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It was Father’s Day, June 19, 2022, and Mickey Snyder was spending the day with his father, Paul Snyder Sr., of Hempfield. After eating (cheesesteaks from a local restaurant, per Paul Sr.’s request), the Snyder family decided to catch a movie at the theater. Fifteen minutes into the film, Paul Sr. started to feel abnormal and excused himself to the restroom.

Mickey’s gut instinct told him to follow Paul Sr. into the bathroom, where he found his father sitting down with his head in his


Center for Pediatric Development held a ceremonial groundbreaking for a large construction project on Oct. 13 and officially began construction on Nov. 14. The project will include a 14,700-square-foot addition and renovation of Schreiber’s current facility.

The multimillion-dollar project will allow Schreiber Pediatric to offer a greater range of services to a larger number of children in the area with special needs and reduce the likelihood that patients will be placed on a waiting list for critical treatment. “We have waitlists that can be up to two years long. If a child has to wait that long to walk

or speak, they may not overcome their challenges if their needs aren’t met in a timely manner,” said James DeBord, president of Schreiber Pediatric. “This new space will be a game changer; it will mean that more children will be able to walk, speak and live out their dreams like any other child.”

The project is estimated to take 15 to 16 months to complete and will wrap up in early 2024. The addition will be completed in the project’s first phase, followed by the building renovations in the second phase. The key benefits to the larger space include allowing Schreiber Pediatric to treat 500 more children a year and the ability to hire over a dozen new therapists to meet the increasing demand. The addition

will include a new department for physical therapy, and the current physical therapy department will be converted into a facility for traumatic brain injury treatment. Upgrades will also be made to the occupational therapy department.

DeBord said the largest obstacle in the last 10 years is keeping Schreiber Pediatric financially independent and stable. “Most organizations don’t touch behavioral therapy because it loses money,” said DeBord said. Most therapy services are reimbursed through health care programs like Medicaid, meaning there is little profit in the field. Nevertheless, DeBord and Schreiber Pediatric have remained committed to making behavioral therapy services available to the community.

The organization began changing the way funds were raised and initiating more philanthropic efforts, as well as bringing in more therapy staff to reduce waitlists. After running out of room to host all of its patients and staff, Schreiber Pediatric began drawing up the plan for the expansion project.

Although Schreiber Pediatric has been able to raise a portion of the necessary funds, it still requires money to cover its regular yearly expenses on top of the project expenses. “No one else is doing what we do, and we’re committed to making sure we can do it. This project will allow us to,” said DeBord. For more information or to make a donation, visit www.schreiberpediatric.org.

pg 2 HEM Postal Patron PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S.Postage Paid Engle Printing Co :RETSAMTSOP PLEASE DELIVER NOV. 23, 2022 Hempfield Schreiber Pediatric Begins Expansion Project INSIDE THIS ISSUE Celebrating The Season With Gifts That Give Hope . . . . .3 Business Directory . . . . . .4 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 2022 Holiday Program Posted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 House Of Worship . . . . . . .9 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . .10 Lancaster EMS Recognized For Life-Saving Effort scan this code for more local news NOVEMBER 23, 2022SERVINGTHELOCALCOMMUNITIESSINCE1954 townlively.com VOL XXXVIII • NO 33 Children and adults alike celebrated at the Oct. 13 groundbreaking for the Schreiber Center for Pediatric Development’s construction project. The expansion project will allow Schreiber Pediatric to offer a greater range of services to a larger number of children with special needs. 400 Long Lane at Marticville Road (Rt. 741 & 324) 717-872-9311 Mon.-Sat. 8-6 R090469 www.cherryhillorchards.com PLUS lots more for your decorating! S US l f d FRASER FIR FIR • Trees • Wreaths • • • Garland • Greens • • Greens Picture Perfect Follow us
See Lancaster EMS

hands. After unsuccessfully convincing his father to go the hospital, Mickey instead took him home. Once home, Paul Sr. insisted he was fine and urged his son to leave, but Mickey’s instincts again advised him, prompting him to stay. Moments later, Paul Sr. began convulsing on the couch.

“It happened so fast,” said Mickey. “I thought he was having a seizure.” Mickey’s wife, Tracy, called an ambulance and began CPR while Mickey called his brother, Paul Jr., who lives in Columbia. Paul Jr. arrived shortly after and took over administering CPR to his father for close to seven minutes, until a team of first responders from Lancaster EMS arrived. “I thought for sure that we were going to lose him,” said Mickey. “The paramedics told us that he had a 20% chance of living.”

Paul Sr.’s vital signs strengthened after CPR and

the use of the paramedics’ AED, and he was taken to Lancaster General Hospital by the Lancaster EMS team, where the family learned that Paul Sr. was having a heart attack. He received further treatment at the hospital, and his condition stabilized. The first responders credited the early application of CPR by the family with saving Paul Sr.’s life.

“Those seven minutes of CPR felt like an hour,” said Paul Jr., who had received CPR training 15 years ago through a program at his church. This was the first time Paul Jr. administered CPR in a real-life scenario, having only practiced on training dummies in the past.

On Nov. 1, Lancaster EMS and the West Hempfield Township Police Department recognized first responders Dzenis Alagic, Ashlea Stolzfus, Vickie Martin, Dawn Ray and Robert Patterson for their efforts that saved Paul Sr.’s life on Father’s Day. Had they not

Candidates Sought For

The local Republican party is seeking persons who are interested in candidacy for Hempfield-area municipal offices to be voted on in the spring 2023 primary and who seek the endorsement of the Republican party. Anyone fitting this description is asked to submit a letter of intent and a resume by Saturday, Dec. 31, to Jackie Pfursich, Hempfield Area

Municipal Offices

Republican Committee chair, at jacquelynpfursich@yahoo.com. Questions may be directed to Pfursich at 717-253-3207.

The offices up for election include the Hempfield School Board of Directors, the East Hempfield Township Board of Supervisors, the West Hempfield Township Board of Supervisors and a magisterial district judge.

come to the aid of the Snyder family as quickly as they did, Paul Sr. would not have survived the heart attack.

Paul Sr. remained in the hospital for several days to receive care, and his health has steadily improved in the months since. Once a week, he returns to the hospital for intense cardio therapy and safety training. “My time could have been up,” said Paul Sr. “A lot of people might have given up on a 78-yearold man. I’m so thankful.”

Pipkin Named To Hall Of Fame

The Hempfield recCenter announced Wilson Pipkin, director of tennis, was inducted into the United States Tennis Association’s Middle States 2022 Hall of Fame Class on Oct. 20. The Middle States Hall of Fame recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the sport of tennis in their region.

Pipkin began his career with

the Hempfield recCenter in 1985. In addition to his decades furthering the development of tennis players of all ages, Pipkin’s accomplishments include organizing the annual Koser Jewelers $100,000 Tennis Challenge, a weeklong United States Tennis Association event that brings world-class tennis to Lancaster County.

2- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - November 23, 2022 townlively.com
Lancaster EMS frompg 1
Paul Snyder Sr. and his wife, Lindia
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Paul Sr.’s friends and family were present for the ceremony and expressed their gratitude for the first responders’ efforts.

In 2021, Gifts That Give Hope founder Jenn Knepper made a few changes in the annual celebration. First, the event returned to its original venue, and second, it moved to a Sunday so that attendees could enjoy a little shopping following church. The formula was successful, and this year, the gift fair will take place on Sunday, Dec. 11, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster.

The 2022 fair will feature 45 nonprofit organizations offering environmentally friendly and ethically sourced gifts, along with food and beverages from local eateries and food trucks. Father Christmas will be present for pictures, visits, and interactive story reading, and a number of children’s authors will be on-site.

Several organizations will be at the fair for the first time this year, including the fledgling Heeding God’s Call to End Gun Violence, which is starting a Lancaster chapter. The group held its first event at St. Edward’s Episcopal Church in September. At the fair, representatives hope to

offer education and raise both funds and awareness.

“There have been 75 gun homicides in the last 10 years in Lancaster County,” said representative Sue Heilman, who added the group hopes to influence young people with a pledge concerning firearms.

Josiah Groff started Big Picture Soccer three years ago when he and his wife were serving at an orphanage in Juarez, Mexico. “We work with local leaders in communities in poverty,” said Groff, who now lives in Lancaster. “We give them resources and training so they are able to start soccer clubs for the youth in those communities.”

According to Groff, the goal is to use soccer clubs to build character, inspire hope, and provide opportunities. Big Picture has a club in Uganda, and Groff is working to start a club in Lancaster city that will give immigrant and refugee populations opportunities to connect with the community. Attendees at the fair can help Big Picture by sponsoring teams or purchasing equipment.

When dancer Libby Shannon Miller of Lititz was killed

Several new organizations taking part in the Gifts That Give Hope (GTGH) Fair include (from left) Big Picture Soccer, represented by Josiah Groff; Live Like Libby, represented by David Miller and Brooke Carlock; and Heeding God’s Call to End Gun Violence, represented by Sue Heilman; who all worked with GTGH founder Jenn Knepper.

at the age of 10 in a car accident in February, her parents, Brooke Carlock and David Miller, knew they wanted to do something to promote dance in their daughter’s memory. “(Libby) was a competitive dancer,” said Brooke. “Dance was her life and passion.”

David agreed, recalling, “She was (at the dance studio) six days a week.” Knowing the costs of lessons, costumes, and competitions, Libby’s parents decided to raise money to provide scholarships for dance students. Live Like Libby scholarships are available for

eligible students as nominated by local dance studios. People who donate during the fair will support these scholarships.

Brooke said that the name was chosen based on chalk messages written by Libby’s fellow John R. Bonfield Elementary students. “It was perfect for her (because) she was so full of joy and life and kind to everyone,” said Brooke.

To learn more, readers may visit https://gifts-that-give -hope-lancaster.square.site or search for “Gifts That Give Hope: Lancaster’s Alternative Gift Fair” on Facebook.

MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - November 23, 2022 - 3 townlively.com Don’t live with droopy eyelids Laser eyelid surgery. Precision cut. Expert care. Surgery is often covered by medical insurance. 717.541.9700 conestogaeye.com Offices in Lancaster & Hershey R089820 BANKRUPTCY • Get Rid Of Your Debt • Stop Foreclosures, Lawsuits, • Garnishments and Harassing Phone Calls! Free Consultations THOMAS W. FLECKENSTEIN Attorney At Law (717) 333-4053 470 Locust St., Columbia, PA 17512 www.TomFleckenstein.com R089187 Buffalo Style Chicken Breast $5.49 Lb. Bomberger’s Sweet Bologna $6.49 Lb. Clearfield White American Cheese Sliced ............ $3.99 Lb. Cooper Black Pepper Cheese $4.09 Lb. Sliced ....................................................... $4.39 Lb. Havarti (Reg or Dill) Cheese $3.69 Lb. Sliced ....................................................... $3.99 Lb. Fisher’s Vegetable Beef Soup $3.39 Lb. Deli Style Chicken Salad $5.79 Lb. Gene Wenger’s Macaroni Salad $4.99 Lb. Fisher’s Apple Cheese Delight $5.99 Lb. Bulk: Dark Chocolate Coffee Beans $5.99 Lb. Micro Marshmallows $3.29 Lb. We reserve the right to limit quantities Not responsible for typographical or printed errors. Check Our Specials at www.forryscountrystore.com Forry’s Country Store Store 820 Ivy Drive, near West Hempfield Fire & Police, Lancaster, PA - 717-285-5050 Hours: Mon., Tues. & Fri. 8-6, Thurs. 8-7, Wed. & Sat. 7-2 Friday, Nov. 25 – Wednesday, Nov. 30 Open Wednesday, Nov. 23, 7-5pm CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY Open Friday, Nov. 25, 8-5pm R090480 R090477 R089867 Offers end 12/17/22. Celebrating The Season With Gifts That Give Hope

The Eckert Art Gallery, located at the Winter Visual & Performing Arts Center, 60 W. Cottage Ave., Millersville, will host an art exhibition from Tuesday, Oct. 18, until Friday, Dec. 9. The reception will be held on Thursday, Oct. 20,

from 5:30 to 7 p.m. and will include a gallery talk from exhibition co-curator Tom Stanley. The Eckert Art Gallery is open from noon to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays through Saturdays and from noon to 8 p.m. on Thursdays.

“True Likeness” is a traveling exhibition that originated

at Davidson College in North Carolina, and it was curated by Lia Newman and Stanley during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. During a time when everyone concealed their faces with masks, the curators asked the question, “What is a likeness?” The collection includes artwork that offers a wide range of answers to the question through mediums such as video, photography, painting, collage, installation, sculpture, printmaking and drawing. The show explores the concept of a likeness and seeks to demonstrate that it can be more than something or someone’s face value.

“One of the reasons this exhibition stood out to me is the diversity of artistic styles as well as the range of points

of view shown by the artists,” said Heidi Leitzke, associate professor of art at Millersville University and director of the Eckert Art Gallery. “One thing I love about running the gallery is being able to bring art of national reputation to our campus so that students don’t have to travel to New York, Philadelphia or Washington, D.C., to see exceptional work.” Leitzke is the first full-time director of the Eckert Art Gallery, which runs three or four exhibitions per academic year. Due to the size of “True Likeness,” part of the exhibition will be installed in the Sykes Gallery in Breidenstine Hall on campus in addition to the Eckert Art Gallery. “True Likeness” is sponsored by Jerry and Susan Eckert, after whom the gallery is

Amir H. Fallah, Ancestors 2, 2015, C-print, acrylic and dried oil paint skins, 20 by 16 inches. Courtesy of Van Every/Smithg Galleries, Davidson College, Davidson, N.C.

named. The gallery was a part of the campus library until 2012, when it was renovated and moved to the Winter Center. Jerry served as Millersville University’s vice president of development for

several years; Susan and Jerry both live locally and are active supporters of the gallery.

