English Lacrosse WSP 2013_17

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CEO Statement The Whole Sport Plan (WSP) 2009 -13 has seen Lacrosse in England make significant progress, with increases in participation being reflected in a major growth in the numbers of Universities playing Lacrosse, which is in itself resulting in the formation of more community clubs. The 2009- 13 targets have been achieved through the hard work and dedication of volunteers and professionals working to develop the sport of lacrosse and increase the number of people playing regularly. A firm foundation has been laid for the future expansion of the game and the 2013 -17 Whole Sport Plan reflects the confidence that we have in delivering our vision for Lacrosse to become a major team sport in England . Recent patterns of growth internationally, particularly in North America would indicate that Lacrosse is very much a sport for the 21st century and that the challenging targets set in the 2013-17 WSP are realistic and achievable. We are grateful for the continued and increased support from Sport England, as well as other key stakeholders, and know that their confidence in us will be fully justified.

David Shuttleworth, CEO English Lacrosse Association

LACROSSE WILL BE A MAJOR TEAM SPORT IN ENGLAND ‘English Lacrosse will promote and develop lacrosse, in all its forms, by working with our members, stakeholders and others to ensure that opportunities exist for individuals to participate, and achieve excellence in the sport of lacrosse.’

• More people participating in lacrosse more often. • Opportunities to achieve excellence in lacrosse at all levels. • Success on the International lacrosse stage. • A higher profile for lacrosse.

Lacrosse: A Growing Sport English Lacrosse has excelled by achieving all its growth measurements during the 2009-13 period.

• 1 of 4 NGBs to receive increased investment from Sport England. • 126% increase in the number of registered playing members aged 16+ from 7352 to 16605. • 50% increase in the number of new clubs and existing club sections to 326. • 44% increase in volunteer roles to 5651. • 123% increase in the number of athletes attending talent development from 370 to 826. • 40% membership increase to 23893. • 25% increase in the number of paid deliverers to 126.

Lacrosse: Impact English Lacrosse has used market research to improve awareness and knowledge of customers, this has allowed:

• better understanding of who plays lacrosse, • better understanding of what lacrosse they want to play, • a set of values to underpin participation trends in lacrosse.

This knowledge has lead to the following outcomes:

• more people playing, • more places to play, • more people helping lacrosse to be played, • more effective talent identification system.

Lacrosse: Success in 2017

• Lacrosse participation increasing through expanding markets, both new and existing. • INTO lacrosse available to retain more participants - a recreational game. • More and better managed clubs to introduce and retain players. • Greater geographical spread of the sport by increasing the number of community hubs. • Better trained and deployed coaches, leaders and officials to support participation growth. • A talent pathway linked into the community that helps identify and develop better players.

Success will be realised by achieving an increase in: Regular Participants 14-25 by 60% Registered Volunteer Roles by 42%

Membership by 45%

Regular Participants 26+ by 40%

Club Sections by 25%

Opportunities and Potential for Increasing Lacrosse Participation Lacrosse has experienced unprecedented worldwide growth.

• The number of countries affiliated to the Federation of International Lacrosse has increased by 73% since 2007. • US Lacrosse participation has grown by 146% between 2001 and 2010.

English Lacrosse has also experienced a significant growth in participation, particularly over the last 5 years. • Since 2005 the number of English Lacrosse members has increased by 171% and the number of affiliated club sections has increased by 52%. English Lacrosse has excellent indications that the market for lacrosse has the potential to grow significantly and in order to realise this increase, work should be focused on the following areas:

• increasing new participants through the INTO and Field lacrosse offers, • retaining current participants through the development of the INTO and field lacrosse offer in the community hub system, • increasing the geographical spread of community hubs to provide more places to play, • increasing the scope of the existing community hubs on their local market place.

English Lacrosse, through the use of marketplace insight, has identified target age groups, playing opportunities and development plans to achieve the potential growth.


inside outside


active leisure















competitive lacrosse club league

Participant Pathway English Lacrosse has gained insight from key stakeholders and members illustrating that a more defined and promoted player pathway was essential for the sport.

National Squads FIELD Advanced

U19 Talent U17 Talent


FIELD Intermediate


INTO Entry

U15 Talent INTO Playing Opportunities Community hub Workplace School Uniformed Services Community Group Further Education

FIELD Playing Opportunities Community hub School University

National Lacrosse Programmes English Lacrosse has delivered 3 key programmes designed to drive growth in participants and clubs since 2009. The programmes are supported by core NGB services.

• Youth and Communities Participation • National Club Expansion • National Education

These programmes will continue to be resourced through the 2013-17 funding period; a supporting plan has been developed to outline the work each specific programme will undertake in the next 4 years. In addition to these programmes, English Lacrosse has formalised:

• a National Talent Identification and Development Programme with the objective of developing talent within the sport, • a Communications and Marketing Programme to support each work programme in attaining their targets.

English Lacrosse will be committed to delivering all 5 programmes over the next 4 years.

