Cornwall Living 84

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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

I s s u e 8 4 | A p ri l 2 0 1 9 | £ 3 . 9 5

Reconnect with nature on a Cornish camping or glamping holiday


















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15/03/2019 15:03

YOUR MONEY THEIR FUTURE Helping Cornish families for over a decade. We want to understand your story. Let our team work with you to create an innovative, customised financial plan. The value of pensions and investments can fall as well as rise, you may get back less than you invested. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. For an free introductory consultation please contact our team at: Truro Office - 01872 88400 • Penzance Office - 01736 366550 •


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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

Working in partnership with:

Member of:


The official tourist board

Pr o d u c t i o n E d i t o r H a n n a h T a p p in g h a n n a h .ta p p in g @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k

to the April issue of Cornwall Living

C o n te n t M a n a g e r D a n W a rd e n D e s ig n M a n a g e r C h lo e S e a r le


his month we’re looking forward to two important events in our annual calendar. Firstly, The Cornwall Home & Lifestyle Show takes place on 4th and 5th May at the Royal Cornwall Event Centre, near Wadebridge. This is always a fantastic event and brings together exhibitors from across the Duchy. The Cornwall Living team will also be at the show so be sure to drop by and say hello! You can read more about the show in our special supplement, including an exhibitor list and seminar schedule, from page 67. There is also much anticipation and excitement in the Cornwall Living office as we look forward to one of Cornwall’s finest festivals that takes place right here in our home village from 26th until 28th April. Now spanning three glorious days of food and music, this year’s Porthleven Food Festival is set to be the best yet with a theme of ‘Love Food’– read more about what’s in store for the weekend from page 120. We look forward to seeing you there!

D e s ig n J a m ie C r o c k e r – S p e n c e r H a w e s M a r k e tin g M a n a g e r R e b e c c a B la k e – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 2 M e d ia & M a r k e tin g A s s is ta n ts M e g a n S e a r le – B e th a n y A lle n – C a itlin M c L in to c k p r o d u c tio n @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k

F or all e d i t ori al, p rod u c t i on, m ark e t i ng or d e s i g n e nq u i ri e s : 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 C r e d it C o n tr o l T ra c y D a rt – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 tr a c y .d a r t@ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k


A c c o u n ts M a n a g e r C h a r lo tte F o r s te r – 0 7 7 1 4 7 1 8 4 7 1 c h a r lo tte .fo r s te r @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k

B u s in e s s D e v e lo p m e n t M a n a g e r s S a m a n th a R o b e rts – 0 7 9 4 6 4 9 1 3 5 8 s a m .r o b e r ts @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k

ON THE COVER The beautiful freshwater lake at Cornish Tipi Holidays. Read more about this glorious camping and glamping destination in our cover feature from 16 and on page 93. Image courtesy of Chetwode Ram Associates

Ia n G ra n t – 0 7 5 0 4 0 0 7 9 4 1 ia n .g r a n t@ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k D a v id J e n k in – 0 7 3 7 6 2 3 4 3 3 2 d a v id .je n k in @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k M e d ia S a le s E x e c u tiv e D e s G lo v e r – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 4 d e s .g lo v e r @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k


J a m ie G r a y – 0 7 9 8 5 6 3 5 6 2 7 ja m ie .g r a y @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k

The Cornwall Air Ambulance have just launched an exciting new campaign. Become a New Heli Hero and you can have your name on the new Cornwall Air Ambulance helicopter when it arrives in 2020.

K a th ry M a rs h – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 1 k a th r y n .m a r s h @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k J u s tin K e ig h t - 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 3 ju s tin .k e ig h t@ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k O p e r a tio n s M a n a g e r M ig u e l B e le r t

You can also donate to the New Heli Appeal and help keep more families together.

C o m m e r c ia l D ir e c to r J o n a th a n P e r k in s – 0 7 5 8 7 0 7 2 7 0 6 jo n a th a n .p e r k in s @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k

M a n a g in g D ir e c to r B e n P ra tc h e tt – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 b e n .p r a tc h e tt@ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k

The view from Cornwall... Share your stories

G r o u p D ir e c to r A n d y F o rs te r – 0 7 7 1 1 1 6 0 5 9 0 a n d y .fo r s te r @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k

melissa_carne Polly Joke Beach



Loved watching these seals play in the surf a few weeks back. Melissa Carne

Cornwall L i v i ng i s p u b li s h e d b y : E N G IN E H O U S E M E D IA L T D H o l b r o o k, T h e M o o r s, P o r t h l e ev n , C o r n w a l l T R 1 3 9 JX

CORNWALLLIVINGUK Witnessed a beautiful sunset? Tried the tastiest fish in Cornwall? We’d love to see what you’ve been up to…

www. e ng i ne h ou s e m e d i a. c o. u k www. le v e nm e d i ag rou p . c o. u k E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td is a m u lti- p la tfo r m m e d ia b u s in e s s w ith a p a s s io n fo r e v e r y th in g Cornish. Visit to find out more. Our mission is to create R E A D - W A T C H - E X P E R IE N C E m e d ia o p p o r tu n itie s m a r r y in g to g e th e r c o n s u m e r s w ith th e fa b u lo u s b u s in e s s e s a c r o s s C o r n w a ll. O u r p u b lis h in g a n d m a r k e tin g te a m s a r e s p e c ia lis ts in c r e a tin g p r in t a n d o n - lin e c o m m u n ic a tio n s , d e v is e d to a c h ie v e a r a n g e o f m a r k e tin g o b je c tiv e s . W ith o v e r 2 0 y e a r s o f m a r k e tin g , b r a n d m a n a g e m e n t a n d m a g a z in e e x p e r ie n c e w e d e v e lo p e ffe c tiv e c o m m u n ic a tio n s th a t d e liv e r y o u r m e s s a g e in a c r e d ib le a n d c r e a tiv e w a y . W e o p e r a te a c r o s s a ll m e d ia c h a n n e ls , in c lu d in g : p r in t, o n lin e a n d v id e o .


2 0 4 9 -8 4 6 2

© A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . M a te r ia l m a y n o t b e r e - p r o d u c e d w ith o u t th e p e r m is s io n o f E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td . W h ile C o r n w a ll L iv in g w ill ta k e e v e r y c a r e to h e lp r e a d e r s w ith r e p o r ts o n p r o p e r tie s a n d fe a tu r e s , n e ith e r E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td n o r its c o n tr ib u to r s c a n a c c e p t a n y lia b ility fo r r e a d e r d is s a tis fa c tio n a r is in g fr o m e d ito r ia l fe a tu r e s , e d ito r ia l o r a d v e r tis in g fe a tu r e d in th e s e p a g e s . E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L t d s t r o n g ly a d v is e v ie w in g a n y p r o p e r t y prior to purchasing or considerations over any financial decisions. Engine House Media r e s e r v e s th e r ig h t to a c c e p t o r r e je c t a n y a r tic le o r m a te r ia l s u p p lie d fo r p u b lic a tio n o r to e d it s u c h m a te r ia l p r io r to p u b lic a tio n . E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td c a n n o t ta k e r e s p o n s ib ility fo r lo s s o r d a m a g e o f s u p p lie d m a te r ia ls . T h e o p in io n s e x p r e s s e d o r a d v ic e g iv e n in th e p u b lic a tio n a r e th e v ie w s o f th e in d iv id u a l a u th o r s a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a r ily r e p r e s e n t th e v ie w s o r p o lic ie s o f E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td . It is s u g g e s te d th a t fu r th e r a d v ic e is ta k e n o v e r a n y a c tio n s r e s u ltin g fr o m r e a d in g a n y p a r t o f th is m a g a z in e .

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Savills Cornwall 01872 243 200

what can we do for you?

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•EXPERIENCE• THE NEW LIFESTYLE COLLECTION F R O M N O W K I TC H E N S With open-plan living so prominent in contemporary homes, the design team at Now Kitchens has evolved their offering to create the ultimate multi-functional family space. Their new Lifestyle Collection provides a range of fully tailored, freestanding furniture and storage solutions. Built to the same exceptional standards as their kitchens, these pieces are available in a diverse colour palette, with options for modern or shaker style doors and a wide choice of cabinet interiors nurturing a sense of seamless creative ow throughout the home With such a keen eye for detail, it’s easy to understand why Now Kitchens has been shortlisted in several national design awards! Be sure to book an appointment with one of their consultants to start your individual interior journey.

NOW KITCHENS 1 A W a te r M a T r o u t, H e ls to n , C o r n w a ll T R 1 3 0 L W in fo @ n o w - k itc h e n s .c o .u k w w w .n o w - k itc h e n s .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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Contents APRIL 2019 |

Cover feature



9 29 84

News & views

Catch up with Cornwall

Luxury property

Find your dream Cornish home

Coastal escapes

Our favourite Cornish stays




On display



Win a little piece of Cornwall A window into Cornwall’s art scene

Turn to page 93 to discover Cornish Tipi Holidays – the perfect ‘back to nature’ escape


Supporting Cornwall Air Ambulance



INSIDE Guide to the show

All you need to know about this year’s Cornwall Home and Lifestyle Show

67 All things Apple. Including experts. Stormfront are your local Apple experts, offering Apple products, repairs and accessories in-store and online. At Stormfront, you can shop with confidence as we include our 3-year guarantee as standard on all Apple devices. 14 Pydar Street, Truro, Cornwall TR1 2AX T 01872 222624 |



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4 41 42 57







£600 P












et creative with our ooring

With South West Carpets

he finest of furniture

Introducing Christie’s Furniture

Interior inspiration

At Stylehome and Truro Lighting

Let there be light

Pay a visit to Holdcroft Lighting

Lodges of luxury

From Four Counties Interiors



Moving with the times


Go back to nature


From farming to festivals


A proper Cornish break


Got to experience

We catch up with Britannia Lanes At Cornish Tipi Holidays Visit Scorrier House

Escape to Bodrugan Barton A luxury holiday home at Juliots Well

109 Hurricane fever

Head to ShelterBox Visitor Centre


Memories to treasure


Love food?


A leading light


101 97

Got to experience

Now Kitchens’ new collection


Easter at Cornwall Gold

Don’t miss Porthleven Food Festival We catch up with Harbour Lights

ar ung avour

At Kahuna, Newquay

Balancing act

Financial advice from Harris Begley


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Mastrella Mauritz 2 Seater Sofa From Only

£33.34 A Month

Mastrella Mauritz ( Photographed Above) Purchase Price £1770 Deposit £442.50

Showrooms: 15 Hayle Business Park Hayle 01736 757 333 5 Molesworth Street Wadebridge 01208 895 584 |

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Amount of Credit £1600.32 48 Monthly Payments £33.34 Total Repayable £2042.82 Duration of Agreement 48 months - Rate of Interest (fixed) 9.9% 9.9% APR Representative Iroka acts as credit intermediary and only offers credit products for Pay4Later Ltd via Secure Trust Bank Plc. Credit subject to age and status.

11/03/2019 10:34

News & views

News & views


Enter the feel good lottery

Thousands of hours of nursing provided by Cornwall Hospice Care are funded by players of the charity’s lottery. Last year, they contributed £268,731 towards the charity’s front line work in the two hospices and the community. Lottery Manager, Sarah Vincent tells us: “We offer a win-win lottery. For just £1, you get a number in the weekly draw giving you the chance to snap up one of 53 prizes. You also get the feel good factor that comes with knowing your support directly helps fund patient care.” Each Friday, a lucky player joins the lottery smile gallery, celebrating a win of the top

£1,000 prize. Martin Jeffers says: “It’s amazing to win! I’ve had two very close family members diagnosed with cancer. When you think about it, a couple of pounds each month is nothing.” he charit ’s uper ummer a e is also coming up, with a top prize of £2,000, so be sure to sign up online! For more information call 01726 66868 or visit

Four AA Rosettes for

Driftwood Hotel


introduces novel skin tightening treatment Tixel is a new rejuvenation treatment which can be used to tighten the skin, improve the appearance of scars and help absorption of topical products. Great for the under eye area and dark circles, it uses a heated metal plate to deliver heat energy directly to the skin’s surface. Clinic founder, Dr Joachim Stolte, tells us: “We are the first and onl clinic in Cornwall to use Tixel and the results that we can achieve are very similar to CO2 laser resurfacing, but with a lot less downtime and much more comfort for the patient during treatments.”

Driftwood, the simply stylish boutique hotel overlooking the stunning Gerrans Bay, has maintained its Michelin Star for eight years. This family owned hotel, which was awarded its fourth AA Rosette in 2018, is now a landmark destination in the region. Driftwood’s Executive Chef, Chris Eden, tells us: “What an honour it is to have maintained our Michelin Star for so many years! The credit is due to the entire team and we are particularly pleased to have gained our fourth AA Rosette last year.”

leading down to its own beach. It has 14 rooms, all of which bar one have sea views, plus a wonderfully rustic cabin.

The Tixel device can be used in both ablative and non-ablative mode, depending on your preferences and how much time you can take off to recover. It rejuvenates all Fitzpatrick skin types on the face, neck, periorbital area, eyelids, décolleté and the backs of hands. Patients so far have reported little pain when undergoing the treatment, even when used without topical anaesthesia.

The award winning, family-friendly hotel is set in seven acres with a woodland path

For more information call 01872 580644 or visit

For more information call 07886 250647 or visit Telephone 01736 754242

A fully managed, flexible holiday letting service... We think you’ll like how we do things. More

News & views

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St Ives | Penzance | Hayle Newquay | Bude | Mevagissey CORNWALL LIVING | 9

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News & views

The natural choice…

New play park

set to open in The natural beauty of wood makes it an attractive cladding choice for a wide range of projects – from full self-build schemes through to garages and other outbuildings. Lightweight and easy to install, it provides a uick route to finishing our scheme externally. Cornwall Cladding offer a range of species colours and profiles to choose from to ensure you get a bespoke look that suits your tastes and your property’s setting. Naturally-durable species are available, such as Siberian Kiln Dried Larch, Thermowood D and Canadian Western Red Cedar, which can all be left untreated to weather to a silver gre finish reducing the need for upkeep – or opt for a UV protection oil if you wish to retain the original hue. It’s important to bear in mind that the grade of the timber will impact on the price, however, Cornwall Cladding provides graded timber so you know what you’re getting, with no mixing

of grades within your order. Knotty boards tend to be cheaper, but more contemporary schemes often require a clear un lemished finish We hear from General Manager Kate Marsh who tells us: “When you check out our products online, there’s a cladding profile page indicating what the coverage is (the differences are down to the size of the boards and how they interconnect) and the recommended direction for installation. When it comes to calculating your order, the key measurement is how many square metres (m2) you’ll be covering. As a rule, you should add 10% on top of this figure to account for wastage The Cornwall Cladding price page on the website, will help you do a quick costing of your project.” For more information call 01872 879017 or visit


We’re excited to announce the development of ew ua ’s first trampoline and pla park Based within Trenance Park, this new development, which will be open ready for the summer holidays, will cater for children as oung as five all the wa up to adults who just want to dodge, dunk and dive into a heap of fun from the main jump area, foam pits, trick zones, obstacle courses, aeroball and so much more. It’s not just going to be any other trampoline park either as, located next to the trampoline park, the dedicated under 8’s play area will feature a ball pit, slides, climbing frame, mini trampolines and a baby area. If you’re looking for summer holiday ideas this year, be sure to head to the website to keep up to date with opening dates and times. For more information visit

R A Design Ltd

Architectural Services

The Guildhall Street-an-Pol St.Ives Cornwall TR26 2DS St Ives: 01736 796111 • Helston: 01326 560719


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News & views

The sky’s the limit 50 years on

Thinking of marketing your property this spring? With the advent of spring, Collington and Company have embarked upon a complete refit and renovation of their showroom This exciting development will see the inclusion of an improved range of bespoke windows and doors to enhance their already extensive range. In tandem with this the latest products on the market will be introduced to provide a more comprehensive shopping experience – a conservatory with a ‘Sky Lantern’ along with many newly arrived colours and styles. Once you have decided whether to opt to replace that old door or add substantial value to your property with a stylish conservatory then you can rest assured that the team at Collingtons are there with a dedicated and experienced team of fitters and engineers he can manage any project, large or small, including the design and planning process. Working with any number of materials, including uPVC, composite and aluminium,

everything is made-to-measure and customisable from the style, accessories and colour. And it’s not only the visual appearance of your property that will enefit either increased warmth energ efficienc along with e ternal noise reduction come as standard. With pride and service as their watch words you are guaranteed piece of mind and the satisfaction of knowing that you have a durable product that has been e pertl fitted n fact it is this dedication and commitment to customer satisfaction that has allowed Collingtons to grow and prosper, heralding in 50 years of successful trading. So why not investigate for yourself one of Cornwall’s exciting success stories and become part of their half-century celebration! For more information call 01326 572599 or visit

Spring is a great time to sell your house. The evenings are lighter, everyone’s feeling energised as the sun starts to shine and it’s undoubtedly one of the most popular times of year to think about selling. So, how to ‘get to it’ and breathe some life back into your house? My Place in Cornwall offer some simple ideas to kick-start your spring clean. Firstly, have your carpets professionally cleaned. This will bring them up like new, leaving them looking fresh and inviting. Take down curtains and take off sofa and cushion covers too, and give them a good wash and condition with scented fabric conditioner. Finally, dust, dust and dust some more! Get your duster into all those corners you may have forgotten for a while, even if it means rehoming some spiders! For more advice and to book a free market appraisal, head to the My Place in Cornwall website! For more information call 01208 813874 or visit

Experts in Building, Renovation, Maintenance & Management of Ponds, Water Features & Swimming Ponds


News & views

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News & views Local architect’s design for new park bandstand to become a reality Falmouth Town Council and Hormann Architects are collaborating to build a new bandstand in Kimberley Park. The project is set for completion this summer and will be a place for performances and festivals and for visitors enjoying the park. Hormann Architects, which was founded by German engineer and architect Michael Hormann last year, has a philosophy of integrity, that is, to create structures with humans in mind, ones that promise to stand the test of time and be adaptable to the needs of the future. Living in Falmouth for over 13 years and having made his name as the founder and architect of Marraum in Penryn, Michael’s intelligent and innovative designs and collaborations, such as the Brain of Brian

Barge, the Jubilee Warehouse and many residential projects, can be found in and around Falmouth and Cornwall. Michael’s new firm ormann rchitects offers wide experience of working on residential, community and commercial projects. For more information call 07498 510050 or visit

Journey back in time with Bodmin & Wenford Railway Relax and enjoy a leisurely 13-mile round trip in style, taking in the sights, sounds and smells of a bygone age. Sit back and watch as the 1950s reveals itself during the course of your journey, discover the excitement and charm of steam train travel and e perience first class lu ur dining on the Cornish Belle. You can also enjoy the atmosphere of a working steam railway from the 1950s platform where you can browse the gift shop or enjoy a cup of tea. There are some special trains coming up in 2019 from high teas to murder mysteries, there’s even live music so ou’re sure to find ever thing from the traditional to the unexpected at the Bodmin & Wenford Railway. Trains operate from Bodmin General throughout the year, and daily from late May to early October. Don’t miss an


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A Cornish treat in Helston Step back in time at The Museum of Cornish ife and get a avour of life in this part of the world way back when. This lovely establishment houses items from the strangest to the most practical and is a must-see on anybody’s visit to west Cornwall. With artefacts spread over five displa halls you will be treated to an extravaganza of o ects ranging from a five ton cider press to a 1950s kitchen. Come and learn about Helston’s famous inventor – Henry Trengrouse, or imagine what it was like in a Victorian classroom; the children will be amazed, and a little thankful!

unforgettable visit in 2019, and discover Cornwall’s railway heritage at its best.

Round off your visit at the children’s play area, peruse the items for sale at the gift shop and perhaps have a cuppa at the pop-up café.

For more information call 01208 73555 or visit

For more information call 01326 564027 or visit


News & views

15/03/2019 15:47

News & views

Spring has sprung at Uneeka Following on from the success of their Christmas outlet, and with the return of the sun once more to brighten our days, Uneeka have taken this as their cue to sweep out the old and bring in the new! Revamped and revitalized, their stores are witnessing a transformation that must be seen to be believed. For those who wish to add a bit of luxury into their homes their furniture outlet on City Road has been re-focused, with attention being paid to a range of contemporary lighting and furniture – resplendent in deep colours, indulgent velvets with gold and green accents. In other words, everything that you need to transform your house into a very gorgeous home. And, we’re reliably informed that it’s not going to end there with the promise of the arrival of exciting outdoor furniture in time for summer. The refurbishment didn’t stop here. Uneeka’s lifestyle store, in Boscawen treet has also received the enefits of the seasonal upgrade. New décor and layout form the backdrop to an extensive range of accessories for you and your home. Head upstairs and you’ll be

greeted by the brand new ‘eco plant wall’ incorporating planters and plants. And, with their new retail section, you can now purchase some fabulous tableware with a range of plates and mugs to add that certain understated hint of sophistication to any dinner party. Round this off with a trip to the café, serving homemade seasonal delicacies accompanied by wonderful loose leaf teas, and we’re sure that a trip to Uneeka will put a spring in your step and into your home! For more information call 01872 888533 or visit

Kernow Springs’ Wild Spa comes to The Cornwall Hotel! Enchanted woodland trails, exquisite walled gardens and beautiful rolling lawns are all signature features of the grounds within the popular Cornwall Hotel, Spa and Estate, making them the perfect setting for a collaboration with renowned outdoor spa specialists, Kernow Springs, who will be there for the whole month of May this year! Offering two hour spa sessions throughout the day, seven days a week, with special ‘Stargazer’ sessions running late on weekends, this is your chance to immerse yourself in a unique outdoor sensory journey through the natural elements of Fire, Water, Wood and Air. Powered entirely by wood burning stoves, indulge yourself in traditional hot tubs, a Swedish sauna, outdoor hot showers and an invigorating cold water drench bucket. There will also be private changing yurts plus a cosy Bedouin relaxation lounge complete with huge bean bags, rugs and throws. o find out more a out the e citing Wild pa experience, turn to page 48. For more information call 07779 374017 or visit

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That lifestyle by the sea

News & views

– it’s within your reach Ever dreamed of living in a uintessential Cornish fishing town in a fabulous, contemporary home? Thanks to Beech Grove Homes and their sympathetic take on the demands of the discerning house buyer, you can make that dream a reality in the charming harbour town of Padstow. Hawkers Reach is a stunning new development of executive homes set in this id llic fishing town on the north coast of Cornwall. All of the two, three and four bedroom properties are finished to the highest standards with great consideration given to room la outs fi tures and fittings Couple this with the carefully selected location that boasts both stunning views and easy access into Padstow, with all that it has to offer in the way of vibrant restaurants, pubs and interesting shops. It’s fair to say that this development really represents a unique opportunity to create your dream home.

A Cornish WW1 song uncovered at Bodmin Keep

With this in mind, we highly recommend that you pay a visit to the marketing suite on Polpennic Drive in Padstow, between Thursday and Monday, 10am until 5pm. Or if you can’t make it there take a peek at the website to discover more.

The role of music in the military is a fascinating but overlooked subject. Cornwall’s Regimental Museum is aiming to redress the balance with the opening of its latest exhibition, titled ‘Music, Military and Morale’.

For more information call 0300 123 3577 or visit www.beechgrovehomes.

The exhibition looks at music within the military and its relationship with civilian life, morale, recruitment and Cornish identity. An exhibition highlight will be a Cornish song from the First World War, forgotten about for decades and recently rediscovered in the museum archives! Titled ‘The DCLI Boys’, it’s an emotive and rousing song, with strong Cornish links and a nod to Trelawney. The WW1 song has been given new life, being recently sung and recorded by a group of local singers, and it’s at the very heart of this exhibition. Music, Military and Morale opens at Cornwall’s Regimental Museum on Saturday 13th April with entry included in the usual admission price. For more information visit

Ceramic • Porcelain • Glass • Mosaics Stennack Road Holmbush St Austell PL25 3JQ 14 | CORNWALL LIVING

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01726 65434 More

News & views

15/03/2019 15:47


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s r a t s e th

Chetwode Ram Associates

We get back to nature with an exploration of some of Cornwall’s finest camping and glamping sites.

n Cornish Tipi Holidays


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15/03/2019 15:09

| COVER FEATURE n Bodrugan Barton



ì RIGHT Enjoying the outdoors with family and friends at Bodrugan Barton ê BELOW

Deerpark's Golden Oak Treehouse is the ultimate hideaway in the trees

n Bodrugan Barton


here are few better ways to make the most of a Cornish holiday than spending it under canvas or in a luxury caravan or glamping pod. Cornwall has a stunning array of camping and glamping sites to choose from whether you are looking to bring your own tent, motorhome or caravan or want to take advantage of the wonderful array of pre-pitched yurts, tipis or luxury chalets. Locations are second to none and offer everything from sites right on the coast to those set in wooded wonderlands. Camping is a great choice when it comes to holidaying with family or friends as everyone can enjoy their own individual living space while being able to socialise in open communal spaces – connecting with nature doesn’t get better than this! We begin with Bodrugn Barton, a gorgeous site situated between Gorran Haven and Mevagissey on the Roseland Heritage Coast. Set in two lush paddocks, the six Wigwam® cabins are surrounded by a grove of hazels and a pretty orchard. The glamping site is set on owners Sally and Tim’s working farm, which includes a ock of sheep and a small herd of Dexter cattle. The cabins nestle in this Cornish idyll as if they have always been there, with stunning ocean views and we love the fire pits around which you can gather at the end a day’s exploration. The site is car-free, so ideal for children who can roam the paddocks to their

n Deerpark

heart’s content. And fear not, on rainy days guests are welcome to use the heated indoor pool and sauna urn to page to find out more about staying at Bodrugan Barton. Staying on Cornwall’s south coast, a woodland holiday at Forest Holidays’ Deerpark offers a rural retreat, set deep in a woodland valley beside an ancient millpond. The cabins are set back into the trees, some literally perched over the millpond, with woodburners and hot tubs to warm the soul if the nights are chilly. For a truly special stay, the Deerpark’s magical Golden Oak Treehouse is like something from your favourite fairy tale childhood daydream, but with a whole new level of luxury. This wooded hideaway enefits from all of the same facilities and mod cons as the cabins – the Treehouse is one of a kind so early booking is essential! The on-site Forest Hub has a grocery store and an eatery where you can eat in or have a freshly cooked meal delivered to your cabin.

n Deerpark

n Deerpark


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n The Park

If you’re an ocean lover then Forever Cornwall’s range of beachside getaways are a surfer’s paradise. Set just back from the golden sands of Gwithian, renowned for its endless beach break, and with incredible panoramic views out across the ocean, this collection of privately owned chalets offers the ultimate in beachside living. Their very names conjure up the sound of the Atlantic breakers – Driftwood, Surfside, Lighthouse and Rockpool – all combining contemporary coastal chic with an incredible location. You can literally don your wetsuit, grab your board and be riding the waves in minutes. For a night under canvas, further up the north Cornish coast ou’ll find the glorious secluded yurt village at The Park, Cornwall. This unique glamping experience is just magical. With just four accommodation yurts set around a communal chill-out yurt this site feels really special. It really does have a ‘village’ feel and would be great when booked with a group of friends or extended family. There is a wonderful hut tu fire pit and cla oven allowing for evening feasting or a sundowner while you soak. Communal bathroom facilities are housed in two Shepherd’s Huts and there is also a brilliant country-style cookhouse with full kitchen facilities, so you can cook up a storm even if it’s stormy outside! If your idea of the perfect camping escape is to completely get away from it all then Cornish Tipi Holidays, near Port Isaac, offers the ultimate in back-to-nature escapes. In our busy, modern world, connecting with nature has never been


Enjoying the yurt village at The Park, Cornwall ê BELOW The surf's up at Rockpools Beach House, Gwithian, available to book through Forever Cornwall

n Forever Cornwall

n The Park

n Forever Cornwall


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15/03/2019 15:10

| COVER FEATURE n Pentewan Sands

n Pentewan Sands

building. You can opt for one of the site's static caravan holiday homes, equipped with everything you could want for a ‘home away from home’. Alternatively, if you have your own motorhome, caravan or tent then you can set up on one of the spacious, well-kept pitches, most which have electric hook-up, and create your own little camping haven. You certainly won’t be lost for something to do here, come rain or shine. The site has two indoor swimming pools – a traditional lap pool, as well as a fun pool with a water ume here’s also a soft play area and amusement arcade for plenty of family fun as well as evening entertainment. And if you don’t fancy cooking, then you have not one, but three options onsite, the Seahorse Café Bar, the traditional Hideaway pub and The Hubbox, Cornwall’s goto restaurant for the urger aficionado

n Pentewan Sands


Having fun in the sun and on the water at Pentewan Sands ê BELOW

Holiday in a woodland idyll with Cornish Tipi Holidays

n Cornish Tipi Holidays

n Cornish Tipi Holidays

Chetwode Ram Associates

Chetwode Ram Associates

so important and it’s never been easier to do than here s the ’s first tipi campsite this off-grid escape has settled beautifully into its surroundings and even has its own freshwater lake for a spot of wild swimming, rowing or fishing Campfires are positivel encouraged here, something adults and children alike will enjoy, whether that be warming your toes or tasting marshmallows! You can choose to stay in one of the on-site tipis or, if you prefer to bring your own tent or campervan, you can pitch up amongst the woodland. You can even get married here! Turn to page 93 to discover more. or a five star famil friendl camping holiday, Pentewan Sands, near St Austell, has everything you could want for a beach break. The site is literally on the beach, and it’s a private one at that, with safe bathing waters and endless golden sand, perfect for castle


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n Heligan Caravan and Camping Park n xxxxxxxxxxxx


n Heligan Caravan and Camping Park

n Heligan Caravan and Camping Park

©National Trust Images/Chris Lacey

n National Trust

©National Trust Images/Chris Lacey

n National Trust

We know that for some a camping holiday is a case of less is more’ and ou’ll find this at Pentewan’s sister site, Heligan Caravan and Camping Park. Set amongst what was part of the original Heligan Estate, this site is 'Far from the crowds, closer to nature'. The pitches are naturally sheltered in beautiful woodland and the amenities are just right – enough to make your stay comfortable with a heated amenity block, launderette, campsite shop and play area, but not so many that you can’t enjoy a more traditional camping experience here. You’re only a few hundreds yards from The Lost Gardens of Heligan where you can lose yourself in hundreds of acres of estate and gardens. nd finall we take a look at a couple of hidden campsites in Cornwall that truly have the wow-factor when it comes to getting away from it all ou’ll find the first hidden gem on the Lizard peninsula, at Teneriffe Farm near Mullion, and describing it as picturesque doesn’t even come close. You’re just a tenminute walk from the South West Coast Path, and the camping fields have gorgeous sea views. Pitches are well-kept and well-spaced and you get a real feel of getting back to nature as soon as you arrive. For those who prefer a sturdier camping experience to a night under canvas, there are also four camping pods available to hire. All you need do is pitch-up and relax.