For more information, visit www.millersville.edu/eckert artgallery/.

Proclamation Announced

The Mayor of Lancaster city, Danene Sorace, recently signed a proclamation declaring November as the National American Indian Heritage Month in the city of Lancaster. All citizens are encouraged to observe this month

with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.

The proclamation was initiated by the American Indian Committee of the Donegal-Witness Tree Chapter, PSS Daughters of the American Revolution.

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Raymond Grubb, Cloistered Order, 2020, archival pigment print, 22 by 16 inches. Courtesy of the artist and SOCO Gallery, Charlotte, N.C.

The Tin Bin will present its 50th annual open house on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 25 and 26, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Jim and Jo Lutton started the business in 1973 at a historic property dating back to the 1700s. Located at 20 Valley Road in Neffsville, The Tin Bin specializes in Colonial lighting and home decor and offers folk art, candles, textiles and more.

Current owners Sally Lehman and Susan LuttonPrentiss are the daughters of Jim and Jo and began working for the business in 1992. After their father died

in 1995, they took over the business from their mother, who was also involved in volunteering and was ready to retire. Soon after Sally and Susan joined the business, they began a website, www.thetinbin.com, and now products are shipped all over the country.

During the open house, refreshments will be served, including the wassail that has been a tradition since the first open house. Although Jo is retired, she will be present at the event. The Tin Bin’s regular business hours are on Wednesdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - November 23, 2022 - 5 townlively.com R090061 1 2 2 5 W M a i n S t , M o u n t J o y HOURS: Mon Fri 8:00 6:00; Sat 8:00 5:00 W W W . J B H O S T E T T E R . C O M NAME BRAND TV S FROM UP TO OFF! AME BRAAND FRO AMEB FR UP TO OFF! UP TO OFF! UP TO OFF! UP TO OFF! UP TO OFF! R089956 717-653-1841
The Tin Bin To Celebrate 50
Susan Lutton-Prentiss (left), Jo Lutton (center) and Sally Lehman will be on hand during the open house.

Knights Advance to District Three 6A Semis

With a balanced offense and a defense that stopped Carlisle’s running game on Friday night, November 11, the Hempfield football team advanced to the District Three Class 6A semifinals. The Black Knights topped the Thundering Herd 30-14.

Jackson Landis accounted for nearly 200 yards of Hempfield’s offense, throwing for 130 of those yards on 11 pass completions, including a touchdown. The Hempfield quarterback also gained 66 yards on the ground and scored a rushing TD.

“Offensively, we try to be as balanced as possible,” said Hempfield head coach George Eager. “We feel confident in the guys that are out there, so we try to just take what the defense gives us.”

Among the “guys out there,” Micah Gates caught three passes for 56 yards while Grant

Hoover led the rushing attack with 93 yards on 15 carries.

Stephen Katch churned up 59 yards on 17 carries, scoring two touchdowns.

“We were very pleased with the performance of Grant Hoover and Stephen Katch running the football so overall it was a balanced effort,” Eager said.

While the Knights ran for 264 yards, the defense held the Herd to only 38 yards of real estate.

“The game plan defensively was to play sound fundamental football,” Eager said. “We prepared all week to follow the pulling guards to the play.

“We stressed not getting caught looking at the motion in the backfield, but to focus on the pulling guards,” Eager added. “Our defense did a great job of that. Aidan Shorter, Jacob Karkosa, Deyvid Palepale, Sylas Cox and Connor Wildin were the driving force up front.”

As for the 246 rushing yards, Eager noted, “Our offensive line, led by Quentin Snead, Deyvid Palepale, Mike Shaffer, Sean Tollett, and Peter Wenzel, did a fantastic job of controlling the line of scrimmage, which allowed us to pass and run. From there Jackson Landis was able to connect with his targets.”

The offense put 17 points on the board before the Herd were able to respond. Andy Garcia grabbed an 11-yard touchdown toss from Landis, who later broke through an opening for a 41-yard dash to the endzone. Sandwiched in between was Cannon Biscoe’s 38-yard field goal.

The Herd cut the deficit to 10 points on Louis Shank’s 65-yard scoring pass to Carson Wentz.

Katch and the Knights wrapped up the third quarter on a two-yard touchdown. Katch also opened the scoring in the fourth quarter on a one-yard

lunge, with Biscoe’s PAT kick making it 30-7.

The Herd stopped another Hempfield scoring drive on Ezeekai Thomas’s 85-yard interception return.

Hempfield had entered the districts as the top seed, facing eighth-ranked Carlisle. The victory put the Knights in the semis against LancasterLebanon League archrival Manheim Township - a team the Knights edged 17-14 on the road back on September 23.

“We are a different team as I am sure they are as well,” Eager said regarding the rematch. “We have a lot of respect for Manheim Township. They have a great coaching staff, stingy defense, and explosive offense.”


The Black Knights traveled to Altoona to face the North Allegheny Tigers in a PIAA Class 4A state quarterfinals playoff match on Saturday, November 12. The Knights’ long run straight into states hit a curve in Altoona as the Tigers topped Hempfield 3-1, advancing to the state semis. Hempfield’s season ends with a record of 18-2

Following No. Allegheny’s 2512 opening set victory, Hempfield did pull even with the Tigers (20-1) with a 25-22 win in the second set behind Addison Leber and Reece Calabretta.

The Tigers regained the advantage with a 25-14 victory and closed out the match 25-16.

Deeter led North Allegheny with 12 and 11 kills, respectively. Mia Truman had nine kills and 40 assists.

The Knights were coming off an impressive opening-round victory in states. Back on November 8, the District Three Class 4A champion Black Knights charged back from a 2-0 deficit to top Downingtown West 25-12, 25-20 and 15-8.

Treser and Ella

In the Pennsylvania Volleyball Coaches’ Association voting, three members of the Black Knights made the first team allstar squad for District Three Addison Leber, senior Sarah Hess, and junior setter Melody Buter made the first team. Junior outside hitter Reece Calabretta was a third team selection.

6- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - November 23, 2022 townlively.com R090081 LANCASTER BICYCLE SHOP 1138 MANHEIM PIKE 717-299-9445 SHOP SMALL SHOP LOCAL lancasterbicycleshop.com SALE 25% OFF up to some exclusions apply SPORTS
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SPORTS PICTURES and other high school sports news at
Photo by Cheri Sine Hempfield’s Braydon Felsinger eludes Carlisle’s Ezelikai Thomas on a carry in the Black Knights’ 30-14, District Three Class 6A quarterfinal victory at home on November 11. Photo by Cheri Sine Peter Wenzel sets up to block Carlisle’s Charles Dib during Hempfield’s 30-14, District Three 6A quarterfinal win over the visiting Herd on November 11. Photo by Cheri Sine The Black Knights’ Michael Shaffer fights through a block by Carlisle’s Layton Schmick in Hempfield’s 30-14, District Three quarterfinal win in Landisville on November 11.


After a food drive that ran through Nov. 3, Faulkner Chevrolet filled a Chevrolet Silverado 1500 truck with food collected from the community and employees.

Water Steet Mission, which provides more than 400 meals per day to Lancaster County residents, was the beneficiary of the food

drive. Water Street Mission is involved in many initiatives, such as an emergency shelter, residential programs, a women’s shelter, a community health clinic, teen mentoring and prekindergarten and kindergarten education. For more information, visit www.wsm.org.

Prima Theatre will present “Illumination,” an immersive holiday concert experience, from Friday, Dec. 2, to Sunday, Dec. 18, at the handicapped-accessible theater, 941 Wheatland Ave., Lancaster.

The production will feature singers, instrumentalists, and a baby grand piano at the heart of the theaterin-the-round. Hundreds of candles will add to the atmosphere.

Prima’s executive artistic producer, Mitch Nugent, is directing the concert experience. He is joined by associate director and choreographer Kristin Pontz. The concert will feature vocalists from across the country, including Melrose Johnson, Sarah Shelton, Joshua William Green, Brendan Coulter, and swings Luke Yellin and Wendi Yellin. The

virtuosic pianist Ellington Carthan has joined Prima from Washington, D.C., after completing a two-year stint as artist-in-residence at the Strathmore. Carthan will be joined by a guitarist, cellist, and percussionist. Music arrangements are by former Prima NextGen intern Ali Murphy, now a professional musician. The set design is by Brigid Reilly.

Tickets are on sale at www.primatheatre.org/ illumination, and availability is limited. Advance reservations are recommended. Private tables, as well as traditional seating on risers, are available. Discounted group tickets may be purchased at www.primatheatre.org/ groups or by calling the box office at 717-327-5124.

“Illumination” performers also travel on a trolley to homes and businesses, presenting 15 minutes of contemporary caroling as the LanCarolers with lights and amplified sound. The LanCarolers are available to be booked on select dates in December at www.prima theatre.org/carol.

MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - November 23, 2022 - 7 townlively.com > edwardjones.com | Member SIPC Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Phil Harnick Financial Advisor 2101 Strickler Rd Suite 203 Manheim, PA 17545-8145 717-492-4614 * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 11/16/2022. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit www.fdic.gov or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). FDI-1867K-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. R089882 6-month 4.6 Minimum deposit $10,000 % APY* 1-year 4.8 Minimum deposit $10,000 % APY* 2-year 4.97 Minimum deposit $10,000 % APY* F089437 R090538 290 S. Oak Street, Manheim, PA 717-665-5001 www.gandgfeed.com Feeding your passion1962.since WILD BIRD FOOD SALE!!!! SALE!!!! Black Oil SunflowerSeed 50 Lb. $24.99 Wild Delight Nut N Berry 20 Lb. $30.99 Feathered Friend Flyers’ Choice 16 Lb. $21.99 Feathered Friend Gourmet 16 Lb. $26.99 Feathered Friend Favorite 20 Lb. $16.99 Feathered Friend Birdsnack 20 Lb. $19.99 Feathered Friend High Energy Fruit 16 Lb. $28.99 Feathered Friend Shell-less Select 16 Lb. $34.99 Suet Plus Wild Bird Suet 12 Pk. $12.49 NOV. 21 - DEC. 3 R090294
Chevrolet Fills Truck For Water Street
Prima Sets “Illumination”
Faulkner Chevrolet employees (from left) Chris Chapman, Andrew Krimmel, Eileen Culp and Chad Berger display the food items that were collected at the dealership.

2022 Holiday Program Posted

The 2022 Holiday Program sponsored annually by the Lancaster County Office of Aging is underway. This year, the agency will provide grocery store gift cards to Office of Aging clients in need, allowing them to choose fresh foods specific to their diet or other foods they enjoy.

Interested donors can participate by making a monetary contribution or supplying a grocery store gift card in any denomination up to $30 from Giant or Weis Markets. Monetary contribu-

tions in the form of checks should be made payable to the Lancaster County Office of Aging, noting “Holiday Program” in the memo line.

Donations will be accepted until Monday, Dec. 19, and can be dropped off from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdaysat the Lancaster County Office of Aging, Lancaster County Government Center, 150 N. Queen St., Suite 415, Lancaster. For more information, including mailing instructins, contact Ellen Weekes at 717-299-7979 or weekese@co.lancaster.pa.us.

LSO Will Perform Handel’s “Messiah

The Lancaster Symphony Orchestra (LSO) and the Lancaster Symphony Chorus will take the stage at First Presbyterian Church, 140 E. Orange St., Lancaster, for three performances of Handel’s “Messiah.” The performances will take place on Friday, Dec. 2, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Dec. 3, at 2 and 7 p.m. Featured soloists will

include Jessica Beebe, soprano; Amy Yovanovich, mezzosoprano; Jeffrey Fahnestock, tenor; and Dean Sensing, bass. A free lecture will begin one hour before each performance.

Tickets range in price and can be purchased in advance by calling the LSO box office at 717-291-6440 or visiting www.lancastersymphony.org.

Oral History Club To Meet

The Military Oral History Club of Lancaster County will host a talk by James Connor, former U.S. Marine Corps, on Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 7 p.m.

The group now meets at the VFW Post 2435, 401 Manor St., Columbia.

Born in Reading in July 1926, Connor enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps during his senior year of high school.

Connor was assigned to the 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division, 2nd Battalion, Headquarters Company and

shipped out from Camp Pendleton in 1944 for the Pacific Theater, for additional training for an amphibious assault on Peleliu. He received a Purple Heart for a mortar wound on the first day’s assault at Peleliu and later at Okinawa. Connor was discharged from military service in March 1946.

All World War II veterans and anyone with an interest in WWII history are welcome to attend. For more information, call 717-319-3430.

Production To Showcase C.S. Lewis Tale

Families and children of all ages can step into the world of Narnia this holiday season via an adaptation of the classic C.S. Lewis story “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.”

The show is a co-production between Reverie Actors Company and The Trust Performing Arts Center, with performances taking place at The Trust, 37 N. Market St., Lancaster. Performances are scheduled for 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Saturdays, Nov. 26 and Dec. 10 and 17, as well as Thursday, Dec. 15. An 11 a.m. show has been set for Saturday, Dec. 3, as well.

