Mastering a family business
Talk with Emily Longenecker Rineer about her new role at Root’s Country Market & Auction, and you can’t help but hear the excitement in her voice.
“It almost feels like a dream come true to be here and be fully a part of everything,” said the new market master. “I’m excited to work alongside standholders and continue to have this place be a Lancaster County tradition.”
Emily is at the helm of a Manheim-based business started by her great-great-grandfather A.W. Root in 1925. Although her great-grandmother Edith Root Longenecker was president of the business, there has never been a female market master until Emily.
Emily grew up in the market, spending free time there with her siblings and her father Tom Longenecker who has served as market master for more than 40 years. She attended Hempfield High School and Elizabethtown College, working during the summers in both Root’s Old Mill Flea Market and Root’s Country Market.
Initially, however, Emily chose a different career path than the family business. She was an upper elementary school teacher at a local Montessori school for seven years.
“I’ve always had a love and passion for teaching, having had some really great teachers when I was growing up. I always wanted to be that teacher for other students,” she said. “That was my first dream, but I knew my dad was wearing so many hats here and he was going to need some assistance.”

As the market enters its 100th year of operation, Emily thought the milestone provided a nice
incredible to be a part of the fifth generation in this business.”
Her father is in his 60s now, but he’s not going anywhere, she said.
Support Mt. Hope with a Sweetheart Meal
Mt. Hope Nazarene Retirement Community, located in Rapho Township, is more than just a skilled nursing facility. It’s a place where seniors and people with disabilities receive compassionate care, regardless of their financial circumstances. As a 50-bed skilled nursing facility, Mt. Hope also includes six independent living cottages, offering residents a sense of autonomy and comfort. The community is dedicated to serving individuals in need, particularly those who face financial hardship.

“Many at Mt. Hope don’t have resources to cover costs of care, and so a gap of about $200 per day exists between what a resident is able to pay and what their care
actually costs,” said Kris Wilson, director of advancement. “At our core, we’re known to have a reputation as an encouraging, supportive community providing quality nursing care that focuses on providing dignity, hope and love regardless of someone’s financial status.”
This gap, however, doesn’t stop Mt. Hope from its mission; the facility provides over $1 million in charitable care each year.
“I’m excited to work alongside standholders and continue to have this place be a Lancaster County tradition.”
opportunity for a career change.
“I always knew I wanted to be a part of the market,” she shared.
“I have loved learning from my dad and working with him. It’s
“Longeneckers don’t really retire,” she said with a laugh, noting that her grandfather is in his early 90s and he still comes over on Tuesdays when the market is open.
As market master, Emily will be responsible for operations of the market, including filling stand vacancies and maintaining open communications with standholders.
It’s a big job, she admits, since the market features 250 standholders in the summer along with standholders who operate
Picture this: A makeshift store containing aisles and aisles of brand-new kids’ coats separated by sizes, styles and colors. Families in need can enter, peruse the winter coats, select one and take it home.
That’s what Coats for Kids looks like. That’s what the Salvation Army means when it says, “Doing the most good.”
“My favorite part about Coats for Kids is when the kids go into where the coats are,” said Shady
Boules, who’s been Salvation Army Lancaster Corps’ operations and development manager for five years. “You see their eyes open. I tell them, ‘Go ahead; pick a coat.’ They’ll answer, ‘Do you mean I can pick a coat? Do you mean I can pick my favorite color?’ For some, it’s their first time. To see kids making a decision on what things they can wear is very rewarding.”
It is at that exact moment when all the hard work that goes into the Salvation Army Lancaster’s Coats for Kids program

year-round inside buildings on the grounds.
She sees a challenge in finding the best options for everyone involved in the market.
“I’m dealing with a lot of individual business owners, and I want to make sure all decisions made are what’s best for everyone,” she said. “I want to consider the needs of the standholders and the customers.”
towards what it is that they do, and this really becomes a community of people here every Tuesday.”
When she’s not at Root’s, Emily enjoys spending time with her husband, Kyle, and their dog, Nigel.
As she settles into her new role, Emily is focused on the future while staying aware of the past.

