210753 / 07980 703760 Aspen & Ash, Cardrew Business Park, Redruth, TR15 1SQ CL--80--AD--Aspen & Ash--1.00.indd 1

23/11/2018 15:05

News & views Keep those tails wagging this Christmas

Regardless of what we put in their bowls, our four legged friends always seem more interested in what he have on our plates! Unfortunately, human food can be extremely toxic to dogs. Slickers Doghouse in Padstow offer a few pointers to keep your dog healthy this Christmas. Chocolate contains a chemical that’s toxic to dogs, causing vomiting and diarrhoea. It can also lead to muscle twitching, tremors fitting and life threatening issues with their heart. Severe cases can be fatal, so be sure to keep chocolate out of your dog’s reach! Blue cheese is also dangerous and often causes dogs to develop tremors and seizures. Grapes, sultanas, raisins and currants cause vomiting and diarrhoea too, and can cause kidney failure. Prompt treatment is crucial so if your dog eats any amount, contact your vet immediately.

Others to avoid are onions, garlic, chives and leeks, as they contain a harmful substance that can damage red blood cells and cause life threatening anaemia. Cooked bones are dangerous, being prone to splintering, and macadamia nuts can cause vomiting, tremors and lethargy. High fat foods are generally bad for dogs – as well as vomiting and diarrhoea, in the long term they can also lead to obesity, cardiovascular disease and pancreatitis.

Artisan jewellery with Cornwall at its heart

The roots of il er rigins e ellery are firmly embedded in Cornwall’s untouched natural beauty, capturing the lifestyle and raw essence of the striking landscape in its designs. Each piece, in its own way, uses the iconic coastline, ocean waves and the stunning sub-tropical setting as an endless source of inspiration. Exquisitely handcrafted in sterling silver, each stunning item is finished ith subtle te tures or dazzling semi-precious stones, which really enhance the spirit of the range.

It’s best to minimise risk by choosing good quality, low fat, grain and meat meal free food and treats all year round. Why not try some of Slickers Doghouse’s yummy food and treats, all of which are low fat and free of grain, meat meal and toxins. While you’re there, you’ll be tempted to spoil them for Christmas with a luxury Earthbound bed, perfect for an afternoon snooze!

The boutique collections can be found in store or online, with brand new pieces added on a weekly basis. However you choose to shop, you ll find an e tensi e range of contemporary jewellery starting at just £16.95, from bold, on-trend statement pieces to delicate romantic and whimsical designs. Everything is beautifully gift boxed and exclusively designed in Cornwall. In short, it’s Christmas shopping made easy!

For more information call 07917 005071 or visit

For more information visit

Still looking for the perfect Christmas gift? The Summerhouse Gallery is a beautiful, welcoming space showcasing the very best of Cornish art. Located just across the water from the iconic St Michael’s Mount in the historic market town of Marazion, the artists on display here vary from the very well established to the up and coming. The team’s mission is to create the perfect place to discover paintings, jewellery, sculpture and glass in a relaxed manner. The beauty of art is in its ability to connect,



and this is the ethos that sits at the core of the Summerhouse Gallery. To find a bit of magic this festi e season why not pay the Summerhouse Gallery a visit and discover a beautiful, one-of-akind gift for that special someone? There’s also a gift-wrapping service available, perfect for those who lack time (or wrapping skill!). For more information call 01736 711400 or visit


News & views

23/11/2018 15:51

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13/02/2018 10:31

Cornwall’s Air Source Specialists Install Air Source and :

Considering upgrading your heating to air source? MCS-approved with almost a decade’s experience working with renewable heating, contact GreenGenUK to learn more.

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23/11/2018 15:51

News & views

Celebrating 15 years of sustainable architecture

15 years ago ARCO2 set out to create and provide the most sustainable properties in the region and has won many prestigious local, national and international awards along the way thanks to their ecoconscious and innovative approach to architecture. We hear from Director Ian Armstrong who tells us: “Sustainability forms the heart and soul of everything we do.”

low energy design and pride themselves on delivering a friendly and professional service with a difference. In 2016 they built on their success by introducing their o n contracting firm ustainable Construction, in order to provide a relaxed and stress free service from concept to completion.

With a talented team of ten employees, ARCO2 specialises in low energy, coastal houses, holiday homes and replacement d ellings erts in their field the team produce beautiful eco-friendly buildings based upon the Passive House principles, in fact there aren’t many places in Cornwall you can visit without coming across one of their award-winning designs.

ARCO2’s continued success is not just down to them, it’s down to their clients, past and present; the best projects have the best clients and ARCO2 have been fortunate to work with like-minded clients, helping them turn their dreams into reality. With the holidays fast approaching, it couldn’t be a better time to plan your dream project, so why not get in touch with ARCO2 and see how they can help you realise your dream home too.

The imaginative, creative and energetic team are passionate about high quality,

For more information call 01208 72100 or visit

Don’t miss

Kurt Jackson’s latest exhibition

Perched in the open ocean and battered by the elements, the Isles of Scilly remain a pristine refuge from the relentless pace of modern life. In his latest exhibition, renowned artist Kurt Jackson explores the islands’ quiet wildness through a spectacular display of paintings, sculpture, jewellery and etchings. The wild drama of this weather-beaten archipelago is captured wonderfully, which Kurt puts down to the countless hours spent braving the elements on his many trips to Scilly. The exhibition sits alongside information from the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust and the RSPB, who together work to preserve the islands’ unique habitats and protect the rare species that call them home. Open Wednesday to Saturday from 21st December until 5th January, this is your penultimate chance to see Kurt Jackson’s latest acclaimed exhibition and take it from us – it’s not one to be missed. For more information and opening times, call 01736 787638 or visit

No more broken bottles thanks to Flexi-Hex! From innovative Cornish brothers Will and Introducing the award-winning KinetIQue Sam Boex, creators foundersofof Flexi-Hex packaging, Jewellery, the IQ Diamond –a comes beacon inunique, the dark for those grounda breaking, lab-grown looking tothat safely fragile and diamond hastransport put this ethical Cornish often-costly company ontipples. the map. ullytells ethical con ict free iamond Sam us:and “Flexi-Hex wasthe originally is the socially responsible stone for created to protect surf boards in today’s transit, socially responsible buyer, being the most using a biodegradable, cost-effective and diamond-like in nearlyto every aspect. more reliablegem alternative single use The IQ is tougher, and more affordable plastic.” But itbrighter soon became apparent that thanrevolutionary natural diamond, meaning you can have a this new product had bigger, brighter stone without costing the Earth. potential well beyond the surf industry!

Hannah Lamiroy, founder responsible of Tinkture, tells In line with their socially us: “Our organic Rose Gin is a handcrafted ethos, KinetIQue provides wide range and bottled in old-fashioned glassUK and of luxury jewellery both in the chemistry bottles, which were proving abroad using eco-friendly and fair trade di cult tometals. ac age securely precious They are alsoe re so excited to bein working with Flexi-Hex, specialised bespoke design piecesasfor theyunique have given us the peace of mind to that touch. knownot that when gin isand delivered, it will Why visit theour website read what not only besaying undamaged, but wrapped in the others are about them? most original and beautiful For more information callpackaging!” 01208 592066, email For more information visit or visit www.fl



23/11/2018 16:08


s a m t s i r h C g Celebratin IN CORNWALL The most magical time of year is almost upon us and here in the Duchy we’re lucky to have a whole wealth of events, activities and gift inspiration right on our doorstep. WORDS BY

Bethany Allen

Mousehole Christmas Lights by Duncan Scobie


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23/11/2018 16:53

Mark Hemsworth


BELOW Heligan by Night


s the autumnal oranges and reds give way to the bare trees of winter, the prospect of a joyous Christmas spent with family becomes the warm embrace that a cold winter allows us to appreciate that much more. Christmas for me means wrapping up warm and heading to the coast for an invigorating walk or a wintry surf before the romise of an afternoon filled ith food family and fireside games nd hate er it means to you, we hope that these pages may inspire your own magic moments, winter walks and foodie feasts, providing just a small taste of what’s on offer if you’re lucky enough to be enjoying a Cornish Christmas by the sea. So go on – put your feet up, sip on a warm mug of mulled wine and get the inspiration you need to make this your best Cornish noel yet. Many of our county’s most prestigious light dis lays ha e already confirmed the start of the festive season with giant lanterns handcrafted with willow and tissue paper illuminating the streets of Truro and St Ives in the much awaited lantern parades, but if you missed those, head to Penzance for the Humphry Davy Lantern Parade taking place on 15th December (as seen on page 14). Here at Cornwall Living, we’re eagerly looking forward to the Mousehole Harbour Christmas lights switch on, also taking place on 15th December and promising to be an evening filled ith the magical sound of carol singing the glow of lights glinting off the water and maybe even a warm mug of mulled wine too. Or, if you want to experience a light display with a difference then head to The Lost Gardens of Heligan and witness the art of illumination during ‘Heligan by Night,’ as internationally renowned light artist Ulf Pedersen returns to reveal the historic plantings under the cover of night.

James Ram

é ABOVE Truro City of Lights handcrafted willow lantern

Magic moments

Experience the magic of a country house Christmas at Trevince estate from 7th until 9th December when, in addition to the three usual showrooms, Trevince’s billiard room will be transformed into a Pandora’s box of delights for you to peruse, the hall will sparkle with thousands of Christmas tree baubles and the drawing room and library will omit a gentle glo from their elcoming log fires lternati ely head to the north coast for Padstow Christmas Festival, which celebrates the talents of local culinary trio Nathan Outlaw, aul ins orth and ic tein as ell as a ‘who’s who’ of other award-winning chefs. The festival, which runs from 6th to 9th December is one of the largest of its kind in the country, playing host to more than 100 stalls and featuring live music, a lantern parade, Santa’s grotto and a s ectacular fire or s dis lay above the harbour.


Padstow Christmas Festival fireworks

Without doubt summer 2018 was a scorcher, but I think my favourite time in Padstow is during the Christmas Festival. Okay, so you probably can’t sunbathe, but you can sample some wonderful food and drink, and all in time for Christmas! NATHAN OUTLAW, CHEF AND RESTAURATEUR


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23/11/2018 16:53


ABOVE RIGHT Join in on a Cornwall Hospice Care Santa Fun Run

RIGHT Decorations at Fowey Christmas Market

For most of us, Christmas offers respite from a busy working week and provides the chance for a little bit of relaxation, but for one person it heralds the start of the busiest time of year. nd this ecember anta is in high demand with visits to Trebah Gardens, The Lost Gardens of Heligan, Trevena Cross and even odmin and enford ail ay ro iding the chance for your little ones to get in their last Christmas wishes before the big day arrives. Then there are the Cornwall Hospice Care anta un uns in adsto Truro almouth and Helston, where you can dress up as Santa yourself and warm up with a run around to help raise money for those affected by terminal illness in Cornwall (for more on Cornwall Hospice Care turn to page 16).


Deck the halls

If you need some decoration inspiration then make sure to check out the Trevena Cross tra agan a ta ing lace during the first three weekends of December. This charity event includes a market with great decoration ideas as well as an amazing selection of real Christmas trees, and although the convenience of a boxed tree makes it the easy option, there’s something magical about picking out your favourite tree with the kids and waking up to the sweet scent of pine over the festive season. The recent Fowey Christmas Market provided another opportunity to peruse some beautiful stalls and is certainly one to put in the diary for next year, featuring inspiring interior design specialist Julian Foye with various statement pieces perfect for winter.

Lee Searle

é ABOVE Trevena Cross Santa’s grotto

My Christmas theme this year will be very traditional, we have family decorations with lots of memories attached that will adorn our tree, fresh holly from the garden with vibrant red berries will be displayed on the mantel piece along with wooden and wicker decorations, creating a simple and yet elegant arrangement. Offset with lots and lots of twinkling warm white lights, a flickering fire and of course a large mug of hot chocolate


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23/11/2018 16:53


Miracle Theatre’s Alladin

It's showtime

There’s something utterly captivating about going to the theatre in December, the sense of audience camaraderie is heightened with festive cheer and watching a live performance just holds that extra special something that a film can t e en begin to com ete ith no matter how spectacular the CGI may be. This year we highly recommend going to see iracle Theatre s roduction of lladin at the Princess Pavilions in Falmouth. Promising to be a mesmerising spin on an old classic, it runs from 7th December until 5th January. Or, be enthralled by Cousin Jack’s magical puppet and li e action roduction of ntonia arber s classic children’s story, The Mousehole Cat, performed in the heart of the village in the Solomon Browne Memorial Hall, and allowing you to couple the evening with the chance to see Mousehole’s famous light display as well. If you’re up for something a little more adventurous, head to Tehidy Woods and follow the path deep into a land of myth, legend and festive magic as Old Man Winter’s world of stories, faeries and winter wonders comes to life.

Wrap up warm for Winter Wood as the actors lead you through a series of scenes created amongst the branches, complete with mulled wine, each season is different but every time you come home amazed and delighted

Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas for us without a family Boxing Day walk across Gwithian beach followed by pasties and hot chocolate – eaten on the beach if the weather allows or hunkered down in our trusty campervan if we need to ward off the elements. There’s nothing like the sight and smell of the sea to invigorate the mind and the body after the excesses of Christmas Day and the children get to burn off some energy too! HANNAH TAPPING, CORNWALL LIVING EDITOR


Take a walk on the wild side

We’re absolutely spoilt for choice when it comes to winter walks in Cornwall and there’s nothing better than hitting the coast to watch the steady rise and fall of the ocean. One of my personal favourites is to walk around Godrevy head. Watching the waves crash and swirl around Godrevy Lighthouse and spotting seals seeking refuge from the surf at the foot of the cliffs is always a magical experience. Or on Boxing Day, why not join in on one of the Boxing Day swims to burn off those excess calories? With organised swims taking place at Trevaunance Cove, Coverack, Sennen, Poldhu and Gylly beach as well as many other popular swimming spots, it’s always great fun for spectators and participants alike and gives you the excuse to go to the closest pub afterwards and warm up with a mulled cider in front of the fire any of the swims also raise money for charity, allowing you to spread the Christmas cheer and providing motivation to those brave enough to don their costumes and hit the surf.


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23/11/2018 16:53

All I want for Christmas

The gift of giving is wonderfully abundant over Christmas, and to make your shopping e en easier e recommend isiting an nn s ottage store here you ll find beautiful clothing, water-sports equipment and jewellery (as seen in our recent Cornwall Living Gift Guide). If you’re after something a little more luxurious, Cornwall Gold has an incredibly extensive collection of beautiful jewellery (as seen on page 88). Or, if you’re a silver lover then head to one of the Silver Origins stores located in Marazion and St Ives, where you’ll find an equally im ressi e array of sil er jewellery, inspired by everything from autumn leaves to Cornish waves.

Getting into the spirit

For many of us, getting into the festive spirit goes hand in hand with cracking open a bottle of our favourite tipple whether that be a refreshing Buck’s Fizz breakfast, or a smooth bottle of red with Christmas dinner. If you ant to find the erfect ti le to accom any your meal, Polgoon Vineyard has an amazing selection of some of the finest ornish ines made from grapes grown right here in the uchy ea ing of getting into the s irit ic Stein has recently released a limited edition gin in collaboration with Tarquin’s, curated by Charlie Stein and handcrafted using wild chamomile and fennel seeds, which can be collected around the Cornish coast. Similarly, Curio Gin also forages its ingredients from around our stunning coastline. The fragrant botanicals are then distilled in small batches for exceptional quality and a delicately smooth gin, both excellent options for that post meal gin and tonic.

Food glorious food

My favourite thing about Christmas? You guessed it, food. Ever since I can remember my Mum has created the most spectacular spread of food, commencing months in advance and finishing ith our family gathered around the table to enjoy a full-blown feast. To make the chore of Christmas cooking easier this year e recommend ordering a i erford rganics Christmas box packed full of organic veggies, meat and cheese. However, if you’re after a wider selection of meat then make sure to visit the Etherignton Meats Farmshop in Scorrier, which sells locally reared beef, pork and turkey as well as their festive feast meat boxes, which can be ordered online. Then for my Dad’s favourite course head to Cheese on Coast in St Ives where an incredibly extensive selection of artisan cheese awaits.


