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Octorara DECEMBER 11, 2019




The Mission Committee of the Leacock Presbyterian Church, 3183 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise, will serve a free hot meal from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Smith Fellowship Hall on Thursday, Dec. 12. The menu will feature ham, scalloped potatoes, pepper cabbage, green beans, and desserts. The community is invited to attend. Readers may call the church at 717-687-6619 for additional information.

Bricks Available In Dog Park pg 10 LanChester Chorus To Mark 70 Years Of Music pg 5

WCU Volleyball Team Welcomes Fourth-Grader By Marcella Peyre-Ferry


The ACE Anti-Human Trafficking Alliance of Oxford will hold its annual holiday gift collection on Saturday, Dec. 14, at 9:30 a.m. during its monthly meeting at the Oxford Senior Center, 12 E. Locust St., Oxford. Items needed for women and children include hats, gloves, socks, personal hygiene items, paper towels and napkins, paper plates, toilet and facial tissue, anti-bacterial wipes, individually packaged snacks, gift cards, calendars, journals, pens, pencils, and hand warmers. All items must be new. Collected gifts will be distributed to youth centers, transitional homes, and shelters. Refreshments will be served at 9 a.m. For more details, readers may call 610-932-0337.

Gift Wrapping Extravaganza Set pg 6

West Chester University (WCU) volleyball players have opened their arms and their hearts to welcome 10-year-old Eva Nelson of Parkesburg. On Nov. 22, she was officially drafted onto the team during a ceremony at WCU. Eva, the daughter of Melissa and Michael Nelson, has cystic fibrosis, a progressive respiratory disease that can affect other organs as well as the lungs. In the lungs, mucus becomes thick and sticky, clogging the airways and trapping germs, which may lead to infections, inflammation and other complications and limits the ability to breathe. Not too long ago, it was unusual for a child with cystic fibrosis to live past age 12, but today’s treatments and medications have made great advancements so that the typical life span reaches to the 30s and is increasing.


The connection between Eva and the volleyball team was made through Team Impact, a nationwide, nonprofit organization that connects children facing serious and chronic illnesses with local college athletic teams. The children gain support as they face medical challenges while the student-athletes gain new perspective on life. “It’s cool to look at the different universities that are posting pictures of the different teams and the kids they have worked with,” Melissa said. A fourth-grade student at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic School in West Grove, Eva enjoys school, Girl Scouts, horseback riding, archery and especially her time spent with the college volleyball team. “It’s fun to learn and make more friends,” Eva said. Eva was referred to Team Impact by her social worker at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “The horseback riding See Volleyball Team pg 3

Ten-year-old Eva Nelson (front) of Parkesburg has been drafted by the West Chester University volleyball team. The connection was made by Team Impact, an organization that pairs children with chronic, severe illnesses with college sports teams.


3521 Lincoln Highway East, Kinzers, will host its 38th annual pork and sauerkraut dinner on Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2020. The all-you-can-eat dinner will feature family-style seating, homemade sauerkraut and fresh pork. Serving will run from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Takeout meals will be available from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is a cost, with children age 12 and under receiving a discount. Local delivery will be available within a 5-mile radius of the fire company. For details, readers may call 717-442-4121 or visit www.kinzerfire.com.

Churches To Host Community Christmas Eve Services By Francine Fulton

Local churches have joined together to offer community Christmas Eve services that will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 24, in the auditorium at Coatesville Area Senior High School (CASH). Services, which will feature music, a Christmas story for children and a message, will be offered at 3, 4:30 and 6 p.m. Organizing the event are Inviting the community to attend community Christmas Eve services at Coatesville Area Eric McAdams, lead pastor at Senior High School on Dec. 24 are organizers Coatesville Bible Fellowship; (from left) Eric McAdams, lead pastor at Scott Feather, lead pastor at Gateway Church in Parkesburg; Coatesville Bible Fellowship; Dwayne Walton, discipleship pastor at Providence Church and Dwayne Walton, discipleship pastor at Providence Coatesville and director of The Parkesburg Church Coatesville. Walton is POINT Youth Center; and Scott Feather, lead pastor at Gateway Church in Parkesburg. See Christmas Eve pg 10

Volunteers Sought For Annual Bird Count The National Audubon Society invites birdwatchers to participate in its long-running community science survey, the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC). On Sunday, Dec. 15, birders and nature enthusiasts in southern Lancaster County will take part in this tradition, many rising before dawn to participate. The 44th annual Southern Lancaster County CBC will be a fun day of birding in lots of great habitats, said coordinator Bob Schutsky. “We would appreciate your help, whether for a few hours or the entire day,” Schutsky said, noting that people of any age and level of birding expertise will be welcome. “If you are fairly new at birding, we will team you up with an experienced group leader. If you live within the count circle and wish to do some feederwatching on the day of the count, that would be a tremendous help.” The Audubon CBC divides the Western See Bird Count pg 2

This great blue heron was feeding at a boat launch on the lower Susquehanna River when Bob Schutsky snapped its picture. Schutsky is coordinating the Southern Lancaster County Christmas Bird Count, part of the Audubon Christmas Bird Count, on Dec. 15.

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SPECIALS IN EFFECT NOW WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Provolone or Muenster Cheese - Closed dated ....................................................... $2.39 lb. Pillsbury Original Crescent Rolls (Dec. 2019) .................................................................... 8 oz. 79¢ Mountain High Vanilla Yogurt (Dec. 2019) ........................................................................32 oz. $1.29 Flame Broiled Rib ShapedˇˇBeef Patties (Unknown Date) ...................................Bulk $1.49 lb. Peeled Deveined Cocktail Shrimp 41/50 ct. (July 2021) .............................................17 oz. $7.49 Organic Micro Mini Pretzels (Unknown Date) ..................................................................... 16 oz. 79¢ Nabisco Honey Grahams (Aug. 2019) ......................................................................... 14.4 oz. $1.19 Rice, Corn, & Wheat Chex - (In date) ......................................................................12 oz. $2.69 Emergen-C Immune + Gummies Rasp. Flavor (Feb. 2020)......................... 10.4 oz. $2.79 Hershey Milk Chocolate Bars (Nov. 2019)....................................................................10 ct. $6.49 Thompson Select Raisins (Sept. 2019).............................................................................Bulk $1.43 lb. York Peppermint Patties Miniatures (Feb. 2020) .........................................Bulk $1.99 lb. New Items: Homemade Gluten Free Frosting, Homemade Popcorn Seasoning & Ranch Powder

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Change Study. The tradition of counting birds combined with modern technology and mapping is enabling researchers to make discoveries that were not possible in earlier decades. There is no fee to participate in the CBC. Audubon’s free Bird Guide app and other resources for birders are available at www.christmasbirdcount.org. Readers who would like to participate in the Southern Lancaster County CBC may contact Schutsky at 717-548-3303 or info@birdtreks.com.



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a compiler to coordinate the process, count in each circle. The volunteers break up into small parties and follow assigned routes, which change little from year to year, counting every bird they see. In most count circles, some people also watch feeders instead of following routes. The count circle in southern Lancaster County is 15 miles in diameter and is centered at the Robert Fulton Birthplace, 1932 Robert Fulton Highway (Route 222), 5 miles south of Quarryville. Most of the count circle is within Lancaster County, with small segments in York and Chester counties, as well as Cecil County in Maryland. It includes Muddy Run Reservoir, Octoraro Lake, and 8 miles of the Susquehanna River. Using the power of volunteers, every individual bird and bird species seen in a specified area will be recorded, contributing to a vast community science network that continues a tradition stretching back more than 100 years. The CBC tracks the health of bird populations at a scale that scientists could never accomplish alone. “The Christmas Bird Count is a tradition that everyone can participate in,” said Geoff LeBaron, Audubon CBC director. “Adding observations to more than a century of data helps scientists and conservationists discover trends that make our work more impactful. Participating in the Christmas Bird Count is a fun tradition for anyone and everyone.” More than 300 peerreviewed articles have resulted from analysis done with CBC data. Bird-related community science efforts are also critical to understanding how birds are responding to a changing climate. This documentation is what enabled Audubon scientists to discover that 314 species of North American birds are threatened by global

s 20 Inn 2019-20


Bird Count from pg 1 OVER 80 NEW MODELS into count circles. warming as reported in FOR YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS Hemisphere At least 10 volunteers, including Audubon’s Birds and Climate



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COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition -

Book Sale Volleyball Team from pg 1 As a part of the team, Eva does more the archery, they’re individual Will Support and sports. We wanted to get her involved than just watch the team play. “They in things where she was part of a team - make a commitment to not only to have Moores something where she’s involved with these kids participate at practices, but other kids,” Melissa said, explaining to do other things as well. They help Memorial that her daughter had little exposure to these kids develop higher self-esteem volleyball prior to this experience with and self-worth to see that they can parLibrary WCU. “When Team Impact is pairing ticipate in things that their illness The Friends of the Moores Memorial Library will hold their annual fall book sale on the lower level of the library, 9 W. Slokom Ave., Christiana, from Wednesday, Dec. 11, to Friday, Dec. 13. Thousands of almostnew books will be on sale at discounted prices. The sale will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday and from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 12. Remaining books will also be available on Saturday, Dec. 14, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at a discounted price. Friends group volunteers make sure that all books are cleaned and sorted before they display them for the public. The Friends’ used bookstore, the Read Moore Bookstore, is open weekdays from 1 to 4 p.m. and on Saturdays during library hours. Patrons may also request access during other hours. More information about the bookstore is available at www.facebook .com/ReadMooreBookStore.

you with a sport, we fill out with all kinds of paperwork. It may not be something you have done before. But she loved it. She loves going to the practices now.”

might not otherwise allow them to do,” Melissa said. “They set her up with skills sessions. She’ll do one for 15 or 20 minutes, and they will have her paired with different

groups throughout the practice so she’s learning different things and engaging with different girls. That way she’s not engaged with the whole team at one time,” Melissa explained. Eva has been joining the team for practice about once a week since the beginning of the school year. Already, Melissa has seen a positive impact on her daughter. “They’ve really made an effort at making her comfortable,” she said. “She gets so excited to go to the games.” For Eva, there are also physical benefits

December 11, 2019 - 3

of the activity. “She’s able to participate, though she does get tired,” Melissa said. “The more she exercises and the more she does activities, she’s working on her lung function.” Melissa is also pleased with the personal relationships the WCU student-athletes are building with Eva. “I was very impressed. For them to take time out of their own schedules to do this, they’re all committed to it,” she said. For more information on Team Impact, readers may visit www.goteamimpact.org.






