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The Mountville Lions Club will host a potpie supper on Saturday, Oct. 15, at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 100 W. Main St., Mountville. Takeout orders will be available to purchase beginning at 10 a.m. and ending at 3 p.m. or when supplies run out. Chicken potpie may be purchased by the quart

for a set price, and the Lions Club will also sell pies, cakes and other desserts prepared by its members.

In addition to chicken potpie and various desserts, the Lions Club will sell Lions Brooms. A tradition that began with blind members of the community making brooms as a fundraising project for the club, the brooms are now handcrafted by a local Amish craftsman.

Grace Church Posts Car Show,

GraceChurch Lancaster will host a car show on Saturday, Oct. 29, at its location at 911 Rohrerstown Road. Those with entries for the show may arrive at 9:30 a.m., and the event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The show will have food available for purchase and include a variety of games and activities for children. To register a car for the show, visit https://tinyurl.com /gracelanccarshow.

Grace Brethren Church will sell hot dogs and baked goods; all proceeds will benefit its youth assistance fund, which covers the cost of transportation for special events for those unable to afford it. The event will feature a bounce house, face painting

and a trunk or treat activity, as well as many carnival games with prizes for children who participate.

“It’s a safe place for both children and their parents to come enjoy themselves,” said pastor Scott Becker. “The kids always get dressed up for the trunk or treat and the parents enjoy the collection of classic cars.” People’s choice awards will be given to the owners of the three most popular cars, and Becker will provide music during the event as its DJ.

With the exception of 2020, Grace Church has hosted its car show each year since 2016. “I was a new pastor and came to the church in 2015. We were looking for ways to connect and provide something fun for the community,” said Becker.

“We want to let people know that we’re here and that we care.”

Prior to becoming the pastor of Grace Church Lancaster, Becker and his family were missionaries in Ireland for 13 years. Becker was a member of Grace Church in Lititz prior to moving to Ireland, and in 2015, he was contacted and informed that the Lancaster congregation required assistance. Despite being settled and comfortable in Ireland, Becker and his family relocated and he became the pastor of Grace Brethren Church.

“ We realized that was the direction God was calling us. It wasn’t what we were looking to do and moving wasn’t easy, but we had no doubt in our minds this is where we needed to be,” said Becker. Grace Brethren Church is involved with several missions both locally and globally, supporting communities in Japan, Germany, Ireland and beyond. A service at Grace Church Lancaster is held at 10 a.m. each Sunday, followed by a Bible study.

The church has several other events slated for the rest of the year, including a “casual conversation” program that will provide a space f or those who speak English as a second language to practice conversing with others. For more information, visit www.gracelanc.org.

In the early morning hours, you may see a group of men working out at Rapho Township Community Park or at Mountville Community Park. What you might not know is that they’re doing more than exercising. They’re practicing the “three Fs.” As members of F3, the guys are engaging in fitness, fellowship and faith.

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of F3 Lanco, the group will host a

F itness Group pg

HEM PostalPatron PRSRTSTD ECRWSS S.U.ostagePPaid EnglePrintingCo :RETSAMTSOPPLEASEDELIVEROCT.5,2022 Hempfield
See Lions Club pg 5
Trunk Or Treat
Club To Hold Potpie Fundraiser Fitness, Fellowship And Faith INSIDE THIS ISSUE Sharing WIth Those Who Understand . . . . . . . .4 Troutman Wins Athletic Recognition . . . . .5 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 House Of Worship . . . . . . .8 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . .10 Business Directory . . . . .12 scan this code for more local news OCTOBER 5, 2022SERVINGTHELOCALCOMMUNITIESSINCE1954townlively.com VOL XXXVIII • NO 36 Several activities will be available for children during the event.
Brethren Church began hosting the car show in 2016. Children participated in the trunk or treat at last year’s event. The fundraiser will support the Lions Club’s community projects. CARE LOOK INSIDE Follow us onus on 400 Long Lane At Marticville Road (Rts. 741 & 324S) 3 Miles S. of Lancaster 717-872-9311 Market Open Mon.-Sat. 8-6, Closed Sun. www.cherryhillorchards.com Pick Your Own APPLESYour Own APPLES Ready Picked Picked at farm market • Corn • Melons • Lopes• Corn • Melons • • Veggies and lots more!• and lots more! Mon.-Sat. 9-4 • P U M P K I N S• PUMPKINS • Pansies • Mums• • Mums • Cabbages & Kales• & Kales • Corn Shocks & Lots More!!• Corn & Lots More!! All Sizes • All ShapesAll Sizes • All All Colors R088919

Manniversary workout at Rapho Township Community Park, 960 Strickler Road, Mount Joy, on Saturday, Oct. 22. The workout will begin at 7 a.m. and will be followed by fellowship over coffee and breakfast sandwiches. Men of all ages and all fitness levels are invited to join the group.

Kevin Keel, who is in charge of recruitment for F3 Lanco, noted that the local group began when Gary Fyke relocated to the area from Chicago, where he had participated in an F3 group. F3 is a national network of free, peer-led workouts that began in 2006 with a mission “to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.” Each F3 meeting follows five core

principles: It is free of charge, it’s open to all men, it’s held outdoors rain or shine, it’s peer led and it ends in a Circle of Trust. As Keel explained, the Circle of Trust is a time of prayer and an opportunity to build camaraderie among the participants. Each workout concludes with coffee and time for fellowship.

Keel joined F3 Lanco three years ago after he was introduced to the group by a friend. “I immediately loved it, the encouragement of the guys,” he said. “One of the things that attracted me the most is that this is not a judgmental group. We’re encouraging.”

Keel noted that his teenage son often joins him for workouts and that the group has members of all ages, from boys younger than his son to men in their 60s and 70s. “This is open to anyone, even if you’ve never worked out before. There is something for everyone,” he stated. “You can modify the workout however you need to.”

Over the years, the group has experienced some memorable workouts due to the F3 policy of never canceling no matter the weather. A few years ago, when the guys arrived at the Rapho Park after a snowstorm, they realized the parking lot hadn’t been plowed, but they didn’t let that stop them. “We were running and doing all kinds of things, including bear crawls, out in the snow,” Keel said with a laugh.

Keel encourages anyone with an interest in working out or making friends to come to the Manniversary event. “It’s really more than a workout,” he remarked. “It’s really a network of friends that I’ve built, and these guys are my best friends. I went from not having many guy friends to having a lot of them. I can honestly say it’s changed my life.”

F3 Lanco meets at Rapho Township Community Park at 4:30 a.m. on Tuesdays, at 5:30 a.m. on Thursdays and at 7 a.m. on Saturdays. The group meets at Mountville Community Park, 351 N. Lemon St., at 5:30 a.m. on Wednesdays and 7 a.m. on Saturdays. For more information on F3 Lanco, visit www.f3lanco.com or email f3lanco@f3lanco.com.

Members of F3 Lanco
2- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - October 5, 2022 townlively.com
Fitness Group frompg 1
R088772 October 13th thru 15th In The Light Ministries Church 415 S. Shippen St., Lancaster, PA 17602 Register at: itlmweb.com (717) 293-9287 Thursday 7 PM: Pastor Joe Weidinger Friday 7 PM: Apostle Phil Hernandez Saturday 10 AM: Ordaining & Commissioning Thursday & Friday Day Sessions Breakfast at 9 AM Morning Sessions 9:50 AM to 12:30 PM Breakouts 2-4 PM Joshua 1:6-9 CALLING FORTH THE JOSHUA GENERATION Kingdom Conference 2022 ITLM Presents R088936 Stewardship Seminars October 13 Office of Aging - What’s it all about and what services are available to a retiree? - Lon Wible (Executive Director) October 20 Financial Planning - Rodgers and Associates October 27 Long Term Care - Mark Eyer (Masonic Village) 7-8:30 PM Sanctuary Trinity UCC 2340 State Street • East Petersburg Contact the church to register 717-569-1632 www.trinityeastpete.org R088781 Now is the time to attend “Medicare 101”! Learn the Ins & Outs of Medicare THURS., OCT. 20 6:00pm There is no cost for this educational seminar. Light Dinner 6:00-6:30pm Program Starts at 6:30pm Speaker Scott George, President, Premier One Financial Company • The A, B, C’s (and D) of Medicare • Original Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage • When and to how to enroll • Choosing a Prescription Drug Plan • Supplementing Medicare Seating is limited. Kindly RSVP no later than 10/17. Senior Living at Mount Joy 607 Hearthstone Lane, Mount Joy, PA 17552 717.492.9692 junipercommunities.com R087512 $5/DAY FREE PARKING Food Available For Purchase Saturday October 8th 8 AM - 4 PM Sunday October 9th 9 AM - 3 PM Deb Amspacher - 717-517-6774 gunshow@slcfsa.org Admission $5/DAY Tables Available Jeff Flower 717-468-3374 Deb Amspacher 717-517-6774 gunshow@slcfsa.org www.slcfsa.org VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.townlively.com R087423 Published By Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS The Merchandiser reserves the right to reject any advertisement. The Merchandiser assumes no financial responsibility for any typographical errors in advertisements but will reprint that portion of an ad in which error occurs. Advertisers submitting artwork and images for use in advertisements assume all liability in regards to trademark and copyright infringements. We encourage civic and fraternal groups, schools, churches, scouts, and other local organizations to submit news releases of general interest to the majority of our readership. Primary consideration is given to dated articles of an informative nature–activities and events of local interest sponsored, presented, or planned by area organizations and institutions. Related photographs of good quality are encouraged also, but complete picture identification must be included. Undated articles of general interest are used as space permits. All articles must contain a contact name and telephone number. Submit Camera Ready Ads at: engleonline.com sales@engleonline.com Display Advertising Deadline 9 A.M. Friday Display Ad Customer Service 717-492-2530 Fax 717-492-2580 News Deadline Noon Thursday News Department 1-800-800-1833 Extension 6018 Circulation / Distribution Customer Service 1-800-800-1833 Extension 6014 Mailed outside our circulation area for $36.00 a year. Send news requests to: Merchandiser Editor Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. P.O. Box 500 Mount Joy, PA 17552 or submit by email to news@engleonline.com circulation@engleonline.com HEMPFIELD Submit Classified Ads at: townlively.com 1-800-428-4211 classifieds@engleonline.com Classified Advertising Deadlines By phone 4 P.M. Thursday Online Noon Wednesday (Except Early Holiday Deadlines)

