Wayside Church slates community events
Throughout the year, Wayside Presbyterian Church places a special focus on engaging with the community outside its congregation. The church, which is located at 600 Stony Battery Road, Landisville, frequently opens its grounds for free events that it invites the public to attend. The goal of the events is to give local residents an opportunity to learn about Wayside Church and its programs, and the gatherings serve as a way for community members to learn more about each other as neighbors.
Wayside Church’s next community event, Jazz Sunday, will take place at 10 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 18. The event will include a worship service that features jazz renditions of traditional hymns. The songs will be performed by a group of collegiate jazz musicians led by Wayside Church’s accompanist, Charlie Postas. The group will include Jordan Colucci
on bass, Jack Harnish on drums, Jonah Gelbart on trumpet and Jonathan Jedrzejek on saxophone. In addition to jazz renditions of hymns, the group will play arrangements from popular artists such as Duke Ellington, Oliver Nelson, Jerome Kern and Herbie Hancock.
Wayside Church has held jazz worship services in the past to offer church members and visitors a unique Sunday worship experience. The special services have also allowed the church to showcase the talents of its music director, Janelle Pabon, and Postas, who is an accomplished jazz musician and educator with years of experience. “We wanted to invited the community into Wayside’s sanctuary to enjoy a refreshing worship experience that’s neither high church or relaxed folk,” said pastor Steve Fritz.
Wayside Church invites members of the public to attend a community picnic and Sunday service for visitors on Sunday, Sept. 8.

The service will begin at 10 a.m., and it will incorporate traditional and contemporary traditions as part of the church’s summer worship schedule. After the service, attendees will be invited to gather under the outdoor pavilion for a picnic. In the event of inclement weather, the picnic will take place in the church’s atrium.
In addition to its community events, Wayside Church supports local nonprofits such as the Hempfield Area Food Pantry and Hands Across the Street at Columbia Presbyterian Church. “Since I first came to Wayside, I’ve seen the church continue to grow its program opportunities and emphasis on
local outreach while retaining its special, family feel,” Fritz said. “We offer numerous programs throughout the year to give our neighbors a taste of the life and witness of the congregation and to demystify the mission of the church.”
For more information, visit https://waysidepc.org.
North Star Initiative (NSI) is doubling down on its mission. The local nonprofit is adding to its resources and increasing its reach in the fight against human trafficking.
“I’ve had a desire for collaboration,” said Melinda Clark, NSI’s executive director. “There’s too much work that needs to be done, and you can’t do it alone. We want to bring together skilled and passionate people. There’s so much chance of burnout from doing this restoration work. We
Recently, NSI absorbed Freedom and Restoration for Everyone Enslaved (F.R.E.E.), a Berks County-based nonprofit with similar goals, methods and beliefs, into its operations. It’s a move that will allow NSI to impact more survivors and achieve an even greater good.
Mountville-based mixed-media artist James Hecker will display his works in an exhibit titled “A Decade Plus of Texture” at Mulberry Art Studios, 21 N. Mulberry St., Lancaster, in September. The exhibit will launch with an opening reception from 5 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6, and will remain at the studio until Monday, Sept. 30.
“A Decade Plus of Texture” will showcase a collection of abstract pieces Hecker has created over the last 10 years. Each piece incorporates a heavy emphasis on texture, which Hecker explores

used experimental techniques to explore
through his work using plaster, oil paint and acrylic paint. “It will probably look like 10 different artists have work in that space
because I get bored,” Hecker said. “I like to try different styles, and I’m always trying something new.”