4 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - December 11, 2019

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2 Lbs. For $3.00, 4 Lbs. For $5.00, 8 Lbs. For $9.00 Containers are provided

The Community Calendar is a weekly feature of the Community Courier. Local clubs, civic organizations, nonprofit agencies, schools, etc., that would like to have events or meeting date information published, should contact the Community Courier in writing at least two weeks before the event. No items will be accepted over the phone. Send news releases to Engle Publishing Company, Community Courier, P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552. Calendar items can also be emailed to ffulton@engleonline.com. Church Activities Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, 107 S. 17th Ave., Coatesville, has scheduled the following activities: Thursday, Dec. 12, at 1 p.m., Mission Quilting Group - ladies meet for fellowship and quilting; Sundays at 9:20 a.m. - Living in Faith Together, a family worship/study hour between the 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. services; Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 1 p.m. - Prayer Shawl knitting and sewing; and Christmas Eve, Dec. 24 - services at 3 and 7 p.m. For more information, call 610-384-2035 or visit www.luthgoodshep.org. Dessert Concert Chamber Music at Bournelyf will present its annual Holiday Dessert Concert on Friday, Dec. 13, at 7:30 p.m. featuring the Philadelphia Handbell Ensemble. The concert will be followed by a candlelit dessert reception in the


KIDS’ CHRISTMAS EVENT Hosted by Limeville Church 5783 Limeville Road, Gap PA.

Saturday, December 14th from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. This is a free event and all children from the community are welcome to attend, however they must be accompanied by an adult. Children will be able to visit with Santa, hear the Christmas story, make crafts, and enjoy cookies and hot chocolate. Bring your camera to get your own personal pictures with Santa!

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19th-century manor house. Church of the Loving Shepherd, 1066 S. New St, West Chester, hosts both the concert and reception. For more details, including ticket information and directions, call 610-692-8280 or visit www.lovingshepherd.org. Volunteers Needed Oxford Presbyterian Church, 6 Pine St., Oxford, will provide Christmas dinners for families in need in the Oxford area on Saturday, Dec. 14. Volunteers are needed to help with the effort. On Friday, Dec. 13, beginning at 9 a.m. volunteers are needed to sort canned food and prep for packing the Christmas food boxes and again at 6:30 p.m. to help pack and organize the food boxes for delivery/pick up. Volunteers are needed on Dec. 14 at 9 a.m. to hand out Christmas food boxes and deliver boxes to families between 9 a.m. and noon. Volunteers should arrive at 8:45 a.m. Those who would like help with delivery, either as a driver or a helper, should contact Eryn at 610-932-9640. Walk-in volunteers will also be welcome. Cookie Walk St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, 116 Lancaster Pike, Oxford, will hold its annual cookie walk on Saturday, Dec. 14, from 9 a.m. to noon. Shoppers will be able to walk around to browse a vast selection of cookies, which will be sold by the pound. There will also be a Broken Cookie Café, where shoppers can enjoy cookies and hot beverages. For more information, call the church at 610-932-8134. Wreaths Across America The Romansville United Methodist Church located at 1859 Strasburg Road in Romansville, will be part of Wreaths Across America on Saturday, Dec. 14, at 2 p.m. There will be a short ceremony that honors the service of veterans buried in the church cemetery. Attendees will then lay an individual Christmas wreath on the grave of each veteran. Everyone is welcome. For more information, visit www.romansvillechurch.org. Library Craft Show The Chester County Library in Exton will host its ninth annual craft show on Saturday, Dec. 14, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Vendors will be set up throughout the library to display and sell their crafts just in time for the holidays. More than 27 vendors will offer items for sale, including personalized ornaments, turned wood products, pottery, jewelry, knit and fabric crafts, home décor, baked goods and more. The craft show is free to attend. Breakfast Buffet Episcopal Church of the Trinity, 323 Lincoln Highway, Coatesville, will hold a breakfast buffet on Saturday, Dec. 14, from 9 to 11 a.m. Children will also be able to enjoy a visit from Santa and a craft activity. There will be separate ticket prices for adults, seniors and children ages 4 to 10. Children age 3 and under will be admitted for free. See Community Calendar pg 5

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A MUSICAL REMEMBRANCE OF CHRIST’S BIRTH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 • 6PM Piercing Word performs scripture in dramatic and musical presentations, word-for-word from ESV Bible. Come see the colorful performance at:

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Community Calendar

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Christmas Special

COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition -

LanChester Chorus from pg 1

Snow Removal Tips Posted For Safe Mail Delivery With the approach of winter in Pennsylvania come freezing temperatures, snow, and ice. The U.S. Postal Service is asking customers to help letter carriers deliver mail safely by clearing snow and ice from sidewalks, stairs, and mailboxes. The Postal Service will make every reasonable, safe attempt to deliver mail during and after a storm. However, wintry precipitation can make mail delivery dangerous and slow. Maintaining a clear path to the mailbox including steps, porches, walkways, and street approach - will help keep letter carriers safe and help them continue to offer consistent delivery service. All customers should keep the approach to and exit from their mailbox or mail slot free of ice and snow. Customers receiving door delivery should make sure their sidewalks, steps, and porches are clear. Customers receiving

curbside or rural delivery should remove snow piles, such as those left by snow plows, to keep access to their mailboxes clear for letter carriers; mailboxes should be cleared sufficiently on both sides. Curbside or rural boxes should also be kept clear of vehicles, trashcans, and other objects. Delivery service may be delayed or curtailed whenever streets or walkways present hazardous conditions for letter carriers or when snow is plowed against mailboxes. Delivery will be curtailed only after careful consideration and as a last resort. Delivery of curtailed mail will be attempted the next delivery day. Blue collection boxes also need to be kept clear for customers to deposit their mail and for the Postal Service to collect the mail for delivery. Residents and businesses with collection boxes near their property are asked to keep them clear of snow and ice.

Christmas Concert Pope John Paul II Catholic Elementary School (PJP II) will present its annual Christmas concert for all senior citizens on Monday, Dec. 16, at 1 p.m. Admission is free. Refreshments and door prizes will be offered. PJP II is located at 2875 Manor Road, West Brandywine. For further information, contact the Advancement Office at 610-3845961, ext. 5408. TOPS Meeting TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), a nonprofit weight-loss support group, will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 17, at the Oxford Senior

Pequea EC Church, 5482 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gap, will host a Community Movie Night on Saturday, Dec. 14, at 6 p.m. This will be the church’s final ice cream and movie night of

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Center, 12 Locust St., Oxford. Weigh-in will be at 6 p.m.; the meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS meeting free of charge. For more information, contact Joyce at 410-375-5629. Holiday Lights Contest The Parkesburg Lions Club is bringing back the Holiday Lights Contest. Judging times will be from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 20, and from 5 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 21. There will be cash prizes for first, second and third place. For more information, search for “Parkesburg Lions Club” on Facebook.

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Pictured on front: The LanChester Chorus will perform a free Christmas concert for the community on Dec. 22 at the Christiana Fire Company banquet hall.

Community Calendar from pg 4

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in Christiana. “We’re doing a lot of the numbers they did in past years,” Esworthy said. Currently, there are 25 to 30 mixed voices in the chorus. Residents of Chester and Lancaster counties are welcome to join the group, which meets on Mondays at 7 p.m. at the Christiana Fire Company. “We rehearse in the fall for our Christmas concerts, then we take a winter break and don’t pick up until the spring,” Esworthy said. Formal auditions are not held. Anyone interested in joining the group may call the director at 610-842-1545 or 717-687-7628 for more information. More information about the chorus is available at www.lanchesterchorus.weebly.com.