Youth and Communities Participation Programme (YCPP) “More people participating in lacrosse more often” YCPP Highlights 2009-13

• Increased prioritisation of the HE sector. • Development of customer focused planning and delivery for the 18-21 age segment. • Development of the INTO product for recreational participation. • Greater efficiency of the National Development Programme through deployment of community staff into more places. • Increases in community clubs and university clubs. • Development of new courses and resources to meet the needs of participants.

YCPP Key Priorities for 2013-17 English Lacrosse will measure participation for the 14-25 year old and 26+ age segments. English Lacrosse membership, affiliated community clubs and active volunteers will be used to assess growth for the target age segments. • Increase 14-25 year old playing membership by 60% to 23000. • 14-18 will contribute 33% of the participant increase. • 18-21 will contribute 36% of the participant increase. • 21-25 will contribute 31% of the participant increase. • Increase 26+ playing membership by 40% to 5500.

National Club Expansion Programme (NCEP) “More places to play lacrosse” NCEP Highlights 2009-13

• 25% growth in community club sections to 326. • 34% growth in university club sections to 113. • 53% increase in clubs utilising community development officers to 219.

NCEP Key Priorities 2013-17

• Increase the number and geographic spread of community lacrosse hubs. • Improve and enhance structures in new and existing lacrosse hubs to be centres for community participation. • Identify universities, clubs and schools to achieve performance club status to support the talent pathway. • Introduction of a sports club management dashboard to assist community lacrosse hubs.

National Education Programme (NEP) “A better lacrosse workforce” NEP 2009-13 Highlights

• Volunteer role to registered member ratio of 1:4.

• 53% increase in registered volunteer roles. • Coaching ratio to registered members of 1:11. • 110% increase in registered coaches. • Officiating ratio to registered members of 1:31. • 110% increase in registered officials. • 25% increase in the number of paid English Lacrosse staff. • Development of Level 3 coach and officiating courses to improve workforce standards.

NEP Key Priorities 2013-17

• Recruit more leaders, coaches, officials and volunteers to support participation increases. • Develop and market relevant training resources that meet workforce needs and support their values. • Increase the number of trained tutors, assessors and verifiers to deliver workforce products. • Retain more people in the workforce through effective sign posting. • Provide increased CPD opportunities for the current workforce. • Have the right person in the right place with the right skills to support a 60% increase in the participation pathway for the 14-25 age bracket. • Generate increased awareness in lacrosse through better and regular delivery hours of sport. • Develop a pool of talent coaches to support the delivery of the National Talent Identification System.

National Talent Identification and Development Programme (NTIDP) “Success on the International stage” NTIDP 2009-13 Highlights

• Increased numbers accessing the talent pathway from 370 to 826 (125% growth). • Expanded the number of centres available to the talent pathway from 8-16. • Engaged with Skills Active to develop an Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence programme, supporting 47 U19 lacrosse players. • Established an Elite Performance Committee to oversee all talent development and elite programmes.

NTIDP Key Priorities 2013-17

• Establish a new National and Regional Academy System. • Implement an improved talent identification and development system based on new player profiling and development curriculum. • Introduce a professional workforce. • Introduce a pool of appropriately trained and qualified talent development / performance coaches at every level of the player pathway. • Introduce a coordinated annual programme of catering for domestic competition, player and coach development, national squad preparation and international competition. • Ensure the England talent and performance pathway is effectively integrated with relevant development programmes delivered through schools and clubs. • Raise playing standards across the whole domestic game.

Elite Performance “Success on the International stage” Elite Performance Highlights 2009-13 Highlights

• European Champions 2012 - Team England Men and Women. • Established joint Elite Performance committee. • Sustained International ranking for Team England.

Elite Performance Key Priorities

• Better talent identification system, leading to better athletes and improved international results for Team England Men and Women. • European Championships retained - Team England Men and Women. • Improved World Championship ranking, to attain a Bronze medal - Team England Men and Women.

Communications Programme (CP) “A higher profile for lacrosse” CP Key Highlights 2009-13 • A fully integrated digital hub allowing: • data collection, • data integration, • effective communications, • enhanced membership services, • a professional platform to build the identity of lacrosse. • Development of targeted and measurable media to identified member types. • Successfully secured broadcast opportunities for the INTO programme and Team England. • Achieved support from 70% of MPs for the 2017 FIL Women’s World Cup. • Launched Lacrosse TV. • Built strong social media platforms. • Generated and analysed customer Insight, informing National Delivery programmes.

CP Key Priorities 2013-17

• Continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the digital hub. • Brand National Programmes to achieve effective and efficient delivery. • Continue to drive a broadcast strategy for Lacrosse. • Integrate on and offline communications to ensure consistency of message and traffic to the digital hub.

GET IN TOUCH... englishlacrosse.co.uk/whole-sport-plan/

+44 (0)843 658 5006 info@englishlacrosse.co.uk \englacrosse


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