Cornwall Living 87

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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

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I s s u e 8 7 | J u ly 2 0 1 9 | £ 3 . 9 5







Our guide to Cornwall’s hottest events and growing festival calendar


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05/06/2019 14:37

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The Ultimate Lifestyle By The Sea

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The official tourist board

Produc tion E ditor H annah T ap p ing hannah. tap p ing@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk C ontent M anager D an W arden


to the July issue of Cornwall Living

his month, from page 28, we take a look at Cornwall’s hottest events and festivals, offering culture vultures everything they could possibly ask for, from star-studded musical line-ups, to local foodie traditions that date back as far as the 1800s. Whatever your idea of a good time – be it with the little ones or revelling long into the night – there’s sure to be something going on this summer to pique your interest. This issue has its own impressive line up of all-things Cornwall too, including a peek into some of the county’s hottest property (from page 35), ideas for your home (from page 51) and places to eat (from page 78), plus some of Cornwall’s best artists and galleries (page 96) and a host of exciting competitions (page 76). Whether you live here or are planning a summer break, if you have a dog, you’ll surely agree with us when we say that life just isn’t the same when our furry friends are left at home. This is why, this month, we’ve created our dedicated Dogs Love Cornwall Living supplement (from page 87) to help you make the most of the Duchy with man’s best friend at your side.

D esign M anager C hloe S earle D esign J amie C roc k er – S p enc er H aw es M ark eting M anager R eb ec c a B lak e – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 2 M edia & M ark eting A ssistants M egan S earle – B ethany A llen – C aitlin M c Lintoc k p roduc tion@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk

F or all e d i t ori al, p rod u c t i on, m ark e t i ng or d e s i g n e nq u i ri e s : 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 C redit C ontrol T rac y D art – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 trac y. dart@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk


A c c ounts M anager C harlotte F orster – 0 7 7 1 4 7 1 8 4 7 1 c harlotte. f orster@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk

B usiness D evelop ment M anagers I an G rant – 0 7 5 0 4 0 0 7 9 4 1 ian. grant@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk

ON THE COVER What an atmosphere! This fantastic shot, courtesy of James Ram, captures the buzz of the worldrenowned Eden Sessions. Turn to page 2 to find out more

D avid J enk in – 0 7 3 7 6 2 3 4 3 3 2 david. j enk in@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk M edia S ales E x ec utive D es G lover – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 4 des. glover@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk J amie G ray – 0 7 9 8 5 6 3 5 6 2 7 j amie. gray@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk


K athryn M arsh – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 1 k athryn. marsh@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk

The Cornwall Air Ambulance have just launched an exciting new campaign. Become a New Heli Hero and you can have your name on the new Cornwall Air Ambulance helicopter when it arrives in 2020.

J ustin K eight - 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 3 j ustin. k eight@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk O p erations M anager M iguel B elert

You can also donate to the New Heli Appeal and help keep more families together.

C ommerc ial D irec tor J onathan P erk ins – 0 7 5 8 7 0 7 2 7 0 6 j onathan. p erk ins@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk

M anaging D irec tor B en P ratc hett – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 b en. p ratc hett@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk

The view from Cornwall... Share your stories

G roup D irec tor A ndy F orster – 0 7 7 1 1 1 6 0 5 9 0 andy. f orster@ enginehousemedia. c o. uk



Trevose Head


“We had a wonderful mini break in the lighthouse keepers cottage on Trevose head last week. A truly amazing place!” morvarghsailing

Cornwall L i v i ng i s p u b li s h e d b y : E N G IN E H O U S E M E D IA L T D H olb rook, T he M oors, P orthleven, C ornw all T R 1 3 9 JX

CORNWALLLIVINGUK Witnessed a beautiful sunset? Tried the tastiest fish in Cornwall We’d love to see what you’ve been up to…

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•EXPERIENCE• T H E P E R F E C T B E D AT A B A R G A I N P R I C E I N T H E CHRISTIE'S BED SHOP HALF PRICE SALE A good night’s sleep is essential to well-being, which is why the average person spends a third of their lives in the land of nod. With this in mind, it’s important that your bed is up to the task! With more than 100 beds on display, the Christie's Bed Shop within Christie’s Furniture, Penryn, offers the widest selection of beds in Cornwall, with ranges to suit every style, budget and requirement. With a hugely impressive range of products on display and expert advice also available, the Christie’s Bed Shop half price sale offers you the chance to choose from a wealth of market-leading beds, all with price tags you’re unlikely to lose sleep over.


C ommerc ial R oad, P enryn T R 1 0 8 A E 0 1 3 2 6 3 7 3 2 7 2 inf o@ c hristiesf urniture. c o. uk w w w . c hristiesf urniture. c o. uk F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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04/06/2019 15:21

JULY 2019 |


Cover feature



9 34 74

News & views

Catch up with Cornwall

Luxury property

Find your dream Cornish home

Turn to page 28 for this month’s festivals cover feature

Coastal escapes

Our favourite Cornish stays




On display




Win a little piece of Cornwall A window into Cornwall’s art scene


Supporting Cornwall Hospice Care






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53 54 58

PAGE 7 6













63 65


Amazing spaces

By Mid Cornwall Landscaping

Where there’s a will...

The art of installing a hot tub

A monumental service

From Cornish firm, Quercus

Got to experience

The Christie’s half price bed sale

An innovative business


Saving time, saving lives

83 86


Got to experience

How VR can transform your home




Creek life

Stunning architecture from CSA







Sustainable style

We visit Cornwall Rug Company

Stunning glamping pods from Inovaa Cornish Horizons pledge support

first for the uchy

Exciting news from The Cornwall

Fabulous dining

At The Bay restaurant, Penzance

electable dessert

A recipe from the Greenbank Hotel


Got to experience


Nets to necklaces

A trip to Slickers Doghouse Victoria Sewart’s latest exhibition

105 Get involved

At Kernow Adventure Park


Wild events

Wild Tipi’s fabulous pop-up venues

109 Eyes in the sky

Capturing your property or event




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07/06/2019 15:29

Interior Design | Furniture | Homewares | Kitchens | Flooring | Window Dressings


Everything Home Featuring our German made premium line handleless kitchen range.

Interior Showrooms: Hayle & Wadebridge | 01736 757333

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23/05/2019 10:52

News & views

News & views


Free, fun family festival

comes to town

ooking for some summer fun but baulking at the cost of the average music festival or family day out Check out Creation Fest, a free music, skate and family festival, held at the Royal Cornwall Events Centre, Wadebridge from rd to th ugust. Local favourites Wildwood Kin and Josh Curnow will be oined by over 0 of the best contemporary Christian bands and artists performing on four music stages. Their giant indoor skate park will host skate sessions and international pro demos. lus, a mind-boggling array of free, fun activities for everyone, including kids and youth programmes, sports activities, art workshops, seminars, late night bonfires,

Fabulous photos silent discos, barn dances, fireworks and film screenings. Who says you can’t get something for nothing? For more information call 08448 794703 or visit

Tales from an underwater world The Cornish Seal Sanctuary is a charity that rescues and rehabilitates grey seal pups from around the Cornish coastline. ach season, the sanctuary rehabilitates more than 0 pups that have been rescued for various reasons, from malnourishment to being separated from their mum. The sanctuary also provides a permanent home to animals that need special care from the expert Animal Care team. When you visit, you can experience wonderful marine animals up close and personal, and learn all about their individual stories. Grey seals are the most common species found around the Cornish coastline, but

sell houses!

According to My Place in Cornwall, great photos are crucial to the sale of your home. Sunny exterior photos and light interior shots are essential. The kitchen is the heart of the home, so make sure it’s super tidy, clean and inviting. It’s also a good idea to remove personal photographs throughout the home, just for the shoot. Add fresh flowers to brighten up any room, and remove pet bowls edrooms and bathrooms can benefit from a good clean and tidy, and putting out fresh towels and bed linen is always a good idea.

did you know that they are incredible divers and can stay underwater for up to 45 minutes at a time?

our living room should be a haven of comfort and tranquillity, so clear and polish surfaces, and plump those cushions Finally, a welcoming entrance hall can do wonders, so be sure to de-clutter.

o learn more about the fascinating marine world and to hear the residents’ ama ing rescue stories, be sure to pay the Cornish Seal Sanctuary a visit.

My Place in Cornwall include professional photographs as standard in their marketing package, so if you’re selling your home, why not give the team a call?

For more information visit

For more information call 01208 813874 or visit Telephone 01736 754242

A fully managed, flexible holiday letting service... We think you’ll like how we do things. More

News & views

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St Ives | Penzance | Hayle | Bude Falmouth | Newquay | Mevagissey CORNWALL LIVING | 9

07/06/2019 12:43


LUXURY HOLIDAY HOMES IN CORNWALL Newquay, Perranporth, Widemouth & Bude

Own your own holiday home from


Own a holiday home with Aria Resorts and choose from four spectacular coastal locations, all along the beautiful North Coast of Cornwall. From tranquil retreats to vibrant family resorts with a selection of preloved something to suit every family. Discover great UK holiday experiences with Aria Resorts. 03333 70 1000

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07/06/2019 13:23

News & views Cornish Cottage Holidays’ top tips to prompt bookings It is very important to ensure your guest information pack is up to date. Check all recommendations are still applicable and factually correct. This will contribute to a truly memorable stay for your guests, which in turn will contribute to positive guest feedback. Welcome packs are also a great idea. hey make a fantastic first impression, whether it’s a cream tea hamper, some treats for dogs, or perhaps something a touch more luxurious. Throughout the year, price will play a key role in helping persuade potential guests to let your property. To truly maximise your earning potential, the Cornish Cottage Holidays team are motivated and have dedicated pricing systems, to help ensure you’re maximising your earning potential. Ensuring your property is properly cleaned and well-presented will help improve guest feedback. If you don’t have time, you could always arrange to have a professional cleaner, something Cornish Cottage

Holidays’ managed service options can easily take care of for you. Finally, high-quality photos are crucial to capturing the attention of potential customers. Online listings are the modern-day equivalent of a shop window, allowing customers to browse before they buy. It is, therefore, crucial to ensure your property is looking its best to capture the imagination of the potential guests. High quality photos are included, free of charge, in the Cornish Cottage Holidays service. If you’re looking to maximise your holiday home’s earnings, call the team today and see how they can help. For more information call 01326 336773 or visit www.cornishcottageholidays.

Kit Johns comes to the Summerhouse Gallery The Summerhouse Gallery is proud to present its one-man summer show of 2019, ‘Breaking Point’ by artist Kit Johns. Displaying stunning artwork like the one featured alongside this editorial, Kit’s work explores the wild and untamed nature of the Cornish landscape, using a variety of techniques and mediums on canvas, paper and authentic vintage Cornish maps. He has quickly evolved from a young ‘up-and-coming artist’ to an accomplished and well-known figure who has made waves in the world of Cornish landscape art. ‘Breaking Point’ aims to act as both a celebration of beauty and a reminder as we enter a period where the state of our environment hangs in the balance. The show will open with a private viewing on Friday 12th July, with proceeds being donated to various Cornish environmental charities. For more information call 01736 711400 or visit

Experts in Building, Renovation, Maintenance & Management of Ponds, Water Features & Swimming Ponds


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07/06/2019 12:43

News & views Johnny’s simple suggestions

for positive change

Holiday home tips “Sometimes it’s not the big changes in your life that make a difference,” says Personal Trainer Johnny Lawrence. “It’s the small daily changes that make a huge impact and facilitate permanent change.” Firstly, he suggests drinking more water, as it only takes being 2% dehydrated for you to feel fatigued and unmotivated. You should also aim to get a good night’s sleep. “Set a bedtime and a wake-up time every day. The average amount of sleep needed is eight hours.” You should also be aware of how many calories you’re eating and aim to become more active. “Analyse your day and find ways to walk and move more. Why not implement a regular exercise routine? This could include swimming, ogging, cycling, fitness classes, even simply walking the dog!”

Johnny believes it’s important to question your habits and behaviours too, to discover which ones work towards your goals and which ones work against them. Things like not sitting in front of the TV until after 8pm will reduce the time you sit. Instead, go for a ten-minute walk. If your goal is weight loss, Johnny suggests you start by reducing the calories in the meals you frequently eat. “And eat more protein! Protein is the building blocks for the body and is a must for keeping good muscle tone. Bulk your meals out with more vegetables, as they’re generally low in calories and very filling. Finally, reduce your alcohol intake. “Alcoholic drinks are extremely high in calories,” Johnny explains, “and they also weaken your resolve against over eating!”

For more information call 07763 568367 or visit

Don’t miss David Hosking’s

soulful summer exhibition

The David Hosking exhibition will be taking place from Friday 21st until Thursday 27th June at The Customs House Gallery in Porthleven. There will be a drinks reception on Saturday 22nd June from 2pm until 4pm, giving you the chance to speak to David in person about his collection, and he will also be painting in the gallery on the afternoons of Tuesday 25th and Thursday 27th June for his ‘Meet the Artist’ sessions. David’s painting has developed through various stages, from pure abstract work to figurative landscapes and has evolved into the strong, soulful work for which he is known today – his work continues to be sought after by established and new


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In an ongoing series of holiday home tips, we hear from George at Cornish Traditional Cottages about how to save money managing your Cornish holiday let. s well as building up your profit through lots of bookings, you can also take steps to save on e penses and add to your profits that way. ne tip that George offers is to “keep it snug. Good insulation can save hundreds of pounds a year on heating bills, so when you’re carrying out a refurbishment, be sure to maximise insulation throughout. This includes the room, cavity walls, even windows and doors – ensuring they don’t let anything in our out unless they’re open.” George continues: “You should pay extra for a longer warranty on appliances, as this can save you money in the long run. It’s also important to give guidelines to help streamline the changeover. Asking guests to tidy before they leave, put out the rubbish and place dirty towels in the bath – these can all help ease the work on changeover day. You should also be crystal clear on house rules, for instance, where guests can and can’t smoke; where pets are allowed. Be sure to state in your contract, too, that any heavy duty cleaning required after their stay will incur an extra fee.” Finally, George stresses the importance of keeping on top of maintenance. “The longer you leave a problem, the more it costs to fi . Carry out a regular check after each stay and make a thorough inspection at regular intervals. As the old adage goes, ‘a stitch in time saves nine’!” For more information call 01208 893980 or visit

collectors, especially since his BBC Country File appearance 18 months ago. If you would like to be sent a preview of the work the day before the exhibition opens then make sure you sign up for The Customs House Gallery newsletter via the website. For more information call 01326 569365 or visit


News & views

07/06/2019 12:44

Duette blinds ÂŽ

Since 1985 DuetteÂŽ Shades has combined visionary design with energy saving technology. The unique honeycomb structure, extensive range of designs and shapes create a show stopping window blind solution for every home. Untitled-14 1

SHOWROOM 13 -14 Marsh Lane Retail Park Marsh Lane, Hayle Cornwall, TR27 5JR

01736 752397 07/06/2019 11:53

News & views Kit out your kitchen Local Cornish company, Kitchen Kit, supply and install German kitchens at competitive prices throughout Cornwall. he familyowned business is based in ruro and provides high-specification kitchens to both retail customers and developers, offering a complete end-to-end service starting with design, following on to site surveys and ending with full installation by employed local fitters. During a recent restoration project, Kitchen Kit designed and installed Nobilia Kitchens into a historic chapel built over 00 years ago. upplied with uality worktops and soft-close doors, full handleless designs were used to create simple and symmetrical lines. With direct accounts with eff, osch, eimens, Franke, Quooker and Liebherr, Kitchen Kit have access to the leading brands. So, if

you’re looking for a high quality kitchen service from a reilable local company, then get in touch with the itchen it family today. For more information call 01872 225990 or visit

Introducing the Spacia Parquet collection An exciting element of Stylehome’s updated Amtico Spacia luxury vinyl tile flooring collection is the new pacia ar uet – 12 beautiful wood styles across a variety of tones in two classic ar uet si es. his flooring gives effortless elegance to a room, with classic appeal, and complements both traditional and contemporary design themes. Add sophistication to a spacious living area, introduce a touch of classic charm to a cosy bedroom scheme, or bring an element of pattern into a sleek and contemporary kitchen – its angled repeating pattern is also perfect for hallways as the pattern flows away from the entrance and draws you in. o, if you want to introduce a sophisticated element to your home, then make sure to visit the tylehome showroom and find the right finish for you.


French chic Create a timeless sense of French chic in your bedroom with he Florence frame from he Cornish ed Company. and-cast in Cornwall using traditional Victorian crafting techniques, it’s designed to last a lifetime. With carefully considered architecture and seamless fluidity, this beautiful bed of swirling curves and stately bars will make a statement in any dwelling. ress with fresh white linens, or traditional Toile de Jouy, for a true essence of French décor. Part of a range of traditional cast iron and brass beds handmade at he Cornish ed Company’s foundry in Par, The Florence is crafted using molten inc, hand-poured into cast moulds, and authenticated with a serial number that creates a unique experience for every customer. The Florence starts from £1,350, including delivery and assembly, with nine colours available and sizes ranging from single to emperor.

For more information call 01872 560500 or visit

For more information call 01726 825182 or visit

Moor up on our pontoons, dive into award-winning food then join us for a cocktail or two. This is the Cornish lifestyle at is best. | 01326 312440 Harbourside Falmouth Cornwall TR11 2SR


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News & views

07/06/2019 12:44

Holiday Lodges For Sale

IN NORTH CORNWALL from only £99,000

Juliots Well is perfectly located at the gateway of Cornwall, less than an hour from the M5 yet only a few short miles from idyllic coastal towns and villages like Padstow, Tintagel and Newquay. Something often commented on is how easy we are to reach and that we are the ideal base from which to get out and explore!

5 GREAT REASONS TO CHOOSE JULIOTS WELL • Low running costs • 12 month holiday season • New leisure facility planned • Complimentary golf at neighbouring Bowood Golf Course • Fully managed letting scheme in partnership with Hoseasons


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Or email: Valley Truckle, Camelford, PL32 9RF *Terms and conditions apply, please contact the park for more details

06/06/2019 17:18

If it’s Apple, we know it. Visit Stormfront, your local Apple experts and shop all things Apple. Plus, receive a 3-year guarantee, included at no extra cost.

14 Pydar Street, Truro TR1 2AX 01872 222624 | 1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 1

23/05/2019 16:54

News & views

Introducing a new way to holiday In an increasingly hectic world, many of us are looking to take shorter and more fre uent breaks to escape the daily workload, to rela and unwind.

Penrice pupils raise

the fundraising bar! If you ever find yourself grumbling about the youth of today, bear in mind the pupils at t ustell’s enrice cademy. hey chose Cornish charity Cornwall ospice Care as their Charity of the ear, helping make a huge difference. t its conclusion, their ama ing ringIt ome campaign raised a staggering ,2 1. 1, which will pay for hours of nursing care li oare, the charity’s ead of Fundraising, tells us he tudent cademy Council crammed their year with weekly cake sales, a Christmas Fair and Christmas umper ay, ui es, a enner Challenge’, a Firewalk’ event and a 2 -hour sport activity that involved kayaking, rowing and dancing. It was ama ing and we now hope other schools will take up the challenge. e adds hree cheers to the whole team at enrice o find out how your school can get involved with fundraising for Cornwall ospice Care, be sure to contact li and the fundraising team. For more information call 01726 66868 (option 3) or visit

scape to t Ives, a holiday letting agency based in the wonderful scenic seaside town, has introduced fle ible stays of three days or more across many properties throughout the year, including the traditional summer school holidays. his is ideal for those who want a short break, and those who would prefer a two-centre holiday when venturing to Cornwall.

o view the full range of stunning properties available for short lets, why not head to the website

If you would like to get away for a few days be sure to call scape to t Ives.

For more information call 01736 796198 or visit

Dreaming of a

new kitchen? y simply replacing your doors and drawers, rather than the whole units, you can achieve a dream new look for your kitchen at ust a fraction of the cost. nd not ust the colour, although ream oors do have hundreds to choose from he ruro based team offer a plethora of new styles too, so if you’ve been considering moving from traditional to modern, or handless to shaker, owner att and his team of local craftsmen have you covered. oor replacements can take as little as a day, att tells us, and all our doors are made to measure, manufactured right here in the . What’s more, we have a large choice of worktops and appliances to complement your new look.

• Dental Implants • Teeth Straightening • Teeth Whitening • Cosmetic Dentistry • General Dentistry • Sedation • Hygienist • Facial Aesthetics • Skincare


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o if your kitchen is feeling tired, in need of a new lease of life, why not contact ream oors in ruro For more information 01872 240650 or visit

01208 813816


07/06/2019 12:44

News & views

Make a statement with Kernow Stone

Tastes often change, eras come and go, and there’s always a flavour of the month that is soon forgotten. But some things remain timeless. Think Bowie. Think ‘Summer Nights’ in Grease. Think granite worktops. What was once considered an indulgent lu ury has now become a central, elegant part of the modern day home at a price that’s achievable to many more households than before. Sales Manager Tom tells us: “This is where we come in. fifth-generation family business that’s been trading since 1909, Kernow Stone will take the stress out of your kitchen renovation. Your bespoke worktops are fabricated by hand in our workshop in ongdowns and fitted by our

e pert team with a lifetime guarantee on all our natural stone products.” So, why not get in contact with the enthusiastic Kernow Stone sales team? Who knows – you could end up transforming your kitchen For more information call 01209 862770 or visit

New cocktail club at

Carol Carruthers, who founded Bluebird Care with her husband, Graham, tells us: “24-hour care means someone helping and supporting you every hour of day and night. This means a shift pattern of carers rotating to make sure someone is awake and available to help, 24 hours a day.”

Merchants Manor’s Rastella! Meet at the Manor on Friday evenings throughout the summer and enjoy half-price cocktails at Rastella.

Whether the sun is just past the yard arm, or you’re setting yourselves up for a night of decadence, Rastella bar has blended the finest of li uors to perfection to bring a brand-new selection of world-renowned cocktails. From the Twisted Classics to Travellers reasures inspired by far-flung travels, the team have searched, scoured and tasted to craft a cocktail list that’s just as perfect for a lazy summer’s afternoon in the garden as it is for a cosy night in with dinner. Bold new selections include: Kentucky Coffee – a new twist on the classic espresso Martini, and Stiggins’ Smoked Old Fashioned, which is actually served in a smoking bo

24-hour or live-in care: what’s the difference?