The LanChester Chorus will continue its holiday tradition with its 70th annual Christmas concert, to be held on Sunday, Dec. 22, at the Christiana Fire Company banquet hall, located at 214 S. Bridge St., Christiana. The free concert will begin at 3 p.m. with light refreshments to follow. There is no fee to attend, but there will be a freewill offering. Presenting “Sounds of the Season,” the chorus will perform a variety of sacred and secular holiday music under the direction of Kim Kusnersyk and accompanied by Christine Smith. The music will cover a wide range of styles and tempos from inspirational songs for the season to holiday favorites. The annual concert marks 70 years of music for the LanChester Chorus. The group was founded in 1950 by Martha Jean Moffert and Richard Wright, who served as accompanist and business manager, respectively,

the Philadelphia Phillies and Lancaster Barnstormers baseball teams. For many years, the chorus presented Saturday evening concerts at the Music Pier in Ocean City, N.J. “We don’t do that much traveling anymore. Most of our things are fairly local,” Esworthy said. The chorus frequently performs at retirement communities, bringing familiar tunes as well as new musical numbers to the residents. During the 2019 Christmas season, the chorus’ schedule includes performances at Quarryville Presbyterian Retirement Community, Harrison House in Christiana, Tel Hai Retirement Community in Honey Brook and Cochranville Methodist Church as well as the annual concert for the community at the Christiana Fire Hall. As a special way to mark the chorus’ 70th anniversary, former members have been invited to return and sing with the group at the Christmas concert

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the year. The church will show “The Christmas Experience,” which features a dramatic retelling of the Nativity story, with teaching and insights from pastor Kyle Idleman. He examines the Christmas story in detail, emphasizing how God chose each individual in the Christmas story for a specific purpose. Additionally, on Sundays, Dec. 15 to Jan. 19, the Sunday school class will use a curriculum based on “The Christmas Experience.” Each session will begin with a pancake brunch at 10:30 a.m., immediately following the church’s 9 a.m. worship service. While eating brunch, the group will watch that week’s lesson video clip from the film, after which there will be a time for the lesson and discussion. Each lesson is based on an event in the account of the birth of Jesus Christ. All events, including the pancake breakfasts, are free of charge. For more information, readers may call 717-768-8362, visit www.lovereignite.com, or search for “Reignite Ministries” on Facebook.

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for the chorus through 2008. Directors over the years have included Moffert, Sally Breuninger, Jim Zwally, Donald Trostle, Elliott Block, Cliff Behrendt, Earl Pickle and Bill Young. “It’s a long time for a community group to stay together,” chorus member Joan Esworthy said. Over the years, the chorus has presented concerts at local venues, including Longwood Gardens and the Brandywine River Museum. Additionally, the chorus has performed several times at the White House for Christmas and at the Kennedy Center. It has performed at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony at the Capitol in Harrisburg and the open house at the Governor’s Mansion. The chorus appeared at the Pennsylvania Kiwanis District Convention in Philadelphia and the Kiwanis International Conventions in Atlantic City, N.J., and Washington, D.C. The group has sung the national anthem many times for

By Marcella Peyre-Ferry

December 11, 2019 - 5

6 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - December 11, 2019

David’s Drive from pg 1 David’s Drive 831 (DD831), a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of homeless and hospitalized veterans, will hold its 10th annual Christmas Gift Wrapping Extravaganza on Friday, Dec. 13, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Coatesville Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center, 1400 Blackhorse Hill Road, Coatesville. During the event, about 200 volunteers will wrap 1,000 Christmas gifts. The gifts will be distributed to veterans at Coatesville and Lebanon VA Medical Centers and at the Southeastern Veterans’ Center in Spring City. Each box will be wrapped and decorated in memory of the charity’s namesake, David Turner Jr., who died at the age of 20 on Dec. 16, 2009. At the time of his death, David was employed at the Coatesville VA. His family members started the all-volunteer David’s Drive 831 charity to benefit veterans by providing much-needed goods and services. The 831 symbolizes the phrase “I love you,” because the phrase contains eight letters and three words that have one meaning. Because of David’s love of Christmas, the family started the Gift Wrapping Extravaganza in 2010. “Hard to believe it’s the 10th year, but I must say it brings us comfort knowing that David is making a positive difference in people’s lives,” said David Turner Sr., founder and president of DD831.

On the evening of the gift wrapping event, volunteers will fill each box with 16 items, including a music CD, a travel mug, socks, a calendar, games, toiletries and snacks. After the boxes are filled in an assembly line fashion, they will be sent to a table for gift wrapping. Girl Scouts and other youths will draw pictures on the boxes and write personal messages to the veterans. In 2018, the charity received a thank you letter from a veteran at the Southeastern Veterans’ Center. “Something so simple can bring so much joy,” the letter stated in part. “Although I got this package a couple of days before Christmas, I didn’t open it until Christmas Day. Tears of joy streamed down my face knowing the care and thoughts that went into this endeavor.” The Gift Wrapping Extravaganza is one of DD831’s many efforts that benefit veterans. The charity, which has a motto of “Helping Veterans Because We Should,” organizes coat, underwear and clothing drives year-round. It also offers assistance to previously homeless veterans by helping them with transitional housing and by purchasing new beds and household items for them. Since the organization’s formation, Turner reported that DD831 has provided 52 new beds, sponsored a POW/MIA luncheon and luncheons for women veterans, constructed a playset for children who visit Coatesville VA residents and donated 40 new bikes to veterans and their children, among


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other efforts. Events sponsored by DD831 have included concerts, parades, a performance by a magician and a trip to see a preseason Eagles football game. Thanks to David’s Drive, eight veterans, accompanied by support staff from the VA, took part in a fishing trip on Sept. 30 on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. The charity has also donated two automated external defibrillator (AED) devices, as David’s cause of death was a suspected heart arrhythmia. One was placed at Triple Fresh Market in Coatesville, where David was once employed, and the second was placed at the Dowingtown VFW Post 845. Turner said that the various projects not only provide comfort to his family but also keep the memory of his son alive. He also credits the community for


WordUp Community Ministries will host Piercing Word’s production of “Christmas Through the Ages: A Musical Remembrance of Christ’s Birth” on Saturday, Dec. 14, at 6 p.m. at WordUp Church, located in the Dutchland Corporate Center, 160 Route 41, Gap. Piercing Word performs Scripture in musical and dramatic presentations word for word from the ESV Bible. Attendees will

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Pictured on front: Approximately 200 volunteers gathered at the Coatesville VA Medical Center in December 2018 for the annual Christmas Gift Wrapping Extravaganza presented by David’s Drive 831. This year’s event will be held on Dec. 13.

experience the story of Christ’s birth as written in Luke 1 and 2 told from various points of human history. In this musical production, they will hear the account from a modern-day mother and child, two Victorian carolers, a medieval monk and the Gospel writer himself. A freewill offering will be accepted. For more details, readers may call Gail at 610-864-5458.

Quiet Christmas Service Slated

WE DELIVER Pizza & Grill

their financial donations. “Your support has made it possible for our family to memorialize David and it has given meaning to his life; that means the world to us,” Turner stated in a letter of gratitude to DD831 supporters. “Thank you for giving David’s short life meaning and honoring his wish of helping veterans. We are proud of David and we promise to continue his vision.” For more information, readers may visit www.davidsdrive 831.org or www.facebook.com /davids.drive.


Piercing Word Sets Holiday Show

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David’s Drive 831 (DD831), which has a motto of “Helping Veterans Because We Should,” sponsored a fishing trip for veterans to the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland this fall. DD831 also organizes coat, underwear and clothing drives year-round and provides assistance to previously homeless veterans.

Grove United Methodist Church, 490 W. Boot Road, West Chester, will offer a quiet Christmas service at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 18. Persons seeking a quiet interlude for Christmas worship due to the busyness of the season or to life circumstances are invited to the quieter, gentler worship celebration. A reception will follow the service, providing an opportunity to enjoy refreshments and fellowship. Attendees will be invited to light a candle as a sign of hope, to offer a special prayer, or in remembrance of a loved one. Children are welcome at the service, and child care will also be available. For additional information, visit www.grovechurch.org or contact Pastor Lin at pastorline@grovechurch.org or 610-696-2663.


By Francine Fulton

COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition -

December 11, 2019 - 7

Our Own

Farm Fresh


Made ade From Scrat Scratch

8 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - December 11, 2019

EBYA Receives Donation East Brandywine Youth Athletics (EBYA) recently announced that it was selected as one of 30 area youth baseball and softball programs to receive a substantial donation by Energy Transfer. The baseball committee was presented with the check at the East Brandywine Board of Supervisors Joe Mason from Energy Transfer (third from left) recently pre- meeting on Nov. 19. sented a check to the East Brandywine Youth Athletics The contribution is in line (EBYA). Accepting the donation were EBYA baseball commitwith Energy Transfer’s longtee members (from left) Azure Yoshitomi, Vic Ameye, John standing community investMontgomery, Catherine Courreges and Geo Yoshitomi. ment program designed to give

2019-2020 SCHOOL TAXES

Zahm Will Perform Concert


The Friends Folk Club along with St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church will present Celtic balladeer Charlie Zahm in concert. Zahm will perform songs of Christmas and other favorites on Friday, Dec. 13, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, 116 Lancaster Pike, Oxford. Doors will open at 7 p.m., and the concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. Zahm performs on the Celtic festival circuit and is known for his solo performances at Celtic festivals and maritime and Early American music events east of the Mississippi. His repertroire is geared toward the whole family, and he weaves moments of Scottish and Irish history into his performances. Attendees are asked to bring nonperishable food items, which will be given to local food banks. There is an admission fee. Children age 12 and under will be admitted for free. Proceeds from the concert will benefit the church. Parking is free. For more information and for reservations, readers may call 610-869-8076. Reservations will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Dec. 13. For more details, readers may email friendsfolkclub@aol.com.


Pequea Valley School District Real Estate Taxes were mailed to all property owners in July, 2019. The Penalty payment period will end December 31, 2019 and all delinquent payments will then be turned over to the Lancaster County Tax Claim Bureau. If you have not received your tax bill, please call Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau at 717-569-4521 - Option 4. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve your responsibility to pay taxes.