1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Doug Paglia, Pastor. Worship Service at 9-10 am Children’s Sunday School: 9-10 am. Refreshments & Fellowship: 10-10:30 am. Adult Sunday School at 10:30-11:30 am. Nursery Provided, Handicapped Accessible. For more information, call: 717-653-5175.
COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, and Reach Out with us! Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 a.m. We’re located at 331 Anderson Ferry Road in Marietta (off Rt 441 on Rt 772). Learn more at
GRACE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH OF MANHEIM: 1483 N. Colebrook Rd., Manheim. SUNDAYS: Adult Bible Class at 9:30am and Worship Service at 10:30am. Wednesday Evening Prayer is held from 6:30pm-7:30pm For more details, please visit or call 717-665-7222.
HOSANNA! A FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIANS 29 Green Acre Rd., Lititz (717) 626-2560
Worship with us in person @ 9:30am, online or livestream @ Children & Youth Ministries
MARY MOTHER OF THE CHURCH (A Roman Catholic Parish): 625 Union School Rd., Mount Joy. Pastor: Rev. Ted Keating. Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 4:30pm, Sunday 8:30 & 11 am; Monday thru Friday 8:30 am. Confessions: Sat 3:30pm. 717-653-4903, visit us online at
NEWPORT CHURCH: 656 W. Newport Road, Elm,
We are a vibrant family- oriented contemporary church that meets for Sunday “celebration” service at 9:30 a.m. and throughout the week in home groups, including junior-high and senior-high groups. Children love our Kids Town ministry every Sunday morning! Our mission is to share God’s Love generously and lead people to new life in Jesus. For info. or directions, see our Website or call 717-664-2635. Lead Pastor: Merle Shenk.
RUHL’S CHURCH: A growing church committed to Christ. Worship on Sunday morning at 8 am for a traditional feel. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am., 10:30 am. Worship led by praise band. (Nursery available. Handicap accessible.) For more information, please call 717-665-3400 or visit Located at 4810 Elizabethtown Rd, Manheim.
ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH: 505 Woodcrest Ave., Lititz Ph:717-626-5580 Rev. Stephen D. Weitzel Confessions: Sat. 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm and anytime on request Daily Masses: Tues.-Fri. 9 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 4 pm Sunday Masses: 8:30 am & 10:30 am for livestream Masses
TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH: 596 West Newport Rd., Lititz. Are you looking for a Church that preaches from the King James Bible? Helps your family grow spiritually? Enjoys the old-time hymns? Look no further! Sunday School 10am, Sunday Morning Worship 11am, and Sunday Evening Worship 6pm. Wednesday Evening Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 pm. Pastor Wiliam Hamm, Jr. (717) 575-0292.
48 Market Sq., Manheim Sunday School 9:15am/Worship 10:25am Livestream 717-665-3633
TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2340 State St., East Petersburg. Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin, Pastor. Phone: (717) 569-1632. Sunday Schedule: 7:45 am Worship with Holy Communion; 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages; 10:00 am Koinonia (Fellowship Time); 10:30 am Worship (Holy Communion twice a month) Online service is available by visiting “Catch the Vision, Share the Joy!””
WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (near Hempfield High School). Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. Wayside offers two services: 9:00 am Traditional with choir, 10:00 Fellowship & 10:30 am Contemporary with band & Children’s Ministry. For more info, visit or (717) 898-1551.
WHITE OAK CHURCH : 1211 N. Penryn Rd, Manheim, PA. You are invited to our Sunday services: Sunday School for all ages at 8:45am; Worship at 9:45am; scheduled evening services at 7:15pm and Wednesday evening Bible Study at 7:15pm. (1st Wednesday of month).
Attend Church this Sunday
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)
For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
She credits the longevity of Root’s to its niche in the community.
“We offer something unique with the variety that is here,” she said. “The people who are here are the people growing the foods or making the crafts or running the business. Nobody can speak better
“I am mindful of learning where we came from and relying on my father, my grandfather and my uncle who is also on the board, so we can know both where we came from and where we’re going,” she said. “One hundred years is a fantastic milestone to hit, but we don’t want to stop there. We want to make sure we make it into the next 100 years.”
group sets activities
The Manheim Sportsmen’s Association, 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim, has announced its upcoming activities. For details, visit www.
The Manheim Sportsmen’s Association will hold its monthly meetings at 7 p.m. on Thursdays, Feb. 13 and March 13. New members are welcome.
Trap shooting will be held at noon on Sundays, Feb. 9 to March 9; at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, March
12, 19, and 26; and at 10 a.m. on Saturdays, March 15, 22, and 29. All trap shoots are open to the public. The club will also offer “BIG 50” ATA registered shoots on the aforementioned Sundays. For more details, call Matt at 215-208-3731. The retirees may gather for coffee and fellowship on Mondays, Feb. 10 and March 10, at 8 a.m. Food will be available. Admission is by donation. For more information,
See Sportsmen’s pg 5

Keiffer, Dougherty claim L-L Championships

Central’s Barrett Keiffer
tries to roll Ephrata’s Gavin Bartholomew during the L-L League Boys Wrestling Championships on Friday, January 24. Keiffer took first place in the 139-pound weight class.