Live-in companions, on the other hand, are living in your home for weeks at a time, and are far cheaper than 24-hour care. “This means you get to know them, they know you, and they understand your needs and the support you require. While living full time in your home, they don’t work all the time. This gives you privacy and space for independent living, but also reassurance that someone can be called, and regular contact each day makes for company and friendship. All in all, it’s a much simpler arrangement, one that costs less, with fle ibility to suit you. For more information 01326 312734 or visit

For more information call 01872 276006 or email

What do you need for a break away? Secluded coves, coast path walks, and rural beauty close to the fishing village of Mevagissey – so come to Bodrugan and stay in a comfy ensuite wooden cabin with views of 40 miles of coastline and an indoor heated swimming pool. Watch the stars and snuggle up by the firepit.

Give us a call on 01726 842094 or email 18 | CORNWALL LIVING

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News & views

07/06/2019 12:44

We are a Cosentino Elite Showroom offering a wide range of Quartz, Granite and Corian Worktops.

Experience & Explore



mmerse yourself in our new Kitchen and Bathroom Showroom at Tamar Trading in Bodmin. We are one of Cornwall’s leading independent Builders’ Merchants, offering a great service and wide range of products to retail customers, DIY enthusiasts and to the trade. We’ve gathered together a collection of beautiful kitchens and bathrooms, ready for you to explore and experience. Talk to our designers about the perfect kitchen or bathroom for your home and choose from both contemporary and classic styles, which offer great quality at a price that’s as appealing as the designs themselves. Visit our showrooms to see for yourself, call us to arrange an appointment or visit our website for more information.

Call 01208 264700 Branch & Showroom Cooksland Ind. Estate, Bodmin, Cornwall PL31 2PZ Branches also at HOLSWORTHY & TORRINGTON

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20/05/2019 15:16

News & views Kneehigh’s Asylum

Bottomless gin brunches at

heads to the beach Kneehigh Theatre’s bespoke pop-up venue is back this summer in a brand new location – the beach! From 2nd August until 22nd September, the Asylum tent will be pitched on Carlyon beach in the heart of St Austell Bay.

The Alverton

When you visit you can expect world-class theatre from this internationally renowned Cornish company, plus delicious food and drink, live comedy, music and pop-up events. Along with performances of The Dancing Frog and Kneehigh’s Ubu! A Sing-along Satire, Kneehigh will present a wild medley of stunning shows from their friends and collaborators. With parking on site and tickets from just £9, Kneehigh’s Asylum on Carlyon beach is

the perfect way to soak up some culture whilst making the most of a day by the sea, so be sure to add it to your summer diary. For tickets and more information call 01872 267912 or visit

Escape to the

How do you like your eggs in the morning? We like ours with a gin! Which is why we’re extremely glad to hear that The Alverton Hotel is introducing bottomless gin brunches. Dine indoors or al fresco on the sunny terrace and spend lazy mornings sinking endless G&Ts and enjoying scrumptious breakfast options – what a start to the day!

lap of luxury Overlooking the water thanks to its spectacular location on the Fowey estuary, the Old Quay House hotel – a distinctive, whitewashed Victorian building – offers boutique luxury on an intimate scale, with just 13 luxurious bedrooms. et over three floors, each room enjoys its own en-suite bathroom, plus its own individual style, although a cool and calm, coastal theme permeates throughout the hotel. Several rooms even boast their own balconies, most looking out over the estuary and Polruan on the opposite side of the river, and it’s not hard to dream of kicking back and just soaking up the view, a glass of bubbles to hand. The perfect way to end an evening spent in the relaxed

waterfront restaurant, sampling the area’s finest seasonal produce.

These boozy brunches ensure ample lie-in time. Just make sure to pre-book before making your way over to the restaurant, ready to indulge from 11.30am until 1.30pm, Monday to Saturday. Peruse the menu of Alverton infused gins to accompany your choice of brunch, from syrupy-sweet wa es to classic eggs benedict or a full Cornish breakfast. There is also a choice of mocktails and soft drinks to ‘cheers’ to, if you’re not a gin lover!

For more information call 01726 833302 or visit

For more information call 01872 276633 or visit


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News & views

07/06/2019 12:45




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BRAND NEW DETACHED HOUSE Centrally located in a small undeveloped village just inland from the North Cornish Coast. A large and spacious house with four/ five bedrooms, master en-suite, family bathroom and utility room. Open plan kitchen/dining/sitting room with balcony enjoying the open countryside views. Ample parking, double garage and gardens. Completion expected summer 2019. EPC - TBC

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LUXURIOUS AND EFFICIENT MODERN HOUSE IN AN ATTRACTIVE WOODED SETTING Built in 2017 and finished to the highest of standards with quality fixtures and fittings throughout. Situated in a delightful location in a private and exclusive development of just four properties. Splendid entrance hall, sitting room with stove, kitchen/dining room, utility, cloakroom and bedroom five/study. Four first floor bedrooms, master and guest en-suite with luxurious family bathroom. Double garage, ample parking and lawned gardens. EPC - B

South Tehidy - Guide Price £675,000 Truro 01872 242244

021.indd 1

Roseland 01326 270008

07/06/2019 09:54

News & views A world of secrets, spies and space


Enjoy a fascinating season of interactive exhibitions for all ages this summer at the Telegraph Museum! Big ideas and amazing histories are explored in a series of must-see exhibitions, which showcase the science, people and the stories that make up the history of global communications, from the first undersea telegraph cables to the wonder of modern fibre optics.

Invest in St Ives with

John Fowler Holidays Nestled among 100 acres of woodland just outside of St Ives, John Fowler Parks’ St Ives Holiday Village is a lovely park that’s been bringing lodge owners back to Cornwall time and time again, for years. Now, due to undergo a multi-million pound investment, it’s got to be up there as one of the best holiday parks in the area! s an owner, you’ll benefit from consistent occupancy, making the lodges an excellent investment opportunity. However, Group Sales Manager, Mark Johnson tells us: “Demand is always strong. We only have a limited number for sale, and these will be the last available at this site!” So if you’ve been considering investing in your own little slice of Cornwall, one you can enjoy as you please and earn from when you’re away, be sure to contact John Fowler Holidays soon, before you’re beaten at the post! For more information call 01736 759240 or visit

Did you know that the tiny Cornish village of Porthcurno was once at the heart of international communications, boasting the largest telegraph station in the world? Or did you know that during the Second World War, the telegraph station was the hub of British wartime

communications, deemed so strategically important that it was moved – lock, stock and barrel – underground and protected by bomb proof doors, military guards and even flamethrowers Discover all of this and so much more this summer with a trip to Porthcurno’s fascinating Telegraph Museum – we can’t recommend it enough! For more information call 01736 810966 or visit

Novel shaping and toning machine at MEDFacials MEDFacials, led by Dr Joachim Stolte, has built a sterling reputation for offering the highest quality products and services and ensuring you receive the very best available care for your skin. This June, Dr Stolte and his team are delighted to announce the introduction of a brand new treatment – ProMax Lipo. This non-surgical liposuction and skin-tightening platform utilises a powerful combination of three market leading technologies for instant inch loss, dramatic cellulite reduction and now the industry renowned ‘instant, non-invasive facelift’.

The ProMax Lipo delivers fast treatment times and instant results. Indeed, this safe, clinically-proven technology is the ideal non-surgical choice for reducing fat and losing inches on the arms, tummy, hips, thighs and other small areas of localised fat. It’s also great for eye and neck lifting, as well as skin tightening and facial wrinkle reduction. For more information call 07886250647 or visit

Thinking of letting your holiday home? We know that your holiday home is just that – a home. That’s why our local team is dedicated to managing your property with the same care and attention you would – and with tailored services to suit your needs, you can be as involved as you like.

Why not get in touch today?

Visit Call us on 01841 508 207 22 | CORNWALL LIVING

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cornw ll More

News & views

07/06/2019 13:26

Up to 50% disco unt at the show room

bespoke stone design + supply



We have a large selection of stone and quartz slabs and samples, tiles, setts and reclaimed Cornish granite at our workshop. For friendly, expert advice come and visit us at: 7a & 19 Rural Workshops, Higher Bochym, Cury Cross Lanes, Helston, TR12 7AZ or give us a call on: 01326 241111 e-mail:


Teak Garden Furniture

With an extensive collection of teak garden furniture, parasols & cushions, you’re sure to find the perfect finishing touch for your garden.

Kings Hill Industrial Estate • Bude • EX23 8QN 01288 350627

Find us online or visit the Rustic House showroom to see our selection of special offers available throughout the summer Par Moor Road, Par, Cornwall. PL24 2SQ

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023.indd 1

07/06/2019 10:04

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For when she wants pizza and he wants pie. Keep your fussy eaters happy.

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Dual Cook Flex™ lets you cook two meals at two different temperatures in one oven.

LOSTWITHIEL 01208 873283

07/06/2019 11:45

News & views

Forge a new path with ASI! Change your career or gain e tra income by becoming an I ualified surfing or stand up paddle boarding instructor. I is the world’s international governing body for instructors and schools, its head o ce being located in ondi beach, ustrailia, with o ces located in ayle on the north Cornish coast. I instructor courses are recognised as the world’s finest, and are delivered in Cornwall, across the and worldwide. s an instructor, you can work in Cornwall or travel the world with I you’ll love your role. ou can also become an I-accredited surf or school, with I offering the world’s leading school accreditation scheme and

regulations that ensure safe and uality operations. o learn more about I’s instructor courses and schools, visit the I website. For more information call 01736 756884 or visit

Dress to impress

Step back in time at the Museum of Cornish Life in Helston. This free, family-friendly museum is spread over five display halls on three floors. uring your tour you’ll find that there are thousands of things to see – enough to keep everyone fascinated and entertained.

with Indigo

aving been trading for more than 16 years, Indigo Clothing Wadebridge has en oyed a successful decade that owner Carole ourne puts down to her loyal and regular customers from all over Cornwall, as well as the annual visiting trade. This fantastic boutique has become a go-to destination for wedding guest outfits, holiday wardrobes and good quality basics. Stocked labels include popular brands like Adini, Mistral, Capri, Intown, mreco and ignature, and new brands and ranges are being added all the time. This year, these have included Rant and ave, and eck. s you might e pect, you’ll also find a range of accessories to complement any outfit. Carole, along with arah and


News & views

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Take a walk through time

earn all about elston’s famous inventor, enry rengrouse, whose rocket lifesaving apparatus saved thousands of lives imagine what it was like in a ictorian classroom meet Henry the parrot; or see if you can spot the museum’s smallest ob ect – made from a lion’s tooth

auline, are always really helpful, helping you dress to impress, whatever the occasion may be. For more information call 01208 815887

he team host regular making workshops, and kids will love the children’s play area and fancy dress bo here’s also a gift shop and delightful pop-up caf , perfect for a quick coffee and a bite after your afternoon of discovery. For more information call 01326 564027 or visit


07/06/2019 12:45

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07/06/2019 10:07

News & views An organic way

to holiday

Penbugle Organic Farm commands a peaceful location near Liskeard. Being a working farm, it’s home to cattle, sheep and lots of free-range hens, and as well as producing their own meat and eggs, owner Lizzie tells us: “We have spacious Big Chief Wigwam® cabins, Nomadic Bell Tents and tranquil camping pitches, all with fantastic onsite facilities.” If you’re feeling crafty, the Create craft studio is the perfect space in which to get creative during your camping break. What’s more, dogs are welcome and there are plenty of wonderful walks nearby. So if you’ve been looking for the perfect family break, where both two and four-legged members are warmly welcome to relax and unwind in a

beautiful pocket of Cornwall, Penbugle could well be for you! For more information call 01579 326709 or visit

Not just made in Britain, made

New colours at Now Kitchens Reputable kitchen design company, Now Kitchens, has expanded its range with the addition of fresh, on-trend tones and textures. Take the rich emerald ‘Hunter Green’, for instance, which provides an attractive alternative to more conventional dark blues. Their supplier, Masterclass Kitchens, has also given a facelift to the traditional wood-look door, adding a natural oak finish to their ‘Solva’ shaker range, as well as introducing the luxurious and popular deep blue ‘Inkwell’ – now available in a flat vinyl wrapped door as well as a modern skinny shaker design.

in Cornwall!

Rebecca Heane and Alison Hughes founded Cream Cornwall in 2012 after discovering a shared passion for creating products evocative of Cornwall that were tasteful, high quality and made in Britain. Starting online, public demand was so great that they opened their first shop in Falmouth in 2016, followed by St Ives in 2018. The shops are the perfect place to visit and achieve your desired coastal look. What’s more, the duo design and source beautiful collections from around the world, ensuring their customers always have new products to inspire them.

inspiration for which Rebecca and Allison find everywhere - and their shared background in textiles, design and trend forecasting affords the entire range a level of quality and attention to detail that keeps customers returning time and time again.

Now Kitchens work closely with customers throughout Cornwall to advise on the latest trends in kitchen design, balanced with practical storage solutions built to last a lifetime. With up to 16,000 cabinet configurations, they can create a bespokebuilt kitchen without the costs associated with one that’s handcrafted. So, if you’re hoping to update your tired kitchen, why not give Now Kitchens a call and start your own interior design journey?

In each beautiful product you’ll find Cream Cornwall’s distinct coastal identity -

For more information call 01326 317253 or visit

For more information call 01326 565522 or visit

Rediscover each other at Cornwall’s luxury getaway for grown-ups Email: Tel: 01326 389330


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07/06/2019 12:45



m o d e e r f We delve into Cornwall’s magical festival scene filled with rambunctious music, mouth-watering food and masses of culture.



n Port Eliot


s we dip our toes into the cool promise of summer, the long hazy days stretch before us, ready and waiting to be filled with outdoor antics and epic adventure. From beach days to garden parties, Cornwall emerges into its prime over the next few months. The landscape comes alive with splashes of colour, the fields and flowers in full bloom contrasting with the clear turquoise waters that gleam temptingly on the horizon. Summer in Cornwall is certainly cause for celebration, heralding the start of festival season when outdoor revelling is enjoyed by thousands. very year festival goers flock to the coast and woodlands seeking free abandonment from the norm, ready to enjoy the spectacular displays of music, culture and festival magic.

ead on to discover our top picks for festivals that provide a hearty dose of culture, heaps of mouth-watering food, music that will ignite your soul and family moments that will last a lifetime.


Whether you’re into literature, dance, fashion or comedy, Port Eliot has it all and more. aking place from 2 th until 2 th uly, don’t miss the opportunity to listen to famous authors discuss their books or take part in incredible workshops. he festival is imbued with the special character and long history of the ancient St Germans estate, which is as much a part of the line up as any of the acts. The whole e perience is tricky to define and impossible to forget, but one festival goer has managed to capture Port Eliot in a nutshell: It’s like falling


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07/06/2019 15:35

| COVER FEATURE n The Great Estate


Lewis Harrison Pinder

n Port Eliot

ì TOP RIGHT Enjoy feast nights and breakfast banquet's èRIGHT

Let loose and get groovy this summer

from the sky into a magical garden where you will be constantly surprised and delighted; where you can drink, dance, discuss, dress up, camp, explore, get lost, fall asleep under the stars to the sound of Andrew Weatherall, and wake up to the ringing of church bells. The Great Estate is another festival that oo es character and uirky charm. It took place from 1st ay until 2nd une and fused music, art, food and an eclectic mix of weird and wonderful happenings, all amidst the wild meadows and ancient woodland of Scorrier Estate. As you enter the festival you feel as if you’ve walked into a woodland fairytale; the path to the main arena is strung with lights, which as night descends create a magical pathway to the rambunctious happenings that await. Featuring a vintage fairground, woodland silent disco, secret gin garden, burlesque sessions and Madame Wong’s ouse of Wrong – this is definitely one to put in the diary for next year. Tropical Pressure festival brings a global explosion of world music, culture and hip swivelling sounds for its sixth year of

n Porthleven Food Festival

celebrating international culture in Cornwall. aking place from 12th until 1 th uly, Tropical Pressure celebrates what it is to be people of the world in an exploration of the rich cultures of Latin America, Africa and the Caribbean. Set within the green grounds of ount leasant co ark at orthtowan, we hear from Festival Director Tim Stirrup, who says: “In these disconnected times, it’s vital to feel that we are all connected. By coming together to form a community of people who share a care for their environment, their creativity and of course their love of music. variety of workshops are being held over the weekend including everything from wild flower headdresses, foraging and a Surfers Against Sewage beach clean. And if this global mix of sweltering music and inspiring workshops isn’t enough to have you hotfooting it to Tropical Pressure, then the lip-smacking tastes of a range of world fusion, 100% vegetarian food and a commitment to a greener festival should seal the deal!

n Tropical Pressure

n Tropical Pressure


This year’s Porthleven Food Festival took place from 26th to 2 th pril and saw national and international chefs, food stalls, street food and entertainment combine in a three-day feast of food, drink and music. he idyllic Cornish fishing village came alive over the weekend, with mouth-watering food stalls filled with locally based food and drink businesses. ringing 0,000 people together in and around the stunning harbour of Porthleven, the food was complemented by evening entertainment that got the whole harbour rocking. ake sure to check it out ne t year and celebrate Cornwall’s stunning variety of food and drink to the backdrop of one of Cornwall’s most iconic fishing ports.

DISCOVER MORE Check out Creation Fest, a free music, skate and family festival held at the Royal Cornwall Events Centre, Wadebridge, from 3rd to 9th August. Turn to page 9 to find out more.


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07/06/2019 15:35


n Boardmasters

n Boardmasters

ç LEFT Incredible beachside antics await ê BELOW We love the seaside festival vibe at Boardmasters

Callum Morse

n St Ives Food & Drink Festival

The St Ives Food & Drink Festival, supported by Carbis Bay Holidays, welcomed over 20,000 people to orthminster each to en oy sunshine, music and food from 10-12th ay. ver a weekend of stunning weather, the team presented a programme of expert chef demonstrations, an artisan food and drink market and music performances – as well as workshops and family entertainment. We hear from amian argent, t Ives Food and rink Festival founder, who tells us: “We had our biggest numbers ever come down to see us, and the feedback is that with the free format and new site layout, it removed the barriers of previous years, resulting in a resounding success. I would like to thank everyone who took part in this fabulous event. aking place from 10th to 1 th ctober, Falmouth Oyster Festival celebrates the start of the oyster-dredging season, which runs from October to March. Focusing on the native Fal oyster and highlighting traditional methods of harvesting. Cookery demonstrations by top chefs and food experts from Cornwall’s hotels and restaurants, inspire visitors to try their hand at unusual and exciting seafood combinations and indulge in the taste of native oysters and local produce. The vibrant programme also includes live music, Cornish food, arts and crafts, real ale and wine bars, oyster and seafood bars, working boat racing, a grand oyster parade and a most fiercely contested oyster shucking competition. aytime entry to the festival is free and for the evening entertainment tickets are ust .00.

Mo Samuals

n St Ives Food & Drink Festival

n Oyster Shucking Competition at Falmouth Oyster Festival


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James Ram

n Eden Sessions

If you want to witness live performances of some of the UK’s most popular musicians to the backdrop of Watergate ay in ew uay, then head to Boardmasters festival. aking place from 7th until 11th August and featuring lauded headline acts such as Florence and the Machine, Razorlight and The Wu-Tang Clan – Boardmasters is Cornwall’s most prestigious music event of the year. Bringing fun-loving crowds together on the clifftops and beaches of ew uay to celebrate the pinnacles of a Cornish summer: sun, sea, surf and music. For an awe-inspiring setting that elevates music to a whole new hemisphere, head to Eden Sessions. unning from une to uly this summer, Eden Sessions are a series of live music events held in the spectacular setting of the den ro ect. n 2 rd une den celebrates its 100th session, with a special all-day show featuring a star-studded line-up including: ile ogers C IC, oves, read one, sian ub Foundation, ill efferson and ackbeat Soundsystem. We did a little digging and found this quote from the Independent: “Anyone who has been to a concert at the Eden Project will know there is magic in the air when setting and sound collide. Celebrating a more alternative music scene, Leopalooza returns to the tree filled Cornish valley of he Wyldes from 26th until 2 th uly, with Friendly Fires, The Vaccines and Feeder topping the bill. Supporting the very best in

new, up-and-coming and established musicians, plus a clutch of eclectic arts and comedy offerings. eopalloo a is the first festival to ban single use plastics, including straws, cups and bottles on their bars and uphold a ero landfill policy with bespoke stages built from reclaimed, locally sourced materials. In the surrounding woodland, Rogue Theatre curate their own Roguewood, where you’ll find spellbinding family activities including immersive storytelling, workshops and family yoga.

n Boardmasters

DISCOVER MORE Falmouth Sea Shanty Festival 14th-16th June When the streets of Falmouth are filled with the songs of the sea. The festival has been set up to help raise money for the RNLI and to preserve and promote the maritime heritage of the area. falmouthinternationalseashantyfestival

Callum Morse



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aking place from th until 1 th ugust, Falmouth Week has something for all ages to enjoy. Featuring a comic and movie parade where your little ones will have the chance to shake hands with a edi, and feast nights such as he Wur els og oast and Cider ight, the epicentre of activity revolves around Events Square, but the fun and games of Falmouth week permeate throughout the whole town. As well as land-based activities, there are also sailing races, air shows featuring breathtaking stunts and e hilarating sky manoeuvres, music and comedy, all adding up to what promises to be a week of fun and games that the whole family can get stuck into. The St Ives September Festival, with more than 00 events packed into 1 days, is the most diverse and longest music and arts festival in Cornwall. Music, poetry, theatre, comedy, a five-night film season, walks, talks and a host of craft events will provide something for everyone between 1 th and 2 th eptember this year. s well as daytime antics there are also 1 days of music – from classical to shanty, jazz and even performance poetry.

DISCOVER MORE Summer Island Disco Saturday 3rd August St Ives Island comes alive with the sound of music, the smell of the best local food, a variety of thirst quenching bars and the happy buzz of the whole community.