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back to the communities in which its employees live and work. As a part of its recently launched #committed2PA campaign and its contributions to local youth sports programs, Energy Transfer recognizes that baseball and softball are part of the fabric that brings people and communities together. EBYA is a local sports association serving youths throughout Chester County. Registration for the spring season opened on Dec. 1. For more information, readers may visit www.facebook.com/ ebyabaseball.

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Charlie Zahm will perform in concert on Dec. 13 at St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church in Oxford.

December 11, 2019 - 9


COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition -

10 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - December 11, 2019

Dog Park from pg 1 Christmas Eve from pg 1

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“The whole service will be an hour long. We will sing together, and the kids will come down and hear a kids’ story,” Feather explained. “Then, those kids will also be given a coloring book and crayons. When they come back to their seats - depending on their age it might be hard to sit for an hour it will give them something to do and it will be a take-home (gift).” The services will end with the lighting of electric candles and the singing of “Silent Night.” A freewill offering will be received during the services to benefit those with medical bills. “We as a community would like to take care of the medical debt (for residents of) Chester, Montgomery, Berks and Delaware counties,” explained Feather. “We are working with an organization called RIP Medical Debt. In those counties, there is $1.9 million in medical debt, which (represents) money that a person or a family owes for medical treatment they received that has gone to collections. By working through the company, we can pay off all of that (debt) for $19,000.” More information about

Author Schedules Book Signings


Local author Bruce E. Mowday will sign copies of his new book, “Stealing Wyeth,” at the Downingtown branch of Citadel Federal Credit Union, 1246 Cornerstone Blvd., Downingtown, on Friday, Dec. 13, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. He will also have two signings at the Barnes & Noble in Exton: on Dec. 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. and on Saturday, Dec. 14, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Advance copies of Mowday’s new book, “Emotional Gettysburg,” will be available in early December. The book is to be released by Regent Publishing in January 2020. Mowday did essays to accompany original paintings by Chadds Ford artist Karl J. Kuerner. The book showcases Gettysburg today with the town’s history. To order signed copies of Mowday’s books, including “Stealing Wyeth” and “Emotional Gettysburg,” readers may contact Mowday at mowday@ mowday.com. All of Mowday’s books can be seen at www.mowday.com.

the organization is available at www.ripmedicaldebt.org. Attendees will also be invited to assemble personal hygiene kits for people in need. All the supplies will be provided. “We are going to be setting up stations where we will have items like toothbrushes and toothpaste and washcloths that families can put together (in boxes) and we will give them to organizations in our community (for distribution),” said Feather. “They can also write a note to the person and include it in the bag as a Christmas gift.” Walton said that the event is a way that churches of different denominations can work together as a service to the community. “Our love for one another is greater than our differences, and we do feel that God has called us to be a blessing to the community,” Walton stated. CASH is located at 1445 Lincoln Highway (Business Route 30), Coatesville. Visitors to the Christmas Eve services should enter through the auditorium doors of the high school rather than the Coatesville 9/10 Center.

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also the director of The Parkesburg POINT Youth Center. The pastors said that CASH is the ideal venue to hold the services since it is centrally located and has plenty of parking “Our first idea was the high school because we knew the place was large enough to accommodate (attendees),” said McAdams, noting that the CASH auditorium can hold up to 750 people. “We don’t just want our church congregation to come. We wanted a place large enough to hold the community.” “The other thing is that the high school is a safe, neutral location,” Feather added. During the services, church choirs will sing familiar Christmas carols and worship songs. Lyrics to the music will be projected on a screen so that people in the audience will be able to sing along. Walton will offer the message. The theme of the message and the service is “Come and See.” “Throughout the Christmas Eve services, we are inviting anybody and everybody to come and see what God reveals of Himself through the person of Jesus Christ,” said McAdams.


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Community members are invited to memorialize a beloved pet, remember a special person or show their support for the community by purchasing a personalized brick to be installed in the vestibule of the dog park at the Oxford Area Regional Park, 900 W. Locust St., Oxford. The first round of personalized bricks was sold and installed in the dog park earlier this year. By popular request, the Oxford Area Recreation Authority (OARA) is now offering a second round of brick sales. “There were a lot of people who missed the first round of brick sales. When they saw how great they look, they wanted bricks too,” said OARA secretary and Elk Township board member Marcella Peyre-Ferry. Personalized bricks are spread throughout the paving bricks in the vestibule. When a second round of brick sales is complete, a new group will be ordered and installed. The timing of the installation will depend on the rate of sales and weather conditions for installation. Peyre-Ferry said that the bricks make a great gift idea. Although the actual brick will not be at hand to wrap and put under the Christmas tree, a certificate acknowledging the purchase and the message that will be printed on the brick will be available. Proceeds will benefit the OARA and help with maintenance costs for the dog park and other park facilities. Each standard-size brick, purchased for a fee, can be engraved with a personal message on up to four lines of print; each line contains up to 21 characters or spaces. Larger, double-size bricks for a larger fee may be of interest for businesses and organizations and may include up to six lines of message and/or a logo. Bricks may be purchased at www.bricksrus.com/donorsite/ oaradogpark or through a link found at the “Oxford Area Recreation Authority” Facebook page. Order forms are also available at the Oxford Public Library, 48 S. Second St., Oxford. OARA reserves the right to refuse any message it considers inappropriate.


Hickory Hill Home Improvements, LLC

Oxford Area Recreation Authority board president Chip Benke and Solar check out the personalized bricks in the dog park located at the Oxford Area Regional Park. A second round of brick sales is now open, so that more people can add messages and memories to the dog park vestibule.

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COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - December 11, 2019 - 11

Holiday Collection Drive Underway This holiday season, Univest Financial is supporting various nonprofit organizations with holiday collections at each of its financial centers as well as its corporate headquarters and regional offices. Local organizations that will benefit include Toys for Tots, Keystone Opportunity Center, Penn Foundation, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Water Street Mission and the Allentown

Boys and Girls Club. Univest is committed to providing strong leadership, financial support and volunteerism in the communities it serves. Employees and customers are encouraged to join in the effort to give back this holiday season. The items being collected on behalf of each organization can be found at www.univest.net/holidaygiving. Donations can be dropped off at the partici-

pating office or financial center. Contact information and addresses for each Univest location can be found at www.univest.net/locate-us. Questions about a particular collection can be directed to the participating Univest location. For general questions, readers may contact the Univest Call Center at 877723-5571.

AVONDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: “Joined Together as a Lifeline Between Christ & Community.” Sunday Worship at 9:15 am. Nursery for 5 & younger available. Youth Group (grades 6-12) Sundays 6-8:30 pm. Handbells & Choir on Thursday eves. Small Groups. Pastor Dave Bergstrom, 420 Pennsylvania Ave., Avondale. www.avondalepc.org; avondale.pc@verizon.net Office 610-268-2919


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BELLEVUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: (A member congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church): 810 Newport Ave., Gap, PA. Sunday Worship Services at 8:00 am & 10:45 am, Sunday School (for all ages) 9:30 am. Nursery provided for both Worship Services & Sunday School. Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm - Kingdom Kids (ages K-5th grade). J.T. Holderman, Pastor. Brad Moger, Assistant Pastor. www.bellevueepc.org 717-442-4077

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ATGLEN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH: E. Main and Dallas Sts., Atglen, PA. Joe Newsome, Interim Pastor. Join us Sundays at 11am as we preach Christ crucified, risen and coming again so all may come to a personal, saving relationship with Christ.

God With Us

BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (PCA) 2483 Baltimore Pk., Oxford. 610-9323962 Dr. Mark D. Mathews, Pastor. A family of believers called by God to love one another. Come and worship the risen Savior. Sunday Life Groups all ages 9:30am; Worship 10:45am with Jr. Church & Nursery Provided. Celebrate Recovery: Tuesdays 6:30pm-9pm (free meal). Wednesday Eves: 6pm-7:30pm: FROG Youth Mtg for preschool-5th grade, also Jr. High. http://www.bethanypca.org secretary@bethanypca.org

CHURCH OF THE OPEN BIBLE: Sunday Worship Service 9am. Sunday School 10:30am. GEMS for girls (Sundays) & CSB for boys (Wednesdays). 101 E. First Ave., Parkesburg; Pastor Gary Becker. 610-857-3887 cotobible.org

Christmas Eve at Bellevue Presbyterian Church

DOE RUN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Take that One Small Step . . . and Come Worship With Us! Sunday morning 11:00am. Children’s Sunday School following children’s sermon. 3104 Doe Run Church Road, East Fallowfield www.doerunchurch.org

5pm Family Christmas Eve Service 8pm Candlelight Communion Service

ENCOUNTER CHURCH: 300 Hideaway Drive, Quarryville, PA 17566 Sunday Service & Kid’s Church held at 8:30 am and 10:45 am. Church e-mail: office@encounterchurchpa.org www.encounterchuchpa.org Church phone: 717-786-2756

FAITH BIBLE CHAPEL: “Ordinary People Serving An Extraordinary God.” Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. (infant nursery and children’s church available). Wed. Services: Prayer Mtg. 7:00 p.m. 140 Bernard Ave., Cochranville. Pastor Scott Althouse 610-593-6333, fbchapel@zoominternet.net