Get back to nature at Heligan Caravan and Camping Park í LEFT Clifftop camping at the National Trust's Teneriffe Farm


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15/03/2019 15:10

n St Martin's

For all that’s featured in this month’s Cornwall Living and more, head to our we site anc eing the first to receive updates? Well, you can by subscribing to our newsletter at... ...

n St Martin's

Experience the stunning St Martin's campsite on the Isles of Scilly by visiting our Cornwall Living Vimeo page.

Pitch up in an island paradise on St Martin's, Isles of Scilly

The campsite on St. Martin’s on the Isles of Scilly has been welcoming campers since the mid sixties. Once you visit, it’s hard to stay away and so many campers return year after ear for their cill fi ’ ou’ve not experienced camping until you’ve done it the 'Scilly’ way – all your kit has to be taken over with you either by boat or plane on the Scillonian or Skybus (, which really focuses the mind when it comes to what’s essential. It’s then taken to St Martin’s by an off-island launch and everyone works together to unload the boat when it arrives at St Martin’s quay before the short trip to paradise. The 50 pitches are sheltered by pittosporum hedges, offering shade from the sun and shelter from the wind. ou’ll find award winning washroom facilities here, as well as a launderette, free Wi-Fi and free charging point. You can pre-order hot morning croissants and evening baked potatoes and there is a small honesty shop for most camping needs; gas, pegs, charcoal, barbeques, freshly picked vegetables, milk and free range eggs, Campsite Honey and home made Tangy Marmalade. The nearby Seven tones nn which has recentl enefited from the addition of a new function area (read more from page 38) welcomes campers for drinks, lunch and dinner. And just 33 steps from the campsite will take you to the nearest beach!


n St Martin's

n St Martin's

This month, you could be in with a chance of winning a pair of Gourmet Tickets to access all areas and stages at the 2019 St Ives Food Festival on Porthminster beach, from 6pm on 10th until 12th May, worth £50! With chef demos, music, art and more, be sure to head to our competitions page online and get your entries in! Enter now at Terms & conditions apply

Courtesy of Anna Photography


Enter now at


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15/03/2019 15:10

News & views Realise your dream bathroom at Plumbase Wadebridge lum ase in Wade ridge was first esta lished on renant ndustrial state in he wider rand has grown to e one of the est plum ers merchants in the south west with a network of ranches nationwide lum ase Wade ridge has ust had a new athroom showroom installed with the final touches set to e completed mid pril o if ou’re looking for a new athroom ustin tuart ave ichard or om will e more than happ to show ou around and give ou the inspiration ou need to help create our dream athroom t lum ase Wade ridge the team pride themselves on their service and stock o pro lem is too ig or too small and the ’ll alwa s tr to help ou find solutions to suit our needs he also provide a free local deliver service for larger items that can’t e collected from the stores o if ou need

an thing plum ing related e sure to pop into lum ase or head to the we site For more information call 01208 815670 or visit

Make the most of your outside space

with Colourfence

he team at t nodoc otel are all animal lovers welcoming our four legged friends ig or small with open arms With an a undance of great walks in the region locals and visitors alike can now en o a welcome pit stop for lunch dinner or a uick drink on the terrace with their dog

With spring ust around the corner now is the time to get outdoors and start sprucing up our gardens ll aglish from Colourfence suggests starting with the ackdrop and working in from there or man smaller gardens the ackdrop can often let the rest of the garden down especiall if the ackdrop is an old tired looking fence that’s seen etter da s ll points us to a small garden space he was recentl asked to help with pictured e e plains he Colourfence used here is a com ination of Colourfence panels at the ack and Colour ail to the front he Colourfence is used as a screen while the Colour ail encloses the area safel without making it feel too o ed in’ s

ou can see the result is fantastic e uiring ver little maintenance Colourfence and Colour ail are super choices for making the most of our outdoor space designed to stand up to the worst that Cornwall’s weather can throw at them For more information call 01840 537547 or visit

Alfred Smith & Son Furnishers of Dinstinction

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Furry friends are now welcome at St Enodoc! •

t nodoc otel is incredi l passionate a out its new dog friendl status so much so that the team also offers a delicious dedicated og inner menu as well as cos eds owls treats and even room service for canine residents o whether ou’re a local or looking for a dog friendl reak t nodoc otel is the perfect spot for ou and our furr friend For more information call 01208 863394 or visit

SPRING OFFERS on all himolla sofas & chairs


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15/03/2019 15:48

News & views Combine modern performance with timeless appeal ocated in en ance ongrock Windows has gained a sterling reputation for the comprehensive range of doors and windows all tailored to suit Cornwall’s uni ue environment With this in mind the point us to the Consort lush ash range of window casings giving the timeless appearance of old tim er windows with the st le and high performance of modern windows hese are an ideal alternative to or replacement for tired looking tim er windows with traditional mechanical oints eliminating the tell tale sign of C windows he Consort lush ash is ideal for those updating the windows of a period propert also ringing an

e cellent clean look to modern contemporar homes he ’re availa le in a range of trend setting colours too making them perfect for an residence For more information call 01736 363113 or visit

f ou love to wander through a market rimming with local produce we have a new haunt for ou en ance has an all new monthl market held on the last aturda of ever month in arket lace he first took place on th arch this ear and it was a resounding success

An efficient alternative to

heating your tub Catching up with C eat lectrical sister compan to hot tu and spa specialists C pas we learn that having our hot tu running from our central heating is the e uivalent to having an e tra radiator on in our home uring the winter months when our heating is running an wa heating our spa this wa is much more efficient n fact it can e up to four times more efficient than electric ou can connect a changeover switch too meaning in the summer when our radiators are off our spa can still e run via our electrical suppl t can even e connected to a solar powered heating s stem making it even more environmentall friendl

Discover Penzance’s new market

o if ou’ve een considering installing a hot tu in our home ut have concerns a out powering it or if ou are alread a hot tu owner wanting to e more energ efficient C pas and C eat lectrical ma ust have the solution for ou For more information call 01872 575333

en ance has een a market town and trading point for farmers and fishermen for centuries and with this new monthl market this tradition is onl set to grow here will e lots of lovel local produce on offer for ou to fill our cup oards as well as a great selection of artisanal crafts and gifts ideal whether ou’re u ing for a loved one or indulging in a treat for ourself pen ever aturda am until pm o appl for a stall simpl drop the en ance team an email For more information visit or visit

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News & views

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15/03/2019 15:48

News & views

Transform your bathroom with a

visit to Interiora

Image courtesy of Eddy Gallagher

ewl n ased interior design compan nteriora knows a thing or two when it comes to realising our dream d cor ne of their latest offerings comes in the form of athroom suita le pendant lighting all of which are designed for areas where water spra poses a potential ha ard his means the can e positioned a ove a asin around a mirror even a ove the ath

Victoria Sewart is

ringing the changes ictoria ewart Contemporar eweller aller in l mouth now in its th ear platforms some the most modern rings and eweller in the south west rom engagement to wedding through to occasional contemporar or ground reaking there is something here for the discerning u er who re uires something a little different from the norm he inging the Changes’ e hi ition has een a regular fi ture at this wonderful galler and this ear is set to feature ten incredi le designers producing ever thing including modern contemporar traditional and sculptural rings as well as pieces featuring precious stones art pieces and much much more unning from aster weekend until mid ul whether ou’re u ing for the most special of occasions or simpl as a treat unto ourself we highl recommend pa ing this e hi ition a visit nd remem er our eweller is as uni ue as ou are iscover ourself at ictoria ewart Contemporar eweller aller For more information call 01752 220011 or visit

hese stunning pendants from i whose motto is aking athrooms eautiful’ come in three st les all of which utilise s eautiful and contemporar the can e used singl or as a cluster promising to utterl transform a space ndeed adding a new

pendant light to a room will instantl give the appearance of a designer home f ou’re looking to introduce small changes that promise to make a ig difference e sure to pop in and speak to the team at nteriora For more information call 0800 038 5353 or visit

Organic hair and beauty by the sea ulti award winning hair and eaut salon e oda is leading the wa in Cornwall when it comes to organic products and treatments he small salon in the heart of llogan near the north Cornish coast is in the e pert hands of ondon trained owner artine odda pecialising in a range of advanced eaut aesthetics as well as all aspects of hairdressing hair e tensions ridal hair and makeup artine offers a wide range of treatments using high ualit organic products ntelligent utrients and atuli ue meaning that ou can rest assured that our hair and skin is eing nourished from the outside in o whether ou are looking to e pampered are preparing for a special occasion or

are seeking advanced anti ageing treatments ou can rela and e treated in eautiful outi ue surroundings For more information visit

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15/03/2019 15:48

News & views Celebrate the work of father and son at the Jackson Foundation he ackson oundation is to host the first ma or retrospective of the paintings and sculptures of the late ritish artist eter ackson aught cele rated artist tutors such as eter an on and err rost ackson ver much forged his own path his e hi ition titled etrospective’ aims to show the variet and diversit of this important artist with pieces representing the last ears of his work on canvas paper and sculpture urt ackson’s e hi ition Cra and o ster’ his latest pro ect focuses on the richness and diversit of the natural world looking at crustaceans n focusing on an apparentl mundane group of animals urt ackson aims to cele rate their uni ueness e claims that onl

acknowledging and appreciating the ordinar as well as the e traordinar can we realisticall respect and conserve this io diverse world oth e hi itions run from th arch until th pril at the ackson oundation in t ust pen from Wednesda to rida am to pm and on aturda s from am until pm For more information call 01736 787638 or visit

ssa Collection on orthleven’s ore treet is a famil run outi ue that sources designs and commissions eautiful clothing and accessories from around the world With literall hundreds of individual items in store ou’re ound to find something to suit ou and ou can rest assured that usiness owner and fashionista anessa is committed to ringing the est designs from around the world to ou ndeed her ranges are a fascinating re ection of her and hus and ohn’s travels to far ung places around the glo e full of colour te ture and imagination

The Summerhouse Gallery – a Cornish


s the ear stirs with the onset of spring so too does the ummerhouse aller in ara ion read ing itself for the forthcoming season his eautiful and welcoming space showcases the ver est of Cornish art located ust across the water from t ichael’s ount nl Connect’ was the novelist orster’s ma im and so it is with this eautiful galler on the south Cornish coast nl rather than with words the achieve this through the mediums of paint eweller sculpture and glass.


News & views

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Get your wardrobe spring ready at Essa Collection

howcasing the ver est work from local artists oth well esta lished and oung and up and coming it is an e perience to savour at leisure nd eing dog and child friendl it has the perfect environment to welcome ust a out ever one For more information call 01736 711 400 or visit

ssa’s new spring and summer stock is now in store with more than st les for ou to tr here’s also an eclectic collection of eweller hand ags scarves and socks read to tr in line with our new chosen outfit meaning if our wardro e is in need of a seasonal refresh a trip to the fa ulous ssa Collection comes highl recommended For more information call 01326 572236 or visit


15/03/2019 15:48

News & views

Cornish camping on the coast

New Porthleven exhibition to inspire young Cornish artists ou’ll find entewan ands olida ark literall right on the edge of a privatel owned each oasting half a mile of golden sand and safe sheltered tur uoise waters ust a few steps from our pitch his five star award winning holida park cele rates an un eata le location on the south Cornish coast and is ideal for a wide rage of watersports he onsite Watersports Centre offers paddle oarding ka aking and windsurfing he near coastal path is perfect for a stroll while soaking up the reath taking views Wh not make a da of it and pack a picnic to have at one of the man pictures ue stops along the wa ? he site has accommodation to cater for all udgets with a fa ulous choice of facilities including two indoor pools an amusement arcade and indoor soft pla With a nightl entertainment

programme and three restaurants ou can’t fail to have the camping holida of our dreams here f ou are looking for a more rural camping retreat then entewan’s sister site eligan Caravan and Campsite ticks all the o es lso rated five star it sits within the original eligan state and is surrounded natural eaut his is a magical destination that can e en o ed all ear round and is perfect for canine companions ou can pitch a tent ring a caravan or sta in one of the well e uipped holida homes that ou’ll find nestled elow towering trees and lush owering foliage sited on generous plots ere ou can ust sit ack rela and soak up the surroundings For more information visit or

ased in orthleven the home of Cornwall Living this e citing upcoming e hi ition W will showcase the work of four oung female artists each ringing a different skillset to the fore hese four creatives specialise in different mediums and visitors will get to see the work of a silversmith an illustrator a photographer and a print maker rowing up in Cornwall it can e hard for graduates to forge a career while sta ing in their home count his e hi ition aims to prove that it can e done with each artist making strides towards making a professional life for themself here with an art ased degree inspiring other oung women to keep pursuing their dreams in Cornwall’s creative industries W will e open from th until th pril am until pm at the ld ife oat ouse in orthleven with originals prints and merchandise on displa and for sale For more information call 07939221939 or visit Facebook@aweniexhibition


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15/03/2019 15:48

News & views

Announcing Slickers Doghouse’s Easter Doggy Photo Booth!

ocated on adstow’s orth ua lickers oghouse offers an arra of useful high ualit products with great value for mone s owner isa e plains s nature lovers we are on a mission to provide eco friendl sustaina le products for our planet and oceans as well as our dogs ur to s and owls are all made from eco friendl materials such as rice husk hemp and rec cled am oo chopsticks o if there’s an thing our furr friend needs ou’ll no dou t find it in lickers oghouse ut it’s not ust dogg apparel food and accessories that isa and the lickers team offer ndeed isa as we t pe is on her wa ack from the latest canine photoshoot hat’s right lickers in partnership with photographer ate Whis now offer owners the chance to have their dog professionall photographed provided the can sit still

for long enough efore having the portraits printed on a range of items ptions include simple portrait downloads as well as superior ualit high gloss coated ultra white ceramic mugs cushion covers and sets of hard oard cork acked coasters complete with attractive mahogan holders he even print t shirts ver the aster weekend the lickers store will pla host to its ver own ogg hoto ooth so ou can have our canine’s picture taken efore ordering our ver own personalised gift aking place on th and th pril from am until pm with Cornish photographer ate Whis wh not ring our wagg tailed friend along? ll the need to know is sit’ sta ’ and of course smile’ For more information call 07917 005071 or visit


Bottomless brunch

comes to Falmouth! hat’s right he reen ank otel is ringing ottomless lunch to almouth hese two hour sessions are availa le from onda to aturda and guests will e a le to tuck into an dish from the scrumptious runch menu whilst en o ing endless reen ank infused gins perfect for making our runch a touch oo lternativel if ou’re not a fan of gin or looking for something a little softer then ou can choose from a menu of mocktails and soft drinks instead What etter wa to cele rate the est meal of the da whilst en o ing the hotel’s panoramic views across almouth har our? When ou consider that all of this costs ust per head it reall is a no rainer so e sure to head for runch at he reen ank otel this spring For more information call 01326 312440 or visit

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15/03/2019 15:48

Time to...



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12/03/2019 13/03/2019 14:59 10:59


R o c k N e w q u a y



S t Iv e s




ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

Just a ten-minute walk from the seafront, this modern three-bedroom bungalow has spacious and tasteful open-plan living.


s you pass through the entrance hall and enter the lounge on your right ou’ll find a generous open plan living and dining space with a stylish and fully integrated kitchen, perfect for entertaining while you cook up a storm for your guests. Through the hallway on


GUIDE PRICE: £650,000


1 North Quay, Padstow PL28 8AF 01841 532555

the other side and there are three spacious double bedrooms and a family bathroom, all fabulously decorated. Outside, the lovely grounds are mainly laid to lawn, with gardens to the front, rear and side elevations. There’s the added advantage of an attached garage too, as well as ample off road drivewa parking nto the location and adstow finds itself at the foodie heart of north Cornwall. Indeed, not only is this stretch of the north coast beautiful, with wonderful coastal walks and staggering ocean views, there are also some superb restaurants to please even the most discerning of foodies, including Paul Ainsworth’s Michelin starred No. 6 and, of course, Rick Stein’s esteemed Seafood Restaurant. Within just seven miles is the ancient market town of Wadebridge, with its thriving highstreet of small independent shops and boutiques, and even closer ou’ll find the championship golf course at Trevose, perfect for those who enjoy a leisurely 18 holes. Residing in such a wonderful location just moments from the Camel Estuary, this home makes the most of the north coast, opening a buyer up to everything that the north coast has to offer. It truly needs seeing to be fully appreciated, so be sure to contact Jackie Stanley to arrange a viewing, before somebody else beats you to it!

INFORMATION M o d e rn th re e -b e d ro o m b u n g a lo w T a s te fu lly d e c o ra te d to a h ig h s ta n d a r d O p e n p la n liv in g / d in in g r o o m F u lly in te g r a te d k itc h e n D r iv e w a y p a r k in g a n d g a r a g e w ith e le c tr ic d o o r L a r g e c o r n e r p lo t w ith g o o d s iz e d g a rd e n s S o u g h t a fte r r e s id e n tia l lo c a tio n


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14/03/2019 12:36


R o c k N e w q u a y



ll B o d m in



S t Iv e s

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

THE BELL HOUSE An extremely rare opportunity to purchase a rather unique property located within the desirable Kernick Park development in Penryn.

INFORMATION M a in h o u s e a n d a n n e x e E x c lu s iv e lo c a tio n F u ll o f c h a r a c te r a n d c h a r m P e r io d fe a tu r e s T w o b e d r o o m s , p o te n tia l o f 4 /5 a s o n e h o u s e L a rg e g a ra g e A llo c a te d p a r k in g A v a ila b le w ith n o o n w a r d c h a in


riginally a manor house, Kernick Park later became a farm and then converted into an exclusive set of individual homes in recent times. The development is approached via a private lane, which opens into a mature communal wooded lawn where the properties are located. Originally, The Bell House formed part of the main house and today retains many of its stunning period features, including a bell tower on the roof! Bell Cottage was constructed more recently as part of the ‘Walled Garden’ development, and has been utilised as a successful holiday let. It could, however, be incorporated into the main house or be used as an annexe. The accommodation in the main house comprises two bedrooms, however there is the potential to have four or even five should you decide to combine the main house and Bell Cottage. There’s also a fully fitted kitchen and a dining room with tremendous character and charm, complete with its own granite, inglenook style fireplace and an additional alcove with a wine rack. Into the living room and you’ll notice straight awa the gorgeous agstone oors the feature granite fireplace and e posed stone walls which, between them, make

it easy to see yourself getting cosy here, especially during the winter months. A viewing comes highly recommended to appreciate the sheer space and character on offer here, especially considering this wonderful property is available with the enefit of no onward chain


GUIDE PRICE: £485,000


16 High Street, Falmouth TR11 2AB 01326 450020


CL--84--ED--Harding & Wakefield--1.00.indd 36

14/03/2019 11:12

Tregothnan oak flooring Hand-crafted in Cornwall

Aspen and Ash produces artisan, hand-crafted floors for those wishing to enhance the beauty of a space with a stunning wooden floor of genuine, lasting quality. Our designer floors use the finest quality, exclusive Tregothan Oak, Olive Ash as well as reclaimed Douglas Fir and Pitch Pine, to offer unparalleled stability, finish and durability. Our hand-crafted parquet and chevron flooring is created with natural form and long-lasting function, and laid to stand the test of time. From the forest to the floor, Aspen and Ash is committed to preserving historic woodland with all flooring cut, kiln dried and finished in Cornwall, then delivered throughout the UK.

If you have wood flooring in need of renovation; we offer a new service in hardwood floor maintenance and enhancement. Aspen and Ash has taken delivery of Lagler specialist floor sanders to renew floors to perfect condition. This virtually dust-free process is professionally carried out by Lagler certified and trained operatives. / 01209 210753 / 07980 703760 Aspen & Ash, Cardrew Business Park, Redruth, TR15 1SQ Untitled-4 1

12/03/2019 11:17


ock N e w q u a y



ll odmin



t ves

S t A u s te ll en ance

TRELEAVEN Sitting comfortably in the heart of St Breward with wonderful views, this immaculate home simply oozes Cornish character and charm.

INFORMATION T h r e e d o u b le b e d r o o m s S e m i- d e ta c h e d c o tta g e efitted kitchen and s e p a r a te u tility r o o m eparate dining room and conservatory En suite to master bedroom arking for several vehicles and detached g a ra g e tone barn and s u m m e rh o u s e et within a substantial plot Village location mmaculately presented


ith three delightful reception rooms and as many double bedrooms, including a master en suite, the accommodation here is generously laid out. For those that love character, this period cottage retains a number of original features, with beamed ceilings original wooden doors ag stone ooring even a wonderful e posed inglenook fireplace that’s complete with a modern woodburner, perfect for getting cosy in the winter months. nto the refitted kitchen and ou’ll find it has everything the modern foodie enthusiast would need while still keeping in character with the rest of the cottage haker st le with solid oak worktops and slate ooring it reall does feel like a house in the countr ’ kitchen Step outside from the conservatory and discover the gravelled patio area – just perfect for our morning coffee and reakfast he pathway with Cornish walling surround sweeps to the left to the secure front drive. ake a right turn and find ourself in the e tensive and lush green lawns with a variety of seating areas. In the summer, the gardens are ust perfect for the kids to run wild here’s also a stone arn and workshop offering ample storage and the perfect space for an artist’s studio t the top of the garden a tim er summerhouse en o s magnificent

countryside views, coming complete with its own sitting area, sleeping quarters and even a kitchenette the perfect accommodation for guests, or for growing teenagers in need of their own space. f ou love period propert then look no further – simply contact the team at My Place in Cornwall and arrange a viewing ecause trust us releaven a solutel needs seeing in person!


GUIDE PRICE: £375,000


First Floor Offices, 18 Callywith Gate, Launceston Road, Bodmin PL31 2RQ 01208 813874


CL--84--ED--My Place in Cornwall--1.00.indd 36

12/03/2019 10:32

beautiful awnings

FREE REE vibration sensor and remote control for orders in March and April




Marks & Spencer






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Connor Downs


4 to 5 week delivery on faux wooden shutters






Trevaskis Farm

TR27 5JR

01736 752397

15/02/2019 13:33


R o c k N e w q u a y






S t Iv e s

B o d m in S t A u s te ll

P e n z a n c e

GOLD CREST Located in a wonderful setting, this spacious detached home provides luxurious, three bedroom accommodation within mature and private grounds.

INFORMATION C a r e fu lly u p d a te d T h re e b e d ro o m s M a s te r e n s u ite Engineered wood ooring M o d e rn b a th ro o m W e ll a p p o in te d k itc h e n w ith in te g r a te d a p p lia n c e s M a tu r e a n d p r iv a te g ro u n d s T w o g a ra g e s , o n e in te g r a te d C lo s e to F a lm o u th a n d T ru ro


tep inside this carefully updated home and a broad reception hall offers a fine introduction with practical engineered wood ooring and plenty of natural light. Budding chefs will love the contemporar kitchen with its well considered run of work surfaces and integrated appliances he reakfast area overlooks the garden making it the perfect spot for a relaxing morning coffee. hrough to the dining room which is open plan with the kitchen and ou’ll find it’s of a generous si e ideal for social gatherings while a log urner adds a cos touch to the living space for those storm winter evenings he edrooms are all a good si e with the master edroom en o ing its own en suite shower room and a modern family bathroom completes the accommodation. utside the propert unusuall has two drivewa s and two garages one integrated and one detached. The gardens are an utter delight and provide a haven of escape and privac

Many mature trees and shrubs display a variet of colours and te tures throughout the season giving ou a sense of our own private slice of su tropical Cornwall With superb amenities and a fantastic primar school erranwell tation is a thriving village with a super communit etween almouth and ruro here’s also a post office and stores plus a pu cricket and foot all clu and a village hall with a host of activities planned throughout the ear t’s also close to man rural walks and ridlewa s so whether ou have a dog with oundless energ or simpl en o lacing up our oots and e ploring ou’ll e well set here f ou’re looking to relocate to rural Cornwall ut want ease of access to ruro this wonderful home represents the perfect opportunit t’s not far from the coast either so it’s the ideal ase from which to en o all that Cornwall has to offer Wh not contact Clive earce and arrange a viewing in person?


ASKING PRICE: £595,000

CLIVE PEARCE PROPERTY 31 Lemon Street, Truro TR1 2LS 01872 272622


CL--84--ED--Clive Pearce Property--1.00.indd 36

14/03/2019 15:53



Jo&Co Home offers a wide selection of home accessories and bespoke furniture, as well as beautiful clothing, accessories and beauty. The unique and desirable choice of products have all been hand picked by Jo, with you in mind.