Hayley N ew

nLittle O rchard Cider and Music Festival


nLittle Orchard Cider and Music Festival

Last but most certainly not least is Little Orchard Cider and Music Festival, taking place from 1 th until 1 th eptember at ealey’s Cyder Farm. With cask ciders aplenty, connoisseurs can look forward to a weekend of apple-based tipples, live music and games for all the family to enjoy. There are also opportunities aplenty to dance among the trees in glistening moonlight, enjoy performances from national artists and compete against fellow festival goers for the Rattler Olympics crown! Sign the little ones up to a variety of exciting outdoor courses across the weekend, including survival skills, wildlife and nature awareness, foraging and bushcraft. Families can also enjoy the bouncy castle area or head down to the Healey’s courtyard where you can meet the resident ponies, rabbits, ferrets and Cornish black pigs. ou also have the chance to go on a complimentary tractor ride, which showcases the beautiful grounds and blossoming orchards. o, head to the fields, woodlands and beaches of Cornwall this summer– indulge in delicious food, get your dose of culture, dance beneath the stars and let the festival magic carry you away.

Hayley Newnham

Matthew Hawkey

n Leopallooza



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07/06/2019 15:35

Hayley Newnham

nLittle Orchard Cider and Music Festival

For all that’s featured in this month’s Cornwall Living and more, head to our website. Fancy being the first to receive updates? Well, you can by subscribing to our newsletter at...


íBELOW LEFT Get involved in fun activities the whole family will love

Hayley Newnh am

Embrace the festival magic

This month, among a host of other fantastic prizes, you could be in with a chance of winning a fabulous Cornish break. imply turn to page 6 and find out how to enter. emember, you have to be in it to win it! nter now at Terms & conditions apply

Courtesy of Anna Photography

What's SUP? As well as a thriving festival scene, Cornwall in summer is great for water sports. Head to our Vimeo page and check out this video from cean igh up – enough to coax anybody into the water!

Enter now at


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07/06/2019 15:36


R oc k N ew q uay



ll B odmin



S t I ves

S t A ustell P enz anc e

WAYLEA A stellar development opportunity just 400 yards off the beach, with planning permission for two detached houses.

INFORMATION S tellar develop ment op p ortunity 4 0 0 yards f rom M aw gan P orth b eac h F ar reac hing sea view s A p p rox imately 0 . 3 ac res D etailed p lanning p ermission f or tw o indep endent residenc es D etac hed garaging A mp le p ark ing


urrently a detached bungalow with sea views, Waylea occupies a very highly sought-after location, just moments from the beach at Mawgan Porth. But it’s the detailed permission for two gorgeous, independent houses, sympathetic to their surroundings, that make this such an exciting opportunity for the discerning buyer. With a contemporary approach to design, Gillespie Yunnie Architects have devised a bold, but sensitive, intervention to replace the original bungalow with a pair of independent detached dwellings, thus reinvigorating this under-utilised, and quite incredible location. At approximately 2,938 square feet, the main four-bedroom house will provide ample, open-plan living space. Being slightly elevated, the upper ground floor will benefit from south westerly ocean views, while the lower level, configured in an ’ shape, will provide the bedroom accommodation and bathroom, also opening out onto a paved terrace and garden, perfect for sunny summer barbeques. With an external shower and surfboard rack to boot, this outside space will be a handy first port of call on your walk back from the beach! The three bedroom cottage – the smaller of the two dwellings – will accommodate two en-suite bedrooms on the lower level, with

a third bedroom to the upper ground floor. Again, a reverse level layout will afford the residence excellent coastal views. oth properties will benefit from fabulous, contemporary interiors, with floor-toceiling windows flooding them with light and really capitalising on that oceanic vista. All of this, plus a double garage and forecourt parking for the main residence, and parking for two for the smaller cottage, plus landscaped gardens above and below. This is an unprecedented opportunity for anyone dreaming of building a home by the sea, so if that sounds like you, be sure to contact the team at Jackie Stanley.


GUIDE PRICE: £1,300,000


1 North Quay, Padstow PL28 8AF 01841 532555


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07/06/2019 10:17

Cornwall’s premier, family run, flooring & bed specialist We pride ourselves on the very high standard of service we provide. As Cornwall’s premier flooring company it is essential for us to maintain this quality of service at all times and provide each customer with an enjoyable, informative and stress free experience from initial enquiry to completed installation.

to Speak our one of sales nced experie al team on nic nd tech


76859 01208 our Bodmin into

or pop oom to see showr e range the hug r. on offe

WindmillWindows 01208 76859 Bodmin Flooring Centre • Dunmere Road Bodmin • Cornwall • PL31 2QN Showroom open Monday - Saturday 9:00am until 5:00pm

035.indd 1

High Quality UPVC Windows, Doors and Conservatories 01726 813 820 SHOWROOM NOW OPEN!

Mon - Fri: 8.30am to 4.30pm. Sat by appointment.18 Rockhill Business Park, Higher Bugle, St Austell PL26 8RA

07/06/2019 10:11






GET IN TOUCH: T: 01209 215 759 E: FIND US: Philip Whear Windows & Conservatories Ltd. Wilson Way, Pool Industrial Estate, Redruth, Cornwall TR15 3RT BROWSE ONLINE:

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07/06/2019 13:53


R oc k N ew q uay



S t I ves




ll B odmin

S t A ustell P enz anc e

A superbly presented modern country residence nestled in a beautiful rural location.



GUIDE PRICE: £850,000


01872 306360

ituated in north Cornwall, close to the Camel Valley and the renowned Camel Trail cycle path, Woodhaven provides buyers with the chance to live in a stunning and spacious property that has been cleverly designed by the current owners to make the most of the incredible space available. he property has been significantly e tended and adapted to create a residence capable of housing two generations; via two inter-linking yet entirely self-contained houses. This means that the discerning buyer would immediately be able to rent or let one of the properties, without the worry of privacy. Or, equally, do the same as the previous owners and use it as additional space for family members. The main residence welcomes you via a broad entrance hall, with a turning staircase to the first floor. ouble doors then lead into the spacious open-plan reception room and kitchen. From the kitchen you can access the outside patio, the perfect spot to savour a glass of wine in the evening as you admire the rural views or enjoy a family barbeque. The second residence is accessed through an independent entrance door. The main reception room in this property is breathtaking, with a unique glass-topped wine cellar. Adjacent is a fabulous garden room that comes complete with a compact hidden kitchen area and a pizza oven, making it ideal for evening entertaining! All in all, this is a stunning property in a great location and is definitely worth viewing to truly appreciate everything it has to offer.

INFORMATION T w o inter- link ing, self - c ontained p rop erties F our- b edroom main residenc e T w o- b edroom sec ond residenc e E x tremely sp ac ious P otential to p rovide additional inc ome F eature w ine c ellar in sec ond residenc e arn with studio and office G arage A ttrac tive gardens S mall p addoc k A p p rox imately 1 . 5 ac res E P C D


CL--87--ED--Rohrs and Rowe--1.00 (Woodhaven) v2.indd 3

07/06/2019 10:31

Cornwall’s Air Source Specialists Considering upgrading your heating to air source? MCS-approved with almost a decade’s experience working with renewable heating, contact GreenGen UK to learn more. Install Air Source and‌ • Slash heating bills by up to 50% • Significantly reduce a home’s carbon footprint • Earn up to £1600 a year in Government RHI payments

visit us at or call 01326 564513 Unit B Ruston House, Wheal Vrose Business P ark, Helston, Cornwall, T R13 0FG

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01840 537 547



038.indd 1


Made from one of the most advanced steel products in the world, Colourfence is guaranteed not to rust, warp or peel for 25 years.* *Visit for further details

07/06/2019 10:22


R oc k N ew q uay



S t I ves




ll B odmin

S t A ustell P enz anc e

An exclusive development of five luxurious new houses in an elevated position above Portwrinkle beach.



GUIDE PRICE: £895,000


01872 306360

he properties have been carefully designed to maximise the spectacular south-facing views of the beach and open sea beyond. Offering buyers all they could wish for from a coastal home. Finished to an extremely high standard throughout, the four-storey layout provides views from every floor of the living accommodation and there’s even an integrated lift system so all age groups can enjoy these fantastic properties. he ground floor comprises a large double garage as well as a utility and boiler room. The first floor houses the three main bedrooms, each of which enjoy incredible views and have either a Juliet or full outside balcony – an exceptional spot to enjoy your morning coffee! There is also a master bedroom suite and a family bathroom. n the second floor you’ll find the spacious living room and kitchen, both of which boast gorgeous ocean views. hen finally, on the third floor there’s a further bedroom or study, a shower room and a large rooftop terrace that has outstanding far-reaching sea views, which has also been designed with provision for a hot tub! Situated within the extraordinary and unspoilt coastal region of the Rame peninsula, the pictures ue former fishing village has two beaches within walking distance, providing buyers with the chance to make the most of Cornish life by the sea.

INFORMATION S tunning c ontemp orary residenc e F ab ulous south f ac ing sea view s High uality finish and fi tures throughout F ive b edrooms F our b athrooms S p ac ious k itc hen/ living room w ith b alc ony G ames room A ir sourc e heat p ump nder oor heating I ntegral lif t D oub le garage


CL--87--ED--Rohrs and Rowe--1.00 (Guillemot).indd 3

07/06/2019 10:34


All photos – James Lorne Photography


R oc k N ew q uay



ll B odmin



S t I ves

S t A ustell P enz anc e

PENGARTH A sublime creekside residence with ever-changing views of the river.

INFORMATION F ive b edrooms F our b athrooms M aster en suite w ith b alc ony F ab ulous living room S un terrac e overlook ing the river Contemporary fi tures and fittings G reat loc ation O f f - road p ark ing


estled on a quiet no-through road in the picturesque enclave of Trolver Croft lies Pengarth, a very special home with waterside views. With almost every room having access to a balcony, Pengarth is a contemporary and thoughtfully designed property that will suit those who want to make the most of life by the water. Whether you fancy an early morning paddle board, or a trip to the famous thatched Pandora Inn by boat, it’s hard to imagine living in a more charming location. The ideal spot for enjoying outdoor pursuits, there is an abundance of walks, footpaths and bridleways nearby as well as the Bissoe Trail cycle path – a former mineral tramway which links the south coast at Devoran to the north Cornish coast at ortreath. nd families will find a great choice of primary, secondary and independent schools too, all within a short distance. During the summer months, make the most of the sunshine and enjoy the outdoor space, which lends itself wholeheartedly to al fresco dining and barbeques. Bird watchers will be delighted by the myriad of wading birds and egrets easily spotted from the house, and the curlews have a soothing call in the evenings. Urbanites will particularly appreciate some star watching, thanks to the lack of light pollution in this area. verything from flooring to the kitchen fittings has been handpicked with great thought and care, and the en-suite bathroom for the master bedroom even has an integrated TV to enjoy whilst relaxing in the Jacuzzi bath From oak flooring to the bespoke main staircase, this fabulous waterside home is replete with luxurious touches.


GUIDE PRICE: £950,000

CLIVE PEARCE PROPERTY 31 Lemon Street, Truro TR1 2LS 01872 272622


CL--87--ED--Clive Pearce--1.00.indd 36

05/06/2019 15:30

NEW SHOWROOM IN-STORE PLUMBASE WADEBRIDGE We supply everything for Plumbing, Heating and Bathrooms too!

Find us at: Unit 5, Trenant Industrial Estate, Bess Park Road, Wadebridge, PL27 6HB Email: Tel: 01208 815670

041.indd 1

07/06/2019 10:42


Wall & Floor Tiles | Bathrooms | Paint | Design Service




01.06.19 – 28.07.19 up to 50% off


6 Truro Lanes | Little Castle Street | Truro | TR1 3DL Telephone: 01872 277110 Email: Sale starts 01.06.19 and ends 28.07.19 Any offers cannot be applied to any existing orders placed prior to this promotion starting. Selected products only - excludes delivery. For T & C’s ask in Truro Showroom.

042.indd 1

Variable light control

01637 849 153 *Java range only

07/06/2019 10:47


R oc k N ew q uay



S t I ves



ll B odmin

S t A ustell P enz anc e

POLLARD MILL A spacious and beautifully finished property nestled amidst lush woodland on the outskirts of Helston.



GUIDE PRICE: £795,000


16 High Street, Falmouth TR11 2AB 01326 450020

ituated in a small hamlet just outside Helston, Pollard Mill has been extensively renovated by the current owners to an extremely high standard. The rooms are light and spacious with whitewashed walls, wooden floors and plush carpets throughout, as well as gorgeous French feature windows. With four bedrooms and three bathrooms, this property would make an absolutely idyllic family home. The generous living spaces are full of character and charm, the living room has granite detailing above the fireplace and against one of the walls that gives the room a rustic edge – as does the stone wall in the kitchen. The family bathroom also stands out thanks to its quirky tiles and luxurious walk-in shower. Downstairs, the conservatory provides the perfect space to cosy up with a good book or a glass of wine during the evening. It really is an exemplary home in the most fantastic setting with its own woodland, an original water wheel, mill workings and a babbling stream all within the grounds of the property. And as if that isn’t enough, the property also has former piggeries that provide opportunity for conversion. Close to the market town of Helston, there are schools, shops and restaurants aplenty. nd ust a short drive away you’ll find the stunning stretch of coastline along the Lizard peninsula, famous for its gorgeous flora and fauna and featuring beaches including Gunwalloe, Kynance, Church Cove and Poldhu, popular with families, surfers and swimmers alike.

INFORMATION F our b edrooms T hree b athrooms S tunning c onversion G arage O utstanding gardens Loc ated in a small hamlet O riginal w ater w heel O utb uilding c onversion op p ortunity


CL--87--ED--Harding & Wakefield--1.00 Property.indd 37

05/06/2019 11:33


ock N ew q uay



t ves



ll odmin t ustell

en ance

RETALLICK MEADOWS An executive home situated in a quiet cul-desac, within easy reach of St Austell, Charlestown and the rugged Cornish coast.



GUIDE PRICE: £375,000

Unit 18, Callywith Gate, Bodmin Cornwall PL31 2RQ 01208 813874

eautifully finished to an e tremely high standard, this property would be the perfect choice for a family looking to upsi e. he accommodation comprises four bedrooms, including a master en suite, with three reception rooms and a beautifully refitted kitchen and breakfast room. he kitchen boasts a range of high- uality units, with a neutral high gloss finish and gorgeous uart worktops, plus a breakfast bar that’s ust the ticket for starting the day with the family. With a stone mantle and fitted gas fire, the living room is the perfect space in which to cosy up when the weather’s not so fair. o the rear, double doors lead into the separate dining room, which is great for entertaining. utside, the rear patio is the ideal spot for summer barbe ues, with Cornish walling and mature hedge borders providing complete privacy. he current owners have really brought the tiered garden to life, with spectacular e plosions of floral colour. o the front you’ll find off-road parking for two, plus a double garage with remote-operated doors. Fitted with power and lighting, the garage lends itself to use as a studio or a workshop, as well as offering plenty of storage space, which a growing family will inevitably find use for his really is the ideal family home, with plenty of room to grow, and the fact that it’s so well-presented means it’s ready to be moved straight into. In order to fully appreciate all that’s on offer, we highly recommend arranging a viewing, so be sure to contact the team at y lace in Cornwall.

INFORMATION D etac hed ex ec utive home eautifully finished our bedrooms Master en suite Three reception rooms eparate dining room efitted kitchen breakfast room ow maintenance tiered garden ouble garage with remote operated doors Off road parking for tw o ithin easy reach of the coast E P C C


CL--87--ED--My Place in Cornwall--1.00 v2.indd 2

07/06/2019 10:50

2 person tubs from £1,649.00 6 person tubs from £2,236.00 8 person tubs from £2,321.00 All prices subject to VAT

Choice of internal or external wood red heaters

Natural ~ Beautiful ~ Sustainable ~ ~ 07779 374017



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045.indd 1

Plymouth • Liskeard • Wadebridge • 01752 977497 •

07/06/2019 10:52


R oc k N ew q uay



S t I ves



ll B odmin

S t A ustell P enz anc e

STREETS FARM This delightful Grade II listed farmhouse boasts 30 acres of grounds, just inland from the south Cornish coast.

INFORMATION P rivate, G rade I I listed f armhouse A p p roac hed via p rivate lane F ive b edrooms, tw o en suite 3 0 ac res inc luding seven fields S tone b arns w ith p otential f or develop ment O il c entral heating F ine c oastal view s


treets Farm is a handsome detached, Grade II listed farmhouse located in the centre of its own 30 acres of land. Approached via a long, private lane, the house occupies a spot well away from neighbouring properties, just inland from the coast, making it perfect for the discerning property buyer hoping to lead their dream lifestyle by the sea. A genuine and totally unspoilt property, Streets Farm also offers a number of substantial traditional stone barns, which represent great potential for development. he main accommodation comprises five bedrooms, two of which have their own en suites, plus three reception rooms, a beautiful kitchen/breakfast room complete with an Aga, plus a utility room, cloakroom and a well appointed family bathroom. Outside, a double garage offers ample space for anybody hoping to have their own studio space, while the grounds are split into seven fields, each enclosed within natural hedge boundaries. There are also some spectacular coastal views to be enjoyed from the land, with sea glimpses from both floors at the rear of the house. his really is a rare find, one that will appeal to those seeking peace and tranquillity, so if that sounds like you, be sure to contact the team at Philip Martin and arrange a viewing.


PRICE: £1,250,000


9 Cathedral Lane, Truro TR1 2QS 01872 242244


CL--87--ED--Philip Martin--1.00.indd 2

05/06/2019 11:17

Wall & Floor Tiles | Bathrooms | Paint | Design Service

SUMMER SALE 01.06.19 – 28.07.19 up to 50% off



6 Truro Lanes | Little Castle Street | Truro | TR1 3DL Telephone: 01872 277110 Email:



Sale starts 01.06.19 and ends 28.07.19 Any offers cannot be applied to any existing orders placed prior to this promotion starting. Selected products only - excludes delivery. For T & C’s ask in Truro Showroom.

Bude Ad 2:Ad



Page 1

Quality Products First Class Installation Outstanding Service

We sand, finish and restore wooden floors. From Victorian homes to Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen Cornwall, we’ve revived them all.

Bude Windows & Conservatories THE QUALITY CHOICE SINCE 1995

FREEPHONE 0808 1000 602

Strippers Flooring, Cornwall, TR26 2JB 01736 602424 / 07813 444789

047.indd 1

07/06/2019 10:58

Tregothnan oak flooring Hand-crafted in Cornwall

Aspen and Ash produces artisan, hand-crafted floors for those wishing to enhance the beauty of a space with a stunning wooden floor of genuine, lasting quality.

Our designer floors use the finest quality, exclusive Tregothan Oak, Olive Ash as well as reclaimed Douglas Fir and Pitch Pine, to offer unparalleled stability, finish and durability. Our hand-crafted parquet and chevron flooring is created with natural form and long-lasting function, and laid to stand the test of time. From the forest to the floor, Aspen and Ash is committed to preserving historic woodland with all flooring cut, kiln dried and finished in Cornwall, then delivered throughout the UK. / 01209 210753 / 07980 703760 Aspen & Ash, Cardrew Business Park, Redruth, TR15 1SQ Untitled-15 1

07/06/2019 11:57


A CORNISH COLLABORATION We find out what’s new with the Harding and Wakefield team.

ABOVE Harding and Wakefield headquaters in Falmouth ABOVE RIGHTì Samuel Harding, Ben Wakefield and Rebecca Nenning RIGHTè It's easy to see why Samuel and Ben chose Falmouth as their base!


ased in the bustling seaside town of Falmouth on Cornwall’s south coast, you’ll find the arding and Wakefield o ce, nestled happily amidst a variety of boutique businesses, restaurants and coffee shops on the eclectic ld igh treet ust moments from the harbour front. It’s easy to see why irectors amuel arding and en Wakefield have chosen to base the o ce here, as it’s a great location from which to market the area s property and market the beauty of Falmouth when clients come in to visit. o, it comes as no surprise to us that holiday letting company, spects olidays, is oining the team in the Falmouth o ce full time. fter all, who wouldn’t be tempted by the plethora of restaurants, coffee shops and sea views right on the doorstep We hear from spects olidays roperty Manager, Rebecca Nenning, who tells us: We’re e cited to have teamed up with arding and Wakefield state gents as we can now offer a one stop shop solution. ebecca has a varied background in the tourism and hospitality industry, and has recently oined the spects olidays team to cover the Falmouth area as part of their continued growth and e pansion. Falmouth is in fact spects’ seventh o ce location, adding to its already impressive collection of o ces across the uchy, in ude, ew uay, evagissey, ayle, en ance and t Ives. Commercial irector, andy pencer, adds For us, Falmouth was the obvious ne t port of call. It comfortably bridges the gap between our en ance and evagissey o ces, and offers property owners a convenient local contact to discuss the letting of their property as well as providing guests with another fantastic location to book their holiday with us.

The combination of an estate agents and letting agency is a match made in heaven – providing all of your property needs under one roof and meaning that whether you’re interested in buying, selling or renting, you know that there will be an e pert on hand to discuss the options with you. ere at Cornwall Living, we’re e cited to see where this collaboration between two leading property enterprises in Cornwall will lead, but one thing’s certain – it’s sure to be a success.