GAP COMMUNITY CHURCH: “Connecting People To Christ For The Journey Of A Lifetime” “The Sunday Experience” starts with the Community Corner Cafe located off of the upper level parking lot opens at 8:30am. Worship Service starts at 10am in the lower level auditorium. During the 10am Worship service both Summit Kids children’s ministry and Anchor Youth junior high ministry are providing an age appropriate Worship service for ages K-5 & grades 6th - 8th. Lead Pastor is Cody Hall. Located at 835 Houston Run - Gap Pa 17527 or visit http://gapcommunity.church

810 Newport Avenue, Gap, PA 17527 www.bellevueepc.org


December 24, 2019 Childcare Provided at 5 pm

FREEDOM LIFE: We’re all about loving God, loving people & loving life! Join us on Sundays at 9am & 11am at Octorara High School for the best 75min of your week! It’s a place where the smiles are warm, the music is upbeat & the coffee is free. Lead Pastors: Sam & Michele Masteller. Online at freedom.life

GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH: Dedicated to the serious preaching & teaching of God’s Word. Traditional hymns & praise songs accompanied by guitar. Sunday Service 10:40am. 53 Hurley Rd, Parkesburg, PA 19365. 610-593-7123. www. gracecommunitychurch-parkesburg.com for messages, ministries and directions

HEALING SHEPHERD, ECC Progressive, Inclusive, Democratic, Catholic! Sunday Mass: 10am 2109 Art School Road, Chester Springs, PA 19425 610-969-5932 www.healingshepherd.com HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH: Come join us as we seek to know & love our Savior through Christ-centered preaching, a blend of new & traditional hymns along with ministries for your whole family. 1 E. Highland Rd, Parkesburg. Sun. School-9:30am & Worship-10:45am & 6pm. Wed: Youth programs for ages 312th grade-6:30-8pm. For more info, go to highland-bc.org

PARKESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH: 103 West St., (next to Parkesburg Library & Minich Park). 610-857-9135 or Email: info@parkesburgbaptist.org. Pastor: Rev. Mary C. Lewis. Sunday School for infants-adults 9:15 am. Worship 10:30 am Nursery Care & Jr. Church provided. Youth Grp (6th-12th grade) Sunday eves 5-7 pm. Bible Quizzing also, contact church for times. Thursday Bible Study 7 pm. For more info contact the church or www.parkesburgbaptist.org

PARKESBURG WORD OF FAITH CHURCH meets at 501 Lenover Road, Parkesburg. Pastor James Lantz. Powerful, Soul Prospering Meetings Sundays 10am & Saturdays at 7pm Wednesday evening prayer at 7:30p.m. Email: pwof@icloud.com 610-593-2277.

SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH: This vibrant & vital Catholic church is always looking for & welcoming new people to our parish. Rev. Michael F. Hennelly, Pastor. 203 Church Rd, Oxford, PA 19363 610-932-5040. www.sacredheart.us Mass schedule: Sat. 5pm; Sun 7:45am, 9am, 10:30am & 12pm. Daily Mass: Mon, Wed & Thurs 8am; Tues 7pm; Fri 8:30am. Confession: Sat. 4-4:40pm. Our School: Pre-K-8th grade. Religious Education grades 1-6th.

LITTLE BRITAIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 255 Little Britain Church Rd., Peach Bottom (between 222 and 272). Sunday School Classes all ages 9:15 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Youth Groups for Elementary, Jr. High and Sr. High, Choir, Bell Choir, Small Groups. Rev. Thomas Milligan, 717548-2266. Web site: www.littlebritainchurch.org E-mail: lbpc1732@gmail.com Hearing assistance devices.

SANDY HILL COMMUNITY CHURCH: 420 S. Sandy Hill Rd., Coatesville 610-857-3959; www.sandyhill.net. Sunday service: 10:15am; Bible teaching, music; Children’s classes, staffed nursery; Adult classes, 9:15am, Youth Min., Sundays, 5:30-7:30pm. Small Groups. A Friendly, Christ-centered church. Preschool: Enrolling-2 1/2-5 years, 610-857-1922

MANOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (PCA) “Come find spiritual life in Christ for your family.” Cochranville: Rte. 926, halfway between Rte. 41 & Rte. 10. Rev. Daniel Henderson, Pastor. Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am. Fellowship & Refreshments from 10:15-10:35 am. Worship with classes for infants-Pre-K at 10:45 am Kidsworship for K-5th is held during the sermon time. Youth Group for 6th-12th grades twice a month at 6:30 pm 610-869-2402. www.manorpresbyterian.com

ST. CHRISTOPHER’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You! 116 Lancaster Pike, Oxford (Rt. 472 just East of Rt. 1 bypass ramps.) Sunday Holy Communion Services at 8:30am quiet & reflective & at 10:30am with Festive Music. Christian Formation & Education for all ages occurs btwn the services at 9:30. Nursery available. Join us for a beautiful Liturgy & warm Community. Check our website for updates. Rev. Dr. Mary Ann Mertz Rector@stchrisoxford.org 610-932-8134. www.stchrisoxford.org

MAPLE GROVE MENNONITE CHURCH: 549 Swan Rd., Atglen. 610-593-6658, Lead Pastor: Mike Clemmer, Senior Pastor: Mike Lusby, Music Minister: Matt Chambers. Sunday School 9am, Sunday Worship 10am, Children’s Church, Nursery. Youth Group Wed., 7pm. Christian Preschool. Visit us online at www.maplegrovemc.com

MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at www.middleoctorara.org MT. VERNON CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Neighbors Multiplying God’s Kindness, 1 Lighthouse Dr, Kirkwood. Pastor Tony Murrin. Sunday School- all ages 9am, Worship 10:15am. Handicap Access. 717-529-4102 mtvernonchristianchurch.com NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH OF THE CROSS. 1 Penn Ave. Christiana Pa. 17509. Non Denominational Bible Based Church worship Sunday 10 am. All Welcome. To Love, Obey and Proclaim Jesus Christ. 484-678-2483

UPPER OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (EPC): 1121 Octorara Trail (on Rt. 10 a mile south of Rt. 30), Parkesburg. Sunday worship services at 9:30am (contemporary) & 11am (traditional). Combined worship service on the last Sunday of every month at 9:30am. Adult Sunday School classes during both worship services (Sept-May). Children’s Sunday School at 9:45am. Youth Grp meets at 10:45am. Adult choir, midweek Youth Grp & a variety of adult groups & home grps. Bill Kelly, Pastor: Bill Cliff, Assist Pastor, Discipleship & Outreach. 610-857-5787, www.uopcepc.org. Find us on Facebook. Christian Preschool: 610-857-0236

WordUP Community Ministries: 160 Rt. 41 Gap, PA – located in Dutchland Corporate Center. Pastor Buck Mowday, 717-330-0561. Start your Sunday experience in the Café beginning 10:00 am with Worship Service following at 10:45 am. Facebook: WordUP Community Ministries. We serve God by serving others: Me serving you, You serving others, Others serving Others. wordupcommunityministries.org

Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

12 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - December 11, 2019

Entries Sought For Community Giveaway

REAL ESTATE AUCTION Residence/Investor Opportunity

WED, DEC 18 @ 4:00 PM 3187 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise PA 17562


Sleepers & Daycabs w Previe Days and 12/11 1 / 2 1 2

Reefer/Van Trailers

Fri, Dec 13 Ring 1- 9 AM R Ring i 2 - 9:30 Ring 3-12:30


Const Equip

See www.HessAuctioneers.net for Full Inventory Online and On Site Bidding Available ATVs, Cars, Pickups, New Skid Attachments & More! e!

1-866-511-2493 Sales@HessAuctioneers.com Auction Site: 1451 River Rd. Marietta, PA 17547 PA Auction Co. # AY2025/AH1856/VB1159


includes the Pennsylvania counties of Berks, Bucks, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia, and York. Complete rules are listed at www.univest.net/caringforcommunity. Previous winners of the Caring for Community Giveaway were Quakertown Community Outreach, Logan’s Heroes Animal Rescue, Hope Against Heroin, St. Isidore School, the Granny Project, Vets for Vets, and Bucks County SPCA. Headquartered in Souderton and founded in 1876, Univest and its subsidiaries provide a full-range of financial solutions for individuals, businesses, municipalities, and nonprofit organizations primarily in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Univest delivers these services through a network of more than 50 offices in southeastern Pennsylvania extending to the Lehigh Valley and Lancaster, as well as in New Jersey and Maryland, and at www.univest.net.

2019 Holiday Program Posted The 2019 Holiday Program sponsored annually by the Lancaster County Office of Aging is underway. This year, the agency will provide grocery store gift cards to clients in need, allowing them to choose fresh foods specific to their diet or other foods they enjoy. Monetary contributions and grocery store gift cards in any denomination up to $25 from Giant or Weis Markets will be accepted. Checks should be made payable to the Lancaster County Office of Aging, noting “Holiday Program” in the memo line. Donations will be accepted until Monday, Dec. 16, and may be dropped off during regular business hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays or mailed to the agency, located at the Lancaster County Government Center, 150 N. Queen St., Suite 415, Lancaster. For more details, call Lisa Paulson at 717-299-7979.

SAT., JAN. 4, 2020 AT 1 P.M.

