TVHS band is over the rainbow about halftime show

“There will be a whole production this year. It’s the most complex show we have ever done,” said Robert Bennett, Twin Valley High School (TVHS) director of bands, when describing this year’s football halftime show.
“There is real potential to make it amazing.”
The theme of this year’s show is “The Emerald Adventure,” with a subtitle of “Beyond the Yellow Brick Road.” The students were busy learning the music and the movements associated
with the show during a two-week band camp held at TVHS during the weeks of July 29 and Aug. 5.
The band, which has 53 members led by drum majors Ellie Trozell and Cecilia Skoniczin, was committed to rehearsing the new show despite record high temperatures that sometimes hit the triple digits. “We take a water break every 25 minutes, and they run, grab their water and come right back. The kids are totally into (band camp),” said Bennett. “It’s been a real fun band to teach because their attitudes have
Anchored Ministries names new interim director
Anchored Ministries, a nonprofit organization that provides assistance to people in need through a variety of programs including its mobile clothing closet, has welcomed Russ Williams as its new interim
executive director. Williams has been passed the torch of leadership from co-founder and former executive director Erika
Kanter, who, along with her husband, Ian, has stepped down from the ministry.
Williams, a resident of Morgantown, was a longtime

American Legion to present Country Jamboree

A display of trucks and Jeeps, live music, food and an opportu nity to win prizes will be featured at a Country Jamboree being presented on Saturday, Aug. 24, from noon to 6 p.m. at American Legion Post 537, Morgantown.

trying. We have had a bike show and it’s similar, but we are trying to target the country music aspect,” said American Legion Riders secretary Mike Lightcap, one of the event organizers. “We are having Jeeps and trucks instead of motorcycles.”

This is a first-time event for the Legion, which typically holds motorcycle shows presented by the American Legion Riders.

“This is something new we are

Admission for spectators is free, but Jeep and truck owners will be asked to pay a registration fee. Trophies will be awarded in several categories, including Best GM, Best Ford, Best Ram,
See American Legion pg 5
Ellie Trozell (left) and Cecilia Skoniczin are this year’s drum majors.
The Twin Valley High School band rehearses on the football field in preparation for this year’s halftime show.
Russ Williams (back, second from left) will be supported in his new role by his wife, Frances (back, second from right), and their three children.

been fantastic. In spite of the circumstances, they have been super positive and willing to learn.”
Bennett explained that the show is loosely based on “The Wizard of Oz.” “We will start with the overture to ‘The Wizard of Oz’ from the movie, and we move into a song from ‘Wicked,’ which is ‘One Short Day,’ and we do a song from ‘The Wiz,’ ‘Ease on Down the Road.’ Our next tune is ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’ by Elton John.”
Using set changes, the show will then transition from Oz to Ireland. “Essentially, the whole show is us answering the question ‘What is beyond the yellow brick road and at the end of rainbow?’ We have this amazing castle prop that looks like the castle from ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ It will be 12 to 15 feet tall and on the ends of it (will be) mortar and brick,” Bennett explained. “There will be eight set pieces that will go around the field with yellow brick roads on them. They will flip over when we transition to the Emerald Isle, and on the back will be a four-leaf clover.”
There will also be a rainbow and pot of gold. “The connection point is the rainbow,” he added. “What is over the rainbow is the Emerald Isle. (The theme of) ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ is such a pivotal part of that story in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ that a (rainbow) is a natural connection.”
He credits the design team for coming up with the concept for this year, including Kim Robinson, band front/color guard assistant; Duane DeWire, drill writer and show coordinator; and Brett Hanley, assistant band director.
Bennett said the goal of the performance is to please the audience that watches during home TVHS football games, as well as those who attend and judge band competitions. “When we do a show, we try to make it something that the audience enjoys here at football games,” he noted. “When we go out and do competitions and band festivals, it is a totally different kind of audience. It’s an audience that will appreciate it differently.”
He said it is also important for the band members to enjoy performing the show. “We obviously try to make it fun for the kids to play. It challenges them and helps them develop as musicians and performers,” said Bennett, adding, “If it hits those three boxes where the community likes it and the competition audiences and judges like it and the kids like it, we are doing the right thing.”