Since 1940, National Newspaper Week has been observed the first full week in October, so I thought it appropriate to share my thoughts on why supporting your local newspaper is more important than ever.

It’s a popular notion that the internet has marked the downfall of community newspapers. And, while many have stopped publishing due to tough economic times, the rising cost of newsprint, and other factors, your community newspapers can do something the internet can’t: We promote connections at a local level. Some say that because people can tweet, blog, surf, shop, and search online, no one reads newspapers anymore, but you just proved that to be a myth. Rather than being replaced by all the noise of “instant” media, your free local paper has become more important than ever. We are a part of your neighborhood. We shine a spotlight on people and organizations that make your town a better place to live, work, and play. No,

they probably won’t get a million views on TikTok, but they are heroes who live down the street and are making a positive difference in our community.

In the past year the publisher of this newspaper, Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. (EPC) has featured more than 1,500 front-page articles benefiting more than 1,000 local nonprofit organizations in Lancaster, Chester, Berks, York, and Dauphin counties. Those numbers don’t take into account the thousands of press releases that make their way into our papers each year.

With all the talk about social media, why do we continue to publish free community newspapers? It’s who we are and who we’ve been for nearly 70 years. We live here, too, and we want to keep our communities thriving as much as you do.

If you know of an organization or individual making a positive impact on your community, contact us at news@engleonline.com or visit https://townlively.com/event -submission to submit an event.

MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - October 5, 2022 - 3townlively.com R088761 Custom Deer Processing Processing Bologna • Snacks Sticks • Jerky Chip Steak • Dried Venison Bacon Burger Patties We Take Whole Carcass and Also De-Boned Meat Vacuum Packing Hickory & Cherry Smoking 327 Stackstown Rd., Marietta 717.205.6300CONOY CUSTOM CUTS October 15th OPEN HOUSE Let us know you’re coming – register ASAP! StevensCollege.edu/FallOpenHouse R088823 Buffalo Chicken Breast $5.49 Lb. Rare Roast Beef $7.99 Lb. Seltzer’s Double Smoked Sweet Bologna $6.79 Lb. Cooper Sharp Cheese (White or Yellow) ......... $3.69 Lb. Sliced .............................................. $3.99 Lb. Land O Lakes White American Cheese $4.69 Lb. Sliced .............................................. $4.99 Lb. Amish Roll Butter Salted ......................8 Oz. $3.19 Ea. 2 Lb. $9.99 Ea., 1 Lb. Unsalted $4.99 Ea. Redskin Potato Salad with Sour Cream $6.79 Lb. Fishers Baked Macaroni & Cheese.............................(1 Lb.) $3.49 Ea. Fisher’s Dirt Pudding ...................................... $5.49 Lb. We reserve the right to limit quantities Not responsible for typographical or printed errors. Check Our Specials at www.forryscountrystore.com Forry’s Country Store Store 820 Ivy Drive, near West Hempfield Fire & Police, Lancaster, PA - 717-285-5050 Hours: Mon., Tues. & Fri. 8-6, Thurs. 8-7, Wed. & Sat. 7-2 Friday, Oct. 7-19, 2022 R088933 SPECIALS START FRIDAY (THIS WEEK ONLY) COLUMBIAANIMALSHELTER.COM | 717.681.6858 S U M M E R C O N C E RT S E R I E SSUMMER CONCERT SERIES AT COLUMBIA ANIMAL SHELTER 265 S. 10TH ST COLUMBIA • PA 17512 OCTOBER 8TH ST U H U G G E N S & T H ESTU HUGGENS THE H O N KY TO N K H E R O E SHONKYTONK HEROES JULY 9TH B LU E V O O D O OBLUE VOODOO AUGUST 13TH T H E W E R KSTHE WERKS SEPTEMBER 10TH D I L LW E E D DILLWEED BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR. ALL CONCERTS ARE PAYWHATYOUCAN ADMISSION AND RUN FROM 6PM9PM. RAIN OR SHINE. WE WILL MOVE INTO THE WAREHOUSE ACROSS THE STREET IN THE EVENT OF INCLEMENT WEATHER. BEER, WINE, & FOOD WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. R085988 HUGE SELECTION OF FABRIC! Over 10,000 Bolts!Over 10,000 Bolts! Dress, Quilting, Tapestry,Dress, Tapestry, Flannel, Fleece, Home Decor,Home Sewing Notions & Lots More!Notions & Lots More! Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-5pm; Fri. 8am-7pm & Sat. 8am-4pm 247 W. Main St., Leola, PA 17540 • 717-556-8546 R087496G I F T C E RT I F I C AT E S !GIFT CERTIFICATES! Since 2015 Drawing for Mook Gift Certificate (daily) OCTOBER 10-15 10% OFF STOREWIDE 6 BIG DAYS ONLY! (Oct. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15) Now Hiring! R088931 Sunday October 9th 3 pm S d Rizzetta’s Tones p Featuring Celtic & Folk Music Zion Lutheran Church 85 E. Brandt Blvd., Landisville adminzelc@comcast.net www.zionhempfield.net Mount ville e Lions s Club b Chicken Pot - Pie Supper! Sat. Mar. 21st, 2020 St. Pauls’ UM Church 100 W. Main St. Mountville, PA Take-Outs–11:00 Eat-In–3:00-??? •Take-OutQts. - $9 • Eat-In Adults - $9 •Eat-In Children - $4 “World Famous” Also Selling Lions Brooms! Delicious Homemade Desserts available!!! R088521 Sat., Oct. 15th • 10 AM - ? TAKE-OUTS ONLY By the Quart $10.00 Desserts Available $2.00
From The Editor’s Desk

Sharing With Those Who Understand

Bill Terry, who founded the Lancaster County Veterans Breakfast Club, which meets on the third Saturday of each month, worked with Marc Spiridigliozzi and others to bring Todd DePastino, executive director of the Veterans Breakfast Club, from Pittsburgh to Woodcrest Villa for a special breakfast event on Sept. 17.

More than 70 area veterans gathered to hear from DePastino, see Blankets of Honor bestowed, and hear and tell their stories among others who understand. “We get Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, Marines,” said DePastino, who briefly interviewed a Marine named Ed Moreau while waiting for breakfast to be served. Moreau relayed what it was like to be the lone Marine in a

family of Navy veterans. “My Dad said, ‘I can forgive you because the Marine Corps is a department of the Navy,’” Moreau recalled. “I said, ‘That’s right, Dad; it’s the men’s department.’”

DePastino also spoke to Sara Hodgkiss, who transformed her family’s farm into an official nonprofit equine-assisted therapy organization for veterans and people with disabilities called Woerth It Hollow. Hodgkiss told DePastino about her six years of service as a human resources information management specialist for 3,500 to 4,500 soldiers at a time.

Terry was interviewed about his unusual service as a Navy diving medical technician, who dove wearing suits of 180 to 300 pounds. Terry explained how he was trained to place IVs and perform minor surgery.