Make Christmas cooking easy with a Riverford Organic box

Rick Stein Christmas pudding

Polgoon Vineyardwines



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23/11/2018 16:53

Experts in effective furnishing of new or existing holiday properties, from a roller blind to a complete refurbishment ...

Refresh for the new season

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01872 560500 stylehomecornwall

20/11/2018 14:15

Fireplace designers and installers with an eye for detail. Kernow Fires Kernow Fires help houses across Cornwall become warm and

Fireplace designers and installers with showrooms in Wadebridge and Redruth beautiful homes. Specialising in wood & gas fires, Everhot cookers and bespoke furniture.

Find out more at

Photo Credits: Perfect Stays and Latitude 50

01208 812 333 Unit 3 Trevanson Street Wadebridge PL27 7AW

028.indd 1

23/11/2018 14:34


For all that’s featured in this month’s Cornwall Living and more, head to our ebsite ancy being the first to recei e updates? Well, you can by subscribing to our newsletter at...


Tables set at Una St Ives


If you, like us, love this time of year, you’ll love ‘Cornwall in the Snow’ – our video of stills taken during the snows earlier this year.



As usual we have some fantastic prizes up for grabs this month, including two coastal breaks, a delicious meal for two and this stunning coffee table book from Mike Lacey Photography – one of only 1,000 printed. Showcasing some of Mike’s best wave photography, this really is worth having! Enter now at Terms & conditions apply

Courtesy of Anna Photography

My top tip for the perfect Christmas pudding is to make sure you marinate your dried fruit in rum or brandy first, it gives it an extra punch of boozy flavour. Anything up to two weeks is fine but avoid storing in the fridge

Christmas in Cornwall to me means beach walks, hip flasks and log fires with a chance of a Christmas surf and when it comes to taking photographs of waves in winter, remote, beautiful, huge winter swells are what I’m waiting for Mike Lacey

Or take the stress out of Christmas cooking entirely and book a table at Una Kitchen where you can join in on the festive Party Nights – just £29 per person – which include a four-course dinner, music and a wonderful atmosphere to boot. On 14th December they’re also hosting a Swinging Christmas Ball with the Carlton Swing Band to get you up on your feet and on 19th December there will be Carols by the Fire with St Ives Community Choir in aid of the Salvation Army. It doesn’t get more festive than that! There really is a plethora of magic moments to enjoy, whether it’s a family walk along a secluded section of our stunning coastline, a festive feast that leaves you feeling utterly satisfied or finding the erfect gifts for your loved ones. Hopefully you’ve found some ideas to help make this year’s Christmas in Cornwall the best yet. For now, I suppose all that’s left to say is we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Enter now at



z.CL--80--Cover Feature 6.00.indd 7

23/11/2018 15:57

CORNWALL TILE CENTRE Bathrooms, Wet Rooms & Tiles •

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For a real home experience visit our Plymouth showroom which has 3 fully working bathroom displays, 17 working showers and a further 18 displays to view, as well as a level access wet room complete with a Spa

Studio One South West Ltd 3 6D E Plymouth, PL6 7FB

T: 01752 977497 Showrooms in Plymouth, Wadebridge & Pensilva

23/11/2018 10:45


R o c k N e w q u a y



S t Iv e s




ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

This 1950s bungalow has been utterly transformed into a detached high-end home with four en-suite bedrooms.

leverly designed and completed to exacting standards, Merrywood still retains the character and charm of its original 1950s build. On the ground oor you ll find a stunning o en lan sha er style itchen dining room ith under oor heating throughout lus a log burner in the corner, keeping things cosy in the cooler months n the itchen there s a wine cooler built into the breakfast bar, plus chunky white quartz worktops and a Belfast





1 North Quay, Padstow PL28 8AF 01841 532555

sin hel ing ull this s d elling firmly into the st century and it doesn t sto there As mentioned, all four bedrooms enjoy their o n en suite bathrooms T o you ll find on the ground oor each ith original ood ooring The en suites utilise udson eed chrome ta and sho er fittings as ell as frameless shower enclosures and heated towel rails. Upstairs are two more large double bedrooms again ith en suites These en oy large al in sho ers also ith udson eed fittings The master bedroom ith its light grey storm oa arndean ooring has a beautiful traditional cast iron bath at one end. utside you ll find easy to maintain landscaped gardens wrapping around the property, as well as three slate terraces that are perfect for entertaining in the summer. erry ood is located in Trelights a retty hamlet close to the north coast that sits within an rea of utstanding atural eauty The mar et to n of adebridge is ust fi e miles away, while Port Isaac, with its boutiques, galleries and first class restaurants is only three The ider north coast has become somewhat of a foodie mecca, and its rugged beauty alone is enough to keep you busy with inspirational coastal walks all year round. o if you re loo ing to the rugged reaches of north Cornwall, an early viewing of Merrywood comes highly recommended. ith so much to offer it s fair to say that this wonderful home is unlikely to be on the market for long!

INFORMATION N e w ly r e n o v a te d d e ta c h e d h o u s e F o u r e n - s u ite b e d ro o m s O n e fa m ily b a th ro o m O r ig in a l w o o d e n oorboards L a n d s c a p e d g a rd e n s a n d g ra v e l d r iv e w a y O ff- r o a d p a r k in g L o c a te d b e tw e e n P o lz e a th a n d P o rt Is a a c


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22/11/2018 11:15


R o c k N e w q u a y





S t Iv e s

ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

TREWEN HOUSE Less than three miles from both Swanpool and Gyllyngvase beach, this exceptionally private home is perhaps one of the most impressive listings on today’s Cornish market.

INFORMATION E x c e p tio n a lly p r iv a te lo c a tio n S tu n n in g g r o u n d s a n d g a rd e n s A p p r o x im a te ly e ig h t a c r e s G a rd e n ro o m V ie w s o f F a lm o u th B a y E ig h t b e d r o o m s D o u b le g a r a g e , w o r k s h o p s a n d s to ra g e H a r d s u r fa c e te n n is c o u r t H e a te d o u td o o r s w im m in g p o o l ecently refitted kitchen b re a k fa s t ro o m L a r g e s o u th - fa c in g te r r a c e P la n n in g c o n s e n t fo r s e c o n d la r g e r e s id e n c e E P C F


et high above the village of Budock Water and surrounded by its own eight acres of beautiful gardens and grounds, plus an assurance of its retained privacy over the wider surrounding farmland by means of a legal covenant, Trewen House enjoys the utmost, retained privacy and excellent views, both of the countryside and coast. A sense of anticipation builds as you walk through the gabled entrance and, as you step inside, a broad hallway and magnificent grand staircase begin immediately to give you a sense of scale. Indeed, eight bedrooms make up the main accommodation, with a further two in the separate Lodge House – ideal secondary accommodation for a growing family or visiting guests. There is also planning permission to construct a further substantial house in the grounds. Back to the main house and each of the four principle reception rooms enjoy southerly coastal views over Falmouth Bay and beyond. There’s also the Drawing Room – with its feature bay window – and the Sitting Room, which are back-toback, opening onto one another by large concertina doors, creating a space that, in excess of 45”, is perfect for entertaining.

Onto the location: Falmouth, which is less than two miles distant, was voted as the number one place to live in the UK last year by readers of the Sunday Times, and it really is a wonderful location for a whole multitude of lifestyles, whether you enjoy lacing up your boots and wandering the coast path, enjoying a round of golf, or getting out on your boat and letting the ocean spray revitalise your senses. The quality and originality of this fine arts and crafts building simply cannot be ignored, as there is an exceptional level of original unspoilt detail that still exists throughout it, which is rare in today’s market. With so many features and having been so immaculately looked after by its present owners; with lifestyle perks that include an excellent hard surface tennis court and a heated outdoor pool, Trewen presents an opportunity of which there are very few in Cornwall.


GUIDE PRICE: £2,950,000


01872 306360


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23/11/2018 13:58


We pride ourselves on the very high standard of service we provide. As Cornwall’s premier flooring company it is essential for us to maintain this quality of service at all times and provide each customer with an enjoyable, informative and stress free experience from initial enquiry to completed installation. Bodmin Flooring Centre • Dunmere Road Bodmin • Cornwall • PL31 2QN Showroom open Monday - Saturday 9:00am until 5:00pm to Speak ur o f o one les ced sa on n ie r e m a e exp t l chnica 9 and te 5 8 6 7 01208o our Bodmin t in e or pop room to se show ge range the hu ffer. on o

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01208 76859 23/11/2018 14:42


R o c k N e w q u a y





S t Iv e s

B o d m in S t A u s te ll

P e n z a n c e

GLYNFORD Constructed in 1912, this substantial city house occupies a large corner plot in a commanding position and boasts outstanding city views of Truro Cathedral.

INFORMATION V ic to r ia n p r o p e r ty F o u r b e d ro o m s C ity lo c a tio n G e n e r o u s ly p r o p o r tio n e d B e a u tifu l c o n s e r v a to r y S o la r w a te r h e a tin g B e a u tifu l g a r d e n


he house is spacious and generously proportioned throughout and the windows and the extraordinary conservatory have been thoughtfully placed to take advantage of the sunny aspect, creating a light and bright home. There’s also a wealth of period character intact, including the tessellated tiled ooring in the hallway, high skirtings, panelling and corniced ceilings nodding towards the building’s Victorian heritage. A particularly lovely feature is the coloured, glazed front door, which opens into the sunny conservatory, and via the hallway leads into two dual aspect reception rooms of similar proportions as well as a separate study. Although a home of great history, the property has also been beautifully modernised and has a recent kitchen extension with a wet room and an updated bathroom as well as central heating and a solar hot water system. Upstairs, the master bedroom is large with timber ooring and the bay indo re eals panoramic city views. There are three more double rooms, a family bathroom and a large attic space, offering additional storage room and great potential if you have an eye for development. Situated at the end of one of Truro’s more desirable streets, the city is only a short walk away. Bosvigo Primary school is close at hand, as is the main line railway station making it a very convenient part of the city to live in.


GUIDE PRICE: £595,000

CLIVE PEARCE PROPERTY 31 Lemon Street, Truro TR1 2LS 01872 272622


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22/11/2018 11:50

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16/11/2018 15:37


R o c k N e w q u a y



ll B o d m in



S t Iv e s

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

TEHIDY TERRACE A stunning and comprehensively refurbished Grade II listed Georgian property, just a five-minute walk to the old high street, the delightful Greenbank hotel and the Royal Cornwall Yacht Club.

INFORMATION G r a d e II lis te d G e o r g ia n p ro p e rty O c e a n a n d r iv e r v ie w s C e n tr a l to w n lo c a tio n L a r g e c e lla r F iv e b e d r o o m s T h re e b a th ro o m s G a ra g e a n d w o rk s h o p M o d e r n r e fu r b is h m e n t


his beautiful property marries period elegance ith ourishes of modern interior design to create a wonderful living space. The spacious living room has a cosy oodburner and oor to ceiling sash indo s hich ood the rooms with light and are framed with the original shutters. Similarly the dining room also has sash windows with working shutters still in place and a delightful window seat. The kitchen, bathrooms and utility room have been modernised ith glossy ne fittings bringing a contemporary edge to a classic home and the bedrooms in comparison contain touches of period charm such as the stri ed ooden oors and sash indo s The enviable position means that the property enjoys a panoramic view of Carrick Roads, Flushing and the ocean beyond; the front lawn also has bustling water views and the generous sunny garden to the rear provides plenty of room for entertaining across its multiple levels. Not to mention, there’s also a garage and workshop with access to Penwerris Lane, which has massive potential. Thanks to its prime location in the centre of Falmouth and its stunning sea and river views, Tehidy Terrace is currently utilised as a successful holiday let but could just as easily be a warm and welcoming family home.


OIEO: ÂŁ845,000


16 High Street, Falmouth TR11 2AB 01326 450020


CL--80--ED--Harding & Wakefield--1.00.indd 36

23/11/2018 11:26

10 reasons to choose us: More than 40 years’ experience installing windows and doors in Cornwall British Standards Institute Kitemark certified installer Which? Trusted Trader member no. 403292369 National Conservatory Installer of the Year finalist 2012 & 2015 Glass and Glazing Federation member no. 82982 Free, no obligation quote with every enquiry No commission-only based salesman will call 10 year insurance back guarantee with each installation Fully qualified team of installers

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Call 01209 718002 or visit

T2734 JS 2018 DEC Cornwall Liv 85.5x244.indd 1 037.indd 1

15/11/2018 15:01 23/11/2018 10:48


R o c k N e w q u a y



ll B o d m in



S t Iv e s

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

PENALUNA An enchanting, rustic hideaway nestled in a secluded location, near the village of Paul, this impressive, detached granite farmhouse boasts a wealth of character and charm.

INFORMATION L o v in g ly r e s to r e d late ooring F iv e b e d r o o m s


F o u r b a th ro o m s F iv e r e c e p tio n r o o m s L a r g e k itc h e n S e p a r a te s tu d io a n d s u m m e rh o u s e P o te n tia l fo r a n n e x e

ith fi e bedrooms of ersatile accommodation including one en suite along ith three further bathrooms fi e rece tion rooms a fantastic studio and summerhouse this home is absolutely erfect for a gro ing family also lending itself to the addition of an anne e sub ect to lanning ermission enaluna has been beautifully restored by the resent o ners nside slate tile oors really hel cement that house in the country feel nd ee ing things cosy during the colder months the li ing room has an im ressi e granite inglenoo fire lace ith beautiful slate hearth or many the itchen is the social hub of the home Than fully this ro erty offers a light and airy fully fitted itchen brea fast room ith lenty of s ace for a dining table and dis lay furniture range of bes o e units ro ide lenty of storage and there s e en an in built ine rac utside the beautiful ra around gardens ro ide lots of ri acy and are securely enclosed ith a fi e bar gated entrance ainly laid to la n ith granite feature roc eries ell stoc ed o er beds mature trees and shrubs to the borders there s s ace outside to lease e erybody including a raised atio ith ornamental ond and a further atio area ith countryside ie s ideal for entertaining

nly a short dri e a ay you ll find the o ular and icturesque illages of e lyn and ousehole nd only a little further around the coast you ll certainly ant to isit the gorgeous orthcurno beach and the o en air inac Theatre This already fabulous family home has the otential to become something truly s ecial so if you re loo ing to ut your stam on your o n little iece of orn all be sure to contact y lace in orn all




First Floor Offices, 18 Callywith Gate, Launceston Road, Bodmin PL31 2RQ 01208 813874


CL--80--ED--My Place in Cornwall--1.00.indd 2

23/11/2018 10:47

Furniture Showroom

Welcome to Rustic House

Our Showroom and Coffee Shop offers an exciting collection of unique, rustic, hand-made furniture alongside our extensive range of lighting and beautiful home accessories.


High Quality UPVC Windows, Doors and Conservatories 01726 813 820 SHOWROOM NOW OPEN!

Mon - Fri: 8.30am to 4.30pm. Sat by appointment.18 Rockhill Business Park, Higher Bugle, St Austell PL26 8RA

039.indd 1

Opposite Wyevale Garden Centre Par Moor Road, Par, Cornwall. PL24 2SQ

w w w. r u st i c h o u s e .c o.u k 01726 817567

23/11/2018 10:49


Your forever


Live your later life in style with Blue Cedar Homes, creating luxury properties for your retirement.



DISCOVER MORE Blue Cedar Homes is currently marketing new homes at Mylor Gardens, Mylor Bridge and at Camaret Gardens on the outskirts of world-famous St Ives.

or many of us, the prospect of enjoying our later years in a beautiful home and surroundings is certainly at the top of the bucket list. Whether it’s simply a matter of moving house or even mo ing to a different county finding the right home in which to enjoy your golden years is really important and here at Cornwall Living, we’ve discovered a company who are experts at creating wonderful homes with the older generation in mind. Blue Cedar Homes specialises in creating small developments of luxury homes where those over 55 can lead the later life they desire. We hear from Managing Director Nick Hole who tells us: “While many homeowners approaching retirement plan to ‘rightsize’ to a low-maintenance property that can cater for their changing needs, buyers do not, and should not have to compromise on quality or location.” Blue Cedar Homes' developments are located in the most desirable towns and villages, from coast to country, and typically include 10-15 detached freehold properties. Every scheme features bespoke property designs, carefully crafted to blend with the local architecture and landscape, and each as individual as the people who choose it. Renowned for their blend of practicality, quality and unrivalled attention to detail, the e clusi e ro erties ha e fully fitted kitchens, elegant bathrooms, well-planned

layouts, and generously sized rooms that can be easily adapted in the future. Furthermore, every development is cared for by a local Estate Manager who undertakes gardening, waste management and some external property maintenance. They look after the attractive landscaped garden and summerhouse that are the focus of each scheme and even keep an eye on properties, whether owners are home or away, making a Blue Cedar Homes property the perfect lock-up-and-leave prospect. The close-knit team at Blue Cedar Homes has many years’ experience in developing schemes. As part of the Eagle One group of com anies lue edar omes benefits from a depth of knowledge in residential and commercial property development, as well as a sound financial base that has enabled the company to grow and thrive. With so many opportunities to enjoy an active and independent retirement in some of the UK’s most attractive and convenient locations, there has never been a better time to step into later life in style.