Highlighting the best of Chester County 4-H
Showcasing all the work that 4-H members complete throughout the year is the goal of the Chester County 4-H Fair, held annually at the Romano 4-H Center in Honey Brook. During this year’s event, which ran from Aug. 5 to 10, 4-H members demonstrated their skill in the handling and care of farm animals, including beef cattle, dairy cows, breeding sheep, market lambs, swine, goats and horses.
In addition to the live animal shows, 4-H youths displayed projects in various categories, such as sewing and crocheting, woodworking, plants and vegetables, cut flowers, expressive arts, photography, painting and arts and crafts. This year’s show featured 289 tabletop projects.
The Chester County 4-H Dairy
Show was held as part of the 4-H Fair Week on Aug. 9. This year, the show was divided by dairy breeds and was judged by Mark Welk of Kirkwood.
“We have a different judge every year because judging is so subjective,” explained Toni Stuetz, Penn State Extension educator. ”It’s good for the kids to see and experience somebody different and get different feedback as well.”
Stuetz explained that the dairy show competition is judged in two categories - Showmanship and Fitting. Showmanship scores are based on how well the 4-H members show the best qualities of their animals, while also displaying their skill in handling their animals. Fitting is how well the animals are prepared for the show and how well they hold up under pressure
See 4-H pg 5

Anchored Ministries
volunteer for Anchored Ministries before being named to the new position. He is being supported in his new role by his wife, Frances, and their three children, who will all be actively involved in the ministry.
“I attend MCC (Moving Communities to Christ Church) and there are a lot of people there that volunteer with Anchored. That’s how I connected with Ian,” said Williams, explaining how he got involved in the ministry. “My skill sets are on the technology side of the house, so I helped with their website and web presence and helped facilitate the sign-ups and the workflow they were utilizing for the different events like the Christmas program and back-to-school (giveaway). I was trying to make their processes more efficient and ultimately help more people in the community.”
Williams emphasized that the ministry will continue with its current programs under his leadership. “We are not looking at a huge change because the programs that

are put in place are solid programs that benefit the community,” he noted.
Among the ministry’s programs are its mobile clothing closet, which offers new and gently used clothing, shoes and accessories. The closet stops regularly at New Holland Church of Nazarene, CrossNet Ministries in New Holland and the Honey Brook Food Pantry.
Anchored Ministries also offers a community roadside stand at its headquarters in Elverson, which is open on Thursdays from 9 a.m. to noon. Inside the shed, visitors can find free Wawa breakfast sandwiches, books, toiletries and nonperishable food items from the ministry’s emergency food pantry.
The ministry recently completed its annual back-to-school program, which offered new backpacks and school supplies to students in the Twin Valley School District (TVSD). The ministry is currently gearing up for its Christmas program, which asks community members to sponsor a child in the TVSD, providing gifts on the student’s wish list.
“At our back-to-school event, we gave out 300 backpacks to kids between kindergarten and 12th grade, and we handed out 1,600 pieces of clothing,” Williams reported. “Last year for the Christmas program, we had 400 kids we sponsored and got their entire Christmas wish list shopped for. We could not do that without the help of the community.”
In fact, Williams pointed out, all Anchored Ministries charitable programs are supported by the community. “As a nonprofit, there is no source of revenue or income except through the generosity of the people willing to give,” he said. “It speaks volumes of the community.”
Williams also credits the volun-
teers who donate their time to the ministry, as well as part-time staff members Meredith Rumer and Melissa Werner. “There is a fantastic team that works inside the Anchored building - Meredith and Melissa,” he stated. “They are responsible for the programs’ execution both from the clothing closet side and the outreach programs. They are really doing the yeomen’s work of processing and working with volunteers to sort the clothing and get the trailers loaded and organizing the collection and distribution of supplies. They are the real heroes behind Anchored Ministries.”
The ministry is always in need of donations and additional volunteers. “Financial donations are always appreciated and are used directly to help serve both the programs and the different outreaches that we do,” said Williams. “Volunteers are needed at events to help with set up and teardown and to build relationships with people during events.”
Williams added that all services and goods offered by Anchored Ministries will always be offered free of charge. “There is not a single program or event that we charge for. Everything is really dependent on the local community,” said Williams. “Our overall goal is to show the love of Christ to everyone we encounter, and we are able to that because so many people care about others.”
Anchored Ministries is located at 40 S. Chestnut St., Elverson. For more information, including the mobile clothing closet schedule, visit www.anchoredministries .org or www.facebook.com/ AnchoredMinistriesPA. Those with questions may email Williams at russ@anchoredministries.org.