Coats for Kids
becomes worth it.
The 30th annual initiative to make sure every kid in Lancaster County has a brand-new winter coat continues. Coats for Kids, which is currently being implemented at the Salvation Army Lancaster Corps’ headquarters’ gymnasium at 131 S. Queen St., Lancaster, kicked off its efforts in October, and the program will run through the end of March or until the weather turns warmer.
“Once fall arrives, some people start thinking, ‘How do I get coats for my kids?’” said Boules. “We want kids to be able to go to school and make sure the other kids can’t tell their coats came from the Salvation Army. We treat our neighbors with dignity. We want them to be proud of their coats.”
This season’s Coats for Kids initiative has already distributed 1,900 brand-new kids’ coats to kids and families in need from Lancaster County. The Salvation Army expects to hand out another 600
Meal from pg 1
To help support its residents, Mt. Hope will hold a Sweetheart To-Go Benefit Meal at LCBC - Manheim Campus, 2392 Mount Joy Road, Manheim, on Saturday, Feb. 22, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The curbside pickup meal will include Peters’ BBQ firegrilled chicken, gourmet cheese potatoes, sweet and sour green beans with bacon, applesauce, a dinner roll with butter and a dessert.
Proceeds from the meal will help fund resident care and other projects at the community, including construction of new cottages.
In an effort to continue its mission, Mt. Hope is expanding its independent living offerings with two new duplex cottages, adding four additional single-floor living apartments. This project, slated for completion by 2026, will help increase the facility’s long-term revenue and provide space for families and volunteers who support the nursing home residents.
The total cost of the project is estimated at $1.2 million, a goal that Mt. Hope is actively working toward through fundraising.
“Mt. Hope provides a reasonable option for individuals in Lancaster County and beyond who would have nowhere else to go,” Wilson said. “Fundraising is an ongoing requirement for Mt. Hope to meet its mission and provide care to those in need. These cottages will increase our revenue, and thereby reduce our reliance on donations to meet
coats before the end of the winter season.
Individuals can still donate brand-new coats by dropping them off at the Salvation Army Lancaster Corps’ headquarters, or they can donate monetarily.
“If people have more coats, we’d appreciate it. We need more coats all the time,” said Boules. “We hope we’ll keep doing it. Every single dollar for this program goes right to Coats for Kids. It doesn’t go anywhere else. We want to make sure we have enough coats for next year and the year after.”
The Coats for Kids program is designed for kids up to 16 years of age who reside in Lancaster County. Following an application and interview process, each child in need is permitted to choose one coat.
“We cover every ZIP code in Lancaster County,” said Boules. “Some people think we’re only serving people from the city, but that’s not true.”
ongoing operational needs.”
Mt. Hope will also raise funds through the sale of a 28-acre farm on the property. “The facility is not able to build on this agricultural land,” Wilson explained. “Mt. Hope has always aimed to be good stewards of its resources and manage them conservatively. The sale of the farmhouse will allow us to build four new living units in an area where we are allowed to build and bring in income to support the nursing home.” Open houses for the sale will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on Feb. 22 and on Saturday, March 1.
Wilson shared how Mt. Hope fulfills its mission in unique ways. “Mt. Hope tries to provide an option for families who have loved ones in need of our services,” she said. “Being able to move in a spouse of a current resident or an employee of Mt. Hope at the same time is the sweetest