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Art exhibit
Hecker grew up in Mount Joy, and he discovered his passion for making art during a stay at Hershey Medical Center when he was 5 years old. Due to a rare heart condition, Hecker spent long periods of time at the hospital to prepare for surgery, and he often could not leave his bed. Hecker’s mother brought art supplies to his room to help pass the time, and Hecker said he started drawing up a storm.
Hecker continued to make art as he grew older, teaching himself new techniques along the way. Eventually, Hecker pursued a career in commercial art and attended art school. Although he was unable to remain in art school, Hecker said he never stopped creating, even when he found himself working a job in the construction field. Hecker once again decided to seek a career that incorporated his love of art after a near-death experience that occurred on a construction site. “It woke me up,” Hecker said. “I almost died doing something that is secondary to a passion of mine.”
a job to paint the columns of a home to resemble marble, Hecker said he noticed another contractor who was applying texture to the walls. Hecker began exploring texture with his art, and he has continued to try new techniques and hone his methods of applying texture to his personal artwork as well as his business projects.
Since starting his business 20 years ago, Hecker has been hired for projects throughout Lancaster County to use his textural techniques on historic buildings after they have been restored and businesses that have undergone repairs. Many of the projects involved replacing a damaged part of the structure with something more modern and durable, which Hecker then transformed by hand-painting believable textures to resemble wood. Hecker continues to sell paintings in addition to offering faux finishing and decorative services through his business.
JLL sets Cornhole Classic
The Junior League of Lancaster (JLL) will hold the third annual Cornhole Classic, a family-friendly community event, on Sunday, Aug. 18, from 2 to 6 p.m. at Kissel Valley Farm, 645 E. Oregon Road, Lititz. The rain date for the event is Sunday, Aug. 25.
The event will include live music, local artisan vendor stands, a silent auction, and a giveaway drawing. Children may enjoy inflatables, a petting zoo, and face-painting stations. Beer and wine from Thorn Hill Vineyards and Raney Cellars Brewing Company will be available for purchase via cash or PayPal. Food will be available from a variety of local food trucks, including Gourmet Julie’s Way and Mr. Ice Cream Kid.
vidual or on a team will be open until Thursday, Aug. 15. Walk-in registration will remain available for interested players until 3 p.m. on the day of the event.
While there is no admission fee, individuals and families are encouraged to contribute a donation to the JLL, which will support the organization’s community service programs and projects. The JLL’s current focus is on nutrition accessibility.
To learn more and to preregister for the tournament or become a corporate or private sponsor, visit www.jllancaster.org/ the-cornhole-classic/.
For more details, contact the special events committee at specialevents@jllancaster.org.

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After leaving the construction world, Hecker started his own business to paint murals and faux
“My style is always changing, and I’m always learning,” Hecker said. “I think the best approach is to be humble, because there’s always something new to explore.”
Attendees may compete in an organized cornhole tournament hosted by Keystone Cornhole ACL. The champions will receive a cash prize. Online registration to participate as an indi -
The Junior League of Lancaster is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.

For more information, search “JamesHecker .com” on Facebook or visit Hecker’s Instagram, @ paintntexture.
Event to focus on Veterans Court

A program about the Lancaster County Veterans Court (LCVC) and Veterans Court Community Partnership (VCCP) will take place on Sunday, Aug. 11, at St. Edward’s Episcopal Church, 2453 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster. The event will begin at 3 p.m. with music by valleyphonics, a quartet of Lebanon Valley College alumni.
Representatives of LCVC and VCCP will describe their programs, which are available to honorably

