English Lacrosse Annual Report 2014/15

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Annual Report 2014 - 2015

Our Vision “Lacrosse will be recognised as a major team sport in England.�

Message from the Chair


Welcome from the Chair of the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 CEO Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 English Lacrosse in Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 Board Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 Financial, Governance & HR Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Commercial Advisory Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Men’s Playing Committee Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Women’s Playing Committee Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Strategic Implementation & Development Committee Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Performance Committee Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Upcoming World Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

English Lacrosse Board Members Sue Redfern - Chair

David Marsden

Mark Coups - CEO

Polly McGivern

Ron Balls - Secretary

Hamish McInnes

Sallie Barker

Eddie Owen

Alan Begg

Melanie Steel

Jenny Haynes

Claire Stoot

Welcome from the Chair of the Board We received such positive feedback from the new type of annual report last year that we plan to continue building on this format. It has again been a highly successful, although also challenging, year for English Lacrosse and one of which we hope you will all be proud. Our vision to be recognised as one of the major team sports is a 10 year aspiration, but all the statistics are pointing in the right direction. Sue Redfern English Lacrosse, Chair of the Board

The hosting of two world events in 2017 and 2018, the successful sponsorship with Rathbones and new longer term partnership developments have been a focus for this year and all help to create the profile and reputation which will enhance our ability to achieve the vision. The new insight reports that we have received on the organisational and membership profile have provided rich information for us to develop further commercial partnerships and a greater understanding of where our niche in the market place should be. The Board has this year welcomed the appointment of two new independent members who come from outside lacrosse, but have brought strong professional and business backgrounds to the benefit of the English Lacrosse. They have provided new objective challenges to us to help ensure we are in excellent shape as an organisation to succeed over the next few years as we both grow and encounter new significant events. In particular risk management has been a significant focus through the new Audit Committee. New strategic frameworks have been agreed for Facilities, Events, Inclusion and Commercial work. This process of continual review, as you will see, is also replicated in the work of the subcommittees and as Chair of the Board I am very proud of the work of the various committee chairs and senior staff, and our desire to continually improve and to find new ways to strengthen the team work between the professional staff and the volunteer workforce. During this year there has been some excellent engagement with the lacrosse community and in particular the regions in respect of the new National Lacrosse Committee which will replace the two separate playing committees, MPC and WPC from September. I think this is a very exciting step for us as a unified governing body. I hope as you read this report you will reflect on the exciting developments, statistics and achievements and tell other people

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about them. There is so much excellent work being undertaken throughout lacrosse which is evident in this report, whilst at the same time we continue to meet or exceed agreed funding targets with Sport England. We have much to be proud of as a sport and much to look forward to. My thanks go to all our volunteers, our professional staff and particularly to our CEO, Mark Coups, for what has been a very successful year.

Sue Redfern English Lacrosse Association, Chair of the Board

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CEO Report Welcome to the 2014/15 English Lacrosse (EL) annual review. Reflecting over the past 12 months, EL has achieved a great deal. When a Sky television feature declares that lacrosse is the fastest growing sport in the country, it is certainly something to celebrate.

Mark Coups English Lacrosse, CEO

Lacrosse participation continues to rise, particularly amongst 18-25 year olds and the number of lacrosse clubs and club sections has increased to accommodate this growth. These increases have been achieved through a network of partnerships developed by English Lacrosse.