LOCATION: Chubb Hollow & Gamby Hill Roads, Liverpool, PA, Susquehanna Twp., Juniata Co. From Liverpool take US-15 N for 4 miles, turn left on to PA-104 N for 0.6 miles, turn left onto Hilltop Rd for 2.6 miles to auction on left. Auction held at corner of Gamby Hill Rd. & Hilltop Rd. at 1:00 pm. Real Estate consist of 177 acres of woodland with 5.5 and 2.5 acre tillable fields. 3 parcels being sold as an entirety. Parcel 1: 107.41 acres bordering Chubb Hollow Rd. (w/approx. 3,300 ft. of road frontage), Gamby Hill Rd. (w/approx. 1,653 ft. of road frontage), and Hilltop Rd. (w/approx. 1,819 ft. of road frontage). Parcel 2: Separated from parcel 1 by neighboring property, cont. 69.5 acres bordering both sides of Chubb Hollow Road with approx. 2,300 ft. of road frontage. Parcel 3: 1 acre subdivided within parcel 1 for future cabin or residence, bordering Chubb Hollow Rd. Excellent opportunity on this large tract of woodland for a camp site or residence, recreational ATV trails, hunting with an abundance of wildlife, a sportsman’s paradise! Boyers Run Creek flows through the entire length of both parcels. Less than 1/2 mile from State Game Land #258, less than 2 miles from Rt. 15. Property has been in the Michaels family for over 50 years. Property enrolled with Central PA Conservancy. Taxes $1,445. Tax parcels: 13-3-24;13-3-22;13-319. For additional information please call Auctioneer‘s at 610-2865183, or email merle@horningfarmagency.com. OPEN HOUSE: View land anytime at your convenience. For additional info on Central PA Conservancy, link to https://bit.ly/32O6NRV. TERMS: 10% down day of sale; balance on or before 60 days. Terms by: Helen Michaels. Kling & Deibler Attorneys. (Blizzard Date: January 18, 2020).

HorningFarmAgency.com 610-286-5183


Merle Eberly • Alvin Horning C. Ivan Stoltzfus CAI Horning Farm Agency, Inc. AY002091

VALUABLE CHESTER CO. REAL ESTATE Commercial/Investment Property 2,788 Sq. Ft. Heated Garage/Shop with 2 Lifts & 5 Overhead Doors, Office & Restroom. Well Kept 1 ½ Story Home w/ detached 2 Car Garage on a .41 Acre +/- Lot Zoned C-1 Commercial

2050 Valley Road, Parkesburg, PA 19365 Sadsbury Twp – Coatesville Area School District

Thursday, January 23, 2020 · 4:00 pm Blizzard Date Monday, January 27, 2020 4:00 PM




Garage/Shop Information 41’x68’ Building w/ (3) 10’x12’, (1) 7 ½’x 10’ & (1) 8’x10’ overhead doors, w/ a 4 ton overhead lift plus a built in lift. Office area, restroom on main floor, upper level part storage area. Oil hot air heat, electric hot water heater, public sewer and well water. Large parking area. House Information 1 ½ story home w/ some recent upgrades with 3 BRs, 1 full bath, living room and eat in knotty pine kitchen, laundry area in full basement. New wall to wall carpet in 2 of the bedrooms. Insulated replacement windows, oil hot air heat, central A/C, electric water heater. Includes electric oven/range and refrigerator. Move in condition and could easily rent for $1,200/month. Public Sewer and well water. OPEN FOR INSPECTION: 1/6/20 & 1/8/20 4-6 PM Call for Private Showing TERMS: 10% Down at auction. Bal by 2/28/2020. Buyer pays all realty transfer tax. FOR: Ralph T. Garris III & Lisa J. Myers (717) 442-9221 (610) 384-8433 www.barrdavis.com Announcements at Auction Take Precedence Over Ads AY-002084



e! Public Welcom of the Last Auction Year!




Auctioneers: Christian Stoltzfus Leon Stoltzfus Levi Fisher & Mose King


2 Sty, 1814 Sq. Ft. Dwelling - 3 Car Detached Garage - .44 Acre Lot Real Estate: 4 bdrm, 2 bth, 1814 sq. ft. home. Full attic & basement. Newer 400 sq. ft. Poly deck and wrap-around front porch. Mostly hardwood floors, 200 amp service & oil/hot water heat. Outbuilding: 35’ x 25’ 3 car garage w/ concrete floor. Macadam driveway, onsite well, public sewer, Paradise Twp., Pequea Valley schools, taxes approx $2,889.00. Note: Great opportunity to build some sweat equity or a possible flip. Property being sold to settle an estate. Extremely motivated to sell. Open House: Call Leon at 484-868-4023 for an appointment.

Univest Financial is hosting its eighth annual Caring for Community Giveaway, which will award a $5,000 donation to a local nonprofit organization. Univest is asking the public to determine which local nonprofit deserves financial support. Individuals may nominate a local nonprofit organization by submitting the name of the nonprofit in the comment section of the post promoting the Caring for Community Giveaway on Univest’s Facebook page or Instagram account or by tweeting the name of a nonprofit to @UnivestCorp using #CaringForCommunity. Each comment or tweet will count as one entry. An individual may submit one entry per day, per voting method. The winning nonprofit will be randomly selected from all entries. Entries for the giveaway will be accepted from through Tuesday, Dec. 31. To be eligible, the nonprofit organization must be registered as a 501(c)(3) and must operate within Univest’s service area, which



Paradise/Gordonville Area

COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - December 11, 2019 - 13



12/1 lb. pks.


1.99 lb.

Case of Plain Tortilla Chips w/$200 Order

FREE Whipped Topping - 12 Cans w/$300 Order! Jello Fruit Cups 24 Pk + Tortilla Chips or Whipped Topping w/$400 Order!

Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs ............4/10 lb. pks. $1.39 lb. Italian Seasoned Ground Sausage ............... 12 lb. case $1.19 lb. 3-Flavor Ice Cream .................................. 2/4 qt. tubs $8.99 case Sliced Bacon .............................. 24/12 oz. pks. per case $2.49 lb. Lean Beef ........................ Patties 10 lb. or 8/10 lb. Rolls $2.49 lb. All Meat Hot Dogs ..................99¢ lb. or Cheese Franks $1.19 lb. Breaded Cooked Chicken Nuggets ............... 30 lb. case $1.19 lb. Ready To Bake Mini Beef Tacos ........... 4/4 lb. boxes $17.99 case Sliced Bulk Roast Beef .....................................25 lb. case 99¢ lb. Frozen Sliced White American Cheese ..........20 lb. case $1.79 lb. Organic Ground Chicken ............................... 12/1 lb. pks. 99¢ lb. Reg. Butter Qtrs. ..12 lb. case $3.19 lb. or Solids 36 lb. case $2.99 lb. Cool Whip ............................................................. 18/8 oz. 99¢ ea. Honey O’s Cereal...........................................12/10.5 oz. $1.19 ea. Shredded Cheddar Cheese ...........................6/2 lb. bags $1.89 lb. Oat Blenders Cereal ................................12/13.5 oz. $1.49 ea. Ground Beef 73/27 .......................................8/10 lb. rolls $2.29 lb. Turkey Kielbasa Links ................................... 12 lb. case $1.39 lb. Chipped Beef Steak .................................... 10.5 lb. case $1.79 lb. Honey Maid 12/14.4 oz. or Ritz 12/13.7 oz. ..... by the case $1.49 ea. Raw Catfish..................................................20/2 lb. pks. $2.49 lb. Sweet Bologna Rolls .................................. 2/5 Lb. Rolls $2.49 lb. Sliced Pepperoni ..............................in packs 17 lb. case $1.99 lb. Bone-In Chicken Thighs or Whole Legs ...........30 lb. case 79¢ lb. Martin’s Chips....................................9.5 oz. each/9 ct. $2.49 bag Breaded Fish Portions or Sticks.....................10 lb. case $1.89 lb. Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast....................40 lb. case 99¢ lb.

Kunzler Bacon ...... 2 or More Cases $2.29 lb., 10 lb. case $2.49 lb. Regular Sour Cream .................................. 12/16 oz. $11.99 case Pepperoni Pizza ................................................ 27.3 oz. $3.99 ea. Hatfield Pure Lard ....................... (38.5 Lb.) 5 gallon pail $1.69 lb. Nice Quality Paper Towels (Like Bounty) .. 15 in a case $1.39 ea. Cheese Rope Sausage .....................................12.25 lb. $1.39 lb. Kraft Sliced American Cheese ..................... 20 lb. case $2.29 lb. Pork BBQ ....................................................... 4/5 lb. pks. $2.19 lb. Sliced Bacon Ends .........................................12 lb. case $1.49 lb. Turkey Breakfast Sausage Links...12 oz. pks./18 lb. case $1.19 lb. Chicken Drumsticks ..................................40 lb. avg. case 59¢ lb. 16 Inch Cheese Pizzas ...................................6 count $16.99 case Mild Sausage Links .............................................12/14 oz. $1.19 lb. Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches ........................64 count $7.99 case Strawberry Ice Cream .............................................. 3 gal. $13.99 Boneless Pork Loins ...................................... 6/5 lb pks. $1.29 lb. Cream Cheese ........................ 1 lb. of 8 oz. or 3 lb. block $2.49 lb. Ground Turkey .............................................. 4/5 lb. rolls $1.39 lb. Turkey Hams .................................................. 14 lb. avg. $1.69 lb. Very Nice Smoked Ham Steaks Indv. Wrapped ....18 lb. avg. $1.19 lb. Sliced Swiss American Cheese ....................4/5 lb. case $1.99 lb. Sliced Ham ......................................................... 6/40 oz. $1.39 lb. Breaded Chicken Patties ................... 2/10 lb. bags case $1.39 lb. Sliced Roast Beef........................................6/2 lb. packs $2.49 lb. Longhorn, Farmers, or Muenster Cheese Block .................$2.89 lb. Sliced Swiss Cheese .................................... 12/1 lb. pks. $2.89 lb. Very Nice Smoked Bone-In Picnic Hams ........ 30 lb. avg. 99¢ lb.