HARDING AND WAKEFIELD 1 6 H igh S treet, F almouth T R 1 1 2 A B 0 1 3 2 6 4 5 0 0 2 0 en uiries

ind more like this www.cornwall


CL--87--ED--Harding & Wakefield--1.00.indd 3

07/06/2019 13:59

We are the cornish experts Britannia Lanes of Cornwall have a dedicated team to assist you in planning and moving your personal e ects from one home to another e have a wealth of experience

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at or by calling my team on 01872 560147 We are here to help. Video Surveys Available

CL--82--AD--Britannia Lanes of Cornwall--1.00 v3.indd 1

18/01/2019 14:49


e h t g n i r e u q C on CORNISH CORNER We discover how to make the most of your space with RRW Shopfitting and Interiors.


loping ceilings, exposed beams and stone walls might look great in the bedroom of a Cornish farmhouse or fisherman’s cottage, but it’s almost impossible to buy freestanding wardrobes to fit the odd corner shapes and angles created by these architectural features. The RRW hopfitting and Interiors team are helping clients embrace their awkward Cornish corners with lovable quality, made-tomeasure wardrobe installations. Founded in 2014, RRW manufactures and installs high end, made-to-measure fitted and freestanding furniture for private and commercial clients across the south west. This means as well as the standard materials, they offer a range of finishes not normally offered by other fitted furniture providers. W’s local manufacturing facilities allow for millimetre perfect furniture, and swift and tidy onsite installation, with the added security of exceptional and responsive aftersales care, if required. Providing everything from wardrobes and multimedia units, to shelving units and bookcases, every project is made to measure and truly bespoke. The company utilises the spaces as e ciently as possible, achieving functional spaces with even the most of awkward of angles. When planned correctly, even a small bank of fitted wardrobes can offer as much utility as a full walk-in wardrobe. With luxury features like integrated lighting, you’d be surprised at what a wardrobe can do with a little prior planning, says W’s en eed. few carefully chosen solutions, implemented well,

can turn a straightforward storage space into something truly special. en and the team take an uncompromising approach to the design and manufacturing process, delivering meticulously made, quality wardrobes that match the unique needs of each individual property and user alike. In addition to all of this, W use commercial-grade materials chosen to stand up to the demands faced by most holiday homes in Cornwall. Whether you’re storing bed sheets or boogie boards, each wardrobe can be built from the materials that match your precise requirements. W’s support doesn’t end at fitted furniture, either. For clients who need a complete room or house rejuvenation, RRW have partnered with a local interior design firm that specialises in visualising and specifying paint schemes, flooring, lighting, fabrics and standalone furniture. This design partnership ensures that RRW can offer clients a holistic end-to-end service if the client re uires more than ust fitted furniture. So, if you want to improve the functionality and space of your home, then make sure to contact the W team today and find out how a fitted wardrobe could help transform our home.

MAIN Whether you need bedroom or kitchen storage RRW has you covered ABOVE Bespoke units are also a speciality INSET If you need help with your interior design too then this is all part of the service

RRW SHOPFITTING AND INTERIORS U nit A 3 , S tanley W ay, C ardrew I ndustrial E state, R edruth T R 1 5 1 S Q 0 1 2 0 9 8 0 7 1 6 0 rrw shopfitters www.shopfitters ind more like this www.cornwall


CL--87--ED--RRW Shopfitting--1.00 v3.indd 3

04/06/2019 15:47

spend the day


NEW FOR 2019

Check website for details of our family and local’s daytrip offers

Look out for double sailing days giving you more time on the islands

overseas Enjoy a daytrip to the unique Isles of Scilly. 28 miles off the coast of Cornwall lies the perfect British summer, where the weather feels warmer and life moves more slowly.

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Travel Isles of Scilly


IS LE S O F SCI LLY *T&Cs apply. See website for details.

1.00 Template CLM,DL,FC,KL.indd 197x264 Cornwall Living DAYTRIP ad1v1.indd 1

23/05/2019 23/05/2019 16:56 09:51


Sustainable STYLE

With their ears forever to the ground for the latest home trends, Cornwall Rug Company’s new sustainable collection simply oozes style.


ithin the four walls of Cornwall Rug Company’s two-storey showroom hides a world of interior expression, one that’s brim-full of lovingly handpicked rugs and beautiful accessories from around the globe. Over the last year, a key trend in the world of architecture and interior design has been sustainability, and this is set to continue. According to Cornwall Rug Company owner, April, “the idea that ‘less is more’ is resulting in more purposeful purchases, a key factor in the sustainable ethos.” April and the team follow this principal by selecting special pieces that promote beautiful design, made by hand, using timeless materials. April continues: “To quote William Morris, you should ‘have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful’. We strongly agree with this! “Our 2019 collection of beautiful rugs and interior décor features natural organic materials, with a nostalgic feel of times gone by, crafted in traditional ways for centuries. We are also passionate about mid-century design and furniture, that is both practical and stylish for our homes today.” For colours, April and the team are opting for a combination or warm and natural tones, to instantly update a tired room, focusing on graphic patterns to add a statement. We here at Cornwall Living absolutely love Cornwall Rug Company’s new collection, and if you’re thinking of updating your home, it’s fair to say that you will too! To see the full collection and get the team’s top tips on making the most of your new home décor, be sure to pop into the showroom!

ABOVE Add sustainable style to your home ç LEFT Natural, organic materials evoke a sense of nostalgia


U nit 4 , T revanson S treet, W adeb ridge P L2 7 7 A W 0 1 2 0 8 3 6 8 6 4 3 mail@ c ornw allrugc omp any. c om w w w . c ornw allrugc omp any. c om

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


CL--87--ED--Cornwall Rug Company--1.00.indd 3

03/06/2019 11:42



A home designed by CSA Architects to capitalise on the dynamic qualities of Mylor Creek.


ased in Truro, CSA Architects offers a bespoke service that focuses on its clients’ aspirations, and the specific re uirements of the pro ect, to deliver exceptional buildings. A recent pro ect that achieved all of the above with finesse and statement C character is Waterside in Mylor. he initial meeting was held at ylor acht arbour, where C rchitects Director, Dan Meek, and the client sat outside the caf and went over the possibilities, en oying the sun, the bustlings of the harbour, and the natural landscape. roviding the perfect inspiration for what was to become a breathtaking building, which draws on each of these elements. ituated right on the water’s edge, Waterside merges with the creek’s surroundings, with changing tides, weather and seasons providing a constant reminder of nature alongside the life and bustle of the nearby working harbour. an tells us ur client wanted a home that made the most of the spectacular views, with a connection to the vibrant coastal community, which couldn t be achieved by a refurbishment of the existing property." he result is a beautiful property made with grey slate and wooden detailing, which blends in to the emotive blues of the creek and surrounding trees. he use of these traditional materials of slate, render and timber is simple and unfussy, so that life

on the creek can take centre stage,” explains Dan. When the tide is in, the house almost appears to sit on the water and with its own mooring, the owners can literally walk out the door and onto their boat. he simple interiors have been designed to accentuate the views and allow the property to be flooded with natural light. ll in all, it’s a beautifully designed home, built to ma imise its spectacular location whilst also remaining sympathetic to the natural environment within which it resides. he best way to appreciate the new house is from the water so we’re planning to get the paddleboards out for a site visit!” says Dan. Although, here at Cornwall Living, we reckon the aerial shots certainly do the building ustice, highlighting its stunning location, clever design and sympathetic use of materials.


S t P iran H ouse, T ruro T ec hnology P ark , H eron W ay, T ruro T R 1 2 X N 0 1 8 7 2 2 6 5 3 1 0 inf o@ c sa- arc hitec ts. c o. uk w w w . c sa- arc hitec ts. c o. uk

MAIN Creekside living at its finest INSETS Waterside really does make the most of its location


DISCOVER MORE Make sure to check out the stunning aerial footage of Waterside shot by Bad Wolf Horizon and featured on the Cornwall Living website!

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


CL--87--ED--CSA Architects--1.00 v2.indd 2

04/06/2019 15:16

beach houses chic harb rside apartments and co ages by the sea hand-picked for people who like nice things Unique

• Secure Attended Indoor and Outdoor Parking with over 200 spaces. • Friendly, Professional and Reliable. • Park anything, any time. • Fully Insured Collection and delivery service. • Valeting, Servicing, Bodywork and MOTs arranged by appointment.

055.indd 1

07/06/2019 11:07



EXPERT FLOORING SOLUTIONS Absolute Flooring (SW) Ltd, Old School Industrial Park, Moorland Road, Indian Queens, TR9 6JP

Tel: 01726 860 006 | Email:

Beauty and Holistic Treatments that can be tailored to you and carried out in the comfort of your own home or holiday let Luxury mobile Spa covering all of Cornwall visiting Homes, Holiday Lets and Hotels • Wide range of Beauty and Holistic treatments (Massage, Facials, Reflexology, Nails) • Experienced Spa Therapists Luxury products and equipment including heated couches Multiple Therapists available for individual booking


Contact: 07525 852231 •

Browse our extensive range of floor & wall tiles, we also offer a stylish collection of bathroom furniture & sanitary ware. Full design & fitting services available.


01208 812 333 Unit 3 Trevanson Street Wadebridge PL27 7AW

056.indd 1

07/06/2019 11:38


A new lease OF LIFE

Restore your dilapidated furniture to its former glory with help from the team at P&C Upholstery.


hen thinking about changing the décor in our homes an option that’s easily overlooked is the prospect of re-upholstering furniture. ooking at your tired and worn sofa might be starting to make you feel like it’s time to ditch it and move on, but that doesn’t have to be the case. If the main structure is sound then reupholstering could be the easier and cheaper option; giving you that new furniture feel without having to fork out for a complete replacement. Plus, re-upholstering means that if it’s a significant item of furniture, perhaps passed down through the family or discovered in an antique shop, you’re able to restore it to its former glory and continue to enjoy it for years to come. P&C Upholstery is a family company spanning three generations of the finest craftspeople, helping people bring new life to old pieces of furniture. Customers from all reaches of the country have chosen P&C since 1965 for the team’s attention to detail and sympathetic restorations. ee tells us he beauty is in the detail. perts in their field, the team offer commercial contract and domestic services, providing upholstery for chairs, sofas,

headboards and curtains. They also provide a design service that includes working on bespoke furniture projects, covering everything from building furniture frames through to fabric design and finishing details. ee continues “We’ll help you take your vision from the initial concept, to the design, to finally producing a handcrafted finished piece. Specialising in bringing furniture back to life, P&C can restore your furniture using modern or traditional materials whilst still retaining its characteristic qualities. The company upholsters to very high standards, producing a uality finish that lasts for years. Covering the whole of Cornwall and offering a nation-wide service, P&C will help restore your item back to its prime condition so that you don’t have to give up on a great piece of furniture.

ABOVE Bring your cherished but tired furniture back to life with new upholstery INSET Some of the team at P&C Upholstery


S t J ohn’ s B usiness P ark , P enz anc e R oad, H elston T R 1 3 8 H N 0 1 3 2 6 5 6 2 5 5 2 enq uiries@ p andc up holstery. c o. uk w w w . p andc up holstery. c o. uk F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


CL--87--ED--P&C Upholstery--1.00.indd 45

06/06/2019 12:57



CL--87--ED--Marraum--GTGT v2.indd 4

07/06/2019 11:33



•EXPERIENCE• H O W V I R T UA L R E A L I T Y C A N T R A N S F O R M YO U R H O M E Whether you’re planning a new build, extending or renovating your home, Märraum architects in Penryn use cutting-edge virtual reality (VR) technology to show what your home could look like before a single brick is laid. Shows like BBC’s Your Home Made Perfect have recently brought the use of VR in house design to a wider audience, and Märraum use this technology as part of the process on every project they design. o meet the team and see in action, oin them at their enryn o ces on 2 th July from 4pm until 7pm, or get in touch to arrange an alternative date to discuss your building project.

MÄRRAUM S tudio J , J ub ilee W arehouse, P enryn T R 1 0 8 A E 0 1 3 2 6 6 1 7 0 0 7 inf o@ marraum. c o. uk w w w . marraum. c o. uk / vr- event F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk

DISCOVER MORE To enter Märraum’s fantastic competition, turn to page 76.


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07/06/2019 11:33


g n i t e e M

MODERN DEMAND Due to open on 22nd June after major refurbishment, we find out what you can expect from the all-new HBH Woolacotts Wadebridge branch.

ì TOP CGI image of the TV Showroom on the first floor ì ABOVE The new look store has been designed to better cater for modern built-in kitchens ì RIGHT The sound room at HBH Woolacotts' Plymouth Superstore inspired the designs of a similar space in the revamped Wadebridge store

DID YOU KNOW? Originally a 17th century coach house, this impressive building is steeped in history and its distinctive dome – a centrepiece in the new branch designs – can be seen from all around Wadebridge!


riginally opened in 1994, the branch was the business’ 5th store and has always been successful for the company. The current refurbishment is its third refit, and the latest designs promise to bring an even larger selection of the very best technologies and brands to Wadebridge in time for summer 2019. Indeed, split over two floors, the new designs are based around current market trends, most notably the need to show off a large range of built-in kitchen appliances for the new and replacement markets, and an increasing movement towards larger screen televisions and complementary sound and home-cinema products. If you’re kitting out your living space to meet the demands of modern entertainment, or are upgrading part of your home and need the appliances to really bring your home into the 21st century, the new and improved Wadebridge branch will showcase smaller ‘pick up and go’ items, including vacuum cleaners, small kitchen appliances, portable audio, cameras and headphones at the front of the ground floor, giving you a quick and easy area in which to view and purchase these items. The remainder of the ground floor has been dedicated to home and kitchen appliances, with the most notable improvement being the increased space for built-in kitchen appliances.

he first floor, which can now be accessed via a staircase or an impressive, all-new glass elevator, brings together the very best in television, home audio and premium hi-fi, and is split into two main sections. One is dedicated to the very best in television and home-cinema products, with large displays from the market’s leading brands, while the second, for the audiophiles among us, is dedicated to premium audio and home cinema. Audio brands such as Arcam, Pioneer KEF, Bowers & Wilkins, Monitor Audio and many more will be available, but the real feature here is two full, demonstrable home cinema set ups, including a full 5.1.4 Dolby Atmos set up, which promises to blow you away! Store Manager Geoff Pratt tells us: “We’re really excited with the changes to the Wadebridge store and, while it’s been a di cult few months, I’m confident that the changes will future proof this store and allow our customers to see and demonstrate the very best products that the electrical industry has to offer, while getting honest, impartial advice from our trained Sales Advisers.”


3 6 M olesw orth S treet, W adeb ridge, C ornw all, P L2 7 7 D P 0 1 2 0 8 8 1 6 1 5 5 w adeb ridgesales@ hb h- w oolaco tts. co . uk w w w . hb h- w oolaco tts. co . uk F ind more like this: w w w . co rnw all- living. co . uk


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07/06/2019 13:02




Proving that great things come in small packages, we discover how Mid Cornwall Landscaping recently helped one family realise their dream garden.


few issues ago, we caught up with Chris Plant and the team at Mid Cornwall Landscaping, who offered us their top tips for capitalising on our outdoor spaces. With temperatures most definitely on the up, we thought we’d take a look at one of their most recent pro ects in ew uay – a fine example of how even the smallest space can be perfected for uality time spent with the family. Chris is a firm believer in bringing the inside out’. With increasingly busy lifestyles, we should consider the garden an outside room, a place to unwind and make the most of the outdoor lifestyle that many of us love about being in Cornwall.” The idea of the garden being another room has well and truly fed into the pro ect at this semi detached home in ew uay a firepit gives the option of cooking al fresco, and the clever installation of a pizza oven, complete with its own log store, keeps things cosy after the sun goes down. A splash of colour in the patio furniture really offsets the look and, as we found out last time we caught up with Chris,

a colourful piece of furniture set against the darker hues of wood or stone can really make a statement. To make the space stand out from other back gardens, Mid Cornwall Landscaping have used a winning combination of coastal Cornish plants and materials. Wild meets man-made, and the effect is dazzling. Chris tells us: “Making landscaping choices in harmony with nature can be incredibly rewarding, and certainly does not mean compromise Mid Cornwall Landscaping are there to help you with all your garden and landscaping needs, offering advice, design and even a full planting and construction service. If you’ve been scratching your head over how you can capitalise on your outside space – no matter how limited you are on room – why not give Chris and the team a call?

ABOVE You'll be amazed at how even the smallest space can be transformed

MID CORNWALL LANDSCAPING 0 1 7 2 6 8 8 4 0 4 0 w w w . midc ornw alllandsc ap ing. c om F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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07/06/2019 14:00

“This is our little piece of Heaven” Pets e Welcom Sunday 29th September to Tuesday 8th October 2019 10 DAY TRIP

Situated between Looe and Polperro the cottages are only 3 miles from the spectacular South East Cornish Coast, Cornwall’s Beaches & Smuggler’s Coves. This location allows us to offer exclusive Self Catering Accommodation in South East Cornwall.

Pelynt, Nr Looe, Cornwall, PL13 2LT 01503 220 333


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• Premier Class Travel • 4 Star Promenade Hotel • Guided Tour of Cinque Terre and Boat Trip. • Train Ride from Monterosso to Levanto • Return Boat Trip to Santa Margherita

01209 717152

Williams Travel , Dolcoath Industrial Park, Dolcoath Road, Camborne, Cornwall TR14 8RA


5 Star Holiday Park Where Memories Are Made Discover the simplicity of coastal living. Immersed on the hillside with panoramic sea-views across Bude, it is the perfect destination for a holiday beside the sea.

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Touring & Camping | Holiday Homes | Cottages Luxury Lodges | Bude, Cornwall |

062.indd 1

07/06/2019 12:07



there's a will... We discuss the art of installation with the Spyrys Spas and Hot Tubs team.


ould you like a hot tub but worry that you won’t be able to get it into your garden? Cornish company, Spyrys Spas and Hot Tubs has built up an enviable reputation for getting hot tubs into di cult places without expensive cranes. They even won a ‘Most i cult elivery of the ear’ award for one of their projects, which involved winching a hot tub onto a garage roof, ramping it down the other side and finally down into a conservatory. To enable these tricky installations, Spyrys has invested in specialist equipment for handling hot tubs including a unique trailer, dolly, sled, winches and ramp building materials. wner rian’s twenty-five years’ e perience in the construction industry has set him in good stead for solving problem sites, and he loves a challenge. “We see a crane as a tool of last resort,” Brian tells us. “They’re expensive, cumbersome things and it’s often quicker and easier to build a ramp over an obstacle. The best thing is our Tirfor winch, which we used to use for dragging our truck out of mud during off-road competitions, but now it’s exclusively for pulling hot tubs up ramps, or even lowering them down.” It’s a relief to know that there are professionals on hand to install your new hot tub and that it will be done in the most e cient way possible. s well as this stellar service, the Spyrys team also offers an initial site visit to discuss the best locations for your hot tub, plus an after-care service and customer support. This means that throughout the whole process, you get professional help and advice from the experts, and whether you’re a first time buyer or a hot-tub veteran, it's clear you’ll be in safe hands. Then, before you know it, you’ll be watching the sun descend from the comfort of your own tub, sipping on a chilled flute of bubbles.

ABOVE Nothing will stop the Spyrys team from getting your hot tub installed ç LEFT Providing a stellar service from consultation to installation

SPYRYS SPAS AND HOT TUBS U nit 5 , D unveth B usiness P ark , W adeb ridge P L2 7 7 F E 0 1 2 0 8 8 1 3 7 6 0 enq uiries@ sp yrys. c o. uk w w w . sp yrys. c o. uk

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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03/06/2019 17:28

Got Waste? We’ll collect it! Our convenient service guarantees your arriving guests are not greeted with someone else’s rubbish bags. We clear the bins for your guests, on their week of arrival, so no one is left to put out other people’s rubbish for collection. Not only do we offer holiday home waste collection, we collect all waste from weddings and private parties, whenever needed.

We are open 6 days a week


Collections start at 5am Office opens 8am until 5pm Trerice orchard • Burlawn • Wadebridge Cornwall • PL27 7LE T: 01208 815060 or M: 07814 934978 holidayhomewastecollection

FREE clear recycling bags are given to encourage more people to recycle. We recycle glass to produce NEW LIGHT BULBS. Our recycling services include a number of recycling options, from paper waste and cardboard to metals, plastics and glass; allowing you to choose your service that suits your business requirements. ****We can combine our General Waste & recycling collections all on the same day.


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064.indd 1

07/06/2019 12:10

l a t n e m u n o m A



Adopting a unique, creative approach to Cornish home improvement projects, we catch up with Quercus Building Solutions.

ì ABOVE Bespoke beautiful buildings, works of art in their own right


ince establishing Quercus Building Solutions in 2002, company owner Dominic and the team have grown the business considerably. Over the last 17 years, they’ve built a reputation for creating bespoke beautiful buildings – works of art in their own right. We speak to Dominic about his background, before he launched the business. “I started my career studying Sculpture and Monumental Masonry at Falmouth School of Art (now Falmouth University). After graduating, I spent nearly a decade working with granite and Portland stone, so when I came to launch Quercus, I was coming into building from a very different angle.” Dominic’s experience, plus that of his team – who have worked all over the world – translates into a different, more creative approach to projects, specialising in unusual solutions that really help their clients’ homes stand out. “Stonework and landscaping, in particular, benefit from my previous experience,” explains Dominic, “and we’ve created a number of superb pieces for finishing homes and gardens. Clients love the different perspective that we bring to their projects, and a high percentage of our work comes via recommendations from happy customers.” Impressive!

But it doesn’t stop there. From new builds to renovations, with combined skills that cover carpentry and joinery, plastering, painting and decorating, as well as tree surgery, fencing, decking, summer houses and home o ces, uercus brings most, if not all, of your home project needs under one banner. With a reputation for meticulous craftsmanship, by a team that’s not afraid to think outside the box when it comes to making your property stand out, why not enlist the help of Quercus Building Solutions to transform your home into the envy of your neighbours?

QUERCUS BUILDING SOLUTIONS LTD 0 1 6 3 7 4 9 9 2 5 1 0 7 8 7 2 4 8 3 5 2 6 w w w . q uerc usc ornw all. c o. uk

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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07/06/2019 14:00



•EXPERIENCE• C O R N WA L L AT S U N S E T Nothing beats wandering the South West Coast Path and rounding off the day with a Cornish sunset. This stunning photograph, taken by Kieran Brimson on Cornwall’s south coast, sums up everything we love about being by the sea. Capturing staggering landscapes and scenes from around the world, as well as specialising in interior and commercial photography, to see more of Kieran’s breathtaking work, be sure to pay his website a visit.


w w w . k b rimsonp hotograp hy. c om F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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06/06/2019 16:42



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06/06/2019 16:42




In celebration of its 15th anniversary, the team at Oltco is taking the opportunity to give back to the local community.

