Manheim Township

The development of Lancaster County is rooted in agriculture and family living. It’s a past that the Farm and Home Foundation of Lancaster County (FHFLC) wants to honor but not dwell on.
FHFLC seeks to sustain, preserve and support the evolved agricultural industry in Lancaster County. The nonprofit accomplishes its mission by providing a hub for the farming community, implementing programs, fostering relationships and educating youths.
“Agriculture is very important in Lancaster County,” said FHFLC president Steve Spayd. “Lancaster County is still the leading agricultural county in the state.
Our farms have gotten larger, and they’ve gotten more technical. Hopefully, at the end of the day, we can say we’ve made progress. I don’t think we’re working harder; we’re working smarter.”
FHFLC, which is directed by a 15-member board, might be best known locally for the Farm and Home Center of Lancaster County, which it operates at 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster.
The spacious building houses seven outside organizations, including the Penn State Agricultural Extension Office of Lancaster County, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency, the Lancaster County Conservation District, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and an agricultural
products business.
“Our agricultural community is a very giving community where we come together and learn different things,” said Spayd. “By having a central meeting place, I think it’s been a tremendous benefit to Lancaster County. Our learning is never finished. One of the things we need to keep in mind is, are we passing that knowledge on? There was a need for a hub, and that’s why the foundation was founded.”
Music often makes occasions more festive. At Westminster Presbyterian Church, it makes services more blessed.
Westminster Presbyterian Church is hosting an extraordinary worship event built around special guest J.A.C. Redford. It’s a unique way to connect with God and music.
“We don’t just do music for music’s sake,” said Frank Dodd,
who’s been Westminster Presbyterian’s director of music and organist for five years. “We understand that God meets His people through an event like this. Music is a secondary feature; it is not the primary function. Preaching is the primary function, but music supports it.”
Located at 2151 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, Westminster Presbyterian Church will present its Reformation Evensong performance on Reformation Sunday,
When Aaron’s Acres reaches out and touches lives, often the result is hugs. Aaron’s Acres is expanding its footprint, flexing its muscles, strengthening its brand and creating more hugs.
FHFLC sponsors a scholarship program for Lancaster County high school students interested in furthering their educations in the fields of agriculture, family living and consumer sciences. Following an application and review process, four-year renewable, $1,000
The local nonprofit is adding staff members, adding programs and bringing more individuals under its umbrella, all in an attempt to satisfy needs and perform greater good.
“Over our first 26 years, we created the organization, built programs and established ourselves,” said Risa Paskoff, who’s been Aaron’s Acres’ executive director from the start. “We’re now taking it to the next level. This is a major step for us. We want to present ourselves more professionally. This expansion is going to be on so many different levels. One of our dreams is to continue to be a family resource. We’re helping families
Friday at 9 A.M.
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All women are invited to attend the 29th annual Silent Samaritan Luncheon to be held on Friday, Nov. 8, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The event will be held at The Inn at Leola Village, 38 Deborah Drive, Leola.
There will be a cost to attend the luncheon. Proceeds will benefit the Silent Samaritan Fund, which subsidizes counseling for women in need of financial support.
The 2024 keynote speaker will be Marsha Curry-Nixon, founder
and executive director of Amiracle4sure Inc. Her message will be “Celebrating Her Journey.” Curry-Nixon’s ministry is focused on renewing, refreshing, and restoring life to individuals whose lives have been impacted by negative experiences. For reservations and additional information, call the Samaritan Counseling Center at 717-5609969 or visit https:// samaritanlancaster .org/event/2024-silent -samaritan-luncheon.
navigate the journeys they have with individuals with disabilities.”
PHONE: 1-800-800-1833 ext. 6014
Mailed outside our circulation area for $36/year. Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. | PO Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 TOWNLIVELY.COM
Located at 1861 Charter Lane, Suite 114, Lancaster, Aaron’s Acres supports and provides recreational programs for children and young adults with disabilities like autism, Down syndrome, epilepsy, spina bifida and cerebral palsy, as well as their families. Aaron’s Acres’ programs, some of which are seasonal in nature, emphasize socialization and communication skills.
