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Octorara OCTOBER 31, 2018




Leacock Presbyterian Church, 3183 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise, will offer a free hot meal to the community on Thursday, Nov. 8. Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the handicappedaccessible Smith Fellowship Hall. The meal will be an Amish wedding feast, including mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, cranberry sauce, fruit salad, and desserts. Readers may call the church at 717-687-6619. SPECIAL MEETING

Advocating, Collaborating, Educating (ACE) Anti-Human Trafficking Alliance of Oxford will meet at the Oxford Public Library, 48 S. Second St., on Thursday, Nov. 1, at 6:30 p.m. A representative of the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County will share information about the signs of domestic violence, how people may help neighbors or loved ones, and services provided to the community. Copies of the newly published book of poetry “Who Speaks for Them?” by Marie-Louise Meyers will be available for purchase at the meeting. The poems provide insight to the experiences of victims and survivors of abuse and trafficking. For more information, readers may call 610-932-0337. THANKSGIVING DINNER

Penningtonville Presbyterian Church,

West Grove Friends Plan Fundraiser pg 3 Sheriff’s Office Receives Gifts Of Appreciation pg 5

Octorara Teacher, Local Farmers Honored The Chester County commissioners, along with the Agricultural Development Council, recently presented two agricultural awards at Ar-Joy Farms in Cochranville, including the Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award and the Farmers of the Year Award. The event was also a dual celebration of National Farmer’s Day on Oct. 12 and the 30th year of the county’s agricultural award program. Commissioners Michelle Kichline, Kathi Cozzone and Terence Farrell presented the Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award to Charles “Charlie” Graydus, an agricultural mechanics teacher and mentor at Octorara Area High School. Graydus started his teaching career in technical education at the Oxford Area School District in 1993. Six years later, he joined the agricultural mechanics department at Octorara, where he has been encouraging See Agriculture Awards pg 6

Charles Graydus (left photo, left), shown with FFA students from Octorara Area High School, was recently presented with the Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award, and Duane and Marilyn Hershey (right photo) of ArJoy Farms were presented with the Farmers of the Year Award by the Chester County commissioners and the Agricultural Development Council.

Sacred Heart Craft Fair Adds Vendors Teenager Publishes Books To Benefit Animal Rescues By Francine Fulton

Combining her creativity, talent for words and love of animals, Chester County high school student C a r o l i n e Capuzzi, 17, recently published a book, “Dog Joy: Amazing Stories of the Indescribable Love Only a Rescued Dog Can Give.” The book features the stories and photos of 26 dogs that have been adopted through rescue organizations, as well as information a b o u t t h o s e o r g a n i z a tions. One hundred percent of all profits from book sales is being donated to the rescues listed in the book, which include Animal House Project in Pottstown and the Animal Rescue League of Berks County in Birdsboro. See Teenager pg 7


Calico Cutters Quilt Guild (CCQG) will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at 9:30 a.m. at the Goshen Fire Company, 1320 Park Ave., West Chester. Guest speaker Diane Knott will share the secrets and steps she uses for making scrap quilts sparkle. As this month’s charity project, hats, scarves, mittens and gloves will be collected for several local homeless shelters. CCQG also has a Block of the Month, a show-and-tell, and a drawing. Members also create quilts for children and veterans. The meeting is open to guests for a nominal fee. For more information, readers may visit www.calicocutters.com or email calicocutters@gmail.com.

Members of Sacred Heart Parish in Oxford invite the community to the 17th annual Sacred Heart Craft Fair on Nov. 3. The event will feature 75 vendors offering crafts for sale, as well as homemade lunch items and baked goods and a Grannies’ Attic area. By Marcella Peyre-Ferry

The 17th annual Sacred Heart Craft Fair on Saturday, Nov. 3, is slated to be bigger than ever. This year’s event is

expected to have 75 vendors, an increase from 55 at last year’s show, who will offer a huge variety of crafts, art and commercial products for shoppers to peruse. See Craft Fair pg 8

Wedding P

Chester County teenager Caroline Capuzzi, shown with her dog, Stella, recently published a book, “Dog Joy: Amazing Stories of the Indescribable Love Only a Rescued Dog Can Give.” One hundred percent of all profits from book sales is being donated to local animal rescues.




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406 Main St., Atglen, will host its annual Thanksgiving dinner for seniors on Saturday, Nov. 17, at noon. Anyone who is over age 60 or retired is invited to come for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. There is no cost, but attendees are asked to bring a nonperishable food item, if possible, to be donated to the Octorara Area Food Cupboard. Reservations are requested by Saturday, Nov. 10, by calling 610-593-2173.

CLC To Host Fall Fest pg 2

Pick up your FREE guide at your local Turkey Hill

2 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - October 31, 2018

Fall Fest from pg 1 Christian Life Center (CLC), 125 Saginaw Road, Lincoln University, will present a Fall Fest, featuring an indoor craft fair and children’s activities, on Saturday, Nov. 3, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The day will also include a 5K run and 3K walk, a children’s fashion show and an opportunity to win a handmade quilt. The “Many Hands Marketplace” craft fair will feature more than 40 craft vendors offering demonstrations all day. Activities for youths will include face painting, a moon bounce, carnival games and a photo booth. Food trucks will be on-site. According to CLC member Will Wallace, nearly 1,000 people attended the Fall Fest last year. He added that the event takes place in the church narthex. “We have a huge gathering area outside the sanctuary,” he stated. “There is a café area and open stage, so we are able to put all the vendors indoors. We will utilize the Kidz Zone, which is the youth wing of the

take place at 11 a.m. in the Kidz Zone. “All the clothes in the fashion show were handmade by the children and people in the church,” noted Wallace. Children will model the handmade clothes, which will be part of the Christmas gifts distributed by Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian relief organization, through its Operation Christmas Child program. Donations of new and handmade children’s clothes can be dropped off at the CLC lobby during the Fall Fest. No used clothes will be accepted. Items for boys and for 2- and 3-year-olds are especially needed. Those who visit the craft fair will have an opportunity to purchase tickets to win a 70-by-57-inch Star quilt valued at $350 and donated by the Avon Grove Quilters. Piecing was done by Nancy Byers, the longarm quilting was completed by Diane Kinney and the binding was done by Carole Vincignerra. Fabric was donated by Jane Ross and Cheryl Kusko. The Avon Grove Quilters meet Monday mornings at

church, which has an auditorium, for the fashion show.” CLC’s Outbreak Youth Ministry will sponsor its sixth annual 5K run and 3K walk at 9 a.m., as well as a free Kids’ Fun Run at 8:30 a.m. for children age 12 and under. Proceeds will benefit El Centro Youth Center and School, founded by CLC missionaries Peter and Nadia Odulano in one of Guatemala City’s poorest neighborhoods. Last year, 70 run and walk participants raised more than $2,000. The church’s Outbreak Youth Ministry conducts annual mission trips to El Centro to make building improvements, distribute food, help with the day camp and orphanage, assist with outreach to the homeless, hold worship services and more. To register for the 5K or 3K, individuals may visit www.runthe day.com/register/detail/el-centro -5k2. Same-day registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. Participants will receive medals, T-shirts and refreshments. A children’s fashion show will

Bazaar To Support Fire Company A Christmas bazaar will be held at Kinzer Fire Hall, 3521 Lincoln Highway East, Kinzers, on Saturday, Nov. 10, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The bazaar

gourds and crocheted items. The event is being hosted by Chapel Hill Forge. Vendor fees, along with proceeds from food sales, will benefit the fire company.

will feature signs, jewelry, clothes, books, decor, soaps, candles, blacksmith goods, horseshoe art, desserts, candies, makeup, canvas paintings,

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Pictured on front:

Those who visit the Fall Fest and craft fair at Christian Life Center on Nov. 3 will have an opportunity to purchase tickets to win this Star quilt donated by the Avon Grove Quilters.

Fire Company Sets Breakfast Kinzer Fire Company, 3521 Lincoln Highway East, Kinzers, will hold a benefit breakfast on Saturday, Nov. 3. Breakfast will be served from 6 to 10 a.m. Breakfast items will include dried beef gravy, eggs, hash browns, French toast, pancakes, bacon, sausage, fresh fruit, doughnuts, and more. For details, call 717-442-4121.

Church Slates Women’s Gathering

12 Pk. Jumbo Rolls

Christian Life Center’s Outbreak Youth Ministry will sponsor its sixth annual 5K run and 3K walk on Nov. 3 at the church’s campus in Lincoln University. Proceeds will benefit El Centro Youth Center and School, founded by CLC missionaries in Guatemala City.

Stumptown Mennonite Church, 2813 Stumptown Road, Bird-in-Hand, will host the third annual Women’s Regional Gathering on Saturday, Nov. 3, from 9 a.m. to noon. The gathering will feature 10 different workshops. Women of all ages are welcome to attend, and no preregistration is required. Child care will be provided for a fee per child. To register children for child care, readers may call the church at 717-6567878 by Thursday, Nov. 1. More information about the gathering is available at https://stumptown.church/get -connected/wrg/.

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the CLC and donate most of their projects to Quilts of Valor and Family Promise Keepers. They also make pillowcases for children’s hospitals. In addition to El Centro, CLC’s Fall Fest will benefit UrbanPromise in Wilmington, Del., an organization that helps equip children and young adults with skills for academic achievement, life management and personal growth. CLC is located between Route 896 and State Road in Lincoln University (New London). More details, including a list of crafters and a complete schedule of events, are available at www.clcfallfest.com For more information, readers may call 610-869-2140 or visit www.clcfamily.church or www.face book.com/CLCFamily.church.


By Francine Fulton

COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition -


Meet And Greet Goldens Planned adoption. Staff will be on hand to answer questions, and food will be available for purchase. There is no admission charge. Photography is not permitted at the event. For more information, readers may call 717-484-4799 or visit www.dvgrr.org and look under Events.


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West Grove Friends will hold a fundraising sale and silent auction on Nov. 3 and 4. Proceeds will be used to purchase a generator for a surgical clinic in Haiti run by Dr. Patrick Jeudy (left). The Friends became familiar with Jeudy through Alyce Denver (right), clerk of meeting, who has traveled to Haiti three times and was part of a team that raised money for the clinic to be built.

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Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue (DVGRR) will hold its monthly Meet and Greet the Goldens on Saturday, Nov. 10, from 10 a.m. to noon at its Golden Gateway facility, 60 Vera Cruz Road, Reinholds. The public is invited to meet and greet the golden retrievers and other dogs available for

the city had power when she visited. “Patrick took me and my husband on a tour around Haiti and a visit to the national power plant,” she said, explaining that power can go out for days and weeks at a time. “Consequently, during surgery, a generator has to be ready for use at a moment’s notice. The current generator is old and is also beginning to fail. The need for a new one A fundraiser will be held by West Grove Friends on Nov. 3 and is critical,” she said. She added that Jeudy has locat- 4, with proceeds being used to purchase a generator to power ed a generator large enough to Clini-Med II (above), a surgical clinic located in Haiti. power the entire Clini-Med II, but its cost is close to $25,000. “In order to raise that much money, we at West Grove Friends decided to host the fundraising event,” Denver said. “Every penny raised will go to toward the generator.” West Grove Friends Meeting is located at 153 E. Harmony Road, West Grove. For more information about the fundraiser, readers may contact Denver at alycet denver@yahoo.com. Information about the Meeting can be found at www.westgrovequakers.org.