The production follows the Pevensie children in their journey into the wardrobe, where they meet characters from Narnia. All roles are performed by two actors in this 45-minute adaptation created by Broadway actress Le Clanché du Rand and toured by the Lincoln Center.

The show features four upper-level musical theater

majors from Lancaster Bible College’s Music, Worship, & Performing Arts Department: Delaney Bigley, Mackenzie Islip, Bradley Myer, and Alexander Vogelgesang.

Tickets for the performances can be reserved at www.lancastertrust.com.

LBC senior musical theater majors Bradley Myer and Delaney Bigley are featured in the Reverie Actors Company and The Trust Performing Arts Center co-production of “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.”

8- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - November 23, 2022 townlively.com It’s an on-air celebration of what God has done and is doing through the ministry of WJTL. You’ll hear from artists and friends from the community and beyond. We invite you to listen, give, and share stories about how WJTL has made a difference in your life. DAY OF Celebration FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2022 FM 90.3 WJTL CHRIST. COMMUNITY. MUSIC. WJTL.COM & SUPPORT R089931 R090490 HARDSCAPING & LANDSCAPING Fully Insured Free Estimates 717-945-2794 | 717-989-8527 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL President/CEO: Robbie Stuart For All Your Outdoor Needs NOW HIRING! R090441 H i g h Q u a l i t y High Quality • Tree trimming & removal • Stump grinding • Free estimates • Locally owned & operated • Trustworthy service • Focused on safety 717-598-9857 for your hard earned dollar! PA145230 R088687 A division of Stuart & Sons 717-803-5363 or 717-945-2794 • Stump Grinding • Lot Clearing 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE Estimates NOW HIRING! Experience Preferred • Certified Arborist • Licensed & Insured • TREE TRIMMING • TREE REMOVAL • TREE & SHRUB CARE R089688 150 Slate Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: 717-445-5222 •Fax: 717-445-4841 M-F 7AM-5PM, SAT 7AM-11:30AM Prime - Scratch & Dent Appliances: Refrigerators - Freezers Washers - Ranges - Microwaves - Dehumidifiers We Specialize in Surplus & Discounted Building Materials Metal Roofing & Siding 52¢ to 76¢ Per Sq. Ft. H M I ALDEMAN ECHANICAL NC. 717-665-6910 1148 Old Line Road, Manheim www.haldemanmechanical.com PLUMBING - HEATING - COOLING WATER CONDITIONING Sales and 24-Hour Service PA7777 Protecting Your Home for 83 Years! Since 1939 R089183 R090331 BLACK FRIDAY 411 Granite Run Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601 717-569-1400 pias11477@aol.com playitagainsportslancaster.com 50% OFF ANY REGUL AR REGULAR PRICED ITEM ITEM Valid 11/25/22 Only. Max Value $100. Lancaster location only & limit one coupon per customer NOVEMBER 25, 6 AM-9 PM Check Our Page For More Black Friday & Month-Long Deals! 1/2 OFF! ANY ITEM WITH COUPON REG. PRICE * LACROSSE REBOUNDER Reg. $149.99 $5999 DISCMANIA DISC GOLF BAG Reg. $79.99 - 3 Available $2999 WINNWELL HOCKEY GOAL Reg. $129.99 - 4 Available $5999 300 LB. OLYMPIC WEIGHT SET Reg. $399.99 - 3 Available $29999 MIZUNO GOLF BAG Reg. $149.99 - Only 2 Available $5999 ALKALI PRD LITE INLINE SKATES Reg. $99.99 - Asst. Sizes $3999 CHICAGO QUAD COMBO SKATES Reg. $59.99 $2499 RADICAL ELITE PICKLEBALL PADDLE Reg. $59.99 - 2 Available $1999 MIZUNO MVP PRIME FASTPITCH GLOVE Reg. $99.99 - 4 Available $4499 Small Business Saturday 1/3 OFF SINGLE ITEM MAX DISCOUNT $100 SUNDAY & MONDAY 25% OFF ENTIRE PURCHASE MAX DISCOUNT $100 DOORBUSTERS!

Celebrating its 11th anniversary as a California-produced wine tasting store in Pennsylvania, Thorn Hill Vineyards will unveil six original oil paintings of its wine collections by artist Vitaly Borisenko at “The Art of Wine,” a reception set for Friday, Dec. 2, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Thorn Hill Tasting Room, 1945 Fruitville Pike, Lancaster. Giclee prints of the paintings will be available for ordering, framed and unframed and signed by the artist.

Owner and winemaker Amy Thorn discovered USSR-born Borisenko, who has resided in Lancaster County since 2014, and commissioned the paintings of her wines. In recognition of the

33-year-old Borisenko’s Eastern European heritage, 15% of the purchase price of each giclee sold at the event will be donated to Project HOPE Crisis in Ukraine fund. The giclees measure the same as the original oils on linen, 16 by 20 inches, 20 by 16 inches, and 18 by 24 inches.

Borisenko graduated after studying German and English at the Vitebsk State University in Belarus. He then taught school and worked as a freelance translator and interpreter with an international company in Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

After moving to Lancaster County, he began experimenting with oil painting, teaching himself through books, online video

lessons, and the advice of experienced artists. A Lititz resident, he has explored the practice of daily painting, or “alla prima,” creating realistic works in one sitting.

His artwork can be found in private collections around the globe. He is actively involved in the local art community and currently serves as the vice president of the Lititz Art Association.

Amy and her husband, Jack, both of Lancaster, produce boutique artisan wines from their vineyards in Napa Valley, Sonoma, and Lake County, Calif. Olive oil is also produced. For more information, visit www .ThornHillVineyards.com.

Guests planning to attend “The Art of Wine” are asked to register at 717-517-7839 or thlanc@comcast.net by Wednesday, Nov. 30. The reception will include complimentary hors d’oeuvres and wines available for purchase by the glass or bottle. Guests are asked to festively dress in black and red.

BREAKOUT MINISTRIES: SeniorPastors Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: www.breakoutministries.org or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366

CHIQUES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Pastor Mike Byrd. Traditional Service at 9-10 am Communion: held 1st Sun. of the month. 5th Sunday of the month: One service only at 9:45 am. Children’s Sunday School 9 am. Adult Sunday School 10:15 am. Kids’ Church 10:30 am Contemporary Service 10:30 am. Nursery provided at all services. Handicapped accessible. Church office: 717653-5175.

CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES : “Sharing Christ’s Love with All People.” 1850 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, 17603. Rev. Kathryn L. Kuhn, Sr. Pastor . Jonathan Paredes, Designated Associate Pastor. Sunday Worship: In-person at 9am & 11am, By phone (888-440-0106), or online at: www.apostlesucc.org

COLUMBIA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Located at 510 Walnut St, Columbia. In-person Community Worship at 10 am Sunday mornings (no masks required). Pastor: Rev. Tom Grubbs. Sunday Worship is also live streamed at 10 am thru our YouTube page. Kid’s Own Worship 10 am Sundays (kids ages 4 yrs. to 5th grade) Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal - Fall & Spring 6 pm. Phone: 717-684-2356. www.columbiaunitedmethodist.org

FAITH BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 151 Donnerville Rd., Lancaster (one block south of Columbia Avenue). Pastor: Keith M. Long. 8:45 am Sunday School (with nursery and classes for children, youth and adults); 10:15 a.m. SundayWorship Service (with nursery and children’s church). Wed.: 6:30 p.m. AWANA Clubs (K-6); Wed.: 6:30 pm Youth Group 717-285-1900. www.faithbfc.com

COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: Welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, & Reach Out with us! 331 Anderson Ferry Rd (off Rt. 441 on Rt. 772), Marietta, PA 17547, 717-426-1345, cbcpa.org. Service times are Sundays at 9:00 & 10:45am. The Livestream service is at 10:45am at cbcpa.org.

HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: Come join our Christian community as we strive to follow the way of Jesus together! We are an intercultural congregation in Lancaster, PA, that gathers to worship One God in two languages, English and Karen. Everyone is welcome! Sunday Worship: 10 am. Weekly youth group. Location: 451 Habecker Church Road, Lancaster, PA 17603. Website: http://habeckerchurch.com.


Miracle Life Churches 813 E. Market St. York, PA: Wed. Family Night Meal 6pm & Bible Study/Youth Group 7pm. Sun. Morning Worship 10:30am. 6139 Main St. (Rte. 72) East Petersburg, PA: Sun. Morning Worship 10:30am. HMLCYORK.com (717)854-1220

ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH: A Reconciling in Christ (Open & Affirming Congregation). Located at 700 Pleasure Rd.Lancaster. Robin Fero, Pastor. In-person worship: Sat. 5 pm & Sun. 10 am. Online Worship at www.stmatthewelc.com For more info, call (717) 394-9607, or visit our web site.

TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2340 State St., East Petersburg. Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin, Pastor. Phone: (717) 569-1632. Sunday Schedule: 7:45 am Worship with Holy Communion; 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages; 10:00 am Koinonia (Fellowship Time); 10:30 am Worship (Holy Communion twice a month) Online service is available by visiting www.trinityeastpete.org “Catch the Vision, Share the Joy!”

WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (between QVC & Hempfield H.S.). Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. Wayside offers two Sunday services: 9:30 am Traditional & 11 am Contemporary with band, Children’s Ministry & Staffed Nursery. For more info, visit www.waysidepc.org or (717) 898-1551.

ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH/ LANDISVILLE: 85 East Brandt Blvd. 717-898-2911; adminzelc@comcast.net In-person worship at 9am. Live-stream link can be found at zionhempfield.net under the worship tab and on the Zion Lutheran Hempfield Facebook page. Adult Sunday School in-person at 10:15am. Pastor Timothy Seitz-Brown.

Please Note:Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only.

(Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)

For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

School Recognizes Students

Farmdale Elementary School recognized its Students of the Month for September.

The honorees were kindergartners Toby Bishop, Lila Hoffman, Addison Hojnacki, and Liv Kibler; first-graders Lindsey Baker, Caden Hinkle, and Bryce Seasock; secondgraders Caroline Bishop, Anora Demme, and Colton

Zeamer; third-graders Christian Fisher, Juliano Harvey, Ripley McGovern, and Greysan Schoelkoph; fourthgraders Avery Hinkle, Colin Lewis, Eliza Penca, and Ellis Settle; fifth-graders Jenna Binkley, Casey Ethridge, and Lauren Frey; and sixthgraders Regina Baley, Raegan Hinkle, and Kinzley Sauder.

MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - November 23, 2022- 9 townlively.com R090499 3601 Columbia Ave. Lancaster, PA 17603 717-397-4257 www.boltzauctions.com WOODSHOP TOOLS AND CARPENTER-CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2022 9:00 AM Lancaster, PA PREVIEW Friday, December 2, 2022 10 AM-2 PM Quality shop tools including: Grizzly SD-69 Belt and Disc Sander, Grizzly Combo Sander, Band Saws, Planer, Majestic Heavy Duty Grizzly G1079 Drum Sander, Bridgewood Spindle Shaper, 8” Jointer, table saws, dust collection system, drilling/milling machine, wet/dry grinder, DeWalt, Craftsman, Delta Tools. Scroll Saw, Craftsman Rotary Die Grinder, Werner extension ladders, hand tools, transfer pump, bench grinder, work benches, Bridgewood BW-3S, Kobalt KT1015, industrial fan, tool boxes, Ulmia Ott Wood Work Bench, and much more. BOLTZ AUCTIONS CURRENTLY ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS CALL 717-392-4257 Public Auctions See HessAuctionGroup.com for more details & photos of all of these great properties! Downsizing? Have Questions? 717-664-5238 877-599-8894 HESSAUCTIONGROUP.COM R090437 HE H AY000253L LET OUR TEAM BE YOUR ADVANTAGE! Considering auction for selling your Real Estate or downsizing Personal Property? We’re Booking Auctions For Winter 2022! Call our office to learn more about the benefits of seling with H E S S A U C T I O N G R O U P ! HESS AUCTION GROUP! WED. NOV. 30, 2022 – 5pm Real Estate 242 Marietta Ave. Mount Joy, PA 17552 CHARMING 3 BEDROOM MOUNT JOY HOME W/ 3-CAR GARAGE & BARN – 0.24 Acres – Donegal SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Maya & Joseph Mazzur TUES. NOV. 29, 2022 – 5pm Real Estate 417 Spring Dr. Millersville, PA 17551 4 BEDROOM MILLERSVILLE HOME – 0.23 Acres – Penn Manor SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Elizabeth Sykes Estate SAT. DEC. 10, 2022 – 12pm Real Estate 30 Cedar Ct. Lancaster, PA 17603 PENN MANOR RANCH HOME IN NICE NEIGHBORHOOD – 0.58 Acres – Penn Manor SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. NOV. 26, 10AM-12PM & MON. NOV. 28, 4:30-6PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Grace B. Studlack Est. TUES. NOV. 29, 2022 – 6pm Online Only Foltz Pottery 768 Graystone Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 PRIVATE COLLECTION OF NED FOLTZ REDWARE & CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART • LARGE MOLDED FOX • GEORGE WASHINGTON RIDING A HORSE • LARGE MOLDED CAT • FACE JUGS • SGRAFFITO PIECES • WALTER & JUNE GOTTSHALL FOLK ART CARVINGS • RARE ELDRETH POTTERY NOAH’S ARK W/ ANIMALS & MANGER SCENE • DOUG SHAW FOLK ART CARVINGS • & SO MUCH MORE! SAT. DEC. 10, 2022 – 4pm Real Estate 417 Laurel Ave. Lititz, PA 17543 LITITZ RANCH STYLE HOME – 0.14 Acres –Warwick SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. NOV. 26, 10AM-12PM & MON. NOV. 28, 4:30-6PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Joan A. Biechler Est. ONLINE ONLY AUCTIONS 768 Graystone Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 Online Only Auctions Every Week! Furniture, Antiques & Collectibles, Specialty Auctions and More! Be Sure to Visit www.hessauctiongroup.com for more! MON. DEC. 12, 2022 – 1pm Real Estate 1501 E. King St. Lancaster, PA 17602 6,440 SQ. FT. LANCASTER TOWNSHIP COMMERCIAL BUILDING – 1.42 Acres –School District of Lancaster SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Antonios Mountis/Conestoga SAT. DEC. 17, 2022 – 10am Real Estate Personal Property Online Only 202 Grandview Dr. Manheim, PA 17545 MANHEIM STONE CAPE COD HOME ON 1-ACRE – 1.1 Acre – Manheim Central SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. DEC. 3, 10AM-12PM & SAT. DEC. 10, 10AM-12PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Billy Howard & Carol Howard-Pogue 1.42 ACRES! THISWEEK! THISWEEK! THISWEEK! FRI. DEC. 2 - 4PM & SAT. DEC. 3 - 9AM 2-Day Antiques & Americana Catalog 768 Graystone Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 • ARTWORK • FURNITURE • CONTEMPORARY & STONEWARE POTTERY • CHINA • GLASSWARE • CHILD’S TEA SETS • FOLK ART & WOODENWARE • ANRI CARVINGS • MISCELLANEOUS • LIGHTNING RODS & BALLS • KUGELS • METALWARES • TEXTILES & RUGS • & SO MUCH MORE! 1.1 ACRES! SAT. DEC. 10, 2022 – 2pm Real Estate 100 Coffee Goss Rd. Marietta, PA 17547 3 BEDROOM RANCH STYLE HOME ON LARGE LOT – 2.17 Acres – Donegal SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. NOV. 26, 10AM-12PM & MON. NOV. 28, 4:30-6PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Gerald & Jeanne Lindemuth 2.17 ACRES!
Art Event To Support Ukraine
Vitaly Borisenko Farmdale Elementary School’s Students of the Month for September