Since its inception in 1998, Aaron’s Acres has focused on Lancaster, Dauphin, Berks, York, Lebanon and Perry County individuals who are between the ages of 5 and 21 and have disabilities. But Aaron’s Acres’ new programming, which will begin in November, will continue the nonprofits’ more recent efforts to reach individuals with disabilities who are up to age 40.
“There’s this huge need,” said Paskoff. “The need is created by people who are graduating from high school. We’re adding programs and a lot more ages, and we’re hoping to continue to add more programs. We are being true to who we are by continuing to meet the mission. We are responding.”
By adding more times and making programs more available to older individuals with disabilities, Aaron’s Acres is expanding its cooking, arts and com -
munity services programs. Aaron’s Acres is also looking at ways to expand its sports programming in an attempt to build on the momentum created by its sponsorship of the Chuckie Magee Flag Football and Cheerleading League.
The new programming will allow Aaron’s Acres to serve another 25 individuals with disabilities between the ages of 21 and 40.
“In Lancaster County, a good number of people know about us,” said Paskoff, “but we definitely need to do better in other counties. One of our goals is to expand our footprint, so people know who we are and what we do.”
Aaron’s Acres, which is overseen by a board of directors, is also in the process of hiring a new fulltime program coordinator and a new part-time staff member. Those hires will push Aaron’s Acres’ number of employees to seven.
Aaron’s Acres maintains a 1-to-1 or a 1-to-2 staffto-client ratio.
“The excitement comes from taking the next step,” said Paskoff. “We’re growing and responding to the need. We’re hearing from families, and we want to respond. (Parents and families) want to have the youth programs for younger children and programs for when (their children) graduate.”
For additional information about Aaron’s Acres, go to
Bethany Presbyterian Church, 25 N. West End Ave., Lancaster, will hold its annual basement sale on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 8 a.m. to noon. The sale will be held in both rooms on the ground floor of the church. Featured items will include a variety of household goods, such as linens, china, glassware, and lamps. Furniture will include chairs, tables, and stands. Also featured will
be Pokémon items, books, puzzles, and décor for the fall season and other times of year. Hot dogs, barbecue, vegetable beef soup, chili, and baked goods will be available to eat in or take out.
Shoppers can access the sale using the front stairs or via the ramp in the rear. Proceeds from the sale will benefit Boy Scout Troop 4, which has been sponsored by the church for more than 50 years.
The Lancaster Church of the Brethren, 1601 Sunset Ave., Lancaster, will host a concert and a Trunk or Treat event.
The Starlight Tea Concert Series will continue with a performance by internationally acclaimed pianist Maria Thompson Corley, joined by tenor Christyan Seay, on Saturday, Oct. 26, at 7 p.m. The duo will perform a variety of music, including some of Corley’s arrangements as well as classical pieces, hymns, and African music.
Corley earned her master’s and doctoral degrees
in piano performance from the Juilliard School and has performed as a solo and collaborative pianist in the U.S. and abroad. She is also a composer, and her songs, choral and instrumental works, and arrangements have been commissioned by renowned performers and institutions and have been studied, performed, and recorded by musicians in the U.S. and abroad.
Seay grew up in central Pennsylvania and is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University.
Oct. 27, beginning at 6 p.m. in the church’s 1,100-seat sanctuary. The 75-minute performance will also feature liturgy, Scripture readings, two new pieces of music specifically composed by Redford for the event and a performance of “The Ancient of Days,” Redford’s dramatic music narrative of Daniel 7.
An hour before the concert, Redford will share his journey of faith and the highlights of his life’s work with the audience.
The event is free to attend, and a good will offering to benefit Westminster Presbyterian’s music series will be accepted.
“It’s going to be quite an evening,” said Dodd. “We want to worship God; we want to do it through music, and we want to go beyond what we do on a Sunday morning. It’s taking us out of our norms. This is Westminster’s first Evensong worship service. People have been asking for an event like this for a while. We have done some hybrid worship services before, but this is the first one where we’re going to have a conductor directing music he has composed.”