In the past year English Lacrosse has secured and sustained a wider range of commercial partners than ever before including Rathbones Plc, Manchester City Council, Surrey sports Park, Vanderbilt Homes, Youth Sport Direct, STX and Under Armour. The success in securing these partnerships places EL in a good position to navigate the stormy political waters that are expected. As we are all aware government funding is going to reduce across numerous areas of public spending. Sport funding, particularly for National Governing Bodies, is likely to contract in the near future. Therefore, the new sporting landscape is going to be far more reliant on strong business structures and strategy, as well as making the most of existing resources such as EL’s excellent volunteer base. Looking to the future English Lacrosse has taken steps to prepare its business for limited government investment by undertaking a modernisation process. During this procedure the EL board has become increasingly strategic, audit and remuneration committees have been formed, and work on a National Lacrosse Committee to assist the recreational game has also started. During the last twelve months a staff rationalisation has been undertaken to ensure that the organisation is able to continue managing the growth of the sport. Thanks must go to the EL staff and volunteers for their invaluable help during this period of change. In closing it is an exciting time to be a part of the sport, with the 2017 FIL Rathbones Women’s Lacrosse World Cup and 2018 FIL Men’s Lacrosse World Championships now firmly on the horizon providing us with great opportunities. The sport must ready itself to meet the challenge of delivering two world-class events whilst meeting the demands of contracted NGB funding and a growing sport. I expect us to successfully meet these challenges and this in turn will build the profile of lacrosse, engage partners and secure English Lacrosse’s reputation as a governing body that delivers.

Mark Coups English Lacrosse Association, CEO 05| English Lacrosse Annual Report



Key Numbers

Membership has increased by 66% to over 28,000

200,000 120%

Increase in University BUCS registered teams.


Increase in aďŹƒliated clubs.

People participate in lacrosse annually.


Increase in registered volunteers.

English Lacrosse registered playing members.

*Statistics taken between the period 2009-2015

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Board Report Key Aims / Objectives of the Board over the last 12 months To realign the Board from an historically operational role to a strategic role working in an improved way with Senior Staff. • To ensure improved financial management of the EL, including finalisation of the World Event Company status for hosting of the two planned World events. • To establish an effective combined men’s and women’s playing structure. • To improve membership relations, communication with stakeholders and to work with Senior Staff to provide enhanced support for volunteers and in becoming more customer focussed. • To review Board member and subcommittee roles, responsibilities, development and succession planning. Key Achievements of the Board over the past 12 months 1. Board realignment: Recruitment of two new independent non-executive directors (NED), following an external advertisement process and robust interview process. Each Senior Staff member now attends at least one meeting of the Board per annum to lead a strategic discussion. All Senior Staff meeting with the Board in a residential away day for the first time. Agendas have been changed so that operational issues are generally dealt with by Senior Staff, with the Board dealing with strategic issues. 2. Financial management: There have been significant improvements in financial information to the Board, although it is recognised that further work is still required. A new Finance Working Group has been set up with non-staff budget holders, Finance Manager and Officer and Board representative. A new Audit Committee has been set up led by an independent NED. The Board has taken a decision to set up two separate companies to run each of the World Events. A risk management exercise has been carried out in relation to the two hosted world events. 3. Merger of Men’s Playing Committee and Women’s Playing Committee: Plans are in place for a new National Lacrosse Committee (or similar name) to replace MPC and WPC with effect from September 2015. 4. Membership and communications: This has been a significant focus for the Board during the course of the year. 5. Board subcommittees and individual roles: The Board has undertaken a significant review of its subcommittees in the last year, it has been agreed to move some of the subcommittees away from the Board and to have them as staff led working groups instead – this is an ongoing process. The Board will focus on the key business subcommittees of Audit and Remuneration in the long term, both of which are now in place. 07| English Lacrosse Annual Report

