New park unveiled in Atglen
Aribbon-cutting ceremony was held on July 31 to celebrate the opening of the Atglen Borough Hall Park, which includes a new playground for children to enjoy.
Mayor Darren Hodorovich welcomed those who attended the event, which included representatives from the park’s designers and local and county officials.
“The purpose of building this (park was to create) a gathering place, a place for active play, a place to just sit for a moment and enjoy the inherent qualities of a small town, a place to have conversations and to meet your neighbors and soon a place to access a trail network,” he said.
The park is part of the Enola Low-Grade Trail, which will eventually join the Chester Valley
Trail, providing trail access from Chester County all the way to Philadelphia.
“Since our soft opening at the beginning of July, we have seen many of you and your family stop on the way home from the library, after dinner to let the kids burn off some energy or a place to meet up with some friends,” he added.
“All of this speaks to the fabric of what we call community.”
Hodorovich provided a list of organizations and people who led to the creation of the park, including borough manager Caren Andrews; administrative assistant Chrisi Hahn; Hodorovich’s wife, Sandy, who first thought of the idea to create the park; members of the Atglen Borough Park and Recreation Commission and Borough Council; Peter Johnson and his crew from ThinkGreen, who provided landscaping services; and SALT Design Studio.
Grants to build the park were obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and through the Chester County Community Revitalization Program.
“This park is a testament to the dedication and creativity and commitment of all involved. This is eight years in the making,” Hodorovich stated.
Sara Pevaroff Schuh from SALT Design Studio was on hand at the ribbon-cutting to highlight some of the aspects of the park. She explained that SALT was hired to lead the planning and design process, which included community input.
“People love living here because it’s safe, clean and family-friendly. They wanted new public spaces to reflect sustainability and ecological stewardship,” she stated. “Here it is in full color - the community vision. Children and adults need to
See Atglen park pg 3
Stitching in the Stacks
Needle arts group meets at library
Every Wednesday from 3 to 5 p.m., a group of sewists can be found at the Atglen Public Library
(APL) completing crocheting, knitting and related projects as part of the Stitching in the Stacks program.
Led by library assistant
See Needle arts pg 5

Riding for a Cause
Event to benefit Pennsylvania veterans
The Chester County chapter of the Alliance of Bikers Aimed Toward Education (A.B.A.T.E.) organization will hold its annual bike ride to benefit Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors on Saturday, Aug. 17, beginning and ending at the Parkesburg VFW, 406 W. Fourth Ave., Parkesburg. Registration will be held from 8 to 8:45 a.m., and the ride will begin at 9 a.m. Participants will be asked to pay a registration donation, which will include

lunch after the ride.
Coffee and doughnuts will be provided by the Parkesburg Wawa at the beginning of the ride. “We will travel from VFW Post 4480 in Parkesburg to Post 5892 in Hockessin, Del.,” explained chapter chaplain and event chair Jeff Smack, noting that coffee and fresh baked goods will also be available at the Delaware location. “From there, the group goes to Kennett Square VFW Post 5467, and then we will we weave our way back to Parkesburg, so it’s a big circle.”

See Bike ride pg 4

Mayor Darren Hodorovich cut the ribbon to officially open the new park.
Displaying the projects they are working on are Stitching in the Stacks members (back, from left) Rachel MacDougall, Sue Bowen, (front) Elizabeth Hanley and Jimmie Paradise.
at 2 P.M.