ABOVE ì A well-deserved pasty for the crew at Newquay Fire Station RIGHT è Oltco's themed cupcakes, well received at Crantock Lodge BELOW RIGHT The Newquay Community Orchard


ast month we met Johnny Pearce and Tom Stringer, owners of resin-bound flooring specialist, ltco. We learned that ohnny’s personable approach to business development and om’s hands-on approach to delivering solutions has proved a formidable combination, one that has garnered contracts with prestigious clients including ellogg’s and olls oyce ut it’s not just greatness in its work that sets this company apart. Indeed, ltco also does its utmost to give back to the local community, which is why, to celebrate its 1 th anniversary, Johnny, Tom and the team have initiated a campaign called andom cts of indness’. o far, they have delivered ltco pasties to local fire fighters at ew uay Community Fire tation, as well as special ltco themed cupcakes, which they delivered personally to Crantock odge Care ome. hey also visited ew uay unior cademy chool to award ach iper – who raised thousands of pounds for acmillan Cancer by shaving his head – with a family pass to lton owers. his e emplary business has become the ’s leading resin bound driveway solutions provider. o give you an idea of the work ltco does, we need look no further than ew uay Community rchard C , where the team recently installed a 200 s uare metre ecycle ound pathway. he brief re uired a pathway that was both non-slip and durable, due to the area being open to the public. s a funded organisation, C needed to be confident that the pathway was a solid investment, one that wouldn’t need replacing in a few years. uke erkeley, C irector, tells us Working with ltco was a great e perience for us. his footpath was a big addition to our site, one which will be used for years to come. ltco’s passion for the pro ect – and the team s desire to get it

done in one day to minimise disruption to our community – made it a really easy process. It looks great, it’s reliable and most importantly it fully supports our ethos of sustainability and reuse. s the world’s first flooring solution to utilise waste plastic, with key attributes being porous and non-slip, plus a 20-year guarantee, ecycle ound represents a great leap forward in resin-bound solutions. Indeed, in an age where ubi uitous plastic waste poses an ever greater threat to our oceans and the wider environment, it shows that Tom, Johnny and the team are committed to being part of the solution.


0 1 6 3 7 8 3 9 0 0 0 w w w . oltc o. c o. uk

DISCOVER MORE For its next act of kindness, Oltco will be contributing funds to help local hero, Jon Goodman, with his latest Community DIY SOS, revamping the playground area for Trenance Nursery.

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


CL--87--ED--Oltco--1.00.indd 2

07/06/2019 11:39

Spring into summer adventure! Swimwear, Sandals, Outdoor Clothing, Camping & Much More.


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069.indd 1 T: 01326 569569 A

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07/06/2019 12:14

Afternoon Tea Served 12noon to 5pm A delicious and charming tea experience

THE CORNWALL Pentewan Road, Tregorrick, St Austell PL26 7AB T: 01726 874050

Unforgettable Cornwall Holidays Showcasing a stunning portfolio of hand-selected holiday homes across Cornwall for groups of 2 - 20. Let Cornish Gems set the scene for your holiday highlife.

BE ACH A PA RT M E NTS • CO U N TRY H O U S ES • COA STA L COTTAG ES • D O G F R I EN D LY | 01872 241 241 CORNISH GEMS - HALF PAGE AD CORNWALL LIVING MAG - 177mm W X 119mm H - 21-5-19.indd 1

070.indd 1

21/05/2019 11:58

07/06/2019 12:18


AN INNOVATIVE BUSINESS We discover the story behind Inovaa’s handcrafted garden pods. Lisa continues: “From the initial design to full realisation, the friendly team will work closely with you to create the unique space you’ve always wanted.” With high- uality fi tures and fittings including underfloor heating, a kitchenette, Bluetooth speaker system and a decked porch area, you (or your guests) will be more than comfortable in one of these innovative pods. And thanks to the company’s aspiration to manufacture the highest-quality buildings on the market, at the best prices, you know you’ll be gaining the most from your investment – whether it’s a commercial purchase or a home garden project. o find out more about Inovaa’s e citing range of garden pods, make sure to give the team a call or drop them an email and they will be more than happy to chat it over, helping to define what solution would work best for you and your home or business.


C hiverton C ross, T ruro T R 4 8 H S 0 1 2 0 9 8 9 0 0 6 9 c ontac t@ inovaa w w w . inovaa. c o. uk

ABOVE The pods come in a range of shapes and sizes



hen Inovaa owners ason and isa were unable to find a company that created the kind of garden pods and buildings they wanted to incorporate into their Cornish holiday park, they followed the old adage ‘if you want something done right, do it yourself,’ and created their own line of garden pods to fill this void in the market. The result is beautiful outdoor buildings, designed to withstand the harsh e tremes of Cornish weather and built to an e tremely high standard by the dedicated team. Lisa tells us: “We now make beautiful pods, shepherd huts and garden rooms, made with care and attention to detail, using the best quality materials and highly skilled staff.” The pods come in a range of different designs named after some of west Cornwall’s most picturesque beaches – you have a choice between Sennen, Porthcurno and Penberth. Both the Sennen and Porthcurno sleep four and Penberth sleeps two; all designs are wood cladded, giving them a woodland lodge feel and making them perfect when utilised as glamping pods or simply to provide e tra space. ach one of the pod designs can be tailored to your e act re uirements, fitting perfectly with the needs of your business, family or lifestyle.

From the initial design to full realisation, the friendly team will work closely with you to create the unique space you’ve always wanted


DISCOVER MORE An exciting range of Shepherd’s Huts will also be available to purchase soon.

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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07/06/2019 11:41



saving lives

We catch up with Cornish Horizons and learn about their pledge of support to Cornwall’s Air Ambulance service.


DISCOVER MORE To find out more about the partnership between Cornish Horizons and the Cornwall Air Ambulance, visit about/our-chosen-charity

he perfect break in Cornwall means different things to different people, but ensuring we all have access to emergency care (even if we need it whilst on holiday) is a top priority for everybody. This is why Cornish Horizons – one of the county’s leading holiday companies – has pledged its support to the Cornwall Air Ambulance. Cornish ori ons, which has five o ces throughout Cornwall, raised over £9,500 last year for Cornwall Air Ambulance by enabling customers to make a voluntary donation of just £2 when booking their holiday online. Harriet Wills, Cornish Horizons’ Marketing Manger, tells us: “We can’t believe how quickly we’ve raised such a large sum of money. It just goes to show how important our guests feel the Air Ambulance is. You never know when you will need it and, being such a large county – which in the height of summer becomes extremely busy – having the Air Ambulance is vital. We’re proud to say that every penny goes to the Cornwall Air Ambulance, as it should.”

Catherine Coad, who works alongside Harriet, continues: “Our visit to the base near Newquay was incredible. To see the helicopters and the amazing equipment they carry on board was also humbling, and we are delighted that our guests recognise the importance of this service.” The Cornwall Air Ambulance has been saving lives across the county since 1987, flying more than 00 lifesaving missions each year. The helicopter can be dispatched within just three minutes of a 999 call and, on average, can be at the scene of an accident or incident anywhere in Cornwall within 12 minutes. The crew can treat patients on the scene or take them to the hospital that best suits their needs, be that in Cornwall or at specialist hospitals out of county, such as Derriford’s Trauma Unit or Bristol Children’s Hospital. Reaching these specialist centres takes minutes, rather than the hours it can take by road, and it's this that makes the Air Ambulance so important – when a life hangs in the balance, speed is absolutely critical.

ABOVE Cornish Horizons are proud to support Cornwall's Air Ambulance


0 1 8 4 1 5 3 3 3 3 1 c ottages@ c ornishhoriz ons. c o. uk w w w . c ornishhoriz ons. c o. uk F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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07/06/2019 14:28

A local agency with

big aspirations

Holiday cottages throughout Cornwall... Toad Hall Cottages has over 900 coastal, waterside and rural holiday cottages throughout the South West. Your memorable Cornish holiday starts here... The friendly staff at Toad Hall Cottages would be delighted to help you find the ideal destination for your holiday in Cornwall - be it a romantic bolthole for two, or a family-friendly house only steps from the beach.

For more information and special offers call us on 01548 202020 or check out our website

THC Cornwall Living-half page.indd 1

073.indd 1

31/05/2019 12:26

07/06/2019 12:22


COASTAL ESCAPES Porthleven - Kieran Brimson


Beautiful stays in Porthleven, Port Gaverne and St Ives

Customs House Loft, Porthleven Nestled by the harbour in Porthleven and housed in a Grade II listed building that dates back to the 1840s, the Customs House Loft sleeps four in bright and spacious luxury. The apartment has been carefully decorated with marine-inspired tones, complementing its coastal locale, and you’ll quickly realise that for hosts John and Louise, it’s all about the detail. Each of the two bedrooms is an oasis of calm, with White Company towels and bedding and an Atlantic blanket carefully folded on each bed. For those staying with their furry friend, dogs are given their very own basket of blankets to help them feel at home, while human guests are greeted with a freshly baked cream tea, courtesy of owner and charming host, Louise. Into the vast living and dining area and you’ll quickly notice two comfortable chairs, set before a beautiful triptych of windows that frame the gorgeous harbour views. There are even binoculars provided, equally ideal for dolphin spotting and storm watching! The village itself is a fantastic base from which to explore, boasting an excellent selection of restaurants and cafés. For beach days, Porthleven’s sandy beach lies just moments from your door, perfect for buckets and spades, and dog friendly on its eastern side all year round.

01326 569365


CL--87--ED--COMPOSITE--Cottages.indd 2

07/06/2019 11:42

| STAY Rashleigh Cottage, Port Gaverne Little Port Gaverne is unknown to many, but nestles right beside its famous neighbour Port Isaac. Here you’ll find ashleigh Cottage – a beautifully bright and spacious retreat with its own private terrace, enjoying sea views from comfortable garden furniture. This dog-friendly cottage sleeps six, and is a literal stone’s throw from the excellent village pub and pebbled beach – a perfect location for a family holiday to Cornwall. The newly refurbished character cottage boasts floor-to-ceiling windows and French doors that open onto a beautiful al fresco dining area. You’ll find professionally styled soft furnishings, period charm and subtle modern touches throughout the property. ust a five-minute stroll up the road brings you to ort Isaac, of Doc Martin fame, with its charming working harbour, high-end restaurants and picturesque cobbled streets. Sip a gin and tonic on the harbour in the evening sunshine, or grab a pi a to take back to ashleigh and enjoy on your private terrace as the sun sets over the Atlantic. Experience an early morning stroll along the coast path, or phone Cornish ock ors and spend a day out in the water on a or kayak – the perfect way to spend your retreat to Cornwall. ashleigh is available to book all year round, from less than £75 per person for a week’s stay. Be sure to choose your dates today!

01326 567838

Blue Water, St Ives Located in the buzzing seaside town of St Ives, this two-bedroom apartment stays true to its name with stunning views of St Ives harbour and out to sea. he living room is flooded with the deep blues, sparkling turquoises and crystal clear waters of the ocean, set against the backdrop of an ever-changing sky, allowing you to appreciate the beauty of this iconic seascape from the comfort of a beautiful and contemporary apartment. As tough as it may be to tear your eyes from the mesmerising views, St Ives has a wealth of places to be explored from Blue Water’s doorstep, with Carbis Bay, Porthmeor and Porthminster beaches all just a stone's throw away. St Ives is renowned for its art scene with individual galleries scattered through the town, culminating with the Tate St Ives, which is situated overlooking Porthmeor beach. With a buzzing food scene as well, you can couple your gallery explorations with a leisurely lunch at one of the many cafés and restaurants and top it off with a sea swim or an afternoon at the beach. A stay in this Cornish apartment allows you to experience a taste of Cornish life at its finest in one of Cornwall’s most pictures ue seaside towns. Don’t take our word for it though; book now to experience the beauty of Blue Water for yourself.

01736 794686


CL--87--ED--COMPOSITE--Cottages.indd 3

07/06/2019 11:42

Win! STAY |

A Cornish escape Win a holiday voucher from Cornish Horizons

SEE THE FUTURE Win a Bee BrickTM, i o er see s n Google VR experience. WORTH

Enter our competitions for the chance to win these fantastic prizes!



www.cornwall- TERMS AND CONDITIONS No purchase necessary. Prize draw open to anyone in the UK age 18 years or over excluding employees of Cornish Horizons, Märraum, The Cornish Fishmonger, Xen Noodle and Wine Bar, Lanhydrock Hotel, Gilbert & Goode, The Cornish Food Box Company, The Rod and Line, List Assisters, Mitre Linen, Leven Media Group, and their families, agents and anyone else connected with this promotion. One entry per household. The prize is non-transferrable and non-exchangeable. No cash alternative available. Winners must be willing to provide their name and country of residence for publicity if required. The promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The winners will be drawn at random after 15th July. The winners will be notified by email within 14 days after the draw closes. Subject to availability. See online for full terms and conditions.


£250 Cornish Horizons are Cornwall’s largest self-catering holiday cottage agency and they’re offering you the chance to win a £250 holiday voucher to use at any cottage of your choice!

SEAFOOD SIZZLE Win a Barbeque Seafood Box from The Cornish Fishmonger

Märraum architects are all about making the most of your home, which is why they’re giving away a Bee BrickTM for your home’s exterior, plus a Google VR experience to help you visualise your new interior in 3D – before a single brick is laid!

A journey of flavour Win a set meal for two at Truro’s Xen Noodle and Wine Bar




£40 This tempting barbeque box is packed full of fresh Cornish seafood, enough to feed six to eight people and ideal for cooking on the grill. With the temperatures definitely on the rise, we can't think of a better way to spend a sunny afternoon!

This family-run noodle bar in the heart of Truro serves a varied selection of aromatically spiced dishes from Thailand, Malaysia and Japan, as well as authentic South Korean barbeque grills, taking you on a culinary journey around the Asian continent.


CL--87--Ed--COMPOSITE--Competition.indd 2

07/06/2019 14:49


A great escape

Win a ‘Great Cornish Gin Getaway’ for two at Lanhydrock Hotel

BRIM FULL OF FLAVOUR Win a Cornish Food Hamper courtesy of Gilbert & Goode WORTH


All the trimmings Win a Sunday roast for two at The Rod and Line




£199 Escape to Lanhydrock Hotel and stay in one of the luxury double rooms. Indulge yourselves with a three-course dinner, a full Cornish breakfast and, on departure, receive a Tarquin’s Cornish Gin gift set!

Sample the delights of a luxury Cornish hamper from The Cornish Food Box Company, packed with a selection of award-winning wine and food, courtesy of new homes developer, Gilbert & Goode. What better gift for a housewarming?

IN IT TO WIN IT! With plenty of incredible prizes to be won, now’s the time to log on and enter our competitions!

Tuck into a scrumptious roast dinner for two, made from locally grown meats, fresh vegetables and homemade desserts, and served next to a roaring fire. Expect a proper pub atmosphere, with live music between 3pm and 5pm.

A bundle of bedding Win luxury bedding courtesy of List Assisters and Mitre Linen



Don’t just take our word for it! As one of our previous winners, Sarah, says: “It’s amazing! We had an interior designer here this evening, something I never thought would happen at my house!” So what are you waiting for? Head to the Cornwall Living website and get your entries in. Remember, you have to be in it to win it!

List Assisters has teamed up with Royal Warrant holders, Mitre Linen, to offer you a selection of sublime, environmentallyfriendly bedding from its new Eco range. Perfect for holiday accommodation and homes!


CL--87--Ed--COMPOSITE--Competition.indd 3

07/06/2019 14:49

G OURMET We catch up with all the latest news from some of our favourite chefs, eateries, hotels and pubs.

Homemade food and ocean views at Boscastle Farmshop & Café

gossip Laid-back lunches in St Ives t Ives arbour otel pa commands a superb position above Porthminster beach in St Ives, with spectacular water views allowing you to simply relax and soak up your surroundings. The onsite ar itchen, ar errace provides a wonderful dining experience for anybody spending time in St Ives, with a fabulous menu on offer, whatever time of day you find yourselves feeling peckish. St Ives is a superb destination for a day out, but being by the sea is sure to work up an appetite. Why not stop at HarBAR Kitchen, ar errace for lunch With an

Situated atop the cliffs on Cornwall’s north coast, just minutes from Boscastle village, you’ll find oscastle Farmshop Caf – the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a Cornish cream tea or a leisurely lunch as you take in the panoramic sea views. But that’s not all that’s on offer; the farm shop caters to a variety of your culinary needs, whether you want to head to the deli and grab a homemade pasty, quiche or tasty salad for a picnic along the coast path – which can be accessed directly from the shop. Or, go to the onsite butchery and purchase a selection of home-reared meats such as burgers and sausages for a flavoursome barbeque. If you’re in need of a refuel, or are planning a picnic by the sea, you’ll find everything you need thanks to the farmshop’s great selection of handmade local produce. For more information call 01840 250827 or visit


By keeping it simple, the owners of the independent Bay Tree Restaurant at Goonhavern Garden Centre have managed to get it just right. Established back in 2002, this little gem has an uncomplicated country interior and a menu of delicious caf cuisine that capitalises on Cornwall’s natural larder. Trained-barista-made coffee, homemade cakes, satisfying sandwiches and wholesome hot meals make up the menu, meaning you can choose anything from a weekend roast, full English breakfast or grilled Panini, to fresh lasagne or a Cornish cream tea.

home. I completely tailor make these evenings around our clients’ favourite food. So far, our dining events have included private dinner parties all year round, using fresh seasonal produce.”

Since opening in 2012, Tim’s Place has become one of Wadebridge’s busiest caf bistros, specialising in menus filled with the finest Cornish ingredients and all made fresh, on site.

If you’re hoping to grab a fresh, delicious bite during your day exploring the old market town of Wadebridge, Tim’s Place comes highly recommended. Alternatively, if you’ve been looking for somebody to provide a sensational menu for your dinner party, well, you know who to call

Recently, Tim and the team decided to branch out. He explains: “Private dining is our latest venture and allows us to provide the restaurant experience in your own

For more information call 01736 795221 or visit /hotels/st-ives

Success in

Bringing bistro

to you

ever-changing menu of lunchtime specials from ust , including fish and chips and fresh crab sandwiches, we can’t think of a better place to stop and fill the gap

The team also offer takeaway, so if you’re looking to take a bite home with you after your tour of the garden centre, you’ll be well catered for. Alternatively, if you’re hoping to enjoy the good weather, there’s ample space outside in which to enjoy a proper a taste of Cornwall. For more information call 01872 571611 or visit

For more information call 01208 812550 or visit


CL--87(FD)--COMPOSITE--News & views.indd 88

06/06/2019 12:25


Flavours for all the family at The Park, Cornwall he ark Cornwall’s onsite restaurant – he itchen by the each – provides fantastic food cooked exceptionally well, and all at affordable prices, meaning everybody can enjoy delicious foodie fare that’s cooked with passion. Whether you’re there for breakfast, coffee and a slice of cake after a swim, or stopping for lunch or dinner, all food served is fresh and from seasonal menus. The little ones will love exploring the soft play area too, perfect while the adults enjoy a chill out. There’s even a spot in the restaurant that’s dog friendly, so furry friends can make themselves at home too Head Chef, Michael Corbin, has extensive experience from working in restaurants across the Duchy, and in his home country, South Africa, before crafting his culinary skills as Head Chef at an award-winning 2 AA Rosette hotel in Padstow. For more information call 01637 860594 or visit


The spirit of Scilly Inspired by the Caribbean and Isles of Scilly, Daymark 1683 Rum is a 100% British manufactured and distilled product. The creation of the rum drew heavily on these inspirations when building the flavours and branding. The British dark rum includes base spirit blended with molasses, samphire and sea salt, before being triple distilled in copper pot alembic stills and aged in oak. he trong Family tell us “We’ve owned a family home on St Martin’s, on the Isles of Scilly, for over 40 years, and it’s where we handpick the samphire for the rum – grown on the water’s edge at the bottom of our garden About the rum, they explain: “It has been a labour of love and has taken considerable time to get to where we are today, which is extremely exciting. Ours is very much a family effort, working with close friends.”

Daymark 1683 was launched during this year’s World Gig Championships on Scilly in May. It has a growing reputation and it has reached a number of independent bars, restaurants and retail outlets, from Scilly, to mainland Cornwall, to ondon – even as far as ermuda and arbados For more information email or visit

Discover vegan wines from

Cretan vines

As a registered excise dealer and shipper, Wadebridge Wines has been glad of the uninterrupted flow of imported wines recently in from Bordeaux. 2016 is one of the best in recent years, so Sue and the crew are thrilled to have been allocated small parcels of some stunners. Owner, Sue, tells us: “We have just secured special Southern Hemisphere 2019 wines that have now been bottled ready for their October release. Meanwhile, we hosted a big corporate evening featuring Lyrarakis Cretan wines, which are naturally vegan. Who would have guessed that so many would be wa ing lyrical over reek wines Following the success of ol oger and a ues ruere cr mant alternative at the

Unearth St Agnes’

hidden foodie gem Tucked away on the side of Quay Road, leading down to t gnes beach, you’ll find the uirky, beach-hut style caf that is enki. With its beautiful secluded garden, you can relax in the suntrap and be enveloped by nature, whilst enjoying the delicious indulgences the caf has to offer. Genki places a focus on high quality, fresh and local ingredients. s well as Falmouth based Yallah Coffee, you can enjoy a

fi bar during their recent eer and Cider Fest, ue e plains We welcome another Grandes Marques to our carefully chosen selection. And in our quest to educate, our upcoming espoke um e uila Fest on site in uly is definitely not to be missed Open 9am to 6pm six days a week. For more information call 01208 812692 or visit www.

refreshing smoothie or smoothie bowl packed with nutrients, a delicious stack of wa es, or one of the day’s homemade cakes – including vegan and gluten free options. What’s more, smoothies, salads and sandwiches can be made fresh and bespoke to your preferences pen from 10am until pm, uesday to Friday, plus 10am until 5pm on weekends (daily during the summer holidays , with themed foodie evenings during the summer and bacon bap barbeques from 10am on Sundays; if you’re a foodie, Genki is a must visit. For more information call 01872 555858 or visit


CL--87(FD)--COMPOSITE--News & views.indd 89

06/06/2019 12:25



Do you let a property for holidays or short stays? Would you like to be able to take a break from managing your listings and enjoy a holiday yourself?