The English Lacrosse Board has continued its progress of transition from the historical game representative Executive Committee to a new style of strategic business Board. The addition of two new independent non-executive directors from outside lacrosse has brought with it further challenges and developments of the process started last year, with the benefits of bringing objective questioning and provision of a broader experience. Risk management in particular now has a higher priority on the agenda in addition to the financial information requirements. The balance between the appropriate strategic role of the Board and the move to allow greater operational decision making by Senior Staff continues to be a fine line which we are all working through in this process of change. But key for this year is the way in which the Board is working much more effectively and more frequently with Senior Staff than ever before bringing benefits in understanding in both directions. Our first residential away day for Board and Senior Staff in the autumn was a great success, providing opportunities to network informally as well as having focused led discussions. Staff have then been following up on ideas generated in those discussions and will be presenting to the Board in June how these could progress for the following season. The Board has continued to spend much time with the new Financial Manager in improving financial information and reporting. Following helpful input from one of the regions there will also be new and hopefully improved transparency on the English Lacrosse finances in this year’s annual report. As we move to the AGM and new elections the Board has also been reflecting with Senior Staff on how we make the Board hospitable to the lacrosse community as it is essential that we do not go so wholly into the strategic based business Board that we forget the fundamentals of the game. Creating the new elected director role description has been part of trying to merge the needs of both. The Chair has been involved during this year in meetings with the Chair and CEO of Sport England (SE) for the first time, which has been a welcome initiative from SE. The Board and CEO have also agreed that we will move to 360 degree appraisal for the CEO in future years and we are actively seeking options for the best way to do this. Finally, the Board has been supporting the CEO in the substantial restructuring of the English Lacrosse staff over the past year with the aim of reducing the total number of posts in order to achieve a leaner staffing complement and reduced expenditure. We have also taken on a number of apprenticeships over this year for the first time.

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Finance, Governance & Human Resources Report Last year’s annual report contained a section from the Finance, Governance and Human Resources Committee, noting that the committee was considering its own role and that proposals were being discussed for implementation during the next 12 months. A number of changes have now been made, and three new subcommittees/groups have been formed in replacement. Their titles and outline remits are as follows; Audit Subcommittee • Approve and review the internal controls, financial policies and procedures for the organisation • Review of statutory accounts and recommend approval to the Board • Receive and review the external auditors’ management letter • Review the organisation’s risk management policy and risk register • Regular review of banking and insurance arrangements. Remuneration Subcommittee • Determine the remuneration policy of the organisation and review its ongoing appropriateness and relevance • Propose, as part of the annual budget setting process, the levels of remuneration to be used in preparing the budget • Review the framework of general staff remuneration with a view to making appropriate delegation to the Chief Executive • Oversee any major changes in employee benefits structures throughout the company or group including pension arrangements • Agree the policy for authorising claims for expenses from the Chief Executive and Chair. Finance Working Group • Keep under view the financial position and prospects of the organisation by conducting a detailed review each quarter • Guide and assist the preparation of the annual budget. The finance management team has also addressed the following areas of work; • Development of the 2017 FIL Rathbones Women’s World Cup and the 2018 FIL Men’s World Championship budget • A review of English Lacrosse’s insurance with a 3 year fixed term agreement being approved as part of a wider partnership with Endsleigh Insurance • Updated strategic, programme and event risk registers being developed for the organisation. • Assisting the restructuring process enabling EL to reform its staff structure. The new Finance department team mentioned in last years report started as planned in June 2014. Ian Clayton was appointed Finance Manager, working part time. Ian has 12 years director level experience in a variety of not for profit organisations, following a successful career in industry and commerce. Cate Bale was appointed Finance Officer, working part time, and her English Lacrosse Annual Report| 10

Finance, Governance & Human Resources Report background is mainly in professional accountancy practices. Both are fully qualified accountants. The Finance team are continuing to try to improve the standard of reporting and information provision. For the first time in an annual report, we are including information about where our money comes from and where it’s spent. This information will add to the understanding of readers of this report. We will try to further develop this type of information to give a greater understanding for the membership of the work we do, what it costs and how we are able to pay for it. English Lacrosse Accounts (Draft Unaudited)

Income Source

Income Generated

% of Total

Sport England grants



Provision of Overseas coaches



Camps, events and participation







Player contributions



Club subscriptions & league fees

Other performance income



Training of coaches & officials



Management fees - World events



Other Income



Total Income




Amount Spent

% of Income

Staff costs







Overheads/Core costs



Irrecoverable VAT



Provision of Overseas coaches



Camps, events, participation



Performance - training/tour costs



Training of coaches & officials



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Total Expenditure





Sport England Grant Overseas Coaches Events, Camps and Participation Performance - Player Contribution Other Performance Income Club Subscriptions & League Fees Training of Coaches & Officials Management Fees (World Events) Other Income