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Community Calendar
Aug. 14. Parkesburg Coffee Klatch
Gabe’s Pizza Place
428 W. First Ave., Parkesburg, 11 a.m.
Attendees will enjoy coffee and fellowship. For more information and a schedule of upcoming events, join the Facebook group “Parkesburg Coffee Klatch Meetups!”
Aug. 14. Kacie’s Cause Support Group
Parkesburg Baptist Church
103 West St., Parkesburg, 7 to 8 p.m. www.facebook.com/KaciesCauseParkesburg
Aug. 15. Narcotics Anonymous
101 E. First Ave., Parkesburg, 5 p.m.
Aug. 18. Church Service, Free Meal, Guest Speaker
New Beginnings Church of the Cross
1 Penn Ave, Christiana. Sunday morning worship will take place at 10 a.m. and then attendees may enjoy a free smorgasbord-style meal. Guest speaker Ari Hauben will present “Seeing the Israel War Through a Biblical Lens.” on Sunday Aug. 24, at 10 a.m.
The church is located between Newport Avenue and Pine Street, two blocks from the light at Route 41 and Pine Creek Drive. www.facebook.com/NewBeginningsCross
Aug. 20. Switch Game Play Club
Atglen Public Library
121 Main St., Atglen, 2 to 3 p.m. Youths age 11 and over are invited to play Nintendo Switch games with others during a supervised program. There will be a variety of games to choose from. Attendees are welcome to bring their own controllers. Register for the program on the events calendar at www.atglenpubliclibrary.org.
Aug. 21. Park Ranger Series
Parkesburg Free Library
105 West St., Parkesburg, 1 p.m.


Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. | PO Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 TOWNLIVELY.COM

Presented by Chester County Park Ranger Emmett Henry, the program will feature a stream study. Attendees will explore the stream and identify insects. Registration is required by stopping at the circulation desk, calling the library at 610-857-5165 or sending the library a Facebook message. www.parkesburglibrary.org/ upcoming-events
The Community Calendar is a weekly feature of the Community Courier. Submit your meeting or event for consideration in writing at least two weeks prior to the event. Email submissions to ffulton@ engleonline.com. For more information, call 800-800-1833, ext. 6018.
Hospice posts auction correction
In Hospice & Community Care’s July 31 postcard regarding the Labor Day Auction, the Auction Club price was incorrectly listed as $100. The correct price is $150.

Atglen park
play, and we hope that this space becomes a multigenerational space where you are meeting your neighbors and meeting people you may not have met otherwise.”
She pointed out that the artifacts that were found during the construction can be viewed in a glass display case at the new park, which also features native plants and shrubs. “One of the things that is unusual about this place is that some of the artifacts that came out of demolition have been preserved. That is what makes this public space unique to your community and not generic,” she said, adding, “There are 55 new trees, more than 2,600 new shrubs, perennials and grasses - all native. Two silver
maples that had to come down are repurposed and are part of a nature play space.”
Also offering remarks at the event were state Sen. Katie Muth; Chester County Commissioner Josh Maxwell; and Dolores Colligan, director of the Chester County Department of Community Development.
Following the remarks, Hodorovich was joined by local children in cutting the ribbon to open the new park.
The park is located across from the Atglen Public Library at the Atglen Borough Hall, 120 Main St., Atglen. For more information about the park and to view photos of the ceremony, search for “Atglen Borough” on Facebook.

