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Manheim Central

A piece of the past

Earlier this year, Sharry Theal of Manheim was at home sorting books to donate to the library when she stumbled upon an unusual find.

Tucked into the pages of “The Illustrious Life of William McKinley - Our Martyred President” was a folded piece of paper. Theal opened the paper to reveal a broadsheet advertisement detailing why people in Lancaster should not vote for Thaddeus Stevens, a Republican candidate for Congress.

While the book Theal found the broadsheet in was published in the beginning of the 20th century, the document itself dates to 1862. It was written by Henry Clay, a Senator representing the Whig Party, and it’s addressed “To the people of Lancaster.”

“It has a few facts about the history of Thaddeus Stevens and some sort of nasty words about him,” Theal said, noting that Clay refers to the abolitionist candidate as an “imbecile.”

Wondering if she could find out more about the broadsheet, Theal took it to a recent antique appraisal event at the Manheim Historical Society, where she learned its value and other details.

“This was something someone might have hung up in a window,” she said of the poster, which is printed on one side. “They think it might have been printed in Philly.”

Theal remembered reading about a new Thaddeus Stevens museum coming to Lancaster, and she reached out to offer the piece for its collection.

She met with Stephanie Townrow, the museum’s director of interpretation and exhibitions, earlier this month to donate the piece. The Thaddeus Stevens & Lydia Hamilton Smith Center for History and Democracy will be located at the site of Stevens’ home

and law offices at Vine and Queen streets in downtown Lancaster. It is named for the congressman and his confidante, a senior member of Stevens’ household. The museum is a project of LancasterHistory and is tentatively set to open in October of 2025.

Theal has always been interested in history, she said, noting that her passion for the past began when she was a child after her mother completed extensive genealogy work. At 16, Theal gave the Gettysburg Address to an audience in Gettysburg as part of a Daughters of the American Revolution program.

As an adult, she continued to love history, and she currently serves as secretary of the Manheim Historical Commission, an organization dedicated to restoring and preserving the history of Manheim.

“I give tours for the Manheim Historical Society on 1st Thursdays at the log homes,” she said, referencing the society’s Fasig and Keath houses on East High Street. “I do a half-hour tour around the area. I call it my ‘two-block tour.’”

She also collects antique books and thinks she picked up the McKinley book at an auction in East Petersburg.

“The book is a first edition from 1900,” she said, noting that she has read some of it but not all of it. “It’s a little on the fragile side.”

She’s looking forward to seeing the broadsheet on display at the Thaddeus Stevens museum, and she hopes her discovery will inspire others to donate historical items.

“If you have a local historical society, you can donate family items or things that pertain to the town,” she said. “They are

Christian nonprofit organization American Home Life International (AHLI) began decades ago with the dream of Marvin and Ruth Powers, a newlywed couple from Lancaster that wished to serve side by side as missionaries overseas. Although their initial dream of evangelism abroad was never realized, Marvin and Ruth hosted their first international student in

Mental Health America of Lancaster County (MHALC) is bringing attention to the importance of mental health, and much of its good work originates from simple conversations.

“We’ve come quite a long way from my generation of ‘suck it up’ and ‘you’ll be fine,’” said Dave Krahling, who’s been MHALC’s program manager since November of 2023. “Now, we have more people talking about their mental health. We’re

shining a light on it, and it’s become more acceptable. The more we talk about it, the more we’re realizing we’re not alone.”

Located at 245 Butler Ave., No. 204, Lancaster, MHALC is more of a facilitator, an advocate for mental health, than a hands-on treatment organization. MHALC performs its work through education, support and mental health screenings and by outreach programs at businesses, libraries and schools.

“If you have a brain, you have mental health,” said Krahling.

Sharry Theal (center) displays a broadsheet she had appraised at a Manheim Historical Society event.
Nicole Bianchi (far left) and her children frequently host international students through Christian nonprofit American Home Life International.