Overseas Coaches Staff Costs - Operational Performance Staff Costs - Administrative Overheads/Core Costs Camps, Events & Participation Irrecoverable VAT Training Coaches & Officials

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Committee Reports

Commercial Advisory Board

Key Aims / Objectives of the Committee over the last 12 months 1. 2. 3.

Develop a clear vision and strategy for commercial success Challenge and improve current commercial activity Develop the commercial viability of the 2 World events in 2017 and

Key Achievements of the Committee over the past 12 months 1. Secured funding to appoint commercial sports agency briefed to audit EL’s commercial operations. 2. Developed commercial strategy and framework based on the agencies recommendations. 3. Secured funding to appoint a data analysis agency to improve our understanding of our organisational profile. 4. Developed enhanced understanding of our membership through improved data analysis 5. Sustained partnerships with EL’s major stakeholders such as Sport England, Rathbones and Manchester City Council. The last 12 months has seen the commercial advisory board develop greater understanding of the commercial value of lacrosse in England and the membership it serves. This understanding is vital to the sustained success of lacrosse as Government funding in sport will reduce over the coming years. English Lacrosse has to be prepared to meet the new challenges facing all governing bodies to improve their income sources and a sound commercial strategy is the key to this. The need to develop a robust commercial strategy had been recognised by Sport England and lacrosse staff were encouraged to develop a grant application to fund a commercial sports and a data analysis agency to support our work. The detailed and thorough reports presented by the agencies provided a wealth of new insight and information to assist EL in the development of our first commercial strategy. The agencies provided presentations on their findings to volunteers as well as staff so that the key information was well disseminated in the organisation. The work on the strategy has coincided with a number of key partnerships being developed with a range of organisations from the Youth Sport Direct who provide equipment and training to schools, to Rathbones Plc providing enhanced sponsorship activation at EL’s National School Lacrosse Championship. The commercial strategy also assisted in providing information and context to English Lacrosse hosting the two world events in 2017 and 2018. The 2 events inevitably provide EL with innumerate opportunities; however without clear commercial awareness of our current situation capitalising on the events would have been a challenge. The successes of securing Rathbones Plc as the title sponsor for 2017 and Vanderbilt homes becoming the first gold sponsor of the event clearly demonstrates the impact of the work undertaken this year. The commercial advisory board looks forward to a very successful 2015 -16 season where new partnerships will be secured to assist in developing the sport and successfully hosting the two World events. English Lacrosse Annual Report| 14

Men’s Playing Committee Report Key Aims / Objectives of the Committee over the last 12 months 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Running men’s lacrosse through the respective league organisations and regions. Undertake a Competitive Review of the competition structure. Review competition rules to move to consistency on a national basis. Men’s Event Guidelines (and relate to overall national guidelines). Successful Officials training programme.

Key Achievements of the Committee over the past 12 months 1. 2. 3. 4.

Competitive review agreed and to be implemented in 2016. Agreement towards Joint/National Playing Committee for implementation September 2015. Agreed rule changes implementation September 2015. E-learning system for referees being adopted.