How To Maintain An Older Vehicle

New cars have been costly for quite some time, but those costs have spiked considerably since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. That unprecedented rise may lead many motorists to wonder how they can get more mileage out of their existing vehicles. According to data from Kelley Blue Book and Cox Automotive, the average cost of a new car in September 2021 was just over $45,000. That marked a $3,000 increase from June 2021 and a $5,000 increase from the end of 2020.

Drivers who may not be able to afford the cost of a new vehicle can take the following steps to keep their existing cars running smoothly for years to come.

- Take care of the timing belt. Engines may get all the glory, but they cannot run smoothly without a fully functional timing belt, which helps to synchronize movements of various components. Owner’s manu-

als may note when to replace the timing belt, but they generally must be replaced every 60,000 to 105,000 miles. Although replacement is required infrequently, drivers can ask their mechanics to keep an eye on their timing belts. During the early months of the pandemic, many people learned that infrequent driving can cause a timing belt to fail before it reaches the projected mile marker. Aging drivers should keep this fact in mind if they do not drive as much as they used to.

- Take care of the brakes and associated components. The experts at Popular Mechanics urge drivers of older vehicles to replace their brake fluid every two years. Popular Mechanics also advises drivers whose cars are more than seven years old to replace the rubber brake lines when major brake work is required.

- Pay attention to oil levels. The

older engines get, the more oil they burn. For this reason, owners of older vehicles should check their oil levels more often than they would if their vehicles were brand new. These checks also provide a way to discover leaks before they lead to potentially significant issues.

- Don’t skip maintenance appointments. Even if you’re still driving less due to the pandemic, it’s best to keep up with maintenance on any car, especially if the car is older. Routine tune-ups and oil changes, which may need to become more frequent the older the vehicle gets, can keep cars running smoothly and protect the engine over the long haul.

The rising cost of new cars may compel people to keep their cars longer than they might have anticipated. A few simple maintenance measures may help to prolong the life of a vehicle.

See Veterans Breakfast pg 5 Todd DePastino (left in left photo) interviews veterans Bill Terry (right in left photo) and Marc Spiridigliozzi (left in right photo) about their service at the monthly Veterans Breakfast Club gathering.
4- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - October 5, 2022 townlively.com Luthercare complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. www.Luthercare.org • 717.626.8376 Lititz, PA | Columbia, PA | Lebanon, PA Independent Living • Personal Care • Skilled Nursing Care Memory Support • Rehab to Home • Home Care Explore Retirement Living Open House Saturday, October 15 • 10 am to 4 pm Experience Luther Acres in Lititz and St. John’s Herr Estate in Columbia. Tour our cottages, apartments, fantastic amenities and much more! A vibrant lifestyle today.Peace of mind for tomorrow. R088799 R088967 UNLIMITED WASH PACKAGES FOR SELF-SERVE & VACUUMS! Wash and vacuum daily for one monthly fee. See an attendant for more details! NEW! R088973 717-684-3999 CORNER OF 16TH ST. & LANCASTER AVE. Open 24 Hours Daily Attendant Available: 9am - 6pm

Veterans Breakfast

The first Blanket of Honor recipient at the breakfast was Spiridigliozzi. DePastino asked Spiridigliozzi about his time in the Army in Vietnam. “I was a light weapons infantry man,” said Spiridigliozzi, who took part in about 26 combat assaults with a Huey helicopter, which he called the “Calvary’s horse in Vietnam.”

Manny Acuna with Blankets of Honor presented Spiridigliozzi with a blanket, wrapping it around the veteran’s shoulders and saying, “We are here for you.” Joined by Terry and DePastino, the group offered prayer, with Acuna noting, “For your service, you shall not be forgotten. We thank you for your sacrifices.”

Blankets of Honor are given to Gold Star family members and other supporters of veterans. Acuna brought a supporter blanket to present to DePastino. “It represents the people who guard the freedom

Lions Club

The chicken potpie supper is the primary fundraiser for the Mountville Lions Club. The club also participates in the yearly Washington Boro Tomato Festival and a game stand during the Mountville Fire Company Carnival. The money raised from each event directly benefits the Lions Club and its many endeavors that focus on providing aid to the community. Among its projects, the club provides scholarships for seniors at Hempfield High School, supports Beacon Lodge in Union County, maintains the pavilion at Mountville Park and assists with specific requests from members of the community in need.

Beacon Lodge is a camp for children and adults with special needs and is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Lions. During its camping season, it provides programs designed to help individuals with hearing and visual impairment, people with intellectual disabilities and those who require assisted living care. During its offseason, Beacon Lodge opens its grounds to be rented by the public and serves as a

while we are away,” he explained. “We thank you for being here, Todd,” he added.

DePastino, who is not a veteran, explained his calling to be a supporter, saying, “I love being a part of the veteran community. This community is special. The camaraderie is intense, and I am an honorary part of the group.”

In addition to live Veterans Breakfast Club meetings, DePastino holds weekly virtual meetings at www.veteransbreakfastclub.org, and he produces a free quarterly magazine for veterans called “VBC Magazine.”

The Veterans Breakfast Club generally meets at the Bird-in-Hand Family Restaurant and Smorgasbord, 2760 Old Philadelphia Pike, Bird-in-Hand, beginning at 7 a.m. Breakfasts are free for veterans and spouses. To reserve a space, call 717-929-0310.

Service To Bless Animals

St. John’s and St. Thomas Episcopal churches will offer a joint “Blessing of the Animals” service in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of the environment and animals, on Friday, Oct. 7, at 6 p.m. The service will be held outdoors at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 301 St. Thomas Road, Lancaster.

The community is invited to participate in a family-friendly service of celebration and thanksgiving for pets and for all God’s creatures, including a short service and bless-

ing. Lancaster city’s mounted and K-9 units have been invited. Donations will be accepted for Lancaster County Sheriff’s K-9 Unit.

All pets should be leashed or in a crate or carrier for their comfort. Attendees are welcome to bring a picture of their pet for blessing if they feel that bringing the pet to the event would be too stressful. Toy pets are welcome, too.

For more information, visit www.stjohns-lancaster.org or www.stthomaslancaster.org.

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conference center, educational facility and camp for other special needs organizations.

“We’re always looking for volunteers. Anyone that wants to help their community can reach out to us,” said Eric Weaver, a member of the Mountville Lions Club for over 20 years. “We love doing good work and having good fellowship while we do it.”

The Lions Club has a legacy of providing assistance to those with visual impairments that began decades ago, when Helen Keller spoke at a Lions Clubs International convention asking for assistance. To this day, the club strives to support several organizations that support the visually impaired, including VisionCorps in Lancaster city.

The Lions Club has several projects in the work that the funds from the pot pie supper will support, including a blood drive in November and an initiative to replace benches around the community.

For more information, visit https://mountvillelionsclub.com.

Troutman Wins Athletics Recognition

Brandy Troutman of Mountville has received various accolades as a member of the field hockey team at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU), a Division III school. She is a graduate of Hempfield High School and the daughter of Joel Troutman.

Brandy was named to the Virginia SID All-State First Team, the

All-ODAC Second Team, and the ODAC All Academic Team. She was both the ODAC Player of the Week and the Royals Athlete of the Week for the week of May 11. She was one of 200 college students to be selected to attend the NCAA Sports Forum in Indianapolis in July. In the 2021 season, she had the most defensive saves in NCAA Division III.

MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - October 5, 2022 - 5townlively.com 1 2 2 5 W M a i n S t , M o u n t J o y HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:00 - 6:00; Sat 8:00 - 5:00 W W W . J B H O S T E T T E R . C O M Ultra Thin LED HD and UHD Smart TV’s WE SELL & SERVICE NAME BRAND APPLIANCES FROM: WE HAVE NAME BRAND TELEVISIONS, 22 INCHES AND UP FROM: WE SELL & SERVICE NAME BRAND LAWN EQUIPMENT FROM: R088921 717-653-1841RENTAL 717-653-1862 GREENHOUSE 717-653-1861 **WE ALSO CARRY A WIDE VARIETY OF USED APPLIANCES** R088886 Mount Joy Rd. Between 283 & Mount Joy Fax & Phone orders gladly accepted on Deli Orders & Large Bulk Orders. Phone 717-653-2652 • Fax 717-653-8911 Not responsible for typographical errors. HOURS: Mon.-Tues.-Wed. 8:30am-5pm, Thurs. 8:30am-6pm, Fri. 8:30am-7pm, Sat. 8:30am-1pm MJRdB8&MJ CHECK WEEKLY SPECIALS at www.reallancastercounty.com & www.thecountrystoremtjoy.com IT’S BETTER FROM THE COUNTRY SPECIALS FOR OCTOBER 5TH -OCTOBER 11TH CANADIAN BACON $5.39 Lb. HEIDI ANN CHEESE $5.99 Lb. HONEY BBQ CHICKEN BREAST $5.29 Lb. SLICED WHITE AMERICAN CHEESE (5 Lb. Block) .......................... $14.99 Ea. APPLEWOOD SMOKED HAM $4.59 Lb. PEACH GUMMI RINGS $1.89 Lb. GOURMET SNACK CHEESE CURLS 11 Oz. ......................... $1.99 Ea. JUST FRUIT SNACK MIX $4.89 Lb. CELERY $1.49 Bunch IDAHO BAKING POTATOES 5 Lb. .................... $2.99 Ea. BUTCHER WAGON HAM SLICES ..........Reg. $2.49 Lb. SALE $1.99 Lb. BONELESS PORK CHOPS .......Reg. $4.69 Lb. SALE $3.89 Lb. 80% LEAN BURGER 5 Lb. Or More ..............Reg. $4.59 Lb. SALE $4.29 Lb. DELI BULK FOODS & PRODUCE FRESH MEAT DEPARTMENT
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Tennis Team Holds Off Penn Manor 4-3

In a Section One tennis match at Penn Manor on Friday, September 23, Hempfield came away with a close 4-3 victory, improving to 5-1 in the L-L League.