4 2




7 6


1 Off White Natural Stoneware Two Tone Flower Pot Pot £6 2 Precise Brass Finish Floor Lamp £265 3 Fleur De Sel Woven Seagrass Placemat £10.50 4 Wafer Throw in Laurel Green £60 5 Lollys Laundry Flower Print Filuca Dress £98 6 Frankie Sofa from £1,325 7 Live Green Sustainable Living Book By Jen Chillingsworth £8.99

H AW K S F I E L D 1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1



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PL27 7LR 11/03/2019 10:51


Kernow Fires

more than just fires Now showing:

Bespoke Kitchens, Everhot Cookers, The Most Efficient Stove Europe has to offer.

Ask us about our new feature walls*. *A feature wall is an entire wall designed and built around your chosen fire with the help of Kernow Metals. This can include everything from shelves, storage and lighting to seating and TV’s.



PL27 6HB

TR15 3RX

T. 01208 812527

T. 01209 200887 15/02/2019 12:38


R o c k N e w q u a y




S t Iv e s



ll B o d m in

S t A u s te ll P e n z a n c e

Located in the ‘Golden Triangle’ of Polzeath, Rock and Padstow, Atlantic House Apartments promise the ultimate seaside lifestyle for owners.


f you’re looking for uninterrupted front line views of the sea, beach and clifftops, then Atlantic House Apartments on the north Cornwall coast offer an unrivalled opportunit ust five of these nine fantastic apartments remain in this much sought after waterfront location renowned for its sandy, family-friendly beach and world class surf break. Each stunning apartment boasts highspecification interiors and the ver est in open plan living with under oor heating throughout the kitchen and dining areas, alongside a lift to all oors electronic ke s giving exceptional security, and a ‘Surf Shack’ providing showers and storage for wetsuits and boards after a day on the beach. All enjoy spectacular sea views that are perfect for sundowners, with three of them being duplex apartments having a


PRICES FROM: £875,000

master edroom suite on the upper oor complete with a private sky-deck! Perhaps your idea of a holiday includes not having to cook, if so, apartment owners will enjoy all-day service from the kitchen and bar, with a large two-tier terrace perfect for al fresco dining. What’s more, the wider north Cornwall area is something of a foodie’s paradise, with excellent dining options that include Rick Stein’s and Paul Ainsworth in Padstow, Restaurant Nathan Outlaw in Port Isaac and Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen Cornwall just up the coast at Watergate Bay. Promising superb family holidays all year round, these apartments also offer lucrative rental income potential when you’re not using them, so be sure to contact John Bray and Partners to book a viewing, before someone beats you to it!

INFORMATION U n r iv a lle d , p r im e w a te r fr o n t lo c a tio n R e c e n tly c o m p le te d a n d r e a d y to m o v e in to a n d fu r n is h T w o a n d th re e -b e d ro o m high specification a p a rtm e n ts B a lc o n ie s w ith u n in te r r u p te d o c e a n v ie w s o v e r P o lz e a th b e a c h C o n te m p o r a r y k itc h e n s a n d b a th /s h o w e r-ro o m s nder oor heating E le c tr o n ic k e y e n tr y R e c e p tio n a n d lift S u r f b o a r d a n d w e ts u it s to r a g e a r e a w ith s h o w e r s



CL--84--ED--Westworld/John Bray--1.00v2.indd 3

15/03/2019 12:07


A VISION BROUGHT TO LIFE Having recently completed their first build on the stunning Isles of Scilly, we catch up with Carpenter Oak Cornwall. MAIN ì The new space occupies a magnificent position


fter nearl five ears of operating a dedicated workshop in t ves to serve the Cornish market Carpenter ak have ust completed their first oak frame uilding on the sles of cill n adventure in its own right the pro ect has proved to e a success for ever one involved uilding an oak frame arn on the islands was never going to e simple ut according to designer om u When the clients throw in eer great hospitalit and ounds of positive energ it’s got to e worth a go mil and ominic Crees of the even tones nn on t artin’s were keen to work with the team at Carpenter ak to ring their vision to life of an oak frame arn as an additional function space to their island pu om tells us We had known of Carpenter ak for man ears as a compan and have alwa s een drawn to and admired their work When we discovered that the compan now has a workshop in Cornwall it reall felt like a perfect fit


CL--84--ED--Carpenter Oak--2.00 v2.indd 2

11/03/2019 16:05



The stunning new oak frame barn with views across to St Mary’s

ominic and mil worked ver closel with om for several months uch consideration had to e given to evolving the design gaining planning permission and forming a team to pull the pro ect off mil e plains We had to carefull consider the realit of the logistics of uilding here throughout the design phase adds om an one who has visited the even tones will e aware of how off the eaten track it is hink paths rather than roads oats rather than trucks and a legend of a local digger driver in place of a crane and ou’ll start to get the idea fter the concluded that it could e done anaging irector im impson and the team worked alongside ames orton of t artin’s to ring the uilding to life over several months im e plains etting a seven metre long oak eam weighing half a tonne from the har our to site and then into position with the island’s onl digger was interesting ow completed the uilding oasts id llic views across the water to t ar ’s and resco t serves not onl as e tra seating

during us dining periods ut also as a venue for weddings and gigs as a meeting space and indeed an thing else a small island communit with swelling num ers of summer tourists can throw at it t artin’s reall is a slice of paradise and since purchasing the island’s onl pu four ears ago with a little help from Carpenter ak mil and ominic have turned the even tones into the hu that an island communit struggles without

CARPENTER OAK CORNWALL T o w a n s F a r m , L e la n t, S t Iv e s T R 2 6 3 L P 0 1 3 2 6 3 3 6 5 5 4 w w w .c a rp e n te ro a k .c o m

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k



To celebrate the success of their collaboration, Carpenter Oak and the Seven Stones Inn are running a competition, offering a day trip to the island including return flights from Newquay or Land’s End to St Mary’s, speed boat transfer to St Martin’s and lunch at the Seven Stones Inn! Turn to page 107 to be in with a chance of winning this fantastic prize.


CL--84--ED--Carpenter Oak--2.00 v2.indd 3

11/03/2019 16:05

We are a Cosentino Elite Showroom offering a wide range of Quartz, Granite and Corian Worktops.

Experience & Explore



mmerse yourself in our new Kitchen and Bathroom Showroom at Tamar Trading in Bodmin. We are one of Cornwall’s leading independent Builders’ Merchants, offering a great service and wide range of products to retail customers, DIY enthusiasts and to the trade. We’ve gathered together a collection of beautiful kitchens and bathrooms, ready for you to explore and experience. Talk to our designers about the perfect kitchen or bathroom for your home and choose from both contemporary and classic styles, which offer great quality at a price that’s as appealing as the designs themselves. Visit our showrooms to see for yourself, call us to arrange an appointment or visit our website for more information.

Call 01208 264700 Branch & Showroom Cooksland Ind. Estate, Bodmin, Cornwall PL31 2PZ Branches also at HOLSWORTHY & TORRINGTON

1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1

17/12/2018 10:43


Get creative

WITH YOUR FLOORING We catch up with the South West Carpets team and discover more about the designer brands available.


outh West Carpets is a longesta lished famil carpet and ooring business. The 13,000 square foot warehouse and showroom at Trellogan Industrial Estate, Newquay, has a vast range of carpet rolls, always in stock, together with rugs and specialist carpet displays. So, if you’re struggling to choose your carpet design or ooring then make sure to head down to the showroom where you can browse and explore to your heart’s content. Not to mention, the friendly and knowledgeable team are available to help and advise at any time. We hear from Demi, who tells us: “We have our unique Karndean and Amtico designer ooring studio on the ground oor where you can use the interactive Karndean design s stem to create our own uni ue ooring With a fitting team with over ears’ experience between them and a sales team with over 50 years’ experience, you can be sure ou’re in good hands We’re confident that we can cater for all needs whether it’s domestic or commercial e plains emi “and we pride ourselves on a friendly and no-nonsense approach, so why not come down and visit to see what we can do for ou? If you’re interested in luxury vinyl tiles then make sure to consider Amtico. The company has the vision to see the possibilities in an integrated range of luxury vinyl tiles, a vision that creates a market for designer ooring


that is not onl eautiful ut e i le dura le and sustainable. Family friendly, pet friendly realistic, quiet, durable, warm underfoot and easy to clean – it’s a brilliant product and one that shouldn’t be overlooked! Similarly, the arndean range features eautiful ooring that will bring your home to life, adding warmth and texture. Inspired by nature, and designed for living ou will find that arndean oors are realistic and practical for your space, your living and your style. Not to mention that all Karndean products are compati le with under oor heating s stems South West Carpets also provide curtains and rugs, so you could be well on the way to transforming your home after just one visit to the showroom!

INSET Revamp your floor with the brilliant selection of finishes available

SOUTH WEST CARPETS T r e lo g g a n 0 1 6 3 7 8 7 2 m a n a g e r@ w w w .s o u th

In d u s tr ia l E s ta te , N e w q u a y T R 7 2 S X 0 2 3 s o u th w e s tc a rp e ts .c o m w e s tc a rp e ts .c o m

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--South West Carpets--1.00.indd 3

12/03/2019 11:02



e r u t i n fur

With a history spanning some 30 years, Christies’ industry experience is leading the way when it comes to furnishing homes in the West Country.


hey say an Englishman’s home is his castle and with that in mind, it is so important to furnish it to the highest of standards, but with a myriad of styles available it can sometimes be hard to know where to start. We caught up with owner of Christie's Furniture, Pete Blell, to find out more a out the eautiful furniture and bed store that is Christie's Furniture and the Christie's Bed Shop in Penryn. “Our story begins all the way back in 1985, when the evon ed Centre in eter first set down roots,” Pete tells us. “Now, over 30 years later, it’s the largest, longest established independent bed centre in Devon. “We took that pedigree, knowledge and industry experience, and in 2010 we opened the Christie's Furniture store in Penryn, Cornwall. Having been closed for two years at that point, it was in desperate need of refurbishment. We relish a challenge and practically re-built the place – transforming it into the comprehensive furniture hub that it is today,” explains Peter. “We’re proud of the hard work we put in back then and even more proud of the successful years we’ve had since." Not a company to rest on its laurels, Christie's urniture installed a new first oor in which, as well as their stylish sofas, gorgeous living and dining room furniture and stunning accessories, meant they were able to boast one of the largest bed centres in the south


CL--84--ED--Christies Furniture--2.00.indd 2

14/03/2019 14:00



We would recommend deciding on a theme for a new home PETE

west with over 100 different beds on display from leading UK manufacturers, including a terrific collection of award winning eds heir expertise gained from Devon Bed Centre also ensures that they are able to provide customers with great advice if this is needed. We asked Peter what his advice would be when choosing a new piece of furniture: "I know it sounds o vious ut first thing s first tr to measure up your room so you can work out exactly what will and won t fit remem ering that furniture shouldn’t totall overpower a room hink about what style you want to achieve, modern, traditional etc. At this point, often this is where our showroom comes in handy. It's packed full of inspiration. Everything is displayed in room settings which helps to visualise what it would look like in your home. Come in and have a look around, you'll be amazed at what ou find he also suggest that it’s important that the piece of furniture is fit for purpose or example, delicate and more intricate pieces are better placed where little ones don’t play. Similarly, light colours may not be suitable for a family home.

Budget should also be a consideration. If you’re buying for the long term, then Pete advises to invest in a quality piece, even it costs that little bit more, as its longevity will outweigh the initial outlay. However, if it’s a piece of furniture that’s providing a stop-gap, then Christie's can also offer something that will fit the ill ut won’t reak the ank With so many different homes across Cornwall, from cottages, townhouses and holiday homes to modern new builds, Christie's have something to suit. Particularly if you have a new home, you will be lucky enough to be starting with a blank canvas. “We would recommend deciding on a theme for a new home sa s ete Whether that’s a specific style, era or colour, you can ensure your rooms are beautifully furnished and harmonious throughout with our ranges in store.” So, if you’re looking to furnish your home then why not browse the Christie's Furniture website or, better still, pop in store? Be sure to look out for our forthcoming articles where we’ll be talking to Pete in more detail about furniture, accessories and the latest trends for 2019.


C o m m e r c ia l R o a d , P e n r y n T R 1 0 8 A E 0 1 3 2 6 3 7 3 2 7 2 w w w .c h r is tie s fu r n itu r e .c o .u k


DISCOVER MORE If you're updating your bedroom furniture, then Christie's Bed Shop has more than 100 beds on display, including a number of award-winning beds from some of the industry's leading manufacturers.

PAY THEM A VISIT! Christie's pride themselves on providing a first-class service to their customers and are passionate about furniture. With such a vast range to choose from, the guidance of their enthusiastic advisors can be invaluable! Open seven days a week – for opening times visit

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--Christies Furniture--2.00.indd 3

14/03/2019 14:00

Doon Ram at


SMALL CHANGE, BIG DIFFERENCE Turn your home into a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life with small interior changes from B.F.C. Carpet World Ltd.

DISCOVER MORE Bodmin Flooring prides itself on providing very high standards. Established in 1985 the company offers a vast selection of flooring with products to suit every price range. With ten teams of fully-qualified, experienced fitters and a large showroom, customers can enjoy an informative and stress-free experience from initial enquiry to completed installation.


nterior design has ecome much more important to the modern homeowner something that e tends e ond simple house pride ndeed there’s een a definite movement towards ensuring our homes are our sanctuaries an escape from the increasingl us lifest les that most of us lead in the hectic modern world ut updating our home doesn’t have to mean a complete overhaul ather according to the team at C Carpet World td ust introducing one or two smaller changes can often make the iggest difference ne thing often overlooked and that can un uestiona l make a huge difference is our ooring Whether it’s carpet vin l or hard ooring what’s eneath our feet as ou rela at home can e the difference etween a d cor that’s nice and one that’s a genuine pleasure to come home to ur oors have to endure a tough time of it too so when deciding how to go a out revamping ours it ma e worth opting for something more hardwearing ortunatel C Carpet World td has a wide selection of lu ur vin l tiles s which is sure to transform our home with the added enefit of standing up to almost an thing ou can throw at or spill on it s are incredi l eas to maintain thanks to their resilience and the also offer super sound and heat insulation his makes them a fantastic cost effective

alternative to real wood or stone ooring What’s more eing availa le in convincing recreations of natural materials with graining and nature inspired te tures the ’re ust like the real thing ot onl does C Carpet World td provide ooring for all re uirements the compan also has a vast range of home furnishings on displa within the showroom anager dam odgkins tells us s our name suggests the usiness is predominantl ooring ut we also suppl a large selection of eds sofas and furniture popping in store ou’ll also enefit from the team’s sound advice s dam points out s with all our products we offer e pert friendl advice and we are here to advise and talk ou through all of the different options making choosing our ooring a hassle free and pleasura le e perience o if ou’re looking to transform our home with ust a small change or two e sure to visit the C Carpet World td showroom in odmin and discover for ourself the wealth of options availa le

ABOVE é From rugs to runners, you’ll find plenty of choice at Bodmin Flooring Centre ABOVE LEFT Get the right finish to match your home’s coastal location


D u n m e r e R o a d , B o d m in P L 3 1 2 Q N 0 1 2 0 8 7 6 8 5 9 www.bodmin

ind more like this www.cornwall


CL--84--ED--Bodmin Flooring--1.00.indd 2

15/03/2019 10:12

Up to 50% disco unt at the show room

Premium shutters & blinds from your local specialist Discover first-class, made-to-measure window and French door coverings from Shuttercraft Cornwall. From full height wooden shutters to Venetian and honeycomb blinds, we have the ideal solution to match your style. Contact Alan or Paula today for your FREE home survey.

01637 849 153



Teak Garden Furniture

With an extensive collection of teak garden furniture, parasols & cushions, you’re sure to find the perfect finishing touch for your garden.

01208 812 333 Unit 3 Trevanson Street Wadebridge PL27 7AW

045.indd 1

Find us online or visit the Rustic House showroom to see our selection of special offers available throughout the summer Par Moor Road, Par, Cornwall. PL24 2SQ

w w w. p a t i o - f u r n i t u r e .c o.u k 01726 817567

15/03/2019 09:55


IF IT’S WORTH DOING… Looking to extend your home or improve on an existing conservatory? Enlist the help of CoreTech Conservatory Roof Systems.


onservatories are a wonderful way in which to extend your home and living space, and they can add tremendous value to a property too, which is certainly worth bearing in mind if you’re thinking of taking yours to market in the near future. However, conservatories, particularly those built before the advent of modern materials, are often too hot in the summer and then freezing in the winter ortunatel Cornish firm Core ech Conservatory Roof Systems can offer a number of solutions, all with minimum disturbance to your home. he team offers a variet of different roof systems to suit all budgets, meaning you can achieve your conservatory goals at the minimum cost. And, as we’ve mentioned, Core ech use lightweight dura le and modern materials, helping you cut down on energy costs with fantastic insulation properties and ultimately, allowing you to enjoy your e tension all ear round he can even offer solutions to cut down on noise when it rains! ABOVEì Conservatories are Based in central Cornwall and covering a fantastic way to the whole of the uch Core ech is a le to add value and round your new or updated conservatory extend your off with a wide range of tiles, enabling living space ou to achieve a finish that matches our RIGHT house, giving it the appearance of part of the Match your original uild he can also install sk lights conservatory roof which are great for ooding our space with to your home natural light – especially handy if you plan to BELOW use the e tra space as an office How will you use he team offers free uotations with no your extra space? obligation and, should you decide to enlist their help, you’ll be impressed with their comprehensive after care service. Indeed, Core ech has received a num er of sterling reviews, so you needn’t just take our word for it – simply head to Google and see for yourself! So, whether your existing conservatory is in dire need of an update, or you’ve been considering adding a new, eco-friendly and thermall efficient conservator to our home, be it to add value or open up more space for an office edroom or pla room for the kids wh not contact Core ech Conservatory Roof Systems and get your free, no o ligation uote?

CORETECH CONSERVATORY ROOF SYSTEMS 0 8 0 0 4 1 0 1 6 1 7 in fo @ c o r e te c h r o o fs .c o .u k w w w .c o re te c h ro o fs .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--Coretech Roof System--1.00.indd 2

13/03/2019 17:07


Introducing H AW KER S R EACH, PAD STOW A stunning new development of executive 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes set in the idyllic location of Padstow.

First phase now available to reserve. Prices start from £350,000. Visit our Marketing Suite, Thursday to Monday 10am until 5pm at Hawkers Reach, Polpennic Drive, Padstow, Cornwall, PL28 8FL. 0300 123 3577 Images are representative


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15/03/2019 10:05



READERS’ OFFER Get 20% off your first Wild Spa experience when you book online and use code ‘CL123’ at the checkout.


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14/03/2019 15:28



•EXPERIENCE• T H E K E R N O W S P R I N G S W I L D S PA AT T H E C O R N WA L L H OT E L , S PA A N D E S TAT E mmerse ourself in a uni ue outdoor sensor ourne through the natural elements of fi re water wood and air in the naturall e uisite grounds of the Cornwall otel pa and state he ernow prings Wild pa is run entirel from the power of urning wood ndulge ourself in their traditional wood fi red hot tu s wedish wood fi red sauna outdoor hot showers invigorating cold water drench ucket private changing urts and cos edouin rela ation lounge complete with huge ean ags rugs and throws a private space of natural sanctuar where ou can rela and unwind wo hour spa sessions run throughout the da seven da s a week with e tra special targa er sessions until late at the weekends esidents non residents families couples single and group ookings are all welcome with prices starting at ust per person here’s the added option to ook e clusive sessions too which include complimentar rosecco What’s more the Wild pa is situated right within the eautiful walled gardens of the renowned Clearing pa’ that offer a variet of treatments to suit ever one so wh not make a da of it What etter wa to kickstart the ritish spring and summer? impl head to the ernow prings or the Cornwall otel we site to check availa ilit and ook our Wild pa e perience r to fi nd out more a out this fantastic spa specialist turn to page

KERNOW SPRINGS 0 7 7 7 9 3 7 4 0 1 7 w w w .k e r n o w s p r in g s .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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s m a e r d t e e Sw If you want to get your sleep down to a fine art, next time you find yourself looking to buy a new bed or mattress, why not talk to the experts at Sweet Dreamzzz?



DISCOVER MORE Be sure to visit the brand new Sweet Dreamzzz showroom when it opens from April 1st, when Denise and her team will be on hand to offer expert advice and excellent customer service. And don't forget, Sweet Dreamzzz won't be beaten on price!


DISCOVER MORE If you’re looking to furnish student accommodation then Sweet Dreamzzz offer a popular range of bedroom packages specifically tailored to student needs. Sweet Dreamzzz also provide quality affordable beds and mattresses to holiday home companies and owners as holidaymakers look forward to a good night's sleep.

ccording to the Sleep Council you should change your mattress every seven years or when you start waking up with stiffness or aches and pains. Historically, the most popular type of mattress was pocket sprung. However, with a new generation of vacuum-packed mattresses coming to the market, often made of foam or latex, as well as hybrids between the two, the choice can be overwhelming. Yes, you can purchase a mattress on the internet, but when you spend an average of seven to eight hours a night on it, why would you not try before you buy? To help us make a choice we spoke to Denise and Mike, owners of Sweet Dreamzzz in Penryn. Having provided beds and mattresses to discerning customers across the county for more than ten years, they are best placed to advise on what to look for. Having recently undergone a refurbishment their store on Commercial Road has a carefully selected range of beds and mattresses. The new showroom enables them to offer their customers an excellent choice without it being overwhelming and their years of experience mean that they know exactly which beds and mattresses are best suited to your needs. So, a visit to Sweet Dreamzzz takes all of the angst out of purchasing as whichever bed or mattress you choose from their range, and you can rest assured that your purchase will be right for you, whatever your budget.

For the launch of the new showroom Sweet Dreamzzz is proud to introduce the eco-friendly 'Ultimate Natural Collection' of divan beds and mattresses from Smeaton Brothers, who have been making beds in the UK since 1893 and are pro-active in reducing environmental effects to our planet. attresses are filled using natural fi res such as wool, silk and cashmere, sourced where possible near the Smeaton Brothers' Yorkshire factory to reduce transport emissions. The factory also boasts a roof full of solar panels and the company maintains 24 acres of local, natural woodland to offset their carbon footprint. And when a Smeaton Brothers mattress needs replacing it is fully recyclable - so not only do you get quality and comfort, you know you are helping reduce landfill and ultimatel save our planet whilst you sleep, naturally. Look out for Sweet Dreamzzz' opening offer on the Ultimate Natural Collection of superb ecofriendly beds.

é ABOVE Beds to suit all tastes, styles and budgets


C o m m e r ic a l R o a d , P e n r y n T R 1 0 8 A Q 0 1 3 2 6 3 7 2 3 0 0 w w w .S w e e td re a m z z z .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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15/03/2019 10:12



10 reasons to choose a new Rodda and Hocking lightweight replacement roof Retains warmth in winter months Keeps your conservatory incredibly cool on sunny days Virtually burglar proof. Tiles can’t be easily removed Eliminate any leaks previously experienced No Rain, Wind or Wildlife noises Eliminates almost all glare No more cleaning dirty roofs Provides a safe & cosy space 365 days a year Designed & tested to standards set by the JHAI 25 Year guarantee on tiles with a life expectancy of 50 years TE TU








Standard polycarbonate or standard glass roof

SupaLite Warm Roof



Call 01209 718002 or visit

051.indd 1

15/03/2019 10:37


TIMELESS APPEAL With a hard-earned reputation for quality Cornish craftsmanship, Philip Whear Windows and Conservatories talks us through the benefits of stable doors.


atching up with company Director and Designer, Philip Whear himself, we learn that stable doors were originally designed to keep animals out of farmhouses, or to keep children inside while allowing light and air to ow through into what would have once been dark and often smoky cottages. They essentially combined a door with a fairly large window! The open top half would allow a breeze, but would stop the wind from blowing dirt into the house. “This type of door was common in the Netherlands in the 17th century,” Philip explains, “and appears in some Dutch paintings from the period. They were also commonly found in the Dutch culturally in uenced areas of ew ork and ew Jersey before the American Revolution. Fast forward to the present day and this superb Cornish business still creates this iconic style of door, using modern, thermall efficient and top ualit ritish uPVC or hardwood to construct them, thus guaranteeing strength and durability. “We fully reinforce all our uPVC frames with aluminium too, which will never rust, unlike galvanised steel. This is of particular importance in Cornwall with its coastal climate.” ll the fi ings locks and door furniture are of stainless steel or non-ferrous metals, and where glazed, Philip tells us that the doors his team creates are made to receive high-

performance 28mm double glazed sealed units. All are manufactured to high British standards, with toughened glass that carries the prestigious BS ‘kitemark’. These stunning doors are available in a range of colours too. As Philip continues: “We can match virtually any colour for you!” Philip and the team work principally in kiln-dried mahogany hardwood from West Africa for their doors, although other timbers are available to order. They manufacture from renewable and sustainable timber, which is Forestry tewardship Council certified he even create stable doors with a wood grain effect, meaning you can have the look of real timber, without the maintenance and care required of real wood! So if you’ve been looking to give your home a new lease of life with a stunning hardwood door that’s designed to stand up to the test of Cornwall’s trying weather conditions for years to come, be sure to pop into the Philip Whear showroom and check out the impressive selection for yourself.


W ils o n P o o l, R 0 1 2 0 9 w w w .p

W a e d r 2 1 5 h ilip

y , P o o l In d u s tr ia l E s ta te , u th T R 1 5 3 R T 7 5 9 w h e a r.c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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11/03/2019 15:51

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15/03/2019 10:28



r e d n o W

We catch up with Mark from The Blind Co. and discover how business has progressed.

ABOVEì Find the right blinds to suit your home RIGHT There are so many designs to choose from


ark Haseldine, founder and owner of The Blind Co., started his working life over 30 years ago in ondon fitting linds fter moving to adstow and then Wade ridge in ark continued working with linds eventually opening a shop and ultimately esta lishing he lind Co Mark tells us: “In 2016, after 12 years of successful trading, leading to a great deal of repeat usiness and customer recommendations, I decided to close the shop and continue trading from my home office this proved e tremel successful as the overhead costs of the shop could then e translated into competitive pricing ark could then reach further afield and is now working across Cornwall and the surrounding areas. Based in north Cornwall, The Blind Co. offer a relia le and professional service with a commitment to customer care, as well as a guarantee that fitting is of the highest standard. Specialising in quality shutters and linds the suppl and fit in homes and usiness premises around Cornwall including schools and Cornwall County Council. Mark prides himself on his high level of customer care and since the usiness was formed in it’s uilt a reputation for eing trustworth and honest which in turn has lead to a further 16 years of success with The Blind Co. So how do customers choose their window dressing? ome like windows to e clear and open so a lind is the etter option with a variet of colours fa rics and patterns to choose from and the streamlined look of shutters working in oth traditional and contemporary interiors. “Customers should choose the window treatment which is est for their particular windows ark e plains as well as focusing on what st le the ’re looking for and the kind of udget they need to maintain, which is something that we’re more than happ to advise on

Luckily for you, The Blind Co. offers a no o ligation uotation and can visit our home or place of work with an e tensive range of samples, making your life that little it easier o if ou’re interested in transforming the way you view your home then get in touch with the team today.

THE BLIND CO. 0 7 7 5 4 4 8 9 1 0 2 s a le s @ b lin d c o .in fo w w w .th e b lin d c o .in fo th e b lin d c o th e b lin d c o 1 T h e B lin d C o .


DID YOU KNOW? The Blind Co. offer high quality, made-to-measure shutters and blinds with a personal fitting service and at competitive prices, it certainly sounds good to us.