During the 2014/15 period Men’s Playing Committee (MPC) has dealt with business as required and in a landmark change has agreed to combine the role of the Men’s Playing Committee into the new structure enabling one overarching Playing committee to provide the strategy and guidance for the grass roots game of lacrosse in England. MPC has during this period agreed that a competitive review of the game should take place and its findings, in 2016, will no doubt effect and set new challenges for the men’s game in England. The Committee has also recommended the adoption of the ‘Respect’ charter for inclusion in the games disciplinary strategy for the season 2015/16 to include players/coaches/volunteers/club officials / parents and carers. The burgeoning game in the university sector is a real success story and continued expansion is a reality, we will see new university teams entering BUCS again this year. This creates another challenge for the game in England with the traditional club and league structure under pressure from other sports. As an example the NEMLA organization have made recognition of this issue and have planned change to accommodate a full and competitive league programme for season 2015/16. The new structure for 2015/16 will not affect the grass roots of the game, players and officials will be able turn out for the game they love to play and the local organizations will continue to provide the league and cup competitions, the reorganization is well planned and dovetails with the direction of travel of the game for the benefit and ultimately the future of the sport in England. The Current MPC committee has approved the changes through constructive debate, checks and challenges and it recommends these changes for the future of the game. The 2015/16 season could well be a defining year in the future of English Lacrosse.

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Women’s Playing Committee Report Key Aims / Objectives of the Committee over the last 12 months 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Administer women’s lacrosse through the regions Support the development of the regions and clubs Coordinate a successful national events programme Contribute to the development of officials and manage their deployment Establish a women’s alumni network

Key Achievements of the Committee over the past 12 months 1. Three Women’s Playing Committee (WPC) meetings were held during the year with representatives from each Region in attendance. New pitch markings have been implemented across the women’s game. 2. WPC worked with the Regional Committee Chairs to support the development of the women’s game at club and school level (see Regional reports below). 3. A successful national events programme was delivered, especially the inaugural Super League. 4. The increasing pool of umpires, competent to officiate elite lacrosse, meant that all national and regional events were supported. England has four umpires officiating at the 2015 U19 World Championships in Edinburgh. 5. The women’s alumni network, First Home, was established and will be launched on the 19th September 2015 at the House of Commons. South East Highlights South East continued to deliver on its broad-spectrum calendar. Champions across the season were: • • • • • • • • •

South East (Oct) Clubs and Colleges Premiership – Centaurs South East (Oct) Clubs and Colleges Division 1 – Hatch End Hawks Jan Kiddle (Beginners) Cup – Maidstone Indoor Tournament – Putney SE Premiership League Champions – Putney SE Division 1 League Champions – Cobham SE U18s County Champions – Bucks As and Greater London Bs SE U15s County Champions – Hertfordshire As and Surrey Bs SE Finals and Festival (SEFF) U18s Tournament – St Catherine’s School (Finals Champions) and NLCS (Festival Champions)

Notable highlights; • Caterham Cougars were named Junior Sports team of the year in Surrey. • Four men’s clubs, Maidstone, East Grinstead, Milton Keynes and Hillcroft, have successfully introduced women’s teams and will be entering them into the South East Leagues and Rosebowl Cup in the 2015/16 season. • Putney won the National League Finals 19-17 and will go on to represent the UK at the European Championships

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• South East won 3 of the 4 regional titles this year. Sadly we have also seen the loss of Berkhamstedians Pendley as a club. However, the players will move across to Hatch End Hawks. South West Highlights The South West has continued to strengthen the club base in the region by a successful second season of league tournaments. Six of these occurred at monthly intervals and had a better attendance than the previous year with 12 maximum and, on average, about 9 teams attending. The addition of a “lions” team meant that clubs that could not raise a full team could attend and pick up players on the day. The format remained 10-a-side. The winning team went on to play the winner of the SE Division 1 league and the 14-16 score showed that this is probably the right level of play for SW at present. Many of the clubs are increasingly populated by university players who will play for a club as well as their university. There are three Welsh clubs who participate in the league. Feedback from the clubs is positive and the monthly structure is popular. It was again difficult to find coaches and managers for the regional teams and both seniors and juniors only just had enough players for their teams. The SW is trying to recruit a player from the regionals to sit on the committee and administer the teams for next season. North Highlights The North league had nine teams enter this season, all of which played home and away fixtures throughout the season. The standard of play saw a huge improvement, and many of the games were closely fought. Unfortunately the poor weather had an impact on the games and caused a number of cancellations and postponements. Additionally squads were heavily affected by the loss of elite players to training and trial weekends in the run up to the European Championships. Oxton ended up as overall winners of the league and went on to represent the North in the National League finals, where unfortunately they lost to Putney. We will collate feedback on the league from member clubs at the ‘End of Season’ review in May. This year the North hosted the Senior Regional tournament. After some initial difficulty finding a suitable location, Queen Margaret’s in York was used. The tournament ran smoothly despite a lack of volunteers. NWLA would like to extend their thanks to the volunteers, in particular Rachel Campbell and the volunteers from Newcastle Lacrosse Club. As a Region, the team performed strongly and despite a closely fought battle against South East, the A squad ended up in third place and the B squad in second in their respective tournaments. This year has seen changes within the NWLA, including a new Chair. We are still in a transitional