“It was a tough match, but our girls stepped up. We had crucial victories at number 2, 3 and 4 singles along with number two doubles.

“Our girls fought hard until the entire match,” Bell added. “It was evident they wanted this win.”

Alex Gregory and Megan Wendel claimed that number two doubles, 8-3.

In singles, Gregory topped Haley Hutchinson 6-1, 6-0. Sullivan won 6-1, 6-1 while Wendel won in straight sets at number four singles.

Lindsay Over and Selena Felices lost a close third doubles match as did Sullivan and Sophie Carson at number one.

Hempfield came up short at Conestoga Valley in a 4-3 match on Monday.

Gregory and Wendell collected all of the team points for Hempfield, including an 83 doubles win followed by Gregory winning number two singles 7-5, 6-2 and Wendell the fourth singles (7-6, 6-0).

Carson played a tough match

at first singles, winning 6-3, then losing the next set before undertaking a marathon tiebreaker. She lost 16-14.

“That loss ended our chances of getting into the league playoffs,” Bell noted. “There is an outside chance we get into districts.”

Hempfield played host to Northern in a non-league girls’ soccer match Friday, September 23. The Polar Bears’ frigid defense denied the Black Knights as the visitors posted a 2-0 victory.

“We had a couple of opportunities to get on the board but were unsuccessful,” head coach Jason Mackey said. “Offensively, we have been able to create more chances as a team this season.”

The Bears scored twice in the first half, making their 20 lead last the final 50 minutes of the match. Anna Lehman’s goal in the 30th minute gave the Bears their eventual winning margin.

Emileigh Antesberger made six saves for Hempfield. The Knights directed three shots on goal but were denied.

“We have been able to keep many of our games close in both our wins and losses,” Mackey said. “We are anchored by Emileigh Antesberger defensively.”

Antesberger made three saves in Tuesday’s 3-0 shutout of Conestoga Valley in Landisville. The Knights improved to 24-0 in the Lancaster-Lebanon League.

Gabbie Moore assisted on all three goals, dishing out scoring chances to Sam Earhart,

Tessa Groff, and Faith Siegrist.


The Knights strengthened their postseason hopes by beating Manheim Township 17-14 on the road Friday, September 23, in a clash between Section One rivals. With the win, the Knights improved to 4-1 and 20 in Section One.

“No question this was a big win for our players,” head coach George Eager said. “We know Manheim Township is a playoff team and this gives our players confidence moving forward.”

Hempfield scored first with a 25-yard Cannon Biscoe field goal.

“We were able to score on the opening drive,” Eager pointed out. “Having a reliable kicker can win you games. At the end it was a three-point win.”

The 36-yard pass from Stephen Katch to Gabe Benjamin in the final seconds of the half made it 10-0 Knights.

Another special teams’ score helped Hempfield go up by 17 points when Grant Hoover returned the second half opening kickoff 93 yards.

“To start the second half like that provided so much energy as well as a solid lead,” Eager said. “It was a game changer.

“Also, for special teams, our punting team did a good job of putting Township in long field positions,” Eager said. Jackson

Landis averaged 38.1 yards per punt on seven punts.

MT’s Hayden Johnson completed 32-of-44 attempts for 234 yards. He scored on a quarterback keeper in the third quarter and hit Landon Kennel on a nine-yard scoring pass in the fourth to make it 17-14.

Landis completed 12-of-24 passes for 115 yards to also lead Hempfield.

Nick Beck had a team-high 10 tackles while Benjamin recorded seven. Brian Williams and Deyvid Palepale each had six tackles.

“Defense and special teams were mainly why we won this game,” said Eager. “We were able to hang on because of our defense.”

Hanging on they did as Township’s late drive resulted in a missed field goal that would have tied the score.

“Township’s kicker is very good,” Eager said. “He has hit some long ones. We were fortunate his last attempt didn’t go through.”


Hempfield topped Manheim Township 24-31 and Conestoga Valley 15-50 in Section One cross country on Tuesday, September 27.

Aidan Hodge and Joe Fahrney grabbed the top two spots in the race with respective times of 15:55.5 and 15:59.

Also leading the Knights (6-

0) to victory were Sam Meyer (6th) Isaiah Hollinger (7th) Sam Freedman (12th) Chris Titter (13th) and Frank Christoffel (15th).

The Hempfield girls (2-4) beat CV 19-44 but lost to Township.

Molly Siebert was third (20:23.7) while Norah Rynier (11th) Ashley Page (12th) and Roz Scott (15th) also finished strong.


Coming off a 3-0 loss to Chambersburg in a non-league Saturday match, the boys’ soccer team bounced back with a 1-0 defeat of Section One foe Conestoga Valley on Tuesday. Jacob Carr made six saves for Hempfield (6-3-2, 5-0-1 league) to help Jase Colino’s early second-half goal stand up for the victory.


With 28 shots on goal, Penn Manor defeated Hempfield 10-0 on Thursday, September 22 in an L-L League match. The Knights fell to 1-8-0 overall.

“We have a very young team this year,” said head coach Sara Brooks. “We have seen sparks of the team giving all-out efforts and playing as a team the entire game. We continue to learn and grow from each game as we strive to better ourselves.”

In a close non-league match against Central Dauphin on Monday, the Knights fell 3-0.

Paige Brosig exemplified her coach’s words of “all-out effort” by making 18 saves.


In Section One girls’ volleyball action, Hempfield topped Cedar Crest 25-13, 25-9 and 25-22 in a 3-0 victory on Thursday, September 22. The Knights raised their record to 6-0 on the year.

Addie Leber poured in 14 kills, registered three blocks, and tied Sarah Hess in aces with two.

Melody Butzer gave out 27 assists while Kate Howard added 12 digs.


Ethan Green shot an 8over-par 79 at Fairview Golf Course on Monday, September 26, in the L-L League Championships. In the ClassAAA competition, Green finished tied for 11th with Warwick’s Joey McGinty and Penn Manor’s Seb Elias.

Hempfield teammates Jadon Lee and Drew Bennett shot 86 and 88, respectively.

Crest and Township finished 1-2 in the team standings with respective scores of 300 and 306.

Hempfield (344) finished seventh in the team standings.

John MaysJohn R. Photo by Bob Diller Hempfield’s Megan Wendel handled Penn Manor’s Autumn Kirkley, 6-2, 6-0, at number four singles to give the Black Knights an important team point in their 4-3, Section One victory over the host Comets on September 23. Photo by Cheri Sine Hempfield’s Gianna Swanger maneuvers past Northern defender Liv Gorestski during the Black Knights’ 2-0, nonleague loss at home on September 23. Photo by Cheri Sine Tessa Groff fends off Northern’s Sydney Hepner as she takes control of the ball in Hempfield’s 2-0, nonleague loss to the visiting Polar Bears on September 23.
6- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - October 5, 2022 townlively.com R087707 ordonutkaeneralarpentry 285-5880 30+YearsExperience FreeEstimates&Insured Registration#PA10776 QualityWorkmanshipand PersonalizedService HomeImprovements Kitchens Basements Bathrooms Cabinetry DecksandMore DGCG (717) 285-5880 R088687A division of Stuart & Sons 717-803-5363 or 717-945-2794 • Stump Grinding • Lot Clearing 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE Estimates NOW HIRING! Experience Preferred• Certified Arborist • Licensed & Insured • TREE TRIMMING • TREE REMOVAL • TREE & SHRUB CARE PA#025543 CELL: 717 278 0661 OFFICE: 717 871 1294717-278-0661 717-871-1294 31 Years Years Experience! Experience! Accurate Estimates EXTERIORS ROOFING
• ROOF REPLACEMENTS • ROOF REPAIRS • FREE ROOF INSPECTIONS • STORM DAMAGE • INSURANCE CLAIMS R088751 SPORTS Conestoga Valley • Donegal • Elizabethtown Garden Spot • Hempfield Lampeter-Strasburg • Manheim Central Penn Manor • Pequea Valley • Solanco MORE SPORTS PICTURES and other high school sports news at

The Friends of Lancaster Public Library will hold their annual Fall ReSort Book Sale from Friday, Oct. 7, through Sunday, Oct. 9, at The Book ReSort Center, 225 N. Marshall St., Lancaster. The book sale will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday.