ë ABOVE Live your golden years in style é INSET Your Estate Manager ensures the maintenance of the beautiful landscaped gardens

BLUE CEDAR HOMES E a g le H E x e te r S 0 1 3 9 2 4 e n q u ir ie w w w .b lu

o u s e , 1 c ie n c e 4 1 9 0 9 s @ b lu e e c e d a r

B a b b a g e W a y P a rk E X 5 2 F N

c e d a rh o m e s .c o .u k h o m e s .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--80--ED--AbsolutePR/Blue Cedar Homes--1.00.indd 2

23/11/2018 11:53



10 reasons to choose a new Rodda and Hocking lightweight replacement roof ay We’ll pVAT* thheis month T

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Retains warmth in winter months Keeps your conservatory incredibly cool on sunny days Virtually burglar proof. Tiles can’t be easily removed Eliminate any leaks previously experienced No Rain, Wind or Wildlife noises Eliminates almost all glare No more cleaning dirty roofs Provides a safe & cosy space 365 days a year Designed & tested to standards set by the JHAI 25 Year guarantee on tiles with a life expectancy of 50 years TE TU








Transform your tired kitchen in just a few days from start to finish just by changing the doors and worktops. Less hassle, less time, less cost… • Huge choice of door styles and colours in any size. • Worktops, Appliances, Sinks and Taps to complete your kitchen. • Installed quickly and cleanly by our own local professional fitters.

Standard polycarbonate or standard glass roof

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*Term & Conditions apply, please ask for full details

12 Frances Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3DN Call Matt for a free estimate 01872 888722

View our credentials at:

041.indd 1

Call 01209 718002 or visit

23/11/2018 10:50

A truly professional service from start to ďŹ nish from video assessment for the quote to delivery of our possessions to our new home. Our removal team Phil and Gavin were absolutely marvellous! EďŹƒcient, considerate and made the whole process so less traumatic than it might have been (Whatever they’re paid it's not enough!) A real credit to the company and therefore we would have no hesitation in recommending Lanes.

Video Surveys Available

CL--80--AD--Britannia lane of Cornwall--2.00.indd 2

23/11/2018 15:01

Coming or going? We move both ways. Britannia Lanes of Cornwall have a dedicated

team to assist you in planning and moving your personal eects from one home to another. We have a wealth of experience. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at, by calling my team on 01872 560147 or by visting We are here to help.

CL--80--AD--Britannia lane of Cornwall--2.00.indd 3

23/11/2018 15:02

Stunning Hardwood Floors TreConcepts creates high quality flooring designs tailored to your requirements.

Call. 01872 492 029 ¡ Showroom open Monday to Friday at Mount Pleasant Eco Park, Chapel Hill, Porthtowan, Cornwall TR4 8HL

1.00 Template.indd 1 Untitled-7 1

19/09/2017 11:31 27/04/2017 16:33





hile the increase in autoenrolment (AE) workplace pension contributions will help people narrow the gap in their retirement savings, there are many who need to be doing more to ensure a comfortable retirement. The research shows that 44% of people are not saving its recommended 12% of their yearly salary towards retirement [2], which is more than double the new minimum AE contribution of 5%. n addition the findings re eal that of Britons expect to continue working at least part-time past retirement age, and 18% say it will be necessary. Only a quarter expect to completely retire by 65. Young people are least hopeful of this, with only one in 20 of 18 to 24-year-olds expecting to retire by 65, but this doubles among 25 to 34-year-olds and triples among 35 to 44-year-olds. 18% say they’ll work longer than they want to because they worry about their level of savings. Just under a third of 25 to 54-yearolds worry they haven’t saved enough in their early years, and 39% of people fear running out of money completely in retirement. Others worry about facing potential shortfalls due to policy change, with 37% citing concern about changes to the State Pension, such as a further increase to the retirement age. Despite the majority of British adults recognising the need to work longer to re are for retirement a significant number have no contingency in place should they face increasing costs in later life. When told that

people going into a nursing home can expect to pay an average of £866 per week, 22% said they’d never considered how they would cover this, and another 22% said they’d rely on the state. o e er more than three in fi e eo le say they are unsure what behaviour they would change to make up for increasing retirement spending. Only 12% say they will hold off drawing down their maximum pension allowance for as long as possible, and just 8% say they will forego leisure spending to prepare for retirement. When you reach retirement age, you’ll want to make the most of it and keep your finances in good sha e hether it s saving for, or living in retirement, Harris Begley can help give you peace of mind ith a financial lan that based on regular reviews aims to keep you on track. To discuss your individual circumstances, contact financial ad isors att egley or Steve Rusga.

HARRIS BEGLEY FINANCIAL PLANNING Penzance office T h e R e g e n t, C h a p e l S tre e t, P e n z a n c e T R 1 8 4 A E 0 1 7 3 6 3 6 6 5 5 0 Truro office H e a lth & W e llb e in g In n o v a tio n C e n tr e , T r e lis k e , T ru ro T R 1 3 F F 0 1 8 7 2 8 8 8 4 0 0 s te v e @ h a r r is b e g le y .c o .u k w w w .h a r r is b e g le y .c o .u k

The value of pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate Auto Enrolment.

Source data: ll figures unless other ise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 3,535 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 17 and 22 January 2018. The survey was carried out online. The figures ha e been eighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+). [1] From 6 April 2018, the minimum contribution is 5%, with at least 2% from the employer; from 6 April 2019, the minimum contribution is 8%, with at least 3% from the employer. [2] 2017 Scottish Widows Retirement Report – 44% of people aged 30+ are not saving adequately for retirement.

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--80--ED--Harris Begley--1.00.indd 133

19/11/2018 16:13



AHEAD Simultaneously celebrating its 20th anniversary and busiest year to date, Strippers Flooring looks ahead to an exciting New Year.


trippers Flooring has been established for over 20 years. Based in St Ives but covering the whole of Cornwall, the company was set up by Andrew Biss, and has become one of the leading oor sanding finishing and restoration companies in Cornwall. Strippers Flooring has worked on a multitude of homes, hotels, restaurants and museums across Cornwall for private clients, as well as with a number of building companies, architects and designers. The team utilises some of the most e cient dust extraction systems, making the process almost dust free. They offer the highest quality restoration work at competitive prices. To mark its 20th anniversary, Strippers Flooring recently underwent a makeover, but it’s more than just a ‘new look’. Owner, Andrew tells us: “This year has been one of huge investment in some of the latest equipment and training to ensure that as we go into 2019, we are ahead of the curve and still seen as the county s leading oor restoration company. We are in fact the only one with ‘Which? Trusted Trader’ accredited status,” an impressive feat to say the least.

ABOVE Finn (apprentice) with Andrew and Nancy

ë LEFT Before and after, a job well done

BELOW Before, during and after: what a difference!


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23/11/2018 12:00


The team has grown this year too, welcoming Andrew’s partner Nancy Walton. Nancy brings a ealth of e erience as ce and roduction Manager from one of Cornwall’s leading stair manufacturers. At Strippers Flooring, Nancy plays a key part in client liaison, site visits and quoting managing the o ce and accounts while increasing the company’s presence on social media. She is also training to work alongside ndre on the final sanding and finishing of oors As we look ahead to 2019, Andrew explains how he is growing the renovation team, having already welcomed a new member to the ranks. The aim, he explains, is to be able to respond more quickly to clients’ requirements and complete jobs sooner to the same high standards that they've become renowned for. Strippers’ specialist restoration capabilities really do set this fantastic business apart. “We are often commissioned to carry out complex restoration work that many other companies simply don’t want to do. We relish the challenge! It’s often slow and painstaking work, but it’s also hugely rewarding.” One example of Strippers’ exemplary restoration work was being contracted to refurbish the oa bloc oor at t ary s hurch in en ance earlier this year The ob required extensive repair work and even relaying in parts, but the team took every aspect of the project in their stride and delivered the brief to the most meticulous standards.

As 2019 approaches, Andrew continues: “We will carry on using only the best commercial grade products, from companies like Bona in Sweden, and Loba in Germany, delivering our service to the highest possible standard. Despite uncertainty with the looming of Brexit, we are very optimistic here at Strippers Flooring that 2019 will be a landmark year for us, and we remain incredibly positive about the market in Cornwall.”

STRIPPERS FLOORING S t Iv e s , C o r n w a ll T R 2 6 2 J B 0 1 7 3 6 6 0 2 4 2 4 info strippers www.strippers

ind more like this

BELOW A dilapidated parquet floor brought back to life


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23/11/2018 12:00

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048.indd 1

Unit 1, Blowinghouse Hill Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 3AG

23/11/2018 10:51


l a r u t c e t i h c r a n A MASTERCLASS

We hear about three stunning projects in Carbis Bay, Porthmeor and Mawnan Smith by Cornish architectural firm, RA Design.


ack in issue 76 we caught up with the team at Cornish architectural practice, RA Design, who told us all about Tom Russell’s new home. Business partners Tom and Chris Strike put their heads together to realise the vision Tom had for his family’s new home in Helston. Demolishing everything except for three of the outside and half the internal walls, within just 16 weeks they had transformed Tom’s family home from a slightly cramped three bedroom house into a s acious fi e bedroom ro erty with warm modern interiors and plenty of outdoor space for grown ups and kids alike to enjoy. Since then, Chris, Tom and the team have been busy, working on a number of highly aspirational properties around Cornwall and are, in the New Year, looking forward to some very exciting new projects. One such project saw the team working on a stunning new dwelling in Carbis Bay. This particular site had three recorded mine shafts but, when development began, it was soon revealed that there were more than 20! Still under construction, this beautiful property is really beginning to ta e sha e hen finished it ill ro ide four beautiful homes in total, each utilising natural materials to blend seamlessly with their surroundings. Their bright interiors are exceptionally well thought out, offering ample living space that feels both traditional and contemporary, with exposed beams and engineered ooring running throughout

Due to start in the New Year, RA Design have also been busy working on the plans for a new build on Porthmeor beach. This home will offer the utmost in modern design, with feature indo s ooding it ith natural light and a oor lan o timising the a ailable li ing s ace Another impressive project, this time in the rural surroundings of Mawnan Smith, saw a derelict barn converted into a beautiful family home. Sympathetic to the barn’s original features, with stunning exposed beams and hard ood ooring combining ith modern fittings and state of the art itchen and bathrooms, Meudon Barn deftly balances the traditional and contemporary, allowing the owners the very best of both worlds. Meudon Barn's owners had this to say: "We found Chris very easy to get along with and he incorporated our ideas with his very well. e as ery ha y to or on a design only basis with us managing our own build. He also attended two planning meetings and an appeal for us. We have a lot to thank RA Design for as we have now completed our beautiful house and we love the design!" Able to consistently surpass even the highest of client expectations, if you're looking to get the ball rolling on your dream home, why not give RA Design a call?


Meudon Barn enjoys the best of both traditional and contemporary living

BELOW Three exciting projects in Gunwalloe, Carbis Bay and Porthmeor


S tr e e t- A n - P o l, S t Iv e s T R 2 6 2 D S 0 1 7 3 6 7 9 6 1 1 1 w w w .r a d e s ig n .o r g .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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22/11/2018 16:10


We specialise in bespoke fireplaces and cover the whole of Cornwall for both supply and installation

Find fireplace designs to suit all homes

Stay cosy in the colder months


CL--80--ED--Eden Hearth and Home--2.00.indd 2

23/11/2018 15:32



s t i a aw

With the coldest time of year fast approaching your thoughts may be turning to making your home as cosy as it can be.


ow lovely would it be to come home to a nice arm fire ith a beautiful bes o e fire lace made to suit you and your home? We, as humans, find something mesmerising about the lic ing of ames as they dance in front of us let s not forget it s something that has been crucial to our sur i al for hundreds of millennia That means there is hardly anything more natural than anting to come home to a arming fire this inter hich is hy at den earth ome you can find e erything you need under one roof to ma e your home toasty as the tem eratures dro from the latest li ing ame gas fires and state of the art electric suites to a great a range of solid fuel fires and sto es We catch up with owner, Tracy, at the oonha ern sho room he tells us all about the ide range of heating roducts this fantastic com any has to offer suiting the needs of each and e ery customer that comes through the door The ad ancements in home heating roducts o er the last months alone have been incredible, and we are constantly u dating the sho room to ma e sure that e re able to offer all the latest technologies across our heating range ith the ast range of roducts a ailable on today s mar et it can be a little daunting hen trying to ma e the right choices The team at den earth ome ha e a ealth of no ledge bet een them and are al ays on hand to hel you ma e the right decision The com any offers a full sur ey in the comfort of your o n home and ill send one of the qualified engineers to discuss all the o tions ut it s not only fires that Tracy and the team can offer he e lains e s ecialise

in bes o e fire laces and co er the hole of orn all for both su ly and installation This is where Eden Hearth & Home really stand out from the com etition Tracy continues e offer a truly bes o e ser ice to our customers any of them do not ish to re lace e ensi e car ets or ooring hen re lacing their fire lace e re able to ma e e erything in our range to measure and e en offer a car et fitting ser ice the erfect ay to com lement your ne installation n store you can ta e your ic from o er fire lace designs all of hich are a ailable in many natural materials including limestone sandstone and slate The team can also ma e your fire lace as indi idual as you and your home and ith more than marble colours to choose from you re sure to find a colour to suit your d cor erha s you ha e your o n design f so Tracy says ring it in ur team ill soon be able to tell you hether it s ossible You will always receive a warm welcome at den ituated ithin the oonha ern arden entre site they ha e a onderful bright sho room ith li e fires and fire laces on dis lay for you to eruse and try before you buy There s lenty of time to ha e your dream fire lace installed in time for hristmas so why not pop down to the showroom and take a loo at the dis lay for yourself


G o o n h a v e rn G a rd e n C e n tre , N e w q u a y R o a d , T ru ro T R 4 9 Q Q 0 1 8 7 2 5 7 2 3 0 3 info ďŹ www.ďŹ ind more like this


CL--80--ED--Eden Hearth and Home--2.00.indd 3

23/11/2018 15:32

Conservatories & Orangeries

A wonderful way to extend you home om ve o e k s i w r We as o a M S h ys o r Da do 7 In pen O To Bristol & London M5

Apple Lane





o dm Si



Located just off the A38 (just 100 metres past ToysRus at Junction 30), it couldn’t be easier to visit our state-of-the-art showroom. Visit us online or in store and discover for yourself the difference a contemporary extension could make to your Cornish home.

