Golf tournament will benefit food bank
Loft Community Partnership (LCP) will host its inaugural Driving Out Hunger golf fundraiser on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at Crossgates Golf Club, 1 Crossland Pass, Millersville. The event, which will feature a four-person scramble format, will kick off at 8 a.m. with a shotgun start, and it will include various prize drawings, a silent auction and challenges for players to participate in on the course. Registration may be completed online or by contacting LCP and mailing a check before Saturday, Aug. 31. Several sponsorships are also available online in various tiers, including sponsorships for meals, beverage carts and a hole-in-one contest. To register online, visit lcpgolf24.
“We want to make this a yearly Millersville tradition.”
Jenna Graeff, executive director of LCP, said the Driving Out Hunger fundraiser was organized after a group of local women approached the organization to suggest a new avenue to raise money for LCP’s programs. The group of women, known locally as the golf ladies, frequently assist with organizing golf tournaments to benefit nonprofits in the community. The women emphasized this style of event would be an effective way to support LCP, and they have been helping Graeff plan the organization’s first golf fundraiser. Graeff added that LCP has also been working together with The Caring Cupboard, a food pantry based in Palmyra, to organize Driving Out Hunger. The Caring Cupboard has held its own golf fundraiser for 17 years and has been offering its insight to LCP as it puts together its first
Chad Snyder appointed to state board of funeral directors
As a third-generation funeral director, Chad Snyder has a unique perspective of the profession. In 1947, Chad’s grandfather, Charles F. Snyder, opened a funeral home in downtown Lancaster, and the business grew to offer locations in Millersville, Willow Street, Lititz and other parts of the county. Chad watched
his father, Chip Snyder, run the business after Charles retired, and Chad became the director in 2018. Chad was appointed to the Pennsylvania State Board of Directors earlier this year, and he said he plans to use his experience to bridge the gap between funeral directors and state legislators to benefit Lancaster and communities throughout the state.
Since joining the state board

Adventures in nature are closer than you think
The United States contains a wealth of beautiful landscapes and striking scenery that can be found in every part of the country. Many Americans and visitors from around the globe are aware of the numerous state and national parks that contain verdant groves and diverse natural biomes that remain largely untouched by human civilization. But in most communities, including Lancaster County, people who seek to experience the

from pg 1

version of the event.
“We want to make this a yearly Millersville tradition,” Graeff said. “Eventually, we’d like to grow (Driving Out Hunger) to benefit more food pantries than just ours throughout Penn Manor and the Southern End.”
The proceeds from Driving Out Hunger will help LCP sustain its roster of programs aimed at tackling food insecurity across the county. In addition to its food bank, which it operates in Millersville, LCP recently introduced a program to recover fresh
food from local retailers before it becomes discarded. The organization provides food security for more than 300 local families every week.
LCP provides many services to the community beyond its initiatives to battle food insecurity. The nonprofit frequently partners with Martic Pantry to collect school supplies for children in the Penn Manor School District before the start of the new year.
For more information, visit www.loftcommunity

beauty of nature don’t need to travel to Yellowstone to find it; from remote trails scattered across the Southern End to nature parks nestled between the Hempfield area and the Susquehanna River, an outdoor adventure is often only a short drive from home.
On July 11, the Quarryville Library hosted Keith Greenawalt for his program “Adventures in our Natural Parks.” Greenawalt, a Lancaster County native and director of the Dillsburg Area Public Library, highlighted local destinations and historic sites found within a
couple hours of Lancaster. “(Lancaster County) Central Park has always been a favorite of mine, and I spent a lot of time on the Conewago Trail in college,” Greenawalt said. “York has more state parks, but Lancaster has more rail trails.”
Greenawalt said he first became interested in the outdoors as a high school student after he joined the cross-country team, and he discovered several hiking trails when he would go on runs. Over the years, Greenawalt has accumulated a list of destinations throughout the area, including Muddy Run Park and the Enola Low Grade Trail in the Southern End. Outdoor attractions can be found in other parts of the county as well, including Lake Grubb Nature Park in West Hempfield Township and Blue Rock Park just north of Millersville. Lancaster Conservancy maintains several nature preserves throughout the county, such as Shiprock Woods Nature Preserve in Willow Street.

Greenawalt recommends a few different methods to local residents hoping to find a little slice of quiet in the wilderness: Smartphone applications such as AllTrails allow hikers to find nearby nature paths, and most areas’ local governments have resources for tourists on their official websites. Greenawalt also advised checking local libraries for books on destinations in the community as well as national parks throughout the country. Alternatively, Greenawalt recommends taking a bird’s-eye-view approach. “I am a bit of a Google Maps junkie; it’s a good place to start,” Greenawalt said. “If you know where you’re going, look at the big-picture view.” Greenawalt holds a few other programs at the Quarryville Library throughout the year. During the Museum a Minute program, Greenawalt times himself as he presents a list of destinations, and the audience has an opportunity ask questions once he is finished. In October, Greenawalt will return to the library for Haunted Lancaster, during which he will discuss ghost stories and folk tales.
Postcard exhibit will feature international art