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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11/03/2019 16:54

10 reasons to choose us: More than 40 years’ experience installing windows and doors in Cornwall British Standards Institute Kitemark certified installer Which? Trusted Trader member no. 403292369 National Conservatory Installer of the Year finalist 2012 & 2015 Glass and Glazing Federation member no. 82982 Free, no obligation quote with every enquiry No commission-only based salesman will call 10 year insurance back guarantee with each installation Fully qualified team of installers Friendly, family-run Cornish company

Call 01209 718002 or visit

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15/03/2019 10:35

Bude Ad 2:Ad



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056.indd 1

15/03/2019 10:58


THE HOME OF Looking for a ‘one-stop shop’ to get your home improvement off the ground? Look no further!



or those looking to update their interiors, it can be hard to know where to look, especially as there are so many companies, specialising in different aspects of interior design. Catching up with Mark, Managing Director of sister companies, Truro Lighting and Stylehome, we discover that between them, they very much offer a ‘one stop shop’ when it comes to getting your interior project off the ground. Take Truro Lighting, for instance. Mark tells us We have ranges that ou can’t find anywhere else in Cornwall and we exclusively deal with the highest quality manufacturers.” So, you know you’re investing in a quality product from a reliable company, and can choose from some of the most exceptional designs on the market. Among others, brands available through ruro ighting include those of om affield and, more recently, Original BTC Lighting. Established in 1990, this brand offers a diverse and unique range of designs, drawing inspiration from Britain’s post industrialisation and history as well as incorporating modern tastes and trends with the latest innovative designs. Another brand is Umage. Taking the story of Scandinavian design further than ever before, Umage combines aesthetics, simplicity and functionality, infusing it with thoughtful craftsmanship and environmental care. The resulting designs are exquisite with a sustainable edge, thanks to the well thoughtout at packed packaging which helps optimise global logistics, reduce storage and

transportation costs, ultimately making the designs more accessible and affordable. But it’s not just lighting that Umage offers. It offers a beautiful range of furniture too, some of which can be found at Stylehome. Conceived early in 2006, Stylehome is dedicated to providing the highest level of service, offering a range of interior services that cover your home, upholstery, commercial projects, holiday home design and refurbishment and bespoke joinery! The team adopts a process that is quite straightforward – they simply take the time to fully understand your requirements, then assist you in surpassing them. Combining more than 30 years’ expertise in the industry, and using the beautiful ranges from incredi le rands such as om affield Umage and Original BTC Lighting, it’s fair to say that whatever the nature of your home improvement project, between them, Stylehome and Truro Lighting have you well and truly covered.

é ABOVE Bring your home to life with interior inspiration from Stylehome and Truro Lighting

STYLEHOME AND TRURO LIGHTING U n it 1 4 , T h r e e m ile s to n T h r e e m ile s to n e , T r u r o 0 1 8 7 2 5 6 0 5 0 0 in fo @ s ty le h o m e .c o .u k w w w .s ty le h o m e .c o .u k in fo @ tr u r o lig h tin g .c o .u w w w .tr u r o lig h tin g .c o .u

e In d u s tr ia l E s ta te , T R 4 9 L D

k k

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14/03/2019 10:30

HOME | n Carbis Bay Hotel – the first in the world to have Recycle Bound installed!



Cornish business Oltco pioneers a surfacing solution made using recycled plastic in a bid to help combat the growing issue of plastic waste.

A "

We’re proud to be an innovator, not an imitator, and as a business we’ve spent the past five years developing unique resin bound solutions. TOM


s the impact of waste plastic across the world becomes an increasing concern ew ua ased firm ltco the UK’s leading independent resin oor specialist is oining the movement to combat the issue through the launch of its new product, Recycle Bound. Recycle Bound is made using recycled plastic and will not onl transform spaces such as drivewa s and patios), but will play a role in utilising plastic which is already in circulation. he irectors of ltco om tringer and ohnn earce have een all too aware of the detrimental impact that waste plastic is having on the environment particularl on the eaches around ew ua With vast technical e perience in developing testing and installing innovative resin solutions Tom and Johnny decided they wanted to help combat this worldwide problem through their services he team set a out creating a uni ue resin bound blend, made using waste plastic. s part of the development of ec cle ound ltco has een liaising with local communit groups to get them on board with supporting the product. Made from waste plastic (including drink bottles, plastic food packaging and straws) from a plastic recycling point, ltco is the world’s first compan to offer this environmentall friendl solution for homeowners and businesses.


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Johnny tells us: “In the UK we throw away roughly 8.5 billion straws ever ear and each s uare meter of ec cle ound consists of the e uivalent of 3,000. Therefore, if Recycle Bound was laid on a standard s uare metre drive the e uivalent of plastic straws would be recycled in the process. om ltco’s Co irector e plains We’re proud to e an innovator not an imitator and as a usiness we’ve spent the past five ears developing uni ue resin ound solutions. Through our new product design process we decided to explore waste plastic forming part of our blends. After 24 months of intensive development and testing we’ve launched ec cle ound as a new environmentall friendl option ltco’s ec cle ound solution has the same 20-year guarantee that the company’s other resin ound solutions enefit from having been thoroughly tried and tested by the expert team f the drivewa is replaced in the future the Recycle Bound solution can be taken up, then crushed and graded so that it can be re laid as a ase la er for a new drivewa lternativel a new drivewa can e laid directly on top of it!

ec cle ound has een developed to e even stronger than other resin solutions which means that the tensile strength is higher, allowing it to hold more weight. n fact it is the strongest s stem ltco has ever tested t also offers all of the same enefits as ltco’s other solutions including permeable properties, which therefore makes it ustaina le r an rainage stem compliant. In addition, the melting point of the solution is C so even if the has another heatwave like last ear it simpl will not melt in the way that other surfaces like tarmac can. o amplif the usiness’ thriving model and promote its environmentall friendl ethos across the ltco has also launched a franchise scheme he first franchise in lackpool has alread proven a success with a high num er of pro ects alread completed in the surrounding area, and it too will soon be offering Recycle Bound solutions! ltco is also proud to support urfers gainst ewage and e part of the Clu a network of usiness working in partnership with urfers gainst ewage to drive forward a movement for change, protecting the UK’s unique coastal environment from plastic pollution


0 1 6 3 7 8 3 9 0 0 0 w w w .o ltc o .c o .u k

ç INSET Tom Stringer and Johnny Pearce, the faces behind Oltco ç LEFT Recycle Bound aims to fight growing plastic pollution on our coastline

DISCOVER MORE Oltco is a leading resin flooring specialist for the domestic and commercial markets, having worked with a number of prestigious national clients including Wembley Stadium, the NHS, British Airways and John Lewis!

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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15/03/2019 16:31




Whether you’re undertaking a self-build or have lighting needs for a commercial project, Holdcroft Lighting and Home has you covered.


oldcroft Lighting and Home have been delivering professional services to the south west for well over 14 years. The expert and knowledgeable teams are passionate, inspired by great design and always happy to offer customers something to suit their pro ect e it their home office or garden Need help with your lighting design? If so, you may be interested to know that Holdcroft works closely with interior designers, architects and property development companies so their finger is always on the pulse when it comes to the latest trends and breakthroughs in lighting technology. Perhaps you’re undertaking a self-build project? If so, the team are also happy to work one to one with you to help you realise your dream space. Above all, Holdcroft Lighting strives to supply your lighting needs under one roof. ocated in ude ou’ll find a fantastic service and wide range of products in store, and you’re always welcome to pop in for a coffee to discuss your lighting needs, the latest products and what will best suit your project. The team offers everything you’re likely to need when it comes to lighting, from bespoke lighting and designing, right the way through to fitting and ou’re alwa s assured great quality at competitive prices. The best part

is that no appointment is needed, so you can simply pop in while you’re in the area and learn all you need to know. o if ou’re looking for lighting that satisfies both style and function, be sure to visit the Holdcroft Lighting and Home website or better still, pop in store.


Ranges to suit all homes, tastes, styles and budgets!


K in g s H ill In d u s tr ia l E s ta te , B u d e E X 2 3 8 Q N 0 1 2 8 8 3 0 5 6 2 7 w w w .h o ld c r o ftlig h tin g .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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14/03/2019 11:09

To find out more about our competitive pricing, satisfaction guarantee and near-dustless operation, call us on 01736 602424 or 07813 444789 or visit



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T2776 JS 2019 FEB Cornwall Liv 85.5x244.indd 1 061.indd 1

04/03/2019 07:36 15/03/2019 15:38

We are here, in store, to advise & help ensure that your project fits you and your property’s style – be it a 500 year old cottage or a contemporary build.

SH O P I N ST O R E FIRED EARTH TRURO 6 Truro Lanes Little Castle Street Truro, Cornwall TR1 3DL

Telephone: 01872 277110 Email: Wall & Floor Tiles | Bathrooms | Paint | Design Service

Cornwall’s Air Source Specialists Considering upgrading your heating to air source? MCS-approved with almost a decade’s experience working with renewable heating, contact GreenGen UK to learn more. Install Air Source and… • Slash heating bills by up to 50% • Significantly reduce a home’s carbon footprint • Earn up to £1600 a year in Government RHI payments

visit us at or call 01326 564513 Unit B Ruston House, Wheal Vrose Business P ark, Helston, Cornwall, T R13 0FG

062.indd 1

15/03/2019 11:01


L odges

OF LUXURY Check out the stunning, awardwinning lodges available from Four Counties Interiors


f you’re a land developer looking for topquality accommodation for a golf club, leisure park or retirement village, or are a private buyer seeking a one-off personal purchase, then the Signature Lodge range from Four Counties make the perfect choice! Architect designed, these lodges are ecofriendly whilst offering an unrivalled life span of between 50 and 100 years. They’re sustainably built too, and you can have your lodge exactly the way you want it, specifying a bespoke interior with the help of your very own dedicated designer whose sole aim is to create a property that is unique to you. The company also offers its own exclusive range of furniture, making it a real ‘one stop shop’ for anybody looking to invest in a holiday home! A team of planners, designers and contractors will be on hand to ensure your Signature Lodge is designed and built exactly the way you want it, plus, for land developers, commercial marketers are on hand to help and advise. They can even provide marketing material, if that’s what you require!

Easily assembled and blending modern style with environmentally aware building practice, the Signature Luxury range of lodges ooze comfort and style, and purchasing one that’s designed and uilt to our e act specification couldn’t be simpler. But don’t take our word for it; contact the team at Four Counties nteriors and find out for ourself


Built and furnished to your exact specification é INSET

These lodges are built to blend beautifully with the environment

FOUR COUNTIES INTERIORS T h e S e n S o u th e r 0 8 4 4 3 5 in fo @ 4 c w w w .s ig

a te , S e n a te C o u rt, n h a y G a rd e n s , E x e te r E X 1 1 U G 7 4 0 9 1 o u n tie s in te r io r s .c o .u k n a tu r e lu x u r y lo d g e .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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12/03/2019 13:25



There’s no one size fits all here. Our approach is centred on listening to our clients MARK


MOVING WITH THE TIMES We catch up with Cornish business Britannia Lanes and learn more about their growing portfolio of services.


or increasingly more people, holidaying in Cornwall just isn’t enough anymore, with many deciding to make the permanent move here. Cornwall offers both the ultimate lifestyle by the sea, as well as the perfect retirement, especially for those who are escaping the stresses of city life. One company that sees a lot of relocations is Cornish removals company, Britannia Lanes. Established over 40 years ago and having built a sterling reputation this famil run firm has helped countless happy families start their new lives in Cornwall over the years. Many clients from outside the county use Britannia Lanes as a company they know they can trust, and it’s fair to sa that the string of five star reviews this company has achieved really speak for themselves. It isn’t just those moving to Cornwall that can enefit from ritannia anes’ unrivalled service though With the recent re launch of the company’s website, Britannia Lanes, which has always had a price guide for the UK, now offers a price guide for those moving to and from Europe, as well as an international

price guide for people moving to Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and South Africa. This makes such a daunting move just that little bit easier, especially knowing you can still rely on the Britannia team’s safe hands half way around the world! Businesses, too, are well served by Britannia anes ot onl can office moves e seamlessl made with as little disruption to their da to day runnings, this fantastic Cornish business now offers Confidential hredding ags which can be purchased online. These bags allow individuals and businesses who have confidential information to get rid of to do so safely and securely. If you’re disposing of up to five ags ou can deliver them to Britannia Lanes, who will destroy them for ou more than five and the team will come and collect. If you generate regular amounts of confidential waste ritannia anes’ shredding collection service can also include a free shredding console, which is securely installed in our office and emptied regularl to a schedule that suits you and your business. Back to removals and it’s fair to say


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that Britannia Lanes offers a comprehensive removals and storage service. As Managing Director, ark ane e plains here’s no one si e fits all here. Our approach is centred on listening to our clients’ needs and then accommodating them as best as possible. This often includes informing them on the alternative solutions that they may not have thought of – giving them options, to either save money or reduce the hassle for them.” But where the removals service gets really smart is in Mark and the team's video surveys. Using specially developed software, the client gives a tour of their house via their smartphone or tablet. Mark tells us: “We get a very clear understanding of their needs and concerns aving some face to face interaction, albeit through technology, helps provide a personal touch – we’re not just an anonymous company!” Using the survey, Mark uses his experience to work out the number of boxes and overall

MAIN Whether you're relocating to Cornwall, or half way around the world, you can rely on the professionals at Britannia Lanes

volume required, creating a detailed itinerary. “It’s an extremely effective way of identifying any issues, such as items that will require extra special care, in advance of arrival. Video surveys make our estimates much more accurate, and also mean our crews are far better informed on what to expect, and the kind of packaging they’ll need.” So, if you’re thinking of making a move or have commercial needs that Britannia Lanes can help with, why not head to the new website and go from there? It may just be the smartest move you ever make!


G re e n b o tto m , C h a c e w a te r, T ru ro T R 4 8 Q W 0 1 8 7 2 5 6 0 1 4 7 w w w .b r ita n n ia la n e s .c o .u k

LEFT Live video surveys enable Mark to gain a clear picture of exactly what's needed for each individual move INSET Your home and furniture in safe hands

EXPERIENCE Head to Britannia Lanes’ Facebook page and your business could win a free Console and Collection shredding service!

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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14/03/2019 12:34


High Quality UPVC Windows, Doors and Conservatories 01726 813 820 SHOWROOM NOW OPEN!

Mon - Fri: 8.30am to 4.30pm. Sat by appointment.18 Rockhill Business Park, Higher Bugle, St Austell PL26 8RA

066.indd 1

From individual tiles to bespoke kitchens, bathrooms and fireplaces Alchemy Tiles individually hand carves, rather than paints, unique and original creations. Using ancient 13th century techniques each tile is inlaid with inspiring quotes and images all held together in earth and time. MEL CHAMBERS STUDIO • GOLDMARTIN GARAGE SAMPYS HILL • MAWNAN SMITH FALMOUTH • CORNWALL • TR11 5EW • 07768 193848

15/03/2019 11:20

Cornwall Home & Lifestyle Show y a M 2019 4th & 5th


must go on! Introducing the 2019 Cornwall Home & Lifestyle Show, the region’s premier home and garden event




I N T E R I O R S • K I T CH E N S • H O T T U B S • B A T H R O O M S • R E N E W A B L E S H E A T I N G • F L O O R I N G • F U R N I T U R E • S E L F B U I L D • A N D M O R E HSG 2019 May Cover.indd 65

15/03/2019 14:50

A FIFTH GENERATION FAMILY BUSINESS PROUD TO BE SERVING THE SOUTH WEST SINCE 1909 MARBLE • GRANITE • SLATE • TRAVERTINE • QUARTZSTONE With over 20 years experience in this market and thousands of happy customers across Devon, Cornwall and Somerset, Kernow Stone can supply and install granite and quartz worktops, supply natural stone wall and floor tiles, house signs, slate sills and more.

15% off purchases over £30* when you enter ’CG30’ at checkout or present this advert in our galleries *Valid for purchases from Azul, Bamaluz, Cornish Hearts, Polperro and Samphire collections. Offer runs from March to the end of April 2019. Not available in conjunction with any other offers. beautiful fused glass interior pieces, handmade at our cornwall studio. bespoke design service available. galleries at st ives, padstow, fowey, tintagel and launceston or buy online at 01209 862 770 Hot Rocks, Rosemanowes Quarry, Herniss, Penryn TR10 9DU

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068.indd 1

We have a large selection of stone and quartz slabs and samples, tiles, setts and reclaimed Cornish granite at our workshop. For friendly, expert advice come and visit us at: 7a & 19 Rural Workshops, Higher Bochym, Cury Cross Lanes, Helston, TR12 7AZ or give us a call on: 01326 241111 e-mail:

15/03/2019 11:26

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ON THE COVER All the inspiration you need to get your home project off the ground.

Saturday 4th (10am to 4.30pm) and Sunday 5th May (10am to 4pm)



ringing together the best of Cornwall’s home-related products and services all under one roof, The Cornwall Home & Lifestyle Show provides everything you need to create your dream home. The 2019 show promises up to 140 exhibitors, with ‘A Bite of Cornwall’ Quality Food & Drink Market and artisan food café, giving you plenty of space to eat, drink, read brochures and even take a little something home with you. Taking place in the Royal Cornwall Event Centre, the show is a wonderful day out for everybody, with plenty of activities taking place over the weekend, from informative seminars and chances to meet the experts, to a fully serviced café, licensed bar and an exhibition of ideas to inspire you and your home project.

Contents 70 The show must go on! Introducing this year’s show

72 Exhibitor list

Don't forget!

Who’s at the show

73 Floor plan


Find what you’re looking for

74 Seminar schedule

Your chance to meet the experts


A passion for design At the Cotton Mills


An eye for detail


77 Show news

OWNER Andrew Weaver 01872 888733

78 Wood fired and wild


79 Al fresco appeal


Catch up with Good Life Joinery Updates from exhibitors Meet Kernow Springs

Save money by registering in advance of the show. Simply complete the online form and turn up! (Registration closes at 5pm on 2nd May). Alternatively entry is £4pp (under 16s free).

Share your stories @


Dream exteriors with Kestrel


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li f est yle ho me Introducing the 2019 Cornwall Home & Lifestyle Show, the region’s premier home and garden event.


f you’re thinking about making home improvements, whether indoors or in the garden, or are contemplating an extension, renovation or self-build project; even if you’re just looking for a bit of inspiration, the region’s premier spring home and garden event is well worth a visit. The Cornwall Home & Lifestyle Show takes place on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th May this year at the Royal Cornwall Event Centre in Wadebridge, and it’s set to bring up to 140 of the region’s best products, suppliers and designers all under one roof! This means you’ll have the perfect opportunity to familiarise yourself with the vast range of services available here in the Duchy, as you meet local designers, makers and suppliers and explore ideas with them for your own home project. You can e pect to find inspiration for our kitchen bedroom and bathroom, with furniture ideas, joinery, timber framing, renewables experts, architects, gardeners and much more, even hot tub specialists. It really is a ‘one stop shop’! As always, both days will feature freeto-attend seminars every hour, alongside fantastic displays and demos. The popular interiors and homeware market will return this year, providing visitors with a quality range of products and ideas to dress up their homes, including blankets, art, ceramics, rugs, furniture and much more to take home with you.


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To keep abreast of all the latest news, schedules and exhibitors, be sure to head to the Cornwall Home & Lifestyle Show website.


t the show ou can e pect to find the following: GARDENS Garden design and landscaping, garden rooms and outbuildings, furniture, hot tubs, swim spas, garden saunas, plant nurseries, artificial grass conservatories ro otic mowers, stone, resin drives and more. INTERIORS Kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, joinery, splashbacks, heating, doors, stairs, stoves and cookers ooring worktops interiors and interior design home lighting ooring cookers, blinds, shutters and curtains, furniture and more. HOME IMPROVEMENT & SELF BUILD Joinery, smart home technology, electricians, windows and doors, oak and timber framing, eco uilding under oor heating fa rication balustrades, builder’s merchants, builders, C roofing construction trade services plumbing and heating and more.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Architecture, planning, surveying, mortgage lenders, utilities, 3D scanning, holiday home and domestic letting agents and more. RENEWABLES Solar PV, solar thermal ground and air source heat pumps, storage and more.


HOMEWARE MARKET Glassware, lighting, rugs, cushions, art, blankets and throws, ceramics, furniture, candles, accessories, fabrics and more. ‘A BITE OF CORNWALL’ FOOD & DRINK MARKET & CAFE ample and take home some of the finest local artisan food and drink including; local gins, preserves, spices, meats, chocolate, wines, cakes and puddings, and more as well as fresh quality catering onsite and a licensed bar.

CORNWALL HOME & LIFESTYLE SHOW T h e R o y a W a d e b r id P L 2 7 7 J E 0 1 8 7 2 8 8 h e llo @ c o w w w .c o rn

l C o r n w a ll S h o w g r o u n d , g e

8 7 3 3 r n w a llh o m e s h o w .c o .u k w a llh o m e s h o w .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k

FREE ENTRY REGISTRATION Save money by registering in advance of the show. Simply complete the online form and turn up! (Registration closes at 5pm on 2nd May). Alternatively entry is £4pp (under 16s free).

Courtesy of Anna Photography

ou’ll find ite of Cornwall’ food and drink market, where you can sample and take home some of Cornwall’s best artisan food and drink. You can always take a seat here too on one of the many benches and enjoy a well earned coffee as ou ick through the brochures you’ve picked up.

Thinking of heading to this year’s Home & Lifestyle Show? Head to the website below and check out the video from last year’s event, giving you an insight into everything you can expect at this fantastic Cornish event.

Register now at


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Details accurate at time of print. To see the full and updated exhibitor list and for more information please visit


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Sponsored by








Save money by registering in advance of the show. Simply complete the online form and turn up! (Registration closes at 5pm on 2nd May). Alternatively entry is £4pp (under 16s free).






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DISCOVER MORE Find out what you need to know at the free drop-in seminars. These informative 35-minute seminars include a Q&A in the purpose-built 50-seater seminar suite.


Top 10 Pointers for Long Term Residential Lets Expert advice from Peach Lettings

A guide for would-be landlords who are looking to let their properties as long term residential lets rather than holiday lets. Covering current lettings legislation requirements and how to be compliant, property preparation dos and don’ts, DIY or letting agent, how to choose a letting agent, attracting the ideal tenant, on-going maintenance, rounding the session off with a Landlord Q&A.


Don't forget! FREE ENTRY REGISTRATION Save money by registering in advance of the show. Simply complete the online form and turn up! (Registration closes at 5pm on 2nd May). Alternatively entry is £4pp (under 16s free).


The Benefits of Employing Architectural Services Expert advice from A & K Architectural Services

An overview of how an architectural practice can assist you with your project, featuring information on design, planning permission, building regulations, contractor tenders and project management to ensure a smooth and on-budget development.



Tesla Powerwall 2 Storage System Expert advice from Sungift Solar

Energy storage is a perfect supplement to solar PV in helping individuals and businesses improve their energy self-sufficiency and reduce energy bills. During the summer batteries ensure that solar energy consumption is maximised, while in the winter they take advantage of time-of-use tariffs for cheaper electricity, day and night. And homes needn’t ever be without energy, even during a power cut, with the Tesla Backup Gateway.



What is Insulating Concrete Formwork (ICF)? Expert advice from Stanchura

Insulating Concrete Formwork (ICF) is a versatile and efficient method of construction that has become increasingly popular with architects, developers, engineers and their clients to achieve robust, designled, thermally superior superstructures. In this seminar they provide an expert overview of ICF, looking at the features and benefits, applications, as well as the practicalities of using the system with case studies to illustrate what can be achieved.


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Planning Permission, Tick! What next? Expert advice from Timber Frame Design & Build

A whistle stop tour of self-building from standing in the middle of your plot (wondering “what on earth…”) to toasting the finished article with a smile and a contemplative “phew”.



Planning Permission, Tick! What next? Expert advice from Timber Frame Design & Build

A whistle stop tour of self-building from standing in the middle of your plot (wondering “what on earth…”) to toasting the finished article with a smile and a contemplative “phew”.



Helping your Holiday Home Stand Out from the Crowd Expert advice from Cornish Horizons

Cornwall was recently voted the best location in the UK to provide a return on investment from a holiday home letting – but it’s a competitive market here in Cornwall. This is your essential guide to maximising bookings and inspire you in ways to make your holiday home stand out from the crowd, from renovation and décor tips to the latest trends and expectations from the market.



The Pros and Cons of Insulated Concrete Formwork Expert advice from The Fell Partnership

Discussing the applications and benefits of building with insulated concrete formwork, how to get it right and when it might not be the correct solution. ................................................................................................................


Tesla Powerwall 2 Storage System Expert advice from Sungift Solar

Energy storage is a perfect supplement to solar PV in helping individuals and businesses improve their energy self-sufficiency and reduce energy bills. During the summer batteries ensure that solar energy consumption is maximised, while in the winter they take advantage of time-of-use tariffs for cheaper electricity, day and night. And homes needn’t ever be without energy, even during a power cut, with the Tesla Backup Gateway. ...........................................................................


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n g i s de


Celebrating the launch of the Cotton Mills Design House in Truro.


n 25th March 2019 the Cotton Mills Design House will open their new purpose built interior showroom on nfirmar ill he will e showcasing a road range of fa rics and pattern ooks upholster carpets and lighting suggestions from local national and international suppliers he Cotton ills started as a fa ric warehouse ears ago on dar treet ruro he usiness has grown from a fa ric shop to a creative showroom inspiring and helping clients to find e actl what the ’re looking for li is the second generation in her famil to work in the interior industr having created interiors for homes award winning guesthouses and hotels t is thanks to the varied and lo al client ase over the past ears that has given her encouragement to uild her own shop The team at The Cotton Mills Design ouse is made up of a wonderful range of people from different creative ackgrounds and interests ules trained as an architect whilst ipa has a ackground in ceramics and her creative e e is spot on when it comes to candi trends arah is a st le guru who has over ears’ e perience in design oll is full of vi ranc and has recentl completed a te tiles degree at almouth niversit and e ecca and ulia are natural creatives

with super attention to detail when it comes to knowing all of the collections The Cotton Mills Design House has its own fitters Clive and ichard who provide a trustworth measuring and fitting service for our curtains linds or shutters his service wouldn’t e possi le without talented curtain makers and upholsterers who create curtains cushions and upholster to one of the highest standards in the south west Visit the new Cotton Mills Design House showroom where the e perienced and enthusiastic team can help ou with our pro ect he will source fa rics for ou and create stor oards in house at no additional cost helping ou to create our desired interior look from carpets and wall paint to mirrors lighting and furniture pieces he are e cited to e tend their knowledge to lighting ranges such as ordlu stro om affield as well as those further afield in reland and ras lighting from rance op in to meet the team and en o some time in a rand new creative environment at ngel ouse nfirmar ill ruro


nfirmary Hill Truro T


é ABOVE Thinking about making some home improvements?

DISCOVER MORE Cotton Mills has been supplying carpets to their contract businesses for the last ten years and now, they’re able to offer their ranges to all clients!

ind more like this www.cornwall


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l i a t e d r o f With an keen eye and shared passion for design, we catch up with Stuart Bowman-Harris, founder of Good Life Joinery.



Meet the Good Life Joinery team at the Cornwall Home and Lifestyle Show.

ood Life Joinery, since moving to a new workshop in 2016, has gone from strength to strength. Catching up with the founder of this successful oak framing and oiner firm Stuart Bowman-Haris at his busy workshop just outside Camelford, we can see a clear mix of modern and traditional styles being crafted. From sleek kitchens with stainless steel worktops, to a very large oak staircase, we ask Stuart what inspires the team in their creations. He tells us: “I believe the main ingredient in good design is simplicity. The first thing ask efore designing an item whether it’s a large oak-framed garden room or a piece of furniture, is how the customer wants to use it. “I have a small but very experienced workforce and we all agree with the principle that form follows function. Also, we’re absolutely passionate about what we’re doing – we love wood and making things out of it! Whatever it is that a craftsperson makes, if they love what they’re doing and believe in it, their love and belief shines through the final product omething that’s made on a robotic production line just doesn’t have the same feel.”