West Grove Friends will hold a fundraising sale and silent auction on Saturday, Nov. 3, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 4, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Proceeds will be used to purchase a generator for Clini-Med II, a surgical clinic in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, run by Dr. Patrick Jeudy. In addition to the sale, which will take place in the social room, the public is invited to attend Sunday worship at the meetinghouse at 10 a.m. on Nov. 4. After a few minutes of silent meditation, Jeudy will show pictures of Portau-Prince and speak about the current situation in Haiti, eight years after an earthquake devastated that country. Among the many items for sale during the weekend will be fine art by well-known watercolorist Terri Morse; a print by master wood block printer Dan Miller, a professor at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; original wood designs by wood crafter Larry Denver; crafts; household and garage sale items; baked goods; homemade jams, jellies and apple butters; antiques; and musical instruments, including a hammered dulcimer. Silent auction items will include certificates for a gluten-free baking lesson; four yoga lessons; story time by Bill Wood, a professional storyteller; a private tour for a group of up to 20 at Gnome Countryside in Kirkwood; a pie a month for a year; three hours of knitting lessons for a beginner knitter; and more. “Dr. Jeudy will be here for the

entire weekend and is looking forward to meeting community members and sharing what life is like in Haiti,” said Alyce Denver, clerk of meeting. Denver, who is part of a team that raised the money to build the surgical facility, first became familiar with Jeudy in March of 2010 while he was being interviewed on a radio station. “I emailed the radio station requesting Dr. Jeudy’s contact information. He and I began emailing back and forth,” she explained. “In May, he was at my home.” In the emails and during his visit, Dr. Jeudy discussed plans to build a two-story, 14-bed surgical center in Port-au-Prince. “We quickly arranged for a small fundraising event the weekend (of his visit),” Denver recalled. “We hoped to raise $10,000, and we sent him home with $9,600.” Denver visited Haiti in the summer of 2011. “We took teams of contractors and college students to clean up the original clinic, which had been damaged in the earthquake,” she explained. “Later that summer, they broke ground and began the building process (for the surgical clinic).” The surgical center, completed three years later, now operates 24/7 with a rotating staff of doctors and nurses. “Last year we were able to raise the money to send a container from Project Cure filled with medical equipment and supplies for the clinic,” Denver noted. Denver’s most recent trip to Haiti was in May of 2017, which, she noted, was the only time that


Fundraiser from pg 1 By Francine Fulton

October 31, 2018 - 3

4 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - October 31, 2018

Community Events

Saturday, November 3 Doors open at 5:30 P.M. Games start at 6:30 P.M. $

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December 15 - Craft Show CRAFTERS NEEDED Contact Tonya at 610-470-1353


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Jennersville. TOPS Meeting TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), a nonprofit weight-loss support group, will meet on Tuesday, Oct. Nov. 6 (and every Tuesday), at the Oxford Senior Center, 12 Locust St., Oxford. Weigh-in will be at 6 p.m.; the meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS

meeting free of charge. For more information, contact Joyce at 410-375-5629. Veteran’s Breakfast A veteran’s breakfast will be held on Saturday, Nov. 10, from 7 to 10 a.m. at the Oxford Area Senior Center, 12 E. Locust St., Oxford. Any veteran and one guest are welcome to attend. For more information or to volunteer, contact Clarissa Sherrow at 484-645-4513.


Holy Ghost Ukrainian Orthodox Church 392 Charles Street, Coatesville, PA 19320

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line dance and swing to the jitterbug and two-step. She will teach an assortment of popular line dances such as the Electric Slide, Cha Cha, Tush Push, Boot Scootin’ Boogie, and more. There is a per-person cost per class. To register, contact the OASC at 610-9325244 or oxsrctr@zoominternet.net. More information is available at www.oxford seniors.org. Gift Shop The Ten Thousand Villages Gift Shop will be open on First Fridays, Nov. 2, from 5 to 8 p.m. and Dec. 7, from 5 to 9 p.m., at Oxford Presbyterian Church, 6 Pine St., Oxford. The shop will also be open on Saturdays and Sundays, Nov. 3 to Dec. 16, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The gift shop is located in Room 206. All items available in the gift shop are fair trade products. Proceeds will benefit craftspeople in more than 33 countries. For more details, call 610-932-9640. Oxford author Iris Gray Dowling will be present to sign copies of her books, which have been on display in the shop, on Nov. 2 and Dec. 7. Food Tasting Shiloh Presbyterian Church (SPC) will present “Experience a Food Tasting in Oxford” in the cafeteria at the Oxford Area High School, 705 Waterway Road, Oxford, on Saturday, Nov. 3, from 2:30 to 5 p.m. Doors will open at 1:30 p.m. In addition to the food tasting, the event will include crafts, vendors, door prizes, and live music. For more details or tickets, call SPC at 610-932-9256. More information is also available by searching for “Shiloh Presbyterian Church” on Facebook and choosing “Events.” Proceeds will benefit the church Community Outreach Center programs. Potpie Dinner The Chester-Delaware Pomona Grange #3 will present an all-you-can-eat chicken potpie dinner on Saturday, Nov. 3, from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Russellville Grange Hall, located at 245 Old Limestone Road, Oxford. The menu will include chicken potpie, coleslaw, applesauce, rolls, iced tea, coffee, water and desserts. There will be a special price for children. Takeouts will be available, and the public can purchase quarts of chicken potpie to take home. For further information, visit www.grange.org/chesterdelawarepa3 or contact Terry Murray at terrymurray46 @yahoo.com. Historical Society Members of the Sadsbury Township Historical Society will meet on Monday, Nov. 5, at 7 p.m. in the Sadsbury Township Municipal Building, 2920 Lincoln Highway, Sadsburyville. The doors will open at 6:45 p.m. Guest speaker Jim Christ will present “Remember Paoli (the Paoli Battlefield).” He is vice president of the Paoli Battlefield Preservation Fund. Visitors are welcome, and admission is free. Light refreshments will be served after the program. For more information, call 717-4429240 or search for “Sadsbury Township Historical Society” on Facebook. Ham Supper The 65th annual Avon Grove Lions Club ham supper will take place on election night, Tuesday, Nov. 6, at the Chester County Technical College High School (TCHS), 280 Pennock’s Bridge Road, West Grove. Dinner will be served from 6 to 8 p.m.; takeout orders will be available from 5 to 6 p.m. Containers will be provided. Separate ticket prices have been set for adults and for children age 12 and under. Tickets may also be purchased at the door or from current Lions Club members. For more information, visit www.aglions.com. The TCHS is located off Route 796, south of

TURKEY RAFFLE 15 Turkeys To Raffle



The Community Calendar is a weekly feature of the Community Courier. Local clubs, civic organizations, nonprofit agencies, schools, etc., that would like to have events or meeting date information published, should contact the Community Courier in writing at least two weeks before the event. No items will be accepted over the phone. Send news releases to Engle Publishing Company, Community Courier, P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552. Calendar items can also be emailed to ffulton@ engleonline.com. Avon Grove Seniors The Avon Grove Seniors will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 31, at 10 a.m. at the West Grove Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 139 W. Evergreen St., West Grove. The program will be about Apprise insurance and changes in Medicare. For more information, call 610-255-4477. Everyone is welcome. Line Dancing The Oxford Area Senior Center (OASC), 12 E. Locust St., Oxford, will present line dancing lessons on Fridays, Nov. 2, 16, and 30, and Dec. 14 and 21, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Additionally, classes will be offered on Tuesdays, Nov. 13 and 27 and Dec. 4 and 18, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Instructor Shirley Mackey has more than 23 years of dance experience ranging from

Saturday, Nov. 10 • 6 P.M. 610-593-2142 214 S. Bridge. St.,

Christiana Fire Company 610-593-2142

Christiana, PA


COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition -

Your Hometown Butcher

received treats as well. The annual Fall Back on Us campaign requires months of planning, including calls to the various offices to get a head count so that no one is left out. Raughley said a group of approximately 30 bakers lent their talents to creating this year’s bounty. In 2016, Cookies for a Cop’s name was changed to Cookies for a Cop and Our Fire Friends, and Raughley expanded the local program to include firefighters. Like many of the bakers, Raughley has strong ties to first responders. Her son is a third-generation law enforcement officer who is also

married to a police officer. For more information on the Cookies for a Cop program, readers may contact its founder, Becky Grizovic, at becky@cookiesforacop .com or visit https://cookiesfora cop.com/. The 2018 schedule includes deliveries to more than 700 departments in 26 states and two countries.

Order Your Fresh Turkey For Thanksgiving Now!

Pictured on front:

Members of the Chester County Sheriff’s Office, including Sheriff Carolyn Bunny Welsh (second from left) and a few K-9 officers, received gifts from Debi (second from right) and David Raughley (far right), volunteers for the local Cookies for a Cop initiative.

Taking Orders For Our Delicious Pies, Too.


Gifts Of Appreciation from pg 1 The Chester County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) recently received a delivery of food as part of the Cookies for a Cop initiative to express appreciation for members of law enforcement. On Oct. 16, volunteers Debi Raughley and her husband, David, delivered multiple boxes of homemade cookies, pretzels, and dog treats to the CCSO. In Chester County, Raughley and her group planned to serve 30 police and fire agencies during this year’s campaign, which took place from Oct. 15 to 19. If the first responders groups include any four-legged officers, they

October 31, 2018 - 5

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Also, BSN Sports tied Cosmos 00. BSN Sports’ Thor DiCicco played well on offense, while James Williams helped make good moves on goal. Tyler Bowman, Ethan Lebo and Dylan Doyle were key on defense, and Amarvir Gill had good saves in goal. The Cosmos (Newark Parks and Recreation) were led on defense by Chase and Sydney and on offense by Anthony, Lucas, Morgan and Jazz. In the Girls’ Elementary Division, John Gallen Photographer tied Yerkes Insurance 1-1. John Gallen Photographer’s goal was

scored by Molly Chance, Emma McAfee was good in goal and Kim Rose was the key defensive player. Yerkes Insurance’s scorer was Taylor Wright, with excellent hustle by Lila McCauley, Brooklyn Cooper and Miranda Todd and key defensive plays by Annie Kilcur. In the Mixed Senior Division, Nowland Associates Contractors tied First Baptist Church Kennett Square 1-1. Billy McAfee scored for First Baptist Church Kennett Square, with midfield led by Ava Aldana and Krish Kochhar; great saves in goal by Aydin Fischer; key

offensive plays by Mike Shatley, Luke Spatafora and Isaac Rose; and key defensive plays by Warren Simms, Keira Ollis and Brandon McAfee. Nowland Associates Contractors’ goal scorer was Tejvir Gill, with Colin Zern strong on offense; Genalyn Mason, Sophia D’Isabella, Joseph D’Isabella and Xavier Reith good on both offense and midfield play; Milos Stevens, Griffith Swezey, Spencer Laswow and Jasmeet Gill strong on defense; and Kyalami Swezey excellent in goal.

The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, 300 Gap Road, Strasburg, will honor American railroads and the U.S. military, including service men and women, at the 19th annual Trains and Troops weekend event on Saturday, Nov. 3, and Sunday, Nov. 4. The Red Rose Veterans Honor Guard will present the colors at 11 a.m. on Nov. 3 and at 1 p.m. on Nov. 4. The Lampeter-Strasburg Community Band will perform a repertoire of Americana and patriotic music on Nov. 3 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Lancaster Trombone Quartet will perform on Nov. 4 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. A 1940s swing dance, featuring the Moonlighters big band, will be held at the museum on Nov. 3 from

7 to 10 p.m. During the event, an array of military and military railroad service-related vehicles, uniforms, equipment, field gear, maps, books, photographs, memorabilia and collectibles will be on display from participating exhibitors, as well as items from the museum’s archives. Attendees also will encounter military, civilian and railroad living history re-enactors from various eras. Representatives of approximately 30 groups and displays are scheduled to be present for the weekend. Trains and Troops activities are included in the regular museum admission. The 1940s swing dance will feature separate admission, and advance tickets are available at www.eventbrite.com. Proceeds

from the events will benefit the nonprofit Friends of the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania. The museum will accept new and unwrapped toys, books and games on behalf of children who benefit from the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania is home to a collection of 100 historic locomotives and railroad cars, a number of which are open to explore. Visitors also will be able to experience Steinman Station passenger depot, the 1915 street scene exhibit, the Stewart Junction hands-on railway education center and the museum store. For more infomation, readers may visit www.rrmuseumpa.org or call 717-687-8628.