When it comes to art, a postcard can pack a powerful punch. That’s the idea behind the International Postcard Art Invitational. The exhibit will feature art postcards from around the world and will run from Saturday, Aug. 10, through Saturday, Aug. 31, at the National Watch and Clock Museum, 514 Poplar St., Columbia.
“This is the fourth year for the postcard exhibit,” said Janette Toth-Musser, a board member of Create Columbia, the organization behind the exhibit.
“Participants create their own postcards and mail them to us through the postal service. Due to the ephemeral nature of them, we hope they’ll mail them to us complete with the stamp and cancellation markings.”
Artists are encouraged to size their entries at 6 by 4.25 inches, but there is a little flexibility in size, she noted. “Artists can use any medium they’re comfortable with, even mixing mediums: watercolors, paint, pencil, photographs, collage, crayons, whatever they wish,” Toth-Musser shared. “It’s a great opportunity to experiment, to push their limits.”
Musser noted.
There is no entry fee for the show, and no awards are presented. It’s just a fun way to display creativity from around the world, she said.

Phone: 717-492-2530 • Fax: 717-492-2580
All postcards must feature original art created by the artist making the submission. “Your submission can be in the style of fine art or simply conceptual,” she said. “No matter the style or approach, participants should have fun with it.” Because the postcards will be exhibited at the Watch and Clock Museum, artists are encouraged to include a visual element that references the theme “Time Flies.”
“The thing that’s special about this exhibit is that any visitor who finds that they love a few of the entries has a chance to own it,” she explained. “On the final day of the exhibit - Saturday, Aug. 31, beginning at 2 p.m. and ending promptly at 4 p.m. - visitors can submit a bid to own one or more cards.” All remaining entries may be sold during future fundraising events for Create Columbia, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting the history and culture of Columbia.
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Each artist is invited to submit two postcards, and artists are asked to include their name on each of their works as well as their city and country. “In past years, we’ve received entries from countries like France, Japan, England, Germany, Spain, Belarus, Canada, Poland, Russia, China and, of course, the USA,” Toth-
Entries are still being accepted for the show and must be received by Wednesday, Aug. 7. For submission details, visit the Create Columbia Facebook page.
The exhibit will run during museum hours, which are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays.
For more information on Create Columbia, visit
5K run/walk to benefit GiGi’s Playhouse
HARTZ Physical Therapy will host the 21st annual Fall Blast 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, Oct. 5. All proceeds from the event, which is being held during Physical Therapy and Down Syndrome Acceptance months, will benefit GiGi’s Playhouse Lancaster. The family-friendly event will feature a 3.1-mile run/
walk and a children’s run, where youngsters will be doused with color. There will also be T-shirts and children’s goodie bags provided. The race will begin at 9 a.m. at John R. Bonfield Elementary School, 101 N. Oak St., Lititz. There will be cash prizes and age bracket awards.


Church sets first concert on restored organ

The first concert on the Hill Byrne Christiansen memorial organ will be held at 8 p.m. on First Friday, Aug. 2, at First Reformed Church, 40 E. Orange St., Lancaster. Doors will open at 7:30 p.m.
The 30-minute program performed by organist Larry Hershey will include “Prelude on ‘Sine Nomini’” by Leo Sowerby, “Elegy” by John Ireland, and “Res-
urrection” from “Symphonie-Passion” by Marcel Dupré. The Hill Byrne Christiansen memorial organ is a restored and enhanced pipe organ built by the late Sebastian Gundling of Lancaster that is now installed in the balcony of the 1854 First Reformed Church.
Admission is free. For more information, call the church office at 717-397-5149.
Music studio sets mini camp
Sopranojam Music Studio will offer a mini camp in Mountville Park, N. 351 Lemon St., Mountville, on Saturday, Aug. 3, from

10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The program is open to children ages 6 to 11, or in kindergarten through fifth grade.
Kids will sing, dance, act, and make crafts. At the end of the camp, they will give a presentation for parents.
There is no fee, but registration is required by Wednesday, July 31, at www.sopranojamstudio .com/minicamp. Donations will be accepted to help grow Sopranojam Music Studio’s programs.