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Women’s Playing Committee Report period and require a number of positions to be filled, as well as rectifying the problems that we have had with our banking. The long-term aim of the committee is to work more closely with the Junior Committee and also assist with the development of the Club structure, with particular focus on the North East. Events Highlights WPC successfully coordinated a programme of events including the inaugural Super League Lacrosse (SLL) season, the first national league finals to include both levels of competition, the junior and senior regional tournaments and finally the senior home internationals. Thanks go to Kate Nelson-Lee for her hard work on co-ordinating the programme. The SLL season was coordinated by director Alex Carnegie Brown, and saw a high level of play across four Sundays. All four venues, Warwick, Manchester, Hertfordshire and Surrey Sports Park, were excellent. Scoring volunteers were successfully deployed to keep a high level of statistics and umpires developed throughout. Currently the second season is underway and the teams already look stronger than last year. The Senior and Junior Regional Tournaments had to be separated due to a delay in finding an appropriate venue. The Junior Tournament was hosted by Stowe school and run by the South East and was a success due to the hard work of Claire Smoothy – for which we thank her. The Senior Tournament was held at Queen Margaret’s York, a stunning venue, with a high standard of play across the A and B team tournaments. The U19 England team were the invited guests and we wish them well for their World Championships in the summer. The National League Finals were held at Reading club and for the first time both levels were played. The first game was SE Division third runners up Hitchin (the first and second place finishers were unable to field teams) against SW winners South Coast Gulls. The Premiership game was between Oxton and Putney. Again, a high standard of umpiring and organisation made the day successful and we wish the best of luck to Putney as they travel to the European Club Championships in September. Finally, the Senior Home Internationals were hosted at Surrey Sports Park and many thanks to Jan Kiddle for organising such a great tournament which bodes well for our 2017 World Cup hosting! Umpiring Highlights Prior to the start of the season it was agreed that the Rules and Umpiring committee would be dissolved and responsibility for the rules of the game would be assumed by WPC, recognising that this is an area of great importance to all stakeholders.

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For the first time, the Regional and Home International Tournaments held their Senior and Junior competitions on the same day and at different venues. Thanks to the ongoing development work by Sara Benbow, the geographical and associated umpire resourcing challenges did not disrupt the running of these events. This is testament to the increasing pool of umpires competent to officiate elite lacrosse. During the year, FIL invited four English umpires to officiate at the 2015 U19 World Championships in Edinburgh. This officiating team comprises Sara Benbow, Paul Bibby and Giles Clark as umpires, and Wendy Reynolds as a Technical Delegate. We wish them good luck!