The sale will offer more than 20,000 books of varied subject matter, including like-new hardcover bestsellers, mass-market paperback, nonfiction, and science fiction, as well as older and collectible items. The books are priced to sell. Some items are individually priced. Vinyl records,

Church Sets Bluegrass Gospel Concert

The Fuller Family Singers will perform in concert on Saturday, Oct. 8, on the lawn at God’s Missionary Church, 2323 Marietta Ave., Lancaster. The group will present bluegrass gospel music from noon to 2 p.m.

Admission is free. For more information, call 717-299-7002 or email lancastergmc@gmail.com. Information about the church is available at www.facebook.com /lancastergmc.

DVDs, and audiobooks will also be available for purchase, as well as hundreds of music CDs.

All proceeds from the sale will directly benefit the library. On-site free parking will be available, and cash, checks, and all major credit cards will be accepted.

Additionally, the Friends have

two bookstores that are open yearround: the Marshall Street Bookstore located at the above address and the Juliana Bookstore located on the first floor of the Lancaster city location. For more information about the bookstores and book sales, visit www.lancaster publiclibrary.org/library-friends.

Adult Enrichment Classes Planned

Heritage & Horizons will offer its fall adult enrichment program on Tuesday mornings in October; the classes began on Oct. 4. Classes will take place in the sanctuary of Church of the Apostles United Church of Christ, 1850 Marietta Ave., Lancaster. There will be two speakers each day, at 9:30 and 10:50 a.m., with refreshments served in between.

Topics will include “Growing Houseplants in Low, Medium, and High Light” and “How Do We Treat Strangers: A Border Experience” on Oct. 11, “Plain Dress on the Docket: PA’s Garb Law” and “Making Sense of Putin’s Russia” on Oct. 18, and “Lancaster Farmland Trust: Protecting and Stewarding Our Farmland

for the Future of Lancaster County” and “How a Miser in a Nightshirt Changed the World View Regarding Child Labor Laws and Taught Us How to Celebrate Christmas” on Oct. 25.

There is a fee per session. The church is fully handicapped-accessible and has off-street parking. All are welcome.

For more information, visit https://apostlesucc.org/hh/, call 717-392-5718 or email larsp@ apostlesucc.org.

Garden Railways Tour Planned

The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania will offer the 15th annual Garden Railways Tour on Sunday, Oct. 9, from 1 to 5 p.m.

The self-guided tour for people of all ages will feature operating model trains in various outdoor and garden settings. Attendees may choose from among seven stops located in Wrightsville, Lancaster, Coatesville, Lititz and Manheim.

Garden railways are a fast-growing interest area in model railroading. Garden railways may be set up in very small spaces or large expans-

es, as well as in differing climates and in widely varying degrees of complexity.

Tickets must be obtained in advance for all attendees. There is a fee per person for those age 6 and over, and children age 5 and under will be admitted free of charge. To purchase tickets, search for “Garden Railways Tour” on Eventbrite; tickets will not be sold at the individual tour sites.

For more information about the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, visit www.RRMuseumPA.org or call 717-687-8628.

Spooktacular Concert Set

“Graveyard Gems,” the First Friday organ concert, will take place on Friday, Oct. 7, at 8 p.m. in the historic 1854 First Reformed Church, 40 E. Orange St., Lancaster. Organist Larry Hershey will return to the console of the vintage 1958 analog Allen organ to perform a 30-minute

concert. Flutist Darlene Way will join Hershey for “Minuet and Dance of the Blessed Spirits” by Christoph Gluck. Doors will open at 7:30 p.m.

The concert is free and open to the community. For more information, contact the church office at 717-397-5149.

Moravian Sugar Cake Sale Set

The women’s group at Lancaster Moravian Church, 227 N. Queen St., second floor, Lancaster, will sponsor a Moravian sugar cake sale on Saturday, Oct. 15. Curbside pickup will be available from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Cakes will be freshly baked that morning. Pickup will also be available from

a member’s home in Lititz if arrangements are made when placing an order. Pickup in Lititz will run from 4 to 5:30 p.m.

The deadline to order is Monday, Oct. 10. To order, call 717569-7678. Proceeds used for mission and outreach.

ISBR Plans Conference

The Institute for Scientific and Biblical Research (ISBR) will hold a Climate Change Conference at Lancaster Alliance Church, 210 Pitney Road, Lancaster, on Friday, Oct. 7, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and on Saturday, Oct. 8, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The event will focus on the science of global warming, the policies surrounding it, and more.

Registration is requested at www.isbrministries.org by Wednesday, Oct. 5. A fee per person has been set for adults and teens, or families may pay a single, group fee; families are asked to email info@isbrministries.org with the number of people attending. The fee includes lunch on Saturday.

The Fuller Family Singers
MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - October 5, 2022 - 7townlively.com R088342 Honest PricingHonest • Tree trimming & removal • Stump grinding • Free estimates • Locally owned & operated • High quality, trustworthy service • Fully insured • Focused on safety 717-598-9857 for your hard earneddollar! PA145230 ROOFS NEED TO BE FUNCTIONAL - EVERYONE GETS THAT, ROOFS NEED TO BE BEAUTIFUL - WE GET THAT! ROOFS NEED TO BE FUNCTIONAL BEAUTI 717.673.6334 cedar shakes hidden fastener metal system rubber asphalt metal cedar R088674 R088134 To learn more about Paws With A Cause and to find out how you can help, just download this simple app and watch this story come to life: GET ZAPPAR ZAP THE CODE TO DONATE Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication and the Association of Community Publishers R088287 HARDSCAPING & LANDSCAPING Fully Insured Free Estimates 717-945-2794 | 717-989-8527 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL President/CEO: Robbie Stuart For All Your Outdoor Needs NOW HIRING! Fall ReSort Book Sale Scheduled

Hands-On-History Days Are Back!

“(Hands-On-History Days) are very popular,” said Sheri Brown, workshop coordinator with Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum, 2451 Kissel Hill Road, Lancaster. Brown noted that Hands-On-History Days began as a day for homeschoolers to visit the museum. “(The event) has changed over the past 19 years to three days that we celebrate in October,” she added.

Hands-On-History Days, which were not held or were modified during the past two years due to COVID-19 restrictions, will return on Thursdays, Oct. 13, 20, and 27, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. A per-person admission fee will be charged, but Landis Valley Associates

members may attend for free, as can children age 5 and under. Groups of 10 or more are required to make reservations prior to attending.

“The whole purpose is to have (the activities) be hands on,” said Brown, who noted that the events will be fall themed. One of the most popular places to visit is an authentic schoolhouse, where a lesson based on a fall poem will be taught. “We use McGuffey Readers and historic books for our lesson plan,” said Brown, who noted that the schoolhouse was donated and moved to the site from Snake Hill Road in Leola. “(Students) work with a slate and chalk, and they learn elocution, (through what) we call tongue twisters today,” she said.

Students will also have opportunities to take part in farm chores from the 1700s and 1800s. “They will stuff a mattress with straw, so they get a true feel for a lumpy mattress,” said Brown, who added that bedding was generally changed a couple times a year. “They will learn how laundry was done with a scrubbing board and the old-fashioneddryer called a clothesline,” she added. Students will also learn to build a snake fence, so named because of its zig-zag shape. “The bonus is those fences can be moved quickly,” explained Brown.

Pennsylvania German folk art into a make-and-take craft for the event.

“We will make scherenschnitte pumpkins and leaves they can take home,” said Brown, who said that at home, students can enhance their simple fallthemed decorations with watercolors or crayons.

In addition, museum staff members will be provide demonstrations and interpretations in areas such as tavern cooking, blacksmithing, leatherworking, and weaving.

Local Artists Plan Exhibition

Mulberry Art Studios, 19-21 N. Mulberry St., Lancaster, will host a collaborative exhibition titled “Extreme Portraits” in October. Members of the public may meet the artists at a First Friday opening reception on Friday, Oct. 7, from 5 to 9 p.m.

The exhibition features portraits in various unusual and unique artistic styles from local artists Ryan Phillips, Douglas Anderson, Dustin Strickler, and Frederick D. Swarr.