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Trains And Troops Event Slated



AGRA Announces Soccer Results The Avon Grove Recreation Association (AGRA) has announced the results of its fifth week of soccer play. In the Mixed Elementary Division, Falcons beat Oxford Plumbing and Heating 1-0, with Andy scoring the goal, Meghan playing goalie and Natalia named player of the game for the Falcons (Newark Parks and Recreation). Oxford Plumbing and Heating’s offense was led by Dan Olivere and Denton Hallman leading the way, and Johnny Aldana had several key defensive plays.


Debi Raughley (left) greeted Chester County Sheriff Carolyn Bunny Welsh (middle), Deputy Sheriff William Rosenbaum, and his partner, K-9 Cairo.

John F. Martin

Off The Bone Ham O




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Deputy Sheriff David Reeves (left) and Sheriff Carolyn Bunny Welsh displayed some of the treats they received as part of the Cookies for a Cop program.

6 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - October 31, 2018

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monthly column for Hoard’s Dairyman, serves on the National Dairy and Research Promotion Board and is chair of Dairy Management Inc., the nation’s dairy check-off board for research and promotion. Duane serves on the national board of Land O’Lakes, the memberowned dairy cooperative that processes Ar-Joy Farms’ milk into butter, chocolate and fluid milk. Additionally, Duane and Marilyn regularly open their farm to visiting agricultural delegations and accept speaking engagements to help educate the public about the importance of dairy. For more information about the Chester County Ag Council and the awards program, readers may visit www.chesco.org/agdev. Celebra ti 30 Year ng In Busin s ess

While Supplies Last

3186 Strasburg Road, Coatesville, PA 19320

surplus, which the Hersheys sell back to the electric company. The digester also produces additional byproducts, including sterile bedding material for the farm’s cows and an odorless liquid fertilizer, which is spread onto the crop fields. In addition to running the 800-cow milking operation and raising crops on approximately 550 acres, the Hersheys operate their own milk hauling company in partnership with fellow dairy farmers Walt and Ellen Moore of Walmoore Holsteins. Off the farm, Duane and Marilyn are advocates for the dairy industry at the local, state and federal levels. Marilyn, who received the 2017 Dairy Woman of the Year recognition by the World Dairy Expo, writes a

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locally and nationwide. Although methane digesters are a more common sight on farms throughout Europe, the Hersheys’ digester is one of a handful in Pennsylvania. The Hersheys use the digester to convert cow manure, snack chip waste from a local potato chip company and used frying oil from area restaurants into methane gas, which is then burned to generate energy. The digester produces enough energy to power the farm and provide a


state level every year. Graydus also teaches a multi-day tractor and farm safety class for teenagers, sponsored by the Chester Delaware County Farm Bureau. In these roles, he has helped thousands of high school students develop their potential for leadership, personal growth and career success in the agricul-

students to be their best and get involved in agriculture, regardless of whether or not they have grown up on a farm, for nearly the past two decades. Complementing his work as a teacher, Graydus has also served as the adviser for the school’s FFA chapter. Students from Octorara FFA win awards at the

ture industry and beyond. Graydus and his wife, Carla, also raise a small herd of black Angus beef cattle and champion pumpkins at Hidden Well Farm in Elverson. The 2018 Farmers of the Year Award was presented to dairy farmers Duane and Marilyn Hershey of Ar-Joy Farms in Cochranville for the installation of cutting-edge methane digester technology on their farm, as well as for their advocacy work on behalf of the dairy industry both


Agriculture Awards from pg 1

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COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition -

Check Out These New Boots for Women!

Teenager from pg 1

genuine leather.... a walkable low heal.... These will be your favorites! Try a pair on today! WFX-065L WFX-005L

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Proceeds from Caroline Capuzzi’s book, “Dog Joy: Amazing Stories of the Indescribable Love Only a Rescued Dog Can Give,” are being donated to animal rescues featured in the book. Caroline recently donated $400 to Stray Network Animal Rescue. Caroline said that her next endeavor is to help rescue organizations publish their own books as a fundraiser. “If any rescues or shelters want to make their own rescue-specific books, they can do that through us,” she added. Caroline, a senior at B. Reed Henderson High School in West Chester, plans to attend college after high school graduation to major in journalism. “I used to write my own stories, but (I had

Friends Group Plans Bus Trip There is a cost for bus transThe bus will depart the library, The Friends of the Moores Memorial Library in Christiana located at 9 W. Slokom Ave., portation. For more information will host a bus trip to New York Christiana, at 6:30 a.m. and or to register, readers may call return at approximately 9:30 p.m. the library at 610-593-6683. City on Saturday, Dec. 8.

SPECIALS IN EFFECT NOW WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Plainvine Farms Frozen Young Turkeys (Packed Dec. 2017)...............................13 Lb., Lb. 99¢ Kraft Cool Whip (Dec. 2018) (Pack of 4 - $3.50) ........................................................................8 Oz. 99¢ Marzetti Cream Cheese Fruit Dip (Oct. 2018) ............................................................... 8 Oz. 99¢ Almond Breeze Almond Milk (Fresh - Reg. $3.59) ...................................................64 Oz. $2.79 Weaver’s Snack Sticks Ends & Pieces (Fresh) ..................................................Bulk, Lb. $2.99 Highland Farms Pork Snack Sticks (Oct. 2018) ....................................................12 Oz. $2.99

1620 Cambridge Rd., Honey Brook, PA 19344 • (610) 273-2990 Monday-Thursday 8-5; Friday 8-8; Saturday 8-2; Sunday Closed

given that up),” she added. “Coming up for the idea with the book brought that back into my life the passion of writing.” Those who would like to learn how to publish their own Dog Joy book or those who would like to order the book may visit www.DogJoyBooks.com. For more information, readers may email mike@dogjoybooks.com or caroline@dogjoybooks.com or visit www.facebook.com/dogjoybook.


Crafters Sought For Christmas Market Weaverland Mennonite Church, 210 Weaverland Valley Road, East Earl, is seeking crafters for the second annual Christmas Market on Saturday, Nov. 17. The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All the proceeds will go to the Weaver family and the family’s ministry to refugees in Eastern Europe. Crafters may register by visiting https://goo.gl/forms/ eTCcZmawuSdgRx3O2.

Please call our office when yyour arrives later than Wednesday.

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Snyder’s Mild Cheddar Baked Crackers (Sept. 2018) ..............................................5 Oz. 79¢


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Jet Puffed Mini Marshmallows (Oct. 2018) ....................................................................10 Oz. 69¢

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clients to submit stories about their rescue dogs,” Caroline explained. “We were expecting only 20, but 25 got back to us. They emailed (the stories), and I proofread them.” In addition to the 25, the Capuzzi family dog, Stella, is featured in the first chapter. Stella was adopted from Greenmore Farm Animal Rescue in West Grove. Also featured in the book is Cado, who was adopted by Marybeth Yannessa, board president of Animal House Project, which operates the Chester County Pet Food Pantry, where Caroline and her dad volunteer. Cado was rescued after being left in a cardboard box outside a farm in rural Georgia along with other newborn puppies. After collecting the stories and photos, Caroline designed the cover and came up with the title. “ We finalized the cover, the dimensions of the book, the colors and the title, and I proofed everything a second time and we sent it to the printer,” she said. She shared that she enjoyed reading about the dogs in their owners’ words. “They are all so different. All the dogs came from different backgrounds,” she noted. “Some people wrote about their dog’s passing. That brought me to tears.”

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To date, at total of more than $2,500 has been donated to several of the rescues featured in the book. Caroline also donated copies of “Dog Joy” to rescue and shelter organizations featured in the book so that they may sell them at events and keep 100 percent of the proceeds. So far, the rescues have received $971 worth of books. Caroline, the daughter of Mike and Becky Capuzzi of West Chester, explained that the idea to publish a book came about this summer when she and her father were discussing activities she could take part in during her break from school in addition to working in the kennel at a local veterinary hospital. “I have been working in the kennel for a year and half, and I love dogs,” Caroline recalled. “My dad and I were brainstorming ideas for a project that I could do on the days I didn’t work so I could do something productive over the summer. We came up with an idea of doing a fundraiser for dog rescues and making a book about it to spread awareness and inspire people to adopt their next pet from a rescue.” The stories featured in the book are from real pet owners in the community. “My dad has his own business, and he asked his

October 31, 2018 - 7

8 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - October 31, 2018

MOPC Slates Bazaar, Shoebox Gifts Collection

Middle Octorara Presbyterian Church will host a holiday bazaar on Nov. 3 and collect Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts from Nov. 12 to 19. With Christmas less than two months away, the congregation of Middle Octorara Presbyterian Church (MOPC) is preparing for the holiday season with a bazaar and Operation Christmas Child (OCC). The annual holiday bazaar will be held on Saturday, Nov. 3, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the church, 1199 Valley Road, Quarryville. Ten vendors are expected to offer a variety of crafts and other items for purchase. The kitchen will be busy, with the menu containing breakfast sandwiches, lunch sandwiches, vegetable beef soup, and baked goods. Soft pretzels will be offered at the bazaar for the first time this year. The proceeds from the bazaar will be used to support local and worldwide

missions. “It’s just a fun day to get out with a friend, bring in the holiday season, and enjoy good food and fellowship,” said MOPC member Boni Henry. The bazaar has taken place for more than a quarter-century, Henry estimated, but she can say for sure that this is the 10th year that MOPC has served as a collection point for OCC shoebox gifts. Community members have dropped off more than 16,000 boxes in the past nine years, and MOPC members pack between 80 and 100 boxes each year. This year, the congregation will work together on Sunday, Nov. 11, during the Sunday school hour to fill containers for OCC.

OCC is a project of Samaritan’s Purse. It collects shoeboxes filled with gifts and delivers them to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way. To participate, folks may choose a shoebox-sized container, either cardboard or plastic, and fill it with school supplies, toys, and hygiene items except toothpaste or liquids. Candy, gum, and war-related items may not be included. If a plastic box is used, the recipient’s family might use it for their daily food and water supplies. Instructional brochures are available by calling Samaritan’s Purse at 800-353-5949 or visiting www.samaritanspurse.org. Packed shoeboxes may be dropped off

at MOPC during National Collection Week, which will take place from Monday, Nov. 12, to Monday, Nov. 19. Gifts will be received from 8 to 10 a.m. on Nov. 12; from 3 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 13 and 14; from 8 to 10 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 15; from 3 to 6 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 16; from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Nov. 17; from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 18; and from 8 to 10 a.m. on Nov. 19. Donors are asked to drop off their boxes only during the designated hours, as that is when volunteers will be available. For information or questions, readers may call Henry or her husband, Dan Henry, at 717-808-4534 or the church at 717-786-3402.

handmade soaps, children’s items, holiday décor, garden art, cutting boards and more. Many vendors will be returning favorites, joined by others with new items to offer. One of the first-time groups will be Sacred Heart Parish’s new sewing group, which will have fabric items on display and for sale. To allow for more vendor areas, the children’s games section has been eliminated this year, but other favorite features will remain, including the

popular Grannies’ Attic. The indoor yard sale of items donated by parishioners will contain a wide variety of economically priced items of all kinds. Shopping can build up an appetite. For early shoppers, there will be a limited quantity of doughnuts and other breakfast items to start the day. Lunch will be available from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The menu will include pulled pork sandwiches, chili, tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, hot dogs, chips and

beverages. Visitors may eat lunch on-site or purchase a 24-ounce container of chili or tomato soup to take home. Anyone with a sweet tooth will want to check out the bake table and sweet shop, where they will find cakes, bread, cupcakes, fudge, chocolate-covered treats and more. “(The sweet shop) will include items that are baked by our parishioners and put on a nice display (and) served on pieces that can also be purchased, such as plates and platters and things like that,” Kelly said. “It’s going to include whole cakes and breads as well as single-serve items people can purchase.” Funds from the bake table and sweet shop will go to Hearts on Fire, the Sacred Heart Church youth group organized to bring together youths in the sixth- to 12th-grade age range with activities and events. The craft fair is organized by the Sacred Heart of Jesus Council, Knights of Columbus, Ladies Auxiliary. “It takes a lot of work and planning up front, but we always bring it together,” Kelly said. “Look for us in our blue shirts. We’d be happy to help you out if you have any questions during our event.” Proceeds from the event will assist needs of the parish. Last year, funds helped with the cost of replacing a restaurant-size refrigerator at the Sacred Heart Catholic School. For more information, readers may email shcraftfair@ zoom.email or search for “Sacred Heart Parish” on Facebook and choose Events.