79 A3


M5 (J30) th




79 A3



To Cornwall


22/11/2018 17:51


TRANSFORM YOUR HOME Approved by Which? Trusted Trader as an ‘Official Ultra Installer’, we visit the Four Seasons Home Improvements showroom and catch up with company founders , Spencer and Pete. é ABOVE

Extend your living space with a Four Seasons extension


ocated just two minutes off the A38, the Four Seasons showroom is about as convenient as it gets for second home owners on their way to and from Cornwall. In fact, even if you don’t own a second property, but are looking to improve your family home by extending your living space and letting in some of Cornwall’s natural light, as Spencer puts it: “There’s nowhere else locally where customers can come in and sit inside eight different designs of contemporary conservatories!” Four Seasons originally started out as a conservatory business, but Spencer tells us The mar et has changed since e first launched the business. Now many more people with smaller homes are buying extensions, allowing themselves more living space and letting the natural light in, ultimately enabling them to enjoy a better lifestyle in the confines of their o n home Whatever your home’s size and location, there’s always something we can do.” The indoor showroom, which really is one of a kind, features a myriad of extension sizes and styles, all fully set up, furnished and available for you to explore. What’s more, every Four Seasons extension utilises the most contemporary, low-maintenance materials, available in a rainbow of colours to suit your home and its surroundings. Perhaps most impressive is that everything is available in one package. While you can, of

course, opt for a supply-only service, The Four Seasons team have been responsible for project managing and installing orangeries and conservatives in Cornwall and Devon for over 30 years. To start with they’ll meet you onsite, allowing them to build a real picture of your home. They will then create a series of CAD drawings to show you exactly how your home will look, inside and out, with your chosen style, meaning you can be absolutely certain that you’ve made the right choice before parting with your hard-earned cash. So, whether you’re looking to capitalise on the growing Cornish summer season with your second home, or are simply looking to maximise your domestic lifestyle as the nights grow ever darker and colder; if you’re travelling to and from Cornwall over the festive period, whether visiting family or heading to one of Devon’s many Christmas markets, it couldn’t be easier to pop into Four Seasons and see for yourself just how much of a difference a contemporary extension could make to your home.

FOUR SEASONS HOME IMPROVEMENTS 2 9 B A p E x e te r 0 1 3 9 2 w w w .fo

p le E X 3 6 3 u rs

L a n e , S o w to n In d u s tr ia l E s ta te , 2 7 H A 6 1 7 e a s o n s h o m e .c o .u k


DISCOVER MORE Located just two minutes from the A38 next to Exeter services, why not combine your pit stop en route to Cornwall with a tour of the Four Seasons showroom?

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--80--ED--Four Seasons--1.00v2.indd 3

23/11/2018 12:10

Premium shutters & blinds from your local specialist Discover first-class, made-to-measure window and French door coverings from Shuttercraft Cornwall. From full height wooden shutters to Venetian and honeycomb blinds, we have the ideal solution to match your style. Contact Alan or Paula today for your FREE home survey.

01637 849 153

054.indd 1


23/11/2018 10:52

The fabric of life


With the dominance of online shopping, many of us find ourselves missing out on the personal service that can guide us to make the right choices.


BELOW See the fabric 'in the flesh', instead of buying blind!

ow often do we buy an online product that turns out to not be exactly what we wanted and end up having to return it and wait for the refund, or settling for it to alleviate the hassle? By visiting a specialist retailer, not only are you able to e erience first hand the touch and true colours of the fabrics, you are also able to talk through your interior design options in relaxed surroundings with an expert who can interpret your personal taste and requirements. So, when it comes to buying fabrics and accessories for your home improvement project, Penny McMillan and the team at Merchants and Makers know that it is always the best decision to get together at their showroom and workshop, to be amongst the wide range of pattern books and resources and get hands on. This way you can really get a feel for what you are buying and create the look you have in mind for your home. Penny tells us: “Textures and colours will differ massively on screen to how they look and feel in person. With the showroom experience there is minimal room for error, which means no time wasted returning materials and researching the correct fabrics.” At Merchants and Makers, the team are constantly updating their range with the latest trends and materials, going out of their way to attend the latest exhibitions and shows and ensuring that they are one of

the first in line for orn all This means they re first to recei e one off ranges some of hich may ne er find their way online. Perhaps you’re simply giving a room in your house a facelift. If so, why not bring in your cushions, pictures and other items to pair your new fabrics with? The point is that whether it’s a complete transformation, makeover or a simple facelift, instead of shooting in the dark and buying something you’re not quite sure about, head to the showroom to discuss your needs in a friendly and inspiring environment and come away with the perfect product for you and your home.


Peruse the samples and find the style that suits you

BELOW The Merchants and Makers showroom is inspiration alone!

MERCHANTS AND MAKERS T h e W L a u n c 0 1 5 6 6 w w w .m

o rk s e s to 7 8 5 e rc

h o n P 7 6 h a

p , B o r d e r V illa , B o y to n , L 1 5 8 N W

3 n ts a n d m a k e rs .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k

DISCOVER MORE It’s not just about the fabrics! Merchants and Makers also offer curtain poles and tracking systems – great if you’re looking for an all-in-one window dressing service!


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23/11/2018 16:45

Visit Our Showroom For more information call 01209 213701 or visit Bude Ad 2:Ad



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056.indd 1

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23/11/2018 10:52




Introducing Lilly Lewarne Architects, building creative, honest designs with utmost consideration for the environment.


illy Lewarne is an award-winning architect business with over 25 years in practice. We hear from Directors Gill and James Moran, Gill tells us: “The in depth local knowledge we have and the appreciation of our beautiful surroundings is re ected in the creati e and honest designs that we produce.” An example of Lilly Lewarne’s expert consideration is Quay House in St Mawes, this build stands testament to Lilly Lewarne’s conscientious approach to architecture, developing a home that blends seamlessly into its environment. The design of Quay House responds to its steep topography on the edge of a river, the lower level is submerged into the ground and it has a turf roof, which allows the building to merge with its surroundings with minimal impact on the visual beauty of the environment. ercoming lanning di culties such as the impact that a building will have on its environment, whether that’s in natural surroundings or in a neighbourhood is Lilly Lewarne’s speciality. On the back of Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs) it has become increasingly di cult to be granted planning consent, Gill explains: “Neighbourhood plans decentralise planning decisions, putting decision making back in the hands of local people.” The consequence being that it is now increasingly di cult to gain lanning consent on new builds, however Lilly Lewarne are experts at overcoming these di culties and ha e ust finished a ne build that is the first contem orary design to be granted planning permission after the adoption of the Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan. James continues: “We have a high success rate of gaining consent, the permission was granted at appeal and this is due to the fact that we consider very carefully what should be taken to appeal, this comes down to an excellent understanding of planning legislation, and our understanding of contextual constraints and opportunities, as well as a thorough design and review process.” Therefore, anyone considering a new build or an extension where there is an NDP in place needs to be aware that these have

significant weight in the planning process at a local level, as such, it’s important to engage an architect with a good local knowledge, which Lilly Lewarne have in abundance. Lilly Lewarne Architects work closely with its clients to design homes that respond to topography and location, to create builds with minimal impact on the visual beauty of their environment and to blend into their surroundings, the result being stunning builds that make the most their location whilst also being conscious of the environmental impact that building homes has. or ing on ro ects around Cornwall, we’ve done a bit of research and have discovered some of the stunning ro ects that this innovative company have worked on. Whether it’s a matter of completely rebuilding a home, such as Quay House in St Mawes which involved demolishing and rebuilding into something spectacular, they are experts at transforming spaces, always keeping in mind your particular requirements, and how to build with the utmost consideration to the environment.


ABOVE é Each design is beautiful and well-considered, from the outside in

N o . 1 P o ltis c o W h a r f, M a lp a s R o a d T r u r o , C o r n w a ll T R 1 1 Q H 0 1 8 7 2 2 6 1 0 0 0

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--80--ED--Lilly Lewarne Architects--1.00.indd 3

19/11/2018 17:04



Beautiful stays in Perranporth, Port Gaverne and Bodmin.

No 34 The Dunes, Perranporth Situated in a breath-taking location in Perranporth, No 34 is a luxurious and contemporary apartment that allows you to enjoy your holiday in the utmost style and comfort. The prime location overlooks miles of golden sandy beach, grassy dunes and shimmering seas – providing the perfect backdrop to your morning coffee or a glass of wine during the evening. The second oor a artment is finished to an e cellent standard with spacious open-plan living and a stylish kitchen, which provides everything you’ll need to cook up a feast. However, with a choice of restaurants on your doorstep, including The Watering Hole on the beach, you may decide to dine out every night. The sprawling beach is accessible by a private footpath from the development, which is ideal for families with beach gear to carry and perfect for an early morning stroll before the town comes to life erran orth beach benefits from being dog friendly all year round, making it a special location for both you and your pet. Outdoor activities are also plentiful with surfing al ing and sandcastle building being amongst some of the most popular. Then, why not top it off by watching the sun slowly set beneath the water during one of Perranporth’s spectacular sunsets.

01841 533331


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MORE coastal escapes • 23/11/2018 12:47








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T: 01326 241111



23/11/2018 14:41

STAY | Upper Tregudda, Port Gaverne er Tregudda is one of t o truly fantastic a artments set on the edge of the small but erfectly formed harbourside illage of ort a erne This fabulous holiday home slee s eight in comfortable and bright surroundings and anoramic ie s across the harbour and out to the tlantic ocean can be en oyed from all li ing areas and three out of the four s acious bedrooms er Tregudda sits ato its sister a artment o er Tregudda and is the erfect lace for large families boasting ideal surroundings for socialising together in the form of a sunny lounge a onderfully equi ed itchen area and an elegant se arate dining room The outh est oast ath can be found immediately behind the a artments sim ly ste out of the door and ta e a short stroll to the nearby dramatic headland and ta e in those erfect e ening ie s ned by the ational Trust ort a erne is a o ular destination come rain or shine and is moments a ay from the famous th century fishing illage of ort saac This sheltered inlet has a small sandy beach at lo tide roc ools and ca es as ell as cliff al s ith magnificent ie s and stunning sunsets

01326 567838 Ruan Barn is beautiful from the outside in

Ruan Barn, Bodmin ocated ust fi e miles from the stunning beaches and fishing of the north ornish coast this e quisite con erted barn is beautifully resented inside and out ith a light and bright o en lan li ing room dining area and smart modern itchen ith all the mod cons The interior features large indo s oa engineered oors and e osed beams really hel ing add to that cosy house in the country feel lee ing four o er t o sum tuous bedrooms uan arn s accommodation is re ersed le el o er t o oors ith the first oor en oying a balcony ith s ectacular ie s the erfect s ot for inding do n ith a bottle of your fa ourite There s also a cosy sitting area ith a ood burner for those e enings hen the eather s not so fair This holiday home finds itself in the heart of the countryside yet ust a fe minutes dri e from ort saac hich you may no as ort enn from T series Doc Martin ith its beautiful harbour and o alescent aters lus a number of boutiques galleries and some fantastic restaurants including celebrity chef athan utla s ish itchen ort saac is ell orth a isit ou re only a short scoot from the amel stuary too and orn all s foodie ca ital adsto as ell as the su erb sailing aters of oc f you re loo ing to let your ro erty hy not get in touch

01326 336773


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23/11/2018 12:47

Spyrys Spas and Hot Tubs is a Cornish company based in Wadebridge, North Cornwall, where our large showroom displays over a dozen Hot Tubs and All Weather Pools for sale to suit all needs and budgets.

Unit 5 Dunveth Business Park, Wadebridge, PL27 7FE • Tel: 01208 813760 •

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23/11/2018 10:53


FROM DERBY TO CORNWALL We catch up with Tim Wood about the lure of the sea and how it drew him and his wife, Heather, to open Cornwall’s luxury getaway for grown ups – the Oceanic Suite Hotel, Falmouth.


DISCOVER MORE The Oceanic Hotel’s giant wooden hot tub, overlooking Falmouth’s harbour, is available for private hire at no extra cost, perfect for watching the sun go down with a glass of something chilled.

e hear from Tim and Heather, who give us an insight into their creation and share just a snippet of their story. “I have lived in Derbyshire most of my life,” Tim tells us. “I’d recently sold my publishing business and was wondering what to do next. Whilst chatting idly to my no ife eather she told me of her many childhood holidays to Cornwall, especially the sles of cilly and of her long held desire to live in Cornwall. Well, I didn’t need telling twice!” Within months, their house was on the mar et four of their se en children had o n the roost and Tim had rented a large old house behind a garden centre just outside of Bude. “And so, with three children still in tow, our adventure to Cornwall to live by the sea began.” Tim continues: “Having initially settled on the north coast, one of the ejected sons decided to go to university in Falmouth and ithin ee s as telling us that this as the place to be. We were not convinced – what appeals to an 18 year old is often not the same as would appeal to a slightly more mature lus year old However, two trips to see him later and having sampled a good selection of the pubs, restaurants and activities on offer, Tim tells us, “we had to begrudgingly admit he might be right. We have now lived in almouth for o er si years and e still thin it’s fantastic!” Having decided that Falmouth really was the place to be, Tim and Heather set about loo ing for a business to run and a lace

to live. After a few days spent scouring the internet, Tim explains, “we came across a dilapidated old hotel which appeared to be going cheap but was in a perfect position – on the edge of to n so only a fi e minute al to the shops bars and restaurants, but not too close to be noisy and again ust fi e minutes away from the beach, Pendennis Castle, and the lo ely al s that the eninsula has to offer. What was not to love? e soon found out n arri al for our first viewing, I thought Heather was going to run a ay screaming al ing into the alm ourt otel as it as then as li e al ing into a 1970s time warp – a mixture of Faulty Towers and Rising Damp. The dining room sported a plywood railway carriage as the main serving area and there was a particularly hideous mural covering the main wall. The to oor as condemned so e could only imagine hat it as li e n addition there ere no foundations at the bac in fact, a tree was actually growing through the bac all and the side e tension as falling away from the main house. o too eather to the ub and after a few bottles of wine, persuaded her that it could be a fun ro ect i ee s later e were the proud owners!” To read Tim and Heather’s full story and to see the incredible finished result isit oceanichotel co u our story


Stylish apartment living in a prime position, just a five minute walk from coastal haven, Falmouth


1 L a n s d o w n e R o a d , F a lm o u th T R 1 1 4 B E 0 1 3 2 6 3 8 9 3 3 0 w w w .o c e a n ic h o te lfa lm o u th .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--80--ED--Oceanic Hotel--V2--1.00.indd 2

23/11/2018 12:18


Holiday home ownership in

Rock Padstow


Port Isaac





LOOE BAY Polperro

St Austell

may be more affordable than you think at our 6 fantastic parks...


Truro St Ives Penzance


Land’s End


MULLION Lizard Point

• Pitch fees are included in the price of the holiday home until 2020*

• O ffset the cost of your holiday home when you’re not using it with our letting scheme +

• Payment options are available to help with the cost of your new holiday home

• 12 month owner season†, meaning you and your family can enjoy your holiday home all year round

• H oliday homes start at just £16,995^

To find out how you can own your own dream holiday home call us today on: 03300 580 149# or visit: Crantock Beach Holiday Park TR8 5RH Newquay Holiday Park TR8 4HS Looe Bay Holiday Park PL13 1NX St. Minver Holiday Park PL27 6RR Mullion Holiday Park TR12 7LJ White Acres Holiday Park TR8 4LW +Terms and conditions apply. Please enquire for further information. *On selected models and pitches. ^Prices vary between models and Parkdean Resorts parks. Subject to availability. All prices include VAT. †Owners can holiday as often as they like within their specified holiday season and pitch agreement. Parks are not a permanent residence. Maximum stay of consecutive days applies. Park facilities may not be open for the full duration of the opening season, ask staff for more details. #Calls to 03 numbers are charged at standard UK rates and will be included in any inclusive minute bundles. 4

Creekside Cottages Cornwall

Book your Christmas or New Year break in one of our Creekside Cottages. Whether you’re looking for a water’s edge cottage with an open fire or one of our countryside or village cottages somewhere large enough for the whole family. Sleeping 2- 9, we’ve got a cottage for you. Dogs Welcome! More Information: @creeksidecottages #creeksidecottages

063.indd 1

Contact us: 01326 375972

23/11/2018 10:54

CL--80--AD--Cornish Crabbers--1.00.indd 1

22/11/2018 17:49

m o r f s w e NTHE AWARDS

We join some remarkable local businesses in celebrating their success at this year's Cornwall Tourism Awards.

Celebrating stand-out businesses Thanks to its stunning surroundings, coastal setting and rich heritage, Cornwall draws thousands of visitors every year who come from all over the world to enjoy long summer days on the beach, invigorating coastal walks and a bustling events calendar. As a result, Cornwall boasts an exceptional number of tourism businesses and on 1st November they gathered to celebrate the very best in the sector at the Cornwall Tourism Awards 2018/19. The awards were presented to Cornish businesses that go the extra mile to provide their guests with the absolute best in terms of service, accommodation and experience. Cornish booking and management software provider, Anytime Booking, is absolutely delighted that two of their customers scooped awards this year in its sponsored category, ‘Touring, Camping and Caravanning Park of the Year’.