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Strategic Implementation & Development Committee Key Aims of the Committee over the Last 12 months 1. Implement and monitor the 2014 - 15 Participation Action Plan which supports the delivery of the English Lacrosse 10 year strategy and 2013-17 Whole Sport Plan. 2. Provide a forum linking staff with lacrosse volunteers and stakeholders to inform strategic delivery. 3. Analyse key evidence to gain insight and inform strategic delivery to increase participation. 4. Provide a check and challenge forum to ensure investment is aligned to impact. 5. Maintain a strategic discussion forum to deliver participation initiatives. Key Achievements of the Committee over the past 12 months 1. Achieved Sport England WSP Targets, EL rated Green with Sport England including overall increase in participation of 8%. 2. Supported the development of key strategies and frameworks to underpin the delivery of participation including Facilities, Events and Inclusion. 3. Progressed the modernisation of the committee structure, ensuring each meeting addressed quantitative and qualitative information to support strategic implementation. The Committee is in a good position to move into new governance arrangements with staff leading advisory groups for performance management and research and development. 4. Achieved the Reward and Incentive Fund targets. 5. Overseen investment into local development programmes in clubs and universities through the minor grants system with particular emphasis on increasing participation opportunities. The Strategic Implementation & Development (SID) Committee provides a key role in supporting the Senior Management Group in planning of the strategic programmes to deliver the requirements of the Whole Sport Plan and 10 year strategy, SID has evolved its strategic function to combine reviewing delivery outputs with strategic thinking. The SID continues to provide input ensuring that its membership reflects stakeholders by engaging with internal experts and relevant national partners. This provides a robust check and balance, allowing SID to inform and support the delivery of the aims and objectives of English Lacrosse. In particular, during the past year the Committee has monitored performance and supported strategy development to increase lacrosse participation in the following areas: • 70% of affiliated club sections are linked to the development programme (255 out of 365 registered club sections). • 6% growth in affiliated club sections from 345 to 365. • 8% increase in registered volunteer roles including 2788 registered coaches and 1662 registered officials.

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Implementation of the National Roadshow initiative, with 7 Roadshows providing the opportunity for members and stakeholders to understand and discuss the new Talent ID programme. These were delivered during October and November 2014 with 105 volunteers, parents, players and teachers attending. • Coordination and Implementation of a National Officiating Training Day with Sports Officials UK, with 18 attendees (Level 3 Official or higher). • HEI Leavers Survey (second survey) which identified that: 80% have found a club to play at; 56% of those not playing is due to lack of a nearby club; 80% would volunteer if asked; and 72% play in one off alumni games. In conclusion SID is delighted English Lacrosse has achieved all the associated Sport England targets and members are looking forward to building on this success.

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Performance Committee Report Key Aims / Objectives of the Committee over the last 12 months 1. 2. 3. 4.

Transition to the Girls Talent Programme from Centex (August – April). Professionalise the appointment process and appoint the Senior Women’s Team Director. Review the Men’s England Team following the World Championships. Professionalise the appointment process and subsequently appoint England Senior Men’s and England U19 Boys Head Coaches. 5. Improve communication of the Talent Pathway to the lacrosse playing community. Key Achievements of the Committee over the past 12 months 1. England Men’s review adopted and will generate a more robust Talent Pathway for the boys to include a Development Squad. 2. Framework for the Men’s game Seniors and Talent Pathway adopted. 3. Sports Aid grants awarded and criteria set. 4. Feedback template developed and utilised in the Girls Talent Programme. 5. Advertised, interviewed and appointed Senior Women’s Team Director, Men’s Head Coach and U19 Boys’ Head Coach. The Performance Committee has taken significant steps to contribute to the strategic direction needed to deliver the talent and elite programmes in a more holistic and cohesive manner, rather than approaching the tasks in silos. Committee members have supported the lead staff in professionalising the appointment processes leading to a new group of coaching staff working more collaboratively than ever before. The first area that was reviewed is now benefiting from the expertise of Surrey Sports Park sports scientists. This is a major step forward for the game and is now being shared with the Men’s game too. The findings of the Men’s review, following the World Championship in July 2014, were presented back to all concerned via a news review on the web as well as the Performance Committee. From this the ‘big picture’ was ascertained and this would further drive the development of the Talent Pathway and support to the National teams in the Men’s game. One of the main areas needed to drive Performance forward is the quality and expertise of the workforce and it is with this in mind that a Coach Mentoring programme has started where 9 coaches are benefiting from observation and individual action planning falling out of a training needs analysis. This is an innovative step to take lacrosse forward as a sport in this country and world standings. The Girls’ Pathway will be culminating in a National Tournament where Coach education, player selection and umpire development will be the key objectives. This has seen the first filter of players, and written feedback being provided to every girl who has taken part in the Talent Pathway, Regional Academy.