Craft Fair from pg 1 Set to be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Sacred Heart Catholic School, located at 205 Church Road, Oxford, this year’s craft fair has expanded beyond the gymnasium, where it has been set up in the past. “ We have expanded down the hallway in the school so we could add more vendors and items to the fair,” committee member Cheryl Kelly said. “Come early to get the best pick of items. I’m very excited about the event.” Vendors will offer jewelry,

Nice Smoked $ FREE DELIVERY - $100 OR MORE Lb. 3 Lb. Hams, 10 Lb. Case FREE 24 lb. Case of Vanilla Yogurt w/$200 Order Nice Sliced Turkey Breast $ Lb. FREE 1 Case of Ham & Cheese Sandwiches or 6 lb. Mozzarella Cheese w/$300 Order! For Dinners, 9 Lb. Case Nice Sliced Bacon Ends .................................... 12 lb. case 99¢ lb. Very Nice Spareribs or Boneless Pork Loin ...30 lb. avg. $1.29 lb. Whole Chicken Legs ........................................ 40 lb. case 69¢ lb. Tyson Lean Ground Beef.................................60 lb. case $1.99 lb. Very Nice Fish Fillets, uncooked .................. 30 lb. case $2.19 lb. Seltzer’s Sliced Sweet Bologna.......................16/12 Oz. $2.99 lb. Nice Sliced Honey Smoked Ham ..................... 12 lb. case 99¢ lb. Reg. Ritz Crackers & Snack Bags ............................... $7.99 case Reg. Butter Qtrs. ............................................ 18 lb. case $2.99 lb. Hatfield Pure Lard ....................................... 5 gallon pail $1.69 lb. Oscar Mayer All Meat Hot Dogs ..... 12 lb. case 99¢ lb.; with Cheese $1.29 lb. Nice Quality Paper Towels ............................ 30 in a case 99¢ ea. Smokie Sausages ............................................... 10.5 lb. $1.29 lb. Sliced American Cheese .............................. 20 lb. case $2.19 lb. Breaded Cooked Chicken Nuggets ............... 20 lb. case $1.29 lb. Very Good Pork BBQ Fully Cooked ...................... 4-5 lb. $1.99 lb. Cinnamon Crispy Rice Cereal ............................12/15 oz. 99¢ ea. Snack Size Chips .................................................large case $7.99 Very Nice Breaded Chicken Breast Fillets ....... 10 lb. case $1.59 lb. Nitrate Free 15 Lb. Bulk Sliced Bacon ............................ $1.59 lb. Scrapple - Pork or Turkey ..................................................89¢ lb. Whole Deli Hams ....................................................5/10 lb. 99¢ lb. Cream Cheese ................3 lb. bar $2.09 lb. 10-3 lb. bars $1.89 lb. Boneless, Skinless Bulk Chicken Breast....... 40 lb. case $1.29 lb. Nice Cheesecakes (Reg. $35) ........................................... 2/$8.99 Shredded Cheddar Cheese ........................... 20 lb. case $1.69 lb. Jumbo Chicken Wings ...................30 lb. case $1.49 lb. tray pk. Lean Ground Beef or Burgers ............(10 oz.) 30 lb. case $2.49 lb. Nice Breaded Fish Sticks ............................... 10 lb. case $1.99 lb. Sliced Canadian Bacon.................................... 6 lb. case $1.29 lb. Very Nice Smoked Ham Steaks Indv. Wrapped .... 21 lb. avg. $1.19 lb. Good Quality Sliced - Pepperoni ................ 8.75 lb. case $1.79 lb. Boneless Pork Roasts (Butts) ...........................60 lb. avg. 99¢ lb. Beef Burger - sm. 2 oz. 20 lb. cs. $1.79 lb. .. 7 oz. 14 lb. cs. $1.89 lb. Good Quality Mayonnaise .............................................. gal. $9.99 Mozzarella Cheese ........................................ 12 lb. case $1.49 lb. Boneless Skinless Chicken Legs & Thighs ........ 40 lb. case $1.29 lb. Honey Comb Cereal ........................................ 12/14 oz. $1.39 ea. Nestle Orange Cream Popsicles ........................24 count $6.99 case Sausage Breakfast Pizzas ................................30 lb. case $16.99 Boneless Sirloin of Beef ....................................60 lb. avg. $2.49 lb. Large 16" Cheese Pizzas ............................... 8 count case $14.99 Toilet Tissue ................................................... 45 count $34.99 lb. Large Eggs ................................................30 dozen case 99¢ doz. Nice Ham & Cheese Sandwiches ....................... 24 count 25¢ ea. Lots of Nice Yogurt ............................ 3 cases or more $2.49 case Sliced Apple or Molasses Bacon ................ 13.5 lb. case $1.99 lb. Martin’s Chips ........................................... 9 count case $2.49 ea. Farmers, Longhorn, Muenster or Swiss Cheese ............$2.89 lb. Spiral Sliced Hams ............................................30 lb. avg. 99¢ lb. Lean Ground Turkey ...................................... 10.5 lb. case 99¢ lb. Fully Cooked Sliced Turkey Breast ................. 9 lb. case $1.89 lb. Boneless Skinless Tray Pk. Chicken Breast........ 20 lb. avg. $1.39 lb. Shredded Mozzarella .... 30 lb. case $1.99 lb. or 5 lb. bag $2.19 lb. Corn Flakes or Raisin Bran Cereal .......................18 oz. $1.89 ea.

1.39 1.59

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October 31, 2018 - 9


COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition -

10 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - October 31, 2018

Having a fundraiser? Give us a call about our sub & ham & cheese specials

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are good, while supplies last. SINGING SPRING FOODS Specials Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7-4:30

Nina Campli of Parkesburg took a four-week, intensive German language class in Aachen, Germany, during the summer, thanks to a competitive scholarship grant from the German Academic Exchange Service. Campli is a member of the Class of 2020 at Drew University, where she majors in German and anthropology. She began studying German in high school. The German Academic Exchange Service, which is funded by German government ministries, aims to teach German language and culture and build long-term relationships between students and Nina Campli studied in Germany over the summer, thanks to a Germany. competitive scholarship grant.

Come To Our House Of Worship AVONDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: “Joined Together as a Lifeline Between Christ & Community.� Sunday Worship at 9:15 am. My Special Worship at 11 am. Nursery for 5 & younger available. Youth Group (grades 6-12) Sundays 68:30 pm. Handbells & Choir on Thursday eves. Small Groups. Pastor Dave Bergstrom, 420 Pennsylvania Ave., Avondale. www.avondalepc.org; avondale.pc@verizon.net Office 610-268-2919

BELLEVUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: (A member congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church): 810 Newport Ave, Gap, PA. Sunday Worship Services 8am & 10:45am, Sunday Schl (for all ages) 9:30am. Nursery provided for both worship Services & Sunday Schl. Youth grps meet Sunday evenings at 6:30pm. Wednesday eve- Kingdom Kids (ages K5th grade); children, youth & adult vocal choirs & three bell choirs; Sr. High boys & girls Bible Studies. J.T. Holderman, Pastor. Brad Moger, Asst Pastor www.bellevueepc.org 717-442-4077

BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (PCA) 2483 Baltimore Pk., Oxford. 610-9323962 Dr. Mark D. Mathews, Pastor. A family of believers called by God to love one another. Come and worship the risen Savior. Sunday Life Groups all ages 9:30am; Worship 10:45am with Jr. Church & Nursery Provided. Celebrate Recovery: Tuesdays 6:30pm-9pm (free meal). Wednesday Eves: 6pm-7:30pm: FROG Youth Mtg for preschool-5th grade, also Jr. High. http://www.bethanypca.org secretary@bethanypca.org

CHURCH OF THE OPEN BIBLE: Sunday Worship Service 9am. Sunday School 10:30am. GEMS for girls (Sundays) & CSB for boys (Wednesdays). 101 E. First Ave., Parkesburg; Pastor Gary Becker. 610-857-3887 cotobible.org

COMMUNITY OF LOVE LUTHERAN CHURCH “Sharing God’s Abundant Love�. 117 N. 4th St., Oxford, 610-998-0282. Sunday Worship 9:30 am www.collutheranchurch.org

DOE RUN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Take that One Small Step . . . and Come Worship With Us! Sunday morning 10:00am. Children’s Sunday School following children’s sermon. 3104 Doe Run Church Road, East Fallowfield www.doerunchurch.org

ENCOUNTER CHURCH: 300 Hideaway Drive Quarryville, PA 17566 Sunday Service & Kid’s Church 9:30am. office@encounterchurchpa.org www.encounterchurchpa.org 717-786-2756

FAITH BIBLE CHAPEL: “Ordinary People Serving An Extraordinary God.� Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. (infant nursery and children’s church available). Wed. Services: Prayer Mtg. 7:00 p.m. 140 Bernard Ave., Cochranville. Pastor Scott Althouse 610-593-6333, fbchapel@zoominternet.net

FREEDOM LIFE: We’re all about loving God, loving people & loving life! Join us on Sundays at 9am & 11am at Octorara High School for the best 75min of your week! It’s a place where the smiles are warm, the music is upbeat & the coffee is free. Lead Pastors: Sam & Michele Masteller. www.freedomlife.tv

GAP COMMUNITY CHURCH: “Connecting People To Christ For The Journey Of A Lifetime� “The Sunday Experience� starts with the Community Corner Cafe located off of the upper level parking lot opens at 8:30am. Worship Service starts at 10am in the lower level auditorium. During the 10am Worship service both Summit Kids children’s ministry and Anchor Youth junior high ministry are providing an age appropriate Worship service for ages K-5 & grades 6th 8th. Lead Pastor is Cody Hall. Located at 835 Houston Run - Gap Pa 17527 or visit http://gapcommunity.church

GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH: Dedicated to the serious preaching & teaching of God’s Word. Traditional hymns & praise songs accompanied by guitar. Sunday Service 10:40am. 53 Hurley Rd, Parkesburg, PA 19365. 610-593-7123. www. gracecommunitychurch-parkesburg.com for messages, ministries and directions

HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH: Come join us as we seek to know & love our Savior through Christ-centered preaching, a blend of new & traditional hymns along with ministries for your whole family. 1 E. Highland Rd, Parkesburg. Sun. School-9:30am & Worship-10:45am & 6pm. Wed: Youth programs for ages 312th grade-6:30-8pm. For more info, go to highland-bc.org

LITTLE BRITAIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 255 Little Britain Church Rd., Peach Bottom (between 222 and 272). Sunday School Classes all ages 9:15 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Youth Groups for Elementary, Jr. High and Sr. High, Choir, Bell Choir, Small Groups. Rev. Thomas Milligan, 717-548-2266. www.littlebritainchuch.org lbpc@littlebritainchurch.org Hearing assistance devices.