ENCOUNTER CHURCH: 300 Hideaway Drive, Quarryville, PA 17566
Sunday Service & Kid's Church held at 8:30 am and 10:45 am. Church e-mail: office@encounterchurchpa.org www.encounterchuchpa.org
Church phone: 717-786-2756
FAITH BIBLE CHAPEL: “Ordinary People
Serving An Extraordinary God.” Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Children’s Service during Pastor’s Message). Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 6:30 p.m. We are located at 140 Bernard Ave., Cochranville. Pastor Scott Althouse 610-593-6333 fbchapel@zoominternet.net
GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH: Dedicated to the serious preaching & teaching of God’s Word. Traditional hymns & praise songs accompanied by guitar. Sunday Service 10:40am. 53 Hurley Rd, Parkesburg, PA 19365. 610-593-7123. www. gracecommunitychurch-parkesburg.com for messages, ministries and directions
HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH: 1 EAST HIGHLAND RD., PARKESBURG PA 19365 610-857-1670 www.highland-bc.org
Sunday Services: Sunday School for all ages 9:30 am, Morning Service 10:45 am (nursery is available), Prayer Service 4 pm Wednesday Youth programs 6:30-8:00 pm. Thursday Ladies Bible Study 10:00 am
IMPACT CHURCH: IMPACTING lives with the Hope of Jesus Christ. Sunday Gatherings at 9 am & 10:30 am. 101 East 1st Ave., Parkesburg. Pastor Mike Bailey. 610-857-3887. Visit us online at WWW.IMPACTPA.CHURCH
LITTLE BRITAIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 255 Little Britain Church Rd., Peach Bottom (between 222 and 272). Sunday School Classes all ages 9:15 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Youth Groups for Elementary, Jr. High and Sr. High, Choir, Bell Choir, Small Groups. Rev. Thomas Milligan, 717-548-2266. Web site: www.littlebritainchurch.org E-mail: lbpc1732@gmail.com Hearing assistance devices.
“Come find spiritual life in Christ for your family.” Cochranville: Rte. 926, halfway between Rte. 41 & Rte. 10. Rev. Daniel Henderson, Pastor. Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am. Fellowship & Refreshments from 10:15-10:35 am. Worship with classes for infantsPre-K at 10:45 am Kidsworship for K5th is held during the sermon time. Youth Group for 6th-12th grades twice a month at 6:30 pm 610-869-2402. www.manorpresbyterian.com
MAPLE GROVE MENNONITE CHURCH: 549 Swan Rd., Atglen. 610-593-6658, Lead Pastor: Mike Clemmer, Music Minister: Matt Chambers. Sunday School 9am, Sunday Worship 10am, Children’s Church, Nursery. Youth Group Wed., 7pm. Christian Preschool. Visit us online at: www.maplegrovemc.com
Shoes & Boots For The Whole Family

MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at www.middleoctorara.org
MT. VERNON CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Growing Deeper, Reaching Farther. 1 Lighthouse Dr, Kirkwood. Pastor Tony Murrin. Sunday School- all ages 9am, Worship 10:00am. Handicap Access. Phone: 717-529-4102. Visit us online at mtvernonchristianchurch.com
Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277 www.parkesburgwordoffaith.org
ROCK CHURCH: A Spirit-filled, Full Gospel Church Family. 32 E. State St in Quarryville. Sunday service at 10am. More info at RockChurchLC.org Phone: 717-847-6872
SANDY HILL COMMUNITY CHURCH : 420 S. Sandy Hill Rd., Coatesville 610-857-3959; www.sandyhill.net. Sunday service: 10:15am; Bible teaching, music; Children’s classes, staffed nursery; Adult classes, 9:15am, Youth Min., Sundays, 5:30-7:30pm. Small Groups. A Friendly, Christ-centered church. Preschool: Enrolling-2 1/2-5 years, 610-857-1922
Where everyone can find a place to belong! 116 Lancaster Pike, Oxford (Rt. 472 at the Rt. 1 bypass ramps). Sunday inperson Holy Communion Service at 10:00 AM, also live-streamed. When people warmly welcome you, you will know you have found a church home where you can come just as you are. The Episcopal Church is Catholic in the way we worship and Protestant in the way we think. You’ll find beautiful music, good preaching, and an inclusive community in which to worship God. YOU BELONG HERE! Check out St. Christopher’s website, YouTube, or Facebook for updates and links. Rev. Dr. Mary Ann Mertz rector@stchrisoxford.org 610-932-8134 www.stchrisoxford.org
UPPER OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (EPC): 1121 Octorara Trail (on Rt. 10 a mile south of Rt. 30), Parkesburg. Christ-centered, Handicapped accessible. Sunday School all ages 9:30 am (Sept-May). Sunday Worship (Blended style) 10:30 am. Adult choir, Youth Group & a variety of adult groups. Dr. Jerry Iamurri, Supply Pastor. (610)857-5787 www.uopc-epc.org Find us on Facebook. Christian Preschool: (610)857-0236