North Star Initiative

are stronger together and more effective.”
“This shows that it’s possible for organizations to collaborate to make a difference in the movement,” added Clark. “This is not necessarily common in the nonprofit world. The movement is changing, and it’s a privilege to be on the front lines.”
After about a year of negotiations and red tape, NSI officially absorbed F.R.E.E. on July 1. In the summer of 2023, officials of F.R.E.E. approached NSI about a possible merger, and around the beginning of this year a formal agreement was reached.
“In terms of operations, it’s a merger. The legal term is acquisition,” said Clark. “I’m excited because this means we’re going to be serving more survivors more quickly. It makes the whole organization stronger. This work is complex and complicated. Any resources we have at our disposal are meant for the good of the movement. We want to make the entire movement more effective.”
NSI retained all 11 of F.R.E.E.’s former employees, a move that increased NSI’s staff to 30 members. In addition to its continuation of F.R.E.E.’s services in Berks County, NSI has now established a physical presence in Reading, partly through the continued operation of F.R.E.E.’s Refuge Home, a residential facility for human trafficking survivors focused on trauma healing, similar to NSI’s The Harbor in Lititz.
NSI now has the capability to house and care for a total of 14 human trafficking survivors at any one time, up to eight at The Harbor in Lititz and up to six at the Refuge Home in Reading.
“This is the next step for F.R.E.E.,” said Andrea McHenry, F.R.E.E.’s former
Club posts meetings, trips
Guys and Dolls has announced upcoming monthly meetings and bus trips. The group, for persons over age 50, meets in the gymnasium at St. Philip the Apostle Church, 2111 Millersville Pike, Lancaster.
executive director and NSI’s new director of outreach and advocacy. “North Star has experience that will allow the Refuge Home to be the best it can be from the beginning, and I could not be more excited.”
“Over the next 90 days we will be very focused on training staff and analyzing policies so both teams can be effective,” said Clark. “We’re not going to rush things, and if we need to take our time, we will. One of the next key pieces will be to invite the community to see what we’ve accomplished so far. We want better outcomes for survivors. It’s what everyone wants. That’s the whole point.”
NSI is one of at least four Lancaster County organizations currently battling human trafficking. Last year, NSI conducted more than 75 presentations to raise awareness about human trafficking in the community, and since its founding in 2010, the Lititz nonprofit has provided care for more than 80 survivors.
“I’d say this is unexpected, but desirable and not unimaginable,” said Clark of the F.R.E.E. merger. “The areas that nonprofits struggle in are executive leadership, developing boards and securing volunteers. We have so many resources and such a competent staff that organizations are trying to replicate it.”
For additional information on North Star Initiative, go to www.northstar initiative.org.
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Meetings will take place from September to June on select Mondays at 1 p.m. unless otherwise noted. The fee, payable at the door, includes entertainment and snacks.
Dates and programs will include Tuesday, Sept. 3, vocalist Betty Simora; Oct. 7, George P. March speaking on the history of the Pennsylvania State Police; and Nov. 4, vocal group the Valtones. On Dec. 2 at noon, the group will hold a members-only event featuring Christmas music performed by Steve Sauer. Meeting dates in 2025 will include Jan. 6, Feb. 3, March 3, April 7, and May 5; these events will start at 1 p.m.
A members-only celebration of the club’s 50th anniversary will take place on June 2 at noon.
Trips in 2024 will include a mystery trip in central Pennsylvania on Thursday, Sept. 12; “The Everly Brothers Experience featuring the Zmed Brothers” at Penn’s Peak on Wednesday, Oct. 9;
the Mercer Museum and Moravian Pottery and Tile Works on Thursday, Nov. 7; a Christmas show at the American Music Theatre on Tuesday, Nov. 19; and a Christmas-themed trip to Delaware on Thursday, Dec. 5. For most of these outings, transportation will be provided via bus. Additional trips may be added.
Prospective members are welcome to attend a meeting, and no reservations are required. Guys and Dolls has a yearly membership fee.
The club, founded in 1975, has more than 175 members.
For more information, call or text Guys and Dolls president Rose Gessner at 717-575-4839.

Donations to support youth mentoring programs
estimated 47 youths will receive mentoring.

The Touchstone Foundation recently awarded Youth Mentorship Partnership funds. This new program supports training to allow staff members and volunteers to become mentors for youth mental wellness in Lancaster County. The Touchstone Foundation has awarded a total of $47,000 to Bench Mark Program, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region, and Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Lancaster County.
Bench Mark Program is a strength-based family of mentors supporting highly at-risk youths through community-based intervention and diversion initiatives. Using the funds from the Touchstone Foundation, the program will seek to enhance the effectiveness of mentoring services available to at-risk youths within Bench Mark Program’s open gym, where both individual and group services are available. An

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region’s evidence-based program creates and supports oneto-one mentoring relationships. The new funds will support the organization’s High School Bigs Program for elementary and middle school students in need of a special mentoring friendship; the students have demonstrated the need for enhanced social skills or feel isolated from their peers. An estimated 100 youths will receive mentoring.
CASA provides a court-appointed volunteer advocate to every child who is abused and neglected to ensure children have a safe, nurturing, and permanent home. The organization’s Older Youth Mentorship Project will provide advocates with mentorship training so they can assist older youths in becoming self-sufficient, independent adults. The program will seek to bridge the barriers to success and connectivity to the community. An estimated 275 youths will receive mentorship support.
In total, the three organizations estimate they will serve 422 Lancaster County youths with mentoring in the coming year.
Last year, the Touchstone Foundation completed a youth listening tour and parent feedback survey, which revealed that many youths welcome the opportunity to connect with a trained, safe, supportive adult mentor. The three partner organizations will seek to ensure youth safety through mandated reporter training to prevent child abuse, complete Youth Mental Health First Aid training for adults working with youths, and ensure that mentors understand trauma-informed care to support youth growth and development through adversity.
The Touchstone Foundation’s mission is to elevate youth mental wellness in Lancaster County. The foundation seeks to build the talent pipeline in mental health care, increase access to youth mental health services, and create awareness and education about youth mental wellness.
Courtney Myer of Mountville and Andrew Eshleman of Millersville have announced their engagement.
The bride-elect is the daughter of Richie and Stacy Myer of Mountville. She graduated from Hempfield High School in 2020 and Liberty University in 2024. She is employed by Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center in Hershey.
The groom-to-be is the son of Tim and Pam Eshleman of Millersville. He graduated from Penn Manor High School in 2018 and Liberty University in 2022. He is