The team are obviously doing something right as, in 2017 they picked up a fantastic award from the Local Authority Building Control for ‘Best Change of Use for an Existing Building’. This was given for Good Life’s work on Hinterland House, a stunning holiday home just 11 miles from Bude. Stuart tells us: “We were, of course, delighted and totally surprised by the win. It’s always a great feeling to get praise for a good piece of work. We were nominated for this award, so it came completely out of the blue. To be shortlisted was amazing, and to actually win was just fantastic!” The professional team also designs and makes kitchens, staircases and furniture, so if your home could do with an update but you’re not sure where to turn; with an impressive past few years and a promising year ahead, perhaps Good Life Joinery can be of assistance?

é ABOVE Good Life brings a keen eye for detail to every project

GOOD LIFE JOINERY LTD 0 1 5 6 6 7 8 1 7 0 4 w w w .g o o d life - jo in e r y .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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15/03/2019 13:20

News & views



Introducing Charlestown Woodburners his fantastic Cornish firm first opened its doors in with eoff and and their son an along with niece race ancock running the show

Create your dream room with

Wadebridge kitchens his creative famil usiness specialises in fitting kitchens edrooms and studies with ears of e perience With so much choice in the showroom it’s eas to mi door st les colours and te tures for a uni ue design that suits our personalit makes the most of the space availa le and makes our kitchen the heart of the household

eoff was originall a plum ing and heating engineer however after attending a etas course in earl and speaking to some of the eps there he came ack having seen that Charlestown’s old ire shop was for rent n a having snapped up this opportunit the egan revamping the shop opening ust two months later ow the team ventures around most of Cornwall installing not ust wood urners ut gas and electric fires too

and tells us We wanted to cater for ever od for instance those who want the look and feel of a wood urner ut who either didn’t want the hassle of or were una le to manage the maintenance side With this in mind Charlestown Wood urners also offer an ongoing maintenance service for their customers for all stoves meaning if ou’ve een looking to have one installed in our home ou can rest assured ou’ll e in safe hands For more information call 01726 66412 or visit

our new kitchen should look great on the outside ut it’s what goes on ehind the scenes that reall makes a difference ull out ins for ru ish and rec cling help keep our kitchen tid deep drawers with dividers provide e tra storage space and clever internal designs including innovative corner solutions make a trick la out eas to manoeuvre achieving the ultimate use of space and design he Wade ridge itchens team pride themselves on attention to detail installing ualit furniture throughout our home roviding in house computer design and a full installation service the promise to create our dream kitchen edroom or home office For more information call 01208 813231 or visit

Why choose zinc roofing for your home? oss land irector of Cornwall inc oofing tells us inc is far the most popular metal used in roofing and cladding s well as providing a contemporar finish which looks great with oth new uilds and older properties inc roofing also lasts etween and ears as opposed to ears with usual concrete or tile roofs ew materials are as d namicall useful as inc and it’s also a more environmentall friendl and natural product Cornwall inc

oofing are renowned for their skill safet relia ilit and e perience to get the o done with minimal fuss he team is at all times professional and courteous promising to deliver a ualit finish in whichever t pe of product is specified o find out more a out the enefits of inc roofing and for a carefull prepared uote e sure to give oss and the team a call For more information call 01326 370951 or visit

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15/03/2019 13:21



d l i w d an

Experience the ultimate in outdoor relaxation with your own wood-fired Wild Spa from Kernow Springs.


DID YOU KNOW? The Eco Garden Pod design used for the outdoor saunas can also be used in a multitude of other ways, from outside office spaces to garden rooms.

he south west’s leading supplier of wood fired hot tu s are well known across the county for their stunning, natural and sustaina le garden creations Well the talented folk at ernow Springs are now proud to offer you your very own complete ‘Wild Spa' experience, right in our ack ard With spring well and truly on the way and the temperatures getting tangi l warmer there’s no etter time to em race the outdoors and immerse yourself in the tranquil waters of your very own Wild Spa. hink traditional wood fired hot tu s wedish wood fired arrel saunas with separate changing rooms and off grid hot showers. They can even craft you your very own cold water drench ucket’ for that authentic outdoor e perience Owner Martin Dean tells us: “Being handcrafted from the finest tim ers mean the look stunning and can reall complement the am iance and look of our garden lending into the natural environment seamlessly.” What’s more eing heated urning wood means that no electricity is required, not to mention there are no noisy pumps and only minimal water treatment is necessar making them a more natural choice than their plastic, chlorinated counterparts. Last year we caught up with Chris and nnie of Calstock who were thrilled with

their recent woodland installation. They told us We spotted the delightful ernow Springs in an advert in Cornwall Living last year and early discussions with Martin led to our very own Wild Spa installation. We can’t praise the service enough and the end product is a dream come true ot ust for en o ment an installation like this can add masses of value when installed in holiday lets, helping to add year round appeal even in the dark depths of winter Whether it’s in our garden a field in the woods or even at an event ernow prings provide spas for any location and occasion. So, if you’re interested in creating your own Wild Spa, with a natural and truly stunning product e sure to contact the ernow prings team toda and if ou’d like to see these eautiful tu s in action e sure to pop the team’s stand at the Cornwall ome ifest le how f ou can’t make that ou can always catch up with the team at their showroom at adstow’s revisker arden Center rust us these fa ulous spas need seeing to e elieved


The multi-purpose Eco Garden Pod. An ideal complement to your hot tub. ê BELOW How better to enjoy your down time than with your very own wood fired hot tub? ç LEFT Chris & Annie’s very own Woodland Wild Spa

KERNOW SPRINGS T re 0 7 7 in fo w w

v is k e r G a 7 9 3 7 4 0 1 @ k e rn o w w .k e rn o w

rd e n C e n te r, P a d s to w P L 2 8 8 L D 7 s p r in g s .c o .u k s p r in g s .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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12/03/2019 13:32


l a e pp a AL FRESCO

Make your outside space the envy of your neighbours with help from the team at Kestrel Specialist Handrail Systems.


omeowners more and more are seeking to turn their homes into sanctuaries away from the frantic toing and froing of the modern world and here in Cornwall, many are fortunate enough to be situated in areas where, with just a little consideration, they can capitalise on their beautiful location by improving their outdoor space. Those of us lucky enough to enjoy rolling countryside views or coastal vistas often spend as much time outside as we do in, particularly during the warmer months, yet for some reason we focus all our energy on realising our dream interior, only paying passing thought to how we might fully realise our homes’ outside potential. This is where Kestrel Specialist Handrail Systems come in. Presenting bespoke and made-to-measure stainless steel handrails, glass balustrades, structural glass, Juliet balconies and safety rails, Kestrel offers homes across Cornwall an array of practical solutions, helping to bring your property’s interior ‘wow’ factor outside. Owners Bruce and Katie, since 2013, have taken the business from a supplyonly company to one that offers a fullytailored service, using local suppliers and manufacturing in-house and in collaboration with other traders. And, while their service usually coincides with other tradesmen, adding the finishing touches to a larger project, there are cases where the team are

able to utilise their wider skillsets to offer a much broader service. Take the pictured project, for example. Initially, the team was asked to replace a wooden handrail and in fill with a stainless post handrail and glass in fill however their client was concerned about a few of the decking boards. Bruce explains: “So we agreed to also replace these during the installation. However, once we started removing the old system it became quite apparent that the deck would require more attention. Coming from a carpentry background, James and I were, in this instance, able to undertake the larger project of installing a new oak deck frame and full decking.” Impressive! As you can see, the new handrails and glass in fills a solutel make the most of this property’s outside space. They’re testament to the fact that your home’s ‘wow’ factor needn’t stop at the door, showing just how easy it can be to make your home’s exterior a genuine pleasure to spend time in.


Capitalise on those dreamy ocean views é INSET

Make your home’s exterior the envy of your neighbours!


Manfiled t ustell

ay Holmbush ndustrial H ind more like this www.cornwall


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14/03/2019 10:39

Interiors by Julian Foye Julian Foye is a Cornish institution and has been supplying furniture to the county since 1862 when it started as a humble shop in Fowey. Since then Julian Foye has grown to become one of Cornwall’s best known retailers, with four splendid showrooms, which attract customers from all over the south west of England. Julian Foye is not only a family business with customer service at it’s very heart but they also stock the best range of brand name furniture in the county, including top names like ercol, Stressless, G-Plan and Hypnos to name a few. Julian Foye is a one-stop shop for your interiors where you can fit out your home from top to bottom with every type of furniture you require, soft furnishings, curtains and carpets. On top of this you can also enjoy their free design service with their own in-house specialist Sarah who has over 30 years’ experience in the industry and oversees all of their design packages. Whether you choose to meet Sarah on location in your property (anywhere in Cornwall and West Devon) or visit her in one of their many stores and impressive showrooms, Sarah will put you at ease, talk through your aspirations and requirements and expertly translate your ideas into a bespoke design, complimenting your property in a stylish and sympathetic way, whatever your budget.

Why choose Julian Foye interiors? Unlike many other interior designers, at Julian Foye you can see a huge range of furniture, soft furnishing and carpet options in their showroom, making it easier to visualise and pick what you want. With Sarah’s expert help in guiding you and helping you make decisions where you need it, she can then fully manage your project, plan colour schemes, oversee deliveries and fitting or simply guide you through the process offering assistance with room plans and inspiration. With access to possibly the most extensive range of furnishings in the south west you can be sure from sofas to blinds and everything in between you’ll be getting a quality finish and superior service from a family run business.

• Friendly helpful advice

• Holiday home upgrades and makeovers • Room plans and interior design • Colour and design

For further information, please contact Sarah Roberts on 0793 8645 781 or via email:

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15/03/2019 15:42

Meet the



As Cornwall begins to thaw with the onset of spring, now’s the time to meet the experts at Bodmin Nursery and inject some life into your garden!


he reasons to visit Bodmin Nursery are many and varied, not least the breathtaking ranges, the freshness of the plants, even just to savour the moment with a coffee on the Café Terrace! However, it is the team who are the heart of the nursery. Each member loves their plants and, while each has their own specialist area of responsi ilit on the e tensive five acre nursery, their knowledge and passion extends to all areas. General Manager, Darrin Sandercock, has been at Bodmin Nursery for 17 years and, alongside owners Mark and Linda Lawlor, has helped oversee much of the nursery’s development. During this time, it has become one of the foremost plant destinations in the south west arrin works with his strong nursery team to ensure the success of its growing programme. Even when he’s not at work he loves growing winter owering shrubs, for their vibrancy and scent, as well as summer perennials, for their vast combinations of colour and form. In her spare time, Claire Wood, who heads up Shrubs, Climbers and Roses at the nursery, loves to grow unusual woodland perennials and shrubs, with a particular fondness for hellebores, ferns and arisaemas. Claire also heads up the nursery’s ‘Garden Visit’ service, whereby a visit is made to your garden, ideas jointly formulated and recommendations made as to suitable planting options. Assistance is also given when you next visit the nursery to choose the plants in question. Jon Stark is Head of Perennials and Alpines, the former running to thousands of varieties, including one which erupts into a stunning show over the summer period. Jon himself has a passion for salvias and also roses, with at least 50 of the latter in his own garden! He recommends plants for places and works with many customers in the challenges of coastal gardening. When you visit, be sure to ask him a out his favourite coastal owering plants – he’ll be delighted to help you! Hedging for coastal situations is also one area in which the nursery has made a name for itself over the years, be it for wind breaks, screening or for ornamental purposes.

This April, on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th, Bodmin Nursery is set to host its Big Spring Saver Weekend – a chance to be inspired for spring ‘proper’, save 10% on any plants bought, and to meet the team who, between them, make the nursery such a special place to visit.

é TOP Claire Wood, Head of Shrubs, Climbers and Roses


é ABOVE Darrin Sandercock, Bodmin Nursery's General Manager

L a v e d d o n M ill, B o d m in P L 3 0 5 J U 0 1 2 0 8 7 2 8 3 7 w w w .b o d m in n u r s e r y .c o .u k

é MIDDLE Jon Stark, Head of Perennials and Alpines

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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13/03/2019 13:54


GORGEOUS GARDENS We discover the driving force behind Trevena Cross Nurseries and get some tips on making the most of our gardens by the coast.


tarting out in with ust a field of cabbages, the team at Trevena Cross Nurseries in Breage has since upheld a commitment to growing from the land. Such was their passion when the first started out that it wasn’t long before their work had spilled over into other areas of growing, all nurtured by their love and appreciation for plants and horticulture. Backed by a great well of knowledge and expertise for growing a wide range of plants, including coastal plants and rare, unusual and exotic plants, Trevena Cross opens up a world of possibilities for visitors. Run by the Jeffery family, Trevena Cross has a 32-acre nursery and three-acre garden centre, all run by a team that’s happy to impart their knowledge and help make your garden the envy of your neigh ours Owner, Graham Jeffery, is an expert when it comes to making the most of your coastal garden. He tells us: “With the luxury of a milder climate, we have the option to grow more exotic plants like Chamaerops and Trachycarpus palms, however there is the challenge of poor, sandy soils and salt laden winds (particularly right by the coast). With this in mind, windbreaks are an important consideration in a coastal garden. Hedging plants like Elaeagnus ebbingei, Olearia traversii, or Griselinia littoralis are hardy, salt resistant choices.”

With the right windbreak, Graham explains, the growth of other plants in the garden will be supported, even helping to create microclimates, in which you’ll be able to grow plants like succulents. He also recommends adding different plants for different purposes. “Adding Phormiums, grasses and foliage plants into your planting scheme will add interest and texture, and seasonal bedding and patio plants will add vibrant colour, too.” There’s a huge choice of trees and shrubs too fitting perfectl with coastal gardens and many varieties from the southern hemisphere, including New Zealand Astelias, Coprosma, Hebes and Pseudopanax will grow well in Cornwall. There’s plenty you can do to keep your coastal garden in tip-top condition, just pop into the nurser and find out for ourself While you’re there, you’ll be amazed at the diversity of plants available, and you’re sure to find something to add interest to your garden in the shop, before stopping for lunch in the delightfully delicious arden itchen Caf ou can also find a complete, free guide to coastal gardening, so be sure to pop in and grab a copy.

ABOVE LEFT Growing area in the nursery é ABOVE Plant shopping in the garden centre í BELOW Bedding tunnel in the nursery

The nursery grows thousands of bedding packs each year A windbreak like Elaeagnus is crucial in coastal planting

TREVENA CROSS NURSERIES B r e a g e , H e ls to n T R 1 3 9 P Y 0 1 7 3 6 7 6 3 8 8 0 w w w .tre v e n a c ro s s .c o .u k

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11/03/2019 16:47


Atlantic Coast Holiday Park is the perfect setting for your family holiday, situated in a secluded location surrounded by the natural beauty of the sand dunes which lead to St Ives Bay. A short walk away, the Atlantic Ocean washes the shores of the golden sands of Godrevy and Gwithian beaches. The beautiful far-reaching views over to St Ives and the nearby iconic Godrevy Lighthouse, provide a stunning backdrop for holiday makers.

The park has been awarded the David Bellamy Gold Award for several consecutive years and the staff continue to build on this environmental diversity each year. Any time of the year, this area of Cornwall is beautiful and visitors can enjoy the changing seasons and the benefits of the wonderfully natural environment on our park.

• Beautiful, peaceful sand dune setting • New Lodges for SALE & hire with hot Tubs • New Shepherd’s huts with • Hot Tubs for couples Stay in a luxury lodge, Poachers Huts, • Short walk to stunning beaches Platinum or Gold caravan, buy your own • Dog Shower and Surfers’ Board Shower mobile home or enjoy the fully serviced, grass and hard-standing touring pitches for • Great wifi motor homes, tents and touring caravans. Freshly baked bread, daily newspapers, a well-stocked shop and a friendly welcome, make staying on the Park a relaxing option. WiFi, tourist information and a small games room with leaflets and brochures, will help visitors keep up to date about local attractions and places to visit.

For our best deals visit or call our team 01736 752071


Atlantic Coast Holiday Park | 53 Upton Towans Gwithian | Hayle | Cornwall | TR27 5BL 01736 752071 | |






20% off This Easter When You Book Online With This Discount Code: Easter2019

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11/03/2019 10:54



Beautiful stays in Lusty Glaze, Rock and Veryan

The Pebble, Lusty Glaze The Pebble is a timeless holiday home at One Lusty Glaze, a stylish suite of luxury apartments boasting far-reaching views of the Atlantic from sunny terraces. Inside, everything is beautifully presented with a delightful country cottage feel and a decidedl coastal finish The property is just a short stroll from Lusty Glaze itself, one of Cornwall’s premium beach destinations. It’s a beautiful cove with turquoise waters, a beach bar, restaurant and watersport facilities, so you can spend your days getting sand toes and salt hair surfing making sandcastles and generally being beach bums. Sleeping four, the property has hand-selected furniture fittings and artworks with wooden oors in the main living area and under oor heating adding to the refreshing feel. Not to mention The Pebble has been cleverly designed to make the most of the views with all the edrooms and living area facing the ocean and the terrace lending itself perfectly to al fresco dining and watching the sun set over the headland. You’re also on the doorstep of miles of stunning coastline with world-class beaches, including Fistral, Watergate Bay, Tolcarne, Mawgan Porth and Crantock s well as endless coastal paths for walking adventures amongst stunning scener there are Newquay’s excellent restaurants such as Jamie Oliver’s 15, the delightfully delicious Fish House and Catch Seafaood Bar & Grill. Or, if you want a change to the endless stretch of glorious coastline then head to Newquay Zoo for a day of family fun.

01326 567838



14/03/2019 15:41

| STAY Seastar, Rock John Bray Cornish Holidays welcomes this stunning family holiday home to their portfolio. Sleeping eight over four bedrooms, this gorgeous holiday haven sits at the top of ock a highl sought after location on the rugged north coast. With a spacious and stylish interior that enjoys the most luxurious furnishings, you can experience relaxed coastal living at its very best. For that extra special stay, why not include the private hot tub in the garden during your stay for that ultimate indulgence? Inside, the contemporary living spaces combine wooden oors fresh white walls and calming pastel tones to create the perfect holida am ience n the modern kitchen and dining area ou’ll find ever thing ou need to cook up a storm with the area’s finest produce reakfast ar makes the space e ceptionall social while the full length bi-fold doors open out into the garden, creating a light and air feel and making al fresco dining a ree e The sumptuous living space comes complete with a smart TV and woodburner, perfect for getting cosy, and upstairs ou’ll find four sumptuous edrooms two of which enjoy their own en suites, along with a wellappointed and modern family bathroom. ock oasts a plethora of shops restaurants and pubs that lead straight to the Camel Estuary. You’ll also find plent of di ing coastal walks as well as lots of opportunities to try out a number of watersports, and two fantastic golf courses oth within walking distance from Seastar.

01208 863206

Hummingbird, Veryan Set in the picture perfect Cornish village of Veryan on the Roseland peninsula, Hummingbird has recently been transformed to sensitively combine traditional cottage features with a st lish and romantic air offering the charm of a Cornish country cottage with a luxury twist. The open plan living and dining area is the hub of the home where guests can en o tran uil afternoons eside the log fire sink into the eautiful sage green sofa with a good ook and gather at the dining ta le for the finest Cornish fare he kitchen offers all ou could need to whip up an impressive holida menu including the freshest of fish from Curgurall Farm Shop. Climb the stairs and choose from two boutique style bedrooms, each individually dressed. The famil athroom is super st lish with striking lack oor tiles a freestanding ath and vintage taps and fittings as well as a separate walk in rain shower utside two garden terraces offer al fresco dining with wonderful rural views. Veryan has deservedly earned its pages in the guide ooks as one of Cornwall’s most pictures ue villages with chocolate box cottages, a village green, welcoming village pub and the iconic thatched round houses built in 1817. The Roseland peninsula is a joy to explore, offering quiet respite away from the hubbub of the main hotspots. Carne and Pendower beaches are within a short drive, with soft golden sand and sheltered swimming waters rom winter walks along the shore to la each da s walking the outh West Coast Path to exploring the charming villages of Portscatho and Portloe, there really is plenty to discover.

01872 241241



14/03/2019 15:41

Spa Advert Jan 2018 for Cornwall Living Quarter--FINAL.pdf


H ay B arton A w ard W inning L u x u ry B ed and B reak f ast on t h e b eau t if u l R oseland

H ay B arton , t regony tr2 5tF 01872 530288 w w w . h ay b art on. com

“This is our little piece of Heaven” Pets e Welcom

Situated between Looe and Polperro the cottages are only 3 miles from the spectacular South East Cornish Coast, Cornwall’s Beaches & Smuggler’s Coves. This location allows us to offer exclusive Self Catering Accommodation in South East Cornwall.

Pelynt, Nr Looe, Cornwall, PL13 2LT 01503 220 333

086.indd 1

Budock Vean Hotel, Near Falmouth Book: 01326 252101

Holiday Homes from Home St Ives holiday village

At St Ives Holiday Village, John Fowler are in the process of a multi-million pound investment in the park, including proposed new facilities for owners and guests to enjoy. With only a limited number of properties left for sale in the village’s final phase, now is the time to buy! With holiday parks throughout Cornwall, Devon and Somerset, John Fowler Holidays have established themselves as a household name in the south west holiday industry.

St Ives Holiday village 01736 759240

15/03/2019 11:33




l a s o p s di

With a service that’s quickly expanding across the Duchy, Holiday Home Waste Collection could be the changeover day solution you’ve been looking for.


f you’re the proud owner of a holiday home in Cornwall ut find ourself rushed off our feet on changeover da s perhaps local famil run usiness olida ome Waste Collection could e of service? While yielding excellent rental performance and helping man people fund their coastal lifest le holida homes in Cornwall have recentl had to face new legislation regarding waste disposal Cornwall Council now classes holida home waste as commercial waste meaning it’s no longer dealt with domestic waste carriers o have it collected the Council holida homeowners are now re uired to pa and sign into month contracts and while the Council does recommended a few other companies their collection da s unfortunatel don’t alwa s coincide with changeovers With this in mind olida ome Waste Collection introduced a persona le collection service to suit individual holida home owners offering a uni ue service and clean ins when guests arrive without a inding contract where owners can call up at an time should a callout or an assistance e re uired wned ennifer rown this Cornish usiness has famil at its core ndeed ennifer’s famil have all ecome involved while still progressing in their own careers collecting on oth the north and south Cornish coasts on different changeover da s introducing their own ideas and enthusiasm to help grow the usiness alwa s providing second to none service

he compan is an nvironment genc egistered Waste Carrier serving holida lets all along the coast from ude to en ance as well as covering owe one da a week here are two options within this incredi le service and oth are proving to e e tremel popular so e sure to get in touch to see which will suit ou etter he service includes the ags removal of general waste and glass rec cling ins are also checked cleaned and left with a new in liner he encourage the separation of glass from general waste which is collected a compan called Cornish Cullet ver thing else can then e placed into one ag and taken to ennifer and the team s site where it is collected a rec cling and recover compan ec cla le items are then sold on while non rec cla les are incinerated producing green energ that gets sent straight to the electrical grid ver efficient service indeed iven the recent changes in legislation it makes sense to arrange a waste disposal service that suits ou rather than pa ing for one that doesn’t so wh not give olida ome Waste Collection a call and streamline our schedule?

é INSET The Holiday Home Waste Collection team will collect all the rubbish from your holiday let, saving you time and hassle during changeovers ç LEFT Jennifer's family, Charlie and Danny, both carpenters, and Hollie, who is a nurse

HOLIDAY HOME WASTE COLLECTION T r e r ic e O r c h a r d , B u r la w n , W a d e b r id g e P L 2 7 7 L E 0 1 2 0 8 8 1 5 0 6 0 |0 7 8 1 4 9 3 4 9 7 8 |0 7 5 0 7 0 1 9 0 6 3 in fo @ h o lid a y h o m e w a s te c o lle c tio n .c o .u k h o llie @ h o lid a y h o m e w a s te c o lle c tio n .c o .u k h o lid a y h o m e w a s te c o lle c tio n w w w .h o lid a y h o m e w a s te c o lle c tio n .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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15/03/2019 15:01

SET YOUR SIGHTS HIGH Aerial Photography • Aerial Surveys • Wedding & Outdoor Events

Wooda Selling your property? Enhance your sale with high quality aerial images Need to survey your property? We can help reach those inaccessible places • 07899 947802 Find us on Facebook & Instagram (@AirDronessouthwest)

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Find Out More: Call: 01288 352069 or email

Touring & Camping | Holiday Homes | Cottages Luxury Lodges | Bude, Cornwall |

Escape, Relax and Unwind

Thinking of letting your holiday property? T: 01736 796198 Your local holiday cottage specialist is currently looking for properties in the area to add to their ever-growing portfolio in Cornwall. We offer free, honest, expert advice on how to get the most out of your holiday property.

T: 01548 202020

088.indd 1

15/03/2019 15:43



r e t t e b e l a lit t

Creating unforgettable experiences for visitors and property owners, Lantic Bay Holidays brings something new to the Fowey lettings scene.


ust along the water from the historic town of Fowey is Lantic Bay, a sheltered sandy cove surrounded by unspoilt views and ooded with calm da here is enough to fall in love with the area, but a few years might just be enough to persuade ou to uild a usiness nd it’s that which Derek, Louise and Pauline have recently em arked upon trio of holida propert e perts erek Louise and Pauline have worked in the industry for many years, sharing a love for south east Cornwall, but over time the ’ve noticed something when people are searching for their holiday property, they want more than just a place to stay; they want a home that will form the core of a longawaited holida t’s this that has sparked the creation of Lantic Bay Holidays, a service for both holidaymakers and property owners that takes a refreshing approach to self-catering sta s heir eautiful properties in the Fowey, Golant and Lostwithiel areas offer guests the opportunit to e perience life in the ver heart of some of Cornwall’s most id llic places he antic a portfolio focuses on good quality and prime location, but the full

service runs much deeper he team wants to get to know each of their clients, taking the time to advise them on what will trul suit them heir insiders’ knowledge promises to help visitors discover the area’s hidden eaut spots and local haunts, while at the same time giving property owners the insight they need to achieve their long term o ectives here’s a reason that the team decided to name their usiness after antic a s ouise tells us his place encompasses everything that holidaymakers love most about Cornwall, that is, beautiful beaches and views, tran uilit and a peaceful atmosphere f ou’re a propert owner looking for advice about letting, or a visitor that wants to get the very best from your holiday, be sure to get in touch with antic a olida s the ’d love to hear from you!

MAIN Lantic Bay, a sheltered sandy cove with stunning coastal views é ABOVE Picturesque Polruan

LANTIC BAY HOLIDAYS 0 1 7 2 6 2 1 0 6 7 7 in fo @ la n tic b a y h o lid a y s .c o .u k w w w .la n tic b a y h o lid a y s .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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15/03/2019 15:21


g n i t s i s As

YOUR LISTING We learn of an exciting new service launching for busy property owners who want to be part of Cornwall’s growing tourism.