We Stock Bulk Flour, Sugar, Oatmeal, Oreos, Ritz & Premium Saltines

*Prices & Availability Subject to Change One Week from Publication or While Supplies Last. Payment Expected On Delivery.

EPHRATA 322 GENERAL STORE WAREHOUSE CALL TO ORDER 717-368-5964 • Hours 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.


Mel’s Stable Christmas Sale





CONCRETE- MASON CREW Hiring. Reliable/Dependable Person. Must Have Valid Drivers License. 717-687-6955

LANDSCAPE SERVICE NOW hiring for plow truck drivers & shovelers. 610-593-2430

DETAIL-ORIENTED FT ASST. Valid PA DL. Benefits. Send resume to: cathym@misacorporation.com

OCTORARA ROOFING IS Seeking Full Time or Part Time Driver/ Worker, drivers license required. Includes paid holidays & vacation. Call 717-826-8528

ARE YOU A TRAVELER? Travel with Pinnacle, DriveAway our box trucks nationwide. Tow/ CDL BONUS avail! SAME DAY pay! 3yr active DL REQ. Call 1-833-43-DRIVE or visit www.pinnacletransportgroup.com

Sat., Dec. 21, 2019 • Horse, Pony & Tack Sale Sale to be held at 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, PA 17557 Directions: From Rt. 23 in New Holland, go south on Brimmer Ave. Go 2 miles south on New Holland Road to Hill Road, turn left on Hill Road, proceed 1.2 miles to sale on the left. From Rt. 340 East of Intercourse take New Holland Road 2.5 miles to Hill Road, right on Hill Road to sale on left!

DRIVER/ WORKER Needed with Valid Drivers License. Superior Siding, 717-278-4947

CAREGIVERS NEEDED, Overnights, Day shift, Weekends competitive wages,

Horses driven at 8:30 AM Tack Sale at 8:30 AM Driving Horse Sale at 9:00 AM Pony Preview at 11:00 AM Pony Sale at 12:00 PM

610-458-7550 EOE Drug Free

FT SERVICE/MAINT. for Prop. Mgmt. Co. Valid PA license. Cathy @ 610-857-8084

CERTIFIED MIG WELDER, MACHINE OPERATOR TRUCK DRIVER. Must pass all pre-employment testing. Coatesville, PA. 610-384-6112



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SAT., JAN. 18 2020

Hidden Valley Self Storage

9:00 A.M.


hiddenvalleystorage@verizon.net • www.hiddenvalleystorage.com

Phone: 610-857-1778 The personal property stored by the individuals and businesses listed below will be sold at auction to satisfy the owner’s lien as granted in Pennsylvania statute #1982-325 and under Chapter 72 of the Uniform Commercial Code (13 Pa. C.S. 7201-7210). Conditions: All units will be sold to highest bidder. Bids taken only for each unit in its entirety. Payment must be made by cash only. No personal checks. All goods must be removed from the property within 24 hours.

LOCATION: 3235 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise, PA. 17562. Paradise Township, Lancaster County WELL BUILT MASONARY PERMA-STONE & SIDED 1½ STORY FOUR (4) BEDROOMS, 1.5 BATHS HOUSE WITH ATTACHED TWO (2) CAR GARAGE ON APPROX. 0.4 ACRE, Stone Fireplace, Hardwood Floors, Plaster Walls, 1,064 Sq. Ft. Excellent Maintenance Free Property, Conveniently Located, “THIS PROPERTY IS AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS OR EXCELLENT INVESTMENT!” Pequea Valley School District “Highly Motivated Seller-Seller Has Relocated” For Financing, Photos, Full Listing, Terms, See Website: www.witmanauctioneers.com Open House Dates: Sat. Jan. 4 & 11, 12:00-2:00 P.M. Auction For: Mary K. Fromm

AUTOMOTIVE TECH 3 years experience Must have PA drivers license, state and emissions license. Contact Keeseys Service Center 610-857-2411 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE AT TOWNLIVELY.COM


• Servers • Bussers • Early Morning Baker & Prep Cook PT apply in person Benefits include meal discounts, employee discounts at Best Western hotels worldwide.



Mechanical Trades


The Witman Auctioneers Team Is Currently Booking Auctions Now & In The Future For The 2020 Auction Season. Call Us Now For Competitive Rates.

Auction by: Witman Auctioneers, Inc. Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, & Doug L. Ebersole www.witmanauctioneers.com 717-665-5735 • 717-665-1300 • AY-000155-L

Call 1-800-428-4211 and ask for the "360 SPECIAL" to find out how.

BABY BAPTISMS/ DEDICATIONS by ordained minister, at your location. 717-664-0787

Real Estate 11:00 A.M.

105 Shamrock Lane, Parkesburg, PA 19365

Payment due immediately upon acceptance of bid. Unit 752 Stored by: Verna L. Lindsay Unit 218 Stored by: William Pyle Unit 439 Stored by: Adrian E. Stewart Unit 620 Stored by: Michael Roane Unit 838 &828 Stored by: Michael Hashem Unit 328 Stored by: Vernadell Sweeney



Registration is from 9:00 to 9:30 A.M. day of auction


Reaching over 372,000 households every week with your advertising message is significant.

Will be selling complete sets - ponies, harnesses, carts & pony wagons! Mel’s Stable ~ Owner - Mel Hoover Cash or Honorable PA Check Only All announcements sale day take precedence over all advertising. Not responsible for Accidents - Food on Premises Auctioneer: Mel Hoover - AU-003111-L

RESIDENTIAL CLEANING COMPANY headquartered in Exton seeking cleaners for Chester County Starting Wage Rate $12/ Hour Call: 484-873-3505

Intercourse Village Inn 3610 E. Newport Rd., Intercourse, PA 17534 www.amishcountryinns.com Family Owned and Operated for over 25 Years


30 doz. case



Large Eggs Sliced Smoked Gouda Cheese ¢

14 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - December 11, 2019




Sporting Goods

FINANCIAL ADVANCE FEE LOANS OR CREDIT OFFERS. Companies that do business by phone can’t ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For more information, call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public service message from Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. and the Federal Trade Commission.

JET JWS-22CS SHAPER. 1.5 hp, closed stand. With cutting heads. $700. 610-888-4713

**WE BUY GUNS Shotguns, Rifles, Handguns Wanted. Gordon’s Sports Supply, Rt 100, Eagle, 610-458-5153

SELL YOUR ANTIQUE OR CLASSIC CAR. Advertise with us in over 100 publications and reach up to 3.2 million homes each week in the Mid-Atlantic Network. You choose where you want to advertise. Call Engle Printing & Publishing Co. Inc., Classifieds, 1-800-428-4211 for more details.


Please call our office when yyour

Pets IN AN EFFORT to protect the lives of animals, and for the protection of our readers, we will no longer accept “PETS OR PUPPIES WANTED” classified ads. We will, however continue to accept household pet “For Sale” ads. When purchasing a pet, please make certain animal is healthy and has been properly cared for. When selling or giving away a pet please screen respondents carefully. Pets deserve a loving, caring home.

For more information and assistance regarding the investigation of Business Opportunity Advertising, Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc urges its readers to contact: THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU OF EASTERN PA 717-364-3250

(717) 892-6014 Leave your address, paper date and the day the paper was delivered if you get our voice mail. Thank You!


Bldg. Materials

BORDER COLLIE BLUE HEALER CROSS PUPPIES, born Nov 11. Farm raised, $150 each. 717-687-9606

NEW SCRATCH & Dent Frigidaire Appliances. Truck-loads in stock. Washers, Dryers, Central Laundry, Dishwasher, Chest & Upright Freezers, Refrigerator, Range, Cook Top, Microwave. Ephrata, PA. 717-445-5222

COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, vet checked, shots, wormed, 3 males, $550. 717-768-0514

LITTLE WOMEN DOLLS by Ahston Drake, exc cond., in original boxes, set of 4, $50, call Ken 717-278-1398 Lititz area.

MINI BERNEDOODLE PUPPIES,READY for their new home Jan.2. Pics available for stocking stuffers. $1500-$2200. Call 610-273-3095

COMPUTER REPAIR- On Line Support, New & Used Computers. CSA Tech Solutions, 717-354-4272


Lawn & Garden FREE REMOVAL of riding mowers. Call/text 717-940-9029

Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication and the Association of Free Community Publications

GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, female & male, farm raised, cute & freindly, $600. 717-442-3301 Leave Mess ITALIAN MASTIFF 1-1/2 years old, AKC Registered, Beautiful Colors. $1800. Serious Inquiries Only. 610-467-0831



FREE KITTENS TO good home. 8wks old, 610-932-0409

BUYING TOYS & COLLECTIBLES www.DNRCollectibles.com PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours: 10:00am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday 717-329-8167 • rhoward1771@gmail.com Toys Vintage or Modern, New or Used, Hess Trucks, Barbies, Diecast, Hot Wheels & Matchbox, Action Figures, Models, Trains, Sports Cards/ Memorabilia, Movie/ Music Memorabilia, Video Games & much more!