employed by Charles & Associates Real Estate Inc. in Mountville.
An October wedding is planned.
Fundraiser motorcycle ride set
The Saddlebag Riders Chapter of the Motorcyclists for Jesus Ministries will hold its annual Wounded Warrior Ride on Saturday, Aug. 10. The ride will start and end at Bethany Evangelical Congregational (EC) Church of Creswell, 1165 Letort Road, Conestoga.
Participants are encouraged to arrive early for fellowship, and the ride will begin promptly at 10 a.m.
The 89-mile route will take participants through the countryside and past several churches. Attendees may stop to tour the Bangor Episcopal Church, one of the oldest churches in the area. Lunch will be provided at Bethany EC Church following the ride. All funds donated will go directly to wounded veterans. For more information, call Chuck Moore at 717-224-8790.

Motorcyclists from the Saddlebag Riders are planning a fundraising ride for wounded veterans.
VisionCorps seeks volunteers
VisionCorps is looking for volunteers to drive employees and clients with low vision to destinations in the five counties served by the organization: Lancaster, Adams, Chester, Lebanon, and York.
Volunteers may use their own vehicles or drive VisionCorps’ company cars. Assignments can
range from short to longer appointments and could take place in an urban or rural setting. Drivers are given choices for their assignments and can choose to participate when it is convenient for them. For more information, contact Linda at lco nyers@visioncorps.net or 717-205-4116.
Former Farm Show
queens invited to reunion
The Manheim Farm Show will turn 70 this year, and in honor of that anniversary, all former Farm Show queens are invited to a reunion.
“We would like all former queens to come to the opening ceremonies on Monday, Oct. 7, at 6:30 p.m. to be recognized as former queens,” said Denise Hess, junior queen coordinator and member of the Farm Show queen committee. “This will be after opening ceremonies and before we crown the new queen.”
Former queens are also invited to ride on a float in the Farm Show parade on Wednesday, Oct. 9.
The Farm Show held the first queen contest in 1955. The competition is open to any female between the ages of 16 and 20 who resides in or attends Manheim Central, Donegal, Hempfield, Elizabethtown or Warwick school districts.
“Once the queen is crowned, she will reign over the Farm Show, interacting with adults and children who attend the show,” Hess stated. Queens also attend all of the livestock competitions and hand out ribbons to the winners as well as attending the bake sale and auction at the Farm Show, among other responsibilities.
“Another major requirement of the queen is to represent the Manheim Farm Show at the State Fair Queen competition in Hershey, Pa., in January,” Hess said. “The queen committee works with our candidate
in the weeks leading up to the competition, teaching her skills that are needed for the competition.” Other duties of the queen include teaching children about an aspect of agriculture through an Ag in the Classroom presentation.
Hess is hoping for a large turnout of former queens at this year’s Farm Show.
“We would love to have former queens come and join the celebration with the other former queens, be recognized for their contribution to Farm Show, and to encourage young girls to enter the Farm Show queen competition,” she said. “If any former queen has any of their queen memorabilia - sash, crown, etc. - we would love for them to bring it along and wear it to the Monday evening opening ceremonies.”
Former queens may contact Hess at 717-6657295, providing their name, the year they were queen and their contact information. Details about what to expect on Monday and Wednesday of the Farm Show will be sent directly to attendees.
The Farm Show is also looking for girls to sign up for this year’s queen contest. All requirements will be listed in the Farm Show book published at the end of August. In the meantime, questions may be directed to Farm Show queen coordinator Jennifer Witmer at 717-203-9145.
The 2024 Manheim Farm Show will run from Monday, Oct. 7, through Friday, Oct. 11.