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10- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - November 23, 2022 townlively.com F090523 *English 7-12 Certification Preferred* Please apply on www.paeducator.net E.O.E. This position interfaces with students, parents, faculty and the community on a continual basis and requires a high degree of interpersonal skill and human relations ability. All job functions are to be executed with high quality customer service. Customers include students, parents, staff, teachers and community members. Examples demonstrative of high quality service may include, but are not limited to prompt responses to inquiries, professional and courteous verbal and non-verbal communication, and proactive problem solving. TEACHER OPENING English Teacher: Penn Manor High School Full-time Long-Term Substitute Position 1225 W Main St, Mount Joy • 717 - 653 - 1841 APPLY IN PERSON PART TIME RECEPTIONIST/OFFICE PERSON W/EXPERIENCE THUR, FRI: 9:00am 6:00pm SAT: 8:00am 5:00pm FULL TIME w/BENEFITS LAWN & GARDEN DEPARTMENT MON, TUES, WED, FRI: 9:00am 6:00pm SAT: 8:00am 5:00pm FULL TIME w/BENEFITS APPLIANCE SERVICE TECH W/EXPERIENCE MON FRI: 8:00am 5:00pm SALESPERSON Major Appliances & Lawn Equipment W/EXP • FULL TIME W/BENEFITS HEAVY LIFTING REQ • MON SAT, VARYING HOURS R089887 R090027 Seeking an experienced technician to join our growing service team. Responsible for installing and maintaining a wide variety of equipment at our multiple locations around Lancaster County. Ideal candidate has 5+ years experience in commercial mechanical, electrical or HVAC industry. This is a unique growth opportunity for the right person. NOW HIRING Full-Time Service Technician Want more variety from your job? JOIN OUR TEAM! Local family-owned business since 1972. Focused on QUALITY & INTEGRITY • Competitive Wages/Benefits • Company Paid Health Care • Paid Vacation & Holidays 717-355-7118 • Apply at www.SunDanceWash.com • Company Matched Retirement Plan • Company Vehicle CLASSIFIEDS Call: 1.800.428.4211 or 717.653.9848 Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm Fax: 717.492.2566 Errors & Corrections: Check your ad the first time it appears to make sure that it is correct!
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$0 Money
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PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a
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PUG PUPPIES, PUREBRED, ready 11/19/22. Vet checked, shots, dewormed. Fawns $1,200 & Pandas $1,300. Parents reg. & on premises. 717-756-9522
& TREE CARE Spring clean-ups. Edging, seeding, fertilization,
WESLEY FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 1-888965-0363. caregivers provide hygiene assistance, meals, light housework in your home.
Insured, Bonded, RN owned & operated. Call Visiting Angels, 717-393-3450.
M-F 8am-4pm. Visit stricklercorp.com Collectibles BUYING TOYS & COLLECTIBLES www.DNRCollectibles.com PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours:
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VOCATIONAL SERVICES is looking for part-time van drivers. Located in New Holland, PA. Call Sandy if interested - 717-354-0355!!
Full-Time Handyperson for apartments in Mountville/Millersville. Drivers lic. req. manorleasing.com • 717-393-3666
BINDER OPERATOR with Kolbus or Muller Martini experience. Bindery Knowledge with 3-5
years experience in perfect binder operation required. Manheim / Mount Joy area. Call: 717-653-4565
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THE GENERAC PWRCELL, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVEmoney, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-866-783-0292.




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ELIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING Forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% Off Enitre Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833-610-1936.

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VIVINT. SMART SECURITY. Professionally installed. One connected system for total peace of mind. Free professional installation! Four free months of monitoring! Call to customize your system. 1-833-841-0737.


AFFORDABLE LANDSCAPING 717-604-1306 - FREE ESTIMATES, 23 yrs. exp. • Senior Discount. Also patios, walls, drains, Ask for Jeff!

By Steve, 717-892-7411


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Do you want to have your roof inspected? WE FIX ALL ROOFS: Shingles, rubber, cedar shake, metal. WE DO FULL REPLACEMENTS ALSO Affordable and good workmanship. INTEGRITYROOFING REPAIR, LLC Fully insured. PA158434 “Quality roof repairs you can trust.” Give us a call! 717-490-2665


Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service 717-278-1030


Roofing • Siding • Windows

Free Estimates | 717-690-5224

PAINTING By Triple P Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. Free estimates, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089

PAINTING DONE RIGHT Interiors. Exteriors. Detailed clean custom painting services. Res/Com. Refs. PA126393. 717-286-5464 Many other related services.


BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime.