MC golfers seal the deal in Section 2

Manheim Central’s Laura Brubaker goes up for the kill in New Holland on the 12th of September during a tough 3-1 loss against the Spartans.
On September 9th Sam Murry helps the Barons, who currently have 24 wins, clinch the top spot in Section Two during the match at Foxchase.
Manheim Central’s Katie Myer concentrates on the ball during a 3-1 loss to Garden Spot on September 12th in New Holland.
The Barons celebrate after winning a set against Garden Spot on September 12th.
Central’s A.J. Hondru chips up onto the green at Foxchase on the 9th of September where the Barons suffered a Section Two loss to Conestoga Valley.
Golf photos Bob Biller
Volleyball Photos by Mya Graybill

1972. More than fifty years later, AHLI has served thousands of students from around the globe, and it continues to help them find host families throughout the United States.

AHLI’s mission statement is to “provide quality education programs to international students in the safe, caring environment of Christian host families where they will experience the love of Christ.” Nicole Bianchi, a resident of West Lampeter, is an AHLI coordinator. Bianchi’s job is to locate families in the community that wish to open their homes to students, visiting the potential hosts to make sure they will be a good fit. “I love my job. The kinds of families that open up their homes are usually

incredible people,” Bianchi said. “Every time I leave a home, I’m blown away by the heart of the community.”

Bianchi’s experience with AHLI began when she was 6 years old, after her parents had decided to host students through the organization. “It was just a part of our normal family culture,” said Bianchi. “I even went to Japan to visit a student who I consider a sister to me.”

After graduating high school, Bianchi married a professional baseball player whose career required them to travel frequently. Bianchi and her husband lived with AHLI host families until his retirement, and they decided to become a host family themselves after returning to Lancaster. Bianchi has hosted students from various countries in Europe and Asia, and she is currently hosting a student from China. As a coordinator, Bianchi meets with visiting students once

per month to check in and share a fun activity.

“I had such a passion for (AHLI) from hosting,” Bianchi said. “I feel like it does things really well, putting kids in safe, caring homes while they get an education in Lancaster.” Although Bianchi is based in West Lampeter, host families can be located anywhere in the county.

In addition to providing international students with a safe environment to receive an education,

Bianchi said AHLI allows families a paid opportunity to learn about other cultures. “People think it’s going to be like having another kid, but it really ends up being a blessing,” added Bianchi. “Parents already have to make dinner, and every day our student will tell us about his culture, which is good for my kids to hear about.”

For more information, visit To learn how to become a host family, email

Annual Brethren Disaster Relief Auction slated

The 47th annual Brethren Disaster Relief Auction will be held at the Lebanon Valley Expo Center and Fairgrounds, 80 Rocherty Road, Lebanon, on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27 and 28, beginning at 9 a.m.

The auction, in cooperation with the Atlantic Northeast and Southern Districts of the Church of the Brethren, began in 1977 and has provided more than $19 million in disaster relief to victims of natural disasters both in the U.S. and internationally. Funds raised by the auction not only pay for emergency supplies for disaster victims but also support volunteer disaster relief trips throughout the year. In the past few years, funds and volunteers from the auction have helped immediate relief efforts and long-term cleanup

Bennett Bianchi (far left), Novella Bianchi (second from left) and Josie Bianchi (far right) are learning about Chinese culture from Erica Yin (second from right), whom the Bianchi family is hosting via American Home Life International.

CHECK WEEKLY SPECIALS at @ thecountrystoremtjoy

3140 Mount Joy Rd. Between 283 & Mount Joy Phone: 717-653-2652 HOURS: Mon.-Tues.-Wed. 8:30am-5pm, Thurs. 8:30am-6pm, Fri. 8:30am-7pm Sat. 8:30am-1pm Phone Orders gladly accepted on Deli & Fresh Meat orders & Large Bulk Orders Not responsible for typographical errors.

“We need to realize that mental health and physical health are combined.”

MHALC serves Lancaster County residents dealing with depression, anxiety, grief, personality disorders and thoughts of suicide. Last year alone, MHALC reached nearly 800 people through its advocacy program; 2,262 youths through its school education; and 6,075 individuals through its community outreach support program.