We can’t wait to help more clients make the most of their property’s earning potential! CLARE


ist Assisters, as the name suggests, aims to help owners list their property on booking platforms such as Airbnb, TripAdvisor, Booking. com, HolidayLettings and HomeAway, providing a perfect solution for those who are too busy, or simply don’t know where to start when it comes to getting listed and generating bookings as a holiday let, without charging a percentage commission. Holiday trends and types of stay are changing and, as well as holiday cottages and apartments, guests are looking for more unusual places to stay. This can include yurts, shepherd huts, ecopods, cabins and house boats, as well as annexes or spare rooms. Whatever your accommodation type, List Assisters can take care of things, tailoring their service to your personal needs. Indeed, whether you need their assistance in listing the property, handling bookings or simply managing guest communications, you can pick and choose which elements of your guests’ experience List Assisters handles. Director Clare Rutt, tells us: “List Assisters came about because of the growing number of owners who want to

become hosts and offer their property or ABOVE space as a holiday let, but don’t know how. Allow List Assisters to help you “With the increasing popularity of capitalise on your various short-let booking platforms,” Clare accommodation continues ist ssisters offers a custom fit listing management solution on a e i le é INSET Too busy to keep as-needed basis. We can’t wait to help more up with the clients make the most of their property’s day-to-day admin earning potential!” of running your To learn more about this fabulous new holiday let? service, or to speak to the team about how they can help you capitalise on Cornwall’s growing staycation market, be sure to visit the website. Better still, why not give the team a call?

LIST ASSISTERS 0 3 3 3 3 2 0 7 3 5 7 w w w .lis ta s s is te r s .c o m

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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13/03/2019 14:02

Need a break?

Why not treat yourself to a little “me” time at Cornwall’s new luxury retreat? It’s adult only so you can be assured of a relaxing time. With just 5 spacious suites, it offers the perfect blend of designer apartment living and 5* hotel facilities. With fine dining, bars, beaches and an historic castle on its doorstep, you have everything you need for a perfect escape.


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Tel 01326 389330


14/03/2019 14:54

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15/03/2019 14:15





Sleep with just the canvas between you and the stars

ust five minutes inland from some of the north coast’s best beaches, and arguably some of the most dramatic coastline in Europe, Cornish Tipi Holidays is also just a short scoot from Port Isaac, of Doc Martin fame, so there’s plenty to discover. Then, when it comes to winding down for the evening, you'll be in superb accommodation, whether you choose to bring your own tent or campervan and enjoy one of the site’s private woodland pitches, or stay in one of the stunning tipis. Whatever accommodation ou choose the Cornish Tipi Holidays team encourages toasting marshmallows over a campfire So if you’re looking for an ‘away from it all’ escape that allows you and your children that digital detox that we all now need from time to time, be sure to book your spring or summer break with Cornish Tipi Holidays. Memories made here are guaranteed to last a lifetime.

CORNISH TIPI HOLIDAYS 0 1 2 0 8 8 8 0 7 8 1 in fo @ c o r n is h tip ih o lid a y s .c o .u k w w w .c o r n is h tip ih o lid a y s .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k

Chetwode Ram Associates

INSET ê Take to the water on the site's gin-clear lake

ow more than ever people are realising the importance of reconnecting with nature. It’s something that’s become very important in today’s busy society; detoxing from the digital world and getting outside, one to one with the environment, making memories by spending quality time with your family. This is especially important for children, allowing them to take their faces out of their tablets and engage with the world around them. At Cornish Tipi Holidays, you can do just that, sleeping under the stars with just the canvas between you and the outside world. The site is well and truly off grid, with a fresh water lake that’s incredible for swimming, teaching yourselves to row, even learning to catch a fish What’s more it’s the ’s first tipi campsite offering acres of stream, woodland and meadow, all topped off with the gin-clear lake that lies at its heart. Here you can try kayaking, stand up paddle boarding and coasteering, all available through local adventure company, Cornish Rock Tors, who can also take you to the coast on calmer days for a day of activities or should we sa in the sea The onsite café, The Gastropd, serves up seasonal delights in a relaxed and laid back setting, making it the perfect place to refresh yourselves after an afternoon spent exploring the great outdoors.

Escape to Cornish Tipi Holidays and connect with the wild beauty of Cornwall’s great outdoors.


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13/03/2019 15:03


Alleviate the PRESSURE

Are you in the business of holiday letting? If so, be sure to shop local, even for your booking and management tools! Introducing Anytime Booking.


he ‘staycation’ is going nowhere. Our beautiful county continues to welcome increasing numbers of visitors each year, which is good news for the tourism industry, for holiday home owners, and for the local economy. It’s not just the domestic annual holiday that’s on the up. Short breaks are an increasing trend due to familiarity and ease of access, making the UK an attractive destination for people looking for a spontaneous weekend trip. Luckily for us in the Duchy, Cornwall usually tops the polls as the number one destination. With a continuing surge in popularity for holidays on home soil, many business owners are struggling with the increase in demand and all the admin that goes with running a holiday business. Always learning from experience and adapting to an ever-changing marketplace, Anytime Booking offers the booking management tools you need to let out the steam from under your collar. “Whether you run a cottage agency, campsite, glamping site or motorhome hire business, we can help,” says Vanessa Glossop, Head of Communications at Anytime. “Operators are keen to e as e i le as possi le within the framework of their booking system. They need to keep up with trends respond to uctuations in the market, keep control of their tariff, length of stays, changeover days, discounts and so on. Our system enables this freedom.” Imagine going into the busy season knowing you’re free to concentrate on your guests’

experience rather than day-to-day admin. Adopting Anytime’s cloud-based technology can help you do just that – by delivering bookings through your website and other sales channels, processing payments, and taking care of your admin through automated correspondence with your guests. Hannah Colin, Customer Service Manager of luxury cottage agency, Forever Cornwall, says: “The booking environment in the holiday lettings sector is increasingly complex and it’s very helpful to work with an independent local partner who is passionate about delivering technical solutions that help us to keep ahead of the competition.” Established in 2011, Anytime Booking now serves over 260 businesses throughout the UK, with 25,000 bookable spaces between them. They have processed £150 million in bookings since launch and send out over 100,000 booking related emails a month during high season, showing just how much admin they alleviate! “Increasing your online visibility and focusing on the guest booking experience will really drive and maximise your occupancy,” adds Wendy Radford, Anytime’s Managing Director. “If you’re still wondering about taking that leap, just go for it, you won’t look back.”

ABOVE Let Anytime Booking handle your admin so you can focus on helping your clients make memories é

ANYTIME BOOKING 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 6 6 0 w w w .a n y tim e b o o k in g .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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14/03/2019 10:41

Spend the day


Scillonian Day Trips £25 * per person Locals Offer 2019

BY SEA | ISLESOFSCILLY-TRAVEL.CO.UK *Terms and Conditions apply, see website for details

1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1

11/03/2019 10:39

T rereif e H ou se

• Secure Attended Indoor and Outdoor Parking with over 200 spaces. • Friendly, Professional and Reliable. • Park anything, any time. • Fully Insured Collection and delivery service. • Valeting, Servicing, Bodywork and MOTs arranged by appointment.


096.indd 1

15/03/2019 11:45



TO FESTIVALS You couldn’t really imagine Poldark at a music festival, but those are two of the characteristics – old and new – of Scorrier House.

ABOVE é The grand sweeping staircase in the main house INSET ì Great Estate Festival, the 'rambunctious garden fete'


uilt in 1778 by the mining entrepreneur John Williams, Scorrier House was then at the epicentre of Cornish industrialism. Tin and copper was sought all around Scorrier as its occupant’s lives were dictated commodit uctuations arming took care of life when the chips were down. The Williams’s then chased their fortunate underground. Today, however, it’s a very different story. Seven generations later, Scorrier remains in the hands of the Williams family, however the family-run business has since moved above ground, into the beautiful house and gardens of the magnificent corrier state hanks to its large interiors uilt during mining’s he da corrier ouse makes the perfect party venue. It’s licensed for weddings and includes all the amenities you might expect from any country house wedding venue but with one major difference: it’s completely private. Along with privacy comes personality. amous for their otanical adventures the Williams’s once employed the famous plant hunter, William Lobb), the lofty conservatory is stuffed with e otic owers from the world over nd after fire damage a centur ago the family decided to turn the main hall into an art gallery. You therefore have a vast

sweeping staircase and enough room to seat 120 people, all in one room! oda man know corrier ouse for the reat state estival which takes place every June. This ‘rambunctious garden fete’ takes place across several stages and venues in the grounds, garden and – this year – the house itself estival goers have the uni ue opportunity to join the grand tea and brunch parties taking place in the halls over the weekend a chance to part like a oldark if ever there was one. But the festival is just one of a series of pu lic events taking place at corrier this ear ook out for its summer theatre fun runs wellness events and this aster onda an aster egg hunt and a run in the grounds with tea at the house. arties aside there are some elements of corrier that will not change till a working farm, cows, horses and dogs can always be found wandering the estate and, on a visit to Scorrier House, you’ll probably bump into at least one of them!

SCORRIER HOUSE R e d ru th T R 1 6 5 A U 0 1 2 0 9 8 2 0 2 6 4 in fo @ s c o r r ie r h o u s e .c o .u k w w w .s c o r r ie r h o u s e .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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13/03/2019 15:35


SMART MONEY Capitalise on Cornwall’s growing tourism industry and secure maximum bookings at your holiday let with help from the Travel Chapter.



Hot tubs have the biggest single impact, helping to achieve a 14% increase in weekly rental


ith the holiday letting market in Cornwall thriving, thanks to a growing number of property owners taking advantage of the high rental yields, a strong tourism industry and favourable tax conditions, there has never been a better time to be letting a holiday home. With 2017/18 setting a record for inbound tourism to the UK, in addition to the 47 million Brits taking domestic holidays, the overall market potential for holiday letting is stronger than ever. Combine this with the increasing popularity of short breaks (which have grown by 28% in the last 12 months alone) and holiday let owners across Cornwall are more likely to secure bookings all year round. Of course, location is crucial, but such locations are not hard to find What’s more owners can enhance their return with features that make their property really stand out, attracting more bookings and ultimately delivering more income. Hot tubs have the biggest single impact, helping to achieve a 14% increase in weekly rental and attracting, on average, an extra 41 days booked per year. Other factors that can have a positive impact include ensuring your property is dog friendly, installing a wood burner and offering en-suite bathrooms throughout.

In addition, if you meet the criteria for being ABOVE é a urnished olida et the ta office Location is key for allows additional ta enefits too some of any holiday let which are over and above those afforded to long term residential landlords. Remember INSET Make your though ta can e a comple area so it’s property stand out always best to seek professional advice. t’s important to factor in running costs too These are typically borne by the tenant in a long term let, however, even after deducting these costs it’s not unusual for the weekl rental income for a holiday let to outstrip the monthly return you would expect to achieve with a traditional long-term let. Finally, for owners who need assistance in realising the potential of their investment, selecting the right letting agent is important. For over 30 years, the Travel Chapter has learnt and developed many effective ways to help with the success of holiday lets. With an appreciation of the local market and a local Stay in Cornwall brand, backed up with the national reach of, holiday bookings are rarely far away.

THE TRAVEL CHAPTER 0 1 2 3 7 4 5 9 9 9 0 jo in u s @ tr a v e lc h a p te r.c o m

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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13/03/2019 15:59

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Cury Cro ss Mullion T Lanes R12 7AZ just off th e A3083



Imagine owning a little piece of Cornwall in the heart of The Lizard Peninsula’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Just 14 lodges make up ‘The Meadow’, a new development at Franchis Holiday Park surrounded by mature trees and sloping gently down to a woodland stream. Just moments away from unspoilt villages, beautiful sandy coves and stunning coastal scenery you can’t help but relax here. Holiday lodges can be enjoyed for 11 months of the year and are available with a 30 year site licence.

FOR LODGES SALES: 01326 240301 •

Indigo stocks affordable ladies clothing. Stockists of: Adini Rant & Rave Emreco Capri Mistral Deck Brandtex Signature

STAY 39 touring pitches seasonal pitches and 2 bungalows for hire


099.indd 1

No 2 Foundry Court Wadebridge PL27 7QN 01208 815887

15/03/2019 11:52


Part of the award winning family

01326 336773 Choose from 6 stunning parks in Cornwall

Discover a new pace of life...


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Port Isaac Rock


with holiday home ownership in Cornwall

Crantock Beach St Ives Penzance


White Acres St Austell

Looe Bay





Land’s End

Mullion Lizard Point

• A range of caravan and luxury lodges to choose from • Deposits from just 10%^ and payment options available • From fishing lakes to swimming pools: our park facilities are unmatched • With so many beaches to choose from, seaside lovers will be in their element

holiday homes from


take the first step on your ownership journey... Give us a call on 03300 587 021 Or visit us online at *Prices vary between models and Parkdean Resorts parks. Subject to availability. All prices include VAT. ^The amount of deposit required may vary depending on the holiday home. 4

100.indd 1

15/03/2019 11:56


A PROPER CORNISH BREAK With stylish and comfortable accommodation and glamping in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Bodrugan Barton now offers yoga retreats too! ABOVE é Make the most of your trip and get out on the water INSETS ì Make a splash in the indoor pool, before an al fresco lunch overlooking the sea


ast year, we caught up with owner of Bodrugan, Sally, who explained how they’d decided to meet the increasing demand for high-standard glamping accommodation. The result, as we learned, was stunning, with the site’s beautiful Wigwams already proving a big hit. These wonderfully warm camping cabins sit beautifully in the countryside, the wider site is home to Sally and husband Tim’s sheep and Dexter cattle, making this a real escape to the country! But it’s not just the Wigwams that have garnered such a fantastic reputation for Bodrugan. The site is also home to some stunning self-catering cottages, sleeping up to eight. These are perfect if you’re looking for that ‘home from home’ escape to Cornwall, and being located so close to the Roseland Heritage Coast, they make the perfect base from which to explore everything that this beautiful pocket of Cornwall has to offer. And, with sumptuous bedrooms, modern living spaces and well-equipped kitchens, you can work up the heartiest of sea-air appetites before heading back to base and cooking up a storm using the freshest local produce. For several years Bodrugan has liaised with many art and textile tutors who bring groups of enthusiastic learners to use the accommodation and stretch their creative imagination in the studio space. This year they are thrilled that they can now offer a new studio with under oor heating and a treatment room to offer other disciplines such as yoga, well-being, writing and other activities. For those days where you simply want to relax, Bodrugan have books and games to

orrow films to watch or wander down through the farm to a secluded cove and follow the coastal path where you can really be at ease and settle into the pace of life by the sea. Raising their own lamb and supplying to Waitrose, there’s a keen focus on farming at Bodrugan. Sally explains: “The best thing is talking to people and communicating to them about food provenance, farming and how the countryside works. There’s so much interest – our guests love the idea of a farm and like to know more about the way we operate. A big bonus of having people on your land is that you get to learn what happens beyond the Tamar, and it’s vital to keep up with changing viewpoints and to understand what people want from a holiday. “At Bodrugan, they get great views, walking, beaches, comfortable, en-suite glamping ca ins with firepits outdoor furniture and a car-free site small enough for children to be left to explore. If it rains, they can use our heated indoor pool and sauna, and when tired children go to sleep, parents can enjoy a drink on the deck as they watch the ocean.” That certainly sounds like bliss to us!

BODRUGAN BARTON M e v a g is s e y , P L 2 6 6 P T 0 1 7 2 6 8 4 2 0 9 4 w w w .b o d ru g a n .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--Bodrugan--1.00.indd 3

15/03/2019 11:23



story P

For the first time in its rich history, Trevince is opening its estate gardens for the general public to explore for themselves.

lanted more than 200 years ago in the wealthy mining heart of Cornwall, visitors to Trevince’s gorgeous gardens will find a haven for plant lovers and curious souls, a place to walk in the footsteps of the past and to imagine the future. Discover the 18th century walled garden, the pond garden and shrubbery and explore the wilderness walk that takes you along the far edges of the estate grounds and woodlands. This exceptional garden features an a undance of spring owering favourites including camellias and rhododendrons, as well as citrus trees, which have been growing here since the 1850s. These include Meyer lemons, which are a fragrant and sweet cross etween a lemon and a mandarin owering and fruiting all year round. Trevince is also one of the few gardens in Cornwall to join the International Conifer Conservation Programme that provides a living seed bank of conifers that may be threatened or vulnerable in the wild. The former cart shed has been transformed into a pop-up café, serving teas, coffees and a selection of cold drinks. Take a seat after your stroll through the gardens and enjoy the peaceful tranquillity with a slice of cake or some delicious homemade goodies.

Events and creative workshops are also hosted throughout the year at Trevince. From live opera in the garden to country house Christmas events, there’s something for everyone. Regular creative day workshops include felt making and willow sculpting, the perfect opportunity to get crafty with likeminded people whilst enjoying Trevince’s beautiful surroundings. Located in the heart of Cornwall at Gwennap, the estate gardens and Cart Shed Café are open Friday to Sunday from 29th March until 29th September, 10am to 4pm. And, this Mother’s Day, mums go free! o find out more a out the ourne of restoration and reinvention at the estate gardens at Trevince, be sure to visit the website.

ABOVE The walled garden é INSETS Pink pearl and the iconic clocktower

Camellia in full bloom


G w e n n a p T R 1 6 6 B A 0 1 2 0 9 8 2 2 7 2 5 in fo @ tr e v in c e .c o .u k @ tr e v in c e e s ta te @ tr e v in c e e s ta te w w w .tr e v in c e .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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14/03/2019 10:44

Stay 4 Nights, Pay for 3! Available for holidays in October 2019 & April 2020 only.

Experience... The Isles of Scilly

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103.indd 1


15/03/2019 11:58



CL--84--ED--World team Ltd SW Holiday parks GTGT--1.00.indd 4

13/03/2019 17:31



•EXPERIENCE• A LU X U RY S E C O N D H O M E AT J U L I OT S W E L L H O L I DAY PA R K In one direction is the wild expanse and beauty of Bodmin Moor; in the other, an array of idyllic beaches and bays. Right in the centre sits Juliots Well Holiday Park, occupying 40 acres of stunning north Cornish countryside. Juliots Well is a special place to escape to, whenever you choose to go, and buying our own holida lodge is now the first choice for those seeking the hassle free and affordable way to own their dream second home. So if you’ve been looking to invest in Cornwall, why not pay a visit and discover Juliots Well for yourself?

JULIOTS WELL HOLIDAY PARK V a lle y T r u c k le , 0 1 8 ju lio ts w w w .s o u th w e

C a 4 0 w e s th

m e 2 1 3 llh o o lid

lfo r d P L 3 2 9 R F 3 0 1 lid a y p a r k a y p a rk s .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--World team Ltd SW Holiday parks GTGT--1.00.indd 5

13/03/2019 17:31


Garden chic Win an elegant stone bird bath for your garden

AND RELAX! Win a day pass for Coast View, plus a spa treatment and lunch for five WORTH

Enter our competitions for the chance to win these fantastic prizes!



www.cornwall- TERMS AND CONDITIONS No purchase necessary. Prize draw open to anyone in the UK age 18 years or over excluding employees of Bluebird Care, Coast View, ICE Trikes, Silver Origins, Weird Fish, Carpenter Oak, Seven Stones Inn, Newquay Trampoline and Play Park, Vantage Balustrades, Cornwall Gold, Atlantic Coast Holiday Park, Driftwood Hotel, Leven Media Group, and their families, agents and anyone else connected with this promotion. One entry per household. The prize is non-transferrable and non-exchangeable. No cash alternative available. Winners must be willing to provide their name and country of residence for publicity if required. The promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The winners will be drawn at random after 22nd April. The winners will be notified by email within 14 days after the draw closes. Subject to availability. See online for full terms and conditions.

Three-wheeled thrills Win an ICE Trike Riding Experience for two with a stay at the Greenbank Hotel


£205 Watch the birds in your garden enjoy this classic cast stone Chelsea Hexagon Bird Bath. Hand finished by craftsmen, it is both chic and sturdy, also bringing character and style to your garden.

A SCENE FROM THE SEA Win a handcrafted ‘Ocean Scene’ bangle from Silver Origins

Enjoy a relaxing day at Coast View for up to five people, with use of the swimming pool and gym, plus a complimentary lunch at the restaurant and a treatment at Drift Beauty & Wellness Suite.

Wear the weekend Win a voucher for Weird Fish





£500 Experience relaxed, laidback recumbent cycling on one of Cornwall’s picturesque cycle trails, before staying at the four-star Greenbank Hotel in Falmouth. Lunch along the way, then back to the hotel for dinner – the perfect end to a day on three wheels!

£250 Elegant, flowing lines capture the rise and fall of ocean waves in this stunning torque bangle. Designed in Cornwall by Silver Origins, handcrafted in high polish sterling silver and presented in a luxury gift box and bag.

Weird Fish is famous for its distinctive, quality clothing, designed to become instant-feel good favourites from the moment you put them on! With this voucher, you can wear the weekend every day with their latest, easy-going styles.



14/03/2019 15:47

An island adventure


Win a day trip to St Martin’s on the Isles of Scilly

Win a Tolgus oval locket with gold Cornish knot


A home from home Win a luxury stay at Atlantic Coast Holiday Park





£120 To celebrate the success of a recent collaboration between Carpenter Oak and the Seven Stones Inn on St Martin’s, one lucky winner will enjoy a day trip to the island including flights, speed boat transfer and lunch at the Seven Stones Inn.

FAMILY SUMMER FUN Win family entry into Newquay Trampoline and Play park

Keep your loved one close to your heart with one of these irresistible lockets. Made from Cornish Tolgus tin and married with sterling silver in a beautiful oval with a delicate Cornish knot motif, this beautiful piece is typical of the Tolgus Collection.

This is your chance to win a luxury break in one of Atlantic Coast Holiday Park’s Artesian Lodges. With cool coastal interiors, sumptuous furnishings, fantastic park facilities and the coast just a short scoot away, what more could you ask for?

A touch of glass


Win a frameless glass balustrade from Vantage Balustrades

Win a luxury night’s stay for two at Driftwood Hotel WORTH




Based in Trenance Park, this development will be ready and open in time for the summer holidays. It’s not just going to be any other trampoline park either, with fun to be had for kids and adults alike to bounce, roll and dunk their way around!


£585 Vantage Balustrades is offering the chance to win a stunning frameless glass balustrade. This system promises to enhance your landing, balcony or deck, providing uninterrupted views with no need for posts!

Enjoy an overnight stay at the beautiful Driftwood Hotel with a delicious breakfast included. The hotel is set in seven acres and overlooks the stunning Gerrans Bay, providing an idyllic place to relax.



14/03/2019 15:47

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CL--82--AD--Four Seasons--1.00.indd 1

14/01/2019 17:49


HURRICANE Discover the world’s most powerful storms this year at ShelterBox Visitor Centre.


ShelterBox provides emergency shelter to survivors of natural disasters around the world


fe v e r

ornwall has some wild winter storms, but they’re a breeze compared to a Category Five hurricane f ou want to find out what it’s like to experience one of these huge storms then make sure to check out ShelterBox Visitor Centre’s new exhibition, ‘Hurricanes, Cyclones and Typhoons’. The exhibition opens in Truro on Saturday 8th April, just in time for the Easter holidays. During the exhibition you will discover how the Cornish charity prepares for hurricane season, how they track typhoons around the world and what it takes to get emergency shelter to people in remote communities that have been devastated by cyclones. Don’t miss the Weather Lab, which explains the science behind the storms and has hands-on, familyfriendly weather experiments. You’ll also get a chance to try packing a ShelterBox with the items people might need if their home has been hit with a hurricane. “ShelterBox has responded over 60 times to hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons,” explains Andy Bramwell, Visitor Centre Manager. “They are the disaster we could most imagine hitting Cornwall, so we hope the new exhibition gives visitors a real sense of empathy and shows how ShleterBox helps people in need get back on their feet.” ShelterBox was founded in 2000 and has helped over one million people across 97 different countries. It sends emergency shelter and essential household items to people made homeless by natural disaster or con ict helter o isitor Centre is

open Monday to Saturday from 10am until 4pm and admission is free, allowing you to discover the amazing work that is carried out and see the damage caused by these vast weather systems. Coming from a part of the world that is lucky enough not to be in the firing line it’s an e tremel e e opening experience. The many islands of the Philippines are not so lucky and sit in a zone known as ‘Typhoon Alley,’ which is hit every year by tropical storms and typhoons, the most recent being Typhoon Mangkhut in October 2018. ShelterBox has responded more than 25 times to disasters in the Philippines, more than any other country. In January 2019, ShelterBox Operations Philippines was launched giving the charity a permanent presence on the island of Cebu, allowing it to store aid in the country and respond more quickly and effectively in the future.

DID YOU KNOW? When a storm system reaches sustained wind speeds of 74mph it becomes a Category One hurricane – but only if it’s in the Atlantic ocean, otherwise it would be known as a typhoon or cyclone. What's more, the word hurricane may have originated from either Hurakan,the ancient Mayan god of wind, storm and fire, or Huracan, the god of evil, in the Caribbean language of Taino.

SHELTERBOX VISITOR CENTRE F a lc o n T ru ro T 0 1 8 7 2 w w w .v

H o R 1 3 0 2 is its

u s 2 P 6 0 h e

e , C h a r le s S tr e e t, H 0 lte r b o x .o r g

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--Shelterbox--1.00.indd 3

15/03/2019 10:26

April inaugural exhibition PORTHLEVEN

A month long exhibition of work by Jeremy Sanders and Susan Allanson at the newly refurbished Launch Art Gallery in the heart of Porthleven.

Exhibition runs from 1st – 30th April Opening Times: 11.00am – 5.00pm Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays Launch Art 2A Thomas Street • Porthleven • TR13 9DG

Cornwall's largest independent clothing store. Celebrating 100 years.

31-32 River Street, Truro 01872 273313 |

110.indd 1

15/03/2019 16:42


g n i r a t Pu ON IT

Running workshops for couples to make their own wedding rings, Porthleven Jewellery Workshop is more than your average jeweller!

é ì ABOVE What could be more romantic than making each other's wedding rings by the sea?


orthleven Jewellery Workshop, perched on the side of the uintessentiall Cornish fishing har our has gained a sterling reputation over the last seven years as the go to destination for friendl and relia le advice and service complementing the team’s eautiful range of all things sparkl tep inside and ou’ll find a stunning range of jewellery, watches and accessories for oth men and women including eminent international rands sitting alongside uni ue espoke items created in house the workshop’s own team of ewellers s well as stocking a diverse range of items for sale, Clair and the team offer commissions and repairs perfect if ou’re looking to sa love ou’ with a gift are looking to treat ourself or if ou’re planning to drop down on one knee! peaking of proposals perhaps the uestion has already been popped and the two of you would like to make each other’s wedding rings? f so Clair and the team run one da

workshops allowing ou to create our spouse to e’s wedding ring in silver ellow or white gold platinum or palladium ou’ll e shown different techni ues depending on your chosen metal, and the price includes all the tools and machinery required for ou to make our rings plus lunch from the delicious Harbour View Café next door! This really is a romantic experience, all guided and overseen a professional eweller in a friendl environment ou couldn’t choose a more eautiful location either right the picturesque harbour in Porthleven with views towards the village’s iconic clocktower and the tlantic ocean e ond or a uote and to find more, be sure to contact Claire and the team!


t E lv a n s C o u r ty a r d , H a r b o u r R o a d , r th le v e n , H e ls to n T R 1 3 9 F B 3 2 6 5 6 1 5 1 1 w .p o r th le v e n je w e lle r y w o r k s h o p .c o .u k


DISCOVER MORE Wedding ring workshops start at £300 for the day, depending on your metal of choice.