If a lack of time or knowhow is stopping you - we can help. Contact us for help with tasks such as: listing creation on your chosen platforms calendar management pricing guidance answering property questions guest communication encouraging reviews and much more…

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"Everything we put in and on our bodies must be nutritious and safe" Horst Rachelbacher

06/06/2019 10:44:02

07/06/2019 12:33

| foodie



The first in Cornwall and sixth overall, The Cornwall Hotel is thrilled to open the doors of the all-new Laura Ashley The Tea Room!

ì ABOVE The range of afternoon teas is perfectly complemented with a choice of Tregothnan Teas

INSET Indulge in a range of mouth-watering sweet and savoury treats


he all-new Laura Ashley The Tea Room opened to the public on Saturday 25th May, following an exclusive VIP event on Friday 24th May. Laura Ashley artefacts, including one of the earlier prints designed by Laura Ashley, were on display at the VIP launch event. The items were kindly provided by Llangoed Hall Hotel, where they are usually displayed, along with original Laura Ashley wallpaper. Onto the food and the deliciously charming afternoon tea experience on offer here. Guests can indulge in an extensive range of mouth-watering sweet and savoury treats, accompanied by a variety of Tregothnan teas and a selection of Frobisher’s juices. The full menu includes a range of afternoon tea options, including vegan, gluten-free, traditional and a children’s option. There’s also a choice of freshly made sandwiches, handmade patisseries, cakes and scones, all served with fresh Cornish clotted cream. While it may seem obvious, one of the key aspects of the perfect afternoon tea is the tea itself. At Laura Ashley The Tea Room, the extensive range of Tregothnan teas include their home-grown English Breakfast Tea, a refreshing Earl Grey, a punchy Peppermint Tea, a light and aromatic Afternoon Tea and lots more, all presented in a beautiful tea pot – typical of Laura Ashley.

Rebecca Coonan, the hotel’s General Manager, tells us: “We’re so excited that the Laura Ashley The Tea Room is now open! We had a great time celebrating the launch on Friday, ahead of o cially opening the doors to the public on Saturday. We can’t wait for guests to enjoy the delicious selections on offer, all served in beautiful, coastal-inspired surroundings.” Laura Ashley Designer, Kay Cullen, says: “We could not help but be inspired by the hotel’s beautiful location and the local story of the Lost Gardens of Heligan. The Cornwall shares many similar stories of past owners and their travels to exotic places. Our aim was to create a reflection of its past and the surrounding grounds, whilst also giving the space a sense of modernity and freshness. We’ve achieved this by using pops of fiery orange, offset with calming blues, with mirrored panels bringing in the view, all with touches of vintage oriental in the tea plates and art.” The Laura Ashley The Tea Room at The Cornwall Hotel is now taking bookings, so to secure your table, or to find out more, be sure to visit The Cornwall Hotel website.


P entew an R oad, T regorric k , S t A ustell P L2 6 7 A B 0 1 7 2 6 8 7 4 0 5 0 | reservations@ thec ornw all. c om w w w . lauraashleythetearoom. c om w w w . thec ornw all. c om F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


CL--87(FD)--Cornwall Hotel & Spa.indd 3

05/06/2019 16:52

foodie |



Introducing Padstow Harbour Hotel, the newest addition to the stunning collection of Harbour Hotels.

TOP A fusion of exotic colours and coastal tones promotes a laid back holiday vibe ì RIGHT Enjoy mesmerising views of the Camel Estuary from the hotel restaurant ì INSET Delicious freshly cooked meals await


complete renovation and ‘Harbour’ transformation of this property is now complete. ou ll find stunning contemporary interiors and pictureperfect views of the Camel Estuary and the harbour, making adstow arbour otel an idyllic, luxury seaside escape. The four star, recently renovated, Victorian boutique hotel perches above the small fishing port of adstow – a harbour town famous for its seafood and that ranks as one of Cornwall’s most charismatic and atmospheric destinations. Fringing the Camel stuary and thereby providing scintillating estuary views, with the renowned Camel Trail on your doorstep, there’s more than enough to keep you entertained during your stay at this esteemed hotel. The Harbour Kitchen, Bar & Terrace offers a casual, all-day dining affair, featuring a bar, kitchen and terrace with stunning views. he food is light and seasonal, using locally-sourced produce where available, to showcase the region’s finest flavours. he menu also features many of Harbour Hotel’s signature dishes, including the arbour Fish ie, a homemade seafood burger, tempura prawns, home-cured smoked salmon and indulgent desserts. There’s also an extensive drinks menu, featuring eclectic wines from around the world, sweet wines, sherries, the Harbour’s

own e clusive cocktails including a selection of espresso martinis and egronis and, last but not least, local craft beers by the bottle and on draught. In keeping with Cornish traditions, there’s also a selection of locally made gins. erfect for sipping on the terrace whilst drinking in the view. For those wanting to get outdoors and en oy this wonderful corner of Cornwall, there are fishing and boating trips on the doorstep as well as other, more energetic watersports. The Camel Ski School for example provides you with the opportunity to water ski, wakeboard or paddleboard amidst the estuary’s tranquil waters. Not to mention the plethora of surf schools to be found in this area of Cornwall! With modern and inspiring interiors and a cool coastal vibe, the adstow arbour Hotel provides the perfect base from which to explore this renowned area of Cornwall. o, make sure to book your stay and en oy everything this bouti ue hotel by the sea has to offer.

PADSTOW HARBOUR HOTEL S tation R D , P adstow P L2 8 8 D B 0 1 8 4 1 5 3 2 4 8 6 p adstow @ harb ourhotels. c o. uk w w w . harb ourhotels. c o. uk / p adstow

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


CL--87--ED--Harbour Hotel--1.00(Fowey/Padstow).indd 2

07/06/2019 15:00

| foodie



Enjoy a stunning meal amidst the beautiful surroundings of Penzance in summer at The Bay restaurant.

TOP Views that will make you feel like you're dining abroad ì RIGHT Deliciously fresh dishes await

BELOW Treat yourself to a cocktail enjoyed on the terrace


ith views that draw to mind scenes from the lmafi Coast and a menu filled with fresh seasonal produce that will leave you utterly satisfied, there’s nothing uite like en oying a meal at he ay restaurant alongside a glass of something chilled as you ga e at the mesmerising and mystical form of t ichael s ount castle and ount’s ay. Well known for its fabulous menu, lovely position and welcoming staff, the restaurant allows you to escape from the day-to-day stresses of life and rela among beautiful surroundings. he menu changes seasonally and is filled with locally-sourced meat and seafood dishes, as well as an imaginative vegetarian and vegan offering. Here at Cornwall Living, we recommend a starter of pan-fried scallops served with smoked hogs pudding, apple and celery. Follow it up with the seared steak with field mushroom, shallots and spinach with peppercorn sauce, fresh horseradish, tru e oil and parmesan fries. he combination of melt in the mouth scallops followed by the rich flavour of perfectly cooked steak is sure to leave you wanting more, and what better way to end your meal than with the delectable cheese board – served with pickled sweet grapes and a light sourdough baguette, all wonderfully complemented by an excellent wine list and friendly

service, providing an overall e perience that you’re sure to want to repeat over and over again. he ay’s e cellent location and lu urious menu hasn’t gone unnoticed and both locals and visitors alike choose to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or simply the oy of being on holiday in the welcoming environment of this stunning restaurant. pen for breakfast, afternoon tea and dinner, whatever the time of day, you know you can e pect a mouth-watering spread of food. he afternoon tea in particular is an indulgent treat with delicate finger sandwiches, little cakes, scones and tea or coffee – or, for one of those special occasions, a glass of something sparkly. entleman’s afternoon tea and savoury afternoon teas are also available. o matter what you fancy, you know you can find it at he ay restaurant. on’t take our word for it though, it really has to be e perienced to be believed, so make sure to book your table and en oy the delights on offer for yourself


B riton’ s H ill, P 0 1 7 3 6 3 6 6 8 9 eat@ theb ayp w w w . theb ayp

DISCOVER MORE Open for breakfast from 7.15am until 11.00am, afternoon tea from 2.30pm until 5.00pm and dinner from 6.00pm until 9pm. Make the most of the early evening 15% discount between 6pm and 6.45pm and loyalty cards that provide up to 25% off food and drink.

enz anc e T R 1 8 3 A E 0 enz anc e. c o. uk enz anc e. c o. uk

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


CL--87(FD)--ED--Hotel Penzance.indd 3

03/06/2019 17:29

foodie |

g n i r e t a c h s i n r o C Introducing AVO, a catering company with a focus on sustainability and fresh local ingredients.

ì TOP Using the freshest local produce available

BELOW RIGHT Founders Danny and Mark ê BELOW

Creating tantalising menus for weddings and events


VO was grown from one simple idea: a catering company that builds its menus from local Cornish ingredients, in the most sustainable way possible. AVO was founded by fellow chefs Danny Wingate and Mark Polgalse. Born and raised in Cornwall, the duo met three years ago whilst working at a bustling café on one of Cornwall’s finest beaches, and now pour 30 years of experience into their menus to create a fresh, contemporary offering of local produce for weddings and events, as well as catering to the hungry businesses surrounding Truro and Falmouth. “After so many summers spent on the beach,” Mark explains, “we wanted to take these memories and breathe them into our catering, bringing people the flavours of Cornwall in the most considerate way, using our knowledge of flavours, passion and experience to develop bespoke menus that take you on a trip to the coast, no matter where you are!” t the core of is a firm commitment to eco-friendly practices. As Danny tells us: “We are both very aware of the waste that can take place in the catering industry and we wanted to start something that addressed that issue.” AVO has achieved this by avoiding things

like single-use plastics that dominate kitchens, using only biodegradable and recyclable packaging instead. The company is also currently starting construction of its new, eco-friendly kitchen on Mark’s family’s farm in Perranwell near Truro. “We continue to seek out and champion our amazing local Cornish produce, and this is all thanks to having such a fantastic array of suppliers right on our doorstep – this has enabled us to create a range of bespoke menus showcasing the great, seasonal ingredients available.” AVO is a family business at heart, with Mark’s wife Rebecca taking control of the company’s accounts from their family home, while looking after their three children – Ella, Josie and Reggie. Meanwhile, Danny’s wife to be, Madeline, takes care of the company’s branding and marketing, alongside planning their wedding. We think it’s safe to say they’ve got the catering covered!


DISCOVER MORE The team are planning a crowd funding campaign with feast nights over the coming months, to install solar panels that will run the kitchen and the company’s delivery vehicles; all with a view to creating a business that’s 100% self-sufficient.

AVO CATERING CO 0 7 9 0 7 2 8 7 9 9 3 inf o@ avo. c atering w w w . avo. c atering

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


CL--87--ED--Avo Catering Company--1.00.indd 2

06/06/2019 14:58

Wild Coast


Curio Wild Coast Gin, formerly Rock Samphire Gin, is a fusion of coastal heritage, capturing the light, fresh sea spray and wild aromas of the Cornish cliff tops. spingwater and infused with The award-winning, premium gin is quadruple-distilled with pristine Cornish sping hand-foraged rock samphire alongside15 fragrant botanicals including Kombu seaweed. Distilled in small batches for ex exceptional quality, Wild Coast Gin lends a citrus, peppery and floral hue to presenting adistinctively alluring taste. Serve with Mediterranean tonic, garnish with samphire, basil or lime.

OTH ER DRI DRIN KS IN TH E C U R IO RANGE Curio is also the home of several other award-winning artisan spirits. Curio Cocoa Nib Vodka with fair trade Peruvian cocoa nibs; Curio Cornish Cup with Assam tea, ginger, cinnamon and Cornish honey.; Curio Cardamom Vodka with organic cardamom seeds and Fly Navy Gin with Madagascan vanilla, Sansho peppers and local Cornish wild heather - all quadrupled-distilled from pristine Cornish springwater. NEW COYABA, our range of exotically spiced rums.

WIN A BO BOTTLE OF YOUR CHOICE! W like to show you how delightfully delectable our artisan spirits are. Simply go to our website and email us with the We’d We’ll randomly pick a correct answer ans location of the Curio Distillery.y.y W and forward a a bottle of choice from the Curio range*. *Terms Terms and conditions appl T apply. Over 18s only. Entries close July 31st 2019




Over gins available including all your Cornish favourites


Open Wed-Sun 9am-5pm

Par Market Food Hall, Par Moor Rd, St Austell, PL25 3RP

085.indd 1

LILLY LEWARNE A R C H I T E C T S No.1 Poltisco Wharf · Malpas Road · Truro · Cornwall · TR1 1QH 01872 261000 · ·

07/06/2019 12:42

foodie |


DESSERT Pastry Chef Tommy Gilbert’s delicious confit rhubarb and vanilla ice cream recipe.

SERVES 4 INGREDIENTS: kilo confit rhubarb Homemade granola One scoop of vanilla ice cream


eatured on the new summer menu by he reenbank otel, this rhubarb dessert is ideal for al fresco dining. s one of the biggest sellers from the new menu so far, incorporate this dish at your own dinner party to combine a touch of elegance with a classic twist. his light dessert is perfect for a summer’s evening rela ing outdoors.

50g Greek yoghurt 10g honey


Half a vanilla pod

Make sure you don’t overcook the rhubarb. If you can practice poaching the rhubarb using various timings, you can find your perfect preference, depending how you like it.

Celery shoots 100 grams honeycomb

GRANOLA – INGREDIENTS: ual uantities, depending on how much you would like to serve Hazelnuts Desiccated coconut Porridge oats Ground almonds Golden syrup


Combine all ingredients together in a bowl and combine with the golden syrup



e-seed the vanilla pod and combine with the reek yoghurt and honey

500g caster sugar


500ml water

wirl the reek yoghurt onto the plate


prinkle the granola

250g grenadine



lace - pieces of the confit rhubarb on the top of the granola bed


Chop up small chunks of honeycomb and place this with the rhubarb


re-heat oven to 0


lace the caster sugar, water and grenadine in a pan and place on the hob


dd a scoop of vanilla ice cream to the side – we love Callestick Farm ice cream


ently stir the ingredients until it forms into a syrup


prinkle celery shoots over the top to finish optional


Cut the rhubarb into finger-si ed pieces and place in the syrup



oach the rhubarb for 2 minutes on 0 heat in the oven


Check the rhubarb is soft and tender with a little bite for te ture before bringing out of the oven


llow to cool

n oy

THE GREENBANK HOTEL H arb ourside, F almouth, T R 1 1 2 S R 0 1 3 2 6 3 1 2 4 4 0 rec ep tion@ greenb ank - hotel. c o. uk w w w . greenb ank - hotel. c o. uk

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


CL--87(FD)--ED--Greenbank--1.00.indd 2

07/06/2019 11:52

DOGGIE DELIGHTS All you need to keep their tails wagging!

Summer 2019



Make the most of dog-friendly Cornwall Dog-friendly: Days out • Stays • Places to eat CL--(DGS)--Cover--Final.indd 1

07/06/2019 12:00





50 acres of dog friendly gardens plus lots of woodland to run off-lead SERVING AWARD WINNING FOOD WITH A VIEW THAT’S IN A WORLD OF ITS OWN… GREAT WALKS! GREAT WELCOME! DOG FRIENDLY LOUNGE!

Gardens open 1st March - 31st October Café 31st March - 3rd October, Sunday to Thursday, selling doggy ice cream and cakes! 01208 841369 Washaway, Bodmin, PL30 3AG



P lenty of great sc enic w alk s starting, p assing & f inishing f rom your dog f riendly c af e on the harb our


Budock Vean Hotel, Near Falmouth Book: 01326 252101

88.indd 1

M ylor Y ac ht H arb our F almouth T R 1 1 5 U F w w w . c af emylor. c om tel: 0 1 3 2 6 3 7 7 7 4 3 O p e n D ai ly O p en D aily

07/06/2019 11:42

THE scoop Ideas for you and your pooch, from vet care, to stays, to must-have accessories.

Is your pet covered

out of hours?

When it comes to our pets, it’s worth thinking about what might happen in an out-of-hours emergency, at night or during the weekend. It therefore makes sense to find a surgery that covers out-of-hours care, so you can rely on it at any time of the day – or night. Another aspect to consider is whether the surgery provides 24-hour nursing care, so sick pets aren’t left alone. With that in mind, make sure to check with your vet and find out how your pet will be cared for in an emergency. ernow ets is one e ample of a vet team in Cornwall who provide the assurance of round-the-clock care so, whether home or away, you know that they will be there for you and your pet.

Dogs love Falmouth For more information call 01208 873727 or visit

The perfect pit stop for dog walkers roviding freshly cooked all-day breakfasts and lunches, arbour iew Caf is perfect for anyone looking to refresh themselves after a day spent exploring the south coast. Just minutes from the coast path leading to oe ar to the south and raa ands to the west, you can walk from the path to the caf with your pooch in tow and en oy scintillating views over orthleven’s iconic harbour, before delving into a plate of delicious freshly prepared food. Now fast approaching their second summer, enny, i y and the girls are building a great rapport with locals and visitors alike. Trip Advisor and Facebook are both awash with

Situated just a short scoot from Falmouth’s dog-friendly beaches, the Falmouth Hotel is the perfect retreat for those holidaying with their hound. Stay in one of the hotel’s allocated dog friendly rooms, where your furry friend will be welcomed on arrival with a goodie bag containing a blanket, bowl and dog treats – everything they need to settle in and feel right at home. There’s also the option of self-catering, with the hotel’s dog-friendly lodges, situated within the grounds! Four legged family members are welcome in the public areas of the hotel too, including the Lounge and outside on the beautifully manicured lawns – a great place for them to stretch their legs.

rave reviews, many mentioning the friendly and polite staff and relaxed atmosphere – the crab sandwich and rosecco special is still a firm favourite. Come and sample their fare with your pooches all year round.

earby you’ll find endennis Castle, offering an insight into the area’s history as far back as 1540 and, you guessed it, it’s dog friendly! Falmouth really is a fabulous destination for a break with the hound, so why not contact the Falmouth Hotel and start planning yours?

For more information call 07498 613280 or visit jokizpen

For more information call 01326 312671 or visit

Less work, less smell, more play with Siccaro There’s nothing better than sharing the great outdoors with your dog! However, returning to your car or home with a wet, dirty dog can be a hassle and in the colder months, it’s important to get them warm and dry uickly. iccaro upreme ro dog drying robes solve these issues fast with the super-absorbent, antibacterial Wet2Dry fabric, which holds over seven times its weight in water – it gets wet dogs

More of

THE scoop ☞


0 dry in around fifteen minutes. ate Humble, author and TV presenter, uses the Siccaro robes on her own dogs and says: hey work ama ingly well – and uickly. oth dogs are dry within about five to ten minutes of putting the coats on!” For 10% off, simply uote Cornwall 10’. For more information call 01885 400343 or visit


06/06/2019 15:55

Fox Valley Cottages for a wonderful Cornish holiday

A warm welcome awaits you... Fox Valley Cottages located in the beautiful contryside of south east Cornwall. The sweet little cluster of 11 self catering cottages and apartments offers the perfect base for families to explore this wonderful part of the world.




ur All o es g a t t o c are O G FRIE

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Lanlawren Farm Trenewan Looe Cornwall PL13 2PZ




90.indd 1

19a Kenwyn Street • Truro • TR1 3BU 01872 260 050 • 07746 870 311

07/06/2019 11:37

Waggy tails welcome at St Enodoc Hotel The St Enodoc team are thrilled to have recently announced their new dog-friendly status. Big or small, furry friends are always made welcome and, with an abundance of great walks along this stunning stretch of the north coast, visitors and locals alike can now enjoy a welcome pit stop for lunch, dinner or a quick drink on the terrace with their hound. In fact, the team are so passionate about welcoming man’s best friend that they’ve also created a dedicated ‘Dog Dinner’ menu. They even offer room service for resident hounds! Privately owned in an exquisite hideaway with sweeping Camel Estuary views, this chic, boutique hotel is but a stone’s throw

from the beach and the passenger ferry to Padstow, making it the perfect base from which to discover everything that the north coast has to offer. For more information call 01208 863394 or visit

Grab a pint with the pooch at the Lemon Arms The Lemon Arms in Mylor is the perfect place to put your feet up and enjoy a pub lunch as we approach the summer season. We love taking a leisurely walk around the creek and a race around the park with the hound, before a hearty meal at the Lemon Arms. The cosy interior and friendly staff promotes a welcoming atmosphere that’s hard to leave – especially after a few pints of Tribute. But it’s the food that really stands out and with pub classics served alongside coastal specials such as fresh scallop and crab claw paella, you know you’ll leave feeling full and satisfied. If the sun’s out, head outside with your pooch and enjoy your favourite tipple in the beer garden – this sheltered and dog-friendly spot is the perfect sun trap with beautiful

Love your dog? So does Penbugle! Penbugle Organic Farm offers dog-friendly glamping accommodation in peaceful surroundings near Liskeard, including Big Chief Wigwam® Cabins and Nomadic Bell Tents.

potted plants and spacious benches, meaning you could easily spend the whole afternoon lounging at the Lemon Arms. For more information all 01326 373666 or visit

From this July, the team is also launching Duchy Canine Hydrotherapy – a purpose built centre with state-of-the-art facilities to help poorly pooches. un by fully- ualified Stephanie Ridout, the centre includes a pool, underwater treadmill and a spa, offering support for dogs that includes swimming lessons, pre and post-operative conditioning, muscle-strengthening joint mobilisation, improvement of circulation, and non-weight bearing exercise, all in a peaceful locale with Stephanie’s professional tuition. For full details of all the therapies available and to see if Stephanie can help your furry friend, be sure to visit the website. For more information call 01579 326709 or visit

Introducing Creekside Cottages’ dog-friendly holiday homes Creekside Cottages offers a fine collection of individual waterside and rural self-catering holiday cottages on the south coast of Cornwall and 23 of these cottages are dog friendly! We hear from owner Martin Watson who tells us: “We’re a closely run and supervised company, it’s not a large agency, we’re a family business which has been running since 1956 meaning you get a personal service tailored to you.” Whether you’re looking for a romantic couple’s cottage, a traditional waterside fisherman’s holiday, or

luxury self-catering holiday houses sleeping from two up to eight, Creekside Cottages has something to suit you and your four-legged friend. Two cottages that we’ve picked out are The Wheel House and Beach Cottage; both are situated overlooking Restronguet Creek and the Roseland peninsula and are in easy reach of beautiful beaches and the buzzing beachside town of Falmouth. For more information call 01326 375972 or visit



07/06/2019 15:16

Canine C APERS

Cornwall is a paradise for hounds and humans alike, giving a whole new meaning to ‘a dog’s life’.


hether you’re holidaying with your hound, or are a local looking for more ways to make the most of the Duchy with your furry friend in tow, here are just some of the county’s fantastic stays and pooch-friendly pit stops to help you make the most of your time with man’s best friend.