Also in 2023, MHALC’s family and youth advocate program served more than 560 local people and wrote 136 individual education plans (IEPs). During that same time, MHALC’s prison advocacy program reached more than 1,500 people incarcerated at the Lancaster County Prison.

“The more we advocate, the more people are reaching out and seeking help,” said Krahling. “It’s everyone, anyone who has concerns about mental health. It could be themselves or a child. It’s people being challenged by everyday life. We want to make sure people have the support and the medication they need. The biggest thing is getting the word out that MHALC is here. I like to go out and meet the public. When people realize who I am, they want

to talk about mental health.”

At the heart of what MHALC does is people helping people. Supported by the work of volunteers, MHALC’s staff consists of four full-time employees and four part-timers.

MHALC receives funding from the Lancaster County government through grants and fundraisers.

“(MHALC employees are) a lot of peers,” said Krahling. “It’s people who are passionate about mental health. We don’t want to provide therapy; we want to get clients to people who are therapists.”

MHALC was established as an independent affiliate of Mental Health America in 1977. Mental Health America was founded in 1909 as the National Mental Health Association.

“We’re very strong with our education, and we have phenomenal programs,” said Krahling. “Our goal is to make talking about mental health like talking about the weather. There are thousands and thousands of people alive today because they’ve talked about mental health.”

For additional information about Mental Health America of Lancaster County, go to www

Church and youth center post Fall Fest

Teen Central and St. Paul’s United Church of Christ (UCC) will hold a Fall Fest on Sunday, Sept. 29, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the church parking lot, 50 N. Main St., Manheim. Kids and families from the Manheim community are invited to attend.

A spaghetti dinner will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. in the fellowship hall, and the meal is free. Character juggler Chris Ivey will perform from 5:15 to 6 p.m. Free parking is available.

St. Paul’s UCC offers three options for worship. People may attend in person on Sundays at 9:30 a.m., listen to a live broadcast in the

parking lot, or watch online at The church is handicapped-accessible.

For more information about the church and its events, visit the aforementioned website or contact the church office at 717-665-2447 or

scan this code for more local news

Bidders take part in a previous auction.

and rebuilding efforts from disasters such as earthquakes in Haiti and tornadoes and floods in Pennsylvania.

Separate auctions include the main auction, the children’s auction, the quilt auction, the theme basket auction, two silent

See Auction pg 8


1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Doug Paglia, Pastor. Worship Service at 9-10 am Children’s Sunday School: 9-10 am. Refreshments & Fellowship: 10-10:30 am. Adult Sunday School at 10:30-11:30 am. Nursery Provided, Handicapped Accessible. For more information, call: 717-653-5175.

COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, and Reach Out with us! Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 a.m. We’re located at 331 Anderson Ferry Road in Marietta (off Rt 441 on Rt 772). Learn more at

GRACE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH OF MANHEIM: 1483 N. Colebrook Rd., Manheim. SUNDAYS: Adult Bible Class at 9:30am and Worship Service at 10:30am. Wednesday Evening Prayer is held from 6:30pm-7:30pm For more details, please visit or call 717-665-7222.

HOSANNA! A FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIANS 29 Green Acre Rd., Lititz (717) 626-2560 Worship with us in person @ 9:30am, online or livestream @ Children & Youth Ministries

MARY MOTHER OF THE CHURCH (A Roman Catholic Parish): 625 Union School Rd., Mount Joy. Pastor: Rev. Ted Keating. Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 4:30pm, Sunday 8:30 & 11 am; Monday thru Friday 8:30 am. Confessions: Sat 3:30pm. 717-653-4903, visit us online at

NEWPORT CHURCH: 656 W. Newport Road, Elm,

We are a vibrant family- oriented contemporary church that meets for Sunday “celebration” service at 9:30 a.m. and throughout the week in home groups, including junior-high and senior-high groups. Children love our Kids Town ministry every Sunday morning! Our mission is to share God’s Love generously and lead people to new life in Jesus. For info. or directions, see our Website or call 717-664-2635. Lead Pastor: Merle Shenk.