Padstow Touring Park had a fabulous double win, receiving Silver for ‘Touring, Camping and Caravanning Park of the Year’ and a ‘Highly Commended’ in the ‘Wildlife Friendly Tourism’ category. Family-run Little Winnick, near St Austell and Mevagissey, clinched the Bronze in the 'Touring, Camping and Caravanning' category after another fantastic year managing their touring park. “It’s an honour and a privilege to support holiday accommodation businesses with their bookings”, says Anytime Managing Director, Wendy Radford. “Guests have come to expect convenience, accessibility and gold-star customer service, right from the moment they browse online – this is where we come in. Partnering with us gives businesses the tools to attract and manage guests for life.” For more information call 01326 574660 or visit

An array of awards for The Talland Bay Hotel The Talland Bay Hotel is located between Looe and Polperro on Cornwall’s stunning south coast. Boasting a captivating cliff-top setting, it’s the perfect place to unwind and relax next to the tranquil throws of the ocean. The boutique property dates back to the 16th century, owned by the Trelawney family – of Bishop Trelawney fame – until 1919 and has been a hotel since the late 1940s. Offering guests a range of sea

view rooms, classic rooms and garden suites, with pine-fringed lawns stretching down towards the ocean. Each bedroom and reception room is individually and sumptuously styled, with an eclectic mix of furnishings and art along ith atscreen TVs, crisp bed linen and White Company toiletries. It is therefore unsurprising that the Talland Bay Hotel has recently won not one but three awards. Thanks to its stunning location, excellent service and elegant touches, the hotel received Gold in the ‘Small Hotel of the Year’ and Silver in the ‘Restaurant of the Year’ categories at the Cornwall Tourism Awards 2018/19 as well as Gold in the Taste of the West Awards. This, in addition to being awarded four Stars and two Rosettes from the AA, makes a stay at the Talland Bay Hotel an even more tempting proposition. For more information call 01503 272667 or visit


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21/11/2018 16:07



A salt-kissed clifftop hideaway perched above the golden sands of Polzeath beach.



DISCOVER MORE Carn Mar is available to book now for 2019 with short breaks and low occupancy rates available out of season.

ecently awarded ‘Self Catering Accommodation of the Year’ at the Cornwall Tourism Awards, Carn Mar provides the ultimate coastal escape for you and your family. Sleeping 14, the living spaces at Carn Mar are as varied as they are sublime. Most striking perhaps is the breathtaking outline of an architect-designed staircase, which s ee s im ressi ely u to the to oor ot to mention the statement double glassfronted log burner, which sits between the lounge and the dining area, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Carn Mar enjoys a dreamy backdrop of sea and sand from almost every vantage point in the house, so whether you’re dolphin spotting from the telescope in the reading room or lazing on the balcony, the view is bound to take your breath away time and time again. Polzeath sunsets are legendary and Carn Mar provides a front row seat, allowing you to sit on the balcony, relax and take in the beautiful combination of red, in ur le and golden hues as they re ect gently off the water. Take the opportunity to enjoy a luxurious bubble bath in the fabulously chunky freestanding bathtub, then open up all the

curtains to the beach and fall asleep under the stars in your luxurious double bed. With si tranquil bedrooms almost all benefitting from panoramic views, there will be sweet dreams all round. utside a beautifully manicured infinity lawn softly melts its way into the ocean beyond, with colourful blooms and tropical succulents filling the landsca ed o erbeds nd to the bac you ll find the sheltered morning terrace – an oasis of calm on windier days, and the perfect place to enjoy a glass of bubbly on an evening. The wooden gate at the bottom of the garden leads straight onto the South West Coast Path, making beach access a breeze. Polzeath is renowned for its fantastic surf conditions and collection of high-quality surf schools. And at Carn Mar all you need to do is look out of the window to assess the conditions, making it the ideal base for enjoying the white rollers of Polzeath. So, make sure to book a stay at Carn Mar and experience the award-winning luxury for yourself.

ëABOVE Carn Mar enjoys a breathtaking vantage point over the Atlantic below éINSET Coastal interiors complement the magnificent vista


0 1 2 0 8 8 6 9 0 9 0 w w w .la titu d e 5 0 .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--80--ED--Latitude 50--1.00.indd 2

20/11/2018 14:25



Overlooking the Looe River Valley, Treworgey’s beautiful period cottages make the perfect base for an escape to south-east Cornwall.


ith 15 cottages ranging from romantic one-bedroom retreats to six bedroom family homes, Treworgey was the proud winner of Visit England’s award for ‘Best Self Catering Provider of the Year’, and it’s easy to see hy s you ste into your fi e star cottage you ll find country interiors log fires your own private garden and spectacular views. The bedrooms are generous and extremely comfortable, the living rooms cosy and the itchens fitted ith e erything you need to make the most of Cornwall’s rich, home-grown produce. With paddocks to play in and walks aplenty over the team’s 150-acre farm, Treworgey is also truly dog friendly, so your furry friend needn’t be left behind on your next Cornish break. It’s also perfect for families, with exceptional facilities, kids clubs and friendly farm animals. There are also both outdoor and indoor play areas, a heated outdoor pool and a fully licensed riding school, meaning that when the evening rolls around your little ones will be tuckered out, leaving you free to enjoy a glass of something chilled with just the two of you. There’s something about Treworgey that induces a leisurely feeling in many visitors. Owner Linda tells us: “Our guests often tell us that they spend more time than

they thought they would sitting in their garden or by the fireside ust ta ing in the peaceful atmosphere.” She continues: “For kids, childhood at Treworgey is more like that of a generation ago. Time is forgotten while damming a stream, helping with the animals, riding a pony, playing tennis or enjoying a swim.” The wider area has plenty to offer too when it comes to days out, whether you’re looking to enjoy a round of golf, see the local wildlife, catch your supper at sea or go out for dinner. There are gardens, estates and castles aplenty to explore and, when the weather’s not so fair you ll find museums galleries theatres and cinemas just a short scoot away, meaning there’s something for everybody. So whether you’re booking your honeymoon, planning a short romantic break from the hustle and bustle of every day life or arranging your annual family holiday; if you’re looking for a Cornish escape that ticks all the boxes, why not contact the team at Treworgey Luxury Cottages?


Enjoy a blissful escape to countryside luxury

WE HAVE A WINNER! Treworgey took the Gold for ‘Dog Friendly’ at this year’s Cornwall Tourism Awards, a fantastic achievement to say the least!

TREWORGEY LUXURY COTTAGES 0 1 5 0 3 2 6 2 7 3 0 s ta y @ tre w o rg e y c o tta g e s .c o .u k w w w .tre w o rg e y c o tta g e s .c o m

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--80--ED--Treworgey Cottages--1.00.indd 3

23/11/2018 12:22


Waves of Cornwall Win a Cornish Waves Book from Waves Surf Art Gallery

ALL YOU CAN EAT Win a delicious meal at Xen Noodle Bar in Truro WORTH

Enter our competitions for the chance to win these fantastic prizes!



www.cornwall- TERMS AND CONDITIONS No purchase necessary. Prize draw open to anyone in the UK age 18 years or over excluding employees of Waves Surf Art Gallery, Xen Noodle Bar, Wearnes jewellers, Falmouth Hotel, Talland Bay Hotel, Leven Media Group, and their families, agents and anyone else connected with this promotion. One entry per household. The prize is non-transferrable and nonexchangeable. No cash alternative available. Winners must be willing to provide their name and country of residence for publicity if required. The promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The winners will be drawn at random after 2nd January. The winner will be notified by email within 14 days after the draw closes. Subject to availability. See online for full terms and conditions.

Cornish treasure

Win a Cornish tin and silver long heart necklace from Wearnes jewellers


£49.95 A collection of the best Cornish wave shots that have been captured by Waves Surf Art Gallery over the past four years, all in a 152 page hardback, limited edition coffee table book. Only 1,000 printed!

Enjoy a delicious South Korean barbeque grill for two this winter at Xen Noodle Bar, with strips of marinated meat, vegetables and fish griddled exactly how you like it. Providing a unique and interactive dining experience packed full of flavour.


A luxurious stay

Win a two-night stay at Falmouth self-catering suites

Win an indulgent two-night stay at the Talland Bay Hotel for you and your partner






£35.50 This unique range is made from shipwrecked and salvaged Cornish tin, perfect for commemorating a Cornish romance or for an everlasting memory. For an extra special touch, where possible, the range has a cut out map of Cornwall attached to the fastening.

Enjoy a complimentary stay in a two-bedroom luxury sea view suite at Falmouth Hotel, located right next to Castle and Gyllyngvase beaches and the wealth of attractions that Falmouth has to offer.

Enjoy your stay in a classic room at the Talland Bay Hotel, including a three-course dinner in the 2AA Rosette restaurant each evening with pre-dinner canapés and a delicious breakfast both mornings.



23/11/2018 17:39


WE 26 Arwenack Street, Falmouth TR11 3JB 15-17 Meneage Street, Helston, Cornwall TR13 0ER 01326 572154 / 317222 / 01326 317222 •

Late night shopping 13th & 20th Dec Sunday Christmas shopping 16th & 23rd Dec

Christmas Lights Switch On

Humphry Davy Lantern Parade

Christmas Markets Music and Entertainment Crafts, Artisan Food and Drink Santa’s Grotto

Christmas Markets Music and Entertainment Crafts, Artisan Food and Drink Santa’s Grotto

1st December - 4:30pm

15th December - 4:30pm

069.indd 1

23/11/2018 10:54





Stylish AND



CONTEMPORARY We discover the beautiful designs and stunning collections at Victoria Sewart Contemporary Jewellery Gallery.


ocated in the acclaimed Barbican area of lymouth you ll find the ictoria Sewart Contemporary Jewellery Gallery, nestled amongst the mixture of antique sho s orists and eateries set ust off the waterfront. ictoria tells us m e tremely assionate about supporting new designers, and often feature collections from recent graduates.” As you can imagine, this means the gallery always contains new and exciting work, supporting local and national British e ellery designers hether it s made right here in orn all or further afield there s certainly something for all tastes. Here at Cornwall Living we have our eyes on the inter ollection erfect for Christmas, it incorporates impressive designs from numerous artists and we particularly love the use of different textures and shapes. For example the stunning work by artist Shimara Carlow who creates bold and beautiful designs, which are inspired by elements of nature like acorn cups and birds nests. Then there’s Lucy Spink who handcrafts each item of e ellery in her small workshop here in the Duchy, drawing on different textures seen in nature and what’s created during the e ellery ma ing rocess giving the owner an understanding of how each piece has been formed and ensuring

that every item has its own identity and organic form. One customer has said of the gallery t s al ays a oy to see the onderful ariety of e ellery on dis lay The multitude of styles and materials seems to make every piece stand out in some way.” As well as displaying a wonderful selection of contem orary e ellery the gallery is also able to accommodate engagement and bridal e ellery ith a large range in stoc and the facility to have most rings made in any size, not to mention the fact that you can book onto one of the e ellery or sho courses to make your own wedding rings – a truly memorable experience. As for what’s to come in the New Year, make sure to look out for an exciting and heart-warming collaboration drawing on the ever-current issue of plastic pollution, which perhaps is even more evident to those of us ho li e by the coast n the meantime be sure to head to the gallery and discover the beautiful collections on offer.

VICTORIA SEWART CONTEMPORARY GALLERY 39 Southside Street, The Barbican, Plymouth, PL1 2LE 01752 220011



DISCOVER MORE Other Cornish artists include Mirri Damer, Tracey Falvey, Cindy Ashbridge, Hannah Louise Lamb, Hannah Davies, Sara Fell and Monique Jeffrey-Jones.

Find more like this:


CL--80--ED--Victoria Sewart Jewellery--1.00.indd 3

23/11/2018 12:29

beautiful fused glass interior pieces, handmade at our cornwall studio. bespoke design service available. galleries at st ives, padstow, fowey, tintagel and launceston in cornwall, ripley in surrey and twickenham. or buy online at


gifts & framing


Telephone 01726 65900 71 Charlestown Road, Charlestown, St Austell, Cornwall, PL25 3NL 071.indd 1


23/11/2018 10:55



POP-UP EXHIBITION AT MEDUSA PIERCING 26 Causeway Head • Penzance • TR18 2SP Susan Allanson – Ceramics & Table Top Gifts Jeremy Sanders – Oil Paintings, Prints and Greetings Cards 1st – 23rd December (10:30 – 4:00) Open Sundays but closed Mondays Late Night Thursday 8:00 (13th & 20th) •

CL--80--AD--Vivid Palette--1.00.indd 1

POP-UP CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EXHIBITION AT THE OLD LIFEBOAT HOUSE, PORTHLEVEN 27th December – 3rd January (11:00 – 4:00) Jeremy Sanders – Oil Paintings Susan Allanson – Ceramics Sarah Eddy – Cornish Landscapes

allansonsculptures&art •

22/11/2018 17:52






g n i l k r Spa


SPLENDOUR Situated on the harbourside in the beautiful fishing village of Porthleven, Porthleven Jewellery Workshop is so much more than your average jewellery shop.


f course, jewellers are the perfect places to visit if you’re celebrating key milestones, or looking to Christmas and want to buy a special something for someone special, but make the trip to Porthleven to visit the Jewellery Workshop and your efforts will certainly be rewarded. In 2012, husband and wife team Paul and Clair Pennington established this wonderful, independent jewellers as the go-to destination for friendly and reliable service. Like any business, they’ve had challenges along the way, but what has remained constant is the warm welcome you always receive upon entering, their expertise and the quality that, quite frankly, speaks for itself. As we’re sure you are too, Paul and Clair are aware that Christmas is just around the corner, which is why they’ve introduced a wonderful range of stunning silver and gold pieces, perfect for the festive season. You’ll also find an array of designer e ellery as

well as a host of absolutely breathtaking designs made in-house, using mainly silver with gold highlights and a great choice of precious and semi-precious stones. Also impressive is the range of timeless wristwatches from Zeppelin and Junkers, a range that’s never been bigger! So, if you’re in Porthleven exploring the best it has to offer, why not extend your stay and pop into the Jewellery Workshop. Whether it’s a promise ring, a new watch or simply a voucher for them to get something they really fancy, this fantastic family-run business is known around Cornwall for rom t first class ser ice and fair rices

DISCOVER MORE Porthleven Jewellery Workshop is open seven days a week until Christmas, perfect if you’re still on the hunt for that perfect gift!


PORTHLEVEN JEWELLERY WORKSHOP 2 St Elvans Courtyard, Harbour Road, Porthleven TR13 9FB 01326 561511 Find more like this:


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23/11/2018 15:13

On Display

Showcasing local artists and art galleries 1. EAT ART

Bespoke framing service Eat Art is a collaboration of artists, designers and craftsmen with many years’ experience in the art of picture framing. The team collaborate with some of the best artists working in Cornwall today and clients from all over the UK to supply art and frames to the trade and public. With simple solutions from just a few pounds to unique handcrafted designs, Eat Art offers a complete bespoke framing service. 01326 375917 |



Sublime Light – oil, liquid gold and copper on spruce ply by Jo Crusoe Jo loves to paint Cornwall in all its glorious seasons; the wildlife on land, in the sea and everything in between. Jo’s seascapes, landscapes and delicately detailed wildlife depictions are created in original oils and acrylic aintings and you can find this iece at The Customs House Gallery in Porthleven. A collection of her original works can also be found at The Picture Parlour in Boscastle. 3 FOUNDRY COURT, WADEBRIDGE PL27 7QN 01208 368120


Surf at Trebarwith Strand by Vincent Basham

Looking out over Porthleven’s historic harbour, Albatross Gallery presents stunning photography, original paintings, printmaking and glass art. Established over two decades, the gallery showcases a host of local artists o in and you might e en find eorgia at or in the studio

Vincent is a self-taught artist; he was born in Maldon, Essex and educated at Thurstable School, Tiptree where his love for ainting first de elo ed e li ed in orn all in his early twenties where he gained his passion for painting seascapes and moved back to Cornwall in 2017, where he has a purpose built studio/gallery in the garden, which opens daily. Come and meet Vincent and have a chat about where he gets his inspiration and see how he transfers this to canvas.