A bite by the beach

A hound-worthy holiday Silver Sands Holiday Park Explore the Lizard’s beautiful nature reserve with your four-legged friend! At Silver Sands Holiday Park your pooch is welcome to oin in the fun. With the soft, sandy beaches of Kennack Sands just a short walk away and woodland or coastal walks to choose from, ilver ands oliday ark is the perfect place to stay. Whether you’re camping, touring or enjoying a static stay, there’s no need to leave your doggy behind!

Pooch-friendly pit stop

Catch Seafood Bar and Grill

Twisted Currant

Just 20 paces from the sand at Mawgan Porth, Catch Seafood Bar and Grill is perfect for grabbing a bite with the family, and dogs are welcome too! Whether you’re looking for dinner after spending the day on the beach – which is dog friendly all year round – or are looking for a hearty breakfast before you set out for your day’s adventures, Catch is open for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner, as well as coffee, cream teas and cocktails.

After a day spent exploring the Lizard’s coastal paths, there’s nothing better than retreating to the small, beautiful fishing village of orthleven, where you’ll find the wisted Currant caf . he caf is dog friendly, and the team always have a treat on hand to make your pooch feel at home. here’s a wide variety of delicious homemade cakes, as well as a creative and traditional food menu with a wide selection of gluten free, dairy free and vegan choices. e t time you’re in orthleven with the pooch, be sure to pop by and satisfy that hearty sea-air appetite.

Furry friends welcome!

Holiday heaven

Harbour View Café Commanding a superb position by the harbour in Porthleven and offering freshly cooked all-day breakfasts and lunches, if you’re exploring the south coast with your furry friend, you’ll be hard pushed to find a better spot to stop and refuel. The café is just minutes from the coast path and the team, now approaching their second summer, have built a great rapport with locals and visitors alike. urn to page to read more. @jokizpen

Chynhale Barns

With stunning cottages located in Callestick near Perranporth, Chynhale arns takes dog friendly to a whole new level. There are absolutely no restrictions on how many dogs you bring with you the gardens are securely fenced and internal floors are tiled – perfect for sandy paws returning from a walk on the beach. urrounded by stunning, Cornish countryside and less than five minutes from Perranporth’s vast, dog-friendly beach, Chynale Barns is the perfect escape for dog owners. uote Cornwall iving’ when you book and receive off your 201 holiday


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07/06/2019 15:21

n 'The best dog friendly hotel in Cornwall' said Barnaby



When you book a stay at The Headland Hotel your four-legged friend is made just as welcome.


ituated atop the cliffs at Fistral beach, The Headland Hotel provides the perfect base from which to explore everything that Newquay has to offer. And if you want to enjoy a holiday with your furry friend in tow, this really couldn’t be a better location, allowing you to enjoy morning strolls and days on Newquay’s many dog friendly beaches. We hear from Concierge, Sarah Gaskin, who tells us: “The Headland Hotel & Spa welcomes an abundance of happy sandy noses each year, and much to our delight the majority come back time and time again. The smiles and wagging tails we see from our guests and four legged friends means that providing The Headland experience is made all the more pleasurable.” On arrival each and every dog is welcomed with an enormous amount of fuss and attention, alongside a welcome pack that includes a water bowl, blanket, tasty food and lots of rewarding treats that will make any dog lick their lips. The elegantly designed hotel rooms and five-star cottages ust 2 e tra per night

are the perfect beachside retreat for any excitable dog. With access to Fistral beach, located a stone’s throw away, your canine companion can enjoy the bountiful world of golden sand, paddling in the sea and exploring the South West Coast Path. And when playtime has finished for the day, your home away from home awaits for you to dry off and snuggle down before a delicious dinner. Sarah continues: “We've welcomed many furry friends over the years, and recently we had the pleasure of welcoming a VIP guest! Frank and his human friend Henry Slade, Exeter and England Rugby Union player, stayed with us in May. Luckily for Frank, he had the pleasure of staying in our best room with views over looking Fistral beach, where he spent most of his stay playing and posing for photos.”

THE HEADLAND HOTEL N ew q uay, T R 7 1 E W 0 1 6 3 7 8 7 2 2 1 1 rec ep tion@ headlandhotel. c o. uk w w w . headlandhotel. c o. uk

TOP RIGHT The friendly team look forward to welcoming you and your pooch INSET Elegant and beautiful rooms await


DISCOVER MORE Follow The Headland Hotel on Instagram @TheHeadlandCornwall and tag #MyHeadland in your photos when visiting.

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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07/06/2019 12:05


•EXPERIENCE• A T R I P TO S L I C K E R S D O G H O U S E I N PA D S TO W Located on Padstow’s North Quay, Slickers Doghouse is perfectly situated for dog owners making the most of the walks on the north coast, offering a plethora of eco-friendly and sustainable products to get your canine companions summer ready. ou’ll find everything you need, from cooling coats and rash vests, to boots and doggles, along with toys and bowls made from eco-friendly materials such as rice husk, hemp and recycled bamboo, to harnesses, life jackets, coats and drying coats, as well as wet, dry and raw food, all of which is totally grain and meat meal free. All of this, plus a range of natural, holistic and, where possible, organic treatments and medicines. ou can even arrange a professional photoshoot for your furry friend and have the images printed on a range of items, including mugs, cushion covers, coasters, even t-shirts

SLICKERS DOGHOUSE 5 N orth Q uay, P adstow P L2 8 8 A F 0 7 9 1 7 0 0 5 0 7 1 w w w . slic k ersdoghouse. c o. uk F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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07/06/2019 15:14


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07/06/2019 15:14


A wellspring OF BEAUTY

For art, collectables and a whole treasure trove of distinctive, artisan items, discover The Old Workshop in Charlestown.


ot far from the old market town of St Austell, the unique village of Charlestown is part of the Cornwall Mining Landscape World Heritage ite. riginally a pilchard fishing hamlet, in the late 18th century, it became a port associated with the local china clay industry. Tucked in next to the main Charlestown car park you’ll find a browser’s paradise. he Old Workshop is a fascinating collection of shops housed in a listed building, originally a gun store! Sail Loft Emporium, known for its variety of antiques, collectables, vintage and retro items, is at the top of the steps. Among the current stalls and cabinets you’ll find ose Mitchell’s retro telephones and cameras, Alan Nankervis’ classic model car collection, and Paul Thomas’ militaria, plus an immense range of jewellery, metal ware, glass, china and all manner of other collectables. Just inside the Old Workshop entrance gate, The Craft Kiln showcases the work of local crafters, including Jimagination Creations, who produce laser-cut and engraved wood ware in the form of jewellery boxes, key rings, notebook covers and much more. Among other traders here is Daniel O’Connell, who sculpts coastal creatures and seasonal pieces from wire, as well as Blue Freedom, who make unusual fused glass pictures. Photographer Mick Blakey’s atmospheric prints can be found adorning the walls of Cscape Art, the gallery that Mick shares with his artist wife. Sarah’s distinctive style portrays local working scenes and explores the Cornish heritage about which she is deeply passionate. Mick’s prints and cards show a varied depiction of the county’s most beautiful scenery, using techniques such as slow exposures, panoramic formats and monochrome. The Old Workshop is open every day from April until October, between 10.30am and . 0pm. o find out more about this wonderful, historic building at the heart of Charlestown, the treasures held within, and the winter opening hours, be sure to visit the website.

TOP Charlestown is well worth a visit MIDDLE Sarah Blakey's distinctive style ABOVE Mid-century sculpture on display in Sail Loft Emporium ç LEFT Cornish Cottages, by GertyMyrtle&Me


C harlestow n, S t A ustell P L2 5 3 N J 0 1 7 2 6 6 6 6 3 9 mail@ c sc ap eart. c o. uk w w w . theoldw ork shop c harlestow n. c o. uk F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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04/06/2019 15:08



Cornwall's largest independent clothing store. Celebrating 100 years.

31-32 River Street, Truro 01872 273313 |

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07/06/2019 11:30

On Display Showcasing local artists and art galleries

1. PENLEE HOUSE GALLERY AND MUSEUM The Lamorna Inn, 1915 by Sir Alfred Munnings

Famed equestrian painter, Sir Alfred Munnings, lived and worked in west Cornwall from 1910 to 1917 and this painting of The Lamorna Inn beautifully demonstrates his love of animals, and his great skill in painting them. Penlee House’s summer exhibition, ‘Munnings in Cornwall’, runs from 15th June until 7th September, bringing together works by Munnings and his contemporaries. Gallery open daily from 10am until 5pm.

MORRAB ROAD, PENZANCE TR18 4HE 01736 363625 |


A Storm is Coming by Linda Matthews Local artist, Linda Matthews, will be showing her recent paintings at The Old Lifeboat House in Porthleven from 6th to 12th July. Stormy seas and dramatic skies are depicted on large canvasses, along with smaller seascape studies and mixed media abstract landscapes. Also on display will be paintings by Jane Bath, ceramics by Jacqui Freeman and tiles by Zoe Freeman. MOUNT PLEASANT ROAD, PORTHLEVEN TR13 9JS


‘Water Leaves’ Oil on canvas: 140 x 140 cm by Susan Bleakley


My Porthleven by Trudi Drewett

his fine art gallery is located on the tlantic ighway between Padstow and Wadebridge. CIRCLE represents a diverse group of artists who have a strong personal style, and is committed to showing contemporary art which, above all, is visually acute, thoughtful and beautiful. The gallery is a cool and minimal space which continues to evolve, showing emerging and well-known artists, alternating group and solo exhibitions, focusing on fresh and innovative art. Visit the website for all current and upcoming exhibitions.

July at LaunchArt brings you a wonderful new artist. Trudi Drewett’s passion is illustrating children’s books, inspired by her local Cornish surroundings and the natural environment. She’s an artist working in a variety of mediums including watercolour and collage. Make sure to see Trudi at LaunchArt where she is exhibiting her new collection, ‘My Cornwall’.



5. A GREAT ESCAPE ART 4 Wrasse on Lemon by Stuart Law

In 20 years of exhibiting his work, Stuart Law has never met another artist using the same technique, Gyotaku – the Japanese art of printing with real fish It really is uite uni ue. Make sure to visit Stuart’s website to see his extensive range of Gyotaku, floral watercolours and traditional landscapes. 07544 703540 agreatescapeart


‘ Light Flow’ by Roger Curtis

Standing on Porthleven’s harbour side, The Customs House Gallery showcases a diverse collection of work by some of Cornwall’s finest artists. he gallery in orthleven is a member of the Own Art scheme, and will be hosting an exhibition of work by Roger Curtis from 26th July until 1st August. Please see the website for more details. COMMERCIAL ROAD, PORTHLEVEN TR13 9JD 01326 569365 |


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07/06/2019 14:14

7. SALLY NAPIER JEWELLERY Coastal inspired bangle by Sally Napier

Dive into the deep blue with this stunning sea-inspired bangle. Handcrafted using a stunning combination of a silver starfish, lustrous white freshwater pearl and a personalised silver ‘love’ disc that captures the spirit and elements of the sea. You can purchase online or contact Sally if you would like to visit her studio to see her work and discuss a commission or repair. PINCH HILL, MARHAMCHURCH EX23 0ER 07973 193773 |



‘Past the Harbour Wall’ by Sarah Blakey

The Lonely Pine Tree, Charlestown by Liz Hackney Atishoo Gallery is a family business with a fantastic selection of original paintings and prints, many produced by owners Liz Hackney and Paul Clark. The gift shop also sells pottery, glassware, jewellery, art cards and home wares. Atishoo can be found in a pretty courtyard opposite the old Charlestown Methodist Chapel. Liz and Paul also have an onsite bespoke picture framing workshop. Gallery open Monday to Saturday, 10am until 5pm.

Cscape Art is the gallery and studio of artist, Sarah Blakey, and her photographer husband, Mick. Here you can meet the artist and perhaps invest in an original painting or print. Sarah’s work is about bringing colour and interest to everyday scenes, capturing the essence of working life on the rivers and seas and under the ground. Open daily during the season, 10. 0am until . 0pm. THE OLD WORKSHOP, CHARLESTOWN PL25 3NJ 01726 66639 | 71 CHARLESTOWN RD, CHARLESTOWN PL25 3NL 01726 65900 |


‘What You Really Love’ by Mel Chambers “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray. ringing ancient 1 th century inlay techniques into a modern day era, Alchemy Tiles individually hand carves, rather than paints, inspiring images, quotes and poetry into beautiful bespoke and unique creations. All held eternal in earth and time. Commissions welcome. THE STUDIO, GOLDMARTIN GARAGE, SAMPYS HILL, MAWNAN SMITH, FALMOUTH TR11 5EW 07768 193848 |

11. VINCENT BASHAM STUDIO/GALLERY an his an from erranporth by Vincent Basham

awden ocks

Open from 10am until 4pm daily, Vincent’s studio and gallery has been open for just over a year now, in the garden of his Wadebridge home overlooking the river Camel. He recently completed exhibitions in Rock in April, then in Padstow in May and June, and has one more lined up at the adstow Institute from 2 rd to 27th September. HALGWELVA, TREVANSON ROAD, WADEBRIDGE PL27 7HD | 07836 244983 |


Liquid Woodland Light by Steve Slimm Steve’s work is collected for its quality of light. This beautiful and expressive oil on canvas 0cm s uare is one of several hundred paintings available in his Alladin’s cave studio near Praa Sands.


On Display ☞

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To offer undivided attention, he welcomes you by appointment any time this summer. Simply call or text to arrange a visit. THE OLD FACTORY STUDIOS, NEAR PRAA SANDS CROSS ROADS TR20 9RA 07968 979367


07/06/2019 14:15

er oth M e th or f g in th y r Eve of the Bride or Groom Over 500 outfits to choose from

Sizes 6-30

To book your appointment ring Ann on 01326 561455 Manor Fashions, Truthall Manor, Sithney, Helston, Cornwall TR13 0DG

Two amazing outdoor shows in a town near you






30 July St Austell Aylmer Sq 12.30 & 2pm 31 July Penzance on the Prom 2 & 6pm 1 Aug Bodmin Mount Folly 12 & 2pm



Joss Arnott Dance

See website for details


Southpaw Dance Company

15 Aug Bude Castle Lawn 2pm 16 Aug Penzance on the Prom 2 & 6pm 17 Aug Liskeard Westbourne Gdns 2 & 4pm 19 Aug St Austell Aylmer Sq 12.30 & 2pm 20 Aug Falmouth Pier 12 & 2pm


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07/06/2019 11:24


Swan by Caitlin Mclintock Born and bred in Cornwall, Caitlin has always used its rich landscape and wonderful culture to inspire her collection of work. Graduating from Falmouth University with a degree in Illustration, she uses inks, watercolours and pens to create works in a crosshatching style. To see more of Caitlin’s beautiful pieces, head to the website.

14. DANKA NAPIORKOWSKA AND CHLOE MICHELL Mackerel on Blue by Danka Napiorkowska


Engaging with it by Saul Cathcart

Wave 7 Gallery exhibits contemporary art and crafts in two buildings, the main gallery and The Granary. Among a host of other fantastic artists, Saul Cathcart’s stunning work can be found on display here which, along with regular art courses and craft afternoons, make Wave 7 well worth a visit. The gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday, 10.30am until 5pm.

Danka and Chloe – mother and daughter, painter and jeweller – will be running their beautiful and inspiring annual exhibition at the Rock Institute from Friday 19th until Friday 26th July. Danka’s colourful pastels and decorated bone-china depict the rich harvest of the Cornish sea, while Chloe’s handmade organic fine jewellery remains beautiful, delicate and a real pleasure to wear – an everyday luxury. THE ROCK VILLAGE INSTITUTE, WADEBRIDGE PL27 6LQ 07917 111112 |



‘Sweet Tweets - Birds and Bees’ by Niko Brown Glass artist Niko Brown explores light, shadow, shape and form with the medium of fused glass. Using uplifting colours and themes inspired by country and coastal living, Niko works from her home studio near Truro, selling her beautiful work, gifts and personalised fused glass pieces online and through local galleries. To learn more and discover where you can view it in person, visit Niko’s website.


Before Dawn by Alexandra Dickens After running her own gallery in St Ives for many years Alexandra now welcomes visitors to her studio. Essentially an abstract artist she paints with instinctive vivacity creating distinctly original vibrant abstract and coastal paintings. Please call or email for directions and opening times. 07967144113 |

18. THE COWHOUSE GALLERY Plastic by Jean Foulds Located in the picturesque coastal village of Perranuthnoe, The Cowhouse Gallery is run by a group of local artists and craftspeople, offering a wide range of work at very affordable prices. Open daily, paintings, sculpture, printmaking, photography,

ceramics, jewellery, textiles, woodturning and leatherwork are all beautifully displayed in this light and bright art space. LYNFIELD CRAFT CENTRE, PERRANUNTHNOE TR20 9NE 01736 710538


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05/06/2019 16:06



s e c a l k c ne In a bid to raise awareness about plastic marine litter, Victoria Sewart and her gallery team announce a new exhibition in Falmouth.


DISCOVER MORE Victoria Sewart Contemporary Jewellery Gallery is home to a diverse range of collections to suit all budgets and occasions. The team’s Jewellery School, above the gallery, is great for those who want to learn the tricks of the trade, with courses that even allow couples to make their own wedding rings!

everal exhibitions this year at Victoria Sewart Contemporary Jewellery Gallery & School have caught our eye, including the comeback, after a year off, of the popular ‘Ringing the Changes’ exhibition. Currently running until mid July, Ringing the Changes features ten incredible designers, producing everything including modern, contemporary, traditional and sculptural rings, as well as pieces featuring precious stones, art pieces and much, much more! Now, in collaboration with the Cornish Seal Sanctuary, Victoria is very excited to announce her latest project, ‘Entanglement’. “We are creating some retail bracelets and pendants made from ghost nets, alongside a collection of art jewellery created by all the staff here at the gallery, all to raise awareness and highlight the issues of ghost net entanglement, a serious issue for our seals and a threat to the wider marine ecosystem.” Held at Falmouth Poly from Monday 15th to Saturday 20th July, when the exhibition closes, the retail pieces will be available for purchase in the Seal Sanctuary’s gift shop, with proceeds going to charity. Single use plastics and plastic marine litter have become a serious threat to our marine wildlife, an issue that’s nowhere more apparent than on the coast here in Cornwall. Every day, animals become entangled in rubbish; unable to escape, entanglement can lead to serious injuries and, in some

cases, death. At the Cornish Seal Sanctuary TOP Retail pieces from the team are dedicated to the rescue, the exhibition will rehabilitation and release of grey seal pups, be available at the many of who have suffered the effects of Seal Sanctuary marine litter entanglement. gift shop Seals are, by their very nature, inquisitive INSET creatures, and will investigate items they Sadly, ghost net come across. Particularly dangerous to seals entanglement is a are plastic beach toys, dogs’ toys, diving growing issue for our seal equipment and netting – they will investigate populations an item and often get stuck inside it, or find it wrapped around their neck, body or ABOVE appendages. As an entangled pup grows, the Victoria's gallery is item gets tighter and tighter, causing serious home to a fabulous range of jewellery wounds and even death in some cases, so the less litter there is in the oceans, the less chance there is of an animal suffering. After all, jewellery is meant for humans to wear; seals shouldn’t find themselves wearing a fishing net like a necklace To support this fantastic new exhibition and to find out more about the growing issue of plastic marine litter and what you can do to help, be sure to go along.

VICTORIA SEWART CONTEMPORARY JEWELLERY GALLERY & SCHOOL 3 9 S outhside S treet, T he B arb ic an, P lymouth P L1 2 LE 0 1 7 5 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 j ew ellery@ vic toriasew art. c om w w w . vic toriasew art. c om

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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03/06/2019 17:30






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123.indd 1

07/06/2019 11:21



DODGE, DUNK AND DIVE! Introducing Newquay’s brand new all-weather attraction.

ì ABOVE This exciting indoor park will have something to offer all ages!


overs of Cornwall will know that, when it comes to English weather, every holidaymaker needs a good back-up plan, particularly when it comes to holidaying with children. Fortunately, a brand new attraction is about to be unveiled on Cornwall’s north coast: Newquay Trampoline and Play park. ituated in the ’s surfing capital, the new family attraction is the perfect way to cool down out of the sun, or take cover from the English rain. Catering for children and adults from ages 1 to 101, Newquay Trampoline and Play Park will be landing this summer, offering the perfect all-weather space to dodge, dunk and dive into a whole heap of family fun. From the main jump area, to foam pits, trick zones, obstacle courses, Aeroball and so much more, there’s something to delight all ages. There’s plenty of space for coffees and snacks away from all the excitement too, with a mezzanine area overlooking the whole park, perfect for kicking back while the little ones burn off that excess energy! The trampoline area is set to include two dive towers and an assault course, and next to all this you’ll also find a dedicated under 8s play area, featuring a glow ball pool, tree house, glow room, slides, climb and balance beams, interactive cardio walls and crawl tubes, plus a special baby area.

o, if you find yourself in Cornwall this year, whatever the weather forecast, be sure to include Newquay Trampoline and Play Park in your holiday itinerary. For opening times and prices, be sure to visit the website!


T renanc e P ark , N ew q uay N ew q uay. tramp oline& p lay@ gll. org N ew q uayT ramp olineandP lay w w w . ex treme. b etter. org. uk / new q uay F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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04/06/2019 15:11


GET INVOLVED! Head down to Kernow Adventure Park for an action packed day of water sports that the whole family can enjoy.