Phillips, of Ephrata, draws inspiration from books, music, and films, as well as photographs from vacations. Portraits

of family and friends have become a favorite of his in the past few years. Acrylic, gouache, pencil, and oil paint, accompanied by a mixing of finishes and varnishes, are his preferred mediums.

Anderson is a multimedia artist who focuses on painting and printmaking using nature and people as his primary subjects. He uses various styles and often uses humor and social criticism as themes in his work. His work is in various public and private collections. He recently retired from

Trinity UCC Posts Stewardship Seminars

BREAKOUT MINISTRIES: SeniorPastors Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: www.breakoutministries.org or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366

CHIQUES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Pastor Mike Byrd. Traditional Service at 9-10 am Communion: held 1st Sun. of the month. 5th Sunday of the month: One service only at 9:45 am. Children’s Sunday School 9 am. Adult Sunday School 10:15 am. Kids’ Church 10:30 am Contemporary Service 10:30 am. Nursery provided at all services. Handicapped accessible. Church office: 717653-5175.

CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES : “Sharing Christ’s Love with All People.” 1850 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, 17603. Rev. Kathryn L. Kuhn, Sr. Pastor . Jonathan Paredes, Designated Associate Pastor. Sunday Worship: In-person at 9am & 11am, By phone (888-440-0106), or online at: www.apostlesucc.org

COLUMBIA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Located at 510 Walnut St, Columbia. In-person Community Worship at 10 am Sunday mornings (no masks required).

Pastor: Rev. Tom Grubbs. Sunday Worship is also live streamed at 10 am thru our YouTube page. Kid’s Own Worship 10 am Sundays (kids ages 4 yrs. to 5th grade) Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal - Fall & Spring 6 pm. Phone: 717-684-2356. www.columbiaunitedmethodist.org

COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: Welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, & Reach Out with us! 331 Anderson Ferry Rd (off Rt. 441 on Rt. 772), Marietta, PA 17547, 717-426-1345, cbcpa.org. Service times are Sundays at 9:00 & 10:45am. The Livestream service is at 10:45am at cbcpa.org.

Please Note:Updates can be

FAITH BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 151 Donnerville Rd., Lancaster (one block south of Columbia Avenue). Pastor: Keith M. Long. 8:45 am Sunday School (with nursery and classes for children, youth and adults); 10:15 a.m. SundayWorship Service (with nursery and children’s church). Wed.: 6:30 p.m. AWANA Clubs (K-6); Wed.: 6:30 pm Youth Group 717-285-1900. www.faithbfc.com


Miracle Life Churches 813 E. Market St. York, PA: Wed. Family Night Meal 6pm & Bible Study/Youth Group 7pm. Sun. Morning Worship 10:30am. 6139 Main St. (Rte. 72) East Petersburg, PA: Sun. Morning Worship 10:30am. HMLCYORK.com (717)854-1220

ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH: A Reconciling in Christ (Open & Affirming Congregation). Located at 700 Pleasure Rd.Lancaster. Robin Fero, Pastor. In-person worship: Sat. 5 pm & Sun. 10 am. Online Worship at www.stmatthewelc.com For more info, call (717) 394-9607, or visit our web site.

TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2340 State St., East Petersburg. Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin, Pastor. Phone: (717) 569-1632. Sunday Schedule: 7:45 am Worship with Holy Communion; 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages; 10:00 am Koinonia (Fellowship Time); 10:30 am Worship (Holy Communion twice a month)

Online service is available by visiting www.trinityeastpete.org “Catch the Vision, Share the Joy!”

WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (between QVC & Hempfield H.S.). Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. Wayside offers two Sunday services: 9:30 am Traditional & 11 am Contemporary with band, Children’s Ministry & Staffed Nursery. For more info, visit www.waysidepc.org or (717) 898-1551.

ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH/ LANDISVILLE: 85 East Brandt Blvd. 717-898-2911; adminzelc@comcast.net

In-person worship at 9am. Live-stream link can be found at zionhempfield.net under the worship tab and on the Zion Lutheran Hempfield Facebook page. Adult Sunday School in-person at 10:15am. Pastor Timothy Seitz-Brown.

listing for 1st issue date of each month only.

(Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)

For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

Organizers have turned a traditional

Readers who would like more information or to make reservations may email c-sherbrow@pa.gov or call 717-569-0401, ext. 228.

Trinity United Church of Christ (UCC), 2340 State St., East Petersburg, will host stewardship seminars in the sanctuary from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursdays, Oct. 13, 20 and 27.

On Oct. 13, Lon Wible, executive director of the Office of Aging, will talk about the services his office

provides for retirees. A representative of Rodgers & Associates will share about financial planning on Oct. 20, and Mark Eyer from Masonic Village will talk about long-term care on Oct. 27.

Preregistration is requested by contacting secretary@ trinityeastpete.org.

Directions: From Route 462 (Columbia Avenue) take Abbeyville Rd. S., Left on Elm Ave. Turn Right on S. School Ln.

Dwelling: Consists of 3 BRs, 2 Full Baths, LR, DR, full bsmt, attic & shed storages. Rear alley access. Eat-in Kitchen. Lg. 3-Tiered Patio & lg. lawn.

Dining Room; Living Room w/fireplace. First Floor: Laundry/office room, BR w/full bath. Second FLoor: 2 BR w/full bath & storage. Full Basement: Washer/dryer hookup, AC, well insulated, gas hot water heater, copper spouting; shed.

Very quiet neighborhood. Access to major colleges & universities, ent., religious centers, shopping, etc. Part of Lancaster School District.

Mr. Schrader is very serious about selling this nice home to settle the Estate. Very Low Reserve. Please call Al Reist, Auctioneer, at 717-951-5088 for Inspection by Appointment and Real Estate Portfolio.

REAL ESTATE TERMS: SOLD AS IS. 10% Down Sale Day, Balance & Settlement in 45 days. Subject to confirmation.

PERSONAL PROPERTY-FURNITURE: 1950s Enamel Top Metal w/Matching Chairs; Dining Room Table & 8 Chairs; End Tables; Lift Double Bed w/Mattress & Box Spring; Dressers; Table & Floor Lamps; Depression Vanity; Bookcases; Round Table w/2 Chairs; Maple Hutch; Oval Wall Mirror; Depression Waterfall Wardrobe; Mirrored Wardrobe; Maple Round Extension Table w/6 Chairs; 4 Pc. Wicker Armchair & Stand Patio Set. HOUSEHOLD: Ceramic Pig Bank; Pink & Green Depression Glassware; Old Quart Jars; Baskets; Mid-Century Flatware; Box Lots of Household Items; Fur Coats; Large Ceramic Art Pottery Cat & Vase; Jars of Marbles. APPLIANCES: Kenmore Washer & Dryer. LAWN & GARDEN: Lawn Mower; Electric Cords; Trimmers; Lawn & Garden Tools; Weber Spirit II Stainless Steel Gas Grill; Newly New ShopVac; Christmas Decorative Deer; Inflatable Snowman & MORE! VERY CLEAN LOT OF ITEMS!

PERSONAL PROPERTY TERMS: All Items sold as-is. Pay in full sale day. Cash or good check. No out-of-state checks. Credit card w/3% fee.

For terms, info, updates & photos, visit auctionzip.com #7416

bidder on day of auction. Must register 48 hours prior to date of auction. pre-registration forms are

at www.beiler-campbellauctions.com.

Auctioneers Notes: Motivated sellers! Watch for future ads and check website for full list of personal property. Property can be purchased prior to auction, please see MLS listing PALA2019966.