Porthleven Snowstorm by Georgia Raybould

5. JEREMY SANDERS STUDIO Snow Day by Jeremy Sanders

Jeremy Sanders is an oil painter working from his studio in Drift. This beautiful painting captures Penwith in the wake of the ‘beast from the east’. Inspired by the light and colour of the Penwith peninsula, you can watch him at

work by appointment and view his work online. THE OLD WORKSHOP, LOWER DRIFT, BURYAS BRIDGE, PENZANCE TR19 6AA



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6. LITTLE PIECE OF CORNWALL Seascape Collection by Claire Bentley

At Cornwall Living we’re all about helping you create memories and live the ultimate lifestyle by the sea, wherever you live. At Little piece of Cornwall, you can subscribe to our magazine, discover the best ways to enjoy your time in Cornwall, or capture a memory from your stay with a beautiful collection of seascape greetings cards or a Cornish print. clairebentleyillustration



Moonstruck by Carolyn Pavey Atishoo Gallery has a fantastic selection of original paintings and limited edition prints alongside handmade crafts and giftware made in the UK, providing lots of Christmas gift inspiration. The gallery can be found in a pretty courtyard opposite the old Methodist Chapel in Charlestown. They also offer a bespoke picture framing service. Open Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm.

Underground Mining by Sarah Blakey The Craft Kiln (Cornish crafts), Sail Loft Emporium (antiques and collectables) and Cscape Art are part of The Old Workshop, next to the main Charlestown car park. Many originals, prints and cards by artist Sarah Blakey and photographer Mick Blakey are available at the gallery. See the website for winter opening hours. THE OLD WORKSHOP, CHARLESTOWN, PL25 3NJ 01726 66639 |


9. ALCHEMY TILES Sincerest Feelings by Mel Chambers “The most sincere feelings are the hardest to be expressed by words.” Bringing ancient 13th century inlay techniques into a modern day era, Alchemy Tiles individually hand carves, rather than paints, inspiring images, quotes and poetry into beautiful bespoke and unique creations. All held eternal in earth and time. Commissions welcome. THE STUDIO, GOLDMARTIN GARAGE, SAMPYS HILL, MAWNAN SMITH, FALMOUTH TR11 5EW


Mixed Media by Lorna Hirst Johnson

07768 193848 |

Located in the picturesque coastal village of Perranuthnoe, The Cowhouse Gallery is run by a group of local artists and craftspeople, offering a wide range of original work at very affordable prices. Open daily, paintings, sculpture, printmaking, photography, ceramics, jewellery, textiles, woodturning and leatherwork are all beautifully displayed in this light and bright art space. LYNFIELD CRAFT CENTRE, PERRANUTHNOE TR20 9NE 01736 710538

11. STEVE SLIMM ONLINE GALLERY Soft Integration Beneath Cliffs by Steve Slimm

Steve’s evocative, mystical oil paintings are renowned for their quality of light, creating a landscape of textures and contrasting colours. This oil on panel piece is currently being displayed in an exhibition at

Market House Gallery Marazion for £1628 (framed size 57×74cm) and displays a sublime coastal sense of atmosphere and place. MARKET HOUSE GALLERY MARAZION 07968 979367



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We hear from BA (Hons) Graphic Design graduate, Shaun Williamson, about what has and continues to drive him on his personal quest to raise awareness and help others.





I discovered a love of design and making people smile, solving problems and creating new things. Now I live, eat and breathe design.



lymouth College of Art believes that high-quality education for life in contemporary arts practice is the creative catalyst for personal and cultural transformation. Its manifesto includes ten propositions, written by Principal Andrew Brewerton. These, added to the themes of Creative Learning and ocial ustice define the college s strategic plans for the future. Current students, recent graduates and alumni were invited to contribute their own propositions. Graphic Design graduate, Shaun Williamson, joined Plymouth College of Art as a mature student, driven by a passion for people and a desire to petition for change through his work. haun belie es that you ha e to fight for what you want. He tells us: “I was a late starter due to an illness I had as a child. Between the ages of 14 and 20 I was in and out of hospital with cancer and am now an am utee ent to college to find my ne adventure and my new passion. I discovered a love of design and making people smile, solving problems and creating new things. o li e eat and breathe design t s something I really enjoy doing, to be able to use my skills to push forward awareness movements to help others.” haun s ro osition in or s im is demonstrated in the pictured artwork – designed using the college's themes of Creative Learning and Social Justice. He explains: “For so long anything I wanted or needed, hate er anted to do had to fight for Going back to college after leaving education at really felt the sense of sin or s im t s easy to a ly my ethos to this industry there is always someone better than you

and there is always someone right on your tail, so you have to keep going and keep learning. I like learning – I want to continue to grow and expand on what I know.” Shaun continues: “For my latest project, ilent igns designed an a areness campaign with the objective of educating employers about invisible disabilities. I want to help employers create a safe space for their employees, so they can openly discuss their disabilities. The campaign is a voice for those ho don t ha e one hel ing others understand the challenges they face.” f you re interested in creati e study hy not explore the diverse range of design programmes that Plymouth College of Art has to offer? Simply go online and book into one of the college s o en days

é ABOVE Silent Signs, Shaun Williamson 2018

MAIN Shaun and his proposition – designed using the college's themes of Social Justice and Creative Learning.

PLYMOUTH COLLEGE OF ART w w w .p ly m o u th a r t.a c .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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22/11/2018 14:31

LOCAL tidings

Helping residents get more out of Cornwall this winter

Join the party at Fistral Beach Hotel and Spa

Fine food and sparkle at The

Headland Hotel

The Samphire Restaurant at The Headland is spectacularly perched overlooking Fistral Bay and uncovers a fresh take on seaside dining. Rock samphire is an edible wild plant that grows abundantly on the shorelines of Cornwall and is the team’s inspiration for a range of locally sourced, seasonally changing dishes with undeniable plate-appeal. The two-Rosette awarded restaurant is led by Executive Chef Christopher Archambault and Head Chef Matthew MacDonald. Diners can enjoy the vibrant, seasonal fare in a timeless setting with perfect sea and sunset views.

Head to the Fistral Beach Hotel and Spa in Newquay and experience a New Year’s Eve filled ith e ic music festi e food and o ing cham agne Known for its laid-back vibes and impressive parties, join the adult-only Cornish hotel as it celebrates New Year’s Eve in an unforgettable way. Start early and grab a tipple in the Bay Bar if you wish, before heading to Dune Restaurant to tuck into sharing platters and festive dishes. Then the party starts as the Bay Bar comes alive with pop-up performers and the perfect mix of live music and DJs as the DJ and Sax duo take centre stage; playing everything from old school dance to house music, you’re sure to welcome 2019 with a bang. For more information call 01637 852221 or i i www. e chho e .co.

Throughout January you can enjoy a three-course dinner in the Samphire Restaurant, with a glass of sparkle, for just £40 per person. So what are you waiting for? Call the team today and make your reservation! For more information call 01637 872211 or visit newquay-restaurant

Keeping it casual Known for its ever-changing seasonal menu, Henlys in Helston is the perfect place to enjoy a relaxed meal with friends after a busy festive period. With a trendy, relaxed bar area and a range of fantastic Cornish tipples, not to mention an ever-changing menu that can be enjoyed from your own comfortable booth, it’s just the remedy for winding down after a hectic holiday season. To help you ease into the New Year, Henlys is offering a fantastic deal to all locals, with two sumptuous courses, plus a drink (including a selection of hand picked wines), for just £18, from 5pm, Monday to Saturday. The best part is that you ll en oy enlys first class table service in the bar area, allowing you and

your friends to casually kick back, relax and swap holiday stories. For more information call 01326 561141 or visit

Reconnect with Cornwall’s heritage at Wheal Martyn Wheal Martyn aims to inspire and reconnect the people of Cornwall with an important part of its heritage this winter. China clay mining has shaped much of the Cornwall that we live in today and the original Victorian clay works at Wheal Martyn are bursting at the seams with tools, machinery and real-life, historic stories. From November 2018 to February 2019, the clay works is offering an exclusive discounted annual admission to all Cornwall residents. Admission during

these months is just £6.50 per adult and er child ith children under fi e entering for free; simply show proof of your address and enjoy the discounted rates. There’s also the option to give an annual ticket as a gift. Welcoming the whole family including dogs, you can make the most of the café and shop and discover the secrets of Cornwall’s largest mining industry. For more information call 01726 850362 or visit

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23/11/2018 10:56

You can always expect seasonal, local food and a warm welcome at our wonderful rful new restaurant. Edie’s is run by acclaimed ed chef, Nigel Brown, who has returned to his home county of Cornwall to open Edie’s Kitchen, a family restaurant with local produce, high quality food and great service at its heart.

Specialists in outdoor clothing, footwear, camping, hiking and much more…

BIG ENO TO TRUSUGH T small e to canreough

After a twenty year career spent working with culinary luminaries such as Raymond Blanc at Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons and Bill Granger at his eponymous Sydney restaurant, Nigel has brought his well-honed skills and food flair to the beautiful Cornish setting of Carlyon Bay. ••••••••••• 10 Beach Rd, Carlyon Bay, St. Austell PL25 3PH 01726 813888



080.indd 1

Enjoy full use of the swimming pool followed by our delicious wood fired roast. Only available with a reservation Una Kitchen, Laity Lane, Carbis Bay, TR26 3HW | 01736 257 000

23/11/2018 10:59

G OURMET We catch up with all the latest news from some of our favourite chefs, eateries, hotels and pubs.

Treat yourself this Christmas at the Teacup Tearoom

At the Teacup Tearoom in Mevagissey, owners Lis and David like to ensure that everyone who visits has a special time, whether you’re simply popping in for a cup of tea or treating yourself to one of the homemade delights that adorn the counter. The winter season provides you with the chance to sample the warm and welcoming treats on offer – ranging from a wide selection of hot chocolates through to some wonderful tea lattes, such as the fragrant and sweet ondon og made using the finest arl rey tea and Madagascan vanilla. And as the festive season approaches, the Tearoom is filled ith the scent of inter s ices ith Tea igs caffeine free luh ein a oured tea being a firm fa ourite great for getting in the festive spirit at any time of the day. For more information call 07535 747594 or visit


Enjoy a country house Christmas

This winter, why not escape to the luxury of country house comfort at Rose in Vale Country House Hotel? Situated in a lush, peaceful valley in Mithian, and within easy access of the A30, this historic hotel was the home of mining captains and oozes ‘Poldark’ charm. The moment you step o er the threshold you find yourself enveloped in an oasis of calm, and what time of year calls for this more than the frenzy of Christmas?

intimate and unrushed, and the menu is brimming with dishes created using Cornwall’s seasonal larder.

If you’re staying, accommodation comes in the form of a range of rooms and suites, and no t o are the same ach is designed to its o n distinct character and all are fitted with everything you could possibly need for a comfortable festive stay.

Perhaps you’re looking to organise a last minute o ce lunch or a meal out ith the family before going your separate ways for the big day itself. If so, Rose in Vale caters to Christmas lunch parties and events. This year they re also running hristmas e Dinner, Christmas Day Lunch and Boxing Day Dinner, so if you’re really looking to take the stress out of your Cornish Noel, Rose in Vale is the place to go. And, for a New ear s e ith a difference the team are hosting a e ear s e ala ith a delectable one-off tasting menu and live music to dance the night away.

en if you re not staying the Rosette-awarded restaurant here is private,

For more information call 01872 552202 or visit

Enjoy a festive feast at the Lemon Arms As the days draw in and the most wonderful time of year descends upon us, we recommend seeking refuge in the welcoming en ironment of the emon rms s ecially now that the mouth-watering Christmas menu has been introduced, featuring everything you’d expect and more besides. Here at Cornwall Living we have our eyes on the home cured Tarquin’s gin and cucumber salmon to start, followed by the Christmas classic roast turkey with all the trimmings,


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and a delectable Christmas pudding with brandy butter and custard to finish or perhaps even indulging in the cinnamon poached pears with Callestick Farm rum and raisin ice cream. It couldn’t be a better time to enjoy a delicious meal in a cosy pub, so make sure to get down to the Lemon Arms and indulge yourself. For more information call 01326 373666 or visit

CORNWALL LIVING | 81 23/11/2018 16:12

Dreaming of Cornwall ? Order your 2019 Cornwall Living calendar now!

C A L E N DA R 2 0 1 9 Featuring 12 stunning landscape photographs from across Cornwall










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082.indd 1

23/11/2018 10:29


Catch, Mawgan Porth gear up for a

busy festive season

Catching up with Patrick, owner of Catch Seafood Bar & Grill, Mawgan Porth, we ask hether the festi e season is quiet for a fish restaurant. He tells us: “Funnily enough it’s one of our busiest times of year – we’re open every day across the period. On Christmas Day it’s traditional turkey with all the trimmings as you d e ect but e find eo le come on Boxing Day and thereafter looking for a change, so as well as some loveable inter armers e also ser e fish and chi s lobster, sea bass and more, to go with their bubble and squeak!” He continues: “This year there’s a very grown-up New Year’s Eve Beach House Feast to look forward to. This will include a fi e course tasting menu from the fields and coast of Cornwall. There’ll also be a kids fancy-dress disco in the afternoon, so it’s ‘jingle all the way’ this holiday season for us!” For more information call 01637 860372 or visit


Victoria Inn golf day chips in a cool £14K for Cornwall’s NHS

£14,000 has been raised to build a new radial lounge for the Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust’s Cornwall Unit Fund (CHUF) thanks to the fundraising efforts of the team at Threemilestone’s Victoria Inn. Victoria Inn Landlord, Mark Holden, e lains e ere aiming to get into fi e figures for the day as e had so many fantastic prizes generously donated by local businesses, as well as the promise of meeting Jonny Cowling of course! But to get up to the total we did was an amazing achievement and we’re just so thankful to everyone who dug deep to get us there.” The grand total was raised through the golf event as well as an evening auction held at the inn, with the entire event inspired by Vic Inn regular Nigel Stafford, whose life was saved by the team at the Heart Unit back in 2014.

Nigel tells us: “I’ve been asked a few times why the team at the Victoria Inn and I feel so committed to raising funds for the Cornwall Heart Unit Fund (CHUF) and of course it’s in appreciation of what was done for me. We’ve always wanted to give something back, for the little things that can make a big difference.” Consultant Cardiologist, Dr Trevor Johnston explains: “CHUF is currently funding a second radial lounge on the Cardiac Investigation Unit at The Royal Cornwall Hospital with the result being reduced waiting times for procedures such as coronary angiography, angioplasty and elective device implantation, improving patient care dramatically.” For more information call 01872 278313 or visit

Cheese on Coast – not your average cheesemonger! It’s been a busy start since opening back in March, with customers from near and far. Owners Nick and Claire welcome everybody to come and explore the range of seasonal cheeses that are coming in for the Christmas season, all of which maintain their commitment to quality artisan cheeses. They tell us: “We have a great selection of Cornish cheeses, other territorial cheeses, blues, goats’, sheep’s and standalone continentals. Come and meet our friendly team of experts, who are always ready to help!”

ic and laire ha e reconfigured the sho layout, making giftware for all occasions more accessible. They’ve also repositioned the cheese counter to increase customer satisfaction, and their online shop has now been launched, so if you can’t get to their shop on Fore Street, St Ives over the festive period, worry not! You can now access all their wonderful cheeses, gifts, hampers and vouchers online, wherever you are! For more information call 01736 793411 or visit

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foodie |


•EXPERIENCE• C L I F F TO P D I N I N G AT T H E S U M M E R H O U S E , P E R R A N P O R T H B E AC H New this year, The Summer House restaurant has been built into beautiful cliffs overlooking Perranporth beach, making it a spectacular place to enjoy a spot of al fresco dining. It also boasts a stylish interior dining room with dramatic coastal views, so it’s ideal whatever the weather. Whether it’s a quick bite off the lunch menu or a three-course meal, the Summer House team pride themselves on sourcing the best quality ingredients from the peninsula, catering for all tastes and requirements. One of Cornwall’s most idyllic restaurants, a visit to The Summer House comes highly recommended!