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--Porthleven Jewellery Workshop--1.00.indd 3

13/03/2019 13:50

On Display

Showcasing local artists and art galleries


lass artist iko rown e plores light shadow shape and form with the medium of fused glass sing uplifting colours and themes inspired countr and coastal living iko works from her home studio near ruro selling her eautiful work online and through local galleries o learn more and discover where ou can view it in person visit iko’s we site


Jeremy Sanders and Susan Allanson aunch rt is delighted to announce the inaugural month long e hi ition at the eautifull refur ished galler in the heart of orthleven erem anders and usan llanson will e taking over the uni ue pop up galler space from st until th pril from am until pm he galler will e closed on uesda s and Wednesda s o rent this galler contact info launchart co uk 2A THOMAS STREET, PORTHLEVEN TR13 9DG AllansonSculptures&Art

3. CIRCLE CONTEMPORARY GALLERY January Storm V2 by Pine Feroda

his fine art galler is located on the tlantic ighwa etween adstow and Wade ridge uc horman and ohn ’Carroll are committed to showing contemporar art which is visuall acute thoughtful and eautiful ohn is a visual artist with an onsite studio he galler is a continuall evolving cool and minimal space showing emerging and well known artists

4. THE CUSTOMS HOUSE GALLERY torm Weather odrev by Andrew Barrowman

group and solo e hi itions with a focus on fresh innovative art Carol Coulter raming located on the second oor

tanding on orthleven’s har our side the Customs ouse aller showcases a diverse collection of work some of Cornwall’s finest artists he galler is a mem er of the wn rt scheme and will e holding the first of its events from rida th pril to hursda th pril with an e hi ition of work local artist ndrew arrowman lease see the we site for more details




Charlestown each iew ast by Joanne Chadwick tishoo aller has a fantastic selection of original paintings and limited edition prints alongside handmade crafts and made giftware tishoo can e found opposite the old ethodist Chapel in Charlestown in a prett court ard he team also offer a espoke picture framing service pen from anuar uesda to aturda am until pm 71 CHARLESTOWN RD, CHARLESTOWN PL25 3NL 01726 65900


CL--84--ED--COMPOSITE--Gallery v3.indd 112

15/03/2019 15:13


ise from the shes by Mel Chambers

o matter how man times we urst into ames we can alwa s rise from the ashes ringing ancient th centur inla techni ues into a modern da era lchem iles individuall hand carves rather than paints inspiring images uotes and poetr into eautiful espoke and uni ue creations ll held eternal in earth and time Commissions welcome THE STUDIO, GOLDMARTIN GARAGE, SAMPYS HILL, MAWNAN SMITH, FALMOUTH TR11 5EW 07768 193848 |


all hip at Charlestown by Sarah Blakey


m ers ight’ il li uid gold copper and gold leaf on spruce by Jo Crusoe

he Craft iln Cornish crafts ail oft mporium anti ues and collecta les and Cscape rt are part of he ld Workshop ne t to the main Charlestown car park an originals prints and cards artist arah lake and photographer ick lake are availa le at the galler ee the we site for opening hours

o loves to paint Cornwall in all its glorious seasons the wildlife on land in the sea and ever thing in etween o’s seascapes landscapes and delicatel detailed wildlife and oral depictions are created in oils acr lics and precious metals ou can view o’s originals at he Customs ouse aller in orthleven


he icture arlour in oscastle and appointment at her studio in Wade ridge o also e hi its with other galleries out of Cornwall list of galleries and outlets can e seen on her we site unwalloe low’ il and li uid gold on canvas by Jo Crusoe JO CRUSOE, UNIT 3 FOUNDRY COURT, WADEBRIDGE, PL27 7QN 07878 643145


Coastal inspired necklace by Sally Napier ive into the deep lue with this stunning sea inspired necklace andcrafted using a uni ue com ination of semi precious stones with a ua sea glass all sitting together in harmon capturing the re ections and colours of the ocean urchase online or contact all if ou’d like to visit her studio to see her work and discuss a commission or repair PINCH HILL, MARHAMCHURCH EX23 0ER 07973 193773


he Colours of vening by Steve Slimm

ara ion

teve’s evocative m stical oil paintings are renowned for their ualit of light creating a landscape of te tures and contrasting colours

ere in this piece currentl for sale on his we site we have a moment held in time within that su lime coastal sense of atmosphere and place STEVE SLIMM ONLINE GALLERY 07968 979367


CL--84--ED--COMPOSITE--Gallery v3.indd 113

15/03/2019 15:13

Spyrys Spas and Hot Tubs is a Cornish company based in Wadebridge, North Cornwall, where our large showroom displays over a dozen Hot Tubs and All Weather Pools for sale to suit all needs and budgets.

Unit 5 Dunveth Business Park, Wadebridge, PL27 7FE • Tel: 01208 813760 •

114.indd 1

15/03/2019 15:38



m o r t s l e ma We learn more about Mike Lacey’s commitment to capturing the most awe-inspiring images of Cornwall’s surf.

ABOVE é Mike gets up close and personal with Cornwall's waves, with staggering results INSET ì Lisa and the children


ould you like to see Cornwall’s coastline from a different angle? Six years ago this April, Mike Lacey opened Waves Gallery in Porthleven. Entering the unknown, Mike and his wife Lisa steam rolled ahead to forge a new career in the art world. With the perfect place coming available in just the right location, it seemed to them that fate had well and truly taken over. Having no idea as to the reception Mike’s work would receive, they went in open minded and with a bold vision of making it a success. Now, six years later, having opened a new gallery in Falmouth, this dream has very much become a reality! Making the business work has taken all of their commitment, and has of course included a great deal of support from family, friends and customers. Most of all, however, it’s Mike’s willingness to be out in all kinds of weather and surf, just to deliver his next magical shot, that leaves us all incredibly thankful that we don’t have to! Mike’s ability to withstand the winter temperatures as he oats around in Cornwall’s freezing winter waters is mind boggling, but his passion for Cornwall and nature drives him to continue exploring

the coast, pushing the boundaries of photography to the limits. The shots Mike achieves are unlike anything you’ve ever seen before, and are something truly worth seeing for yourself! For this reason, as Cornwall thaws with the arrival of spring, we highly recommend taking a trip to Porthleven or Falmouth and heading into one of Mike’s mind-blowing galleries. Trust us, you certainly won’t be left feeling disappointed by these Cornish water wonders!

WAVES GALLERY 0 1 3 0 7 7 in fo w w

2 6 3 6 8 3 6 9 6 7 4 3 7 0 8 8 @ m ik e la c e y p h o to g r a p h y .c o .u k w .w a v e s g a lle r y .c o .u k

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--Wave Surf Gallery--1.00.indd 3

13/03/2019 15:40





Planning your Easter break? Discover why a trip to Cornwall Gold should definitely be in your diary!


ituated in 18 acres of beautiful, landscaped grounds, Cornwall Gold has plenty for the whole family to enjoy this Easter. Set in the heart of the Cornish mining landscape, families can explore the site and familiarise themselves with the industrial history that has, in many ways, shaped the Cornish landscape. Take a tour of Tolgus Tin Streaming Mill, where the tin produced is used in the team’s own unique Tolgus Collection of jewellery. The tin streaming works here is the last remaining tin mill in Europe and is absolutely stepped in history. The jewellery produced using its tin is beautiful too, making the perfect gift for a loved one or a treat for yourself!

Enjoy a round of Krazy Golf in the sunshine

ABOVE Award winning, locally sourced food from the Cornish Pantry

Perfect in any weather, with free parking and free entry (including Tolgus Mill), head to Cornwall Gold this spring and make the most of the sunshine with a round of Krazy Golf or, if the weather’s inclement, pan for gold in Tolgus Stream. Kids will relish the opportunity to build their own cuddly toy in the Build a Bear workshop, and families can all get stuck into the Create and Paint pottery studios. Dogs are welcome across the entire site as well and the ’re sure to love sniffing their wa around the 18 acres that Cornwall Gold occupies. To break up the day, we highly recommend popping into the Cornish Pantry. Serving


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13/03/2019 14:34



An example of the stunning Tolgus Collection ê BELOW

Have a go at panning for gold


Get crafty in the Create and Paint pottery studios

Taste of the West Gold award-winning food, the talented team of chefs never fail to disappoint with their imaginative, seasonal menu. Whether it’s a full Cornish breakfast in the morning served on a traditional miner’s shovel, or the restaurant’s famous Pasty Platter, there’s never a bad time to visit the Cornish Pantry, even if it’s just for a sit down, a cream tea or a delicious cup of barista coffee. On Sundays, from 12pm, you can sit down for a superb Sunday carvery, offering up the finest locall sourced meats and produce for that ‘all the trimmings’ experience. The best part is, everything on the menu is sourced from within a 20-mile radius, so you know it’s fresh! Cornwall Gold is perfect for a day out whatever the weather, with free parking and only ten minutes from the South West Coast Path and local beaches. Indeed, if your furry friend’s energy knows bounds, why not take them for a stroll along the South

West Coast Path before or after your visit? The perfect way to start the morning and get the blood pumping, your hound will love sniffing their wa along the path and ou’re sure to enjoy the dizzying Atlantic views. Nothing quite works up an appetite like the fresh sea air, either, and if you’re planning to head to Cornwall Gold for the afternoon, as we’ve already mentioned, you know you’ll be well catered for – literally! So, whether the sun is shining, you’re looking for an all weather attraction to get out of the house, or seeking a way to break up an afternoon exploring the north coast and discover Cornwall’s fascinating industrial heritage, we highly recommend pencilling in a trip to Cornwall Gold this Easter!


WIN! To be in with a chance of winning a stunning locket from the Tolgus Collection, turn to page 107.

CORNWALL GOLD AND TOLGUS MILL N r R e d ru th T R 1 6 4 H N 0 1 2 0 9 2 0 3 2 8 0 w w w .c o r n w a ll- g o ld .c o m

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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13/03/2019 14:34

CL--84--AD--Cornish Crabbers--1.00.indd 1

14/03/2019 14:56


? e r u t n e v d a

Photo: Will Hamling


For thrills, spills and outdoor family fun, be sure to pencil in a trip to Kernow Adventure Park.


et in 21 acres around a beautiful upcycled granite quarry near Falmouth, Kernow Adventure Park is just the thing for families seeking an action-packed day spent outside. Sunk deep into the earth, the freshwater lake INSET ì Kids and adults provides a safe playground for adventure alike love the seekers, with a whole host of activities to inflatable aquapark keep everyone entertained. Alex, the founder of Kernow Adventure Park, tells us: “Our vision is to create opportunities in Cornwall for individuals and families to access adventure with our safe, natural and astounding lake.” The team strives to break down barriers, promoting an active lifestyle, with the intention of creating a healthier and happier society. “Our mission,” Alex continues, “is to educate people that the social norms of sedentary lifestyles of gym fitness are not the onl wa s to live We want to reconnect them with the outside and get them moving!” Starting out as a waterpark in 2014, with just a cable for wakeboarding and some shipping containers on the beach, Alex rebranded the site as Kernow Adventure ark and egan running in ata le ABOVE é 21 acres of beautifully upcycled granite quarry

aquapark sessions, installing a custom built, glass-fronted clubhouse with a café and bar. “Then last year we added paddleboarding to our ever expanding offering, and there are lots of exciting developments in the pipeline for this year, so watch this space!” Now that the evenings are drawing out with the promise of warmer temperatures, why not start planning your spring and summer diaries and book yourselves in for an afternoon at Kernow Adventure Park? ou’ll e hard pressed to find a etter way of making the most of Cornwall’s great outdoors!

KERNOW ADVENTURE PARK K e s s P e n r in fo @ w w w

e ll D o w n s Q u a r r y , H a lv a s s o , y n T R 1 0 9 B Z k e rn o w a d v e n tu re p a rk .c o m .k e rn o w a d v e n tu re p a rk .c o m

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--Kernow Advemture Park--1.00.indd 3

11/03/2019 17:02

foodie |

L ove food

Discover the Porthleven Food Festival this spring, featuring celebrity chefs and vibrant music.

T é MAIN Satisfy any craving é ABOVE You'll be spoilt for choice at the plethora of food stalls

RIGHT Fuel your adventures with artisan coffee

his three-day feast of food, drink, music and family fun brings together up to 40,000 people on the beautiful harbourside of Porthleven (home of Cornwall Living) from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th April 2019. This year’s theme is ‘Love Food’, based on the letters that span the harbour for the event each year and with over 100 food stalls to choose from, as well as all the wonderful restaurants Porthleven has to offer, you’ll definitel e spoilt for choice Celebrity chefs, including festival patron Antony Worrall Thompson, will take to the stage on Saturday and Sunday. The full chefs line-up includes appearances from big foodie names from Cornwall and further afield including: Josh Eggleton, Ben Tunnicliffe, Fifteen Cornwall and Gareth Ward. There’s a friendly and authentic festival atmosphere with music, performers, demos and activity around the harbour and in the Moors Field, and the entire harbour comes alive with the bustle of people enjoying the local Cornish fayre, food demonstrations and live music. Bop to a band by the bobbing boats at the Lime Kiln Stage (presented in association with BBC Music Introducing), or


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12/03/2019 12:44

| foodie


The iconic 'Love Food' sign and this year's theme ç LEFT

Delicious treats await

é ABOVE Check out the chef's demonstrations

enjoy a shanty choir in the Port and Oyster – the event’s pop up pub – where there will also be cocktail making master classes and demos to enjoy and get involved in. ver in the oors ield ou’ll find the oors Market, packed full of local food producers with tasters and offers. Next door is the family area with great free circus and craft workshops as well as stalls and rides. There’s also the cultural happenings of the Literary and Acoustic Tent nearby for any culture vultures in the family. rilliant ands are also a regular fi ture of Food Festival evenings and the Friday night opening party is always a biggie. This year the event is kicking off with Plymouth’s Mad Dog Mcrea, supported by the Roustabouts. Saturday night’s Shipyard Session will bring the sound of Motown to the festival with some of Cornwall’s most talented soul musicians and Sunday is a local affair, with an all-Porthleven line-up featuring Rosie Crowe, Half Kut and Go Go Skank. Most of the daytime events are free but you can grab yourself a better seat in the Chef’s Theatre, enter all three evening music sessions and other perks by grabbing yourself a Weekend Gourmet Ticket for £39 in advance.

To immerse yourself in the full three-day festival e perience avoid the traffic and stay late for the highly-anticipated Shipyard Sessions, why not save yourself some hassle and pitch up at the festival campsite? Simply bring your own tent or campervan or even book a pre-erected Bell Tent or exclusive Shire Hut complete with beds, mattresses, electric, mirrors, boot holders and more. Alternatively, there are loads of great holiday homes to rent in Porthleven and many will offer shorter deals over the Porthleven Food Festival weekend.

PORTHLEVEN FOOD FESTIVAL H a r b o u r H e a d , P o r th le v e n T R 1 3 9 J A w w w .p o r th le v e n fo o d fe s tiv a l.c o m


DISCOVER MORE Most of the daytime events are free but you can enter all three evening music sessions, among other perks, by grabbing yourself a Weekend Gourmet Ticket for £39 in advance.

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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12/03/2019 12:44

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A LEADING LIGHT We discover that award-winning fish and chip shop, Harbour Lights in Falmouth, is leading the way when it comes to taste and tradition.



DISCOVER MORE With over 180,000 happy customers visiting every year a trip to Harbour Lights should be on everyone’s menu!

ou’ll find ar our ights perched above the historic Custom House Quay in Falmouth. Recently shortlisted in the Top Ten for the coveted ‘Best Fish & Chip Shops in the UK 2019’ award, which adds to an already great haul of accolades, we were intrigued as to what makes an award-winning chippie. A fish and chip shop is udged on having ak moist fish light crisp atter and moreish chips and it’s clear that Harbour Lights hits the jackpot with all three. heir fish is a com ination of responsi l sourced Cod addock and local fish delivered dail from local fish merchant Stevens & Sons. Potatoes are a passion for Harbour Lights, with their Cornish spuds arriving from farms within just a 20-mile radius. Double-cooked to perfection, these are as good on their own as they are when served with a succulent piece of fish coated in a specially formulated batter. Add to that a side of delicious homemade mushy peas and you’ll see why Harbour Lights is leading the wa when it comes to fish and chips However, it’s not just the food that makes a chippie award winning. The team at Harbour Lights is fanatical about every portion being as good as the last, and they do this with passion and fun. Their motto ‘Celebrating Fish and Chips’ is evident the moment you walk through the door it’s almost as if fish

and chips is in their DNA. Despite a foodie revolution across the fish and chips has never gone out of fashion and this great British fare is hard to beat when you fancy some comfort food. Harbour Lights have stayed true to the nation’s favourite using fresh, quality ingredients, cooked simply but well. Whether you are a traditionalist and don’t like to stray from cod or haddock, or are more adventurous and want to sample some of the Cornish local fish fresh from Newlyn, battered or grilled, the choice is yours. To ensure everyone can enjoy their awardwinning fish and chips the ar our ights team cooks with vegetable oil, offers gluten free options and now even vegan fish and chips! Their homemade mushy peas and curry sauce are perfect for chip dipping too!


A r w e n a c k S tr e e t, F a lm o u th T R 1 1 3 L H 0 1 3 2 6 3 1 6 9 3 4 w w w .h a r b o u r lig h ts .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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13/03/2019 14:41

Why not stay with us?


The Rod and Line is one of the oldest public houses in the area, being documented as an inn since 1678. It is renowned for its seafood and real ale, as well as its seasonal menu which includes Dexter Beef dishes from cattle on the banks of the River Lyner. The pub hosts a range of live music evenings and is situated close to coastal towns of Looe and beaches at Whitsand and Seaton.

01752 851912 Church Road • Tideford Cornwall • PL12 5HW

“Welco me! ”

You can always expect seasonal, local food and a warm welcome at our wonderful rful new restaurant. Edie’s is run by acclaimed ed chef, Nigel Brown, who has returned to his home county of Cornwall to open Edie’s Kitchen, a family restaurant with local produce, high quality food and great service at its heart. After a twenty year career spent working with culinary luminaries such as Raymond Blanc at Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons and Bill Granger at his eponymous Sydney restaurant, Nigel has brought his well-honed skills and food flair to the beautiful Cornish setting of Carlyon Bay. ••••••••••• 10 Beach Rd, Carlyon Bay, St. Austell PL25 3PH 01726 813888


say The Cornish Arms owners, Geoff and Karen

Open all day every day from 11.30am offering Real ales, good wines and a selection of over 100 Gins, plus a range of Cornish Beers, Lagers & Ciders.

Food Served: 12 noon – 2.30 and 5.30 – 8.30 every day Vegetarian, Vegan, Pescatarian and Gluten free options available

Please see our web site for menu details & current food offers Beer Garden • Free Parking • Dog Friendly Seven ensuite bedrooms available.

The Cornish Arms

Pendoggett, St Kew PL30 3HH 01208 880335 pendoggett

123.indd 1

01872 553 092 68 Vicarage Road • St Agnes • TR5 0TH

15/03/2019 12:17

foodie |

s r u o v a l F

OF FOWEY Introducing the stunning new Kitchen, Bar and Terrace at Fowey Harbour Hotel.


Tuck into something delicious!

RIGHT Dine in style when the weather's not so fair


ffering light, seasonal and contemporary dining with a commitment to avour com ined with a vi rant ar serving up seriousl good cocktails a trip to owe ar our otel’s new itchen ar and errace comes highly recommended! aving undergone an e tensive transformation the itchen ar and errace now com ines a colonial and eachside feel with a modern twist ooking out over the glittering owe estuar the restaurant and ar ow seamlessl out onto the elevated terrace making it perfect for a spot of al fresco dining whilst watching the sun set he food and drink on offer here is super unpretentious and offers ama ing value ohn ollard Chef irector has developed the hotel’s dining concept ohn and his team are masters when it comes to uniting fresh locall grown produce with farm raised meats and wild caught seafood creating the freshest and most delicious dishes ndeed on the menu ou’ll find a tempting selection that includes tempura prawns seared scallops the ar our wice aked ou Cornish sole and of course the team’s signature eafood urger ll of this plus a sensational selection of desserts!

he kitchen is open for reakfast lunch afternoon tea and dinner ever da so whether ou’re planning a romantic evening meal for two or are looking for somewhere to stop and gra a light ite during our tour of the olperro eritage Coast ou should certainl make the owe ar our otel our destination of choice. he team’s st le is rela ed inviting and fun one that strives to make ou feel at ease and comforta le while ou take in the stunning surroundings Wh not sta for while?

FOWEY HARBOUR HOTEL K itc h e n , B a r, T F o w e y , C o rn w 0 1 7 2 6 8 3 2 5 5 1 fo w e y .re s ta u ra w w w .h a rb o u rh

e r r a c e E s p la n a d e , a ll P L 2 3 1 H X

n t@ h a r b o u r h o te ls .c o .u k o te ls .c o .u k /h o te ls /fo w e y

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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13/03/2019 16:01


Serving quality, homemade food at affordable prices, just the ticket after a day on the sand! The Coach and Horses is both child and dog-friendly, with the option of bed and breakfast accommodation also available if you’re looking for a location conveniently close to the beach on Cornwall’s south coast

Kenneggy Downs, Rosudgeon, Penzance TR20 9AW

01736 763089

Food & Drink Market

See us at...

eating areas friendly d served all day 12 ‘till 9 • Foo autiful for circular doggie walk • Be s fr om th e 01872552375 pu b

og •D

125.indd 1

4th & 5th May 2019

Royal Cornwall Showground

15/03/2019 12:24

G OURMET We catch up with all the latest news from some of our favourite chefs, eateries, hotels and pubs.

Enjoy spring dining

at the Lemon Arms

Spring is well and truly here and that means getting outdoors as much as possible to watch the owers loom and soak up the gentle spring sun. We recommend a leisurely stroll alongside Mylor creek, spotting the wildlife and watching boats bobbing on the water, or if the tide’s out, look out for the different bird species such as herons which frequent the area. Then top it off with a pint in the Lemon Arms pub, which has a brilliant beer garden and maybe even indulge in a bite to eat too, after all you have just worked up an appetite! With classic pub food made so well it’s practically gourmet, enjoy a prawn cocktail or a mature Cornish cheddar and homemade chutney sandwich in the warm April sun. For more information call 01326 373666 or visit


A passion for food at


Located in the heart of Cornwall, Etherington’s Farm Shop is home to a range of everyday store cupboard ingredients, specialist products and award-winning meats – all under one roof. The friendly team simply loves great food, and is always more than happy to assist you with whatever you may be looking for. Whether it’s advice on how to cook the perfect steak, putting together a cheese board, or gift ideas, they’ll have the solution to suit you! In a bid to get more people eating better quality meat, last year Etherington’s launched a new range of online meat boxes, making the their high-quality, locally sourced meats available to all and drawing on more than 60 years of trade expertise. With boxes for steak

connoisseurs and seasonal specials for the barbeque season, these are just the ticket, especially if you have a special occasion coming up! What’s more, in a bid to make student life easier for those who recentl ew the nest, Etherington’s now offers Student urvival eat o es filled with health protein fuelled, easy-to-cook meats. Comprising of sausages and burgers, beef mince (perfect for the student staples of spag bol and chilli con carne), as well as a quick chicken and stir-fry mix and bacon rashers, worried parents can rest assured that their children are getting the nutrition they need whilst settling into student life. For more information call 01209 899203 or visit

Richardson Group welcomes new Executive Head Chef Nicolas Legendre, who heralds from France, has a great passion for food. French cuisine is lauded across the world, making it the perfect place for any serious chef to learn and craft his art form.

focusing on traditional cuisine, with high importance on top quality, local produce. He’s also keen to ensure that the group becomes a training hub for chefs within the industry as a place to learn.

With an impressive CV that includes having cooked for Her Royal Highness twice, the Richardson Group, after a tough ten months, is excited to see what Nicolas brings to the table.

One thing’s for sure – new exciting challenges are very much on the horizon and with Nicolas now at the group’s foodie helm, Richardson Hotels are in for a real culinary revolution.

Extremely passionate in taking the group to new heights, Nicolas is working hard, currently designing new menus. He will be

For more information visit

126 | CORNWALL LIVING CL--84--Gourmet Gossips.indd 94

15/03/2019 14:41


Waterside dining at St Ives Harbour Hotel and Spa


You’ve got to try

Baker Tom’s Hot Cross Buns

aving delivered his first loaf of handcrafted bread to his local farm shop more than ten years ago, to this day, Baker Tom’s ethos remains the same – to make delicious, wholesome, artisanal bread and sweet treats that his customers love.

With incredible views over Porthminster beach, HarBAR Restaurant & Terrace provides a wonderful dining experience for anybody spending the day in St Ives. Serving fresh, local and seasonal food, HarBAR Restaurant & Terrace celebrates the ver est in Cornish avour using local suppliers and producers to build menus that re ect the changing moods and climates of Cornwall fish landed dail at the ancient St Ives quayside and a local larder of mouth-watering Cornish produce. Whether it’s lunch overlooking the bay, or a sumptuous dinner for two, HarBAR Restaurant & Terrace is open for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. So, whether it’s a light bite, a full threecourse meal, or a drink out on the terrace overlooking the bay, be sure to pop into HarBAR Restaurant & Terrace during your visit to St Ives. For more information call 01736 795221 or visit

One such treat is Tom’s Hot Cross Buns. These are available in three tasty varieties this Easter: Chocolate and Orange, Sticky Toffee Apple and, of course, his perfectly spiced Traditional Hot Cross Buns. Handmade by Tom’s skilled team of artisan bakers at The Bakery in Pool, Tom’s hot cross buns are renowned for their satisfyingly plump size, appetising aroma and moreish, rich taste. Just toast, add butter and treat yourself.

ll three avours are also availa le to u in a mini multipack, which includes two mini uns of each avour perfect for families and those who can’t decide on their favourite! For more information visit

A new, unique experience

at the Polurrian

Set to relaunch at the end of March as Polurrian on the Lizard, the Polurrian Bay Hotel has enjoyed a refurbishment of communal areas, including the stunning Vista Lounge and the restaurant, offering delicious menus packed with local produce and exceptional personal service. New Head Chef Charlotte, and her talented team have created new, mouthwatering menus, with dishes using the best ingredients from the Cornish countryside and coast. The restaurant has a new Gozney wood fired oven with man dishes on the menu enefitting from its distinct avour All of this is complemented by a tempting new bar menu of wines, rums, cocktails and Cornish brewed ales.

Available 12pm until 9pm daily, with afternoon teas on the menu until 6pm. It’s well worth popping into the Polurrian, whether you’re looking for a light bite after an afternoon spent exploring the coastline, or fancy a relaxed meal with friends, enjoying great company with breathtaking sea views. For more information call 01326 240421 or visit

Nestled in the picturesque market town of Helston, Henlys cocktail bar and British restaurant serves a Cornish inspired menu that champions local produce. 2 Church Street Helston Cornwall TR13 8TG T: +441326 561141 E:

The diner’s experience is at the heart of everything we do here; from the ingredients used in our kitchen to the first class table and bar service you receive from start to finish.

CORNWALL LIVING | 127 CL--84--Gourmet Gossips.indd 95

15/03/2019 14:41

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This Mother’s Day why not treat your mum to a culinary masterclass at The Park, Cornwall?

ocated just a short scoot from the stunning dunes and long sandy beach at Mawgan Porth, The Park, Cornwall’s restaurant, The Kitchen by The Beach, provides fantastic food, all cooked exceptionally well and priced affordably. Whether you’re joining the team for breakfast, a coffee and slice of cake after a swim, lunch, or dinner after a long day spent on the beach, you’re sure to be served fresh dishes from seasonal menus, all to the tune of a buzzing atmosphere. The little ones will love it here too, as they explore The Park’s 'Finding the Painted Pebbles' trail, look for the hidden fairy doors and enjoy the soft play area while the grown-ups enjoy a time out! The indoor swimming pool, steam room and sauna are an extra treat too, if you’re looking for that little bit of indulgence. On Sunday 31st March – or Mother’s Day – there is set to be a fantastic menu, perfect for taking the best mum in the world out for a proper Cornish treat. There’s plenty to whet the appetite of even the fussiest of eaters. Starters include pea soup with ham croquette, salt and pepper squid, smoked haddock cake with curry

sauce and poached egg or beetroot and goats cheese salad with pine nuts. For the main, you’ll be torn between roast beef, honey and mustard roast ham, seared sea bass, battered Newlyn haddock and chips, and the delicious nut roast with caramelised shallots, roasties and vegetarian gravy. fter all that ou’ll e hard pushed to fit any more in, but we’re sure you’ll make room when you see what’s on the dessert menu! Choose from a Cornish cheese plate, tonka bean set cream with poached strawberries and strawberry sorbet, apple and sultana crumble with custard or honeycomb ice cream, or glazed lemon tart with Cornish clotted cream. Prices start at £15 for one course, £19 for two and £22 for three (we told you it was affordable!) and booking is absolutely essential, so be sure to get booked in, before it’s too late!