Funeral director

of funeral directors, Chad has taken monthly trips to the capitol to meet with other funeral directors and government officials during public sessions. The meetings incorporate discussions on various issues that impact the funeral industry, such as the evaluation of funeral directors’ licenses and newly proposed legislation that could have cascading effects on funeral services across Pennsylvania. At 42 years old, Chad is the youngest member of the board, and he said he hopes to offer his fresh perspective of the industry to the board’s discussions.
“I’m looked at as the next generation of directors and a new set of eyes,” Chad said. “My desire is to be a spokesperson for great funeral service and to advocate for high standards, ethics and values. I’m very honored and humbled to be a representative for funeral services across the state.”
In addition to being the youngest member, Chad is the only member of the state board of funeral directors to operate multiple funeral homes. Chad helped design Charles F. Snyder’s Willow Street location, and he continues to work with his father to run the business. “My dad is still
very involved, which I’m very grateful and blessed for,” Chad said. “I think my perspective will be helpful when looking at different situations brought to the board.”
Chad said he hopes to advocate for funeral directors and clients in every community in Pennsylvania in addition to Lancaster County. “I’m taking on an important role not just for the community I live and work in, but to be a shoulder for other directors to lean on when they need help,” added Chad. “Across the board, we want to have the general public have a pleasant experience when the need arises.”
Charles F. Snyder’s Willow Street location will host an educational workshop this October to explore different areas of funeral services and cremation services. For more information, visit www.snyderfuneral
scan this code for more local news
PPL Foundation to offer scholarships
To support future leaders in the clean energy transition, PPL Foundation has partnered with a network of schools to provide scholarships to students who are passionate about clean energy, sustainability, decarbonization and grid reliability.
Beginning in 2024, the Brighter Futures scholarship program will award $150,000 annually to students pursuing degrees or technical certification in fields that support the clean energy transition.
To be eligible, students must be enrolled in one of the aforementioned institutions, demonstrate financial need, be in good academic standing and demonstrate a passion for or interest in clean energy, sustainability, decarbonization and grid reliability. For more information on how to apply, students should contact their school directly.
The PPL Foundation is an independent, nonprofit organization.
Church plans camping-themed VBS
St. Paul Lutheran Church, 222 N. George St., Millersville, will host a “Camping With God” vacation Bible school (VBS) from Sunday to Thursday, Aug. 11 to 15, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Children age 4 through rising sixth-graders may attend.
The VBS will include music, crafts, Bible stories, games, and snacks. The church will host a picnic on Aug. 15 at 5 p.m. for participants and their families followed by an ice cream social as the VBS closing celebration.

Funded by PPL Corporation shareowners, the foundation was formed to support community initiatives in the areas served by PPL Corporation’s utilities. For more information, visit www

To run the scholarship program, the PPL Foundation has partnered with nine schools: Cedar Crest College, Kentucky State University, New England Institute of Technology, Northampton Community College, Penn State Harrisburg, Smith College,Tennessee State University, Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology and University of Rhode Island.

The chosen schools include colleges and universities that are working to propel important research in renewable energy, energy alternatives and sustainability; women’s colleges and historically black colleges and universities supporting diverse communities and students historically underrepresented in these fields; and technical schools and community colleges that offer programs for the next generation of skilled trade workers in the utility industry.

from pg 3

The race is organized through the HARTZ Charitable Organization. The annual event has raised more than $350,000 for charities throughout Lancaster County.
To learn more about the Fall Blast 5K or to preregister, visit community/fall-blast-5k. Those who register as a team with five or more runners will receive a discount. Discounts will also be offered for those who register in advance. Details are available at the website.

& 20 wooded acres. Property is in Martic Twp., Penn Manor School District, preserved by Lancaster Farmland Trust and enrolled in Clean & Green. Bridge Loans Available: Call auctioneers for details. All information is deemed to be accurate but not guaranteed.



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All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.
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For Rent
OC, MD, 14th St., 1, 2 & 3 BR Apts. Nightly/Weekly. Cell: 717-318-4775

BIA of Lancaster County wins statewide award
The Building Industry Association (BIA) of Lancaster County has been awarded the Community Service Project of the Year Award by the statewide Pennsylvania Builders Association (PBA) for its members’ work in promoting careers in the residential building trades.

BIA executives who accepted the award are (from left) Karen Watkins, executive officer; Pauline Wilton, director of member services; and Kevin Kozo, president.
The BIA successfully launched “Building Futures: Construction Career Day.” As part of the experience, organizers focused on giving students the chance to create something that would help the community.
Those attending - along with BIA members - built nesting boxes for wildlife at the Raven Ridge Wildlife Center in Washington Boro.
The award was presented during the PBA summer board of directors meeting at the Eden Resort & Suites in Lancaster.

M. Long. 8:45 am Sunday School (with nursery and classes for children, youth and adults); 10:15 a.m. SundayWorship Service (with nursery and children’s church). Wed.: 6:30 p.m. AWANA Clubs (K6); Wed.: 6:30 pm Youth Group 717-285-1900. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH OF MILLERSVILLE 121 Walnut Hill Rd., Millersville. Sunday Worship at 8:30 am & 10:30 am. Phone: 717-872-4581
GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH OF WILLOW STREET: 212 Peach Bottom Rd., Willow Street. Pastor- Mike Sigman. Weekend Worship: 6pm Saturday, Contemporary; Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. Traditional; 9:15am & 11am Contemporary. Sunday Schl from infant-5th grade, meets simultaneously with 9:15 am & 11am Worship Services. GCC Young Adults - Tues. 7 pm. Youth Ministry- Wed. 6:30 pm . Numerous Small Groups. 717-464-5333

HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: A growing intercultural church that loves God, its neighbors and the world. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am. Located at 451 Habecker Church Rd., Lancaster, PA. Active youth group. All are Welcome! Website:
MARTICVILLE UMC: Located at 641 Marticville Rd. (Rt. 324) between New Danville & Pequea.