Dollars. Very good-extra fine. $20 & $21. 717-669-5402

To learn more about Paws With A Cause and to find out how you can help, just download this simple app and watch this story come to life:

BERNADOODLE PUPS, Standard & Mini, lots of color & white markings, very friendly, vet checked. 717-442-2959



DISH TV $59.99 FOR 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. 1-855-270-5098


AKC GREATER SWISS Mountain Puppies, vet checked, shots & wormed, raised on farm, 2F, 3M, $950. 40% off if purchased before Christmas. 717-548-1368


DELUXE TV STAND w/ Infrared Quartz Electric Fireplace. Holds up to 70”/ 105lbs w/ remote control, still in orig. box, $500 obo; OLYMPUS CASIOTONE CT-6000 Keyboard w/ stand, $400. obo. Call Richard 610-593-2194



arrives later than Wednesday.


JACK RUSSELL/ FOX Terrier Mix Pups, Ready 12/16, shots, wormed, vet checked, very cute, $150 ea. 717-529-3588 LOVE ANIMALS? Turn Your Passion into Profits. Now Accepting Pet Grooming Students for the New Year. 717-933-1333

PERSIAN-HIMALAYAN KITTENS, CFA reg, shots, variety of colors, $150 & up. 717569-6226 POM-CHI PUPPIES. $500 each. Family raised. Ready 12/6/19. Tiny bundles of Love! 610-869-8210 SHELTIE MIXED PUPPIES, vet checked & wormed, ready 12/22/19. 717-442-5083 leave message

Sporting Goods GUNS WANTED INSTANT PAYMENT 1 gun or collection- Will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524

CLASSIFIED AD CALL CALL 717-653-9848 or 1-800-428-4211 Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

FAX FAX 717-492-2566 24 Hours a day Your ad will be processed on the next business day.

VISIT VISIT Our front counter Monday thru Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

1425 West Main Street Mount Joy, PA

ONLINE ONLINE Submit your ad to us at

townlively.com LITTLE WOMEN DOLLS by Ahston Drake, exc cond., in original boxes, set of 4, $50, call Ken 717-278-1398 Lititz area. RECENTLY DIAGNOSED WITH LUNG CANCER and 60+ years old? Call now! You and your family may be entitled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH AWARD. Call 1-844-231-5496 today. Free consultation. No risk. TABLE SAW & biscuit joiner $400; Finish nailer & stick nailer with compressor $400; Pot belly coal stove $200; 1970’s Polaroid camera. Call 610-383-9585 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE AT TOWNLIVELY.COM

FREE ITEMS ITEM TO GIVE AWAY? Giving away that piece of furniture, toy, sports equipment, etc???

Place a FREE Ad! Call 1-800-428-4211 to place your 3 line, private party ad for 1 week (some restrictions apply)

GARAGE SALES NEW & USED FURNITURE . Dining Room Tables, Bookshelves, Coffee Tables, Bread Boxes, & Much More. 717-723-5079 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE AT TOWNLIVELY.COM

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Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. P.O. Box 500, 1425 West Main St. Mount Joy, PA 17552 engleonline.com • 717-492-2530 advertising@engleonline.com R044892


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COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - December 11, 2019 - 15




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SEASONAL COAL/ WOOD/ PELLET Stoves and Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/ Sell/ Trade. Call 717-577-6640 FIREWOOD: Fully Seasoned, All Hardwoods. We delivered. Call for Pricing. 717-529-8737 Ext. 4


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Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical Lic.& Insured. PA020006. 610-547-7789 A&L TRIMMING, Interior Triming, Cabinet Installations, Install New Flooring 717-405-9545 Leave Message


single items or home clean-outs fully Insured. 610-547-7789 AMISH MOVING COMPANY Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301 ANDY’S DRYWALL Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Textured Ceilings & Walls. Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102

BASEMENT Finishing, Remodeling 610-441-1383 PA050250 www.laceyconstruction.net

For Sale

AMERICAN & FOREIGN CARS $$ PAYING CASH $$ for Classic & Collector Cars. 717-577-8206

FSBO, VALLEY TWP. 3BR, 2BA, move-in ready home, 27 Elm Ave. View on Zillow. $154,900. 610-235-7287

BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime.

I BUY LIONEL, American Flyer, Marx Trains, Match Box, Slot Cars, Hot Wheels, Tonka, Smith Miller, Model Toys, Lead Figures. Call 610-804-6783.


PAINTING DONE RIGHT Interiors. Exteriors. Detailed clean custom painting services. Res/Com. Refs. PA126393 717-286-5464 Many other related services, just ask!

All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis. *NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

PAINTING: PRICELESS PAINTING Interior/ Exterior. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. 717-330-1836, Ask for Bob

For Rent


GLENBROOK APARTMENTS ATGLEN, PA Accepting Applications for Waiting List 2 & 3 Bedroom Units Rent Based on 30% of Income 610-593-2073/ TTY 800-855-2880/ Espanol 800-855-2884 Equal Housing Opportunity

MARK GUSLER TREE SERVICE Snow Plowing, 30 Yrs. Exp., Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Bucket Truck Service. Parkesburg, 610-613-1885

Property Maint. by Steve, 717-892-7411

PRO HOME HANDYMAN No Job Too Small Call for Free Estimate. 610-563-5262

For Sale


SEAFORD, DELAWARE. NEW MOVE-IN READY HOMES w/ GARAGES! Low Taxes! Gated, Olympic pool. Model Homes from the low 100’s. Brochures. 1-866-629-0770 or www.coolbranch.com

ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING Reasonable Rates • Licensed & Insured PA20006, 610-547-7789


SKYLINE EXTERIORS Roofing, Siding, Windows, Doors. Fully insured. Free estimates. 15 years of experience. 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed. 717-874-0262 STUMP GRINDING AND PORTABLE Firewood Splitting Services. No stump or log too big. Carl Harper 717-305-4799

SELLING A FARM OR HOUSE? Advertise it here and neighboring publications. We have the placement services to help you. Contact Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. Classifieds @ 1-800-428-4211

TREE TRIMMING & REMOVAL Brush Clearing - Stump Grinding. Sunny Slope Tree Service. Family Owned & Operated Since 1996 Fully Insured PA103313 717-768-0114 www.sunnyslopetreeservice.com PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE AT TOWNLIVELY.COM

ITEMS WANTED A BUYER SEEKS Old Books, Postcards, Photo’s, COSTUME JEWELRY, Pottery, Antiques, Complete Estates. Call Cara at 610-918-2528 or 484-356-3123

Manufactured Housing BUY DIRECT Modulars - Doublewides - Singlewides Starting at $33,900. Our prices wont be beat We Move Mobiles, Buy Homes, Sell Parts. www.superiorhomes.com 717-875-1288 MOBILE HOME LOTS for Rent 484-247-4014 www.maplewood-mhp.com

AUTOMOTIVE AUTOS FOR SALE ALWAYS BUYING JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS, 24/7. TOP DOLLAR PAID. PLEASE CALL OR TEXT, 484-886-0637 AT LOU’S Top dollar paid for junk cars & trucks. $$ 200 & up. 484-886-1971 (WANTED) CARS/ TRUCKS WANTED!!! All makes/ models 2002-2018! Any condition. Running or not. Competitive offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-368-1016


36 yrs exp. slate, metal, shingles 717-397-5991

610-469-4691. PA047624

CLOCK DOCTOR All Fine Clocks Cleaned, Oiled, Repaired. We Make House Calls! Free Pick-Up & Delivery! Call: 717-768-3844

Pick Colors Now!



CHOICE EXTERIORS 100% Customer satisfaction guaranteed. Roofing, Siding, Decks. Stucco Remediation 610-241-6879


HONEYBROOK LAWNCARE WE are offering our service of Christmas lights installing & decorating. 610-412-8545



Place a FREE 15-20 word ad in the next available issue to locate the owner of your found item. Call our Classified Dept. 1-800-428-4211

GUTTER MAN AL Gutter cleaning, storm damage repair. New gutter screens installed. Small roof repairs. Fully ins. 610-593-2299 (PA045381)

LATSHAW’S JUNK REMOVAL Junk Removal, Dumpster Service 610-273-7490 Since-2005

SEASONED FIREWOOD, $150/cord, can deliver. 717-786-9423, Quarryville


GRAB YOUR JUNK Residential junk removal & moving service. Insured, friendly professionals. Call for free Estimate 717-449-1708

JOHN’S HAULING/ REMOVAL. Appl., Lge. Screen TVs, Piano’s, Furniture, One Pc/ Truckload. 7 days, Last Min, 610-296-0560

BOOT ROAD TREE SERVICE Expert tree removal, stump grinding & Trimming. Fully Insured 610-656-5880


FALL/WINTER CLEAN-UPS. Trimming, Tree Removal, Firewood, Snow Removal. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. PA149086. 610-597-73422

Ads submitted to us that begin with A-1, 1-A, AAA, etc for position purposes, will No Longer Be Accepted This Way, unless proven that it is part of your Registered Business Name.


Clean, Repair, Gutter Guards. Property Maint. by Steve. 717-892-7411


2000 GMC 3500 Dually, AT, 8’ alum body, ext cab, $2300. 717-355-9777

AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES GOT TOYOTA? ALL TOYOTAS Parts, Repairs, Sales, Srvc. New, Oem, Used, Aftm. Weikle’S + save 717-417-2726

WANTED DEAD OR Alive Junk Cars, Trucks & Construction Equipt. Must have titles. Covering Berks, Chester & Lancaster Counties. 484-364-9382

CYCLES BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime. CASH PAID FOR ATV’s, ATC’s, Motorcycles, 2, 3 or 4 Wheelers, Any Year, Running Or Not. Please Call 610-656-3158




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16 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - Octorara Edition - December 11, 2019

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