RUHL’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: A growing church committed to Christ. Worship on Sunday morning at 8 am for a traditional feel. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am., 10:30 am. Worship led by praise band. (Nursery available. Handicap accessible.) For more information, please call 717-665-3400 or visit Located at 4810 Elizabethtown Rd, Manheim.

ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH: 505 Woodcrest Ave., Lititz


Rev. Stephen D. Weitzel

Confessions: Sat. 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm and anytime on request

Daily Masses: Tues.-Fri. 9 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 4 pm Sunday Masses: 8:30 am & 10:30 am for livestream Masses


SAT., OCT. 19 • 8 A.M. PROMPT

LOCATION: 75 Airport Rd. (Maytown/Donegal Airport Area), Marietta, PA 17547 East Donegal Twp., Lancaster Co. Inspection Of Items Auction Day Only 7 A.M. Two Auctioneers Will Be Selling Simultaneously! Ring One: 8 A.M.: Coins, Followed By Tools. Ring Two: 8 A.M.: Box Lots, Followed By Antiques & Glassware

Large Anvil, Large Tool Collection of Early Planes, Consisting of Stanley, Bailey, Sash, Wooden Block & Carpenter, Ford International, Implement Wrenches, Blacksmith Tools, Brady Broad Axe, Post Hole Axe, Broad Hatchets & Many Other Tools, Griswold & Marietta Cast Iron Items, Collection of Stoneware Crocks & Jugs, Woodworking Tools, Toys, Country/Farm Related Antiques & Items. Local Mount Joy, Maytown & Marietta Items, Antiques, Brass & Copperware Items. J.P. Schaum Lane, Large Apple Butter Kettle, Woodenware, Artwork, Coins, Furniture, An Extremely Large Collection of Candlewick Glassware, Vintage Kitchenware & Utensils. Plus Much More. For Photos, Full Listing, Terms, See Website: Auction For: S. Martin Witman Estate; Doug Witman Ext.

The Witman Auctioneers Team Is Currently Booking Auctions Now & In The Future For The 2024 Auction Season. Call Us Now For Competitive Rates. Auction by: Witman Auctioneers, Inc. Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman 717-665-5735 • 717-665-1300 • AY-000155-L

ST. PAUL’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN: Located at 1258 Newport Road, Penryn. Phone: (717) 665-6093. Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Angela Hammer.

TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH: 596 West Newport Rd., Lititz. Are you looking for a Church that preaches from the King James Bible? Helps your family grow spiritually? Enjoys the old-time hymns? Look no further! Sunday School 10am, Sunday Morning Worship 11am, and Sunday Evening Worship 6pm. Wednesday Evening Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 pm. Pastor Wiliam Hamm, Jr. (717) 575-0292.

TRINITY EC CHURCH 48 Market Sq., Manheim Sunday School 9:15am/Worship 10:25am Livestream Stop by on 1st Thursday 717-665-3633

TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2340 State St., East Petersburg. Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin, Pastor. Phone: (717) 569-1632. Sunday Schedule: 7:45 am Worship with Holy Communion; 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages; 10:00 am Koinonia (Fellowship Time); 10:30 am Worship (Holy Communion twice a month) Online service is available by visiting “Catch the Vision, Share the Joy!””

WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (near Hempfield High School). Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. Wayside offers two services: 9:00 am Traditional with choir, 10:00 Fellowship & 10:30 am Contemporary with band & Children’s Ministry. For more info, visit or (717) 898-1551.

WESTGATE BAPTIST CHURCH: 2235 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601 One mile North of Park City. Pastor Robert Zimmerman. A beautifully blended Sunday morning service at 11 AM, under the leadership of Pianist David Ryan & known guitarist Chuck Oetelle. Adult Sunday School 9:30 AM during the school year. Preaching/Teaching focus seeks to be distinctively Biblical, relevant, creative, engaging in the midst of today’s moral/cultural chaos. Find us on Facebook: Westgate American Baptist Church. Website:

WHITE OAK CHURCH : 1211 N. Penryn Rd, Manheim, PA. You are invited to our Sunday services: Sunday School for all ages at 8:45am; Worship at 9:45am; scheduled evening services at 7:15pm and Wednesday evening Bible Study at 7:15pm. (1st Wednesday of month).

Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)

For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

Racing & Auto Memorabilia, Signage & Neon Signs, Franklin Mint & Promo Cars & More. For Photos, Full Listing Terms See Website: Auction For: Lee Jackson

Kits, Asst. Car Memo. Massey Ferguson GC2600 4WD Hydrostatic DSL Tractor w/3-Pt., PTO, Front Hydraulics, Rollbar, Approx. 470 Hrs., VIN JXC91101 w/Mower Deck Mod. 2325, MF 2360 Snowblower. Tools – Shop Equipment: Westinghouse 9500 DF Dual Fuel Gen., 20-Ton Press, 3-Ton Floor Jack, Homak 8-Drawer Rolling Toolbox, Campbell Hausfeld 30-Gal. Air Comp., Wall Mounted Air Hose Reel, 1957 Wayne Gas Pump, (2) Huskey 120 Air Comp., Drain Oil Receiver w/ Pump, Trash Pump, Budget Elec. Chain Hoist, Craftsman Chop Saw, Dewalt Work Site Charger & Radio, Bull Dog Alum. Trailer Toolbox, Asst. Work Benches, Shelves & Carts, Bench Vise & Grinder, Jack Stands, Car & Race Ramps, Power Smith & Kubota Ash Vacuums, Creeper, Matco Padded Mech. Seat, Wagontech Portable Dome Ex. Booster Jumper Starter, Tornado 12-V Air Comp., Welding Cable & Jumper Cables, Campbell Hausfeld Power Pal, Eagle Goodyear Tire w/Pennzoil Trash Can Seat, Schauer Battery Charger, Craftsman 3hp Table Saw, White Edger, Worx Weedeater w/Charger, Ease Diagnostic Cabinet, Shopsmith Combo Tool Setup, Sm. Section of Scaffolding, Craftsman & Other Toolboxes, Precision Combo Chuck, Milkhouse & Other Port. Heaters, Dowel Jigs, Greenlee Chisels, Stanley Wood Chisels, Stanley #69 & Other Planes, Sm. Vises, Plastic Sawhorses, Leather Letter & Number Stamps, Wire Loom & Wire, Wire Connectors, Asst. Fuses, Heat Shrink, Pex & PVC Piping, Asst. of Plumbing Items, New Moen Faucets, Toilet Seats, Pipe Insulation, Tarps & Canvases, Bar Clamps, Sm. Acety. Tanks, Gas & Kero Cans, Welding Rods, Asst. Dewalt & Other Elec. Tools, Asst. Carpenter’s Tools, Concrete Bits, Water Pressure Test Gauges, Brass Fittings & Valves, (2) Spools of Water Pump Wire, C-Clamps, Milkhouse Heater, Lynex Leveler, Elec. Lights & Cards, Ratchet Straps, Measuring Wheel, Funnels, New Adj. Wrenches & Files, Rope, Garden Tools, Misc. Oak Planks, Boards, Log Chain, Wood Stepladder. Collectibles: Lighted BF Goodrich T/A Tires & Mercury Sales/Service Signs, Gulf, Texaco, Packard, Ford, Coca-Cola & Other Medal Thermometers, Lg. Asst. Hot Rod Cars, Truck, Models in Original Boxes & Truck Transporter Toys, Ford Thunderbird, Ford & Texaco Signs, 50 State License Plates, Pewter Cars, Pepsi-Cola Puzzles, JD & Mobile Glass Oil Jars, Cast-Iron Esso Oil Dropkid Bank, Lard Cans Made by Dan Johnson Lititz PA, Harley Davidson & Country Wall Hangings, Truck Painting on Canvas, Nail Keg, Sprinkling Can, Milk Can/Seat, Hay Hooks, Lantern w/Reflector, Early Binoculars, Wall Bell, Rodeo Larets, Spurs, Sm. Abotts Dairy Milk Car, Bull Roping Head Mount, Lg. Bull Picture, European Bull Skull, Bull Horns, Asst. Trophies, Wood Wagon Wheel, Boxes of Clay Birds, Shoe Covers, Cornhole Game, Horseshoe Set, Old Coins & Paper Money, Bull Rider Christmas Ornaments. Furniture –Household: Matching Double Elec. Reclining Love Seat & Sofa, Easy Lift Elec. Recliner, Leather Love Seat, Oak Lidded Toy Chest, TV Stand, Concrete Statue & Sphere, (2) Glass Top Night Stands, Wood Shelving Unit, Table Lamps, Queen Bed, Wood Porch Swing, Total Gym-Fit Ultimate Weslo Prop Exerciser, Misc. Sm. Kitchen Appliances, Clothes Hamper on Wheels, Metal Clothes Tree, Asst. Luggage & Art Work & Soft Goods, Misc. Christmas Decorations, Corningware, Ninja Cooking System, Bistro Cookware, Cuisinart Fondue Pot, Puzzles, Gift Bags,