Redford will be conducting a choir and brass quintet that consists of a pair of trumpets, a trombone, a tuba, a horn, a percussionist and Dodd on the
Faith United Methodist Church (UMC), 1290 Fruitville Pike, Lititz, will host its annual Trunk or Treat event on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 6 to 8 p.m.
The event will feature decorated trunks, pumpkin decorating, and lawn games. The activities are free of charge. Each attendee will receive a free meal consisting of a hot dog, chips, and a drink. Additional hot dogs, chips, and drinks will be available for purchase.
For more details, call the church office at 717-560-0321.
organ. A world-renowned composer, orchestrator and conductor, Redford has produced music scores for films like “The Mighty Ducks,” “Newsies,” “The Little Mermaid” and “The Perfect Storm” and TV series like “Coach” and “St. Elsewhere.” He has collaborated with artists like Adele, Sting and Steven Curtis Chapman.
“He has made his career from not just writing music, but also conducting the music for its recording,” said Dodd. “J.A.C. has been very gracious. We thought we were going out on a limb asking him to write
this music for us, and he blew us away by saying yes. As a composer, he’s written across all the genres. J.A.C. has written quite a bit of church music.”
A congregation of more than 1,400 parishioners, Westminster Presbyterian meets in a church building that was constructed in 1968. The church’s stated mission is summed up with three simple words: glorify, nurture and proclaim.
Westminster Presbyterian offers worship services at 8 a.m., 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. every Sunday. In addition, the church offers a nursery, children’s Sunday school, a
youth group, an adult ministry, women’s Bible studies and men’s Bible studies.
“People can spend Reformation Sunday in Lancaster County worshipping God and hearing brandnew music conducted by the composer himself,” said Dodd. “This combination of worship and musical performance is inspiring. We worship with a traditional musical style performed by classically trained musicians who worship through their instruments.”
For additional information about Westminster Presbyterian Church, go to
Discover smart strategies for a smooth transition to your next chapter in life. Our team of experts will educate you about decluttering, planning a manageable move, home upgrades & renovations, and creative financing solutions. Attend our FREE presentation to learn how to downsize without the hassle. We’ve got you covered!
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Who will benefit? Seniors, Caregivers, and families looking for guidance on simplifying the downsizing & moving process.
for Free clinic as part of Come Play Hockey Month.
Starting from 6:30pm to 7:30pm local youth, ages 4 to 9, are encouraged to experience ice hockey for the first time and learn the basic skills in a fun, safe environment. No experience is necessary. Equipment will be provided if needed
Please register at
BREAKOUT MINISTRIES: Senior Pastors Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366
HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: A growing intercultural church that loves God, its neighbors and the world. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am. Located at 451 Habecker Church Rd., Lancaster, PA. Active youth group. All are Welcome! Website:
HIGHLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 500 East Roseville Rd., Lancaster (off Rt. 272 / Oregon Pike). (717) 569-2651 Sunday 10 AM Worship Service, also available online.
LANDIS VALLEY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: 2420 Kissel Hill Road, Lancaster. 717589-6051. SUN. WORSHIP SERVICE 9:30am, Sunday School for all ages 10:45am.Children's Church & Nursery. Handicap Accessible.
SAINT JOHN NEUMANN CATHOLIC CHURCH: 601 East Delp Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601 (Off the Oregon Pike - 3 miles North of Rt. 30 Exit at Oregon Pike). Phone (717) 569-8531; Website: Saturday 2:30 p.m. Reconciliation. Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday 4 p.m. Mass (Inperson & Livestream); Sunday, 7:30 a.m. (In-person), 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.(Inperson & Livestream) Rev. Daniel F.X. Powell.
ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH: 505 Woodcrest Ave., Lititz Ph:717-626-5580 Rev. Stephen D. Weitzel Confessions: Sat. 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm and anytime on request Daily Masses: Tues.-Fri. 9 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 4 pm Sunday Masses: 8:30 am & 10:30 am for livestream Masses
ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH: A Reconciling in Christ (Open & Affirming Congregation). Located at 700 Pleasure Rd.Lancaster. Robin Fero, Pastor. In-person worship: Sat. 5 pm & Sun. 10 am. Online Worship at For more info, call (717) 394-9607, or visit our web site.
TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH: 596 West Newport Rd., Lititz. Are you looking for a Church that preaches from the King James Bible? Helps your family grow spiritually? Enjoys the old-time hymns? Look no further! Sunday School 10am, Sunday Morning Worship 11am, and Sunday Evening Worship 6pm. Wednesday Evening Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 pm. Pastor Wiliam Hamm, Jr. (717) 575-0292.
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
awarded based on academic achievement, leadership and financial need.
Since its inception in 1966, the program has awarded 526 scholarships totaling over $740,000. The scholarship program is funded through the Elmer L. Esbenshade Trust and FHFLC.
“I think the scholarship program is a very important aspect of Farm and Home Foundation because we want to encourage young people to further their educations,” said Spayd. “I think they’re kids who are motivated to learn more and who have a hunger for knowl -
edge. Book knowledge and hands-on knowledge have to go together. The saying ‘it takes a community to raise a family’ is so true. I don’t think you could put a price tag on the whole thing.”
FHFLC, which also supports local 4-H clubs, FFA and community clubs, was established in 1961 by a group of Lancaster County farmers and their wives who were seeking to support agriculture in the community. In 1967, the current Farm and Home Center building was completed.
“I don’t know that the general public knows about
us,” said Spayd. “Maybe those in the local agricultural community do. I don’t think people realize the availability of programs for them there and what the foundation has to offer. We’d like to make more people interested in how their food is being produced and where their food is coming from. So many people think food comes from the grocery store, and they don’t know anything beyond that.”
For additional information about the Farm and Home Foundation of Lancaster County, go to www
The Manheim Township Recreation Department invites the public to a ribbon-cutting event on Saturday, Oct. 26, at noon at the newly created pickleball facility at Overlook Park. The location of the courts is 2240 Basset Drive, Lancaster.
The ribbon cutting marks the completion of a frequently requested amenity in the community. In 2023, Manheim Township received a $250,000 Pennsylvania state grant, thanks to the support of Rep. Steven Mentzer. Manheim Township matched the grant in order to achieve the necessary funds to make this request a reality. Ground was broken in September of 2023.
The eight dedicated pickleball courts were soft launched on Sept. 7. Shortly after, lights were installed, completed, and operational for night play.
has added eight pickleball courts at the Overlook Campus.
Since their opening, the courts have been busy, with players coming from across Manheim Township and surrounding communities. The township invited players of all ages and skill levels to try their hands at pickleball.
The addition of the pickleball courts on the Overlook Campus - which also includes the Overlook Golf Course, Overlook Dog Park,
a disc golf course, baseball and soccer fields, the Manheim Township Public Library, and Destination Playground - continues to provide the community with a variety of leisure and recreational activities in the heart of Manheim Township.
To learn more about the Overlook Pickleball Courts, visit MT-Pickleball-Courts.
Grace Church Lancaster, 911 Rohrerstown Road, Lancaster, will host a Fall Community Day, Trunk or Treat, and car show on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will include free games, free barrel train rides, and a free bounce house for children. Attendees may stop by in costume and pick up candy in the Trunk or Treat area. The local fire company and police force will display vehicles, including a police cruiser. Food and
drinks will be available for purchase, with all proceeds going to the Grace Church Youth Assist Fund to help young people participate in youth events throughout the year. Car show registration will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., or vehicle owners may preregister at www.gracelanc .org/event-info/commu nity-day-car-show-trunk -or-treat-2. Car show awards will be presented at 1:30 p.m., and winners must be present to receive
Admission and registration are free. For more information, contact the church at 717-397-9991 or
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SAT. NOVEMBER 2, 2024 – 10am Real Estate 20 Thornapple Dr. Marietta, PA 17547
THURS. NOVEMBER 7, 2024 – 5pm Real Estate
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SAT. NOVEMBER 16, 2024 – 2pm Real Estate
106 S. President Ave. Lancaster, PA 17603
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Auction For: Thomas B. Deck
SAT. NOVEMBER 16, 2024 – 3pm Real Estate 14 Race Ave. Lancaster, PA 17603 LANCASTER TWP 4 BEDROOM HOME – 0.05 acres –Lancaster SD
Auction For: John Moeller Estate
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A curious student body. A thriving school community. Passionate educators.