SANDY HILL COMMUNITY CHURCH: 420 S. Sandy Hill Rd., Coatesville 610-857-3959; www.sandyhill.net. Sunday service: 10:15am; Bible teaching, music; Children’s classes, staffed nursery; Adult classes, 9:15am, Youth Min., Sundays, 5:30-7:30pm. Small Groups. A Friendly, Christ-centered church. Preschool: Enrolling-2 1/2-5 years, 610857-1922

MANOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (PCA) “Come find spiritual life in Christ for your family.� Cochranville: Rte. 926, halfway between Rte. 41 & Rte. 10. Rev. Daniel Henderson, Pastor. Sunday: Worship at 9:30 a.m. with Sunday School for Pre-K & Kids Worship for K5th grade. 11 a.m. - Sunday School for Youth & Adults with child care. 6:30 p.m. - Youth Group for 6th-12th grades twice a month. 610-869-2402. www.manorpresbyterian.com

ST. CHRISTOPHER’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You! 116 Lancaster Pike, Oxford (Rt. 472 just East of Rt. 1 bypass ramps.) Sunday Holy Communion Services at 8:30am quiet & reflective & at 10:30am with Festive Music. Christian Formation & Education for all ages occurs btwn the services at 9:30. Nursery available. Join us for a beautiful Liturgy & warm Community. Check our website for updates. Rev. Dr. Mary Ann Mertz Rector@stchrisoxford.org 610-932-8134. www.stchrisoxford.org

MAPLE GROVE MENNONITE CHURCH: 549 Swan Rd., Atglen. 610-593-6658, Mike Lusby, Lead Pastor; Matt Chambers, Minister of Worship & Music. Sunday School 9am, Sunday Worship 10am, Children’s Church, Nursery. Youth Group Wed., 7pm. Christian Preschool. www.maplegrovemc.com MT. VERNON CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Neighbors Multiplying God’s Kindness, 1 Lighthouse Dr, Kirkwood. Pastor Mervin Charles. Sunday School- all ages 9am, Worship 10:15am. Handicap Access. 717-529-4102 mtvernonchristianchurch.com PARKESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH: 103 West St., (next to Parkesburg Library & Minich Park). 610-857-9135 or Email: info@parkesburgbaptist.org. Pastor: Rev. Mary C. Lewis. Sunday School for infants-adults 9:15 am. Worship 10:30 am Nursery Care & Jr. Church provided. Youth Grp (6th-12th grade) Sunday eves 5-7 pm. Bible Quizzing also, contact church for times. Thursday Bible Study 7 pm. For more info contact the church or www.parkesburgbaptist.org SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH: This vibrant & vital Catholic church is always looking for & welcoming new people to our parish. Rev. Michael F. Hennelly, Pastor. 203 Church Rd, Oxford, PA 19363 610-932-5040. www.sacredheart.us Mass schedule: Sat. 5pm; Sun 7:45am, 9am, 10:30am & 12pm. Daily Mass: Mon, Wed & Thurs 8am; Tues 7pm; Fri 8:30am. Confession: Sat. 44:40pm. Our School: Pre-K-8th grade. Religious Education grades 1-6th.

UPPER OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (EPC): 1121 Octorara Trail (on Rt. 10 a mile south of Rt. 30), Parkesburg. Sunday worship services at 9:30am (contemporary) & 11am (traditional). Combined worship service on the last Sunday of every month at 9:30am. Adult Sunday School classes during both worship services (SeptMay). Children’s Sunday School at 9:45am. Youth Grp meets at 10:45am. Adult choir, midweek Youth Grp & a variety of adult groups & home grps. Bill Kelly, Pastor: Bill Cliff, Assist Pastor, Discipleship & Outreach. 610-8575787, www.uopc-epc.org. Find us on Facebook. Christian Preschool: 610857-0236 WEST GROVE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 300 N. Guernsey Rd. West Grove. 610-869-9334 is a welcoming and dynamic church. Sundays at 8:30AM Contemporary Service with Praise Band or 11AM Traditional Service with Chancel Choir. Third Sundays features our Memory Bells Handbell Choir. 9:45AM we offer Sunday School for all ages. Nursery and Children’s Worship available. www.westgroveumc.org

Centennial Church Posts Schedule and friends who have died recently and in years long past, and candles will be lit in memory of loved ones. A Bible class is held on Wednesdays at the church at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome. Information about church events is available at www.centennial lutheran.org or by emailing info@centenniallutheran.org.

Centennial Lutheran Church, 1330 Hares Hill Road, Kimberton, has posted its schedule of events. On All Saints’ Sunday, Nov. 4, there will be a worship service at 9:30 a.m. The service will include a message by pastor Jerry Tancredi and the celebration of Holy Communion. The special All Saints’ service will include a remembrance of the lives of family

Masonic Temple Sets Pancake Meal Kennett Masonic Temple, 121 Center St., Kennett Square, will present an all-you-can-eat pancake meal on Saturday, Nov. 10, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. The temple is located at the corner of Center

Club Awards Scholarships The Lancaster Kennel Club has awarded three scholarships for the current academic year to students studying veterinary medicine. Recipients include Krystal Hilts, Lititz, studying at York Technical Institute; Katherine Toliver, Cochranville, studying at Har-

Church Listing Information, Call 717-492-2524. Church Listing changes email to: asheaffer@engleonline.com

cum College; and Kaitlyn Dreese, McClure, studying at the University of Pennsylvania. Scholarships are offered annually, with applications and information posted at www.lancasterkennelclub.org on April 1 for the following academic year.

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2018 May 19.


ns. Exhibit:

25. Generatio Matthew Director Through May York College Gallery

Kids. Dalmatians Disney's 101 a Theatrical

Pennsylvani Presented by film. The Performance: classic animated Vil and is based on the Cruella de Arts, the show features villain on to set their paws fur-raising adventure adorable heroes Arts Center, 101 of the most Eichelberger Performing stage. 7pm. Adm. 6, www.theeich.org Hanover. 717-637-708 Stewartstown.

Generations Co-curated by ages. artist Ophelia Chambliss, Clay-Robison and from local artists of different Yard Sale. www.ycp.edu will display work May 19. Spring downtown York. Marketview Arts, www.stewartstown.org e: Part of of York Open Academy. Performanc pm. Railroad Club on the third May 16. Logos series. 11:30am-1:30 7, house May 19. Miniature Revue concert will host an open York. 717-849-221 the Box Lunch the year in celebraHouse. The club Park, downtown month throughout Cherry Lane nchRevue Saturday of the of continuous operation. Miniature 9, www.yorkcity.org/BoxLu District tion of 75 years of York, York. 717-430-612 Grove Area School York Halloween Parade Railroad Club ok.com/mrrcy/ e: Part of the Box May 17. Spring com, www.facebo Groups. Performanc Cherry www.mrrcy. pm. Choral & Jazz 11:30am-1:30 Antique and concert series. 717-849-2217, and Firearms. through the Lunch Revue In 19. Fashion County, downtown York. up MayYork from the 1700s Lane Courtyard, firefashions nchRevue n ty.org/BoxLu reproductio a display of antique The www.yorkci display, as will t Shop. 1940s will be on Month. The market in the Wheelwrigh Friday of Every meats, baked arms and accessoriescollectors will be present throughMay 18. 3rd C. fruits, vegetables, all April with firearms Friday 6pm 9am-5pm. fashion and Open every is open until answer questions. the historical fashand much more. out the day to goods, candies a lecture about Tavern, Market, York. Thomas will present11am and 3pm. Adm. Dill’s day. New Eastern at Noble Kinsmen. collection rnyorkhistorical.org 0, www.northe 25-27. The Two ’s final play brings ion May 18-19,William Dillsburg. 717-502-144 Shakespeare with characters the Ballet. Performance: and Gretel “A Knight’s Tale� unique tale of together Chaucer’s May 20. Hansel Pennsylvania Theatrical to create a truly Presented by of Hansel dance, hilarity, from Greek mythology Performance: and destiny. Music, the exciting adventures good Arts

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Music Departme 11:30am-1:30 Classics. Performanc with a color guard 0 concert series. military include , www.yorkcity. Lunch Revue to the country’s orchestra’s season finale will York. 717-849-2217 it The Lane Park, downtown Gershwin, and Forces Salute.

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7:30pm. 100th birthday. for the Performing https://appellcenter.org






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Attend Church this Sunday

and Cypress streets. Separate prices have been set for adults and for children age 12 and under. Takeouts will be available for an additional nominal fee.

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copy today at any York County Turkey Hill or view online at visityorkpa.com

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COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - October 31, 2018 - 11

PJP II To Host Craft And Vendor Show

REAL ESTATE PUBLIC AUCTION 1 Sty., 3 Bdrm./2 Bath Rancher w/Attached Garage

.46 ACRE +/- Level Lot

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2018 AT 3:00 P.M. Location: 1039 Georgetown Rd., Paradise, PA 17562 (Bart Twp./Lanc. Co.) Located along Rt. 896 North of Georgetown

Pope John Paul II Regional Catholic Elementary School students invite the community to the school’s second annual craft and vendor show, to be held on Nov. 3 at the school, located on Route 82 in West Brandywine.

auctionzip.com Tim Weaver Dave Stoltzfus & Steve Schuler Lic. #AY2109 Phone: 717-354-9524


SAT., NOVEMBER 3, 2018, 8:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE 12 NOON 5816 Old Philadelphia Pike (Rt. 340), Gap, Pa. 17527, Salisbury Township

Real Estate - 1,338 Sq. Ft. Brick House with Detached Barn/Garage on 1.13 Acres, Salisbury Twp., Gap, Pa. 2017 CRAFTSMAN Riding Mower, Power Equipment/Tools, VINTAGE JOHN DEERE & SCHWINN BICYCLES, Antique Signs, Vintage Tin Toys, Lg. Collection of Vintage Blue Glass, Vintage Advertising, Antique & Modern Furniture. Real Estate Terms: 10% down day of sale, balance due within 60 days. Open House Date: Saturday, Oct. 27, 10 a.m. till 12 Noon, or by appointment, Call Auctioneer Patrick Morgan for private showing and more information at 717-278-9202.


Parcel # 5605952300000

Terms by & Sale for James and Cheryl Killinger Attorney: Kling & Deibler, 717-354-7700 12 N. Railroad Avenue • P.O. Box 99 • New Holland, PA 17557 Phone: (717) 354-6671 • www.martinauctioneers.com • martinauctioneer@frontiernet.net Auctioneers: Paul Z. Martin, Jr., Roger Spencer, Patrick K. Morgan & Dustin Spencer PA-AY-000144L All Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.



• 8:30 AM

4324 White Oak Road, Paradise, PA


• 8:30 AM

4324 White Oak Road, Paradise, PA



Real Estate Consists Of Manufactured Home On 1.2 Acre Lot. Two-Bedrooms. Detached 20 x 30 Two-Story Garage & Many Sheds. Shown By Appointment Many Small Engines - Antiques - Vintage Tools - Tools Ertl, Hess, First Gear Toys - Oak Display Cabinets - Snap-On Tool Box See Website For Complete Listing & Pictures Sale For: Robert Stoltzfus Estate


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2018 AT 1 PM LOCATION: 1903 New London Rd., Lincoln University, PA 19352. From Rt 1 E Take the PA-896 exit toward New London/Russellville, turn left onto 896 S, for 2.3 miles turn right to stay on 896 S for 3.1 mi to property on right. REAL ESTATE: Parcel #1: Historic 18th century farm house, bank barn and outbldgs on 10.4 acres. Walking onto this property is like taking a step back in time. The 3,716 SF solid stone and brick house is loaded with oldtime character and charm. Inside you will find random width wood floors throughout, original solid wood doors, deep window sills, and multiple stone FPs. The 1st floor consists of the kit w/ a stone FP, LR w/ a FP w/ a gas insert, DR w/ a stone FP, laundry room, and a mudroom w/half bath. The 2nd floor has 5 BRs, 2 full baths, and a bonus rm. cont. a full kit., LR area, and access to a private deck. The 3rd floor has 2 additional fin. rms. The 66’ x 36’ bank barn is in good condition and has a concreted lower lvl/shop area with a garage entrance and an office/misc rm. Also on the property are 2 additional outbldgs and a brick smokehouse. Taxes: $6,941. Zoned: AR. Parcel #2: 17.5 acres open prime tillable farmland. Taxes: $382. Zoned: AR. Parcel #3: 18.3 acres open prime tillable farmland. Taxes: $385 Zoned: AR. OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, October 27, November 3 & 10 (1-3 pm.) or by apt. call 610-286-5183. TERMS: 10% down day of sale; settlement within 45 days of sale; Terms by: James Matsen and John Matsen; W. Patrick Scott, Esquire MacElree Harvey, Ltd. Attorneys.