Aug. 23 and 30. Family Fun Fridays
Presented by the Honey Brook Township Recreation and Parks Board
James Umble Township Park 173 Supplee Road, Honey Brook, 6 to 8 p.m. Free crafts and games will be available. Aug. 30 will be family movie night. www.facebook.com/ honeybrooktwp
Sept. 3. Twin Valley Back to School Prayer Night
Twin Valley High School 4897 N. Twin Valley Road, Elverson, 7 p.m. There will be ice cream and fellowship following prayer. The event is being sponsored by Twin Valley community churches and ministries.
Sept. 10. Voter Education Program
Village Library of Morgantown, 1 to 3 p.m. Attendees will learn about the voting process in Berks County and will be able to submit their voter registration forms online during the program.
Sept. 14. Community Yard Sale
Village Library of Morgantown, 8 a.m. Vendors are asked to register in advance by signing up for a yard sale space at the library’s front desk. A fee will be collected per space.

Sept. 20. Cash Bingo Geigertown Fire Company 3433 Hay Creek Road, Robeson Township. Doors will open to 6 p.m.; bingo will start at 7 p.m. Tickets purchased in advance will be discounted. All proceeds will benefit the fire company. A link to order tickets is available at www.facebook.com/ geigertownfirecompany.
Sept. 28. Watercolor Art Class
Village Library of Morgantown, 10 to 11 a.m. During the session, which is open to people age 12 and over, attendees will paint a fall pumpkin scene using watercolors under the guidance of local artist Anna Carter. All materials will be provided. Space is limited. A link to register for the art class is available at www.facebook.com/ VillageLibraryofMorgantown.
The Community Calendar is a weekly feature of the Community Courier. Submit your meeting or event for consideration in writing at least two weeks prior to the event. Email submissions to ffulton@ engleonline.com.
during judging.
“When they’re doing showmanship, which is how well the child shows the animal, is the place where he gives feedback (about what they could do better),” Stuetz explained. “When he does fitting, which is how well the animals are ready to show, he gives feedback about (the animal’s appearance).”
For example, she said, the judge may suggest using special whitening shampoo for predominantly white cows. “Non-concentrated Dawn dish soap is one of the best things for washing the cows,” said Stuetz, adding, “(Preparing to show an animal) is a lot of hard work.”
She noted that 50 dairy animals were featured this year by 35 participants, who all wore traditional white clothing for the event. “We have 35 different 4-H kids from all over the county (representing) four dairy clubs,” reported Stuetz. “We have eight seniors that are aging out, so this will be their last show.”
4-H is the youth development program of Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, Cooperative Extension. The four H’s stand for head, heart, hands and health.
4-H membership is open to all boys and girls ages 8 to 18.
More than 5,000 young people are involved in 4-H in

Chester County. Clubs meet in local homes, schools, churches or community centers. Current clubs include Dairy, Dairy Goat, Livestock, Small Animal and Robotics/Engineering. 4-H Community Clubs in Chester County include the West Chester Sewing Club; the Chesco Outdoor Club, which meets monthly at various locations in Chester County; the Shooting Sports Air Pistol Club, which meets at the Romano Center; and the 4-H Archery Club, which meets in Oxford. A Cloverbuds Club for children ages 5 to 8 meets at the Romano Center.
Also offered is the Northern Chester County 4-H Horse and Pony Club, which meets at the Line It Up Farm in Coatesville. Because of the rain-soaked arena at the Romano Center, the 4-H Fair’s horse show was moved to the Line It Up Farm on Aug. 10.
The Penn State Extension 4-H office is located at 601 Westtown Road, Suite 370, West Chester. For more information about 4-H, call 610-696-3500 or visit https://extension.psu.edu/ programs/4-h/counties/chester.
More information and photos from the recent 4-H Fair are available at www.facebook.com/ chestercounty4H and www.face book.com/TheRomano4HCenter ofChesterCounty.