**American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$Paying Ca$h$$ Please call 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com

BUYING UNWANTED HEATING OIL 50¢/gallon - will pick up. 717-587-7315

CORVETTES WANTED Any Year Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

I BUY LIONEL, American Flyer, Marx Trains, Matchbox, Slot Cars, Hot Wheels, Tonka, Smith Miller, Model Toys, Lead Figures. Call 610-804-6783


Any condition, working or not. Call Matt: 717-538-9485 Thanks.


ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CASH$$ 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com

I BUY HOUSES"as-is" - Estate / Any! 54 yrs. doing it CASH! Quick CALL Rodger: (717) 598-3302

WANTED: STUDIO OR 1 BR apt. for retired person. Lancaster area, approx. $600 per mo. or less pref. Contact Michelle, 717-371-2898, email: lisandra@ptd.net



53 OLD CARS AND PARTS, $1,000$5,000 or less, too sick for hobby, Central PA, Call 570-538-3464. WANTED: CARS, SUVs & TRUCKS Any year in excellent condition 717-575-4561



Free estimates, fully insured, honest pricing! 20 years exp. Call for tree/shrub pruning/removal. 717-598-9857


Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301


Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102


Houses • basements • garages • yards Junk removal, 717-696-9453 No job too big or too small!


SPECIALISTS.Res/Com. Painting, wood finishing, wallpaper, pressure washing, custom deck, complete remodeling. Free est. Insured. Tim, 717-653-8586


Free stump removal w/every tree takedown. 25% OFF all work performed thru Dec. 30, 2022. PA103501 717-669-9606

CLOCK REPAIR - TRAGER 717-786-7053


Clean up, Also Buildings, Basements, Yards, Odd Jobs. Call 717-392-7855.


LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855791-1626.


Clean, Repair, Gutter Guards. Property Maint. by Steve. 717-892-7411

HANDYMAN | 425-770-3686

Local • Insured • All Types of Projects “Making your day better” - Robert

HAULING, JUNK REMOVAL. Bsmts, sheds, garages cleaned out. Tree brush. Odd jobs. We also move people. Free est. Visa/MC/ Disc/AmEx. 717-456-6051; 410-688-7569 CRASS HAULING

SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.

STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.


Free estimates. Insured. Call or text Mitzel’s Stump Grinding 717-858-9347

THE BATHROOM OF your dreams for as little as $149/month! BCIBath & Shower. Many options are available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Limited Time Offer - FREE virtual inhome consultation now and SAVE 15%! Call Today! 1-877-540-2780


We use modern pruning techniques for the health & safety of your trees & shrubs. Certified arborist on staff. Also removals, storm damage, & yard cleanup. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)

V V AN’S TREES AN’S TREES: Shrub, Tree trimming. Mulching, Fall clean up. Senior Rates. Insured. 717-393-7729

VIVINT. SMART SECURITY. Professionally installed. One connected system for total peace of mind. FREE professional installation. Four FREE months of monitoring! Call now to customize your system. 1-855-870-2073.

WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137).




All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.

*NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

For Sale

4.42 AC. on High Mtn. Dev. in Harman, WV. Amazing outdoor activities within your reach, $16,900 obo, 717-577-8711.

$100-$5,000 PAID FOR UNWANTED OR JUNK AUTOS Free same day removal. All paperwork taken care of legally. PA licensed & insured. Call anytime 717-989-6980

$300-$1,000 CASH PAID ON ALLVEHICLES Serving York/Lancaster. 717-515-2607

WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE! Cash paid for unwanted cars, trucks. Any condition. Call Tim 717-318-0372


BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime.

CASH PAID: ATVs, ATCs, Golf Carts, Motorcycles, 2/3/4 Wheelers, Any Yr, Running Or Not. Call/Txt 610-656-3158

MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - November 23, 2022- 11 townlively.com R088134
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Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication and the Association of Community Publishers Wanted
$0-$1,000 Always paying cash for junk cars. Prompt, Honest Service. 717-847-6083 PA0002
Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561 LOST
FOUND AN ITEM? Place a FREE 15 word ad in your local issue to locate the owner of your found item. 1-800-428-4211 READ YOUR AD THE FIRST WEEK IT APPEARS This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.
SPINELLO HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roof & siding repair, painting, kitchen & bath remodeling, decks, no job too odd or too small, references, insured. PA031727. Call Mike Spinello,
ALL SEASONS LLC PA169611 | 717-459-3552
TOWNLIVELY.COM SEASONAL COAL/WOOD/PELLET STOVES & Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/Sell/Trade. Call 717-577-6640
$190/cord. Delivery available, 1-10 cord loads. All oak - kept under roof.Call Warihay Enterprises 717-664-0810
Cherry, oak, locust, walnut, $220/cord, FREE DELIVERY in Lancaster, 717-669-9606
WOOD? SEASONED FIREWOOD $200/cord + delivery. CHERRY WOOD also available, 717-587-7109
FARM: FIREWOOD Cut, dry, seasoned, pick up or delivered,717-629-9069
PLACE AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS ONLINE 24/7: Call: 1.800.428.4211 or 717.653.9848 M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mail: EPC/CLASSIFIEDS P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552
12- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - November 23, 2022 townlively.com R090317 Small Business Saturday • November 26th There’s no place like Lititz for the holidays. Shop Downtown Lititz for the best shopping deals, restaurant offers, events and more all season! R090356 R090360 R090369 Heavenly SOAPS & SCENTS and CHILDREN’S BOUTIQUE 33 East Main St., Lititz • 717-626-7718 heavenlysoapsandscents.com SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY - SHOP LOCAL! ALL CLOTHING 20% OFF 25 East Main St., Lititz, PA 717-626-6688 Monday-Saturday 10-5 Sunday 12-4 November 25th thru 27th R090370 An Eclectic Mix of New & Old to Accent You and Your Home Bill Moore, Proprietor 39 East Main • Lititz 717-626-1540 Mon-Sat 11am-5pm; Sunday 12-4pm Actively Purchasing Items of Interest Locally owned and operated! We have been a part of Downtown Lititz for over 5 years! Thank you for shopping LOCAL! R090372 www.lititzpa.com Shop Local - Shop Lititz A visit to our downtown makes shopping a special experience! • 50+ Independently Owned Shops • Bakeries, Cafes, and Restaurants • The Warmest Welcome Around! R090549 7 East Kleine Lane, Lititz, PA • Tel: 717.625.0355 shopthepurpleturtle.com Beside Wilbur Chocolates Retail Store • Mon.-Tues. 10-4, Wed.-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-4 High Quality Brands for the Whole Family Voted 1 of Central PA’s Top 10 Consignment Shops Special Discounts throughout the store! theMain Street Peddler 22 E. Main Street Lititz, PA 17543 | 717.627.4511 Make your house a home. Hand selected collection of urban farmhouse decor & unique, collectible, inspiring gifts. R090375

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