Merle Eberly • Alvin Horning C. Ivan Stoltzfus CAI AUCTIONEERS • REALTORS • APPRAISERS Horning Farm Agency, Inc. AY002091




HorningFarmAgency.com 610-286-5183

Use The Classifieds

Vintage Tractors Include Strunk - Bantam - Fimaco - John Deere - Allis Chalmers - Simplicity - Wheel Horse - Economy - Cub Cadet - Copar Panzer - Panzer Tiger - MTD – Little Giant - Ranchero Personal Collection Of Robert C. Stoltzfus See Website For Complete Listing & Pictures Or Call Sale For: Robert Stoltzfus Estate


• 5:00 PM

1220 May Post Office Road, Quarryville, PA

REAL ESTATE - RANCH HOME Well Maintained Three-Bedroom Ranch House On .53 Acre Lot. Many Updates Making This A Move-In Home. Kitchen Features New Cherry Cabinets & Flooring. Living Room w/Fireplace. New Full Bath. Finished Partial Basement w/Propane Stove. Screened Porch. Large Detached Barn/Garage. Low Solanco School District Taxes. Shown By Appointment See Website For Information & Pictures Sale For: Kenneth & Judith Phipps


• 9:00 AM

12 E. State Street, Quarryville, PA

Erma’s Flowers & Antiques Liquidation Auction After 30 Years As Quarryville’s Florist & Business Owner, Erma Is Closing The Doors Oct. 31. Flower Arrangements, Wreaths, Equipment, Supplies, Antiques, Glassware & More See Complete Listing & Pictures On Website After Nov. 1 Sale For: Erma Work

THURSDAY, JAN. 17, 2019

• 4:30 PM

12 E. State Street, Quarryville, PA

PRIME QUARRYVILLE COMMERCIAL/RETAIL PROPERTY Formerly Erma’s Flowers & Antiques Two Floor Post & Beam Building Offering Over 2300 SF Of Commercial/ Retail Space. Plenty Of Parking on This .36 Acre Lot With Room For More. This Is The Ideal Location For Your Business With Quarryville Main Street Traffic Shown By Appointment. Call Today. Sale For: Erma Work R021488


Auction for: John T. Whiteside

Fishing For A Good Deal?

Handmade scarves, table runners and placemats will be among the crafts offered to shoppers at a craft and vendor show to be The 42nd annual Brethren Disas- $10,000; contributions and dona- held on Nov. 3 at Pope John Paul II Regional Catholic Elementer Relief Auction, held at the tions, including an earlier bequest, tary School in West Brandywine. exceeded $110,000; matching funds totaled $25,000; quilt sales totaled $33,000; and food sales generated nearly $34,000. The auction, the largest of its type in the world, in cooperation with the Atlantic Northeast and Southern Districts of the Church of the Brethren, began in 1977 and has provided more than $15 million in disaster relief to victims of natural disasters both in the U.S. and internationally. Funds raised by the auction not only pay for emergency supplies for disaster victims but also support volunteer disaster relief trips throughout the year.

(717) 354-9524 w/any questions.


Disaster Relief Auction Held Lebanon Expo and Fairgrounds on Sept. 21 and 22, concluded with an estimated preliminary total of $420,306. Some of the highlights include the following: a Landis Myers table sold three times to bring in $4,000; two quilts, “Have a Little Faith” and “Diamond Lite,” were resold for a total of $7,200; a theme basket, “A House Divided,” sold for $560; a copper kettle sold for $400 and a Trek bike for $370 in the pole barn auction; two gold coins sold for $2,600 each in the coin auction; contributions and matching funds totaled $110,000; baked goods sales totaled

- REAL ESTATE 3 Bdrm. Rancher on a level .46 Acre +/- Country Lot. 1 sty. Rancher w/1,864 sq. ft., 3 bdrms., 2 baths. Main Level: Eat-in kitchen w/cherry cabinets & granite countertop & dishwasher, living room w/bay window, laundry, 3 bdrms., 2 full baths. Lower Level: Full basement w/24’x26’ family/rec. rm. w/stone fireplace and exterior door, furnace rm. and storage. Garage: 22’x22’ attached 2 car garage. Oil/HW heat, Central AC, central vac., all appliances included. Outbuilding: 12’x 20’ Vinyl utility bldg. w/9’x7’ O.H. door. All on a .46 acre +/- level lot w/ spacious lawn, mature shade, macadam drive and parking, on-site well and septic. Bart Twp. Solanco Schools. Note: Owner relocating to retirement facility and is serious to sell. Desirable country location. Borders farmland w/farmland view. Convenient location. Available for immediate possession. Inspection by appointment or Terms: 10% down, settlement on OPEN HOUSE SATURDAYS, or before January 7, 2019. OCTOBER 20 & 27, 1-3 P.M. See more at Contact auctioneer at

Lefever & Hart Auctions

- AY2206

Eric Lefever 717-989-5110 Mike Hart 717-669-1483 www.lhauctions.com or www.auctionzip.com ID#4902


Pope John Paul II Regional Catholic Elementary School (PJP II) will present its second annual craft and vendor show on Saturday, Nov. 3, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the school gymnasium, 2875 Manor Road (Route 82), West Brandywine. During the event, shoppers will be able to purchase items made by local crafters, as well as merchandise from direct-sale business vendors. There will also be a sale of homemade baked goods and lunch items. According to event organizers, this year’s show has been expanded from 50 crafters and vendors to 80. “We were happy with the results last year. We had a lot of community members and school families come, and many of our crafters and vendors are returning,” said Kirstin Wentz McElroy, who is co-chair of the event along with Jen Francis. Wentz McElroy explained that each of the vendors has been asked to donate an item for a drawing. Visitors will be able to purchase tickets to enter the drawing. “Starting at 1:30 p.m., we will draw names, and you don’t need to be present to win,” Wentz McElroy pointed out. “This year the food and (gift items) will be in the hallway, and the gym will be for the crafters and vendors,” she added. Among the items offered for sale will be antique maps, wooden signs, paper crafts, sea glass jewelry, wreaths, soap, tea towels, quilts, placemats, table runners, knitted hats, dish cloths, neck warmers, woodturning

items, embroidered goods, baby blankets and Christmas ornaments. Home-based business vendors will offer cosmetics, skin care products and essential oils, among other items. In addition to the crafts and the vendor items, there will be a sale of homemade baked goods, including nut rolls, and lunch items, including hot dogs, soft pretzels, chips and beverages. Both parent volunteers and PJP II students will volunteer at the event. Wentz McElroy said that school families are also contributing the baked goods. She said the event is timed to coincide with the upcoming season. “People can get their holiday shopping done. There is such a variety of unique and handmade goods,” she added. The craft and vendor show is open to the public, and admission is free. All proceeds will benefit PJP II, which serves students in prekindergarten through eighth grade primarily from four local churches - St. Peter in West Brandywine, Our Lady of the Rosary in Coatesville, St. Joseph in Coatesville and Our Lady of Consolation in Parkesburg. For more information about the event, readers may contact the PJP II development office at 610-384-5961, ext. 5408, or email pjp2craft@gmail.com. More information is also available at www.popejohnpaul2sch.org/craft-show or by searching for “Coatesville Catholic/PJP II Alumni” on Facebook and choosing Events. The Facebook page also contains a list of participating vendors.


By Francine Fulton

Georgetown Area

12 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - October 31, 2018

Community Closet Plans Sales


By Dayna M. Reidenouer


MON., NOVEMBER 19, 2018 AT 12:30 P.M. LOCATION: 758 W. Kings Highway, Coatesville, PA 19320 From Coatesville head N on 82 for 1.8 miles, left on Rt 340 W for 2.9 miles to property on left. West Caln Twp., Chester Co., Coatesville Area School District. REAL ESTATE: LAND: 2.3 acres of mostly flat open land, with a small stream running close to the eastern border, The property has approx 351' rd. frontage on Rt. 340 with a stone driveway and parking area. The land has been perc approved for a sand mound septic system and has spring fed water. BLDGS: 23'x24' wood A-frame building w/shingle roof, cupola & windows, overhead door, double Dutch doors, interior hardwood floors, two 11'x11' rooms, 8'6x12' room w/gas range, propane space heater, microwave & double sink and a 14'x19' room. 12'x32' wood hip-roof storage shed w/shingle roof, cupola & windows, sliding glass door, open storage w/stairs to upper level storage. NOTE: This prime piece of land zoned RC (Rural Center) has a wide range of possibilities! Please call the township with your intended use. Taxes: $1,532. OPEN HOUSE: View land anytime. To see inside bldgs call for appt. at 610-286-5183. TERMS: 10% down day of sale; settlement within 45 days of sale. Terms by: Barry Lusby Sr. & Barry Lusby Jr. Kling & Deibler Attorneys


You’ll Get Great Results From The Community Courier Classified Ads!

Community Closet Thrift Store volunteer Kyle Harris (left) shared a laugh with Excentia support staff member Sharyn Lesher while polishing the silver that had been donated to the Quarryville shop. A number of special sales and events are planned at the store in November and December. breakfast on the first day of December, a birthday gift, a 50 percent discount on days worked at the store, and gift cards to local merchants on Thanksgiving and candy or flowers for Christmas. “We love our volunteers. They make things go for us,” said Neil Uniacke, executive director of the thrift store’s parent organization, New Hope Community Life Ministry. “There are very nice people here,” agreed Kyle Harris, who has chosen to volunteer at the Community Closet as part of the Out and About program offered by Excentia. He likes to help people bring in donations, and working at the thrift store has helped him to develop job skills.

The proceeds from the Community Closet support New Hope Community Life Ministry, Uniacke explained. The ministry, headquartered at 248-A Maple Ave., Quarryville, offers Christ-centered mental health counseling by licensed professionals. New Hope also hosts the Strengthening Families program and ensures that the emergency clothing closet is stocked to meet the needs of clients of Solanco Neighborhood Ministries. For more information about the Community Closet, readers may call 717-786-2034, visit www.newhopeministry.info, or follow the store on Facebook and Instagram.

PFSA Launches New Program In response to the opioid and heroin epidemic, Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance (PFSA) has announced a new pilot program to strengthen parenting skills for persons recovering from substance use disorder (SUD). Helping parents learn healthy coping and parenting skills while balancing the needs of their recovery is the goal of the program, which is slated to launch in November at select family centers across the state. PFSA developed the curriculum and first piloted it successfully last fall at Hamilton Health Center in Harrisburg. The person-first curriculum draws on the latest research in addiction recovery and best practices in parenting, and it is inclusive of the 12 Step principles of recovery. Topics covered in the seven sessions of the program will include Identifying Parent and Family Strengths and Needs, Understanding How Principles of Recovery Can Be Applied to the Parenting Experience, Learning and Navigating the Change Process as a Parent and Within the Family, Understanding How Family History Influences

Parenting and Communication Style, Developing an Understanding of Discipline and Development, Identifying and Practicing Healthy Coping Skills, Managing Visits and Effective Communication With Caregivers, and Developing a Plan for Individual Self-Care and Family Wellness as Part of the Recovery Experience. The family service and support providers participating in the pilot include Coatesville Family Center in Chester County

and Perry County Family Center. The sites selected for the statewide pilot expansion are designated as Centers of Excellence in Pennsylvania - medical providers and systems that bring a whole-person approach to helping Pennsylvanians recover from SUD. A grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services enables PFSA to offer the program. PFSA and the Office of Child Development and Early Learning will host an interactive facilitator

training session from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 1, and Friday, Nov. 2, at PaTTAN, 6340 Flank Drive, Harrisburg. All identified Families in Recovery program facilitators are required to attend the training prior to receiving any program-related materials and in order to move forward with program implementation at affiliated Family Centers. To learn more about Families in Recovery, readers may visit www.pa-fsa.org.