The ride has been held for at least 10 years, according to event organizers. “We average between 50 and 100 motorcycles,” noted chapter coordinator and president Stephen Sinson. He emphasized that the ride benefits Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors, an organization that is not affiliated with the Wounded Warrior Project. “This ride is for PA Wounded Warriors. It is all nonprofit, and 96% of the funds that they raise go directly to wounded veterans. They
help with medical bills, rent and utility bills,” he said.
More information about the organization is available at www .pawoundedwarriors.org.
Sinson noted that every effort is made to keep the riders safe during the event. “Most of the time we stick to smaller roads to avoid traffic,” he stated. “The municipalities help us out. They will block major intersections or us.”
Following the ride, the group

will enjoy a catered lunch by A&J’s Twisted Kitchen.
The Chester County Chapter of A.B.A.T.E. is a nonprofit organization of bikers that has been working to protect motorcyclists’ rights in Pennsylvania since 1983. “Our biggest goal is to promote safety, and we also do a lot with the community,” Sinson said.
“We have other rides that we do. We have a drug awareness ride to benefit Kacie’s Cause and we have a food run every year for Oxford (Area Neighborhood Services Center).”
The chapter has about 125 members, but it is not necessary to
own a motorcycle to join. “We have people who come and participate and help,” said Sinson.
He noted that one of the group’s projects is to post the yellow “Watch for Motorcycles” signs that people may see in the area.
A.B.A.T.E. of Pennsylvania also offers Operation Save A Life, a motorcycle awareness program.
The Chester County chapter meets on the first Sunday of the month at noon at the Parkesburg VFW. Guests are welcome to attend. “We have a close group. Our

Needle arts
Elizabeth Hanley, the group began meeting in the spring of 2022.
Attendees are asked to bring their own projects to the session. During the gathering on July 31, items being made included a crocheted potholder, a knitted washcloth and a crocheted stuffed cow.
“This is a needle arts group,” Hanley said. “We have crocheting,
from pg 1
knitting, hand sewing and spinning. It’s not a teaching group, but if you need some assistance (someone) will jump in.”
Members also enjoy camaraderie and provide critiques and assistance with each other’s projects. “It’s a wonderful, giving, sharing, loving group,” said member Jimmie Paradise. “It’s a place to laugh, have fun and be challenged and pushed outside the box.”
“It’s a place to come and … get inspired and go home and jump into new things,” said Hanley.
“(Needle art) is a great stress relief,” added member Sue Bowen.
The group members also hold regular yarn exchanges as a way to reuse and recycle unneeded yarn, and they bring in handmade items from their families as part of a show-and-tell activity.
The group is currently working to create a mandala, which is a geometrically shaped pattern of symbols. “One of our group projects that we are working on is a crocheted mandala that will be displayed in the library,” noted Hanley. “We are all adding in a section.”
APL is located at 121 Main St., Atglen. For more information or to register for the Stitching in the Stacks group, visit www.atglen publiclibrary.org, choose “Register for Programs” and search for “Stitching in the Stacks.” Those with questions may call 610-593-6848.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2024
3204 Vigilant Street, Gordonville, PA 17529
Approx. 10 miles east of Lancaster on Rt. 30, turn north onto Old Leacock Rd., go approx. ¾ mile on the right. From Rt. 340 turn South on Old Leacock Rd. approx. 1¼ mile on left.
These Items are Expected Plywood, Insulation, truck loads of lumber, all kinds of 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 4x4; lots of 2x4-8; trusses, shingles, nails, treated lumber, truck loads of white pine, various length, cabinets, vanities, various styles & sizes, doors, Dutch lap vinyl siding, interior doors, windows, all kinds of brands expected, paneling, moldings. All kinds of buggies, carts, carriages, spring wagons, & possibly sleighs. And lots & lots more items to numerous to mention.
8:30 A.M. - Crafts & Sporting Goods
9:00 A.M. - Quilts (online and live)
9:00 A.M. - Shrubs 9:30 A.M. - Lawn Furniture 10:00 A.M. - Carriages Carriage Consignment Questions Contact Paul: (717) 490-2092 DONATED ITEMS APPRECIATED ALL OTHER ITEMS SOLD ON COMMISSION FORK LIFTS PROVIDED BY GAP POWER RENTALS, GAP, PA NO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL
Quilt receiving dates are Thursday, August 29th and Friday, August 30th, We will be receiving, building materials, buggies, and other items on Thursday, September 19th and Friday, September 20th. From 7am-7pm. We will have loaders on the grounds Monday, September 23rd and Tuesday, September 24th. No consignments accepted on sale day (LOTS
Bike ride
from pg 4
meetings average between 20 to 45 people. We vote on things and discuss things,” said Sinson.
During the upcoming ride, chapter officers will lead the pack of bikes. “Everyone fans out behind us,” Sinson said. “When you see bikes out in a big group, it’s usually for a cause. We really do have a good time.”
To learn more about Chester County A.B.A.T.E. and the upcoming ride, search for “Chester County ABATE” on Facebook.
Gap Self Storage, LLC Wednesday, August 21, 2024 80 Route 41 Beginning at 10 a.m. Gap, PA 17527 717-442-3030
Gap Self Storage, LLC, in order to satisfy its statutory lien pursuant to 73 P.S. 1901 et seq., will sell at PUBLIC SALE all the personal property stored in its facility, placed by:
Unit #124 stored by: Allen D. King
Unit #113 stored by: Tara Pratt
Gap Self Storage, LLC Wednesday, August 21, 2024 845 Houston Run Drive At conclusion of 10 a.m. Gap, PA 17527 auction listed above 717-442-3030
Gap Self Storage, LLC, in order to satisfy its statutory lien pursuant to 73 P.S. 1901 et seq., will sell at PUBLIC SALE all the personal property stored in its facility, placed by:
Unit #033H stored by: Marlon Miller
Unit #319H stored by: Elijah Robinson
Unit #088H stored by: Frank Nieves
Unit #331H stored by: Robert Valenziano
Unit #227H stored by: Mary F. Hemric
Unit #073H stored by: Jennifer Hatton
Unit #071H stored by: Kimberly Vanwyk
Conditions: All units will be sold by competitive bidding to the highest bidder. Bids will be taken only for each unit in its entirety. Payment must be made by money order, certified check or cash only. No personal checks. All goods must be removed from the unit within 24 hrs. Payment is due immediately upon acceptance of bid. Owner reserves the right to bid at Public Sale, reject any or all bids, and cancel or adjourn the sale. R109468