American Legion
Best Jeep, Best Import and Best SUV. There will also be a People’s Choice Award and a Commander’s Choice Award.
“For the People’s Choice Award, we will hand out cards and each entry will have a number and (visitors) can pick their favorite and we will tally (the votes),” explained Lightcap. “For the Commander’s Choice, Ron Harner will pick his favorite.”
Another highlight of the day will be live music featuring country singer Tara Weilacher and special guest Nashville recording artist Jackie Verna. “Tara will kick off the day, and DJ Luke will spin some country music and then at 2 p.m. Jackie will come up,” noted Lightcap.
Verna, who hails from West Chester, now lives in Nashville. In 2018, she auditioned for season 14 of NBC’s “The Voice,” earning a spot on Adam Levine’s team. She was a top 10 finalist and became well known for her performance of “Strawberry Wine” by Deana Carter, which charted at No. 11 on the iTunes country charts.
After leaving the show, Verna went on to perform in various states and released her first single, “Forever Soulmate,” in December 2018. She also opened for artists such as Little Big Town, The Brothers Osborne and Tyler Rich. Verna, who cites artists like Miranda Lambert and Dolly Parton as her influences, is currently working on new projects to be released soon.
Food offered for sale during the day will be provided by the Crow Wagon food truck. Attendees will also have chances to win prizes, including gift cards donated by local businesses.
Information will be available for people interested in becoming a member of the American Legion. The American Legion is a veterans’ organization, but social memberships are available to others.

The post also includes the Sons of the American Legion, which is for members whose parents served in the U.S. military; the ladies auxiliary; and the American Legion Riders motorcycle group.
“It’s always a good opportunity when we have events. It brings in people from the community, especially veterans,” said Lightcap. American Legion Post 537 is located at 4499 N. Twin Valley Road, Morgantown. For more information, call 610-286-5920, visit www.legionpost537.com or search for “Col. Jacob Morgan American Legion Post 537” on Facebook.
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Jackie Verna
Annsley Frazier (left photo) with her calf, Clover, and Jenna Barbosa (right photo) and her cow, Polly, participated in this year’s Chester County 4-H Dairy Show.
United Way event to focus on ’80s music
United Way of Chester County will hold its Live United in Music event on Thursday, Sept. 12, at 5:30 p.m. at Penn Oaks Golf Club, 150 Penn Oaks Drive, West Chester. The event, presented by Di and Dallas Krapf and CTDI, will benefit United Way of Chester County’s financial security programs. The show will be headlined by Decade80, which presents
music of the ’80s. Tickets include a cocktail reception with an open bar, hors d’oeuvres, dinner, and the performance. Corporate sponsorships are available. To purchase tickets and learn more about sponsorship opportunities, visit www.LiveUnitedinMusic.com or call 610-429-9400. Tickets have sold out quickly for 10 consecutive years.

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BANGOR EPISCOPAL-FOUNDED 1722. 4 mi. W of Morgantown on Rt. 23 in Churchtown. Sunday Holy Eucharist at 10am. All are welcome. Handicap accessible. Parking lot adjacent to the church off Water Street. For additional info., www.bangorepiscopal.org
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BRICK LANE COMMUNITY CHURCH:52 S. Brick Lane in Elverson, welcomes visitors to worship with us Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Wheelchair accessible. Childcare through age 2 and children’s worship during the sermon for PreK-Grade 3 available. Learn more at www.brick52.org or call the church office 610-286-6790. For those unable to attend in-person, see our livestream on www.youtube.com/bricklanecommunitychurch

CHURCHTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 2170 Main Street, Narvon (Churchtown). Phone: 717-445-5585, umcchurchtown@gmail.com. Pastor Dave Kling, dklingclm@gmail.com 5 mi East of New Holland on PA 23. Sunday worship at 9 am. Handicapped Access.
FAIRVIEW EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH- 800 Fairview Road, Glenmoore, PA (intersection of Fairview & Little Conestoga Rds.) Rev. Tim Latham. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15am; Worship Service at 10:30am Nursery provided. Christian Education, Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies, Music Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Small groups... and much more! As growing disciples, we continue to Worship, Connect, Know and Serve God. For more info, find us online at www.FairviewEPC.org or call the office at 610-942-2640
LIVING GOD LUTHERAN CHURCH: 3200 Horseshoe Pike, 3 miles east of Honey Brook. Handicap accessible. Please join us for worship each Sunday at 9:30 am and Children’s Sunday School at 9:30 am. Nursery care is provided. If you are unable to attend in-person, join us via livestream on YouTube.