Auction For: Mrs. Sueanna Schrader Estate Mr. Stanley Schrader, Executor

Al Reist, Licensed & Bonded Auct. AU-1637-L - Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 951-5088 / (717) 569-2409 • www.reistauctioneers.com

Mrs. Sueanna Schrader Estate’s Hands-On-History Days will give visitors to Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum a chance to participate in chores, lessons, and crafts from the 1700s and 1800s.
8- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - October 5, 2022 townlively.com R088883 Directions: Take Rt. 324 to left onto Red Hill Road, to left onto Lakewood Drive in Lakewood Estates. Auctioneers: Christ Taylor 717-371-1915 AU#005421 Harold Martin 717-738-4228 AA#019488 Sellers: Betty Myers Trust Attorney: James Clark 717-464-4300 For additional pictures go to www.beiler-campbellauctions.com www.auctionzip.com www.GoToAuction.com ID #23383 PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AUCTION LAKEWOOD ESTATES 4 BEDROOM HOME - 2 FULL BATH - 5.4 +/- ACRES - MARTIC TWP. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS - FURNITURE - TOOLS - ANTIQUES SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 9:00 A.M. – REAL ESTATE AT 12 NOON 103 Lakewood Drive, Pequea, PA 17565 Property Description: Desirable Lakewood Estates! Very nice home with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, sunken family room with built-in bookshelves, large kitchen area with dining/breakfast area, living room, formal dining room, 4 season sunroom with hot tub, and more! 2 car attached garage and (2) car detached garage with loft, gazebo, brick walks and patios, paved driveway. Private and secluded on a large 5.4 +/- wooded lot. Must see! Too much to list! Open House Dates: Thursday, October 13, 2022, 4-6 PM and Saturday, October 15 & 22, 2022 1-4 PM. Terms: Down payment of $40,000.00 required day of auction. Settlement on or before Dec. 31, 2022, Transfer taxes to be paid by buyer. Real Estate taxes shall be prorated. Annual taxes +/- $8,061. Attention Realtors: 1% Broker Participation being offered to Realtors who preregister with their buyers and who become the successful
PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY Beautiful Federal Style Brick Home 1.5 Story Single Family Home on 9,583 Sq. Ft. Lot ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES - FURNITURE WEBER GAS GRILL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 PERSONAL PROPERTY AT 9:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE AT 11:00 A.M. 402 S. School Lane, Lancaster Twp., Lancaster, PA 17603
to auction.
made to your church’s
See Artists pg 12

All About The Albatwitch

He looks sort of like a baby Bigfoot, and he’s rumored to live somewhere in the Columbia area. He also loves apples. He’s the Albatwitch, and he’ll be celebrated at the ninth annual Albatwitch Day, to be held on Saturday, Oct. 8. The festival will run from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Columbia River Park, 41 Walnut St.

“This is a multifaceted event,” said Rick Fisher, who is organizing the festival with Chris Vera. “There is so much happening.”

Although the official festival does not begin until 11 a.m., Vera noted that Ryan Sexton will be giving tours of the dungeon below the Columbia Market House, 15 S. Third St., from 9 a.m. to noon. “It’s a nice way to give people a taste of the Market House before they head to the river,” he stated.

The festival will feature speakers, authors, live music, vendors and more.

The Susquehanna National Heritage Area will offer free Wilderness Inquiry Canoemobile tours on the Susquehanna River from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., featuring a fleet of 24-foot, 10-passenger canoes.

Trolley tours will run throughout the day, giving participants a chance to hear some of the history of the area.

From 7 to 9 p.m., haunted trolley tours will be featured. “We’ll also have ‘Alba’ at the festival,” Vera said. “She’ll be dressed up like the Albatwitch, and she’ll carry a basket of apples. People can take selfies with her.”

Vera estimated there will be more than 50 vendors on-site for the festival,

featuring everything from handmade jewelry to food. “We’ll have a variety of nonprofits and organizations represented, including Raven Ridge Wildlife Center, which is always very popular,” said Fisher. “They’ll be bringing some of their animals.” The Indian Steps Museum will have a table, and the Lancaster PA Ghostbusters will be onsite. Local churches, including Holy Trinity Catholic Church and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, will operate food stands. Live music will be performed by Dillweed, Stone Soup, Sound Method and Tang Moon.

Inside Columbia Crossing River Trails Center, a variety of speakers will present programs. Speakers will include Mary Fabian, founder of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Project; Eric Altman, executive director of the PA Bigfoot Society; and Tim Renner, creator of the “Strange Familiars” podcast.

Vera noted that Albatwitch Day draws visitors from all over the East Coast, as far away as Virginia, New York and New Jersey. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Columbia Historic Preservation Society, located at 21 N. Second St.

“You’ll have a good time at this event,” Fisher said. “If you don’t want to learn more about the Albatwitch, you can listen to music or eat or shop or take a canoe ride or a trolley tour. There’s really something for everybody.”

For more information on Albatwitch Day, visit https:// albatwitchday.com or search for “Albatwitch Day” on Facebook.

Etiquette Workshop Slated

Lancaster Modern Etiquette will present Poised and Pretty, an etiquette series for girls in grades two through six. The workshop will be held on three consecutive Saturdays, Oct. 15, 22 and 29, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the INSPIRE Business Center, 228 N. Arch St., Lancaster.

In this series, young ladies will see the reasoning behind the training, they will see the benefits and have them explained in a way which they can understand.

The girls will have fun as they learn conversation skills, social skills, dining etiquette, first impressions and personal care information such as taking care of themselves.

Founded in 2020, Lancaster Modern Etiquette is dedicated to teaching the principles of proper etiquette, good manners and kindness. It aims to provide adults and children with polished social graces and the confidence to succeed in social and professional arenas.

The workshop will run for an hour and a half, and it will include a refreshment and a dining etiquette manual. Tickets are currently on sale. For more information or to enroll in the program, contact Annie Ahm Hartley, etiquette consultant at Lancaster Modern Etiquette, at 717-283-4596 or visit www.lancasteretiquette.com.



Mary Ann Arbutina

THURS OCT. 27, 2022


Real Estate

Peterman Inviting people to Albatwitch Day are Chris Vera (left) and Rick Fisher. Students who took part in an etiquette class offered by Annie Ahm Hartley (back) included (from left) Lillian Salerno, Szofia Gresh, Reagan Kline, Csilla Gresh, Emily Hartley, Julie Hartley and Annaliese Simpson.
MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - October 5, 2022- 9townlively.com
Donegal Throughout Makers Gonna Make Nominations Sought For Donegal BeautifulGardens! Garden Spot S The Sights And Sounds Of Yesteryear Patriotism In The Park 30 SAVE Fivepointville Octorara D masterfarmer.com, Farmer achievement “exemplary nding stewardship applicationsorganizations. prestigio 1989, corn soybeans.” practices years. conservation preserving Church, Philadelphia years.” Willow Evangelical pastor, Street, Community continues recogn families August, preschool Parkesburg’s Donald Cairns Named Master Farmer Native Son, New Shepherd Parents InvitedFreedom Academy Information Night House 2022SERVINGTHELOCALCOMMUNITIESSINCE1954 ONLINE PLACE AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS PennManor S univerclassroom Training Monday,roughsession,hands-onduring a.m. Millersville Technology opportunitiesstudents that advanced-levelproblem-solvingexpe-riences. programdemically through exciteme diversity background contentequipment)workshops dramatically.” geometryexercises. studentsengaged noted.workshop,sessions studentswill stream workshop expericoming chemistry,” There excitement student,instructionalcover responsible providing program, www.millersvillesstp@millersville.edu.717-871-429 Playeronce musical performedPlayers July Sunday, Thursday, Willow grounds, Cars, welcome, MillersvilleUniversityToOffer ScienceTrainingProgram PromisePlayToReturnToThe Cruisers ToHold AnnualCar Show INSIDE 2022SERVI THELOCALCOMMUNITIESSINCE1954 Players CreateBeautifulGardens! Awesome Selection! PREADY PICKED! Tart Cherries! If you love this paper, support our advertisers! R088590 Public Auctions See HessAuctionGroup.com for more details & photos of all of these great properties! Downsizing? Have Questions? 717-664-5238 877-599-8894 HESSAUCTIONGROUP.COM R088895AY000253L MON. OCT. 24, 2022 – 1pm Real Estate 424 Prospect Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 52.3 ACRE MANHEIM AREA FARM SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Manheim Central School District L E T O U R T E A M B E YO U R A D VA N TA G E !LET OUR TEAM BE YOUR ADVANTAGE! Considering auction for selling your Real Estate or downsizing Personal Property? We’re Booking Auctions For Fall 2022! Call our office to learn more about the benefits of seling with H E S S A U C T I O N G R O U P !HESS AUCTION GROUP! TUES OCT. 11, 2022 – 6pm Real Estate 711 W. Brubaker Valley Rd. Lititz, PA 17543 4 BEDROOM LITITZ AREA RANCH STYLE HOME –0.32 Acres – Warwick SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Barry Saylor Est. WED. OCT. 12, 2022 – 6pm Real Estate 543 Snyder Ave. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 SHORT NOTICE: ALL BRICK 3 BEDROOM INVESTMENT PROPERTY – 0.16 Acres –Elizabethtown Area SD OPEN HOUSE: SAT. OCT. 8, 10AM-1PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Ray E. Milbee Est. THURS OCT. 13, 2022 – 6pm Real Estate 24 W. Gramby St. Manheim, PA 17545 3 BEDROOM MANHEIM HOME WITH GARAGE – 0.07 Acres – Manheim Central SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Lois F. Nohrehold GUY ESHELMAN ESTATE ANTIQUES & PERSONAL PROPERTY 289 Donerville Rd. Lancaster, PA 17603 Saturday, October 15, 2022 • 9am Live & Online • PURPLE TRANSFER IRONSTONE CHINA • VERY FINE M&P SHREINER, LANCASTER, NO. 39 HEPPLEWHITE TALL CASE CLOCK • RED WING UNION STONEWARE CO. CROCKS • LANCASTER CO., PA LONE STAR PATCHWORK QUILT • ANTIQUE WOODENWARES • & SO MUCH MORE! AUCTION FOR: GUY ESHELMAN ESTATE THURS OCT. 27, 2022 – 6pm Real Estate 62 Prospect St. Lancaster, PA 17603 LANCASTER INVESTMENT HOME – 0.04 Acres – School District of Lancaster OPEN HOUSES: SAT. OCT. 15, 10AM-12PM & MON. OCT. 17, 5-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Lisa E. Stipe Estate TUES. OCTOBER 25, 2022 – 6pm Real Estate 132 North 3rd St. Columbia, PA 17512 ATTENTION INVESTORS & HOUSE FLIPPERS: COLUMBIA INVESTMENT PROPERTY – 0.07 Acres –
THURS. OCT. 6, 2022 – 6pm Real Estate 1417 Carlton Dr. Lancaster, PA 17601 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOME IN NICE NEIGHBORHOOD 0.31 Acres – Manheim Township SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Marilyn Robbins Est.
– 6pm
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Lititz, PA 17543 4 BEDROOM CLAY TWP HOME ON LARGE LOT – 0.91 Acres – Ephrata SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. OCT. 15, 10AM-12PM & MON. OCT. 17, 5-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Alta & Della Shelly THURS OCT. 20, 2022 – 6pm Real Estate 940 Parkside Ln. Lancaster, PA 17601 3 BEDROOM MANHEIM TOWNSHIP HOME – 0.19 Acres – Manheim Township SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. OCT. 8, 10AM-12PM & MON. OCT. 10, 5-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Willaline Charles WED. NOV. 9, 2022 – 5pm Real Estate 130 Alida St. 35 Elm Ave. & 809 Mill Rd. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 3 PARCELS ELIZABETHTOWN AREA: 33,000 & 48,000 SQ. FT. BUILDINGS All Parcels To Be Sold At 35 Elm Ave. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Elizabethtown School District 52.3 ACRES! SAT. OCT. 8, 2022 – 12pm Real Estate 2887 Zink Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM HOME ON 4.8 ACRES w/ FARMLAND VIEWS – Manheim Central SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Harold & Virginia Brubaker4.8 ACRES! ONLINE ONLY AUCTIONS 768 Graystone Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 Online Only Auctions Every Week! Furniture, Antiques & Collectibles, Specialty Auctions and More! Be Sure to Visit www.hessauctiongroup.com for more! THISWEEK! THISWEEK! THISWEEK! THURS OCT. 13, 2022 – 6pm Real Estate 62 Sunset Ave. Manheim, PA 17545 3 BEDROOM MANHEIM HOME IN NICE NEIGHBORHOOD – 0.36 Acres – Manheim Central SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Lois Jean
SAT. NOV. 5, 2022 – 9am Personal Property 12pm Real Estate 566 Rife Run Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 3 BEDROOM STONE RANCH HOME W/ FARMLAND VIEWS – 0.74 Acres – Manheim Central SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. OCT. 22, 10AM-12PM & MON. OCT. 24, 5-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Anna Nolt