M a w g a n P o rth , N e w q u a y T R 8 4 B D 0 1 6 3 7 8 6 0 3 2 2 w w w .th e p a r k c o r n w a ll.c o m F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k

BELOW í ê The little ones will love the soft play area, while the adults enjoy a time out


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15/03/2019 11:18

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15/03/2019 12:30

AN EXTRA 10% O Brrr it’s cold out there! But we’ve got it covered.




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130.indd 1


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15/03/2019 15:39

| foodie


r u o v a l f

We catch up with the owners of Kahuna in Newquay, offering an authentic flavour of Southeast Asia via a delicious pan-Asian menu.


'The best pan-Asian food you'll get in Cornwall', according to Nathan Outlaw!


f you have wanderlust and a taste for authentic pan-Asian food, Kahuna in Newquay will immediately make you feel at home. Just a small step off of the Cornish high street and you could just as easily be in Bali or Thailand, eating authentic food and pairing your dish with an ice-cold Bintang or Singha beer! Famed chef, Nathan Outlaw, had this to say about Kahuna: “This is the best pan-Asian food you’ll get in Cornwall. Because of the travelling the owners have done, they know how to do it properly.” High praise indeed! Inside, the jungle leaf print on the walls may be bang on trend, however owners Kelly and Ryan Mather have been living and sharing the tropical travel vibe for years. Now catering for a generation of locals who, like them, have grown up travelling, surfing and dining on street food around sia ahuna’s avours and am iance instantly transport guests back to hitting their favourite winter breaks in Bali, or backpacking around Thailand. Ryan has worked as a chef for 20 years, expanding his skills and style abroad including stints in Greece, France and Australia. Working at the popular Steyne Café on Manyly Beach, Sydney, he developed a passion for the fresh, clean style of eating that stamped a distinctive frame on seaside dining. Fresh seafood and dishes borrowed

from pan-Asian neighbours were served happily alongside popular beachside favourites. Ryan says: "At the time when I was there, Australia were pioneering the pan global cooking scene. They loved to really cele rate fresh avours and that colourful fresh style, which has become one of our signatures at Kahuna.” Many ingredients that ensure Ryan’s dishes’ authenticity are not readily available in Cornwall, so he imports them. They are then cooked with care and expertise, ensuring guests have an impressive epicurean experience. In true fusion style, they marry these imported ingredients with fresh, local produce (where possible), and dishes such as an’s eef rending have proved firm favourites. Why not head to the website and try out Ryan’s recipe for yourself? Alternatively, get 10% off your meal in the restaurant by producing this article. Even if it’s fully booked, you can make the most of Kahuna’s takeaway service – perfect for those rida film nights


DISCOVER MORE With a variety of vegetarian and vegan dishes, an inventive, light but indulgent dessert menu and a wealth of options for those looking to try something new, Kahuna comes highly recommended. The best part is that kids eat free!


S ta tio n A p p r o a c h N e w q u a y T R 7 2 N G 0 1 6 3 7 8 5 0 4 4 0 w w w .k a h u n a re s ta u ra n t.c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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13/03/2019 15:07

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A TASTE OF THE SOUTH WEST Introducing The Wine House Cornwall and sister venture, Smuggler’s Deli, offering a true flavour of the West Country.


hampioning the best locally made artisan beers, wines and spirits, The Wine House team pride themselves on providing a warm, friendly service and absolutely love sharing their passion for great products with their customers. n store ou’ll find an impressive range of spirits, beers, ciders and wine. There are more than 80 gins and 40 rums in store too, meaning whatever your tipple of choice, you’re sure to find one to tickle our taste uds at this fantastic establishment. Perhaps you’re buying for somebody else, or aren’t exactly sure what you’re looking for? If so, The Wine House is always happy to advise, drawing on their extensive knowledge of each and every product and sharing their passion for the superb products available there. It’s no wonder The Wine House has become so popular and, as owner, John tells us: “We’re delighted to have many returning customers visiting us, not just here in Cornwall but from all over the countr But it’s not just the vast selection of tipples that have made The Wine House team so successful. Indeed, just this year, they were pleased to announce the launch of their new venture – Smuggler’s Deli. Also located in the Par Market Food Hall in St Austell, Smuggler’s Deli stocks over 50 delicious cheeses and deli items, all carefully sourced from the south west and many making the perfect accompaniment for that bottle of wine you just picked up.

Being Retail Members of Taste of the West, if you’re a foodie, or you know someone who is, then a trip to Par Market Food Hall to visit The Wine House and Smuggler’s Deli comes highly recommended. Be sure to visit their ace ook pages to find out more

é ABOVE You're sure to find a tipple to tickle your fancy


M a r M o o th e s m

k e t F o r R o a w in e h u g g le

o d H a ll, S ta d iu m R e ta il P a r k , d , S t A u s te ll P L 2 5 3 R P o u s e c o r n w a ll r s d e li

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


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13/03/2019 17:15


Build dress , & celebr ate ou r giant nest 9-1

the perfect combination Located on the beautiful Lizard peninsula, surrounded by top quality producers who help create mouth watering dishes for the evening menu. At prices that won’t break the bank!

1 April




e s s h h . c o. u k

Nest Fest!

Join artists and music-makers this Easter


UILD a giant communal nest using natural materials Bgathered from the garden, DRESS the nest, prepare


Open Tuesday - Saturday 6pm - 11pm, Food 6pm - 9pm Takeaway Fish & Chips available Tuesday - Saturday 6pm - 9pm • Tel: 01326 221240 Mawgan-in-Meneage, Helston, Cornwall TR12 6AD

for the next day’s musical extravaganza by adding E natural embellishments with Janet Judge, then CELEBRAT the nest with acoustic accompaniments by Roger Luxton. Follow the “Who’s Getting Dressed in the Nest?” trail daily to discover which animals make a nest and like to dress to impress! £2 per trail includes a prize. Open daily from 10am Mawnan Smith, Nr Falmouth Telephone 01326 252200 Visit

Blackbird Pie 1/4 Page Easter Trail 2019.indd 1

06/03/2019 15:03

Visit Our Showroom For more information call 01209 213701 or visit

133.indd 1

15/03/2019 12:40


DON’T SUFFER IN SILENCE Consultant Gynaecologist at Duchy Hospital, Farah Lone discusses the often-taboo subject of female urinary incontinence to give a better understanding and raise awareness of the treatments available.

U é ABOVE Farah Lone, Consultant Gynecologist at Duchy Hospital

DID YOU KNOW? Stress incontinence affects one in five women over 40.

DISCOVER MORE Duchy Hospital has a clinical specialist physiotherapist, who offers pelvic floor assessments to enable an effective treatment plan to be prescribed along with relevant lifestyle advice. Call 01872 226105.

rinary incontinence isn’t often discussed publicly, however there are between three and six million sufferers in the UK. Indeed, it isn’t at all uncommon in women. There are a number of myths associated with it, including that it’s due to old age and that pads are the only solution. Reassuringly, Farah Lone says that this is not absolutely correct. “It can be caused by many things including infections, medications, weak bladder muscles, menopause, complications from surgery, or conditions such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and problems after having a stroke.” The main types of urinary incontinence are stress incontinence, which is the leaking of urine during exercise or when coughing laughing or snee ing urge incontinence, a sudden urge to pass urine; functional incontinence, which means not being able to get to the toilet in time due to ph sical reasons over ow incontinence where urine leaks if the bladder hasn’t been completely emptied; mixed incontinence – a combination of stress and urge incontinence. A doctor will diagnose urinary incontinence based on symptoms and medical history and will usually carry out an examination. Tests may be arranged, including urine tests for any infections, blood tests, ultrasound of the bladder, cystoscopy examination of the urethra, and ladder pressure and ow measurement There are a number of ways to treat the problem, from non-surgical options that

include weight loss and avoiding certain foods, drinks and exercises, to taking medication, specialist physiotherapy and, lastly, surgery. Farah Lone explains: “Being overweight can make some types of incontinence more likely, so weight loss may help. Some food and drink can also increase the chances, including caffeine alcohol and fi drinks elvic oor e ercises can help strengthen the muscles around the bladder, while bladder training can help you learn to have longer gaps between visits to the toilet.” There are also medicines which can be offered for an overactive bladder or mixed incontinence. These can have some side effects, and are usually prescribed by a GP. Surgery, Farah explains, is offered to women with stress incontinence. These include urethral bulking; mid-urethral sling procedures, and other suspension procedures to the bladder. The details can be discussed by the specialist urogynaecologist. “The main thing is not to suffer in silence. There are a number of options if you suffer from incontinence and there’s no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed! Speak to your GP and ask to be referred to a specialist, either on the NHS or privately. At Duchy Hospital we offer a private gynaecology service with appointment times convenient to you, consultantdelivered care and en-suite rooms.”


P e n v e n tin n ie L a n e , T r u r o T R 1 3 U P 0 8 0 0 9 1 7 0 0 2 2 w w w .d u c h y h o s p ita l.c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--Duchy Hospital--1.00.indd 2

15/03/2019 10:30

Cornwall’s only award-winning multi-specialist dental centre

A smile you can trust At River Practice Specialist Centre you can trust your smile with experienced specialists in the field of ‘brace work’ orthodontics. It’s a no brainer to opt for treatment with a specialist rather than a general dentist.

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Johnny offers a free informal coffee meeting as he believes that this is a helpful way to not only start this, sometimes nerve-racking, process but he has also found it a successful way to really discuss how to start the client’s journey.

All services include working with Johnny and are held in his private studio gym between Truro and Falmouth

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135.indd 1

15/03/2019 12:43

LIFE CHANGING DENTISTRY In dentistry, reputation is everything. At Pure Dental Health in Truro we believe client care and service matters just as much as the quality of the dentistry. Here’s what a few of our patients said about their experience. Watch their full video interviews on our website or take a look at our 5-star Google and Facebook reviews.

“You’re not frightened to go to the dentist for one thing. And secondly you get what you pay for.” - MARGARET

“They look so real and everybody mentions the confidence they have given me... I’m free again.” - LYNN

“If I’d have had a dentist like Mark for most of my life, I probably would have much better teeth than I now have.” - LYNETTE

“I just smile without realising, not thinking. The teeth feel so natural. Just give it a try and find out. It’s something that can change your life.” - JEREMY

“Immediately I got the impression that Mark certainly knew what he was talking about. I never had dentistry explained to me so vividly and so well.” - PETE

“It took a lot for me to go to the first consultation, but I met Mark and the team and they were just so kind, so calming and so welcoming.” - SARAH

We cater for every aspect of dentistry. From the essentials like your routine examination and hygiene treatments, to more complex treatments such as straightening teeth or replacing missing teeth with implants. Our highly qualified team are able to provide services that will give you the reassurance to smile and eat without worry.






GDC No: 77678

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Call 01872 222404 or visit

a com OK pli treatm mentary ent ad consu viser ltation today find o and ut how we ca help y n ou.

CORNWALL’S ADVANCED DENTAL CLINIC • Pure Dental Health is a premium private practice located at Perenn House, City Road, Truro, TR1 2JL • GDC 77678

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19/02/2019 10:18


Companionship AT HOME

Stay active and healthy in the community you know and love with a live-in companion from Bluebird Care.


eeping active, healthy living, enjoying company and good food all contribute to a healthy lifestyle that makes the most of a long and happy retirement in Cornwall ut this can e difficult to do on your own. Family and friends can’t always be there, but they want to keep an eye on you and make sure you’re okay. So, how can you save them time and worry, and still remain active and busy, without exhausting kindness and goodwill of neighbours and friends? This question often nags at the back people’s minds, not just for now, but when looking ahead and preparing for the future. Live in companions are a wonderful new lifestyle choice for many who want to maintain independence and enjoy their time at home right through retirement, to stay busy and involved. After all, an active life keeps the body healthy, mind stimulated and reduces the onset of dementia, not to mention the pleasure of company, and someone to chat to, enjoy getting out and about with, and to ponder the ever-changing world. They can also be a great help short term, for enablement following an operation or bout of ill health, since companionship care is a great tonic and motivator to get you moving again and oil the wheels of recovery. A spare room at home can now become a huge opportunity for a new lease of life, to shake off loneliness and manage risks of a fall. A live-in companion can remind you to take medication, prepare regular meals and drinks, assist with household chores, and be a cheerful face to encourage you to get out and reduce isolation. Live-in companionship is a revolutionary new way of living that can enormously enhance enjoyment of life, easing the burden and worries of living alone, yet enabling you to remain settled in your own home. Few companies offer this service but, based locally in Cornwall, Bluebird Care is one of the few that does. Bluebird Care can set it up and keep a careful eye on how it’s going, to ensure the relationship with your companion stays just right and is working best for you.

é ABOVE Live-in companions help you make the most of retirement

Many people have not come across live-in companionship care efore ut now find it offers a positive choice to enrich their lives, and someone to share and enjoy this wonderful county with, ensuring they remain settled in the community they know and love.


0 1 8 7 2 2 7 6 0 0 6 m id c o r n w a ll@ b lu e b ir d c a r e .c o .u k w w w .b lu e b ir d c a r e .c o .u k k


DISCOVER MORE Bluebird Care is expanding its team of live-in professionals in Cornwall. If this sounds like a job for you, be sure to get in touch.

F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--Bluebird Care--1.00.indd 3

11/03/2019 17:30


BALANCING ACT You’ve worked hard for your money – now investing can get your money working harder for you.

B Risk warning: Information is based on Harris Begley’s current understanding of taxation legislation and regulations Any levels and bases of, and reliefs from, taxation are su ect to change Tax treatment is based on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future lthough endeavours have been made to provide accurate and timely information, Harris Begley cannot guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future o individual or company should act upon such information without receiving appropriate professional advice after a thorough review of their particular situation arris Begley cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions

efore investing, you need to decide how much risk you’re willing to take and consider your ability to deal with an losses ome investors are happ to take higher risk if there is a chance for higher returns over the longer term, while others don’t want to accept an risk thers ma sit somewhere in the middle o start with consider our financial goals f our financial goals are shorter term such as saving for a holiday, it’s unlikely that you’ll want to take any risk and might prefer to keep our mone in a savings account If you have a longer-term goal, you may be willing to accept higher risk in exchange for potentiall etter returns When considering investing, it’s important to think about whether you could afford to lose our mone or manage financiall if our investments fell in value Would our lifest le e impacted? re others financiall dependent on ou? our own financial situation will impact our approach to investment Whilst most investments carry the risk that you may not get back the amount you invested, some t pes carr more risk than others he general rule of thumb is that the greater the risk, the greater the potential for return – but also the greater the potential loss he less risk you take will generally reduce potential losses ut offer less potential returns When you invest, the value of your investment will uctuate ome investors are comfortable with this over time, while others ma prefer to see less or no uctuations ou need to be happy with the level of risk you are taking

So, how do you understand investment risk? Trying to understand and decide on the level of risk you’re willing to take can be a difficult task nderstanding some of the risks that an investment could be exposed to could help ou decide rowth from our investment cannot be achieved without e posure to some risk Some investment funds are riskier than others, so how do you decide which investments are best for you? One way of balancing potential returns whilst limiting risk is to spread your money across different t pes of investment his is called diversification’ which essentiall avoids putting all our eggs in one asket If it feels like your savings aren’t earning as much as you’d like and you’d like to make your hard-earned money work harder for ou e sure to contact financial advisors Matt Begley or Steve Rusga to review your investment o ectives

HARRIS BEGLEY FINANCIAL PLANNING Penzance office S a v o y C o u rt, C a u s e w a y h e a d , P e n z a n c e T R 1 8 2 S P 0 1 7 3 6 3 6 6 5 5 0 Truro office H e a lth & W e llb e in g In n o v a tio n C e n tr e , T r e lis k e , T ru ro T R 1 3 F F 0 1 8 7 2 8 8 8 4 0 0 s te v e @ h a r r is b e g le y .c o .u k w w w .h a r r is b e g le y .c o .u k F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--Harris Begley--1.00.indd 2

15/03/2019 10:31


the sea

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P&C Upholstery

New plots on new development available now! • Established in 1998 •

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01326 574842

15/03/2019 14:34

Properties to call home

Mawgan Porth, North Coast Architect designed coastal retreat, completed in 2016, versatile reverse-level accommodation, panoramic costal and countryside views, six bedrooms and study, superb open plan living space, generous south facing terraced lawns, full width patio terrace and balcony, double garage and gated parking, 3647 sq ft, EPC=C

Guide £2.5 million | Freehold

Talk to us today Ben Davies Head of Department 01872 243 204

Tim May Associate Director 01872 243 201

George Hill Associate 01872 243 205 | Follow us on

CL--84--AD--Savills--2.00.indd 1

15/03/2019 12:50

Savills Cornwall

01872 243 200

Mousehole, West Cornwall

The Roseland, South Cornwall

Superb uninterrupted views over the harbour, refurbished in 2015, ideal home or investment, three en suite bedrooms and study, 1294 sq ft

Moments from harbour and stunning coastline, ideal lock up and leave, galleried living space, garaging and under croft parking, terrace with sea views, EPC=E

Excess £800,000 | Leasehold 999 years

Guide £600,000 | Freehold

Port Isaac, North Cornwall

St Mawes, South Cornwall

Cliff-top cottage with uninterrupted panoramic Altantic views, cliff-top garden, garage and off-street parking, three bedrooms, 946 sq ft, EPC=D

Victorian house occupying a world-class setting, direct water access, south facing gardens, mooring on licence, four bedrooms, 1770 sq ft, EPC=E

Guide £525,000 | Freehold

Guide £1.85 million | Freehold

Staci Shephard Residential Team Coordinator 01872 243 206

what can we do for you?

CL--84--AD--Savills--2.00.indd 2

15/03/2019 12:50

St Austell


This contemporary two bedroom penthouse apartment is situated within a private gated development on the outskirts of St Austell. The original building dates back to the beginnings of the English china clay company, with Pochin House being the original clay-drying house, beautifully converted into twenty apartments by Wain Homes with attractive vaulted ceilings in the communal areas and distant sea views towards St Austell Bay. EPC D



This attractive four bedroom detached property has an enviable location as part of a small exclusive development alongside the fifteenth fairway of Bowood Park Golf Course. Constructed to a high standard and well-appointed throughout, it is currently used as a second home but would equally suit as a main residence. Bright and airy reception rooms with some great features such as a wood burning stove, a gorgeous claret AGA and a Solar PV system for hot water heating. Two wooden balconies enjoy splendid open countryside views and established private gardens include lawns, mature borders, paved areas and water features. A garage and roomy driveway provide plenty of parking. EPC D

Mawgan Porth


Jackie Stanley are privileged to bring to the market this stellar and highly distinctive development opportunity located just above the magnificent beach of Mawgan Porth, one of the most sought after bays on the North Cornish coast. With a contemporary design approach, Gillespie Yunnie Architects have devised a bold and sensitive intervention to replace the original 1930’s detached bungalow and introduce an exciting pair of independent detached properties to reinvigorate this under utilised site and splendid location. EPC E

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15/03/2019 12:52

St Mabyn


This characterful three bedroom cottage is situated on the very edge of the popular village of St Mabyn. Thought to be built in the early 1800’s, the property can be found at the end of a long tree lined driveway in a semi rural position. The cottage was originally detached and was then thought to be joined to the neighbouring cottage sometime in the 1950’s and sits on a large private plot with all the garden and parking to the front. EPC E

Tregonce, St Issey


Situated just above the Camel Estuary in the tranquility of the pretty hamlet of Tregonce, within a short drive of both picturesque Padstow and bustling Wadebridge is this exquisitely presented and maintained three bedroom detached barn conversion. The property dates back over 100 years and was originally the cowshed for the neighbouring farmhouse, which was converted in 1998 into the substantial home it is today. The property successfully combines original character with contemporary fixtures and fittings to create a hugely welcoming ambience in a reverse living style that maximises the views across the Camel Estuary, the iron bridge, to Padstow and out to sea. EPC C



Located in a peaceful, secluded and elevated position within this favoured market town is this substantial, detached and well presented four bedroom family home on the market for the first time in 33 years. The property sits within the Gonvena area of Wadebridge, offering wonderful views across the town and beyond with convenient access to the town itself and the extensive range of shops and amenities on offer. The property can be found at the end of a private tree lined lane, shared only with a few neighbouring properties and occupies a plot of approximately one third of an acre. The undisturbed, private and convenient area of Gonvena provides a far reaching outlook across the town and beyond while it is just a short stroll into the town itself. EPC D


01841 532555 CL--84--AD--Jackie Stanley--2.00.indd 3

15/03/2019 12:53








We have seen an extraordinarily busy start to 2019, agreeing more open market sales of £600,000 plus properties throughout the county than any other agency, proving the desirability of high quality property in Cornwall remains very strong. As predicted by Martyn Rohrs in the "Seven Bays’ article within the February issue of Cornwall Living, particular strong demand has continued in the Padstow and Seven Bays areas, where we’ve seen a 100% sale success rate so far this year. ● Of all the sales agreed in the PL28 area over £600,000 in 2019, 50% have been through Rohrs & Rowe. ● All "Seven Bays" properties featured in February & March issues of Cornwall Living are now under offer - the property featured last month was agreed within a week under competitive bidding. ● We have a strong list of cash buyers actively looking in the area as far as Mawgan Porth & Watergate Bay, for properties priced between £500,000 to £4,000,000. If you want to successfully sell your property here or anywhere else in Cornwall, please contact us for a confidential chat.

CL--84--AD--Rohrs and Rowe--V3--2.00.indd 1

15/03/2019 12:55


01872 306360 S a le s a g r e e d r e p o r t P L 2 8 8 Price: more than

he information below is based on the following filters:


Date: 01/01/2019 - 11/03/2019

O ffic e 4

1 O ffic e 3 1


R o h rs & R o w e




FER O ffic e 2

1 st

Cornwall Cornwall

out of

4 offices insights brought to you by

Data is derived purely from for general interest only. s internal statistics and advertisers on 12/03/2019, may be subject to specific geography or search criteria and is provided as is ightmove makes no warranty as to the data s suitability for any purpose and accepts no liability for any action or inaction taken as a consequence of its use. For a full list of all competing agents contact

We need more properties in the Padstow and Seven Bays area.

CL--84--AD--Rohrs and Rowe--V3--2.00.indd 2

15/03/2019 12:55


01872 306360


CL--84--AD--Rohrs and Rowe(2)--2.00.indd 1

15/03/2019 12:56


01872 306360


CL--84--AD--Rohrs and Rowe(2)--2.00.indd 2

15/03/2019 12:56



This fabulous four bedroom rural retreat offers super flexible space including a large open plan kitchen/day room and a conservatory. Extensive gardens and wonderful views. Double garage and parking. EPC rating F.

Main Office 31 Lemon Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2LS T: 01872 272622 CL--84--AD--Clive Pearce Property--1.00.indd 1 cpearceproperty ClivePearceProperty 15/03/2019 12:58

Sale Agreed – Similar Required

Do you have a unique property to sell?

Book a free market appraisal today 01208 813874 – INFO@MYPLACEINCORNWALL.CO.UK – MYPLACEINCORNWALL.CO.UK

CL--84--AD--My Place In Cornwall--1.00.indd 1

15/03/2019 13:00

Portmellon, Mevagissey

Guide Price ÂŁ800,000

VERY CHARMING AND ELEGANT DETACHED VICTORIAN HOUSE Tamarisk is situated in a most sought after prime waterfront location, commanding stunning sea views over Portmellon beach and cove. This attractive and well cherished property has been in the same family ownership for over thirty years, during which time it has been well maintained but may now require a little updating. The property occupies an extensive mainly level site with a lawned garden. Plenty of parking plus boat storage areas along with superb garaging and workshop facilities. Built around 1890, the property retains many period features including high decorative coved ceilings and arches, panelled doors, beautiful wide staircase with mahogany newel posts and rail. ommo ation in l es ďŹ e e rooms master wit en s ite at room famil at room lar e sittin room inin room it en wit a conservatory and attractive enclosed gardens. EPC - G.

Truro 01872 242244 CL--84--AD--Philip Martin--1.00.indd 1

Roseland 01326 270008 15/03/2019 13:01

16 High Street Falmouth TR11 2AB Grove Place, Falmouth £160,000 - EPC D

Trebarvah Woon, Constantine £495,000 - EPC D

The Carthouse, Coverack £250,000 - EPC D

Trehaverne Terrace, Truro Guide Price of £450,000 - EPC Awaited

Swanvale Road, Falmouth £235,000 - EPC E

Fox’s Yard, Penryn O.I.E.O. £300,000 - EPC D

T / 01326 450020 E /

CL--84--AD--Harding & Wakefield--V2--1.00.indd 1 15/03/2019 13:03

1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1

11/03/2019 10:36











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15/03/2019 14:22


e m a n r you PUT


Become a New Heli Hero for Cornwall Air Ambulance and help save lives around the Duchy.


We have a really exciting opportunity for our supporters to play a part in every mission that we fly by becoming a New Heli Hero




ornwall Air Ambulance is giving supporters the chance to have their name on the new helicopter as part of its ‘New Heli Hero’ scheme. The life-saving charity is offering a limited number of places on the new AW169 air ambulance. For a minimum donation of £100 your name will feature on the base of the aircraft as it goes to the aid of seriously sick and injured patients across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. As a New Heli Hero, supporters will also receive a certificate and see their name on a dedicated board, which will take pride of place at Cornwall Air Ambulance headquarters in Newquay. The fundraising scheme is part of the £2.5m New Heli Appeal to bring a new air ambulance to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly by April 2020. Whether it’s your name or a loved one’s, become a New Heli Hero and you’ll be helping to save more time and more lives, with a bigger and faster helicopter. Thomas Hennessy Jones, Critical Care Paramedic tells us: “We have a really exciting opportunity for our supporters to pla a part in ever mission that we by becoming a New Heli Hero. With your

é ABOVE name on the helicopter ou’ll alongside Be part of the New the crew to the roads, the cliffs and the homes of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, we Heli Hero scheme want to reach more people and we want to INSET save more lives and we really need to get Thomas Hennessy Jones everyone on board.” You can secure a name place for a minimum donation of £100. Places are limited and will e registered on a first come first served asis m ichards ew Heli Appeal Manager tells us: “Become a ew eli ero and ou’ll pla a significant role in bringing a new air ambulance to the county which will serve the people of Cornwall for the next 20 years.” So, if you want to be part of the collaborative effort to bring a new helicopter to Cornwall then make sure to get in touch and discover more on the Cornwall Air Ambulance website.


C o r n w a ll A ir A m b u la n c e T r u s t, T r e v ith ic k D o w n s , N e w q u a y T R 8 4 D Y 0 1 6 3 7 8 8 9 9 2 6 e n q u ir ie s @ c o r n w a lla ir a m b u la n c e tr u s t.o r g w w w .c o r n w a lla ir a m b u la n c e tr u s t.o r g F in d m o r e lik e th is : w w w .c o r n w a ll- liv in g .c o .u k


CL--84--ED--Cornwall Air Ambulance--1.00.indd 2

12/03/2019 10:49

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18/02/2019 16:43


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22/02/2019 12:27 10:55

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