3 8 T h e D u n e s , P o n s m e re R o a d , P e rra n p o rth T R 6 0 F J 0 1 8 7 2 2 2 8 2 2 2 w w w .th e s u m m e r h o u s e .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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| foodie


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Cornwall & Devon’s Premier Electrical Retailer Visit us in store or online today

delivery and installation throughout Cornwall and Devon* *Terms and conditions apply


23/11/2018 14:39




Known by many as an ‘Aladdin’s cave’, your Christmas tipple wishes will certainly be granted with a trip to Constantine Stores!


his famous store is a renowned family run wine and spirit specialist, based in the village of Constantine. The team here have supplied the public and trade for more than 60 years, carrying the largest selection of wines and spirits in the south west and distributing them throughout Europe via their website. Customers regularly describe the shop as an ‘Aladdin’s cave’, due to the vast selection of boozy wonders that can be found there. At Christmas, the shelves are positively bowed under the weight of new arrivals and old favourites in equal measure (excuse the pun!). There’s also an array of exclusive offers, perfect for easing the festive spend and something that customers have really come to appreciate at this often-expensive time of year. Here are some of the team’s top tipples for this Christmas.


3 0 F o r e S t, C o n s ta n tin e , F a lm o u th T R 1 1 5 A B 0 1 3 2 6 3 4 0 2 2 6 ind more like this

Pickering’s Gin Baubles The perfect decoration for the gin lover! £26.50

éPlantation Pineapple A fantastic pineapplea oured rum a must have! £32.65

Constantine Damson Gin An exclusive collaboration with Pocketful of Stones Distillery, made with local plums £25.99

éSan Marzano Anniversario 62 A highly rated Primitivio red wine £23.75

éTomatin Legacy An affordable whiskey gift £23.99

Herno Gin From the mostawarded distillery in the world! £31.99


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23/11/2018 15:08


GOLD FOR CHRISTMAS Head to Cornwall Gold this December and enjoy a day filled with festive family fun. OFFER

Get 10% off Cornwall Gold’s beautiful range of jewellery when you produce this editorial!


ome to the last original tin streaming works in Europe, Cornwall Gold is well worth a visit. In the run up to Christmas, it’s the perfect place to pick up a special something for that special someone thanks to the team’s range of beautiful jewellery, made using precious stones, metals and tin from their very own tin mill. But it’s not just discovering the history of Cornish tin mining that makes this heritage site a fantastic family day out during the festive period. As Steve Ackland puts it: “Cornwall Gold is a winter world of wonderful in the run up to Christmas!”

Kids can meet Santa in his grotto every weekend in December, get their lastminute wishes in and collect a gift from the man himself, and everybody will enjoy building their own bears in the Bear Works. And, if you’re feeling particularly creative, you’ll love the Create and Paint Pottery workshops! So many activities are bound to work up an appetite, so you’ll be pleased to know that the Cornish Pantry, along with its hearty breakfast menu that includes a Cornish breakfast served on an authentic tinner's shovel, will be serving a varying menu of winter specials throughout December, using tasty Cornish produce sourced from within 20 miles of the site. ou ll also find a fantastic selection of ca es and delicious coffee, perfect if you’re just looking for a light bite to round off the afternoon before heading home for dinner.

ë ABOVE Tolgus Lockets, the perfect keepsake from £80 é INSET Kids will love building their own bears in the run up to Christmas!

BELOW Tolgus Newlyn Bracelet. Collection from £85

CORNWALL GOLD T o lg u s M ill, R e d r u th 0 1 2 0 9 2 0 3 2 8 0 w w w .c o r n w a ll- g o ld .c o m

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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22/11/2018 17:31


smoke free? WANT TO GO

Kick your smoking habit this New Year with help from VapeHQ Cornwall.

T é MAIN The Newquay store, with a relaxed café atmosphere

SAVE! As well as offering Blue Light Discounts to members of the NHS and British Forces, VapeHQ offers an in-store locals’ loyalty reward scheme, so you can make even more savings while you quit smoking!

hose who keep up with us here at Cornwall Living may remember that we recently featured VapeHQ Cornwall, Cornwall’s leading vape specialist. While it’s not always an easy subject to broach, quitting smoking is at the top of the list for many, especially as we approach 2019 and start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. a e a national brand has fi e rime Cornish locations in Truro, Newquay, St Ives, Wadebridge and now Helston, and Managing Director, Daniel Brogan France tells us: “There are more new stores opening soon!” On the ethos of his business, Daniel explains: “At VapeHQ, our mission is to assist in helping people to stop smoking traditional cigarettes, with customer-centric service and quality products being the hallmark of our culture.” According to the NHS website, e-cigarettes carry but a fraction of the risk of traditional cigarettes, and can be particularly effective as a tool for quitting, especially when combined with extra quitting support. VapeHQ launched in 2012, with the goal of helping as many as possible shake their smoking habit, beginning as a humble internet store retailing authentic devices and

products within the industry that Daniel and the team found to be the most reliable. “Our goal was to empower people to make the leap from smoking to vaping, reducing their exposure to harmful chemicals and saving up to 90% of their cigarette spend every month,” which can often amount to a lot of cash! Daniel continues: “As the company grew, we realised that simply having an online presence did not allow us to provide the level of customer service we wanted. ith this in mind e o ened our first physical retail stores in 2013, with an unwavering focus on customer satisfaction and education.” Since then, VapeHQ has grown exponentially, opening over 40 new locations across the UK! The company is proud to be recognised for their state-of-the-art stores, exceptional customer service and an extensive range of quality products and accessories – some of the best on the market. On quitting smoking, Daniel tells us: “We know that each individual’s journey to becoming smoke-free is different, so in each of our stores you ll find friendly and professional Vape Advisors, each driven


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Pop in and discuss your needs over a coffee

RIGHT Choose from a wealth of products, all tried and tested in-house by the team

by the goal of helping you to quit smoking. They provide one-on-one consultations to understand your current habit and recommend the right products for you. “We’re dedicated to serving the vaping community we know and love, and we continue to adapt and grow to stay at the forefront of this fast-moving industry, with innovative vaping products sourced, tested and reviewed internally to provide our loyal and new customers with the safest and most enjoyable vaping experience possible.” So, whether you’re already trying to quit or would like to make it a successful New Year’s resolution for 2019, why not pop into one of this fantastic com any s fi e remier Cornish stores, where Daniel and the team will be waiting to welcome you with open arms to the VapeHQ family!

VAPEHQ CORNWALL C liff K e n T re g M e n T h e w w w

R o a d , N e w w y n S tre e t, e n n a P la c e e a g e S tre e P la tt, W a d e .v a p e h q .c o

q u a y T R T ru ro T R , S t Iv e s t, H e ls to b r id g e P .u k

7 2 N 1 3 D T R 2 n T R L 2 7


6 1 S D 1 3 8 A A 7 A D

In each of our stores you’ll find friendly and professional Vape Advisors, each driven by the goal of helping you to quit smoking

DISCOVER MORE Find a VapeHQ near you: Newquay Truro St Ives Helston Wadebridge

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--80--ED--VapeHQ--2.00.indd 3

23/11/2018 11:05

BASKETS FOR YOU Exclusive High Quality Gift Baskets






Quality Value & Design

Design, fill & pack your own Gift Baskets! Knights Business Centre, The Grange, Churchtown, St Kew, Cornwall PL30 3EP

E: T: 01208 841880

Breaking le c y C the Trelya is a haven for kids and families in distress. We provide a warm and friendly place for kids to go. We supply nutritious meals, stability and successful programmes run by dedicated, trained staff to help children feel safe and families get back on track. We can’t do it without your help. If you wish to donate please get in touch by phone or have a look at our website. Help make a difference to someone’s life.

The Lescudjack Centre Penmere Close Penzance TR18 3PE 01736 339616

092.indd 1

23/11/2018 11:00



for detail

Experts when it comes to your vision, Reid and Gordon opticians answer three of the most frequently asked questions about glasses. What makes a frame a good fit?

ABOVE BELOW Reid and Gordon stocks a range of chic designer glasses that are both stylish and comfortable to wear

The frame should be level with your eyes and eyebrows, so ask the dispensing optician if a frame needs adjusting to be level. The width of the frame should match the width of your face, and the side of your specs should run along the side of your face without cutting in. Once they reach the ear, the sides should curve downwards. If the sides curve too early, they can push the frame down on your nose. With a plastic frame there should be no gap between the bridge of the frame and the bridge of the nose. Metal frames generally have nose pads which will be adjusted so that they sit parallel to the sides of your nose. The lower edge of the frames shouldn’t touch your cheeks, so that they don’t rub or irritate. Not everyone’s face is perfectly symmetrical, so don’t worry if your specs don’t appear so when you lay them on the table; the important thing is that they’re level on your face.

How often should my glasses be adjusted? There’s no set rule. Return to the o ticians as often as you need The fit of your glasses ill alter ith ear as you e the frames every time you put them on and take them off. Remove your glasses carefully with both hands to ensure you don’t stretch one side. Some people need few adjustments, but growing children may find they need to isit e ery ee to stop them from slipping! The optician is trained to ensure that your s ecs fit ell and so will be happy to help, however often you need to return.

Which part of the spectacle lens should I look through? Every lens has a centre, and you should be looking through it. When you select your frame, the dispensing optician will mark up where your eyes are centred within the frame. Your spectacle lenses will be cut so that their centre lines up with your pupils, ensuring you look through the correct part for crisp, clear vision. On collecting your glasses, your dispensing optician will again check that the lenses are centred properly. Overtime, your frames can become loose through taking them off, so you may want to return to the optician every few months for adjustments, to ensure continuous optimum vision.


2 2 L e m o n S tre e t, T ru ro T R 1 2 L S 0 1 8 7 2 2 7 5 2 2 5 w w w .r e id a n d g o r d o n .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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19/11/2018 16:01



FOR CORNWALL We hear the Bluebird Care story and discover the benefits of companionship care.

é MAIN Carers bring happiness and order to their clients' daily lives


hy is the Care sector so undervalued? This is the question that nags in the minds and hearts of Carol and Graham Carruthers, founders of Bluebird Care in Cornwall. Graham tells us: “Carers do amazing or in di cult circumstances ith early starts and late nights, they’re often the only person their clients see in a day, bringing happiness and order to their daily lives; they have to remain cheerful and helpful no matter

how they feel. Their role is full on and central to the whole health and social care team working alongside doctors and nurses, social workers and therapists, providing the link and real contact with people who wouldn’t be able to cope without them. These are the unsung heroes, often working on their own, resourceful and adaptable, who give tirelessly to their clients on a daily basis, enabling them to achieve greater quality and fulfilment in daily life


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Carol and Graham, the founders behind Bluebird Care Truro

ABOVE RIGHT Companionship Care can enormously enhance the enjoyment of retirement

This is the world that Carol and Graham have come to promote and celebrate, for the exceptional and committed characters who they work with every day. It was not their intention to start a new business after retiring and moving to Fowey however, their idyll of coastal walks and relaxation changed when their elderly mums began to struggle with their health needs. Graham’s mum needed prolonged help at home after an operation left her immobile and consequently her live-in companion took over the cooking, shopping and household chores, entertaining her friends and well-wishers, until she was able to be up and about again. Carol’s mum had early dementia and needed an on-going routine, so her live-in companion helped her with medication, regular food and drink, and was a cheerful face to take her out and reduce her loneliness and isolation. Carol tells us: “Having our mums go through the care process was a real eye-opener and got us thinking. Our research showed a shortage of care at home providers, and a need for good year-round employment in Cornwall, so e decided to do something about it The couple subsequently set up the award-winning Bluebird Care franchise in Truro in 2012, which now employs over 100 staff across the county, and as the first e er care at home ro ider in Cornwall to achieve an ‘Overall Outstanding’ rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in 2016. This new venture combined the couple’s skills and experience, Carol as an NHS Nurse and Health Visitor for 30 years, and Graham in management running charities and businesses. They love the variety, deep satisfaction, and achievements of their care teams, who make a fulfilling difference to the li es of their clients and a rewarding contribution to the Cornish economy all year round. In particular, they value live-in companionship care, which they experienced first hand for their mums and see it as a revolutionary lifestyle choice that can enormously enhance enjoyment of retirement years, easing the burden and worries of living in your own home. Bluebird Care knows how

essential it is to get the relationship with a companionship carer right, and make sure it stays that way. Carol and Graham realise that not many people have come across live-in companionship care before, and are keen to get the message out. Many people come to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to retire as they enjoy the beautiful surroundings, sea air and milder climate, but find life can become more lonely and simple tasks quite challenging, especially after a period of illness or bereavement. “This doesn t need to be the case says arol and live-in companionship is a positive choice to enhance retirement, with someone to share and en oy this onderful county ith This year, Bluebird Care is actively in ol ed ith the roud to are outh est Campaign which is a partnership of 16 local authorities and Health Education England working together in an attempt to promote the status of care work and encourage people to consider careers in health and care. They hope this might at last help to turn the tide and bring a greater understanding and appreciation for the wonderful care community that Bluebird Care is proud to be part of.




M o r la ix H o T ru ro T R 1 0 1 8 7 2 2 7 6 m id c o r n w a w w w .b lu e b

u s 2 D 0 0 ll@ ir d

e , N e w h a m R o a d , P 6 b lu e b ir d c a r e .c o .u k c a re .c o .u k

To find your nearest Bluebird Care contact, head to the website and put in the postcode TR1 2DP, or give them a call.

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--80--ED--Bluebird Care--2.00 v3.indd 3

21/11/2018 15:55

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23/11/2018 10:43




We catch up with Dr Stolte to discuss the MED Facelift and the unique hair loss therapies available here in Cornwall.

ABOVE Boost your confidence with a treatment led by Dr Joachim Stolte é


ffering an expanded range of tailor-made and results-driven solutions to improve your skin’s health and look, MEDFacials provide the highest quality products and services, ensuring you receive the very best available care for your skin. Dr Stolte pioneered the MED-FaceLift. He explains: “Collagen and confidence ebb with age. The MED-FaceLift is the ultimate non-surgical aesthetic procedure to lift and tighten the face, combining innovative thread technologies and next generation dermal filler techniques to address the signs of ageing in a beautiful, natural way. The treatment can be carried out on different areas of the face, with long lasting results.” So what makes it so special? Well, firstly, you get not one but two facelift treatments – a lifting action for immediate effect, followed by a regenerative action for gradual and natural looking results – around four weeks apart, all completely tailored to you and your needs. It’s designed to redefine your facial contours and stimulate the body’s own natural collagen production via a simple, nonsurgical procedure that takes less than an hour, but lasts up to, and over, 24 months! Impressively, Dr Stolte and the team also offer complete hair-loss treatment, the likes of which you won’t find anywhere else in Cornwall. Thinning, weak hair, exposed scalp and areas of excessive hair loss can be a concern for many and there

is, according to Dr Stolte, a perceived social stigma attached to baldness, which can lead to a drop in confidence. MEDFacials offers a range of treatment options for hair loss which are combined as needed in a tailored programme for each client. These include Mesotherapy, Platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) therapy and low level laser treatment. Dr Stolte can also prescribe medications clinically proven for the treatment of hair loss which are effective for both men and women. Unlike traditional hair transplant surgery, these options require minimal downtime, meaning you can return to your normal activities immediately after your visit, while seeing noticeable improvements within just 12 months! So, if you’re looking for a confidence boost but want assurances that are only guaranteed with doctor-led treatments, why not book yourself in for a consultation with Dr Joachim Stolte and the expert MEDFacials team?

DID YOU KNOW? It is believed that one in three women suffer from thinning hair and up to 70% of women over 70 experience a hereditary form of hair loss. 40% of men will experience noticeable hair loss by the age of 35.


S t C le m e n t S tr e e t, T r u r o T R 1 1 E Q 0 7 8 8 6 2 5 0 6 4 7 w w w .m e d fa c ia ls .c o m F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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20/11/2018 14:18


Diversify your


Are the good times coming to an end as we slowly head towards another global recession? We speak to Richard Sykes at Davidsons IFA to get his take on how to invest in a volatile market.