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England Women’s Squad training has continued to be delivered at Surrey Sports Park, U19 Girls Squad at Hartpury College and English Lacrosse are very grateful to both venues for providing a performance environment which should enable us to continue to push the level of play higher. We are moving forward to a more cohesive, transparent delivery programme for all National Squads and Talent Pathway. 10 girls have been supported by Sports Aid grants leading up to the U19 Girls World Championships and we continue to push for further funding and support for key services within Talent and Performance / Elite lacrosse. An inaugural roadshow method of communication was trialled last year, with the opportunity to meet over 100 customers on the roadshows. A clear message of Talent, what it is and how it will develop is being understood. The roadshow environment has proved to be a very useful communication tool and will be repeated with other key English Lacrosse areas of work as we move forward.

Talent Pathway Team England Lacrosse

World Games/Cup European Champs. Home Countries Tours Touring Teams

England Squad

European Champs. Home Countries Touring Teams

Development Squad

U19 World Games/Cup Home Countries Touring Teams Tours

U19 England Squad

Assessment / selection by appointed England Coaches

England Representation

U17-U19 National Academy

Regional Academy

English Universities

Assessment by Regional coaches entry by Identification

Entry by nomination from teachers, coaches using the produced talent identification and criteria sheet

Clubs & Schools

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Upcoming World Events 2015 U19 Women’s Lacrosse World Championship Dates: 23rd - 1st Aug

Venue: Peffermill, Edinburgh

2015 Women’s Lacrosse European Championship Dates: 6th - 16th Aug

Venue: Nymburk, Czech Republic

2015 Men’s Indoor Lacrosse Championship

Dates: 18th - 26th Sept Venue: Buffalo, USA

2016 Men’s Lacrosse European Championship

Dates: 25th July - 3rd Aug Venue: Godollo, Hungary

2016 Men’s U19 Lacrosse World Championship Dates: 7th -16th July

Venue: Coquitlam, Canada

2017 FIL Rathbones Women’s Lacrosse World Cup Dates: 13th - 22nd July - 2017 Venue: Surrey Sports Park, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7AD Website: www.2017worldlacrosse.com Twitter: @worldlax2017

2018 FIL Men’s Lacrosse World Championship Dates: 12th - 21st July - 2018 Venue: Armitage Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester, M14 6HE Website: www.2018worldlax.com Twitter: @worldlax2018 25| English Lacrosse Annual Report

English Lacrosse would like to congratulate US Lacrosse and English Lacrosse board member Ron Balls, who served as the Federation of International Lacrosse (FIL) Director of Competition, on hosting the largest World Championships ever. Denver welcomed 38 nations to compete for the FIL World Lacrosse Championships. Team England performed well in the latter stages of the tournament to retain their position in the Blue Division. The 2018 FIL World Lacrosse Championship will be hosted by English Lacrosse in Manchester, both England and Scotland will compete in the top division. A special mention is required for the English referees who oďŹƒciated at the World Championships. Peter Davidson - Blue Division, Opening Game and CBO in the ďŹ nal Ian Ashworth - Bronze Medal Game Dan Arnison - 7/8 game

English Lacrosse Annual Report| 26

English Lacrosse Association, Wenlock Way Offices, Manchester, M12 5DH www.englishlacrosse.co.uk | info@englishlacrosse.co.uk | 0843 658 5006

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