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LeafFilter, The most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-791-1626
Now providing HARDSCAPING & MASONRY SERVICES! 717-672-1258
Additions, Siding, Replacement Windows & Doors. 15 Yrs Exp. Sylvan Miller - 717-468-2693

Grandfather, Wall, & Mantel Clocks Cleaned, Oiled, Repaired. We Make House Calls! Free Pick-up & Delivery 717-454-7925
JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 8/25/24). Call 1-844826-2535
PAINTING By Triple P Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. FREE ESTIMATES, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089
PAINTING DONE RIGHT Interiors. Exteriors. Detailed clean custom painting services. Res/Com. Refs. PA126393. 717-286-5464
ROOFING ~ Amish Quality 10 yr. workmanship warranty. Lic. & Ins. EDGE VIEW ROOFING, 717-940-0501
SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.
STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.

Tree Trimming & Removal Land/Brush Clearing • Stump Grinding Since 1996 • 717-768-0114
scaping/Hardscaping • Old Fence/Shed Removal • Stone Pads • Light Grading/ Excavating + Firewood. 610-857-2169
A BUYER SEEKS Old Books, Postcards, Photos, COSTUME JEWELRY, Pottery, Antiques, Complete Estates. Call Cara at 610-918-2528 or 484-356-3123
ALWAYS BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com
BUYING UNWANTED HEATING OIL 40¢/ga. - will pick up. 717-587-7315.
CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
DONATE YOUR CAR, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today!
GET A BREAK on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-320-2804 today!
WANTED! MOTORCYCLES & MINI BIKES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com