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Lawn & Garden

EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE Spring clean-ups. Edging, seeding, fertilization, mulching, shrub & tree pruning. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)

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Goods GUNS WANTED INSTANTPAYMENT 1 gun or collection - Will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524 TWO LARGE TOTES full of hunting clothes (sev. sizes), sm. plastic tote w/gun cleaning gear, 717-509-2163.
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SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.


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Free estimates. Insured. Call or text Mitzel’s Stump Grinding 717-858-9347

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ALWAYS BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars

Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime.

BUYING CLASSIC CARS,TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$Paying Ca$h$$ Please call 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com

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CORVETTES WANTED Any Year Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

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All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.


When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

For Rent

APARTMENT FOR RENT Located in Ronks. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom $1,100. per month. Includes all utilities. Call: 717-725-4130


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MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - October 5, 2022- 11townlively.com R088385 Eastwood Village Homes LLC Open House Model Homes with Garages Available to Inspect! Friday, October 7th 1pm-4pm Villages at Greenf ield 445, 449, 451, 453 Eastwood Lane Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 397-3138 DIRECTIONS: Take Route 30 East to Greenfield Road. Turn right onto Greenfield Road. Continue past the entrance of Villages at Greenfield. Turn right onto Ben Franklin Blvd. Go over bridge and follow signs to model homes. AUTOMOTIVE
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teaching art, math, and special education.

The inspiration for Strickler’s artwork comes from his interest in human behavior, observing and blending the worlds of music, movies, sports, and notable Lititz personalities. His work includes pen and ink, markers, colored pencil, and acrylic paint. Within each piece of artwork, there are underlying meanings that tell a story.

Swarr has exhibited his art in diverse venues since 1969 and has paintings in numerous permanent collections. Swarr also donates his artwork to nonprofit organizations for fundraising. His style of painting has evolved into a combination of impressionism and expressionism. Acrylic has always been the prevalent paint on his pallet.

Mulberry Art Studios offers free parking in its private lot.

To learn more about “Extreme Portraits” or to make arrangements to visit during October outside of First Friday hours, contact Mulberry Art Studios at 717295-1949 or email the gallery curator at Stephanie.Mulberry Art@gmail.com.

12- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - October 5, 2022 townlively.com Hardware Columbia Shopping Center 1786-F Columbia Ave. • (717) 684-8515 Mon.-Fri. 8-7, Sat. 8-5, Closed Sunday We have WEBER Gas Grills & TRAEGER Pellet Grills! R088982 CELEBRATING OUR Anniversary TH ALTOONA 433 Sabbath Rest Road 814-515-9516 BROWNSTOWN 4216 Oregon Pike 717-859-3131 CLEONA 308 W. Penn Ave. 717-273-7555 EPHRATA 1717 W. Main Street 717-733-7730 MYERSTOWN 740 E. Lincoln Ave. 717-866-7555 NEW PROVIDENCE 2318 Beaver Valley Pike 717-786-7373 READING 4850 Perkiomen Ave. 610-401-0390 OCTOBER 7th-15th Eliza Sofa $749 Angie Sofa Sofa $749 Vail $599 Morrison $719 Ephrata location only Furniture Showrooms at Ephrata and New Providence locations only Sofa $1,649 Loveseat $1,599 Recliner $799 Easton $649 SALE ENDS 10/15/22 Bedazzle Glide Rocker & Ottoman Skipper Swivel Prima Recliner Risa Club Chair Tina Swivel Kaylee Chair Bethany Accent Chair McBride Club Chair $749 $629 $899 $549 $599$499 PICKED UP $699 $649 Trafton Leather Sofa $1,199 Trouper Collection TOTAL PACKAGE SAVINGS $595 Stainless Over the Range Microwave JVM3160RFSS was $314 SALE $206 Stainless Electric Range JB645RKSS was $809 SALE $699 Stainless Dishwasher GDT530PSPSS was $585 CLOSEOUT $429 Side by Side Stainless Refrigerator GSS25GYPFS was $1,619 SALE $1,398 PLUS UP TO $400 Installation Rebate! SAVE $108! SAVE $110! SAVE $156! SAVE $221! *See associate for details. Some offers cannot be combined. Credit approval required for financing. 10-20% OFF Purchase a Kinetico water system and receive up to 20% off the installation cost.* 12-48 Month Financing Take advantage of 12-48 month special financing when purchasing a Kinetico water system.* $100 Off K5 System Purchase a K5 Drinking Water System and save $100.* $40 Off UV Lights Purchase a CUV15E ultraviolet sterilizer and save $40.* 20% Off Kinex Salt Monitor* $100 Old System Trade-In Rebate Trade-in your old water system and receive a $100 discount off the purchase of any Kinetico water system.* SAVE $100! SAVE $100! SAVE $100! SAVE $100! SAVE $200! SAVE $100! SAVE $100! SAVE $150! SAVE $150! SAVE $100! SAVE $250! SAVE $100! SAVE $150! Lowest Prices of the Year! Queen Mattresses starting at $599 4 Mattress Locations To Serve You! Myerstown, Cleona, New Providence & Ephrata Your Trusted Mattress Resource SAVE $200!SAVE $200! R088928www.martinsappliance.com www.martinfurniturepa.com www.martinwater.com LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY GARAGE 2345 River Rd., Washington Boro 717-872-6423 • Service • Tires • Auto Parts $30 AC Recharge • FREE Computer Scan R088986 State Emissions/Inspections
Artists frompg 8 YOUR AD COULD BE HERE 717-492-2526 sales@engleonline.com

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