When institutions like Lancaster County Christian School (LCCS) have so much to be grateful for, they often desire to express appreciation.
LCCS’ upcoming appreciation breakfast is designed to recognize businesses involved with Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program, which provides essential funding for the school.
“The thing I love about this school is that you can pick up that there’s something more than just learning going on,” said Sandy Outlar, LCCS’ community relations director. “I think
our learning enlivens the lives of our children. Not only do they enjoy their learning, they’re stirred in their hearts.”
LCCS’ annual EITC appreciation breakfast will be served on Friday, Nov. 22, from 7 to 9 a.m. at the Student Life Center on LCCS’ campus, 2390 New Holland Pike, Lancaster. The breakfast will include scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, orange juice and coffee.
Lancaster County Christian School students prepare to engage in an activity.
The event will feature an appearance by United States Congressman Lloyd Smucker, who will deliver an address titled “Federal Policies That Impact Both Businesses and Pennsylvanians.” The appreciation breakfast will also include a question-and-answer session with congressman Smucker.
A tour of LCCS’ facilities will be made available to visitors that day.
The complimentary breakfast is free to attend, but interested individuals are asked to reserve their spots by calling 717-5560711, ext. 213, or by emailing by Sunday, Nov. 10.
“The purpose of the breakfast is to express the depths of our appreciation,” said Outlar. “My favorite part is the participation of our students and their interaction with the speaker. That just delights me. I love seeing our students asking questions of a person who represents our citizenry. I love young people. I love encouraging them and helping them find their gifts.”
LCCS receives regular financial support from about 25 businesses through the EITC program, which allows for the businesses to direct their tax contributions to selected educational institutions and scholarship organizations. About half of LCCS’ 525-member student body receive scholarships, and some students would not be able to afford the school’s tuition without the financial assistance.
LCCS has been serving its appreciation breakfast for 10 years.
“We have amazing support,” said Outlar. “We have formal businesses and people who step up when we roll out a project. But there’s also a reciprocal benefit. We have an entrepreneurial program, which is meant to help students find their gifts. We think our graduates will make good employees.”
LCCS was formed in 2010 when the former Lancaster Christian School and Living Word Academy merged. LCCS employs 120 individuals, about 70 of whom are faculty.
“There are so many private Christian schools (in Lancaster County), and if they joined together, it would provide a better setting. That’s what happened here,” said Outlar. “The coursework and curriculum have expanded, and we’ve improved salaries and benefits (for employees). We want to make sure our school is serving others. We’re constantly asking, ‘How can we help schools that may not be as large as we are?’”
“Over the last years, the school has seen an ongoing growth in the student body,” he continued. “Now, we’re at a point where we’re finding we need to add on to the school. We have maxed out this facility, and ultimately, we’re looking at a building project.”
For additional information about Lancaster County Christian School, go to
Active in recital, oratorio, and opera settings, Seay performs throughout central Pennsylvania and beyond, including concert venues in New York City; Philadelphia; Washington, D.C.; and Europe. He has performed with regional orchestras and opera companies and with internationally acclaimed organist Diane Bish.
Admission is free, and a freewill offering will be received to help continue the concert series. Tea and cookies will be served following the concert.
For more information, call planning committee
from pg 2
chair Giny Mackey at 717-201-8450.
In addition, the church will host its fourth annual Trunk or Treat night on Thursday, Oct. 31. Church members and friends will decorate vehicles and give out candy and treats in the church parking lot from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Last year, candy was provided at 25 vehicles for an estimated 220 kids and about as many family members.
If Manheim Township reschedules its trick-ortreat night due to inclement weather, the church’s event will follow suit.