Trump, trade wars and Brexit are all creating volatility in the markets, and many find themselves needing help to make sense of it all.” RICHARD


peaking with Richard, we learn that “Trump, trade wars and Brexit are all creating volatility in the markets, and many find themsel es needing help to make sense of it all.” Richard continues, “from a Brexit standpoint, knowing the outcome is an impossible task, but the consensus is that a ‘hard Brexit’ will put more pressure on the UK economy than any form of deal – good or bad.” However, we need to look beyond Europe at the larger economies of the US and China to understand the real implications of what’s driving the markets. “The trade tariffs are certainly not helping. This, along with the US monetary policy of steady interest rate rises due to their strong economy, are beginning to put a squeeze on other global markets, especially emerging economies.” Back here in the UK, banks and building societies offer protection for your capital but with low interest rates, and offer no rotection from the ra ages of in ation So, as an investor wanting greater growth potential with your money, how do you

navigate in these times of such volatility? Richard tells us: “At Davidsons, we believe in the di ersification of your money either in your pension or investments. Having a broad, di ersified ortfolio in ested in funds ith a consistently strong track record is key. “Passive funds can track an index at lower costs and perform well in a rising market, but we believe in times of volatility using our skill, judgement and experience to choose ‘actively’ managed funds will provide better returns over the longer term.” If you’re looking to make your money work harder for you during these times of uncertainty, why not call or pop into a idsons s adebridge o ce for a free financial re ie r to discuss any financial matter, contact Richard!

é INSET Richard Sykes and Craig Davidson, Davidsons IFA, Wadebridge


0 1 2 0 8 2 2 3 9 1 2 r ic h a r d @ d a v id s o n s ifa .c o m F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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20/11/2018 14:06


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of f orth any o or im dontic treat plant m book ent ed


Trebah Santa Days Cornwall Living 1/4 Page Ad.indd 1

Work with children and young people

21/11/2018 17:12

Gain professional qualifications and start your dream career with Part-time Courses starting early 2019: • C&G Level 2 / Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools

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01 8 7 2 2 6 58 00 # 04 8 Kids Love Cornwall issue 80 / Dec / Quarter page W85.5 X H119

099.indd 1

23/11/2018 11:02

CORNWALL’S LEADING ADVANCED DENTISTRY CLINIC Looking for a new dentist? Want to smile again with confidence? Want to eat the foods you want without worry? Due to the rapid expansion of the practice, positive patient feedback and increased demand for our services we are now able to accept more new patients. With new surgeries, the latest technologies, a comprehensive range of advanced dental solutions and one of the most highly skilled dental teams in the county. Come and try Pure Dental’s unforgettable patient experience for yourself and start your journey to the teeth and smile you have always wanted. See our smile gallery on our website.

COME AND MEET US Free consultation with our dedicated Treatment Advisors If you’re feeling anxious about visiting the dentist or receiving important treatment we provide 100% free, relaxed one-toone appointments with our dedicated treatment advisors. Ask questions about treatment and find out how we can help you in a relaxed, non-clinical setting. Includes a nice cup of tea! Have gaps in your mouth that bother you? Suffer from loose dentures? Have no confidence to smile or eat? Pure can help. Come and find out more about dental implants and how they could help you. Last year over 100 people attended and benefited from our relaxed informative presentation evenings. These evenings provide a fantastic opportunity to meet the team, find out all you need to know about dental implants and how we can help you have the smile and teeth you have always wanted. Every attendee receives a free implant consultation including X-rays – worth £120. Book your place at the next event - You won’t be disappointed.

“They look so real and everybody mentions the confidence they have given me... I’m free again.” - LYNN




NEW PATIENT OFFER This month the first 40 new patients booking appointments will receive 50% off their new patient consultation and 50% off their first hygiene appointment. This includes X-rays, digital photographs, full mouth assessment and oral cancer check. Book now to avoid disappointment, once the places are gone they are gone. Terms and conditions apply.

TEETH WHITENING FOR LIFE Have your teeth whitened by us and you can claim FREE tooth whitening top up gel, for as long as you are registered at Pure. This great value offer ensures that you will be able to keep your teeth bright and whiter. Terms and conditions apply.

FOLLOW US on Facebook to get our latest offers. I can now smile and eat with confidence which is something I haven’t been able to do for over 40 years. A BIG Thank You to Mark and his team. The results are truly amazing - MRS S.

Call us 01872 222404 or visit TERMS AND CONDITIONS: New Patient Consultation normally £120 and offer valid any weekday. 30-minute hygiene appointment normally £69 and offer valid Fridays only. Pure Dental Health is a premium private practice located at Perenn House, City Road, Truro, TR1 2JL • GDC 77678

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08/11/2018 17:12




Find out about the treatments and facilities available at Duchy Hospital through their 2019 open events.


uchy Hospital is Cornwall’s only private hospital with an excellent reputation for delivering highquality treatments and services. ABOVE é With the New Year fast approaching, the Duchy Hospital has hospital will soon be releasing its open an excellent events programme for 2019, providing you reputation for first with the chance to discover the various class care and treatment treatments available, discuss your options with healthcare professionals and see the INSET brilliant facilities first hand Why not see what The open events will cover everything from Duchy Hospital can do to help cosmetic surgery and orthopaedic care to restore your men’s health, varicose veins and women’s confidence? health and will be led by experienced consultant surgeons who diagnose conditions, perform treatments and support patients through their health journey. Public events are held within the hospital’s conference room and during the event consultants will discuss certain procedures, giving patients the opportunity to meet others in similar situations and ask questions. Also allowing you to get a sense of the environment and the people who will be looking after you – if you do decide to proceed with treatment – as well as being able to gain a fuller understanding of the facilities at Duchy Hospital, including the private rooms, which are available to all private patients. There’s also the opportunity to book a mini one-to-one session with one of the

consultants or join a public information evening. During your one-to-one session you will be able to discuss your unique situation and even receive a basic examination. The one-to-one session doesn’t replace the full consultation that’s required before treatment, but it’s a great way to gain a better understanding of what’s involved. Ultimately, the events provide you with the opportunity to discover the excellent treatments, facilities and level of care available at Duchy Hospital, allowing you to hear from the experts and decide whether undergoing treatment at the Duchy is the best thing for you. The events are completely free with no obligation, they’re simply there to help you make an executive decision on whether or not becoming a Duchy Hospital patient is the right thing for you. So, why not book onto one of the event days and discover the superb facilities and exceptional level of care available at Duchy Hospital for yourself?

DUCHY HOSPITAL P e n v T ru ro 0 1 8 7 d u c h w w w

e n tin n ie L a n e , , T R 1 3 U P 2 2 2 6 1 0 0 y .e n q u ir ie s @ r a m s a y h e a lth .c o .u k .d u c h y h o s p ita l.c o .u k


DISCOVER MORE For more information please call 0800 917 0022 or visit

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--80--ED--Duchy Hospital--1.00.indd 3

21/11/2018 10:18

These homes would love to meet you

West Pill, Feock Historical Grade II Listed cottage, ownership of the foreshore & moorings, direct water access, peaceful creekside location, charming interiors with original features, three bedrooms, 1,301 sq ft, EPC Exempt

Guide £650,000 | Freehold

Portholland, The Roseland Peaceful, private setting, two miles from the south coast, stabling and outbuildings, gardens & paddocks, heated outdoor pool, orangery, six bedrooms (five en suite), 4 reception rooms, 4866 sq ft, EPC=D

Guide £1.85 million | Freehold

About 6 acres

Talk to us today | Follow us on *Price at time of going to print.

CL--80--AD--Savills--2.00.indd 2

15/11/2018 14:56

Savills Cornwall

01872 243 200

Penjerrick, Nr Falmouth Beautiful new home completed in 2015, spaciously proportioned & designed, private & mature gardens, bordering countryside, double garage, four bedrooms, 2,560 sq ft, EPC = C

Guide ÂŁ750,000 | Freehold

Washaway, Nr Wadebridge Magnificent architect designed new house, glorious south facing views over the Camel valley, within easy access of the seven bays, outbuildings & large barn, prime, unspoilt land & grounds, 3402 sq ft, EPC=B

Guide ÂŁ2 million | Freehold

About 24 acres

what can we do for you?

CL--80--AD--Savills--2.00.indd 3

15/11/2018 14:56

Constantine Bay


This substantial and highly contemporary five bedroom detached residence of individual design and exacting standards occupies a quiet position within the immensely desirable location of Constantine Bay, just a short walk from the Championship Golf Course of Trevose. The property was completed in 2011 to a contemporary design and generous proportions, providing over 2750 square feet of accommodation with beautiful landscaped gardens, detached garage, ample driveway parking and some views to the ocean. EPC B



This characterful three bedroom detached cottage is situated in a convenient location on the outskirts of Padstow and only a couple of miles from Trevone beach. The property has a fascinating history having been the dwelling place of the famous inventor and scientist Sir Goldsworthy Gurney. Dating back to the 17th century, the cottage is packed full of traditional character together with a courtyard garden and private parking. EPC G

Rosenannon, Nr St Wenn


This attractive, detached four bedroom cottage is situated amongst approximately 1.75 acres of beautiful gardens and grounds with a detached two storey barn that has huge potential to be converted into further accommodation subject to planning permission. The original part of the cottage is thought to be over 200 years old. The gardens are beautiful, with a variety of paths lined with an abundance of flower beds, shrubs and trees leading to different parts of the grounds. There is a fruit and vegetable garden, poly tunnel plus large soft fruit cage and spacious lawns. Of further benefit is a fully enclosed paddock, accessed via a gate with field shelter, perfect for a pony or livestock. EPC F

CL--80--AD--Jackie Stanley--2.00.indd 2

22/11/2018 17:53



Green and Rock in partnership with WK Gelston Contractors Ltd have constructed two high quality, high specification detached houses which were completed in October 2018 and come with a 10 year guarantee. Both properties are spacious and contemporary with four double bedrooms, open plan living space and a host of high quality fixtures and fittings. Externally, the properties are finished in a fresh white render with black slate thin stone on the lower part of the walls, cedar wood posts to frame the entrance and cedar paneling on the front central façade. There is outdoor lighting to the front and rear of the houses, with added security lighting for the driveway and to light up the rear terraces.

Treyarnon Bay


This two-bedroom holiday cottage is located in the popular Ocean Blue complex at Treyarnon Bay. The location is superb - allowing access to Treyarnon Bay in minutes and Constantine Bay in an easy and flat 5 to 10 minute walk across the headland. The Ocean Blue development benefits from secure gated entry and landscaped grounds and, being on the smaller rear terrace of just five properties, this property backs on to the surrounding open countryside.

Treyarnon Bay


This elegant and tastefully presented two bedroom holiday cottage is situated less than 350 yards walking distance from one of the most revered beaches on the North Cornish coast – Treyarnon Bay, and has been furnished and maintained to a high standard. The ground floor living accommodation is largely open plan, split level with the room divided by a couple of steps up from the kitchen into the living room and on the first floor there are two bedrooms, both with en-suites. Outside there is a private garden and parking. EPC D


01841 532555 CL--80--AD--Jackie Stanley--2.00.indd 3

22/11/2018 17:54


LD SO “We have had considerable experience of different agents over the years ….and your enthusiasm, dedication and professionalism really shone through.”





CL--80--AD--Rohrs & Rowe--2.00 v2.indd 1






23/11/2018 14:36

01872 306360



“Professional, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, hard working, fun and they certainly know the market. This is a rare combination. We cannot overstate how good they are.”





CL--80--AD--Rohrs & Rowe--2.00 v2.indd 2








23/11/2018 14:37

16 High Street almouth TR11 2AB First Floor Maisonette, 7 Penmere Hill, Falmouth £200,000 - EPC E

1 Fox’s Yard, Harbour Village - £325,000 - EPC D

Chenhalls, Maenporth - £950,000 - EPC D

5 Kimber Court, Falmouth - £219,950

2 Link Close, Falmouth - £275,000 - EPC C

Building Plot, Waterloo Road, Falmouth - £125,000 EPC Exempt

T / 01326 450020 E / en ui ies ha din wa efield om

CL--80--AD--Harding & Wakefield--1.00.indd 1

ha din wa efield om 22/11/2018 17:54



IN 2018

IN 2018

22 Falmouth Road, Truro

Hillhead, Portloe

Guide Price £795,000 Period Townhouse

Guide Price £975,000. Coastal Retreat



IN 2018

IN 2018

Tregidgeo House, Grampound

Guide Price £1,000,000 Period House in Countryside Setting Truro 01872 242244 CL--80--AD--Philip Martin--1.00.indd 1

Little Downderry Farm, Coombe

Guide price £699,950 Cottage with Six Acres

St Mawes 01326 270008 22/11/2018 17:58

01326 565016

NEWLYN - GUIDE PRICE £360,000, OUTSTANDING SEA VIEWS, AMPLE PARKING & LARGE OUTBUILDING Position, potential and parking! You would think a property offering a great position with incredible potential as well as lots of parking being located in the heart of Newlyn as well as being close to the harbour and sea views would be difficult to find - well here it is! This four bedroom detached house has well proportioned and spacious reverse level accommodation designed to take in the views that sweep over the Newlyn rooftops to the Jubilee Pool, Marazion, St Michael’s Mount and Mounts Bay itself. EPC - E 46

PRAA SANDS - £250,000, STUNNING SEA VIEWS AND A SHORT WALK FROM THE BEACH Enjoying both sea and countryside views, this large two double bedroom first floor flat is located to be just a five minute walk away from the fabulous beach at Praa Sands as well as being within a short walk from the shop and post office. The property benefits from an allocated parking space and a paved patio area. Internally the accommodation comprises an entrance lobby, fitted kitchen, lounge, two bedrooms and a bathroom. EPC - F 30



A large three bedroom detached bungalow of exceptional presentation positioned towards the end of a quiet residential cul de sac and within comfortable reach of the coastal footpath in the well served village of Mullion. The property which is currently utilised as a successful holiday let is enhanced by large landscaped enclosed gardens which offer a high degree of privacy and are predominately to the rear and side of the bungalow. EPC - D 5

Situated towards the top end of Penponds Road, this deceptively spacious link detached three double bedroom home offers light and airy accommodation, well presented and maintained garden areas offering a good degree of privacy in addition to a garage and driveway parking. This property would make a fantastic family home and we strongly recommend a viewing. EPC - E 40

CL--80--AD--The Mather Partnership--1.00.indd 1

23/11/2018 17:07

1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1

16/11/2018 15:27


Asking Price ÂŁ565,000

A delightful rural detached four bedroom house with extensive landscaped gardens, garage and carport. Great location at the edge of the ever popular village of Perranwell Station. EPC rating D

Main OfďŹ ce 31 Lemon Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2LS T: 01872 272622 CL--80--AD--Clive Pearce Property--1.00.indd 1 cpearceproperty ClivePearceProperty 22/11/2018 17:59

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113.indd 1

23/11/2018 11:03



t he sky

Keith and his family

We hear about just two of the many lives saved by the invaluable Cornwall Air Ambulance service. BELOW Talan was airlifted to Derriford and then Bristol hospital after a horrific car accident left him with severe head injuries

DISCOVER MORE Text ‘SAVE’ to 70144 to donate £5 to the New Heli Appeal or visit the Cornwall Air Ambulance website to find out how else you can help.


eith was on his garage roof on a beautiful summer’s morning in Porthleven when he suddenly developed severe chest pains. With time critical, Cornwall Air Ambulance were requested. After landing at Porthleven Cricket Club, the crew and pilot got Keith to Royal Cornwall Hospital in just seven minutes, where a medical team was on standby to provide further treatment. Keith’s wife, Sharon tells us: “The doctors at the hos ital told me he had about fi e minutes to spare. I don’t think the Cornwall Air Ambulance crew realise how special they are; they think it’s just another job.” Thanks to your donations, Sharon continues, “Keith is here to see our granddaughter grow up.” In another time-critical emergency, a head-on car crash left two-year old Talan with head injuries so severe that he s ent t o days fighting for his life in a coma. Talan’s mum, Kelly tells us how the Cornwall Air Ambulance helped keep her son alive. “His little head was hit so hard in the accident that his skull fractured across his forehead fter being o n to Derriford, the doctors told me that he would need to be transferred by the Cornwall Air Ambulance to Bristol for specialist treatment. They told me to say goodbye

before he was put into the helicopter.” iraculously Talan s ent only fi e days in hospital before being allowed home. Kelly finishes m so grateful to the orn all ir Ambulance for helping him that day and being so incredibly supportive. I cannot thank them enough.” These stories are but a drop in the ocean when considering just how many lifesaving missions the crew carry out every year, and it may come as no surprise that such high demand requires the very best in equipment and, of course, transport. Cornwall Air Ambulance urgently need your help to raise £2.5m to bring a faster and bigger air ambulance helicopter to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly by 1st April 2020. So if you’re looking to give back this Christmas, a donation to this incredibly worthy charity will make all the difference to individuals like Keith and Talan for many years to come.


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