Bethany Allen


f you’ve never been to Kernow Adventure Park before, you’re in for a real treat. As you make your way down the track to the car park, little is revealed until you walk through the doors and into the reception area. At this point, however, you may be lost for words as you take in the stunning views of the quarry, with high cliffs encasing the tranquil waters of the lake. In summer, you’d be forgiven for thinking you’d stumbled across a foreign paradise. Owner, Alex Sly, and the Kernow Adventure team are passionate about bringing water sports to people of all ages and abilities. Motivating everyone to get stuck in and have fun, whether you’re on the aqua park, wakeboarding, ringo riding or stand up paddle boarding. The positive team of instructors will give your little ones the courage to have an adventure, and you’re sure to be impressed by how quickly they gain confidence with the different water sports available. ike surfing and skateboarding, wakeboarding is generally quite a male dominated sport, so it’s great to see more and more women are getting into it – and you could be one of them. Whether you’re a complete novice on a board or not, you’ll be amazed at how exhilarating it is.

“To encourage the ladies out there to give it a go, we’ve recently introduced ladies sessions,” says Alex, “allowing you to try out wakeboarding in a supportive and encouraging environment.” The ladies session runs from 11am until 1pm on Saturdays, and if you have kids – bring them along. The aqua park couldn’t be a better playground and with supervision by the team, you can ride safe in the knowledge that your kids are having fun while you learn something new as well. I speak from experience when I say you’ll be up on your feet before you know it, cruising up and down the lake and working on your arms and core muscles, but you won’t even realise because you’ll be having so much fun – the best kind of workout! Learning a new skill like this is great for your confidence and the edge of adrenaline will make you feel more alive than ever. Don’t take my word for it though, head down for the ladies session and find out for yourself, because trust me – it’s worth it!

KERNOW ADVENTURE PARK K essel Q uarry, P enryn T R 1 0 9 B Z inf o@ k ernow adventurep ark . c om w w w . k ernow adventurep ark . c om

ABOVE A day spent at Kernow Adventure Park is sure to be action packed

DISCOVER MORE Make sure to book your activity on the Kernow Adventure Park website to ensure you have a slot on the day you want to go.

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


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05/06/2019 14:21

All images: Grant Lampard


t n e v e A wild If you’re planning a party, corporate gathering or community event, then a Wild Tipi could be the perfect venue.

ì ABOVE Configurations to suit any event and fitting up to 1,000! ì INSET

The perfect outdoor venue for your special day

DID YOU KNOW? National Trust property, Saltram House in Plymouth has favoured Wild Tipis to provide semi-permanent event space in their grounds for several months across the summer and winter periods, giving guests a new experience to enjoy and explore.


e catch up with Wild Tipi Founder, am oore, to find out what a tipi party entails! “We love the versatility of a tipi,” Sam explains. “The tipi is durable, provides warmth in the winter and cool in the summer. It can be put up in hard-to-reach places, with minimal disruption to the environment and packed away quickly, leaving no trace.” The smaller, ‘Midi Tipis’ are perfect for an intimate drinks reception or chill-out area, whilst the ‘Giant Hats’ can be joined together to provide space to seat between 70 and 1,000 guests, in numerous configurations. he hardwood flooring option means that they can also be put up as longer-term structures. “We have been a part of some amazing events. Wild Tipis have graced the (listed!) lawns at Dartington Hall in Devon, held feast nights at Trewithen Gardens in Probus and are looking forward to a summer packed full of community focused projects working alongside Oak Tree School in Truro and the amazing Chaos Group. Although most of our bookings are still from weddings and parties, we have seen a trend in private, corporate and community events too as the versatility, beauty and magic of a tipi becomes better known.”

So what makes a Wild Tipi the perfect place for a party or event? First and foremost, every ipi event can be tailored to fit your e act needs, so whether you are having a small, intimate party for 50, a corporate away-week for 200 or a community festival for 1,000, the location, the set-up and the styling is entirely up to you. Of course, Wild Tipi are happy to work alongside you to take away any worry in the run up to, or the running of your event as well. People also love that a Wild Tipi is kinder to the environment; all tipis are UK-made from sustainably-sourced English pine and the company works hard to reduce its carbon footprint wherever it can. And of course, nothing compares to the magic of a tipi and the childlike wonder it creates; it really does need seeing to be believed! So, if you’re planning a party, event or community project, why not get in touch with Sam and the Wild Tipi team and discover the beauty of the ‘Giant Hats’ for yourself!


0 1 8 7 2 5 1 9 3 2 3 inf o@ w ildtip i. c o. uk w w w . w ildtip i. c o. uk F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


CL--87--ED--Wild Tipi--1.00.indd 138

07/06/2019 14:39

Sweet Dreamzzz Mattresses & Beds BEDS | MATTRESSES New beds in store that are fully recyclable and chemical free


ality at unb products

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A wide range of flooring and furnishings, all supplied with individual care and attention.



SCORRIER HOUSE & GARDENS With its sweeping staircase, Scorrier House’s Grand Hall provides a breathtaking theatre in which to get married. Or, on a hot summer’s day, why not tie the knot outside in the estate’s beautiful 10-acre garden? There’s no shortage of space at Scorrier and its sheer size exempts any need for a marquee. Instead, the Grand Hall can seat 120 and the Drawing Room is just perfect for your first dance. There’s also accommodation for up to 20 and, being just moments from the coast, you couldn’t ask for a better backdrop for those all-important photos. WWW.SCORRIERHOUSE.CO.UK

DISCOVER PAN ASIAN CUISINE To make a reservation please use our “book now” button through our website

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Leaders in quality. We are a local family run business. NEW BUILDS EXTENSIONS DRIVEWAYS SEPTIC TANKS

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BTS--CL87.indd 1

07/06/2019 11:09

STOP WORRYING ABOUT YOUR TEETH AND GET ON WITH LIVING YOUR LIFE Find out literally everything you ever wanted to know about dental implants in a relaxed informal setting. WHEN: held every month WHERE: PURE DENTAL HEALTH Perenn House, City Rd, Truro, TR1 2JL All attendees receive a free consultation worth £120 THE TOPICS COVERED: • The benefits of dental implants • All the treatment options available • Including the revolutionary “Teeth in a day” treatment option CORNWALL’S ADVANCED DENTAL CLINIC






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We cater for every aspect of dentistry. From the essentials like your routine examination and hygiene treatments, to more complex treatments such as straightening teeth or replacing missing teeth with implants. Our highly qualified team are able to provide services that will give you the reassurance to smile and eat without worry. ARE YOU TERRIFIED OF THE DENTIST? You are not alone! Conscious sedation can help you overcome your fears and enable you to have the teeth you have always dreamed of, PAIN FREE! At Pure we offer IV sedation delivered by one of our highly skilled and trained dentists. If you have more complex health issues we are able to offer sedation administered by our consultant anaesthetist, giving you the reassurance that you are in safe hands.


to reserv e your seat at our next even t. Space is limited.

Call 01872 222404 or visit CORNWALL’S ADVANCED DENTAL CLINIC • Pure Dental Health is a premium private practice located at Perenn House, City Road, Truro, TR1 2JL • GDC 77678

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28/05/2019 10:12


EYES IN THE SKY Capture your wedding, event or festival from a unique bird’s eye perspective with Air Drones South West. ì ABOVE When photographing your home for market, the sky is the limit!


hen you’re selling your home or planning your most special of days, you want to capture everything – so why stop at one perspective? Air Drones South West offer bespoke, high-resolution photography from heights of up to 400 feet above ground, providing true eyes in the sky for your project or event. With options ranging from close-up captures, to 360° panoramic photography tailored to your specifications, ir rones outh West’s ualified pilots will produce powerful aerial perspectives that can give your property listing the edge. Show off the surrounding amenities, or reveal that secret pathway to the beach – drone footage will help you generate more interest to sell your home. Following a recent project in Helston, we catch up with Christophers Estate Agency to see what the team thought of the results. “We were very pleased with the pictures taken for a client of ours. They were also delighted with the results and the courtesy extended to them.” With minimal noise disturbance, quality imagery can highlight the features and facilities of your home at their best, also unveiling nearby points of interest to

potential buyers, from golf courses and country clubs, to the nearby waterways – fantastic if you’re selling a home by the sea. But it doesn’t stop with property; if you’re looking to have this fresh, unique perspective for a wedding, concert or festival, Air Drones South West can use both photography and video to capture the essence of your event, providing a collection of impressive imagery for you to treasure. Company founder, Steve, has been involved in aviation for more than 0 years, flying helicopters all over the world where safety is the top priority. Taking a professional approach to each flight, he treats the drone with the same consideration as a real aircraft, giving you the confidence that all photography is captured safely, e ciently and within UK regulations. He tells us: “We’re about quality, professionalism and trust, so you can rely on us to deliver your video and photography needs. If you can imagine it, we can capture it. So why not give us a call and see how we can give your project the edge?”

INSET Capturing Cornwall's beauty from a whole new perspective

AIR DRONES SOUTH WEST 0 7 8 9 9 9 4 7 8 0 2 steve@ airdronessouthw est. c o. uk w w w . airdronessouthw est. c o. uk

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


CL--87--ED--Air Drones Southwest--1.00.indd 3

07/06/2019 14:39

The best properties on your doorstep

Polruan, South Cornwall

Mawgan Porth, North Coast

Superb views of Polruan, Fowey and harbour, five en suite double bedrooms, open plan living, parking, garage, cinema room, large balcony, gardens, EPC=C

Coastal retreat with panoramic costal and countryside views, south facing lawns, patio terrace and balcony, garage, parking, six bedrooms, 3647 sq ft, EPC=C

Guide £980,000* | Freehold

Guide £2.5 million | Freehold

Port Isaac, North Cornwall

Carbis Bay, West Cornwall

Cliff-top cottage with uninterrupted panoramic Altantic views, cliff-top garden, garage and off-street parking, three bedrooms, 946 sq ft, EPC=D

Sensational, uninterrupted coastal views, bespoke, highly specified interiors, two double bedrooms, parking, communal lawned gardens, 1205 sq ft, EPC=C

Guide £495,000 | Freehold

Guide £625,000 | Leasehold

Talk to us today Ben Davies Head of Department 01872 243 204

Tim May Associate Director 01872 243 201

George Hill Associate 01872 243 205 | Follow us on *Price at time of going to print.

CL--87--AD--Savills--2.00(Polruan).indd 1

06/06/2019 16:40

Savills Cornwall

01872 243 200

St Buryan, West Cornwall

Feock, South Cornwall

Cornish farmhouse, beautiful countryside views, close to coast, four bedrooms, large outbuilding art studio, pond, kitchen garden, greenhouses, 1765 sq ft, EPC=F

Detached, extended family home, far reaching countryside views, close to Loe beach & Truro, four bedrooms, study, level gardens, 2239 sq ft, EPC=E

Guide £685,000 | Freehold

About an acre

Guide £725,000 | Freehold

Goonvrea, Nr Truro

Feock, South Cornwall

Charming coach house conversion, open-plan vaulted living room, two bedrooms, parking for two cars, garden, communal woodland, 981 sq ft, EPC=E

Peaceful Grade II listed creekside cottage, includes ownership of the foreshore and mooring, direct water access, terraced gardens, three bedrooms, 1301 sq ft

Guide £325,000 | Freehold

Guide £650,000 | Freehold

Staci Shephard Residential Team Coordinator 01872 243 206

what can we do for you?

CL--87--AD--Savills--2.00(Polruan).indd 2

06/06/2019 16:40

Little Petherick


This hugely spacious six bedroom detached family home of great versatility is located in a private setting within the rural hamlet of Little Petherick, just two miles from the picturesque harbour town of Padstow and a short drive from the market town of Wadebridge. In recent years the property has been successfully run as a Bed & Breakfast and has been rated as a 4 Star Gold standard property by Visit Britain. A comprehensive refurbishment project was carried out by the current vendors in recent years and today represents a fine example of a contemporary modern family home, finished to an exemplary standard. EPC D

Little Petherick


Situated in the pretty hamlet of Little Petherick within a short drive of both picturesque Padstow and vibrant Wadebridge, is this unique three bedroom Victorian cottage standing handsome and proud within beautifully tended well stocked gardens that border the gently flowing Little Petherick creek. This picturesque location, adjacent to the bridge in Little Petherick, is pleasantly unexpected – hidden away behind tall wooden gates to reveal a private, enclosed and enchanting setting. EPC D



A wonderful opportunity to acquire a unique building plot with detailed planning permission for a cleverly & uniquely designed four bedroom detached house, situated in an elevated & private position in the upper part of the historic village of Boscastle with far reaching panoramic views of the ocean. The detailed planning permission granted is for the erection of a detached dwelling with associated gardens, off road parking and new access all within the attractive and private elevated plot. The design incorporates contemporary design elements with open and spacious living areas flooded with natural light that maximise the panoramic sea views.

CL--87--AD--Jackie Stanley--2.00.indd 2

06/06/2019 16:39



This super stylish & contemporary three bedroom home with enclosed garden, garage & parking is chain free & located in a new residential area just a short walk from the harbour, restaurants & shops of the vibrant & picturesque town of Padstow. The property is impeccably presented with an inviting open plan living space, three bedrooms, sleek integrated kitchen and stylish bespoke bathrooms. With a calming neutral palette and soft pile carpets which compliment the engineered oak floors, this home has a harmonious flow and an enormous amount of natural light. EPC B

St Teath


This three bedroom period property of great character and huge potential is requiring a programme of restoration and refurbishment which provides an exciting and inspiring opportunity for a purchaser. The property benefits from an enclosed rear patio garden and is situated close to the centre of the pretty sought-after village of St Teath. EPC F

Trenance, Mawgan Porth


This individual two storey barn conversion is located in an elevated position above the stunning beach of Mawgan Porth, part of a small courtyard development of uniquely styled properties converted in 2004 by Acorn Developers. The reverse styled accommodation has three ground floor double bedrooms, one of which has a stylish en-suite shower room as well as a family bathroom. A staircase rises to the first floor and into the open plan lounge/kitchen/dining room. The comfortable and sizable rectangular shaped accommodation is well planned and full of natural light. The property benefits from an allocated parking space, private gravelled courtyard and a communal recreational area with some sea views. EPC D


01841 532555 CL--87--AD--Jackie Stanley--2.00.indd 3

06/06/2019 16:40


01872 306360


CL--87--AD--Rohrs and Rowe--1.00 (Warne Cliff/Trevone) v3.indd 2

07/06/2019 14:13


01872 306360


CL--87--AD--Rohrs and Rowe--1.00 (Stone Barn Farm).indd 1

07/06/2019 14:11

Penpol, Devoran DETACHED HOUSE AND BUILDING PLOT WITH COMPLETE PRIVACY AND STUNNING WATER VIEWS lmost im ossible to find in this location substantial house, ri ac and land. ound at the end of a long dri e and surrounded b er large gardens and grounds that e tend to a ro imatel one acre, it is almost hidden from neighbouring ro erties. acing due south, the house and gardens en o fabulous uninterru ted water iews o er estronguet ree . he house is beautifull resented with large light rooms where the ma orit ha e e cellent water iews. he accommodation com rises fi e bedrooms two en-suite , fabulous o en lan itchen li ing dining room, sitting room, utilit , integral double garage. utline lanning ermission has been granted for a detached dwelling within the grounds, lus there is a huge outbuilding with anne e otential sub ect to consent . il central heating, double gla ing. o chain.

Guide Price £1,250,000 Truro 01872 242244 CL--87--AD--Philip Martin--1.00.indd 1

Roseland 01326 270008 06/06/2019 16:24

01326 565016

OUTSKIRTS OF HELSTON, STYLISH BARN CONVERSION WITH STUNNING RURAL VIEWS - GUIDE PRICE £385,000 This stylish barn conversion is a real lifestyle choice, enjoying an idyllic, tucked away location commanding stunning, sweeping rural views as far as the eye can see. Being located just between Helston and Porthleven Swallows Barn offers all the benefits of country living without compromising on convenience. Having been improved by the present vendor the property now offers spacious accommodation with a quality re-fitted kitchen, fantastic sunroom taking full advantage of the views and offering access to a pretty patio seating area, a large yet cosy sitting/dining room with log burner and three double bedrooms all with en-suite facilities one of which is on the ground floor. EPC E 49

ST MARTIN, HELSTON, FORMER CHAPEL & SUNDAY SCHOOL GUIDE PRICE £475,000 Built in 1839, this spacious detached character property now offers well proportioned accommodation that includes four double bedrooms with four ensuites! The building was a former Chapel and Sunday School and retains much charm and character with a number of high quality features including oak and slate flagstone flooring, beamed ceilings, granite work surfaces, log burner as well as benefitting from small paned double glazed sash window with oil fired central heating. Nestled between the hamlets of Newtown and St Martin the location enjoys a lovely rural setting with its garden backing onto farmland and enjoying views towards the Trelowarren Estate with the renowned sailing waters of the Helford River just a short drive away. EPC E 51

ST BURYAN, REFURBISHED AND DESIGNED BY AWARD WINNING ARCHITECT - GUIDE PRICE - £265,000 What an opportunity to purchase this high quality three bedroom, two bathroom family home having gone through a comprehensive design and refurbishment project overseen by the award winning architect ATArch. A great deal of thought and investment has gone into upgrading the building fabric and energy efficiency in this unique home, further information is available on the ‘Architects Statement’. Inside, the design is eye catching and contemporary where the high standard of finish and attention to detail literally strikes you as you walk through the front door. EPC C 75

CL--87--AD--Mather Partnership--1.00 v3.indd 1

06/06/2019 16:23


CL--87--AD--My Place in Cornwall--1.00 v3.indd 1



06/06/2019 16:22


Downderry One of Cornwall’s finest beachfront houses, only 50 yards from the waters edge, a sublime south facing coastal residence designed to capitalise on the outstanding 180 degree views over the sheltered waters of Whitsand and Looe Bay, the perfect place to observe or participate in the beach lifestyle. About 4004 sq ft, Stunning 59’ O/P Living Space/Kitchen, Snug/Family Room, Cinema/Playroom, 600 sq ft Luxury Master Bedroom Suite, 3 Further Bedrooms (All ES), Disabled Access, Gardens, Over 1200 sq ft of Balconies, Parking, Double Garage, Solar Thermal, Pool and Spa. EPC – D. POA

Trematon In a glorious rural setting within the Tamar Valley AONB, the quintessential detached and thatched grade 2 listed farm house with walled secret garden and outstanding views towards the River Lynher estuary. About 1724 sq ft, 22’ Sitting Room with wood burner, Snug, 17’ Dining Room, 17’ Kitchen/Breakfast Room with Aga, 3/4 Bedrooms, 3 Bath/Shower Rooms, Numerous Period Features, Workshop/Store, Ample Level Parking, 0.25 Acre of Private Gardens. EPC – EXEMPT. Guide £497,500

01752 858314

CL--87--AD--Scott Parry--1.00.indd 1

06/06/2019 16:21

16 High Street Falmouth TR11 2AB Oakroyd, Falmouth £300,000 - EPC D

Fore Street, Constantine £190,000 - EPC E

Round Ring Gardens, Penryn £495,000 - EPC C

The Bell House, Penryn £485,000 - EPC E

Parc Monga, Constantine £370,000 - EPC D

Trehaverne Terrace, Truro £450,000 - EPC Awaited

T / 01326 450020 E / enquiries

CL--87--AD--Harding & Wakefield--1.00 v2.indd 1 06/06/2019 16:20


Asking Price ÂŁ399,950

A four bedroom extended period cottage on the edge of this sought after village with a wonderful garden and plenty of parking. Lovingly renovated resulting in light bright accommodation in this lovely setting. EPC commissioned.

Main OfďŹ ce 31 Lemon Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2LS T: 01872 272622 CL--87--AD--Clive Pearce Property--1.00.indd 1 cpearceproperty ClivePearceProperty 06/06/2019 16:19



TO WIN IT Introducing Cornwall Hospice Care’s Summer Raffle 2019.


roviding specialist care for patients, their families and carers affected by terminal illness, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Cornwall Hospice Care’s clinical teams support in and out patients at Mount Edgcumbe Hospice in St Austell, St Julia’s Hospice in Hayle and in Cornwall’s hospitals, care homes and in the community. To help pay for this specialist care, the charity runs regular ra es and lotteries. In fact, ust last year, these ra es raised £51,135, paying for an incredible 2,556 hours of nursing care. This year, the team are delighted to announce that tickets are now available for their ummer a e 201 There are some incredible prizes to be won – a first pri e of 2,000, second pri e of 00, third pri e of 2 0, with ten 2 prizes available to the runners up. Along with buying tickets for yourself, Cornwall Hospice Care encourages you to lend a helping hand by selling tickets to your friends and colleagues – all you have to do is get in touch, and they’ll be happy to send you a book of tickets.

Every pound you donate makes a difference. The difference made by supporters can be summed up by just one of the families in Cornwall the charity has been caring for: “However sad it is to lose someone that is dear to you, Mount Edgcumbe Hospice is a place that provides dignity, respect and wonderful care, not only to the person that is very ill, but to all of the family. It is a place that’s full of love and quite uplifting in such dramatic times. The specialist nurses, volunteers, chefs and cleaners – just every single person makes a difference.” Whether you’re buying for yourself or doing a whip round in the o ce in the hopes of winning the big 2,000 first pri e, you’ll be doing your bit to support the invaluable work done by Cornwall Hospice Care. To buy your tickets and find out more about the care the ra e will help to provide, simply visit the Cornwall Hospice Care website.

ABOVE Just some of the winners from the charity's previous lotteries and raffles

CORNWALL HOSPICE CARE 0 1 7 2 6 6 6 8 6 8 ( op tion 4 ) w w w . c ornw allhosp ic ec are. c o. uk

F ind more lik e this: w w w . c ornw all- living. c o. uk


CL--87--ED--Cornwall Hospice Care--1.00.indd 2

05/06/2019 15:06

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20/05/2019 15:13


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18/04/2019 12:36 12:13 24/04/2019

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