1 car oversized garage. 7’ x 9’ utility shed. All on 6/10 Acre +/- w/on-site well & septic. Penn Twp. Manheim School District. Auctioneer Note: A good investment opportunity or starter home. Front lawn. Large backyard. Available for immediate possession. Motivated sellers. Prepare to buy. Terms: 10% down, settlement on or before January 3, 2025. Glick, Goodley, Deibler, Fanning, LLP. 717-354-7700. Open House: Saturdays, Oct. 5 & 12; 1-3 PM. Or for private showing contact Matt @ 717-587-2856. Contact Steve @ 717.666.4381 w/any questions David A. Brown, Jr. 717-715-4509 R110719 Randal



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All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.



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LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-791-1626


IRON RAILS, GATES, FENCES, SEC. BARS, EXT. PANTING. Handcrafted Since 1988. BCW, 717-664-4388

JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 12/29/24.) Call 1844-826-2535


Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service, 717-278-1030

PAINTING By Triple P Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. FREE ESTIMATES, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089


20 yrs. experience PA024610 Elmer Stoltzfus, 717-201-4104

SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.

STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.



ALWAYS BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-577-8206

CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

DONATE YOUR CAR, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today!

GET A BREAK on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-320-2804 today!

PINBALL MACHINES & ARCADES WANTED. Any condition, working or not. Call Matt: 717-538-9485, thanks.

*NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

For Rent


12’x20’ Stg. Unit - $125+ tax/mo. On Track Storage, 717-367-5109

ELIZABETHTOWN-2BR APT., W/S, Stove & Refrigerator Incl. $900/mo. sec. dep. req. 717-572-2298

LONG-TERM MOTEL ROOMS Refrig., Microwave & no smoking/pets. complimentary Wi-Fi, Free HBO/Cinemax Manhein, Lancaster Co. 717-665-2938

GUTTERS, GUTTERS Clean, Repair, Gutter Guards. Property Maint. by Steve. 717-892-7411

HANDYMAN: Painting. Power Washing. Land/Hardscaping. Fall Clean Ups, Gutters/Guards, Decks, Roofing. Mailboxes. 717-419-9855. PA047811

HAUL YOUR JUNK AWAY Home, yard waste, appliances; Whatever! Also Shed Removal. 717-669-7854

auctions, the heifer auction, the coin auction, and pole barn auctions. The two-day event may have as many as five auctions taking place at once.

Children’s activities this year will include the children’s auction, specializing in new items for children to be bid on only by children. A children’s store will offer quality used items at reasonable prices, as well as face painting. A balloon artist will create balloon animals for kids, as well. Also available for youngsters, weather permitting, will be free barrel train rides and pony rides, the latter of which will be offered for a nominal donation.

Food is a large part of the auction each year, with options including made-on-site Amish soft pretzels and doughnuts, a cafeteria, food stands, breakfast, and a chicken potpie dinner. Other components of the auction include an area for arts and crafts and a farmers market with fresh produce and baked goods, including homemade pies.

To find out more about the auction, visit www.brethrenau, call 717-823-2745, or pick up an auction booklet at many local retailers.

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