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“A lot of people do not know about our various sales,” said Community Closet Thrift Store manager Beth Tyson. The “Young at Heart” sale runs every Wednesday at the shop, located in the TownsEdge Village Shopping Center, 128 Townsedge Drive, Quarryville. On those days, shoppers age 50 and older may take 50 percent off the prices of all items with colored tags. Additionally, dollar sales are held weekly, offering all customers one last chance to take home clothing, shoes, accessories, home décor, and more. “Items have six weeks to sell. If an item doesn’t sell, we donate it to the Salvation Army,” Tyson explained. The Community Closet accepts donations of new and clean, gently used items at the rear of the building, door 128, on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donors are asked to ring the doorbell and give their items directly to a volunteer. The store is open to shoppers on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In addition to the priced items, the Community Closet runs an ongoing silent auction that typically features collectibles, unique items, and other valuables. Special sales are held on the first Friday of every month, and

the next two will take place on Nov. 2 and Dec. 7. Additionally, a Black Friday sale will be held Nov. 23. On those days, every item with a colored tag will be 50 percent off for everyone without regard to age. Dec. 7 will also be the date of the Christmas tree lighting in TownsEdge. As the tree is located in the parking lot in front of the Community Closet, the store will offer popcorn and other treats to attendees. The Community Closet will be part of Midnight Gladness, a shopping event that will take place at participating locations in Quarryville, from 3 p.m. to midnight on Friday, Dec. 21. The store will offer complimentary bottled water, cookies, and hot chocolate to shoppers during the event. Since the Community Closet runs on donations, the store inventory is constantly changing. To encourage folks to explore the racks, Tyson has planned to hide a specific item in the store on Nov. 23, Dec.7, and Dec. 21. The first three persons to find the item each day will receive a $50 gift certificate to the store. Looking ahead to 2019, Tyson announced that the annual fashion show has been set for Saturday, April 6. She invites readers to reserve the date, and more information will come later. The models who appear in the fashion show are store volunteers. The need for new volunteers is continual. The perks of volunteering include a catered Christmas

COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - October 31, 2018 - 13

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LANCASTER: DOLL, TOY, TEDDY BEAR, BARBIE SHOW & SALE. Sunday, November 4th, 9am-2pm. Lancaster Farm & Home Center. 1383 Arcadia Rd, Lancaster, PA. 17601 Admission $6.00; With ad, $5.00. Children Free. Early Bird Admission 9am, $10.00 Info - 717-687-8101.

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WALNUT FIREWOOD, CUT & Split. You Haul. $130/Cord. 717-529-3846 X2

HELP WANTED General CDL TRUCK DRIVER- The Scotts Co Oxford, PA has fulltime CDL, Class A Truck Driver positions available that include benefits. To apply, go to https://careers.scotts.com Click on search jobs, type CDL in search box, complete your application. CHAUFFEURS NEEDED FOR growing limousine company based in Coatesville, PA Professional appearance and demeanor a must. Experience preferred but will train qualified candidate. Call 610-380-0700 CLASS A DRIVERS Career Opportunity out of Honey Brook Part Time Positions, Home Everyday Drop & Hook, No Touch Freight Part Time & Full Time Position 484-485-0023 CONCRETE- MASON CREW Hiring. Reliable/Dependable Person. Must Have Valid Drivers License. 717-687-6955 DRIVER NEEDED FOR Morning & Evening transportation from Quarryville to Leola. Must be dependable and prompt. 717-656-0776 DRIVER/ WORKER NEEDED for general construction. Must be 18 & have valid drivers Lic. Atglen Ridge Construction 484-880-3731

EXPERIENCED BAR TENDER Day & Night Shifts Approx 30 hrs/ wk. Apply in Person. Rocco and Anna’s Italian Restaurant 302 Main St, Parkesburg 610-857II1111

Timac Agro USA is a fertilizer production company located near Reading PA

CLASS B TRUCK DRIVER We have an immediate opening for a fulltime or part-time Class B driver. This person will be responsible for local deliveries. Agricultural or farming experience preferred but not necessary.


SALE: Up to $1,500 off Select Stoves. 717-872-6416. See our Clearance Page at www.drapersstoveoutlet.com

SEASONED MIXED FIREWOOD, Cut & Split. Delivery Avail; Fall Clean-up & Snow Removal. 610-857-2169, Parkesburg

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Starting rates up to $20.55/HR DOE

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SEASONED HARDWOODS, Stove or Fireplace, $195/ cord, delivered & stacked, within limits. Call for info. 610-857-5655

PT HELP NEEDED for Small Landscape Co. Need to be reliable, prompt, have valid PA license & medical card. 610-857-2169

EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS WANTED: Landmark Homes is hiring carpenters for residential construction (framing). Min. 3 years’ experience. Full-time, great benefits, top wages. Please apply in person at 1737 W. Main St, Ephrata, PA. 17522 or by forwarding resume to hr@ownalandmark.com HELP WANTED, FT/PT Caregivers for our clients in their homes. Home Helpers, 717-824-0939 HHA/DIRECT CARE WORKER, Client Care IDD/ MHChester Cnty loccations. Full time, Part time.Comp. wages. Flexible hrs. Must have car. Dawn 610-935-0904 LABORER NEEDED FOR Excavating Company willing to learn plumbing and excavating skills. Top pay with benefits. Valid D/L and transportation required. Steady year-round work. 610-942-4902 MAINT. PERSON, VALID Pa license, Benefits, Call Cathy @ 610-857-8084 MARKET HELP WANTED. Friday or Saturday. Booths Corner Farmers Market. Transportation Provided. Call John 717-468-9890 MASON TENDER NEEDED. Driver’s license required. 610-470-1510


We have an immediate need for an applicator. This person will be responsible for custom application of fertilizer blends to local farms. This person will operate large application equipment. Attention to detail required. Pesticide license and agricultural or farming experience preferred but not necessary. Willingness to work OT required in season. Interested candidates call 800-545-5474 or send resume via email to HR@timacusa.com or mail to PO Box 888, Reading, PA 19607 Attn:HR Dept. Applications can also be completed at our office, 153 Angstadt Lane, Birdsboro, PA 19508

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Mechanical Trades FULL PLUMBING & HEATING ASSISTANT, Some Experience Preferred. Must Have Valid PA Drivers License. S&S Plumbing 109 Meeting House Rd, Gap 717-768-3769


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Place a FREE 15-20 word ad in the next available issue to locate the owner of your found item. Call our Classified Dept. 1-800-428-4211

PART-TIME DRIVER WANTED. Amish roof estimator is seeking a driver from Gap/ Narvon area to drive our company truck 1-2 days/ week. Retirees welcome. 717-629-2931






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COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - October 31, 2018 - 15



A&L TRIMMING, Interior Triming, Cabinet Installations, Install New Flooring 717-529-9017 Leave Message

PA law requires Home Improvement contractors with annual billing of over $5,000 to be registered with the Attorney General’s office. This registration enables consumers to trace contractors should issues arise between you and a contractor. We encourage readers to acquire references for any contractor you consider hiring.




BOOT ROAD TREE SERVICE Expert tree removal, stump grinding & Trimming. Fully Insured 610-656-5880

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single items or home clean-outs fully Insured. 610-547-7789

CLEAN OUT BASEMENTS, houses, yards, commercial cleanout, painting/demo work. Very reasonable prices. 717-342-9839


Ads submitted to us that begin with A-1, 1-A, AAA, etc for position purposes, will No Longer Be Accepted This Way, unless proven that it is part of your Registered Business Name. 3 AMISH LADIES & an English woman CLEANING 484-995-7149


Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical Lic.& Insured. PA020006. 610-547-7789

AMISH MOVING COMPANY Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301

CONCRETE: STAMP, DECORATIVE, Affordable prices. Free Estimates. Call 717-283-7764 or or www.bosscrete.net.

ANDY’S DRYWALL Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Textured Ceilings & Walls. Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102

E & S ELECTRIC Certified Electrician, Licensed & Insured. E. Fallowfield Area. Reas. Rates. Senior Citizen Discount. Will Beat or Match Any Written Estimate. Ed 484-639-3374. PA 065817

Reasonable Rates • Licensed & Insured PA20006, 610-547-7789

ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS @ AFFORDABLE RATES. New/Old Home Wiring. Additions/Panel Upgrades, Celing Fans & Pool/Spa Wiring. Fully insured. Free estimates. PA010947. 717-875-7972, 717-615-1103

RENTALS - Ronks 2 BR.....$700 Paradise 3 BR.....$900


(717) 442-4134 (888) 647-4134 lighthousere-gap.com

GUTTER MAN AL Gutter cleaning, storm damage repair. New gutter screens installed. Small roof repairs. Fully ins. 610-593-2299 (PA045381)

SERVING THE COMMUNITY 35 YEARS HOMESTEAD SERVICES: Tree Removals, Tree Trimming, Stump Grinding & General Landscaping. 484-643-8524

CHRISTIANA - Charming 1900s style in this large 4 BR home featuring a fireplace, built-in bookshelves, rounded plaster walls, original trim, huge front porch, side patio, balcony plus detached 2-car garage, back & side yards with a privacy fence. $189,900. FIRST floor living in beautiful and quiet Christiana on 1 acre. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with large back deck that has plenty of room to entertain. Large work/storage shed in the backyard. Basement has potential to be partially finished, plumbing is ready to add a half bath. REDUCED $210,000.

JOHN’S HAULING/ REMOVAL. Appl., Lge. Screen TVs, Piano’s, Furniture, One Pc/ Truckload. 7 days, Last Min, 610-296-0560 MAPLE SHADE LANDSCAPING LLC


A Local Name You Can Trust

5288 Lincoln Hwy., Gap (717) 442-4114 www.hostetterrealty.com

INTERIOR REMODELING: Painting, Doors/ Windows, Garden Shed Repairs, Ext. Repairs/Maintenance. Belmont Renovtions. Paradise. Levi Zook 717-687-7130

Local Events • Local Shopping • Local News

Get Into Your Community

Mowing, Mulching, Trimming, Fall Clean-up, New Lawns, Reseeding & Small Tree Removal. 717-517-6779 PA#118077 MARK GUSLER TREE SERVICE Snow Plowing, 30 Yrs. Exp., Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Bucket Truck Service. Parkesburg, 610-613-1885

find out how on

PAINTING DONE RIGHT Interiors. Exteriors. Detailed clean custom painting services. Res/Com. Refs. PA126393 717-286-5464 Many other related services, just ask!

http://w w w.facebook.com/communitycourier.york

PAINTING: PRICELESS PAINTING Interior/ Exterior. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. 717-330-1836, Ask for Bob POWER WASHING By Maple Shade Landscaping: Vinyl Fences,Houses, Patio’s, Etc. 717-517-6779 PA#118077 PRO HOME WINDOW CLEANING & POWER WASHING. Last chance before winter. 15% Off For Free Estimate. 610-563-5262

SAM THE TREE GUY LLC. Big tree removal using cranes or extensive rigging techniques. Stump removal. Fully insured. PA 103525. 717-548-0886



Southern Chester Co. property for sale with additional building. Can be a rental home or office space to earn $$$ 484-356-4046 for more info.


LAKE FRONT HOUSE (Funirshed) on 50 acre lake near Troy, PA. Asking $229,000 obo. Call 717-645-1818

ITEMS WANTED A BUYER SEEKS Old Books, Postcards, Photo’s, COSTUME JEWELRY, Pottery, Antiques, Complete Estates. Call Cara at 610-918-2528 or 484-356-3123 AMERICAN & FOREIGN CARS $$ PAYING CASH $$ for Classic & Collector Cars. 717-577-8206 BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime. I BUY LIONEL, American Flyer, Marx Trains, Match Box, Slot Cars, Hot Wheels, Tonka, Smith Miller, Model Toys, Lead Figures. Call 610-804-6783.