“It gives hope to the children when they know there’s a community standing behind them,” Boules continued. “We have a lot of people dropping off checks and saying, ‘We were part of this program years ago. I’d like to give back and pay for someone else.’”
It takes nearly 150 volunteers - community members, members of churches, companies and service clubs and students - to make Coats for Kids run smoothly. In the early days of September,
act of care for a family. Recently, Mt. Hope provided a room for a team member’s spouse.”
She explained that Tammy Lutz, longtime dietary manager at Mt. Hope, was able to have her husband of 45 years, John, come to Mt. Hope for care after he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer.
“It felt like a weight had been lifted,” Tammy shared. “I could work and be with John as much as I could be. I could see my husband was more relaxed and at peace at Mt. Hope. Everyone was so kind and caring. I never worried he wasn’t being cared for because I knew he always would be.”
John was at Mt. Hope for 28 days before he passed away this past fall. “I felt so blessed John could be at Mt. Hope and we could be together,” Tammy said. “Mt. Hope was exactly thathope. We felt compassion, love
contact Curt at 717-665-7729 or Mike at 717-224-0747.
The Manheim Central High School rifle team uses the indoor range each weekday from 3:15 to 6 p.m., with a few exceptions when the team travels to other schools for matches. The range is closed each day the team is practicing or hosting another school match. The rifle team will finish its season in early March. Any changes will be posted on the
from pg 2
aforementioned website. Bingo will be held on Friday, March 7, at 5:30 p.m. at Lancaster County Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster. The cost includes 20 games of bingo, and the prizes will include cash; meat from Hummer’s; a Blackstone griddle; and items from brands such as Ruger, Taurus, Savage, and Winchester. To purchase tickets or for more information, call Joyce at 717-468-1334.

local television station WGAL helped raise $130,000 for the program.
“We’re very thankful for the people who believe in this service,” said Boules. “We are blessed to have a generous community. We want to tell the community that we’re here to help. The door is still open.”
For additional information about Salvation Army Lancaster Corps, go to lancaster-pa.

and respect from everyone.” Wilson encourages people to support Mt. Hope through the purchase of a Sweetheart To-Go Meal. Preorders will be taken for meals and saved under the name provided when ordered. To preorder, call Wilson at 717-682-8026 or email advancement@mtho by Saturday, Feb. 15. Extra meals will be available while supplies last. No handling of money will occur on the day of food pickup. When picking up meals, customers may leave payment in a drop-box in the form of exact change or checks made payable to “Mt. Hope Nazarene Retirement Community.” The cost of the meal is $17.

machinery shed w/ open front, a detached 3 car garage, and a few other little outbuildings. There is also a 12’ x 45’ stave silo w/unloader. This property is zoned agriculture and is presently enrolled in clean and green with yearly taxes of $1,439.01. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Come check out this rare opportunity to purchase a farm close to Hershey with so much potential, making it an excellent choice for a great investment. INSPECTION: Open house will be Saturday, February 15 and 22 from 12-3 pm, or by calling auctioneer for
Colleen Gallo, Barley Snyder Law



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Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301
Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102
BRADY'S PAINTING WALLPAPERING specialists. Res/Com. Painting, wood finishing, wallpaper, pressure washing, custom deck, complete remodeling. Free est. Insured. Tim, 717-653-8586
CLOCK REPAIR - TRAGER 717-786-7053
HAULING, JUNK REMOVAL. Bsmts, sheds, garages cleaned out. Tree brush. Odd jobs. We also move people. Free est. Visa/MC/ Disc/AmEx. 717-456-6051; 410-688-7569 CRASS HAULING
JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 3/30/25.) Call 1-844826-2535
Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service, 717-278-1030
NEED YOU BUSINESS, OFFICE, HOUSE CLEAN? Got you cover! Experienced cleaner. Openings Sats. Affordable rates. Call/text 717-250-0096
SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.
General Construction from Start to Finish Additions • Garages • Exteriors • Decks Site Prep. | 717-475-2924
STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.
CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
DONATE YOUR CAR, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today!
For Rent
Refrig., Microwave & no smoking/pets. complimentary Wi-Fi, Free HBO/Cinemax Manheim, Lancaster Co. 717-665-2938

Women of all ages and preschool children are invited to attend Neighbors Sharing and Caring, a women’s ministry of the Chiques Church, 4045 Sunnyside Road, Manheim, on Tuesday, Feb. 11, from 9 to 10:45 a.m. Lisa Hosler will speak about trusting God. Hosler has served as president of Align Life Ministries since 1985. She graduated from Lancaster Bible College and received a master’s degree from Millersville University. She is the author of “The Unexhausted Leader,” a book with the purpose of equipping leaders to engage with Jesus with their teams. Lisa and her husband, Ron, were married for 32 years before his death five and a half years ago. During the program, child care will be provided for infants through prekindergartners. No preregistration is required. Readers may contact Bonnie at 717-3612613 or Veronica at 717-626-7603 for more information and a copy of this year’s schedule.
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