Giant offers back-toschool lunch ideas
The Giant Company’s team of dietitians shared five solutions to help families simplify food preparation for back-to-school lunches.
First, parents should get their children involved. Have children make a list of their favorite foods from each food group - starch, protein, vegetable, fruit, and dairy - and get them excited by bringing them to the store to shop for their favorites. Together, parents and children can build a balanced lunch, making sure children have one item from each of the five food groups. Ideas for a balanced lunchbox include English muffins, sliced ham, carrots, strawberries, a cheese stick, wheat crackers, hummus, sugar snap peas, clementines and nonfat Greek yogurt. Second, lunches should contain protein. Protein helps keep stomachs full and minds focused. When thinking about breakfast, lunch and snacks, include quick and easy foods like lunch meat, cheese, nut butters, Greek yogurt or hard-boiled eggs.
The third tip is to get colorful. Colorful fruits and vegetables provide a variety of nutrients. Entice kids with daily color challenges
to encourage produce variety. For example, Monday’s lunch can focus on red foods, Tuesday’s meal can feature orange foods, and so on.
Fourth, parents should stock convenience items. Be prepared with pre-sliced apple packs, granola bars, applesauce pouches and trail mixes available for graband-go after-school snacks, and load up on frozen waffles and pancakes, fruit cups, oatmeal pouches and drinkable yogurts for easy breakfasts.
The fifth tip is to make dinner easy. Balanced dinners do not have to be elaborate. Keep it simple on busy weeknights with tried-andtrue winners like breakfast for dinner or sandwiches with no-cook sides.
Giant’s dietitians also offer easy meal and snack ideas and recipes, simplified with five or fewer ingredients, at www.giantfoodstores.com/ pages/back-to-school-diet itian-picks.
To check out the latest schedule of Giant’s free, virtual dietitian classes, which include making dinner in under 30 minutes, creating produce-packed snacks and learning about simple lunchbox ideas, visit www.giant foodstores.com/wellness.
Consignment shop sets grand reopening
Shop Eight 16 Consignment, owned by Vanessa Herr, will hold a grand reopening in a larger, more accessible space at 3024 Columbia Ave., Lancaster, on Saturday, Aug. 17, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Shop Eight 16 opened just over a year ago, aiming to offer stylish, affordable clothing and make charitable donations. Herr hopes the new space will allow for a wider selection and an improved shopping experience.
The celebration will feature mystery discounts and “spin and save,” which will allow shoppers to uncover discounts and participate in a savings game; special guest Kristen Hertzog, Mrs. Lancaster Pennsylvania; snacks; and a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open the new space.
For more information, contact Herr at 717-723-
discharged veterans of Lancaster County. LCVC is a treatment court that provides participants an opportunity to pursue appropriate treatment and productively address associated legal problems. VCCP is a volunteer group whose purpose is to provide support for and raise funds that directly benefit LCVC participants. A freewill offering will be received, and 100% of the offering will be donated to the VCCP. Veterans from pg 2

8116 or info@shopeight16 .com or visit www.shop eight16.com.



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Scout leaders win awards
The Susquehanna District of Scouts BSA’s Pennsylvania Dutch Council held its annual awards dinner on June 12 at Ascension Lutheran Church in Willow Street. The event recognizes leaders who have exemplified the Scouting ideals and program in their Scout units or leadership within the district. The Susquehanna District covers Columbia, Conestoga Valley, Eastern Lancaster County, Hempfield, Lampeter-Strasburg, Manheim Township, Penn Manor, Pequea Valley, and Solanco school districts and School District of Lancaster.
During the dinner event,
Duane Gregg received the District Award of Merit, the top volunteer award the district can present. He has been the Scoutmaster of Troop 28 since 2003 and Cubmaster of Pack 28 since 1994, and he has earned the Cubmaster Award. As a youth, he was a staff member at J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation from 1984 to 1988. He received the Eagle Scout Award in 1985.
Outside of Scouting, Gregg is a life member of the Paradise Fire Company, having served for 37 years; a member of the Paradise Sportsman’s Association; a certified Pennsylvania

BREAKOUT MINISTRIES: Senior Pastors Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: www.breakoutministries.org or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366
CHIQUES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Doug Paglia, Pastor. Worship Service at 9-10 am Youth & Children’s Sunday School: 9-10 am. Refreshments & Fellowship: 10-10:30 am. Adult Sunday School at 10:30-11:30 am. Nursery Provided, Handicapped Accessible. For more information, call: 717-653-5175.

CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES: “Inclusive Refuge – Compassionate Justice –Environmental Advocacy.” 1850 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, 17603. Rev. Kathryn Kuhn, Sr. Pastor. Sunday Worship: In-person at 10am (Combined Worship Service) followed by 11am Social Hour. Services also available by phone (888-440-0106) or online at www.apostlesucc.org
COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: Welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, & Reach Out with us! 331 Anderson Ferry Rd (off Rt. 441 on Rt. 772), Marietta, PA 17547, 717-426-1345, cbcpa.org. Service times are Sundays at 9:00 & 10:45am. The Livestream service is at 10:45am at cbcpa.org.
FAITH BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 151 Donnerville Rd., Lancaster (one block south of Columbia Avenue). Pastor: Keith M. Long. 8:45 am Sunday School (with nursery and classes for children, youth and adults); 10:15 a.m. SundayWorship Service (with nursery and children’s church). Wed.: 6:30 p.m. AWANA Clubs (K6); Wed.: 6:30 pm Youth Group 717-285-1900. www.faithbfc.com

HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: A growing intercultural church that loves God, its neighbors and the world. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am. Located at 451 Habecker Church Rd., Lancaster, PA. Active youth group. All are Welcome! Website: habeckerchurch.com
ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH: A Reconciling in Christ (Open & Affirming Congregation). Located at 700 Pleasure Rd.Lancaster. Robin Fero, Pastor. In-person worship: Sat. 5 pm & Sun. 10 am. Online Worship at www.stmatthewelc.com For more info, call (717) 394-9607, or visit our web site.
TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2340 State St., East Petersburg. Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin, Pastor. Phone: (717) 569-1632. Summer Sunday Schedule:7:45 am Holy Communion; 9:30 am Worship with Holy Communion twice a month. Online service is available by visiting www.trinityeastpete.org “Catch the Vision, Share the Joy!”
WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (near Hempfield High School). Wayside enjoys one combined Summer Sunday Worship Service @ 10am w/contemporary & traditional elements. Family Ministry at the same hour for nursery, children, and youth ages. Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. For more info, visit www.waysidepc.org or (717) 898-1551.
WESTGATE BAPTIST CHURCH: 2235 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601 One mile North of Park City. Pastor Robert Zimmerman. A beautifully blended Sunday morning service at 11 AM, under the leadership of Pianist David Ryan & known guitarist Chuck Oetelle. Adult Sunday School 9:30 AM during the school year. Preaching/Teaching focus seeks to be distinctively Biblical, relevant, creative, engaging in the midst of today’s moral/cultural chaos. Find us on Facebook: Westgate American Baptist Church. Website: Westgateabc.com
ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH/ LANDISVILLE: 85 East Brandt Blvd. 717-898-2911; adminzelc@comcast.net
In-person worship at 9am. Live-stream link can be found at zionhempfield.net under the worship tab and on the Zion Lutheran Hempfield Facebook page. Adult Sunday School in-person at 10:15am. Pastor Timothy Seitz-Brown.
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
Game Commission hunter/ trapper instructor; a member of the Paradise Parks and Recreation Board; and a confirmed member of St. John’s United Methodist Church.
Other volunteer leaders received awards, as well. These were the Spark Plug Awards, presented to Justin Bond from Pack 82, Chad Cauler from Troop 56, Bob Martin from Troop 146, Amanda Rippley with Pack 37, and Chris Specht with Troop 83, as well as Lauren Bowen, Christine Ginnett, Joelene Martin, and Dawn Williams with the Susquehanna District.
Leader of the Year awards were presented. The recipients in Scouts BSA, the youth program for boys and girls ages 11 to 17, were Dave Martin of Troop 84 and Drian Shimp of Troop 56. The recipients in Cub Scouts, the program for those in kindergarten through fifth grade, were Matt Vazquez, Pack 37; Edward R. Carvell Jr., receiving the Commissioner of the Year award; Troop 84’s Chet Bowen, who was named Committee Member of the Year; and Troop 48’s Greg Martin, recognized as the Scouter of the Year.
The Susquehanna District also presented the Commissioner Key to Greg Martin and the Commissioner Arrowhead Award to Martin, Mike Williams, and

to Williams and Yost in recognition of their 30 years.
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) provides a youth program of character development and values-based leadership training designed to help young people be “Prepared. For Life.” The Pennsylvania Dutch Council provides support and Scouting opportunities for more than 2,600 youths in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. The council partners with 130 community organizations and has more than 2,800 active adult volunteers.
BSA programs are divided by age and activity. In addition to Cub Scouting and Scouts BSA, the programs are coed Venturing and Sea Scouting for young men and young women ages 14 to 20 as well as career-oriented, coed Exploring programs for youths ages 10 to 20. For more information, contact the local Scout office at 717-394-4063.