REAL ESTATE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis. *NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

For Rent

SALISBURY TWP NEW 2017, 16x70 Eagle River 3BR, 2BA, $67,900. W. CALN TWP., Farmette, 1999 mfd. home on 5 acres, zoned agricultural, 2-story barn & springhouse, on-site water/ sewer, fenced in lot, $349,000. Call 610-857-0775 www.misacorporation.com SEAFORD, DELAWARE NEW MOVE-IN READY HOMES! Low Taxes! Close to Beaches, Gated, Olympic pool. Model Homes from the low 100’s. Brochures. 1-866-629-0770 or www.coolbranch.com

Manufactured Housing ATTENTION

MOBILE HOME OWNERS If you are ready to sell we need your home Avalon Mobile Home Sales LLC 717-366-4441 BUY DIRECT Modulars - Doublewides - Singlewides Starting at $29,900. Our prices wont be beat We Move Mobiles, Buy Homes, Sell Parts. www.superiorhomes.com 717-875-1288 HANDYMAN SPECIAL 70X14: 2BR, 1.5BA, $8500 obo. Call 610-593-0304

Searching for a New Home?

1941 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE, partial restoration, $10,500 obo. Call 717-6451818

2005 CAMRY LE, 76K, P.Access. sunroof, exc. cond, inspt. 11/2019, $6,495. call 717687-8767, 8am-4, M-F, 717-917-6613 LM

CLASSIC CARS WANTED Sports cars, Muscle cars, Classic cars, Pick-ups, etc. Jeff Gast 717-575-4561

(WANTED) CARS/ TRUCKS WANTED!!! All makes/ models 2002-2018! Any condition. Running or not. Competitive offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-368-1016

AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES $200 TO $5000 CASH PAID FOR JUNK & USED VEHICLES. FREE REMOVAL. PAPER WORK TAKEN CARE OF LEGALLY. Call 717-799-3872, 717-823-1864 $50-$1000 CASH PAID ON ALL VEHICLES Serving York & Lancaster. 24/7 service. Call anytime 717-515-2607 GOT TOYOTA? ALL TOYOTAS Parts, Repairs, Sales, Srvc. New, Oem, Used, Aftm. Weikle’S + save 717-417-2726 JUNK CARS WANTED, TOP DOLLAR PAID FOR YOUR UNWANTED OR JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS, FREE TOWING. PLEASE CALL 484-886-0637

CYCLES 1979 CB 650, $600. 717-991-2188 BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime.

Find it in the


CASH PAID FOR ATV’s, ATC’s, Motorcycles, 2, 3 or 4 Wheelers, Any Year, Running Or Not. Please Call 610-656-3158

We Specialize in Low Mileage!

4BR, DOUBLEWIDE, very nice cond., New Providence area, Solanco School Dist. $1175/mo. Call 717-786-0738 PARKESBURG, CLEAN 2BR, $750/mo. electric & water not included. No smoking, no pets. Call 610-857-0352 or Espanol 484-748-1602




POMEROY, 2BR COTTAGE, $945/mo, W/S/T included, 1st, last, plus sec., No pets, no Smoking, 610-857-9146

For Sale

4 Cyl., Auto., Pwr. Options, Windows, Only 35,000 Miles!

17 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN GT .............................. $19,300 V6, Heated Leather/Steering Wheel, NAV, Gray w/Sport Wheels, 40,000 Miles

17 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER SPORT ES ................... $17,500 4x4, 4 Cyl., Auto, Pwr. Opts., Bluetooth, 10,000 Miles!

16 FORD FUSION SE ................................................... $18,400 2.0L 4 Cyl., Htd. Leather, Hands-Free Parking, Prem. Wheels, 17,000 Miles!

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR RENT 3000 +/- sq building w/office, warehouse/manufacturing space. (3) overhead doors, fenced in yard area. Plenty of parking. Tenant responsible for utilities, etc. Lots of possibilities. $1500.00/ month Oxford/ Nottingham area.

SARMENTO BROTHERS MASONRY Contractor: Stamped/Color Concrete, Sidewalks, Patios, Brick, Pointing, Block, Stucco, 610-637-3498

STUMP GRINDING SERVICE Free Estimates, Call Dave 7am-7pm, 7 Days/ Week. 717-406-7529

FOOD TRUCK OWNERS and Caterers! Need a professional kitchen with cooling/freezing space & ample prep areas/equipment?

HIGHLAND TWP, CHESTER CO. 1BR House. Approx 700 Sq.Ft., Small Lot, Nice Setting, Overlooks Buck Run Creek, $139,000. 610-883-3441



TREE TRIMMING & REMOVAL Brush Clearing - Stump Grinding. Sunny Slope Tree Service. Family Owned & Operated Since 1996 Fully Insured PA103313 717-768-0114 www.sunnyslopetreeservice.com


GAP - Commercial multi unit masonry bldg. w/6,500 sq. ft. on 8/10 acre lot. Located 1 block east of Weis SC on Rt. 30. $475,000

For Sale

Beiler-Campbell Realtors 717-786-8000

15 FORD F-150 XLT CREW ......................................... $29,900 4x4, 5.0 V8, Nav., Heated Seats, Sharp, 59,000 Miles

Over 20 Additional Vehicles Available! Call Or Check Our Website For Details!

Our service department welcomes new customers! • Expanded service capability • PA state inspection/emissions • Repairs, tires, brakes, oil changes & more 771 Noble Road, Christiana, PA In the Village of Nine Points; 7 Miles East of Quarryville 610-593-5778 • 717-529-2882

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16 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - October 31, 2018


DOUBLE AD WEDNESDAYS! October 31 - November 7, 2018




14-16 lb. Frozen FRI, OCT 19Turkey | 11-4 Honeysuckle with every $250 spent from October GIVEAWAYS | FOOD | DOOR PRIZES | 3GAMES to November 10, 2018. SHADY MAPLE FARM MARKET

1324 MAIN STREET, EAST details! EARL See our website for more





Fresh, Shady Maple

Fresh, Boneless

Ground Meatloaf Mix

Pork Sirloin Chops or Roasts

Fresh, Boneless

Fresh, Boneless Beef

Fresh, Boneless Beef

Fresh, Boneless Beef

Beef Chuck Stew Cubes

Australian Ribeyes

Chuck Short Ribs

Boneless Chicken Thighs

Perfect Steak!

2.28lb 2.58lb 2.98lb 98¢lb 4.98lb

Fresh, Shady Maple Shady Maple Smoked Shady Maple Smoked Shady Maple Smoked

Pork Kielbasa Roll

Chicken Thigh

Skinless Turkey STicks

Smoked in House!

Heat n' Serve!

Hearty Snack!


Bartlett Pears

2.99 BO GO

1.98 Martins

Potato Chips


8.5-9.5 oz.; Original or Kettle Cooked

17 oz.; Broken or Little; Buy 1, Get 1 Free



Progresso Soups


Traditional, Rich Tomato Ketchup & Hearty, or Lite 24 oz.; Squeeze Bottle

18.5-19 oz.

4.98eaa Meat Loverss Pizza


5lb bag

Buttery Yukon Gold

Potatoes 5lb bag

2.98 Vitamin Rich Carrots

Made From Scratch ch


Try one of our recipes this week.

64 oz.

64 oz.

12 oz.

24 oz.; Sel. Var.

14.4 oz.; Sel. Var.



Coke Products Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Coke Zero; 6-7.5 oz. Cans or 6-16.9 oz. Bottles

Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Bread 16 oz.

3/$5 10/$10 4/$10

Classic Cake or Brownie Mix 15.25-19.9 oz.

Rice A Roni or Pasta Roni




Thirst Quenchers

16-24 oz.; Select Varieties

4/$5 10/$10 5.88 Duncan Hines

32 oz.; Select Flavors

Kelloggs Cereal Frosted Mini Wheats, Corn Flakes, Crispix, Raisin Bran; 12-18 oz.


Pasta Sauce




Bath Tissue

Paper Towels


Laundry Detergent

4.3-7.2 oz.; Select Varieties

46-50 oz.; Select Varieties

Made Fresh Daily!

Cranberry Walnut

Ham Sub

New Item!

9 Mega Rolls; Ultra 8 Giant Rolls; Soft or Ultra Strong Select Varieties

3.48lb Hearty


Apple Crumble

Italian Style Spaghetti Squash

Tuna Salad

Stuffed Pepper Soup

Light n' Delicious!

w/ Sauce & Hamburger

Perfect for Lunch!

Perfect for a Cold, Fall Day

6.98lb 10.98ea

1.68ea 12.98ea 18.88lb


Atlantic Salmon Fillets

Gala & Cortland Cortlan nd




Yellow Fin Tuna Portion

Raw Peeled Pink Shrimp

4 oz.

2 lb. Bag

5, 6, or 7 oz.

Warm Water Lobster Tail



Bay Scallops

EZ Peel White Shrimp

Caught in the USA!

2 lb. Bag




Our #1 Seller

Kale, Collards, Mustard

Dole Bananas

SOuthern Greens

2.98 lb Tender

Prime of Season


Baby Spinach


BAKER BAKERY B AKE ER 5.28 h Our Own Recipe 9.48w Black Walnut Cake 5.78 h 10.58w

Over the Top

3.98 h 7.48w

Shady Maple

7.48 h 15.88w


Homemade in our Store!



Homemade Cakes made in Our Bakery!

Organic Graham Crackers

2.98ea 2.98lb 2.98ea 3.48lb 2

New Sauce & Crust Recipe! e!

C Crystal Farms

Caramel Apple

Organic Pasta Sauce



1/2 Bushel $9.98


Organic Almond Butter

Coconut Cakes Flaky coconut & creamy custard

Bee Hive Cake

Brand New!

Pumpkin Mousse Torte


Menno Tea

Cheese Bars

Tea Bags

6-8 oz.

20 bags; Soothing Hot or Cold

Crystal Farms 16oz.




Dannon Original Essential Everyday Essential Everyday

Cheese Shreds


6-8 oz.

5.3 oz.

Cream Cheese Bars 8 oz.

Cresent Rolls 8 oz.; Family Fun Baking!



5.98lb Deli Style

Black Angus Roast Beef



Guernsey's Gift

3.88lb 4.98lb Stoltzfus



John F. Martin

Domestic Swiss

Apple Maple Scrapple

Whole Ring Bologna

Half Ring Bologna

Pepper Ham

Made in PA!

Local Favorite

Made in PA!

w/ Fresh Cracked Pepper










Pizza Buns


Ice Cream

8 oz.; Asst. Varieties

27 ct. box; Cheese or Pepperoni

1.5 qts.; Asst. Flavors

2/$6 Green's

Fudge Bars 12 pk.


North Star

Filled Bagels

Ice Cream Bars

4 pk.; Original or Strawberry

6 pk.; Krispy Krunch or Chocolate Eclair


1.27lb Healthy 7 Grain



Bacon Split Pea


Oats Mix w/ Flax Seed

Soup Mix

Instant Pudding

3.18lb 3.88lb Crystalized


Ginger Slices

Mini Licorice

3.98lb Candy


Open Monday - Saturday 7am to 9pm. We accept WIC & ACCESS.

1324 Main St., East Earl | www.Shady-Maple.com | (717) 354-4981


Sweet n' Juicy

Treat Yourself!

Organic Apple Juice


98¢lb 68¢lb


Organic Soy Milk


Chuck Roast or Steak

Fresh, Green

3.48 Wild Harvest

Fresh, Whole

3.98lb 3.98lb 7.58lb 3.98lb 1.98lb


2/$4 Wild Harvest

Australian Ribeyes

Local Favorite!

Farm Fresh

5.98 Wild Harvest

Ground Pork


Sage Pork Sausage Greek Feta Chicken Sausage

2.99 Wild Harvest

Fresh,Extra Lean

Great for Soup!

Fresh, Shady Maple

Original or Zip Tea

2.59 Wild Harvest


Boneless; Cutting is Free!

Try w/ Yukon Potatoes!

More details on the way!



Chicken Thighs

Oven Roasted Chickens!


Way Organic

Fresh, Bone-In

Hot, Grab & Go

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